#Bad and Phil are super important
I think the most interesting thing QSMP could do next is take Bad and Phil at the same time
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ramons-elevator · 1 year
Bad mentioned on his stream that all the dead eggs lives impacted how different we treat the eggs on the server and I realized that EVERY egg death changed history on the server and how we treat the eggs.
Juanaflippa- Obviously her second death made everyone very weary with the beds (and the admins bc i believe they made the beds harder to break). But her third death with sweeping edge and how everyone needs to be careful around the eggs with swords.
Tilin - Their death kinda goes hand in Juanaflippa about how NOT TO USE SWORDS around the eggs. But also Charlie went into eggxcile because of Tilins death and that snowballed into Gegg. Also helped with Luzu’s character and how he switched to Arin and with the computer/Code.
Chayanne- Technically chayanne lost their first life to neglect BUT the nightmare Phil, chayanne, and Tallulah had i believe introduced ‘nightmares’. Also it made the admins disable some born in chaos mobs and made Philza even more paranoid about the island than he already was.
Bobby - his death was the first permadeath we had since the trio died. It hurt a lot and made Forever realize that his death could have been prevented. Thus making Forever build the Ninho and make everyone very cautious of everything.
Ramon - same with Chayanne’s were his first death was to a Blaze but his nightmare was significant. It made the admins make solid ground rules about certain things and make sure everyone knows the rules about reinforced bases.
Leo- Her death with whales made everyone realized how fucking beefy and super dangerous the whales are. Also that you shouldnt just AFK anywhere. That you should try to be in a safe place before AFKing.
Dapper - His first death was SUPER significant. It made people realize that the code is learning and adapting. Thus made Bad, Forever, Cellbit, and Etoiles go to Luzus computer and explode it. Which lead to Forever getting pieces of the computer and getting the motivation to try to bargain with it. Which lead to Cellbits betrayal and enderchests getting banned. It also gave the most insane book by Cucurcho which is “Perfect for you or for me?”
Richarlyson- His first day nightmare gave us that the eggs have first day immunity. Then his actual death showed us that uhh fuck bulls and that Mike blames himself for Richas death to this day. Also gave us Imortalyson and kinda Richarlyson’s mindset of ‘fuck it we ball’. All he has ever known is one life.
Trumpet - THE MOST IMPORTANT DEATH ON THE FUCKING SERVER HOLY SHIT. Yes Trumpet died from neglect but his death lead to the Theory Bros. For those who dont know, Bad went to Maxs house to comfort him about Trumpets death and one of the ways he tried to get Maxs mind off of Trumpets death is talk about how weird the island is. Thus Bad and Max theorizing about the island and the rest is history. Also it lead to Max and Bad interacting more and kinda making Max talk to more people around the island.
Tallulah - Her nightmare with Phil and Chayanne has significance as stated above. But her death with the Code is significant because it was the first time Forever saw an egg’s death. It deeply upset him and made him a lot more serious about the eggs. Also again made Philza more paranoid.
Pomme- She hasnt died yet but her nightmare I would say is pretty significant. Kinda with Ramons nightmare, it helped give the players, admins, and audience some more rules on things and what the admins can/cant do. It also made everyone realize “Holy shit theres a weapon that does 50000 damage and will one shot you and destroy your armor” which is terrifying on its own.
Everything is so significant on this fucking island and every egg is extra significant to this island. No death is taken in vain. They truly shaped the island and everything we know about it
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buskingalbatross · 6 months
I've been a part of the phandom since I was fourteen back in 2012, but i've only recently deviated from my lurker ways and started being active in this community on tumblr. which I have been enjoying immensely! I'm super confused about something however, and so i'm making a post about it. please help.
often when I see the word "parasocial" used among the dnp audience, I've noticed that it's used with really negative connotations. Or with the implication that having a parasocial relationship is inherently bad and terrible. today, for instance, I've seen the term parasocial likened directly to "creepy."
I'd like to ask why that is-what has led to the perception of a parasocial relationship in this fandom as one that is intrinsically invasive and creepy. And I'd like also to put forth my own thoughts on why I think it's unhelpful and incorrect that we use this term to be a near synonym for creepy.
first, a definition. I'm turning to Hank Green for this, as he succinctly sums up what a parasocial relationship is in this vlogbrothers video (a recommended watch). He says a parasocial relationship forms "when the parts of your brain that are designed to have a social relationship between you and another person are used to have a relationship with a person who does not know who you are or, sometimes, cannot know who you are... because they're Huckleberry Finn."
At its most basic, a parasocial relationship is a relationship between you and someone fictional or nonfictional who doesn't know who you are. Hank goes on to say, importantly! that parasocial relationships have been happening since the beginning of time. People have been fans of famous or talented people since time immemorial, people have cared for fictional people since the first stories were told among humans.
~ ✌🏻continued below✌🏻 ~
Similarly, in one of his Am I The Hole videos, Phil says that becoming obsessed with things is normal. "People hyperfixate on stuff. It's fine." We all do it.
In many ways, parasocial relationships are as natural as myriad other forms of human bonds. Humans can't help but connect to each other. To other living and even non-living things. Bonding and connecting and forming communities is what we do. And because of that, I think it's a disservice to oneself be ashamed of being in a parasocial relationship, or to use parasocial as a term to serve as a stand in for a disrespectful fan of someone. I think it fosters a sense of guilt where there shouldn't necessarily be any, especially if you as a viewer of Dan and Phil are respecting the boundaries they have set. You are doing something so normal! So human! You are finding support and comfort and empowerment and motivation and creativity and any number of other things from other people.
There is great joy and great good that can come from parasocial relationships. Obviously! Think of Phil's birthday stream, the feelings you experienced when the lights came on in the theater after TATINOF, all the laughs (among other things) Dan and Phil have gotten from our memes and art.
And it's important to consider the other side of this as well. Dan and Phil also have a parasocial relationship with us. It's different, of course, but they do think of us, make decisions because of us, without truly knowing us. At different points in time maybe they know the loudest of us, a few individuals, but for the most part they do not know who we are. They don't know who you are. But they do think about you. They think about what ties us together, our queerness, our beliefs about the world, the internet, our status as socially awkward and or mentally ill nerds etc. They think about how certain videos or projects or merch will be received. All creators are in a relationship with their audience. And it is often a parasocial one.
Basically i find myself exasperated with stumbling over the word 'parasocial' in this fandom. I want to have the information and know the truth and add my own thoughts! Maybe parasocial is used by other people elsewhere on the internet to mean something bad, but my thesis is this: it's not a bad word. It's a descriptor. And it's a normal thing. Those people are wrong. You shouldn't feel bad about being in a parasocial relationship with Dan and Phil! You should call that relationship what it is with pride! And do as much good with it as you can.
conclusion: talk to me about this! What is your perspective, what am I missing? let me know please. would be happy to talk about this with anyone.
(ok what do i do now do i thank you for reading? i don't do this. text post over.)
