#Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
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katthekonqueror · 7 months ago
So I found out today that if you have ADHD, you're also fourteen times more likely to develop Restless Leg Syndrome. The latter has a tendency to strike during your thirties.
So if you have a tingling or tickling sensation in your legs or feet, have jerking in your legs or feet, or have extreme discomfort in your legs or feet that is alleviated by moving them, you may have RLS. Especially if the symptoms are worse at night or when you're trying to rest.
If you've ever had a hypnic jerk, that's exactly what it feels like to me. The big difference is that it's now incessant, whereas before I only had those every now and then.
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the-sonic-crew · 1 month ago
To all my fellow adhder’s, what type of adhd do you have innatentive, hyperactive, or the mix of both? And do you take the medication if so how much do you pay? I know the cheapest (without coverage) is about over $100, but do you also forget to take the medication? Or is that just me
None of us take genuine medication because human meds don't work on us, and Mobians have yet to find a way to combat ADHD. But I~ have mixed.
I have inattentive, but I have some hyperactive traits too. Charmy has hyperactive, he's about as inattentive as anyone is for his age.
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adhd-worlds · 2 months ago
And bestie lemme tell you, it's taken literal years. I referred myself to the clinic in April 2022, got the first phone call appointment December 2022. Then had the QB test in February 2023 (my clinic use it when they don't have testimonies from others about childhood). And finally, January 2025, I'm having the screening!
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gaeasun · 1 year ago
If you haven't taken the test before here, its not too long.
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thetreetopinn · 1 year ago
My ADD Medication Journey - Mar 12, 2024
Well holy hell I finally got my next prescription filled!
Took long enough! Gah-dam!
The doctor has me on a new formulation--25 mg, half immediate release, half extended release.
I will be very curious to see how this goes--because I'm not stupid enough to try it right now. It's 7pm. I have no intention of staying awake all night.
But finally, at long last, the power to focus is mine once again!
God feared me because he knew I would be too powerful if I could focus. So he nerfed me.
He was right to fear me, and he should again, because I now have CHEAT CODES!!
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lotus-duckies · 2 years ago
something something neurodivergence, disability etc
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destiny-in-the-universe · 9 months ago
Writer Woes
LET ME WRITE! shakes this fanfic with my jaws and throws it against the floor-
this has been sitting in my google doc for days, if not weeks?, what is time anyway, without fully being completed and i'm SO mad because it has to be finished at some point.
where are the writing gods.
oh how to write a character with so little screentime but also? i guess i can just share small snippets for the time being-
Concepts for the WIP
I have a scene where it's just character introspection- how do I explain this without directly spoiling it? Circumstances can definitely change a person, and well- they're now adjusting to seeing a new perspective to say the least
A found family trope! Only in the worst way possible because they're both exceptionally stubborn- seriously, one has anger issues and the other is the human embodiment of unfiltered sunshine and way too much energy
Tfw your former nemesis is now your buddy
I do also have an entire scene planned out in my head over hurt/comfort and a possible battle scene somewhere in this-? Like ho boy, they are going to kind of go through it here whoops
There’s a little theme of ��you can only choose the path you set for yourself, but allowing others in will change the outcome’ happening here
One of my favorite moments in this is going to be the soft realization that you can find something good in life. If you happen to know where to look- or something of that sort, words are hard
Oh this sweet summer child, you’re going to find a new family in ways you don’t expect
We’re going to try again tomorrow and see what can be made of it to say the least! Let’s go!
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completeandrandomshit · 1 year ago
Cooking with ADHD:
Step 1: Put food on stove to cook.
Step 2: Go do something else while waiting for it to cook.
Step 3: Forget that you have it cooking.
Step 4: Smell it burning or starting to burn.
Step 5: Head back to the kitchen to finish what you've started, or to assess whatever damage you may or may not have caused.
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melinoegoddessofghosts · 2 years ago
I was cooking dinner last night, and I would just like to rant a little bit.
I hate it when recipes put STEPS in the INGREDIENTS. What I mean is: I hate when they list ingredients like "1 cup onions, diced" or "3 cups of rice, cooked".
