#Basically if hes blue i want his goo
silvery-orchid · 1 year
oh my lord, the reader secretly slipping concoctions and whatnot to prevent their pregnancy with neuvillette… your brain is massive. imagine one of his guards, maybe even Clorinde intercepting your letters with the pharmacist you’ve come to rely on so much with your precious bottle of medicine.
He doesn’t reveal it right away that he knows. Suddenly your much previously prioritized etiquette lessons are being dropped so you can watch your husband judging at trials for hours and hours. No, you absolutely cannot skip out on attending this ball with him and there’s now a issue with your old separate bedroom? Everything becomes suffocating. The servants scurry away from you like a scared flock of hens whenever you try to talk to them. You can’t leave his property without express permission and a dozen guards following you. Under the constant fatigue of the dim lights of the courtroom and endless blind eyes to your pleas for interaction, you find only one person to aid you; neuvillette. he fuels your reliance on him creating a twisted dynamic. you’re so grateful for someone to talk, someone to finally hold that you barely notice the child on its way.
Also FORCED INTIMACY. Making you sit on his lap while does paperwork, always having a hand around your waist at social functions, cradling your belly when you’re showing.
He’s just so UGH
This is us eating that man up. Tw: pregnancy
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That was also me reading this entire ask because it is SO delicious yummy yum. Im talking cotton candy levels of sweetness with ideas.
Clorinde either intercepting them or ending up at the same farmacy as the darling where darling freaks out and gives it away unknowingly too would be so fun.
He would absolutely make your circle so small that you are forced to only reach out to him. How terrible it is that your anxiety attacks are caused by the only other person willing to soothe you after them.
But imagine this. He finds out and doesn't let you know. Instead, he bribes the pharmacist to continue giving you the blends and the pills but theyre just vitamins and blends to help you get knocked up instead,,,,poor darling takes them regularly too. Only when their period doesn't come for a while does Neuvillette make a side remark about the pharmacist working for his sake now....,,,poor poor darling id hate to be them in that moment 😥😥.
I hope we get a special seal or crest only he can use in Fontaine cus that makes branding with him open up to new levels.
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deva-arts · 7 months
Okay this might be a really weird ask so I'm sorry in advance but- what does Sera smell like? Does she smell like feathers because she has wings, like Vincent? (Again hope this isn't weird..)
Not weird at all! Lol a few people have asked before, you're all good.
Birdpeople have notoriously weak noses. Their sense of smell (and taste by proxy) is pretty dull as a result. It's partly how Ser's food is always plain and Vincent smells like a SAW-scented teen who's been tarred and feathered. Sera doesn't particularly care about expensive perfumes like someone (cough Sonia) but she does like floral scents.
She smells like Lavender (Body wash/Shampoo) and baby talc powder. (Powder keeps her wings nice, dry, and itch-free.) When she's not working she uses a rose perfume Nate gave her.
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#birdpeople tag#I neglect the birdpeople tag a lot... gotta catch them up one day#She doesn't have the 'feather' smell. She's always on top of herself. Vincent's waterproofing makes him smell a bit like wet chicken though#Monica loved lavender. She put it up all around the house to help her sleep. It's the little things that remind Sera of her.#“It is NOT baby powder I don't want to hear it” “Yeah okay sure Sera are you cranky? want a nappy poo?” “...You are on thin ice Sonia”#Okay so thinking about what everyone smells like is oddly fun lol#Nate smells fresh all the time. He's all washed clothes and colognes like Polo Blue.#Amon smells like basic bodywash#He doesn't care too much about getting something fancy and will brag about his 5 buck cologne being a steal#Ricky smells nice. He goes out of his way to get nicely groomed to “get all the baddies 🤪” Okay Ricky.#He doesn't smell like anything when in goo form though.#Sonia smells like expensive perfume and body oils. It's awesome but can be a bit much at times. Vincent could not care less about it#Sonia would rather die than be rustic.#Vincent smells like Vincent. He is ironically extremely hygenic but the odds are never in his favor#Titan smells like caked blood#Dr. Strohl smells fresh and nice but also has a hint of retro tv static smell. I do not know how to explain further.#Uhh something something variants smell different depending on their habits not necessarily their bodily composition#ARK_SYSTEMA#Seraphinatag
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your-ne1ghbor · 1 month
It was 1 am-2 am when I decided: OOOO I should mess with Star's design again... so tell me... Why did it work???
also another long post from the sleep deprived fish lets goo
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The cape is ugly af, but the rest of the deign is actually...GOOD??? I am in shock since this rarely happens when I actually like how the colors came out on any character-
UNFORTUNATLY, the cape is what ruins it due to how BLAND it is. Not only that, but it is VERY important to how I design his cape. Like basically:
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Yes, that is how important his cape is! I wanna talk about what his cape means in another post where I talk about the Star Realm, but for now, I got this ugly ahh cape.
Not only that, the rims with the colors being gold is actually wrong with how I wanted to make his color pallet. The gold rims (ON HIS CAPE NOT THE REST OF THE OUTFIT) are supposed to be a light blue to signifiy a lake. HOWEVER, I tried to see what it would look like, especially here and in my other post here, where it just does not work with his design. Sure, the light blue is nice, but doesn't fit no matter how hard I try to make it look nice. The gold rims work way too well to where the only light blue where it would work, would only be seen on the back of his cape...WHICH IS UGLYYYYYYYYY
Perhaps I go with either a different cape? Change up the color pallet? Or try to make it work with the lore of the Star Realm? (Yeah I'm being serious, thats how important his cape is and how I represent it. If it doesn't look good or work, then idk... I really wanted to incorprate the star realm onto his cape. I might have to come up with a symbol of the star realm if this doesn't work)
The front however, is actually okay, which is basically the little circle with the ribbon draping over his cape. It is just as important as the rest of the design of his cape, ESPECIALY with those 2 pieces in particular. I dont have a problem with it, since it is what I wanted it to look like in the first place and works well with the design either way.
I don't want to continue empathizing on how important it is to how I represent his cape, but it is overall significant to his design. So I'll talk about the bottom of his design since it is actually where I had trouble with before.
To be specific, it is how I wanted his top to look like. Either I wanted a closed off semi-skirt like what the original or what @signed-sapphire and @chillwildwave did with their star boy's design, or go with a more open skirt like what @oh-shtars and @spectator-zee with theirs. It ofc ended up being more open, just it being shorter. I was unironically inspired by Eugene's outfit lmao but the rest came by easy. I knew I wanted his shoes to be almost up to his knees cause he needs to be FANCYYYYY. I also changed up his sleeves and made it more flowy cause I wanted more fun with his design and works with his character :D
Speaking of character, this somewhat works with his character. SOMEWHAT. He is pretty a optimistic kind of prankster, but I feel like his bright personality is toned down to how dark the outfit came out. I know it is to represent the stars since...you know..he is one, just that (quote from one of my bsfs (TY FOR YOUR INSIGHT BTW)) "the outside is more dark whilst the inside has lighter colors, it makes it look like a glowing star trying to hide, a bit".
I mean, makes sense to why he needs to hide: Maggy wants to make sure he is fucking dead- JOKES ASIDE, it works with context, but he doesn't nessicairly like hiding stuff, like he is pretty open about his feelings for example, but like I said, it also works since he has to hide from the people of Rosas and her parents or else he's seen as the monster (rawr rawr rawr) in their eyes 💀
That aside, you probably notice I changed up his hair. Why? Because I wanted to try something and make it have more depth. It works, so it stays for now.
Is this the final design for him? No. Its not. Until I get the cape right, I still have to get his design working. At least it is working with how I am envisioning it, minus the few little details that make me annoyed for no particular reason other than it needing to work with his character and world.
My next post is going to be an update to the Maggy silly lil backstory cause...it is REALLY important to the story 😭😭
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frostbitebakery · 6 months
Love the goo!Obi-Wan au. How did the 501st react when they had to work with Obi-Wan for the first time? Seeing their brothers from the 212th being unaffected by the creepiness
Thank you, Nonny!! 💜💜💜 Sorry this took a bit but I had to pick and choose how I wanted the 501st represented by Rex to react. Enjoy!
