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akkivee · 7 months ago
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dreamerdrop · 3 months ago
Saw your Abscess-verse timeline and now I'm very curious if you have any thoughts on what an 'If Wishes Were Horses' AU for it would look like 🧐
Oooh, I’ve been puzzling over that episode for a while now, lol.
I’m kind of torn, between there’s so many ways it could go in this ‘verse. Like, if Julian imagines Sloan, is there even anything I can do with that? Not REALLY, not unless I specifically want to write a threesome lmao, so what else can we do with it…
If he still imagines Jadzia, that gives me a couple problems. While it would obviously trigger Sloans’ jealous nature, and it would provide a good context for Sloan in guilting Julian into distancing himself from her more. HOWEVER. As far as this ‘verse goes, Sloan doesn’t really see Jadzia as much of a threat. He doesn’t think she reciprocates ANYTHING for Julian, but her friendship with him is something he dislikes… I mean, she’s a threat because she’s smart and competent and a nice person and she likes Julian as a friend, so if she notices that anything is up with Sloan and how he treats Julian, she’d intervene, yes, but…
At this stage, Sloan is still largely playing “good boyfriend”, and while he does want to create distance between Julian and everyone else for possessive personal reasons, he doesn’t actually think Julian having FRIENDS is a big problem right now, because he hasn’t done anything that he thinks would cause them to dislike him, so it’s not like he’s pulling Julian away from everyone else on a CONSCIOUS level.
On the other hand, Sloan is already annoyed by Julian’s relationship with Garak, since he perceives it as being MUTUAL. I mean, he’d have to be blind to not recognise that Julian and Garak are both attracted to each other, and that does piss Sloan off, because that’s a direct threat to his relationship with Julian, and he’s not really a sharing kind of guy.
And well, he probably does try to be cool about it most of the time, he doesn’t fully freak out over their relationship until Cardassians and he thinks that there’s absolutely gotta be something up with how ridiculously calm Julian is about having Garak in his bedroom in the middle of the night. (And his jealousy and conviction that Julian is cheating on him with Garak is indeed entirely genuine, he really does believe that, and it obviously does not make any of it better.)
So I can’t really have him imagine Garak either, because that would throw the rest of the timeline off lmao.
I could take a page from some other rewrites of the episode, and consider that because Sloan has been filling Julian’s head with weird hypotheticals about how many lives are worth losing for the sake of the greater good and Julian does (I think?) have a stated focus on pediatrics, that y’know, maybe he’s preoccupied with his own childhood that day, and in a striking horror of bad luck, he accidentally manifests a version of Jules, which causes all kinds of awful problems.
And that could slot in to Sloan’s suspicions about Julian having a deep dark secret that Sloan wants to find out for totally benign reasons… (I mean, he isn’t deliberately PLANNING to use it as a threat or blackmail or anything, he just wants to be close to his partner, y’know? And sharing secrets is part of being close to your partner and trusting them, that’s all.)
But, gah. That would involve rewriting massive, massive chunks from the episode entirely, and it would be annoyingly convulted and complicated, and it would feel kinda forced to me, like I would feel as though I were actively shoving a confrontation in where it doesn’t quite belong, instead of letting things flow more organically…
So I feel like it WOULD end up being Jadzia he imagines, as per canon, but that the atmosphere of that is changed radically instead. Julian is guilty and nervous because, well, he kind of feels like he’s sort of cheating on Sloan by imagining these things, and Sloan is ALSO one of the senior staff that gets called to Ops for that episode, so he gets to SEE Julian with an imaginary and agressively overtly sexual Jadzia hanging off him and—
Oooh, wait, wait. That version of Jadzia is pretty much constantly refusing to take no for an answer from Julian too… Sloan might well take that as implied permission to be more and more forceful because hey, apparently Julian is into that stuff, right?
Jadzia’s responses would probably be different, but not by a lot. I think she would think it’s a funny thing to tease Julian about, but she’d also be a little put off by Sloan being so agitated by it… which would contribute to her guilt later on about not realizing sooner that something was wrong in that relationship…
… There’s also the potential for what someone like Sloan would imagine as well, which quite frankly, I think if one of Sloan’s fantasies came to life, it would be, idk, something like Julian with a puppy tail butt plug in a leash and muzzle and cock cage on his knees in Sloans’ quarters, desperate to hump his masters leg.
Nobody would ever find out about that one, of course, because Sloan has SOME dignity and he’s a little in denial that he even has those kinks to begin with, so Imaginary Puppy Boy Julian stays locked in his quarters all day, and Sloan is little disappointed he’s gone by the end of it, because having had to spend the whole day watching Julian with an imaginary Jadzia slobbering all over him, he was kinda hoping he could work out some of his frustrations on the Puppy Julian instead.
It’s fine, though, since Julian clearly WANTS someone to force themselves on him, he’ll just give Julian what they both want anyway. :D
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magical-xirl-4 · 3 months ago
Where do you think part 3 will go? I think loveless is going to play a big part in it, but it's hard to take the rest of the fandom's "theories" on it seriously when they think it's all about zack lol
I think Loveless is going to have a huge part in it! I've actually analysed Loveless with a friend and we've cooked up a theory of how Sephiroth, Cloud and Zack are involved and how it reveals what will happen in part 3/whats already happened in Rebirth. Seriously, I could go ON about Loveless now, I'm obsessed with it! It's definitely annoying that so many people think it entirely has to do with Zack (it makes me shudder that they think he's the "real Alphreid", as if they haven't taken away from Cloud enough), but he is part of it!
Zack is the hero, Cloud is the prisoner, and Sephiroth is the traveller. In Crisis Core, the original roles of the prisoner and traveller were given to Genesis and Angeal, Zack has remained the hero this whole time. Zack healed Genesis of degredation, and Genesis became a hero in his own way; I highly suspect that the same will happen to Cloud. Zack in Rebirth knows he needs to help Cloud, and I believe he will do so in Part 3 by involving himself in the Lifestream sequence and help him sort out what happened at Nibelheim (OR, restore hope within Cloud that Aerith is alive in another world, after Sephiroth tries to take it away. Tifa will also help in this aspect.)
The original Loveless poem has a prologue, act I-IV (and an additional act V provided by Genesis) and tells the story of three men who set out to find the Gift of the Goddess. The story of Loveless that is found in Banora Ungerground of Crisis Core mainly focuses on the love story between the prisoner and a woman that saves him (and does not have a 4th or 5th act). It is confirmed from CC that the stage play is from the woman's POV, AKA the Banora Underground version. This version aligns with the original game's ending lines that Cid tells us about, and what we see at the end of G Edition.
We know that the woman from the play is Rosa, and as the canon Rosa, Aerith also plays the role of the Goddess (Tifa refers to a Goddess, Aerith does not, and we know Yuffie doesn't suit the role). Jessie parallels Aerith, and she solely plays the Goddess in the prologue, who initiates a romance with a blond man. G Edition basically omits the roles of the hero and traveller, but fuses them into the prisoner, Alphreid (who is both the blond man and Cloud).
However, that does not mean the traveller and hero are gone from the story, the original Loveless still exists. If you want to find the poem, you can find it online in a fandom article. As for Banora Underground, you'll need to go onto Youtube and find the headstones for yourself from a playthrough (but I do have them transcribed on a document, hehe).
As we know from the play, Alphreid says he will return to Rosa with no promises needed, meaning Cloud will absolutely return to Aerith at journey's end (its kinda giving what he said to her in KH2). Within the FFVII universe, the last part of the story has been missing and obscured due to time, but with Part 3, I believe we'll fully see how it'll play out. My friend I also believe that HOW he will return to Aerith is explained in the full text (possibly even the 5th act that Genesis wrote himself as the former prisoner), and Zack of course, has a role in helping him.
If you want a full breakdown, I fear that Tumblr probably isn't place to express it. I do have a google doc with my friend and I's full analysis, and a twitter space we recorded a few months ago on the matter. I won't be able to post about it publicly, but if you're willing to receive a DM I'll be happy to share either of those resources.
