#Baby crow post is the first that comes to mind
dragoncarrion · 1 month
i hate misinfo about animals. I'll kill you
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blueiight · 5 months
ldpdl, ethnicity, and the false monolith of blackness
there's this false tendency to think amc louis being made black is pandering, or a means of removing louis from his oh-so-detailed /sarcasm/ background in the books. i also find that people tend to not even understand what show louis's ethnic background is, despite rolin jones the showrunner and even the fictional louis both coalescing around this multigenerational explanation of the gens de couleur in new orleans, and how jim crow disempowered them.
I came around to his ethnicity a sort of interesting way which is through Lestat. [ … ] I was like lets give him a legitimate a third attempt at figuring how to be with somebody for the rest of his life and how to not repeat your mistakes. [ … ] I started from there so it had to be someone with some money cause he had to be with his own folks and I thought he wanted someone who could fight back and who could be a challenge and would force him to restrain himself. And nobody at AMC was interested in 7 seasons of the regretful plantation owner, so we made Louis come from a lineage that did have a plantation and did own slaves.
rolin jones in the s1 post-finale episode of the podcast names how he came to this understanding of louis's character. lestat, after failing to make a bride of his mother, and a concubine of nicki, was seeking for someone of a similar background, or the most approximate equivalent. he would not have been interested in louis if louis was an anglophone baptist black man descended from upper-south arrivals into new orleans, nor would he have been interested in louis if louis was a poor black creole honestly s1 does not give a good reading of claudia's ethnic bg in new orleans, but since she cannot understand french, we can presume shes either a poor creole removed from her cultural background with her vampiric adoption narrative in mind, or was also of an anglophone baptist black background like claudia was. louis coming from this fallen sort of gentry, the free gens de couleur, similar to that of the tvl lestat who came from this barren aristocracy dating back to the crusades, was key to lestat's long-term goals with louis.
Capital accrued from plantations of sugar and the blood of men who looked like my great grandfather but did not have his standing. But then decades of Jim Crow and the electrified light of a new century had vanquished any idea of a free man of color. - AMC IWTV 1x01
louis was of the first generations of the gens de couleur to be born, raised into, and face the institutional and personal ramifications of being viewed as black in america. this fuels much of the character's rage as he moves through storyville, trying to continue the similar modality of exploitation to the contrary of pretty baby with brooke shields, majority of the brothel circuit was statistically black girls + women being sexually pawned off to white men but ultimately failing to do so bc of the anglophone white american class that now rules over him. [tom anderson, alderman fenwick, finn o’shea starting out as louis’s subordinate then ending w/ him entering whiteness by having a sporting house throwing torches at louis’s brothel in s1e3]
By 1850, the free population of color, beset by the hostility of white supremacy, was economically diminished and residentially segregated. The Americanization of Louisiana, and in particular New Orleans, was completed before the state became the sixth to secede from the Union in 1861 in the struggle over the perpetuation of slavery. [link] The Democratic redeemers who came to power in 1877 lost no time in redefining the Negro's "place" in Louisiana life. They immediately restored the color line in the New Orleans public schools and offered silent support to de facto segregation practices in places of public accommodation. With the assistance of two landmark decisions by the United States Supreme Court, the redeemers soon dismantled the egalitarian legal apparatus put together piece by piece under the Radicals. Finally in 1890 they began to write their "final solution" into Louisiana law with a series of "separate but equal" statutes. Soon New Orleans Negroes were again segregated in virtually every public pursuit. [link]
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
Hi could you please write an imagine for the f1 boys (mainly Charles, lando, Pierre, Charles) where they surprise the reader at work and she works in childcare. Thank you
Hey pretty, thank you for the request <3!
Work Surprises with the F1 Boys
A/N: I did make this where Y/N has different occupations working with children so it's not the boring same old same old for every driver. I hope that's okay!
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Charles Leclerc: Pediatrician
I woke up at the same time I have for the past 3 years as I would everyday to get ready for work, at 5:30am. Now I was never and never will be a morning person but I absolutely love my job because it involves me helping kids whether they're sick or just need to get a physical for a school field trip.
I felt my boyfriend stir in his sleep next to me as I tried to sneak out of bed. My attempt of sneaking out though failed as I felt the strong arm of my boyfriend wrap around my waist and yanked me against his body. "Mmmm, don't leave" my boyfriend, Charles whispered against the crook of my neck, which caused me to shiver at the sudden breath hitting my skin.
"Baby, I have to get ready for work." I said as I ran a hand through his messy hair
A groan left his mouth before he continued, "Call out sick" his grip on my waist tightening as he snuggled closer to me to fall back asleep
"No Charles, I have too many appointments today and I won't have any cover. I'll be back soon though, remember the office closes early because it's the 4th of July?" that seemed to persuade him enough because I felt his grip loosen a bit and I took that as my queue to slip out before he had enough time to change his mind.
I'd only been at work for about 2 hours and I've seen about 24 patients and attempted to finish some paperwork but every time I get the second to sit down and start the papers, a new patient needs to be seen. I think the last time I've been more stressed in my life than I am right now was back when I was waiting for my score to see if I passed my pediatric exam to get my license and that because I have a waiting room of 6 more patients and all the other doctors and nurses are busy.
I can only thank the heavens because the next patient I had to see turned out to be quadruplets, which would save a significant amount of time on my behalf. Once I called the patients and led them to the room where I closed the door before asking the most important question any doctor could every ask.
"Who's Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn?" I was slightly annoyed with myself as I finished my question because anyone could tell who Dawn was so I could've easily excluded her from the question.
"I'm Nicky, that's Dicky, and that's Ricky. Dawn obviously is the only girl here so" Nicky said
"Right, well who wants to get their shots first?" I said as I looked at the pan of 8 needles. Each kid needed a flu shot and a hep b shot but as I looked around the already crowed room, none of the kids wanted to volunteer first.
With an unamused look on her face, Dawn reluctantly agreed to go first. It only took about 10 minutes to give all 4 kids their shots and when the last kid got his shot, they all bolted out of the room.
"I'm sorry about them, they hate needles" was all the mom said before she left to follow her kids.
It's now 11:55am and the last patient is just about to leave before we close for an hour to have lunch "Okay, if the meds aren't working for your son after about a week, I would come back but if he develops a fever and starts vomiting while taking it, I would suggest taking him to the emergency room." I said as I guided the new mom and her 3 year old daughter to the front lobby.
As soon as the last patient left, I locked the door before making my way to my office to attempt to get some of my paperwork done during my hour break instead of eating.
I was walking back to receptionist desk where I kept my paperwork so I could take them back to my office, only to find it not there. A look of confusion plastered on my face as I continued to look for my missing paperwork. I frustrated groan left my mouth as I realized I'd have to restart all that work.
"I hope you really weren't about to skip lunch for work mon cherie"
A gasp slips past my lips as I quickly turned around to see my boyfriend standing there with a stack of files in one hand and bag of Chinese food in the other.
"Charles!" I said as I walked over to him and took my paperwork back "I thought someone stole these! You scared me!" I placed my hand over my heart and I took deep breaths to try and regulate my heartbeat.
"Sorry, mon coeur but I had to take them because I knew you were going to skip lunch again." A baffled look played across my face because how did he know I have been skipping my lunch breaks to get paperwork done?
"Your coworkers have been telling me you're not eating at work. You can't tell kids to eat to grow and be strong and then not take your own advice. I'm here to make sure that you eat today so I'm making it a little lunch date. Sit and eat."
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Lando Norris: Kindergarten teacher
"Ms. L/N, my dad told me that you're dating a famous wace car dwiver, is that twue?" my one student, who's name I just learn was Leo asked me.
Today was meet the teacher day at the school I taught at just 2 weeks before the first day of school and this question was very different than the ones I've been asked before. I looked up at the single dad behind him as I let out a little chuckle
"Why yes I am Leo, is your dad a fan?" I asked as I knelt to be at level with him
"Uh huh! He woves the orwange one!" I've always had a soft spot for kids and right now Leo is making my heart melt.
I didn't have a chance to respond before he ran over to his dad to tell him the good news. I got pulled aside by a parent who told me about an allergy her kid had to a specific cleaning chemical which I made a note of to avoid using in my classroom. I stuck the sticky note on my computer screen before hearing "MS L/N, YOUR BOYFRWEND HERE!" I could recognize that voice as little Leo's.
My head shot up to look at the door and sure enough, my very famous Formula 1 driver boyfriend was there with a bag full of school supplies and gift bags filled with goodies for the kids.
"Kids, I've got presents!!" Lando shouted which caused a little sea of 5-6 year olds kids ran over him making little grabby hands.
Once all the kids got their little baggy of toys, Lando talking to Leo's dad and I answered more questions, the classroom started to empty as Meet The Teacher time ended. The room fell in a comfortable silence as I started to clean up and organize all the supplies I was gifted today.
"Have you ever thought of having a kid or two?" Lando asked, my body tensed at the question
"I dunno, I haven't thought about it. Have you?" I asked as I looked him in the eyes.
"Everyday since we started dating."
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Carlos Sainz: School Counselor
"Listen Jess, I can't keep getting you out of trouble. You have to stop getting attitudes with teachers over a small issue." I said with a sigh as I had to deal with a troubled 14 year old freshman for the 4th time this week and it only being Tuesday.
"It's not my fault Ms. Jones was being a bitch to me." Jess said as she shrugged and slouched back in the seat she was in.
"Jess! You can't go around calling your teacher a bitch!" I scolded
"I will if they're being bitches!" Jess shouted
The ring of my school phone is what prevented me from further scolding the student sat in front of me
"Ms L/N's office" I started as I listened to the person on the other line "Okay, tell him to sit at the door of my office while I finish up with this student I have now. Okay, thank you. Bye bye" I hung up the phone before turning my attention back to Jess.
"Do you have another student?" she questioned
"I have another meeting, yes, but you're my top priority right now." I said as I readjusted my position in my chair
"To be honest, I cause these problems because I need someone to talk to and I feel most comfortable with you." Jess admitted as she looked down at her lap
"Jess," I started sympathetically "How about this, once a week we will have a 20 minute meeting to talk about anything and everything you want?" I compromised, which got a nod from her.
I watched as Jess left my office, I attempted to clean my desk a little before bringing my other meeting in before hearing Jess' voice
"Woah, you're hot. Are you a teacher?" before I could questioned who she's talking to I heard a thick Spanish accent answer her question
"No, I just have a meeting with Y/N." Disbelief spread across my face as I recognized the voice. There was no way that voice belonged to who I thought it did to.
I quickly ran outside my office where I was met with the most beautiful man on planet earth and who I was proud to call my boyfriend.
"CARLOS?!" I shouted as I jumped in his arms before planting a kiss to his lips
"Sorry for calling your boyfriend hot Ms. L/N" Jess said before she walked away
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I asked as he put me down but not breaking the hug
"We have the week off before the Miami Grand Prix so I wanted to surprise you." Carlos whispered as he kissed my temple
"Well, consider me surprised" I mumbled against his lips before littering his face in kisses.