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modelbus · 2 years
hiiii would you be willing to do a tommy x fem/gn reader where the reader doesn’t have a prom date and tommy offers to fly to america to be their date teehee … perhaps starting platonic and ending romantic ?
Starting platonic and ending romantic my beloved Also, uh, this got a bit long...
Pairing: CC!Tommy x gn!Reader (who wears a dress)
Perfect Prom
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“Where have you been? It’s been ages since I’ve talked to you!” Tommy whines when you join his VC.
“It’s been a day.”
“You didn’t answer any of my messages!”
“Someone is clingy.” Tubbo coughs.
“Fuck off! No I’m not!”
You sigh, opening Minecraft to join him. His stream is pulled up on your second monitor so you can see his expressions while talking to him. It seems to be a chill day today. Or as chill as it gets with Tommy and Tubbo in the same stream.
“I was busy!” You defend
“Too busy for big man Tommyinnit? What were you even doing?!”
“Helping my friends shop for prom. It’s a whole day thing, you know?”
“Oh!” Tubbo exclaims, suddenly sounding eager. “Is your prom soon?”
“A week, yeah.”
“I expect photos.” He tells you.
You give an awkward laugh, moving your Minecraft character to try and find Tommy and Tubbo’s. “Uh, I’m not going?”
“Why not?!” Tommy yells.
This was the embarrassing part, the part you were about to admit to thousands of viewers.
“I, um, don’t really have a date.”
Your popularity started and ended online, leaving you completely and utterly alone. Sure you had friends, but they all had dates. And with prom in a week… well, you had just given up. It wasn’t like you wanted to go to prom that bad.
“What?!” At least Tommy seems outraged for you. “What about your friends?”
“All have dates. I’d rather hang out with you guys and stream anyways. Right chat? You’re more important than some dance.”
Chat seems to disagree with you, but that’s fine.
“So you don’t want to go to prom at all? Not even a little?” Tubbo questions.
“Nope.” You lie. “Now where are you at? I can find you.”
“Have you ever heard of the man cave?”
The topic doesn’t get dropped forever though, coming up later off stream. Tubbo had left the VC immediately after ending stream so it was just you and Tommy now.
“Genuinely, you’re fine with not going to prom? That’s super important, isn’t it?” He asks, breaking the post-stream silence first.
“I wish I could, but the administration has rules against going alone.” You shrug despite him not being able to see you. “Besides, what’s the point of buying a dress if I’m not going with anyone?”
“So you want to go?”
“You’re just rubbing it in now.”
“I’m not! All you need is a date to prom to go?”
How many times did you have to repeat this for him to understand?
“Yeah. All I need is a date.”
“Then I’ll be your date!”
Immediately, you choke on your own saliva in shock. “What?!”
“I’ll be your date to prom! So you can go!”
“Tommy, there’s a few problems with that. I’m in America and prom is in a week, for one.”
“I’m already looking at flights.”
“Second, you do realize a date is romantic right?”
“Platonic date then.”
“Why can’t you just let me be alone?!”
“Because,” he starts earnestly, “that’s shit. Besides, it’ll make for a pretty cool vlog.”
“Tommy, you know I couldn’t ask you to-“
“You’re not asking, I’m offering. Say yes for the content if not for yourself.”
“…fuck this. Yeah. Come to America and be my prom date.”
He cheers, making you laugh.
“I’m gonna get to experience an American prom! No more content searching! There’s a flight out tomorrow.”
“Should we, like, ask Phil about this?”
“Probably, but I already bought my flight.”
“This is going to be a fucking mess.”
“This is so fucking stupid! Why won’t it stay in the fucking pocket?!”
You laugh, trying to adjust the pin pinning the flower in his pocket to no avail. “I told you the corsages were a bad idea!”
“Dream said to buy them. All or nothing.”
“And here we are, putting holes in your suit. Isn’t this a rental?”
“How dare you think me so low that I’d rent a suit instead of buying one.”
“Aha! The flower is on!”
You step back, taking in the sight of Tommy in his full suit. He had gotten you both matching corsages, red and white flowers that stuck out on his black suit coat and your wrist. Tommy turns to the bathroom mirror, filming with his phone.
“Oooo! Damn, I am sexy.”
“Okay, we’re going to miss the reservations.”
“Oh! The ones at Applebees?!”
“I still can’t believe you wanted to go to Applebees. We could’ve gone literally anywhere.”
“Okay, but Sapnap said-“
“Do you think Sapnap got any bitches?”
“Have you seen Sapnap?”
You stare at each other for a moment.
“He’s from Texas. Never trust a man from Texas.”
“So Applebee’s isn’t good?”
“I’ll let Applebees talk for itself.”
“Really? It’s that bad?”
“It’s… it’s something.”
With the newfound lack of courage in his choice of restaurant, you two set out for Applebees. Considering most people go somewhere nice on prom, it’s pretty dead. Maybe you’ll actually get good service for once.
“I swear the waitress just quit.” Tommy laughs, glancing around.
“Or maybe she’s disgusted by the fact you got a medium rare steak.” You suggest.
“Hey!” He yells, throwing a fry at you. “Don’t insult Dead Henry!”
“You named your food?!”
Dodging another fry, you start to throw your own back at him.
“This is fucking war!” He declares, grabbing a handful.
Under the sudden pelt of fries you half hide under the table. Tommy laughs maniacally, seemingly evil. And it’s all because you insulted his choice of steak. You should never get steak from Applebees to begin with!
“Excuse me, sir?”
Oh, of course the waitress comes back now.
“I’m going to have to ask you two to leave.”
“Oh.” Tommy says, apparently too shocked to find a response.
“I am so sorry.” You apologize, scrambling to try and find your card. Tommy’s won’t work because it’s English and Applebees isn’t refined enough to take English cards, so he promised he’d pay you back somehow.
“Yeah, you’re disrupting our other customers.”
Tommy glances around and mouths, “what customers?” to you.
“Mhm, mhm.” You hum as the waitress prints the receipt.
“…have a good day. I guess.”
The second the door closes behind you two, Tommy erupts. “What the fuck?! There were no other customers! It was just us! And she could’ve asked us to stop, not fucking kick us out!”
“It’s Applebees, Tom. What did you really expect?”
“America is the worst!” He laughs, “we really got kicked out because we threw fries, fuck.”
His words make you realize exactly how stupid the situation is. It’s prom night, Tommy came to America to be your date, and you both just got kicked out of Applebees.
Soon enough you’re both laughing at the absurdity of it all.
“How far is the boat?” Tommy asks after a little while.
Because your school was stingy on literally everything else they made up for it by going all out for prom. If you hadn’t known that then maybe you would’ve declined Tommy’s offer, but goddamn was prom meant to be cool.
“Walking?” You ask, pulling up Google maps.
“Uh, Google maps says fifteen minutes.”
He nods, offering you his arm. Without a second thought you take it, walking where he goes.
