#Andrew Tate Style
chefjbonilla · 2 months
The Olympics, Trans Men, and the Last Supper: A Line We Shouldn't Cross
In a world where boundaries are constantly being pushed, some lines shouldn’t be crossed. The Olympics, a symbol of athletic excellence and unity, has always stood as a bastion of tradition and respect. However, recent trends in entertainment, particularly involving trans men portraying iconic figures like those from the Last Supper, have crossed into territory that many find deeply offensive and…
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Elon Musk performed a Harry Styles song. His face looked like something out of the uncanny valley, he was wearing a white feathered coat and had long black hair (a wig?). It was a hit. I was horrified. Then Elon became Andrew Tate but looked like the real Harry. I can't remember the song...
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invisiblequeen · 1 month
Say, Tates...I hear you like em young 👀
And now you're bout to go to Cell Block One 🤷‍♀️
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monzterzack · 2 years
controversial opinion or whatever, but i do feel we need to bring back the leftist video essayist format ON CLUTCH
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ssimay · 2 years
so......i'm never watching youtube shorts again lmao
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aalt-ctrl-del · 2 years
dude. I just watched the Andrew Tate video roasting Greta T. So apparently this guy will sell pick up lines and how to get chicks with some sort of subscription program for his "beta male university" or some shit
And okay, but all these 'Masc men" listen to a guy that talks like that? And phrases his words like that?
this bro couldn't even train a grey hound. This is the cringiest gobstopper, I'm making squinting muppet faces. This is why them pussy-boys be single.
The lads need to go out and touch some grass. Or eat some grass. Neither will hurt them, really.
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ravs6709 · 2 years
Why are all my teachers this semester vaguely useless at best and complete bad vibes at worst
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jhsharman · 2 months
Help Wanted
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Did this create new long socks for Veronica?
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orgasming-caterpillar · 6 months
Mahabharat characaters on Social Media: pt.2
Pt. 1.
He developed an app that teaches martial arts and other fighting styles basics to those who can't afford the classes.
History nerd who regularly posts ramble about the different types of discrimination that happened in different cultures from 5000BC India to 17th century slave trade.
Cameos regularly on Duryodhan's gym videos as his "gym bro" (ahem ahem and they were gym bros) (oh my god they were gym bros)
Fitness influencer but it's actually just him trying to beat Bheem's records.
"that's funny, brother. I recently just posted a video of me picking up 100kgs with one hand and now you're doing that too." "Yeah it must, we must have got the same idea. Did Arjun give you your idea? Because I got mine from Karna." "*Squints eyes*"
Gets dragged into Dushashan's podcast very often.
After a specifically homie erotic video with karna, fans started commenting non stop "so we all know he's bi, right?" So he made a video in reply saying "nooo haha I have a girlfriend bhanumati haha karna is totally my friend" and then they comment "we didn't say anything about Karna." He never addressed those comments after that.
His role model is Andrew Tate.
Will always ask Duryodhan to come to his podcast as a guest, doesn't take no for an answer.
Dushashan: so like. Women. Like they are so obviously made— like their bodies have evolved to nurture children and take care of the home. They should stay at home and keep it nice and clean for their alpha male, who is their provider and protector.
Duryodhan, closeted bisexual and thinking of Karna's thighs: Woof— I mean true.
Sweetie pie. Absolute babygirl.
When he revealed that he was also a kaurav brother, he was mass reported over five different platforms for spreading misinformation until he proved that it's actually true.
He's just obedient and does what his two elder brothers say and people think he's just like them because of it
Editor for Dushala's videos.
He's the fan favourite Kaurav.
Vlogger. Huge YouTube personality. Storytimes.
Channel is basically "my life as a younger sister of a 101 brothers"
Her vlog series of "Keeping Up With The Kauravas" is famous all over the country.
Posts random snippets of her brother's lives.
Once posted a short of Dushasan picking his nose that went viral and got a whole episode of "The Harsh Truth About Having Women In Your Family" on his podcast.
You could say the nicest thing to him and he'd still take it the wrong way.
