#Avatar wow hcs
fun-k-board · 2 years
AVATAR : WAY OF WATER headcanons
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Spider has ptsd or some kind of fear of Neytiri after she threatened his life and regrets getting so attached to the Sully family. I have no doubt Kiri and Neytiri have a strained relationship now over how she treated Spider.
Spider is allowed in the Metkyina villages but rarely ever gets acknowledged and when it happens its about him being unwelcome
I don't think Neytiri hates all humans and is mainly wary of most of them, but hates Spider in particular because he is the son of the man who led the assault on her home and murdered her father plus a lot of her people.
Aonung still teases Lo'ak and Kiri but never takes it too far like he use to, same with Rotxo. They all hang out a lot along with Tsireya and some other Metkyina members their age.
Tsireya talks to her spirit sister over Lo'ak and her spirit sister laughs at her for falling in love with such a dumbass, Payakan called Lo'ak an idiot for so long when he refused to outright confess, both tulkuns ended up gossiping in secret.
Tuk likes collecting seashells and building little homes for small creatures in the reef
Kiri lays face down in the sand a lot and it concerns everybody until she just looks up like 'hi :)'
Bob, Jake's Ikran, likes stealing the Sully's food when they aren't looking. When they got to the Metkyina's Jake told him to stop, unknown to them he still does it but only with Tuk because she gives it willingly most of the time.
The Sully family speak in English when they don't want anyone in the Metkyina clan to know their business, Lo'ak started teaching Tsireya english so they had an excuse to spend extra time together.
Tuk can understand English but speaks really hesitantly, overthinks the words and takes really long forming words. After Neteyam died she starts begging her family to teach her because Neteyam offered to once and she turned it down.
Neytiri struggles in English but understands it perfectly, she prefers Na'vi and only uses it when speaking to RDA members or Jake. She uses few English words due to Grace's school shutting down, and she doesn't believe RDA members deserve the effort. Sounds very formal when she does try.
Jake taught the kids English and sometimes catches himself talking to non English speaking Na'vi like they can understand him, gets embrassed right away. Sometimes he forgets Na'vi for a moment before remembering a second after. Not long enough to cause the other party to be confused, just long enough to be awkward. Tends to speak formal one second then the next like a drunken teenage boy.
Lo'ak speaks broken English because the only times he speaks it is with Jake, Kiri and use to speak it with Neteyam. He can understand it perfectly well but just can't find the proper words to express emotions and actions. Speaks informally if the constant use of 'bro' is anything to go by.
Kiri is fully fluent in English, it started from watching Grace's videos and having Jake help her translate it to English and Na'vi, then she started speaking to Jake and Lo'ak in English, and soon Spider, Norm, etc, etc. She speaks informally.
Neteyam could understand both English and Na'vi perfectly, however he could only speak a bit of English while he was perfectly fluent in Na'vi. Sounded formal in English unless he was speaking to Lo'ak.
Uhh this is like 90% language hcs lmfao lemme know if you want more ig
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
Omg yay! So this is for Korra x reader could you pls do like a hc or mini imagine of how a enemies to lovers relationship would flow with Korra??
Yesssss this is my very first time doing this so I hope it’ll be okay
Enemies to lovers | Korra
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You = white text
Korra = blue text
The hate you feel towards Korra is mutual
You can’t stand each other
She’s so cocky and irresponsible as she always acts before she thinks
“Only ‘cause you’re the avatar doesn’t give you the right not to be so irresponsible!”
“Only ‘cause you’re in the team doesn’t give you the right to be so bossy, Y/L/N!”
She hated the fact that you kept bossying her around
You won’t leave each other alone
Always competing with each other which sometimes results with you two screwing up the mission
And blaming each other for it of course
Whenever there’s new threat you two will argue non-stop about your plans
And the fact that you’re both so headstrong doesn’t help at all
Both of you try to prove each other that they’re wrong no matter when and where
Whenever you were wrong Korra teases you about it for days
Yet whenever she’s wrong you won’t let her forget about for weeks and will sometimes bring it up out of blue
You’re really sick of her
Luckily there was no physical fight
Honestly the team is sick of it and most of the time Asami or Mako have to break the fights between you two
Yet after time you started to worry about her when she was kidnapped by the Red Lotus
You hated the fact that you worry about her but you couldn’t change that
You disliked her, but it’s not like you wanted her to die
When she was rescued most of the time you were the one taking care of her
She didn’t like the fact that you are the one to help her but there’s nothing she can do about it
Korra shuts everyone including you out when her episode hits
Despite the fact that she wanted to have time for herself you went to visit her at her home to check up on her
As despite the fact that you disliked her she was still part of the team
She thought that you’re there to annoy her or tease her about the fact that she can’t walk or bend properly
Which is where the fight began
A lot of shit went down
Which lead you to finally ask the question
“Why do you hate me so much? What did I do to you?!”
That’s where the silent hits the spot
You both think back to whenever the other one was in serious danger
Turns out that you actually care about each other
It takes a moment for both of you to process this
It’s kidna scary for both of you
Mainly ‘cause when you wanted to pick on each other you looked up everything about each other
You knew even personal things about Korra and so did she
It was really scary and kidna shocking
None of you really wants to admit the fact that you don’t hate one another so you both mask your feelings pretending that you do hate each other
Yet overtime some romantic and prehaps sexual tension grew while you were both pretending
The team secretly started betting with each other if you’re gonna end up together or not
For the past next days the romantic tension grows along with the hate act
One day you started arguing as you picked on Korra for not being able to metal bend quickly
“Wow the avatar isn’t as amazing as they say, is she?”
“Could you just shut up? I’m trying to concentrate!”
