#And like... having to take a 9th semester is whatever.
wilsonthemoose · 1 year
Why won't she reply?! I sent her a msg and everything :(
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seilon · 2 months
love when this is referred to as the gifted kid website. shockingly my mental disorders made me mentally disordered and school never really vibed with that so. couldn’t be me
#ppl always talking about their whatever grade reading level and how many books they’d read as kids and im just over here like🧍🏽#I’ve never been actually bad at english or reading but I couldn’t focus on reading books to save my fucking life#I hated those sheets where you had to read like a certain number of books or whatever over the course of a semester or the year or whatever#my GATE test scores for english were super high but my math was bad enough that I never qualified#and adhd made me not even perform well in English half the time because I couldn’t pay attention I couldn’t read long books I couldn’t turn#in my assignments or if I did they were late and etc etc etc#don’t get me started with math#I was the worst in my class in third grade at minute math and never made it to the levels of minute math my classmates did#(they posted results on the wall for everyone to see)#and in 6th grade I was put into an additional remedial math class#throughout middle-high school I was at the level of most classmates in terms of the classes I took but that’s only because I was not allowe#to fail and was put through absolute fucking hell with a billion tutors and grueling hours of extra work from them and blah blah blah#like I remember how I felt in those tutoring sessions and half the time I actually wanted to cry.#I didn’t start doing solidly genuinely Good in school until senior year of high school.#not coincidentally around the same time I started taking adderall I think#I had accommodations by 9th grade but they didn’t do that much except for the function that let me turn in assignments up to 2 days late#without penalty. which i had teachers question sometimes and i had to pull the Yeah it’s Literally Against The Law to not allow me this car#anyway. point is. i was never in the gate program and most of my friends were and it was mostly adhd related#adhd is considered such a quirky nothing disorder nowadays that I don’t even like mentioning I have it really. because what people think of#when I say the term is Not what i actually dealt with and made school torturous and made my parents lash out at me for things and etc etc#depression and dysphoria did not help either. but I digress#I’m not sure why im making this post#kibumblabs
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z-raven · 3 months
Crushes I have had
I guess I can write about all my crushes prior to August 2016.
1996: 1st Crush I was in Kindergarten and it was Rene, they were someone in my class and we hung out a lot
2000-2001 2nd Crush I was in 4th Grade and she was named Elizabeth and we were really good friends and I used to hang out with her a lot.
2004-2005 3rd Crush I was in 8th Grade and my crush was Ashlee Simpson (The first celeb crush) Used to watch The Ashlee Simpson Show a lot and heard LALA a lot. I used to force myself to sleep a lot during those days and I constantly dreamed about her.
2005-2006 4th Crush I was in 9th Grade and my crush was named Ryan and I used to hang out with her a lot at lunch and I eventually told her the following school year after she already had a boyfriend and she told me that she would have dated me if I told her earlier.
2008 5th Crush I was in 11th Grade and my crush was Avril Lavigne and she was in my yearbook, like I kept seeing her picture in the musical influence page of the yearbook and the more I saw that image the more I started to crush. I had a friend who called me out on it, I denied it, but I did crush on Avril.
Really late 2008 6th Crush I was in 12th grade and my crush was Miley Cyrus and I kept watching Hannah Montana for some reason and started to dream of her constantly and it was weird.
Sometime during 2009 7th Crush I had a crush on a girl named Lisa that I used to have a biology class with and I made these Youtube videos of me singing songs about her, I feel like I went overboard with that crush. I did eventually tell her I had a crush on her, but she said that she thinks it would be best to remain as friends and so we did.
Sometime before Summer of 2009 I had my 8th Crush I had was of Hayley Williams of Paramore, like this crush didn't last that long, but it was nice. I liked her a lot and Paramore was really awesome tbh.
Summer 2009 9th Crush I was taking my 1st college class at a community college and I became friends with this girl in my math class and we talked a lot before class about our interests and what we wanted to do in the future. She talked a lot about Ghost Whisperer and that was a pretty good show tbh. I donated blood for extra credit for a different class and showed her where the mark was and she kept telling me not to show her it and she kept rubbing it to make it feel better (It didn't hurt) I found that really sweet of her. The day of my math final I wanted to tell her my feelings after taking the exam, but she was already gone by the time I finished. The last time I ever saw her was during the following Fall semester, but I was too busy talking to an old high school friend and didn't get to talk to her long.
Early 2010 10th Crush I wrote a story that had people I knew in college and eventually I kept dreaming of her, she was a friend of mine. That relationship didn't work out and to be honest it was for the best.
January 2011 11th Crush I had was of a Youtuber that used to watch a lot on Blogtv when she did livestreams. I dreamed a bunch about her and it was mostly a celeb crush, but whatever
November 2011 12th Crush I had was a college friend of mine that I honestly didn't even know I had a crush on her, like I had a friend that used to talk bad about her artwork and I constantly defended her, that friend eventually asked if the reason I was defending her so much was due to having a crush on her. I honestly didn't think of liking her in that way, I just didn't want him to talk bad about her art (Her art was awesome and is still awesome now) I confirmed to myself I had a crush on her due to worrying a lot about her when we lost power due to a lot of wind (We lost power for a few days) I was hoping she was alright, then I had a dream about her on the 20th of November.
Sometime after 2011 and before 2016 13th and 14th Crushes started to develop on both Rooney Mary and Mary Elizabeth Winstead around the same time, I found it really strange to crush on 2 people at the same time, but this was the first time I crushed on multiple people at once and I think this is the start of me learning I was poly. Both crushes never really ended and sometimes I start getting feelings emerge again even today. Celeb crushes don't fully count as crushes, because they are both people I would never be in a relationship with and Mary is married. Rooney is dating someone at the moment and I would never want to come between someone and a relationship.
Really Early Summer of 2016 15th Crush, I started to have a crush on a speedrunner that I found really beautiful that streamed on Twitch at the time. The more I watched her the more I learned more about myself and that crush didn't last more than I guess a few weeks or so idk.
Shortly after the 16th Crush I developed a 15th Crush on someone that came from within me, this one is someone I doubt anyone will actually understand at all. She appeared in my dreams and after I started watching a speedrunner I started dreaming about a girl that went by Raven and she talked to me a lot and went to a lot of events with me in the dreams. Raven used to be really closed off, but only talked to me. I kept dreaming of Raven and she helped me realize my gender identity, so they are a huge part of my growth. Raven eventually started going by her real name which is Erika. I took the name Raven for my name to honor her. Erika is a personality of mine and I do talk to her from time to time and she is now really open and radiates happiness, I thought about Erika when I was in a really dark place where I self harmed and she brought me out of my depression that happened in like 2017. I still do talk to Erika from time to time and she tries her best to keep me happy internally. I love Erika and always will, she is one of my alters after all, she tends to like all my friends and sometimes you can even pick out which of my Tweets are her.
I am not writing about any crushes that I had after 2016, because that is way too recent and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.
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galaxae · 11 months
if youre still doing the ocverse ask game, 3 and 19? 🥺
ougghhh i so totally still am. i'm mainly fixated on my stupid ass video game idea (working title is gods don't bleed but i want to change it bc it doesn't fit as well anymore)
forgive me if this is incoherent, my boyfriend dislocated his knee so i have to care for him, and work has been terrible and burned me out, so i'm definitely leaving some stuff out of my answers :(, but whatever!!
3.) any recurring images/elements?
absolutely yes. lots of imagery of plants and animals, for one. fire vs. ice too, yes i know it's a very commonly used trope but i like playing around with those two things, especially when i get to kinda subvert expectations with them. similarly with light vs. dark. and also colors vs black and white, both in terms of morality and in terms of actual visuals
19.) describe the sillies you think about but that dont go in the story.
in my mind, charity and fabian (the first two playable characters, and close friends) are exes. it's probably not going to be canonized, but it's also not going to be explicitly denied, so...
their first date was incredibly awkward, by the way. fabian was an ignorant rich kid who loved to pry and stick his nose in others' business and not let up until he knew everything about a situation, while charity was freshly in the "my mom and i were homeless, got taken in by a man, and then that man turned out to be very very bad so we had to flee the state and come to this small piece of shit town where no one realizes how privileged they are, and this all sucks, and i don't want to talk about it" mindset. they were also both 14-15 which is the worst age to be. they broke up so fast after this but now they've got a really solid friendship going a few years later, and charity has a different (cooler) partner
also, so many silly bits of dialogue that... i'm not sure they'll go into the game at all, or if they do, whether they'll just be optional bits. but some favorites include (formatted sorta like they would be in my script document):
KIMBERLY: Oh, hey, Fabián, you're in French 2 with me next semester. JAMAL: Wh... what? People actually take French? I thought that was a myth. FABIÁN: Well, I already know Spanish since everyone on my mom's side and, like, half of my dad's side speaks it. So I thought taking Spanish would be way too easy. CHARITY: You stupid son of a bitch. That's exactly why you should take Spanish.
ACE: Holy shit, I just got stung by a bee! FABIÁN: Are you ok??? Ace pulls the stinger out of their face ACE: LOOK! It's still pumping venom! That's so cool! CHARITY: What the fuck is wrong with you? ACE: What's wrong with you? Lookit!