“Where are we going?”
“Prom.” He answers confidently.
“…wrong way.”
“Fuck. I knew that.”
The walk is only slightly cold, but after a few minutes you completely forget about the breeze in favor of joking with Tommy. You definitely owe him a lot. He came all the way to America just to be your date so you could go to prom!
Platonic date. You couldn’t forget that word: platonic. Because although your feelings before this were entirely platonic (were they really...?) seeing Tommy in person was changing that too fast for you keep up with your own feelings.
By the time you reach the docks it’s been well over fifteen minutes, tipping into thirty, which makes it perfect timing.
“When you said prom was a big thing I didn’t realize it was this fucking big.” Tommy says.
“Yeah, there's a lot of people." You agree, joining the line. "At least we're moving quick."
"I was more concerned about everyone dying at seeing my stunning dance moves."
"Oh, yeah, that's a pressing issue."
Soon enough you're both on the boat. It's actually really cool. There are three floors to the boat: the top one has an open-air dance floor, the middle has an indoor dance floor, and the bottom just has food and drinks.
By the time the two of you make your way to the top floor where everyone else is, prom is already in full swing. That is, to say, crowded and loud as fuck. Tommy grabs your hand so you two don't get separated in the huge sea of dancing people, pulling you a bit closer to him.
"Now what?" He asks.
"Dance, I guess?'
With a nod, he steps back and starts doing his weird dance moves. You can't help but laugh, although you do admire the confidence.
"Why aren't you dancing?! Dance with me!" He yells, eyes lighting up at a Taylor Swift song.
"Oh no no no, I am staying far away from you and your embarrassing moves."
"You're on the phone with your girlfriend she's upset!" He sings, grabbing your hands and forcing you to dance. After a second you give in, dancing with him.
The next songs pass so quickly in the blur of having fun with Tommy that you don't even realize he never dropped your hands. In the classic Tommy way, he's just dragging you around and forcing you to do his shitty yet wonderfully fun dance moves.
"Alright guys, we're over halfway through this thing, let's let the couples have some moments." The DJ announces.
As the current pop song fades into a much slower one, you start to head off the dance floor.
"Wait, we have to dance." Tommy quickly says. "Y'know, for the whole prom experience."
"Do you know how to slow dance? Because I don't."
"I am Tommyinnit the womanizer, of course I know how to slow dance!"
You laugh and loop your arms around his neck. "Alright then, womanizer."
He hesitates before placing his arms around your waist. The two of you just sway to the song, slowly relaxing throughout it.
"Thank you." You finally say, breaking the silence that had fallen between you two. "For coming."
"I came for Applebees, not you."
"Oh, of course, how could I not know." You roll your eyes.
He laughs, glancing around. "But of course I fucking came."
"You didn't just come though. You're in a whole suit. You're slow dancing with me."
"Because I'm your date."
"Platonic date." You correct instinctively. You've had to mentally correct yourself for a whole week now.
"...right. Yeah."
He doesn't sound entirely happy with that, and you can't help the way your heart leaps. It's foolish hope, but hope nonetheless.
"Actually, Wilbur's been telling me to make a fucking move for a while now." He suddenly says. "And that's why I offered. I know it's super shitty of me to tell you this now, but I just- you need to know, and I need to know, so I can stop getting my hopes up. I-"
Stopping your swaying, you cut his words off with a kiss. Maybe it's some Disney bullshit, but you swear this feels different than any other time you've kissed someone. Perfect, almost.
"What if I suggested we went to prom as a not-platonic date?" You ask.
"I'd say we're already fucking doing it." He responds with the stupidest grin you've ever seen him wear. "Wilbur's never gonna believe this."
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vampyreblogger · 6 months
here's an introduction post because i've had stuff in my bio for so long but never made a post! :3
so, hiiiii! introduction under the cut :3
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hiya XD !!!
about me:
my name's ozzy, and my pronouns are he/they/she (with a heavy preference on he/him). i love vampires (if that wasn't obvious :P) and i'm 18 years old and live in the uk. i'm emo and goth (but moreso emo) !!
i also am diagnosed with autism & adhd, which isn't super important but does explain my posting habits lol
i'm always open to messages and asks from anyone - mutuals or not! i promise i'm friendly X3
i'm arospec and polyamorous and my partners are @abowlofpastainatophat 🦥 & @a-vverevvolfs-vvorld 🐀
my pfp is regularly updated when i change my appearance/feel like it, and the picrew i use is:
about my posts & reblogs:
i'm terrible at tagging but i try to tag original posts w "ozzy rambles" and edits w "ozzy edits"
i'm a multifandom mess, so i can't guarantee there won't be any curveball fandoms but generally i will post stuff abt the fandoms below (⭐️ = special interest) (‼️ = current hyperfixation)
my chemical romance ⭐️
panic! at the disco
pierce the veil
counting crows
the magnus archives
the magnus protocol
rusty quill gaming
supernatural ⭐️
it's always sunny in philadelphia ‼️
the x files
avatar: the last airbender
breaking bad
death note
buffy the vampire slayer
interview with the vampire
assassin's creed 2
fnaf: pizzeria simulator
baldur's gate 3
dan and phil
general interests:
about my writing:
my fanfic blog is @vampyrewriter and i take commissions (but also i will probably listen to any requests/suggestions anyway - i'm always looking for new ideas!)
other sideblogs:
my digital scrapbook blog is @vampyrescrapbook
my poetry blog (mostly unused) is @vampyrepoem
my backup(?) blog is @vampyresilly
thank you for reading! xoxo
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thunderbottle · 5 days
Top 10 (or 5) fandoms you’ve been in?
Ranking is mostly vibes based no one yell at me. Also if you remember my old account for sanders sides no you dont also shhhhh
10. Voltron (being in this fandom shaved decades off my life but at least it got me to draw every day for months on end. worst online fan space i have ever experienced. i didnt even really watch the show because i liked fan-made stuff better. dont do this.)
9. Deep Space 9 (i would list all of star trek here but shes the most important to me so. i love u deep space nine. Very warm little plave in my heart. Never got into online spaces tho so i never really felt like part of the fandom)
8. Penumbra Podcast (society if the penumbra podcast was more popular and i got to pump more fanart and fanfiction directly into my veins. I still need to catch up on a lot of it but god what a fun series. I still recommend it frequently)
7. Sherlock BBC (this would be ranked higher (my first real fandom, my first fanart, my first fanfiction, etc etc etc) if it all hadnt crashed and burned so bad. I still have really fond memories of it all tho. and the series is still fun to watch)
6. The Magnus Archives (great series. i got into it at the perfect time. life changing shit. i just wasnt super active in the online fandom which i always regretted. i wasnt confident enough to jump in and play with everyone else)
5. Dan and Phil (dan and phil :3 i love)
4. Homestuck (homestuck :3 i love)
3. Sanders Sides (this is some real tbottle lore but my first popular fanart on tumblr was sanders sides (on a different account) and i got to talk to other fans a lot and it was very fun. Some of the worst years of my life but this funny little webseries made it better and gave me a true, deep passion for drawing.)
