#poor agustin
jacarandaaaas · 7 months
something silly I just thought about. Imagine dolores going about her day in the movie and she hears mirabel screaming like 4 seperate times😭 she must be so confused on how so many near death experiences happened in ONE DAY💀
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foreveranevilregal · 11 months
Encantober Day 19: Clock
“Mamá, I have to go help out in town,” Luisa called out.
“Okay, querida.” Julieta glanced outside, noticing the sun hanging midway between its peak in the sky and the horizon. “Do you know when you’ll be done? I don’t want you missing dinner again.”
Luisa racked her brain. “Well, I only have to reroute the river- wait, no, that was yesterday. Or was that the day before?” She groaned in frustration. “I don’t remember what today’s job was. Everyone was talking too fast for me to hear. But I don’t think it’ll take long.”
“All right…” Julieta trailed off, not entirely convinced. “Be home by dinner.”
“I will, I promise.” Luisa gingerly wrapped her arm around her mother, careful not to crush her. “Bye, mamá.”
Julieta watched as she ran down the path leading into town. She was proud of Luisa for helping so much around town, but sometimes people asked a lot of her. She’d seen Luisa lifting heavy objects from sunrise to sunset without complaint. Even someone as strong as her must get tired sometimes. Yet Julieta had never heard her refuse to help anyone. It was a lesson she had instilled in her daughters, but she didn’t realize just how demanding people would be. Half the time, Luisa would either not eat with her family, or leave halfway through because she had to help someone. Luisa was strong for everyone but herself, and it worried Julieta a bit.
To take her mind off her thoughts, she started on dinner. Chopping, mixing, simmering… the sound of her knife and the crackle of the fire were loud enough to silence her worries. She got so lost in the process that she didn’t even notice how much time had passed until the daylight began growing dimmer.
Setting down her mixing spoon, Julieta looked over at the clock. It was getting close to dinnertime. Didn’t Luisa say she’d be done soon? What kind of “soon” took a few hours? Julieta’s lips pressed in a thin line. It wasn’t quite dinnertime yet. Maybe she would be back before.
Julieta tried to focus on finishing up dinner, but she kept throwing distracted glances at the clock in the corner. Her thoughts had become so loud that when the clock chimed a new hour, she ended up splattering sauce all over herself.
This is why we wear aprons in the kitchen, she thought, wiping her sticky hands on the now sullied apron. If only she didn’t have to stay in the kitchen! She would already have searched half the town looking for Luisa. Where could she possibly be?
“Hola, mamá.” Isabela glided through the door, pressing a soft kiss to Julieta’s cheek.
“Hola, Isa.”
Julieta must have sounded distracted because Isabela frowned. “What’s wrong?”
Julieta sighed. “Have you seen Luisa? She went into town a few hours, but she said she’d be home soon. I don’t know what’s keeping her.”
Isabela chewed on her lip thoughtfully. “Maybe she got roped into helping more people? You know how she can’t say no to anyone.”
Like herself, and Isabela, and Mirabel… Julieta had been afraid of that, but she exhaled forcefully, putting on a brave smile for Isabela. “Hopefully she’s done soon. I’d hate for her to miss dinner again.”
“Especially when it smells this good, mamá.” Isabela inhaled deeply, letting out a dreamy sigh. Seeing her mother’s expression remain unchanged, she looked over at the clock uneasily. “It’s still early, mamá. She’ll be home in time.”
“Thanks, Isabela.” Julieta hugged her absently.
“See you at dinner.” With a swoosh of her silky long hair, she was gone.
With a grim resignation, Julieta forced herself to keep cooking, but her heart wasn’t in it. The minutes ticked on, that stupid clock taunting her with the absence of her daughter. At one point, she was watching the clock so intently that the pot almost boiled over. Cursing under her breath, she lowered the flame. Why wasn’t Luisa home yet?
“Hey, mamá.” Mirabel had appeared out of nowhere, squeezing her in a tight hug.
“Hi, Mirabel.” Julieta allowed herself to sink into the hug. Mirabel was almost as tall as her now, and if it wasn’t for the glasses, she’d be the spitting image of a teenaged Julieta. “Did you have a good day today?”
Mirabel nodded. “Yeah, papá and I helped out around town.”
Julieta peered over at the door to see Agustín wave at her shyly. He appeared suspiciously free of injuries. “Did you now? And you managed to keep your papá out of trouble?”
Mirabel giggled. “It wasn’t easy, but I got him home unscathed.”
“Hey!” Agustín protested. “It’s not like I get hurt all the time!”
“Of course not, Agustín.” Julieta decided to humor him, walking over and patting his cheek.
Mirabel tilted her head, studying her. “You seem weird, mamá,” she decided. “You okay?”
Julieta let out a shaky sigh. “Luisa isn’t home yet, and I’m starting to worry about her,” she admitted.
Mirabel frowned, turning to look at the clock. “She left hours ago.”
I know! Julieta wanted to scream. Instead, she kept her voice as level as she could. “I know.”
“Maybe we should go look for her,” Agustín suggested.
Julieta shrugged. “Believe me, I want to, but I have to finish dinner.”
“I can help you with that,” Mirabel and Agustín said in unison.