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Lewis Hamilton: Peds surgeon
I’m currently on hour 8 of my 12 hour hospital shift and I’ve never been more exhausted in my life. I’ve performed 2 surgeries today and I still have one more lined up, now don’t get me wrong, I love my job and everything that comes with it. The ups, the downs, all of it.
I’ve finally finished up a post-op check up with one of my patients before hearing my stomach growl, I sent one of my trusted nurse friends to do the post op check up on the other patient while I grabbed a quick bite before my next surgery.
When I got to the cafeteria, I got a sandwich and sat down with another one of my friends while I scarfed my food down.
“So what’d you do today?” My trauma surgeon friend, Nalani asked as she took a bite of the sandwich she got
“I had to fix a bowel in one kid and another one swallowed a whole bunch of magnetic balls so I had to remove those. One balls tried to stick to the other and pierced an intestine so I had to fix that up. What about you?” I asked a I took another big bite of my food
“Oh well two people came in impaled in the chests with a long rod. Had to separate them, they both survived. It was a real miracle of God because when the images were taken, it looked like neither one of them were gonna survive.”
I’d been prepping for my last surgery of the day before I finally get to clock out and not worry about coming back for the next 4 days.
I walked into the OR getting suited up before noticing a figure in the amphitheater which caused me to look out of pure curiosity. Looking up I was locking eyes with the most handsomest man Ive ever seen in my whole life, who just so happened to be my fiancé.
“What is Lewis doing here?” I questioned the surgical intern
“He said he really missed you. The chief of surgery gave him clearance to be there, I think he promised to autograph a whole bunch of things for him and his kids?”
“That sounds like something Lewis would agree to” I giggled as I started to walk to the head of the table before hearing over the intercom
“Good luck with this surgery darling, I love you.”
“I love you too” was all I whispered before starting my last surgery of the day.
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Daniel: Summer Camp Director
“Alright everybody, can I have your attention please?” I shouted as I glanced around the room filled with 10-15 year olds.
This is my 3rd summer being a Camp Counselor and I have to admit that I always have a blast here.
“Thank you. My name is Ms. L/N, and I’m the main counselor here at Camp Kikiwaka and I’m going to be going over everything that we’re going to be doing here over the course of the summer and you then I’ll open the floor to you guys so you can ask me questions, okay?”
I heard a sea of “Yes” “Okay” “Got it” before I continued. It only took about 45 minutes to go over the expectations at Camp Kikiwaka and the summer itinerary, “Okay, now does anyone have any questions?” A small hand shot up the second I finished my question
“I thought the big kid camp was the building?” a little girl said
“Yes it is, the camp section for older kids is right next door, why? Do you have a sibling over there?” I questioned as I looked at the little girl in front of me
“So who’s that man and why is he smiling at you?” okay, that was scary at all.
Before I could register who she was talking about I heard an older boy say “That’s Daniel Ricciardo!! What is Daniel Ricciardo doing here?!” which caused me to shoot around to see if he’s actually here.
“Hello guys! Don’t mind me, I’m just here to be your counselor’s assistant for the next week and a half” Daniel said as he walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug, swaying us side to side before placing a quick kiss on my temple.
“What are you doing here?” I whispered, looking up at him to stare in his beautiful eyes
“We have two weeks before the next race so I thought I’d volunteer my time here. I already got permission” Daniel said as he cupped my face.
Turning around I let the kids know the news “Okay guys so this is my boyfriend and your guys’ new camp counselor for a week and a half, Mr. Ricciardo! You guys can go up to him and ask him questions just as you are able to come to me!”
“You guys can call me Daniel, there’s no need for formality. Alrighty, any questions?” Daniel corrected me
“HOW CAN I BE YOUR ASSISTANT IN FORMULA 1????” The older boy shouted which caused Daniel to let out a loud laugh before he answered the question.
This was going to be a fun week and a half.
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Pierre: Therapist
To say that today has been stressful would be an understatement. The lady who was in charge of booking my appointments scheduled who people at the same time and then proceeded to fill my schedule today so I couldn’t place the poor girl anywhere so I did the only logical thing anyone would do: I skipped lunch.
Well skipping lunch obviously wasn’t the best idea ever because just about 4 patients after lunchtime is when my headache started settling in, right in that spot behind my eyes. God I hated headaches so much but I despised them even more at work because how am I supposed to be helping my patients if I can’t even think straight.
To make matters worse than they already were, the headache went from just being pulsing behind my eyes to throbbing every time I moved my head in the slightest moment. Thank god this meeting ended quicker than intended and I had 15 minutes before my next patient was to walk in which gave me time to pop a few ibuprofen’s and let it settle in, in hopes that this would go away before the next one walks in.
I must’ve drifted off because two seconds after popping the ibuprofen’s there’s a knock at the door. I suppressed my groan before letting out a weak “Come in!”
I heard the door open but I just couldn’t bring myself to lift my head up
“Woah, you look like shit.” I heard a thick french accent say as the person let out a little giggle.
I knew who the voice belonged to, the owner was my longtime boyfriend who I haven’t seen in 3 weeks but right now, I couldn’t even be excited because I was in pain.
“Pierre please, I love you but right now I have such a massive headache. I feel like I’m going to pass out.” I mumbled into my hands
“Did you eat? I brought food.” He said as he lifted up the bag of french food that he claimed I “needed” to try.
I reluctantly lifted my head so I was able to take a bite or two out of the food. After a few bites I could slowly feel my headache going away, letting out a satisfied groan I continued to dig into my meal.
“You look like you haven’t eaten in days” Pierre chuckled as he watched me absolutely scarf down the food he placed in front of me.
“I feel like I haven’t” was all I managed to get out before I finished my food.
By the time my next appointment arrived, my headache was nothing but a slight throb behind my eyes which I was eternally grateful for.
I made a mental note to thank Pierre in different ways when I got home.
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Logan: Speech Therapy
I’d been working with this kid to say ‘Water’ for the past 20 minutes and I’m nowhere with him.
I work with kids who have trouble talking and I get them to where they need to be at whatever age they are. Like if the kid is 4 years old and isn’t talking, I have to work a lot with the kids to make sure that I can get him to talk and be at a 4 year old’s level of communication.
Something about this 4 year old though, I just can’t get him to say ‘Water’ no matter how hard I try. I glanced up at the clock noting that it’s almost lunch time and I would have to end our session soon.
“L/N, your boyfriend is here and he brought food for all of us!” My coworker Destiny said
“Logan, can you help me? I can’t get him to say ‘Water’ and I’ve been trying for the last 20 minutes” I’m pleading with anyone at this point to at least help me get some type of progress done with him.
I watched as Logan got at level with the kid before attempting his own way “Hey buddy, can you say ‘water’?” after a second of silence he tried again “say ‘wah’.”
“Wah” my body tensed at the kid talking
“ good! now say ‘ter’.”
“Ter” I can’t believe he’s doing it
“Yes! ‘water’ !”
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Lance: Nanny
“Baby why are you here?” I shot around to face my boyfriend
“When the fuck did you get here?” I asked in disbelief
“I missed you. How about we dip?” The nerve of this handsome man.
“Lance, I’m babysitting YOURE NIECE because YOU didn’t want to”
“I’ll pay my sister to take her kid back”
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Oscar: Librarian
“Excuse me Ms, do you have the Pete the Cat book? Me and my friend really want to read it. Please” I heard a little girl say.
I looked down at her before typing in my computer to see exactly where in the store it was at.
“Yes, you can follow me right this way and I’ll take you to them!” I said as I made my way over to where the books were placed. “They’re right here then. Just come up and let me know if you need anymore help!” I said as I watched her and her friends grab different books before going over to the bean bags to sit and read.
Back at my desk I was trying to place pre-orders for the new Ana Huang book coming out. I only got to the part where I could place the amount I wanted in my cart before I was being asked a question
“Do you guys have the King Of series? My girlfriend really wants to read them.” I looked up from my computer only to be faced with my Fiancé of 6 months
“Oscar?? What are you doing here?” I asked in disbelief
“I was in the area. Okay well I was a few cities away but it was only a hour drive” He said shrugging
“You’re so weird. The books are this way” I said as I grabbed a hold of his hands to guide him the way to my favorite Authors section.
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Max: Nutritionist
“Okay Mom so you want to make sure that baby gets as much veggies in his system and more water, Santa said he only puts kids on the nice list if they listen to their mom and eat what she gives.” I said as I directed that last part to her 5 year old son who scrunched his face before hiding behind his mom.
“See Chase, I told you that Santa said that. He didn’t want to believe that Mommy has ties with Santa.” She smiled at the last part before picking her son up to take him out. “Thank you again, Chase is going to eat his veggies, right Chase?”
“No!” he yelled
“Do you want to be big and strong?” A thick Dutch accent could be heard
“Uh huh!!” Chase replied
“We’ll eat veggies. That’s the only way.” I turned to see my boyfriend Max in the doorway of my office.
“Oh well that was one way.” The mom shrugged
“Have a good day!” I shouted as she left “I don’t know how you did that”
“Kids love me”
“oh that’s not-”
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George: Sports Coach
“RUN THE FUCKING LAPS NOW!!!” I screamed at the kids in front of me
To the outside world I would seem crazy for yelling at a bunch of kids like this but in reality, I’m coaching my brother and his bastard friends soccer team this season and they bet me $20 I wouldn’t say that in front of their parents, so that was a quick $20 I put in my pocket.
“CURSING AT KIDS NOW BABE?” My boyfriend George asked.
He was helping me coach them this year and he’s a really do-by-the-book type of guy and he really disapproved of me cursing at the kids.
“Sorry baby, they deserve it. They said that you’re too bad to be in F1” I said shrugging as I made up that lie
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
Keith walks into his room after a deliciously vigorous training season, wiping his sweaty face with a towel, and immediately notices something is off.
He freezes, towel clamped to the back of his neck, and carefully scans his room from corner to corner. His lock was still intact when he walked in, so unlikely break-in. His bed is still exactly as messy as it was when he left it. His dresser drawer is still left cracked slightly open, as he always leaves it, because it’s harder to put a drawer back to the same level of open it was before than to close it (he’s caught Hunk snooping through his shit many a time with this method. Thanks, Pa’s paranoia).
His gaze lands finally on a nondescript black book on his nightstand, and his eyebrows shoot up. He finished his book this morning and returned it to the library on his way to the training room.
He did not leave that black book there.
Wary, a thousand anxieties running through his brain, Keith approaches his nightstand bayard-first, sword extended and sharp. He pauses before he comes in contact, taking time to analyse it, attempt to puzzle out any kind of traps or discrepancies before they jump out at him. He can’t see any — the book is on the newer side, with a roughened black hardcover, gold detailing on the spine but no title or author. The paper looks thick and it’s strangely uncut, raggedy.
Hesitantly, Keith pokes it.
Nothing happens.
Less suspicious, now, he prods at it with his hands, and when that does nothing, he picks it up. It’s heavier than he expected. He cracks open the cover to reveal a red paper lining. Stuck to the inside of the cover is a baby blue post-it note, crookedly place, with only a neatly drawn heart in glitter gel pen. Keith can’t help the smile, even as his eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“What even…”
Pinching the first page from the bottom corner so as to not accidentally rip any paper, he slowly turns it over.
He gasps, fumbling with the book as he nearly drops it.
