tomfrogisblue · 11 months
Today, I finished the third episode of O Segredo na Floresta
Then, I saw Cellbit was live on the QSMP and tuned in to the lore he just did
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hazbin-critique-place · 3 months
Blitzo just randomly walks in. AND DON'T GET ME WRONG, I LOVE HIM, HE'S LITERALLY THE CLOSES THING TO MY COPING MECHANISMS IRL AND PEOPLE HAVE DESCRIBED ME THE SAME WAY AS HIM, I'M NOT SHITTING ON HIM, but rather the storytelling... Like... What??? Like, make it make sense.
So he just randomly comes and goes, as he wishes??? And we saw he didn't have any problems with stealing (maybe just felt bad a bit but come on he kills ppl for living and we see how sadistic he can be he's NOT gonna have problem with that) why doesn't just steal from Stolas' house and sell that shit????? Like - he could fucking quit his job or find a better one!!!
And then he wouldn't need the grimoire, and... Boom.
Then, why is he even there??? Like - did he use his brains at all?? Like - bruv, you got rhe crystal already, so if you wanna act like you don't give a shit... Just don't come pleading to him (bird dick guy) and basically annoy the shit out of him for next 10 minutes even if you're right. Trust me, that's not how you feign nonshalance. I would know.
Stolas being sassy at him, then??? Like - if you have the guts to be sassy, why don't even have the whole conversation wuth him and sit and talk the relationship out with each other already??? Are you THAT stubborn?! That's not normal.
Also, if you really don't want him there, Stolas, just teleport him out. Or yourself. Just - fucking make it make sense. You HAVE the powers, and I KNOW that in Good Omens Crowley and Az would in this situation probably forget that, Neil even speaks about it in some interview or idk, but... Come on. HE'S SMART. STOLAS LITERALLY READS. (I know this is stereotyping but there IS a reason for the stereotype - literally a majority of people who'd read in their free time (and c'mon, even I, an ao3 monster, wouldn't read after such a fight like Sto and Blitz had - my anxiety would be making scenarios and pacing through the garden already -) ARE smart.) Don't make him look all educated and priviledged and informated and shit just to act like this mean asshole, like - does he ENJOY annoying Blitzo back??? (Also, pls shut, you twitter users who "dOn'T dEaDnAmE hiM!!!1!" all over reasonable posts when you lack better arguments. It literally IS his legal name, and if he had such a problem with it, he could change it easily... Take Anthony to Angel Dust, after all. Or just nicknames could work.) Bcs I at this point honestly think he does.
Also, you dumb, dumb, hypocritical bird, why would you show him a fucking invite when you could just repeatedly tell him to at least 'go away' or just act objectively reasonable????
And if you're trying to be so polite bro, just magic him a cup of tea, or something, to match the yours. It would nicely fit to the scene and aesthetic, also it would make you seem more nice and classy... At least I could like you.
Also, are you ignoring Blitzo or fuck¥ng talking to him???
Because at the same time, you want to have an alone time, but you still throw baits to elarge the conversation at him.
He's all sassy and makes comments and aaahhh - so you're like satisfied with the situation now or what???
I mean, poor Blitzo -
If you hate him, just tell it to him already. Poor boy.
Oh god, we aren't even 3 minutes in and I have already writen a goddamn novel.
Also, I know it's supposed to be funny, but the whole party idea is honestly just dumb. Like... I would be so bored and not even excited to even go to a place designated to constantly talk about a person I hate? Lol
Like I love a good gossip but not as a theme for a goddamn concert-having function!
Also, you know that happy people live longer, right? This is kinda unhealthy - I mean, that's just basic, no? Like don't support and feed your hatred towards an individual just to feel better about yourself, or at least don't force it.
Bcs I get the guy who broke down crying at that one shot after he tried to hit the blitzi plush so much. And the other dude was hyping him up. I'd be so much confused, like him. Like - he's going through some hard stiff, like some facking serious character development right now, just let him be!
About Martha... Ehhh, I love her new design and character, but it just seems boring and soul sucking now that every character, after they're denonised, they just happened to be the same, most generic, and shitty snappy, constantly angry and always frustrated (and frustrating) characters ever. Like - does hell really that much brainwash people??? I mean, it would be interesting, but honestly I don't think that Vivzie did this intentionally at all.
Also, why would you even sleep with your nemesys... 😭 I'm a number one enemies to lovers fan and I don't ship it if they don't bite rach other but this, especially so unexplored and just randomly thrown in, does NOT make and sense.
It was funny though lol. I want more of these just to see how much Viv's one-dimensional view of her own fucking characters transforming to hell changes.
Part 2 soon.
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greypetrel · 1 year
Hey hey! 7, 23, 65 for the writer asks? c:
Hey there! :D
Here you go, thanks for asking!
I'm gonna put a cut because... Because the first two questions tackles in the perilous field of "Arja majored in literature and every time she has to discuss storytelling meta she's like this":
Tumblr media
Tis the prompt list.
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
I think of who could give the most interesting insight over the same event, and choose according to that. It all depends on what I'm trying to achieve with that piece of writing and the vibe I want to give: in the end a dramatic event stays dramatic, the pov just changes the flavour.
Example: In the Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts chapter, I switch the POV a couple of times accordingly. In the first scene, it's Aisling because she's the only one to exactly hear what dear Gaspard has to tell her. It must be her POV to avoid a long explanation of how she felt in that moment... That she wouldn't want to give, because the second POV is Cullen and knowing he's not faring well, she would never, at this point, go into many details about how bad she felt. You can see in the second scene what would have happened if the POV started with Cullen right away. Yes, you get what happened... I think, tho, that seeing it first-hand could give a nice other side. It changes again for the mission because I wanted a little "Why the heck is she explaining us her plan?" moment, and to start introducing that there are other people working behind the ballroom. And the last scene, with the final duel with the assassin (censoring who is it because a friend who reads me hasn't played Inquisition and if she hasn't read that chapter I don't want to spoil her GREIS DON'T CLICK) which I kept even if SOMEHOW Aisling in game won Belle of the Balle (don't ask me why, Josie drugged her)... I switched back to Cullen, because him not knowing exactly what the Science Bros had planned added a sense of uncertainty and urgency that made the pace quicker and more surprising... Which fitted, I wanted a super quick scene.
Hope it made sense xD
23. Best writing advice for other writers?
EDITED because the former one was more for Original writing and meh I thought of something better.
Originality is overrated.
And by which I mean: looking and actively pursuing something truely original at all costs will only stress you out. It goes in original and fanfiction writing. Stories got told all the time, and if you didn't start writing out of a bubble without ever consuming any work of fiction, you'll get influenced by stuff you liked, whether you want it or not. It's normal, it's something you can see in big ass authors, in authors that you study as "big innovators".
Futurists, who prided themselves in being truely, 100% original by doing something entirely new... Still were influenced by what came before. Because to do the opposite of what came before you must know what did. You must know what you don't want to do if you want to do something different. And that's why Italian futurists were assholes and I hate them and you shouldn't praise them fuck you Marinetti. Russian futurism is something entirely, wildly different and the Russians HATED the Italians with a reason But I shan't start talking about futurists or we'll end up with an essay on that let me just kiss gently on the forehead mr Livshits I love you Benedikt Konstantinovich and your glorious autobiography.
All it matters is not what you write. Is HOW you write it. Give it your vision, give what matters to you, and even if the basic story is yet another fic of a pairing that got written by so many people... Nobody wrote your specific vision of it. And that's all that matters.
At the end of the day, in the hands of a good writer who believes and has something personal to say about a certain trope... The tropes I like the least on paper are something I enjoy from people that thought about it and that you can SEE loved that story. And it's great.
Edited from before because thinking about it better, it's true that genre should not be considered so fixed as I sometimes see them being... But I thought about it better and "mediocrity" shouldn't be so shunned. Write your story, I don't care if it's good. If it makes you happy writing it, if it makes you crack a smile and it doesn't offend people, go for it. Mediocrity is good, mediocrity shouldn't be demonized or looked upon with a frown. If it brings ONE smile to one person, that's a good book, no matter the originality of it. Which brings us to the point I edited this in.
65. Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project
Uh, currently? I can't wait to end Monster Fic to start with DadWolf x°D
Beside that, I got half an idea of expanding a little on the collection of prompts about Raina... And writing something about the duel with the Arishok. Peak drama, peak tragic hero moment. I need to structure it a little better in my head, maybe replay that mission to have a clearer mind (the last time I played it it was with Garrett, aka a mage... Raina is a rogue and after Leandra she'll kill herself before allowing him to go in her place. Really it would be a categoric "No you're not going. Not in a million years." Yes they'll have the fight of a lifetime afterwards.). But yeah.
Also since today I really want to write a snippet of Dark Lady AU in which Cullen makes it to Barad Dur in friendlier terms and notices that there are cats EVERYWHERE. And as every good dog person that doesn't really like cats all that much he'll be LOVED by all the cats. He'll go to sleep and wake up from the purring. Will get used to it pretty soon, he just never paid that much attention to cats. Nazgul flying from Barad Dur to Mordor with backpacks with portholes to bring their cats around.
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pesteringchum · 2 years
list of interesting beta kid-centric fics:
this list is mostly for me to keep track of my favs so i can revisit them, but i wont spoil anything and you can feel free to add your own favs! im always on the lookout for good fics :D
fics are linked in the titles! also, for the older fics, heads up for possibility of homestuck-typical slurs n such. also also lmk if any of these links dont work
KEY: jade-centric, john-centric, dave-centric, rose-centric, all of them
At Rise - brechtian on AO3 (pub: 2022-07-17)
absolute masterpiece exploration of jade during “the alternate timeline 3 year journey, where john and davesprite die at the beginning” (<- quoted from ao3 tags)
written in a stage play style. light horror-ish elements, involves major character death.
And We’re Alive - RedPen on AO3 (pub: 2011-01-04)
exploration of the beta kids coping and surviving on a post apocalyptic earth all alone
interesting play on their aspects by using them to describe their location/time of day
Identical - X15lm204 on AO3 (pub: 2011-01-12)
chat fic btwn jade n john
not as action packed or dramatic as the other two but it was just so sweet. john jade best siblings
built on an interesting premise of the ectobio stuff. idk how i feel exactly about certain details but I enjoyed it overall and think there’s some potential here for more fics about this concept!
Liminal Space - floralmarsupial on Tumblr (pub: idk some time in 2022 i think)
fan comic w stellar storytelling and visuals but make sure to read the about for warnings!
many characters are explored but still quite jade centric
i think it’s based on the epilogues or smth bc vrissy has an appearance, but i haven’t read past homestuck so idk
Knitting, or, My Life In Yarn: A Rose Lalonde Story - orphan acct :( (2010-11-02)
fic where rose knits a lot for her pals as they play sburb
super interesting use of knitting metaphors! never seen that before :0
only criticism is the jade/davejade portrayal. feels off
[MILD SPOILER] i dont think jade would have any issue w shooting things if it was necessary. plus i hate davejade portrayals where dave is unironically the cool knight in shining armour and jade is the damsel in distress. let her kill shit! let her fuck shit UP!! [SPOILER END]
Hold Your Colour - lantadyme on AO3 (2011-03-18)
TW: idrk what to tag it with but it’s like. kinda stressful in a realistic way? dave has to figure out how to take care of himself after bro goes missing. mild mild sexual content [dave has to maintain bro’s smuppet websites (ie making smuppet porn) in order to make enough money to survive, but it isn’t described in too much detail] also there’s some blood and violence [dave beats up bro a little bit].
premise is that after sburb, all the kids are spat back out on earth and everything is normal—all of their guardians are alive and the earth is intact. except bro isnt there and none of them know why. dave has to survive alone until bro returns or until dave can no longer live in their apartment—due to running out of money and being evicted, running out of money and dying of hunger, or cps finding out and relocating him, whatever comes first
interesting read. stressed me out tho lol im a real wuss when it comes to reading stuff where the adversity is smth realistic like paying bills. nothing scarier.
Closing Time - Cephied_Variable on AO3 (2011-03-18)
this fic and the last being published on the same day is kinda funny to me lol. good day for beta kid angst
fic exploring how a normal person would experience the beta kids post-sburb
interesting exploration of them and how they cope. they are all so problems.