Julieta smiled. They were so sweet. But she definitely didn’t want Agustín anywhere near all the dangers in the kitchen. “That’s so sweet of you to offer. Seeing as it is getting close to dinnertime, why don’t you round up the others, Agustín?” That would keep him out of harm’s way.
“You got it, Juli.” He gave her a soft kiss and then left.
“Are you sure you don’t need help, mamá?” Mirabel asked hesitantly.
No. She didn’t need help. What she needed was to see Luisa walk through the door because it was…fifteen minutes to dinner, according to the clock. “No, Mira. Thank you. I’m just worried about Luisa…”
“I can go look for her?”
Mirabel looked at her with such hope-filled eyes. Julieta knew that Mirabel would do anything for her family. But she didn’t want any more empty seats at dinner. “That’s okay, Mirabel. I don’t want you to miss dinner too.”
She had resigned herself to the fact that Luisa would not be there for dinner, yet a small part of her kept hoping as they set the table. The ticking of the clock was unbearably loud now, threatening to make her head explode.
Finally, just as Julieta had lost all hope, Luisa ran in through the door. “I didn’t miss dinner, did I?” She panted out breathlessly.
Julieta sized her up. Luisa was sweaty, flyaway strands of hair sticking out from all over her bun. “Almost, but you made it here just in time. What happened, Luisa?”
Luisa let out a long-suffering sigh. “You know how people are. When they see me, they think of five other things that need to be done. And I can’t just not help them, mamá. It’s not right.”
Of course not. If you were able to help, you should help. It was the right thing to do. Luisa had clearly mastered that lesson. “Of course not, mi vida.” She brushed a sweaty strand of hair up over Luisa’s ear. “Go wash up. It’s time for dinner.”
And as the clock chimed another hour, Julieta surveyed her table, pleased to see every seat filled.
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evostar · 5 months
Okay new au yall, It’s been stuck in my head and I needed to get it out 😭
Basically a what if Dolores and Antonio were adopted by pepa and Felix, also gaining Camilo as sibling!
It’s set 12 years before the canon time so Dolores and Isabela are 9, Luisa is 7, Camilo and mirabel are 4, Antonio gets age swap and is 1 year old! The triplets, their spouses and Alma are also younger ofc!
And in this au they get their gifts of the age of 8, gifts like strength, weather manipulation, hearing etc. can be turned off and on by command and they still help the community but not like get forced into it, they do it if they want to
I already did an chapter so enjoy reading it!! :D
(Also here if you can’t read it on ao3) enjoy!
-Persiguiendo la luz-
~Chapter 1~
Isabela was happily walking around the town, she finished her chores earlier the day so she roams around the town, of course only near where julieta was. She wasn’t “old enough” to be able to walk alone in town yet, she didnt complain much about it but it did bother her since Isabela considers herself a big girl. She’s gonna be 10 years old next year! And that’s pretty much a big age, right?
She was walking around with a mission, she was allowed to be in certain places alone and freely, she would describe it as fun…if only she had friends. Isabela has a hard time making friends, most of them turn out to be only mean people, so it’s her mission to find the perfect friend.
After an hour of her search Isabela started to get frustrated, she hadn’t found any luck. She made her way back to her mother’s stand and sat down next to where julieta stood. Julieta noticed her daughter’s sad face “what’s wrong mija?” She asked. Isabela pouted “I can’t find a single good friend.” She mumbled. Julieta smiled “Don’t just give up mija, im sure just with a bit of patience and a bit more searching you will find a friend. Just search a little more, for me?“ Isabela looked up to julieta and stood up with a huff. “Okay Mami but only because you said it.“ she said.
So Isabela searched for half an hour till she finally found the perfect friend…in the forest near casita, the person wasn’t in the forest deep, she was still visible but you wouldn’t notice her that easily. Before Isabela approached this person she wanted to spy a bit. This girl had mixed skin which had some injuries, dark brown curls that seemed to be damaged, brown eyes that looked pure, and a soft face that reminded her of her mama, its a bit funny because this girl resembled her tia more than her mother. The girl wasn’t alone, there was a little boy too. He had dark skin like his tio and his curls were the same. Dark and tight, but like the girl, he also had injuries and damaged curls. Maybe they were just clumsy like her papi, she didnt think too much about it of course.
After her spying she decided that its time to intoduce herself. She made her way to them with a big smile. “Hello!“ Isabela said, the girl got startled by the voice and stared at Isabela with fear for a second before she calmed down. “Uhm..hi?“ she raised an eyebrow. “Im Isabela, what’s your name?“ she asked. “Dolores.“ she avoided eye contact.
Dolores was a bit akward if isabela‘s honest but it’s probably because she‘s shy, right? “And who‘s that?“ Isabela pointed to the little boy. “That’s my brother, Antonio.“ she waved his hand to Isabela with a smile. Isabela smiled too, he was adorable and calm..unlike her primo who was a nightmare. “I have a primo! Not exactly a brother but he‘s pretty much like a brother to me. But hes annoying.“ Isabela sat down. “How old are you?“ she asked. Dolores thought for a second. She asks a lot of questions. “i think..nine..“ she said. She thinks that she‘s nine?? Doesn’t she know her own age? Isabela thought. “And Antonio?“ “He‘s a year old“ welp she answered that fast.
