brucewaynehater101 · 2 days
okay so I think I recall an ask here about Jason and Tim who got JJ'd having to work with an alternate Good Joker and it got me thinking about those actor AUs where canon is just a live-action piece of media, specifically this post
So now I'm thinking of Actor!Joker having just left the bar after a good day of drinking, not drunk enough to not get home by himself, only to get non-lethally isekaied into DC
From his perspective, one minute he was walking home, the next he started seeing himself playing the most lucrative role in his career. Dissassociation if he had to guess. He might need therapy
Oh, the Joker he plays is trying to kill him. Self defense it is-- he killed him. well he can't fault himself for it if he never learned self defense now can he :/
Is that a camera? Oh yeah, Joker and loads of his other roles break the fourth wall, and improvisation is expected of him
He looks straight into the camera, the audience, "this is why we don't method act kids. hallucinations" he points at not-him with that final word
"but you all see me pointing at nothing, don'tcha?"
Fuck it, for added humor, the minute Batman gets on the scene & Actor!Joker lays eyes on him, he say "now I'm hallucinating my fiance's role too, what a day," and also Jason and Tim and Duke are there for maximum psychic damage
Hey maybe the three were hostages because the Joker wanted to torment the top three bats he fucked up the most on live television for all of Gotham to see only for Actor!Joker to ruin everything
But also the three seeing this go down through the screen would be funny as shit too
Actor Universe lore; Actor!Joker and Actor!Bruce met through previous roles, kicked off a friendship that became a relationship and soon to be marriage and thats how Actor!Joker met Actor!Bruce hoard of children
this would lead to much of the quote on quote Batfamily Plotline being concieved, through Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids scheming together to make the most drama-filled superhero story they could
So Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids would cook up the most gutwrenching ideas, building of eachothers ideas, and cheered eachother on as the Batfamily lore became more and more emotionally devastating
Actor!Bruce can testify because years later into Batman, he still cries fountains of tears when he reads the script and something awful happens to the roles his kids plays, or Bruce Wayne is a shit father
actor!joker: my love, I have propositions the directors will grovel for
actor!bruce: oh no
his kids: daddy I have a new idea for my role >:3
actor!bruce: OH NO!
I think it goes without saying that the actors and characters they play don't have the same name, but I can't be bothered to come up with any mysel lol
Yo!!! This is a wicked cool idea. I dislike Joker/Batman (unless it's the Lego Batman), but I am vibing with this one.
To add on, what if Bruce and Joker became directors specifically so they could sort of adopt their kids? They would be those actors that also direct and screenwrite their own movies.
I want to see Crystal Brown being on set (not necessarily on scene) whenever Steph is, and Bruce and Joker chatting with her when they aren't working. Arthur Brown makes plenty of jokes and pulls pranks on his daughter.
Willis and Catherine cheer on Jason (and sometimes *can't* be on set when certain scenes play out) and smother him in affection after he's done.
The Drakes have their own careers they have to pursue while Tim is filming, but they try to make it on set at least once a week and watch every premiere with Tim. They are good friends with the other parents and only allow Tim to be on set without them because they trust Bruce and Joker.
The Graysons are acrobats in real life as well. Dick wanted to pursue a career in acting instead. They support their son, and he often does performances with them.
Would Damian still be Bruce's kid? If so, I wonder what Joker and Talia's relationship is like. Talia is obviously a fierce but loving mom in this AU. She viciously protects Damian, his privacy, and his ability to stop acting at any time. Damian enjoys acting and being on set with his dad. I also hc that Talia is famous as well. Maybe a model, maybe another actor, or maybe something else. Ra's is the owner/head of a really famous entertainment business. It has branches all over the world, including America.
The Thomases take turns with who's on set with Duke. They both work as well so that a majority of the income Duke makes goes towards his savings or his own spending.
I didn't talk about Barbara or Cass or Alfred or Kate or etc., but feel free to add more!
Actor!Joker would be appalled and disgusted with Batman. Actor!Bruce was playing a role. Yes, the role was somewhat based on Bruce, but he would never harm his kids. He would rather kill than allow them to come to harm.
When Actor!Joker gets transported to that universe, his distaste for Batman is the truly jarring piece of it all. He's not obsessed like their universe's Joker. Actor!Joker shows understanding for their hatred/distance from him. He accepts their boundaries and considers their feelings (in his own very weird way). He doesn't torment. He killed the other Joker.
Just Joker's mannerisms of "whelp, what can you do?" as he murders the other Joker. He still laughs a lot, does harmless pranks, and makes a ton of jokes. Somehow, he does this while lecturing Batman on treating his kids better.
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What is the best way for You to astral travel? pick a card
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Hey homies! Please donate to my CashApp or interact with this post so I can do this full-time, thank you so much in advance for your support! The decks used to day are the Romance Lenormand, the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot and the Necronomicon Tarot.
🌎Donate to my CashApp🦋
(please pay for my queer quality of life)
Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Also here are some basic Astral Realm Tips
mirror's there are portals to other places (go through at ur own risk)
eating any food there will effect your physical reality
ask your guides for protection over your soul and your body before traveling
ground urself before you travel
Astrology: Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini
Song: Femininomenon by Chappell Roan
Vibes: Indigo, green, lavender, white, pomegranates, reading, 99, unicorn, plumbagos, book marks, adventure time, X's, crossroads, armor, Hades, Hekate, Athena
Cards: Book, 10 of Swords, Judgement, 6 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Queen of Cups
Welcome, in pile one. The message I'm receiving first and foremost, is you can best Astral travel if you do it 'by-the-book'. There is a reason for this being so prominent. You have tried many times to astral travel and you believe it's impossible at this point. I'm here to tell you that you are capable. The only reason it has felt so impossible is because the most important step you need to take has been skipped unintentionally every time you have tried. You must ground yourself. Seems kind of counter intuitive but it's true.
Most likely, what has been happening is you have actually succeeded in your astral travel attempts. Being ungrounded can make it difficult to remember your adventures. Forgetting who you are can also make it harder to recall your experiences. Remember my friend, we are all a part of Spirit and when we travel in that way we are releasing our consciousness from our bodies and back into Spirit. Without being properly grounded we can lose ourselves in the experience until we return to our bodies.
