Yo. Nonbinary. Queer. Witchy. I'm very bad at responding to things but I do see them! If you ever need me to tag something, don't be afraid to let me know. I tag major trigger warnings when I see them already. (They/Them) ~ • About • AO3 • Redbubble • ~ Icon by @ericfuckingbittle
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scum villain fairytale AU where every night, the beautiful yet cruel peak lord Shen Qingqiu transforms from his regal self into modern nerd Shen Yuan (complete with physical and wardrobe changes).
to keep the secret of his transformations, Shen Qingqiu has taken to locking himself up at night. so every night for the past few weeks, Shen Yuan has awakened to find himself chained and kept prisoner in the bamboo house. since he can't ask anyone, he has no idea that he turns back into someone else come morning, he just thinks he's being drugged or something and that this is his entire transmigration experience -- a prisoner of someone he never sees or interacts with, presumably being fed and bathed while he's unconscious somehow since he hasn't died and doesn't stink, who also hasn't seen sunlight since all of this began.
anyway one day Shen Qingqiu gets distracted and doesn't do the chains up properly (qi deviation issues most likely), and Shen Yuan manages to escape just before dawn. he doesn't completely get away because Shen Qingqiu did set up a last ditch imprisonment array that teleports Shen Yuan back into the house before he can leave the property line, but he gets outside and he calls for help.
disciple Luo Binghe (out early because he got sent to do nine million chores all night and didn't sleep to begin with) sees this thin and obviously frightened young man (in chains!) break out of his master's house and plea for assistance, only to be swallowed up by what looks like some kind of sinister magical effect and vanish.
curiosity piqued, the next night, Luo Binghe masters some of his fear of his harsh shizun and sneaks over to the bamboo house. it takes a few nights more for him to actually work up the nerve to actually peek into one of the windows.
to his astonishment, he sees the young man obviously being held captive inside. what's going on? is it a demon? but then, why would Shen Qingqiu hold him captive instead of just killing him? Luo Binghe is still barely young enough to want to give his cruel master some benefit of the doubt, out of hope for his own prospects if nothing else, but this seems pretty fucked up. especially since the chained man is so pretty, and so scantily clad (shorts and t-shirt)...
anyway, Shen Yuan notices Binghe and starts calling out to him for help. but this frightens Luo Binghe off, because he doesn't know that Shen Qingqiu won't hear and come running. he feels badly though and eventually does go back, and after Shen Yuan assures him that no matter how he screams or begs for help he's sure no one will come (until Binghe, no one ever has), Luo Binghe cautiously stays put and starts talking to him. after a while the young disciple can only conclude that his master must be going down the mountain to spend his nights at the brothels. no one has seen him leave for such trips in months, but he must have discovered a way to do so more secretively.
Shen Yuan has figured out since long ago that he transmigrated, although he doesn't know the setting, so he knows he can't entirely explain his situation to this random teenager. he also knows that there's a chance -- though it seems remote -- that the boy has something to do with his captivity, and isn't just the innocent bystander he seems to be. but with little to loose he's more inclined to trust and hope that this might give him an opportunity to escape.
meanwhile Luo Binghe is still cautious that this strange man might be a demon of some kind, or a trap or test on Shen Qingqiu's part, so he doesn't give his real name or tell Shen Yuan anything about the sect. gradually he becomes convinced of Shen Yuan's sincerity, even though he still doesn't dare go against Shen Qingqiu or actually set foot inside the house.
time passes, and Luo Binghe's visits become more regular. despite the lack of rescue, even just having someone to talk to is such a massive improvement that Shen Yuan doesn't complain. before long he gets the impression that this boy's situation isn't even much better than his own, as he is constantly sporting some bruise or visible injury or another, and offhandedly describes a lot of treatment that sounds frankly horrific as if he thinks it's simply normal. he figures he's in a cultivation setting and some kind of sect, though, and after a while he begins imparting tips and tricks and whatever he can think of to fill the silence with his mystery visitor.
this is eventually how he figures out that he's trapped in the world of PIDW, even if he doesn't quite figure out where or who with yet. because Luo Binghe describes some aspects of cultivation that would only apply to that hack job the author made of cultivation systems. which is a good thing because it lets Shen Yuan offer more specific advice, and also begin to try and make plans.