“Well im nine too!!“ isabela exclaimed. The two girls talked for a bit and the more they talked the more Dolores opened up, yet it was obvious she was keeping a lot of stuff a secret. Dolores also talked more about her brother than herself but Isabela didnt mind, it made her happy so why should she complain?
They talked for two fully hours till julieta called Isabela for dinner. “Awh…i need to go…i guess i will see you tomorrow..“ Isabela pouted, Dolores seemed sad too. They were about tot part ways when Isabela forgot to mention something “Wait!“ she shouted, dolores squeaked but turned around. She gets scared easily… Isabela thought again.
“We are friends right?“ She asked. Dolores smiled softly, “of course!!“ she peeped. Isabela waved and ran towards casita. She finally has a friend!! Not to mention a pretty good one too!! Julieta was already waiting for Isabela at the door. “Mami!! Mami!! I made a friend!!!“ Isabela shouted. “That’s great sweetheart!! I always tell you-“ “patience is always the answer, i know Mami“ Isabela continued. “Right.. Let‘s go before the food gets cold.“ they went inside and joined the family. Isabela announced that she had friends and her family were really happy for her. Isabela hardly makes friends mostly because most of them are using her for her gift. That’s why this time she made sure not to tell Dolores about her gift just incase, it also seemed like Dolores didnt know anything about her family at all.
Isabela talked a lot about her friend, well in this case friends. She’s pretty sure that Antonio is considered her friend too. After the dinner she went to bath, Agustín read her a story about two brave animals, isabela fell asleep happily this night.
Since that day on Isabela’s and dolores‘s friendship grew, not only that but the madrigal‘s curiosity also grew. They really wanted to meet Dolores and Antonio but everytime Isabela asks Dolores if she can come over she refuses. Months have passed and it was now 5 months into their friendship.
From all of the madrigals, pepa was the one with the most curiosity, she happily heard Isabela’s story about them, and she decided that it was the day that maybe she gets to meet Isabela’s friend for the first time!! Mostly it was also because she didnt want isabela to be with bad kids. But the other reason was also because of a quite thing isabela always mentions.
Apparently they are clumsy a lot, not clumsy but that’s what isabela calls it. They often get injuries and it seems like Dolores has an excuse for every single one. Pepa is suspecting abuse, she doesnt straight up go to the girl and say it obviously, she wanted to take things slowly.
Isabela was guiding pepa to their hangout spot, aka the spot where they first meet. She was really excited to introduce pepa to Dolores. Dolores was already with Antonio under the tree, he was sleeping with an blanket on the floor next to her, she kept a hand on his back. And she just stared into the void. “Dolores!!!“ isabela yelled as she ran up to her. Dolores turned to her with a smile and stood up. She opened her arms and Isabela happily hugged her tightly. Pepa chuckled, they seemed to be best friends for life, literally.
Pepa noticed how dolores quickly was alerted when she saw her, she took a step back as if she was protecting Antonio. “Dolores, this is my tia pepa!!“ isabela clarified. “Tia, this is Dolores and Antonio, my best friends!!“ Dolores smiled a bit at the names. But then turned to pepa with the most serious face a 9 year old could have. They stared at eachother for some seconds and in those seconds pepa studied them, it was true that they had injuries, their hair doesnt seemed to be taken care of, they were clean, and they were adorable. “Well hello!! I heard so much about you two, i really wanted to meet you guys.“ pepa spoke. The girl still was silent, she was staring deeply into pepa‘s eyes and pepa started to get nervous. Isabela scotched closer to pepa and whispered “Dolores isn’t great with adults, she said she finds them Lousy“ Ah..that makes sense….does it?
“Hello.“ Dolores mumbled. Pepa lit up, so she does speak! Not much but that was enough for pepa. “Well why dont you guys talk while i rather just listen for now.“ pepa suggested. “Okay!!“ isabela beamed. They sat down and it didnt take long for Isabela and Dolores to pick up their long talks again. Dolores had a soft voice and a soft face for sure. And it wasn’t just Dolores who was adorable, Antonio was adorable too, his face reminded her of Felix.
2 hours went by, pepa was amazed by how much they could talk, maybe this was the reason isabela became quieter at home. At some moment Antonio started to fuss a bit. Dolores noticed fastly, she picked him up and positioned him on her lap. He calmed down a bit but still fussed at something. “I think he might be a hungry..“ isabela mentioned. “He must be“ Dolores said. “Speaking of hungry!! Isabela its lunch time.“ pepa said. Isabela frowned, she wanted to talk more with her friend! Maybe..“Tia!! Could Dolores have lunch with us???“ She pleaded. “Of course she can!“ Pepa smiled. However Dolores did not look so pleased about it. Isabela already knew what Dolores was gonna say so she made sure to put her best act on.
“Doloooresss….pleaseeeeee???“ Isabela turned over to Dolores with puppy eyes. “Uhm…“ she muttered. She wasn’t that sure to go over to them yet, they are a big family and Dolores didnt want to meet that many. But she glanced over to Antonio who‘s starting to fuss more every second. “Okay fine..“ she said.