With a chuckle you just responded with an answer that pretty much changed everything
“Make me”
The next thing you know is you being in a kiss with the avatar
It was a big shock for both of you, but Korra quickly masked her feelings
“Done, now keep your mouth shut”
This took a very quick turn of events
You pretty much stopped pretending that you hated her and so did she
You both brushed it off that it was just a stupid mistake
Yet you both started to warm up to each other
You started talking it realized it wasn’t that bad
One night Korra came to your room wanting to apologize for the kiss
(That was like months ago, but who cares)
She couldn’t forget it and neither could you
“Look Y/N, I just wanted to say I’m sorry about the kis-“
Yet you were quick to interrupt her and tease her slightly as this was the first time she didn’t use your last name
“Did you just use my first name? Going soft on me Korra?”
This slightly irritated her as she was trying to keep her cool
“Stop talking please, I’m trying apologize”
“Make me”
You both remember the events from the last few months and this was your reply before she kissed you
Yet this time you didn’t say it with any disgust nor hatered
But with playfulness and slight teasing
Before you know it you’re in the kiss again
You both started to become very close
Actually to the point where you started dating
(Sorry Asami)
You know when I told you that the team started betting if you’d get together?
Well Asami won
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justcallmecj · 2 months
Pact Mark Location Headcanon: Beelzebub
Wow it's been a bit since I made one of these but I felt like it so here you guys go! Now, Beel was a bit of a struggle for me, however, I did manage to come up with some ideas.
Again, under the pretext that you are together, either all the brothers or just you two, you pick!
Alright, you just need to hear me out on this one.
Beel, as the Avatar of Gluttony, he eats a lot. In canon especially, even going as far as to eat questionable things.
So imagine Beel's reaction every time you're eating near him, and he gets to see the mark of Gluttony when you open your mouth and indulge in his sin.
I also have a headcanon that Beel sometimes just sticks out his tongue. He just randomly bleps bc he can.
And if this is a habit he happily allows to happen in front of you, and you give into the natural human instinct of 'monkey see, monkey do', you do it to.
And it's another chance for him to see your pact mark and it just makes him happy in a way he's not used to.
C'mon, you had to see this one coming!
Why would it not be on your stomach? The place most associated with hunger and gluttony?
And if we play with the idea that they can feel when the mark is touched, we get some sweet scenarios.
He can always tell when you're hungry because you rub at your stomach, and therefore the pact mark, when your stomach rumbles.
If you have a stomach ache, he also knows for the same reason.
And if you're anything like me, sometimes just rubbing your skin feels comforting, and a good outlet for that is the stomach.
It brings a warm and loving feeling to Beel's chest. Makes him feel close to you and brings a depth of understanding.
Also, in Beel's sprites, he is often seen with his hand on his stomach so there is also the copycat trope I love in a couple/duo.
Side tangent idea:
I headcanon so hard that Beel and Belphie's pact marks are somehow connected to each other.
No matter where the marks manifest on your skin, they have some form of visual attachment to each other.
A string of sorts that is half and half the others color that fade into the others along the line. Imagine like a String of Fate but for the sake of being twins.
For the stomach headcanon, it's literally just a string connected to wherever Belphie's mark is.
If it's the tongue one, than I think the mark just has a small purple tip or pointed part that leads to the end of your tongue that can, mentally, be connected to Belphie's.
I will say it again, feel free to comment some of your own location headcanons! If you want, I can write some scenarios of either your hc or these ones.
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Hi! its me again.do u write for the side characters too?if yes can u do a hc of how they would react if a really short MC can pick them up?if u don't write them can u do it for the bros btw can I be ✨anon?thx in advance!
YES! hiii ✨️ anon!
Obey me! x short! Reader
How do they react to short! MC picking them up?
Damn, you're hella strong.
[Part 1]
Part 2 (side characters)
Sorry in advance, some of the pictures idk who they came from.
Characters: obey me, brothers.
Bold is reader. (Reader is like dominant)
Warning; long, slight begging(light), good boy mentions, VERY VERY SLIGHT sussy, ¡!cringe!¡ (I need help with my life)
Note; the picture is an example/how they look like. You'll understand when you read one of them.
~Oldest to youngest~
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Twitter artist: kuso_gk666
Lucifer was in his office as usual, doing work. Although today would be his last day of his pride.
"Luci! You promised me you would sleep!"
"Ah, sorry dear. Just few more papers, I'll go to sleep."
You knew he wouldn't only do a few papers.
"Luci, you don't want me to do this."
"Pfft, what are you gonna do? Pick me up?"
As he said smirking, looking down to you. 'Your just too short' He thought.
He flinched when he didn't feel his feet on the ground. He looked at you baffled. His face was red as his eyes. He didn't expect that!
"P– put me down now!"
"Awww, did someone's pride been broken into pieces by short little me~?"
You gave him a smirk, snarking at him. His face was so easy to read. He really thought you could do nothing because of your height? Oh he was so wrong. You went on the bed but did not let go.
"[Name], were already on the bed. Put me down already!"
You wouldn't let go that easily now would you?
"Say the special word then."
He was confused. 'What special word?' He thought.
"Hah...I guess I just have to tell you. Beg."
He was bewildered by your response. He tried covering his face but you grap his wrists so he couldn't cover his face.
"I guess I'm not letting you go now."
He doesn't want you to let go He looked away, hesitantly....
Augh- that hit you right in the heart. You let go of him, slowly putting him on the bed. Putting the blankets over him.
"Good boy. Now that wasn't so hard is it?—"
He felt the smirk on his hand that was covering your mouth.
"Sh- shut. Let's just go to sleep."
Now you do it every time he does this. He always expects this. His face shows annoyance but you knew...He loves it
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Twitter artist: kurekachan
Note; well I didn't originally found this on Twitter, I was on Reddit and I saw the art and in the comments, the person who posted it linked the artist and told me it was in Twitter and the account. I didn't press the link so if I was wrong I am so sorry
"Pfft, wow. Never thought I would see the great Mammon get tied hanging upside-down."
"H– hey!.....augh, lets not talk about this, let me down!"
You didn't budge and just looked straight in the eyes. He knew what you wanted, you wanted him to beg for it.
".....please, pretty please [name]!"