I see you used to travel through the astral a lot as a kid. I also think you probably slept walked or had night terrors while you were astral traveling a lot as a child too. You have always been capable, my dear. You are extremely skilled in this area. Don't sell yourself short, dude.
Another trick you can do to succeed in your travels is to light a candle for your guides as an offering. They want to assist you but I feel you are the type of person who would rather ask for help than have someone take your freewill from you to assist you. Your guides know that and respect that about you. Which means only you can let go of your pride and ask for help. Also try and attempt traveling while sitting up instead of laying down. Good luck!!
Astrology: Scorpio, Libra, Cancer
Song: Starlight Brigade by TWRP and NSP
Vibes: Aquamarine, black, grey, brown, kayaking, sea horses, sparrows, seagulls , nests, swings, plantain, carrots, 22, 666, 639, directions, Hermes, Hekate, Hestia
Cards: Stork, Crossroads, 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 9 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Chariot
Hey pile two! Welcome to your reading. The main vibe I am getting from your cards is that there is some shadow work you gotta do before you are going to be able to freely Astral travel. I have a feeling you use escapism as a coping mechanism from your trauma. Which is why you have been barred from the Astral for a while. If you were to enter right now, unhealed. It would be hard for you to take part in everyday life in the same way. This is a very similar message to pile one actually but with more emphasis on the healing rather than just grounding. You really gotta figure out who you are, my dove.
Spirit does apologize for all the nightmares and all the pain you have been through. You didn't deserve it, dove. I see you have faced much violence in your few years on earth. It was scary and probably bloody or bruising. It isn't your fault. Everything you have faced isn't your fault. Unfortunately, it is your responsibility to make it right and lick your wounds. I wish it wasn't, dove. I wish someone could scoop you up and take away all the hurt you had to go through. You have to be the one to take that role. Cradle yourself in a blanket of safety and be there for yourself. That will be the best way you can begin to astral travel.
There is an interesting underlying focus of choice in your cards. It is as if you are choosing to continue the immense pain you have been through or to stop it in its tracks. Will you allow to cycle to continue or will you grab the wheel's fate and flip them in the opposite direction. Spirit and I know you will make the right choice. No matter which you decide. It is the right choice. Believe in yourself, dove.
Astrology: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
Song: Devil's Train by The Lab Rats
Vibes: Orange, gold, brown, periwinkle, thistle, cherry blossom, open windows, thorns, 88, 5555, 1122, caduceus, red cloth, blue jay, pyramids, chains, lion, tattoos, Ares, Aphrodite, Eros, Eris
Cards: Whip, Birds, The Tower, Hanged Man, 2 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, King of Wands
Welcome pile three to your reading. Oh boy yikes, this is a tough set of cards, my dear. I see you are struggling to venture into the Astral because there is mess that is in need of care in the physical. I think you might be in a really bad relationship with someone. This person is draining your spiritual power. For some of you it is romantic but it could also be familial. For a select few I think this might just be self destructive relationship with yourself. Letting this person treat you the way they do is killing you. The worst part of it is that I think you already know this. You have dedicated so much time and energy into this person that you can't bring yourself to leave. They drain your power and give nothing in return. You have convinced yourself you can't escape.
The cards are begging you to make a change in your physical reality. Once you remove the source of your anxiety and torment you will be free to use your power to do any spiritual thing you want to do. You have to rock the boat even if it is scary. You have to scream for help even if it will provoke someone. You have to make a mess of what they created. It would be so cathartic to wreck shit, babe. Just let yourself explode and watch as their tyrannical reign topples.
However, be sure you aren't exploring at people who do not deserve it. After all of the craziness is over you are going to need a support system to help you out. Please stop giving your power away so you can use it for yourself. Please let your suffering end by starting a new journey and break your current cycle. Please. Good luck, my dear. Have fun wrecking that horrible person's control of you. <3 Once you have dealt with your physical reality it'll be safe for you to venture into the Astral's unknown. Stay safe.
Astrology: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Song: Dead Inside by Younger Hunger
Vibes: Gray, forest green, off white, sky blue, moths, petunias, beakers, blackberries, scales, yellow teeth, 7777, 8, diamonds, moss agate, Nyx, Hypnos, Hades, Thanatos
Cards: Coffin, 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Hierophant, 7 of Wands, 10 of Cups, 3 of Wands
Hello and welcome, pile four. Now this is interesting. I see that you are intrigued by the idea of Astral travel but never really put in a lot of effort to attempt it. Maybe you put on a guided meditation for it but it didn't really go anywhere. You have done basic research but never really put everything you had into it. You are almost too grounded to astral travel. Unlike pile one and two you are very focused on reality. Anything outside of reality is fascinating to you but you are too logical to allow your mind to open to more mystical experiences.
These cards recommend that you find a professional to help you ease into it and teach your the techniques. I see you have plenty of resources to get the help you need to explore your spirituality. It will take some work to find the right professional and much more work for you to accept that there are things outside of our physical reality. Take as much time as you need, my dear. Don't overwhelm yourself with information that is difficult to process. If you open your mind too wide it can be extremely intense to accept everything you will learn. Go easy for a while to see if you like what you are getting into.
I can tell your friends might be into this kind of stuff or perhaps your family is. Don't feel peer pressured to believe anything if you don't want to. Just because of the people around you do this stuff, doesn't mean you have too, my dear. Faith is a very personal experience and it should be something you want to do for yourself, not for other people. If you are still interested in astral traveling after you have explored a bit, then you will know when the right time is. Happy hunting!
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yukipri · 18 hours
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So I've been trying out the new Star Wars Hunters game that came out on Mobile & Switch recently!
I haven't played many brawling type games like this so I wasn't expecting much, but I've actually been really enjoying it so far! I've probably put too many hours into playing (especially since I was super sick around launch and didn't have much else I could do), and I hit max level 50 and Kyber in ranked a while ago... (yeah, playing too much, I know...)
Thought I'd share my initial thoughts though, since I've put in the time!
Note: Some folks have apparently been playing the beta version for a while, but I've only started playing since the public release.
Stuff I like about it so far:
-The really creative and fun SW universe characters is the best part. A blind Miraluka sniper? (Diago) An Ugnaught driving a Droideka? (Slingshot) Literally two Jawas in a trench coat??? (Utooni) They're fun and have great personality, you can read their blurbs here. I like how they're all voiced and also all have their own theme songs (which are honestly heckin catchy)!