Isabela was thrilled, it was her first time having a friend over!! Dolores took the blanket and wrapped Antonio around her torso with it. Pretty smart. Pepa noted to herself. They made their way to the casita and Dolores was amazed by the house. It was really big and very colorful. Pepa was about to enter the house till she stopped them. She knew Isabela didnt want Dolores to know about their gifts, that’s a first but what about casita? “Wait here girls, i just need to do something quickly.“ pepa said. The girls waited while pepa went inside the house, luckily everyone was here already. Some of them were preparing the table and the other half was in the kitchen. So she took the ones in the dinning room over the kitchen to announce them about their guest.
“Okay, so isabela is having her friend over and we need to make some rules.“ pepa firmly said. Everyone went silent over the mention of them. “I’m pretty sure its exciting that Isabela is having someone over for the first time but she made it clear not to use our gifts and we all know for what reason..“ she grimaced. “This means you too casita, we cant show her any magic.“ pepa demanded. The house moved the tiles into a frown. “Okay we all got that clear?“ they all nodded their heads and went back to the preparations.
Pepa came back and took them inside. The further into the house made Dolores in a awh. The house was beautiful, Antonio also stared around curiously. “You have a pretty house isa!!“ Dolores complimented. “Thank you!!“ she replied. Antonio babbled something which they giggled at. “I take it he likes the house too?“ pepa smiled. “Seems so“ dolores looked down at him. They went into their garden where the table is, usually it wasn’t there but neither of them said anything. The other madrigals were already waiting for them and Dolores held her breath, Antonio started to get a bit overwhelmed. Dolores held his hand and Isabela held dolores‘s hand as if they could feel eachother‘s nervousness. Dolores maybe had heard about them but she never knew them. If she was correct they were called the madrigals.
They sat down in the middle, dolores sat between Isabela and pepa. Next to pepa was Felix and alma. Next to Isabela was julieta and Bruno. Opposite of them were Agustín, Camilo, Mirabel and Luisa. Isabela checked if her friend was okay and Dolores was really nervous so she put her arm behind Dolores, a way of saying that shes here. It calmed Dolores down but her nervousness was stilll eating her up. Pepa wanted to help too but she only knows Dolores a day and she doesnt think it will end up well.
The table was silent. Some of the others were nervous too. “Why are you guys so quiet, didnt u want to meet dolores?“ mirabel said bluntly, Felix started to crack up at her comment, the others tried not to make the situation worse as it was. Dolores saw how they were nervous, maybe this isn’t gonna end up bad. Pepa cuckled, “You’re right, maybe we should introduce ourself firstly?“ she suggested. “That’s a great idea! Why dont i start?“ Alma joined the conversation. Dolores turned to her direction,“ im alma madrigal“ alma…that name was familiar..oh! It’s the woman that her mothers swears about, often calling her selfish and a stuck up bitch. But for Dolores she seemed sweet, that doesnt mean she will trust them suddenly though.
Each madrgial introduced herself, so did dolores and Antonio, well Dolores for Antonio. They started to eat before they made it akward again, the children talked while eating, Bruno and Agustín were the only adults talking. Julieta and Alma noticed how Dolores fed Antonio first, she didnt even eat a single bite. However julieta was really impressed on how well Antonio was behaving, he didnt refuse a single bite and he didnt even make a mess. If she did the same with infant Mirabel or Camilo there would’ve been some stuff thrown at her face.
“Aren’t you gonna eat too?“ Isabela asked Dolores. “I am, i just need to make sure Antonio eats.“ She replied. Isabela thought for some seconds, and now that shes thinking about it, Dolores always has Antonio with her, she never saw Dolores without Antonio, and Antonio is more than 1 year old now. Not to mention Isabela was actually there when he did his first steps!! But Dolores often prefers to carry him around. Not only that too but, aren’t parents suppose to be taking care of the little ones? She always saw how her mama, papa, tia and tio took care of mirabel and Camilo, sometimes it was Abuela and tio Bruno too. She of course makes sure they are okay too but Dolores is acting like them when it comes to Antonio.
“Dolores, may i ask you something?“ Isabela spoke. Dolores noticed that something was off and turned to her. “Sure.“ she said. “Do u have parents?“ Isabela blurted and the table fell silence, besides for the little ones. Dolores face turned into confusion, why would Isabela ask her that? “What?“ she said. “Do you have parents?“ Isabela repeated. Now the table truely was silent. The adults started to panic a bit. “Yea i do, why are u asking?“ she questions. “Well you always take care of Antonio but aren’t your parents suppose to do it?“ she make a point. Dolores‘s eyes squinted, she purses her lips and doesnt say anything, but she seems to be mad. “Plus, you never talk about them!“ Isabela continues. “I like to take care of antonio.“ Dolores says. Isabela starts to notice that dolores‘s is angry, but why?
They stare at eachother for a bit, till Antonio broke the silence. He started to wave his hands around a lot. It seems like he didnt like it when they were like this. Dolores held his hand to calm him down but it didnt seem to work. Dolores started to get frustrated, maybe this was a bad idea at all. “I’m sorry i asked if you have parents Dolores..maybe it wasn’t a good question..“ Isabela apologized, she looked down at her plate. Antonio stopped fussing and Dolores started to feel bad. She shouldn’t taken that tone with her.
Dolores wanted to say she was sorry too but no words came out of her. So she just took Isabela’s hand and hoped she understood. Isabela did indeed understand her, and sqeeze Dolores’s hand. Sometimes Dolores would just shut down and it happened often so Isabela and Dolores’s started to understand eachother with just looks or body language. “Do you two have telepathy or is it just me?“ Bruno suddenly said. The girls started to giggle and some of the others laughed too.