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audible--silence · 1 year
Sayu/GDL quotes / promises to self while drunk as shit
Que eres un baño?!
“Im so used to shit going wrong that it just doesnt phase me anymore”
“If i go into an office job id have to wake up in the morning, which i just don't wanna do”
A bar without a manager
Nothing feels better than going home but nothing feels better than leaving home too.
“Be a traveler not a tourist”
“I been keepin busy! No idea what with though. I just been smokin joints playing guitar and surfing”
One more bus
One more uber
One more hostel check in
One more round of storytelling how we got here
One more gig
A few more beers
Una mas cerveza
One more night
Una mas noche
No more waves
No more taco stands
No more in jokes
No more calling directions in spanish
No more setting up the tent in excitement
No more packing down the tent in a hurry
No more Duolingo sessions in a hammock
No more chess games
No more joints rolled at the last minute
No more joints smoked at all hours of the day
No more “you hungry?”
No more tracking down vegetables
No more long bus rides spent sharing snacks
No more movies on your shit tablet
No more pringles, principe and stoner snacks
No more reminding each other to get our shit together
No more jamming guitar
No dancing while doing simple tasks
No more of your tunes
No more guac n beer
No more two aussie dickheads
“Phone wallet shoes nothing on my head that im gonna lose”
“Adios Cabron”
“His drip dope, you gotta be 70% homeless, 20% gay to be fly”
“Whats the 10%?”
“Stoner! I choose you!!”
“Yeah well, fuck off” on cross cultural relatability
hope is a hell of a drug
The enemy was defeated, in a valiant battle with three little Mexican girls with long hair and cute gold glasses, not far from the stargazers, at midday, with ice cream. Or the youthful romantics, an archetype that seems to transcend every culture since society itself. Watched on in silence by the cute, erratic yet robotic, overly friendly squirrels. A picnic without snacks, soundtracked by Jeff Buckley in the shade of a well watered bush
Manifestation is gaslighting yourself
The heat of hell is ever so slightly warmer for you isnt it”
“You sound like a constitution”
“We need to rebrand politics but with much more sex”
“Dont smoke”
W dart in mouth
“A bar for a football team that never wins, for fans that never succeed”
“If you commit suicide you cant go to the pub”
a british guy
“Yeah but if you commit suicide, guess where we go? The fucking pub”
another british guy
A game of football can mean two very different things depending on who’s watching
A taco is only as a good as what you can put on it
Am i going to regret not going out? Enjoying it all? Being young n stupid in Mexico and everywhere else?
Will I regret not knowing what any of these drunk messages to self mean? Probably.
Booze is fuel for survival. I am a bartender who hates going out. A socialite who cannot stand socializing.
words from a drunk aus fuck in Mexico, solo, with a kiss on the cheek and a cuddle”
“Its fuxkin mexixo ya prick”- on uber eats, n walkin for street food
2.12 - the minute of the end of the phonecall w ya nan, the only pure soul left in ya life
Thanks for finding me phone - from a welsh cunt who likes flashing his dick
I love thinking while drunk because I don’t have to deal with the realizations
Chinga su madre but with a car horn
“We’ve literally sat down all day”
“Thats what traveling is about. Traveling halfway across the world just to sit down”
dive bars, tacos with drunks and adele on the roof till 4am
“I dont identify as American I identify as a marxist”
The more decrepit and dilapidated the restaurant looks, the better the food is.
Weathered hands make the food, not fresh paint on the walls
“Theres more to life than dating everyone you meet, i guess”
“I either need tequila or a sweater and im not sure which it is”
“The cartels comin” shoot ya drink
“You look good bro!”
“Are you drunk?”
“No, he’s just happy”
deja vu from a rooftop w some beautiful Mexicanos in GDL
“How dare you show so much grace so many time zones away”
feel like we gon spend the rest our lives searching for the thrill of skating to the ellenbrook hungry jacks at midnight for snacks while on a videogame bender
Lessons from seeing your favorite band in a new place: It’s better with your friends. In the place you came to love them, even if its less fun
“We have this saying in Mexico that says “Las bonitas tambien quiermbaila“ which means “the pretty woman also wants to dance”
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resting-meme-face · 4 years
Ask meme chibnall as show runner
Bro, the singularity of his vision is really admirable, especially in this day and age of Twitter and fucking shows-run-by-a-digital-committee bullshit. He really did just say, “Aight, I’m not going to have any old monsters in my first season at all, just invent new ones, and then I’m going to do what I’ve always wanted to do with ‘canon’ because I own this shit now, and I can.” Like, I think a lot of us fan creators like to joke about what we’d do if we were showrunner, but as much as I talk big talk, I’d just be trying to get people to like and validate me. Deadass do not think Chibs cares. And I know people wail and whine about this, but a show will always die if the showrunners are beholden to the fandom as a gestalt entity. I’ve seen it happen time and again in fandoms I’ve been in. Full on “lunatics are taking over the asylum” thing. Pardon my ableism.
Also, people talk shit about his writing, but there’s this thing he does that I love, where he just takes little details and uses them to very quickly flesh out the person and the place we’ve been thrown in with. This works really well in Doctor Who, since it changes every week, basically. Like, probably the best example of this is the very beginning of Series 1 of Broadchurch, where within 5 minutes, you’ve got a total vibe for the city, a general vibe for each of the characters, and you’ve also been introduced to everyone you’re going to love, hate, and suspect of having committed a horrible murder for the next couple of months.
I think he’s actually really good at character work, even though a lot of people disagree. He just has this very sparse style that leans into traditional TV shortcuts, that’s a bit, “Okay, we know how that person is now, because of x, y, z. Now keep ahold of that, and follow me over here,” so a lot of people are like, “Wait, do we know anything about person at all? I don’t remember what happened last series. Where are we going?” And I do think it’s reflective of an approach to television that many would consider dated, but a) it works, and b) we’re obsessed with a show that started in 1963, I think we can deal with some more old-fashioned storytelling strats. 
He has a really admirable commitment to inclusivity and color-blind casting. Has made a concerted effort to get more diversity behind the camera too (although he needs more, my god does he need more, some of your color-blind casting decisions have been fucking terrible, man, you gotta stop killing all these black people, my dude. I knew the guy in Revolution of the Daleks was dead the moment he said his mom was sick).
He seems to really listen to his actors and fellow writers. That’s awesome.
I actually like Chibnall a lot, honestly. I get he has flaws, but a lot of the quality stuff people harp on about sort of flies over my head. I think Steven Moffat is a fucking auteur of a writer, so holding Doctor Who up to that standard constantly is absurd to me, but I honestly don’t see a huge difference between Who under Chibnall and Who under a lot of other writers and showrunners, including RTD.
Give me a topic and instead of the usual hyper-negative “hot takes” people usually drop about it, I’ll talk about positive, unusual “hot takes” instead.
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I would have loved to see more interactions with the seelies- people who can’t lie but are crafty and secretive sounds fascinating. Think of the dialog! Alec going to magnus for advice since he has centuries of experience talking to them, Alec playing mental chess while trying to maintain peace. Would have loved getting more- but let’s be real, Cassaundra and the show writers weren’t clever enough to actually make any conversations like that of value.
SAME!!!!! honestly i would have loved to see so much more of the seelies. like bro do you understand that their culture predates the VERY EXISTENCE OF HUMANITY??? they are the ONLY kind of downworlders whose culture is completely detached from any human culture, not only because of predating it, but also because of the relative isolationism - which means human culture barely had any influence on their culture and history AS it developed
so like you can literally go fucking bonkers??????????? you can make ANYTHING. they have a whole ass society that doesn't have to have ANY ties to mundane concepts or history AT ALL. complete creative freedom. you could do ANYTHING! and don't get me started on the potential this has, within storytelling, to contextualize a lot of stuff modern western culture sees as natural or timeless as actually pretty fucking specific - like monogamy, cisheteropatriarchy, the gender binary, racism. all immortals have that potential of course since they can come from an array of different cultural and historical backgrounds but seelies in particular have SO much potential that is NEVER! FUCKING! USED! it all goes to waste and they are just a generic vaguely monarchic society that behaves literally exactly as modern western cultural standards. WHY. i'll never stop being salty, especially within sh where all this potential was there and instead they just villainized the seelies like no tomorrow for nO FUCKING REASON, and included a whole plotline about their ruler being a terrible power-hungry person and then proceeded to act as if that would have no influence on the seelies under her rule? thanks for nothing
like i know the seelie queen was so badly written that her own motivations even as a power-hungry wacko didn't make sense or were consistent (like why give simon the mark of cain for example, and for god's sake what kind of power-hungry crazy bitch gives their main enemy the power to literally kill her and destroy everything she has at the blink of an eye, like??? she literally tried to assist in her own genocide, it makes no fucking sense, i fucking hate it here) but if they are going to make her Terrible the least they could do was show how that impacted the people under her rule, especially if they are going to have meliorn be fucking tortured and either forced to display the marks of said torture or choosing to display them themself, like? please give your plotlines one singular thought
but of course it's easier to villainize seelies and reduce them to their obviously tyrannical ruler so they can go back to focusing on the shadowhunters and their issues. nevermind the fact that seelies are obviously equivalent to native ppls/third world countries resisting colonialism/imperialism in sh's stupid ass racial metaphor, which makes making their ruler a big bad unequivocally evil villain that is ruining everything A Choice. and a particularly choicy Choice considering they cast a middle-eastern man to play the most important seelie character. but if they are going to do that they could at least address how the people under her rule suffer and how that's a direct consequence of shadowhunter colonialism and interference, but why would we fkcnig thdo that!!!! when we can have love triangle drama or whatever
and tHEN there is the whole aspect of being unable to lie which is bound to have such an impact on their culture and history since they have to rely on other forms of communication to protect themselves - and considering the whole "tyrannical rule" plotline, to further the queen's agenda in the first place. and how telling the truth without preamble would probably be considered a huge display of trust in a society that has culturally developed so many ways of talking around things. like again the potential of the cultural and historic background for that society! it makes me go insane!!!
