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badinaction · 2 years ago
All for my Beach tech lovers all free enjoy your listening
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squid-bunny-msi · 30 days ago
BEAR WITH ME STAY TIL THE END I SWEAR THIS THEORY MAKES SENSE. I can't draw so I just be typing words🤣🤣😂😂
First off, this theory isn't mine, but from a reddit user in a 2021 post, Most I'm doing is bringing this up to you guys in a more ""condensed way"". (I finished and I realized I just made it longer fuck me)
We know Jimmy has a habit of saving songs for later releases, like with YRTA and IF. But I don’t think Hopeless is a track that was made 4 or 6 years ago for the album. I actually think it’s from about 20 years before Bad Choices Made Easy (2010), and it's an 89-90's song and here’s why
1-Jimmy's voice and singing style belong more to the PINK /Tight era than the HIL or even YRTA era
Jimmy's voice at 40 is deeper and more mature than when he was 20, along with a different singing style.
I'll leave a comparison of Eat Those Words (2013), Panty Shot (1997), Pussy all night (1998) and finally Hopeless (circa 1989).
1-40 yo Jimmy vs 20 yo Jimmy
2-Jimmy's high notes and falsettos in the 90s
2-Michael Andrew Pascal, pre-MSI friend of Jimmy could be in this song and is credited on The Left Rights:
In the screenshots of old copyrighted songs by James Euringer pre-1990, we can see he has the pseudonym of "JAMES NEMO", while also Steve and a Michael Pascal guy are also here.
James is credited for words, music, performance, arrangement
Steve is credited for music, performance, and arrangement
Pascal is also credited for arrangement and performance, meaning that Pascal was physically involved in the songs of these times (singing or dancing along with James and Steve).
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(This also appears on Jimmy Urine's page on the MSI wikipedia, the songs are all around 1989 max. )
Now, listen to the beginning of Hopeless again. Do you recognize three different voices? It seems like Andrew starts with the 'Here we go, break it down' part James says 'No bass, no synth, just da beats' in a peppy voice and sings 'I met this girl and she was so fine,' and then Steve delivers the 'I've traveled far, I've met the girlies' part (?) or maybe it's the 'I love 'em and leave 'em! I shove 'em and heave 'em' line. (To be honest, I'm not really familiar with Steve's voice u_u).
On top of that, look who is credited in the Thank you section of Bad Choices made easy (scan by Cain @tghtr )
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The original poster said that Andrew Pascal is credited here, but not in the rest of the thank you sections of MSI albums, I don't have MSI's whole discography to check their Thank you sections, but for people that do, I encourage to check this up yourselves!
3-They don't sound like they're in a studio:
You can clearly hear a reverb at the beginning of the song because it doesn’t seem like they’re in a studio, but rather in an empty room. It's not a reverb done digitally. This could be because it was just a casual recording, something you’d record on a cassette tape recorder. All 1989 recordings of Jimmy are put under the category of "sound cassette"
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Considering this, there are high chances that Hopeless is the EARLIEST RECORD of Jimmy Urine singing, being 1989, even before Pink. Could also not be 1989 if Andrew was still around making beats with Jimmy but weren't copyrighted in the site, James Nemo is still registered in max 1993. But the songs where Andrew is included are max 1989.
Jimmy said multiple times that he re-uses old songs if they sound good to him. So this wouldn't be new, but still fascinating.
This is getting too long brother they dont pay me enough, like and reblog if u read allat and lmk what do u think 😱
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bratpak · 6 months ago
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BITE THE APPLE is the FIRST FULL ALBUM of the fictional South Korean Co-ed group BRATPACK. Released on August 8th, 2024, the album housed eleven tracks, all of which were produced by the MOON SIBLINGS. Not a single member of BratPack could be found in the album's credits, but they're idols, not writers or producers.
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The album's two title tracks, "TEMPASSION" and "BATTLE ZONE," were promoted for three solid months, making this their longest promotional period since their debut. They would take home only two music show awards, marking their first music show win ever as a group. 
BITE THE APPLE is a controversial album. Many people loved and hated it, but Twitter couldn't shut up about it, which was the whole point. Almanda Summers knows how to get the internet buzzing, good or bad, and with the particularly bloody yet sensual concept Bite The Apple went for, no one could shut up about this album. 
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ACIDIC COMMENTARY: Bea was not given the same prompt as the other brats. She was asked, "What got you into music?" We're not sure why she was asked a question different from the others. This video was recorded before official track names were released.
With visuals inspired by the 2000 Japanese action film directed by Kinji Fukasaku Battle Royal, as well as biblical references scattered throughout their seven music videos, the group became Pinterest darlings and dominated Tumblr aesthetic tags. Though visually stunning, this would earn them the title, which I guess is supposed to be an insult, of a "visual group" meaning they were only good for their visuals not their music. BratPack stans would not take offense to this. Why would they? The argument was flimsy. Why are you mad they're stanning hot people with superb creative direction? Sounds like a personal problem.
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However, the line distribution became more and more of an issue with fans as it felt like the girls were carrying the songs more often than not, with the three male members acting as backup vocalists or backup dancers. Though their lack of lines did not phase Chance and Jiu, Hajin often stole lines from his female counterparts during live performances. "I trained to be a singer. I'm going to sing." The youngest would say on a live stream. BratPack fans were split on how to feel about Hajin's attitude. As long as it didn't affect the group's dynamic, there's no harm in it, right? Plus, he was only stealing Brigett's lines. It's not like anyone is really here for Bridgett Lee. People only like her because of her brother. It's not an issue if she has fewer lines.
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vii. JUICE
x. B2B
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beababoobies · 1 year ago
can you write for a vox x fem! reader for an enemies to lovers?
for sure! Sorry this one’s a lil shorter, I have no clue how to write enemies to lovers.. but I tried for y’all! Also, Just for setting purposes, I made Reader the overlord of basically just, hell’s music. Thought that might be a good rivalry dhdkdjsid. :) 
Battery-Powered Love
Vox X Fem!Overlord!Reader. words : 1k warning for slight manipulation.
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You let out an impatient sigh as you check your watch. You had been called to this stupid fucking meeting - which you didn’t want to go to, because god knows how much you hate the Vees. But not a single one had shown up - not even the one you could slightly tolerate, 
Velvette. Not even Valentino - god knows he was up to other than torturing Angel - and you hoped to Satan that it would be anyone but Vox. Anyone but Vox would be okay. An assistant telling you that you got your schedules mixed. Maybe even just a flat out no show. That would be fine. 
But just as you thought that - a swing of the door pulled you out of your thoughts, and as you looked up, just to your luck, the flat-screen TV of a man you loved despised more than you’d ever be able to express in a business setting was greeting you with the smuggest, ugliest, most shit-eating grin you’d seen on his face in a while. This meant one of two things. Bad news, you owed him something, or He wanted something from you and was trying to play nice. 
“Good Afternoon, My Friend!” He said as he pulled out a chair opposite to you, resting his clasped hands on the table, putting on that insufferably fake classy act on. Like he didn’t want to shoot a bullet through your dead stare. Because he believed in reputation. Having a reputation in hell is like having a designer bag to carry your groceries. You don’t need it, no one actually cares if you have a one, but it makes you feel more special. You grimaced. 
“You’re already ten minutes late, Vox.” You said with a sigh, putting your feet up on the table lazily, leaning back with a tilt of your head, arms crossed to your chest. “Get on with it. I actually have things to do.” You snarled out, sighing as you leaned your head back on the chair, refusing to actually look him in his digital eyes, opting to stare at the stupid ceiling instead.
