#Ask meme: James
mischievous-thunder · 15 days
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Is it gay to address your roommate by her full name while introducing the worst best version of your crush with whom you saved the world and decided to bring home?
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laur-the-cat-prince · 5 months
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affixjoy · 3 months
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wyyrmwood · 20 days
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Watched all the X-Men movies again recently and this scene just spoke to me, like divine intervention.
I love making stuff like this, and as my friend pointed out I accidentally made this pan colors so do with that what you will 🏳️‍🌈
Hey psst, here's a silly little link to my shop if you'd like a sticker or something :)
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basiatlu · 9 months
For the art asks, can I request Drarry and either F2 or E1? I love your art so much and I hope you day has been good!
Aw thank you so much, anon buddy! I hope your day when you sent this (as well as today) is treating you well, too. Had a delightful latte and pastry, deep cleaned my espresso machine, and got to warm up drawing your pose request surrounded by sleepy kitties. Life is kind to me!
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ndrogyny · 5 months
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my contribution to the disventure camp fandom
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unit-ssn0va · 2 years
Hellooo your Talloran is SO good. If your requests are still open would you mind drawing the silly guy again? (Tumblr user scp3999 is not biased at all of course)
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cicerfics · 19 days
3, 24, 50 for bond & q :)
3. Obscure headcanon
Oh, it's so hard to determine what's 'obscure' in fandom! I am never sure which headcanons have been shared before, or how other people perceive this stuff.
But I guess my top 'uncommon' headcanon for Q is that he's on the asexuality/aromantic spectrum. I am totally capable of reading about (or even writing) allosexual Q, but in my heart, he will always be aro-ace to me! He makes an exception for Bond, because that's how it goes sometimes. But even with Bond, Q doesn't quite experience attraction in the 'usual' way. He's very intensely attracted to Bond in numerous ways, but not necessarily super 'horny' for Bond in the typical sense.
Obscure headcanon for Bond...honestly? I think Bond is a bit of a nerd! I think he's a jock and a nerd at the same time! I think he really likes learning obscure trivia, crossword puzzles, and books.
I think he's incredibly intelligent about a lot of things...a real polymath, in spite of the fact that he's also a 'blunt instrument'. I think he plays down his intelligence (though we definitely see glimpses of it in the films) because he likes to surprise people and he knows it's easier to do his job when people underestimate him.
But beyond his actual intelligence, I think he's downright nerdy in some of his interests and the sheer enjoyment he takes in learning new stuff. So that's my 'obscure' hreadcanon for him...'obscure' in the sane that it is not necessarily strongly supported by any part of canon!
24. Most annoying habit
Q is incredibly pedantic and bossy and stubborn. He will dig his teeth into a petty argument, and hold on for dear life. Honestly, I feel like he's actually better at letting important stuff go, because he tends to rationalize away his emotions (also a bad habit!) and bury any hurt feelings.
But if he's having an argument with someone about something that's honestly pretty meaningless? Q will go to the mat to defend his point. He will not let it go! Many people find this understandably irritating. (Bond delights in it, though, and he winds Q up just for fun.)
Bond, meanwhile, is an irrepressible contrarian and a complete brat. You say up, he says down. You say black, he says white. You tell him to do one thing, he'll do the opposite just to spite you. He enjoys being 'difficult' and he enjoys refusing to cooperate with people he doesn't like. Sometimes, he refuses to cooperate with people he does like, just because he takes unholy pleasure in annoying them. (See above re: Q.) He does not (and never did) play nicely with the other children. He just likes to be a pest.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Okay, I tend to headcanon that Q had a pretty crummy childhood with parents who were mentally unwell/emotionally absent. And honestly, I think Q has blocked out a lot of his childhood. I don't think he realizes it, because he has clear memories of his education, the things he taught himself, his childhood pets, etc. But I think he's blocked out a lot of stuff that has to do with his parents and the traumatic things he witnessed while under their care.