if he's imprisoned by cultivators, then one day Luo Binghe will probably arrive as part of his eradication of the sects. maybe Shen Yuan can beg mercy from him?
this becomes such an important fantasy that Shen Yuan begins to describe it to his little visitor, playing it off that he sometimes gets "visions" (and trying to help the poor kid some more, given that both of them are in danger in a stallion novel where no man is liable to live long in the protagonist's orbit).
at first Luo Binghe thinks that Shen Yuan has somehow figured out who he is, when the man begins to tell him stories of some great person of destiny who has the same name as him. but by then he's hooked so even though it's risky, he still keeps going back to the bamboo house at night, and after a few weeks he concludes that Shen Yuan really doesn't seem to realize that the name of his imagined demon emperor has anything to do with his visitor. he even describes Luo Binghe's own background and troubles to him, but offhandedly, as if he is just picking up loose details about someone else from a story or dream. even when Shen Yuan observes that the Luo Binghe of his stories has some similarities to the Luo Binghe outside the window, his does this in such a way that it just seems to emphasize that he has no idea that these "visions" he's started having are connected to his visitor. or that the villain Shen Qingqiu he describes is in fact his captor.
Luo Binghe guesses that these visions might be the reason Shen Qingqiu has locked Shen Yuan away. perhaps he is some kind of magical creature, if not a demon, and cultivators can benefit from stealing energy or blood or... other unsavory things from him, although Luo Binghe doesn't think Shen Yuan's predictions sound very accurate. he's still trying to figure it out when, in fact, one of those predictions comes true.
Shen Qingqiu declares that he's going into seclusion, and disappears into the lingxi caves. with him he takes a large box (big enough to hold a man and with vents on the sides), that he moves and handles himself, even though secluded cultivation doesn't usually call for a lot of luggage. from the box, just faintly, Luo Binghe imagines he hears the clink of chains. (Shen Qingqiu plans to lock himself into it every night.)
that night, when Luo Binghe goes to the bamboo house, he finds it completely empty. it's empty again the next night, too, no matter which windows he approaches. as the nights drag on he even grows bold enough to break into the bamboo house, but there's nobody inside.
Shen Qingqiu must have taken his prisoner with him into the caves. Luo Binghe cannot think of a reason to do that which is not nefarious, and he struggles to sleep each night, imagining terrible things that his cruel master could be doing to Shen Yuan as part of his efforts to improve his own cultivation. he can only pray that none of it proves fatal.
being locked in a box at night is pretty bad, but luckily one of the corners was kind of shoddily made, so Shen Yuan manages to get out of it after the second night. he's still chained and he can't leave the circle of an array Shen Qingqiu set up, but the cave is at least a change of scenery. Shen Yuan even feels inspired to attempt some cultivating of his own, although he worries that he's been moved to this weird place because someone caught his little visitor coming to the window, and he hopes that if so, no one has punished the boy (he knows that's a slim hope, given the kind of micro infractions his visitor has apparently been beaten over).
of course, there's a rampaging Liu Qingge qi deviating in the caves, so Shen Yuan gets to deal with that. Liu Qingge thinks he's having some kind of lingering fever dream when he gets rescued by some weird pervert at night, only to come to his senses and find he's being berated by a wild-eyed Shen Qingqiu instead.
Shen Qingqiu is not happy that Liu Qingge's rampage put him in proximity with his incredibly pathetic werewolf curse, the only relief is that the idiot seemed to be too out-of-his head from a qi deviation to remember most of it. and also apparently his "other self" saved the man's life, which Shen Qingqiu is just going to attribute to dumb luck. Shen Qingqiu is 100% convinced that this curse he's under is designed to get him killed or disgraced.
meanwhile, despite his fears about Shen Yuan's state, Luo Binghe does remember that the man told him about a demon attack that followed Shen Qingqiu going into seclusion. he's not sure what to expect, but somehow he isn't as surprised as he should be when Sha Hualing and her goon squad turn up. he is grimly terrified when the fighting tournament starts, and he sees the demon who matches the description of the one he's meant to fight and he can't imagine that working out in his favor... but Shen Yuan was perfectly adamant that despite the difficulty, Luo Binghe would win.