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sunlitdreaming · 6 days ago
MIEL...! Indulge me... what's your Bustafellows self-insert like?? Does it follow Crow's route in canon to a T, or are there changes in the storyline you've made, or is it a completely unique new plot? And if there's anything else you feel like sharing I would like to know!! :D
🥺 alice it means a lot to me that you’d like to know, truly!
this will probably feel so unfinished because although i’ve thought about it a lot, i haven’t had the time/energy to actually sit down and properly flesh it out 😪 and since i only recently started selshipping w crow, everything’s kind of in early development, just starting! but here’s what i have so far
my self-insert is basically me personality-wise... and i also live alone in some shitty apartment and have a shitty job in new sieg. i still don't know how we met, but me and teuta have been good friends for a while. i meet the fixers through her. i'm thinking i probably meet them a few months after teuta starts living w them, before crow's route starts
yes it follows crow’s route pretty similarly! just that i'm still not living w them. by the start of the route, i'm already friends w him, w our friendship being in very early stages (but we already have crushes on each other hehe). both him and teuta are the reason i find myself visiting their place a lot
what i’d add to crow’s route is just, more depth and fleshing out? exploring his mental health problems more, how i would react to all these events too ofc, more emotional vulnerability, how our rship develops etc. i want to replay crow’s route to see what little scenes i would add in btwn everything that happens 🤔
oh also! during his confession scene, i still don’t even know how i’d react to it 🥺 like i said in some other post i’d be so happy but i’m not sure if i’d be able to start dating him right away. still need to think about this…
i start living w them after the events in crow’s route. i feel like the reason why i need a new place to live would make crow realize he doesn't know me as much as he thought he did. so this part is like my own route where crow’s the mc idbdhdhdbdbdbffkdj
this is all kind of blurry in my head… i’m still deciding what the plot? would be, but i feel like it would revolve mostly on how we’d navigate our love for each other when we both have our own issues, which can make things difficult. although we’re very close at this point and we (probably?) already know we like each other, i still have so many doubts and the thought of him actually knowing my true self is kinda terrifying
i just think i'd put crow in kind of a pedestal, he'd be like sunshine to me. i know how much he struggles deep down but seeing him giving his all to improve himself would make me feel like he deserves someone so much better, maybe i'd be like those lis who push the mc away....... + inferiority complex etc... damn good luck crow !
what else have i thought about… i was thinking abt how i’d get along w the other guys. mozu would become my closest friend along w teuta and crow tbh. i’d probably warm up to limbo initially just bc he seems the most approachable to me (after crow)? i’d be intimidated by shu he just looks so cool. and i’d be scared of helvetica lol don’t leave me alone w him!!!!
i'm sorry if this is not very interesting or if it doesn’t make any sense since i'm just starting tthis yume journey T-T thank you so much again for wanting to know more, i'm very happy we're mutuals 💞
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lover-of-mine · 8 months ago
Do you think that buddie will full blown smooch next season?
Okay, that depends. I don't think they have any plans on jumping Buck from T to Eddie. So how long T sticks around will be a factor. Also how they're gonna deal with a queer Eddie arc. Chris being off play opens a lot of space for Eddie to discover himself as queer. Because Eddie has a lot of trouble seeing who he is outside of "single father" and he has to figure that out now. I personally think that the only way to write queer Eddie is triggering him to realize he feels something for Buck because where Buck had threads to be pulled around other men, Eddie is just that weird about Buck. Chris being away also forces both of them to navigate the casual aspects of their friendship outside the firehouse without Chris because Chris added an intensity to their relationship right off the bat and they never had to look at how their relationship is without him, so that creates some nice opportunities for charged moments. I maintain that the show is going in a direction where Chris won't be happy about their relationship (long post about this here) and that I think Chris is only coming back for Christmas, so to have that development in their relationship happen while Chris is still in Texas and force them to acclimate to Chris coming back and the early stages of that change could be interesting (dramatic kiss being interrupted by Chris calling he wants to come back would be a nice telenovela moment lol). But unless bt gets an off screen breakup Ali style or break up right at the beginning of the season, I don't truly believe that's a road they'll go down on. I am also a subscriber of the "buddie is going canon on episode 118" conspiracy theory, and I have also been saying queer Eddie for episode 110, because 100 episodes since Eddie was introduced and I don't write pining Eddie like it's my job to not see that man pine in canon. How would that work? No clue tbh lol. But in my opinion for buddie to kiss, the audience needs to know Eddie has feelings for Buck. The revelation can't be a kiss. Because Buck needs to initiate. So it would depend on how much pre relationship drama they'll go with if they pull the trigger on buddie this season. Right now I'm in a solid maybe. If we get queer Eddie in the beginning of the season, first 4 or 5 episodes, I will believe that buddie will be in a relationship by the end of the season, if we don't, we will stay firmly on the maybe. Because since in my opinion, queer Eddie means canon buddie, they could speedrun shit. Buddie is buddie, yk? They'll never be unrequited, so I kinda like the idea of both of them realizing they're in love with each other on the same episode, and we all know Buck will vibrate out of his skin once it hits him, so to trigger the realization for both of them in the same situation and give us maybe one or two episodes where they are dancing around it, and then crashing them into each other also works. Like, it's a maybe. It will depend on how much canon dancing around it they'll give us.
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ofmermaidstories · 11 months ago
From your posts so far I feel like you have such a wide variety of understanding complex characters. How do you think you would tackle writing for Todoroki Touya, and have you ever considered any storyline for him? What kind of civilian reader do you think you’d craft for him if so?
beyond a post-canon bonnie and clyde AU, i’ve never really seriously considered a fic for dabbers. 🧐 he’s a fun character in canon, but to me that’s because he’s a walking tragedy—his hatred and desperation for his father. his resentment of his perfect baby brother. the way both of those things blindside him to his other brother, his sister, their mum. i don’t see him as like, the fun flirty bad boy that i think was a given read of him, earlier in BNHA—i think what he eventually goes through will profoundly change him, if he lives. it’ll take hard work for him to get to a place where he can be like, happy with the family that’s reaching out to him—his father, his mother, his siblings…. his perfect baby brother.
for a post-canon dabbers fic, i’d probably strike at the in-between time between him physically and mentally healing—like, his injuries have been treated, he’s gotten physical therapy. maybe he has a prosthetic arm like his arm, or a cane to help him walk but he can do things, he can physically be apart of the world again—but he still bubbles with his resentment. touya’s a massive fazacon in canon and everyone who disagrees with me can argue with a wall LMAOOO i’m right about this forever, but like, for a x reader fic i think that means competition for his attention on a very base level, you know? like, how do you bond with and romance a guy that’s constantly sour about how his father ruined his life??? to me that means you benefit best from having a Reader-insert who either has their own baggage, or is nihilistic enough to laugh his off LOL. and i think if you’re going to make them both like, kinda unrepentant assholes, you’re almost obligated to give them a happy ending??? or rather—that’s how i would write it. like with the dabi/bonnie & reader/clyde idea, i would set it up so that they both think they’re gonna die at the end of it, that the reader (lowercase) thinks they’re gonna die, that endeavour and rei and the todo siblings (minus Shouto) think they’re gonna die—and then at the end they don’t. one of them—maybe dabi himself, because i think we owe him that chance—tries to pull a stunt that like, lets Reader live, say. maybe he meets up with his perfect baby brother at some stage during the Crime Spree and it’s Shouto who’s like, I can help you. I can help both of you, please let me, and at first Dabi’s furious (how fucking dare this useless squirt of endeavour’s hot fucking snot talk to him like a hero) but then. you know. he gets attached like a chump, or whatever. maybe he sees more of himself in you than he wanted to, or maybe being outside of the careful, clinical surveillance he was under before means he has to confront like—what the point of it all is, you know? he failed in killing his father, his baby brother, himself. he got patched together and now endeavour’s grovelling like a worm for forgiveness Touya doesn’t want to give him, almost (it’s not atonement or forgiveness he wants—he wants the family he should’ve had, the power he should’ve had from birth, perfect and whole). and it’s like—the choice is either go out in a blaze of glory or…. i don’t think he’d even let himself imagine it, LOL. you and him and your fucked up issues like linen in the cupboards of some cute little house with a tidy fence around it? bullshit. pathetic.
(but you patch each other up. and the way you laugh when someone eats shit trying to run during one of your robberies makes him think of his days with the League of Villains—the way everyone was so unrepentative in what they were after, the hurt they wanted to inflict. And yet Toga’s out there somewhere, getting rehabilitated back into society and last Touya heard Spinner was working with heteromorph discrimination programs after a rough recovery—and you could still make it, he thinks in disdain. He’s on his last, last chance but you—you could still have that tiny home, somewhere. The linen cupboards that hold more than the issues that sent you to the same centre he was languishing in. You could still have a future, and later that night when you’re asleep he walks away from the car you’ve traded (stolen) the van in for—and calls his perfect baby brother, who answers the phone silently, waiting.
“You wanna help?” Touya asks, dry. “Then help, Hero.”)
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rosetheocto · 6 months ago
Hey! Hope you're doing well.