For Bond...yeah. I think he blocks out the bad parts of his missions as best he can. I think he erects a mental wall around his memories of being tortured, and I think he refers to those incidents very flippantly because it helps him pretend this is something that happened to someone else.
I also think he blocked out a lot of happy memories from his childhood. I headcanon that he had a pretty happy childhood overall and parents who loved him (and each other). After he lost them, it was too hard for Bond to remember how good things used to be. So he just...doesn't think about it, if he can help it. The contrast between his childhood and his current life is too devastating for him.
(I am still open for asks on this topic, btw!!)
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theredengineapologist · 10 months
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Inspired by @rushingexpress
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forgotteneilionora · 2 months
Eilia & Alaraic + kid
Name: Cian Varmont
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Cian is a striking fellow, with his mother's ebony hair, cerulean eyes, and straight jaw, and his father's nose, mouth, cheeks, and brow. Unfortunately, Cian is very much the sort of chap who is well aware of his charms, and rather arrogant about them to top it all off. Quick to smirk but slow to smile, there is always the look of calculation in his face, often in truth somewhat detracting from his natural good looks.
Personality: Cian's name means 'enduring,' and he was named well. With a wry wit and a watchful nature, Cian's quick wits promise to take him far. Cian is a person who seems to have his finger on the pulse. Always observing and adaptable, but rarely influenced by the tide, itself, he simply wishes to know what is happening and make his own choices from there. Nonetheless, there's nothing quiet about Cian. Outgoing and provocative, Cian is a bit reactionary at times, but even his antics are never without cause: provoking a reaction helps one to determine what lies beneath the surface, and he is one who would know something about masks. Despite his calculating exterior -- the result of a swirl of dangerous Varmont politics in his early childhood -- Cian may at times be bombastic, but he's loyal to a fault, as well, though tough to tie down long enough to actually say so. He has something of a rogue's heart -- like his father always running from attachments, but like his Aunt Aria simultaneously chasing after them as well. Despite being a bit of a foreigner to his own heart, like both his parents, once one worms their way past his many walls, Cian proves soft and warm on the inside, protective to his core and, in truth, far less devil-may-care than the image he seeks to project in order to appear strong.
Special Talents: Raised in Roderick's dangerous court for the first part of his life, Cian learned the art of politicking very swiftly. His mother was a queen-turned-bastard, and his father a forgotten third prince-turned-Hand of the Conqueror after the fall of Bartholomew, slaughtered for his infamous treason with the missing former-Queen Marian. Cian knew well and good from early on that a wave of the imperial hand could give or take everything, and rather than see his family lose more than they had left to give, he decided to play to win, soaking up all there was to learn from both sides of his troubled family. Cian is most adept at influencing others, at understanding a crowd and how to best turn a tide with nothing more than the stroke of a pen or a few scant words.
Who they like better: Both
Who they take after more: Alaric, but only on the inside. You wouldn't know it to talk to the mask he wears, like, 24/7 and only takes off if you know him really well
Personal Head canon: Heartless as he may act, Cian has a soft spot for Caoimhe Frost, but he's determined to do nothing more than mercilessly tease her (something he delights in doing!), as he secretly deosn't consider himself a good person, and believes she deserves so much better than he can ever give her!
Face Claim: David Corenswet
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eemamminy-art · 3 months
Extremely difficult top 5: Top 5 butches
I've sat on this for a long time because I wasn't sure how I wanted to approach it! Do I pick real life butches, butches that are expressly called as such in their medias, or characters that I interpret as butch?
Ultimately, I opted for the last option, because I think that will be the most fun in terms of me trying to argue my case lol
Faris Scherwiz — Final Fantasy V
"James Kidd" / Mary Read — Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
Agrias Oaks — Final Fantasy Tactics
Vi — Arcane
Zero — Final Fantasy XIV
Further rambling and pictures under the read more cut because oh my goodness this is. Long.