if he wins, does that mean the rest of it comes true? that Luo Binghe is a half heavenly demon, that he will one day become the strongest person alive, emperor of the three realms and owner of the largest harem ever to exist? the one person Shen Yuan seems to think might rescue him from his prison?
the idea of it (well, some of it) gets Luo Binghe through his fight. and then of course Meng Mo shows up, and Shen Yuan is pulled into the subsequent dream and figures out who is "mysterious visitor" really is and is kind of like, oh shit I gave Luo Binghe spoilers about his own destiny. shit. well. done is done...?
Luo Binghe is alright with most of it though. the Abyss sounds deeply unpleasant and he doesn't actually want any wives (so many nights spying on Shen Yuan lounging around in barely nothing and some chains have definitely led to some epiphanies on his part), but if Shen Yuan says he can survive it, he believes him.
and then he will rescue Shen Yuan. after the Abyss he's also completely sold on ruining and killing Shen Qingqiu too. there are no downsides and this plan cannot possibly go awry!
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anyway its so nice to be able to hang out with you guys whenever i want for once. what should we do next. how about some karaoke
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the goblin emperor dashboard simulator
✉️ couriersdaily
✉️ couriersdaily
tags roundup:
#diversity win??? #woahhh I forgot about him #this is how I found out. I hate it here #this is the end of the ethuveraz and a disgrace to his late serenity's memory #woaw #ENJOY BEING A BARIZHAN COLONY THOU ELVISH BASTARDS #prev: well no bc it's not like the great avar gaf about him either #who the fuck is archduke maia??? #aww he's only 18 :( #is he the one everyone says is crazy.....? #this is like a wonder tale talk about a comeback #this is a disaster #COOL #ok I guess #EMPRESS CHENELO AVENGED‼️ #dost thou think we can pray in the bariheise style now #I have never heard of this man before in my life
101,432 notes
😎 aveyyyyio
Edrehasivar better than me coz if I'd been in relegation my whole life in genteel poverty with some random and my whole family hated me or didn't gaf about me and I never got formally presented at court and everyone said I was mad or inbred I would have ascended to the throne and started killing everyone responsible
❤️ silmaroperas
op I see thine point but most of the people responsible are very much now dead. like that literally is how we got here
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Anonymous said:
Prince Idra is the rightful Emperor
⚰️ witnessforthedeadfandoms answered:
Oh so thou'rt massive on child cruelty and the death of child emperors??? that's what thou'rt saying?? thou wants Prince Idra to be a child emperor and then be murdered by a power hungry regent?? wowwwwwwww #problematic
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Anonymous said:
suspicious that the Emperor and his other sons ALL got taken out at once, leaving the throne clear for Archduke Maia, no?? Like it's.... Convenient. Wouldn't you say
⚰️ witnessforthedeadfandoms answered:

Not really no
#thou didst all jump like fleas to the next conspiracy I see 🙄
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⚔️ valmatasreturn reblogged courtpollsandbrackets follow
(propaganda under the cut)
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#so is this how the corazhas make decisions now or??? #anyway. CSETHIRO SWEEP
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🤲🏻 honourofcsethio follow
tbh we think everyone saying that edrehasivar is going to be a disaster of an emperor is being really fatalistic... like YEAH he looks like a panic attack had a wish granted to be a real boy but we think he can do some real good :(
🕰️ likeclockwork
lol sorry but that skinny kid would have to bridge the istandaärtha to win my confidence
🕰️ likeclockwork
2109 notes
🚨| As agreed by the Corazhas this morning, Dach'osmin Csethiro Ceredin is engaged to the Emperor Edrehasivar VII and will become Empress Csethiro, Ethuverazid Zhasan
#edit: please stop tagging this 'can Edrehasivar fight' someone's gonna construe it as a threat on the Emperor's life and things have been tense enough lately #second edit: WE GET IT, A LOT OF THEE HAD A CRUSH ON HER AT LEAST THOU DOST GET TO SEE HER ALL THE TIME NOW
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🎶 operasdaily follow
Opera of the Day: The Autumn Archduke is an old warhorse by Ebrezhanar. It concerns the sudden ascension to the throne of the Archduke Aizhevea (later Edrethelema III) after the tragic deaths of his father, older brother, and his sister's son in a fire at the imperial palace. It maps the early years of his reign, including how the incident partially inspired his designs for the new structure of the Untheileneise Court. It was popularly performed in Lohaiso ten years ago, but has not been significantly revived since this period.