You quickly untied him but he still didn't feel his feet touch the ground. You were carrying him! Just how??? You were so short!
"Let's go shopping, yeah?"
His eyes brighten up, although the tip of his ears is still bright red.
"Are you gonna let me down now?"
You didn't awnser and just ran out of the door.
Rumor was that there was a speedy midget carrying someone to the mall with the avatar of greed
He wonders why you bought some bunny ears.
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Twitter artist obm_kuki
You guys wanted to go home, play some video games and watch anime. But Levi got a twisted ankle from running too fast and tripping, and this is how you got here.
"I can still walk!"
"With what workable leg."
"My right one!"
"...you damn know that you cannot walk unless you drag yourself right?"
"Hahh....I guess I gotta—"
You made a mental reminder to buy some earplugs. Damn you almost needed a docter-
"P- put me down!"
"No. You have a twisted ankle AND no one is literally Here beside us so no one is gonna see us. Jeez."
"PFFT AHAHAHAHAHAHA, I CANT— BREA- BREATHE!" Asmodeus was laying down, gasping for air. While the other brothers were trying to not laugh. Attempt failed Apparently, your other friend (me 🤭) posted you two on media, and Asmodeus saw it.
Now Levi is in his room, not even budging when hearing a conversation about ruri - Chan or his beloved video games. Although he did want to just bust down the door when he heard you talking about a new game. He is the one who is supposed to do that with you! My, my! So jealous
Perhaps he would come outside if you come in his room and convince him?
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Damn....Satan may have mistaken your alcohol as water.
Welp! It's your responsibility, not mine! Cya—
"Hgnh....[name] don't go!~"
Great. He can't correctly walk anymore, and if I leave him alone he'll destroy everything if something goes wrong! What did you do shortie? You picked him up.
"Ah— oh! Pfft, why are you picking me up? What? Am I a cat or something? Haha!"
You can smell the awful smell of alcohol from him.
*later that day*
"Why is Satan screaming and running around? And why is he red?" Beel asked, concerned also because he could destroy everything. And the kitchen!
"Well apparently [name] picked him up but he kept bothering them. So [name] decided to prank them when he gets sober up. [Name] put him in a maid dress with cat ears and tail, then they made a video. And Satan remembers when [name] picked him up." Lucifer told beel, as he glared at the laughing Asmodeus.
Yeah, Asmodeus didn't go unharmed well he did since he can't get his precious skin get damaged! but the area around him didn't.
"You like the outfit hm?"
Yeah! I- its like a cat!"
His word slurred but you still understood.
"Can you say that you won't ever drink anything that's mine without permission?"
"AhEm, I won't ever drink anything that's yours without permission!"
"Good boy—"
Satan turned it off quickly. Embarrassed, he still remembers so vividly of the warmth of your hand on his face. How he felt when you said 'good boy.'
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Obey me
It's his birthday! You wanted to take a picture of him. After you took the picture you noticed he didn't move.
"Hey, let's go. We don't wanna miss your party now do we?"
"Of course darling! It's just....I think my leg gave out on me—
oh– oh my!"
"This fits you as a pReTtY LiTtLe PriNcEsS."
"H- hey!...well that was pretty funny"
You smirked at his confession. You could never get tired of his beautiful smile.
"But I didn't expect you were so strong but yet so short!"
'Damn....he was right though' you thought.
You both went in the party, it was truly a good day. Soon to be a good night. He surely would have a beautiful lustful smile.
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Twitter artist: SnailTato
You saw him in strength many times. Now you wonder how strong you were! And thats how you and Beel got here.
"[Name], I don't think this is a good idea though. Are you sure?"
"Yup! I am NOT gonna go back to my words. Heh."
You had to do some convincing that you wouldn't be squished by him. He shut his eyes then he jumped, he felt arms carrying him. He opened his eyes and saw you....how??? You were so short though! And He was huge!
"See! I'm strong enough!"
Beel was piggy-back riding on you, Diavolo was impressed by your strength! Luci was very, very concerned. He was ready to put a safety magic spell just for in case. You also gifted Beel pocky sticks. But he was still hungry, for your warmth. Maybe you could hold his hands/body in a different way hm?
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Deviantart artist: il-lumee
You were so tired of waking up and seeing belphie sleeping on the floor beside you with a pillow and a blanket. Like seriously! If you wanted to sleep near our wonderful, darling [name] then just sleep on the bed not the floor and if there's no space just wake them up.
As much it was rather cute, but still no.
The next day, you stayed awake but pretended to sleep. You heard the door creaking and a loud
He fell didn't he....you stood up and walked to him. He woke up but still half asleep. Until he saw your face and didn't feel the ground.
He jolted
"Stop moving around, where did this sudden burst of energy from the avatar of sloth, you sleepy head."
Well how do you feel when you see a shortie picking you up!
You set him on the bed, you spoon him.