Firstly, really like your voice for Chi, I can tell why @gnomey22 mentioned it! Secondly, I was wondering if you'd be up for sharing any Failtopia headcanons?
AAAA hello!! and ty for the compliments on the voice! I love sharing the headcanons I have for this series so much, I tried to think of ones for these guys that haven’t really spread around all too much, most of this is a mix of silly and serious lol
headcanons under the cut :0
part of the reason why C!Failboat wasn’t considering the darker implications of having 15/16 year olds getting traumatized in his party until probably after his Wake Up Call is because of what he went through with his family when he was that age. it’s not an excuse, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he kinda internalized/normalized what he went through when he was younger and convinced himself that It’ll Be Fine for these guys to be going through The Horrors since he’s still alive and well after everything (he’s not having a good time)
Simple Bob DESPISES Mar, even after the timeskip and S2. Since Mar has been possessing Hank all this time, that means he’s the one who was responsible for Punnyatta’s death. Bob is never gonna let that go for as long as he lives (also Post Game Isn’t Real HE IS NOT UGLY)
Big Bill has a HUGE birth family, like you go back to their pond or whatever and it’s just a whole flock of ducks just chilling there. they aren’t even built like Bill, they’re just regular normal ducks lmaoo
Orion and Mrs. Oopsie knew each other since high school, and spent most of their time breaking the rules and getting in detention (you gotta pry the idea of a younger Orion being a troublemaker out of my cold dead hands) also they absolutely won prom king/queen together lol
Friend is around 1000 years old when S2 happens, and yes they’re immortal change my mind
Chat is the only one that can properly see Void. why this is? only they know
Chat also listens to BENJIxScarlett and similar… ‘songwriters’ somewhat often. they would 100% jam out to that slop let’s be real
Mar always had somewhat of a feeling that Lee and Hank were the same entity, yknow being in control of his body for decades and all, but tried to brush it off and assumed he was imagining things (huge mistake lmaoo)
Shrimp likes to occasionally invite other members of The Incident onto her livestreams after S2, (she let Chat in once. never again.) No matter who it is though the chaos that ensues during these streams will never not be entertaining
Erica and Bo’s relationship 100% reminded Orion of him and his wife’s when they were younger (Mrs. Oopsie was def a vampire before she got sent to Dr Pepper Hell trust me bro)
S2 Dark Curse is Dr. SHOOK!!! (this is canon trust me)
Chi has helped on stage effects for Shrimp’s concerts alongside Bill surprisingly often. Lanc has also chipped in occasionally, but it’s mainly Chi and Bill that do the heavy lifting
Mar has kept a good amount of his Dark Curse powers in S2, but he unfortunately had his strength reduced by Kazoo Man enough to where he can’t just snatch the faces back from the Mystery Curse on his own
I promise I have WAY MORE (for both seasons) I’m just tired and my brain is fried lol, again tysm for the ask!! :D
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your-ne1ghbor · 8 months ago
Hey! Here I come with ✨asks✨
There’s a lot here sorry 😭 And if you’ve already answered some of these, just pass them
Why did you choose to remove Amaya’s eye? Does she wear an eyepatch?
Why is Mag specifically afraid of fire?
Are they going to get villain transformations?
Are we going to learn more about the royal couple’s backstories in the actual story?
How are you going to show your story? (Writing, blurbs, comic, animatic, etc.)
How many songs are you planning to show?
Star’s backstory?
Design dump on the main four! Symbolism?
What are you going to do with Valentino? Is he important in the story?
Who gave Val to Asha?
How does Valentino act with the royal cat?
What deleted scenes specifically inspired your story?
How would Asha react knowing you created her backstory?
Asha meeting canon!Asha. Would she die again
Is cursing allowed in your AU?
What are the seven teens’ roles?
What about Sabino?
If Mag had the chance to get rid of Asha, would he? Without Amaya getting mad at him? (Since she was the one that brought Asha in)
Do the royal couple have similar goals in the story? (Like how @annymation’s royal couple are both in love and villainous, versus @oh-shtars’ royal couple is literally titled Grand Despair)
Will “A Kingdom of Thorns and Roses” name ever be mentioned in the story?
Draw Mag dressed as Megamind >:3 (or meeting him or treating to him, idrc)
Canon!Amaya reacting to TkoRaT!Amaya
What dementor-like monster is shown in your past drawings? Will we see other ones?
Where did they spawn from?
Will there be other realms in your story? Like a Star realm or a cursed realm
Would you consider this a “Disney movie” or more of an AU? Like, could it be made by Disney? (minus a few things like queer representation or cursing)
How can stars die? Can their physical bodies die but their “spirits” remain? (I know you cut this aspect but will it reappear?)
Are there any aspects of other rewrites you want to incorporate in yours?
Why did Maggy and Amaya name the kingdom “Rosas”?
Who discovered wish magic?
Who taught Asha how to make flower crowns?
Are you scrapping any songs?
Adding any new ones?
Adding any new characters? (Like how I’m adding Evangeline)
Are Asha’s parents important to the story?
A little self-indulgent, but some TFS doodles? :3
I hope you enjoy these questions! <3
yoo I finally got internet now let's get to these questions
Ooo you really cooked with these questions @wings-of-sapphire✨️✨️
The eye originally was a way to explore how I can make her more scary, but then it kinda stuck with the overall design so yeah lol. And no, she doesn't wear an eyepatch. I mean, an eyepatch is cool and all, but just an empty eye socket is more terrifying and disturbing to look at for me and works with the overall tragedy of her character.
Mag is more afraid of Star's than fire. But...
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He couldn't do anything except watch as a star destroyed his home in flames.
When it comes to fire though, he is more nervous or afraid when it is used to destroy things. If it is used to light up a room or cook food, he doesn't really mind since the intentions aren't bad.
3. Maggy will 100% get a villain transformation, including Amaya as well. It's kind of like boss stages. So basically, they will have a total of 3 transformations, the last one being something scary (haven't thought about the designs yet for the final transformations)
4. The beginning song or replacement song called Home is the founding of Rosas and the actual downfall would be shown since Star Boy didn't know what happened since the stars didn't tell him why Mag is the way he is basically. So yes, 100%.
5. A mixture of all of them. I do want to write it out, but rn I just don't know how to execute it.
6. I'm not sure. It's debatable since I've been focusing more on the worldbuilding than on the songs. Plus, I am no song writer, I suck at writing songs. Even if I get an idea for one (for the replacement song "Welcome to Rosas" is a good example of that [Its called Home]), it's just execution for me.
7. Heh heh that's for a separate post but here is somewhat a glimpse:
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(That's mag btw, I'm just messing with his design again 💀💀)
8. I had finished Asha's design, just need to add some minor details. Plus, the other 3 is still me messing with the designs. However, I can show you some of my ideas:
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Maggy's is somewhat gonna look like this:
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Ofc with more sharper edges and thorny design.
For Amaya, I'm still not sure outfit wise lol.
9. Valentino will actually serve as a guide through the castle and of Rosas to Star and the 7 friends. Idk I just think a goat helping a star with directions is a funny and fun premise. Plus, Star Boy is terrible with directions 😭
10. Idk he just appeared one day and Asha was like: imma keep you. I probably will add more to both of them, but I'm not sure how they met at the moment.
11. They are silly. Aka, they are close friends. Just that Charo gets a little annoyed by Valentino haha.
12. The scene where Asha and Star escapes from Amaya, and the villain couple deleted scene and the wishing tree deleted scenes.
13. She wouldn't care. She probs be like: No shit? Until she realizes how much I do her dirty and she will collapse emotionally.
14. TKORAT Asha would moreover be nervous around her ad Cannon Asha would probably dislike her
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15. Yes lol
16. tbh idk yet, I haven't really put much thought into their characters yet since I wanna focus on the main 4 and worldbuilding before I come to the 7 friends since I personally don't know at the moment. All I know is that Dahlia and Gabo are most likely will be siblings since I loved their semi bickering in the OG film.
17. Dead.
18. Mag will only take that action if she becomes a threat to him or the kingdom.
19. They have similar goals in the story, yes. They both want to make sure that everyone will never dream again. They both lost everything because someone wished on a star, or hense had a goal to pursue, and it caused an entire kingdom to fall. Why should they let a dream go Rouge again? They would at least be doing everyone a service by making sure the problem doesn't become a bigger problem later on.
20. The title is so long that idk how I will incorporate it in the story. But if I do, you guys will probably read it 🧍
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Megamind has a point Maggy 🤷
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TKORAT Amaya wouldn't like how Cannon Amaya literally didn't do anything or even tried anything to prevent her husband from going down the path he did in wish. So yes, TKORAT Amaya pretty much hates her.