“Well, you are quite forward today, aren’t you?” He said with a small chuckle, trying to suck up his own ego for his professional reputation. He may have power, but you hold at least a quarter of his everything under your own music. He swallows thickly before continuing, adjusting his bow tie and straightening out.
“As you know, Alastor is back in town. So we- “ he started with bated breaths, before you promptly interrupted him with a snort. “Okay, I’m gonna stop you right about there.” You said with a chuckle as you let your eyes fall back on him, raising your eyebrows, tilting your head. “I am not getting involved with him. I have records to sell. I have an afterlife to live, until at the very least the next extermination.” You said with a heavy sigh, pulling your feet off the table and standing up, hands still crossed tight over your chest. 
“The reason I’m not dead is because I can recognize when someone can fucking kill me, Vox.” You continued, making your way to the door, turning back to look at him while you spoke. “If you expect me to-“ and it’s your turn to get cut off as he stands up as well, doing his off-putting electricity thing, teleporting from the security camera right in front of the doors, blocking your path. 
“Tsk-tsk-tsk, you’re so quick to assume.” He chuckles, rolling his eyes playfully. “I don’t want you to go and fight him, darling.” You grimace as he starts with the pet names, rolling your eyes and staring at the floor, refusing to look him in the face again. “I want you to silence out his… propaganda.” He hums as you try to walk away from his bickering and nonsense, only to have him teleport straight back in front of you using the overhead light on the ceiling, causing you to stumble back slightly.
“That’s getting involved. A path to getting my screams played for everyone in this circle of hell to hear? No.” You say flatly, grimacing at him as he chuckles darkly, leaning on one hip as he looks you up and down, smiling. “But there’s so much we could offer you.” He starts as you try to walk away from him again, just to bump straight first into his chest all over again. 
“Maybe you could become one of the Vees. Valentino, Velvette, Vox, Y/N… you just have to think of a new, catchier name.” He says with a small sarcastic giggle, leaning down and looking at you with those stupid droopy eyes he always used when he wanted something out of you. The reason you always refused to look at him properly. You snapped your head away quickly, running for the door.
Running straight back into him. 
“You can’t just try to fucking - seduce me into doing your bidding! Jesus - fuck!” You groaned as you ran straight back into him, starting to fall onto your back, before he grabbed your hand, pulling you up and against him, one hand tightly on the curve of your waist, smiling down at you. 
“I’m not trying to seduce you for this in particular.” He said as you looked up at him with wide eyes and a small panicked expression, trying to think of a way out as blush spread across your cheeks, trying to pull your hand away from his to no avail. “I have much better reasons for seducing you, love.” He hums out, and you shut your eyes tight. 
Don’t fall for his trap. For your own sake. Don’t. 
“C’mon, give me a try, love” he purrs out, and you decide you at the very least have to assert some sort of dominance in this situation - you can’t get your way out of his terrifying grips - you can’t stop looking in his eyes - and so you do the last thing you wanted to - or maybe the thing you’ve been wanting to do ever since he walked in.
You pulled him down by his arm, lips pressed right against his, almost getting shocked by the electricity flowing rapidly though his veins, his own eyes wide - before closing them slowly. That was the absolute last thing he expected you to do - but he isn’t complaining. Tugging your harder again him, smiling against your lips. You pulled back, breathing heavily.
“I’m guessing that’s a yes, darling.” 
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irl-w0lverine · 6 months ago
.ೃ࿐the bad touch.ೃ࿐
Pairing : Tate Langdon x fem! Reader
Content : smut with basically no plot
warnings : kinda rough sex?, use of y/n, NOT PROOFREAD!
A/n : this is not the smut that was meant to be written but i heard the song and decided to make a fic about it 😓. I am still writing the other its just hard to thing of how to
This is my first time actually writing smut so i apologise for how poorly written it is and if some wordings seem silly, i couldn't keep a straight face at all
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Mere minutes ago, you and tate were just sat on your bed, listening to music on your record player until a certain song came on and things began to get... Heated. Skip to now, you were straddling tates lap while both of you took turns removing items of eachothers clothes as the tune blasts from your record player, your lips staying connected as much as they can.
'I want you smothered, want you covered Like my Waffle House hash browns'
Your hands matted in his hair as he trails harsh kisses and nips at your neck,his hands trailing down to your shorts and unbuttoning them at a messy pace. you both are fully naked within seconds, him laying you down on the mattress as he slides down your body, his hands following down to your thighs.
You were already soaked and eager, squirming once you feel two of Tates fingers slip into your hole, stretching you out imediately.
"holy shit Tate" you manage to breathe out, your hands balling the material of your bed into your fists as he doesn't waste a single second. His digits pump in and out of you, curling inside of you right against your 'special spot'.
You push his hand away, feeling yourself getting closer to the edge the faster he goes with his skilled fingers. He looks up at you with his big brown eyes tinted with confusion and slightly worry, hoping he didnt do anything wrong.
"i need you Tate. Right fucking now." you huff, pulling him up by his hair while a devious smirk spreads onto his lips. Your hand reaches out and picks up the headshell, dropping the needle back onto the record so the song restarts.
Without any warning, he slides into you, letting out a groan as he does so. His hands grip your hips, giving you a few seconds before his hips begin to move at a slow pace, quickly becoming a much faster pace once he knows your fine with it.
"Oh my god y/n. You feel so good!" he grunts as his balls slap against your ass with each sharp thrust, every single one hitting your g-spot.
'you and me baby, we aint nothin' but mammals so lets do it like the do on the discovery channel'
"im way too turned on by this holy shit!" Tate goans. Your nails dig into his shoulders, leaving deep crecent marks in place of them. Your legs wrapped around his waist, tilting your body upwards ever so slightly and giving him the perfect angle to continuously slam into your g-spot.
"T-tate, im gonna cum if you keep it up like that," you practically squeal, the shaky feeling in your legs getting more powerful. Within seconds your seeing stars, Tates thrusts not slowing down at all, his hips still relentlessly pounding into you. You feel your tight walls getting overstimulated, small whimpers slipping from your lips as tears prick your eyes.
"Agh! Fuck!" Tate grunts into your ear, soon pulling out and pumping his member. His sticky, warm ropes of semen making a mess on your stomach and breasts.
Tate collapsed down besides you, pulling you into a hug and taking a deep inhale of your hair, helping him come back down to earth.
"ew your sweaty!" you joke, letting out a small giggle as you wiggle around, trying to escape his tight and humid grasp.
"mmn.. I wanna smell your hair." i pouts playfully, hugging you tighter and burrying his face into your neck.
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A/n: thank you to that one person that gave me the encouragement to make this!
Thanks for reading! <3
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My headcannons for what type of music the Batfam likes lol
Bruce: 40s love songs, mostly because Thomas and Martha are lovers of old music and art it’s a call back to Batman being such an old.. old character.
He also loves really, REALLY sad songs. Just straight depressing songs, like he knows all the lyrics to like the most downright suicidal songs ever.
Dick: he listens to very upbeat music, but like EDM and rap, he also loves circus music and really ridiculously old songs he knows all the words to “the flying trapeze” by heart ❤️
Jason: unironically his favourite album is Neil Cicirega's "mouth sounds" series of albums, he also would never admit it but he listens to Kikuo constantly. he's not a "fan" of vocaloid he just likes some songs. he also constantly listens to 80s and 70s hits as a call back to his character being popular in the 80s.