2. MCYT (the passion i got for drawing from sanders sides got focused like a fuckin magnifying glass. i got into philza's hardcore stuff my first year of art school and dsmp the second. and tbh i think i would never have reached the level of skill i have now without them. like cmon. in terms of sheer life improvement not much compares)
1. Supernatural (this show kept me from killing myself in middle school and high school so that compares actually. nothing will ever beat supernatural. ever)
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Ok, so, I've never watched any of the qsmp streams, but I read your rambling about it and read your one shots abt it, and uh do you have any advice on how to get into watching the streams? Like where do I start? How to catch up on missed lore? Stuff like that
well there are a lot of different POVs you can choose to catch up on and which one(s) you choose will definitely affect your understanding of what's going on. if you want to just catch up on the primary major story beats overall (federation lore, main egg lore) this channel on youtube has made 3 videos so far summarizing the lore as it goes on. I haven't watched these videos myself so I can't say how accurate they are or if they leave anything important out, but I've heard positive things!
now if you wanna catch up on more individual lore/character dynamics and all that then you're facing a bit more of a challenge. I believe quackity has most of his qsmp vods uploaded on his vod channel so you can definitely check those out for his story stuff. if you wanna understand my fics better wilbur has the smallest number of qsmp vods out of the cc's at least somewhat tied into the storyline so it shouldn't be too hard to catch up on his stuff. his vod from day 1 of the qsmp has one of the funniest moments from any wilbur stream ever (yes I am referring to that moment he was talking to max) but I don't think you need to watch a ton from any of the day 1 POV's after the first hour or so.
while phil is the pov I watch the most for qsmp, he's definitely less involved in the plot. but unlike what I keep seeing some people on twt and tumblr say, he DOES participate in the rp and does care about the lore. he just doesn't go out of his way to get super involved in it and likes making 4th wall breaking jokes. but yeah if you're looking for more lore based stuff, phil might not be a great pov to watch as your primary.
now bad is the english speaking cc most involved in the heavy federation lore stuff, so his vods are definitely good to check out if you're looking for an english speaking cc to watch. jaiden's also definitely tied into it and has her own very interesting plotline going on atm involving the federation, but she doesn't stream as often so there are a few more gaps with her compared to bad who's been daily streaming for months now.
now for the cc's who don't primarily speak english, it's definitely a bit more of a challenge to watch those POVs if you don't speak the cc's language, but when many cc's are in a group they'll usually switch to english since that's the most common language on the server. also there's the translator that most of them have up on their screen, but it's not super accurate and a lot of the time cc's forget to switch it between languages so I don't rely on it much. for lore stuff, cellbit is a great choice because he's been heavily involved in investigating the federation and solving puzzles and all that since he first got on the server. from the french side, baghera jumped into lore stuff pretty quickly too so I highly recommend her pov as well
again I don't know how detailed/what the summary videos do and don't include but if you see clips from certain streams on that summary video that look interesting, I definitely recommend going to the vod itself and watching at least a bit of it. the group dynamic between all the players on the island is so delightful to watch. so many great friendships have formed bc of this server and it's so much fun to watch them grow in real time.
more than anything though when you're trying to catch up, go through the tumblr tag! follow people who liveblog a lot! follow the updates accounts on twitter! I actually don't catch many streams, but I'm usually pretty up to date on the big plot stuff happening on the server at all times just from what I see on my dash. read posts and check out the tags to absorb info via dash osmosis. that's how I caught up on dsmp when I first got into it back in january 2021 lol
hope this helps :)
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ultfreakme · 3 months
ok ok your posts about the superfam and DC are making me interested in the franchises. what would you recommend me to do in case i want to get more into it??
OH MY GOD YAY!!!! I am feeling so nervous compiling a list. I am mostly into Superfam so my recommendations will be around that. Comics are a bit of a tricky medium to get into because stories have been written for them since like, the 1940s, but there are new characters who help ease into the DC universe. It helps to read runs(usually what you call one comic book serialization)based on characters rather than titles because your fave may show up in random other places.
I'll give my journey with comics and how I got to know these characters
For superfam, starting with Jon Kent & Jay Nakamura! They're the ones I'm always posting about
Superman: Lois & Clark by Dan Jurgens and Lee Weeks: backstory with Jon as a kid with Lois and Clark, if you want to know more about Lois & Clark and how Jon was raised, this one is good.
Superman (2016) by Tomasi and Gleason: Further backstory on Jon's life with Lois & Clark as a child, it's a mediocre story with a bunch of american right-wing propaganda but the Jon stories are important build up for what comes next
The Man of Steel (2018) by Bendis Issue 6: Yes, JUST issue 6.
Superman (2018) by Bendis Issue 7-10: Continuation from Man of Steel and covers what many refer to as "the jon kent age-up". This is gonna be a bit of a tedious read because the writer for this sucks at his job. But this is unfortunately essential to understanding how Jon gets to where he is.
Superman: Son of Kal-El by Tom Taylor: If you want to jump right into Jon's time as Superman and see his blooming relationship with Jay, this is the go-to. This was my first DC comic and acts really well as an introduction for new readers
Action Comics (2016): #1050 (a big thing happens wrt to Jay and Jon)
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent by Tom Taylor: Direct sequel to SOKE
Steelworks (2023) by Michael Dorn: Has a bunch of Jay cameos
Titans Beast World Metropolis Tour (2023): An important Jon thing happens with Nia here.
Action Comics (2016): #1060 : it's a follow-up from Metropolis Tour and is in a back-up story(basically what they call a side story- you'll have to scroll down a lot to see the Jon parts of it) 10. 1. Suicide Squad: Dream Team: Neither Jay nor Jay appear here BUT it is CRUCIAL to understand the context of this story- the main character in this- Dreamer- is a friend of Jay & Jon and she does something that betrays them . You'll figure it out while you're reading the rest
Absolute Power: Ground Zero #1 (2024)- Jay-centric
If you want a more comprehensive list for Jon, @bobbinalong has made a reading list for him and it's in the blog's pinned post.
Next up is Clark Kent:
Just as an introduction I'd say:
Superman Smashes the Klan (2019) by Gene Luen Yang: It's not related to current continuity but it really endears everyone to Clark, explains what he is all about and establishes what Superman is.
Warworld Saga: It's really well-written and is part of current continuity
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I've been posting often about a character called Dreamer, she is very important to the current stories with Jay and Jon, but she is also an amazing character on her own. Her introduction happens in Superman: Son of Kal El but she has her solo stories as well:
Bad Dream: A Dreamer Story (2024) by Nicole Maines: An origin story for Dreamer
If you want to catch up with the rest of Superfam and want a starting place:
Kong Kenan/Super-Man: The New Super-Man (2016) by Gene Luen Yang
Natasha Irons/Steel and Lana Lang: Superwoman (2016) by Phil Jimenez (Natasha shows up in Warworld a LOT), and Steelworks
Kara Danvers/Supergirl: Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow(2021) by Tom King
Lois Lane: Lois Lane (2019) by Greg Rucka
Not all of these are essential, characters appear in runs that I haven't specifically attached to a character as well. But if you want to catch up on my faves, these are the ones I'd recommend. As you read, you'll get to know more of the characters and you can naturally find those who interest you as well.