JAMAL: Hey. Kimbie. KIMBERLY: Don't call me that, please. What is it? JAMAL: Spell ICUP. KIMBERLY: "ICUP?" JAMAL: Spell it. KIMBERLY: That's not a real word. Fake words don't have spellings. JAMAL: Can you at least try? KIMBERLY: Oh. Wait. I see. I-K-U-P. JAMAL: ... KIMBERLY: Does that suffice? Jamal looks as though he's about to cry. [Later that same day] JAMAL: Hey, uh, hey Kimbi-- Kimberly. Is it just me, or is your outfit kind of, uh, "updog?" KIMBERLY: What? JAMAL: Your outfit's kind of "updog." KIMBERLY: What does "updog" mean? JAMAL: ........Can you........... rephrase that, please? KIMBERLY: ? No. JAMAL: :/
also, there's a period of time when kimberly is in 9th grade where she gets really intensely into astrology. specifically so that she can Know A Lot About A Thing that other people don't know as much about. she'll see someone doing something, walk up to them and be like "what are you, an aries venus?" and when they don't understand the reference she'll be like "never mind :)" and feel smart. she no longer does this in the game because she realizes that's so cringe. and she has OTHER science to do, dammit!! (like proving the Weird Kid at school is a literal alien)
another fun fact: kimberly (resident genius) and jamal (who does not give a shit about academics) play chess together one time and jamal wins because kimberly is so perplexed by his newbie moves that she doesn't know how to respond to them.
oh... i didnt realize i had this many sillies... cool :)
yall are encouraged to send more asks if you want i love these blorbos
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mycomicbox · 6 months
Random Thoughts on Persona 5 Royal - Part 2
[Progress: July 9th, 3rd Palace conquered]
<<< Part 1
One thing that this game does better than previous Persona titles is the satisfaction upon beating a boss. Taking down a Palace ruler feels so much more rewarding than beating a Shadow Self or a Full Moon Boss, especially watching them break down from guilt.
Speaking of rewards, Social Links (now called Confidants) have way more rewards for ranking them up. This is such a nice change, but I'm surprised that it didn't make its way into Persona 3 Reload. Granted, I think it's because Confidants are, lore-wise, slightly different from Social Links, as they're based on accomplices in crime rather than just bonds.
Who let this small child into the magical catacombs?
Yusuke might be my favorite Phantom Thief so far. I feel a slight kinship with him, being an artist myself. Plus, I like his voice.
The Madarame arc gives me somewhat similar thoughts and feelings to the real-world AI art debacle. Y'know, with the whole plagiarism-for-profit thing. Someone smarter than me could probably word it better, but you get what I'm saying, right?
From what I've seen, I think that this is the most a principal in a Persona game has been relevant to the story. I don't know about Persona 1 or 2, but the principals in 3 and 4 were just no-name whatever guys.
Okay, the hot pot scenes were really sweet, with the squad just hanging out at Leblanc and talking.
That one Shinjuku scene is one that I've heard horror stories about, and... yeah, even after it was altered in Royal, it's still bad. At least it's brief.
As it turns out, I am far better at video game darts than real-life darts.
Makoto had it rough before she became a Phantom Thief. Glad that she did, since her Persona and costume are dope.
Fusion Alarms are way better than Persona 4's Fusion Forecast.
⚡️ Confidant Lightning Round:
Chihaya is too goddamn cute. She scammed me out of ¥100,000 with a block of salt and I couldn't even be mad.
Imagine if you were shopping for medicine and the pharamacist asked "Why do you have such a serious look on your face?"
I think Kawakami deserves a hug. And also five billion yen.
Yoshida's got my vote.
I remember reading somewhere that it's possible that Kasumi was planned to be a female protagonist, but was scrapped? Like, if you hack the game to give her Joker's guns, she can actually wield them (unlike other party members, who will just freeze the game). I could be wrong, though. Anyway, I can't wait to learn more about her.
Mad sus that I have to rank up Maruki's Confidant or else miss out on a whole third semester. He seems pretty nice so far, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled...
Overall, the story and gameplay loop have me hooked, even more so than previous Persona titles. Can't wait to see where the story goes next.
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assim-eu-sou · 2 years
And here I am, at the end of Violetta Season 2. I didn’t think I would be making this post so soon, but life works in mysterious (unhinged) ways. The timeline of me having arrived at this point is unbelievable, even to me. I watched the season 1 finale on October 9th. 1 week later, I wrote my first fic for the fandom. A week after that, I started my first multi-chapter fic. And a week after that, I finished the first part (5 chapters) of that same fic. Now, today, November 14th, just over a month later, I’ve finished the season 2 finale. This was all pretty surprising, considering the last time I wrote fiction regularly was when I was in middle school. Finding out that I still have that creativity was a really nice surprise, and it was also so lovely to have support from the fandom, my friends. Also, it took me over a year to watch season 1, so the difference in pace was DRAMATIC. Going from barely tolerating the show to whatever this is? We have to laugh.
Season 2 came into my life at just the right time. At the risk of putting all my cards on the table, I spent the better part of this semester in what I can look back and recognize as a high-functioning depressive episode. I kept up with my responsibilities and performances as usual, but mentally I was Not Having A Good Time and my intrinsic motivation just wasn’t there. This was upsetting because it is my last full year on campus and I had hoped to enjoy all of the wonderful opportunities I have as much as I could, especially after having lost so much to the pandemic.
However, I feel that I started getting myself back in October, slowly but surely, in conjunction with my descent into season 2. I was excited to see what plotlines each new day would bring as I kept watching, and when I started writing Planets, aspects of my day-to-day life that felt mundane became part of a larger story. Lately, when I’m going from here to there considering what is next on my schedule, I find myself thinking there is so much good in my life and what a blessing it is to live it.
It might sound stupid to some people that a show like Violetta could make such a difference, but to me, media is art, and I wouldn’t be a musician if I didn’t believe art has the power to impact people in significant ways. It wasn’t just the content though. It was the sense of connection that came from experiencing it with others. If I take nothing else from Violetta, I will always have the people it brought into my life, who I cherish. Honesty, you can only begin to conceptualize what you mean to me. In the end, I feel that there are no coincidences, and the way we all crossed paths was a masterful plan of galactic proportions.
So, thank you to everyone who watched me embark on this journey through Violetta Season 2, and especially to those who went on it alongside me. Getting to experience this with you will now and forever be a pivotal part of my 2022. The fun doesn’t end here though… oh no. It’s only beginning. No one is prepared for the cataclysmic event that will be me watching season 3. Myself included.
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echoesofadream · 1 month
for the asks
1, 16, 19 <3
hi <3
what’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
it is a bit hard to say what is the best advice i've ever been given but i can say a good advice is that of a cbt therapist gave me when she was intermittently seeing me after screening me for autism and i was waiting to get evaluated at a psychiatry where they would do a real assessment for diagnosis. i do not have a good experience with cbt, it's never worked for me, but we were basically talking about thoughts, and how do you know whether you can trust your brain? because if there is a fire and you touch, your brain tells you to withdraw your hand and you do, so you learn to trust your brain. but then the brain tells you many many things and not all of them are true. and she said telling these things apart can be extra difficult for people on the spectrum. and for me until that point which was in 2022, so i was 21 years old, had never questioned a single thought of mine. i did not understand that there was a difference between what i believed and actual truth. not as in i never changed my beliefs but i never questioned my own thoughts. okay so there is a difference between thoughts and thoughts here... i mean more like impressions? In a situation and I got a certain impression, I believed this to be truth instead of a projection of my own thoughts.
it's a very well known mind trap in CBT therapy especially with regards to social anxiety that you can read other people's minds. the thing is though i did not even realize this was a mind trap because i didn't know it was a thought i had rather than just fact. Well anyways this therapist took out a paper and wrote down a thought, and then she showed me i could replace that thought with literally anything, like oranges are yellow or whatever i wanted because the thought is meaningless and not real. i don't know but something just clicked for me. this was really helpful though i don't know if it's changed much about my life because i still get insecure and feel like other people are thinking the same thing that i think about myself. but at least I know it's not the case. it's not really advice persay more like a realization and a way to question my thoughts or understand what they are, the writing down and just scribbling down thoughts and playing around with them on paper was an advice she gave me that helped understand this.
wow... that got long sorry. there's probably good advice i've gotten that i've forgotten, this was what came to mind rn.
2. what is a skill or talent you’ve completely lost or overlooked? why did that happen?
hmm... i feel like those questions are quite different. i've probably lost most of my math "skills". i've never been a natural math and numbers are still my enemy. but when i got older like starting from 7th grade i started taking math more seriously. in 8th and especially 9th grade i started to understand it and like it. then i started swedish equivalent of high school but its more like a fusion of hs and college, age 16 to 19 (for me, depending on when you're born in the year) and i went to the natural science program. and basically i went into a frenzy started to study math every day and did so for three years more or less, i took math 1-5 (this means nothing to anyone who hasn't gone to swedish school ik). then i studied maths for a little less than a semester after graduating, starting with introduction to math which was awesome and then one variable analysis (envariabelanalys) which was also awesome. did start a course called like algebra and geometry but i didn't understand vectors and i couldn't give it the time i needed because i was also busy with other classes that were incomprehensible to me and i dropped out. this was november 2020, and since i have not done math like. once. so it is pretty safe to say it's all gone even though doing all that math probably altered my brain chemistry. yeah i'd say i've probably completely lost it.
idk any skills or talent i've overlooked. i'd have to think about it.
19. tell me something you don’t like telling the people you are close to.
that i can have pretty violent psychopathic thoughts.. and don't really care about things that i should. like i'm not a good kind person, i'm very selfish and don't care about other people like i should. my thoughts are very cruel and judgmental. i don't like telling people i know irl about how i live mostly in daydreams and things and that reality does not interest me. my general philosophy and way i view things or the way i live. my fanfiction or writing. how really obsessed i am with some things like kpop. and how bleak my life is. i also don't like telling people about my desires and like how lonely i feel. i also don't like telling people how i feel about religion because i grew up in a very cold atheist place and family whereas i'm more questioning and sometimes pray.
Thank you <33 i'm sorry this got so long
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se7enshadesofrafe · 2 years
Tank ewe! Tank ewe!
I'd like to thank my English teachers of days past. 
To the ones who pushed knowledge into me and pulled out confidence...👏
Thank you! 
To the ones who taught me to love literature, to prize poetry, and to lavish myself in the luster of language...👏 
Thank you! 
I'll begin with sixth grade because, in Alabama, middle school is where the subjects became independent. Each subject had its unique teacher with his or her flare for their passion. 
Thank you... 