“Basically,” Boil says. “The rhymes are catchy though.”
Cody nods, lifts his shoulder in Boil’s direction. “They are.”
“You get used to it,” Waxer chimes in.
Rex holds up a hand. “No. No, we are going to backtrack a bit. What do you mean I’m standing in General Kenobi.”
“Only technically,” Waxer assures and smiles at the black smoke curling around his foot before wafting off.
“Well then!” Rex hisses out and rounds on Cody. “You stop laughing your ass off!”
Cody’s blank face doesn’t change under the accusing finger. Instead his eyes catch on something down the hallway. “Hm.”
The very last thing Rex wants to do is turn around. Unfortunately, being brave to the point of stupidity is anchored into his bones, so he turns around.
And is almost bowled over by a scream shattering down the hallway, a rush of dense, cold air freezing the blood in his veins. It’s too fast to duck, too consuming to not want to curl into a ball and weep. A clock is ticking down somewhere, taking every second backwards of Rex’s life and leaving him in the unforgiving grave.
“Must’ve dripped in the pudding again,” Cody comments just as his comm goes off.
A small blue version of the General pops up in the holo field, bowing deeply. “I apologize for what just occurred and for any inconveniences my lack of control may have caused.”
The comm cuts off and Rex has trouble blinking the afterimage from his eyes.
“So, anyway,” Waxer says as if this is all just another Taungsday and Rex’s hair didn’t just turn even blonder from shock. “You get used to it, really—“
The pad of a finger slowly strokes down the back of Rex’s neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Under the blacks. He slaps a hand against the sensation.
“Ha, yeah, and one time he made it seem like he was on fire and was intimidating the enemy but then he forgot how to turn it off again—“
Whispers in his ear. Loud and louder and standing right there behind him.
“So Commander Cody just got the fire suppression foam and was like, stop that! It was so funny—“
Hands tugging at his. At his wrists. Arms. Grabbing his jaw and prying his mouth open but nothing moves it’s all in his head.
“Rex,” Cody says and Rex is standing with the others at a T-section on the Negotiator.
He looks up, sees the understanding there in Cody’s eyes, the half-smile. “Don’t be afraid. He’s still General Kenobi.”
The General is red with shame and chagrin. “I cannot possibly apologize enough, Captain Rex.”
Which does a lot to alleviate Rex’s fears. Multiple. He’s been walking awake through every nightmare he’s ever had since boarding the Negotiator.
“My control is becoming stronger, overall, though it is certainly lacking in other aspects. I’m very sorry. Especially for the incident with the mouse droid—“
“We’re not talking about that,” Rex rushes out before remembering himself. “Sir.”
“Of course.”
And after that, it’s… easy. Don’t be afraid and there’ll be no loop feeding itself on his fear until he has a heart attack.
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broke-art · 1 year
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M.k practically dragged you towards flower fruit mountain causing you to stumble a bit.
"So you're saying you unlocked a cursed scroll and were attacked by DBK, Iron fan, Spider Queen, Nezha, and some other demons you've never seen before?" Tang asked.
"No," M.k released your wrist allowing you to rub away the slight sore spot he'd left from tugging you along so unexpectedly. "I'm saying we were attacked by INK VERSIONS of DBK, Iron fan, Spider Queen, and all those other ones you just said." He clarified simply as though that was obvious somehow.
You glanced around seeing nothing amiss other than the massive troves of items Monkey king had 'borrowed' in his very extensive lifetime whilst your friends spoke among themselves.
"Well it looks like what ever it was is gone now." You pointed out as kindly as you could without sounding accusing.
M.k dashed about throwing gusts of wind in your face likely without thinking.
"Hey you're right! Whew. No ink demons!" He cheered.
"Hey, I think I found the scroll!" Sandy announced lifting a band of blackened wood pieces rolled together.
"Sandy wait!" M.k yelled as the scroll unfurled.
Instantly black ink spilled from the scroll and thunder clapped.
Sandy released the scroll and the black in absorbed it into it's depths as it grew. Figures began to emerge from the pitch inky depths their eyes shimmering an otherworldly blue that sent a chill through your blood.
"Aight, Tangy!" Mei cheered grabbing Tang and tossing him forward. "You're up!"
Tang stood up and yelled to the mass with what you could only call an empty ultimatum before versions of the gang's ancestors began to appear from the black muck. And just then they attacked.
You released a small scream as the black goo charged at you. The only reaction you had time for was to shoot your arms up Infront of your face when a Jade barrier appeared between you and the goo.
With a small gasp you stumbled backwards flinching as the black liquid slammed against the barrier which never so much as cracked under the barrage.
Suddenly you felt M.k grab your shoulders and yank you backwards just as glowing blue and yellow streaks shot past you creating a barrier of their own.
Just then a large lionesque man stepped past you, M.k, and Mei. He twirled his sword making Mei's eyes go wide.
"Oooo I want that!" She fangirled to herself.
Just then two more figures emerged from the ink a birdlike figure and and elephant one. They shouted simultaneously words you couldn't decipher. But your gaze flicked back to the Lion.
He released a small sigh.
"Forgive me, brothers." He uttered quietly before brandishing his sword. Each swing shot light strands that beat the ink backwards before banishing it altogether. Then he shot out an arm his hand glowing blue.
The scroll took on an aura of the same hue, floated into the air, and a rune appeared above it which seemed to suck the remaining ink back in, then sealed the scroll.
You blinked as the scroll fell into the lion's grasp. His gaze remained on it musingly before both M.k and Mei launched at him slamming into his back.
He slammed into the ground but picked himself up taking his sword in hand.
"Hand over the scroll children."
"No You hand over the scroll!" M.k demanded before Mei corrected him with a whisper in his ear.
"We have the scroll! Now free our friends and we don't have to get physical." He declared correctively.
"You expect me to believe you are not responsible for stealing the scroll despite it being in your possession?"
You listened to your friends go back and forth and basically just watched the lion introduce himself and explain the situation.
Still didn't explain fully but you guessed it was the best you were going to get.
The Azure lion and M.k spoke back and forth eventually coming to the agreement that he and Mei would enter the scroll and retrieve your friends.
"Woah wait?! Are you insane?!" You demanded stepping between them. "We don't even know this guy! He could be using you!"
Azure lion blinked as if taken aback by your comment.
"If we are going to do this, we need to trust each other." He spoke with a gentle reassurance that some how only irked you more.
"Y/n," M.k addressed you stealing your attention. "What other choice do we have?"
You stared at him for a moment. This was insane. You couldn't just trust this lion...man...thing! But then... M.k was right. You had no other choice. And who knew what the scroll would do to your friends the longer they were in there. You breathed out a sigh.
"Fine! But I'm staying here and watching him. Just to make sure he doesn't try anything."
M.k grinned and hugged you.
"Thanks Y/n."
"Alright." The lion smiled at you kindly. "If you wish to stay then I'll need you to stand behind me." He gestured to a spot behind him.
You eyed him warily but walked over. You knelt behind him and if you weren't mistaken saw him smirk before wishing M.k and Mei good luck then releasing the ink which promptly sucked them both into the scroll.
A sick feeling mounted in your chest as he resealed the scroll.
"Now, then all there's left to do is wait." He announced with a tone that seemed resigned. Then he looked over his shoulder at you.
"Y/n, was it?"
Your gaze flicked back to the scroll.
"Is..there a way to check on them?"
The lion smiled then chuckled.
"As a matter of fact, yes. Give me a moment." His eyes flashed with golden light and then he fell very still.
In the moments you guessed he was astral projecting. As his form was similar to his so called 'brother' monkey king.
This chance you took standing and stepping around him so you could observe him more easily.
He had definitive muscle. No one could deny that. He wore a cape and something you could possibly identify as a 'half shirt'.
You frowned.
Something about him seemed.... Insincere. Perhaps not his kindness but something. Something was hidden here. And you were going to find out what.