Tim: worst taste in music ever, he does NOT get the aux. it's all the most popular hits of the last 4 decades, for better or worse.
he also gets all the WE jingles stuck in his head, it's so bad.
it's mostly now video game OST's he got into FNAF lore at one point and actually solved it, and then got super into the music. he relates a bit too much, he calls Jason sometimes mike because they are both undead guys hellbent on keeping kids safe from the evils of this world, and Ra's afton because the bastard always comes back. he will BLARE "I hope you die in a fire" when working a Ra's case.
Damian: despite what he holds himself to he really likes the same fandom sorta music, video game lore was the only thing that Damien and Tim talk about, they have usually ZERO free time to watch or play games they just extrapolate wtf the game is about from their friends WITH free time. that being wally and bart.
so damien has a bunch of the living tombstones, classic Chinese and arabic music but mainly Pakistani, some 80s hits. 40s love songs because bruce is right they are really good, and some mislabeled cassette tapes\CD's Damien picks up on patrol that he likes.
Steph: she didn't really get a chance to listen to much music, since Cluemaster was a dick. but she did bond and learn to love Ballet music ever since Cassandra introduced it to her, she gets whole records and albums and buys one time releases on Ebay for herself and Cassandra. otherwise she just listens to audiobooks or podcasts when working.
Cassandra: TONS of ballet music along with classic Oprah music and theatre music, she goes to plays and pirates them, she listens to every single play or theatre music she can get her hands on. she listens to "rocky horror picture show" "the guy who didn't like musicals" "Coppélia" "Jesus Christ superstar" "The Mousetrap" any and everything. she adores it all, she and Steph are constantly looking for more records and plays to watch and pirate.
Barbara: weirdly enough 60s music, Jim rubbed off on her and she honestly just listens to all sorts of 60s sounding music, she had a Elvis phase where she just was constantly listening to Elvis, eventually she found out there was a TON of other 60s and 70s black artists who were ripped off by Elvis and started listening to them, she then eventually got into punk rock and rock and roll.
Harper: she is fully into the Gotham punk music scene, she literally is one of the biggest supporters of the Gotham punk scene. only random punk song CD's, videos she converted into CD's, old gothamite punk songs on vinyl, digital releases, she just has so much merch half she made herself and half she bought, she is the epitome of Gotham punk fan. she actually has a whole ass internet archive account dedicated to JUST Gotham punk.
Duke: weirdly he loves very ethereal and bright peppy music, only instrumentals though, listens to the weirdcore playlists on YouTube listens to corecore, he just has very strange music tastes.
sometimes he forgets his entire playlist is filled with weirdly ethereal music and the rest of the batfam get so confused, and think Jean-paul is blaring church music again.
Jean-Paul: only church music, he has the most bland music tastes, he sometimes listens to catholic metal or something when he's working but other than that he just blares organ music and mass and church music, everyone tries to tell him that he CAN LISTEN TO ANYTHING ELSE. PLEASE. but he just doesn't lol.
Thomas: he listens to 40s love songs and old Sicilian and Italian songs, he's a old fart, he loves old movie soundtracks.
William Cobb: circus music only circus music, late 1880s and 1950s circus music. it sounds like a clown house and it triggers the shit out of bruce.
Jarro: he's a baby, he has no actual opinions the batfam put on nursery rhymes andcoco melon
and the rest (carrie, Bernard, huntress and the other ones)
I have 0 idea I have not read enough comics to figure it out lol
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glowettee · 1 month ago
。𖦹 °✩creating your perfect comeback strategy - part 3/5 🎀。𖦹 °✩
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1st post 2nd post
posted by: glowettee
hey gorgeous studybugs! ♡
time for the most exciting part of the bad grade recovery series - planning your academic glow-up!!!!!! after analyzing what went wrong, we're now going to create the most effective (and aesthetic) comeback plan ever. this post will seriously help you with any class.
♡ setting goals (but make them realistic)
let's break this down into manageable pieces:
short-term goals:
identify the exact grade you need on next assignments
set weekly study targets (be specific with hours!)
plan concept mastery checkpoints
create mini-deadlines for improvement
long-term goals:
final grade target
overall understanding improvements
study habit transformations
confidence rebuilding
♡ your new study schedule
this isn't just any schedule - it's your academic glow-up timeline, so make it important:
morning routine:
quick concept review (15 mins while having your morning tea)
plan your study goals for the day
organize materials needed
set up your study space
daily study blocks:
45-minute focused sessions (i use a cute timer app)
15-minute aesthetic breaks (stretch, hydrate, quick tiktok check)
alternate between subjects
include active recall exercises
evening review:
30-minute summary of what you learned
prep materials for tomorrow
quick self-quiz
celebrate small wins!
♡ the actual study techniques (that actually work)
here's what really helps:
active recall methods:
teach concepts to your stuffed animals (seriously, it works!)
create practice questions
draw concept maps (make them pretty but functional)
record voice notes explaining topics
write summaries without looking at notes
understanding checks:
can you explain it to someone else?
can you solve problems without references?
can you connect different concepts?
do you understand why, not just how?
♡ resource maximization (because we're being smart about this)
time to use everything available:
professor/teacher resources:
office hours (schedule them in advance!)
email questions (keep them specific and organized)
extra materials they recommend
past exam reviews
study support:
form a study group (2-4 people max)
use tutoring services
online resources (but pick reliable ones!)
practice problems from textbook
supplementary videos
♡ your accountability system
staying on track is crucial:
daily checks:
study log (track actual study time)
concept understanding rating
questions that came up
what worked/didn't work
weekly reviews:
progress check
study method effectiveness
time management evaluation
goals met/missed
adjustments needed
♡ creating your perfect study environment
because aesthetics actually help:
physical space:
clean desk (but keep it cute)
good lighting (natural light is best!)
comfortable seating
all materials within reach
minimal distractions
study essentials:
colored pens/highlighters
sticky notes
water bottle
healthy snacks
background music playlist
♡ emergency backup plans
because life happens:
plan b strategies:
alternate study locations
backup study materials
digital copies of important notes
emergency contact list for help
quick review sheets for cramming
stress-relief techniques
this isn't just about recovering from one bad grade - it's about creating a sustainable study system that works for you! - it needs to be consistent, personalized, and something you'll actually stick to!
the next post, i will talk about how to actually execute this plan (and what to do when things get tough).
xoxo, mindy 🎀
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disneytva · 8 months ago
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Disney Branded Television Sets PRIMOS Premiere For July 25th As Part Of Disney Channel Epic Mid-Summer
Oigan Primos! from the talented people who brought you Big City Greens comes a new meaning for BEST SUMMER EVER. ☀️🌈🖍️📔
Disney Branded Television has set the series premiere for Primos with a two-episode premiere July 25 at 8:00 p.m. Pacific on Disney Channel (with two new episodes airing every Saturday starting July 27). An initial batch of episodes will be available to stream on Disney+ starting July 26.
“Primos” follows Tater Ramirez Humphrey, an imaginative free spirit bursting with creative energy who is ready to spend the summer of her 10th birthday sorting out her goals and dreams. But her plans are derailed when she learns that her mother has invited all 12 of her primos — cousins — to spend the summer at their home and share her room.