“How did it…”
He recognises the first page — it’s his. Or he made it, anyway. Scrawled in every white space of the nearly parchment-esque alien paper is his own doodling, from a boring meeting several weeks back. He recognises the slightly mean drawing of the Capnir leader and his snooty expression in the left corner, and the ninety games of tic-tac-toe he played with Lance on the bottom half of the page (Lance insisted he won because he is a nasty cheater. Keith didn’t even know it was possible to cheat at tic-tac-toe, but it is. It’s crazy).
Gobsmacked, Keith begins to flip through the rest of the pages, eyes getting wider and nose getting closer to the book with every corner he turns. These are his doodles and drawings — hundreds of them, loose papers from meetings and scrawled diagrams from mission plans and notes to other paladins and dorky little drawings he made for his friends or because of his own boredom. There are grocery lists covered in drawings of engine parts and knives and strange alien vegetables, hand-to-hand manoeuvre diagrams, several drawings of Shiro as Captain America, of Pidge and Hunk covered in soot except for the line around their eyes from their goggles, of Allura with the mice in her hair, Coran in the wackiest outfit he’s ever seen, Shiro with his eye twitching from Slav, Matt making goo eyes at Allura. Some of Kolivan, even, with over-exaggerated eyebrows and a frown that touches his neck.
And dozens, maybe even hundreds, of drawings of Lance. Smirking at Keith from across the kitchen table before he instigates a Pidge-Hunk argument, crowing in victory after making a shot, serious and focused mid battle, face drooping and sad and fixed on a glowing blue Earth projection with his chin hooked over his knees. Drawings that itched at Keith’s fingers every hour of every day, that he barely tried to resist; snapshots of Lance that plagued his mind ‘til he finally found time to grab a pencil.
Drawings that he had, apparently, left scattered all over the castle without thinking.
He cradles his flaming face in his free hand, heart pounding in his ears. He’s sure — he knows he threw half of these out. Some of them he left lying around, sure, and others he left out deliberately for his friends to find, but — Keith knows he threw out the full-page and coloured portrait of Lance, bright and beautiful in a dozen shades of earth, smiling softly at Keith in the low-light of the common room well after midnight. He can see the creases and smudges from where he’d crumpled it, embarrassed, and where someone had fished it out of the trash and carefully straightened it back out, brushing dust out of the crevices.
“Oh my God.”
Hunk would never have been able to keep the secret with how long it would have taken to bind this book — by hand, by the looks of it. Allura couldn’t either. Both Pidge and Shiro would have been gleeful in mocking Keith about the clear affection in every pencil stroke. Coran would have probably stuck it proudly on the fridge — he did that, once, Keith remembers, with a sketch he’d done of the whole team during a movie night. It’s still there; it’s been so long that Keith doesn’t notice it anymore.
There’s only one person who would pick up the discarded slips of paper and slide them in his pocket — only one person who’s that kind of sentimental. One person who prints every photograph he takes of every planet they’ve ever been on, who pins up every drawing gifted to him by young children no matter how objectively horrible, who tears off notes written in the margins of battle plans and keeps them in a jar on his dresser. Only one person who has a scrapbook with a dried blade of grass from Arus and piece of sea glass from the mermaid planet and a napkin stained with food goo from their food fight all those years ago. Hell, there’s only one person on this castle with enough skill with a needle and thread to bind a whole ass book.
Keith drops his bayard to the floor with a clatter, book clenched in his fist, and sprints out of his room. He flies down the hallway, ignoring the startled shout from Pidge as she jumps out of his way and the wide-eyed stare from Allura. He almost runs straight into his brother, spinning to the right at the last minute and rushing past him without bothering to entertain his questions. He runs all the way to the MedBay, where he knows Lance is taking inventory for Coran, and nearly crashes right into the pods because he’s too pumped up to slow down properly.
“Whoa there, cowboy, cool it before you give yourself a concussion. Christ.”
Lance places a cool hand on his shoulder, concerned, bin of counted bandages left abandoned behind him. Almost immediately his face coils in disgust.
“Aw, gross, you’re sweaty.”
But he doesn’t move his hand.
Keith stares.
How did he — how did he miss it, before?
“Keith?” Lance asks again, alarm clouding his face. “You okay, buddy?”
His fingers curve absentmindedly along the junction of Keith’s neck, and he leans in closer, and he smells so fucking good and he always does and Keith is lightheaded from more than just his cross-castle sprint.
“You’re in love with me,” he blurts, and he didn’t mean to say it like that but there’s no doubt in his words.
Lance startles, yanking his hand back in shock. Keith darts out to stop it, fingers wrapped around his wrist, keeping him from going far. Lance’s breath hitches.
“You’re in love with me,” Keith repeats, steadier this time. He waits a moment, then says, much more urgently: “The book.”
Mortification rings off Lance in waves.
“Oh,” he croaks. His pulse is so loud and so fast that Keith can feel it in his wrist. “I didn’t think it was — oh.”
There’s a strange quality to his voice, besides the embarrassment of getting caught, and then it clicks — he’s afraid. Of rejection, of disgust, of Keith. Keith isn’t sure. But he hates that it’s there.
Faster than he can talk himself out of, he cups Lance’s face with his free hand, relishing in the sharp intake of breath, and leans in and kisses him. There’s a moment of rigid shock on Lance’s part and it could spell trouble but Keith holds steady. He keeps his hold loose and the pressure soft and soon Lance — melts, into him, there’s no other word for it; he sinks in close and sighs and the hand Keith has gripped goes slack. His lips are soft, and his hair tickles Keith’s forehead, and Keith can still feel his jackrabbit heartbeat, and he still smells like that intoxicating mix of flowers and — sunshine, somehow, straight from the brightest days in Earth. Keith’s hands have never been steadier.
“You collected my doodles,” he says, staying close when Lance pulls gently away. He can see the deeper browns in Lance’s irises, the places where the gold gives way to near-black. They look like the flecks of the precious metal Keith would see at the bottom of the river mud in the mountains of Arizona.
“They were worth keeping,” Lance says quietly. He holds Keith’s gaze. The tips of his fingers trace Keith’s temples; they’re rough with old guitar callouses.
“You think everything is worth keeping.”
“Only the things that — bleed.”
Keith thinks that they’re both right. Lance can’t leave anything behind because he aches for the soul he finds in it. He finds the worth in everything. He found the worth in Keith.
He found enough to make Keith stay.
Keith grips the book in his right hand, left still cupped around Lance’s cheek. The difference in textures is startling, grounding.
“No one has ever done something like that for me before,” Keith admits. There’s a lump in his throat but Keith thinks it’s manageable, thinks he can talk through it. Thinks he might hold the strength for it.
Lance waits patiently.
“I want to —” Keith stops. He opens the book. The drawn Lance smiles up at him, beautiful. He looks up and Lance smiles over at him, breathtaking. “I —”
He doesn’t know how to say it. It’s there, bubbling in his chest, spilling out of him; obvious. But he doesn’t know the words for it. He’s not sure anyone’s taught him before.
“Okay,” Lance says. He tugs his wrist out of Keith’s grip then laces their hands together, squeezing. His smile only widens and he — sparkles, almost. Keith’s throat goes dry.
“Oh,” Lance repeats, teasing. He leans in again. “I’m going to kiss you again, now.”
“Please,” Keith begs, and he does.
based on this post
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mrsjellymunson · 1 year
Hello! 👋
Hi, hello, I’m Kittie and I’m obsessed with Stranger Things, plus other weird and bizarre TV and films. Welcome to my Masterlist! (Yes, I’m finally calling it that 😆). I’m married to Eddie Munson and there’s nothing you can do to change my mind. I write for Eddie Munson (x fem! or gn!reader) and Steddie (for them and x reader), and very occasionally Joe Quinn. I hope to write for other characters at some point, and already have ideas for Mr Clarke and some of the girls.
I’m fairly new to being in a fandom (and old, in Tumblr terms!), so I might get things wrong while I find my feet so please be kind. I still feel new to writing but am enjoying myself immensely. I’m very friendly so please feel free to message or ‘ask’ 😊
I have taglists for each of my series and for everything (series, oneshots, blurbs, etc.), if you’d like to be on either just drop me a comment, ask or message 😊💗
🔞🔞 Important: I post and share mature and dark content; DO NOT interact with my blog if you’re under 18 🔞🔞 I block blank, ageless and inactive blogs so if you want to follow me please put something in your bio, including your age/age range, or at the very least respond to my request for confirmation.
Content key:
💗Fluff ❤️Mature themes ❤️‍🔥Smut 🖤Dark themes
THE BIOLOGY TUTOR 💗❤️❤️‍🔥 virgin!Eddie Munson x fem!tutor!reader Eddie’s failing class, again, so you offer two different styles of biology tuition, textbook-based and *ahem* practical
KNOCK AT THE CABIN ❤️🖤💗❤️‍🔥 Eddie Munson x fem!reader Post-S4, Upside Down exists. After the events of the previous months, everyone is shocked by the unexpected return of an old friend. But how much has he changed?
DAMSELS & DEBAUCHERY: The D&D Chronicles Game 1: Start Something 💗❤️❤️‍🔥 DM!Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Oneshots, 5+1’s, etc. (newest first):
That Was You? 💗 Eddie Munson x fem! or gn!reader 1.6k A meet cute in a record store
Take Care of Me 🖤❤️💗 Eddie Munson x fem!reader 7.4k Eddie rescues you after a disastrous date REQUESTED
The Boy Is Mine, Kittie’s edition 💗❤️ Eddie Munson x fem!reader 1.6k A romantic night in at the trailer, using prop & dialogue prompts
Candyman, Candyman, Candyman 💗 Eddie Munson x fem! or gn!reader ~2.1k A Valentine’s 5+1: Five times you get to give Eddie a kiss, and one time he kisses you back
S.A.N.T.A. BABY 💗❤️‍🔥 Eddie Munson x fem!reader ~10k A festive 5+1: Five times you embarrass yourself in front of Eddie, and one time you don’t…
Hello, Stranger 💗❤️🖤 Eddie Munson x gn!reader 6.2k A stranger buys weird stuff at odd times, and as the cashier at the local hardware store you’re not sure what to make of it…
Leaving Hawkins? Come Again Soon! ❤️❤️‍🔥 Eddie Munson x Patrick Verona x fem!reader. Eddie and Patrick make your last night in Hawkins a memorable one (coming soon)
Ficlets, drabs, asks, headcanons (newest first):
Get Lucky 💗❤️ Corroded Coffin ficlet featuring Eddie Munson & Grant/‘unnamed freak’ 1k
A Crown For Your King 💗 Eddie Munson x gn!reader (ask)
What are those stains on Eddie’s mattress? 🤔 SFW Part 1💗 NSFW Part 2 💗❤️❤️‍🔥 (ask, headcanon)
Eddie Munson brings home a box of kittens 💗 (ask, headcanon)
‘Til Next Time ❤️❤️‍🔥 can be rockstar!Eddie Munson x fem/masc/gn!reader 0.7k. A tryst with your secret lover
Thinking About Dom!Eddie’s Thighs ❤️❤️‍🔥 Eddie Munson x gn!reader
Something To Crow About 💗❤️ Eddie Munson x gn!reader Eddie dresses as Eric Draven (With NEW accompanying art and an edit with me in!! 😍)
GOOD THINGS (COME IN THREES) Chapter One: Cabin Fever ❤️❤️‍🔥 Steddie x older!fem!reader
The Essence of You 💗❤️❤️‍🔥
Ficlets/minifics (mostly <600words, newest first):
Look At Me ❤️ Say Hello To My Little Friend 💗❤️
One Fine Day💗 A One Time Thing❤️‍🔥 I Need A Moment💗
“The Stuff”❤️‍🔥 The Counter Argument❤️‍🔥 Top & Tail💗❤️ Turning P!nk💗 Fool Me💗❤️
‘It’s My Birthday!’💗❤️ Pin Me❤️ The Edge of Insanity❤️❤️‍🔥 Fill Me (dom!Steve)❤️‍🔥
Fill Me (dom!Eddie)❤️‍🔥 Filler ❤️ Play Me💗 What’s His Name Again?💗
Find Me ❤️🖤 Teach Me❤️❤️‍🔥 Steve’s Keychain💗 Mud Cakes & Pancakes💗
Special Treatment v2❤️ Special Treatment v1❤️
‘Til Next Time ❤️❤️‍🔥 can be Joseph Quinn x fem/masc/gn!reader 0.7k. A tryst with your secret lover
Happy Halloween, Love ❤️❤️‍🔥🖤 Joseph Quinn x fem!reader, RPF 4.4k. Joe raids the costume department at work and conspires to make this Halloween your most memorable yet
‘Til Next Time ❤️❤️‍🔥 can be celebrity!Steve Harrington or Joe Keery x fem/masc/gn!reader 0.7k. A tryst with your secret lover
Fic recs:
This is a work in progress, but here are some to start you off:
Authors and fics
Eddie fluff recs
Some of my fave authors
BTW if you come across anything like typos, inconsistencies, broken links or whatever please let me know, I honestly will not mind! 😍🙏
I’m still fairly new, but I already understand that comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of this site. Please support each other and share the creativity! 😘
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Thoughts on Mammon being a bird dad?