Faris Scherwiz — Final Fantasy V
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This character awoke things in a young me, playing a fan translated ROM of FFV. Faris is this pirate captain, initially presented as a beautiful man, later revealed to be the lost princess who made a new life for herself after being lost at sea.
She thinks of herself in masculine terms, and has an honor among thieves sort of outlook. She does put herself, her crew, and her friends first, but she's not so cowardly as to run away when she sees the world is at stake and there is a higher calling for her as a warrior of light. She's very loyal and brave, but lacks the chivalry of a knight.
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She's fearful to go back to the life she had before as a princess, because she loves the person she is now. The only thing that really gives her pause is that her sister very deeply wants a relationship with her, and she has reservations about growing close to her and thus to the life she left behind.
"James Kidd" / Mary Read — Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
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I know Mary Read was a real person but stick with me here. We all know AC plays fast and loose with portrayals of real life figures so I'll be proceeding as if talking about the fictional character, not the real life pirate.
When in her persona as James Kidd, he is as smarmy as can be on the outside, but hints that there is a deeper complexity to him. He's deeply enigmatic and flirtatious. He's clever, and drips juuust enough temptation to guide Edward onto the path of the assassins.
When she reveals herself to be a woman, she keeps the same demeanor as always. It's a secret she keeps close to her chest, and reveals it only to use her body to her advantage to create a distraction. Her dedication to her friends and to her freedom matters far more to her than her presentation.
I'm grateful that even despite the era in which this game came out, there's not a total personality switch after the reveal. She's still so much herself, regardless of how she physically appears or which names or pronouns she uses. She makes it clear that she considers herself a woman, in spite of how she normally presents, and she's just bursting with so much confidence. Goals, honestly. She's a hugely inspirational character to me.
Plus I mean. Oh my gosh. She has this rumbling, sultry voice with a Yorkshire accent. Swoon.
Agrias Oaks — Final Fantasy Tactics
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I want to first preface with an anecdote, that the lesbian subtext between Agrias and Ovelia is so overt that while growing up, my brother's best friend refused to believe Agrias was a woman and headcanoned her as a male knight to justify it in his head (he also headcanoned Ramza as being a woman to justify the gay subtext between him and Delita.. 😂 lmao FFT is extremely gay please play it)
But onto Agrias herself: she is really the textbook definition of a knight. She would give everything for her kingdom and her princess. She is lawful good to a fault, which is not an easy feat in the world of Ivalice. Chivalrous, devoted, stern but kind when it comes to Her Highness... 🥺
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So normal about them... they are like THE yuri ship in final fantasy, but not a lot of people played FFT!! 😭
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They even mention it in FFXIV in Orbonne Monastery... love wins......
Vi — Arcane
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Going to first say I don't play league of legends, mobas give me hives lol but Vi was phenomenal in Arcane. I am missing a lot of context for the character because of that though, so my take on her is purely based on her portrayal in Arcane.
She's headstrong, she lets her emotions get the better of her, she gets into fights, she's scrappy as hell, she's protective and devoted. What stands out sooo much is that, these are traits you might find in a male protagonist in other media, but the way Vi goes about it is just so in touch with her womanhood. Just a more masculine womanhood.
All of the characters in Arcane are written so well, but I found it very very refreshing for there to be so many well written women with all sorts of personalities and archetypes, and not just the usual tropes you see for female characters.
Zero — Final Fantasy XIV
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I waffled a little bit on this pick, because the butch identity is very much about demeanor as much as it is appearance-- if not more so.
Zero is a little bit of an odd duck in that way. She has some very vulnerable, sensitive moments. She's sometimes downright meek. Overall she is cool, confident, business-like, and has her own sense of morality forged by her losses, her time spent bound in contract as a voidsent, and the harsh world of the Thirteenth.