“Looks like Antonio doesnt like seeing you guys like that.“ pepa confessed. Dolores had a sad smile on her face, “He doesn’t like it when people are mad or sad.“ she said. “What if he is mad or sad?“ Camilo questions. “Well then he makes sure everyone’s knows it“ she laughed. Camilo giggled at the answer. She was getting more comfortable with them and it was noticeable.
After lunch Isabela, Dolores and Antonio went back to their spot, but some have followed them. Isabela and Dolores sat down and dolores noticeded the noises behind Isabela, so she fixed her gaze into the bush and saw at least 3 people there. “I think someone followed us, or some people in this case.“ she said as she pointed them out. Isabela turned around and already knew who it was. “You guys are bad at hiding“ Isabela sighed, and they started to come out of the bush. “I told you this wasn’t a good idea Camilo“ Luisa said, as she helped mirabel to get out. He just ignored Luisa‘s comment and turned to face Isabela with puppy eyes. I wonder where he got that from..Dolores thought. “Can we please be with you guysss??? It’s so boring in casita!!“ he whined. Isabela glanced at Dolores for an answer and she shrugged. “Fine but dont annoy us Camilo!“ she snarled. Camilo gave her an evil grin before sitting down. Luisa and mirabel joined them.
They started to talk at some point. Some time passed by and Dolores saw how mirabel was focused on Antonio. She whispered something to Antonio and he started to wave at mirabel. Mirabel lit up brightly and smiled a lot. “How did u get him to do that!?“ she sputtered. “He started to randomly wave at people and if i tell him to wave at someone certain he just does“ Dolores said. Dolores started to ramble about Antonio to mirabel and Isabela started to get jealousy. Mirabel was really focused and Dolores loves to talk about antonio so Isabela feels like they could go for hours and hours about him.
Isabela crossed her arms and frowned. Her little sister is stealing her friend!! “Dolores!! Do you wanna go around town for a bit?“ Isabela interrupted them up. Dolores stopped talking and turned to Isabela. “Sure!! Will your family go too?“ she asked. She pursed her lip “uh no, i dont think its safe for them.“ she replied. “Cmon!!“ she said and took Dolores’s hand. “Wait isa!!“ Luisa shouted but they were already gone. “I dont think Mami allowed isa to go to town alone..“ Luisa reminded them. “Uh oh..“ mirabel and Camilo said in unison. “We should go get Mami!“ mirabel said, so they ran inside casita to tell julieta, lets say she wasn’t pleased by the news.
Isabela wandered around the town with Dolores, dolores had a worried face so Isabela asked what was wrong. “Aren’t you not allowed to go alone? I dont want to get you in trouble isa..“ she mumbled. And that’s when they stopped walking. “I totally forgot!!“ she said. All that jealousy made Isabela forget about it, all she wanted to do is get dolores away from mirabel so she would stop stealing her away but that really backfired on her.
Isabela started to panic, so she tried to look around to see where she ran off but the more she looked around the more she started to panic. She ran of almost to the other side of the town!! How did she not even notice!! Dolores realized that Isabela started to panic so she tried to calm her down. “Isa, its okay, i dont think your mom will be mad.“ she says. “It’s not even that!! I dont know where we are!! We are completely lost and its all because of me!!“ she tearing up. Dolores hugged Isabela, “its okay, i know where we are. I can bring us back“ she says. “Really!?“ “Really.“
Isabela was so happy that she had a friend like Dolores, she was really smart! Halfway trough their walk to casita Isabela asked, “How did u know the way?“ “My house was nearby, well its a bit further away but i mostly know the city of wandering around.“ she said as if it was nothing. That far!!?? Isabela thought. So that means that everytime she comes here it takes her a long time! And all that just to be with her? “You dont need to walk this far just to be with me Dolores“ Isabela turned to face Dolores with a sad face. “It’s okay, i enjoy walking plus i always come here!! I like it“ she hummed. Man..there’s a lot about Dolores she doesnt know yet..
When they arrived at casita alma quickly informed Felix to let julieta know Isabela was here and it only took some minutes for julieta to come from town and hug Isabela. She then proceeded to scold her but then hug her again. Dolores watched the scene confusingly. Why was julieta so worried about Isabela?? She just went to town for a little bit, and the hug? She was trying to think of an moment her mother hugged her like that but nothing came to her head.
It was getting darker so Dolores decided to go home early today, she was just waiting Isabela. After julieta hugged Isabela to death, she started to walk towards Dolores. Dolores stiffened up, she knew she was gonna get a scolding from this too, why shouldn’t she? Julieta kneeled down and Dolores saw a smile instead of an angry face. “Thank you a lot for helping Isabela, dolores.“ she thanked her. This woman’s voice is really soft..
Dolores‘s eyes widen, is that it? No screaming, no saying names, just that? “Dolores?“ julieta said. “Uh..right..you‘re welcome..“ she quickly looked over to Isabela to avoid eye contact. “See you then Isa..“ she waved and Isabela waved back.
While Dolores was walking back home, she had a weird feeling in her stomach, like..as if she was really happy about something. She hoped that she wont ever loose this feeling.