👁️ akhalarnaseyeball
this happened to my buddy Edrehasivar Zhas
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scream apparently in the flop coup they tried to send the emperor to be a votary of csethio??? this just in, 'get thee to a nunnery' is NOT just for noblewomen #equality
reading through the whole report on the attempt now and losing my shit... skill issue of the highest level imagine thy coup fails because thy 14 year old prince and 18 year old emperor unionise against thee and thou cannot do shit because teenager 1 and teenager 2 are the two most powerful men in the court... biggest cringefail coup of all time
#say the prayer of compassion for the dead for chavar and sheveän's egos because they won't survive this
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😎 aveyyyyio
anyone else think the couriersdaily account is kinda being really excessively hype about eshevis tethimar getting killed in that assassination attempt. like... real, but also. diva... the attempt on the emperor's life......
#though I presume if they're shitposting the emperor is probably fine #given couriersdaily is almost certainly run by... Thou Knowest... #maybe it's like a diary for them #all the shit you can't say on the day job mer ai-- I mean couriersdaily?
389 notes
😎 aveyyyio reblogged couriersdaily

⚜️ odris84-blog follow
this is so fucking disrespectful... we don't know what we expected from baseborn couriers like thee but eshevis tethimar was a respected member of the tethimada whatever he ALLEGEDLY tried to do to the emperor. now he's in ulis's hands so thou shouldst really at least TRY to have some dignity and compassion
✉️ couriersdaily
#see???? #btw don't open the notes it's the archipelagar wars in there
10,431 notes
🫀 zhelsu-no34
Othala Celehar: h-

#prelate of ulis... a good one... looks good in the coat of office...
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🗣️ untheileneisecourtconfessions
went on a date with some random osmer and he admitted to having some tiny part in the tethimadeise conspiracy to try and impress me and idk if he was lying or not but he was pissing me off so I called the untheileneise guard on him and ate his dessert once they hauled him off lol
#plus I go to salons with the zhasan sometimes #and I think she would have snapped my head off my neck if she'd found out he said that and I did nothing
785 notes
🌽 orshansmazei reblogged amalomemes

#he comes into the sanctuary I work at and walks around in circles sometimes #he looks haggard too. poor thing 😭 #I know someone at the laundresses who is convinced he only has one coat
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i may or may not have looked at this for 20 minutes
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what's the LEAST formal way you call(ed) your university professors? (on formal settings like in class or talking/writing to them, not counting chatting among friends)
Just last name
First name
Something else
I haven't gone to university
#nickname at the insistence of the professor and I haaaated it. it was just another way for her to pretend to be our friend to mask the fact#that she didn’t have a clue what she was doing.
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Spin the wheel. That's who's trying to kill you.
Spin the wheel again. That's who's trying to protect you.
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i hate seeing people drink the openai/chatgpt koolaid 😭😭😭 genuinely feels like watching someone get seduced by scientology or qanon or something. like girl help it's not intelligent it's Big Autocomplete it's crunching numbers it's not understanding things i fuckign promise you. like ohhh my god the marketing hype fuckign GOT you
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“If I had time travel I’d kill Hitler” “If I had time travel I’d stop my favourite politician getting assassinated” you’re all thinking way too small. If I had time travel I’d stop Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin from dying on the moon due to Soviet sabotage, kicking off the Great Nuclear War and devastating half of the planet.
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the “We should get married so we can’t ever be forced to testify against each other” trope except it’s Bruce and Clark as a catch all for any/all crimes committed by Bruce (as a vigilante) Clark (usually as a party to vigilantism, but also all the lies/forgery to look human) and both of them (money laundering, fraud, etc committed to create and fund the Watchtower).