Mrs. Jones, 6th grade 😍👏💐  |  Mrs. Carden, 7th grade 😍👏💐
Mrs. Fletcher, 8th grade 😍👏💐 |  Mrs. Johnson, 9th grade 😍👏💐
Mrs. Dabbs, 10th grade 😍👏💐  |  Mrs. Henderson, 11th grade 😍👏💐
Mrs. Bidwell, 11th grade 😍👏💐  |  Mrs. Williams, 12th grade 😍👏💐
Honorable mention: Mrs. Roberts, Literary Magazine, High School 
Sixth grade was my induction into grammar and composition. Mrs. Jones was fun and strict. She enjoyed the precision of sentence structure. But as hard as she was, she always held a special place in my heart. Almost ten years after I sat in her class, I returned to Huntsville to help my mom homeschool my brother. I called on Mrs. Jones for English help. Like a king knighting a soldier, she passed me not only a student edition of the grammar and composition book I had used, but she also gave me a teacher's edition. She hugged me and sent me off with words of encouragement and good will. Thank you, Mrs. Jones!
The seventh grade me was turning into a little sh^t, yet Mrs. Carden found a way to pull out the creative genius in my writing. She was hard, rough, and seemingly unforgiving. Somehow, though, I produced some of my greatest short stories. I wish I had copies of them now. All I remember was writing a story of a boy escaping his kidnappers and running down the highway and ducking into the woods. [shrugs] Oh, Mrs. Carden! If only I knew what you saw in me.
Mrs. Fletcher held down eighth grade English with an iron fist and a tongue hardened in the streets and sharpened in the annals of university. I can't tell you a doggone thing I did in that class. I can't even remember what we read in there.  I had checked out by eighth grade.  Sorry, Mrs. Fletcher.  Sorry for fighting in your class, too. Well, less of fighting and more of keeping the person from kicking my butt. You still get love from me! 
Somehow, I was able to slide into Advanced Placement English (AP Eng) my freshman year of high school (ninth grade). Mrs. Johnson took no prisoners.  She tried to teach me the value of journaling...it didn't take then.  She introduced me to Atticus Finch and Odysseus. They're still my boys. My paper on Odysseus garnered me an invitation into the Literary Magazine with the honorable mention, Mrs. Roberts. There were plenty of days Mrs. Johnson would have loved to strangle me, but it never stopped her from coaxing the English Major/Communications Minor out of me.
Vocabulary would best summarize tenth grade and my AP Eng class that year.  Vocabulary and Paris and Mrs. Dabbs. I'm not sure what was in Mrs. Dabbs and her approach that kept me focused. Maybe it was being fifteen and turning sixteen, a new surge of maturity accompanying my learner's permit and my driver's license. Maybe I just liked her style. Whatever it was, she managed to encourage me to write a letter to the editor of the local paper. And she was elated when she saw it in the paper the following week. I bumped into Mrs. Dabbs in 2005, almost ten years after graduating. We exchanged addresses and became pen-pals for about a year. I fell off. Tsk, tsk! She encouraged me to follow my dreams of writing, believing in the love I had for it. May I do you proud, Mrs. Dabbs.
If having one hard-nosed teacher for AP Eng my eleventh-grade year was bad, imagine having two. Yes...TWO. Mrs. Henderson was my teacher the 1st semester, submerging my class into classics, introducing me to Geoffrey Chaucer's arse and Hamlet's monologue. She was another one who calmed the savage beast rising inside of me. The beast which gained control my last year of middle school. High school advanced placement teachers seemed to have a music about them. I also found my love for presentation progressing under Mrs. Henderson. She, unfortunately, relocated due to her husband's job and left us in the care of Mrs. Bidwell. Oh, how I missed you, Mrs. Henderson!
Mrs. Bidwell got the raw end of the deal. Coming in mid-stream in any situation spells trouble.  And, although now, I know it isn't her fault, and I understand her method and her belief system (now), I hated her guts then. Hated her! What do you do with a bunch of juniors accustomed to engaging in literature and literary work? You make them go back to the basics, of course.  Especially if you're tired of grading papers full of grammatical errors. I despised her. I felt she was belittling us. We're eleventh grade AP Eng, by George! Where's our respect? How dare you make us review grammar daily like the common English classes! I'm so, so, so sorry, Mrs. Bidwell. Thank you for what you were trying to do. I would beg you for those worksheets and grammar pointers now.
My final bouquet goes to Mrs. Williams. She lifted my twelfth-grade experience to new heights. She was real and raw. She taught me how to write essays and poetry. She encouraged me and took the time to try and figure out why she was losing me. She couldn’t understand and she didn’t pick it up in my poetry. I didn’t know I was crying out then, either. I’ve reread some of those poems I wrote in Senior Year, and I hug myself. That guy was struggling to be seen while hiding. I couldn’t tell her she - and my grades - were casualties in the war against my dad and society. She pulled me aside once, opening her grade book as I rounded her desk. “What the f**k is this,” she asked, pointing at a number of empty slots where numbers should have been. I wanted to spill the beans. Cry out. Divulge all my secrets. I was a trained assassin by then, though. I knew better. I couldn’t take the chance that she may side with the enemy. She was still kind to me. Always had a smile for me and a side-eye. She knew what she had in her student, she just couldn’t figure out how to unlock it and unleash it. You’re the greatest, Mrs. Williams. Thank you!
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julietas-basil · 2 years
Putting her elbows on his desk and bent down when he ask a question, so he can can see her breast
Dear anon you gave a kick right into my writer's block,
here you go
The sound of the ticking clock played repeatedly on his mind, counting every second Agustin remained glancing on the damned paper. Nothing seemed to make sense in any of those questions, his fate was seale; that until the end of this semester he was pretty sure he wouldn't have absorbed a think of what was said.
And if we counted in, That woman in front of him he was on 9th cloud for,he was doomed-
Agustin used his hand to brush away the falling strands from his grown fringe sighing in desperate relief of his cripling fear, He tapped the tip of his pen rhythmically against the wooden surface of his desk.
With the annoying pace he had set,there was only single goal in his mind;to attract the attention of his fairytale goddess...
The old student shifted his seat to spreading his limps comfortably on his remained space,definately annoying the student sitting next to him
" What are you looking at Valentin?"
Julieta altered the direction of her interest towards the mustache boy. If he planned on getting her undivided attention,there was one thing he was undoubtedely a good student at. Her body tensed, lifting herself firmly on her hands.
"Mr. Rojas! could I be of any help?" The curly haired woman prepped herself on her most regal tone to address herself. She took her cat eye glasses gently off her nose, placing them on her work surface.
Agustin lifted his palm to report his queries to the tensed woman.
"Ahhh yes! I would like to ask you a question about the fuction al side of the eukaryotes-"
Julieta didn't say anything she rather turned on her heel to strut towards her quite memorable scholar. The woman pushed a messy strand of the side of her nose,before leaning a little towards Agustin.
The student beckoned at the woman, not even moving from his seat. Julieta glared at him. She was his teacher for God's sake what was he trying to indicate? Her nerves tensed quickly,but she wasnt gonna get fired because of him after all...he is the only one.
The older woman clenched her teath bearing her fury at the back of her brain.
" I cant understand-" the rest of what followed was transformed into pure misunderstanding, as Agustin went from whispering to mouthing a whole sentence. Julieta moved her eyebrows in question as she tried to make out the alien words.
" Come closer, I don't bite." Agustin gave her a flirty but toothy smirk, causing Julieta to blush ,whilst the anger in her stomach transformed in burning arousal. the woman shook her head vigorously "¿Perdón?" what kind of communication was he going to have with her? Telepathetic maybe.
Agustin trembled as his tutor situated herself on her elbows setting her lips next to his ear, her exhales resting every time atop his pinna,the rest tingling a part of his neck. The tall adult found himself tagging on his trousers, as the heat in his centre grew effectively into an unbearable erection.
In the meantime her perfume hit the bottom of his nostrils, taking into her flowery scent as he started mumbling out his questions. He was a little occupied to the crook of her kissable neck before his eyesight dragged further into her cleavage, her shirt having a wider neckline.
He felt a familiar sensation burn through his restrictive clothing- digging his digits into his thigh- trying to calm the hardness that poked profusely on his pants.
He bit his lip, as his view traced towards the exposed flesh, ivory breasts wonderfully peaking out from her black ,half-lacy brassiere, wanting nothing more than to taste the glorious mounts with his mouth and skillful tongue. Julieta seemed to explain something that was long lost. Whatever she whispered into his ears, didn't make it to his brain, at least not like her sweet perfume and her heavenly body did...
" Alright Guys you have 30 Minutes left! Try to write as much as you know, even by your words..." Julieta exclaimed looking at her handwatch then at the half full amphitheater.
Agustin never understood when Ms Madrigal strayed away from his presence, still too dumbfounded to process the reality that acted out in front of him. He looked at his bulge slowly, tapping quickly his foot on the floor, in an embarrassing attempt to relieve the aching tent that created in his clothes.
This was going to be a long day...
