#BPD Ford
fannishstuff · 3 months
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I can't believe nobody has pointed this out before? (Small clarification for Robbie: he's happy in a secure romantic relationship. Wendy made him feel insecure, and he took it out on Dipper. Tambry did not, and his whole personality became healthier as a result.)
To be clear, I'm not saying all of these characters have BPD. But I'm also not surprised that a show whose main theme is "Family is Important and Being Rejected Makes You A Little Weird" has a lot of characters that Feel Rejected, and as a result Get a Little Weird. All of these characters are given the chance to form healthy relationships and grow as a result, which is really cool.
For those who don't knows, Borderline Personality Disorder is a traumatic condition that's characterized by things like:
Extreme emotional reactivity
Extreme sensitivity to rejection
A tendency toward black and white thinking
A tendency toward intense but unstable relationships
Alexithymia, or inability to feel/understand/describe one's emotions
Severe anxiety
It tends to happen when one is consistently rejected or taught to suppress one's identity as a child - usually through intense bullying, abuse, et cetera. People with BPD often struggle to form healthy support networks because the emotional disregulation can make you act inappropriately (stalking, yelling, destroying property) and because there is a lot of social stigma against strong emotions even if you have your behavior well-managed. Therapy can help with the behavioral symptoms, and a strong support network can make the emotions and anxiety much more manageable. (There is no medication for BPD. Medication for comorbid conditions like depression might help.)
Anyway, this is a kids' cartoon, so everyone's behavior is over-the-top and the story arcs are black-and-white by design. I still like them, though.
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notarealblogatall · 5 months
people headcanoning stanford pines with any cluster b personality disorder you will always be famous to me
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pwuppisms · 6 days
the pines family are all autistic but stan and ford have something else special called "cluster b personality disorders"
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caaaatttsss-meow · 2 years
This has to be one of the best books I have ever read this year!
If you like audio biographies and famous people, this is the book for you! It's well written with tons of research on each person in just under 300 pages.
(I picked it up because I found the title to be humorous and I'm glad I did)
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19-1-20-25-18 · 12 days
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Last info post. After this there will be more of full artworks.
Bill suffers from BPD and Stanford has autism.
Bill didn't realize that something was wrong with him until Ford created for him an analogue of pills for what he used to live with. He did not understand that constant outbursts of anger are not normal, that constant mood swings are also not the norm. Many do not see or hear what he sees when he is alone. After Bill began the course of treatment that Ford would prescribe with the advice of several therapists, he began to miss the old feelings. He didn't give out anything that could bring him joy again, or the filled feeling in his chest that was so pleasant to him. He was ready to face again what was hurting him and others. Bill didn't need sleep, but the side effects of the pills, which Stanford hadn't foreseen, were literally disabling his consciousness. He felt detached from the world, as if everything he did was meaningless. Nothing was as enjoyable as before. He tried to drown out these thoughts with work, not allowing himself to relax even for a minute, so as not to face the reality of what was happening again. But the further he went, the further he got away from Ford. He didn't like it.
This pushed him to give up the pills from time to time, after which all the symptoms returned with renewed vigor. Paranoia, mood swings, hallucinations in the form of his parents and their screams before death. He could hear them… "Why did you do that?" The emptiness inside him that he so desperately wanted to fill was coming back, hurting himself and a loved one. He stopped loving again, the world was divided into "black and white", when at one moment he was ready to sing Ford's praises, but at the slightest mistake, Ford turned into something terrible, something that was not worthy of love and something that deserved pain and all the anger and despair that Bill was testing it. Obsessive thoughts of murder, uncontrollable actions, a feeling of unbearable loneliness. All this came back to him with a new wave. It happened that Ford found Bill in a room full of broken things and torn wallpaper on which triangles were painted in blood… _
Bill has many forms. From young women to senile old men. He changed them depending on what people needed, he became someone they wanted to see and love. Having assumed his current appearance, he planned to cause terror in people and show his authority even with his appearance. But even with this look, Ford fell in love with him. It was only after that that Bill decided that this will be the only form he would take.
Bill can only relax when he is next to Ford. In all other situations, he cannot afford himself to do this, both for personal reasons and for reasons of his work.
Bill can also read minds, but after he married Ford, he never did this to him, as he respects him and his personal space.