Just then his golden eyes flicked open causing you to flinch slightly.
He smiled almost amusedly.
"Admiring from a distance are we?"
You felt your cheeks heat but pressed away the reaction, deciding to fold your arms and frown instead.
His smile remained firmly intact.
"I don't blame you for not trust me. Infact, I count you as wise for such. But still, I have a role to play in aiding you."
"Forgive me if I find it suspicious that you just happened to show up right on time." You shot back suspiciously.
Now his smile fell into a sad frown.
"But I didn't. Your friends were pulled into the scroll regardless of my efforts. Surely, if my arrival was 'right on time' as you say, wouldn't they have been saved?" The information he offered almost humbly.
You sighed. He had a point, a good one at that.
"Perhaps if you gave me a chance to prove myself trustworthy," He smiled hopefully. "Then you could lay your suspicions aside."
You studied him carefully. Nothing about him confirmed your suspicions and something about this was indeed sincere. But what was true and what was false. Nothing in his appearance gave you any clue if anything looking at his muscles was beginning to distract you so you tore your gaze away.
From the corner of your eye you could see him perk up some.
"When my friends are safe, then I'll trust you."
Just then Azure wilted some. It was slight, near inpercieveable, but there. The next instant he was grinning widely.
"Very well then. But...until then-"
You glanced back at him fully.
"Why don't we get to know each other a bit better?" He offered kindly.
Your gaze flicked to the scroll. You didn't really want to sit here in silence until they returned.
"Ok." You agreed sitting across from him.
"Well I'm sure you've heard of me." He grinned proudly.
You allowed your silence to rectify that assumption coupling it with a blank look.
"Ah...I suppose not, but in any case I have introduced myself to some degree. I do believe it's your turn."
You gave a small start.
"Oh...well alright. My name is Y/n L/n technically I'm the grand daughter of the Jade emperor."
Now it was his turn to give a small start his eyes widening quite a bit.
"Oh don't look at me like that." You sighed. "I'm nothing special my mother married a mortal so she was basically cast out of heaven."
Azure hummed.
"I was wondering what power you might possess that would allow you to block the scroll as you did." He held his chin contemplatively. "Are you and your grandfather close?" He rose a brow.
"Not intimately. But I know of him and obviously vice versa." You responded with a shrug.
"How very interesting." Azure mumbled more to himself than you.
"And you?" You urged him to start explaining which seemed to break him from his reverie.
"Ah yes! Well I have many a story to tell, I'm afraid."
You shrugged.
"Not like we've got something else to do."
He grinned then began his story.
As the hours passed you began to be more intrigued by his many stories and admittedly, you were beginning to enjoy his presence.
"Wow, so you defied orders just so that family wouldn't be hurt?" You asked perking up a bit.
"Well of course." Azure replied. "I couldn't very simply let them drown." The sincerity of the statement struck you.
He wasn't lying. Not even a little.
Some part of your heart skipped a beat.
"That's...very kind of you." You smiled.
Azure gave a small start then grew a slightly mischievous smile.
"You think so?"
The low notes of his voice caused your heart to stammer and a flood of heat to rush to your cheeks.
"I-I- you- but- ugh! Of course I think so because it is!" You protested with a huffed.
Azure laughed openly then.
You flinched slightly at the abrupt outburst but relaxed soon after. His laughter was pleasant to listen to.
"Forgive me, y/n." He excused once his laughter died out. "Teasing you is simply an amusement that never becomes tiresome."
Wait never? Seemed a bit early to assume teasing you didn't ever get boring. But you shrugged never the less.
"I can take it. Don't worry."
He grinned.
"Of that I am certain."
Nightfall came and you began to worry. Shouldn't M.k and Mei have finished by now? You weren't sure how friend swiping scrolls worked but you hadn't thought it would take this long.
"Have faith, y/n." Azure spoke suddenly breaking you from your thoughts. "Your friends can do this. They can do it together." He gave you a smile that eased your anxiety some.
"You're right." You nodded. "I can trust them."
Then you continued to wait. Hours slipped by. You and Azure spoke fairly often but as the hour grew later you started to get too drowsy to stay awake.
At some point you must have drifted off to sleep because you awoke a bit later to a soft fabric being drapped over your form.
You opened your eyes slightly only to see Azure stepping away no longer wearing his cloak. A thick warmth enveloped you just then and you slipped off into unconsciousness.
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loomingcastle · 3 months
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Ahahhahahh im gonna go crazy.
Anyways, I used to have his backstory on here (if you were here before I decided to delete it and saw it, then oh well lol) but I do have my origin comic. And well, one of my posts spoiling it all didn’t make sense? At least to me. To be honest I had it up before the comic :]
I’ll be posting stuff like interests later or something lol
He’s basically like Geno, but if Geno failed earlier.
What happened?
How does he do in the multiverse?
Well he prefers staying out of any big dramas. He likes to just hang out by himself in any AU he comes across. Of course he isn’t opposed to interactions!
He’s a very good listener! Just don’t expect him to be chatty, and don’t expect him to speak clearly.. (blame it on part of his mouth starting to melt)
He’s curious about many things as he forgot lots of stuff, and tries to learn as much as he can. (Which is why he is such a good listener)
He remembers he has an AU, but for some reason, he doesn’t want to go back. He forgot why, but there’s a strange feeling in his soul whenever he thinks about it.
Updated/added info
He’s a positive guy, sometimes doesn’t get what’s considered bad or good.
He does tend to melt whenever he’s on low energy or his emotions get out of hand, in which his body can’t handle keeping together. Usually he just completely melts when that does happen.
His bone attacks are a bit.. unique. There are rare times when the bones are fully formed, all the other times they are half melted. If he doesn’t have the energy, they don’t even form a shape at all. They are just a strange goo that does less damage and will easily fall off.
When half melted bone attacks do hit, the shape melts and covers the area where the bone hit in goo. If it can’t be taken off, it will do slow damage over time.
He focuses on blue and regular attacks, not quite remembering how to create orange attacks.
His favorite combination to use is blue attacks with half melted bones. He can’t do color attacks with fully formed bone attacks.
Fun facts :D
He can’t remember why, but he hates being near knives. Or anything sharp, for the matter.
He is a sweet tooth. He does still like ketchup but through experimentation, he found out that ketchup and sweets don’t quite go together…
He likes the different Papyruses he comes across, but he keeps getting the thoughts of his own Papyrus. Eventually he stopped approaching other Papyruses because of it. He doesn’t like the feelings and thoughts he couldn’t seem to explain in words he knew.
(More information will be added over time)
Find his origin comic here
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captain-mj · 2 years
*chants ominously* backrooms, backrooms, backrooms, backroom, backroOMS, BACKROOMS, BACKROOMS, BACKROOMS
I’m loving this energy, i got you. Previous part
Ghost heard the thing speaking. He shot it down. Riddled its corpse in fucking holes.
Ghost kept his balaclava on, but he had his plastic hardcover attached to his hip. His gun stayed in front of him every single moment.
He had paid attention. He understood. There were monsters here. Things that didn't make sense. That defied all logic.
But that was fine. Because he knew what they were.
It cooed at him. Mockingly. "Johnny." It repeated at him and he shot more holes into it.
So they were there. Fucking hell.
It laid there, looking like a very convincing version of woman. She had dark hair and pretty blue eyes that looked at Soap’s. 
He smashed his radio the moment Johnny started to talk to him again. If Soap was real, if this was the real Soap, if Soap ever existed in the first place, Ghost hoped to God the universe would be more merciful to him than it had been to Soap.
This place dilated time. Ghost had been wrong. His hair had started to grow at some point. Maybe it was on purpose. It felt like it had been done on purpose. He had to cut it with the knife, making it spike around his face.
Still hadn't slept. Couldn't. There was no sleep here.
But it had to have been months. For once, he was glad he didn't grow too much facial hair.
Ghost felt frantic. 
“Ghost!” Soap called and Ghost fled from him immediately. He didn’t want to get cornered in case it wasn’t Soap. 