If y’all have any questions about this au I gladly answer them :D thanks for readingg
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chthonic-sorcery · 2 months
🚩🚩"Witch/Pagan" community PSA 🚩🚩
Goêteia is not evil, you dipshits.
I'm so sick of these neo-pagans getting all their information from Tumblr, Pinterest and TikTok.
Goêteia is literally just the Greek term for magic, for sorcery, which were one and the same.
Ancient Greece didn't have the word "witchcraft" it had Goêteia, and then later mageia, where we get our modern term magic from, although mageia was a misappropriated term from Zoroastrian priests or Magi.
It's so funny seeing baby witches claim Goêteia to be evil on one hand, then on the other worshipping Hekate, literally the goddess of Goêteia. The goddess of sorcerers and necromancy.
It screams puritanical morality policing. It's such a christian-centered way of looking at ancient religion.
Y'all need to open a damn book.
Goêteia was described as a "lesser" form of magic (mainly in the later Medieval period, roughly starting around the 8th century,) not meaning any less powerful, just simply the easiest or "closest" thus "lower" magic to achieve. This ability to more easily achieve success in magic was later taken and used by christian theologians to paint goêteia and Goêtes as "lesser practitioners."
There does seem to be little difference between Theurgy and goêteia as well,
Both Goêteia and Theurgy sharing the same goddamn workings through evocations of gods, the animation of statues, mediumship or what could be considered "divine possession" having a god or spirit speak through you, the use of iynx wheels / iynges, and mystery rites.
The only 'real' difference Theurgists claim, is that they "don't practice secularly/for selfish reasons" but supposedly rather to become closer to the divine. It's a nice sentiment, but total bullshit, because even in the Theurgic doctrine the Chaldean Oracles they bind the goddess Hekate to do their will.
Additionally, Theurgists had a more Neoplatonic belief, they essentially viewed a singular Oneness as supreme, the emanation from which all things return, a concept which was picked up by early christian theologians and is likely why while Goêtes were demonized in the later centuries mainly by early christians and christian philosophers, Theurgists on the other hand were seen as "pure" and "holier" despite Theurgical and Goêteic practices being pretty much exactly the same down to the tools and incantations.
(Agustine of Hippo for an example of these theologians, who wrote in "De civitate Dei contra Paganos", or "On the City of God Against the Pagans" how all "pagan" (non christian) gods and beliefs were secretly agents of Satan and evil, here to trick humanity into sin and that paganism, essentially any non christian faith, must be stopped–
He also wrote about how sorcerers/magicians (Goêtes) were charlatans, tricksters, that magic and sorcery were merely tricks of an invisible opposition to the divine and how only god could hold such supreme power. These ideas still seem to be deeply embedded into christian faith, particularly Orthodox and Evangelical, today.)
Practitioners of goêteia, the Goēs, was also understood to have the ability to initiate souls into mystery religions, or, in other words, to ensure through his superior knowledge of the Underworld and its workings that the souls under his care would receive preferential treatment after death, an easier way to paradise, such as the Orphic Hymns.
This likely also helped "other" the Goēs, as most practitioners of magic, of goêteia, of these mystery cults were made up of societies "unwanted" or marginalized people, such as women, foreigners, immigrants, the poor, the disabled, and the elderly. Early goêtes were described as being Thessalian (primarily women, particularly described as "old or decrepid") or. ethnically, not considered "fully Greek" to many of the era. Many critiques and fears of goêteia come from this "otherness," the fear the ruling classes of Greece had of groups they continued to harm, they feared the power they held within these mystery rites and practices.
With reliable accuracy from these critics, goêtes were (perceived to be) moral transgressors, who operated from the fringe of society in a private mago-mystical setting, offering their service for coin.
Or, in simpler terms, the Greeks were just really fucking racist
which is nothing new.
In fact, because goêteia itself is a synchronization of mainly Egyptian and Jewish magic, the Greeks and later christians went extra-hard into villifying it because they saw these people as lesser, as barbaric.
We have to understand where the fears and judgements of these critics were coming from, and continue to remain impartial. The ruling elite feared these practices because they feared losing their power, especially rich Greek men, and those early christian philosophers who saw everything outside their own faith as lies, manipulations, or tricks from "the Opposition" as well as the extremely racist and ethnocentric beliefs they held.
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pedriscroquettes · 1 year
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summary. going clubbing doesn’t go as planned when your brother’s rival shows up to ruin the fun
warnings. fermín x paz!reader, f!oral, semi public s3x, fingering, & a cocky!fermín.
a/n. my brain worked overtime on this tbh. poor fran i completely slandered him in this. based off tra by bad gyal (catalan it girl)
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the strobing lights were almost strong enough to blind you and half of the real madrid b squad. the dj seemed to be going through an existential crisis since he kept going back and forth between edm and reggaeton. you’re fortunate enough that he at least plays fiebre without remixing it or pausing it to try and drop a beat.
“joder.” your brother puffs clearly done with whoever he’s texting. (fuck.)
“is it the schedule?” you ask him wondering if this seasons schedule finally came out. it always got him worked up.
“no, this season seems like a good one. it’s just-” he sets his phone down before turning his head towards you.
“el boludo de agustin…” he takes a sip of his drink. he’s always been the most dramatic out of the two of you, clearly. (augustin’s dumbass.)