Like there isn't a doubt in my mind he names them all. From cool names like Gucci to names of an object, like Rocky because he saw a rock on the ground... he's running out of names
omg i could go on all day about bird dad Mammon! He definitely treats his crows like his children. I always thought it was such a cool concept for him to be able to communicate with them (since they are his familiars... in my mind at least!)
But here's some of my personal headcanons/thoughts:
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I imagine that when Mammon first enters the Devildom, he spots a crow sitting on the fence as they are leaving the Demon Castle for the first time.
Then all of a sudden more keep landing and he keeps hearing voices calling out to him and his brothers.
"H-Hey uh, do you guys hear that too?"
The brothers shoot him weird glances since they think he's crazy, and for a second he thinks he's also losing his mind.
Then all of a sudden he realizes the birds are talking to him.
Beckoning him over to the fence.
It's like they immediately knew who he was.
Mammon hesitantly walked over to them, instinct telling him to hold out an arm.
One gently lands on him, looking directly into Mammon's golden gaze.
It speaks words that only he can understand, leaving his brothers visibly confused.
Mammon starts forming relationships with the birds, giving them gifts and getting things back in return.
There's a tree outside of Mammon's window that has the perfect branch that extends right past his bedroom window, so the crows often perch outside and tap on the window when they return home.
They like to bring him things like buttons, bells, stones, rings, etc.
They'll even bring him Grimm that they find laying around on the streets.
Mammon is very quick to return to his bedroom after RAD to see what gifts that they brought him.
He also keeps all of the feathers that the crows leave behind. He has a collection.
He always gets something to bring back for his crows too, like a shiny rock or a Demonus bottle cap he found or maybe some leftover snacks from the RAD cafeteria.
Mammon usually has peanuts or something in his pockets, and Lucifer gets very annoyed on laundry day (if he forgets to give them to his crows lol)
As far as naming them, i feel like you are absolutely right lol he definitely has them named after luxury brands like Gucci or Louis Vuitton or something 💀
He would also totally name them by the first ever gifts they brought him! So Rocky is 100% a possibility he's so cute omg.
Maybe he isn't too good at coming up with names sometimes so he has MC help him name them too because new crows will come along 💕 (baby crows perhaps?!)
He basically has his own personal little army of crows. He commands them and they listen and do favors for him, but he also takes care of them too in return.
If one returns injured, he will personally see to nursing it back to health!
He definitely takes his dad/grandpa responsibilities seriously. 😂
thank you for sending this in, Hack! I had so much fun rambling about this it sorta just turned into a headcanon haha
Taglist: @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @sassykattery @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar @marvelous-maniac @nonbinary-disaster @selfmadender @animeismyhappyplace @vampire-tr4mp @ana-dear @gaychaosgremlin @sidgethegamer @meiloorun-tea @temnuk0
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silent-littles-blog · 4 months
Hi hi hi! I’m melatonin! Do you wanna be friends?
I have a request if you don’t mind could you do Cg pomni x fem baby regressor reader? Maybe with mentions of stuffys playtime packs and baby bottles
Only if you want to ofc!
Thanks a lot!
Cg Pomni x Fem baby regressor
Theme: Stuffies, playtime, baby bottles
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I am using more broad tags, if this isn't your tea, just skip this and continue to other posts
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[ Prologue ]
I hope I did well! Ive never done fanfics before, so this might suck. I am better at writing casual things with characters I know (preferably OCs)
It's been a long time since the Digital Circus welcomed a new member with open arms, so your sudden appearance shook everyone up. For a moment, everyone remembered that despite the saturated colors of the circus, the infinite dimensions they could explore, it never made up for the life they had before.
Pomni had a horrible time adapting to the circus, which eventually graduated into an argument with Caine. Though, after the harsh exchange of arguments, Caine decided to study human behavior closely, but very secretly without admitting it upfront.
You found yourself in the circus about a month ago and so far it's been traumatizing. A new name has been picked for you, ‘[name]‘, a silly one at that. You've been introduced to new activities and new people, but your memories have been taken away. You knew something was missing, you don't belong here, but you can't do anything about it.
Frankly, Pomni had the same issue. She's been here for six months, Ragatha introduced her to age regression, as Gangle showed signs of that first. Pomni adapted the coping mechanism quickly and it helped her on her journey to recover. She's been a flip now.
Pomni has noticed your strange behavior, the sudden anxiety and stress that plagues your mind whenever you seem to get deja vu. It feels like you've been uncomfortable when approached with childish things. Being offered toys, or even confronting attractions around the circus yourself.
She introduced you to age regression a month ago, but so far, it's been no help. Only today, Pomni stumbles upon you regressed as she enters your room.
[ Story begin ]
"[name]?" A silent squeak escapes Pomni's mouth, a tone that makes her worries clear. Her eyes dance around your room, with no sign of your presence. Only when Pomni sets her foot in, her ears capture soft giggling coming from beneath your bed. She cocks her eyebrow as she keeps the door open, assuming the worst, has the anxiety got to you? Did you finally abstract?
She keeps herself on high guard, "[name], I- I can hear you. Where are you?" she speaks as she advances further into the room, closer to the bed where you dwell. Suddenly, you crawl out fast, striking her feet with a soft grasp. Pomni gasps and almost allows a scream to escape her throat. Her eyes are wide open as she stares at you in shock, suddenly noticing the hand-made paci she's made you a week ago.
"Oh my... hello little one!" Her eyes sparkle with the sudden surprise, she kneels down and gently tucks her hand under your arms, lifting you up and pulling you on her lap. "You scared me! Such a scary little thing you are." You giggle under your pacifier, hands put together as you let her embrace you. Pomni slowly stands up with you in her arm and she coos at you, she can't contain the excitement about finding you regressed by yourself.
"You must feel pretty bored, no? Hiding under the bed, let's take you outside, yeah [name]?" You squeal silently and clap your hands together, and off to the door you go. Pomni carried you into the main hall, finding Ragatha and Zooble enjoying some tea time together. They both face you in Pomni's arms, Ragatha gasps, covering her mouth with her soft hands. "[name]!" She happily crows.
Pomni sets you down on the ground to let her arms rest and stretches a little. In instance, you crawl to Zooble and Ragatha as you notice the colorful blanket they are sitting on. You get yourself comfortable in their presence, Zooble coos at you and Pomni quickly rushed away and you stared at her with a whine, but in a moment, she was back with some blocks and stuffies in her arms. She set the stuff on the blanket, showing you a cute, fluffy teddy bear, a stuffed kitty and a stim toy with a variety of textures made from different materials. She took the teddy bear into her hands, "Hello [name], would you care for a snack!", she imitated the bears voice and pulled out a chocolate bar from her pocket. You squealed in excitement and took the chocolate bar with no hesitance.
For the time being, you spent the time playing with the three. Mainly snug to Pomni while Ragatha took care of snacks and food. Later, you began to be hungry, it hinting at your sudden shift in behavior. Pomni stood by your side while Ragatha disappeared to prepare you warm milk. She handed the bottle to Pomni, who then proceeded to bottle feed you, your eyes began to feel heavy gradually.
You finished your bottle and cuddled into Pomni, tugging at her hat for comfort as you liked how the bells ring. She picked you up and walked you to your room where she placed you upon your bed.
"Goodnight, [name]." She pecked your forehead with a kiss and let you rest.
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strawberryraviegutz · 5 months
I really REALLY hate those kinds of stupid “hot take” posts. I think they’re just garbage to purposely farm more discourse to cause infighting, but I’ve been holding this in for so long and I need to get it out of my system so here it goes.
Alastor fans are allowed to dislike Valentino. Valentino was made to be a dislikable Villain while Alastor BY VIV’S OWN WORDS is a chaotic neutral antihero based off of Dexter with a moral code. Of course people are gonna like Alastor more than Valentino. The antihero/vigilante is a very popular beloved trope. I mean just look at Magneto and Venom.
You guys claim to want more nuanced characters but when we try and tell you that Alastor is more nuanced BASED OFF OF EVIDENCE FROM THE CREATOR and little possible context clues in the show we get accused of “babying/woobifying him”(as if Val fans haven’t done that to Val). This isn’t a hit piece against all Val fans/simps btw. I may hate that moth, but you guys should be allowed like him without receiving hate and or death threats.
It’s not “hypocrisy” to dislike Valentino or the Vees and like Alastor for the reasons I said above and the four of them aren’t comparable. Yeah they share some traits but overall the only thing Alastor and the Vees have in common are the mistreatment of the souls they own. Like I said, Val fans shouldn’t be attacked for liking him but the thing is…if you’re gonna preach those words then do the same for Alastor fans/simps because we get attacked too.
(Again it’s not all Val stans but it sure it a lot of them. I’ve all so seen Val haters do it too.) Yall claim not to harass people over fictional characters yet will go under Alastor posts and or discussion threads and be like “Uhm actually him and Valentino are the same🤓☝️”.
“He’s worse than Val” “Why can’t we just have a good villain” “Just accept that Alastor is a villain stop babying him” when we’re just minding our own business. Not to mention people going under fanart of Angel! Alastor and being like “erm actually he’d never go to heaven🤪”.
