She/Her. 26 year old writer of destiel fanfic and other things.
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Fun fact: in the 80′s the Dutch Unemployed Union held ‘fridge raids’ to protest against poverty.
They’d find out when a politician of big boss who upheld poverty and starvation wages was speaking at some public even, then they’d carefully break into his house with a LOT of people and they would eat EVERY piece of food in his house and leave the empty dished behind without taking anything else.
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Confession Scene Random Moment: let's pregame november 5th with this random moment from the confession scene! castiel is well and truly crying now as he makes his big declaration!! dean is beginning to realize that something BAD is about to happen—cas is saying all these nice things to him because he's about to sacrifice himself for him!! it only gets worse from here!!
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this is a horror story
john winchester’s journal, alex irvine
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There's been a massive surge in celestial energy. A Nephilim is come into being.
LOTUS (12x08): Castiel in Every Episode (favorite quotes) [119/?]
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Thinking about Cas fighting 10 years through hell while his brothers and sisters fell around him to save the Righteous Man, thinking about Cas rebuilding Dean atom by atom, seeing the scars of a hard life and using his soldier's hands to heal, the absolute power of heaven to cure one man's bad knee, thinking about Cas singing so loud to angels and the world alike "Dean Winchester is saved" that it was heard even by an angel who had fallen from grace and didn't remember heaven, thinking about Cas trying to say hello to Dean Winchester in his native tongue because after touching his soul he thought Dean may be of the very few humans who could understand him, thinking about the shape of Cas's hand on Dean's shoulder, fingers wide and bold and digging deep enough to leave an impression his new body carried through to resurrection, thinking about how good things do happen, about how from the moment Castiel, Angel of Thursday, met Dean Winchester the narrative was fundamentally changed
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not to say what everyone else has said a million times before, but like, the fact that lucifer called dean and pretended to be cas. like. dean is in love with cas. lucifer appeared to sam as jess, to nick as his wife, to vince as his partner, and to dean as cas. dean is canonically in love with cas. it’s not one sided, it’s not just subtext or (j)acting choices. it’s written into the show. it’s canon. dean winchester is in love with castiel.
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imagine being secondary your whole life to your father and being nothing but a weapon and then an angel saves you from hell to also be used as a weapon for some divine puppetry and said angel CREATES FREE WILL AND SAYS no you will not be this weapon and i will fall and rebel for you and die for you i love you dean
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so lemme get this straight
according to Jensen at one of the TorCon panels, “I’m Too Sexy” was the second choice when they couldn’t get licensing for “All By Myself”
you’re telling me that had clearance gotten their way, 10.01 would have had a scene in which a sickly, half-naked, pining Castiel languishing in bed talking about how much he misses & is worried about Dean
segues directly into demon!Dean singing “All by Myself”
are you fucking kidding me

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Unless I am fortunate enough to have been mistaken, the best Destiel fanficion has not yet been written in a huge oversight by the fandom
Picture this: At the end of season 5 Castiel is not killed and resurrected as an angel, but instead is wounded and still very human
Low and behold Dean shows up on Lisa's door step, filthy, emotionally destroyed, with an injured human Cas half unconscious in the back of the impla, like 'suprise I'm here, I can't go more than 2 hours without a drink and I brought this guy I absolutely do not have any overt sexual chemistry with, wanna date me?'
Cut to Dean trying desperately to have a heterosexual relationship with Lisa while helping a very pitiful Castiel learn to shave, how to shower and importantly, how to want things
I wounder what he could possibly want
Meanwhile Lisa is trying to help Dean and get him to open up about how he's feeling, what's happened, etc, only to repeated find him at 3AM sat on the porch with Castiel bearing his soul like its the easiest thing in the world
And also being way too into Doctor Sexy
Eventually, she snaps. Dean's a good guy, and she owes him one for saving Ben, but maybe she doesn't owe him a relationship. Well, not in the way he expected
Lisa Braden must now, using her powers of emotional maturity and patients of 25 saints, convince Dean Winchester to confront his deeply repressed sexuality
Chaos ensues
Also they get a cat
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he just really likes calling cas little is the thing
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i know im not saying anything new, but fan fiction is an absolutely insane episode to watch with the context of chuck’s control over the narrative. before anyone knows that the winchesters are canonically pawns of the obsessive author of their story, dean breaks the fourth wall, because haha destiel is so silly ridiculous that dean has to poke fun at the audience right, just like jim from the office right.
but holy FUCK. in an episode where a fan criticizes chuck for inserting himself in the story, whose arc is centered around fulfilling their own vision of an alternate spn, dean has the only ever fourth wall break in the entire series. and it’s about DESTIEL—the relationship whose existence, whether platonic or romantic, consistently carries the theme of free will throughout the show. seeing other people acknowledge his feelings for cas evoked an emotion so strong within him, that dean was capable of breaking through the narrative and into reality to avoid it. and in an episode without cas
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One massive, legitimate way to improve as a writer or artist or in any creative endeavor really, is to become absolutely obsessed with something and to allow yourself to be weird about it. Genuinely mean this btw.
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I hope every writer who sees this writes LOADS the next few months. Like freetime opens up, no writers block, the ability to focus, etc etc you're able to write loads & make lots of progress <3
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12x18 | The Memory Remains
Flirty!Dean is a gift.
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