#Anti TFA
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blade-liger-4ever · 22 hours ago
Tell me why you hate IDW comics and which characters you most dearly love got butcherd by them?
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You ask a loaded question that has a long answer. Hang tight, I'm gonna use a Keep Reading section.
So there are two major reasons why I despise IDW with the intensity of 3,000 white sons. The first is that they butchered the characterizations of so many heroes - Optimus Prime being stripped of his virtues to become a jaded/faulty hero, Prowl going from a fun-ish 'Bot to a ridiculously bad villain/cheesy Chessmaster of the Autobots, Elita One getting warped from her original motherly kick-butt nature into a self-serving opportunist - the list goes on, and it infuriates me to no end because they took my childhood heroes who, while in some cases far from perfect, were symbolic of true heroism/goodness and made them "nuanced" or "living in a morally gray world" which is absolutely bull because that was never the intention of the franchise. The intent of the franchise is right there in the original intro: "Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons" (emphasis added.) I'm not saying you can't have 'Bots who fall from grace or 'Cons who join the Light Side, but to imply that neither side is good or some such crap is the nature of a nihilist. If you can't believe that one side is good and the other bad with no in-between, you need your head checked.
The other reason I hate it is because it - like Transformers: Animated, though I'll tackle that monstrosity later - made Cybertronian life something to be engineered without God. It doesn't work or make sense because (and as a Catholic, I'm quite familiar with this) the Cybertronians are sentient and have rational souls like humanity. See, humans are created in the image and likeness of God, which is why we live in houses, create jobs, and have entire societies unlike the animal kingdom; animals don't have rational souls like us because they aren't made in the image and likeness of God. They are beautiful yes, but God gave us "dominion over the plants and animals" and other things of the Earth, which show that they are lesser creatures than us. Since Cybertronians have societies, homes, jobs, cultures and such, this tells us that they inherently have a a rational soul like humanity, which means their creative abilities would NOT lie in mining and building new bodies while harvesting Sparks from "hot spots" or the AllSpark to create life.
It's stupid, and lessens the importance of their lives because they're basically saying "they don't need God because they just make their own bodies."
Humans share in the ability to create life insofar as our procreative abilities, and even then we just act as something for God to work through. Because where do human souls come from?
He makes us through our parents, because He has a plan for each and every one of us, and performs His plan through us, whether it be in childbirth or our daily actions. You cannot give Cybertronians such an easy way of creating life unless they were akin to angels, and given that, unlike angels, the Cybertronians keep falling into destructive wars and behaviors like humans, it's clearly not a viable means of preserving IDW or TFA's crap explanation for how Cybertronian life comes to be.
As for the second part of your question - I'd have to say, everyone.
No joke, virtually everyone there I loved was destroyed by IDW in the name of "nuance/depth". Aside from the above examples, I hate how Sideswipe and Suntreaker were turned into a pair of twins who nominally got along; yes Sunny was a pain originally, but it was never on the same scale as THAT abomination. Furthermore, he genuinely cared for his brother as opposed to tolerating him. Likewise, Sideswipe was no pushover for his brother, and he sure as heck wasn't insecure in their relationship. To do that is in insult, just like it's an insult to have Ironhide go Blue Screen of Death based off something he saw and become a reclusive mope. That dude specializes in kicking mopers in the aft and giving them the pep talk of the millennium.
I also hate that they made Chromia from Caminus and so selfish by setting up an explosion that could've killed Windblade just so they'd go home. Stuff you lot, that's not my girl anymore than your sorry excuse at an Elita One is. And Firestar - why make her an actress, let alone a borderline Ghost Rider with her insanely stupid fire mohawk? She's fire and rescue, not actress extraordinaire.
Wheeljack was, from what I recall, relatively undamaged. But then you get to Ratchet and Drift - first of all, no way these two would either clash in a friendly manner or get along perfectly. Second of all, them kissing each other is a load, because their personalities (both original and new, which I don't like either) aren't gonna mesh even if one were a girl. Friends can have a religious and atheist approach to their friendship without jumping into bed together, and the fact that everyone says they can tells me they've never had a friend in their life.
Megatron should absolutely have stayed a villain. Yes you can have his backstory, but don't make it an excuse for him anymore than fans excuse Starscream of his sins because they think he's hot or see themselves in him. It's wrong, and downplays their villainy.
Shockwave....the freak was that dude in IDW? Making him more evil than Megatron is stupid since he's literally one of the most loyal 'Cons out there. Soundwave I don't quite remember, but I'm still disappointed by what we got of him.
The list can and will go on if I don't stop myself, but in essence, virtually everyone was tainted and butchered by IDW. TFA made a lot of the comics' ideas - both the "gray morality" and atheism - mainstream in the eyes of many, hence why I despise it as well.
There's very little to recommend either, and it's notable that I've only taken to watching TFA Blitzwing clips on YouTube for him and that, while I'm enjoying him and stealing him away from the show, even those clips make me want the Autobots to die.