Along with yall bullying the hell out of Alastor selfshippers/simps and using tumblr sexyman as an insult(which reaks of internalized misogyny btw because majority of Alastor simps are women + women are always the first to be made fun of when it comes to characters that Classify as tumblr sexymen being found attractive by them or any character you personally wouldn’t find attractive.)
And yall going around and keep calling Alastor ugly under posts about people gushing about him and i don’t mean lighthearted jokes either because i make fun of the back of his head sometimes too. And full blown harassment. When an Alastor fan provided evidence of Alastor being a more nuanced character which were clips from Viv’s streams, people in the comments and qrts were being extremely rude and dismissive. It got so bad that op deleted the og tweet.
Don’t go around and claim to be against cringe culture but then make fun of people for finding Alastor attractive. And for goodness sake STOP FUCKING CALLING HIM A SLAVE OWNER. And yes he owns souls but that doesn’t matter.
Alastor is canonically half black and its overall disgusting to slap the label “slave owner” onto him knowing damn well that he grew up in the Jim Crow era of America in the Deep South of Louisiana. His existence as a mixed black person back then was basically considered an abomination. With how terrible it was for black people back then, Alastor probably bore witness to a lot of messed up shit growing up and if that’s the case then it’s no wonder he’s so messed up in the head.
This type of behavior has been going on since the days where we only had the pilot and it’s only gotten worse since the show came out. As soon as I saw that scene with husk and Alastor in hell’s greatest dad I automatically knew what was coming. I’m not saying that Alastor Is a good person nor am I saying that what he did to husk was ok. But to go after/make fun of Alastor fans,purposely denying evidence of his character while in the same breath preach against bullying people over liking certain characters makes YOU the hypocrites. So much for anti-harassment. I’m tired. Bye.
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applecidersstuff · 11 months
Do you ever realize that the only person Crows can actually ask for relationship advice is Colm?
Like none of the crows have any experience in the area. And I’m gonna explain it.
Nina was about 13-13,5 when the SaB began, so by the end of RaR she’s about 15. And she is sixteen when she meets Matthias. When RaR ends Nina goes back to the little palace and finishes her education, it takes her about six months and after - she travels with Zoya, for about the same time. So she probably didn’t have any relationships in mind before the civil war, simply because she was focused on her studies and training, and she was a child, then during the war she probably was busy with staining alive, and after she was again studying. I think she probably had some little affairs, in Ravka after the war and maybe even in Ketterdam, but not long serious relationships. So she has no idea how it works.
I don’t think I have to explain this one, but I’d do it just for the record. Matthias became drüskelle(I hope I spelled that right) when he was 12, so obviously he was a child and didn’t have those thoughts in mind, and knowing how conservative and religious Matthias is I don’t think he had those things even when he was in his teens. So Nina is his first love and relationship.
I don’t think I need to explain him either, but anyway. Kaz was a child when he got traumatized, so no love. His first attempt was Imogen but they didn’t went further than flirt. So Inej is his first relationship.
The same thing goes for Inej, she’s 14 when kidnapped, and severely traumatized after the “menagerie.” So Kaz is also her first relationship and love.
And now for the fun part
Even though Jes is portrayed as a playboy(sorry but it’s true) I don’t think he’s ever had a relationship. You see, before coming to the university and Ketterdam he lives on the farm. Completely isolated by distance and Colms fears(I’m preparing a whole post about it). And when Jesper comes to Kerch he meets Kaz, gains a huge ugly crush on him, and doesn’t have any relationships before Wylan. Just like Nina he might have had some little affairs but not relationships.
And now for the hilarious part.
Wylan is the only crow who might have some sort of relationship experience.
Now when your shock has settled, I’m going to explain it.
Van Eck gave up on Wylan when Wy was about 8. And after that he hired tutors for him only for Wylan not to bother him. Wylan probably had tutors up until his father tried to kill him. During SoC Wylan is 16 going on 17, so when Van Eck “gets rid of him” he’s something about sixteen and a half(I need to specify this). And you know, rumors don’t start from nothing, in every rumor there is at least a little truth, no matter who started it. And sometimes it kinda sounds like Wylan just isn’t telling us some parts of his past life, like we know almost nothing about his teenage years. I think Wylans tutors wouldn’t be(at least not all of them) old grandpas, I think it would have been more likely for Van Eck to hire young, just out of university, people(because it would have been cheaper). If we believe that, we can also remember how desperate Wylan was for love(I mean he’s a traumatized baby), so I think he might have at least try to have some sort of relationship with his tutor. And I know that those kind of relationship would have been problematic, but keep in mind that we have a teen with daddy issues who spends about 8 hours a day with some guys. Greedy guys. (And I’m not talking about all eight years, just the last two)
So yeah out of all Crows Wylan is the only one who might have some sort of experience.
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feartoxinjelloshot · 10 months
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Poor little Jonny with guts made of straw;
Far from his bed did he go that night
Jon, Mama and Papa, early in thaw
Flew he to the cornfield, sickened with fright.
Too close, too close! Cried the mother crow
And with her beak tore poor Jonny's hand
The child asked weeping his parents to go
But all still and quiet they both did stand.
Checkered blue curtains his morning-bird;
Mama's scratch fire burning his blood
Laid sick little Jonny and said not a word
In his hospital bed of magnolia wood.
They had given him water and supper and tea
And ointments of healing all down the limb
Still Jonny said nothing: they could not see
The straw-filled man stood in front of him.
Threw up the supper and bled out the tea;
Pecked and scalpeled the arm that he kept
Woken by terrors in the moon's light of three
All of the doctors and nurses had left.
Jonny cried mercy to the spiders and dirt
Lord, said he, one who made me so sick
His prayer then he spits like a curse
Heal me, my God, sweaty hands in a grip.
And to the son's cross on high he turned;
For black into the morning the sun had crept
But Jonny was older and soon had he learned
That God was a scarecrow with a noose 'round its neck.
I actually have not talked about Jon's original-original scarecrow incident here (as opposed to the NJ hospital one or sitb), mostly because it didn't really exist in any kind of coherent form until recently: the story goes that Jon, as mentioned in my other posts, was a severely chronically ill child and spent large chunks of his upbringing in and out of the hospital. as a teenager (somewhere in the 14-17 range) he was on a very rare family vacation with his often-neglectful parents; he was of course ecstatic to spend quality time with them outside of a medical environment or school. during the vacation Jon went into a cornfield by himself and ventured too close to a mother crow's nest, who pecked and drew blood from his hand in an attempt to defend her babies. Knowing of his own weakened immune system, this frightened Jon immensely, but upon telling his parents of it they were skeptical and said as long as he cleaned and wrapped it it would be fine -- it was just a bird peck. It wasn't worth ruining a whole vacation over. And Jon didn't really want to go back to the doctor, anyway, so he did as they said and went on with the trip.
Within several days the wound got severely infected. Jon was carted to the hospital in a feverish fugue and pumped full of an antibiotic cocktail that, while it did save him the arm and eventually fight off the infection, gave him a medley of hallucinatory side effects. The important thing to know about Jonathan here is that this was not an isolated incident -- he had a history of bad medication reactions, and coupled with his severe anxiety and potential undiagnosed psychosis, over the course of his childhood he had come to personify his own fears in the form of a frequent sleep-paralysis-creature-slash-nightmare-visitor that he dubbed The Scarecrow. Up until the crow-peck incident he had purely been afraid of it: the Christian ideals pushed on him over time led him to think of it almost as a devil figure, haunting him for his imaginary sins.
But the delirious hallucinatory episode of the concentrated antibiotic treatment, over the course of a long hellish week or so, started to change his perception of it. He had elaborate out-of-body experiences where he took his Scarecrow's place, lumbering and silent, following a sick child in the night, peering into the windows of sleeping households. He unbuckled the white face of the straw-filled man and found his own rotting skull inside. He prayed to God and the Scarecrow answered, speaking in a deep hoarse voice that sat hollow in his lungs. For the first time in his life he grasped the purpose of his own creation beyond the clutches of sickness -- he was to become his own Lord. He was to hang on the nightmare's noose and leave his human body and mind behind him. For the first time he felt strong.
The fear hadn't left him -- it never would -- but when he emerged from his fever and into the new world, it was with a black fountain of faith at his lip.
70 notes · View notes
Cold Feet
Rating: G
Word Count: 2216
Tags: Davenport Homestead, Assassin's Creed III, American Revolution, Canon Compliant, Happy Ending, Light Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, "The Wedding" Mission
Summary: Connor convinces Myriam to start her new life with Norris. Set during "The Wedding" Homestead mission between the chase sequence and the wedding scene. Hope you guys enjoy!
Connor would be the first to admit that he knew little to nothing about colonial wedding customs. Aside from a few comprehensive history and culture lessons from his teen years when he first traveled to Achilles, Connor knew nothing about the complexities of colonial weddings. Father Timothy had been kind enough to explain a few key details, such as “giving” Myriam away at the altar (which Connor was more than happy to do for his old friend), but details slipped Connor’s mind from time to time over the next several days of intense planning and preparation.
But there was one thing that Connor was sure they did not include: chasing the bride in question through the snow-covered trees minutes before her wedding.
The day began with as much chaos as one would expect. Before the roosters began to crow, nearly every member of the Homestead bustled about preparing for the joyous celebration. Oliver and Corrine worked hard preparing their finest wines for the occasion while preparing the livestock meat and crops gathered by Warren and Prudence – and of course, little baby Hunter, who cooed excitedly against his mother’s back. Once finished organizing the food, Prudence and Corrine joined the ladies in adorning Myriam in fine, comfortable fabrics suitable for the huntress. Ellen poked needles into the sides to ensure the stitching was up to par, while Diana and Catherine squawked at Connor and Norris for accidentally stepping near the bride’s suite (which Connor did not dare remind the ladies was his home). 
In the meantime, Big Dave and Lance worked tirelessly to adorn both the inn and the church with banners and decor fit for the Homestead’s very first wedding. Big Dave lifted the chubby woodworker up to pin the wooden posts on the side of the inn, waving to Terry and Godfrey as the lumberers warned Norris of the horrors of marriage to come.
“You’ll ne’er be right ‘bout anythin’ again, ya hear me, boy?” Godfrey teased as he slapped his palm against Norris’s back.
“Aye, and forget about havin’ the covers to yerself! You’ll be shiverin’ like a leaf!” Terry explained. Norris merely laughed and shook his head.
In the church, Dr. White and Achilles aided Father Timothy in preparing his short sermon, arranging the pews, and finishing the final touches hours before the wedding. Even the Assassin recruits were more than happy to help with the preparations. Stephane set to work in the kitchen alongside Oliver to cater the large meal ahead. Duncan, ever the Catholic, assisted Father Timothy in rehearsing his sermon. Jacob offered his wisdom for marriage while he straightened Norris’s hair, while Dobby stood guard outside Myriam’s dressing room in case of wandering eyes from stray men. Clipper and Jamie helped Mr. Faulkner and the crew of the Aquila find their drunken ways to the church, all while Connor wandered about and assisted where he could.