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Joining the talented Primos guest cast includes
Gabriel Iglesias (Jorge R. Gutierrez "I-Chihuahua") as Tio Gustavo, Sarah Sherman (Anaapurna Animation's "Nimona) as Carmela, Cheech Marin (Pixar Animation Studios "Coco") as Abuelo Pop, Sherry Cola (Pixar Animation Studios "Turning Red") as Ms. Mahoney, Bill as Kyle MacLachlan, Jaime Jarrín (Los Angeles Dodgers) as Día de la Cultura Announcer and Xolo Maridueña (DC Studios "Blue Beetle" Marvel "Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur").
Primos songs are GRAMMY nominated composers Alana Da Fonseca and Bobby Studley (Tim Burton's "Wednesday", Disney Channel Original Movies "Teen Beach Movie" franchise). Jim Lang (Nickelodeon Animation Studios "Hey Arnold" franchise) serves as score composer, Hey Arnold! creator Craig Barlett does additional guest clay animation.
Karla Sakas Shropshire (Nickelodeon Animation Studios "The Loud House", Disney Television Animation "Katz Café") serves as story editor.
Inspired by growing up in Fontana and Riverside with the chicano culture Primos has gotten praise by fellow industry members such as Jorge R. Gutierrez (Nickelodeon "El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera", 20th Century Animation "The Book of Life", Netflix Animation "Maya And The Three"), Phil Lord (MTV Animation "Clone High", Sony Pictures Animation "Cloudy For A Change Of Meatballs" franchise,"Spiderman In To The Spiderverse" franchise), Sofiá Alexander (Crunchyroll Originals "Onyx Equinox", Disney "Phineas And Ferb"), Guillermo Del Toro (Dreamworks Animation "Rise of The Guardians", "How To Train Your Dragon 2" "Tales of Arcadia" ,20th Century Animation "The Book Of Life", Netflix Animation "Guillermo del Toro's Pinnochio"), Miguel Puga (Nickelodeon Animation Studios "The Casagrandes", DC Studios & Warner Bros Animation "Blue Beetle The Series" ), Megan Nicole Dong (Netflix Animation "Centaurworld", Locksmith Animation "Bad Fairies" ) and more.
PRIMOS will be used by Disney TVA Multiplatform with their short series "CHIBI TINY TALES", "THEME SONG TAKEOVER", "BROKEN KARAOKE" & "HOW NOT TO DRAW" , Tater and The Ramirez Family will set to appear on CHIBIVERSE Season 2.
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Additionaly a Primos soundtrack by Walt Disney Records is set to debut July 26th on digital music platforms
PRIMOS joins Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur,Kiff, Big City Greens,Amphibia,The Ghost and Molly McGee, Hamster & Gretel and Hailey's On It! on getting official albums.
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frostythefrostedfox · 9 months ago
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Don't you worry, you'll be to told exactly what to do I give my people the lives they need The righteous will succeed
You know what I don't like about rebel stories like Hunger Games and Divergent? That we never get the opposite, how about a compliance story?
Something that always bothered me about certain videogames is how they never ever, not even for one second, entertain the thought that you might not agree with them, they all follow the same formula
MC is respected member of [SOCIETY] > MC has encounter with bad side of [SOCIETY] > MC is told not to question things > MC questions things > MC turns sides > MC opposes and wins against [SOCIETY]
But what if I don't wanna? Why do we never get a videogame like that?
I want a game where the MC discovers the truth about the place they live in, and even with that knowledge they stand up and say "Ok and?" and carry on with their life; and that's how this fella was created
My young impressionable mind was exposed to Syndicate (2012) in 2013, the cover looked so cool and all the promo material online was great, it even had the theme song done by Skrillex, Nero, Flux Pavillion and Digitalism (for the people that likes real music and is reading this, that used to mean a lot, they were huge and everywhere for us noise-enjoyers), but the late part of the game and the ending never really... caught my attention, I always found the introduction of the game a loooot more enjoyable, before Kilo becomes a rebel and fights Eurocorp.
And that is why I created this fella. You can even call it a semi faceclaim.
Just like Kilo, born to a syndicate to serve the syndicate, except that i wasn't Eurocorp, it was Cayman Global, following their in-universe explanation that DART-6 has not been reverse engineered by any company and is propietary software of Eurocorp, Cayman decided to try their hand at it with what knowledge they have on it, and that is how they came up with the idea of Speciality Chips, or S.C, they work similarly to DART-6, with its own schizophrenia inducing voice interface and all, except that they don't enhance every single part of a 'soldier', instead they are using to make people 'better' at their jobs, depending on the role and occupation chosen for them at birth.
Fake memories of a fake family and a fake childhood, an AI prompt fed into his brain by the SC as a child to mould his personality to what Cayman needed it to be, with fake hardships to strenghten his character and fake triumphs to make him proud and happy. And every single thing he remembers doing as a child was a stage play to nurture and test his abilities, a continious selection program where only the best move on to the next phase while never aware that they are competing; every single one of those kids he beat at Spelling Bee as a child were just like him, and their failure meant their removal from the program, another job at Cayman Global will be found for them that fits their skillset, same thing for karting tournaments, academic score, everything.
His parents are just company employees told to act a certain way to incite certain reactions, records of who he was born to are probably kept somewhere, but who cares anyways, for as long as he believes those are his parents, they will do.
The only thing that makes him a somewhat rare candidate is that he is not a single child, he has a sister, also put throught the same program as him, just for another role, using a different version of the chip for a completely different purpose.
After years of serving Cayman Global and earning his Black Stripe clearance, one of his missions has his evacuation transport crash and drop him into the sea, after his chip entered power saving mode due to not consuming enough food or water, it was the first time he ever experienced fully thinking for himself, not having his thoughts molded, suggested or coerced by any company directive, and he found those thoughts to be quite similar to the ones he had before, questioning the methods of execution of Cayman Global, but not their ideals or beliefs. Why was he floating in the sea for so long? Shouldn't they pick him up as soon as his signal dissapeared? If the SC is an AI, do they all have different personalities and voices? Is his specially made for him?
Upon arriving Someplace, Somewhere in [COUNTRY], his chip came back into service, except that now they had a different set of information and ideas, his head filled with questions that the SC couldn't answer, but none of these doubts ever put his allegiance into question, so none of them got reported back, which would have ironically gotten him rescued faster.
Eventually he came across some locals, his uniform and armor damaged, no longer sporting any visible mark of his employer, they took him in, unaware of who he was; they certainly wouldn't have if they knew he was working for the exact same company responsible for making their life so miserable.
Time passed, he learned things from the locals and the locals learnt from him, all of his training was very real, and it showed, a trained agent like him could do things these guerrilla fighters only dreamed of, eventually being a prominent voice in this little tribe that nursed him back to health, he got a taste of what being in power was like, and he liked it, and his SC was taking records of it.
This sudden change in approach to a more professional and organized course of action peaked the interest of the tribe's enemies too, they couldn't have learned these things overnight, someone was helping them, their first thought was a rival syndicate, and so they dispatched a whole bunch of agents to deal with the new threat, ironically one of these agents being his sister.
The two were fated to encounter, and that is exactly what happened, just not the way they expected it, and certainly not the way they wanted it, and totally against the syndicate's wishes. Their SCs mark each other as [RELATIVE], but they don't know this other animal in front of them, how could these two different animals could have come out of the same mother, they are not the same species, she's a bird, he's a fox, he has a marksman tag, she has a bruiser tag, they look nothing alike, they are nothing alike.
