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bodyalive · 17 hours ago
Choreographer: Yoann Bourgeois
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imaginal-ai · 6 months ago
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"Union of the Good and the True"
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lil-mr-slipstream · 5 months ago
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Signature skill - Flux et Reflux
An archetype painting based on the Disco Elysium × Slay the Princess fanfic Fury of a Shattered Mirror! There have been some musings of an entire skillset to go with Flux over on the BTG discord.
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dailycharacteroption · 18 days ago
Class Feature Friday: Wave Order (Pathfinder Second Edition Druid Order)
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(art by Brett-Neufeld on DeviantArt)
The last of the currently-available elemental druidic orders, the order of the waves is naturally the order of the oceans themselves, and the element of water.
Life as we know it could not exist without water. After all, the oceans are the birthplace of the first life on earth, and water is such an important part of biological processes that it’s no surprise that the water element is associated with healing and cleansing.
However, like all elements, water has it’s violent and destructive aspects as well. Crushing waves, violent storms, mysterious depths hiding unknown dangers, or even the simple danger of drowning are all in the playbook of water as an element. Add in it’s somewhat downplayed association with the cold as well, and you can add in freezing and hypothermia as well.
Indeed, much like every element, water is capable of destruction and constructive aspects, and must be respected even as it is venerated.
Such druids of the waves might belong to ancestries able to swim and/or breathe underwater with ease, or they might be members of species that have a history as mariners, living by the sea and coming to understand it as aquatic peoples do.
Either way, they are likely to act as protectors of the ecology of the oceans, as well as potentially hiring themselves out as navigators and magical problem-solvers on vessels, guiding the winds and dealing with the hazards and creatures of the water as needed.
So with all that in mind, let’s see what they offer to players!
Due to the association between water and healing, these druids gain an affinity for treating wounds.
Futhermore, they find that shallow water does not impede them, giving them an advantage in such environments.
These druids also gain a spell to conjure a wave to ride on, allowing them to travel over rough terrain and lift themselves up at high speed.
Of course, there are also feats associated with the order, including Natural Swimmer to enhance their mobility in water, Advanced Elemental Spell to hammer foes with a wave of water, and Purifying Spell to wash away corruption and disease.
Other feats they may find useful include Order Explorer, Elemental Summons, Current Spell, Misty Transformation, Steady Spellcasting, Heart of the Kaiju, and other feats that could give them mastery in the water and on land.
This order is a natural choice if your game takes place with a lot of sea travel or aquatic dungeons, or in highly waterlogged areas, granting enhanced mobility in such areas while giving them plenty of options for turning the environment against foes. They may focus on summoned aquatic beasts or aquatic battle forms of their own, or partner up with an aquatic animal companion, or simply make full use of the debuffing and controlling side of the primal spell list. All are good options. However, outside of such aquatic environments, it might be difficult to justify playing one, both mechanically an in-universe.
While the name suggests that these druids are all found by or in the ocean, remember that water’s reach is hardly contained to it’s largest bodies. Lakes, rivers, marshes, and the like are all places where water is just as important, and can be brought to bear, and each one has it’s own cultural associations for you to take inspiration from with your character.
Kashira’s Bluff is named for the strange, inhuman hermit that lives there. While he appears mostly human-like, he has persisted for hundreds of years, a fixture of the region almost like the cliff itself. Some suspect dark magic or strange secrets of immortality, but in truth, the old man is a yaksha who has guarded the region since his formation, boasting great primal druidic power over the sea below to calm them for friendly ships and bring terrible storms upon invading armadas in kind.
The Circle of the Wild Sea has long believed that the seas should not be controlled, and those that dare to sail them should do so fearfully, at it’s mercy. As such, they’ve long campaigned against other casters joining said vessels to lend their magical aid, but recently their newest advisor, an imentesh protean, has been urging more drastic measures, ostensibly to make their chaotic vision of the sea com true, but mostly to cause as much conflict as possible.