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seashq · 3 years
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students !   it is time for summer vacation and our eighth land destination of the semester. exciting !  the ss university will be docked in california until we resume travel on august 26th, 2021. students will not have access to the ship during this time. starting monday, august 9th, students will be required to leave the ship and either travel home, go somewhere else, or travel to the school-sponsored summer vacation destination of las vegas, nevada.
ooc guidelines and notes: students are highly encouraged to split their time between home/travel and las vegas !  this means you can have remote threads  ( text threads, written gif threads of students on the phone/facetime/skype, etc. )  as well as threads in vegas with the rest of the student body. we don’t care about timeline during this event so don’t stress about organizing your time. students writing from home and in vegas can happen simultaneously. the main thing we want to ensure is that no one is left out or isolated during this event since it is so long, so we highly suggest you have your student spend at least a little time in vegas so you can properly write with everyone. if we see people bubble rping during this event we will break it up and contact you privately. 
on that note, students may travel in pairs, but unless they are family we will not let groups of 3+ students travel together to various places. since this is a long event, it will lead to cliques and we absolutely are not going to allow that. 
during their time in las vegas, students will be at the world famous caesers palace hotel & casino. this luxe resort hosts more than 20 restaurants, 7 pools, spas, casinos, theaters and various shows, and stunning architecture. students can room alone or with whoever they want i pairs. the vegas strip of hotels is highly connected though, so students will have access to visit all the other major hotels and see their themes, arcades, shows, events, spas, and whatever else they may have. students will be on summer vacation for travel and in las vegas starting august 9th, monday morning, and return to the ss university on thursday morning, august 26th. beginning tomorrow, all open starters must be tagged with #seasevent and take place off ship at students’ travel destination or in las vegas. post new starters for the event and make new connections !  you may continue old threads during this time, too. 
below are some ideas of tourist destinations and things to do while in vegas:
tons and tons of casinos for 21+ students
blue man show at the luxor
forum shops at caesars palace
hot air balloon rides
helicopter tours of the city and canyons
hoover dam
grand canyon day trip
emerald cave kayak tour
luxury car rentals
murder mystery dinner shows
high roller observation deck
red rock canyons
mob museum
grand canal shops at the venetian
bellagio botanical garden
fashion show mall
stratosphere tower
titanic exhibiton
gold & silver pawn shop
neon sign graveyard museum
freemont street
shelby car museum
skiing at mount charleston
cirque du soleil
haunted museum
coca cola factory
mnm factory
springs nature preserve 
arcade at nyc casino 
mini theme park at circus circus
madame tussauds
shark reef aquarium
secret garden & dolphin habitat 
flamingo wildlife habitat
las vegas motor speedway
mandalay bay beach
las vegas natural history museum
plenty of local shows, concerts, etc. check stubhub for realistic suggestions. keep in mind our rp is not during the pandemic, so if you see anything closed due to the pandemic, ignore this. we are on an alternate timeline. ty !
and many, many other places. we recommend you check out some online travel guides.
behave, students. don’t give our university a bad name. no vegas weddings. please like & reblog this post once read so we know everyone sees. -dean murphy
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kuzocho · 4 years
imposter syndrome | Bakugou Katsuki
summary: a short drabble in which Bakugou silenced your imposter syndrome the night before the final exam.
word count: 1k
pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x fem!reader
an: wrote this on a whim to comfort me the other day, so its completely self-indulgent lmao. however, if you find yourself thinking the similar things, please remember that your head is lying to you. You’re not stupid. You’re enough. You belong.
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"Quit staring at the ceiling and fucking sleep already."
You startled a little at his low voice. Fuck, if you didn't even realize he was still awake, how could you possibly be successful tomorrow?
"Stop thinking so much, it's too loud", Bakugou said and, after you stayed silence due to a lack of words, sighed. "It's because of the exam tomorrow, isn't it?" It didn't sound like a question.
You hummed.
He turned around, finally facing you, his head propped up on his hand. He wasn’t really angry or annoyed. Instead, there was a concerned look on his face, accentuating the dark circles under his eyes, giving away that he was nervous about tomorrow, too. Only for completely different reasons.
"Fucking talk to me about it, dumbass."
Your eyes hushed back to the ceiling, taking in the shadows of the curtains on it. You cleared your throat and then, after a couple of more seconds, whispered, "I won't pass, 'suki."
Truth be told, it wasn't exactly what you wanted to say. You just wanted to scratch the surface bit, lifting a bit of the weight that settled on your chest and mind, explaining enough to your boyfriend that he could fall asleep next to you. As he should. As he needed to.
But now you had dived in headfirst and given by the sound Bakugou made, he wouldn't let you alone until you told him everything.
"That's bullshit, why shouldn't you?"
You sighed. "Because I'm too weak."
"Yeah, right, as if I'm together with some extra who can't kick ass", he snarled.
The weight on your chest got heavier at his words, making you suffocate. There was pressure behind your eyes. You squeezed them together.
"Katsuki, please." Trying to push the tears away, the heels of your palms pressed on your eyelids, making words spill out of your mouth instead. "Yes, that's exactly it. I'm weak. I don't belong here. I don't know anything about rescuing people and doing hero work and my quirk is not suitable enough and I don't even know why I didn't quit al-"
"Oi, hey, would you just breathe for a second?"
A warm, gentle hand wrapped around one of your wrists, peeling it gently of you eye, a stark contrast to his pushing tone. He let it drop between your bodies before doing it again with your other hand.
As the white dots slowly disappeared, you did as he told you, taking in a shaky breath. You still wanted to cry and the heaviness was also still there, but at least you had said what was on your mind.
"What result did you got on the first exam, back when we were first years?"
The question caught you off guard and you shot him a confused look. His face was neutral now, not giving away any thoughts and emotions.
"C'mon, fucking answer me, so I can go back to sleep."
"Uh, I think I was the 14th?"
He chuckled. "You were the 13th actually, but whatever. And then the first exam last year?"
Not knowing where he wanted to go with this and how this had anything to do with tomorrow, you answered, "9th."
"Correct. And the first exam this year?"
"5th. I really appreciate you reminding me of my gr-"
He clasped his free hand over your mouth. "Just fucking wait, you impatient woman. How many times could you beat stupid Deku during practice so far?"
Furrowing your eyebrows, you mumbled against his hand, "Twice."
"And Icyhot?"
Maybe, you thought, you slowly got the direction he wanted to go with you. Freeing your mouth, a slight smirk creeped up your face. "Four times."
"And me?" There was a sour look on his face as you turned to him and you wanted to wipe it away, but instead, you said,
"Six times." Your smile grew wider as he sighed, "and that was only this semester."
"ha, don't get too proud of yourself. I just had bad days then." He placed a hand on your cheek, the calloused pad of his thumb stroking your cheekbone. "Just because it took you longer to climb to the top, doesn't mean you don't deserve it."
A low growl left his lips. "I told you to wait, haven't I? You're making me sleep-deprived, so you at least own me to keep your sweet mouth for a minute."
You pressed your lips together, feeling guilty.
"Good. I don't know who told you you wouldn’t belong here, but that's the biggest pile of shit I have ever heard. And I heard a lot. You fucking worked your cute little ass off to get better and you even beat me sometimes. And, as much as I wish it had been pure luck, it wasn’t. You are not some fucking extra like that asswipe of a grape. And tomorrow, you're going to pass, become an official hero and then we'll get to be the best. Nothing else will happen, you fucking hear me?"
Too stunned by his words, you stayed silent. His words made you think back of all the hours you had slumped over your desk, studying late into the night before you had to get up early to hit the gym. You remembered all the sweat, the tears, the blood.
It took you a second to realize that the urge to cry was gone. The pressure on your lungs was still there, but you could breathe better now.
"Thank you, 'suki", you whispered, finding his eyes. What else could you say?
The corners of his lips lifted up a little. "Always."
You kissed him, short and sweet, and then snuggled into his chest. "Maybe we should sleep now."
Even though you didn't see it, you could practically feel his eye-roll. "Don't pretend like it's my fault we're up at this hours, stupid woman."
His arms wrapped securely around your frame and by the time he kissed the top of your head, you were out like a light already. "You're lucky I love you."
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Hello my lovelies,
Some of you might have seen that there are no fics scheduled for the upcoming days and weeks and there is a reason for that. Yesterday was my last assignment submission, I have done 2 reports and an in-class exam in this week and they have had a tole on me. I didn't write any fics in this period, because obviously my studies were more important.
I'm quite proud of myself, because through out my 2 semesters I have only took a 2-week hiatus from writing which in the end turned out to be only 1 week, but other than that I have been posting fairly regularly and I still got mostly As for my assignments. I personally think that's something I can be proud of.
However it has also taken a toll on me. I am at a stage where I'm just plain exhausted from simple tasks such as waking up and going to sleep. Laying in bed and doing nothing or going for a run, whatever it is, I'm just tired to do it.
So, as hard as it is to make this decision, I had to do it so I can recharge. Therefore, I will be taking once again 2 weeks of break from posting. I will be on Tumblr, I will probably be reading and reblogging stuff. I doesn't mean I will not be writing, because I love it, probably I will still be writing fics since I escape into writing almost every single day. The issue is with producing content and scheduling and it just feels like a chore at this point.
I will give myself two weeks off from writing and hopefully when I start posting again, it will feel as natural as before. I love sharing my fics, I love seeing all your reblogs and comments, but I have fallen into a hole where it feels like a necessity to post instead of being fun.
I will still be here, you can send me asks, talk to me and I have quite a few fics in my masterlist so you can go ahead and read, I just need to take a bit of break. I will be back to writing on here by 9th May, hopefully :)
I hope you can all understand my decision!
Thank you so much for being here, Heloise Daphne Brightmore
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zimms · 3 years
congrats on finishing high school! that's awesome! do you have any advice for someone finishing their junior year of high school? I'm really stressed with my exams right now, and I don't even know how to start looking into colleges. thanks
hi anon! thank you so much for asking me; i’ll try to help as best as i can, but as i’m from the uk, our education system is slightly different, so i’d recommend not taking everything i say at face value
(also holy shit this is long, sorry!)
if you have an exam specification (what will be included) or your course outline, use that to tick off content as you go. i know it sounds obvious, but i found multiple gaps in my notes last week when i was revising for geography, so this just makes sure that you've got everything
draw up a calendar grid of your exam period (be it one week or four) and schedule in when your exams are. then if you can, allocate the day or night before that exam to your final push on revision (as much as people may say cramming is a bad thing, it gets the job done). if you block off these days for just that subject, it stops you from procrastinating revision by studying for other exams (if that makes sense), whose content might distract you from what you need to know
write your revision out by hand. i don't care if it doesn't look perfect or if it's slow, write it out by hand. i don't know if there's any science behind it, but if i physically write it out, i find it sticks better because i put more effort into it.
speaking of which, mind-maps / knowledge blurts, whatever you want to call them, are your friend. just put everything you need to know down on one piece of paper. it might be cramped or messy, but if necessary, you can stare at that piece of paper before the exam or get someone to test you on that if they can read it.