(He probably likes being the big and small spoon)
He sighs. Well, at least he doesn't have to sleep on the hard floor just to be next to you. He falls asleep as he snuggles closer to you.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
When Water Tribe companions meet (aka: so I have another hc)
Korra: Wow! Look at all the Water Tribe benders! :D Master Katara! Katara: Wow you must be the Avatar after Aang, am I your sifu too? Korra: Yup! Sokka: Heh, wow then Katara must be ancient. ¬‿¬ Katara: Oh shut it Sokka! Kuruk: Ah! Youth! So carefree! Amak, 30s, Kuruk's era ver: You're always carefree Kuruk. >_> Taqukaq: Yeah Avatar Kuruk. Maybe if you weren't so carefree, then Avatar Kyoshi wouldn't have had to do so much in her lifetime! Kirima: Oh shut it, like you know anything! Kuruk: *sweating* Tayagum: And you know something? Kirima: Uhhhhh Kyoshi doesn't want me talking about it sooooo uhhhh..... Akuudan: Well if your Avatar isn't butt hurt about it, then I guess it's fine. Atuat, 40s, Kyoshi era ver: *staring at Amak, bug eyed* Brother! Amak: ????? Atuat? Is....is that you? Atuat, slapping her brother on the back, cheerfully: Look at you alive! Amak: ???! I'm dead? Atuat: Don't worry about it! Hey is this all of us? Tayagum: No, there's one more. Atuat: We'll they better get here soon! I want this Water Tribe Party to get started! >:) Kirima: Hell yeah! Kavik, walking in: S-sorry I'm late! Yangchen needed somethin-uh, why are they staring at me like that? Atuat and Amak: *mouths on the floor* Kirima: No idea, hey you ok in there? Amak: G-g-g-g-g-gra-gra Atuat: GRANDFATHER KAVIK?! Kavik: .........*falling backward from shock* WHAT?! Yangchen, ripping the door off it's hinges and coming in: WHAT?! Kavik: Ah! What are you doing here?! Water Tribe only! Yangchen, lying: I forgot to give you something! Kavik: Well what is it?! Yangchen: It's not important, right now! Kavik: Well if it's not important then-ah! Amak, grabbing Kavik by the chin: It's the same bone structure.... Atuat: Same shifty eyes... Kavik: My eyes are not shifty! Atuat, hugs Kavik: Oh grandfather! We've missed you so much! Kavik: C-can someone please explain! I'm so confused! ;w; Yangchen, cooly: Yes please, We're all dying to know. Atuat, unperturbed: Grandfather! You have to tell us, who is our grandmother! Kavik: HuH?! W-what do you- Amak: You never told anyone. You were away for 9 months, then came back and said "I knocked up a girl in the Earth Kingdom, she died in childbirth. Here mother, father, help me raise this kid." Atuat: And then you had our greatgrans raise our mother more than you did! Everyone: *judging Kavik* Kavik: I-I don't know about any of this! Really! I don't know any women! Atuat: But what's odd, is that mother mentioned you slipping up one time! You said she was a "Southern Water Tribe" Woman once! But then quickly changed it back to Earth Kingdom. Hmmm, so which is it? Korra: I can't believe you basically abandoned you're kid with your parents. What's the matter with you?! Tayagum: And here we thought you couldn't stoop any lower..... Yangchen: I can't believe I ever called you a companion..... Atuat: Huh? Oh! No no, he didn't abandon our mother willy nilly. He was just so busy with helping you Avatar Yangchen! :) He did his best to stay present, don't worry! It helped that you visited a lot too, apparently! Yangchen, blanching: ....... Kavik, looking everywhere but at Yangchen, red as hell: ....... Amak: Oh that reminds me, Avatar Yangchen be careful dealing with spirits. They say you were overcome by a sickness that lasted nearly a year because of a fight with one! Yangchen, face going blank: ....s....spirits.....right.... Everyone: *silence* Yangchen: I'm going to return to the Air Nomad meet up....if you don't mind. *sprints away* Sokka: Huh, she looked spooked. Kuruk, snickering: Mu....must've....snnkrk....must've seen a spirit!
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Call of duty peeps but in the magnus archives universe 🤤🤤 the brainworms (heh. Worms.) Are getting to me help
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👑 König avatar of the slaughter or hunt, fear of the buried the lonely
🐯 Horangi avatar of the hunt or the end, fear of the spiral the desolation
⚠️ Acid avatar of the flesh, fear of the extinction/corruption the web
Kocidrangi in the fearpocalypse being a deathy trio, wow poor domain victims in the range of this polyamorous relationship
👑🗡 🐯🏹 ⚠️🫀
Lets do the other CoD peeps why not. Technically they all can be avatars of the hunt since. Military. But whatever. Thats not Fun
Ghost fear of the buried (he isnt an avatar sorry)
Soap avatar of the desolation 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 but i dont think hed be a lightless flame mf
Gaz fear of the vast, the corruption (personal HC he doesnt like the unpredictability of nature)
Price fear of the lonely, the stranger
Laswell avatar of the web and her wife avatar of the dark awww they compliment each other 🩷🩷🩷 #couplegoals
Rudy avatar of the eye (listen i dont know where this comes from but i feel it in my soul), fear of the web
Alejandro fear of no bitches 🙏💅 hes just that slay
Valeria avatar of the web
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ryuichirou · 2 years
some nsfw lilidia headcanons? 🫣
Anonymous asked:
Anyways we know the drill.
Lilidia head canons food please 😌🤲
Yesss finally, people are asking for Lilidia headcanons! FINALLY… I’ve been training my whole life for this.
Once again, I am very happy you guys are enjoying Lilia/Idia, this is so special and so fun.
A quick note before we start: we’re obviously posting this way before Crimson Muscle and Gloomy Samurai meet irl, if you know what I mean, so these headcanons are more speculative than usual. I’ll just cross my fingers and wish that every single thing I’m about to describe becomes canon lol
With that out of the way, the headcanons:
When Idia first realised that his gaming buddy he’d been crushing on is actually Lilia, he got a little bit concerned, because Lilia is quite different from the image of an experienced and mature dominant older man he had in his head. With the way Lilia looks and acts, he is definitely not Idia’s type, or at least he thought he wasn’t until they got into bed and Lilia unleashed his dominant older man power on poor Idia. After that, the realisation hit Idia again: wow, it really is Crimson Muscle-shi, huh.
Lilia is quite amused by Idia. Firstly, the whole situation about him being Gloomy Samurai is still funny to Lilia, not to mention that it was painfully obvious that his gaming buddy had a crush on him. And it’s one thing to see it in how awkward he gets in the chat sometimes, but seeing him all flustered and nervous and panicking because he’s just a socially inept virgin who doesn’t know what to do with his crush? Lilia’s always had a soft spot for introverts. But what Lilia never expected is that he would get to have sex with a Shroud. Pink hair yaaay~
Before the realisation that Crimson Muscle is Lilia, Idia had sex dreams about him, even though the image of the man was very vague and kind of like a combination of certain traits Idia would find attractive, or just his avatar character. Although what Idia does remember very well every morning is the way the man groped and fucked him in his dreams. It goes without saying, but these dreams always leave Idia very horny and frustrated. Idia finds this whole thing extremely cringy and embarrassing, but at the same time he can’t really help it. When he first saw Lilia himself in his dream, it became even more embarrassing. And even more arousing for some reason.