The Black Thorn is a horrible spire of corruption, the fragment of an elder god turned dungeon that churns out horrible monsters. Making headway is hard enough, but there may be a secret way in, less guarded, in the seaside cliffs, but navigating the choppy waters will require someone who understands the waves like no other.
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searchsystem · 1 year ago
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Roy Nachum / Mercer Labs / Archetype / Installation / 2024
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astrolocherry · 6 months ago
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Aries ~ Behind the Scenes Rebel Queen
Rebel Belle Rebel Girl Pippi Longstocking is an exhibition of the Aries archetype. With the star sign’s signature red and untamed mane, casual yet edgy mismatched style, and proclivity for getting herself in and out of trouble, she’s a great rendition of this zodiac’s composition. Fierce, courageous, and strategic, Aries are matter-of-fact with mischief managed. Just as Pippi is a very unusual girl, so are they, with a sack of gold coins, she’s financially independent as she shoots a revolver from her ship on the seas.
Just like Pippi, Aries go searching for trouble equally much as trouble comes looking for them. Often accused of starting a feud or relishing in a viciously friendly rivalry, there are usually rivalries that they are not even aware of yet, as they can be targetted for an impressive skillset, being at the top of the game, or simply the Aries propensity to bring out the competitive, envious, and antagonistic nature of other people. The Aries personifies believability, authenticity, temper, and triumph. 
This world belongs to Aries and the rest of us are just participants in their grand life experiment. 
Written by Cherry
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succulentsiren · 7 months ago
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Awaken your Dark Feminine Archetype
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precisely-42-bees · 9 months ago
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i need to maim him
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daxnorman · 1 year ago
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The Trickster
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 1 year ago
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Heyo! All the art on these readings is drawn by me. Take what you can from the reading and leave all that does not resonate behind but always be open to new perspectives.
The archetype reading was inspired by the deck I used today. The guide book uses examples from anime to fit the descriptions of the tarot cards. I thought that was really clever so I decided to build off that idea and tell you what archetype you are most drawn to wants to tell you. In short, this is really a message from a specific cards energy. I hope this helps anyone who might be struggling!
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Crystal: Tigers Eye
Character: Badtz-Maru
Archetype: The Empress
Astrology: Taurus ♉️, Libra ♎️, Pisces ♓️, Virgo ♍️
Dear pile 1, you are represented by the empress of this deck. The archetype you embody is someone who is luxurious, modest, kind and attentive. You care deeply for those you love and would do anything to assist them and make their life easier. You are a fantastic friend, partner and companion. You don’t necessarily have to be a woman to embody that energy. The message this part of you wants to tell you is that your kindness is being taken for granted. Your attentiveness is being discarded as if the love you gave isn’t worth anything. Your intuition is telling you to withdraw from the connection that is causing this. You maybe started this friendship or connection a while ago but you have started to notice this pattern from the other party in this relationship. They don’t return your love. They don’t say thank you when you go out of your way to be good to them. This doesn’t mean you should necessarily cut them off. Just don’t go out of your way anymore. They are undeserving if they cannot be grateful to you for all you do. I see if you did stop it would barely be noticed at first. However, the person will slowly realize how much you did to assist them. How much work you did was important and helped them get through the day easily. If they apologize and communicate they did wrong that won't necessarily be your queue to go back to scratching their back. You need to wait for them to lend their assistance to you. That will be your invitation to return to being kind. Until then use the extra time you have working on your passion projects and aiming for your dreams.