At their first kiss, Bill couldn't keep his human form because of the influx of emotions. If Ford had reacted in any way incorrectly or said something that might have seemed wrong to Bill, he would have been dead a long time ago.
Ford has been investigating the origin of the triangle on ancient records for a long time. While Bill was with him all the time and listened to Ford's theories, sometimes agreeing with him or confusing him or carrying complete nonsense like: "I'm sure this triangle would be a good kisser."
During all the time that Bill was in the human dimension, he had countless husbands and wives whom he could never love. They either left him, or Bill left on his own. It happened that because of boredom, he stayed with a person for the rest of their life, emotionlessly watching their last moments of existence. And it was only with Ford that he could feel what love was. And along with this, the fear of losing a loved one, the excitement for him. If before that he did not know what the meaning of human life was: so short and worthless, now this "pathetic life" was all he lived for.
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osamucide · 15 days
cw: talk of mental illness and substance use/abuse, speculation about Dazai’s f’ed up past, Dazai-typical references to suicide, references to self harm, probably a lot of projection on the author’s part
reid: i feel like yapping about Dazai tonight so here’s a non-exhaustive list of general headcanons i have about him. no word count because i’ll probably update this periodically lol
he does not listen to music from this century. he just doesn’t. not that he goes out of his way not to, he’s just drawn to a certain sound that only older music seems to have—I think The Smiths, Blondie, Tears For Fears, The Smashing Pumpkins, King Crimson, and Led Zeppelin are among his favorite artists
I think he also really enjoys classic jazz/blues/bebop music—Charles Mingus, Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, Miles Davis, etc.
he’s anemic. I’m of the firm belief that Kunikida buys him a 100 ct bottle of iron tablets every 100 days which Dazai always graciously accepts. however, he only actually takes them when he gives enough of a shit to (which is not often) so the bottles are just accumulating on his bathroom sink/in the cupboard beneath
nail biter, cuticle picker, hair twirler, thigh bouncer, etc. I don’t think he really sits still unless it’s absolutely necessary
children love him, much to his dismay. they think he’s entertaining. he thinks they’re like puppies (and he canonically hates dogs). he won’t treat them badly, but he’s just not super interested in interacting with them. unwilling older brother vibe when faced with them. shithead kids can stoke his rage much faster than Chuuya ever could
he cannot take care of a fucking plant. has one succulent in his apartment. it’s surviving out of pure unadulterated spite. he hasn’t watered it in over a year
wearer of funky socks. his favorites are either the ones that say "I love my job ha ha just kidding" or the custom ones Yosano got him as a gag gift one year for white elephant at the office christmas party (they have Kunikida’s rage face on them)
really sad that, despite his criminal record being scrubbed clean, he is still banned from driving in the nation of Japan for the rest of his life because he wants a Ford Explorer so bad
he’s fluent in Japanese and English, proficient in French and Italian, and learning Russian
I think he also enjoys learning math/researching random shit/reading anything he can in his free time when he feels up to it. he never received a formal education and his IQ is through the roof—his yearning for academia is almost like an itch he has to scratch every once in a while. also, he just likes knowing things
he never learned how to ride a bike. wahhhh wahh
BPD king. look at him. my beautiful princess with a disorder. I doubt he’s diagnosed but he strongly suspects it seeing as he’s so self-aware; if not borderline, he just assumes he has severe PTSD. either way, he really won’t do anything other than what he already knows about how to manage it
along the same lines—he’s been a functional alcoholic since an alarmingly young age (I’m talking 16-17). I think it probably got a lot worse post-defection when he was underground, but he hardly had to function then anyway; he gets somewhat better after joining the Agency but still has a dependence, it’s just not severe enough to debilitate him
has a bin of art supplies in his apartment. he only ever pulls them out once every few months, but he rather enjoys painting and wouldn’t mind getting better at it
master at darts. don’t take him to a bar where there’s a dartboard. he will stand in front of it all night and obliterate everyone who challenges him
insatiable sweet tooth. he especially loves anything maple, butter pecan, or butterscotch he’s a grandpa
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je-suis-applebread · 3 days
You know those "im npd im bpd 🔥personality disorder brothers🔥/ im adhd im autism 🔥neurodivergent brothers🔥" pics with Stan and Ford??