23. I don't necessarily have the drawings with me except for this one:
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But moreover, another one I have, that I am still designing for "the River of Lost Souls" is probably the closest thing to it. I have more, I just don't have it on me rn 😭
24. Hell, for the River of Lost Souls. And the pic I showed above is from my Oc, Axe's species. Or basically coming from the ground I guess. Plus another one I wanted to show was an old design I had for Axr hehe
25. The Star realm does exist in my au, so does hell, and I'm debating a monster realm, but rn it is cut for it kind of complicates things heheh.
26. I have thought of this before, and I see it more as it's own thing that can be futher explored in other interpretations like shows, pre-quals, ect. It's more AU than Disney to me at the moment.
27. You have to get them out of their disguise form in order to cause any sort of long lasting injuries. Other than that, dark magic is literally the only way to hurt them. And it has to be in their star form. Their disguise form are like a shell for their true form. That's why it is better to have them in their most vulnerable state in order to do any sort of damage to the Stars.
28. I was inspired by a ton of AUs, and a lot of them did rub off from me, like The Wishing Kingdom, Fallen Star, and Reach for the Stars aus.
29. When they founded the kingdom, the whole place was covered in so many roses and flowers. They also dubed it Rosas not only because of the roses founded on the island, but it has a calming name that isn't threatening to people. It sounds...peaceful.
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31. Her parents. No not her adoptive parents, her biological parents taught her :3
32. I am a Star is removed. I fucking hate that song with every fiber in my being. This is the Thanks "We" Get would be rewritten to fit the context of Mag and Amaya.
33. I want a song between Mag and Star. It would be focusing on how much of a monster Star could be and "will" be. Plus the song called Home (that I still dunno how to execute 😭)
34. Quite a bit, but the few would be Maggy's Star, or the Blue Star, the star that destroyed Rosas, Aster, and some creatures that makes the worldbuilding whole.
35. Not sure at the moment. I would imagine it as a lingering effect on most of the people in Rosas.
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(I had no refrence for Asha when I drew her when I was camping lol 💀)
Anyways thank you for the questions! I had a lot of fun answering them! Hopefully this gave you guys some more info on my AU!
Gonna go through my inbox, so now I will bid you adue 💕
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noemitenshi · 1 year ago
Do you have any strong feelings in terms of troy's sexuality both in canon and with personal headcanons?
Oh boy, do I ever! As a smut writer I have -of course- a lot of thoughts about it! So, canon first. This one is relatively simple since canon doesn't give us ANYTHING about Troy's sexuality. In fact, he kinda seems oblivious to all things attraction/sex related so…. basically anything goes haha. Therefore, my hcs don't contradict canon and I just treat them as being very much canon :D Now, let's get into it.
I think Troy is very oblivious about all things regarding romantic and sexual attraction. Like he can't quite tell whether he is in love or just likes to be friends with that person. Or even more, I think he always goes with 'they are just very good friends and I like to be around them.' He doesn't really see himself as someone capable of being loved. So he doesn't entertain the notion at all. Sure he may get aroused by his 'friends' but like… that doesn't mean too much to him. He also gets aroused sometimes during training I imagine or a good fight (zombie killing spree). So really, it's just his body doing bodily things (he's own view). I also think for him to find someone attractive he first needs to have an emotional connection with them. This can happen pretty fast btw, it's troy, he just breezes through stages of emotional connections lol. But yeah, without that he's just very 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ and doesn't really feel any attraction to people. And with the emotional connection, even then the attraction may be low… until it is reciprocated. That's kind of like the turning point, in my mind, like he's shown this whole other world suddenly, with a kiss (or more.. ;) ) and… he gets greedy/needy over it (😏 (it's probably a lot of fun for troy's partner)). He is very much enjoying it, once he's been uhm initiated into it. And I do think for him sex is very much an emotional thing. Another way to connect to his partner (and guess also celebrate their bond).
Now, not sure if you also intended for me to touch on some kind of top/bottom type thing with your question about his sexuality but I'm going there anyway. (you can also check out this post) Ok so top/bottom can either refer to a D/s type dynamic ONLY in the bedroom or it can refer to who is the giving and who is the recieving part in an sexual act. I'm gonna get into both. Right, so wrt bedroom only D/s (which I do think Troy would be into - doesn't even have to be anything hardcore haha) I kinda feel like this depends on his partner's preference. I see him most as a switch I guess with bottom-leaning tendencies. So his partner's preferences come first but if they are indifferent, he very much likes to be bossed around/challenged (we see the 'he likes to be challenged' part also in non D/s type interaction outside of the bedroom in canon, in his relationship with Madison). I def. think he has some kind of praise kink (look what being called bad and wrong all his life does to a person...) which kinda goes hand in hand with a humiliation kink (with which I mean he wants the other person to see him completely, no rose-tinted glasses about it and tell him all his faults and still love him. He wants the other to be brave enough to uncover all these unhinged parts of him and love him for the trust this shows). He also has an unhealthy obsession with danger which could lead to him pushing for uh unsafe practices… (is he a bit of a masoschist or like enjoys enduring pain? yes definitely) whether they go there, of course, depends on the partner haha. But yeah, Troy doesn't have the best track record with setting his own boundaries so that's definitely a pitfall… Now I think what he'd get out of topping is… kinda the same, in essence. It's his partner accepting or even coveting these more dangerous parts of him (loving all of him) and trusting him enough to let him boss them around (or whatever else they'll get up to). And he'll also like to see he's …bringing pleasure to the other person, doing good in the role of a dominant (which turns back to the praise bit). Now about whether he has preferences over being the recieving or giving part the answer is simple: no. Or more precisely, it depends on his mood, on what kind of emotional connection he is after with a certain sexual encounter. But generally speaking he'd say he loves it all.
Uh, thanks for coming to my ted talk?
Also thank you so much for that question, it was a fun one (though I felt like I had so much to say and I'm not sure I got it all down haha. If there's anything you want cleared up etc just drop me another ask ;)) Have a great day 🧡
(And this appropriately inappropriate Daniel gif)
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EDIT: Jesus Christ, not me just realizing that I haven't touched upon his preferred gender at all 🤦 (haha like I already take this to be canon so I don't talk about it). Anyway I think gender doesn't matter to him (and maybe that one came through in my other answers...?). He'll fall for whoever will give him a smidgen of affection and attention... In my mind I like to call him bisexual for it, though I'm sure he doesn't even really know that word... (or if he does, he hasn't thought about it, at all)
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doomednarrative · 2 years ago
one thing i rlly like about your plaga leon au is that you actually give a realistic and in character reason for it to happen. it makes sense and it’s compelling. a lot of those aus don’t have as much thought put into them besides “leon’s basically a verdugo now” which just leaves more annoying questions. like what happened to ashley? did the cult’s plan work? what about ada, or krauser? nobody thinks of that they just want leon to have mandibles and kiss luis. that’s fine in art but when constructing a world you need more than that lol anyway this is half a rant and half praise of you 🩵
One thing about me personally is even if I write au stuff, I Want and Need it to be possible within the realm of canon as far as "Does this logically work within the limitations of the story the canon is trying to tell/work within the lore" and "Does this actually work for a character and match up with their motivations and ideals?" I will never do something Solely for the sake of shipping, even if it might look fun.
The whole point of why I (and Claire and Ethan) went with the plaga au in the first place is because A. It's just fun to see what an impact that would have on the rest of Leon's story and what unique challenges it presents for him in the future, B. It does actually give an explanation as to how he manages to survive so much stuff in 4 because he's got something biological on his side and thus helps him to save Ashley with some more ease, and C. Leon has a track record history of letting himself get hurt or putting himself in more danger if it means keeping other people safe. So writing out the exact plaga we gave him and that motivation for actually taking it on for himself Makes Sense within the realm of sticking to his usual motives and such.
Ever with the au changes we made because of the remake, the biggest part of why Leon takes on the plaga is Because he's trying to save Ashley. It isn't about Him, it's about what will give her the best chance of survival, his own future consequences be damned. If this time can be different, if he can actually manage to save Ashley and get her home safe and remover her parasite in time, then whatever sacrifices he makes are worth it to him, and that's in line with everything we ever see him do. He takes those risks Very frequently, like a good example being the opening of 6 where he tells Helena they're making time to save that one guy's daughter even tho it's in vain in the end. He knows he wouldn't be able to live with more loss on his conscience if he refused to help.