So, given the day’s chaotic events, it was not surprising to Connor as he announced happily to the pacing Norris that all was in order that Myriam was “missing.” After all, the ladies had only just left her room. How much trouble could the huntress find herself in?
Apparently, thought Connor as he raced through the trees and leapt through the branches, quite a lot. 
“Leave me be!” Myriam shouted as she jumped to the next branch, a stray branch slowing her down as it caught on her white dress. It was not enough to stop her, but it was enough for Connor to come within speaking distance.
“Why do you run?!” Connor replied, his voice echoing through the forest with concern lacing his tone. He swung to the next branch, careful not to slip and even more careful to ensure Myriam did not.
“Leave me be!” Myriam exclaimed. She crossed over to the next tree in an attempt to throw Connor off her trail. “I’m no housewife!”
Connor’s brow furrowed. While he could not necessarily speak for the entire Homestead, “housewife” would be one of the last descriptors attributed to Myriam. She was a huntress, and a respectable one at that. Through his confusion, Connor quickly ducked through another tree and sprinted across the large, sturdy branch. “No one thinks you are one!”
Myriam slid down a fallen tree, stumbling into the snow before whirling around to face Connor. “That’s what all of this means!”
A silence passed between the two as flurries of snow cascaded around them. Myriam sighed, grabbing her crown of flowers and tossing it to the ground. She sunk to the snowy ground and hid her face in her knees.
Quietly, Connor knelt beside Myriam. Lifting the flower crown into his hands, he joined her in the blanket of snow. He said nothing, only silently thumbing the daffodils adorning her crown. The two sat for a moment while gazing over the rushing river, watching as it cascaded over weathered rocks. Myriam reached forward and threw one into the water. When it sank to the bottom of the river, she huffed angrily through her nose.
“I don’t want to be some housewife that sits around waiting for her husband to come home,” she explained, tossing her hands into the air in frustration. “That’s not who I am. I’m not… I’m not some lady wanting to be kept pregnant and barefoot!”
“No one thinks you are one,” Connor repeated gently. Myriam shot a glare at the hulking man, Connor shrinking in on himself in response despite his size. 
“That’s what this means! This whole wedding! Shoving me into this stuffy dress, preparing me to take vows, giving me away!” She stood, pacing by the riverside. She gave Connor an apologetic look. “No offense. If I want anyone to give me away, it would be you.”
Connor rose and nodded his head. “None taken. But what is it that causes you to believe that you will become a housewife?”
Rubbing the bridge of her nose, Myriam groaned before settling her hands on her hips and staring out into the river. “I… I don’t know!” She tossed her hands in the air again, rustling her hair and pacing back and forth. “I don’t belong inside a house cooking and cleaning and caring for a husband and an entire brood of children. I belong in the open air, in my hunting blinds, with my rifle in my hands!” Her hands formed the gesture of her weapon in question. Then, they fell to her sides. “If I marry Norris… I’ll be leaving behind all of my freedom that I worked so hard to gain.”
Stepping closer, Connor laid a hand on Myriam’s back. “That is not true,” he murmured quietly. “You know that better than I. Norris wants only for you to be happy.”
“Do I?” Myriam asked. Her voice faltered and she turned her nose to the rushing river. “What if, when we get married, all he wants is for me to sit at home and… I don’t know, wash his feet?”
Connor unintentionally wrinkled his nose. At the very least, the gesture provided a quick laugh for the two hunters. The uncomfortable silence returned soon after, broken only by the sounds of quiet chirping and rustling bushes.
“Norris did not fall in love with a housewife,” Connor finally spoke up. He met Myriam’s gaze with his own, gentle eyes. “Why would he expect such?”
“All men do,” Myriam sighed. 
“I do not.”
“You are not all men.”
Connor glanced down at the flower crown in his hands, thumbing over the white petals. “Perhaps I am not.”
Myriam pinched her nose again. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to offend–”
“No, it is alright,” Connor assured her. His brows furrowed in thought while Myriam squinted into the horizon. Then, a candle sparked in his mind. “How much do you know of my people, Myriam?”
“I don’t see the point of your question,” Myriam remarked tersely. When Connor gave a serious expression, she sighed. “But to answer it, not much.”
He moved in front of Myriam. “I think you would like it very much. For my people, it is the women who lead. We may have chiefs and war councils, but these men are voted upon by our women. Clan Mothers lead the village. We trace our ancestry through our mothers. For women, marriage is not just a union of the husband and wife, but of the village to the couple.”
Myriam raised a brow. “Your point?”
Placing the flower crown upon her head, Connor continued. “You are not a housewife, but even if you were, it would not change who you are. You are a skillful leader and hunter. Norris knows this. He marries you because of it, not in spite of it. He admires you for who you are. You need be nothing else. And by marrying Norris, you unite our friends as a whole, too.”
Silently, Myriam adjusted the crown and tucked stray strands of hair behind her ears. “Do you really think so?”
“I know so.” He cracked a rare smile. “Besides, you are a better shot than Norris. If anyone will be the housewife, it will be him.”
Myriam snorted. “The bad part is that I think he would enjoy being a housewife.” Her shoulders shook as she began to laugh. “Could you imagine? Me, coming home with a pipe of tobacco sticking out of my mouth, my rifle on my back, and hares in my hands while Norris cooks and cleans?”
Connor chuckled, then gently led Myriam towards the path leading to the church. “But you cannot imagine such a fate until you are wed.”
“No,” Myriam smiled, “I suppose I can’t.” As they reached the church, Myriam turned to Connor with a mixture of fear and excitement.
“I’m scared.”
Connor nodded. “I know.”
“What do I do?”
“What do you do when you face a cougar?”
“I shoot it. Are you suggesting I shoot Norris?”
“No, but I am suggesting that you face him like you would any animal.” He laid his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently. “You are a strong, cunning woman, Myriam. He loves you deeply. He would not be marrying you if he had no intention of respecting you.”
Myriam inhaled sharply. “How do I get over it?”
“The fear?”
“No, the weather – what else would there be?”
“You won’t,” chimed a gentle, soft voice. Prudence and Ellen emerged from behind the church. Ellen offered Myriam her bouquet of flowers while Prudence wrapped a white shawl around her shivering shoulders. Prudence patted her cheek. “When I married Warren years ago, I was terrified of our future. But you learn, in marriage, that you are both equally frightened.” She giggled along with Ellen and Myriam.
Ellen took Myriam’s hands in her own. “My marriage was an unhappy one,” she confessed. Connor looked on solemnly, catching Ellen’s somber gaze for a mere second before Ellen mustered a smile. “But I can offer this wisdom: a good husband will cherish his wife for her talents, her wit, her love, her devotion, and her faith. Norris practically worships the ground you walk on. He will make a fine husband.”
Myriam sniffled. “Fuck,” she cursed. “I can’t believe I’m crying like some… some old hag!” Prudence and Ellen laughed, rubbing Myriam’s shoulders before holding her tightly.
“Besides,” Prudence cooed, staring over Myriam’s shoulder into Connor’s watchful gaze, “once we have you and Norris married, we can finally focus our attention on finding Connor a wife.”
Cheeks flushing, Connor brought his fist to his mouth and cleared his throat. “That will not be necessary.”
“Oh, hush, Prudence,” Ellen giggled. “We mustn't scare him from the prospect yet.” She turned back to Myriam, kissing her cheek. “We have to go back inside, but we will support you no matter what.” Prudence nodded in agreement before waving goodbye, giggling alongside Ellen as they hurried into the church.
Myriam rubbed her arms and faced Connor, walking with him up the steps. “You will be there every step of the way?”
“Every step,” Connor assured.
“How do you feel?”
“Terrified. Like I want to run away again,” Myriam chuckled breathlessly. Connor hummed and looped his arm with hers.
“I will be there regardless. I am sure Norris will be as well.”
Myriam smiled. “Thank you, Connor.”
“You do not need to thank me. You are my friend.”
She stood on her tiptoes, pressing her frigid lips to Connor’s freckled cheek. “No, but I will. Thank you.”
Blushing, Connor cleared his throat and led Myriam to the entrance of the church, where the guests began to rise as they spotted the bridge.
“Prudence and Ellen are right, though. We must find you a bride,” she whispered, doing her best to ignore the endless amount of eyes upon her and Connor. 
Connor chuckled, patting her hand. “I can only hope she is not as fast nor agile as you.”
“Ha, ha. Who knew you had such a sense of humor?”
Years later, when Connor would find himself fidgeting in front of his betrothed’s longhouse, Myriam would loop her arm with his, kiss his flustered cheek, and walk him into the longhouse with the same kindness he had shown her before.
Luckily for Connor, his wife did not run into the trees. How fortunate he was indeed. 
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cosmiischillin · 4 months
Twilight Town AU: The Ragdoll Monster
In the original Ruby Gloom, Ruby was essentially the lone “human” of the group. She does live with a cyclops, a skeleton, a banshee, conjoined twins, ghosts, a bat, and three crows/ravens. In addition to Twilight Town, there’s also a witch and a fallen angel. Now I do say “human” with quotes since she’s described a lot as ragdoll-like if not straight up a ragdoll.
So I’m gonna describe and sorta layout what type of monster, my process in creating her, and what I have planned for her for y’all to read below.
The Ragdoll Monster
So in the AU, she is explicitly a living ragdoll. I think it’s a general agreed thing in the fanon that she is a ragdoll in the likeness of Raggedy Ann. To be honest she reminds me of Strawberry Shortcake a lot more.
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With that in mind, I gave her all those little stitches on her body and even alongside her clothes since I think she looks adorable with the patchworks and wearing a lot of textile knits. I even made it a special ability that she can sew her body parts if she ever ends up injured though you’re better off not letting her bleed
The Dark Side
So it is planned already that Ruby is more than just a sweet looking face. This part of her design was based on the earlier versions of her character. The darker and very much goth version before the show. I was inspired by these snippets from an interview about her and some artwork of her
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She also has a lot of inspiration from Coraline, in fact her eyes were gonna have little white spots to look like buttons but I couldn’t get them to look right hence her big eyes now.
Now for her really dark side and Lore. Her monstrous side is based on two things. One is the creep factor of dolls and puppets and the other is vampires.
I didn’t put him in her mood board but Ruby got some inspiration from Wally Darling such as his creepy little stare which gave me more ideas alongside the early ruby works.
Now the vampire part was added when I began concepting classic monsters into the AU. Out of nowhere I began to draw Dracula with a regular doll version of Ruby. I love the concept so I expanded it.
Lore and Backstory
Dracula and other vampires can turn humans by having them taste vampiric blood so, to test it out, Dracula got a baby ragdoll then injected his blood into the doll’s insides. Miraculously the ragdoll was brought to life though she appeared to be like a normal infant with an overly cheerful disposition. It was only then she showed abilities that not even vampires could possess. Dracula decided to name her Ruby and sewn up the rest of her appearance, calling her his daughter. At some point, Dracula hired the Raven brothers to leave his castle with Ruby to a place she could be safe from humans and to record anything new powers she develops.
Ruby has lived in the Twilight Town Mansion for now 17 years. She is upset that humans see monsters as nothing but evil and dangerous creatures that should be destroyed hence why she creates her new Blog, the Good n Gloom where she will be able to show that monsters are just like them If not a little creepy and kooky. But that doesn’t mean that when push comes to shove, she’ll do what she has to do in order to help her friends.