If you are confused, you can always ask me again, and there's a bunch of my moots who are super eager to help anyone new get into the stories and I could ask them too, or you can get in touch with them!
Happy reading!
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
hii! i havent been able to keep up with the lore since the theory bros and stuff. could you give a quick rundown of everything involving the eggs, binary monster cucurucho and stuff? (i didn't know who else to ask)
I'll do my best! :D
SO I'm actually going to start by talking about Arin, who is the consciousness that sometimes inhabits q!Luzu's body.
Arin says he is not an AI, but he is from "another world", and, most importantly, he can see code. He knew when the eggs arrived because of the change in code.
Arin is actively being hunted by the Binary Guys. He's also building a machine to connect his world and the qsmp so he can try and bring Tilin back to life, and that's important because that machine is one of the things that the Theory Bros are looking into.
And now, the Theory Bros.
The Theory Bros are made up of q!Bad, q!Maximus, q!Foolish, and now q!Cellbit, who is fucking smart, btw. There are also some new members who are just kinda hanging out? Like q!Phil, who is the babysitter, and q!Roier, who is just kinda hanging out tbh, and now English q!Quackity, who is notably separate from Hispanic q!Quackity.
The group was originally founded by Bad, Maximus, and Foolish shortly after Trump Egg's death, and now it's developed into a society dedicated to solving the mystery of the island and, most importantly, escaping the island.
They didn't get super far until recently when the Brazilians showed up, because it turns out that Cellbit is like a professional ARG maker and solver. His character is also just a little bit insane I think, but that's not super important.
They have a bunch of secret bases set up, and Foolish has. His living room.
But every time they've gotten anywhere, something has happened to keep them from making progress. Sometimes it's the Binary Monsters, sometimes it's Cucurucho, sometimes it's their own arguments. And sometimes? Sometimes it's the eggs.
The Eggs.
The Eggs all showed up as part of an event that started in like mid-April if I remember correctly. Basically, the island was split into a bunch of pairs- one English speaker and one Spanish speaker- and they were supposed to take care of an egg. Whoever kept their egg the happiest would get a reward when the eggs' mother, a Fucking Dragon, showed up. Whoever's eggs had died would be horribly punished.
This is fine, but it gets interesting not even a week into the event when Cucurucho tells q!Roier not to touch his egg and not to trust it. Roier has not, to my knowledge, mentioned this to anyone because he's a secretive bastard.
And then some eggs died and there was a funeral. The dead parents got to say a goodbye to their eggs in a room under the cemetery. Angel Rubius (suspicious) was there, as was Cucurucho, and the whole thing was sponsored by the QSMP Federation. At said funeral, the "dead" Trump (the Egg) said that "they" are scary, not mentioning anybody by name, but him saying that and then immediately getting shut up kinda set Maximus off on his theory stuff full-force.
Since then, the eggs have been really kinda sus, some more than others. Leonarda said that her best friend was Cucurucho, and she's also kinda been on a whole 'hey dad don't look too deep into anything' kick recently. And then there was a secret Federation torture tunnel beneath Richarlyson's house, and then there is the sudden and spontaneous appearances of both Tallulah and Richarlyson. And then there are the Weird Things.
Because the eggs were supposed to die a few weeks ago. A hijacked island announcement said as much, and then, on the day of their supposed deaths, the eggs disappeared and came back with cracks in them. Since then, they have been increasingly attacked by the Binary Monsters, and that's weird.
The Binary Monsters
So the Binary Monsters first showed up on a Philza stream from April. He and Fit killed one, and then we didn't see one again until Luzu's reappearance on the server after a hiatus. During that stream, Arin reappeared, and so did the Binary Monsters.
Since then, the Monsters have showed up attacking vulnerable eggs. They seem to go after eggs alone with one parent- case in point being Philza in a stream recently when he was alone with the eggs and then a Monster killing Bobby while he was alone with Roier in the middle of nowhere.
The Binary Monsters have Binary Names! :D They seem to be naming themselves after... things? One of them had a name that translated to '777', which was interesting because it was the one attacking Foolish and Leonarda right outside of Vegetta's house right after Vegetta had logged off.
Cellbit has the theory that the eggs and the Binary Monsters are related. He also has the theory that the Binary Monsters and Cucurucho are related.
We all know Cucurucho, also known as Osito Bimbo, also known as the QSMP Census Bureau Creature. It uses it/its pronouns, and so that is what I will be using.
Cucurucho has been hanging around since day one of the server. It does Census Bureau Things. It also flirts with Roier sometimes.
But starting at around the time the eggs showed up, Cucurucho has been a bit more distant. By that, I mean that it's been stalking people in the background of their streams, teleporting around and following them and scaring the shit out of them. It's been paying close attention to the Theory Bros, especially q!Max and q!Cellbit, though it is also Leonarda's friend. It watches q!Slime sleep sometimes, which is normal behavior for sure.
It has a good time watching people suffer. It laughs when players are in pain. Sometimes it even blows bubbles. I may be biased, but I love it.
The other night, Cucurucho showed up to get Cellbit to stop building a villager farm (which is illegal on the server.) It then proceeded to chase him down a Torture Hallway, laugh when he died, laugh when he saw his corpse and freaked out, and then they had a question and answering session.
To summarize the various q and a sessions from the past few weeks: Cucurucho doesn't know what the Binary Monsters are, and it is ambiguously part of the Federation. Its purpose seems to be to make sure people are happy. When asked who's keeping everyone on the island, it responded with 'quack', and then it mentioned a 'host' in a later interrogation. It doesn't like the eggs very much, but as long as the island's inhabitants are happy, then it doesn't mind them (the eggs.)