Ghost led him to a place where he’d have escape routes before finally pausing. The thing followed. He held the gun up and it stood there. 
“Ghost, are you okay?”
Ghost continued to stare, watching every feature. It twitched.
“Ghost.” It echoed. 
He filled it with bullets too. The blood stained the white tiles black. 
Guessed right. 
It stayed there. It looked like Soap. He hated that it looked like Soap. 
He smashes its head in. The inside of its skull looked like it was full of cobwebs and goo. It splashed all over the tiles. 
He just kept going. Until the body was nothing but a smear. There were no bones. Just an outer shell that fell apart. 
Ghost left it where it was. He faintly heard something farther away and kept moving. His gun never ran out of bullets. It was something he had learned after starting to count them. Supplies felt both extremely limited and infinite. He had found… almond water. 
When he had drank it, it ran out quickly. And he felt thirsty for days afterward. Fucking annoying.
Now he had started to collect it. The bottles all went in the pockets in gears. He continued to make head way around this area. 
It was different. White tiles covered the floor and soft white walls that stretched everywhere. Water ran everywhere. It was pretty water, but he didn’t trust it enough to drink it. He heard them occasionally. But he didn’t trust them at all. Didn’t trust anything. 
Soap found his mom on the ground. He knew it wasn’t his mom. Could tell by the fact that his mom had died when he was six and he was in what was basically hell. 
She laid there, dark hair and eyes staring. Black blood pooled around her. 
Soap felt sick. It took him a while to realize that the bullets used looked like the ones he had grabbed. Ghost had handled it. 
They had been a room apart. 
He got on the mic. “Where is everyone?”
Rodolfo answered. “Lost Gaz but Price is still in the yellow area. Floor one I think they called it. I escaped to a room full of water and white tiles.”
“I’m here too.”
“Thank God. Alejandro is… somewhere else. He said it looked like a museum. We’ll have to find him eventually.” Soap heard the worry in his voice. 
“Understood. I think I’m close to Ghost. I… Watch out for voices. There’s something else in here.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Ghost alluded to it but I didn’t get what he meant until now. I’m looking at a body… That can’t be here.”
Rodolfo was quiet for a minute. “Price mentioned seeing someone in the dark. Someone he used to know. Shit. Alright I’ll try to get a hold of them. You’re closer to Ghost, so you keep looking for me. I’m in a safe position.”
Rodolfo was currently perched on a high up place, watching the still water below. He tried to convince himself the shapes in the water was his imagination and not something real. 
Soap nodded. “Understood. I’ll keep my headset on, so if you need me.” He turned off his mic and started following where he thought Ghost would be. 
Sure enough, another body on the ground. This one had something that looked suspiciously like tactical gear. It was mushy though, so he kept walking. Better to not stare into that too long. Better to not think of who that was supposed to be. 
Someone started to hum. It sounded like Ghost. Bare bones it sounded like Ghost. But he really didn’t think Ghost would be humming a child’s song here. 
The sound echoed around the tiled halls. It reminded him of when he went to the pool as a kid. There was one by his house as a part of a rec center. The locker room in it had the same tiles. The water reminded him of it too. 
After watching it dry off his clothes immediately though, he decided it would be best not to drink it. 
Soap listened for anything besides the sound of the water. Ghost never made much noise though so he wasn’t too concerned about that. He just wished the motherfucker would help him out. 
“Johnny?” There he was. Soap rounded the corner and there he was. 
“Simon.” Soap relaxed and immediately moved closer. “Everyone is split up but we should be finding them soon.”
“Yes. Price, Alejandro, Rodolfo and Gaz. Unfortunately Gaz is offline but we’ll find him.” Soap looked up at him, not sure what to do. He had his mask on, the white plastic staring back at him. His eyes looked just like normal.
“You were right. About how being alone… Got to me. I think I’ve been here a very long time.” His voice sounded so weak and gravelly. 
“We’ll find a way to get out of here okay?” Soap reassured. 
Ghost looked at him. His eyes. 
Ghost had heterochromia. Brown eyes with a strip of blue through one of them. 
Soap stared at those eyes. They looked exactly how he remembered. 
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Group E Round 2
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[image ID: the first image is of Goo, a blue blob with a 2 little black eyes and a half smile. the second image is of Shrimp, a black creature with a blue and white collar. he has bright white eyes, 4 spindly legs, a long tail, and an oblong head. end ID]
okay so goo . goo is like the silliest little goofball ive seen on a web series . he dances with PINECONES and makes and says weird wacky analogies and keeps all of them in little notebook for later use and also made a 3-5 hour film for his best friend bot after they said they wanted a new identity BUT he single-handedly spent like 30mil dollars or something for that but it’s okay hes trying his best !!!!! also he did NOT deserve to be voted out for that i really hope goo and bot reunite btw because they didnt get to talk much right before goo’s elimination and not ONLY that but literally goo got eliminated BEFORE he got to see bot’s transition he doesn’t even know that their name is bot he still thinks its tbd (…like literally. he still thinks their name is literally “tbd” because they said their name was tbd. yeah he’s kinda dumb like that but it’s okay i love him for it/p) as far as i know anyways their silly little meaningful conversation before his elimination that made me cry "yeah,, i liked it !! but.. it was,,. a lot :[ listen goo,, i-i dont need this new identity to be such a big grand spectacle , i just want you to treat me like. llike me . with all the uncertainty lately, it helps everything feel just a bit more,, normal , yknow .?" “oh,, ohfor sure ,! i get it !! it’s like,, you just wanted a slice of cake, and i went and gave you the whole bakery ,:D !!” “hehe, yyup, nailed it !! ,:)” UWAHHHHHHH😭/LH/POS and also he’s apart of an alliance with his bestie called the cheer factory !!!! and they focus on cheering people up and theysure as hell do well at it !!!!! they cheered up clover and the floor ithink yes the floor is a character ssshshshshhsshh / and goo literally lost one of the challengesbecause he laughed at the floor’s joke in order to cheer him up AND HE DID NOT CARE he was just glad he got to cheer somebody up !!!!! “another satisfied customer at the,, CHEER FACTORY !!! :D” LITERALLY HE WAS SO HAPPY and also when goo and bot were separated into two seperate teams goo is IMMEDIATELY sad when he notices bot isnt with him “sigh… i guess the cheer factory has become the.., cheer llc. :[“ I FELT SO BAD FOR THE BOTH OF THEM / but ahemem anyways goo is a silly little goober and that’s why he should be in this competition !!!🎉🎉 also a few extra bonus facts about him (sorry not sorry/lh/silly) 1 . he doesnt have limbs but like he also doesnt write with his mouth . his voice actor said he dances on top of the paper until it leaves a smudge 2 . did i mention he dances with pinecones/silly 3 . he likes fudge sundaes 🎉🎉 4 . his voice actor has made him diss subway before due to a request on one of his livestreams ( “lalalalala- SUBWAY⁉️eat fresh my butt‼️>:[[” ) 5 . hes blue
Ok so Shrimp is public enemy #1 and I love him. He's the funny little guy you see on your loading screen during the game who you don't think much of until eventually you find an asylum on one of the floors of the Upturned Inn and oops! Shrimp is there! And you need to free him to progress, which Ik is alarmed by even though you can also just tell him you didn't see/free Shrimp. You can put a collar on this little guy to make him look snazzy, despite how little he's with you. On the floors where he's friendly he kind of just follows you around, so you get to have a little buddy for parts of the game! He's basically just your pet dog who may or may not be severely dangerous. And by may or may not I mean a definite yes he is, because he turns aggressive when he gets especially hungry. He can eat the food objects scattered around, though, so that's avoidable! He can also stay with you for nice little elevator rides, which does concern Ik, but it works out! until he starts trying to attack you but if you don't feed your dog then I don't care if it attacks you [additional propaganda 1]
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littlemisssquiggles · 7 months
I'm not sure if you heard the news yet but rooster teeth is getting shut down by Warner Bros and Warner Bros is trying to sell RWBY off to another company at the moment
I hope that the people working at rooster teeth are able to get jobs or have jobs that they can help tie them over till they find new work for a while
And maybe if we're lucky when it comes to RWBY some company will maybe pick them up this year and will possibly get volume 10 by the end of next year or the year after that we'll just have to wait and see I'm not sure if they're still doing RWBY beyond that they were planning to do to cover some stuff that was happening with long and I but I hope the future for this franchise gets better and that this isn't the end
Hi there anon-chan. Yes, I have heard the news about RT shutting down. Heard it as soon as it came out yesterday. I just don’t have much to comment on the matter since I’m still pretty much processing it.