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I hope you like this slightly longer post talking about Twilight Town! This is the first time I got to go in full about the lore and what has been done for these characters! I guess the vampires are kinda different from the classic movie version ^^:
Next Character: The Banshee
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awordbroken · 1 month
tumblr won't let me edit my old oc profile post anymore, so this is a remaster i guess
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dedicated character tag
Crow Melusine Kos (that’s two first names, always used together) (...their children call them 'Sine) former Pursued Con-Artist, Star-Struck Scholar, current Politic Laboratory Director or Doting Naturalist light fingers/main they/them
frequently wearing a mask that covers the upper half of their face; often plain colored with some painted details, such as vines, eyes or abstract lines. they paint their own designs - they doodle a lot while taking breaks.
faint lattice of scarring on top of head in memory of being buried alive. otherwise no scars of note.
underneath the mask, looks perpetually tired, with dark circles that never go away. typically very low affect in both expression and voice, speaks with a sort of soft, unwavering drone. not charming in personality, but used to sell ponzi schemes on the surface on the strength of their dead-pan manner making them sound completely and unshakably confident in whatever they’re saying.
casual interest in false-stars, especially a certain one of unusual brightness that was first sighted a few years ago. primarily studies Neathy animals and monsters. a bit scatter-minded and out of it as a professor, but students who thrive on hands-on, low-oversight learning rate them a solid “alright”. no longer spends much time teaching since taking a job as Director of one of Mr Fires' newest laboratories.
considers themself a parent to the moon-miser hybrid, and misses it greatly. may or may not be making preparations to grow a new monster baby in their lab. <3 now parent to a fluffy orange and cosmogone baby bat the size of a toddler of "mysterious" origins.
allergic to smoke and very much almost died when Mr Fires took them into an underground library and set it on fire with them still in it. incidentally has a “rivalry” with Mr Fires that consists of them metaphorically hitting each other with brooms. nowadays, is deeper entwined with Mr Fires than ever before, but don’t worry about it.
ESes that are canon for them: The Deadly Dapperlings, There is the Richest Juice in Poison-Flowers
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Carver The Hushed Crowner bag a legend/alt they/them
once student worker in Crow Melusine’s lab. asked by Crow Melusine to bring them the Vake, and no one was merciful enough to tell them the Professor expresses wanting a new monster to study literally every week and they could just ignore it.
child of a Khaganian mother and a Londoner father; grew up in London. used to work in one of Mr Fires’ factories as a crowner’s assistant, which mostly involved patching up injuries and “investigating” worker deaths/accidents and determining that the factory was not at fault and would not be compensating the family in any way. bit soul crushed about it.
“poached” by Crow Melusine, who helped them get into Benthic on the strength of their knowledge of anatomy and basic medical care mostly to tweak Mr Fires’ wires. Carver feels indebted anyway, because literally anything is better than the factory.
sought the Vake to gather samples for Crow Melusine’s research, but found themself captivated by it after coming briefly face to face with it. eventually got their sample, but gained permanent mobility issues from their wounds and was forced to give up the hunt.
now runs a small clinic in Spite, with an attached morgue for the temporarily dead--for safe storage until their recovery, or, for an extra fee, a guarantee that the deceased will stay dead an extra day or two. also does tattoos on the side. the clinic is guarded by three puppy-sized spiders, which they vehemently deny doting on like pets.
has never forgotten the Vake.
conscientious. arms like tree trunks. periodically non-verbal. nerve damage down left side of body from taking a claw to the shoulder. cane user. missing something. has something strange and bittersweet going on with Ada.
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Ada Durand tbd bag a legend/alt she/her, occasionally it/its in private
has to be the most fuckable person at the Singing Mandrake at all times.
child of a well-to-do industrialist father. never fit in with her peers. left home to become a monster hunter on a whim, but found that the hunt suited her. hedonistic and a bit thoughtless, loves jewelry and cares about her appearance. smug and smirking and sharp of tooth, but never really lets anyone see her innermost self.
the last Vake-hunter. killed the Vake and made it a part of herself.
still, an emptiness is left behind.
met Carver while looking to have an injury treated, and recognized something in their ever-unfulfilled longing for the Vake. can be found coming and going around their clinic at all hours ever since. hates that Carver lets the giant spiders sleep on the bed.
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Broken Tree of Ephemera, Mr Silk heart’s desire/alt they/it/she, depending on the identity they’re using
a Sorrow-Spider council that failed to reach consensus and split apart. many of their members died or scatted, but a core cohort remains, refusing to accept the pain of being apart, even when other sorrow-spiders dismissed the idea of wasting time and resources on trying to fix a failed union.
they co-inhabit a human-like silk puppet, with which they’ve infiltrated the human population of London in pursuit of a way to re-meld. thus, they came into contact with the marvellous.
have they been touched by the lives they came into contact with in the game and in their interactions with humanity? difficult to tell. though lifelike, their blank-faced doll body expresses little.
nevertheless, they won their hearts’ desire. the Masters, however, were none too keen to upset the Neath‘s already strained balance of power by handing the sorrow-spiders a brand new, red science-improved spider-council, and the Tree of Ephemera was obliged to agree to a transformation that might be more... easily controlled, and the duties and title of Mr ____ ...well, it’s a work in progress. the Tree is well aware that the Masters have no intention of ceding any real power to them, so they see little point in arbitrarily choosing an area of trade, despite their new colleagues’ repeated attempts to explain the necessity to their new nature. the only thing that matters is that the change will make them whole again: one body, a joined mind.
so far, to their so-called colleagues’ chagrin, their changes have not been wholly curatorial in nature. their puppet is growing as many flecks of shiny carapace as patches of fur, and has recently grown a glittering array of additional eyes.
less pleasing, they have begun to develop a distracting interest in weaving, silk, and other fabrics. Mr Veils watches them with increasing anticipation of an excuse to swat a gnat.
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Penelope Howard, “Penny”/”Ash” nemesis/alt she/he
when her brother Ashley’s lover was tragically murdered, he left his home and family and ventured to the Neath alone in search of her killer. there, he was killed (permanently), leaving his revenge unfulfilled.
as Ashley’s twin, Penelope has spent her life in his shadow. kind, thoughtful, intelligent, and naturally talented with every paintbrush, instrument or weapon placed in his hands, Ashley was loved by everyone. the ideal son. in contrast, Penny was just... Penny. after her twin’s death, it seemed only natural that she should take on his burden, following him to the Neath and taking on his identity to continue his pursuit. after all, he was the best thing about her.
is "Ash” avenging his brother, or the lover that he hardly knew? does it really matter?
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Woebegone the Captain Sunless Skies captain they/them
former London urchin. older than they appear. carries traces of Storm. sold their reflection to a fingerking. treasured. a doting parent and spouse.
FL ES canon for them: Homecoming
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angelinthefire · 2 years
ilovehowyouletmefall Destiel fics
So this is everything I've posted on AO3 since Nov. 5, 2020 (organized by length). I like to think there are a couple of unique contributions to the collective body of fanworks in here. If you haven't read my fic before, check it out, and I hope you find something you like!
my body aches to breathe your breath 839 words, rated E, PWP with feelings
Summary: “I used to think I wanted to possess you,” Cas said, his voice rough and confessional. “Fill your body with my true form, feel my grace in your fingertips, my light pressing against your skin."
Comment: "This is one of my favourite fics that I’ve read in like, a long while. It’s so lush, and hot, and hits the emotional beats sooo well"
Heal me with 3,023 words, rated T, 15x19 fix-it, hurt/comfort
Summary: When he gets the phone call, Dean thinks he’s finally cracked. But it doesn’t matter, because his legs are still carrying him to the crow’s nest, taking the stairs two at a time. And when Dean flings the bunker door open, Cas is there.
Comment: "ok dang I do not even know how you got ALL of this in just 3000 words, like my mind is blown at the sheer craft level. The sensory details that give it a lot of texture, the immediate facts of what's happening then translated into everyone's emotions and actions just being so tender and real. It's just all here."
Godot ain't got nothin' on me and my baby 10,489 words, rated M, MCD-ish, 15x20 fix-it, angst and depression
Summary: Castiel is the new Death. Dean can only see him when he's dying.
Comment: "This is so lovely and feels so right. As someone who's dealt with depression my whole life, the feeling of being stuck and just slightly outside of everything and everyone rang so true."
Status quo ante bellum 11,201 words, rated T, 15x19 fix-it, fluff and angst
Summary: Cas is back from the Empty, human, and convinced that his relationship with Dean is unsalvagable. Can Dean get his shit together in time to prove otherwise?
Comment: "Augh, this was so endearing. Cas stubbornly seeing only what he wants to see, and how restricted he feels by his human form ... Dean's food love language. Dean being frankly adorable. ... Great read <3"
Wandering Through Purgatory 11,216 words, mixed ratings G-E, anthology, purgatory fic, pic-fic
Summary: A collection of ficlets about Dean and Cas in Purgatory from back during the hiatus before season 8 when everyone on tumblr was writing pic fic and tag fic and spinning a fantastic version of Purgatory in our minds.
Comment: "I wasn't even remotely aware of when this was actually happening, BUT I'm glad I get to see these bits and pieces now and then, like a glimpse into the past. Much love❤️"
Full of Grace 11,399 words, rated E, 15x20 fix-it, fluff and angst and smut, trueform!Cas and tentacle sex
Summary: Dean wants to take things further with Cas. He just can’t get out of his own head. OR: Dean feels empty inside. Cas, um… fixes that.
Comment: "Holy fuck. First of all the writing is Unreal. Absolutely beautiful. Second of all this was simultaneously the hottest, most romantic, most genuine thing I've ever read. What the fuck I'm still completely gobsmacked"
Life Skills 26,052 words, rated E, s9 human!Cas, weird boy-bestfriends, fluff and smut and gender
Summary: Cas is human and comes to live in the bunker, and Dean spends a lot of time with him, sharing all of his favourite things. Dean can't help it if sharing things with Cas just makes everything better. Besides, it's Dean's job as Cas' friend to introduce him to the joys of human life. To teach him how to be human. And if one of the experiences they end up sharing is sex with women, well... that's just part of Dean's job as Cas' friend too, right? The desire is triangulated, the rituals are intricate.
Comment: "1: it was excruciatingly funny to see how far dean could take the 3-way (golden rule) without catching on to his own feelings 2: every single woman in this fic had me like "Good For Her" so well done there 3: 👀🔥🔥🔥🤌"
Ignite your bones 67,177 words, rated E, MCD, 15x19 fix-it, angst and grief
Summary: Chuck takes the Winchesters up on their offer in 15x19 and tells Dean to kill Sam. Dean, Cas, and Jack deal with the fallout for their relationships. It gets worse before it gets better.
Comment: "This fic flayed me alive and then put me back together again. Dean's pain throughout is so palpable, Cas's love so unshakeable, the tension between what they want and what they think they know and Cas trying to keep Jack safe and Dean trying to push everyone away and Cas's need to fix everything and Dean's determination to be broken. GOD. Oh and the way they're So Unwell about each other feels so true to their characters. I can't handle it. It's too good. I need to go outside and scream."