-Controls are very intuitive. Again, I am not much of a gamer and have very little experience with these kinds of games, but I picked it up quick. I play on my iPhone and it's great.
-The graphics are GORGEOUS. It looks beautiful, everything moves stunningly smoothly. Honestly it's hard to believe this is a ftp game.
-So far it's very much ftp friendly! Most of the money locked stuff are just cosmetics, and even then there are tons of free ones. One of the characters, Aran Tal, is currently behind a not-too-expensive paywall, but he'll apparently be available for free soon as well.
-The skins for the characters are fun and creative! Imara Vex has one that looks like Durge, and Zaina has one that kinda gives me adult Omega vibes. The store has an active rotation of skins that you can buy with either irl money or in game currency, and apparently old event skins eventually end up in the circulation too. Here are just a couple of my favorites:
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-I love the locations! Each one is very Star Wars vibes and has lots of cool lil in-universe elements, like pod racers going through Mos Espa (they can run you over). The time period is New Republic era, so everything is relatively plausible for that time period in universe.
-There's a bunch of different game types, so you don't get bored, and they each have different challenges, and different characters who shine in them. It's unfortunately a bit addicting.
-The events aren't too grindy or tedious (so far).
-I really appreciate the different modes you can play on! The main two modes are casual and ranked, so it's possible to play low stakes and just level up your characters in casual, or try to challenge yourself more in ranked. I appreciate how the limited time events that sometimes throw you into random characters you might not be experienced with are never ranked, so it's okay to suck. Character leveling is the same in both casual and ranked. And I appreciate the Training mode too, where you can try out all of the characters so you're never in a "wtf does this do" in a PVP environment. I get so anxious during PVP if I don't know what I'm doing.
Stuff I hope they improve on:
-Playing with people + party invites are kind of a pain. The invites disappear really quickly, so it's really hard to time it so you can actually play with your friends. It's also hard to know whether the party is going to be playing ranked or casual, and if ranked you can't see the ranks of the folks in your party before agreeing to join, which is a little nerve wracking.
-This is less a complaint, and more just general frustration, but ranking up is pretty tedious near the top, which is to be expected I suppose. Through Aurodium, it was generous because you earn so many more points when you win than when you lose, but in Kyber, you win/lose the same amount. You are judged by your team score, so losses bring down everyone's rank, and it feels like you have to take three steps back for every one. Kyber players are comparatively more competent, but I've been in some...unfortunate matchups before. (As of writing this, I'm in Kyber III, but I've been bouncing between Beskar II~Kyber II for the past two weeks...will I ever make it to Kyber I cries)
-I think they started with a decent batch of characters, and I know this game just came out of beta and the team said they'll be expanding on them! So this isn't really a complaint either. But in the future, I hope they add more female characters (currently only 4 female characters out of 13 total, which feels a little skewed), as well as more support characters, who always feel lacking.
I'd love a few more "popular" iconic Star Wars species to have characters in support. Maybe a Togruta apothecary? A Nautolan water medic? A Pantoran doctor? And personally, I'd love a super buff Twi'lek lady as a tank! Either way, lots of possibilities to look forward to, especially given how much I love the characters so far!
So far, I've been playing on my iPhone and it works pretty smoothly, though I've heard of some Switch users having trouble with lagging/connecting. I think I've only been booted out once, and even when I'm forced to pop out of the app for a moment (last night, I got an Amber alert that paused my screen), I was able to continue playing with barely any pause, which is honesty impressive. I've heard controls are easier on Switch, but I think I've been doing okay on mobile.
Have you tried this game out??
Here's the launch trailer if you're interested, it's Pretty:
And a self plug!
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Feel free to add me, I'm Akaz!
I main Skora (Rodian support) and prefer to play her in ranked, but also have Aran Tal (Mando, he's my baby boi), Sentinel (Stormtrooper tank), and Diago (Miraluka sniper) also at max level. Working on leveling up the others in casual mode!
I'm very happy to play casual mode with anyone! (and I play casual mode a lot to level up my less-used characters, and recommend spending some time there for new folks before diving into ranked)
I'm also happy to play ranked!
(but be warned, you'll kinda want to know what you're doing, or they will slaughter you in Kyber)
I might type up a follow up review giving my thoughts on each individual character and maybe some general tips idk
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pixxyofice · 23 hours
i do. not know your swap au. swap au rundown possibly. please :wibbly:
Bonnie -> Mirabelle, Loop -> Isabeau, Siffrin -> Odile, Mirabelle -> Siffrin, Odile -> Bonnie.
Oh, and also Euphrasie -> Loop and Isabeau -> Euphrasie.
Under the cut is descriptions.
Bonnie is the one blessed by the head housemaiden to not be frozen in time. Petronille and Bonnie ran to dormont's house when she ran away from home and Bonnie's been raised by the House, basically. So when Bonnie was blessed and had to run they have alll sorts of Responsibilities now. They call themselves Boniface to be taken more seriously. It doesn't work until...
Pyxis. Loop wakes up one day and finds themself somewhere different, in a House, and takes the opportunity to Change and then go out searching for Sadnesses (huh there are a lot more than you would expect after the king's been defeated-) to fight to blow off steam and be someone new until Boniface runs into them begging for help and citing their blessing and Pyxis gets a rock in their stomach and is like I AM HELPING YOU RIGHT NOW and they look around for orbs, finding...
Siffrin! Who washed up on the shores facing the stars and remembers that they used to know what they were and spends their life dedicated to trying to relearn them. He wanders into the party of a kid and a strange person with a star on their chest and joins in, eager to find a purpose beyond the stars... even if that is what their mind is at. Stars were their home. They can feel it.
Mirabelle. After a few years at her former house never quite knowing her parents and her parents never quite understanding her, she didn't go to the house. Instead, she wandered. Wandering and fighting and getting to know the land. Wanting to know herself. Reading books and hoping for a future where she understands a found family home. When she saves siffrin and pyxis from a sadness, she joins and, maybe, feels like perhaps they can be her home.
Odile. A 12-year old, so some years older than ageswap odile, but kinda similar vibes. Except Odile refuses to fight because hey she's a kid and unlike Boniface, she isn't immune to time stop, so she'd rather not risk it, thanks. Especially not after her father got frozen! She's a curious soul and she enjoys everyone, even if the circumstances weren't great. She has pretend beef with Boniface.