if it's still not sticking, write it out again. in year 10 (9th grade), i had a really important exam that i'd stupidly signed up for and i just never learnt the content because i was lazy (don't be like me), but in the two days before the exam, i completely panicked and i just wrote out all the content. first into bullet points and sentences and then into more condensed bullet points, finding the most important content as i went along.
looking at colleges: (i know this is pretty different because in the uk we apply for specific courses and can only apply to five universities, but i'll tell you how i narrowed down my options)
first of all, before i get into my method of choosing colleges, i just wanted to say that you should definitely apply to colleges if you want to! the university i'm going to in september was kind of a long shot for me (and a couple of my teachers doubted that i would get in, especially compared to some of my other friends that were applying), but i managed to get in, so you should at least try and give it a shot!
firstly, find every university that offers the major(s) that you want to study and stick them in a spreadsheet (in one column)
now figure out the things that really matter when you're applying to colleges. this can be things like accomodation quality, where the college ranks nationally for your major, how far away it is from home, or financial aid. this is really applicable to you and you only.
for example, my spreadsheet had Ranking, Length of Course (3 or 4 years), Grade Requirements, Distance from Home, Joint Degree, Contact Hours, Study Abroad, Appealing Modules, and Scholarships
list these categories along the top of the spreadsheet in a row so that you've got a blank grid. however, also add a column for Instinct. i found this to be one of the most important categories, as the only universities i visited in person were the university i accepted and my back-up uni. as annoying as it is to say it, if you can get a clear idea of the vibes, it will get you a long way. (to help with going with your instincts on colleges, i'd recommend visiting campus during the semester if you can rather than during the summer or spring break as you'll get a better idea of how the students really behave, rather than reading off of a script on a tour)
once you have your categories, rank each college on a scale of 1-3 in each of these categories (use a 0 if something's not applicable, like study abroad for instance) based on how optimal it is for you. for example, i wanted to be at a uni that was more than 50 miles away but 150 miles was the optimum amount. so i scored places under 20 miles away and over 250 miles away as a 1, places between 20 miles and 50 miles as a 2, places between 150 miles and 250 miles also as a 2, and then 50-150 miles as a 3.
as you're filling these scores in, you'll probably start figuring out which colleges you definitely don't want to go to and you can just delete them from your list as you go.
then add the scores and you should have your top 5/10/20 colleges that you should visit, either virtually or in person
however, don't fall into the trap of just using the scores. if you find yourself reluctant to eliminate a college because you like the vibes, then simply keep it on the list. if you find that you don't like a place, simply delete it. for example, one university was ranked at #2 on my spreadsheet, but i simply didn't want to go there, so i deleted it.
then just go and visit them, but don't forget first impressions and vibes go a long way!
i hope this helps!! good luck with everything anon!
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cdelphiki · 4 years
From one homeschooled person to another, do you ever have to deal with people chalking up any of of your flaws/eccentricities/gaps in your education to being homeschooled? If so, how do you prevent yourself from a) exploding b) exploding privately or c) complaining to a complete stranger over the internet? Apparently it's totally okay to be ignorant so long as you spent eight hours a day in a public education facility from k-12, but heaven forbid your homeschooling parents neglected anything.
The good news is, the older you get, the less people care. But the bad news is, they never stop attributing anything they perceive as negative about you to you being homeschooled. I remember having people go ‘oh’ in that, ‘ah that makes sense’ kind of voice whenever I said “actually I was homeschooled” in response to being asked which high school I went to.  It’s sadly just something you have to grow a skin against, and kind of stand proudly on the fact you were homeschooled.
So, I usually like going the route of “yeah well eat it I’m doing great” when someone says anything negative about homeschooling. MY opinion is actually high school is completely useless and NO ONE needs it. People get real ticked when I say stuff like that, especially people who worked their butts off during high school and did all those fancy AP classes and extracurriculars. In my opinion children should be taught the basic foundations, reading, writing, math, science basics, and general overview of history and then allowed to learn whatever the hell they want. The whole ‘unschooling’ or ‘montessori’ methods of schooling. Far better. Produces children who want to learn, rather than children miserable because we trap them in prison for children for 8 hours a day for 13 years of their childhood. Honestly.
So, I was homeschooled throughout high school and my mom did not pay one lick of attention to my education. She had a kindergartener and a 6th grader, both with serious learning disabilities to homeschool, so me the seemingly well behaved, self motivated 9th grader who SAID ‘yeah I did my schoolwork today’ was probably doing fine. Whatever. (spoiler alert, I never did my schoolwork. Ever) Fast forward to when it was time to start college, I literally made up a report card. It was based on the curricula my mom handed me, that I did sometimes read. But the grades were just me going ‘yeah I’m really good in history, A there. Math? Eh I’m pretty bad. How about a low B. Yeah that looks good.’ My mom signed it and I sent it in with my college applications. I took the SAT and did fine. Nothing spectacular, but I did slightly above average, which was well enough to get into the local state universities.  
Then I pulled a 4.0 my first semester. And that opened all the doors. I was able to transfer to any school I chose (and wanted to pay for lol). 
So whenever people start to balk about me not even doing high school, much less being homeschooled, I point to that.I ended up graduating with honors, then went on to grad school with a full ride and did pull a 4.0 that entire time. (I got mostly As in college, with a few Bs and one D. In spanish 101. So it hardly counts 😬) Now I’m doing well in a federal career, and no one cares whether I did high school. Because, guess what? High school is useless. 
Basically, you just have to develop a thick skin and take on the attitude of “Yeah, well, shove it I’m awesome. Sorry your parents made you go to prison for 13 years.” 🙃
I will say my parents highly sheltered me as a child. I was not exposed to lewd stuff as a child, and most definitely never got the jokes and innuendos people around me made or were made in movies and TV and such, if I was allowed to watch the TV program in question. I grew up on discover channel. And obviously that translated to me being very sheltered in college and not getting it when people made a ‘funny joke’ that was really just some sexual something or another. And really, my attitude there was, instead of get all embarrassed when they laugh I didn’t get it to ask “Yeah, and is it a problem I don’t have a dirty mind?” Because, well, is it? Even now, at 28, while I’m far less sheltered than I was at 18, I often tell people “Wait, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know” because, really, I don’t want to know about so much of the nasty stuff out there. 😂. 
That’s my long, rambly thoughts on that. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with people’s crap in this matter. If I were you, I’d feel sorry for them for having to endure prison for so many years. Sounds awful, tbh. 🙃
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dom-bastiansmythe · 3 years
Finals Bliss || Bas & Alex
TAGGING: @dom-bastiansmythe & @alejandro-lodge
DATE: Saturday September 9th, evening hours
LOCATIONS: A scene room 
SUMMARY: Finals scene
Sebastian stepped out of the steaming shower and stood in front of a mirror. He looked at his own reflection and nodded at himself before grabbing a towel and he dried himself off as he made his way into his master bedroom. A quick look inside his wardrobe and he knew what to get. Black leather pants, also black leather boots, completed with a white, silk shirt and a black tie half loosen around his neck. A slight touch of hairgel to tame his wild chesnut locks and after another quick look on his full length mirror he was walking out of the suite, and down and out of the Doms building, and to the main building, where the scenes rooms were. He had gone there earlier that day to make sure he would had everything he would need for his upcoming scene with Alejandro Lodge, and that included the St. Andrew's cross, his own gift to the long list of utilery that they all had at their disposal at the academy. His own had burnt down with the  fire, so a new one seemed fit. And what better way to break it in that with a scene for their final grades. With someone who had told him, up at front, that he didn't do intercourse. 
At first he felt a bit at loss with that one. The last time he had done something of that nature was with his scene with Violet Cooper, who Sebastian told he wouldn't have intercourse with because he was a gay man and that didn't fly with him. But having to do the same with a man was something he thought he couldn't deal with first. But after some thinking he figured they could both make it work, even without actual penetration. He had told Alejandro to meet him at the door of the main building so they could go into the room togeher at 7 pm that day, so he hoped the other man was punctual and that he would do as he was told. Otherwise they would be starting with a left foot.
This exam scene was making Alex more nervous than any recent scene had done, and that was saying a lot. Part of it was because he didn’t know Sebastian that well, though having dinner with him and talking to him the other night had definitely helped calm his nerves on that front. Gunner seemed to think he was okay, too. Plus, the guy really seemed to know what he was doing, and that was probably the most important thing. The other part of his nerves had to do with this exam counting for both of their grades. He didn’t want to fail himself, but the added pressure of knowing someone else was relying on him for a good grade on the final exam was a lot. Before leaving his new dorm room, he’d decided on clothes that made him feel confident. It was just a form-fitting, short-sleeve plaid button down shirt and his favorite pair of skinny jeans, but it helped calm his nerves just a bit. He’d arrived outside the building where Sebastian had instructed him at ten to six, and he’d gotten onto his knees right away, kneeling just off to the side of the entrance. A few people passed him while he waited, and one even missed his hair. That was reassuring, too. When someone finally stopped in front of him, he looked up and smiled at the Dom. “Hi, Sir,” he said, trying not to let his nerves show.
Sebastian stick his hands down his pockets as he made his way to the main building, the cool fall breeze grazing his face as he walked. He closed his eyes briefly and took some of that calming feeling, knowing that it would suit him well for the night ahead. As he got closer to the building he spotted a human form kneeling by the door, and a smile came upon his features when he realized Alejandro was already there, waiting for him. He stood right in front of him and nodded. "Hello to you too, Alejandro" he said with a low voice, then he reached down and cupped his chin gently, his eyes taking in everyfeature on his face. "You're cuter in person" he added with a smile, then let go of him. "You got here on time. I like it. I like things being punctual." He looked at the door. "Very well then... Let's get this party going, shall we?" he said and winked at him softly before turning and getting into the building, knowing the other would follow. They made their way down the stairs in silence, broken only when they arrived the basement area. "You're nervous?" he asked, somewhat gently.