Sometimes the way Crimson Muscle replies to him in chat leaves Idia kind of horny. This mysterious man just has this weird ability to transform Idia from smug and confident into shy and trembling inside in one sentence. And when Lilia gets intentionally flirty, Idia is completely at his mercy. Lilia has tons of fun with how obvious Idia’s reactions are even through the monitor: he had sensed that Gloomy Samurai is quite submissive way before he found out that he is Idia.
And Lilia himself is, once again, very dominant. He is definitely going to act cutely at first, just to flirt and playfully mess with Idia, but when he sees that the cute part doesn’t really do anything but make him uncomfortable (which is also fun for Lilia, to be fair), he’ll start treating him the way he’s always treated the boys he’s slept with: with teasing, but demanding tone, experienced yet very selfish and greedy touch, and actions that would be too much for a regular pillow-princess type of a virgin, but perfect for Idia.
Lilia is very talkative. Sometimes he is playful and even mocking: he’s asking Idia embarrassing questions about how he feels and comments on how tight and tense he is. But it’s not like he’s all fluffy, sometimes his comments get quite harsh and degrading, especially since he sees that Idia enjoys it when he’s being mean to him. It’s not unnatural for general Vanrouge to talk to his lover this way though, he’s done much, much worse.
It’s also not unusual for Idia to mention some bizarre sex thing he’s seen in some hentai as a joke, and Lilia’s reaction is almost always “yeah, I’ve done it”. This scares Idia, but at the same time kind of intrigues him. Although he’s always afraid that Lilia is just trolling him (he isn’t). Or even worse: if Idia expresses that he doesn’t believe Lilia, he’s just going to do that thing with him to prove a point (he really is going to).
Lilia is definitely taking advantage of the fact that he can float, both with regular sex and oral. Idia is very tall, but it’s never an issue for Lilia: he can reach his butt literally whenever he wants. Sometimes as a surprise, just because he enjoys the way Idia flinches and jumps when spooked.
Lilia bites. He’s not as horrible as the tweels, but he does like to leave a bite mark or two on Idia’s neck, when he gets especially aroused during sex. It’s like Idia is dating a vampire or something…
I feel like I owe this one to people: Lilia is bigger than he is supposed to be logically and anatomically. He’s not as monstrously big as I (half-jokingly) draw him, but still big enough to make Idia feel him surprisingly deep and choke on him. To Idia, it really does feel like he is inside some hentai doujin sometimes. Especially when Lilia fills Idia, and Idia feels like he’s about to pass out, because this isn’t even a cream pie anymore, this is something indescribable.
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cult-of-the-eye · 9 months
she sounds kinda hot ngl
heehee they're both pricks
he thinks its cause of the cold lol adding to my folder of evidence for autistic jon hc
love how he says i'm not stupid while meeting up with someone who has literally killed someone
oh god i remember the abbattoir statement...that made me queasy
i don't get what he's trying to do here? like get more info? why is he trying to corroborate the statement? to check if it was real? surely he would know that? i guess that's what its trying to highlight, the fact that jon has no idea what he's doing
ooh jonny boy's trying to stand up for himself
i wonder who would win in a fight, jude perry or michael the distortion
ooh shit she's intense
i love how he's attempting to make jokes in the face of danger like ok then jon pop off i guess
ok so he's catching on to the whole system
that's interesting i wonder if she's met gertrude? i wonder what type of capital A Archivist she was...she was fighting against it her whole time so i guess she tried not to be a good one along with the whole the archives are a mess thing in s1
ooh the compelling
HIS WORDS OMG how interesting that its become his little ritual, something that he just created to try and help do his job has now become a metal link in his shackles
oh wow ok so she's saying give into the compulsion to get statements, feed yourself the knowledge and don't feel bad about it
pretty good advice for not literally burning out lol but probably not for jon
diversity win! the avatar for the literal destruction of the world is sapphic!!
oh wow girl was in love with Agnes jesus
i guess its that kind of cult leader charisma and the devotion of her followers that could be mistaken for love
oh wow this actually made me scared for a bit, for the other avatars it never seemed personal but this actually made me sad for the guy
wow i guess his powers are stronger than i thought, if he managed to compel another avatar
"she demonstrates how easy she is to mould" jesus christ
love how he gets defensive like i could be a good avatar for a fear god focused on beholding!! bro its not a compliment
what's her lot?? how are the entities divided??
man jonny its your fault for naming so many of your characters michael but at least we get bits of charades trying to guess which one it is
fairchilds oh my GOD the VAST
don't shake the fucking hand jesus christ he's gonna shake the hand of course he is
oh her soft like chuckle and her "i lied" oh my god
nice note to end it on, jon's screams of pain
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smollangrycat · 1 year
Master List: Avatar
(Avatar and Avatar: Way of Water)
Angst 🌩️
Fluff ❤️
Sad 🌧️
Family Feels ✨
Character Info ✏️
Alue’k Fics 🌼✨
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Alue’k Sully - Summary: My Avatar: WOW Oc, Her interest and overall personality. ✏️
Lost - Summary: When 9 year old Alue’k goes into the forest in hope of exploring for plant and animal but the secret trip sours quickly and a new friend is made along the way. 🌩️❤️✨
Family Bonds - Summary: Alue’k relationship with each member of her family. ❤️✨✏️
Ikran Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 - Summary: When 12 year old Alue’k is told by her parents that they don’t feel she’s ready for her Iknimaya she feels the need to prove them wrong … in a rather stupid way. 🌩️🌧️❤️✨
Drown Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6(I) Pt6(II) Pt7 Pt8(I) Pt8(II) Pt8(III) Pt9 Pt10 Pt11- Summary: 13 year old Alue’k is terrified of water, so what happened when some Metkayina boys think it would be funny to drag her into the sea and leave her.🌩️🌧️✨ ft. Eek
Eek Fics 🐋💙
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Eek - Summary: Introducing Eek, his interests and personality.✏️
Family - Summary: Eeks relationship with each member of his family.✏️❤️✨
OJ Fics 😊🌸
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Joe Branaski (OJ) Info - Some information on OJ - her personality and interests. ✏️
I wish I had Wings - Series M. List
Incorrect Quotes
Surprise Adoption
Thin Ice
Head Cannons
Mama bear Pt1 Pt2 - Alue’k Hc: Mamas girl Alue’k + some cute scenarios (Requested: yes)
Tonôwa and An’ri - There relationship with each other. (Requested: yes)
Tonôwa - His relationship with the Sullys. (Requested: yes)
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zukkacore · 1 year
what are you avatar ships? /gen
Answering this question first btw just bc the answer is easier.