“nico, you already know that i’m not interested in him like that. he’s just my friend. ” you reassure him.
“no, i know and i don’t want to be an overbearing protective brother but mom would kill me if i let one of my teammates hurt you.” he sighs.
“nico i can take care of myself. don’t worry about me you’ve got a whole career ahead of you. focus on that instead.” you smile at him.
“i’m trying- joder” he scoffs again.
“now what?” you say concerned about the way his mood changed so quickly.
“look who just came in.” he nods towards the entrance.
you try to subtlety turn around but it’s almost impossible without doing a full 180 to see who your brother was talking about. your eyes immediately spot the three guys nico hated the most on the pitch. although out of all three of them only one stood out to you, fermín. you didn’t care for your brothers’ rivalries except for the one he had with the barcelona midfielder. not only did he bother nico but he bothered you as well. every time you were in barcelona he was always there with his annoying attitude.
“well, we are in their city.” you shrug trying to ignore their presence.
“there’s like a million other clubs here and out of all of them they arrive here it can’t be a coincidence.” he scoffs as if the three of the players had been following them.
“i’m not very fond of them either but you’re being ridiculous. we’re like ten minutes away from their training grounds i think it would be a coincidence that they’re here.” you explain logically.
“yeah what- you know what i’m just very stressed out about my whole nationality process right now. i’m gonna go get a drink. do you want anything?” he asks.
“no, it’s fine. just don’t indulge too much i do not want to take care of you again like in vigo.” you bring up the northern city into the conversation.
“you promised you wouldn’t bring that up again. that shit was so embarrassing.” he whines.
“i wasn’t the one who confessed their profound love for duki in his messages. i had to delete over ten voice notes of you singing, crying, and explaining why you’re better than emilia.” you burst out laughing.
“whatever, i’ll see you later.” he walked off.
you watched as your brother walked away either to find someone to flirt with or get another drink. he was the social sibling always outgoing and making friends as soon as he joined a new team. your house would always be full of people you hardly even knew. so you were surprised when his distaste for fermín began, your brother never held grudges. but then you met the devil himself and you realized why your brother disliked him.
he was arrogant, a total egomaniac, and an asshole. you remembered how nice he was to you when he first met you outside the stadium but as soon as he realized who’s sister you were he was always taunting you. you knew how serious rivalries were but you didn’t think it was that deep.
“hope your brother enjoyed my goal from the bench.” a voice interrupted your thoughts.
you look up to find him sitting in front of you replacing your brother. you’re studying his features when the chain around his neck distracts you. a cross. yet, he was somehow the worst person you knew. meanwhile, a smirk grows on his face as time passes and he realizes you’re not in a rush to get him to leave.
“milking a friendly today, are we?” you tease him.
“a friendly your brother spent at the bench the whole night.” he smirks.
“i’m starting to think you have a crush on my brother.” you laugh at him. “which probably explains why you always stalk my story every time we’re in town.”
“what are you talking about?” he scoffs at the accusation.
“felopez03? could you make it more obvious?” you manage to embarrass the barça player.
you had lied to your brother earlier. every time the two of you ran into fermín it was never a coincidence. you had debated on telling your brother about his secret admirer but quite frankly you loved the attention. you knew he always watched your stories when you were in town so you took advantage of that. posting pictures of yourself in short dresses, bikinis, and including some where the only thing covering your breasts were your hands. he always seemed to like those anyways.
“lópez is an extremely common last name.” he simply replies.
“good night fer.” you stood up and picked up your things.
“if you’re going to go like for your brother you won’t find him. saw him leave with a girl who looked very familiar. i think-” he paused debating on whether he should say what he was thinking. “i think i must’ve slept with her as well.”
you simply roll your eyes not wanting to be the victim of his ego. you check your phone and surely enough there’s a message from your brother. you can’t believe he’s left you alone with his teammates and the egomaniac to get laid.
nico 🐣: don’t wait up on me fran will take you home.
y/n: you left me alone to get laid? i hope she bites your dick off.
you shove your phone into your bag and begin looking around for fran. you spot the defender near the bar with a few of his teammates. you’ve avoided him for almost a month and the last thing you wanted tonight was to talk to him. the barça player seems to notice that too because as soon as you start walking towards fran he steps in front of you. you try to push him out of the way but he’s too strong.
“fer-” you sigh exhausted at his antics.
it all happens in a quick blur one minute you’re trying to shove fermin out of the way and the next you’re completely drenched in vodka. you’re not even sure how it happens but the girl in front of you is currently rambling about how sorry she was. you were a bit annoyed that the top you had just bought was now ruined but you could always borrow your brother’s card again.
“it’s okay. it’s fine don’t worry.” you try to calm her down because somehow she’s more upset about the situation than you are.
as soon as she leaves you head towards the bathroom hoping to dry off your shirt. you don’t realize that fermín has followed you into the bathroom until he shuts the door.
“what are you doing here?” you scoff.
“she spilled half of her drink on me too. must’ve tripped or something.” he murmured.
“and you came to dry your shirt in the women’s restroom?” you ask dumbfounded.
“well i can’t exact leave you alone in a bar full of strangers.” he shrugs.
“i know more than half of the people here.” you complain.