Alex blushed as Sebastian grabbed his chin. "Thank you, Sir," he murmured, pleased with the compliment. Sebastian was really hot in person, too, especially with that tie he was wearing. Just for a scene! An important scene, but still for a scene. "I like making a good impression, Sir," he responded before following the Dom into the building, happy to let him lead the way. He bit his lip at the question and shrugged. "A little nervous, Sir. Just, um... new Dom and everything. And I don't wanna do something to hurt your grade for the semester."
Sebastian unlocked the room he had reserved for their scene and pushed the door open. "I don't want you to fail either, so it's good we have each other's best interest in mind." He entered the room, which had a four pole bed at the center of it, the headrest of it armed with hooks for the cuffs, or ropes on both the upper side and th eloer side of the bed. And on the other side, nailed to a wall, the main piece: the St. Andrew's cross. "New Dom?" he asked casually, then turned to look at him. "Hang on- You have been dommed by just one person? Is that what you're saying?" He brushed his fingertips over his own chin.
Alex bit his lip as he entered the play room, taking in all of the furniture and toys on display. His gaze was definitely drawn toward a large cross against one wall, and he felt his face heating as he wondered what it would feel like to be bound up against it, because that's what it had to be used for, right? Sebastian's voice brought him back to the present, though, and he cleared his throat, turning to look at the Dom. He shook his head. "No, Sir," he said. "Mostly one, but I've submitted for a few Dominants this term. But we haven't scened together before. That's what I meant."
Sebastian nodded. "I see. Well, that's good to know." He caught the blush on his face when he looked at the cross, with the binds hanging loose from it, and he grinned. "Before we get started, and just so we're on the record for our scene, let's have a little chat." He offered him his hand and once he gave it to him they moved to the other side of the room, where a medium size couch was. They both sat down and crossed his legs together. "Let's go through your do's and don't's once more, and more thoroughly, so there's no mistakes. And you need to tell me what your safeword is. And also, another than a good grade, is there something in particular you're looking for to happen tonight?"
Alex took a deep breath once he was seated on the couch, his hands pressed firmly together in his lap. "That's a lot, Sir," he said before shaking his head a bit as if to clear that thought away entirely. "Okay, um, I use the traffic light system for my safewords, Sir. And no sex, and nothing permanent, but I think I'm okay with trying anything else. I, um... I like pain, Sir. And I really just wanna be good for you, whatever that means to you."
Sebastian chuckled. "Yes, well... I like things to  be clear from the start. It's best for the both of us. " He nodded. "Pretty common system, okay. So, like we talked about before, no penetration in any way or form, and... nothing permanent, you say? Some kind of marks are easily gone in a couple of days. Would you be okay with those? Because, let's just I feel like spanking you hard, until your ass is flaming red... Would you like that?" He chuckled and stood up. "I have a feeling you'll be quite good to me, boy. I have to say- In many ways you represent a challenge to me, but I like that. I like challengess." He walked to the center of the room. "Stand up and get over here. Then you will strip of all your clothes."
Alex nodded along as Sebastian spoke. "No penetration, Sir," he agreed. "Um, hands are okay, though. And I'm definitely okay with marks that last a few days, like... what you said." He bit his lip, blushing deeply at the thought of being spanked like that. At the order, he got up, moved to the middle of the room, and took his clothes off. They went into a slightly messy pile on the floor next to him, and his hands balled up into fists at his sides to keep himself from covering himself up, like it was his instinct to do. His cock was already half-hard, but there wasn't really any point in hiding it.
Sebastian followed every move the other man's hands did as he undressed himself before; it didn't take much to see the other was a pile of nerves. After he was done, the Dominant walked around him slowly, inspecting him, and humming with approval. "You sure keep yourself in good shape, boy. Do you workout much?" He stood behind him, his hands resting on Alejandro's shoulders and slowly moved them down his arms, until he reached to the fistballs the sub's hands were. "Relax..." he whispered in his ear softly, as he gently tried to unknot his hands.
Alex blushed and shook his head. "Not really, Sir," he said. He shivered as he practically felt the Dom's eyes roaming all over his nude form. "I mean, um, I play a lot of soccer, but I'm not, like... in the gym lifting weights all the time or anything." He took a deep breath and opened his fists up, pressing his open palms against Sebastian's. "I'm relaxed, Sir," he added, more for his own benefit than anything.
Sebastian chuckled softly. "So modest. I like it. Whatever the case, you're gorgeous, boy" he said, his fingers now slowly twining with Alejandro's as he opened his hands, then he let go of one and kept a firm grip on the other. "Come on, let's get you in place then." He pulled him to where the cross was, then moved him so he would put himself on position. "Face to the wall. Arms up. See those hooks up there? Reach up until that level. Your feet there, on those two pads on the floor."
"Thank you, Sir," Alex said, actually feeling himself relax some with the compliments. He kept a tight hold of the Dom's hand and only let go when he was given an order to move his arms. "Yes, Sir," he said, though he took a moment to give the cross one more once over, focusing on the hooks and the pads. Then, he stepped into place and lifted his hands up to the hooks, almost as high as he could reach. "Like this, Sir?" he asked, glancing back over his shoulder.
While Alejandro took position as ordered, Sebastian grabbed a series of ropes which were placed on a table nearby, then he turned to look at the other man and grinned, his own dick stirring at the sight of that handsome male, all spread and stretched for him. "Yes, that's about right" he said, making his way back to him, then he stood behind him and put his arms around his waist, his hands holding him by the chest. "Just a tad back- There you go. You want to give it some room, don't you?" He reached down and gave the man's cock a soft stroke, then reached up and proceeded to tie his hands onto the cross, then the ankles soon followed. He knew for a fact the knots were tight, having tied hundreds of them in his lifetime. "How does that feel?" he said as he stood up, his fingertips brushing under the curve of his buttocks.
"Sir," Alex whined as the Dom just left his cock bobbing there after such a quick, little touch. "A little room, yeah," he agreed, voice already strangled a bit. He felt his breathing slow as Sebastian's attention went to the knots he was tying. It was clear that the Dom knew exactly what he was doing, and that calmed his nerves, too. "Um... tight, Sir?" he replied before testing the rope a bit with both his wrists and his ankles. They didn't budge. "Definitely tight. But I can still feel everything."
Sebastian chuckled, then took his tie off and placed it around Alejandro's neck, once he did he gave it a slight tug, so his head would fall a bit backwards. "That's the idea, boy. We wouldn't want you to fall off in the middle of all the fun, would we?" He let him go briefly and went back to the table where he had all the props he felt he would need it for the night. "So... You say you're okay with pain- How about you just show me how okay you are with it..." He grabbed the riding crop, a long, not too thick made in leather prop with a hard tip on one end. He let this end roam all the way down Alejandro's back, starting at the back of his neck, down his spine, then he let it slide right between his buttcheeks. "Now, this isn't a punishment. But you will count these at loud, understood?" He licked his lips and let the rough end snap on the man's strong bubble butt once.
The cloth around Alex's neck reminded him of the feel of a collar, and he grinned at the way it felt to have his head pulled back. "Definitely not, Sir," he agreed, and he bit his lip in anticipation as he waited for Sebastian to return to him. The slide of something soft but solid against his back sent a shiver down his body, and he nodded at his instructions. "Yes, Sir," he said, his breath coming out shakily. It wasn't long before he felt the toy against his ass, and he gasped out in surprise, his body torn between twisting away and pushing his ass out for more, but the ropes prevented him from moving much in either direction. "One, Sir," he said, probably a second too slowly as his brain worked to catch up with what was going on.
A wicked grin curled his lips when he noticed the inner struggle the man was going through between to want and not to.  It was the subtle movements that he was able to catch, and to him it was something that gave him satisfaction, to be able to do that for the other, while also getting a kick of it himself. The first smack left the shadow of a pink stripe over the man's buttocks and he followed the shape of it with the tip of his crop, then let another three hits to fall on his skin, with a gap of two seconds between each of them so the other would count them.
Alex wasn't good at holding back the gasps and moans and even a yelp as the crop landed against his bare skin--not that he really wanted to. It made his face heat, though, especially when he made an especially loud noise in response to the third swat. "Four, Sir!" he gasped out before biting down on his lower lip while waiting for more.
Sebastian stepped up and stood behind Alejandro, the whole front of his body hovering over the other, with the bulge of his pants brushing on his ass. "Such a good and vocal, boy. You've been good so far" he said, happy to praised the other, then he reached around his waist and let the tip of his crop brush softly over the tip of his cock, already hard and longing for some attention. "Be careful not to cum before I let you to, understood?" he said, the stepped back and landed three more smacks on his ass, the surface of it already tainted in a dark pink color. He reached out and let his fingertips trace the prints of his work on him. "They look good on you, boy."
The whisper of the crop against his dick made Alex whimper. "Y-yes, Sir," he managed to get out. "I understand." Holding back his orgasms wasn't something he had a ton of practice with just yet, but he was determined to be a good boy, especially for the exam. He continued to count the swats as they landed, though his mind struggled to keep up with it. The pain and pleasure swirled together, and more than that, the brief attention to his cock had made that part of his body much more insistent that it get attention, too. "Yeah, Sir?" he asked breathlessly. "I want all the pretty marks, Sir, please."
Sebastian followed with lustful eyes as droplets of sweat ran down the man's spine, following a particular one that went straight down to his crack.  "I bet you do. I'll make sure to leave some good ones, so you can a have a memory of this night." He bent down, his hands grabbing his bubble butt and squeezing it hard, leaving fingerprints over the now pink surface, then he smacked his crop on it even harder, three more times. "Enough for now" he said, standing up and leaving the crop on the table.
Alex wasn't even sure if what he was feeling was pain or pleasure anymore, but he did know that he enjoyed having Sebastian's hands all over his ass. He whimpered when they went away, but he was rewarded with a few more strikes of the crop, which he counted dutifully. He ended with, "Ten, Sir," before glancing over his shoulder to try to see what the Dom was up to. "Do I get to come soon, Sir? Please?"