No joke, outside of Strongarm and Rodimus (separate rant for the future), I've never more dearly wished for an Autobot's death, let alone enjoyed watching harm befall Ratchet. If this is the show that everyone screams has the best of the best writing/whatever, including the least jerk-ish Prowl (who, for the first time EVER, I've wanted someone to blast the head off of), then y'all are fragged in the head.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk, and sorry if I hit on something you liked that I dislike.
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the-far-bright-center · 5 months ago
"Over a decade after its release, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005) still stands out as George Lucas’s summative and most masterful artistic statement. I use the word “summative” deliberately, because Sith incorporates a broad cinematic heritage, and also draws from Lucas’s own interests in narrative/illustrative art, architecture, world religion and mythology, anthropology, philosophy, pedagogy, and even race-car driving. In finding a tonally and visually radical common ground for these fixations, the film also addresses and subverts the director’s own oeuvre; and, as has always been the case with Star Wars, Sith contends with the poles of past and future, searching for (and sometimes grappling with) the space between. Of course, the Star Wars saga has always been anachronistic, employing science fiction iconography while also pulling famously from Joseph Campbell’s theory of monomythic commonalities in world narratives; the original film, released in 1977, also acted as a gateway to a commercial future, opening the floodgates (along with Steven Spielberg’s Jaws [1975]) for a new kind of American blockbuster cinema. However, while Lucas and Spielberg offered auteurist statements on genre that were also fortunate enough to generate mass appeal, the majority of big-budget fare has since become studio-incubated and sanctioned by market control groups, resulting in films that are often devoid of passion for cinematic language. Ironically and sadly enough, this can certainly be said of J. J. Abrams’s insipid The Force Awakens (2015), a reactionary attempt to conserve a falsely utopic view of the saga’s origins."
—Mike Thorn, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith: George Lucas' Greatest Artistic Statement?
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klaudia96art · 2 years ago
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Autobot or decepticon ?😈
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peachi-blossom · 3 months ago
Non-Hazbin Hotel characters that are better than Alastor: The Sequel
NOTE: I made "Non-Hazbin Hotel characters that are better than Alastor: The Sequel" because I got more characters that I have on the list.
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Hehehe, Alastor is gonna get solo'd by everyone!
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the-badger-mole · 2 months ago
Thoughts on reylo? i see a lot of zutara shippers also ship them
I do not care for the ship. I don't like Kelvin Remy, and I didn't buy the chemistry between him and Rey. Also, the similarities between Kipper Rye and Zuko are very surfacy to me. I think he's a lot closer to Finn than Krusty Reach.
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the-far-bright-center · 2 years ago
I wrote about why TFA made no sense and why it was inherently destructive to the meaning of the saga all the way back in 2016, long before the rest of the fake-sequels were released.
It’s easy to blame TLJ, since it was terrible, but I do want to stake a claim to “TFA threw the OT trio under the bus and positioned OT heroes as failures in need of redemption”. I think that element was always poison and without a thorough explanation/justification as the core of the trilogy, excitement would always wear off and disappointment would always creep in.
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gritsandbrits · 3 months ago
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I dont know who made the template for this meme, i found it on google.
I am probably the only person in this fandom (on DA at least) that doesn't ship these two. I guess its due to my own apathy towards cc x cc ships in general or my Oc ship with optimus. I know people ship them because they want optinus to save blackarachnia or she gets redemed amd changed back to elita but the show made it clear she doesnt WANT to be saved. Hell, she evengot WORSE when she decided to mutate Wasp who was an innocent bystander. That and she hates optimus - ironically more than sentinel when it was his idea to go to archa 7 - despite him risking his neck to still help her. She has no problem taking adavntage of his longering feelings for her.
Optimus isnt without flaws. He's pretty blinded by compassion and the past, almost as if hes loving a shadow. I wished there were more scenes where he stands up to her. I dont like how fans put pressure on him to redeem her when she's GROWN woman who CHOOSES to be evil.
Thats not a good relationship. Even if she was suddenly cured she'd probably still hate him because she cant help herself. Honestly i think the best route is for him to realize that they cant go back and move on with his life, and for blackarachnia to live on her own - and without him shielding her from the consequences of her actions. I want Optimus to find someone who's honest& accepts him. someone isnt a manipulative, self victimizing witch. Someone like me 🤭
Of course if you ship it that's totally fine! But this is MY opinion on the ship and why i personally dont like it.
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xaytheloser · 6 months ago
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Hiii!!! I'm Xaiver!! here's a bit about me :33
pronouns: she/he/they +neos (Agender)
Pansexual Demiromantic
I'm a multishipper, oc x canon, and selfshipper!!!
I'm autistic and also have ADHD!!
I am 18, only SUGGESTIVE material is allowed on this main blog, PLEASE NO FULL BLOWN NFSW!!!
Fandoms!! :
-Cookie run
-Transformers (mainly TFA)
-Murder Drones
-The Portal games
-Delicious in Dungeon
-MLP + many others that would take forever to list lmao
DNI if:
Proship/comship, MAP/ProMAP, Racist, homophobic, transmedicalist, Truscum, Neo/Xeno pronoun exclusionists, TERFS, Zoophile, irl yanderes, self shipper exclusionists, Zionist, and other gross people!!