Okay so
One of those but with Fiddleford, Stanford and Bill going "im gaslight im gatekeep and im girlboss 🔥"we can't fix each other" polycule🔥" inspired by one interaction i had
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abyssalzones · 29 days
what's your personal take on the hc of ford having npd? i hate seeing it used as a "gotcha" under moments where ford is being a dick but it is nice that at least some of the crowd (that i've seen) is firmly against villainizing people with personality disorders
I haven't personally seen npd ford discussion (though I have talked about my thoughts on him hypothetically having bpd- a while ago now) but it's something I could potentially see why other people would hc for similar reasons, ie talking about how ford's trauma influences his behavior and decisions rather than writing him off as some randomly egotistical asshole. also tbh even if he didn't have established trauma I wouldn't see him as an egotistical asshole but that's another can of worms.
...to be honest though as much as this is like literally 2/3rd of the fanbase's understanding of ford I don't see any excessive feelings of grandiosity or disregard of other people's emotions that are typically aligned with npd behavior (though I have other thoughts on the heavily biased nature of personality disorder diagnoses...), he comes across more to me as having issues with managing relationships based on unhealthy attachment patterns and a fear of abandonment, as you see in bpd diagnoses. hence, he places a lot of self worth on how well he can perform academically and prove himself as a scientist, associating that praise with what keeps people around and his Freakish(tm) qualities as what drives them away, so he's always in danger of being betrayed or abandoned... so it kind of becomes a matter of like, where and how do you distinguish between those two? what's the tangible difference between grandiosity and "being a scientist who knows things"?
and to go even further I don't think either diagnoses exists in a vacuum, as is made obvious by the over-diagnosis of bpd in women for societally misogynistic reasons. that's a lot of the reason I'm hesitant to get into picking apart individual traits for the purpose of validating personality disorder headcanons, because these characters exist in the context of a story. like, if your understanding of ford is that he's truly self-centered and thinks unreasonably highly of himself (in tandem with insecurity) then sure, npd makes sense, but that's also heavily dependent on Why people are diagnosed with npd, which is about your external viewpoint rather than any set traits.
for similar reasons I could probably write off my prior analysis of a bpd headcanon but 1. whatever 2. even accounting for social factors I think it fits more. he's mr. hysterical drama queen after all.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
David Blackmon
Aug 11, 2024
A Permian Basin frac spread operated by Liberty Frac.
In case you missed it, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported Thursday that domestic oil and gas producers achieved new record high oil production during the week ended August 4. Producers pumped out an amazing 13.4 million barrels per day (bpd) for the week, an increase of 800,000 bpd from the same week a year ago.
For context, this weekly production record is more than 3 times the 3.794 million bpd the U.S. produced in September 2008, just 16 years ago, and more than double the volume produced in September 2012. The former 62-year nadir in U.S. production came the month before the first successful well was drilled into the Eagle Ford Shale, kicking off the shale revolution in oil production that has driven the rise of the domestic industry ever since.
The Eagle Ford was in full boom, along with the Bakken in North Dakota, by September 2012, and the mammoth Permian Basin was in the early stages of its own drilling boom at the same time. Since then, the industry has continued to achieve record after record in the face of a seemingly endless parade of predictions by various experts that it has peaked and would embark on a decline.
Yet, here it is, setting yet another new production record even as both Baker Hughes and Enverus report the domestic count of active drilling rigs has declined by 15% over the past 12 months. That’s a continuation of a steady drop in drilling activity since 2017, during which the number of active U.S. rigs has declined by 70%.
I’ve often been criticized for taking a skeptical stance related to predictions of “peak oil,” whether they be on the supply side or the demand side of the equation. Those criticisms generally come from the same people making all those consistently wrong predictions.
July marked my 45th year of either being in the U.S. oil and gas industry or writing about it. The longer I’m around this vibrant, nimble, and innovative business, the more it surprises and often amazes me.
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yourlowkeyidiot3 · 17 days
Ford has undiagnosed NPD and autism
Stan has undiagnosed BPD and ADHD
Fiddleford has undiagnosed OCD
Does anyone else agree with me
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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audhd luz noceda | adhd princess carolyn | audhd bluey and bingo heeler autistic: ford pines | mane six | homestuck cast bpd nimona | neurodivergent welcome home cast | npd wheatley plural mr. owl | disabled subway seat | ptsd lapis lazuli
day 8 of my 5-year anniversary event, neurodivergency | disability | etc.!
dni link
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notarealblogatall · 3 months
Literally found your blog because I think Ford has so many BPD traits that I was desperately looking for confirmation that someone else saw it too. Thanks. Too shy to link the angsty as hell fanfic I wrote when I realized that having well-managed symptoms ≠ being normal
Anon thank you so much!! I can totally see BPD Ford as a thing, it fits the text well and puts a lot about him in an interesting light. I would always be interested to hear more!