I mean, I’ve been hearing certain-certain Youtubers making bold statements about the end of RT for quite some time now; given all of its recent scandals. But even then, I still sorta wished to hold out on the belief that what they were saying wasn’t entirely true.
I mean, I know RT has definitely been under fire for a while but that was mainly due to the actions of some of the folks that were working in the company. And even then, I was of the opinion, that all the problematic people bringing the company down would just be removed, leaving RT itself to basically rebuild its reputation and get back in the good spirits of both its fans and potential investors; y’know what I mean?
Bottomline, I didn’t want to believe the possibility of RT shutting down since I thought they would’ve been able to make  a comeback somehow. At least when it comes to RWBY.
I’ll be frank with you m’fam. Outside of RWBY (and maybe Red Vs. Blue and Camp Camp; even though I haven’t caught up on those series since their earlier seasons), I have no other personal investment in RT.
I mainly followed RT for RWBY and the members of the CRWBY who worked on it. And even now, in light of the news of its upcoming shut down, I’m more concerned for what the future of RWBY will be beyond RT.
In respect to the CRWBY, I’m genuinely not that worried for them finding work since they’re all very talented creatives who are very, very good in their craft. So I definitely have high hopes for them scoring new work after RT. No doubts about that.
I have heard about WB trying to sell RWBY though; and this is where my main concern lies. I am worried about who RWBY will be sold to next or whether anyone will pick up the IP at all. I know some FNDM members like to hype up RWBY as this big deal series. However, the reality is, outside of the FNDM, RWBY honestly isn’t as well-known as some folks may think. Especially when you consider the fact that all the negatives of RWBY are talked about just as much; maybe even more so than the positives of it.
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In the realm of potential buyers for RWBY, I don’t have high hopes for this because, isn’t this not what happened to  GenLock? Who do we blame for the fall of that IP? RT or WB? Didn’t they not “sell” GenLock over to HBO and they ended up butchering the hell out of its second season?
Either way, I don’t want the same to happen to RWBY. It’s already butchered enough by the way RT and its showrunners have been handling it since V3.
My one saving grace is a tweet from Dillon Goo. Apparently, he’s an animator who formerly worked on RWBY back in the days of Monty. Yesterday on Twitter, he expressed interest in purchasing the rights to RWBY to continue the series along with his team.
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I don’t know how serious he is about this but I have seen some of his work and it’s actually quite good. I would rather RWBY go to the hands of someone who worked on the show and seems  genuinely passionate about continuing the series and its story as opposed to it going to some mega-money corporate conglomerate who are only interested in making money off the franchise and don’t really give a rat’s ass about its story or appealing to its fanbase.
As a long time fan of RWBY, all I want is for the series to be given to someone who actually gives a shit about RWBY.
Not just as a franchise name but as a story with characters and a world they genuinely enjoyed and wished to continue and expand upon out of a genuine love for it.  
Whether that’s continuing from where the original CRWBY Writers left off or rebooting the story from the ground up, I just want RWBY to be handled by creatives who care about it and want to tell a good story with it.
No senseless pandering that serve nothing for the story or appeasing the “woke crowd” or whatever!
Just telling a genuinely GOOD and CONSISTENT story with these characters and the world they live in.
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I rather RWBY be handed over to a fan whose got the money, time and most importantly, the drive to keep the story going rather than another who just wants to milk it for its “brand”.
Ironically, this is what RT has sadly been doing with RWBY for the past couple of years. Since the dawn of its existence, RWBY has spawned books, comics, manga, videogames (console as well as mobile), its own movie (albeit it’s a crossover) and even its own Japanese anime adapation. All these different novelties that were supposed to help expand the world of Remnant and look how far it got it?
Pretty much nowhere because we got all of this expanded material for RWBY and we’re still nowhere close to finishing the main core story from the OG 3D animated series.
Speaking of, regarding the fate of RWBY Beyond, I’m not sure myself anon-chan. I was of the naive notion that since RWBY returning to RT and the debut of RWBY Beyond were announced prior to the news of RT’s shutdown that the company would still move forward with this move and it would mark the official send off for not only RWBY but the company that made it as well. That’s what I was hoping for and what I’m still hoping for since I don’t recall their being an official date for RT’s shut down.
We know the company is dead, we just don’t know the date of the funeral, basically. So until that time comes, I’m gonna innocently hope we still get to see RWBY Beyond before RT shuts down.
I can live with RT shutting down and even RWBY ending if RWBY Beyond is treated as the official final chapter to the story. But that’s just me.
~LMS (2024)
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desire-mona · 6 months
yooo hello fellow allison cameron is a lesbian enthusiast!
i was wondering if you would like to be mutuals?
i need more house obsessed mutuals that i can yap to! and you seem v cool too:)
(hope that this doesn’t come across as weird)
YES HIIIIIIII!!!!!!! im using this opportunity to talk abt comphet!cam bc shes soooooo on the mind, i thiiiiink i stole this point from @blue-boulder in case u want another lesbian cam mutual
camerons comphet was so on display basically the entire time she was on the show to the point where its comical. first of all her "relationship" with chase (or lackthereof) being PURELY sexual and based off the fact that she was just bored and saw him as suitable enough. r u kidding me. also the only other time where she had sex with a man (still chase, womp womp #chasehater) being when shes high. exploding at that. and also side eyeing chase soooooo fucking hard, that man has zero understanding of how consent works.
i think cameron and wilson have a lot in common in terms of their reasoning for why they get with/ are drawn to the people they are. and thats also a big part of wilson comphet too, bc they both rly like feeling needed. now ofc cam goes abt it in a much better way bc she doesnt cheat on anyone, but you can tell with her marriage, while not lacking love, was most certainly based off of her desire to be someones lifeline per se. her brief sorta fling with that charity guy in that one episode is another example of this as well, but i do think another factor was her admiration for his morals and character. and again with house, which i will always laugh at because if that isnt the biggest case of "i can fix him" in the entire world then idk what is. wilson however just kinda gets with women who need him (or who he perceives as needing him) and then gets bored when they. dont. speaking very surface level bc this post isnt abt him. either way, wilson could learn a thing or two from cam in the comphet department i suppose. i really really wish we got more of cameron, if she stayed thru the whole series i think a whole lot of my life problems would be alleviated at the very least. i wanna see her get a girl crush!!
also, she absolutely 100% dresses like a queer woman, even for the early 2000s, like look at this
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because wdym waistcoat and white button down with puffy sleeves.
n e way not a super in depth analysis cuz im kinda spitballing and not in a place of house md analysing but its good enough. hello new mutual!!!
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Small t4t klance idea? Lance being very open about his trans identity to the team and Keith being more reserved? Pre, established, platonic, you decide!
Yes yes yes!
I will always write for t4t klance <33333
"Morning everybody," Lance strolled into the dining room. He wore his blue lion slippers, dark blue sweatpants, and black half-tank binder.
"Morning Lance," everyone called out.
Keith stared at his goo. Breathing around the jealousy that always spiked when he saw Lance being...well himself. It sometimes vibe checks Keith when he remembers that somehow. He just happened to be in the universe where three out of the five paladins of Voltron were trans.
Lance came out first, though, it would be hard to come out since he was never in the closet. The first night they landed on Arus, and met Coran and Allura he was already asking about a replacement for his T-shot.
Pidge was next. Revealing their own nonbinary identity after the fight with Sendek.