Thinks he's gonna be a politician. (He isn't. He never will. Everyone hates him.)
Occasional gym video with Duryodhana.
His fans know. The way he looks at Dury, the fans know.
Keeps getting his account hacked but all the people do is rid the world of his treacherous content.
Note:- in my AU, the Kauravas aren't siblings from the same mother but very close knit cousins from a huge joint family.
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rexecutioner · 2 months
If you want a way to introduce MyStreet to your friends, or want to rewatch it but don’t remember the lore as well as you would like…boy have I got some news for you.
Let me introduce you to Dubbing Over All Of MyStreet!!!
Talking from experience, dubbing over Aphmau videos is fucking hilarious if you keep bits going and all have a pretty good sense of humor.
Me, my best friend, and my (twin) sister all sat down one day a few months ago and, without remembering any of the lore, (we were MyStreet kids) dubbed over Emerald Secret and we had a blast.
Forever Potions? WRONG. Aphmau, Zane and Lucinda get possessed by Andrew Tate and two of the founding fathers instead.
Aaron being the son of Derek Lycan? LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER. Andrew “Derek” Tate. Aaron Lycan-Tate. Melissa Tate. And Just Pearly Things Tate, don’t ask me about that one.
Ein handing Aphmau the knife to kill Aaron? SO CLOSE! Ein and Aaron having romantic tension confessing their love to each other as Andrew Tate possessing Aphmau walks over to Ein, demanding his knife, and Ein accidentally drops it, exclaiming “Oh, darn my butterfingers!”
Kim gets possessed by Emmalyn? NOPE. Kim gets possessed by “The Ghost of Bisexuality’s Past” and one half of her brain is gushing over Zendaya and Audrey Plaza while the other is screaming about Josh Hutcherson and young Matt Dillon.
Aaron lore taking over a third of the season? NOT ANYMORE. Aaron character growth as he learns from Kim and Lucinda that all women deserve rights and misogyny is bad, while Aphmau and Zane have a side plot about how manipulating your best friend into turning people into dogs and telling her you are her conscience is bad.
Strictly Aarmau? WRONG AGAIN. Crackships like Aarein come into play, while more fandom loved ones like Garrance, Danvis and Katecinda are thrown around. Along with some canon ships like Travlyn and Zana, while including with some weird “we forgot the plot and who these characters are bcs they only show up in this season” ships that will not be named here.
And that’s just Emerald Secret, we dubbed over Love Love Paradise (halfway done), Lover’s Lane (one third), When Angels Fall (first few episodes we had two other friends join us!), Pheonix Drop High S2, A Royal Tale, and a few Cocomau videos as well.
We have made so many inside jokes while dubbing My Street. I didn’t even get to the Time Travel Trio, Aphmau stealing people’s souls, Not Alone Buddies inner consciousness mind links, Ivan’s lisp, Weed Crystals, Milf Manor, Aphmau’s queer awakening, the emeralds actually telling secrets, Tatiana being named “Thanks for Watching”, Aarmau break up (forever), Liochant and Michi’s drug ring, and so much more.
You don’t have to be good at voice acting or know the plot, you just have to know the character’s names and a loose understanding of improv, and you’ll be set.
Just a fair warning, if you plan to dub over a piece of media you like, make sure you don’t remember the plot as well as you’d like to, or else your brain might just fill in random stuff with lore that is already canon, which is why the second half of our Angel’s Fall dub kinda fell off because at that point all three of us knew the plot. Have fun with it! Don’t feel pressured to make it close to canon at all.
I even made fanart for it. Heads up, this art is old and the style is outdated. I don’t draw like this anymore.
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radfemverity · 9 months
Andrew Tate is the perfect test, and women should use him to vet men.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a better demonstration of how an umbrella fear of all men is justified, than in the support millions of men have given to Andrew Tate these last few years. At the end of 2022, every claim about he and his brother were vindicated when they were finally arrested for sex trafficking.