(Ephemera. She misses her Mirabelle. She'll help whoever it is she sees looping, and she won't lay a hand on whatever they're involved in. She won't make that mistaken Change again. She needs to get used to this body first.)
(Isabeau is the Head Housemaiden of Dormont's House of Change. I don't have much on him, but he's admired for helping figure out faster ways to Change. He's a smart buff man, and insanely protective. He and Claude are in a QPR to me. They were making bombs for the king.)
The King is still the same. Pyxis doesn't react well upon seeing him for the first time in person again. I mean. The three main fighters are scissors type and only Boniface is rock type. Odile doesn't fight. Its.......... um.... the King is the same. How funny, to stay the same when you want to preserve change.
Pyxis, due to being a Loop, remembers the time loop when it happens too. Mirabelle is the main focus of the initial looping.
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mecachrome · 1 day
Hi k! If you feel like it, do you have any favourite Oscar facial quirks?
omgggg anon this is only my favorite topic ever!!! (kidding but also not really 🧡)
i'm a lot like oscar tbh in that i have something of a deadpan stare and usually speak in a monotone but when i DO properly react to something i am veryyy uncontrollably expressive lolol, which i feel like is the same with him and the one million things constantly going on in his face!!! 😭 he definitely has a lot of little quirks / "tics" i guess for lack of better word that i adore so much...
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^ first off one of the best ones is the way he always moves his mouth to the side (see also), but i'd say my favorite overall is just his full nose + face scrunch ! as shown in MMMM DEBATABLE and the blind rankings one that i drew earlier t__t and also the 1st gif of this gifset!!! i'm guilty of constantly bunnycoding ojp and that expression is trewwlyyy on top... as well as another quirk that's quite bunnycoded which is whenever he sort of awkwardly grimaces and shows off his teeth idk if you know what i'm talking about 😭
of course another fav has to be his eyebrow raising and just overall eyebrow Mobility, it's so fun because they're very straight and slope downward when his face is resting but they ARCH perfectly when he raises them and he can also do the like 🤨 seth everman look which is iconic 2 me. tbh i like how much he enjoys Squinting at things in general LOL
i've also spoken about how the buzzfeed uk video has such a wealth of oscar facial expressions and imo part of this is the informal and relaxed setting on top of the fact that he was being forced to overthink and react to an inherently silly concept so we get the ultimate combo of CASUALLY EXPRESSIVE OSCAR!!! prema challenges have a similar vibe but imo this is still different because it's fairly removed from a motorsport setting so he's kind of just vibing... another v endearing quirk from this video is his eye twitching / blinking that you can see in a LOT of oscar content, i feel like it's a once you notice you never stop noticing it thing because he does it all the time and i find it really cute because it kind of makes him squinch his cheek too... miss cutieful....... SIMILARLY but also from the buzzfeed video this is one of my favorite examples of how much he (involuntarily imo) WIDENS his eyes (2) when talking or listening to something, here's another moment of him doing it back in f4 so you can see it's a long-ingrained habit.
sorry i'm literally giving you the most random ass deep cuts alkdfshaldsfh but i also remember watching ted's race notebook from miami and noticing oscar talking to a few mclaren employees during the team photo and something i find so endearing about him is when people call his name / try to get his attention and he does the >whips head around and widens his eyes with a polite little smile< thing like AGHHH... qt TT___TT ok i'm going off-topic now but the surprised smile he gave lando during the miami post-race debrief will haunt my memories forever because it was so Open !!!
anyway re: the grimacing he also kind of has a neck tic he does where he stretches his neck out... and i've noticed that he's also just kind of sensitive/particular with his neck in general and is always adjusting his collar where it sits on his skin, which again is off-topic but i find really cute because i can relate (sensitive to textures) hsdafhk.
let me stop talking but last but not least i'm obsessedddd with the way he pouts in the post-quali vid from canada this yr <3 and also his tendency to lick/bite his lips which always does great legwork in terms of the heart eyes piastri narrative and his apparent thirst for lando HKLFDSHLH which while i endorse wholeheartedly is definitely mostly just an unconscious habit of his... but i think rpf is fun so who cares!!! LOL i hope this makes sense idk if i described anything properly 😭🧡
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anon2710 · 3 days
S17e5 live reactions!
- yeah Elias don’t murder anyone if you wanna be an informant
- lol he has a whole receiving parade
- oh my fucking god Elias is messing w our papa pasta :(
- oh I just realised it has been ages since he’s actually spoken to him not in his mind - you got this bud ❤️
- car sex is just not it man
- the girl reminds me of cat adams - revenge murder and maybe the most brutal bc of so much hurt in the past - in fact this whole thing gives me dirty dozen vibes
- “you’ve been taking to to yourself” “I’ve been talking to myself for years” idk why that made me laugh hard
- hehe garvez is standing together 🥰
- protective luke 🥹
- “no!” “Everyone’s a comedian” HAHAHA
-“hands-off asshole” yeah give me more protective lukey pleaseeeee; also gives vibes of ‘don’t touch my girls stuff asshole’ which I LOVE
- couples who bully sicarius about his hygiene together stay together 🥺 🤝
- I kinda love how they’re filming this - they’re profiling together in the bull pen and workshopping - Elias has a weird chemistry w them
- lol pen with the handkerchief
- this is too easy; I’m so suspicious: I feel like he’s gonna do the same with Bailey - say something code-wordy to hint to him
- also why does it feel like Elias is being too helpful? like I think maybe he’s so invested bc 1) he gets to mess with Dave by being part of his team 2) Damian is a loose end and has some evidence to tie him to sicarius offficially
- I love smart strategic confident Em and she and Dave plotting to fuck Elias over together
- is he finally gonna shower??
- “dave” like they’re besties
- EW THEY HAD VOIT SAY OUR PRECIOUS PHRASE - but okay no that was so impactful
- oh my god he’s fucking with them so hard oh my god
- OH MY GODDDDDDD they’re talking about jealous Luke they’re talking about Penelope and Tyler they’re SAYING IT OUTRIGHT I CANT TALK I CANT TYPE I AM SCREAMING I LITERALLY GOT OFF MY COUCH AND JUMPED ACROSS MY APT
- ew tynelope is so gross greencia is so much better
- Luke you didn’t say nooo?! we all know it drives you crazy agent alvez
- so chaotic Elias is so funny man; kudos to Zach Gilford
- PAPA PASTA PROTECTING HIS FAMILY. You mess with Pen, Rossi brings the heat
- isn’t “locking you in a shipping container” a confession?? why are they not more interested in that?