Which just left Keith in the closet. Shiro and Coran were the only ones that knew. Shiro since he was his mentor before Kerberos and basically his older brother at this rate. And Coran so he could get his own T-shot.
Neither of them cared, and neither of them saw him any different. So why couldn't he tell the others? He wasn't ashamed of his identity in any way shape or form. But he wasn't like Lance. Nonchalant. Uncaring if people saw him in his binder or prepping for his injection. He was outspoken about when he came to terms with his identity, how he told his family, and how he chose his name.
Deep down, Keith wanted to be like that. But, it went against everything he had built for himself. He was Keith, the lone wolf, king of isolation. He kept his secrets under lock and key.
"Whatcha thinking about, Mullet?" Lance's face filled his vision, his head was leaning back on the edge of the couch.
"Sureeee," Lance stepped over the back of the couch and flopped down next to him. "You had that look on your face."
Keith scoffed, "what look?"
Lance morphed his face into an over-the-top serious face. "I'm Keith and I'm thinking about flying my lion and punching Sendek."
"Oh shut up." He playfully shoved Lance.
Lance laughed in response, the room falling into a comfortable quiet. Lance hummed under his breath and Keith stole a glance at him.
Blue met dark purple and the skin around Lance's eyes crinkled as he smiled. "Like what you're seeing?"
"As if," Keith forced himself to look at his boots, praying his face wasn't as red as it felt.
Lance hummed again, letting his head roll back against the cushion. "Would you ever kiss me?"
Keith choked on nothing, "what?!"
Lance whistled, his eyes looking at the ceiling. "Damn, way to hurt a guy's feelings."
"I-uh-shit sorry. It was just random."
"Yeah...I guess it was." Lance adjusted his head so he could look at the other boy. "Would you?"
Keith could feel his heart in his throat. His brain was split. Be honest or lie. He silently weighed the pros and cons.
-He did like Lance. More than he cared to admit
-He did want to kiss him...a lot.
-They were in the middle of a war, tomorrow could be their last day so why hide them?
-What if this was a weird prank?
-Would kissing him ruin their ability to form Voltron? Would it ruin the team?
-What if Keith was a lousy kisser?
"Uh...Yeah, I would." His skin felt on fire. "Sorry if that's weird to say."
Lance laughed, "why are you saying sorry? I asked you first!"
Keith shrugged, his face burning.
"Have you thought about it?"
Keith didn't respond.
Lance sighed, "I've thought about kissing you."
"You're lying."
"I'm not!"
Keith groaned, "you can't think about kissing me! You don't even know me."
Lancer rolled his eyes, "I know plenty about you. Got some deep dark secret? Like you need to sleep upside down or something?"
"No...How did you even come up with that?"
Lance shrugged, "trying to see if you're a vampire."
"Yes, I'm a vampire."
"Knew it."
Silence. And while Keith thrived in it, Lance became antsy in it. "I share a secret you share one?"
"This some kind of game?"
"Okay," Lance threw his head side to side. Making sure no one was eavesdropping. He dropped his voice into a whisper, "I've never kissed anyone before."
Keith raised his right eyebrow. "Really?" He said with a hint of uncertainty.
Lance gave a stern nod, "cross my heart and hope to die."
"Oh...I mean I've never kissed anyone either so join the club."
"Realy?!" Lance's voice jumped a couple of octaves. "But every girl at the Garrison was falling at your feet."
Keith shrugged, "I only like guys."
Lance clicked his tongue, "touche," he raised his eyebrows, silently begging to be told the deep dark secret. "Soooooo...?"
Keith wrapped his arms around his core. "I'm trans."
Lance blinked, "wait. Like you're a girl? Why didn't you tell anyone?!"
Keith laughed, throwing his head back at the motion. "No, I'm a dude. Like...a trans guy."
Lance froze, his mind clearly trying to put the pieces together.
Keith snapped his fingers in front of his ocean eyes, "Earth to Lance?"
"YOU'RE TRANS?!" He screamed, jumping where he sat slightly. "ohmygod the team has two trans guys what are the odds?"
"Shhhhh," Keith pushed his index finger against the other boy's lips. "I don't want to tell the entire castle yet."
Lance nodded, moving his head back away from his finger. "Does anyone else know? I swear to god I won't tell a soul."
"Just Shiro and Coran. And you now."
Lance beamed, grinning ear to ear. "Thanks for telling me."
Lance did keep his secret but eventually, Keith told the rest of the team. They obviously didn't care or judge him. The most stressful news to deliver to the team was after he and Lance started dating.
They're in love your honor <3
Thank you for this, I hope you enjoyed it!
Thank you for reading <33333
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emsee22 · 1 year
Reasons I believe Beth is alive
Season 4 episode 16, A, flashback where Rick puts his hat ono her head. The hat symbolized being part of the getting shot and making it club (based on a line from Rick to Carl in season 2). She is the only member of the group to have worn the hat that was not part of the Grimes family. If they wanted to use this flashback to show when the group was happy and when Beth was not missing, they would have done something else beyond putting the hat on her head in the flashback. The hat had specific symbolism.
Season 3 episode 12, Clear, the writings on Morgan's wall. Specifically, the frantic repetition of the phrase "No KIA's on BEF". That would be, Beth/blue-eyed-female not killed in action. We also see a Great Green Bush Cricket in this episode, and the next time we see one is Inmates with the Beth and Daryl sequence. Crickets are signs of good luck. (I could be wrong that is the next time we see one, or that these two instances are the only times we see it)
Comic book Andrea parallels. She has the scars, and they have a magazine with issue 44 on it (the same issue comic book Andrea is shot in the head and lives) seen twice in Coda season 5 episode 8.
Resurrection & luck symbolism around her, from the spotless lady bug (4x12 Still), the Great Green Bush Cricket (4x10 Inmates), the Bennu blue heron (4x12 Still), threes, bible quotes (5x7 Crossed) etc.
The real musical meaning behind the word Coda
The after credit sequence in 5x8 Coda with Morgan where he walks up on the Issue 44 magazine, and then places a bullet, a lucky rabbit foot, and a goo goo cluster on the alter at Gabriel's church.
The missing 17 days and lack of a burial
The weirdness TF has with cars and blond walkers following her death, which alludes to TD theory that they were unable to bury her after getting stuck in a hoard of walkers and hiding her in the trunk. The opening sequence to Still basically alluding to TD theory on what happens to her body and her resurrection after Grady. (idk how to link my post to that).
The music box being presumed broken. Then Daryl fixes it, "It had a little grit in its gearbox is all". Then they still think it's broken when suddenly it wakes up.
No closure to the Grady storyline. All the wiki pages for the Grady characters says they all died during the time jump in season 9, but idk where that comes from. If that's true, it's just bad writing.
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My top 25 Digimon Adventure Tri moments (in no particular order except the 1st)
I really need to bring these in order, but since I’ve reblogged this beautiful post, I might as well post my favourite Tri moments compilation right now. Will definitely look for more screenshots in the future too.
Jyou punching Dark Gennai. I'm getting excited just thinking about it, it's SO satisfying. 
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Taichi's flashback on Koushirou calling him out with them being framed as rain vs sun - that is such a good analogy right there from a cinematic point of view, even if it's just so subtle and there isn't a lot of emphasis on it, but it IS what lets Taichi snap out of his paralysis after all. It basically implied that Koushirou was “the sun” Taichi needed to move on (even though he himself usually is “the sun” for everyone else).
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As painful as it is - Sora's breakdown and Taichi telling her that her selflessness is one of her good traits, making her say the "Don't say things Piyomon would say" in return. Like, it HURTS, it FEELS dysfunctional, but in all actuality, it shows how much they DO understand each other. Literal hedgehog's dilemma. 
The Jyoumi honesty scene. As much of a retcon as it is overall, I love that they're honest with each other without hiding behind masks. 
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That split-second of Kou standing in front of that kimono with Tentomon and Piyomon in his bag - next to the Koura phone scene (where the set-up is nice, but there's just too much second hand embarrassment there), I just love the potential behind it. 