I have seen a few au's that do take this kinda stuff into account, like @polarspaz's stuff has Leon take on a prototype of Luis's work because the stress of fighting has made his Plaga develop faster, and taking the prototype means he'll be mutated but regain control of himself without the hallucinations and the hivemind stuff, so that also increases his chances of getting Ashley home safe and allows him to save Luis later on as well. @alvivaarts also has an au fic, Simulation Swarm, that I've been reading on and off where Leon and Ashley both get their plagas removed but because it was so late stage in the game, they Both still end up with some permanent mutations that Luis is trying to research how to reverse for them, and it basically becomes a group effort kinda thing to look out for each other after the worlds turned on them.
So like, there IS ways to do this au that you can still have your fun while actually making it Work in universe y'know? And without throwing Ashley out with the trash because if there's anythng that infuriates me more is when people just make these au's and then don't include her in it at all. That shit makes me so mad when she's so central to the entire story and would absolutely be tied up in any decisions Leon makes during the course of 4. If it's not to the benefit of trying to get them both to safety then Why would he do it in the first place y'know?? She's important to him, he's not going to discard her like that.
Anyways that's more of a long winded answer than I meant to give but anytime you ask me about this au I will take it as a chance to go off on a tangent ~
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greywindys · 2 years ago
Weeb anon returns :'D : Samurai Flamenco wedding suit cards in the spinoff app is probably the most infamous example, but there was also Lucky Star (wedding scenario official art), I think Hibike Euphonium and a couple more yuri anime I'm not caught up on (girls in wedding dresses are a lot more popular, wonder why :P ), Kaworu and Shinji from Evangelion had wedding ring merch and wedding outfits for merch… I'm sure there's more of it though, Japan is always on top of its subtle fanservice merch.
Interesting what you're saying though! Again, might just be me coping, but I honestly feel like Jamie and Damon could crack at some point, if only to spite bigots, since the world is pretty ugly these days and they're punks at heart (not the correct technical term… but y'kno what I mean lol). Kinda like MCR used to make out on stage just to piss off some crowds. I think their perspective has definitely shifted over the years, especially since they're getting a lot of younger LGBTQ fans and they know it. Damon's out there dancing with a pride flag, singing "are you tranz like me?" and kissing Seye in all fairness haha. But they probably don't want to undermine 20 years' worth of work and ending up getting asked about 2doc every interview or sideline Noodle and Russ even more than they already are. I dunno, don't wanna play a mind reader. TLDR: I'm not starry-eyed thinking it'll ever happen, but I see a small possibility of them being fine with it now more than ever, whereas there was no chance a few years ago.
Ahhh okay! I'm learning a lot here. I'm very basic with my anime/manga consumption and really haven't ventured out of the shonen genre....ever idt lol. Up until recently I had only read or watched 4 different series. Thanks for sharing what you know!
I guess I'm skeptical of them not because I think they're uncomfortable with the idea, but moreso because I don't think they care enough about really developing the lore and characters. I also don't think the ship aligns with either of their personal, for lack of a better word, "headcanons" about 2D and Murdoc. Of the two, I think Jamie would be more likely to go, "fuck it" and let the writers do whatever. He already kind of does this - since P4, it's been the writers who have been the source of all the 2Doc hints we get in interviews, tiktoks, etc. Afaik, Jamie isn't involved in that.
Damon, as far as I know, doesn't seem to have any semblence of shipper vision. During P5, he said in an interview that 2D was happy Murdoc was in jail, and wanted him to stay there forever haha. And most recently, if I remember correctly, he said he didn't care about the PR side of Gorillaz at all, which I assume included the character interviews, lore updates via social media etc.. All of which he is entitled to feel! But I bring them up to support my impression that he isn't a shipper, and I wouldn't expect him to go to bat for 2Doc if he wanted to make a statement. But I might have missed some things, so if you or anyone reading this knows of any counter-evidence, I'm open to hearing it.
And that's true that canon 2Doc would probably be the final nail in the coffin for Russel and Noodle's relevance. And that would be a bummer, ngl. I'd feel bad for my friends who are fans of them.
That all being said, I think you bring up some good point, and ia that Jamon are both supportive of the fans and LGBT community, and are comfortable being open about that. But does that overlap with their respective interpretations of 2D and Murdoc? Idk. I think if I was placing a bet, I'd put money on Jamie giving Noodle a girlfriend before any ship between the guys. But my main theory is that management will eventually see that 2Doc is popular and accepted by enough of the fandom that it will help them trend lol. But I'm also not expecting anything...but it's fun to conjecture about.
We'll see how this post has aged after 20 years 🤣
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akkivee · 7 months ago
i was asked to further explain rei and kuukou’s parallels so here i go lol:
as i mentioned before, they like to operate in the shadows. it’s rei’s entire thing lol and kuukou has a few instances of it, like lurking around where he needed to be most a finishing off jyushi’s bully calling himself a monk passing by
they’ve got creature speakers lol rei has a chinese phoenix and kuukou has a dragon. interestingly, in chinese mythology the dragon and the phoenix are often depicted together as yin yang
rei’s phoenix is very likely a symbol for his wife, longevity is one of the meanings phoenixes carry and tho we don’t know how nayuta name reads, it typically means an eternity. depending on how you want to interpret kuukou’s dragon, it could stem from the buddhist story of a lady who gets jilted by a monk lover and turns into a dragon to kill him. so their speakers could be a couple of ✨girlies✨
those screens on rei’s speakers could be symbolic of his shifting identities, as those screens were often used in the past as means to give privacy to those changing clothes. dragons are also shapeshifters in buddhist mythology, and tho kuukou is still kuukou, you see him adjust his personality and self to meet the needs of who he’s helping
they’ve also got magical girl staff mics lol with gold dangling bits, decals, centrepiece, and lowkey eye imagery on said centrepiece
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on that note of shifting personalities when it comes to who he’s helping, rei is similarly still rei, but he’s also shifted his self to meet the needs of who he’s helping (while also kinda being the cause lmao) like sitting with rosho and baring a bit of himself to him over some drinks and drunkenly causing a ruckus at sasara’s workplace to get sasara to listen to him lol
there’s a plot point in the stage plays where kuukou makes himself the bad guy and crafts a situation to help his team and while it’s not canon, rei does that all the time lmao it’s how dh got together
their main perogative in their drama tracks is to push their team forward and several times they’ve been depicted in some way as watching their backs and being fine with that
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a fun note on that lol in those manga only tracks from the first nagosaka run, dh reminisce and bond over ghost stories and bat grow closer over ghosts. rei confirms the existence of ghosts for them in a way lol and kuukou did the same for his team lol
sasara and rosho have a loooong history together and rei stands separate from that, but he did play a part in how dotsuitare hompo got their name. kinda mirrors hitoya and jyushi having a longer bond than what kuukou and hitoya had, since kuukou left lol
in the first dhbat manga run, you can point to a specific instance that shaped the character into who they were ex: sasara trying to make his parents laugh amidst their eventual divorce, jyushi being gifted amanda by his grandmother. neither rei nor kuukou have such moment, they’re already operating as we know them so we haven’t been shown a point that moulded them
and i can’t have this post without mentioning ichiro lol, but they’ve both been shown to be moved by ichiro’s words and also guide and support ichiro’s ideals. rei was convinced of ichiro’s convictions after they threw hands, a scene i think parallels ichiro and kuukou’s fight tbh lol
in support, kuukou has plenty of instances but one runs congruently with rei’s in the block party. after rei led ichiro on his wild goose chase that ended in a boss battle, rei handed ichiro some keys and told him not to miss his event. said event was thoroughly ruined by hellion queen extraordinaire honobono but kuukou guided the people back and brought together the means to put ichiro’s show back on
as for guiding, both take a subtler approach and maybe you could say for a similar reason of not wanting to get in ichiro’s way too much. kuukou paves the way for ichiro to do better, not so intentionally in the unami chapter (tho you see him try to get ichiro to ease up on the beatings as he does his debt collection duties), but more intentionally in the nb track so they can help free the hostess from her pimp
rei very subtly guides ichiro in the recent bb track. during their secret meeting in the beginning of the track, when rei questions how is ichiro helping jiro and saburo grow, ichiro answers the block party was his way of getting them to expand their horizons so to say. ichiro stalks off shortly after and rei does his mysterious ‘so how will you handle this ichiro?’ and it kinda implies rei had a hand in the whole kaijou situation. rei put himself on the development team for undisclosed reasons, which is why he was there for the presentation that went terribly wrong lmao, but he shouts out at the bros to figure out a solution where they can share words with one another and sets off the resolution for the track
last point and it kinda applies to nb rather than just kuukou lol, but remember how the guidebook shows that nb’s team colour is gold??? it’s the exact same gold as rei’s so they’re all giving mustard lmao
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somewhereinthepines · 8 months ago
that’s fine! i’m replying to it also…late-ish. i hope that you will graduate without a hitch! it’s always nice to hear from you! 