Cayman Global originally thought of this as an inconvenience that should be dealt with immediately, but latter settled on exploring the possible opportunities of letting their bond be known to each other, and more importantly, the opportunity to gain an insider with access to the locals. And they had a lot to know about each other, their customs, their way of doing things, their likes and dislikes.
This only led to more question appearing on his head, why was everything at Cayman so peaceful, why can he just solve problems with his sister so easily, while the locals have all of these problems, tribes not settling in on one thing, having to constantly ask for things, changing their minds, disagreeing, fights; maybe they had so much problems with the syndicates because of their ways, if they could understand each other, things could probably be solved quicker.
But the tribes didn't wanted that, and rightfully so, they did not wanted to surrender their freedom, their land and everything they own to a company to manage and do as it pleases with, it was theirs.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, he and his sister were raised by the Syndicate, to them these ideas the locals speak of were nonsense, all of this chaos and problems that could be easily fixed, why wouldnt you want to fix it?
And that's when his SC, for the first time in forever, came up with its own idea, not something fed by the mainframe. Betray the tribes.
And betray the tribes they indeed do, Cayman agents agreed to the plan after a lot of favours being called and some heavy bargaining in the form of his sister's fists. An easy pick for the tribes, a Helibird crashed into the desert after a sandstorm, few survivours and a delayed rescue team due to the poor visibility, the perfect chance to pick up resources; but the only thing they picked up was a fight they couldn't win.
And so he triumphantly returned to his home, Cayman Global headquarters, but his new... Ideas... were not popular with all of his superiors, but those that agreed with him were not afraid of showing his support.
That's how he met Moon, someone that has been sitting near the top for way too long, and no longer thinks the head should be doing the thinking, and she was ready to make a play for it, playing with some strings here and there to have the siblings end up under her supervision, she could train and explore where these ideas of theirs really led to, what did they meant.
He gave a new name to his SC's voice, Lightning, and she liked it, it was nice to be her own thing, not just another chip, and in return, he let her take control over bits and pieces of his brain that none of the chips should have access to.
Little by little, Moon slowly revealled what the syndicates were up to, a second syndicate war was brooding up, and it was going to be way worse than the one they had in 2049, and she remembers that one pretty well, she was still an active agent back then. She allowed him to take a peek behind the curtain, how his memories were manipulated and changed in order to fit a narrative created by the syndicate, how his upbringing was all fake, how he was monitored and sought after like a guinea pig.
And he had absolutely no problem with any of that, his mind was so deeply consumed by the company's mindset that he couldn't even begin to understand how could any of those things were bad, he never questioned his position or his role in Cayman Global, instead he just wanted more, his last adventure made him hungry for things he should have never tasted, the company's propaganda kept him docile and happy, but also kept him compliant and safe, and he wanted none of the latter, having power is great, being in charge is amazing and telling other people what to do feels good; and Lightning agreed with it, why should she be a simple voice on his head, when she could control all the other voices on everyone's head.
That is where their real 'adventure' begins, not to destroy a corrupt syndicate, not to make the world a better place, not to make it fairer, is to put themselves on top, be the one that cuts the cake instead of being the one receiving a slice.
Thank you for coming to my OC rant
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vengefulvermin · 5 months ago
Can i get more passage of time/music development yapping ☹️☹️☹️??? I give you official permission to yap the most you can im so interested
warning beneath the cut SCARY WALL OF TEXT WARNING 😱
decided to divide it into colored parts if you dont gaf about certain elements 😭
second warning all of this is unedited rambling so some points might contradict each other or just plain not make sense.
okay so for CONTEXTTTTT
i have diagnosed OCD, and like, roughly since the end of last year and the beginning of this one, the 'obsession' part of OCD that was negatively affecting me, was the concept of time. how fleeting it was. how it's basically unescapable ALL THINGS MUST PASS (get out of my head george harrison) that shit proper cold dead SCARED ME MAN. sleepless & haunting me in my dreams type shi. sometimes it still does. i try not to think about it too much
to cope, i found great comfort in the 70s-80s since at the time i was and still am hyperfixated on david bowie and that was sort of his prime (love his 90s-00s work tho.) i was also starting to think of how much parallels and similar experiences i have to previous generations and how it's not ALL that bad after all so far. i can still walk to a record store and roller skate if i really wanted to, or go to a diner.
okey here's where the life changing stuff happens. i decided i'd listen to pink floyd's the dark side of the moon. then TIME CAME ON. ohhhh god oh gosh golly god i was bawling and everything the whole song spoke to me on a molecular level. then i found out about DB's song also called time, and i ALSO crode to that. i was like. wow. i'm not alone on this feeling of utter desperation and helplessness as eventually all things Must Pass. (GEORGE HARRSION GTFO)
i used to be bitchy on how i whined i was part of the 'wrong generation.' i thought i was alone, but virtually everyone of almost every era has thought this. somebody who lived my dream life wished they had what i have now.
that's when i started to lowkey realize the parallels and oneness of human experience. i could go to a club in the 70s, and (granted the infrastructure and music remains similar) i could today. nothing would change on how i perceive events. there is no color filter on the past. unless you got huge TVs and stuff all over your house, you could walk around, and think it's the 80s. AND IT'S BASICALLY THE 80s. the way your parents or any other gen Xer saw the world with their *eyes* (not counting the changes in buildings and stuff) is the same as you today pretty much.
i already really enjoy subcultures, and particularly how they evolve and adapt. the indomitable human spirit prevails no matter how gentrified or 'banned' things become. nowadays i feel like there is No Youth Subcultures. at least, none that will pass the test of time and be memorable enough to be remembered in the books. nobody's gonna go to their child and proudly say: "when i was your age, i was a chav" or something. and i credit this to the lack of creativity allowed in the wider music industry.
HEAR ME OUT this is because 90% of youth subcultures had everything to do with music. and now, everything must be palatable. to be clear there's nothing inherently wrong with that type of music, but to me it speaks no soul. it has no risks. contemporary pop music is very much formulaic and this is because now more than ever entertainment (this also applies to movies btw) is more of an investment than passion. I WILL SPECIFY.
music production is so vastly different genre to genre, and we're not letting it flourish because of how much short form content is valued nowadays. LET ME COOK.
tiktoks are formulaic. algorithms are formulaic. WE'RE GETTING SOMEWHERE. there must be an instant hook or rift in music if you want to 'go viral' as a musician. digitized fame doesn't mean SHIT (to me), since clearly monthly listeners don't equate real world fans. album sales are being replaced with streams, and because of how ASS spotify treats its artists, newer, less established acts need to GET ON THE GRIND INSTANTLY to earn Coin. that means that to be smart and work with the exploitative system they're given, they have to make albums filled with 1 minute 30 second songs. so you can technically give them the most amount of streams possible. i feel with this formulaic approach, you can't get 6 minute long gutwrenching guitar pieces. no more 4 minute drum solos, hell avant garde experimental works were 2 people shout their names out at each other for 20 minutes. THERE ARE NO MORE FRANK ZAPPAS.
i'm not going to be one of those sad assholes who claim there's 'no more good rock music' and how it'll never be the same. as corny as this is, the next beatles or nirvana could be right under our noses and we'll NEVER know because of how fame is distributed. it sucks to see a small band beg on tiktok for streams to kickstart their career. but this is what we gotta work with. if we want subcultures to be created and thrive, we gotta go looking underground again, except unlike in the past it's a kajillion times easier now AND everything gets gentrified in 2 tiktok weeks. but this is evolution. MUSIC EVOLUTION
the end honk shoo honk shoo (it's midnight)
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badinaction · 2 years ago
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7thqstreet · 7 days ago
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"Honey get the camera, we caught Willie Trout!"