Both have publicly admitted to preferring when women stay like young girls, beating women in the bedroom, tricking women into making degrading porn, and ploughing ahead in sex whether the woman is ready and willing or not. There have also been leaked footage of Andrew Tate filming himself frightening a woman to humiliate her. @CrayonMurders on Twitter is a living breathing archive for all of this.
Yet his fanbase grows everyday. Very high profile commentators on the Right who the Left have been warning about for years (eg Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Tommy Robinson) have actively endorsed Tate, and his tweets regularly surpass tens of thousands of likes. He has a cult of personality amassing millions of men.
He is the textbook example of everything women have been warning about, it’s almost comedic. Andrew Tate isn’t like most sexual predators. He’s not discreet, he doesn’t use vague language or dogwhistles. He’s not a Jeffrey Epstein, a Jimmy Saville or a Harvey Weinstein, he’s too reckless for that. In caricature Disney villain style, he has been so brazenly unapologetic about his lifestyle of rape, pimping and violence, that unlike many before him, he has given himself absolutely no path to plausible deniability. His fanboys preaching “innocent until proven guilty!!” falls flat in the face of hours of footage and hundreds of tweets of him bragging about being a sadistic monster.
Andrew Tate is so addicted to flaunting his evil, that he inadvertently exposes the sheer number of men who are pro-rape and human trafficking, in a way that more careful predators just don’t. We can all use him as a test to vet any man we consider letting into our lives, and provide other women with the information to do the same.
Ascertain a man’s opinion on him early on. Don’t show your own bias, don’t interrogate, just ask casually and feign ignorance. Say something like “Oh I saw the whole drama on the news, but I don’t really know what to make of it all”. Listen for his answer, and then enquire further, no matter what it is. Even if he says he doesn’t like Tate, ask why. Because while “he’s an insecure beta masquerading as a big man”, and “he’s a bad role model” are true, it isn’t enough.
If you’re going to trust any men, especially in this neoliberal hellscape where they’ve had access to millions of clips of women being raped in every position and every hole since they began puberty, just please wait until they’ve demonstrated an unshakeable empathy for the female sex. Andrew Tate isn’t just a dickhead, or a funny peanut man, or a beta narcissist. He is a monster.
I cannot remember the last time there was a yardstick by which we can so easily measure a person’s humanity (or lackthereof). And while I would never blame a woman for just pointblank avoiding the entire male sex, associating with men is quite the game of Russian Roulette, most women – even radical feminists – would never be willing to do that. So to the 95% of us who wish to have at least one man in our lives, this is the easiest, most perfect test.
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dailyadventureprompts · 6 months
Due to a unique confluence of dashboard alchemy this March 15th (A Merry Ides to those that celebrate 🗡️🗡️🗡️) I had an interesting thought regarding fallout new vegas:
If you strip away the rhetoric and the goofy football pads, you'll find that the fundamental motivating factor of Caesar's Legion is male insecurity, with everything from how they treat women to their primitivist view of technology drawing from the same fear of immasculization that fuels all "redpill" movements.
(This is to say nothing of the use of roman iconography and the "retvrn" dogwhistle about abandoning modern "decadence" and harkening back to the rigour of an imaginary past)
This casts Caesar as our Andrew Tate figure, a charismatic ideologue who pitches a worldview that promises to impose order on the frightening chaos of reality. His philosophy is a salespitch targeted directly at his listener's insecurities but meant only to benefit him: " you are afraid of being weak. I know what strength is, listen to me. by internalizing my words and spreading my message you will become strong." Of course the difference is that Caesar's empire is built on expansionist violence where Tate's is built on insecure teenagers feeding misogyny into the algorithm for the sake of engagement. Either way it creates a hierarchy that doubles as an information bubble, where position within the hierarchy is determined by who best can adhere to/rebroadcast the leader's message, identical to how an mlm ships product.