TLDR; Weird shit is happening on the island, but don't worry, because it's all going to be fine :)
I obviously don't know everything because I can't watch every stream and I do only speak English, but I hope this recap helps a little! :D
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
I’ve been so busy today and wasn’t able to watch any qsmp. Can I get a brief summary of what happened? thank u
OKAY SO the main important things was, during the banquet/dinner/etc, chant anne and tallulah showed up. which was already weird in itself, bc phil told them both to stay away. it was made even weirder by the fact that their models didn’t have the usual cracks (the ones that appeared when they were given back when the brazilians arrived), but they were also acting super weird. chayanne was taking off his armor and punching phil, tallulah was constantly playing her maracas, her flute was off tune, she didn’t give cellbit a flower in return, etc etc. everyone could instantly tell something was wrong. phil went back to his base, and sure enough, chayanne and tallulah were in bed, just as he left them.
the tallulah and chayanne at the dinner? codes disguised as the eggs. the server crashed right as that was revealed for my pov, but i think it ended with gegg losing his last presidential life? etoiles and phil ended up defeating the codes in the end.
on another side of the server, foolish was finally given attention by the federation! he was instructed to arrest tazercraft, which he did, blaming them for mr. mustard’s disappearance (also the beef wellington at the dinner was apparently confirmed to be mr. mustard???) tazercraft’s stream ended with a bunch of codes that have been mostly deciphered (can be found a bit back on my blog) essentially hinting back to fuga impossível and saying that they’d escaped before, they’d do it again, with a date set for tomorrow.
foolish’s siding with the federation breaks his and bad’s relationship. foolish lied a FUCKTON to get away with that, and bad no longer trusts him.
meanwhile, richas, cellbit, and roier are off mystery solving. i admittedly missed the start of this, but they end up finding a bunch of clues and puzzles that lead somewhere???? not sure yet. i’m sure a few other things happened too (heard that maxo’s not doing so good) but that’s the gist of what i know!
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Phil QSMP VOD Timestamps
Stream date: 4/19/23
Important timestamps from Phil's April 19th stream
If you've got a streamer you watch frequently, consider keeping a record of important timestamps (even if it's just one or two) from their stream to help out other fans! For now, here's timestamps from today's Phil stream
2h 6m - logs onto QSMP
2h 15m - Phil breaks into Tilin’s grave not realising what it is
2h 18m - Phil visits the school
2h 20m - After finding out Quackity’s the teacher, Phil says he’s pulling Chayanne out of the school
2h 27m - Phil and Chayanne brainstorm a trap they can leave in Quackity’s gift box at the school
2h 30m - Phil makes Quackity a grilled cheese and names it “Cold & square Quesadilla”
2h 32m - Chayanne shows Phil the drawing he made for Quackity, and Phil helps "improve" the drawing
2h 40m - After checking in with Wilbur to see if he’s coming online later, Phil tries to wake up Talullah with the Otherside disc
2h 42m - Talullah wakes up! They warn her to be careful of Quackity, even though she says Quackity doesn’t seem so bad.
2h 51m - Tallulah draws a picture for Quackity
2h 54m - It seems like Phantoms have been removed (or at least temporarily turned off)!
2h 56m - Tallulah draws Quackity with all her egg classmates and says “I made a lot of new friends yesterday!”
2h 58m - Tallulah says she wants to gift Quackity the pretty block she found the other day! (Terracotta) She names it “estrellita naranja” (little orange star)
3h 1m - They leave to deliver the presents to the school
3h 5m - They deliver the presents!
3h 9m - Phil and the Eggs work on their treehouse
3h 22m 20s - Talullah says poppies are her favorite flowers
3h 26m 30s - Foolish runs into everyone and briefly says hello!
3h 30m - Phil comments on the difference between Tallulah and Chayanne’s art and characters! “Yin and Yang”
3h 32m 30s - Phil tells Chayanne not to worry about it if Quackity fails him. Tallulah said she’d call out Quackity if he does fail him
3h 33m 30s - “If anything happens to these two eggs I’ll burn the whole world down”
3h 37m - Phil informs Tallulah that Wil’s house flooded, but he still wants to come online sometime today if he can.
3h 39m - The kids try to convince Phil to take them to a dungeon and Phil refuses, saying it's too dangerous
3m 40m 30s - They agree to investigate Quackity instead
3h 41m - Chayanne asks if they need to tell the cops about “Uncle Fit’s” illegal Wither farm and Phil tells him not to be a narc. Talullah says “Don’t be a snitch Chayanne pls”
3h 43m - Phil reminds Tallulah that she needs to be careful around Osito Bimbo / Cucurucho. Chayanne says “That bear seems ready to kiIl. I like him”
3h 50m 30s - Phil and the eggs visit Quackity’s house
3h 52m - Chayanne notices that Quackity kept his art. Phil says people deserve second chances. Tallulah says “People deserve second chances, give it a try Mr. Quackity” and Chayanne speaks and says “No” out loud (LMAO)
3h 55m 30s - Phil breaks into Quackity’s house to steal Chayanne’s painting so they can get a copy.
4h 3m - Phil tells Tallulah about the crows and she tells him to say hello and that she loves us :’)
4h 4m - Chayanne and Tallulah go to bed. Phil plans to go get the axolotl Chayanne saw in the Lush Caves yesterday
4h 5m - Phil talks about how genuinely stressful it was to see Chayanne almost perish yesterday
4h 25m - Phil leaves the Lush Cave, too many mobs are spawning and making the cave super dangerous
Phil leaves the server
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elytra404 · 2 years
so i love coming up with au's for my fandoms that ill never actually write, so yk what? its time to make them a tumblr series!! first up?
ely's hypothetical dsmp marvel au!!!
Meet: the avengers, though their fans tend to call them the sleepy bois! (an inside joke from when the iron bird may have fallen asleep before a very important conference). The line up is as follows!
The Iron Bird! This man, also know as Phil, or Philza affectionately, got rich from a mix of inheritance and coding skills! This one man army can rival all of Nintendo! Well, a man and a robot, if you include his highly advanced digital assistant!
Wilbur! More commonly known by the superhero name, Retrocognition, Wilbur is Philza's assistant! originally created as an ai, he now has a body thanks to the infinity stone in his head! He was originally made as a replica of Philza's son, whose death pushed him to becoming a superhero, but Wilbur has grown into his own being!
This brings us to Philza and Wilbur's first real friend for years, Fire ant. Moved on from her days as a german spy, Fire Ant now works for Phil and helps him in his superhero escapades! Those close to her know her as Niki, and well her instincts are sharp and her mind suspicious, she can make a mean pastry.
And now, coming out of the ice for the first time in decades, its Captain America! She may be a tad old, and catching on lost time, but shes still as strong as ever! Her real name is Cara, but her friends call her Puffy! Why? Nobody really remembers to be honest. Shes our favorite super soldier, and a complete bad ass when shes not trying to figure out how a phone works!
Next in the line up, the great god of thunder, Tho- oh, sorry, turns out he now prefers the more 'human' 'discrete' name of Technoblade? Well, no matter the name, Techno is a wonderful god! Loyal to his hammer, the orphan obliterator! (turns out Milnor was a mistranslation? well thank god(s) for that!) A tad absentminded, and always cracking jokes about some kind of wall, he may just be the most powerful on the team.
But our team wouldn't be complete without our final three! Why, its Goop, Hawkeye, and... Fundy? Sure!
First off, the amazing Goop! Thanks to some gamma rays, great scientist Charlie Sicle became some what of a monster. He's a totally normal man with a perfectly normal bone structure, until you make him mad! Then, well you ever heard of a d&d ooze? Yea... you can have fun with that.