Sebastian stood behind the other man, his fingers now pushing the hem of his own pants down to let his now hard cock to spring free. It immediately slapped against the still sensitive surface of his ass. "Don't worry. I remember your limits" he assured him, just in case the other would wonder why he had pushed his pants down. He gave his ass a hard squeeze, then slowly spread his cheeks open a bit. "We can have sex without penetration, trust me" he whispered in his ear, then slid his cock right over his crack and slowly dry humped him, his hands reaching up and holding onto Alejandro's, still bind to the cross. "You want to cum, boy? You've been good tonight, so go ahead-" He licked his earlobe slightly.  "Let go. Let me hear that sweet vouce of yours." 
Alex stiffened in worry when he felt Sebastian hard and naked behind him, but the Dom was quick to reassure him of his intentions. Alex relaxed as much as he could, but he found his body pressing back into Sebastian's, his sore skin burning deliciously. "Mm, yes, Sir, please!" he moaned. His cock twitched impatiently as Sebastian licked his ear, but then he heard the words he hadn't expected: Let go. He rocked his hips forward a couple of times to get that last little bit of pressure that he needed, but then he was coming, his head falling back against Sebastian's shoulder. "Sir!" he shouted out as he spurted between his bod y and the cross. When he was done, he let himself go limp, trusting the rope and the Dom to keep him upright as he basked in his pleasure.
Sebastian grunted when he felt Alejandro pushing back on him, his hands closing tight around the man's as he kept on thrusting forward, rutting the raw skin, even his entrance in the most entincing way, and he could feel the other reacting against his own body, so he knew they were doing things right. "I'm not going to touch you yet... You have to cum from this feeling alone-" he began to say, which was soon followed by the man's climax hitting him hard. When he fell limp over him he made sure to serve him as a support, while he worked into untying him, both his hands and feet. The latter he did by bending down on the floor, with Alejandro practically resting on his back, and once he was done with the cuffs of his feet he grabbed onto him and picked him up, then carried him to the bed, where he let him sit on the edge of it. "You're okay?" he asked him, then reached for a tissue from the box on the night stand and gave it so he could clean himself up.
Alex smiled dopily up at Sebastian from his new spot on the bed. He nodded slowly, though he did shift a bit from cheek to cheek, trying not to put too much pressure on his reddened ass. "Yes, Sir," he murmured as he took the tissue and began to wipe his mess away from his abdomen. "Thank you." He bit his lip as he wiped the strings of come away, and when he was done, he looked back up at the Dom. "You didn't... yet, Sir?" he asked, waving his hand toward the man's crotch.
Sebastian took the dirty tissues from Alex's hand and threw them away, then he looked down and chuckled softly, his cock still poking out of his pants, fully hard. "No. I was saving that treat for you, boy" he said, then stepped forward a bit, his fingers giving it a couple of strokes, then looked at him . "Well? Go ahead and fix it, boy." 
Alex chewed on his lip as Sebastian stepped closer, his face heating up at the thought of his treat. "Yes, Sir!" he said as soon as he was given permission, and he hesitantly wrapped his fingers around the man's cock. It felt hefty in his hand, and he tightened his grip just a bit to compensate before he started to stroke him. "Like this, Sir?" he asked, glancing up at Sebastian's face, hopeful for the Dom's approval.
Sebastian licked his lips when he finally felt his fingers closing around his member, his fingers working quickly into undoing the buttons of his shirt, and he left it hanging open from his shoulders, his muscular frame almost on Alex's face. "That sure feels good" he said with a deep voice, his fingers running through his own hair before he reached down and cupped the man's chin, and he bent over a bit a let his lips brush over Alex's. "I can take it harder than that, boy. Don't be shy. Show me how good you are."
"Yes, Sir," Alex gasped out, Sebastian's praise shooting straight through him and down to his cock, which was already starting to grow hard again. He closed his hand tighter and sped his motions up some, flicking his wrist each time he reached the tip of the man's cock. He shifted again on the bed as he worked, lifting his ass up a bit and putting more pressure on his thighs instead. "Wanna make you feel so good, Sir."
As Alex's rhythm became harder, Sebastian's moans became more continuous. He closed his eyes and threw his head back a little, just talking all the sensation in. He couldn't remember the last time he had had sex without it being about some form, any form of penetration. But it actually took him back to his much younger years, with friends, or his brother, or his partner for the night, when all the time they had was for a handjob. He had actually forgotten you could feel so good with only that too. "You are" he let out with a groan, his hips now thrusting into tyhe funnel of his fist.
Alex beamed with pride as he watched Sebastian get more and more into the handjob. His own dick ached for a touch, but he'd already gotten his reward once. Now, it was time to focus on Sebastian and his pleasure. To keep himself from touching his own needy member, he reached out with his left hand to take hold of Sebastian's balls, fondling them gently as he kept working over his cock. "Tell me-- tell me what you need, Sir?" he asked, his gaze too focused on the Dom's cock to break way and look up at his face for even a second.
Sebastian moaned even louder when he felt his hands on his balls, the two feelings combined making his cock throb inside the man's hand. He opened his eyes and looked down at him, his eyes looking up at him with so much expectation, and he felt the fire coursing through his veins when he noticed he was going hard again. "I can think of something" he said with a restrained voice, then he put his hand on top of Alex's, making it stop moving. "Hold that thought for two seconds, boy. And get in the bed in the meantime." While Alex did as he was told, Sebastian worked into getting himself undressed completely. His eyes fell upon the man on the bed like lion inspecting its prey, then he got into bed with him. "Relax, and trust me. Do you trust me, Alejandro...?" He winked at him, then shifted on the bed, so he was on top of him, both their hard cocks now poking one another, hard and already leaking. "Now... Where were we?" he asked with a cocky grin on his face.
Alex whined loudly when Sebastian stopped him in the middle of his handjob. He was so looking forward to making the Dom come, but he was a good boy and he knew how to follow orders. He bit his lip as Sebastian climbed on top of him. "Yeah--yes, Sir," he replied, nodding. "I trust you, Sir." Suddenly, he felt the Dom's cock pressed up against his own, and he practically had another orgasm right then and there. "Sir!" he cried out, his hands scrambling up to Sebastian's shoulders, where his fingers dug in. "That's-- I-- I'm close again, Sir!"
Sebastian felt the reaction Alex's body had underneath him, and it rippled over his own skin, making a wicked smirk to came to his lips. "No, no. None of that, boy" he said with a low voice, then he closed his hand around the base of the man's cock, squeezing it slightly so he could hold out a bit longer. He moved his hand away and changed with Alex's, so the man's fingers closed around both their cocks. "You have some unfinished business with me, boy. I suggest you get to it" he said, looking him straight in the eye, as his other hand found its way around his neck, his fingers sliding around his throat and squeezing it gently.
Alex panted heavily with the effort of keeping himself on this side of his pleasure. Sebastian's hand helped, though the touch of the Dom's fingers to his cock sent a thrill right through him. "Y-yes, Sir," he managed to get out as he started to run his fingers along both of their cocks together. They were almost too big for his fingers to wrap around at once, but he managed, and he couldn't help but thrust up against Sebastian's cock as well. "Sir," he breathed out again, his eyes widening at the pressure on his throat. "Please," he added, though the sound came out raspy and broken.
Sebastian moaned when he finally felt his fingers around their cocks, his hips thrusting down into the man's fist. He grinned when he saw how riled up the other was, and he gave his neck another soft squeeze. "You get through getting me off first, boy... and then you wil have your reward." Another squeeze, just a bit harder. "Understood?"
Alex nodded as he looked up at Sebastian with wide eyes. This was intense, but it was such a huge turn on, too. He'd definitely have to try this again. "Yes, Sir," he repeated, tightening his grip on their cocks. He moaned at the increased pressure on his own dick, but the sound came out muted with Sebastian's hand against him. "Please, Sir," he managed to get out, "wan' you to... feel so good."
Sebastian's grin became wider, and he let go of his grip around his neck, his hands now holding both sides of his face. "You are... Trust me" he said, his lips brushing over his lips as he spoke, and he then moved his hands up and held onto the headboard to push himself down harder, the friction increasing by the second. "That's it, boy... Come with me..."
Alex gasped out when he had full access to his airway again. He almost came as Sebastian shifted to thrust down against him, taking complete charge of the sex. "Sir," he moaned, struggling to keep himself under control. Even once he had permission, he held himself back, wanting to be a good boy and let the Dom come first.
Sebastian hovered over the other man, grinning and panting as he kept on thrusting his hips down, feeling the heat starting to boil up his spine. "That's it... Oh, you're good, boy..." He bit his lip down and threw his head down a bit, the sudden hit of his climax hitting him at once, while strings of pearly cum coated Alex's hand. While still riding the wave of his own bliss he looked at him and smirked. "You have my permission now, boy. Let go..."
Waiting to come right now was one of the hardest things Alex had ever done in his life. Feeling Sebastian's seed land on his skin was hot - had he really been the one to do that to him? - but he managed to hold off until the Dom told him to come again. "Oh, Sir!" he cried out as he let go, his second load landing on both of them. "Thank you, Sir," he moaned as he collapsed, completely sated, into the mattress.
Sebastian kept on moving to estimulate Alex's orgasm and when he finally came he allowed the other to let himself go completely. When he was done he too fell on the bed beside him, willing his breathing to go back normal. "You're welcome, Alex. You did very good too. It was really good." He stood and this time he grabbed tissues for both to clean themselves up.
Alex took the proffered tissue and wiped their pleasure from his body and hand. He dropped it onto the nightstand next to him when he was done, too boneless and lazy to get up just yet. "Are we... done, Sir?" he asked uncertainly. "Could you come join me again if we are?"
Sebastian alson put the tissue down and smiled. "I think we're good for now. But I'll be glad to accept that gracious invite of yours." He got back on the bed and laid beside him. "Is this okay?" he asked shifting on his side to face him.
As soon as Sebastian had rejoined him on the bed, Alex rolled onto his side and snuggled in closer to the Dom's side. He nodded before tucking head into the man's shoulder. "Very okay, Sir," he murmured.
Sebastian put his arm under Alex's shoulders as got closer to him, his leg also tangling around one of Alex's. "You're such a sweet man" he said, his fingertips tracing the curved lines of his olive skin and down to his hip. "And gorgeous too. Someday you will make some Dom really happy."