Because if one identity gets found out, it’s not hard to connect the dots. And if it ever came to a trial, or a military tribunal, no one would see spousal privilege being invoked by Batman & Superman coming. Not from a mile away.
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(In Stars and Time spoilers)
AHHH I FINISHED IT! I'm handing this over with such love and care, I had so much fun drawing this.
(Every image with the text removed)
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i like the idea that loop still just looks like a person theyre just WAY too bright so u cant look at them directly or else all u see is Light And Eyes
#actually hilarious lol#also obligatory finished a new piece of media that changed me irreparably alert#isat#needs image descs
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Ace Attorney: Trials in Paradise 🌅
— an AA7 fan concept —
Initial Premise:
Since it’s designed for the Switch 2 (and thus made for a larger screen), the game will almost always have 2-3 characters on screen at a time, and will feature dozens of unique interaction animations between all sorts of character combos.
There has been another 7 year timeskip.
The old judge retired, and the new judge is his granddaughter!
The jurist system is featured.
This concept is heavily based around these designs.
The characters would have multiple outfits throughout the game, which become unlockable costumes, much like the DLC costumes of DD, SoJ, and TGAA games.
While this is way too specific to truly be a "prediction" of what aa7 could be, I tried to keep it (mostly) realistic to what I thought could actually be in an ace attorney game!
📦 Case 1: Turnabout Homecoming
Trucy left the nest and Phoenix doesn’t like living alone anymore, so Phoenix is moving into Edgeworth’s house. Apollo— who recently got his driver's license— was driving the moving van, and was accused because a body had been found in the vehicle. The true killer was one of the movers. I like the idea that you'd have to look through boxes for evidence, maybe the murder weapon was hidden within their belongings.
Defendant: Apollo Defense: Phoenix Weird Girl: Edgeworth Prosecutor: Diana Payne (Winston’s daughter) Detective: (drumroll…) Godot!! Witnesses: Larry (he was helping with the move), Leslie (one of the movers) Victim: Bee(another one of the movers) Killer: Anne(third mover)
(rest of the cases and a lotttt more art under the cut ↓ )
🎢 Case 2: Rollercoaster Turnabout
Maya and Pearl are on vacation at Blue Badger Land. Pearl is accused of murder after a body is found on an unpopular attraction that only Pearl enjoys going on. As an aside, Gumshoe is retired from detective work, and now works as a dog trainer. He trained Armando's service dog, Spot O'Coffee. Wendy Oldbag also serves as a witness, but she's pretty old at this point. Her memory has become fuzzy with age, and her testimonies begin to mix up information from other trials (which will be little references to previous games).
Defendant: Pearl Defense: Apollo Weird Girl: Maya Prosecutor: Klavier Detective: Godot Witnesses: Gumshoe (and his kids, Callum & Beau), Wendy Oldbag, Ride Operator Victim: Ride Safety Inspector Killer: Park Manager
💍 Case 3: My Love, Turnabout
Klavier has arranged a collab performance between Trucy and Lamiroir. Hugh Dini, Trucy's assistant and boyfriend, is accused when his stunt double is found dead. Hugh is very cagey about his alibi, but it's because he was planning to propose and didn't want Trucy to know yet. Franziska takes this and spins it into a jealousy plot, and insinuates he killed his stunt double out of envy. Because Hugh is actually pretty shy, he has a habit of not speaking up, which only incriminates him further. A twist in the case is revealed during a cross-examination when it turns out the "gold band" the witness is referring to wasn't Hugh's engagement ring, but instead about a gold bangle. This immediately puts Apollo under suspicion, until Phoenix drops a hint that someone else (Lamiroir) has a gold bracelet as well. The truth about Trucy and Apollo's sibling relationship is revealed when Athena finds an unexpected emotion in Phoenix's mood matrix, and Lamiroir decides it’s time to break the news.
Defendant: Hugh Dini Defense: Athena Weird Girl: Phoenix, Apollo (← steps in when Phoenix has to get cross-examined) Prosecutor: Franziska Detective: Ema Witnesses: Lamiroir, Trucy, Hugh Dini Fangirl Victim: Hugh's Stunt Double Killer: Jealous Trucy Stan
🏝️ Case 4: The Getaway
This one isn’t a traditional case.