All your secret wishes series
I said show me something 7,195 words, rated E, 15x19 fix-it, PWP with feelings, toxic deancas
Summary: Dean didn't think that angels could feel love. But now that he knows he's wrong, he can use that to his advantage.
Comment: "This is so intriguing! You write a perfectly complex and at times disturbing alien Cas - and Dean! Dean, my man, what are you even doing. So very messed up and very Dean, I love it."
Forget your perfect offering 81,785 words, rated E, casgirl thesis
Summary: Cas was resurrected. Dean told Cas that he loves him, that he can have everything he wanted, but Cas has to stay with him. Cas promised that he would. The thing is, he didn’t realize how literal Dean was being. Now, Cas works on rebuilding Heaven with the angels, while he builds a new life with Dean. Neither of those things are as easy as Cas would have liked.
Comment: "the first fic in this series has been one of my all time favs so i was extremely excited for this sequel, and it did NOT disappoint!! u write every character so well and i love how much u focused on heaven and the angels bc i feel like the show never rly gave us closure and wasted a lot of opportunities w heaven/angel plot lines, which u absolutely nailed."
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Fanfiction Writing Asks! 4, 6, 7, 8, 24, 39, 42, 61 for "Save a horse, ride a cowboy", 63 for "Eden revives in the first kiss of love", 65 for "You are the ghost behind my eyes", 67 for "Learned to walk alone".
4. How do you choose which fics to write?
Usually, it's whichever characters or storyline is speaking louder in my head with actual complete sentences that I can then write down. Anymore, I pull up multiple WIPs at once and sometimes even bounce around between them if that's how they want to play. Otherwise, the one getting written on is usually the one with the louder characters/story.
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
From the untitled multi-ship Pride collabfic with @scottxlogan. I haven't finished my part yet, but this was the last bit I wrote last night before going to bed:
“Great! Then it’s all settled,” Tony crowed and hip-bumped both Bucky and Steve on either side of him. “Hey…Maguna, you and Laura come over here for a second,” he called out to the two little girls, who just barely heard him over the music they were still swaying and bouncing to.
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
From Too weird to live, too rare to die, a Justin Hammer/Loki canon divergent fic for @kleenexwoman
“Everyone thinks that?” Loki hummed low, his thoughts as veiled as his irises. 
“No, hey...no no no.  Loki, no.  No one thinks that at all.  I was...I was just fuckin’ with you,” Justin backpedaled.  Out of instinct, he reached out, intending to pat Loki’s hand or something, just to calm and comfort him, but with his back to the door, his hands were just out of reach.  So Justin’s hand fell onto Loki’s knee.  Loki’s very bare knee as the trickster-prince had chosen, like Justin, to wear shorts on the almost five hour trek across the desert. 
He was about to pull over.  If Loki was still having some sort of crisis of friendship over his dumb quip, Justin would totally pull over to focus on fixing shit with his mission partner so they didn’t go pear-shaped from their goal. 
Then Loki’s hand fell on top of Justin’s. 
“You’re fine.  And I know you were just fucking with me,” he replied, letting Justin off the hook.  “I am well aware of where I stand with the Avengers now, and as such they consider me one of them.  Oh dear, you really will need to get used to me, won’t you?” 
It took a moment for Loki’s words to really wrap around Justin’s mind.  First off, he was intensely focused on the road and keeping all possibility of crashing Tony’s pretty baby into a sign post or something.  Second...well, second...
Loki’s hand is really warm.  Like yeah, it’s super cool to the touch, too, but it’s warm.  Or maybe I’m warm and he’s cool, but my stupid inconvenient attraction is making me warm, and I canNOT wreck this car holy fuck this mission is so important and are we even making good time?
Justin cleared his throat and shifted a little in the driver’s seat, hoping he didn’t look too much like he was fidgeting and nervous.  His hand remained sandwiched between Loki’s thigh and his hand for three, four, five breaths longer before he felt the road breeze blow across it and realized that Loki had moved his hand away.  When he glanced over, hoping that the guy wasn’t pissed at him – for what, he had no idea, but Justin had gotten so used to his day to day world being filled with people pissed off at him that he was always more surprised when they weren’t – but what he saw, namely Loki with his arms stretched up and his hands tucked behind his head like he was Tuggle Carpenter in Where the Boys Are, and yeah, Justin could be TV Thompson if asked just right. 
Wait, did I lose the metaphor somewhere along the way?
Another burst of nervous chuckles tumbled out of Justin while he clutched the wheel again.  They’d just made it out of Barstow without even noticing the city itself, though Justin had managed to keep to the proper speed limit. 
“Once again, Loki, you’re right.  I do need to get used to you.  I kinda need to do that with everyone.  Been running on first impressions and rumors and hearsay cuz I didn’t think any of you wanted me in your space,” he conceded, stepping on the gas a little more to push back up to highway limits. 
“You hide from everyone first because you don’t expect them to take to you.  To want you around,” Loki surmised. 
“You do that when you first joined up?  Though as I understand it, you were pretty banged up at first.” 
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip.
From The House in the Mist, a Scogan Lovecraftian horror fic, spoiler:
Logan really just wants to set fire to all those weird fucking mushrooms - eyes? They have eyes?
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
Usually I don't choose a POV for most fics as the thoughts will bounce back and forth between characters, but like in the Justin/Loki fic I mentioned above, while it's that all seeing eye sort of POV, there's a lot of Justin's inner thoughts and dialogue, and that's just because he's the one pushing those thoughts out louder right now. So yeah, it's whomever is the loudest who gets their POV emphasized and when.
39. What’s your most self-indulgent wip?
I was about to say Too weird to live, too rare to die because I'm hammering the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas references a little hard in certain areas (and I mean, how is it not utterly self-indulgent? I'm writing Justin/Loki ffs, and given that the only other person on the planet right now that ships them is @kleenexwoman not to mention that the relationship tag on AO3 only has my two fics in it so far), but the more I thought about it, I think my most self-indulgent WIP is Hemipheres, a Frostiron fic that is a huge fix-it for so many things. Or will be even further into it I get. And it's also self-indulgent because I'm taking my time with it, which has naturally gotten me a comment about abandoning the fic. *eyeroll*
42. What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
Of titles that I actually came up with (and not just borrowed song lyrics or lines of poetry), there's two:
Never Piss Off a Telepath; Or How Logan Opened His Mouth and Said a Stupid Thing
The Deflowering of Ferret Face (my one and only M*A*S*H fanfic)
61. In Save a horse, ride a cowboy, what’s your favorite scene that you wrote?
A toss-up between Scene 3, where Loki (on Steve's request) rescues a stranded Bucky and Tony at an inopportune moment, and Scene +1 where Bucky and Tony finally get their uninterrupted time together.
63. What was the hardest part of writing Eden revives in the first kiss of love?
There wasn't really much that was hard to write in this one. I think I'd decided before I even started that Emma was going to have replaced Charles in helping Scott to run the school and that she'd be one of the first reveals (after trans Kit Pryde). No, this one was pretty smooth sailing from the start.
65. If you wrote a sequel to You are the ghost behind my eyes, what would happen in it?
I don't know. This would be a weird one to do a sequel to given that two of the main players are dead. Well, one of them was already dead and a ghost. But maybe the sequel would be Tony getting Steve to Valhalla where Loki and Nat are waiting for them, so it'd be a really self-indulgent fic of just one big sweet reunion between those four and maybe them gossiping on what everyone else is doing if they ever 'visit'. LOL
67. If a fic was titled "Learned to walk alone", what would this story be about/how would you write it?
This feels like a Frostiron fic with parallel views of Tony's early life and Loki's early life and where (while they obviously had some people in their lives helping them - Tony had Edwin and Ana Jarvis, and Loki had Frigga) they both had to learn to be self-reliant because the people they should've been able to lean on, to learn from, to have as guides (Howard, Maria, Odin, Thor, etc) were never there for them. But how that path they'd chosen to be self-reliant led them to each other where they could both rest, relax and trust and rely on each other.
Thanks for the asks!
Fanfiction Writing Asks.
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downn-in-flames · 1 year
kanej/soc fic masterlist
needed a new pinned post so here goes:
big reputations cinematic universe
big reputations [wip]
the crows in their senior year at ketterdam university as the dramatic (and often drunk) little shits they are. a chatfic that has spiraled wildly out of my hands, the crows are in charge now.
↳ high above the whole scene [wip]
prose content from big reputations to fill in the gaps.
↳ caught up in a moment [wip]
more prose content from big reputations to fill in the gaps, but this time it’s all just kanej spicy moments because people keep requesting them and i am more than happy to oblige.
↳ i want your midnights [2.2k words]
prose content from big reputations, but just new year’s eve and also it was a collaborative thing.
↳ forever with your hands in my pockets [wip, helnik]
the big reputations helnik origin story.
↳ just wrong enough to make it feel right [wip, zoyalai]
zoya and nikolai as moot court partners in law school, also vaguely set in the brcu.
treacherous [30 chapters, 25.3k words]
flashes of kaz and inej’s relationship over the years, in the choose your own adventure style of ‘do i read this in the order of the song lyrics or chronologically.’ 98% fluff.
↳ begin again [2.5k words]
somehow treacherous prompted kanej babyfic.
midnights [13 chapters, 16.4k words]
another set of kanej flashes that can be read in two different orders, this time written pre-midnights release with only the track names to determine the vibes. slightly less but still mostly fluff.
↳ midnights (3am edition) [7 chapters, 8.2k words]
midnights scenes (or adjacent scenes) told from different povs. expect three gut punches.
↳ midnights (the late night edition) [1k words]
one final midnights fic because obviously i had to write one for ‘you’re losing me.’
carry your baggage up my street [4.8k words]
kanej is renegade by the national and taylor swift. change my mind. (you won’t).
castles crumbling [2.9k words]
kanej baby but make it hurt just a little.
come morning light, you and i’ll be safe and sound [3.4k words]
kaz and inej have enemies, they’re each other’s protectors, and both of them deserve some damn decent sleep.
die for you in secret [5.3k words]
a 5+1 in which kaz keeps all his soft thoughts close to his chest until finally he doesn’t.
forever is the sweetest con [2 chapters, 3.6k words]
there’s a wedding for tax incentive purposes. kaz sends jesper through the entire range of human emotion in the span of approximately 10 minutes, purely for shits and giggles. now with bonus inej content.
i could be the way forward only if they pay for it [1.1k words]
kaz buys a ship. for reasons.
keep your brittle heart warm [2.1k words]
kaz reveals his true tell. once upon a time this was baby’s first kanej fic. now look where that got us.
the end of a movie i’ve seen before [3.3k words]
a modern au and the final result of ‘i wonder if i can gaslight readers twice in one fic.’ also the only non-taylor swift title of them all.
what if i told you i’m a mastermind [5k words]
another modern au in which kaz schemes to win over inej, failing to realize that he is not in fact the one pulling the strings here. 
wishing for right now [1.1k words]
genuinely obscene levels of cottagecore fluff.
you had some tricks up your sleeve [2.6k words]
inej wears silks and gets a new knife. that’s really all that matters.
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