This quite fits with a watsonian reading of fallout: the wasteland is a hostile and terrifying place formed in the shadow of an objectively failed 50s (styled) traditionalist patriarchy. Though society may have collapsed, the people who survived inherited that society's rigid view of what a man should be like (strong and driven by the acquisition of material and status) a view largely incomparable with the new environment (starvation, radiation, and mutant dinosaurs will kill you no matter who you are or how much stuff you have). Since institutionalized masculinity had failed, people in the wasteland were forced to look for new paradigms of what masculinity (read: strength) looked like, a void into which Caesar's ultraregresive worldview fit perfectly.
From a doylist perspective however, I'm not sure the writers were really thinking about gender all that much during the rushed development of FNV. Like just about every other aspect of legion society that wasn't cut for time, everything about them seems to be evil for the sake of evil. However If there's one thing you can say about the underbaked concept it was a real hit with social regressives incapable of reading deeper. Unironic pro-legion discussion of Caesar's ideology has been an on ramp to turn insecure nerds into fascists the same way that ideologies like Caesar's have been turning insecure jocks for decades. It's poe's law in action: the developers gestured at fachism but failed to do enough with it to prevent a portion of their player base from becoming radicalized.
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hollywoodfamerp · 4 months
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Hollywood Fame is heading to the most magical place on earth!
Pack your bags for Walt Disney World, a place where dreams come true and a little pixie dust goes a long way! We will be staying at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge, which features exotic animals, dazzling pools, award-winning dining, and more. Who knows? You may even meet a new friend right outside your window! Under the cut, you will find the roommates list for the trip. The roommates were arranged by a RANDOM generator. Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or your FC was listed on the ships list, you were included in the generator.  As we get more people into the roleplay, we will update the list. If you do not see your characters name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know! Mistakes happen, and the generator isn't perfect. Hopefully, everyone is accounted for - if not, we’ll fix it! As stated before, as we accept new apps before AND during the event, this list will be updated. This is also applicable if FCs are unfollowed/leave the group, so please understand that this list is subject to change. So, that being said - please LIKE THIS POST so you can not only keep track of this list but also so we know you saw this notice.
Akanishi Jin and Lee Sunmi
Ana de Armas and Louis Tomlinson
Andrew Garfield and Lily James
Anne Hathaway and Jade Thirlwall
Ariana DeBose and Ariana Grande
Awsten Knight and Miley Cyrus
Bella Hadid and Thomas Doherty
Billie Lourd and Dylan O'Brien
Cari Fletcher and Victoria de Angelis
Cha Eunwoo and Choi Soobin
Chloe Bailey and Gareth Southgate
Choi Minho and Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Chris Evans and Naomi Scott
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) and Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Dakota Johnson and Sam Heughan
Danielle Campbell and Joe Burrow
Danny Amendola and Olivia Culpo
David Tennant and Harry Kane
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) and Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair)
Dove Cameron and Aaron Tveit
Dua Lipa and Joseph Quinn
Emilia Clarke and Park Seonghwa
Emily Blunt and John Krasinski
Emma D’Arcy and Hailee Steinfeld
Erin Moriarty and Fryea Allan
Ethan Torchio and Damiano David
Florence Pugh and Cillian Murphy
Georgia Tennant and Jason Sudeikis
Glen Powell and Meryl Streep
Hailey Baldwin and Luke Hemmings
Harry Styles and Ashton Irwin
Hwang Hyunjin and Bang Chan
Jackson Wang and Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Jamie Campbell Bower and Tate McRae
Jenna Ortega and Halle Bailey
Jeon Jungkook and Choi San
Jessica Chastain and Claudia Jessie
Jonathan Bailey and Simone Ashley
Jordyn Woods and Bae Joohyun (Irene)
Josephine Skriver and Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Josh O'Connor and Troye Sivan
Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) and Olivia O'Brien
Jung Wooyoung and Brittany Baker (Britt Baker)