anyway all of that to say #JusticeForSeelies and #SeeliePlotlinesNow 2021 and forever. and YES i would have loved to see more interactions between them and other characters, particularly magnus because 1- admittedly i'm a hoe; and 2- magnus was clearly the one that had the most experience talking to seelies and that others relied on for that communication. he also seemed to be the most comfortable with them, which indicates there is either some sort of history there, or magnus just happens to feel relatively at home with the workings of their culture. which makes sense, because magnus also had to develop pretty similar defense mechanisms due to his, A- work as a warlock representative who has to interact with shadowhunters on the regular; B- history with having to deal with asmodeus, which required him to be very smart about what he disclosed and how, especially considering that he had to have been planning banishing asmodeus for a long time before he got to do it; and C- just history with abuse in general. we've seen the way he closed his heart off to new people; but at the same time, magnus is obviously an extrovert and likes to be around people in general. this meant that, in order to be able to both be in the kind of environment where he thrives and protect himself/his heart/his feelings, he had to learn how to interact with people while putting on a convincing façade, which requires pretty much the same sorts of wordplay and defense mechanisms that seelies use
magnus is good at wordplay, he's good at using talking to his benefit; we've seen that. he is also good at hiding and deflecting. he is notably not good at directly lying - every time he directly said A Lie such as "i am perfectly fine and not bothered by this at all :)" it was way less convincing than it was a clear display that he wouldn't budge. even alec, who has difficulty with social cues, noticed the lying and seemed concerned about it. so like. clearly his defense mechanisms were less lying and more dancing around subjects, directing conversation to safe topics, and guiding people to making certain assumptions and seeing sides of his that were safer and he preferred
so in that way it makes sense that magnus is somewhat in his element when dealing with seelies. i think "comfortable" is a strong word because this whole song and dance takes a huge toll on anyone's mental health and energy (which i think is something that could be very interestingly explored in seelies, their collective psyche, and their culture, the way they build relationships, etc. let meliorn have partners they feel 100% comfortable talking without preamble with 2k21), but it's something he is used to and a dynamic he can fall into without as much effort as others who would be second guessing themselves more and going slower, which clearly gives the seelies, who are used to it, an advantage
and like i know that i'm implying a confrontation or sort of situation where they are on opposing sides to seelies here, which i kind of am because i am thinking mostly about magnus' interactions with the seelie queen specifically, since she was the seelie he had the most meaningful interactions with. his interactions with meliorn were very few and almost never relevant, i barely remember them happening outside of generic downworld cabinet interactions tbh. but i don't just mean that because again, stop villainizing seelies 2k21
i also mean just generally that magnus would be in a more comfortable position talking to seelie strangers and slowly working into building a relationship and mutual trust. and just generally understanding them and the workings of their culture because he can empathize with the way they have built their social defense mechanisms. no one is 100% truthful to strangers, but seelies always seem kind of- analytical. and the cultural difference + anti-seelie racism makes them seem untrustworthy to most people, but magnus Gets It, so the potential for friendships! and the mutual understanding and the relative comfort around each other! and both parts understanding the enormity that is letting their walls down gradually and being more direct as time goes by. like.... aaaaaa
and yes magnus becomes a sort of reference on talking to seelies, mostly because he is good at "playing their game", but also making it a point to humanize seelies and making the other parts understand where they are coming from and how they feel :) and just improving their relations, particularly with other downworlders
im not going to get into alec because 1- the relationship between shadowhunters and seelies is already filled with oppression and a lot of complications, and particularly now that the seelie realm is politically fragile due to the loss of their ruler (however terrible she might have been), it would play into either white savior narratives or just straight up colonialism, especially given how alec as a leader already has a history of trying to build tutelage over downworlders (i don't care what his intentions were, it's still true, and although he's learning... well. he's learning, continuous action); 2- that would be more a relationship of opposition and i'm not that interested in that. but i would love to see seelies rebuilding themselves and their relationships and alliances with other downworlders particularly, and all the better if magnus is playing a part in that :)
in short:
more seelies
more magnus with seelies, especially friendships
more focus on the politics of seelies now that the seelie queen is gone
more seelies
more seelies
more seelies
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bhah ch8 reread as fast as i can before ch11 arrives help
aww Dani nervous for Jamie’s big race is so cute
i love Dani’s whole photography thing n her wanting to document their lives it’s so sweet
i’m suddenly stuck on the whole blue as a theme thing n now I’m noticing it everywhere/remembering their tent was blue and now their school colours are blue and Dani’s car is blue and I think Jamie’s house is blue. and of course THE SCRUNCHIE
god I love track star Jamie
flip these two are cute together
‘a favour for good luck’ god idk why this gets me so much I think like... Dani giving her this little piece of herself is so wholesome but weirdly loaded i just love it
the carson eddie banter is so funny sdkdhfgj
Dani is such a lil ball of emotions I’m obsessed w her feeling a million things while she watches Jamie
she’s a winner baby!!
also love that this is her setting the record that was mentioned in the prev chapter we love lil details being followed through
Jamie going straight for Dani when she won god that’s so cute
aw Jamie gets a kiss (and a whole gay crisis lol) for her win how sweet
oh no the beginnings of Dani and Eddie
pls this is so soft Carson and Judy so proud of Jamie
I just ate so many carbs I am finally properly fueled for this reading sprint (solidarity w Jamie)
aw Nan quietly proud of her
fkjdfh Dani and Jamie playing footsies at the table
god Nan n Jamie are such a force together truly terrifying to be stuck in the middle of I’m sure. Also fuuuck cld u imagine grown up Jamie and Nan interacting and Jamie in particular being a bit more chilled out and them getting along a lot better but finding their way back to silly little bickering arguments that are really just them knowing they can do that w each other and still be ok at the end of the day bc they love each other ouch it hurts to think about :(
lmao Jamie losing her mind at the sight of Dani in a towel lol I can just imagine her having the same reaction when they’re together too
oooh is the watch from Jamie’s great uncle (? Nan’s brother that she was named for right?) that’s so cool
ugh I want Dani to get her travel adventures so bad
god everytime Dani touches Jamie or says something really sweet or just gives her a look Jamie is suffering so bad
oh god they’re really just gonna curl up in Jamie’s bed and listen to this declaration of love mixtape while Jamie plays with Dani’s hair hold on a minute wait a second
oh no the eddie of it all
aw he brought her flowers (like I am not here for their relationship overall but he does do some sweet things sometimes and he does clearly care abt her)
ugh of course Jamie helped pick them out tho this whole situation is so complicated
god I’m so sad for both of them that their relationship ended up like this. Dani loses that friendship she cherishes so much when it becomes something else she never wanted and Eddie is in love w a girl who will never love him back that way. it really is heartbreaking
oh god the house party time for chaos
Jamie my beloved. sdkjfhsdkjfh and Roger trying to put the moves on her pls this will never stop being funny to me
ugh Dani already feeling so trapped in this life I hate it I hate it
Jamie fiddling w the coin necklace while she watches Dani n Eddie together feels like... she knows she’s losing Dani on some level ouch my heart
is this when Jamie was telling Ed of for letting Dani get drunk wdjkfhdj always the protector aw
she’s still wearing Dani’s scrunchie oh my god. u may have her hand ed but u will never have her hair ties
Dani’s dress MORE BLUE
this is such an interesting event w them like they’re best friends and they’re together so much but they avoid each other for half the party it’s so like... indicative I guess of things changing between them hmmmm
cursed spin the bottle. poor Dani
the zippo lighter. i love seeing things from the box in these chapters. like a gay scavenger hunt
the inadvertent cigarette kiss oh my god. also a little bit like... Jamie just leaning into the pain huh??? I get to put my lips where her lips were but it’s around this thing that has the potential to kill me. god the implications
a little fireside cuddling w ur soulmate ur never gonna kiss how romantic
the sandalwood. I fuckin love that she held onto this scent after Dani told her she smells nice one time. gays really do be like that huh
god this really is the softest moment
christ that almost kiss is so intense how did they just carry on as normal after that I would have died
lol “did i interrupt something?” bro........
dsfkjhdkj Jamie GROWLING at him hahhahahahhaha
oof Dani just wants more of her. I love there was the mention of her carefully constructed walls crumbling and now she’s just like... in this little bubble of almost with her n trying so hard to hold onto that in any way she can
and now she’s back w eddie ouch I hate watching the things she wants slipping out of her grasp
lmao Eddie not putting his arm around Dani when Jamie is there. she really put the fear of god in him I love this angry little lesbian so much
poor Carson being dragged to sports games like “no I’m gay I can’t”
lmao the pair of them trying to be sneaky smoking around the corner (and also having more Moments god the tension of it all)
oooh this Orpheus and Eurydice ref spicy (also fuck this was the beginning of her actually losing Jamie huh god the storytelling... *chef’s kiss*)
oh no Nan :(
god Karen is so awful how could u just break the news to your kid like that
it’s only pain hours from here on out huh
poor Jamie god my heart breaks
something about Dani saying she’s sorry and Jamie just saying she has to go put Mikey to bed fucking breaks me. the fact she’s just lost everything, her home and the stability she was missing from her childhood that she got to have for such a short time, and she can probably barely even process it but all she knows is she has to take care of Mikey. fuck
god her destroying her bike because she’s just so devestated but anger and destruction is easier to feel than being sad.... ouch
“You don’t - you don’t have to feel anything right now. I’ll feel it for you. For the both of us” how dare u make me cry like this
god Jamie giving the scrunchie back feels like such a fucking sad little acknowledgement of her deciding she has to do everything on her own noooo
Dani trying to confront her mom god this is all so much for them to be dealing with I am so sad
tiny mikey saying “want nana” so much pain
Jamie just clinging to Dani when they’re sitting in the pew bc it’s the only way she can ask for help right now ow
“Don’t fight me” my fcking heart this chapter is so sad I need a drink
Jamie is far too young to be self-medicating her way through this god this hurts to read.
this chapter has such a melancholic loss of innocence vibe like going from the teenage parties and boys and track meets and only really having to worry about themselves to this massive amount of responsibility on their shoulders when nan dies (like as much as Jamie tries to push her away Dani takes on a huge burden in trying to help her too) it’s so fucking saaaad
Jamie just breaking and finally crying all this out in Dani’s arms holyyyy shit that will never not break my heart
god Jamie just. determined to raise Mikey on her own cause god knows what the alternative is :(
oof the thread of Jamie determined to fix things. baby sometimes u just cant.
Dani trying so hard to hold things together in the ways that she can :*(
god this ending I am in pain. i know it’s ultimately for the best like Jamie and Mikey absolutely could not carry on like that but.... bro... bro..... ouch
ok gonna go cry in the shower for a bit n then i’ll be back for ch9
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spnshameblog · 4 years
you know i gotta say its very fun spinning all these conspiracy theories about lines that were cut, about rewrites, about last minute edits etc, but its literally just that to me. a little fun to distract me from the fact that i am allowed to be angry.
this show is incredibly good at gaslighting. it has been for years. they wrote, shot and edited all these moments and scenes KNOWING how fans would interpret them and still acted like they were crazy for connecting the dots.
and now that they gave us “what we wanted” in the worst way possible, we are made to feel like we’re entitled or greedy for expecting better. we quite literally were told “you got what you wanted”, when that is not remotely true. how the fuck is a tragic love confession in the 3rd to last episode, after which the confessor dies and the confession is never mentioned again “what we wanted”? how am i crazy for watching this incredibly emotional scene and expecting literally any sort of follow-up? how am i entitled for expecting them to have the story progress in a logical way? am i supposed to believe that this is normal? am i supposed to believe that you dont need a resolution to this big of a set-up? how the fuck am i delusional for thinking it makes no sense to not follow up on a love confession and the death of a major character?
i have no idea who makes these decisions. i have no idea who ultimately decided how this was going to play out. but someone sat down and decided they were going to give us a onesided confession that was never going to get mentioned again. and, as i said, we can put our heads together and speculate about the secret good finale that never was, but here is the thing: i firmly believe that finale never existed.
i’m convinced this was all planned out from the start and the confession was literal bait to get as many people as possible to watch the finale. they knew there was a huge amount of “former fans” still listening with one ear and they knew they’d get us with this and it worked lmao! their plan literally succeeded. we made it trend immediately and have not calmed down since! gay people are the best kind of pr machine lol!
so they kill castiel, knowing full well that nobody believes he is actually dead when supernatural has a history of bringing ppl back from the dead and just to keep everyone hooked they have fucking lucifer imitate castiel on the phone and we get dean demanding he be brought back. just to keep people thinking that something else HAS to be coming, bc why else bring it up right?? If we were supposed to just accept that casteil was nt going to appear again, why not.... end the conversation instead of LITERALLY DANGLING THE OPTION OF BRINGING HIM BACK IN FRONT OF OUR FACES.
and now that the biggest amount of viewers possible has been conned into watching the finale they can really just do whatever. i mean the show is over anyways, why the fuck should they continue pandering to the gays lol, its not like they need us to keep the show alive anymore. and maybe if the make the finale as bro-ey and devoid of romance as possible they can get the “normal” fans to follow jared into his new show, idk.
they literally went right back to gaslighting after 15x19. the stupid pre-finale thing was mainly to establish the fact that the show is and always has been about the brothers and their car. they rushed through a few of the other characters, but carefully didnt give castiel any special treatment, he was just a random minor character after all lol oh and they didnt even mention eileen hhhhh. all to have something to fall back on in case anyone really expected them to do something more with the ~thing~ they set up in 15x18. its really your own fault for expecting more, after all the show was only ever about the two brothers, look, you can see it quite clearly in the special pre-finale episode we made. we tried as hard as possible to fit the word “brother” in there as many times as possible, just to drive it home.
in short: no, i dont believe tptb EVER intended to give us a satisfying ending to the destiel set up and think the confession was the definition of queerbait. dont let them manipulate you into believing you are asking for too much when you expect the trail of crumbs lying in front of you to lead somewhere.
for the record: i dont know whom to blame for this mess, the only people i’m not side-eying are the actors and writers of 15x18. I thought the scene was beautifully written and acted and i know they edited out a lot of dean’s reactions to tone his side of the scene down. I dont blame misha, jensen and bobo and i think it was meaningful for each one of them, but i also kind of hate them for making me care about a show that has no respect for me.