Anyway wouldn’t it be funny if I zukkacore came out as a zukka hater. I’m not gonna self censor this time so this better not show up on the tag
Fav is zukka obviously. I also like Zukki quite a bit as a sucker for a good polycule. In terms of all canon relationships across the series yuekka is probably my favorite, but I do also like Sukka, they’re cute what can I say! I also like yueki (Yue/suki) quite a bit & Mailee.
This is also an embarrassing one but as a kid I liked tokka quite a bit and I still have a soft spot for nostalgia reasons but I do know why that one is like iffy, if it’s a comfort to anyone I would only really go for that one after a MAJOR timeskip (like at least a decade maybe more fjdkdkdk). As a kid I definitely related to toph’s crush on Sokka & as an adult now I tend to headcanon her as a dyke but also like to be fair I also think having a crush on Sokka does not exempt a person irl or in the fiction from being a lesbian (considering I did and I am a dyke as well) FNDNDN. If anything he is the gateway. I broadly prefer to interpret their relationship as more sibling aligned these days.
In lok I like korrasami, kyalin, and wuko. In the broader Atlaverse I also like rangshi.
There are quite a few relationships I can like enjoy given the right context or are kinda ambivalent about. Most of the canon relationships are like fine I guess (except mako.rra which blows. And I actually like Mako quite a bit I think ppl overdo the mako hate). Sometimes it’s not personal, i don’t think it’s awful I just don’t like the relationship that much bc it’s like. Oh I don’t headcanon the character as straight or whatever (I really liked ma¡ko as a kid for instance but like as an adult I’m like wow that’s the most beard4beard thing I’ve ever seen). I don’t even hate zvtara (sorry to be cringefail I decided to censor anything I felt kinda negative abt to be nice). It’s not awful like I get it and I do think it’s the by far the best derivative of the same cringe boring het enemies to lovers ship that gets popular every few years I just see them more as friends. They’re very much giving “we would make each other worse” and like. I love making each other worse but it’s not for me.
Also my self indulgent secret ship is that I think sokkla (sokka/Azula) would be cool bc they would be intellectually combative. Like they would make each other worse and I WOULD like to see it. I do generally hc Azula as a dyke tho, not that Sokka couldn’t also be…. Anyway.
This ended up being way more long winded than I intended. Ty for the question!
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fun-k-board · 2 years
- Spoilers ahead, trigger warning for death and a small suicide mention -
My Angst Avatar Way Of Water Headcanons
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I'm sad and you will deal with the consequences
Last time it was languages, now it's the aftermath of Neteyam's death
Neytiri hates humans, she wishes they never came to Pandora in the first place. It keeps her up at night and causes never ending stress, a flurry of 'what ifs' while Jake sleeps soundly next to her. Her father, sister, Tsu'tey, would be in her sleep, blaming her for allowing a demon into her family. Neytiri believes without humans, her friends and family would be breathing and her clan prosperous. She wouldn't have Neteyam lifeless below her.
Jake hates his humanity, he tries so desperately to understand and sympathise with his fellow man, but flashes of Neteyams eyes frantically searching for help before losing their life, his ears relaxing when before they were twitching erratically forces him to be harsh. He will give second chances, after that, anyone who refuses to help the Na'vi is dead to him.
Kiri has images of Grace dying as nightmares, the failed body transfer replaying in her head at heightened points of stress, it's why she relaxes with nature, it let's everything leave. Just Kiri and her two mothers. When Neteyam died, she felt him at the funeral become one with Eywa. She hears his shallow last breaths in her heartbeat, and wishes she could hear his one last time.
Lo'ak can't look at his mother without seeing Neteyam, he tries, he really does. But everything about her reminds him of a brother he feels responsible for letting die. In the water he sees his brother being enveloped into the ocean, forcing Lo'ak to break the surface and cry, screaming and begging for help to save him. Sometimes he tries to drown with Neteyam, to see him again and make for lost time. For those arguments that broke them apart the last few months of his living.
In the early staging of grieving Neteyam, the Sully family sleep in his bed and cry themselves to sleep, hugging each other and begging for a miracle from Eywa. And while Neytiri would never admit it out loud, she began to doubt Eywa in those first few months, she believed that her great mother despised her for the destruction surrounding her and her family. The metkayina clan feels great pain and loss in the stages of grief, hearing their cries at night.
Ao'nung feels guilt about not getting to know the Sully's more, he tries to befriend them now and while they're so welcoming, he feels like he doesn't deserve it for what he did. For all he knows, Lo'ak could've been killed because of him. Even without the what ifs, he notices Neytiri and Jake never look him in the eye, they don't forgive him for what could've happened. It keeps him from speaking to them for too long, because he was responsible for Lo'ak's safety, and he used that against him.