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) and Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi and Byn Baekhyun
Kelsea Ballerini and Joe Keery
Kim Hongjoong and Diamanté Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie)
Kim Jisoo and Christian Yu
Kim Mingyu and Sana Minatozaki
Kim Taehyung and Chou Tzuyu
Kit Connor and Michael Evans Behling
Kylie Jenner and Billie Eilish
Lauren Jauregui and Bill Skarsgard
Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin
Lee Know (Minho) and Lee Felix
Lee Taemin and Kim Jongin
Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Emma Stone
Lucas Wong and Kim Jungwoo
Lupita Nyong'o and Tessa Thompson
Madelyn Cline and Anya Taylor-Joy
Maia Mitchell and Alycia Debnam-Carey
Maika Monroe and Sydney Sweeney
Mark Lee and Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Matt Smith and Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Maxence Danet-Fauvel and Hunter Schafer
Mazz Murray and Jang Gyuri
Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon
Nicholas Galitzine and Taylor Zakhar Perez
Nick Robinson and Jake Gyllenhaal
Nicola Coughlan and Liam Hemsworth
Olivia Cooke and Austin Butler
Olivia Rodrigo and Isabela Merced
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) and Mercedes Justine Varnado (Sasha
Pedro Pascal and Kendall Jenner
Renee Paquette (Renee Young) and Niall Horan
Renee Rapp and Barbara Palvin
Robyn (Rihanna) Fenty and Drew Starkey
Romee Strijd and Elizabeth Lail
Ryan Gosling and Gigi Hadid
Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively
Sabrina Carpenter and Hannah Waddingham
Sam Claflin and Chris Pine
Samantha Gibb and Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion)
Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden
Sebastian Stan and Margot Robbie
Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas
Shawn Mendes and Jeon Wonwoo
Sophie Turner and Logan Lerman
Taylor York and Hayley Williams
Tom Hardy and Perrie Edwards
Tom Holland and Natalia Dyer
Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift
Troian Bellisario and Lucy Hale
Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
Vanessa Merrell and Solana Rowe (SZA)
Veronica Merrell and Rylee Arnold
Walton Goggins and Ella Purnell
Wong Kunhang and Mason Mount
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun) and Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Xu Minghao and Jennie Kim
Yoo Siah (Yooa) and Kim Minjeong (Winter)
Zendaya Coleman and Paul Mescal
Zoë Kravitz and Lili Reinhart
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armand-dearest · 2 months
An insane subplot in S3 where Daniel is pretending to be dying to the public but he gets caught by the paparazzi fighting WWE style and then promptly making out with Armand in a back alley somewhere, and this goes viral. This brings Daniel's daughters back into his life because they wanna know what the FUCK is even going on and why their dying father with Parkinson's is throwing the last known man seen with Andrew Tate before he mysteriously went missing presumed dead against a wall and making out with him. Armand is Lestat's #1 listener on Spotify. Etc
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tomatoluvr69 · 3 months
Trump. Guillotine. Biden. Guillotine. Kamala Harris. Guillotine but first she gets greenlit with the equivalent of 1,000 acid tabs and gets strapped to a chair and forced to watch Paw Patrol for 7 days. Refused sleep and water. Bernie Sanders. Name legally changed and placed in a medium nice retirement village in upstate New Hampshire but given occasional lice. RFK Jr. Forced to do 10,000 hours of non-public facing community service for women’s domestic violence charities and trans womens’ organizations. Then taken out back with 15 minutes left on his last shift and shot execution style. Ron DeSantis. Classic biblical crucifixion but forced to watch a year long curriculum called Pronouns and Praxis become mandated for all Florida seventh graders as he hangs. Presidency dissolved. Bird flu released as a chemtrail above all major metropolitan areas. All government subsidized dairy turned into unsweetened kefir. All government subsidized corn turned into delicious tortilla chips. All government subsidized soy forcefed to every Republican male between the ages of 13 and 99 over a period of six months. They are allowed nothing else. Not even water. Refused medical help. National anthem abolished. Domesticated dogs abolished. Plastic abolished. Swimming pools and childcare free. Transit mandatory. Caregiving parent roles paid. Southern and northern borders opened forever. Mr Beast given forcible amnesia. And Hillary Rodham Clinton and Andrew Tate put in a sealed bunker together until they die of starvation.