(also this post is specifically about the destiel stuff, i didnt even touch on eileen, blurry wife, the fact that deanshould have retired and should not have died a hunter and the other instance of bury your gays in the last three episodes. oh and the fact that the finale was bad just from a neutral storytelling viewpoint. like wtf, we start off way too light hearted, we spend way too much time on them doing their daily routines and then the pie festival wtf?? the idiotic choice of having rando vampires as your final monsters that end up killing one of the main characters who literally defeated god last ep? john is in dean’s heaven?? cas is alive and just chose not to contact dean?? and then we have to watch a speedrun of sam’s life and death like??? this episode was just objectively bad.)
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85 Thoughts while watching Return of the Jedi
2. I still love the idea that Stormtroopers fucking loved Vader, and all of the commanders were terrified of him. 
3. Vader helmet so shiny.
4. Back on Tatooine. It always comes back to Tatooine, doesn’t it? 
5. 3P0 was so hoping that the door wouldn’t open. He just wanted to go home. 
6. Everyone in Jabba’s palace looks really...gross. I guess that fits, right? Jabba’s palace is super gross, so.
7. I never understood as a child the slavery - and the sex slavery - aspect of Jabba’s palace. Only as an adult have I fully understood just how fucked up this is.
8. Remember kids, Luke has NO IDEA that Anakin was a Hutt slave as a child. Is there any canon stuff where he finds out about that? I’d be interested. 
9. Han’s carbonite face is so fucking dumb. 
10. Man droid torture is no joke. If that’s what they do to droids, think about what they do to people...
11. Oh god, the musical number. Like I thought it was funny when I saw it for the first time when they did the re-releases, but also, it’s this weird dissonance between that and Oola’s death. 
12. Jabba is so much creepier here than in New Hope. 
13. I love all the disguises and subterfuge in the opening storyline. And I love that they took the time to deal with Jabba and the bounty on Han’s head. It’s a nice break from the Galactic War. 
14. I remember watching this for the first time, and when Leia pulls the helmet off and is like “Someone who loves you” I was like OMG! And my shipper heart grew ten times as large.
15. Han is so...moist. Here. Blugh.
16. Ugh. God. Poor Leia. They do a good job of illustrating just how fucking terrible Jabba is, but...god dammit. 
17. Han and Chewie reunion! <3 <3 <3 
18. Luke Skywalker - Jedi Knight. Somewhere Mace Windu is looking at all of Luke’s attachments and impulsive behaviors and dry heaving. 
19. THE BIKINI IS GROSS! The only thing good about it is that Leia will eventually strangle Jabba to death while wearing it. Otherwise? Ugh.
20. Luke Skywalker. Jedi Knight. Fashion icon.
21. I always felt bad for the Rancor’s master. He loved his Rancor. And the Rancor was just as much a slave as any of the people in Jabba’s palace. It was probably only fed when there was a person Jabba wanted to kill so it would be as vicious as possible.
22. This trio is so bad-ass. 
23. Luke knows what the Sarlacc is. 
25. Ugh. The Dune Sea is really fake-looking here.
26. R2 as waiter makes me so happy. It’s so ridiculous. 
27. “Convenient.” 
28. Anakin Skywalker would be so fucking proud of his daughter strangling Jabba the Hutt to death. It’s everything he ever wanted to do to fucking slavemasters on Tatooine. 
29.��“Boba Fett. Boba Fett. WHERE?!” 
30. Per Dettiot: Luke went to Obi-Wan’s old hut on Tatooine and found the handbook to make his lighsaber, as well as some kyber crystals. What else he was up to between Empire and Jedi, I’m not sure.
31. Knee. High. Chanel. Boots. 
32. The sheer utter chaos and destruction would make Anakin Skywalker kvell*. 
33. I don’t know if Yoda considers Luke his friend. More like just another snot-nosed apprentice who will eventually disappoint him. 
34. Leave us alone, Palpatine. What a fucking pruny piece of shit. 
35. Yoda’s death is so bitter-sweet for me. I love Yoda. But he made so many mistakes in his life that he never really owned up to. I suppose he felt that his exile was his penance. But I don’t know if I agree. He could have come out of hiding to aid the Rebellion. 
36. Also, he was planning to die without coming clean to Luke about Vader. And that is some horse shit.
37. “Suffer your father’s fate.” At least he’s admitting that Anakin wasn’t solely to blame. That there was manipulation there. 
38. “I can’t go on alone.” Go find Ahsoka and Ezra! You’re not alone!! 
39. The fact that Obi-Wan truly believed that that Anakin had died and Vader took his place. 
40. Yoda and Obi-Wan never moved on from their trauma. They keep reliving their trauma and so they cannot move forward, and so they keep making the same mistakes over and over. Asking Luke to kill Vader is proof of that. 
41. And it really shows that Obi-Wan, even after his attachments to Satine and Akakin and Ahsoka - does not understand family. Luke saying “I can’t kill my father,” and Obi-Wan being like “Whelp. There’s no other way so the Emperor wins.” 
42. There being no mention of Luke and Leia’s mother ANYWHERE except for the one moment later on, drives me CRAZY. Obi-Wan could have told Luke about Padme then.
43. I love that Han and Leia can sit next to each other in a meeting and not have to have arms wrapped around each other. Just being next to each other is enough.
44. GENERAL SOLO! Leia’s face. “Excuse you, how did you suddenly get hotter?” 
45. The painted backgrounds are so beautiful. 
46. Poncho game is strong in this movie. 
47. FLY CASUAL is such a stupid line. I love it.
48. Skywalker twin exasperation is the best. Padme would be proud. 
49. Leia just going for it is so so good. 
50. I know Ewoks catch a lot of shit for...well..being Ewoks. But I love them. They’re adorable! And they have no qualms about eating humans! 
51. “My Son.” I think this is the first time Vader has referred to Luke as his son to someone who isn’t Luke, instead of the “Son of Skywalker.” 
52.  Watch as we realize that Leia has been holding the one brain cell this entire time, and Han, Luke and Chewie get totally clueless. 
53. PROPER. 
54. I love Ewok tree houses. 
55. Remember kids. They were planning to eat Han, Luke and Chewie. 
56. Where the hell did that dress even come from that Leia is wearing??? They just had that lying around? 
57.  I guess they ate the last woman who wore it.
58. I love that 3P0 in New Hope, claims he’s not much of a storyteller, and then in the Jedi like is like a master storyteller lol. 
59. And here, we get the only mention of Padme. And it wasn’t even Padme. It was a handmaiden. I will forever be salty that Padme isn’t mentioned at all because George didn’t think of her until the prequels. Argh.
60. Luke’s unwavering belief in Anakin is so amazing. The sequels did that part of his character so dirty. This version of Luke would never have tried to kill his nephew. 
61. “It is too late for me.”  God dammit, Anakin. The thing is that if he goes with Luke, he is admitting that everything he has done for the last twenty years is all for nothing, and he just fucking can’t do it. So much denial .So much pain. Fuck you, Vaderkin.
64. Y’all remember that Ewok movie with the blonde child? “Star cruiser crash!!” 
65. Padme would be so proud of Luke’s fashion.
66. Wedge got promoted! Yay! 
67. I love the old Hollywood trick of shadowing the Emperor’s face except for his eyes. 
68. I just. I love that the Empire is defeated by fucking teddy bears. I know a lot of people hate it, but it’s just- it feels so karmic.  They’ve done such terrible things. And to be taken down by these fuzzy, little bastards. *chef’s kiss* 
69. Palpatine hitting in that nerve that Luke has about his attachments. About his hope. Oof.
70. The entire Vader fight is just him trying not to see how much like Padme Luke is. That’s gotta hurt. 
71. Bro. Vader. You do not want to try shit with Leia. Like. No. Fuck’s sake. Don’t try it. She’ll have all of you arrested and then executed. 
72.  Yes Luke. Thow away that lightsaber. Show that wrinky fuck who’s boss. 
73. I love that Anakin gets to make the right choice here. He does what he didn’t do with Mace. He finally realizes all the lies...all the manipulation...that he can make things different. And he does. And it rightfully costs him his life.
74. Vader couldn’t survive. Vader would have been tried for his crimes and either executed or jailed for the rest of his life. The same thing happened to Ben Solo in the sequels. He had to die. Otherwise he’d have to have a real-world ending: Prison or execution.
75. I feel so sad that Anakin became this fucking horror show of a person. It didn’t have to be this way. Fuck. 
76. “Tell your sister...you were right.” 
77. Oh Han no. No no no. 
78. No Han.
79. HAN. 
80. Han’s face when he finds out Luke is Leia’s brother is hilarious. 
81. I wish that Rex and Ahsoka had been there when Luke burned Anakin’s body. I feel like they needed to, for their own closure. And Luke would have felt like he had people who understood. Who loved and knew Anakin before all of this. 
83. Let’s eat Stormtrooper! 
84. I am SO MAD that all of this will be undone by the sequel trilogy. Ugh.
85. I want them to refilm Hayden now that he’s just about the age Anakin would have been when he died as a Force ghost. I feel like that would be really nice. 
*Kvell -  Yiddish - to be bursting with pride 
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lovelylogans · 4 years
I 100% want to follow you down this path, please tell us the thoughts. The books were a source of frustration for me, because I knew there was a good story and characters in there somewhere, they were just fighting against the (and I say this with the knowledge that these are his only books I've read and I haven't even read these books in such a long time) shitty author. I would very much like to hear any and all rants, and I'm also excited that you liked Iggy! Iggy, Nudge and Max were good
oh he absolutely hired ghostwriters and that’s the reason the books are so inconsistent in plot, there was never a cohesive story except for the first two/three books. the story could have been So Fucking Fire but james MORON patterson said “moneyyyy” and decided to keep FUCKING going to the point where there is a SPINOFF SERIES that i REFUSE to read because i put myself through “nevermore” AND “forever” MULTIPLE TIMES there is NO WAY you can come back from THE APOCALYPSE?????? bro the world ENDED it’s a NUCLEAR WINTER they are STUCK UNDERGROUND
but yes. Opinions. 
look, i go into all this with the full knowledge that “james patterson” didn’t even care enough about the continuing arcs of plot to decide if his heroine’s hair should be blonde or brown (it switched several times; one time i went through and counted how many times it changed, and it was in the double digits) but I Care so here we go
uhhhh, maya/dylan was right fuckin there. it was RIGHT fuckin there and he didn’t even???? IT WAS RIGHT THERE!!!!!!! IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD!!!!! THE REJECTED CLONE AND THE “PERFECT” CLONE THEY WERE RIGHT THERE AND I CAN’T EVEN REMEMBER IF THEY EVER MET
maya and dylan both deserved better, in terms of storytelling AND the hate they got from the fandom. dylan was nice, y’all are just mean
except for the part where max was understandably upset by fang leaving and dylan started calling her pathetic for Taking A Breather and Sitting Down In A Tree? fuck that. let the girl have emotions, she was fifteen
ari’s whole arc is HEARTBREAKING, however the fact that they just. brought him BACK from the dead and cloned him SO MANY TIMES let the poor seven-year-old rest in PEACE, PLEASE,
max should’ve been the one to murder jeb batchelder. also when they cast the movie, jeb batchelder’s particular Brand Of Evil can only be achieved by a white man
on the note of casting—max (and the martinezes) are latina, fang is described as “olive skinned” and dark haired so he’s likely also a poc, nudge is black. i watched the jenna marbles movie and like. max is bleach blonde in that movie. maximum “i cut my hair off with a kitchen knife” ride is bleach. blonde. when she is in HIDING in the MOUNTAINS. also ella and dr. martinez, i’m pretty sure, were played by white women, which, :/.