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Crystal: Flower Agate
Character: Keroppi
Archetype: The Devil
Astrology: Leo ♌️, Aquarius ♒️, Capricorn ♑️, Gemini ♊️
Hey pile 2! Your archetype is the devil. Don’t worry though, for this doesn’t make you evil or bad. All this communicates to me is you are an enjoyer of the darker parts of life. You enjoy what other people usually fear. This is definitely not something horrible you should shame yourself about. I see you probably enjoy altered states of reality or perhaps you are very free with your sexual expression. I see you like the taste of control, power and vengeance. Again not a bad thing in my mind. Humans have many states of being and no part of existence is incorrect. Your message from the devil archetype is not asking you to cold turkey your behavior. However, I think it is saying balance is super important when you dabble in darkness. You might be prone to addiction to literally anything you can get dopamine from. I am an addict as well. I know how hard restraint can be. Even doing this reading is giving me cravings to be honest so I know you deal with cravings constantly. Your cards are saying it doesn’t matter if you feed the addiction. You will always be starving for more. You will always be chasing something you can never achieve. Please take care of your body before the cravings lead to worse. When I was dealing with my addiction I ended up in the hospital multiple times. It would have killed me if I hadn’t stopped. It is okay to dabble in darkness but seriously I beg you, from the bottom of my heart please moderate. Moderation is key to keeping yourself safe. If you are meant to have the darkness, it will be in your grasp. If you are in need of a break. Trust the universe when it takes it away. You are not evil for needing. I want to reiterate that because I know how it feels to need something that hurts you.
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Crystal: Carnelian
Character: Tuxedo Sam
Archetype: Emperor
Astrology: Cancer ♋️, Aries ♈️, Sagittarius ♐️, Scorpio ♏️
Hey, pile 3! Your archetype is the emperor. You are a force to be reckoned with. A master of your craft and skilled beyond other people's wildest imaginations. You have a plan and have been putting so much energy into it. You know exactly what you want and exactly how to get it. Your cards are pretty straight forward just like you are. They are telling me that working hard is good! That your progress is fantastic and you have made it so far! However, the pace you are keeping at is almost unsustainable. You can’t juggle all of the tasks you are trying to keep under control. You cannot do it all by yourself. That isn’t logical! Humans are not solitary creatures. We need community and connection to continue on. Humans who have been left alone for too long go hecking crazy! You absolutely can handle all of it mentally. I am not saying you are incapable because you are SO CAPABLE. Rome was not built in a day. Masterpieces are not made out of minutes, they are made out of days or months or years. You are creating a masterpiece so allow yourself time to think about it. Allow yourself the space to brainstorm and be patient with your body and your creativity. Be gentle with yourself. You are only one person and the secret you are missing is that you are not alone. The silly little secret is that you don’t need to set a deadline for the greatness you are going to grow into. One of my favorite artists didn’t make it when he was 20. He grew into his greatness when he was 35. Does that make him any less of a great artist? Absolutely not!!! You are cool, awesome and wonderful! Why do you need to prove that when you already know it is true?
-ghost 🖤🩵
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tybarious-ii · 2 years ago
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The men who developed the jeep pause to commemorate the event outside the Bantam car factory in Butler, Pennsylvania. The prototype was delivered to the Army.
Date: September 21, 1940
source, source
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adarkrainbow · 5 months ago
I am not very active around here, sorry for that, I've been busy with life X)
I'll share however something you might be interested into hearing about: we were talking about the reputation of pigs in culture with themousefromfantasyland. I checked out a book by Michael Pastoureau about the history of the pig, and if you don't know Pastoureau, in France he is called "The historian of colors and animals", because he became famous by doing a series of books studying the evolution, social function and cultural symbolism of... well, both colors and animals. He wrote a book about the bear, one about the wolf, more recently he did one about the whale, and he also wrote one about pigs.
Anyway: in his book, Pastoureau analyzes a certain phenomenon in modern children media that he called "The Good Little Pig". Despite the very long history of the pig being seen as an evil and negative creature [an "impure" creature in religion that you can't eat, the symbol of gluttony, brutality and dirtiness, a servant or appearance of the devil, even a symbol for lust from Renaissance onward] children media has formed a true archetype of the pig as a cute, clean, sanitized, asexual being who is happy, optimistic, naive, joyful - and quite "childish" to the point it can be seen as basically being an animalized child, or a projection of children in the animal world. A character that kids can identify with or relate to easily. The Three Pigs as reinvented and popularized by Disney, Piglet from Winnie the Pooh, Babs the pig, Porky Pig from the Looney Tunes (Pastoureau also includes Miss Piggy in the lot, which I do not entirely agree with).