This is so confusing and disorganized. The STEPS should be under STEPS in a recipe. I have ADHD, I need all the things I'm looking for to be in the same place. I need all the STEPS to be under STEPS.
And it's deceptive. The recipe can list a shorter overall time, if they are starting the time AFTER you've done all the prep. Of course it's not going to take very long if your onions are already magically diced and your rice is already magically cooked.
Thank you for listening to me rant. I needed that.
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the-future-is-chrome · 15 days ago
the neurodivergent experience:
20% of the time: wowwieee!!! i love my passions and interests!!!!! they make me so happy i want to jump up and down!!!!! weee!!!!!!! :3333333333
80% of the time: this mind is a prison
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thetreetopinn · 1 year ago
I only just started my meds just shy of a week ago, and a couple of times I ate a couple of granola bars right before taking my meds because I didn't want to go on an empty stomach fearing the appetite suppression would make me forget to eat. That happened my first day (it didn't help that I was also training someone and we ran long).
I only just found this stuff out today. This is going to be EXTREMELY helpful.
People in my Discord server pointed me to it because I started a channel specifically for neurodivergent discussions, and this came up... LITERALLY TODAY.
Developing and sharing institutional knowledge (even though I know this isn't actually an institution, I guess it would be experiential knowledge) is VITALLY IMPORTANT AND VERY GOOD.
Anyone who acquires, hordes, and refuses to share knowledge (so long as it isn't an info hazard) is actively hampering the advancement of the human race.
Oatmeal for breakfast tomorrow instead. We'll see how that goes.
i know vitamin c basically neutralizes adhd meds but lemonade good
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theonlyladyt · 4 months ago
Leaving the house with ADHD #adhdprobs #adhdbrain #adhd
This is dedicated to my ex-husband he lived with me and my ways for years. Then again it’s so easy to see these traits in hindsight. Enjoy this short video from the lovely people at ADHD Love. You can find them on social media 💚 https://youtube.com/shorts/Df7LfF2Uc3A?si=8cBU42kJHvhA1D5J
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i used to be so good at writing strong, thoroughly-researched, thoroughly-edited essays.
as a kid in hs, my teacher literally came up to me, holding my 40 page essay on the intersection of the European witch hunts and capitalism/exploitation/gender roles (it was supposed to be 7 pages...whoops) and went like "this is literally a master's-degree level thesis. what are you doing?? you could literally use this as your final dissertation in a master's program, what the fuck."
NOW??? NOW?? you'd think I'd be oh so skilled. but alas. i can barely piece together two ideas. adhd skill-regression is so so real. im SOBBING
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gumy-shark · 1 year ago
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toomuchdivergentformyneuro · 7 months ago
can we talk about the shame that comes along with having ADHD?
the shame that hits you when you walk around your messy, cluttered room, knowing you don’t yet have the motivation or hyperfocus to clean it, even though you want to.
the shame that hits you when you retell a story for the thousandth time and the person you’re talking to gets bored or annoyed or confused by it, cuz you couldn’t remember you had told it before.
the shame that hits you when you ask someone to repeat what they’re saying multiple times because you keep forgetting or you just can’t hear them.
the shame that hits you when you forget something super important after you leave for a trip, and you ask to go back for it.
the shame that hits you when you know you’re overanalyzing something someone said to you, but it still hurts.
the shame that hits you when you snap at people who are just talking to you while you’re hyperfocused.
the shame that hits you when you realize you don’t remember jackshit about your life, you don’t have any memories, and you wonder what it was all like.
the shame that hits you when someone asks you to just shut up or sit still after you were just expressing your emotions, your happiness even, but were just a little too loud about it.
all the shame. over everything. we should talk about that all more.
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thetreetopinn · 1 year ago
My ADD Medication Journey - Mar 18, 2024
Slept really well--what time I could get, because I didn't go to bed as early as I should have. But hey, I fell asleep pretty dang quick.
Woke up and took my medication at about 7:30 am, went to work, was able to focus pretty well throughout the day. It certainly helped that the office was more empty than usual so it was quieter, fewer people interrupting me and pulling me away from my work.
Got a few things done after leaving work. Had pretty good energy all day. Didn't notice any serious uptick in my tremors or any suppression of my appetite.
We'll see how tonight goes.
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