After Manfred Von Karma divorced his first wife, Bianka, he moved to Europe, and his previous home was left uninhabited until his eldest daughter, Karla Von Karma, discovers she has inherited it. She decides to turn the beachside property into a bed & breakfast, and invites her half-sister Franziska and adoptive brother Edgeworth to give the manor a trial run and let her know if it’s suitable for visitors. Edgeworth brings along Wright Anything Agency, because… why not treat them to a break?
But of course, their vacation quickly takes a turn when they find a literal skeleton in the closet.
Not all of the rooms in the estate had been searched. Manfred’s study has a large, padlocked safe, and Karla hadn’t gotten around to hiring a locksmith to open it for her. Phoenix tries “0001” for the hell of it, and the only thing more surprising than that combination successfully opening the safe is the body folded up inside.
They can’t imagine the killer was anyone other than Manfred Von Karma, but— since he’s already been executed— they’re not sure if a trial even needs to be held. They need to investigate the situation to determine with absolute certainty it was, in fact, Von Karma, because otherwise they’d need to find a new suspect. Obviously, the group of criminal justice lawyers aren’t not going to get to the bottom of it.
Except Apollo, who has decided he wants nothing to do with solving the murder. He came on this trip for a vacation, dammit, and that's exactly what he's gonna do. He heads back outside to the beach, and leaves everyone else to the investigation.
The first mystery is figuring out when the murder happened. The police arrive, and Ema estimates that the remains are about 30-40 years old, which is around the time the Von Karma family moved out. Since Manfred & Bianka had divorced in 1999, they start to wonder if Manfred had even still been residing here when the murder took place, but the body is found with a train ticket dated for January of 2002. A time period that just so happens to line up with the one singular vacation Manfred took during his entire career— to recover from a gunshot wound that he couldn’t even trust a doctor with knowing about.
The body is wearing a housekeeper's uniform, and they identify her as Ophelia Falsch. They conclude that she was killed because she had discovered Manfred’s injury, and he wanted to eliminate the witness. They think they have the case over and done with, but then Ema comes back with the dental analysis. She explains there was no dental record of an "Ophelia Falsch", but the teeth did match Bianka Von Karma.
This raises some questions. Why was Bianka dressed as Ophelia? Was there a more personal reason Manfred could have killed his ex-wife? Could Ophelia have been involved as well?
Since the murder happened so long ago, they don't even know where to begin with finding witnesses. Karla was 18 at the time of the murder, and had just moved out, so she wasn't present. Edgeworth, of all people, is the one to suggest an unconventional idea: why not ask Von Karma himself?
The manor is in a remote location that's only accessible by train or boat, and since it's late, Maya won't be able to get there until the next morning. In the meantime, they check up on Apollo, only to find him getting scolded by a woman about having his chair on the beach. She explains that she's Karla's daughter, Angelika Von Karma, and that she's impassioned about marine ecology. She just discovered the beach had become a nesting site for an endangered species of sea turtles, and is worried about disrupting it.
The next morning, Maya arrives, and Phoenix and Edgeworth hold a mock trial in the foyer. Manfred is channeled, but is uncooperative, so they try... a different method. Phoenix and Edgeworth perform a reenactment of how they think the murder happened, while Trucy and Athena watch Manfred to see if they can glean any information based on his reactions.
Manfred breaks down and confesses to the murder, but is telling the truth when he says that he didn't know the victim was Bianka; he did, in fact, think he had killed a housekeeper who found out about his gunshot wound. After this, his spirit is released.
As puzzling as this is— who was Ophelia, anyway?— they can't do anymore investigating because Karla has become very upset. The whole ordeal has caused long-repressed emotions to resurface. She's always felt a little bit resentful towards Franziska because their father left Bianka for Franziska's mother, Levina, and always felt like she had her family taken from her. On top of that, Manfred had done everything he could to get full custody of Karla in the divorce, and she never saw her mother again. She's angry that that wasn't enough— he'd gone and killed her too.