- oh my god Brian’s gaslighting her - falling into the conspiracy thing again - everyone’s vulnerable and only hearing what they want too
- haha lukey doing yoga
- oh my god how do they do anything without Penelope
- hey kiddos - voit is leaving?? Pls pay attention to him
- is Rossi gonna let him run??
- oh my god they’re profiling each other
- “Teresa is in trouble”!??
- oh my god the sicarius smile
- aw tebecca!
- EM :(( be vulnerable babe we’re here for you
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A series of AAI2 headcanons
(biased towards Sebastian and using the unofficial translation names bc I am not emotionally adjusted to the new ones)
Kay bounces around between jobs for a while—she works under Lang at interpol for some time, and then spends a few years as a detective, and eventually settles into working as a PI. It gives her the free time to pursue her own investigations, and she can work with either the Prosecution or the Defense as she pleases. She does the full Yatagarasu intro every time she’s called in to testify. She adds special effects each time. No one knows how.
Kay also gets fuckoff tall. Just like. Fully over 6ft, and extremely buff to boot. Her vibes are very Gender and I can see her going on testosterone at some point, so maybe she has some scruff. Really emulating Badd.
Sebastian also gets tall. No concrete height but he must get taller than Edgeworth and Edgeworth must have a crisis about it. Full beanpole though, no muscle.
BIG fan of long hair Sebastian. Tied in an elegant little ponytail. He flicks it when he’s smug about making a point. It makes people want to punch him.
Relatedly, everyone on Team Edgeworth is a smug asshole. This is just canon. Edgeworth? Bitch energy off the charts. Franziska? She can and will mock you to your face. Small children hate her. Lang? Fantastic dude but you could NOT get through a conversation without wanting to deck him. Kay? Absolutely insufferable and she’s going to make it everyone’s problem. Sebastian? You may want to make him kind and soft because his dad sucks and he DOES care about doing the right thing and he cries a lot. However once he gets his confidence back he’s going to go back to being an arrogant bitch, except he’ll be right more often. Which is Worse. Ray is the closest to being straight up Nice. But at what cost.
Cape Sebastian. I rest my case.
Sebastian wears blue as his accent color for a long time, and actively avoids wearing red. It’s not until Edgeworth gives him a red cape that matches his suit that Sebastian puts red on again and feels like he earned it. It’s an emotional moment. Sebastian sobs through their entire shared lunch break.
Lang, Franziska, and Kay worked together really well in interpol, and went on some highly classified missions. They may or may not have smuggled political refugees out of Khura’in. Whenever anyone asks if they’ve been there, they give the exact same smile and copy-pasted response about it being a beautiful country and no of course they’ve never been! The Wright Anything lie detectors all blare alarms. Edgeworth doesn’t let them near Prosecutor Sahdmadhi when he’s in the country.
I actually think Franziska slowly leans more and more into her investigative duties for Interpol. Will she one day realize she’s more of a detective than a prosecutor? Who knows, but she fucking loves chasing down criminals. She and Lang are best friends. They will one day make friendship bracelets and cherish them for the rest of time.
Kay and Sebastian get platonic married. Kay arranged it for a case. Sebastian thought they were making a blood pact. They never get it annulled. (aro Kay and demi Sebastian ftw)
They are also SO gender and goofy with it. Kay is Sebastian’s husband. Sebastian is Kay’s wife. If Sebastian ever dates anyone (Blackquill/Sebastian my beloved rarepair), Kay is going to call them her wife’s mistress for the rest of time.
Sebastian and Edgeworth never have a formal conversation about it, but they consider each other family. They refer to each other as father/son only when the other isn’t present. Sebastian is in his will.
Sebastian and Courtney DO have a formal conversation about the same topic. There’s a lot of crying. John exclusively refers to Sebastian as his “weird brother”
Edgeworth and Courtney have a custody agreement. They meet weekly for lunches. They deny they’re friends but they ARE coparenting. Divorce rumors abound.
Conflicts of interest don’t exist in the ace attorney universe but if they did these two would have to declare one. Edgeworth would be like. Sorry I can’t work with one of three entire judges in our district. We’re coparenting a teenager together. And Justine would be like yeah. Also I think he’s a bitch :\
Sebastian goes into child welfare. He specializes in criminal cases with children as the victims or defendants, and often gets called in on cases where kids have to testify. In civil cases he acts as a Guardian Ad Litem (I like to think he was Trucy’s during the adoption proceedings!)
I see the Klavier and Sebastian highschool friends angle and I respect it but I actually think Klavier should have vastly complicated feelings about Sebastian, while Sebastian barely even thinks about him.
To expand: Sebastian is head of the class (Klavier is sporting about it but also jealous. They don’t really interact. Klavier has friends and Sebastian is an asshole.) >> Blaise Debeste’s bribery and other crimes come to light (Klavier feels a little bad for him. He doesn’t say it out loud but there is some very real level of “he should have noticed. What an idiot. I would have known.”) >> Sebastian prosecutes his father because conflicts of interest don’t exist in Ace Attorney. He cries the entire very public trial, and sometimes the court needs to go into recess because the defendant won’t stop hurling abuse at the prosecutor, but he otherwise presents a very solid case. (Klavier watches in stupefied horror. “I could never do that to someone I love,” he thinks, “no matter what they did.” He’s wrong.) >> Sebastian slowly picks himself up and builds his legal career with Edgeworth and Justine’s help. (Klavier still feels a bit of condescending pity, but mainly it’s a “good for him” kind of thing, with a small but lingering amount of distrust.) >> State v. Enigmar (Klavier takes a leave of absence. He shoves down his misgivings about the case. The Dark Age of the Law starts. Sebastian stays behind, and does his best with every case. He doesn’t run. Klavier is desperately bitter.) >> Seven Year Gap (Klavier becomes an international rock star. Sebastian is thrown to the wolves every day he practices law under the Debeste name. They’re both stained, but the difference is that Klavier is from his actions and Sebastian is from others. There’s at least one hit single based around this. Sebastian does not listen to rock music.) >> State v. Wright (2026) (Klavier’s brother can’t be guilty. Klavier knows him. Klavier loves him. Doesn’t he? Did he miss something or was he kidding himself? Klavier begins obsessing over Apollo Justice. He and Sebastian work in the same office again. Sebastian feels no particular way about this. Klavier hovers outside his door when no one else is around and thinks about guilt. Did you know? Did you suspect? Did you care?) >> State V. Tobaye. (Another betrayal. Will all of his loved ones abandon him? Did they think he was that stupid or did they think he loved them enough to look past their crimes? Which is worse? Klavier does not knock on Sebastian’s door.) >> State V. Misham. Sebastian takes Klavier aside and tells him not to hold himself responsible. Says that he can’t be blamed for not noticing, and that he just has to try and build himself up again. Sebastian tells him his door is always open. Klavier says thank you but I’m okay. (Klavier thinks “Maybe you couldn’t have known. But I could have. I should have. I was not supposed to be the fool.”) >> Klavier goes to Edgeworth-mandated therapy. He comes to terms with Kristoph’s betrayal. He realizes he has been obsessing over someone he barely knows from high school for over a decade. He wonders if this is a crush. If he had a friend to tell this to, they would say that this is actually just an externalized form of self-loathing. He does not have any friends. His therapist tells him this instead. >> Klavier knocks on Sebastian’s door. They proceed to have a series of very normal conversations. They become friends. Klavier is too mortified to ever tell Sebastian about any of the above.