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thatsexcpisces · 2 years
Astrology observations Pt. 7
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I noticed that men with prominent cancer and Gemini placements or cancer/Gemini sun, Gemini-cancer cusp men are usually always gamers and are really into anime/marvel and always play different video games are interested in that type of nerdy stuff
Many talented or successful athletes have their moon in aries (ex. Lebron James, Tom Brady)
Moon in 6th house people stress over the slightest problems in their health or even minor injuries. People in my family have this placement and if they so much as break their pinky toe and have to wear a boot they complain about it for centuries
Cancer + aries placements in the big 6 = mentally unstable
Why are so many Aquarius men always attracted to pisces women💀 I swear they could be completely different people but there’s just something that draws the 2 of them to each other and it’s usually the aqua male chasing after the pisces. Maybe it’s their caring and sensitive nature they find interesting
Saturn in cancer individuals always have karma on their side when they least expect it. They may feel challenged and unlucky in life but they will always get the upper hand at the most unexpected moment
Men with their sun squaring/opposite their ascendant or men with mars in pisces/cancer tend to act overly cocky and are the type to shit on women when they feel rejected due to their big ego mostly bc of the fact that the masculine planets are influenced by more feminine energy and placements so they’re insecure and uncomfortable since they have defects in their masculinity ( for example, Andrew Tate has his mars in Pisces)
also men with prominent Pisces or libra placements in the big 6 also tend to have a sensitive ego and can’t handle rejection (esp moon)
for example:
*libra stellium or moon male asks you out*
*you reject them in the nicest way possible*
them: “okay fuck you ur ugly asf bitch”
Like? 😭😭
People with many 8th house placements in their chart are usually just interested in hookups and only save their commitment when they truly think they’ve found the right person
Sagittarius, Scorpios, and Capricorn’s always attract each other. I always see sag people being close friends with either other sag or Scorpio or Capricorn people
Pisces are more secretive and private than Scorpios imo it’s they live a secret life sometimes
Chiron/Saturn in 2nd house people may have grown up jealous of or resenting families or people who seemed to have it all or the “perfect life” in terms of money/wealth and they may have grown up in poverty/poor conditions which caused them to feel embarrassed of their background and financial situation
Why are cancer placements esp risings so passive aggressive? Like you can’t expect me to understand your inner thoughts if you don’t EXPRESS YOURSELF💀
Virgo moons always have some sort of IBS or stomach issues atleast one point in their life
Gemini/Sag suns and risings can’t sit still. like they always have to get up to move around after a few minutes or if they’re forced to stay put they fidget, bounce their leg, etc
Leo Venus secretly love when their partner is a little clingy cause they want that attention every now and then (unless influenced by more detached placements in the chart)
Scorpio Venus flirting style = staring at you every few seconds but not approaching
Ik so many Pisces moons who have alcohol addictions or did drugs/smoke a lot. Makes sense tho since the 12th house is also about addictions
Everyone says libra moons are the ones who are more likely to be fruity but imo it’s taurus and cancer moons 👀
Leo moons are the most loyal friends you will ever have. Speaking as Leo moon myself lol but tbh we really are the hype man of our friend group
Having Lilith in your 8th house could mean that you’ve also wanted to express your sexual desires and energy but felt restricted in some way. You’ve always been interested in discussing taboos others might’ve been uncomfortable with but maybe the environment you were in didn’t allow you to experiment with them.
Mutable mercuries tend to laugh in the wrong situations or at awkward/serious times. These people never take anything seriously and they love to make a joke out of everything. They could also have a dirty mind and and space out when anyone is talking to them (Virgo mercuries less than the others tho)
Sagittarius mercuries are so BLUNT it hurts. They won’t even think before saying what they want to say and confront you even if your feelings are gonna get hurt. These people have an attachment to telling the truth
Eating disorders are common in Taurus mars people
If you have Lilith or Medusa harshly aspecting your ascendant, it could mean that people (especially women) hated you for no reason. You enhance a lot of sexual appeal and raw beauty and that would make others jealous and envious of you. People probably also tried to include you in drama you had nothing to do with and gossip/make rumors bc so many people are obsessed with you and your life.
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