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17 ▪︎ autistic ▪︎ art tag -> #artisms
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k9ninedecay · 5 hours ago
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its fiddleford friday you know what that means
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k9ninedecay · 5 hours ago
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Fem Fiddleford.... Filomena... Save me Filomena......
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k9ninedecay · 6 hours ago
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k9ninedecay · 20 hours ago
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This took a few days/couple weeks maybe, but I wasnt actively working on it, so probobly only about 3 hours active work time? Dont post art on here much but I thought this was unique enough to share.
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k9ninedecay · 20 hours ago
uhh, i forgot i have tumblr lol
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k9ninedecay · 2 days ago
fleshing out your ocs sex lives is like worldbuilding to me
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k9ninedecay · 2 days ago
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k9ninedecay · 2 days ago
Help a Family Rebuild 💔
Mohamad has lost so much and now he’s drowning in debt trying to keep his sister and her five kids safe. He needs our help to bring them to safety and start anew.
We’re raised (€6,119). Every euro counts. Every share matters. Regardless of his name, skin color, or religion, this is about humanity.
Donate & share: Donation Link (GoFundMe.com)
✅ Vetted by Association: @bilal-salah0
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k9ninedecay · 2 days ago
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k9ninedecay · 2 days ago
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weee miamis i lauvv mimi i lovee micky i lov dem hallooo
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k9ninedecay · 3 days ago
Rick Sanchez Showing Signs of ASD for 30 Images
(Re-posting this from a previous reblog I posted in. For organisational purposes.)
(Using some notes from CDC.gov and NHS.uk)
“People with [autism spectrum disorder (ASD)] often have problems with social communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. People with ASD may also have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention. It is important to note that some people without ASD might also have some of these symptoms.” - Signs and Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, CDC.gov
Similar to the above quote, some of the below examples can be explained through Doylist (meta) explanations (for example, Rick usually wears the same clothes because that's a common trope in animation, due to asset limitations and marketing/merchandise reasons).
With that in mind:
Bad sensory, overstimulation: Rick preferring to eat just noodles (possibly due to texture/taste aversion), instead of having what everyone else in the family is having.
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Getting very upset if someone touches or gets too close: Rick pushing Morty away when Morty runs up to hug him.
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Stimming (repetitive performance of certain physical movements or vocalisations) by moving his fists in a celebratory shaking motion in multiple episodes.
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Gets upset by minor changes. Rick getting mad at Morty for changing the position of his car seat, refusing to leave a dangerous situation until it's re-adjusted.
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Rick: "Wait, did you f**k with my seat settings?!"
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Having the same routine every day and getting very anxious if it changes: Rick being upset that Morty is busy and can't go on an adventure with him (like in a typical episode).
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Gastrointestinal issues (for example, constipation). An episode focuses on Rick needing to go to a custom planet (that felt safe and secluded) to use the toilet and feeling great distress upon learning that someone else found the planet.
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Has a safe food that is seeked out for comfort. Rick likes wafers. He's seen getting them from the kitchen in multiple episodes, Beth makes sure the house is stocked with them, and the Citadel of Ricks even has its own factory to produce them.
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Referencing good sensory: Rick talking in detail about pancakes covered in syrup, not wanting the pancakes to go bad.
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Rick: "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got pancakes back home with syrup on top of them. They're about to hit that critical point of syrup absorption that turns the cakes into a gross paste. And I hate to get all Andy Rooney about it, but I think we all like fluffy discs of cake with syrup on top!"
And Rick enjoying pancakes in S1E10 and S4E2:
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Has obsessive interests. Rick becoming hyper-focused on giant mecha collecting and Morty reminding him to not go overboard on his new hyperfixation.
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Morty: "Sometimes, enough is... ?" Rick: (Sadly) "Sometimes enough is enough."
Liking to plan things carefully before doing them: Rick keeping various helpful inventions in his lab coat just in case he needs them later (Vindicators episode).
Infodumping (to excitedly share a large amount of information about a highly-focused subject or passion at one time, usually in great detail and length).
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Finding it hard to talk about feelings: Rick having hesitation in apologising and explaining his thoughts and feelings to Jerry.
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Rick: "If I'm genuinely cool, I should be able to love you. Which I... therefore do."
Avoids or does not keep eye contact: Rick looking away or breaking eye contact with Morty. Image set of Morty calling him out:
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Rick breaking eye contact while lying to Morty:
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Having a preferred outfit to wear each day (can be cause of sensory issues). Rick wearing the same blue shirt for over 40 years (we see in flashbacks that it was brighter and has faded with time).
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Unusual speech patterns, such as stuttering. Rick's stuttering decreases as seasons progress.
Vocal stimming (when someone repeats a specific sound or phrase to produce sensory stimulation). Some autistic children find it easier to make up their own words. Rick repeatedly saying, "wubba lubba dub dub." He will also repeat his own words (echolalia) immediately afterwards.
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Delay edecholalia, scripting (when someone "saves" exact phrases and uses them later to make social situations easier). Rick (in The Ricks Must Be Crazy) remembers Morty's comment, "that just sounds like slavery with extra steps" and uses it later to try and win an argument with another scientist.
Not picking up social cues, finding it hard to understand what others are thinking or feeling. Rick making a joke and then realising the other person is in too much distress to laugh with him (has done this with both Morty and Jerry).
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Rick: "You're not laughing?" (Expression changes upon realising) "Oh, right. You're dying."
Unconventional grief response, "inappropriate" facial expressions, lack of fear: Rick reacting to burying himself in a less uneasy way than Morty.
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"To the point" style of social interaction. Rick often speaks bluntly and is seen as rude by other characters in response.
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Rick: "Everyone, f**k off. Morty, I need your help."
Has a terrible memory but can remember ridiculously difficult information if it interests him. Rick forgets his portal gun and leaves it behind, but can remember the formula for various chemical reactions without using a reference (ending of M.Night Shaym-Aliens!).
And finally...
President Curtis referencing Rick's neurodivergency:
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Rick's comment:
Rick: "I'm not touching that thing,"
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Rick finding a roundabout way to let Morty know that he (Rick) also has ASD:
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Rick: "Is this game popular with autistic people?" Morty: "Why would you say something like that?" Rick: "Because I'm starting to love it."
Wish I could have added more examples, but 30 images is Tumblr's current post limit.
(I understand that the potential meme joke by OP is that the "NOT YOU" image is of Rick from season 1, versus his markedly changed characterisation in season 5-onwards, that focused more on coding Rick as neurodivergent.)
I hope this has been in some part educational for a few readers. Happy Autism Acceptance Month.
But now for the disclaimer bit: Don't take it from me, learn more about ASD.
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k9ninedecay · 3 days ago
fem fiddleford
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k9ninedecay · 3 days ago
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Max hasn’t figured out how mirrors work yet
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k9ninedecay · 3 days ago
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Luca & Hatsune Miku!!
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k9ninedecay · 3 days ago
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k9ninedecay · 3 days ago
when i was younger i used to believe that you could make anyone understand anything if you explained long enough and hard enough but then one time i said "who would have thunk it" to a classmate in college and she turned to me with such sincere disgust on her face and said "it's who would have thought" and i took five seconds to contemplate how i could possibly convey to her why i said it that way and i came up empty and that was the first crack in the windshield
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k9ninedecay · 4 days ago
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Appalachian Miku
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