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The "Don't push yourself so much" Taishirou-scene, which will forever live rent-free in my head. 
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The Taikoura donut scene. It's stupidly cute, even if it isn't much.
The Meikeru scene in which she says it's nice to see Takeru and Yamato getting along despite their parents being divorced, it's actually very endearing to have such a gentle moment there out of the blue. 
Kou's mentor moment towards Takeru. "So you just want to forget? It's not about what you couldn't do, it's about what you WILL do." THAT IS MY BOY. 
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Takeru then trying his best to approach Meiko after being inspired by Koushirou (as mentioned above) in the exact same way is also an amazing follow-up.
In addition to the former entry, Koushirou’s "I'M AGAINST THIS, I WILL FIND A SOLUTION!" scene in the last movie, when everyone had already accepted the reboot as only solution, was a pretty nice “main character moment” for him.
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The Meimi hug scene, with Meiko FINALLY coming out of her shell and being the one who reassures Mimi for once. THAT WAS A GREAT SET-UP. 
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A summary of every "SoMi being lovely towards one another" scene. There are just too many to count (special mention goes to the amazing Jyourami rescue scene in the fourth movie!!!).
Kou rescuing Taichi from getting strangled by Yamato in the fifth movie. Classic. 
Sora's "don't close yourself off, being lonely makes a thorn grow in your heart, I was like that too" quote in the fifth movie, WHICH HURTS, BECAUSE IT COULD HAVE BEEN A GREAT SET-UP FOR HER TOO. 
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Taichi's "Shimane's the one without computers" shade comment, with Yamato's stupid "That was a million years ago" response, which is peak Tsundere. 
Tentocat nuzzling into Kou's side. Ugh. (Also probably all the cheesy AguTento moments.)
Taichi saying that they should not judge Jyou, "If we approached him now, he might have to face things he doesn't want to." Mature!Taichi ftw, even if that wasn't the overall best approach, it still showed his progress. He HAD to face the painful things in the end. 
Hikari's comment on Plotmon after the reboot, implying that there are certain things she’d better not remember (alluding to everything she went through during her time under Vamdemon up until watching Wizarmon die). I didn't think they would go there, but they did and that was both heartbreaking, but still amazing. 
Yamato's reaction towards Meiko's Ghost Story, completely losing it there - and the shade he got from Takeru for it. Good boy. 
Mimi actually kissing Meiko on the cheek. Groundbreaking. 
Yamato's peak closet moment (he had at least three) being the "if we don't have to form Omegamon anymore, that'll make it easier for you too, right?", including the blushing. 
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Taichi affirming Meiko that Koushirou is researching the whole infection issue “with all his heart” will also live rent-free in my head forever.
The farewell scene between Taichi and Daigo (probably being the 64728th Evangelion reference in these movies, but I’ll bite, I liked that one).
Also all the housewife!Gomamon scenes (that compliment the housewife!Tentomon scenes).
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atouuu · 6 months
Amethyst (a Silvercandle fanfic)
(Note from the author: putting something different here than on ao3,,but this is my first fic first off and this is only the first chapter here. ALSO BTW THIS IS VERY MUCH SILVERCANDLE FLUFF AS YOU CAN TELL FROM THE TITLE SO..if you dont like the ship this one isnt for you,, For more context i suggest you see it on ao3 but this spawned from a twitter thread between me and a mutual and basically its silver and candle and some other ii characters and my personal ships playin minecraft in candles attempts to cheer up silver during a rainy week,,constructive critisism is encourgaed since im very new to this so ye,,enjoy chapter on and here is the ao3 link to the fic as i will be updating it with the other chapters as time goes on so rn im just really testing the waters,,,OKAY ON TO THE FIC!!)
Chapter 1: A Rainy Week Ahead
Silver lay awake one night at hotel OJ; it had been raining for practically the whole day, and Silver usually was fine spending these particularly gloomy days for him in his hotel room reading (that is when Lightbulb wasn’t trying to get him to “cheer up”). Though, this time felt different...Silver didn’t exactly feel himself..this whole self betterment journey he’s been..feeling off.. According to the forecast it was gonna be like this all week, and Silver surely didnt have enough books (or emotional stability) to just stay in his room for a whole week. So he decided, instead of sleeping, he’d talk to Candle; even though she was definitely asleep by now…
Deep breaths …Silver Spoon thought to himself. He reached over to his bedside table to get his phone and opened the messenger app, but he hesitated. He hated seeming too clingy towards Candle…even if he knew, she did care about him..and love him..a lot…He didn’t just want to talk to her..he wanted to be with her, physically. Silver sat there, for at least 10 minutes, just staring, gazing, daydreaming, as he looked down at his phone in silence; the rain outside gradually beating down even harder on the window of the room. He winced at the sound of thunder. God he hated this. He really couldnt stand this much longer. He threw off the ugly orange covers of his Hotel OJ bed and hopped out of bed, dropping his phone in the process. “Whoops..” Silver Spoon said softly to himself ...praying and hoping to God that he didn’t wake Lightbulb…the LAST thing he would want in this moment was to be questioned. Silver could have seen her moving under the covers (though he was also wondering how she wasn’t suffocating by now) but she didn’t seem to have woken up.. “Phew…” That was close. He snatched his phone off the ground and walked to his closet and got the baby blue robe that Candle got for him and threw it on over his pajamas, opening the room door very gently and closing it as such before tiptoeing down the hall to Candle’s room. 
Unfortunately for Silver just as he was about to knock on the door; very hesitantly; BOOM, there was the thunder again, scaring the poor guy off his feet nearly, so if he wasn’t gonna go through with knocking before, he’d definitely done it now as he practically slammed his face and phone into the door, leaving him standing there in front of Candle and Goo’s room in a daze. Click click. “Silver Spoon…my dear, are you alright..?” Silver, standing there with his knees still shaking and his heart basically trying to beat out his chest, took a moment to register her voice… “Silver…” Candle gently rested her hands on his shoulders as she tried to calm him down, eventually patting his back and leading him into her room and onto her bed. Silver at this point had eased back into his senses as he sat. Candle, after gently closing the door as to not wake her roommate, sat beside him, a concerned look on her face it seemed, though it was difficult for Silver to make it out because, the lights in the room were off, the only light being the dimly lit night light Goo had plugged in on his side of the room, where he still lay soundly asleep. They sat on Candle’s bed in silence for a moment. “So..is something wrong?” Silver, of course, not wanting to admit to just..wanting to be in her embrace, instead of admitting it, he hesitantly wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in for a hug; resting his head on her shoulder in the process. “No..it’s nothing..” Silver said, though it was muffled considering his face was buried in Candles embrace, which she returned in response to his own. “Hm, right of course, you came all the way down the hall here, in the middle of the night, for..nothing, dear?” Silver groaned as he sat up; “Okay FINE it’s not nothing…I just wanted to..see..you..” Candle chuckled lightly, which was enough to give Silver even more of a warm feeling inside (than he already had from actually being with her now). “Oh Silver-” Another crackle of thunder. Silver shuddered and huddled even closer to Candle without even noticing; he paused and backed away for a moment, blushing out of sheer embarrassment. “..S-Sor-”  Before he could finish his needless apology though, she quickly but gently hugged him back with a soft look on her face as she looked up at him, still quivering. “I see what it is now…” Candle got up from the bed and took Silver’s hand; subsequently setting his pale white cheeks to a rosy pink shade yet again. He followed her out the door and down to the first floor and into the lobby. 