and oh, i feel like chris from ASB might eat candy just to not make it ‘weird’, even if everyone would know, ‘nope still fucking strange’, haha. and well, ryan is just head over heels, he wanna be next to his crush, no matter what. and it’s like young love for him too. low-key obsessive one even. the smallest stuff would make him happy. and haha, yeah. i don’t remember what i wanted ASB be at first, besides being a pre-canon one-shot, but the direction that story took was…surprisingly romantic. usually, i write about way more messed up and twisted relationships, than that. like GP is kinda more in vein of my ‘typical’ grounds. but i’m gentle of ASB bc of it. of how different it is. 
in that sense GP, is like ‘but what if ryan would actually begin to pay attention to how strange chris at times behaves’. in retrospective, it’s very scary to start seeing not all that ‘good’ parts of person, who you cherish or even thought you knew well, but maybe…you never knew them at all. i also like the idea of exploring more messed up versions of chris, bc in canon, you can look at his behavior and choices in two ways. he showed both compassion and selfishness throughout the story. but his situation kinda constructs him in a way, where you can kinda get some of his decisions, even if you're not siding with them. i also very displeased with how the game handled the whole chris & ryan’s situation toward the end, just tucking it away for more laura. like cool, bro. she’s fine, but ryan is like the center of the story in a way, i would wish to see more respectful handling of him. either way…
yeah, this also right. bc if chris acts different once he and ryan are alone, doesn’t it mean, that he’s capable of keeping the ‘mask’ of some sort in public? even in theory, it begs the question why he would need it. ryan isn’t at that stage of ‘doubt’ yet, but at some point, he will just have to wonder about certain things, bc they won’t add up. and you are spot on about dark romance, bc it’s what GP is. both chris and ryan would do…questionable things there. after all, ryan is canonically capable of deeds, that don’t paint a very good picture about him, when he sets his mind on smth. and i don’t talk only about his downright denial of idea that his mister h might be a bad guy. i mean, the fact that he’s able to saw someone’s hand off and shoot someone point blank in the face. and ah, he also killed jacob too (in one route), even if it was an accident. still, it kinda says smth about him. or him abandoning ‘his friends’, bc chris is more important to him and he doesn’t even second guess it. 
as for chris’s wolf side in GP, it’s kinda hard to tell, bc while i do stand by theory that all werewolves were hyperfocused on chasing and maiming their fav person, if they were in their sight, idk if that last part can be changed in any way. like that their first instinct is to kill and eat and tear. turned emma literally torn abi’s heart out of her chest in one of deathscenes. max was trying to kill laura repeatedly. while laura herself went after travis, with their complicate relationships and all, this makes sense. nick had torn abi’s head off her shoulders. man, when i think about it, abs had it rough lmao. chris had instantly switched his attention from whoever was in the room to jump and kill ryan. so tbh, i don’t think that relationships that werewolves have with a person would influence their encounter in any meaningful way. but then again, who knows. maybe, there is some ways to make it work. after all, the quarry had deal with like uh, dark magic and stuff lol. 
deer bit would have been a bit of a call back to ASB, where they nearly hit the animal, but it had bolted away, bc it recognized chris as an apex predator. ian also recognized chris and his kids as predators, so they cannot interact with him much, bc he’s afraid of them now. so like yeah, always look at animals reactions. they know so much more than we are, in some ways. but yeah, if they killed a deer together, his antlers would have been kept differently as trophy. not even bc of chris’s wolf part tbh, but bc chris is a country man, who was raised by specific traditions. for him that kind of thing is important and he would have felt like he and ryan had bonded over it lol. but your outlook on it is interesting and like, cute almost? fits the description of twisted and fluffy feelings, haha. 
i know, it had been a long ass while, since i’ve updated and i can’t confidently say, when i will update the story again. might be next year, might be longer. might be at the end of this one. who knows. atm, my interest isn’t in anything supermassive related tbh. and i also had smth hella nasty happening to me like 3 months back, and it’s sickly and ironically enough related to some stuff that i wrote about in GP. but it was a real thing, so naturally yeah….it wasn’t fun. so, let’s just say, that i need more distance and time to kinda well, not associate that thing with what i’m writing about. esp bc sometimes i do write (even if i change some things a bit) about awful or odd stuff that i have actual experience with, but like, this accident had shaken me up pretty badly. so like, if the hiatus with this one be longer, it’s mostly due to that tbh. i need to be sure, that i won’t accidentally trigger myself while writing some scene or generally, begin feeling some sort of way toward my own story, bc well, fiction is fiction. i do stand by that. but i’d rather avoid unnecessary stress for myself. and i also don’t want to taint my ships with whatever creepy, gross irl bullshit, it might have only a small connection with. regardless of this, i would always be happy to answer your questions or chit-chat about chris/ryan. i would just ask to keep the topic of filming and tapes out of it for now. no other restrictions, just that one bit. and like only for a while. 
and also bc of that relation, i will kinda up skip detailed answer to that other section, but yes, you are correct that what ryan is intended to do. 
oh, that’s fun idea! but idk if anyone after until dawn would ever go anywhere near the forest tbh. at least, not for a bit. but i can see ryan being online buddies with someone from until dawn and if they had died a gruesome death, he might wonder what had happened. and like for example, any survivor from there would surely be put into mental institution for a bit, so they might tell him what they saw and he’d be like ‘ah, okay’. and then he gets his job and he keeps recalling all those stories and kinda feel like smth is wrong in north kill too. an odd kind of wrong. but then again, if we imagine like ryan was idk, forgot his name, that one dude’s cousin and was dragged along to blackwood pines, and he was the only survivor. he might become a counselor, like years after. for example, he could have been underage during the events (like 16-17) and go to the north kill, when he hit 25 and decided that yeah, he might try to ‘overcome’ his fear of the outdoors. but also like supernatural investigator ryan sounds fun too. him literally going out and trying to see werewolves, only to ran into travis and chris, and generally feel like smth is odd going on. but honestly, if you would ever want to write your story or any chris/ryan stuff yourself, i would like to read it! i also need to apologize for my own two cents in this. i think your idea does have a lot of potential. 
thank you for dropping by! i hope you are good and well too. i’m fine now, but man, the beginning of this year really kicked me into nuts, won’t lie. 
With Valentines day around the corner, what do you think Chris and Ryan might do (GP and ASB) if they could spend the day together? Not both versions spending the day together, but individually. So how GP might spend it and how ASB might. It would be outside of camp time, so ig Ryan might be visiting Chris or something depending on how things are. There wouldn't be any campers or anyone at camp, so I'm assuming they'd basically have the place to themselves? They'd have some privacy, enough of it to spend the day together as they'd like. So, I got to wondering about what they might do, both their GP versions and ASB versions. It can be as simple or a bit fluffy, smutty or mundane as whatever, I'm just curious how it'd go. I was thinking maybe both vers might do something smutty, more so GP vers than ASB.
Speaking of GP, not to rush or preassure you, but how's it going with it? I think I have an idea of what Ryan might do next, I had something of a light bulb moment, haha.
it’s a fun question! esp bc usually i don’t tend to think about my ships doing stuff for ‘special’ days or having a domesticated routine. with this being said, i’ll try to reply to the best of my ability, but it might read idk maybe weird? if so, i do apologise! usually, most of set-ups for ships that i have are kinda idk, just not super normal or smth somewhat normal happens within the universe, that isn’t. anyhow……
but let’s see, let’s see….
in ASB setting, ryan is more active one. and while he technically won’t care about vd, he might think that it’s a good opportunity to kinda trick chris into doing smth ‘romantic’ for that evening. even if bc he’s kinda pinning so hard, that he would cling even to symbolic stuff, despite it holding no significance for him on its own. i feel like chris would be slightly confused why ryan wants to go into town and hang out, and not idk, do what they do everyday. i picture, that ryan won’t be able to stick around for longer, than a week, and he prob used some lame excuse as to why he’s there at all. chris didn’t pry, but it was clear, that ryan most likely wanted to be away from home, esp if it happens during the time, when he and his lil sister still live with their mother. anyhow, i don’t think that they would do smth crazy that day, ryan would just try to score those points, without chris realising what’s going on. they prob would end their ‘secret date’ in a movie theatre. and like ryan would pick the last seats, and chris be there sweating, bc it’s around time, when he understand why ryan insisted on them ‘going out’ lol. i imagine, ryan prob would also do smth cheeky as getting one of those candies with words like ‘you’re the one’ or smth. after all ASB was all about romance being there in the air, but nearly gentle-like, bc chris is so afraid to spoil one of the few good things, that he has. but like ASB ryan does sorta enjoy that he can make chris squirm like this. there is smth funny about 20 smth guy relentlessly teasing a middle aged man in such a form. like where he’s aware, that chris is attracted to him, but clearly he needs more time or whatever. like, ryan won’t just give up lol. and i think, that one of the most hilarious parts of this whole thing is that kaylee would tease chris about finally going on a date for the first time in ages. so it’s basically ‘everyone know what it is, but you’re playing’ moment. if only ASB chris was as weak willed as uh, little hope’s john, things might have progressed way faster. but i feel like him and ryan just having that nice, isolated memory, that is pretty calm and seemingly ‘small’ is part of what made their relationships in ASB feel so….uh centred? even partly bc chris wasn’t dating anyone for years, and ryan prob never went on real dates with anyone before, bc he thought that it’s boring. but it’s not boring with chris. 