The Klavier and Sebastian analysis could have been it’s own post but I got in too deep. I think Klavier should get to be an unfair bitch sometimes, even if he never says it out loud.
Alas, this post is now too long for me to expand on my Blackquill/Sebastian thoughts. Of which I have many. There’s 7k of fic written in my notes app. Blackquill thinks Sebastian is pushy and confident and the hottest person he’s ever seen. Sebastian thinks Blackquill is extremely pretty and kind to small animals and children. No one comprehends their views of each other.
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My reactions to episode 5 of season 2 of Criminal Minds Evolution
Didn't do one last week bc i didn't have time, plus it was just a weird episode. but people have told me they're excited for me to watch this one, so let's go!
i think this is penelope and voit's first time seeing each other face to face???
Voit's little nursery rhyme taunt i am CRYING laughing
Voit taunting the SHIT out of Rossi
"Somewhere in Iowa" has me rolling
Ooh so this is the beginning of the conspiracy theory. The FBI "assassinating" people
Side note: do they never change their badge pictures?? rossi's hair still has color in his
"Get out" Rossi????
Voit sitting at Reid's desk is funny bc Zach Gilford auditioned for Reid way back when
Luke she is standing slightly in front of you. you are not staring at her side you're staring at her ass. I see you.
"You can't bluff for a minute? You've been bluffing you're not Sicarius for a month" Tara i LOVE you
Someone: *mentions computer stuff* Luke: *looks at Penelope* Me: yeahhhh he knows his gf can do anything
"I'll come with just to make sure you [elias] behave" Luke i am sure that is the ONLY reason
"an online bulletin board where people post their not-so-secretly racist opinions?" Luke i love you
Voit: *touches Pen's things* Luke: Hands off, asshole YES MAN PROTECT YOUR GIRLLLLL
"What's up with you two? Because there's a vibe." AH HA HA HA HA!! I saw a mini spoiler that Voit picked up on them but I imagined he would be calling Luke out on it privately to taunt him I DIDN'T THINK HE'S ASK THEM BOTH TO THEIR FACE WHAT ALL THAT TENSION WAS
this is no longer garvez crumbs this is garvez ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Penelope why don't you have an answer? Why don't you have an answer, Penelope?
Couples who insult an inmates smell together stay together 🥰
"subtitle to Mary Shelley's frankenstein" the secret agenda to CME: make Luke super knowledgeable about classic literature. my "luke was an english major" headcanon is just proved more and more right
"Dr. Lews" look at least he's respectful of her title. i feel like ppl forget she's a doctor
Penelope holding up a handkerchief to her nose 😂
"Neglected to ask me that" luke was right, everyone IS a comedian
"You son of a bitch" I love how they are just having Luke call him every name in the book
Luke recognizing morse code like the little army boy he is 🥰
"what the fuck is north star?" that's an episode name, isn't it? does anyone remember what episode it is going to be?
Emily and Rossi plotting to let Voit try to escape so they can shoot him. Okay????
oooh that sounded SO scripted and forced and awkward 😭
"can you do that without fingerprints?" EMILY WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST ASK TYLER???
"Same deductive work as the BAU just... faster" 😂😂😂
"Wheels up" i was GAGGED when i saw that in the preview
Tyler found brian!!
Voit just taunting them all like a child has me cackling
Omg he knows about Greencia. If he tries to use it to blackmail them/her Luke is going to rip his head off
"Maybe not that crazy" AKA he noticed Garvez so he's not surprised she'd be messing around with ppl involved in her work
"That's enough" Luke is like "A. don't talk about her that way. B. i don't want to hear about this."
"Why is that enough, Luke?" STOP IT RIGHT NOW I'M CACKLING
"Do us all a favor and shut the fuck up" YESSSSSS JJ
"Tynelope is a thing and that drives Luke crazy." oh my GOD. there is so much here. Ig i can't say Greencia anymore it's Tynelope? and also Voit calling Luke out for being jealous in front of everyone????
Luke looking away from Penelope. BUT PENELOPE LOOKING OVER AT LUKE.
"I haven't thought about you at all" I mean i know it's a lie but it's funny
"Useful idiot" emily i love you
okay why tf is brian suddenly pretending not to know what Gold Star is
Luke back to his undercover rootsssss
ohhhhh this is gonna be the bomb we saw in the trailer isn't it (if it is then i am gonna get SO MANY DAMN FIC IDEAS from this ep)
yepppppp bomb!!
Forget Garvez, clearly the real ship this show is pushing is Luke x Bomb
Every time Penelope says "Luke" I get giddy
Penelope (slighly panicky) walking her bf through the bomb situation so he doesn't die
Penelope calling him "Luke" but Luke calling her "Garcia" is SO personal to me
Penelope that is a VERY happy smile (just tell that man you love him)
@lklvz you get gratuitous Luke saying "fuck" content and i hope it makes you smile
oh damn it all to hell, damien
"Teresa is in trouble" the FUCK?
tyler knows teresa??? or Penelope is teresa?