Quaritch begins to have an identity crisis over who he even is. All he knows that even if he isn't Spiders dad, he wants to be better and feels regret for not being there. Although, he's far too deep now. Miles hates him, for good reason, but it stings like a nagging bug biting into his flesh, poisonous thoughts stabbing into him like he was nothing. He knows it's deserved for what he remembers he done, but he isn't that man, and he wants to prove it. Doubts begin spiralling his mind and everybody notices, Neytiri's words of 'a son for a son' kept him sleepless and borderline insane. He could've lost spider that night, would life be better? Would it be worse? He'd never know, and that's the worst part.
Tuktirey sleeps with her parents ever since Neteyam died, never leaving her family's side and hating when they have to split up. She never spent enough time with him before he died, even if it was most of her time, it would never be enough. Tuk asks her mother for Neteyam's necklace, hugging it with her and Jake. After a few months in the family slept separately again, in solitary peace, but every once and a while she'll cry quietly and slip into her mother's arms.
Tsireya feels too guilty to continue a relationship with Lo'ak at first, she can't look at him without feeling like she could've helped in some way. She feels worthless and one day the dam breaks, both her and Lo'ak expressing their true feelings. They bonded over that day and became inseparable ever since, it made things better for most of the Sully family, to have the least willing to move on be helped in such a way that he would have a distraction.
Jake and Neytiri become overbearing and protective over their children, always knowing their location and rushing to find them if they've been gone for too long. It puts pressure on the kids and ends in fights that drift them apart. Of course they work through their issues eventually, but things like this are common when losing children and I don't doubt that the Sully's would have this happen after Neteyam.
Spider is semi accepted into the tribe, however, he wants to go back to the forest. He never outright speaks his thoughts, but everybody can tell, he can't keep up with swimming or holding breath, he's smaller and weaker than Na'vi of his age and is almost useless to their way of life. He wants to go back to the way things were, before humans came back.
Spider regrets saving his dad, he wouldn't tell anybody, ever, and would try hiding all evidence or possibility of them finding out, he doesn't want to lose what he feels is his family. His dad may be 'alive' but deep down he knows it's not actually him, no matter how much more willing the man is to be apart of his life, Spider wishes he could've let him drown.
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funfetticandle · 2 years
Quick Note: Guys, I may be going on hiatus for a little while 😭 school just started up again and history has really been whooping my ass— to those who requested, I’m almost done with most of the pieces! I’m so so so sorry they’re taking so long, even though u guys requested in like december :’( anyways I just wanted to get that out and remind everyone I’m trying my best to squeeze these fics out of my barren dumbass brain lol
BUTTTT here’s a cute lil avatar (WoW) x reader idea (sorry to those who wanted rottmnt content)
So like, almost everyone agrees that the Navi purr (based on what I’ve seen in hcs) but when I was scrolling through the tag, I noticed it was only Omatikaya Navi who were given the purring hc. SO— how about a Metkayina Navi Character x a purring Omatikaya reader???
idk who the character would be (ngl I kinda want it to be tsireya or roxto— im so obsessed with these fish ppl teenagers it’s unbelievable) but like, reader and them are just doing something that involves physical touch (no sexual shit though) and reader is enjoying it a lot so they instinctively purr and (insert Metkayina character here) is just like “what 🗿😳” bc their clan doesn’t make noises like that-
ik it sound crazy but I am in love with this idea it’s unbelievable
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theamalgaverse · 2 years
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Okay, so SMG1 and SMG2. The heck is up with these guys, huh?
These pair are a tricky one to explain.
1) The do protect the resort with their meme energy powers. 
2) GOD DO THESE GUYS HAVE PROBLEMS. SMG1 has anger issues while SMG2 has anxiety, and have massive PTSD from their avatar’s (Spudnick) death and universe being destroyed.
3) I hc meme guardians aren’t well known in the multiverse, so they will answer any questions about their kind.Heck, they both even started up a club so they can learn about others and teach their own!
4) They usually are with each other, but you can rarely catch just one of them with somebody else.
5) Both their pronouns are He/Him. SMG1 is aroace and SMG2 is a Panromantic Asexual!
6) They are absolutely halarious to be around. From worshipping the “Almighty Four”, to blowing up when they hit a wall in their shopping trolley/cart and being dumb and smart at the same time, their just a pair of goofballs with trauma strapped to them.
And that’s everything, Vian! Now if you’ll excuse me *proceeds to procrastinate homework for the next 100,000 years*
~Myune ⭐
Oh wow, I like this! :0 though i gotta admit i just cannot bring myself to watch smg4 anymore because it just ain’t my thing anymore.
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convxction · 1 month
ooc. because of replaying and rewatching abyss made me think of .. if plegia got the whole we gonna 'make our god' sort of thing since valentia's days (looking at you asshole forneus) they def made the whole 'copies/ replicas' and that sort of. hold my chaotic brain. it is cooking weird stuff.
but think about actual avatar copies in the castle, maybe mindless puppets no soul because we know our avatar homie got the soul and gwima pew pew, maybe some turned to risens, maybe idk here and there but like they are unrecognizable due to their lets say degrading and stuff (you wouldnt tell it is avatar because of how they look whoops.) maybe the grimleal were like uh oh. we are about to go down so we should erase them (aka feed them to gwima oopssyyy.)
but another thought was like we didnt get confirmation that the ylissean army got the papa krumb back right? so .......COULD THEY HAVE HIS BODY AND LIKE EWIUEHEUEUEHEU LETS MAKE A COPY SO WE CAN USE HIS BRAND TOO AND LIKE MAKE A SUPER PUPPET SOLDIER TO COUNTER THE NAGA WORHSIPNAPERS. hold my hand im still thinking about that jerk who tricked cynthia. IMAGINE THAT JERK WAS A KRUMB COPY? OR HIS FATHER BUT LIKE ...rouge. he escaped and was like u know imma do my thing XD i know that part was supposed to be a joke for cynthia's story but come on they should've made the guy at least ...look like krumbino. he does not look anything like him and it hurts cynthia's character i and wont stand without doing anything! my girl is ....good. questionable brain cells but she is good. at least it wouldn't make sense she falls for someone like that. like come on she could ask to his brand. no one can fake that brand my dude even as a tattoo. i feel like no tattoo could compare to the real brand. i feel like i got distracted. back to what i was thinking. or i think i was thinking. the brain is not braining my dude.