Then, we have Hawkeye. Also known as Jack Manifold (hes not the best at secret identities), this super powered hero is... what is he actually? Why do they keep him around? Well... anyway this family man is probably a wonderful addition to the team!
And last but certainly not least, its the wonderful Fundy! Quickly taken in by Wilbur, this 15 year old was granted out of this world powers by a space stone! And with a slightly unhealthy amount of trauma and self loathing, what teen wouldn't want to be this orange wizard!
Of course, we have other heros! From Sneegsnag the bug man, to Spidered the purple spider hero, Foolish the wizard sorcerer, to King Ponk of Wakanda (and more importantly king of his lemon orchid). Many wonderful heros to beat all the terrorists in this galaxy!
And if its more heroes in the galaxy your looking for, may I introduce the wonderful Guardians of our galaxy?
Starting with our self selected caption, Tommy Inn! Tommy was swooped up as a young boy by aliens, with only his mothers favorite music disc and a handheld player to his name. He protects those discs with his life, almost more then he protects his own life!
Then, of course, we cant talk about the legendary captain without his newly full time best friend! Tho he used to be an enemy, Tubbo is down for the ride! If not a little skeptical of his best friends planning abilities. Former son of Madre, he's ready to gaurd that galaxy!
Of course we can't talk about the guardian without discussing Ranboo! This little devil was made in a lab, and looks oddly similar to a minecraft enderman! A tad insecure, this he/they will not hesitate to bite you.
And of course, Ranboo's loyal companion, Aimsey. Aimsey's species is apparently very close to this earth cartoon Tommy keeps talking about, Adventure time. However Aimsey and their complex language of "I am Aimsey" is a much needed team member.
And now you know the heros of our tales! Fighting Madre, who dreams of creating his own universe with the infinity stones, who knows what could come next!
(partially inspired by and helped with some stuff- @mariposathebutterflyboy )
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locamotivednp · 15 days
tell me about your phannie journey?
How did you know I was in a mood to yap about dnp and myself anon?
Under a cut cause it’s long and self-indulgent
I started watching in summer 2012. I actually looked up my first video a few month ago and it was The Meaning of Life. Which yeah, tracks. I then tore through their backlog. I was immediately a phan shipper btw. I saw the blindfolded cat video and just knew.
I was on tumblr at the time (not on this blog, on my first blog) and dipped my toes into the phandom at the time. Mostly just lurked but it was fun.
Until the video leaked in October. Things were chaotic to say the least. And then there was the customer service blog which,,, was,,, bad.
I was 16 almost 17 and fully aware I was queer. A lot of the conversations at the time from the phandom (and from dan sorrryyyy) were not great and I didn’t really want anything to do with it.
So I had left the phandom pretty completely in 2013 although I still kept up with their videos and would occasionally lurk in the tag.
And then I started college in 2014 and completely left fandom. I stuck around on tumblr for a little bit longer and never left YouTube but I was pretty offline (comparatively). I was living a party hard, study hard lifestyle which didn’t leave much time for online life.
I do remember most of the big phannie stuff. Gaming channel. TATINOF/TABINOF announcement and the fallout from that. BONCAS. So I was kinda keeping up.
Until around 2018, when I started grad school. I was still watching their videos but I was fully off tumblr and wasn’t watching livestreams or anything. So I was aware of the changing vibes in their videos but not thinking much about it. I missed a lot of the II era.
BIG dropped when I was at my job in the state capitol lmao. Absolutly totally blindsided me. Had to wait hours to watch it. Which these days would have been torture but at the time I was less emotionally invested. Still cried tho.
Finished my masters program in 2020 (lol) and moved to Nashville. I worked from home and didn’t know anyone besides my roommates so I got back on tumblr and returned to my chronically online roots.
I was super into the stereos and Phil’s videos at the time. I was aware of WAD and watched Dystopia Daily. I also caught up on a lot of the stuff I missed.
But I didn’t join the tumblr phandom until gaming channel came back. Pretty much as soon as it was announced I was dialed in. I think I made this sideblog when the catboy sweater and pictures dropped. And now I am way more obsessed with them then I ever was in the last 12 years oops 🤷🏻‍♀️
To get sappy, the past year has been the most into phandom I’ve ever been and it’s come at a really important time for me. Real life is so kicking my ass right now and the phandom is such a source of joy and connection for me 🫣
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kisuminight · 17 days
After c!Dream is reAwakened by c!Niki, he ends up in his default outfit (like Yulia Jue from TOA). But he doesn't end up keeping that into his Syndicate Arc (because he's uncomfortable in it and it's obvious), and he doesn't end up going back to his pre-Staged Finale outfit (the green hoodie). So let's talk about how I'm visualizing his new outfit (and why it throws people off so much).
So pretty much right away, Dream cons c!Techno out of his cape/cloak by saying that he's cold. I'm going to say that Techno was wearing one of his Antarctic-themed cloaks that day, so it is blue.
After introductions, they all end up back in Techno's house, where Dream is offered a chance to change clothes. Now, because of Doomsday planning sessions, c!Philza does have one of Dream's spare hoodies kicking around. They absolutely do not offer it to Dream, because they're kind of worried that it will make him too easily identifiable from a distance.
Dream is offered a chance to change clothes, as being Awakened out in the snow left his current clothes a bit damp. Dream hesitates (he has an internal panic attack and thinks he might have given himself away), and then agrees that he is a bit cold. The Syndicate is also kind of worried about Dream's default appearance having a skirt when, as far as they know, Dream's previous life preferred masculine he/him pronouns (Blades can change pronouns between lives sometimes, but it's rare.
Dream agrees, and they work together to try and find something that is suited for the arctic that Dream seems to like. Surprising Techno, Niki, and Phil, the skirt is not the problem. Dream's main issue with his default outfit (that he absolutely does not tell them) seems to be that it leaves his legs, shoulders and chest uncovered. To this end, he keeps Techno's heavyweight winter cloak even after they've stepped inside the warm cabin, and the first item of new clothes Dream chooses are tall socks.
(Dream is super uncomfortable with his aether lines being visible, and worried about showing a weakness. He's also trying to avoid choosing any bit of clothing that is "too similar" to his previous life, to keep up the pretense that his memory is gone.)
Eventually, the Syndicate manages to get Dream into a calf-length dark blue skirt, the knee-length tall socks, decent snow boots, and one of Techno's white poet blouses (long sleeves, slight vee at the neck, ruffles), and Techno gets his hair into a basic three-strand braid.
The entire time, Dream is trying to act "unlike himself" which means that he defaults to a quieter, timidly friendly version like when he first met Bad with George as his new Driver. There's a lot of places where he visibly goes to say something and just stops (because it would be too telling), but because he doesn't have his mask and didn't control his expression so much around c!Punz and EW!Ranboo, his poker face suffered a lot.