GP is a different kind of beast tho. also god forbid there be a full moon on that day, like dang. in general, i feel like ryan being alone with that type of chris in isolated camp ground would have a bit more tense feeling to it. there is just smth kinda so off about mister H sometimes, y’know? ryan not scared or anything, but he does feel how chris just kinda ‘shifts’, when he realises that they’re miles away from anyone else, and there is like just two of them and forest. nothing else. GP chris is kinda….well, low-key creepy like that, he might decide to ask ryan if he wants to go hunting with him that day. and ryan be like ‘you do hunt’, bc he didn’t peg chris as someone, who shoots things for sport, but chris seems to be tense, insisting that they’d do smth like that. so yeah, whatever, he guess? ryan naturally has no idea, that chris like really wrestling with his predatory instincts at that moment, he just needs to redirect it all somewhere. ryan does notice a lot of strange things about chris during that time, esp how he seems to just sorta know, where to seek a deer or how he can orient in the forest so oddly well and move without much of a sound. and i guess, in reverse to ASB, they find a deer and chris grips ryan’s hand before he can pull it away from the trigger, so they kill it together. ryan won’t sure how to feel, bc he didn’t want it to die. and he even less sure, when chris offers him to show how to separate fur from meat and all that stuff. for chris, it’s basic knowledge, he doesn’t treat it as smth big, but for city boy like ryan, it’s….odd. but he agrees, bc he doesn’t wanna look like a lil bitch, i guess lol. they spend that evening in blood and ryan is very dizzy and nauseous, when it ends. he was very close to chris during that time tho. they had their hands in animal’s organs together, feels kinda intimate, even if the situation itself is pretty iffy. in the end, chris tells ryan, that since he was the one, who killed it (not really lol), they should put that buck’s horns on some good display. so they do put it inside chris’s office, ryan even helps to pick a place for it. he isn’t sure why, but chris seems pleased and all that he can think of, despite that he kinda wants to shower and stinks like blood still (even if he’s in different clothes), is ‘wow our arms were next to one another, side by side, chris’s hand enveloped mine a few times to help me to move the knife’. If one would picture it in GP’s timeline, esp down the line, it would have made sense, i promise. like how strangely dark and gritty it is. love is a hunt, isn’t it? 
either way, this what i meant, that my answer might be strange. i wouldn’t connect them banging to idk some specific date or day or them being more active in that specific area just bc it’s vd. if anything, vd can be a bit symbolic in another sense. it is a day of lovers after all, but ASB and GP address a different side of chris and ryan’s love in itself. it can be somewhat healing and actually good, even if it won’t solve all of chris’s problems, or will automatically make ryan aware about everything like in ASB. but it can also be intense and a tad destructive like in GP. so it’s not about sex at all, i suppose. or more so, i don’t think that they will bang too differently in both setups tbh lol. chris still has a wolf in him either way, and ryan is still like hella horny in both stories as well lol. in ASB ryan tricking chris into doing smth on that specific day is kinda still light and pinning, and more of like extra point. just gives them a bit more context of how they kinda always been together like that, it seems. in GP, i bet that neither chris or ryan are aware, that it’s vd, and it’s smth that ryan learns later on, and be like, ‘oh we did it on that day, huh’. and then be a bit of high school gal about it, haha. 
ah, tbh i didn’t touch it at all. i have different hypefixation atm, and most of my freetime pours into doing stuff for my current ship / fav thing. i haven't brushed any of my supermassive wips. i know, it’s not fun to hear, but it is how it is atm. it’s hard to tell, when i will be interested in them again. like in ways, where i would want to rewatch stuff for the game or dwell back into my narratives for their pair. i’d be curious to hear what you think ryan might do tho. this version of him is sure daring and kinda short-sighted lol.
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smiledog15578 · 3 years ago
Not to make you sad, but his hair probably won't ever turn pink unless it's a wig (like in wmlw), for probably both technical reasons(I highly doubt Mark would dye his hair fully pink or even slightly pink again) and lore reasons. His mustache seems more tied to his identity/personality that any other part of him (it's been in every iteration of his character weirdly), which means bc its fully pink, he's probably pretty far gone. Then again this is Mark-I-plier and he does stuff just cause it's cool with little regard of how the details would affect the lore. (Which is fun too! It keeps us on our toes and it does usually look dope as hell).
Sorry buddy :( maybe his mustache will turn back to black gradually as he remembers stuff or something
Oh no i know this would never happen for canon reasons because obviously mark aint gonna dye his hair+ im not looking forward to that anyways lol
But yea i was just thinking of that concept cause obviously it probably doesn’t JUST effect his mustache. In this timeline that we’re in rn tho and given his mustache changed over the span of idk through the 1920s to now in this exact moment he’d maybe have pink like grey hairs (if thats the best way to put it LOL) they aren’t super apparent but they are noticeable kinda like this
Tumblr media
Its kinda at the stage of 1970s mustache were you can start to see it but only small parts of it lol
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thinkingofsimpyboisinc · 4 years ago
Djhdhdjdjd ok ok so imagine this- Revivebur tries to find his darling. But darling joined Las Nevadas with fundy and is like a performer in the casino (idk what's happening currently in the lore cuz I'm so out of the loop rn but i do know that there's a casino for sure-) like they used to give like wholesome vibes but now-?
Bruh they did a whole ass glow up and they now give Jessica Rabbit vibes. And as soon as Revivebur recives word where his darling is, man practically yeeted himself into the casino, where his darling is currently all dolled up, all pretty like a newly bought Barbie doll on the stage..
(i can imagine the darling singing "Killing me softly" maybe like this? https://youtu.be/KGyTtPeP0Lw or like Kz Tandingan's version: https://youtu.be/CyPF91Qbf48
Or maybe like Jessie J's? https://youtu.be/GHyj93FGmuA
Idk i couldn't find a version that kinda gives off casino vibes id try to sing it but ehhhh ^^;;)
Basically this is the first time He hears his Darling sing, and man literally falls in love all over again. And he just simps so hard for them, and is oh so desperate to get them back, but darling is like "bitch my feelings died the moment the Wilbur I knew was gone-". (I tried to think of a more badass line but I'm tired ha-)
(Neways idk what to add more lol- i just thought of this while I was in the middle of reading an angsty Revivebur x reader ^^;;)
the darling would absolutely take no shit from revivebur. what he did during the festival broke them and they felt as if they would never get the wilbur that they knew and love back.
when ghostbur is around, the darling allows herself to feel pity for the ghost. even though they know that ghostbur isnt their lover, theyre willing to let him believe that. at some times darling even believes that ghostbur is as close to their lover that theyll ever get so they let themselves feel like their lover.
darling joins las nevadas without telling ghostbur alongside fundy. even if fundy always acted defensive towards the darling due to how step kids can be at first, he warmed up to them really quickly. he doesnt know where hed be if they werent still besides him.
enough of that, revivebur. when darling hears that wilbur was revived, their first concern was fundy. they loved him more than they loved themself so they had to make sure he was alright. when both darling and fundy process the news, they both agree on hiding in las nevadas. it wouldnt be hard considering they already lived their, but they would definitely work on limiting their interactions with others outside of the country.
revivebur is almost immediately on the hunt for you. its been forever and his memories as ghostbur are a little foggy. he asks tommy where you are, but he doesnt know. so revivebur goes around the entire smp asking for where you are. some people (cough cough eret) would refuse to even tell him if they knew or not! its skeppy that tells where you are. not only is revivebur curious about the new country, but hes also curious as to why you're working with quackity. you and him never really got along.
its at nightime when he stumbles inside the casino and he's immediately blown away at the sound of your wonderful voice (second time jve wrote that today.) he feels like hes 20 years younger! (canon revivebur is 40+. don't believe me? check tommys first stream after c!wilbur was revived.) it feels like hes falling in love all over again.
eventually you head inside a door to the side and wilbur waits until the bodyguard (lets be honest, its just sam or purpled 😭) in front of the door has looked away to sneak past. it seems to just be a plain dressing room.
you turn at the sound of the door opening and immediately glare at wilbur. you werent worried about yourself, you were worried about your son. you would not let wilbur hurt him again.