similar to jeb, angel has to be cast as the most White, curly blonde haired, blue-eyed little girl, like the most Innocent looking child possible, because her downfall is straight out of a horror movie. liked her in the first book but by now i would punt her across a football field
iggy was subject to so much ableism. he’s the same age as max and fang and yet he’s lumped in with the rest of “the kids” because he’s blind, he was left behind in the first book with the eight year old when the eleven year old got to come along, and iggy’s character overall deserved better. they describe his wings maybe once in the book and basically all his powers have to do with “regaining his sight” which has some FUCKING YIKES undertones
nudge was subject to Internalized Misogyny from max (which ofc was misogyny from the author) bc she liked to shop, and she enjoyed fashion and pretty things. i adore nudge and she deserved better and you know what, her wanting to stay in a human school and be “normal” was valid of her she was eleven
gazzy’s only personality traits being “farts” and “explosions” ....buddy i’m so sorry you deserved a bit more solid characterization you got flanderized so bad
liked fang but where the fuck did his “immortality” genes come from. legitimately what the fuck. mans DIED a couple books ago and now he’s iMMORTAL?
this bitch.... god him running away? the Letter kind of kills me but also like. bitch. your girlfriend is destined to save the world. she can handle herself. 
in retrospect it was the Most Gen Z Thing Ever for fang to run a blog. if they wrote the books today he would be doing tiktok dances in front of itex blowing up prove me wrong
angel was super overpowered. the mind-reading, mind-controlling, breathe-under-water, talks-to-fish, shapeshifting six year old also gets to be the one who saves the world when the WHOLE BOOK has led up to MAX saving the world??? right. yeah.
no seriously angel was FUCKED UP do you remember the way max REACTED to the chip in her arm in book 1/2 on the beach, and angel STILL KEPT PRETENDING TO BE THE VOICE?????? WHAT???????
the voice could have also been cool but that was fucked up, as was the rest of the plot.
i’m probably gonna think of more tbh but that’s what i’ve got right now
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neoniverse · 4 years
heal me. | chapter III
disclaimer: this series is a work of fiction. any businesses, events or incidents are products of my wide imagination. all of the character’s personality does not reflect and has nothing to do in real life.
warnings: smut, angst, usage of strong language, mentions of death, alcohol & drugs, cheating issues and lots of flashbacks (read each chapter carefully)
pairings: jung jaehyun x reader
a/n: i want to thank y’all for sending me messages regarding this series, i’m so overwhelmed with the support i’m receiving. :( heal me is ending in four more chapters so the next update might take long to write again for i will write the last chapters longer than the usual. again, thank you sooooo much :’( 
song association: storm - ruelle
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“You’re taking my heart, by storm
I’m lost in your love.”
The cold breeze of the whole fancy floor embraced a minimal exposed skin of my shoulder, allowing me to fix my white fur shawl to its place. I make my way down the carpeted hallway, knees quivering, and my heart in my throat thumping an unusual differing beat.
I am going to have a dinner with Taeyong Lee, and I don’t even like eating dinner—not to a place like this. But he kept on insisting earlier so I had to accept his offer.
“Bonsoir. Réservation pour Lee,” Taeyong pleasingly said to the lady in the desk, her hair was styled in a neat bun.
“Par ici, Monsieur.”
Another woman escorted us to a private room. Everything inside the restaurant shimmers, screams elegance, and luxuriance. I feel like a mere outsider, knowing that the man walking casually beside me is known to be really well off.
When we arrived at the dining room, the plates were already set. As if it forethought that there will be two people dining in. Taeyong pulled the chair so I could sit. He sat in front of me afterwards.
“So, are you Jaehyun’s girlfriend or ex-girlfriend?”
Taeyong randomly asked before putting the spoon inside his mouth. Just as I was about to swallow, he drifted his dark brown eyes to mine—making me choke on the food.
He forthwith poured water on the tall drinking glass; I immediately drank from it, hand over the chest.
He smirked. “Sorry. Based on your reaction, I really think you’re damn indeed my brother’s girlfriend.”
I shook my head miserably and smiled. Taeyong is softer and light to talk to than his brother. Though he immensely intimidates my soul; those dark stares, brow raise and playful grin is really something.
“What made you jump to that?” I asked him while my eyes were on the utensils I’m holding.
He went silent for a moment, giving me his infamous stare. I gave him back a look and felt my face heated so bad.
“Oh—holy shit,” He cursed softly. “You’re the one from Johnny’s house party two years ago!”
I tried to hide my smile but then, failed. Taeyong put his utensils down to hold his chin, as if enthralling.
“May I also ask now?”
He leaned back. “Yeah, sure. As what you are allowed to do so, gorgeous.”
I remained silent for a couple of seconds, thinking of the question that has been bothering me since the day I met him.
“If Jaehyun is your brother, how come you’re not a Jung?”
His brow shot up and fixes me with his dark stare. Oh, God. Did I, in any way, offend him? His mouth quirks up, and he stares quietly. If I tell you I was terrified, I do mean it.
“I—I didn’t mean to uhm, nevermind. You don’t need to ans-”
“Well, he’s my half-brother,” His lips curls in a wry smile then continues. “Father introduced him to me when we were eight. And I know what you’re thinking. I don’t hate him, Y/N. Jaehyun being my half-bro, and hating him for that is just so shallow and childish. But of course, I did hate him when we were little ones but he ended up becoming my best friend.”
I felt bad.
“I’m sorry for asking such an insensitive question,” I muttered.
Taeyong slightly shook his head sideways and proceeded to eat. He even joked about something that made me laugh. After the fancy dinner, he drove me back to the hotel I was staying at, and apparently, he was also staying there.
“When will you go back to Korea?” He asked before sitting on the solo sofa inside my hotel room. I insisted him to stay for a while.
“The day after next,” I sighed. “I have plenty of works to do.” I answered and dropped my white fur shawl on the edge of the bed.
“There is something about you that keeps me intrigued, Y/N.” He squinted his eyes that made me chuckle.
I shot my brow up. “Yeah? What is it?”
“Are you really a human or some type of goddess that walked to this planet?” He says, like a curious kid.
“That’s a secret for me.”
“Ah, whatever. I’ll go ahead now. Might be ruining your supposed beauty rest already.” He shrugged and stood up.
“Thank you, so much, for tonight. I really had so much fun.”
“Pleasure’s all mine, gorgeous. Have a good night.”
He smiled widely and winked before walking out of the room. The day after next, I went back home. Johnny fetched me from the airport and welcomed me with piles of paperwork.
“And here are the papers from Mrs. Han’s office. God, she annoyed me for the whole two days you were gone!” He continously rants. “She even told me, ‘Why did you left my poor Y/N alone”, when I’m not even fucking invited!”
 I let out a laugh. “Well, Mr. Johnny, it’s because Mrs. Han treats me like Sodam. You know how much she misses her,” I smirked. “Besides, be thankful that she didn’t make you fly to Paris just for updates about me.”
“Hm, yeah. Really thankful,” He rolled his eyes.
“By the way, I heard you went out with Taeyong.”
I froze on my swivel chair. Did someone saw us and mistakenly thought we were out on a date?
“Nope,” He answered, as if he read my mind. “Someone just told me.”
“Ah, yes,” I glanced at him. “I accidentally bumped into him when I was about to leave the event. He just compensated.”
I went silent, thinking of who could possibly saw us that night.
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep it as a secret.” He winked playfully.
I glared at him. He raised his hands—as if he committed. He probably thinks there’s something going on between me and Taeyong. I let out an exasperated sigh and before finishing the paperwork. Much for a productive day.
After Taeyong’s appearance on the site three weeks ago, I never saw Jaehyun again. Perhaps he’s also taking his distance from me. Which is something I should be least cared about. Until the following days turned into weeks then turned into months. April ended like a blink of an eye.
“Hey, you seem to be so occupied,” Rosé removed her hard hat and sat beside me. “What’s bothering you?”
I looked at her. I don’t even know what’s keeping me off. Maybe because time flies so fast.
“I really don’t know, Rosie. Something’s just bothering me lately.” I softly smiled. “It’s already October.”
She patted the top of my head and did a short storytelling of her embarrassing moments when she was still in college. She was full on energy and talkative. I listened to her jokes but I still felt like floating and tired.
“Let’s go out for drinks tonight,” She squealed. ”My treat, I swear!”
She pulled me to the near mall after work. Whenever I’m about to pay, she just hands me the paper bag and shows her black card. I wasn’t even dumbfounded about it. She came from a wealthy family, after all.
After the short shopping, we decided to go home and just meet at the club. I called Johnny to join us but he said he has to be somewhere else. While Seolhee, all I know is she’s in Chicago for a short leave.
The blasting music from the club was already heard from the parking. I took a quick glance to the rear-view mirror before going out of my BMW. I decided to wear a black lace bralette, short fitted leather skirt, and a pair of black opyum sandals from YSL.
“Holy shit, Y/N!” Rosé stood up when she saw me walking towards the reserved table. She gave me a kiss on the cheek. “You look bomb, babe, just so you know.”
I laughed. “And we both know you’re the head-turner here.”
She poured vodka in the shot glasses and gave me one. I tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear.
I was about to tale the shot when someone snatched the glass from my hand. My eyes widen up when I saw Taeyong straightly drank it. He placed the glass back to the marble table, making a noise.
“Hey, gorgeous,” Taeyong greeted. He’s wearing oversized stripped long sleeves, two buttons are unbuttoned, and his hair was dyed with color green. Which I find hideous.
I smiled and tapped the space beside me. 
Rosé cleared her throat and stood up. “I’m leaving you two alone, I’ll look for my boyfriend.”
I nodded then turned to Taeyong. “What brought you here? It’s been months since I last saw you,” I asked before taking a new shot of vodka. “Your new hair color is so fucking hideous, by the way.”
His brows furrowed then he pulled his hair down to look at his hair. “You’re such a bully, y’know.” He put his elbow to the table and rested his chin to his hand.
“And I’m not a loner,” He joked. “Come with me, I’ll bring you to our table.”
We went to the VIP floor of the club, and as we walk, he was greeted by different people, most of them are socialites or models. Taeyong swiftly placed his hand on my waist that I didn’t even notice at first.
“Meet my dumb folks,” He softly tightened his hold that made me look at him but he just winked.
Winking is his signature move.
The table was filled with five boys, one of them was familiar to me and one girl. I glanced at his friends until I saw Jaehyun in the middle, staring at me. Down to Taeyong’s hand on my waist. His jaw clenched and he looked away. The girl beside him placed her hand to his thigh.
“Y/N, this is Yuta, Lucas,” Taeyong said, looking at the two guys who were laughing on the left. They stopped when they heard their name.
I gulped nervously when I felt Jaehyun’s bored eyes at me again. My hands was trembling and it was probably obvious but they didn’t seem to notice it when I took their hands.
“Oh, right. Taeyong-hyung’s babe,” Lucas said as he took my hand and shook it. He pressed his hand.
“Doubt that,” I answered. Taeyong chuckled and guided me to sit beside the familiar guy. “He has plenty of ‘babe’ for me to add in and join the crowd.” I continued, and gazed to Jaehyun.
God, he makes me so fucking nervous.
“The two on your right are Doyoung and Mark,” He continued. “Mark is Johnny’s cousin.” He motioned to the two guys beside me.
I gave them a smile. “Yeah, I know Mark. Johnny introduced him to me before.”
“Don’t drink too much if you don’t want to make things you will surely regret tomorrow morning,” Taeyong whispered, making me chuckle. He just smirked.
Jaehyun suddenly stood up and left the table. His jaw clenched when he looked at me then he went downstairs. I excused myself for bathroom break but I just followed him.
I realized we were already outside, at the parking lot. He approached a grey Aston Martin. Even if the area was a bit dark, I can still see his ears turn red.
“Hey, Jaehyun,” I grabbed his arm.
“Fuck!” He hissed, pulling his arm back. “What is it, this fucking time, huh?”
I bit my lower lip. “Let’s just talk, please.”
He scoffed sarcastically before releasing his hand to the car handle. I gazed down.
“Why are you being like this? Are you drunk?” I said softly.
“Are you for real, asking me why am I acting out like this? You left me and you came back again,” He pushed his hair back in frustration. “Bullshit!”
I looked at him with disbelief. “I left because I had reasons, and I never wanted to be back. It was you who keeps on wanting me near you!”
“Then run away.” He looked at me with a mocking smirk. “Run fucking away. I’m so tired and done of this shit, anyway.”