“Sit down for a moment.” Candle whispered, as she seated him onto the couch, going into the kitchen, and getting Silver a glass of water before sitting down next to him. “Need anything else..?” She switched on the TV which was, to Silver's dismay, playing the weather channel, to which Candle quickly switched to what seemed to be some kind of nature documentary. “I’m..quick alright, my dear..” A beat of silence passed, as Silver took a quick sip of water. “...Thank you..by the way..I know it is rather…late…” Silver, getting comfortable and crossing his legs criss-cross-apple-sauce style on the couch while gently resting his head on Candle’s, considering their height difference, chuckled lightly before yawning. “Oh wow, so you’ve come all this way just to fall asleep again?” Candle snickered as she leaned in towards him, awaiting a response. “Well, it is rather difficult to sleep when the rain outside is practically trying to break in with how hard it’s pounding on my window!” Candle chuckled at this even more, resting her head on his shoulder. “Oh Silver…this week is surely going to be a wild ride for you, hm?” Silver crossed his arms and scoffed at this, but ultimately sighed and chuckled. “I suppose I could..use some new ways to occupy myself…”; remarked Silver. Candle paused to think for a moment. “A new way to occupy yourself huh…” Candle scanned the room for a moment; and again…and yet again. One more time; ding, there it was. She had it. “I have just the plan. That is if you’re willing to strengthen some bonds..?” Silver gave her a very clear look of confusion as the two layed eyes on the console, which belonged to Pickle, on the entertainment stand below the TV. What on earth did she even mean by strengthening bonds..?? “..And that is supposed to mean what exactly, my dear..?”; Silver wondered. “Oh, you’ll see, trust me, it’ll be fun.” Despite the obvious confusion conveyed by Silver, she got up and began to head upstairs. “You stay here, I’ll be quick.” “C-Candle..” She was already up the step before he could raise his voice. “Well..I do suppose she did say she’d be.. quick …” A blanket of silence fell across the room. BOOM; another crackle of thunder. Silver jumped, pulling his legs closer into his chest and he waited eagerly. Speaking of blankets..he really could have used one right now…
(Note from the author AGAIN: thaks for reading all this, if you have thoughts dont be hesitant to lmk really i do wanna know what people think IK THIS IS VERY LONG WINDED AND OFF FOR WHAT I'VE POSTED ON HERE BUT BEAR WITH ME THIS WAS ACTUALLY KINDA FUN..if you want me to post any other chapters here i will anyways..have a good day/night <3 -Atou)
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therobotmonster · 2 years
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Making a Monster: Smackoderm (or maybe Ogrephant?)
Technically, this is a WIP despite the main image being complete, because I’m planning on toy package graphic design elements, but this might be an interesting look into my “completed piece” AI process, for those interested.
I wanted to see if I could use Midjourney V4 to produce something resembling late 70s, early 80s toy package paintings, the kind you’d see on lines like MOTU and late-run Micronauts.
Long post after the fold.
To this end, I started prompting with:
bio-mammoth, cyborg mammoth/mastodon/elephant with glowing green bio-goo cannons on its back, huge metal claws, and glowing green eyes. barbarian warrior with green skin rides the beast into battle. battle painting, Masters of the Universe package painting, 1985, by frank frazetta and earl norem, pulp fantasy painting
I didn’t really get my Bio-Mammoth. Complex ideas are difficult for text-to-image at this stage, and I intentionally introduced a lot of conceptual chaos with my image prompts, which included such things as the MOTU slime pit, a beast of the apocalypse, and yes, a Frank Frazetta of a mammoth.
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A couple of attempts got me at least a few that were pachyderm-like (the other weirdos aren’t necessarily wasted, as I can adjust prompt and evolve them into their own creations)
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I wound up developing about five strains of the concept, tweaking the prompt as I went, until one started to produce results that fired my imagination.
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Not just in that it was a cool beast, but in that it had the right look for an early 80s 5.5″ fantasy toy release. A battle-steed creature, with the not-included figure riding on the back (probably in an awkward bucket-seat that leaves little room for organs), four easy-to-lose tusks. Just scary enough to be cool, just goofy enough to be fun.
In all, I enlarged about eight of couple of dozen variants of the image I worked up, and began compositing and repainting. I knew I was going to need more real estate for packaging so there be space for logos, text blurbs, feature call-outs, etc.  So once I got the basic chunks’o’phant squared away, I reposition, and start expanding out and replacing background features.
Then I run into the problem that the humans generated in-picture are all pretty much mush, which isn’t shocking given they’re small portions of the overall composition.
So after upscaling my main composition, I start working on the hyena warrior.
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an orange anthropomorphic hyena warrior, gnoll, with a bioluminescent blue spots, shouting, 2/3 portrait composition,, Masters of the Universe package painting, 1985, by frank frazetta and earl norem, pulp fantasy painting
I didn’t spend as much time iterating the hyena, since he was going to be small and I’d have to retouch his hands extensively regardless. Eagle eyed viewers may note that most of what I’ve got here isn’t quite what I requested. AI art is bad as specificity, one of the many things humans do better.
For funsies, here’s a hyena I didn’t use.
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I was playing this one free-and-loose, and rolling with elements that looked cool, rather than those that matched my initial vision. If I’d been more intent on a specific result, I’d have prompted more generically and leaned more on manual reworking. This time, however, I was steering with, rather than against, the current, so as to learn how the AI responds to different kinds of requests.
Once the hyena-rider was in place, I did work compositing him in, and did some more background touch-up. After that is color-adjusting and balancing (I like to shift the darker values of the piece toward the blue to add depth), another round of cleanups and tweaks, and then pushing it out for all to see despite not really being sure its “done.”
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dateamonster · 2 years
🛸volatile traits masterpost🛸
(last updated 10/8/23)
what is volatile traits?
vt is my own lil oc verse ive been making art and other assorted content for on and off since i was maybe 16? it is primarily the story of a teenager named Wendy, the daughter of a doomsday cult leader seeking escape, and her relationship with Auree, a shapeshifting alien monster who has been separated from her people following a failed invasion.
in their nihilism and teenage angst the pair plan to reject their respective factions in the human/alien conflict and take earth for themselves, but their aspirations are frequently interrupted by day to day distractions, new friends, old grudges, police chases, babysitting, gender/sexuality crises, celebrity cameos, and a blooming romance.
its essentially a scifi slice of life with intermittent wacky romcom shenanigans.
main cast
wendy phillips: after a lifetime of being promised ultimate cosmic punishment, when she realized doomsday might not be coming it was hard for wendy to say if she felt more relieved or disappointed. wendy is curious and scientifically minded. her upbringing has made her sharp, bitter, and prone to apathy, but she's not giving up yet.
auree: far from home, captured, contained, and isolated from anyone who could relate to her, auree's rage transformed her into a monster. only after meeting wendy was she able to find a way out of her destructive survival-mode state. auree is the inverse to wendy's passivity; she feels everything, big and loud and bright and all the time. the two balance one another, but can also feed into each other's worse impulses.
haddie muhammdi: an absolute dictionary definition of introverted nerd. haddie is wendy's former babysitter and occupies a complicated place in her life. her anxious, conflict-avoidant personality caused her to neglect a younger wendy at a time when she really needed her support and ever since they've reconnected she's been trying to make amends and prove herself reliable.
scarlett laroux: an alien of auree’s kind who likewise came to earth as part of a mission claim it for their homeworld, a mission she justifies to herself with the belief that humans are not fully thinking, compassionate beings. finding that humans will basically let you get away with anything if you're rich or famous enough, she's taken the identity of a popular movie star. despite her strong anti-earthling convictions, she starts to feel conflicted when it comes to the exiled auree and her little gang of humans.
henry peck: a middle aged janitor who discovered an abandoned lil goo baby at the hospital he works at and was thus unceremoniously thrust into the role of fatherhood, something he never thought himself capable of. he is awkward, unsociable both by nature and experience, and he is trying his damn best. his stilted, gruff way of communicating belies a meek, somewhat self-depreciating man who wants for a better world but doesn't necessarily believe in it.
bud: little alien blob of a baby. just vibing.
symbols of heroism
auree body horror moment
shapeshifting lessons with bud
this tornado loves you
fisher king
gender blues
funney auree sketches
cast lineup
some gay nonsense
little miss teenage doomsday
volatile traits zine!!
auree/wendy inktober sketch
auree inktober sketch
(any pre-college art im too lazy to dig up and thats probably for the best anyway)
okiedok thats all for now thanks for reading byee :p
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