And Pastoureau does a quite interesting analysis of how this modern archetype actually has roots in older parts of the "pig myth" in European culture - from the pig of saint Anthony, symbolizing the good and faithful companion, the loyal pet of the saints, the comfort and love hermits and holy men obtain even though they are isolated from all civilization and humanity in the wilderness (plus, it was the pet-symbol of a charitable order of healing-monks) ; to the legend of saint Nicolas, where the piglets are associated with human children, due to the disturbing incident of the butcher killing three orphans during a famine and trying to sell their meat as pork, only for the saint to resurrect them.
Pastoureau also evokes how in older societies piglets are strongly associated or linked to children - with them looking a LOT like human babies (he evokes the old roots of the Three Little Pigs fairytale, but he doesn't mention the Alice in Wonderland episode of the baby turning into a pig, which I think is a missing element), or how in old European rurality when boys were separated from girls (around 5-6 years old) they were sent to guard, watch over and live with the pigs, while girls were tasked with guarding sheep or goose, leading to boys being literaly "raised with pigs". (And there's a much more general exploration of how the pig is associated and linked to the human being, from Antiquity surgery to when pigs were put on trials, passing by famous legends like the myth of Circe turning men into pigs)
And Pastoureau's conclusion is that The Good Little Pig archetype answers or manifests a specific manifestation of the pig, as a symbol and embodiment of children, of the pure, innocent, joyful and naive world of childhood, which is then confronted with the darkess, violence and danger of the adult world, usually in the shape of a greedy farmer, a bloodthirsty butcher, or a big bad wolf.
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ask-from-razputin-aus · 1 year ago
Art Prompt: How about drawing up some Archetypes?
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Archetypes! Colored and uncolored
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mad-pride · 3 months ago
is there a term for like the general [x]p's for pwPDs? like fp, ep/chp, etc ? i swear there was one but i forgor...
I guess? I know this flag and I saw similar flags around such concepts in that blog (@paranoid-and-pretentious). You could also see @pdsarchive, @bpdarchive, and @pdhoard which are specific. Looking through this tag by @radiomogai, I found this coining of person of interest (POI) by @loupgaroualejardin. I guess we just reblogged several flags related to these concepts (which I'm not familiar enough with the macrofamily/umbrella yet) recently, or not. If you found a blog that posts many of such flags, ask them.
@dependencypersonality also used the term archetype, but I'm not sure if it's the same thing it references to. Tag/send it to us if you find.
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dailycharacteroption · 2 months ago
Powered Armor Jockey (Starfinder Archetype)
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(art by Shardanic on DeviantArt)
Ah, power armor. Smaller than a proper mech but heavier and tougher than anything in the heavy armor category.
The technical definition of power armor is any suit of armor that comes with additional servos, pistons, and other mechanical parts meant to transfer ordinary human motion into something with a lot more torque, effectively making the wearer superhumanly strong, though depending on the setting, maybe not any faster since moving too fast without protections could see the armor ripping the wearer apart inside of it, which would of course defeat the purpose of it being armor. Additionally, typically power armor is coated in a layer of heavy plating dense enough to take heavy fire which an ordinary human could not normally move in, but can due to the help of the power armor itself.
If you’ve been reading your item descriptions, you might note that a lot of heavy armor in Starfinder is in fact technically power armor, what with assistive servos built in, but proper power armor in the system has it’s own strength score, and is big enough to have hard points for attaching weapons even if they don’t have the integrated keyword.
Now, I told you all that to tell you this: I love power armor, and I love specialist pilots for power armor even more, and that’s what we’re covering today in the form of the Powered Armor Jockey!