it would be cool to have avatar replica, whether got a soul and personality of its own, or not. avatar could come to the 'oh. that could be me. im lucky. i should value this life i have now. HENCE WHY I SHOULD YEET MYSELF TO GRIMA WEEEE'
maybe krumb replica! as i hc that he do look like his father the expectation is his father got somewhat baby face and he is the luigi death stare at you. lmao.
me throwing the EYEHUEUEHE EMMERYN BUT THAT SPOT PASS IS JUST .............never mind.
i never stop thinking about the deadlords and how they are krumb and his crew (l.ucina said it and i take her words for it.) i wonder if it is grima's attempt in that fallen world to make them risens but then like with his death or idk the whole parallel world thingy they regained some ....idk 'will'? regret of their passing away without fulfilling their goal--offing da lizard.
basically im a ho who gets obsessed with one idea and runs with it and now i want to inflict pain and suffering on krumb because who ese would i do that to, huh? it is his fault for being the easy to go muse in my brain. your fault blue man. i want a krumb replica. and no, isaac not you. stay safe my homie. stay safe or lucina and hope will murderize me.
gah. like do you know how twisted things can get? the guy just waltz and probably trick some people and some of the crew and just eyo that is a fake guy over there. faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakerrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
and kurmb like: huh ? ? ? ? cynthia: *triggered* sumia and cordelia: le shock frederick: on the case to figure out who is his lord so he set the other on fire lissa: *one thought: two chroms? heck yeah more to prank--wait this is serious oh no~ she can sniff the replica with ease watch her* avatar: *traumatized*
listen if anyone can tell the replica from the real is rebecca XDD his wife just take a look at the two of them: mmm yeah thats not my man. i can shoot him right? and chrom in a corner falling for her again: wow... but how? ALL REBECCA GOTTA DO IS CALL CHROM 'DADDY' and ofc we know krumb went to UGE and he knows what does 'daddy' mean and he just cringe like he never cringed before. probably covering his ears like NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH STAAAAAAAAAAAHP THATS UUUGGHHHHH!!!!
i feel like i never once make a sense when i write these my brain tells me posts lmao. anyway. replicas. excuse me to bother ppl with this then. hmu if you want a copy.
battle of the century. krumb vs no brand krumb vs replica krumb vs rkc ....eheeheighgeheguegheugehgehgeugehgegegeigehge bye.
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dumbbitch89 · 4 years
i just think the intensity of the golden eyes representing the amount of fire a fire bender has in their soul is cool :)
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obeythebutler · 3 years
Hiii I was wondering if we could get something where MC asks Mammon if they could be greedy because there is a treasure they want to have and keep... And when he asks what treasure they just put their hands around his face and caress him while looking in his eyes.
It can be fic, hc, reaction from Mammon, or other characters, whatever you want... I just want to give him some love
Also I need to tell you how much I love your writing... It's simply... Wow... Words fail me to explain how wonderful your writing is...
Demons tempt humans.
They entice them into committing sin, indulge themselves in pleasure and transgessions which would result in them being destined to go to hell.
You, living among demons are no exception. It's what humans call hell and demons Devildom, and perhaps it's your angelic heritage that you have resisted their temptations.
Well, all six sins except one.
You're getting greedy.
It's a rapacious desire, one that has you craving for more, more than what would satisfy you. But the treasure you're seeking isn't jewels or gold, money or coins. And, to search and claim this particular treasure, you're going to need the aid of Mammon, who's the Avatar of Greed.
How convenient, you think, preparing yourself to open your mouth and voice the question on your lips, sitting right besides the demon in question, whose delving through a fashion magazine and highlighting all the clothes and watches he wants.
"Mammon?" You whisper, settling down your phone as you turn your attention fully towards towards the demon. He arches a brow in response, but doesn't tear his gaze from the magazine.
"Can I be greedy?"
"Huh?" At your question, the demon shoots you a confused look, setting down the magazine as he finally gives you all his attention. "What do ya want to be greedy for?"
Turning towards Mammon, you look him straight in the eye as you muster all your courage. "There's a treasure I have and want to keep."
Your lips turn upwards in a smile when you see the familiar glint of excitement in his eyes, eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he tried to figure out his next move.
He mirrors your actions; turning towards you as he beams. "And what treasure is that? The Great Mammon will have sixty percent of the treasure as compensation—Huh?!"
The excitement in Mammom's voice changes into one of suprise when you cradle his face in your hands and gaze into his eyes, which are filled with shock and surprise at your blatant actions.
The demon stutters in his words. "W-What, what are y-you doing? I-I asked what your treasure was and—"
When realization washes over his features, Mammon blushes when you graze a thumb across his cheek. He makes no effort to stop you, but instead leans into your touch.
"You." You murmur, resting your forehead against the flustered demon's as he splutters, smiling when he gapes at you, even when he knows.
"You're my treasure," You croon, your fingers carding through his hair as Mammom's breath hitches in his throat, and he swallows thickly.
"...I am?" He whispers, still unsure, still doubtful. And you erase all that doubt with a single word.
"You are my treasure."
At that, tears begin falling from his eyes as he silently sobs, his shoulders tremble as you wipe away the tears and place a kiss upon his forehead.
He's used to being called scum, looked down upon and sneered for his sin. But then you came along, gently held his hand and let him be him. You don't call him the same things he expects from his brothers, you treat him with a kindness he thought he won't receive again.
He's greedy too, wanting more and more of your time and affection, and even then, it's never enough. It won't ever be, and yet, he finds himself smiling through the tears when he realizes you're greedy for him too.
Mammon smiles as he gazes at you through the tears.
"You're my treasure too."
I'm glad you like my writing so much!!
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