My throat felt dry. I couldn’t talk. I wanted to slap him across the cheek but somehow, I just can’t. He let out a frustrated groan before kicking his car door that made me flinch. Tears are starting to form at the corner of my eyes.
“Run away from me, Y/N. Run until you’re far and unreachable for me to follow.” His jaw clenched, for God knows how many times already and shook his head.
“Why do you want me to be far from you then?” A fresh hot tear fell from my left eye.
“Because I’m so tired of the chase. I’m so tired of running for you,” His voice broke. “I tried to forget you, I tried to remove you out of my system. God knows what my fucking limit is, baby, and there’s nothing more painful to that.”
He entered his car and stayed inside. While I was left dumbfounded, someone pulled me. My traitor tears started falling—no one was even able to stop it.
Taeyong, being the great savior that he is, ended up driving me back to my condominium. He remained silent whilst I muffled my sobs inside his car. When we got inside my unit, he told me to get a nice warm shower before sleeping. He even got himself the cotton pads and makeup remover on my vanity just to remove the remaining makeup on my face.
“I will leave once you’ve fallen asleep,” He said while putting the damped cotton to my face.
I just stared at him with desolation. My heart weighed down with sadness, causing my eyes to burn with tears. He cupped my face and wiped the shed tears away.
“I don’t know why you’re doing this,” I remained my eyes to his. “But thank you, Taeyong. I’m really thankful.”
He just gave me a soft pat on top of my head as a response that made my heart thump hard. I slowly closed my eyes, begging for the darkness to fill and enclose me in.
February 9, five years ago.
Johnny’s 20th birthday bash was definitely boring—or atleast for you because you feel like you don’t belong there. Johnny is a really famous guy ever since you met him when you were freshmen. Most of his friends are either models or socialites. As you feel the boredom reaching out, you left the ballroom to go to the hotel’s rooftop to wind up and inhale fresh air. At first, you thought you were alone.
A tall guy was standing near the edge, hands inside the pockets of his black jeans, eyes gazing the view of city lights. You crossed your arms over your chest before walking towards the man. But he just remained his eyes to the busy Seoul.
Minute has passed and no one even dared to speak. You were about to leave when the unknown man finally had the guts to talk.
“Would you mind me telling a story?” He said, his back was still facing you.
You don’t know what pulled your shit together into joining and listening to him. But you decided to stay because you didn’t want to go back downstairs and act as if you’re sociable.
“My father, he got fucking mad at me just for a petty reason,” He smiled. “I left the home I thought I would claim as my own. I feel useless just because for a fucking small mistake. I hate him so much. He cheated twice, now he’s doing it again. A fucking manipulative cheater—something I will never do or even try to be.”
“You also got daddy issues. Nice.” You scoffed. He locked gazes with you. “I’m Y/N.”
He laughed and a set of deep dimples appeared. “Mhm, your name suits you well. The name’s Jaehyun Jung.”
An hour has passed without the both of you knowing. You both shared shitty stories that happened to your lives while admiring the city lights and night sky. Things like this bored you to hell before, so it was very unlikely of you.
“And you know what’s shittier than that? My father—my own father abandoned us. I have like, zero knowledge to that man.”
“Holy fuck, we’re so fucking broken,” Jaehyun scoffed sarcastically.
“I don’t feel broken, though,” You looked at him. “Did my fucked up life story atleast, helped you forget what happened to you?”
“Pretty much, yeah. Now I’m thinking if you’re some angel sent from above to heal me for a moment.”
“Allow me to heal you further, then.” You gave him a small smile.
The night was so young, and you never thought a mere stranger would also help you forget your own problems. You already knew it from the very start.
You were the reason why he wanted to be loved by people and you—to heal him as he also heal the wound of your poisonous past.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 28
catch me completely ignoring dark cybertron lmao
yeahhhh so I'm just gonna skip dark cybertron bc no thanks. I did read the tf wiki articles for the issues tho, which is more than I did in the past, so at least now I kinda know what happened, though I had to suffer thru reading about dark cybertron to learn stuff about it. yikes. reading ABOUT dark cybertron further enforced my decision to not actually read thru it
anyways. the best part of dark cybertron was when chromedome threw prowl off that cliff. that was baller lmfao
a 1 page recap of dark cybertron is about all I can handle. thank you
ooh, the 6 months later smash-cut, I fucking love itttt
nautica’s here!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy I love her. also brainstorm, and I love their friendship sm
hvbjdkhfbshdfj god I love them. they have such a fun dynamic 
everyone eavesdropping on a therapy session vhbhdjkhafbhkjsdf. hipaa laws mean nothing as usual 
the casual reveal of captain megatron, oh god 
the title fucking slaps, as usual. this is one of my favorites - ‘world, shut your mouth.’ great stuff, and a song title/reference to boot! and this being part 1: towards peace...chefs kiss
and then we flash back to 6 months earlier...yknow now that I'm rereading this, mtmte has a LOT of framing devices used - there's story-within-a-story, flashback/flash-forwards, storytelling with narration, etc...I love it
god hbvhjakdfbshjkdf rodimus saying ‘magic’ and then the little *magic = science rodimus doesn't understand HBGKJHSDBFKHJSDF my idiot boy ily
rodimus roasting prowl is my fav hbfjdkafshsbjkf ‘maybe the knights can help us find a cure for your personality’ ily sm
and then prowl agreeing w/rodimus a few panels later about megatron’s guilt...
optimus...don't you think that making yourself chief of justice is...maybe a bad idea...like, maybe there's a conflict of interests here...just a little bit of bias...a bit too much history, perhaps...
the fact that all the big roles in the trial were given to high-ranking autobots who were heavily involved in the war...I see that cybertrons justice system is as much of a farce as their medical ethics and patient confidentiality laws 
the ‘you BROKE the MATRIX’ panel is so good bjhkdhfbajskhdf
rodimus: LISTEN dad I just wanna resume my space cruise with my frat bro ship I have no interest in politics
psychiatrists HATE him! local former warlord refuses to recognize the validity of psychological analyzation of people’s actions
ravage casually breaking hipaa laws and chilling in megatron’s therapy session like >:3
I love rung...he’s so good at like, passive-aggressively cutting right to the heart of someone’s issues, and he’s so generally mild that you can’t even really get mad at him 
the sudden inclusion of megatron as a major character in mtmte is kinda jarring at first - mostly, for me at least, due in part because I didn't read dark cybertron so this is like, megatron’s introduction as a relevant character in general - but I feel like jro does a great job laying a lot of intrigue down from the very beginning w/his character - like, I already want to know more about what his whole deal is, even though we have, ostensibly, seen pretty much all of his story play out already 
rung name-dropping froid...i remember that made me lose my shit bc cmon. FROID....jesus christ
rung and megatron: holy shit! we’re suddenly being drawn in a 90s-esque sci-fi tron-looking retro-futuristic style!
interesting that megatron sought rung out, and not the other way around
RIPTIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite sharkboy is HERE
‘we’re not allowed to take anyone who might remind rodimus of prowl’ vhbhjdkshfbhaskfd brutal
I love nautica so so much. a perfect autistic scientist after my own heart
I adore that nautica brought chromia along for moral support
hgvbjdakhfbhsj and then swerve saying that rodimus hates ‘trisyllabic names’ and nautica is like....but....‘rodimus’.....
and then nightbeat busts in to get all bbc sherlock on they asses hgbfhjadkfbjaskdf
WHY was perceptor at the crewditions if he was already part of the crew lmao
ooof, and then we have megatron flipping out when chromedome, a mnemosurgeon, shows up
also damn the autobots were rlly like okay so we wanna speed this trial up so lets just like, probe megatrons brain, that seems completely ethical, especially when you consider the history of shadowplay and stuff that our previous government had
I know important stuff is happening but megatron is holding a CUBE and I love CUBES so I'm distracted by that. C U B E
and then right after a scene where we see chromedome willing to perform mnemosurgery again - despite rewind’s like, dying wish for him not to - we hear that he’s been locked up in his room rewatching rewinds goodbye message over and over again :( I'm fucking depressed
I love nightbeat, he’s so funny and kind of an asshole
and then you see more missing letters behind them next panel...clearly nightbeat is right and there’s a mystery afoot...OR somebody is fucking with the ship’s lettering as a prank, which is a plot point I would absolutely buy
yeahhhh skids is right, chromedome is clearly Not dealing 
the dramatic graffiti on megatrons door...I wanna know who spray-painted ‘die’ everywhere like they're reaper overwatch
oh god. whirl vs megatron
really cool red lighting tho
GOD its so brutal, all the stuff megatron said about how he told the cons not to kill whirl...and doesn't that end up being false anyways? so he was just saying it to dig at whirl, which is awful
also I'm never over the fact that literally everyone - including megatron and whirl - blames whirl for ‘turning megatron violent,’ as if the entire Point isn't that whirl was a tool for a corrupt system, and if it wasn't whirl it would've just been someone else, and megatron turning away from pacifism was inevitable given the circumstances, AND also a choice on his part, so he really only has himself to blame for his OWN ACTIONS
bye bye whirls right arm, see you in lost light 
‘people never stop changing’ that IS something I say all the time...damn you warlord grandpa! how can you steal my philosophies?!
ohhh man and then rewind’s goodbye message being different....oooh
AUGH the fact that whirl was basically trying to goad megatron into killing him, just like he did in issue 1 w/cyclonus...It Hurts Man
also I do love the hint at who he’s talking to w/whirl shooting megatron with the bow and arrow earlier, and we know that atomizer is a fan of those
ok, but here’s where my philosophy diverges - megatron talks about throwing away his past and starting new, but I think that you have to learn from and build on your past...either way, megatron’s arc is one that I enjoy greatly from a character writing standpoint, and I'm excited to get it underway, especially w/how controversial it is lmao
big ole double-page spread...I like how you can pick out individual characters in the background crowd, which is crazy cause that's a LOT of people. also how come cosmos is so HUGE
phewwww 4.6 billion cybertronians died in the war, that’s INSANE. that's like, an incomprehensibly huge number. is there an estimate for their current population? I bet its not a lot. no wonder jro leaned into reproductive themes so much in mtmte/ll - of course the continuation of your species would be a concern for many if your numbers have been that greatly reduced
optimus w/his fancy tyrest-lookin crown
oughdajbfsbdf and the fact that megatron ALSO murdered 100 BILLION non-cybertronians...bruh. I feel like they maybe should've dialed those numbers back a little to allow his ‘redemption arc’ to run a little smoother lmao. but also I admire the commitment either way
and then we end w/megatron doing captain stuff, and seeing The Coffin...and we never did see rodimus in any of the flash-forward parts of this issue, did we???? I love how concerning that is. where's my BOY
also of course we gotta remember the warning from way back at the beginning of mtmte: ‘don't open the coffin’....
and so begins mtmte s2! man I love s2. I love mtmte in general lmao. s2 takes on the impossible w/the whole ‘megatron redemption arc’ thing, and I know that’s like, a divisive plot point and stuff, but from a writing standpoint I enjoyed it a lot...I think it was pretty much as well done as it could've been given the enormity of the task, and I thought it was a really interesting direction for the story to go in 
also espec if it’s true that hasbro was like ‘hey jro put megatron in your story and give him a redemption arc’ rather than jro like, planning/asking to do it 
anyways. I doubt ill talk much abt the disc horse(tm) here bc this is just for fun and also my own personal opinions and whatever, but I for one am excited to reexperience this stuff 
so yeah s2 off to a strong start with some wild shit already happening! cant wait to read more!
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mooosicaldreamz · 4 years
Have you listened to folklore yet?? Can you do commentary on all the songs??
it’s time.
This song has a funny vibe in comparison with “I Forgot that You Existed” - it really sets a tone of calm, quiet vibes in comparison to the more bombastic stuff on Lover. Also this song is kind of a banger. It has a very gentle rhythm, like I’m in the sun in the woods and I’m in my hammock. I have a hammock now and I’m considering moving into it. “It would’ve been fun / if you would’ve been the one.” Also I love the “I had this dream you’re doing cool shit” - so fun, so sweet. Taylor said a curse word.