Not just a heavy ordinance pilot, these jockeys are also equal part modder enthusiast and field repair mechanics as well, no matter what their skillset is otherwise. This is part of the beauty of the archetype too, as anyone can take it as long as they’re proficient, and while combat-focused classes are the most obvious choice, we’ll see exactly why there’s something here for everyone.
These specialists are constantly modifying and tuning their armor, allowing them to add either an additional weapon mount or space for an upgrade. Later on, they refine this to be able to have both.
They also become intimately familiar with how their armor moves, allowing them to move closer to their normal speed, both in powered and heavy armor.
With knowledge of leverage and the upper limits of their armor, these jockeys can squeeze a bit more power and hit harder with the limbs of their power armor.
Finally, for all their love of the armor, these warriors understand that their lives are still more important than the suit, and they can choose to let their armor take the brunt of attacks they can’t stop outright, damaging it but keeping them alive.
A pretty solid archetype all around, and perfect for any character seeking to specialize in such heavy armor. Now, soldier is the obvious choice, and armor storm is definitely going to be one of your fighting style choices. The fact that so many abilities synergize and specifically stack between the two guarantees it, but beyond that, you might specialize in heavy armament with bombard, bullet storm, or shock and awe, or mix in melee focus with hit and run or wrathful warrior. Other combat classes like solarian and vanguard likely will lean either super defensive to become nearly unkillable, or let the armor do the protecting and go full offense. Meanwhile, nanocyte or evolutionist might be shockingly versatile in such armor.
With non-combat classes, mechanic and technomancer are obvious choices with their technical know-how. You might think experiemental armor is the only choice for mechanic here, but consider the exocortex as an onboard targeting system, experimental weapon as a unique integrated weapon, or even a drone support buddy covering your back. Meanwhile, mages of all stripes can make use of the powered armors durability or strength in a pinch while hammering foes and buffing allies, and sneaky classes like operative and envoy can put in some work making for surprisingly agile and fast power armor sets not unlike Samus Aran.
There’s plenty of ways you can roleplay a character like this. Whether they’re currently serving in a military, a mercenary company, or some other role, they can be anything from brash hotheads to more technical combatants. What remains true is their appreciation for their armor, which can range from technical fascination to an anthropomorphized bond with the armor. On that note, it’s important to remember that it’s completely possible to upgrade the stats of a suit of power armor instead of trading up to the next best one if your character would rather keep their current suit.
Powered armor pilots are known for being eccentric, with some even having small pets they take on missions. However, few are stranger than Aldo, Callsign: Grindhouse, who has a cable serpent named Escavor inhabiting his armor. The two formed a strong bond with each other after the latter spontaneously gained life inside the former’s armor during a mana storm. The internal damage nearly compromised the armor, but the two saved each other and have been inseparable ever since.
Balnar’s Folly is a section of the Kollas System’s asteroid belt that is also the territory of a notorious ysoki pirate, Captain Bloodtail, who fights with her custom rigged armor she calls Scrapclaws as well as a heavily armed support drone called Noisemaker. Needless to say, she likes getting up close and personal with the defenders of any ship she intends to take.
The party is tasked with infiltrating an enemy stronghold, one that should in theory be relatively unguarded save for an on-site skeleton crew of soldiers. However, the intel was bad, and one of the enemy’s elite power armor units is there, a particularly eccentric but nevertheless deadly group.
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cantevenbeachhere · 3 months ago
Which character archetype are you?
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The Beauty
Beloved, beautiful, naive, innocent—or at least, perceived this way. The one representing goodness, in all its purity, to others. Smarter than they let on.
Tagged by @antvnger
Tagging but like no pressure: @writingsinashes (Independent Barbie) @guardian-rocket @sobeautifullyobsessed @manymusesbym @gender-kenvy @iamwhimsy @eulalielatibule and you! 🫵🏻
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