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angst-is-love-angst-is-life · 7 months ago
I’m never gonna ask “why do people ship them” because I know why— but really. Reylo is soooooo bad. He literally kidnapped and tortured her, and she was terrified of him
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theweeklydiscourse · 1 year ago
Could you imagine if someone said something like “ATLA would’ve been a better show if Zuko was tempted towards joining team Avatar and fighting to end the war but instead chose to pursue evil and staunchly rejected any chance of redemption . Wouldn’t it be so compelling if after the Crossroads of Destiny, Zuko just became more evil? Yeah, I mean fully embracing fire nation nationalism and becoming like his father. I would love it if the narrative presented us with the possibility of his redemption only for it to subvert those expectations and have him begin and end as an ontologically evil villain who remains static for all three seasons. What an amazing character arc that would be.”
This is what “Ben Solo should never have been redeemed” discourse sounds like to me. I know people have their interpretations, but I am genuinely so baffled by the idea that his character would’ve been improved if they had done what is essentially a retread of Anakin’s arc in the prequels. It’s complete and utter nonsense and I’m so annoyed by all of the people talking about that idea as if it’s SOOOOOO DEEP when in reality it’s probably the shallowest storyline you could come up with.
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the-far-bright-center · 2 years ago
SW rant of the day
You should NOT have to retcon an ENTIRE SAGA in order to make one idiotic little film ‘make sense.’  
If the story of the film in question does not flow logically as a continuation of the main saga as it is, and  if, in order to make it appear to do so you have to shoehorn it in via tie-in material, then that right there is probably a big sign that, you know...it’s not the story that needs to be, or even *should* be, told. 
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as8bakwthesage · 8 months ago
“Oh bUt TfA BuMbLeBeE iS iN tHe MilItArY” logic doesn’t apply when in the US, there have been countless cases of minors joining the military in history. Child soldiers exist outside of the USA and Autobot society isn’t exactly healthy about its militarisation. Autobots literally take young bots in order to put them into military training first and foremost.
You cannot tell me that child soldiers don’t exist, you fucking morons.
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caripr94 · 1 year ago
Rogue One/Sequel Trilogy Salt
'A New Hope' is the story of a boy who grows up in a tranquil home and dreams of joining a war. What if we have the story of a girl who grows up in a war and dreams of returning to the tranquillity of home?
Gareth Edwards
This quote is evidence that Jyn Erso was written to be a foil to Luke Skywalker. Before Rogue One came out, I and a bunch of other fans were speculating Jyn to be Luke's wife and Rey's mom (due to the resemblance to Rey, the speculation about Rey being Luke's daughter, and the parallels between Jyn and Luke (and between Jyn and Mara Jade, Luke's Legends wife, to the point where it seemed like Jyn might become the Disney canon version of Mara)). Even after the film came out, I was still hoping for Jyn to pull a Phil Coulson for that, particularly with that kyber crystal necklace she had.
Years later, after Lucasfilm has mangled up Rey's origins along with the latter two sequels, I haven't completely given up on that idea, but it's been barely on my mind, and I've been torn between that and Jyn's relationship with Cassian Andor. But now, reading that quote has stirred up my feelings towards the former (and from what I've been recently reading about Cassian, he's kind of old for her anyway). It seems like a great opportunity that Lucasfilm has wasted.
@araitsume @aomoviegeek @reynaberrieorgana @fyeahreysky @finnrey-skywalker @roselani24 @jonesgirl88 @tragicfantasy-girl @vaderdala1541
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peachi-blossom · 3 months ago
Non-Hazbin Hotel characters that are better than Alastor: The Finale
NOTE: I got more characters on the list for the finale!
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Oh he's toast, he's very toast!
We're 10 days away before Christmas starts and I schedule a post on that day. Can't tell you what it is because it will spoil the surprise.
That is the end of the Non-Hazbin Hotel characters that are better than Alastor trilogy.
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frumfrumfroo · 2 years ago
Is it weird that I feel sadder about Rey than I do Ben after TROS? I mean, sure Ben died and he had a nonsensical character during the film but the entire core of his character wasn't eliminated. I feel so much sadder about Rey and miss her story in the first two films more, knowing the filmmakers didn't care about her to the extent that they just saw her as a vehicle for legacy backstories and flattery of older male characters. I know a lot of people on all sides of the SW fandom still resent her after TROS I just feel deeply sad and miss her.
A lot of people feel the way you do, I saw that sentiment frequently in the aftermath.
I stand by my statement that Rey is far deader as a character than Ben ever will be, but personally I care a lot more about the destruction of the saga as a whole than I do about the destruction of the ST and its protagonist.
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xaytheloser · 6 months ago
all these f/o imagines are super cute, but it's really funny bc my pookie wookie Blitzwing is a 28' ft tall robot and none of these imagines would work with him even slightly due to how enormous he is lmao /lh /silly
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