Alex blushed at the compliment but managed to get out a, "Thank you, Sir." He couldn't help but give Sebastian a little kiss, just lips pressed against soft lips for a half a second. "You really think so, Sir? I wanna be the best sub."
Sebastian was greatly surprised by the kiss and he returned it just aa gently, even stealing a quick as he pulled back. "I do. I really do. Each one of us is different, but that doesn't need to be a bad thing. And when you find the one, your one you will be great."
Alex blinked at Sebastian, a smile ghosting at his lips as he looked at the other man. "That's really kind of you, Sir," he said. "Especialy since you have a lot of experience."
Sebastian moved a strand of hair off Alex's forehead. "It's true. And because of what you said about my experience you believe me, right?" He pulled him a bit closer and sighed. "It's a shame we can't stay here for the night. These beds are actually very comfortable."
Alex nodded against Sebastian's chest. "Of course I believe you, Sir," he murmured. He chewed his lower lip for a moment. "Who says we can't stay here for the night? I don't wanna move."
Sebastian tilted his head to the side so he could look him in the eye, a grin curling the corner of his lip.  "No one. After all, I did call the room on my name until tomorrow morning." He chuckled, then pullled the other on top of him, his whole upper body resting on him, while their lefs were side by side. "It's a good thing this room has a controlled, warm temperature the, huh?"
Alex laughed lightly. "Definitely, Sir," he agreed. "Though I don't think I'm really gonna be able to get too cold with you right next to me." He buried his toes under Sebastian's calves to prove his point. "Mm, so warm, Sir."
Sebastian smirked. "Are you saying I'm hot, boy? Because I already knew that, but it's nice to hear it from you." He looked at him and winked, then gave him another quick peck on the lips
Alex hadn't actually been trying to reference Sebastian's appearance at all, just his physical body temperature, but the Dom's interpretation wasn't wrong. "Maybe, Sir," he said shyly, his face reddening in embarrassment.
He let his fingertip run down the curve of his nose. "You would be correct then" he said, playfully flicking the tip of his nose.
Alex grinned at Sebastian before dropping his head down onto the man's chest and burrowing into him. "You're really comfy, too, Sir," he said. "I don't think I'm ever moving again."
Sebastian chuckled and put his arms around him. "That would carry some logistics problems, you know." He shifted a bit underneath him so that Alex would be even more comfortable.
"Really, Sir?" Alex asked, sighing contentedly as he settled against the Dom's chest. "I'm not seeing any logistical problems at all here. So comfy."
He let his fingertips to caress Alex's back soothingly. "You said you didn't want to move again. So what about classes, and clubs, and teams and all that.?"
"Not important, Sir," Alex replied. "I don't need classes or clubs or teams if I'm this comfy. I could stay right here like this forever."
Sebastian smiled. "Well... I'm pleased to hear that I make you feel that good and comfortable to make you want to stay forever, Alex."
Alex bit his lip, suddenly wondering if he'd gone too far. "Is that okay, Sir?" he asked uncertainly. "Do you want me to get up?"
Sebastian looked at him and shook his head. "Not at all. I'm quite fine like this. Just rest, boy. You need it." He winked at him playfully.
Alex lifted his head to look up at Sebastian's face as he responded. "Okay, Sir," he said, feeling like a weight had lifted off his shoulders. He was pretty tired after their scene. "Thank you, Sir," he murmured as he closed his eyes and settled in to take a nap.
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heywriters · 5 years
Hi I don't know if this is the right blog to send this to but do you have any resources/pages I can look up to find out how the hell basic stuff in american highschools work? You would think that finding such information would be easy but I can't for the life of me find any (I'm not from the US and my country doesn't have such a school system)
Hey, there. So, I don’t know how the internet works in Austria, but I just Googled “how does american high school work” and got some decent links.
Below are some quick tips from an American high school alumni about the average US HS.
Government funding (taxes) pays schools to operate, and currently the amount of money a school receives is bleakly based on how well the students pass tests at the end of each year
U.S. school years are “grades”; when you are 6 or 7-years-old you enter 1st Grade and are considered a “1st Grader”
High school is four years long, ages 14-19, grades 9-12
BUT those are the only years where we are not called “Graders”
9th=Freshmen, 10th=Sophomores, 11th=Juniors, 12th=Seniors
Freshmen are nervous and giddy because they’re finally in the “big” school, and they can get on the older kids nerves
Sophomores are glad they’re no longer freshmen, so they’re cocky and are actually more annoying than freshmen
Juniors are usually mellow, but are also a little excited because they’re almost seniors/adults so they can get rowdy
Seniors are the coolest people on campus and they know it, but they can’t wait to graduate: some stop caring about school completely and we jokingly call this “senioritis”
These different “classes” of students sometimes mingle and become friends, but often they stick with other kids their age
Some schools are different, but most cut the year into two sections called “semesters” and possibly into “quarters” which mostly has to do with when grades (your score or mark in a class) are released after tests are taken
Grades are received via a “report card” and this goes for all schooling, not just HS
Grades go thusly: A (100%), B, C, D, F (50%) with a +/- telling you how high or low you scored within that percentile range
Students have the option of “dropping out” when they’re 16, and taking a test to get their General Education Degree (GED) instead
Kids who don’t drop out but continue to do badly in school might be instead homeschooled or sent off to a nearby school for lower achieving students; whatever the name of the school is it’s spoken of quietly by other students
Inner-city HS’ like in Chicago or NYC follow the same system but function differently from schools in the rest of the country
School is about 7-8hrs long, five days a week
A campus can be “indoors” meaning the students walk through hallways, or “outdoors” from building to building to get to classes
Each class is roughly an hour long and there are, on average, six or seven classes a day plus time for lunch
Each class probably has a different teacher (we always call them “teachers”)
Many schools call the first class of the day “homeroom” and it’s like an address for each student in that class (my HS didn’t do this)
You are assigned a locker, sometimes with a partner, and this is where you keep all your books and stuff
If you get sick or hurt you go to the nurse’s office
In SOME regions you can go to the school nurse’s office for sex/pregnancy aid or advice
Some schools have a special counselor for mental and emotional problems too
If you ever need to leave class for any reason, even to go to the bathroom, you have to tell the teacher first
Some schools/teachers have a “hall pass” that basically says you’re allowed to be out of class right now, and “hall monitors” to check these passes
A common punishment for rule-breaking is “detention” and it is when you are required to show up outside of school hours, sit in a room with other punished kids, and do absolutely nothing for a couple hours
The school computers are usually old and bad, and the internet is probably censored
There is a school library, but it might also be old and sad
Students can sometimes get jobs on campus that don’t pay money, like being a teacher’s aide (TA) or working in the library or cafeteria
There are scheduled emergency drills for fire and other events
There are regional drills for tornadoes, earthquakes, and other natural disasters
In my school district, our active shooter drill is called “Code Blue” and it’s when we lock all the doors, curtain the windows, and hide under our desks. I first did this drill when I was five-years-old, and I did it when I was seventeen too.
Depending on the region and how much money the school makes it might have very advanced classes or very remedial classes
Math, science, and language (English literature) are currently the fundamental American high school classes
some schools put all their funding into sports because those bring the school extra money from the community
others, say in L.A. or NYC, might put it all into theater and musical productions
Physical education (P.E./gym) is usually required and there’s usually a gym and locker room
Smaller schools will have one big room called the multipurpose room which can be the gym, cafeteria, assembly hall, and theater
Bigger schools will have a separate building for each of these things
Foreign language classes are common in high school; generally French, Spanish, and German
Any class that isn’t required but can teach you useful skills is called an “elective”; cooking, welding, art, photography, dance, music, car mechanics, web design, drama, sports medicine, etc.
The earliest age you can get a driver’s license is 16, so there is usually a driving class at school
My HS was big and rich, so it had tons of electives and sports. Most schools have just a few of each
Sports teams are segregated by gender, but during P.E./gym you usually all play together
Classes or activities that occur outside of school hours are called “extracurriculars” and you choose to sign up for them, they are not required
The American school year lasts from late August to early June with breaks in November, December, and March/April for holidays; respectively Thanksgiving, Christmas/New Year’, and Easter or “Spring Break”
Study popular American holidays because they play a big part in school, mainly Halloween and Valentine’s Day
Football is a big deal in just about every HS. There can be other sports, but football is any public high school’s bread and butter
The football season starts in September with a Homecoming game after which is a dance (a lot of American HS movies involve this)
Spirit Week happens at some point, usually before a big football game, and it’s when you go to school dressed up to a theme (my school loved “Decade Day” where you came dressed in clothes from another decade) or just wear the school colors and pretend to care a lot about your school
Student Council is a group of students (popular girls usually) elected by the other students (their friends) to plan the dances and spirit week themes and other fun events; not all schools have this
Prom is the biggest, fanciest dance of the year, but it’s traditionally only for seniors because it’s an old-fashioned rite of passage before graduation
Not every student goes to dances, or games, or celebrates the holidays for a variety of reasons
Club Rush is an event at the beginning of the year where all the unique clubs set up tables and attract new members; common clubs are chess, audio/visual (AV), LGBTQ, drama, and 4H (agriculture and animal husbandry aka farm kids)
Clubs meet after school or during lunch and do club stuff, idk i was never in one
School buses are a special social gathering because only kids who live near you will be on your bus; this can be good or bad
Never sit at the back of the bus unless you’re up to no good (skanky couples make out there, tweakers hide their drugs there, bullies just live there)
Don’t sit at the front unless you want to befriend the driver and possibly get teased for it
If you have your own car and license you are automatically cool even if you’re not really cool at all
There’s so much more I could add! Keep this post around because there will probably be a lot of responses from other Americans. Also, movies/televison about US high school really are mostly accurate in the details. They’re a bit more dramatic and clever than I remember high school being, but they look like how HS looked.
If you’re writing about US high school from an older era, you will have to do different research for that since many things have changed.
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