I admit, I initially found her softer moments a little off-putting. Putting it into perspective though, butches do have these moments of vulnerability and softness. It's something really key in the dynamic of butch and femme, that where butches are strong and protective, they need stability and soothing from femmes. A feminine strength to heal the damage that the world has inflicted on the butch while she stands as a shield to herself and other women.
I don't think it was the writers' intentions for her to read that way, I'm pretty sure this is me seeing what I want to see lol. But I think it's still nice! I only didn't notice at first because I play as a gay male wol so her being vulnerable with him activated my fight or flight response. But outside the context of my own OC as the warrior of light, in the context of maybe a female wol (or better yet an experienced and no-nonsense femme like Y'shtola 👀) it's really nice to think about. I think also the pacing of the Endwalker patches didn't do her many favors, but when given time to reflect on her character arc, I think there's a lot of room there, especially when interpreting her in the context of a butch/femme relationship.
She is also pretty new to the whole human thing. She's like a baby butch, still very soft. She can bite and hit hard, but when things break through her shell, they cut deep. Which makes her worthwhile adding to this list, in contrast to the others who are much more experienced and able to protect themselves and others.
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emiliasilverova · 5 months
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hello i made meme pls like subscribe and hit that bell thx
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blaacknoir · 1 year
House and Wilson :3
I mean this in the most affectionate way possible but how dare you make me read your username with my own two eyes 😭
Apparently I have a lot of thoughts about these two, lol.
House, of course, doesn't hand out candy. He answers the door with a tube of mini M&Ms in hand, and tells the kids he's out of candy while he pops Vicodin out of the tube. (Alternatively, he just does a Eustace Bagg-style jumpscare and yells ""OOGA BOOGA BOOGA.")
At work, he continues the Vi-candy bit. There's a bowl of typical Halloween candy on his desk, but any time his team reaches for some, he gets onto them with either a buzzer-type sound or a whack to the fingers with his cane. To cause problems, in the clinic and/or the waiting room, he'll just toss out candy to the kids.
Wilson, on the other hand, loves trick-or-treaters, and gets the Good Shit every year. If he can't find small bags of the Good Candy, he settles for full bars of the regular stuff. He decorates his apartment door and puts out a jack-o'-lantern. (One year, a kid smashes the hell out of it. And steals his next one. And replaces his third with a different, more obscene one.)(It's House. The kid is House.)
He doesn't decorate his office much at work (he has vague concerns about ghosts being "morbid" in an oncologist's office) but he puts out an equally nice bowl of candy on his desk.
He and House are, of course, well-behaved grown adults who don't ever get into candy-related shenanigans and how dare you sully House's good name by insinuating that he stole all of Wilson's fancy candy and blaming it on Chase. Honestly he's hurt that you'd even think that.
If they're together, Wilson sends House out to pick up candy ("Yeah sure, send the cripple to go brave the busy streets in the cold at night--" "House, shut up and go get it."), and is both irritated and unsurprised when House shows up with the most old-lady candy imaginable. ("Where did you even get those? I thought they just... magically appeared in your house once you passed 65 or got grandchildren.")
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They are, inexplicably and to House's dismay, a huge hit with the trick-or-treaters.
(Ask meme)
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For the ask game: Some NY Liam headcanons?
You got it!
Thanks for the ask, and sorry for the delay!
NY Liam
He actually can still see a little out of his left eye, except it leaves him prone to headaches, as it is very painful for him to do so. Thus, the eyepatch!
In the three years he was there, he only had two sleeping spells; both times caught Sherlock off guard (not to mention worried the hell out of him!)
After the excursion he went on after Sherlock and Billy went on their mission, he found going on walks helps him clear his mind
For the first couple of weeks since coming out of the coma, he did experience a bit of memory loss
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homefryboy · 2 years
I know it’s technically three characters but team rocket please
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they’ve been stuck there for hours
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mayuurx · 4 months
From the jashling ask
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James-based characters (Nihil (AU), OG and crossover)...and then there's canon Mind.
No Heart and Soul because I can't even imagine how it'll go so sorry.
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