Karla and Franziska get into a big fight, and the whole trip ends up cancelled.
🚂 Case 5: Turnabout Train Car
They all board the train to head home. The mood is really awkward and it's kind of a bummer. Since the train is only way out of the area, Karla has to board as well, albeit in another car.
And because nothing is ever easy, there’s a murder on the train.
The victim was the owner of the train, Diesel Porter. He was found in his private sleeping room, and the only other room on that train car was being occupied by Karla, so naturally, she is accused.
Since Ema and the police are already on the train, they’re able to take control of the situation until the train makes it back to town. The Wright Anything Agency isn’t allowed to investigate the crime scene much, so they opt to interrogate the other odd passengers.
They get a helpful tip from the train’s bartender that Cole Porter, son of Diesel Porter, had been making plans to build a resort. They also find out that the train company had been losing money, since they weren’t getting many passengers.
The next day in court, Phoenix claims Cole killed his father to inherit the company, but Cole denies it because, why would he want to inherit a dying company? And Phoenix turns it around by bringing up the resort plans and how he wanted to build it on Karla’s property. He couldn’t just kill Karla, because then they’d have to take care of Angelika and Franziska too, so they needed Karla to feel like she had no choice but to sell it.
The trial goes to recess and Cole is apprehended for questioning, but at that moment they get word that someone else has just been murdered on the train— the bartender from before.
Phoenix goes back to the train investigate and boards when it’s stopped on the mountaintop station. While he’s investigating the train’s caboose, Cole’s wife, Electra, detaches it from the rest of the train. Cole and his wife were in cahoots! Phoenix is sent hurtling backwards down the mountain in the runaway car, and manages to pull the emergency brake just before reaching the bottom. He’s ended up back by the manor, and calls to have a boat sent to pick him up.
While he waits, he finds Angelika is still here studying the turtles. She gives him permission to go inside the manor again to investigate. He finds the deed to the house, along with an old photo that has a letter written on the back. It’s addressed to Bianka from Levina (Franziska’s mother).
The case is solved when Phoenix proves that both Cole & Electra Porter were involved in the murders. The land becomes protected by the government in order to keep the sea turtles safe, since they are endangered.
After the trial, Phoenix shows Karla and Franziska the letter he’d found. It turns out Levina hired Bianka as a housekeeper under the alias “Ophelia” so that she could still see her daughter Karla. The photo depicts a teenage Karla playing with a baby Franziska. Levina and Bianka had a good relationship, and had made efforts to keep their families together.
Karla and Franziska apologize to each other, and agree to get along better.
Defendant: Karla Von Karma Defense: Phoenix Weird Girl: Athena & Apollo Prosecutor: Franziska Detective: Ema & Godot Witnesses: Train Conductor, Old Passenger, Tain Bartender Victim: Diesel Porter Killer: Cole & Electra Porter
💃 (DLC) Case 6: Turnabout Runway
Klavier has been invited as a guest judge for a fashion tv competition. He invites Pearl (and Apollo) to the shooting as an apology for accusing her for murder & because of their shared interest in fashion. "Lip sync for your life" but literally.
Defendant: Lady Killer Defense: Athena Weird Girl: Pearl Prosecutor: Blackquill Detective: Ema Witnesses: ensemble of drag queens/models, Klavier Victim: Taxi Macabre Killer: Paul Rue
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petition for nora to give jean a gun in tgr i want to see what happens
#but he already has a gun that kills people#the gun's called neil josten#your local hitman#<<PREV TAGS SO TRUE#aftg#needs image descs
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i (20M) got back from the night shift at my third job this morning to find that my son (16M) had locked my other son (16M) in the bathroom to get him sober. i tried to open the bathroom door and let him out but the other one held me at knifepoint and made me swear not to open the door, so now i’m just waiting for him to get clean and occasionally slipping him food and water from under the door. AITA?
ps. if any single parents have dealt with a similar situation before, please dm me! i could do with all the advice i can get
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“i want jeremy to get a red card” “i want cat to get a red card” okay whatever i want lucas to get the trojans their first red card defending jean and then i want jean to get the trojans their second red card by immediately decking lucas
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