I first started watching Nightmare Ned probably... November of last year?? I first found it thanks to a video essay that was randomly recommended to me on Youtube. I remember seeing Ned in the thumbnail and being INSTANTLY INTRIGUED by his character design, which led me to click on the video.
It was a review on the video game, with the person discussing the Trans implications of the game and Ned's character as a whole. I was (of course) instantly hooked! The person went on to say that there was a show based on the video game and that all 12 episodes were easily accessible on Youtube. I didn't expect to get obsessed with it at first but. DEAR LORD I WAS WRONG. SO VERY WRONG.
I became overly hyperfixated within the first episode and it just continued to spiral from there. This show is TERRIBLY underrated and deserves SO much more love and absolutely did NOT deserve the brutal butchering it got from Disney and the public at the time.
With the show getting ripped immediately from all public broadcast after receiving negative reception from Disney fans for it's more "darker themes" and "mean spirited nature" to the point where it almost became lost media and was only saved thanks to old VHS recordings which. STILL BAFFLES ME TO THIS DAY THAT SOMETHING LIKE THAT EVEN HAPPENED LIKE??!! WHHAA??!!
(Here's some old doodles I did HEEHHEHE)
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The show is extremely unique, creative and incredibly hilarious. The backgrounds are GODLY STUNNING! I wanna eat them so bad! The music makes me crazy!! I really wish there was a way to access the soundtrack!! And the animation. Oh. The animation. Where do I EVEN BEGIN?! It's beautiful, fluid and OH SO EXPRESSIVE! I'VE NEVER SEEN A SHOW THIS EXPRESSIVE OR FLUID BEFORE IT DRIVES ME UP THE WALL!!!! INSANE!!!!!!
I love the voice work done by all the voice actors, you can tell they were giving it they're all and were clearly enjoying themselves. The character designs are PEAK! I'm very crazy over the art style, I'll never get over it! I LOVE IT!!!!
You can just tell so much love, passion and care was put into this show alongside the video game, which makes the lack of love and the fact that it was just forgotten even the more tragic.
I really really wanna see a revival for the show, though I highly doubt Disney would EVER wanna touch this property ever again after such a huge fiasco it caused back in the day.
And I do fear that if it were to come back it would be digitally animated with it standing NO CHANCE against traditional cel animation. Which would personally ruin my viewing on it since the animation (at least for me) played a HUGE PART on the show and my enjoyment for it so. Yeah. I'm content with what I have. Though I can still dream...
(Here's some more old doodles for ya)
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My favorite episodes have gotta be "Monster Ned", "My, How Have You've Grown", "Tooth Or Consequences" and "Girl Trouble" for SURE!
I had the phrase "Buster brown" , "Honey get the camera, we caught Willie Trout", "I gotta get out of here!" and "OHHH!! LINCOLN AY??" as my vocal stims for the longest time! I even had the entire living room scene from "My, How Have You've Grown" saved to my brain (and on my phone eheheh) I referenced it so much that it became an inside joke between me and my bestie! I'm so normal I promise you.
This obsession became all the more better once I got my bestie hooked onto it. She ended up loving it just as much as I did and we both became equally as crazy for it!! We even watched a full walk through of the video game after we sadly finished the show.
It was so much fun to see all the little changes in designs and color schemes of most of the minor characters and the inspirations behind all the episodes since each episode of the show was based on aspects and things that happened in the game.
I adore Ned Needlemeyer. Like. An extreme amount. He's my favorite character!!! His very presence on screen makes me jump and scream in the most joy!! He makes me smile ear to ear without fail every time!! He just makes me so unbelievably happy!! I'll never get over his character design IT'S MY MOST FAVORITE THING EVER!!! Not to mention how relatable and me coded he is MY GODDD. Like. The comparisons are insane I tell ya!
AAAAAAAAAAAAA I could just gush about this show for LITERAL HOURS BUT. I feel as if I went on long enough so I'll spare you the internal infodump. This time.
So in conclusion. I love Nightmare Ned and Ned Needlemeyer so very much! Both Ned and his show/game deserve all the love and appreciation in the world and if you have the time. You should definitely give it a watch!!!! All 12 episode on youtube so you got NO excuses!
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pinpindandysworld · 3 months ago
Story summary below:
Goob had always wondered what it’s like to be the big sibling like his sister Scraps, though the responsibilities of such role could unnerve even a pollyanna like him.
Toodles loved her makeshift family of Rodger as her dad and several other toons as her aunts and uncles, yet it still felt like someone’s missing from it all.
A bad day for both of them ended up bringing them together in an unexpected way.
What kind of shenanigans will the unlikely duo, as well as other toons, get into?
A series of interconnected one-shots depicting various bonds within the cast of Dandy’s World!
Dandy's World is my current fixation, and I wanted to write a fanfic for it.
Now, to those of you who know me, I'm well aware that I do NOT have a good track record when it comes to writing fanfics. My abandoned Bug Fables and Rain World fanfics can attest to that, and as such I can't promise that this story will be updated often (if at all) either.
As such, I'm going to try a new format of fanfic writing: Interconnected series of one shots!
Each chapter will have its own main plot that started and finished in the same chapter, with any other minor plotlines mentioned in it being foreshadowing for future chapters. This way, if the fanfic ever ends up getting abandoned, at the very least you all won't be left on any major cliffhangers, while minor ones can just be left open for interpretations in the worst case scenario.
I will TRY to get a chapter out every 2 weeks (if not more), but again, no promises considering my sporadic motivation. As well as the fact that I have college, music and digital arts to do as well.
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theangrycomet-art · 2 years ago
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Loontics Unleashed: Tunnel Vision
The latest band climbing up the charts in Acemtropolis, they are one of the first non-human bands to gain recognition (as well as notoriety) in recent years after winning a record label with Acme Records in 2068.
They're technically a rock band, though they tend to explore genres.
They are scheduled to preform at the 2774 Basherball Championship halftime show, despite the more recent threats sent to them.
Lore Below:
Don't mess with any of the band member's equipment ESPECIALLY their instruments. Jax get's particularly nasty when her guitar is touched.
Dakota Frog
performer name: Lily Pad
lead vocals/bass
Writes most of the songs with Jax
in charge of choreography
Descendant of Michigan J Frog
used to suffer from severe stage fright so she could only sing in front of one person at a time
luckily she's conquered this fear with Tunnel Vision
cool headed though she isn't above getting into mischief
Jesse Rabbit (Rodger/Jessica Rabbit descendant)
Performer name: Dust Bunny
Speaks several languages-> translates their songs
Drummer/ male vocals
Descendant of Rodger and Jessica Rabbit
clutsiest of the group, he does the least amount of stunts during their shows
smooth talker- he manages their contracts and ensures they get paid fairly
acts dumber than he is so people underestimate him
Marcy the Martian
Performer Name: Asteroid Bebe
Proper Title: Crown Princess Mihl’ah Tyr'ah,
Keyboardist/ rapper
sound engineer with Jax
Daughter of Empress Tyr'ahnee and Commander X2, cousins with Melvin
though polite and well-meaning, she is regularly impeded by her short temper (this has improved as she has found an outlet through thier music)
initially visited Earth as a culture study
she's perfectly content to chill on earth for the next century or two
tranlsate's their songs into Martian, giving them a LARGE fandom amongst the Martian Empire
Jacqueline “Jax” E Coyote
performer name: Sandy Lane
9 string guitar/ lead vocals
sound engineer with Marcy
Writes most of the songs with Dakota
See Link^^^
protective over her bandmates, she's usually the one to tell people off if they are crossing a line
Tech's sister
2769: Sour Candy (the love song/bittersweet album going over the highs and lows of a relationships)
Tug a War
Heart Murmurs
Eat it Too
Mind over Matter
(I love you, Lady!) Buh bye!