This song is proof to me that this album was produced by a Dessner because it has the same repetitive piano that I would say is a hallmark of National songs - it sounds a lot like “Light Years” to me. That song is, by the way, an absolute banger. This song? Fun! It’s an interesting metaphor, and an interesting way of saying the point of the song. And I think it’s much more grounded than some more old school Taylor metaphors of like fairytale stuff. “Tried to change ending / Peter losing Wendy.”
As we ALL KNOW, this song is about Taylor’s wonderful little house wherein the great Fourth of July celebration took place all over Instagram in the Red era. I googled it and it’s semi-biographical! I think it’s clear that Taylor is making commentary on her life on the Cape just as much as she is telling the story of this person, Rebekah Harkness. It’s an interesting piece of self-awareness to compare herself to an oil heiress who caused quite the stir in a segment of the world that is full of big stirrers (ie the Kennedys who I’m pretty sure she was neighbors with somewhere down the beach). I’m intrigued. She is having fun.
This will sound like absurd hyperbole but between Bon Iver and Taylor Swift, I’d be hard pressed to name two artists who have fucked up my life more. Getting to hear his beautiful baritone without layers of distress like he’s been rolling with lately is a gift. Thank you to Taylor Swift. “I can see you staring, honey / like he’s just your understudy / like you’d get your knuckles bloody / for me.” VIBEZ???? ARE WE VIBING????? I AM VIBGIN!!!!!! “Those eyes add insult to injury????”” BANGER!!! IT’S A BANGER.  THAT BREAKDOWNN!!!! LET’S ROLL!!!! LET’S GET FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m PUTTING THIS ON SO MANY PLAYLISTS!!!!!!!!!!
LET’S GET EMO !!!!!!!! You know, just recently I was discussing with Lynne (or myself? I talk to myself about Taylor a lot) about how she’s gonna go on her like farewell tour when she’s 50-60 or whatever and it’s gonna be all these low-down sexy baller mixes, like when Cyndi Lauper did her greatest hits cover release (it’s a banger!). This album is just an excuse for her to sing in her low register. God, I’d die for her. I love how sad this is. I have too many favorite lines. “I didn’t have it in myself to go with grace / ‘cause when I’d fight, you used to tell me I was brave / And if I’m dead to you why are you at the wake?” ALSO “And you can aim for my heart, go for blood / But you would still miss me in your bones.” OKAY HONEY!!!!!!! This is a clear Supercorp song. Since I know this is why you are asking. Start here for fic titles.
Oh, okay, Taylor went to the woods and listened to Ryan Adams, Bon Iver, and just fucked around and made shoe gaze pop? What kind of talent!!!! Her last album was premium pop. Why is she like this. This song is very interesting. It’s very sweet. The phrasing on “tallest tiptoes / highest heels” oh my God. I love this song. I might cry.
Another absolute National-style production, God, we are living in my dream world on this album. “I’ve been meaning to tell you / I think your house is haunted / Your dad is always mad and that must be why / And I think you should come live with me / and we can be pirates.” WHAT A JOKE. WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!! What a beautiful portrait of childhood. There’s a scene in Spring Awakening (the musical, I can only assume now that Taylor is a big fan), where they talk about playing pirates when they were younger and now everything is tragic. “Are there still beautiful things?” It shouldn’t be that easy bro.
This, like “Seven” is an Antonoff production, which is just vibes. The dreaminess. We are vibing. As much as I am inclined to hate the line, “August slipped away like a bottle of wine” it is phrased so well and delicately that it comes across more dreamy than wine mom memey. I also just want to say that I bought the OG vinyl and the “meet me behind the mall” vinyl and after hearing the song that it comes from it’s a vibe. This is obviously a teenage romp song, which is really great because obviously Taylor wrote about being a teenager in love when she was a teenager and wrote about like, the classic world-ending Romeo and Juliet style fairytale. But this is….”meet me behind the mall.” Which is such an adult perspective on what being a teenager is. It’s so wonderful to see that artistic depth in an artist we’ve literally watched grow.
I feel like this is the depression song that should have been on Reputation but was so out of step with the rest of the album between it’s thunderous anger / thunderous oh-shit-I’m-into-this-dude that they couldn’t work it in. And it doesn’t quite vibe with Lover either…this whole song is GREAT. It’s very depression 101. It makes me cry also. “They told me all of my cages were mental / so I got wasted like all my potential / and my words shoot to kill when I’m mad / I have a lot of regrets about that.” I LOVE the way she sings “I have a lot of regrets about that.” Also “and it’s hard to be at a party / when I feel like an open wound.” Absolute banger.
I feel we should give this song the true banger status because Taylor wrote a song about a girl who is the other woman and it’s empathetic. God, we love progress. This song also does a good job of being about the other woman, but also has a little more universal appeal. I know when I heard this I was like, “oof, okay, I don’t miss being 16.”  The word mercurial is used in this song.
Not to get too emo about it, but this song is adorable and it’s messed up that she wrote it. The idea behind it that I think must be fairly common for people who are in love, that their lives have unique crossover moments, and there’s this hope/want to believe that you were always going to end up in this place because of all those connections? That’s kind of a complex thing (imo) to express. And she WROTE IT!!!! God. If I were Joe Alwyn I would cry every day.
The fact that Taylor would ever attempt to make me believe this is not about Scooter Braun is insane. I love this song. Proof of concept that you don’t need to yell to show how mad you are.
This song is sad. But very interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her write anything like this. I think the back half of this album is a little more experimental.
I’m not sure what I’m expected to say here. I know that this song is not actually gay. But I don’t care. It’s country twang from a boy’s perspective and you know what? We’re taking it. We are taking it for ourselves. But also, I love that she chose to write this weird “teenage love triangle” set of songs and that she chose to write none of them from like, her perspective? Right? “August” is James cheating on Betty, “Illicit Affairs” is the other woman, and this is James…when Taylor was 17 she would have written this song from Betty’s perspective. And that’s what we would have got. There’s real growth in storytelling here, and a real interest in expanding the canon of what she’s writing about. It’s really great to see an artist do that. Also the way she sings “The worst thing that I ever did / was what / I did to you.” This whole song is a masterpiece. I hate her.
I just learned that Joe Alwyn is a Pisces. I am A PISCES. TAYLOR!!!! WE COULD BE TOGETHER.
I love the “I talk shit with my friends / It’s like I’m wasting your honor.” This song is so adult. She’s in like. Real love bro. BRO. I AM HAPPY FOR HER. BRO!!!!!!
I am interested in why this is the last song on the non-deluxe version of the album. I don’t have a lot to say about this but that it reminds me of Wuthering Heights. Also if you wanted to get emo this is probably a good SC song.
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thecrenellations · 4 years
Return of the Thief Notes, Part One: The Book of Pheris, Volume I
Notes from my first read, October 2020. (Part Two | Part Three | TaT)
Contents:  "So, so, so” watch, Costis watch, swearing, trashing the king’s attendants, being objectively wrong, boundless enthusiasm and love 
I promise I’ve had more developed thoughts since these often incoherent ones, but I’ve enjoyed having these notes to refer to - for sentimental reasons and for  entertainment, so here they are, for others who enjoy liveblogs and/or being whisked back in time to their first read of this wonderful book.
Format: Page number. My thoughts (Context?)
Dedication, Table of Contents, Exordium:
There it is – to Sounis
Exordium – vocab #1
Interregnum?!? Alyta?
Yeah I love him from the first page
A new level of unreliable narrator
Moira, messages of Gods, Pheris, messages of __
Wtf is going on in this study? A zoo?
high king vs great king vs annux?
okie dokie dude
Chapter 1
1. Susa – Costis
2. Infirmity – who gets to be hero/tell story (I started reading right after the book launch, in which mwt spent some time talking about her writing influences and decisions connect to this question - Pheris isn’t her first disabled protagonist and storyteller, of course, but it was lovely to meet him properly directly after hearing her talk about it. Book launch foreshadowing part 1...)
Is this why he wasn’t taught to read?
3. Always the summer
4. Hunting cat… hm…
Ok … shrine … 😬
5. Once again we start with a disaster or having to flee
Which Eugenides precipitated
Little monster :(
6. Falling…
7. :( :( :(
His purpose? D:
Chapter 2
9. Hello there! (Gen!)
Massive chair?
10. CRACKED WATER JUG (amphora motif???)
11. Triangle from seal!
Gen that’s rude to Pheris :( (“He will fit in very well with my attendants”)
Wait. This must have happened before ACoK! (nope)
12. :(
Xikander … never made an impression before
How old is Pheris? (lol)
13. Philologos come thru!
Royal closet reappears!
14. Hello weird secondhand scene!
He is Eugenides
15. Petrus? GALEN? OH SHIT! 
Is this why Galen was called? (nope)
16. Hell yea Petrus
Miras’ golden balls oh no
All these previously unnamed sucky attendants!
17. Ula – goddess of hearth and healing
Ok … Galen … or a god? Eugenides????? (why did these options occur to me before Mr. Shows Up At Your Bedside At Night himself)
18. Finally the attendant floor plans I crave + hunting scenes!
19. EXCUSE ME he slept through Sounis + Eddis wedding!!!
Again – high king!
20. So Ion is beautiful … hmm.
Yeah … Sejanus has facets. I like it.
21. Clearly no one would know what king would do … lol
Don’t mind me just sorting the attendants on a spectrum of awfulness!!!
22. SO SO SO – ION!!!!!
How many fucking attendants are there and how many are on my hit list!
Is “the necessaries” bathrooms or like … him stealing? (just the bathrooms ... the Gen-Pheris parallels were really getting to me at this point)
Also … frogs. Frogs.
24. Big day for Gen huh
Definitely an aura of Something as he writes about Gen
26. Sorry Kamet, Pheris does the physical descriptions better. They’re beautiful
I’m blacking out at Eddis and Sounis
27. Jesus Christ. The bear.
Cousin time!
Under the table is the new up on the roof!
Uh… twin imagery ….
Gen’s feet!
Jesus. The matching
28. Cleon … wtf? A cousin?
A trial for Sophos?
Show! Us! Sophos’s! Shoes!
29. If u throw things out the air shaft you might hit the king
Was it a chicken?
Lol nvm the guy at night is Gen. That is … very sweet
- Showing up at night
- Accent
- Complaining about Petrus
- Swearing
- One hand
I am judging Costis and Sophos for not describing the paneling in Gen’s room!
Chapter 3
30. Was it a chicken?
An earring huh, good hand huh
31. Literally screaming “NO!” at Gen. Don’t joke about dying! I am killed by Gen on annux day. This is. My boy. Yes he is perfect. Yes he will refuse to get up. I love him. I died on page 31
Philologos is still the best of them
32. Dancing bear indeed
Always the powdered gold
Ruby!!!!! <3
Aww a smile!!! <3
Pheris he likes you!
33. They both love invisibility and lost it … I cry
Erupt like the sacred mountain excuse me!
OR WORSE return to bed! Lol
34. He’s Eugenides when he’s talking to Attolia
Ouch hero talk
! from Irene!
My queen!
Hey Phresine!
They way we do <3 he’s hating it but he’s so comfortable with her
Sister and bro mention! C’mon!
I love them
35. Honestly that’s a yes (“I have no idea what you mean, my queen”)
It’s so cute they hang out in the morning … like how long was it even since they’ve seen each other lol
:( tough walk for Pheris
Is it prophecy time?
Lol how long does this construction take?!
Also … she’s pregnant, huh? but no one knows (nope)
Is befriending someone weaponized as a prank count for Gen’s enemies to friends list?
Also SHOW ME the magus. I know he’s here!
36. Pheris excuse me, why not recreate this!
Lol cast off language of history indeed
Feel the thrum of the goddess!
EXCUSE ME… a minor goddess? Mystery goddess? Or Philia?
Oh Gen
37. Well, Gen, someone is having a worse day than you.
Damn, how far we come.
Aww Sounis, babe, I love you and so does Gen
[drawing of the four of them sitting in a row]
38. Artadorus???? Pomegranate?
39. HEIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend! Also lol. Two smiles, for Pheris and Heiro..
40. Yesss Melheret joke in action.
Costis has left tho right?
Jesus, Melheret
SHE GAVE HIM A HORSE (I COULD NOT DEAL with this entire conversation, but then again I could not deal with this whole book.)