Luke following Penelope haha that's not a surprise
"I don't want to be alone tonight" FUCK YOU, REBECCA
More emily smoking!!
guys that was SO GOOD
one of the best eps so far
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aylinaliens · 2 years
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same exact energy
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ilivelikeimtrying · 10 months
Nimona AU where Ballister is a villain but like, he's not even really that evil, like, at all. He's just, really bad at being a Villain.
And him and his "Nemesis" have the worst relationship, meaning that they have a great relationship because they don't even actually hate each other like Nemesis' are supposed to.
V!Ballister, doing an 'evil' monologue: Well well well, sir Goldenloin, it has been quite some time since we've last- What's wrong?
Ambrosius, whose face was scrunched a bit: Huh? Oh, it's nothing, these ropes on my wrists are just- they're burning and itching is all- you can keep-
V!Ballister, panicking and running over: Really?! Oh Ambrosius you've been here for hours! Why didn't you say anything sooner?! Are they too tight? Is it this new brand? I told Nimona not to get these ones but no-
*cue to Ambrosius staring fondly at Ballister as he continues to ramble about never buying this specific set of ropes again*
Half the time Ambrosius doesn't even know why he's fighting the guy, like, The Director is all "He's the personification of an Evil Villain" at Ballister and Ambrosius is staring at the same guy seeing him help a little girl get her kitten out of a tree and give a good bit of the money he stole to people in need and points at him like "Really????? "
#nimona#nimona 2023#nimona movie#Ambrosius questions the Director so much when it comes to Ballister#Nimona he's a little more inclined to believe because she's basically chaos- but even then he hasn't seen her ACTUALLY do something BAD#but Ballister himself is like- trying to be a villain with Nimona-#(and has the means for it I mean- c'mon he's a genius who can fight and has a kickass sidekick)#- But he's just- so bad at actually being bad.#he's very much capable of commiting crimes and doing villainous acts but other then that the guy is so wet cat and actually super nice#the people still 'fear' him as a villain because of the Institute and their propaganda and the other Hero's hate him#(because he's beaten them all before in battle- and wins every time)#but Ambrosius is the only one who's genuinely kind to him because he doesn't actually see him as a villain#kinda wanted to Uno Reverse Card things- so they both like each other but Am is so oblivious to Bal's advances-#even when he's being painfully obvious#like- it's not a 'we can't date cuz we're on opposite sides' thing- it's a:#'I really like him but he probs doesn't feel the same cuz we're on opposite sides' thing#okay so like- looking at it better now- yeah this is defs comic × movie now so#¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯#nimona comic#cuz like- they do give off those vibes#but in my head this Amb is still his movie personality and nice#with a mix of 'wake up don't believe everything this bitch is saying' juice#and as dumb/af comic Amb#like at some point Bal requires his help to get rid of admirers and is like 'I could use something cute on my arm to turn them away'-#and Am is like '... you could always use a nice handbag. You can borrow one of mine if you don't have one- or! I saw this really nice one'-#and Bal is just staring at him like 'Gloreth he's so dumb i can't not have him'#and he mentions that he meant a cute PERSON on his arm but Am is still like 'Oooh... uhm- I have this one friend- they might help if i ask'#and Bal just goes 'YOU! I MEANT YOU YOU ADORABLY DUMB TWINK OF A HIMBO! I COULD USE YOU NEXT TO ME TO FEND THEM OFF!'
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day 172
destiny ref sheet LINED. now i just gotta slap some colors on this baby and we're ready for artfight
(pspspspsps ooo u wanna look at my d&d characters, u wanna look at them so badddd)
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saulbaby · 2 years
My toxic trait is that I kinda ship Garrus and Miranda
#fully convinced that the only reason they never actually talked in the games#is bc theyre both speak in such a sexy aloof way#that both of them talking that way to each other would just sound like theyre gonna bang#i wrote a couple scenes wjth them a while back in a shakarian fic and had to cut them#bc it was like effortlessly sexy and forth banter#and i couldnt even make them friendly with their me2 vibes without it turning shippy#i am. convinced the me2 writers ran into the same problem.#ik a lot of ppl dont talk much but they really really never do#the only thing is that if you dont have jack hes like half of us dont even trust you and objects when miranda#volunteers to be squad leader#but it doesnt make any sense bc when hr first gets there hes like cool guns shouldve joined up sooner lol#and clearly never has an issue with the cerberus thing#so whys he the one who randomly doesnt trust miranda and not tali who has spoken to miranda#and does not trust her#anyway. garrus and miranda is a secret ship that they dont want you to know about bc it makes too much sense to not happen#and then neither woukd ever get romanced bc youd see them together and be like no they beling together actually#i feel like i should be writing this much more ironically but im really not i think ive come to ship it more as i wrote this#theyre basically neo noir femme fatale and vigilantr detective#send post#what if i wrote a fic#.........#god i wanna write a fic. why do i wanna writr a fic and do art?#like suoer slinky sexy femsheps kinda annoy me in art tbh bc no matter how u play she never really has that vibe in game#but it does work next to garrus is the thing#miranda fits that bill#im gojna write a fic#what would it even be about holy shit#ok like. i honestly always habe shep push back against the vigilante thing bc if theyre anti cerberus they should probably#also be against what garrus is doing#depending on the reasoning but overall they have similar goals
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
i mentioned on the dys>sol/nomi i was gonna be posting more of my fic backlog on here and then Did Not Do That..... until now! have some dys>sol>cal. 'you sure write a lot of dys>sol where sol likes other people' yeah. yeah. i won't lie to you guys tho this run does eventually end w/dys/sol but. u kno. takes a bit :)
aaaaanyways please enjoy this Unrequited Teen Angst WWWWWWW set during early year 16!
is that the sun i see (or am i just being greedy); 700 words
Sol’s weirdly moody on the transport. Usually even if he’s quiet, he’ll be fiddling with his holopalm or listening to music or something, but today he’s in the very back, just staring out at the scenery, and when their eyes meet for half a second he doesn’t even smile. Sol always smiles when he sees Dys, which honestly used to kind of weird him out but these days… does not do that.