(Also, if you ever want to send the fic in my direction, I wouldn’t complain at all… 👀)
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borderline-culture-is · 22 minutes
bpd culture is loving billford and not bc the wrid fetish ppl make out of it, but because of how poetic it is. Them calling each other "muse", the betrayal, what Bill must've felt when Ford didn't chose HIM. Getting adrenaline from quotes like "my muse...was a monster", Bill being the perfect depiction of LITERALLY letting the world burn for your fp, the GRIP they BOTH have on EACH OTHER??? cheffs kiss.
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(Ford when he's being called out on his shit: 🧍)
(Say it with me people - Your trauma does not excuse you being an asshole!)
(Also can I say I'm glad I'm not alone in the NPD/cluster B hc for Ford, I saw a couple videos on tiktok explaining it and I am so on board)
(NPD Ford/BPD Stan truthers, where you at frfr)
(Mod: hells yeah! I rlly vibe with that hc i just worry about portraying something wrong bc im not an expert. So yeah— my silly little ford portrayal doesnt reflect everyone’s experience with npd and it can be different for different people. But it is important to the way i see ford as a character. Okay! Ramble over!)
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sewers-headmates · 11 days
hi darling(s)! like everyone else, we've been indulging in the gravity falls resurgence, and with that has come some (honestly, expected) fictives! dipper and i are fairly fleshed out, but sixer could use some work.
could i please get a stanford pines introject pack. as canon-compliant or canon-divergent as you'd like. some small requests/details: they need to experience romantic attraction to some degree, and we'd like them to be transharmed and/or transcultleader! no rush!
- b!ll c!pher (the rosebud collective / @roses-bah-garden )
of course ^^ decided to indulge myself a bit and though this fandom isn’t one of my main interested i went with our long form
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Name: Stanford
Middle Name: Filbrick
Last Name: Pines
Nicknames: Ford, Sixer
Titles: The Author
Age: 62
Pronouns: he/him
Height: 6’1
Zodiac: cancer
Species: human
Gender: cis male
Sexual Orientation: homosexual
Romantic Orientation: homoromantic
Mono, Ambi, Poly: mono
cisIDs: human, paranormal investigator, scientist, six fingers, twin, autistic, BPD, nerd, intelligent, OCD
transIDs: transHarmed, transCultLeader, transDiety, transSacrificialLamb, transNPD, transNoEmpathy, Lavenderscentic, transWorshipped, transConsang
Paraphiles: sadomasochist, teratophilia, agonophilia, transConsang
System Info
Roles: academic/work alter
Source: gravity falls
Notable Source Memories/Details:
- used to date Fiddleford McGucket, though they broke up on good terms
- has a matching friendship bracelet with Stan he has even to today
- may or may not have had a passionate affair with a specific triangle demon he will deny
Front Triggers: bill, his family, source media, school, work, science
Sign Offs: -Ford, -🧬🔬, -🧬📓
Summery: Stanford is a bit overly serious and doesn’t tend to understand or enjoy humor the same as others. He is fiercely loyal to his family and those who have earned his trust but cold to those who hasn’t earned that closeness. Ford cares deeply for nature and has an enjoyment for weird or supernatural things.
Likes: nature, his family, friendships, supernatural things, space
Dislikes: people, social interactions
Hobbies: investigations, writing, work, education, science
Fun Extras
Typing Style: Tends to type in an overly formal way and uses proper punctuation and capitalization.
Playlist: not mine, 5h19m
Opinion Stances: dislikes discourse more focused on his own things, proship, comship, radqueer, complex contact
Twilight Sparkle - My Little Pony
Erik/The Phantom - Phantom Of The Opera
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hope you enjoy! had to whip out the big guns for ya because we can lol
reminder if you want this form you have to ask for it (and we’ll mostly only do it for sources on our source list)
-mod richie
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19-1-20-25-18 · 6 days
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Mystical trio. Stanley is a former homeless struggling with drug addiction, living with Bill and Ford until he gets back on his feet. Bill suffers from BPD, takes medications without therapy. Ford has autism.
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