Ladies and Gents
Double Blind Date
My Demons are my Angels
rock cover of “Hello my Baby”
2770: Don’t worry, this is Just a Test (experimental album)
No Martian’s were Harmed in the Making of this Song
What is this thing?
Pliers and Wires (the diffusing bomb song)
Murphy’s Law (The Disaster Song)
Self Destruct Button
Never Have I Ever
Never again
Gravity (thou art a heartless bitch)
No Sounds in Space
2772: Open Season (the angry album) 
Count the Teeth
Leash Laws (This Bitch Bites)
Playboy Bunnies (Bad Hare Day)
Bring back the Noise (I hope you Croak)
Four Digits are All I Need (to Slap You)
Swallowing Honeybees
Pelt on the Wall
Feather Duster 
Dynamite in my Piano
2773: Insurance won’t Cover This (direct callout to how the comet situation was addressed)
What’s up, Doc?
Second Skin
You wanna put what in my what?
Arm Cast
Scalpel to the Forehead
Surgery won’t fix This
The Bone Doctor
Empty Vase
Blow my Chest Clean Off
Hospital Fees
2774: Highlighter Pack (dedicated to the Loonatics)
Start your Engines 
Let’s Jet
On my Radar 
Eye of the Storm
TNT’s the New Ibuprofen 
Dodging Bullets, Throwing Stones
Lab Safety
Highlighter Pack
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omegaremix · 4 months ago
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The Great Cassette Purge.
Cassettes are the life of me. I have hundreds of them. I’ve bought them, recorded off the radio with them, made mixes and traded them with friends and people overseas. I’ve experimented with them and fixed them when they jammed, creased, or snapped themselves. They’ve been with me on bus trips to rival schools, on many a ride to Brooklyn and Staten Island, on ferries to Mashantucket and Atlantic City casinos, and as far up as Rochester for a music festival. They been with me through the golden-age of hip-hop, Top 40 stations, nine years of independent radio, and the reason why seasons came to play with personal mixtapes of mine. They are literal time machines. They’ve made me and Ω+.
The arrival of my 30GB iPod Classic and digital music forced my Walkmans to shamefully retire. The tapes have sat on shelves until I have time to digitize them. I’ve seen the format go on life support and now they’re making a comeback, even if only hanging by their own film (sorry). Some artists, especially punks, beatmakers, and d.i.y. artists still sell them. There’s even Cassette Store Day, and Long Island has their own online dealer in Tapehead City located in Long Beach. Cassettes are dead. Long live cassettes.
One summer day in the early Oughts, My insurance agent inherited two boxes of cassettes from a friend of his. He had no use for them, and neither did my agent. He didn’t want to throw them away, so he gave them to his best customer: my dad. Dad thought he was over-paying for his car insurance. At least he got a little something back for it. I come home and he tells me that there’s a surprise waiting for me. Hey, faithful Ω+ readers, wanna’ roll the dice on what that surprise was? C’mon…take a wild guess.
More good news came a few months later when my bro- gave me another surprise: more cassettes. Another boxes’ worth. He found them in the backseat of a car at a friend’s junkyard…which…didn’t sound right? I’ve essentially doubled my cassette library for free in nine months than I did buying them in twelve years. Way better than the trash heaps of big band records, medieval revival, and polka records dad used to bring home. Twice he did that to me. Twice! Of the nearly 175 cassettes I received, about half of them were library gold.
For doing absolutely nothing except coming home that day, I managed to get six R.E.M. albums and four Kate Bush tapes without even asking. Don’t tell Henry Rollins or Killing Joke’s Jaz Coleman about the U2 albums I got, too. And let’s hear it for three Smiths albums, once upon a time before Morrissey became the racist shit-gibbon he’s been for years.
Maintaining that Eighties quotient is essential with industrialists everywhere. Thank the Lord for Depeche Mode’s Black Celebration and Violator. Three from Adam Ant. Two from The Cars? Childhood justified, and Ric Ocasek produced gems with Alan Vega and Suicide. I even got a few midnight treats as well. The Cure, Siouxsie Sioux & The Banshees, and a Bauhaus double feature? I’m sadder as I ever been.
Alternative has always been synonymous with cassettes; plasticky and shelved nice and neat on display in your bedroom like the CDs you purchased from the mall. Those are authentic Nineties flashbacks. Gin Blossoms have been remembered as one of the more modest and respectable groups in the game. A free space for Jane’s Addiction’s Nothing’s Shocking which I unknowingly purchased again on disc later on. Mother’s Milk from the Red Hot Chili Peppers made One Hot Minute the only other album of theirs I need that matters to me.
More classics with two David Bowie titles and The Velvet Underground featuring Lou Reed. Sadly, the Bowie and Reed tapes didn’t make out with each other after the show. Add two from The Doors as well, because having too much Jim Morrison is never a bad thing. And finally, a good windfall doesn’t come without punk. A Fall release that wasn’t I Am Kurious Oranj which is the equivalent of owning Miles Davis’ Kind Of Blue. Iggy Pop, Husker Du, and The Stranglers also arrived. I can also tell you that since then, Public Image Ltd.’s 9 was one of the better free gifts I ever listened to and what made me a die-hard fan.
That’s the good.
The bad? It’s enough for you to question why I’d be doing Ω+. The law of averages dictate that amongst the larger number of cassettes you get, you’re bound to have a few eye-rolls and head-shakers. I ask myself what am I going to do with six Elvis and Judas Priest tapes? Nothing. The New Monkees without David Jones, Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith, or Peter Tork? Might as well give me Fakewood Mac, too. It only gets worse from here. Liberace, Thompson Twins, Simply Red: these are legitimate hits to someone’s reputation. Wang Chung? Corey Hart? Rick Fucking Astley? They lead someone to the firing line with no conscience rounds and no common courtesy to be offered a cigarette.
That’s more than enough of the bad.
Ric Ocasek, producer and lead singer of The Cars, passed away just recently. Maximillian and I were cock-fighting over our record collections and made me realize I had some catching up to do. Count on friends to make you feel inferior and incomplete. Every year I do music library audits and even I surprise myself when I re-discover things I thought I never had. Not too long ago, I pulled out doubles I had of vinyl records I purchased before. I’ve been meaning to comb through my cassette library and rid myself of titles I had no interest in keeping or hearing. Now that’s done, I’m deciding on what to do next. I announced to the world of the Great Cassette Purge of 2019 and—
“OMG where did they go ive been meaninn to expand my cassette collection”, chimed in our former program-director Layne like a random gossip queen. M-Ro, another close friend of the station, got a little bit more sly and posted himself without referencing me. “Attention everyone. if you ever run into the problem of not knowing what to do with your unwanted records, tapes, cds, dvds, etc. I will 100% take them off your hands, just putting it out there.” Yeah, how cute of you.