Still, as the team files out of the transport and breaks off into pairs, Dys keeps an eye on him instead of scouting ahead like normal -- which ends up being a good thing, because after about fives minutes out by themselves Sol suddenly lets out an enormous groan and slumps over, hunched in over himself. And Dys can’t feel fear but his heart’s pounding anyways as he runs over, careful to keep an eye on their surroundings as he leans over and says, urgently, “Sol, what --”
The moment his hand touches Sol’s back Sol jumps, enough to send himself falling back on his ass in the dirt, eyes wide with surprise like he hadn’t heard Dys sprinting towards him. “Dys?” he sputters, before glancing around. “I thought -- I mean, don’t you normally go on ahead…?”
He doesn't look hurt at all, though on closer inspection there’s bags under his eyes Dys’s never seen on his face before. “I mean,” says Dys, who can’t bring himself to say I was worried about you, “you were acting weird, so….”
“Oh,” says Sol, before managing a tiny grin up at him. “That’s… that’s really nice of you. Thanks.”
“Whatever.” Ugh. He can feel his stupid face going red. The worst part is that he can’t even leave, not with how Sol’s smile is still wobbling at the edges. “...Are you okay?”
“Oh, well, um… I mean, that’s….” The smile slides off Sol’s face piece by piece, until he gives up on it all at once and sighs miserably, pulling his knees in close until he’s curled up on himself in the dirt. “No.”
Dys… can’t even pretend to be surprised. Slowly he sits down next to Sol, watching as Sol leans forward to rest his chin on his arms, for once not even fidgeting. “...It’s stupid,” says Sol, finally. “It’s really stupid, and you’re gonna think it’s stupid too. But… if I tell you… can you pretend you don’t think it is? Just for like, ten minutes.”
This already sounds like it’s going to suck. “...Okay. I won’t… say anything, I guess.”
The moment drags out. Dys picks a little at a hangnail, waiting. Finally, Sol sighs again, and doesn’t quite look at Dys as he says, “Cal and Tammy are dating.”
“He told me on my birthday.” Sol tilts even further forward, until his face is buried in his arms, and with a muffled voice says, “Like, he knocked on the door and she was there and he had his hand on her back. And she’d made me a cake, which was like, nice or whatever, but it was so unbearable just seeing them together and I just -- I just had to sit there and pretend I was happy for them….
“Apparently she asked him out during Glow? Like, after the attack? And I saw them together in the lounge but I didn’t even realize….” There is, horrifyingly, a sniffing noise. “Stupid… stupid Fennec Face. She’s not… she’s not even that cute, and she’s afraid of everything, and I… I….”
Another sniff. Dys is probably the person least equipped to deal with this in the entire colony, not in the least because he heard Cal was dating someone else and his first reaction was gratitude. “...Sorry,” he offers up, finally. “That… that sucks.”
“Yeah,” says Sol, as he burrows deeper into his arms. “I… I just… I really like him. Y’know?”
Quietly, Dys answers, “I know.”
In response Sol just lets out this big shuddering sigh, somehow burrowing even deeper. “Sorry,” he says. “I know it’s stupid. I… Sorry.”
Dys can’t think of anything to say to that, can’t think of a single thing that might make Sol feel a little better. Instead of trying anyways he just sits there like an idiot, keeping half an eye on the planet around them to make sure they don’t get eaten by anything, and next to him Sol doesn’t move for a long, long time.
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moinsbienquekaworu · 5 months
I've gone from insane about the pilot when it dropped and so so into it to mildly interested and kind of cringing at the actual first episode. 4 years's not a lot but I feel like I got old
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asia kate dillon as achilles in iphigenia crash land falls on the neon shell that was once her heart (a rave fable)
#so uh file that under#asia kate dillon#iphigenia crash land falls on the neon shell that was once her heart (a rave fable)#i could believe this is like achilles' introduction. ''whoa who's that twink'' the song; the scene#and it's kind of a degree removed like. the play having Recorded Elements so this is probably one of them#rather than say technically being a recording of a live performance during a live production. projected During productions probably yknow...#but. i am only guessing there lol this could in fact be like a rehearsal type recording As Would Be Performed Live#fun fact all these gifs are the same number of frames plus or minus like One due to error or smthing Maybe. save for gif 5 b/c good lord lol#like i have got to let this play out a little longer. restraint? not true to the airplane hanger achilles rave vibe probably#that being a shot of the second verse of the first chorus i.e. ''all the pretty girls why don't you kiss me'' like ooh goodness#like again if this is achilles' introductory scene & iphigenia is like Wowww Who's That....girl right???#watching it at an extra lingering 0.75x speed for this gifset purposes like whew well i'm seduced. if ''pretty girls'' is totally figurative#but seeing as achilles is trans / nongendered / nonbinary or what have you out here like well hey. striking a pose. samesies#videos that let you appreciate being alive fully in the moment. true to the airplane *hangar achilles rave vibe#pretty girl dancing in the deluge help....
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sugarsugarmp3 · 4 months
i turn 21 on monday and i just know im not going to enjoy this weekend at all...
#BIG vent in tags#the last two months have been honestly some of the worst of my life i am always always thinking about this rly shitty thing happened#and now i have to go home for my birthday weekend which i know i should be happy about and it is a good thing#but i just really dont want to go and i feel like a bad person for feeling that way#im doing better than someone i know and i need to go home and be there for them#i wanted to be in my apartment and relax with my friends#ive had 4 midterms this week and i am just exhausted with everything#and its not like it being my brithday will make my weekend bc thats literally impossible#and i feel so shitty about feeling this way bc im not the one who needs help right now and my bday shouldnt even be a priority in my family#bc we have bigger problems rn#but i still wish it was better. plus today sucked#i just am always awkward with people and i wish i was better at social stuff and ive felt rly lonely bc i only hve a few good friends#and trying to make friends is so impossible bc it seems like i keep doing the wrong thing and not being able to vibe with people#rn im just thankful for labs bc having constant lab partners are the only social interactions i get in almost all my classes#this girls would sit next to me in genetics and we would talk but i hvent seen them in a few weeks and i dont know their names#and im not great with faces so i cant even go up to them if i see them and i wouldnt even know what to say if i did#i see the same people in my classes but im sure they think im weird bc ive never talked with them but i always accidentally make eye contac#and one girl in 4/5 of my classes i sometimes talk with but i dont even know if she likes me and i acciendetnally made eye contact with her#while waiting for a lecture to start but then made no attemot to talk to her bc i thought itd be awkward and she probably thought i was#ignoring her#its just this week. its been so so shitty i dont know how to change thus
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