41. I love them all so much
“on that horse, you will look like a king” I can’t with her sense of humor
He sure did say that
I feel like I’m missing something with the fight on foot thing … remembering battles?
Helen called him Gen!
Sophos stop talking about yourself and bringing apricots into everything lol
Lol these bystanders don’t know how lucky they are. Nor does Pheris, yet
42. She’s protecting him
Also … Gen … you didn’t want to be a soldier.
43. Guards have capes
2 startled men … hm …
Oh Gen. The fucking brutal echoes…
44. :( :( :(
Gen tell your wife you’re sick!
The attendants are so dumb
45. So, so, so :(
Tell who? Petrus?
46. Bleeding! Salt! Lemon! Heck no! What is he, a piece of meat?
47. “savoring each bite as if it were my last” ... Same … but with this book
Hmm… Alyta! Goddess of the gentle rain! (despite this “hmm,” I did not put the pieces together)
48. Oh no Teleus! And someone?
Aw he realized <3 lemon water
49. Gen eat your broth lol
50. I love them.
Ion’s really trying to make up for what he did that one time
51. Without the approval of the great goddess HAHAHA
I love them. Cousin time! Growl?
Idk whether or not to be reassured, Gen.
Wow Cleon I do not like that. Also didn’t he die? (...)
Comma (“I am not, Eddis”)
Go smack him!
52. Gen I love you.
Helen I love you.
He’s so bad at self care but I love him
Chapter 4
55. love that our narrator just disappears and reappears
56. Attolia’s brother’s bedroom? Yikes. Ominous. A detail in a story we’ve already gotten, different every time <3
57. fucking attendants. 3 good ones. Medander you were beneath Costis’s notice before but I hate you. Costis didn’t have time for you or Xikos or Xikander and nor do I
58. interesting pawn talk!!!
59. <3 Pheris :(
The Gen comparisons though
:( :( :( :(
60. flamboyance <3
Cemphora bush
61. I love him
62. I love them
Also lol “Your majesty?”
63. Name … hm … (“I have deliberately omitted [my tutor’s] name here”)
64. more twin imagery I swear
WAIT … it was his birthday! Not just Annux day?!! Gen was born in late summer???
Attendant list thank you
65. laying it all out there, huh … (that one Gen quote)
Lol they’re the same but Pheris likes horses
66. Insellia! Hello nice to meet you
67. Gen that’s mean. (“He is hardly even half of one.”)
68. Coleus leves???
“I am Eugenides.” <3
Gen why
69. Gold cups???? Hmmmmm. Also lioness. Def invoking Costis. (they’re probably not the cups, but STILL)
70. Moira! Hi!!! Rainbow shawl!
Like a rabbit!
I’m … very sad he uses his Attolian accent with Helen
71. Aaah so good
Moira knows another messenger?
Does he think he can’t die in battle?
72. hmm are they WRANGLING?! (Galen and Petrus and my Fire and Hemlock word association)
Kill that pastry Irene I love you
morning training with his … guard? (Is that the whole guard or a guard? Costis senses tingling once again.)
73. Oh gen.
Ouch! (“to send people to their deaths and not risk my own is contemptible”)
Is she implying he’s paying Therespides?
74. Interesting Cleon plan. So many doubles
OUCH. (“Only if he comes back from the dead.” I assumed Lader had died in the war; it’s a different ouch now. I love that they both accidentally say things to each other that poke old wounds, and it’s not a big deal but it’s also not dismissed! Their relationship has come so far, and I love them so much.)
75. Verimius – Lavia – Celia??? Somebody is queer in there!
This scene confuses me. Xortix? Layteres? Aris! but dice thing is less political … so maybe? (just wait....)
76. So many reasons to hate Medander
Hey Costis! You exist! KoA happened!
Gen is just … still so uncomfortable and miserable. He chose, he has people, but still.
RIP Clopius also WHAT
77. Lol Hilarion’s grand statements
78. Yorn Fordad Hello!
Luxurious mustache
The mighty Pents?
Besin Quedue – she’s coming 4 you watch out
79. RIP Baron Hippias
Chapter 5
80. Spring! Plays! Cenna!
81. Oh dear
Oh dear
At least they said he was pretty
83. ?!? :( wine
Uh oh. Stockpiling
85. What even.
86. Omg Irene. Hissing. I love her.
Also … Gen’s the viper
Also this scene was written by Pheris.
87. oh no.
What better man
She fucking quoted Howl. I love them.
Also, bees (this scene killed me)
90. Falling?
Oh shit
Also … Juridius and Pheris, Susa and Costis (comparing demands for information)
93. oh my god (IT’S THE WINDOW SCENE)
Oh my god
94. She! Called! Him! Gen!
I love this and it scares me
Lol Chloe
Irene you learned from her though
95. D:
96. :(
97. water stuff
98. what the heck
OH NO (Quedue scene)
100. yikes
102. yikes yikes YIKES
103. a blade has protruded from his chest (tbt to The Thief)
106. shit
Did Gen hit him?
108. lol Phresine
109. lol
I want genuinely every character’s reaction to this shit
Chapter 6
111. what the heck Gen.
112. like a god [crown doodle]
114. Perma?
116. Gen. Gen. Gen. Do not.
117. AAAA (god intervention)
122. Juridius to Dite
124. bye Iolanthe and Ileia! Tell us about Caeta and Silla.
125. did not expect so much Ion
Chapter 7
127. Fryst god of winter
She laughed!
They’re so married
128. OH SHIT (Costis ship is sighted and I remember what’s about to happen next)
Interesting timing
He rode the horse home?
131. Beauty and good, beauty and kind
134. The gods’ goodwill
Keep them safe <3
135. Is that his MOM?!! Wtf (it was!)
Pheris steal those earrings!!!
137. AMPHORA EARRINGS (and flowers)
138. I love Phresine
139. Why do I feel like all the game birds are pigeons
140. meanwhile Gen’s been hanging out with Kamet. Shit. I cannot.
141. lethium soup! The reversal
Safe for you
142. of course he knew <3
143. Kamet time! I love him. We get to see Kamet!!!
Also … echo of Gen’s notes on Mede
145. very handsome. … gaycostis vindication (referring to @costis’s url at the time and this post. Little did I know what else was to come in the next chapter and then a few months later with the adaptation news...)
Do you know who I am?
Chapter 8
147. Of course he’s a cartographer
A favorite huh
148. of course she didn’t tell us his age!
149. the angsty window staring I crave
151. adventure, huh
I do have a soft spot for Melheret
152. concerned about amphora gift
153. Glad they can be well and united in spite!! (Gen and Melheret)
154. Pheris loves math and I love him
155. Hello Teleus. Hello olives
Lol Relius is not into math
156. pigeons. Inkpot!
157. yeah honestly. He tortures people. He was NOT tortured by the king
159. lol (“I have noted the elective nature of certain behaviors” ... I love Relius and Pheris.)
160. The Invitation! I <3 it
FOLKS HERE WE ARE (I cannot overstate how wonderful it was to read this page. I did not know who the poem was from, and “Someone loves me very much, even with all my faults” is even sweeter to reread, but it’s just ... his confidence is so different from the tentative consideration of a new philosophy of trust and love we see in KoA. And there is subtextual queerness in the books before this one, some more apparent and some more subtle (and what is obvious to one reader may be subtle or invisible to another, in these books especially), and there is the attendant love triangle a few chapters back, but HERE - here, Pheris acknowledges the real feeling and love in Legarus’s disastrous relationship and tells us directly that his lover was a man, here he seamlessly makes it clear how bi and poly Relius is, and he quietly ties these relationships and realities to his growing understanding of the world. It’s not subtext. And there’s a lot more to come, but this page really hit me, and sort of promised the “more to come” while assuring me that what had come before, more subtly, was there. I used to have heteronormative readings of both these books and myself, and when Thick as Thieves brought them crashing back into my heart after years away, I knew better about myself, and I saw that - or the possibility of that reading -  reflected in the new book, and it was such a good surprise. It meant a lot, and this page meant a lot, and that is why I’m writing a small essay to accompany this note.) 
Lol wow
162. Where are you traveling, man (this question remains)
163. Fuck you, Orutus
164. Stole an inkpot!
165. the map!!! (Kamet’s)
166. I love them!
167. The Math Master hmm
Am I an oracle (Nope! :) )
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angrypedestrian · 5 years
THE TIME IDIOTS EPISODE 507 TITLED “Welp how ‘bout that pandemic?” MY THOUGHTS:
Y’ALL what a TIME to be ALIVE
i hope you all are staying safe and distancing yourself as much as you can
if you work in a service industry you are a fucking saint and i hope you are getting the support you need
if you have lost your job (and you’re in the US) make sure you apply for unemployment ASAP!!
Anyways lolololol time for some funny jokes I guess!!
pour one out for Neal McDonough....again
may his hotness never be forgotten
belated Can Get It Memorial Award goes to the man himself
Alright lets kick these emotions to the CURB lets just get to the ANTICS
Ray that one foot could be in the future y’all just don’t have the budget for it anymore
god remember when this show went to the future? like, not infrequently?
I still do not understand why Gideon could not just make a new bathroom
but this is because she hates all of them, and I respect that
lol the Mcguffin joke was pretty good
you get this one Phil. ONE.
I do not believe that ray has ONCE made a loud sound during sex
How are you going to tell Nate, your completely platonic best friend, that you are leaving the ship?
with camera work more romantic than anything they have ever done for Nora no offense Courtney
Almost as much as she loves and misses Mick
and also everyone else
i know they’re trying because they cannot actually say they’re gay
but this is truly hilarious
Also what is this fucking shirt they have Nate wearing
it is certainly reminiscent of something Ray would wear just saying!!!
Heheheh “cockles”
OH NO Charlie looks like AMAYA in this getup 
oh NO
The fucking mustache on this shakespeare is so fucking BAD
jesus christ
you couldn’t even glue it on straight y’all come ON
And don’t get me started on this mullet oh my GOD
they spent the whole budget on the stripper pole didn’t they
I love that Zari thinks this is an intervention
which leads me to believe she has experienced one before
I want to see that scene
i have watched so much gay television in my time, and i have NEVER seen anything as gay as these two in this episode
Nate is such a good bro
lol a lot of cults in this show
this is a lot Zari. It is
but also EXCELLENT deflection there
Oops plot was happening and I stopped paying attention
Astra looks gr9 tho
Truly what is better than this just guys being dudes
just dudes being bros
just bros being lovers
what who said that?
Y’all remember when what’s his face from Degrassi played Elvis?
that was a wild time
Oh, Astra continues to wear EXCELLENT ankle boots
oh fuck this sounds so much better than romeo and juliet
....where did they get the sexy firefighter from
love sara is suddenly sober with no time having passed
this is a very sweet good bye tho
oh my god can we PLEASE get nick trying to shakespeare
this is now my greatest wish
Love a breakup scene lol
Shakespeare is the smartest one so far realizing that the legends mostly just make things worse!
WELL in a way Legends truly has destroyed storytelling
good show of self awareness!
oh my god are they ALL going to do shakespeare?
caity? doing SHAKESPEARE?
nick? doing SHAKESPEARE?
dominic? doing SHAKESPEARE?
that codpiece on ava? inspired
dreams come TRUE
also he’s not even trying to hide his accent on this one although I can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not
jes’s little dancing feet!!!
this is me having a fucking STROKE at ante
i’m sure matt has done legit shakespeare and i would like to see that
i imagine he would do great in the comedies
I low key love tala keeps calling gideon gidget and that gideon has not murdered her yet
are nora and ray popping straight to the suburbs jeez a little on the nose
i truly do not care if this is actual baiting at this point i love their relationship so GODDAMN much
they LOVE each other!!!! and are unafraid of it!!!!
charlie solely thinking about a threeway with john and zari
and for that she must be commended
sara is ready to be nate’s bro!!!
this is very sweet!!!
yes we had to disguise the loom piece so that we didn’t destroy our entire budget!
I don’t think green juice comes in fucking Arizona iced tea jugs
god bless tho
NEXT WEEK: see y’all in April if we survive that long!!!
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