So the Syndicate is getting shy, healer Dream that is anxious about everything and isn't giving his opinions about anything. Techno and Phil have also noticed that he's not popping up any new achievements (Not even "Taking Inventory") and realize that Dream seems to be muted. Dream also clearly wants his aether lines covered, and when a newly Awakened Blade wants something like that, it's because of Procedural Memory. Except Blades only store things in Procedural Memory if they are important to survival.
All-in-all, the Syndicate is reading some very concerning signs off Dream (who is trying his best not to give himself away). It takes a single look for Phil and Techno to convey to each other that while they could offer Dream access to one of their Ender Chests to see if his past life left anything for him, that feels like a bad idea.
Later outfits, for when Niki takes Dream back to her base, are also constructed. Dream goes opposite-of-what-they-knew-me-as, and sticks to long skirts in dark colors, long sleeved blouses, the cloak, and tall socks. Most of the items are white and shades of blue, though one hunter-green skirt (that used to belong to Phil) sneaks it's way in as well. Dream tries to pretend he's not grateful (even though Niki is still feeling it loud and clear and he's not the best at schooling his expression) and there are more Significant Looks.
Honestly, Dream isn't as mentally and emotionally fragile as the Syndicate are assuming (because he kept his memories), but they're not wrong about him still being traumatized from a previous life/lives. Also, this is an excuse for a fluffy arc while we have relationship drama/spy games/the Los Nevadas mess going on with c!Punz, c!Sapnap, and the rest.
Also, I'm not great at drawing myself. But if you've seen Rainystressed247's art showing Cornelius, you should have a decent idea of the vibe I'm going for.
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n0wav · 25 days
The Microphones.
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For those who do not know... I am from the great state of washington state. Well... i was born in california.. in Orange County......... Buuuuuuuttttt, i have lived basically my whole life here in washington. Now washington is home to many big artist and bands. With obviously some of our biggest talents being Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix, the one guy that does all those christmas songs, as well as many not as popular bands which had major influence and contributions to music such as Unwound, Sunny Day Real Estate, The Sonics, and depending who you ask (since they do have a large amount of listeners) Death Cab for Cutie, Modest Mouse, and Fleet Foxes. Though I enjoy pretty much all these bands, and love some of them, there is one artist who tops most, maybe all of these bands for me. The Microphones is the Lofi project of Genius Phil Elverum. I wont get too into his details because i am not a stalker or anything like that hahaha... but he is awesome and makes amazing music. The Microphones sound and feeling is basically the essance of Washington State. For me when i listen. it feels like im in a foggy forest with light rain and mountains surrounding me. It's a cold yet warm and welcoming sound. Being from washington and living a couple hours away, i feel a strange closeness to the music and vibes of the album, it's something i think about often and its kinda weird to explain outside of my brain so i wont explain. Now aside from me living here i also look up to him alot because i am also an artist music wise and whatever. although i make vastly different music (listen to Corporal Rabbit i will make a proper post for my music and maybe that'll make me very famous.) I still fall into the indie lofi umbrella term, and obviously with him being such an important figure for the solo independant lofi community and genre and sound, i take lots of insporation from him and stuff if you know what i mean.
In 2023 i graduated highschool. I had a pretty crappy highschool experience during my last semester as a senior so i was going through a pretty rough time. Almost right after i graduated i got offered a job in alaska, and already being in a bad state of mind, and not having any kinds of friends or relationships outside of family, i decided it was best for me to go since i didn't have much here. About a week or 2 before leaving, i listened to the album The Glow, Pt. 2 for the first time. i had already heard of the microphones and had heard some song but i never really got super into it, but as soon as the song The Glow Pt. 2 came on... I felt something deep down that i haden't really felt in a while. Each of those songs was almost perfectly tailored to something going on in my life, I was going through a breakup, i had lost my bestfriend, i felt so alone and angry. Everything about the album felt like it was made for me. When i left for alaska, the whole plane ride the only thing i wanted to listen to was The Glow Pt.2, when i was in alaska and laying in bed after work tired and depressed and lonely, all i would do was listen to the album and cry. The album felt like home, i felt a sense of comfort, reality, and relatability i didn't feel with any other album.
Now i didnt spend much time in alaska since all it did was isolate me even more and made me depressed. but that part of my year was the most impactful for me. though i dont make that kind of music and i dont know if im capable of it, i want to somehow make music that can make people feel the way i felt when listening to the Glow Pt.2.
Phil Elverum, Although not being the most famous, the most rich, or the most talked about artist. In my eyes he's one of the greatest songwriters, composers, and icons of all time. Thank you Phil you are very important to the world, without you i feel alot of music wouldnt be the way it is today. You are important and thank you for ur contribution to the world. you have done more for me than most people in my life have (i know kinda sad).
Thank you and Goodbye
Heres my fav song off the glow pt.2
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gingersp1ce547 · 9 months
i'm sending this from a sideblog sorry, but i saw your question about forever and the happy pills, and since his character and that arc are very important to me, i wanted to give you the info you requested. forever never discloses that he was forced to take the pills before the coma. the ambiguity, at first, was on purpose. the hints he gave us through the cinematics, like him being trapped in a cage inside his own mind, were deliberate. his subte movements with his head and short explosive outbursts begging others not to take the drugs. it was to showcase a running theme on forever's storyline: lack of consent and loss of control. now, briefly after waking up from the coma, he tells bbh very clearly that he was forced to take the drugs, as cucurucho saw him as "a problem", a danger to be neutralized, it was never a choice. bad understands this very well. (you can watch this conversation on his vod, just paste this after the youtube url: si=PTo-WvXEQLcDIFaW&v=0W1yqvHlmrs 4:52:02 is the exact timestamp). then he also tells cellbit in subsequent conversations, but unfortunately i don't remember the exact vod where this happened. i believe he talks with phil too. and then pierre as well, as you already know. this isn't secret information, he's told anyone who was willing to hear that he was forced to take those drugs, but unfortunately it kind of landed on deaf ears most of the time, except on very few occasions. this whole situation wasn't treated with the care it warranted and more often than not people would joke about it, even exchanging pill bottles as if they were toys. this specific treatment subtly led to forever isolating himself and bottling up his feelings, which ended up being a huge problem when he got infected by dark matter in the nether. he saw himself as a nuisance, a bother who only brought problems, although any hurt he might've caused upon others during this period was exclusively the federation's fault, as well as his infection and possession. this isolation was encouraged by cucurucho multiple times; forever was threatened not to tell others about his nether mission or else he would lose his last chance of seeing richas, and then when he got infected, cucurucho asked him again to keep the spread of the disease a secret. he's an often misunderstood character, story-wise and fandom-wise, whether that is because others are unwilling to hear him out or because of a language barrier (that was the case on the elections arc), or unfortunately sometimes due to xenophobia and racism (on the side of the fandom). i know this is super long but i wanted to give my two cents :]
No worries about it being from a side blog/being super long! I like super long! And i very much appreciate all the info and will be watching those clips (and searching for the cellbit one) some time soon. Again thank you so much!!
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