"what do you want, wilbur?" he laughs and shrugs.
"what? im not able to see my wife? come here," he teases as he tries to pull you into a hug. you immediately back away and glare at him harder.
"dont lay a hand on me. i am not your wife and fundy isnt your son. get out," you hissed as wilbur stared down at you in disbelief. he lets out a breathy laugh.
"what? what do you mean youre not my wife?"
"i mean, im not your wife," you spoke, your tone laced in venom. you were even angrier than before. he didnt even care about fundy.
"youre being ridiculous. we have never gotten divorced," he mumbled. his anger was slowly starting to show through. you had to get him out.
"get out. before i scream," you responded. unfortunately, the one thing your outfit didnt come with was a dagger.
"i dont see what your issue is. love, do you have any idea how much i missed you? no one would tell me where you were and i was worried sick! now, im here and im trying to make things right and youre just trying to kick me out?" he took one step towards you and that was it for you.
it took one shout for sam to come in. he had wilbur restrained immediately.
"will, you say we never got divorced. so, i would like to declare this our last conversation as lovers."
he gave a sharp inhale and stared you down as sam dragged him out of the casino.
he couldnt even give two shits about fundy.
this turned out so much longer than necessary. 😭
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reallyhardy · 4 years ago
went through the goes-wrong-verse playbills/programmes - that is, ‘the play that goes wrong’ and ‘peter pan goes wrong’ (thank you @cornleypolytechnicgoeswrong​ !) trying to piece together each society member’s career within the society PLUS if possible whatever it was they were doing at the polytechnic (university) course-wise, along with whatever other character snippets they give. this is mostly to inform me when writing but i thought it’d be useful for other mischief/goes wrong fans!
chris bean:
as of TPTGW is the ‘newly elected’ head of the drama society, and is known at the university for his charitable & philanhropic work. he has six acting credits within the polytechnic to his name.
i was going to presume his choice of course at the uni was acting or directing, but his PPGW bio states that his ‘dacting’ (directing and acting) is all self-taught, so who knows. maybe he’s just in the society because of his aforementioned charitable work.
robert grove:
has starred in 40 productions with the society since 2002 (when he began work at cornley polytechnic as a caretaker - i’m taking this to mean he was never actually a student there.) anyway wow explains why they call him a “veteran actor” lol.
he offers acting lessons (reacting, gesturing, emotioning and acting) and can be contacted via twitter @robertgoodactor. i’ve looked this twitter account up and it does exist it’s just not been used since 2017 - that said there are some in-character photos of henry lewis as robert and nancy zamit as annie on there and plenty of tweets.
he runs an extremely dubiously safe cornley youth theatre program and can be contacted at his email [email protected] (membership fees are non-refundable.)
trevor watson:
in TPTGW is arbitrarily from ‘the north east’ (rob falconer’s portrayal, whereas chris leask’s portrayal is firmly and specifically scouse.)
he has a twitter account (rob falconer’s portrayal) @trevtechie, with i think probably the most tweets of the cornley twitters. stopped being updated in 2017.
his participation in haversham was to complete an electronics module - as the light and sound technician i’d assume his course was in this kinda field.
he states that after haversham he wants to never work with the cornley drama society again, but as of PPGW he’s “following in his parents footsteps” and has pivoted to possibly actually studying stage management. (his PPGW bio states that he’s in his final year at the uni for the 3rd time running. so it could mean his staying on with cornley is like partially due to failing his course?)
dennis tyde:
in his TPTGW bio it states that he joined the drama society after failing to get in to any other societies.
he didn’t live on university campus and commuted in from his parents’ house. he mostly just wanted to make friends - he’s interested in snooker and wants to meet like-minded people.
in his PPGW bio he still wants to make friends and says you can reach him via twitter @dennistyde. i checked this account too and again it does exist but hasn’t been used since 2013, and there are only 3 tweets so its much more bare-bones than the others. i like his one tweet about drinking a mug of bovril to calm his nerves before a show.
as of 2021 in promotional vids we learn that dennis and robert now live together.
max bennett:
in TPTGW bio it says he was a first year studying human geography and crime which i was surprised about but sure okay. it also says here that he happily donated “a large portion of his recent inheritance” to the society to help fund it.
at the bottom of TPTGW’s cast page it states that the west end performance of the play is “made possible by a generous legacy from claude bennett” who’s presumably max’s grandfather? or just father? idk
his TPTGW bio also says his favourite movie is the legend of bagger vance which i’ve never seen but is apparently a will smith golf movie.
his hobbies as listed in his PPGW bio are chess, cooking & hanging out with friends and fam. he also dedicates his performance in PPGW to his grandma claire, which is sweet.
annie twilloil:
as of TPTGW she’s designed, built, painted, costumed & stage managed every cornley show for the past 3 years. in the PPGW bio, it states she’s studying cognitive behavioural therapy and pottery, and has taken up life drawing at the student’s union (as the model.)
after haversham, she apparently had an internship lined up at the bolton octagon.
she has WILD backstory in her PPGW bio that says she dedicated her performance to her estranged husband julian who she hoped was in the audiance and two children frangipani and ylang-ylang. not sure if the kids are with her or with the husband but either way, wild. nuts. pretty funny but also pretty tragic.
she’s also got an ad out looking for a new bloke (i suppose if her husband isn’t in the audience) apparently she’s been left by boyfriends previously for an air hostess, a stripper, and a coal miner.
she also enjoys knitting and playing the banjolin (an instrument she made herself.) her email address is [email protected].
she has a twitter account that again hasnt been used since 2017 (@annietwiloil). a couple tweets chronicle dave hearn’s shoulder dislocation but as max so i guess its canon that max also dislocated his shoulder, but he did it while trying to open a twix? lmao
sandra wilkinson:
in her TPTGW bio it states that haversham manor is her 11th production with the company. idk how frequently they put on shows.
she won some kind of local kids beauty pageant in 1998 and did some modelling for a local restaurant (the sunam balti house, which apparently the cornley crew frequent? or have at least been to - seems they struggled with spicyness levels there, especially dennis.)
nothing on her course at the university, i might just take a stab and assume she was actually doing acting, since her bio is mostly about her being a performer.
she’s a big fan of jeremy irvine, they mention him in both of her bios.
jonathan harris:
is a total health & fitness guy. his course at the uni is in physical education and he’s also a model, though who’s to say what for. in PPGW this is expanded and he’s moved on to being a combo model/actor/photographer/lifecoach.
he loves his outdoor sports: mountain biking & kayaking are noted.
he had a bath salts advert out and he hoped it was gonna go national.
lucy grove:
her surname IS grove! i wasn’t sure, but that’s confirmed. not really much about her in there, because the bio is written by robert and he just used it to gas himelf up.
can’t tell if she’s a student at the university or just in the society through robert. genuinely there’s just not a lot to go on when it comes to lucy.
another note is that the murder at haversham manor and the version of peter pan that the cornley crew perform are both written by ‘susie h. k. brideswell’ who i guess either chris knows or chris is a big fan of?
other notes... they try so hard to make out like the characters aren't all the same age like implying that robert is genuinely older than most of them etc etc but ofc the cast featured in the TV broadcasts are all visibly the same age... ofc all this is just comedy innit so you can take it or leave it
also i realised that the american version of TPTGW calls it “the cornley university drama society” since i guess you guys dont have polytechnics over there. a polytechnic is like... a university that offers the arts (among the classics you know science law what have you) basically. by 2021 in promotional videos etc. shields in character as chris has dropped “polytechnic” altogether from the group’s name (but varies between calling it ‘the cornley drama society’ and ‘the cornley amateur dramatics society’) i assume to reflect how much time has passed since the group put on their first production under chris’ leadership - and that now they’re simply operating unattached to the university because they’ve become a real family. love love love, sillyness and love.
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