I haven’t decided to what to do with them just yet. Selling them for money to a record-store on on Discogs is not an option. A ton of these things have been made and are not rare. It sounds like I may have takers, but they haven’t asked me directly like gibbering-wreck wallflowers who piss themselves in front of the girl they want to take to the prom. Only time will tell who ends up getting cursed with the fucking Astley and Wang Chung tapes.
Now, the survivors of The Great Cassette Purge:
Adam & The Ants Kings Of The Wild Frontier
Adam & The Ants Prince Charming
Adam Ant Vive Le Rock
Aerosmith Big Ones
Bauhaus The  Sky’s Gone Out / Press The Eject And Give Me The Tape
Cars, The s/t
Cars, The Shake It Up
Charlatans UK, The Some Friendly
Cocteau Twins Blue Bell Knoll
Cure, The Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me
Cure, The Standing On A Beach
David Bowie Fame And Fashion
David Bowie Let’s Dance
Deee-Lite World Clique
Depeche Mode Black Celebration
Depeche Mode Violator
Dire Straits Alchemy (live)
Divinyls s/t
Doors, The Strange Days
Doors, The Waiting For The Sun
Duran Duran Arena
Duran Duran s/t
Duran Duran Seven And The Caged Tiger
Echo & The Bunnymen Reverberation
Echo & The Bunnymen s/t
Echo & The Bunnymen Songs To Learn & Sing
Elvis Costello & The  Attractions, The Best Of…
Elvis Costello Spike
Erasure The Innocents
Fall, The Seminal Live (???)
Gin Blossoms Up And Crumbling
Happy Mondays Pills N’ Thrills And Bellyaches
Human League, The Hysteria
Husker Du Warehouse: Songs And Stories
Iggy Pop Brick By Brick
Indigo Girls Rites Of Passage
Jane’s Addiction Nothing’s Shocking
Kate Bush Hounds Of Love
Kate Bush Lionheart
Kate Bush The Kick Inside
Kate Bush The Sensual World
Kinks, The Think Visual
Kraftwerk The Mix
Ministry In Case You Didn’t Feel Like Showing Up (live)
New Order Substance
New Order Technique
Peter Gabriel So
Pop Will Eat Itself Cure For Sanity
Pretenders, The s/t
Pretenders, The The Singles
Public Image Ltd. 9
Queen s/t
R.E.M. Document
R.E.M. Eponymous
R.E.M. Fables Of The Reconstruction
R.E.M. Green
R.E.M. Monster
R.E.M. Murmur
Red Hot Chili Peppers Mother’s Milk
Redd Kross Third Eye
Replacements, The Don’t Tell A Soul
Replacements, The Pleased To Meet Me
Sinead O’Connor I Do Not Want What I Haven’t Got
Siouxsie & The Banshees Peepshow
Smiths, The Louder Than Bombs
Smiths, The Rank
Smiths, The s/t
Steely Dan Greatest Hits
Stranglers, The Aural Sculpture
Talking Heads Speaking In Tongues
They Might Be Giants Lincoln
U2 Achtung Baby
U2 October
U2 Under A Blood Red Sky (live)
Velvet Underground, The Words And Music Of Lou Reed
XTC Oranges & Lemons
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bubster3020 · 5 months ago
ALBUM REVIEW #2 - Frailty - Jane Remover
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This album was really cool, and I'm really happy I got to listen to it the way it was intended. I went into this album completely blind, not even knowing what genre it would be. While hyperpop was the last thing on my list of expectations, the record did not disappoint. It boasts awesomely creative instrumentals, quality vocals, and some really neat writing that at some points hit closer to home than I ever anticipated. The project dives into themes of being lost in the world, particularly after graduating high school, unsure about your life's trajectory and your identity. All of this culminates into an album that feels like you're partaking in the most fun and inspired downward spiral you've even encountered.
The opening track, "Goldfish," is one of the record's most relaxed songs, which both prepares you for it's lyrical contents and lulls you into thinking the rest of the album will keep the same pace. This was consciously done by Jane to cause uncertainty on what the rest of the project would sound like. It perfectly puts you in the headspace the album was written with, that being one of confusion. To contrast this, "Your Clothes" explodes with energy right from the get go, which truly sets the tone, being fast, loud, and distorted. As much as I love the idea of the first song being a bait and switch for this one, it doesn't quite stick the landing. The energy is great, but there were some odd mixing and writing choices that made me question how I would feel about the rest of the songs. The opening's guitars were too drowned out and felt quiet in comparison to the rest of the sound. This was coupled with some lyrics that felt out of place like "you're picking your berries, revenge is so sweet," which feels strangely childish compared to the rest of the record. Luckily, its only a small blemish.
Frailty is one of the most creative and innovative albums I've heard in a long time. The risks it takes are things I wouldn't even dream of doing, owing to Jane Remover's resourcefulness as an artist. This is no better demonstrated by the fact that no matter how distorted, loud, and aggressive the guitars sound, its all acoustic. Just because she didn't own an electric guitar while recording the album, Jane comes up with some of the coolest guitar tones I've ever heard on this. Songs like "Pretender" sound exactly like a heavily pitched down telecaster, yet it's just a humble acoustic and a boatload of talent. Another strong musical aspect is its usage of digital sound effects and 16-bit chiptune. Computer bleep bloops are all over the record, which aside from blending really well with the hyperactive synths and drums, creates a sense of feeling like a kid again. It feels like you're being brought back to a simpler time that you never wanted to leave, which does wonders in communicating its themes of growing up and discovering oneself.
This album keeps its themes very tight, with a clear focus on discovering your own identity and how turbulent the last few years of school can be, especially during a pandemic. Feeling like you're developmentally stunted, especially compared to your peers is a common topic, and one I personally relate to. Songs like "Champ" explore how the chaos of growth can often lead to depression because of hard it is to cope with change. The second half of the record especially feels like Jane is spiraling out of control, letting herself rot in bed as a means to cling on to whatever childhood she has left before realizing that it's not healthy to be stuck in the past. Halfway through "Eyes Off The Wheel, I'm A Star," there's an epiphany that while change is inevitable, it's not something that is inherently bad and it only hurts worse if you deny it. The album is very well balanced between both overbearing and fun songs, with the lighter and cleaner songs such as "Kodak Moment" feeling like a beacon of hope in the ocean of sadness. Despite how hopeless this project may come off as, it's ultimately a work of euphoria.
On top of everything else, this album is very well sampled and inspired, its soundscape reminding me of some Beach House records and at times even UNDERTALE's soundtrack. Even though it wears a lot of its inspiration on its sleeve, literally sampling songs from Pokémon and 3DS menu screens, it transforms them in so many unconventional ways that I am consistently blown away. There were multiple moments where I would recognize a style of music or sample and just sit there stunned because of what was going on around it. While sampling is pretty common practice in the world of EDM and hyperpop, I think Frailty not only pushes its boundaries, but smashes right through them. This record has an overabundance of creative decisions with only the odd misstep when it comes to mixing, and I think the record will only grow on me as time goes on. It beautifully explores topics of how hard life can be on the cusp of adulthood and the struggle is only worsened by both other people and yourself. The album ends with the idea that despite everything going on around you, life will work out and it will get better. No matter what, at the end of the day you're still you, and you're still living.
Favourite song: Pretender
Least favourite: Your Clothes
Score: 8/10
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