“yeah and they’re not exactly looking out for you. nico asked fran to take care of you and as far as i know he hasn’t come looking for you yet.” he bites back.
you murmur a quick ‘whatever’ before focusing on your top again. it’s completely wet from top to bottom so you have no other option but to take it off. you completely forget about fermín’s presence when you start walking around the restroom with your black lace bra and mini skirt. fermín tries his best to look away, to be respectful for once but you leave him in a trance. the view you give him is all too much and he decides to do something about it.
“here. it’s almost dry anyways.” he takes his shirt off and offers it to you.
your eyes linger on his toned body for too long you practically have to force yourself to look away. the dirty blonde finds himself smirking at your reaction. he walks closer to you hoping you’ll accept his peace offering. it begins to drive him mad how beautiful you look you in your current state. if he hadn’t been such a prick to you for the last couple of years maybe it’d be him taking you home and not fran. besides fran wouldn’t know what to do with all that.
you look at him again and throw your inhibitions out the window. your brother is the one who hates him on and off the pitch but not you. maybe just on the pitch but right now you were in a club bathroom without tops on. if your brother could have fun why couldn’t you?
“fer?” you turn around to look at him directly.
“hmm?” he puts his arm down realizing you won’t take his shirt.
“do you think i’m pretty?” you bat your eyelashes innocently.
he pauses not knowing how to respond. of course you looked pretty but he couldn’t exactly say that out loud. not if he wanted to keep up with the banter the two of you had. it would ruin the dynamic.
“it’s fine you don’t have to answer i’ll just go and ask fran.” you fake being upset and head for the door before fermín steps in front of you again.
“you can’t go out like that.” he panics.
“why? don’t you like my bra?” you tease him.
“joder tía pero tú estás loca.” he sighs frustrated. (fuck, you’re crazy.)
“i mean you’re the one who’s been liking all my stories. especially the ones where i leave little to the imagination.” you reach behind your back and unclasp your bra letting it hit the floor. you’re too far gone now. “you seem to really likes the ones where my breasts are showing though.”
he bites his lips trying to avoid his eyes from wondering. he can practically feel his pants getting tighter the closer you got to him. it was as if the room got smaller and ten times hotter. he’d always been so cocky with his hookups but you somehow made him lose his confidence. but then you said someone else’s name and he suddenly gained his ego back.
“do you think if i asked fran to fuck me he’d say yes?” was the question that threw him off.
his demeanor changed in an instant and suddenly he needed you right there in that bathroom. he knew you were probably just teasing him but he wasn’t going to lose you, not to fran at least.
“he’d probably finish in his pant just by seeing your tits and you’d go home upset.” you didn’t realize how much little space was left between the two of you until you saw both his arms on the sink. you were stuck between the sink and his shirtless body. “he’ll never satisfy you.”
“and you would?” you test his patience.
his hand finds its way onto your thigh and you realize you’ve finally gotten what you wanted. as your breath hitches his hand trails up and the look on his face proved he wanted this as much as you did. he pauses once he gets to your clothed core and looks up at you. you realize he’s asking for permission. you trail your hand down your body to where his hand is and carefully move your panties to the side.
“joder.” he groans at the sight. this is definitely not how he expected his night to go.
“fer.” you whine wanting him to touch you already.
his hands creeps up your throat you can feel his fingers getting closer to your lips. you know what he wants you to do so you open your mouth taking in two of his fingers. he watches intently as you suck on them making them wet enough to enter you. he takes a mental screenshot of you not wanting to forget about this moment. when you finally stop he places his fingers on your thigh again, teasing you. he’s gotten his ego back.
“fuck, you’re so wet.” he can feel the blood rushing to his dick as you you spread your legs for him.
you want to tell him to shut up and hurry up due to how needy you are but he finally drags his fingers over your core. a wave of pleasure rings through your body as he finally touches you. he circles your clit before dragging his fingers down to where you needed him the most. he enters you with one finger first thrusting it slowly letting you adjust. the room is filled with your incoherent moans and your acrylics dig into his free hand.
“oh, fuck.” is all you can say as he enters his second finger.
his thrusts begin to gain momentum as he sees how much you’re enjoying it. the feeling of having your walls squeeze his fingers is so surreal and he can’t resist the urge of reaching up to kiss you. the first kiss is long and sweet but as soon as you start kissing him back it gets heated. soon the kisses become short and needy and you can barely breathe between them. he grabs you by the hair pulling it to get better access to your neck and the pain turns into pleasure as he curls his fingers inside of you.
fermín expects you to tell him to not leave marks but you can’t help but want him to bite down on your neck. he leaves short peppered kisses on your neck before sucking and biting making sure that tomorrow you’ll have to hide your neck from your brother. he hears you panting and knows you’re getting close to coming undone. your hands run through his hair tugging on the strands as you get closer to your high.
and then suddenly you feel empty. his fingers are no longer thrusting inside of you and he pulls away from your lips. you’re about to yell at him when he kneels down in front of you and your eyes go wide. he spreads your legs further apart placing one on each shoulder. you can feel his breathe on your core and you’re not exactly sure you’re ready for what’s to happen. one lick is enough to make your head go back and your legs tremble.
his hold on your thighs get stronger and he dived in deeper. you pull on his hair harder each time he gets closer to your hole, clearly teasing you. he sucks on your clit and that’s enough to have you screaming out of pleasure. your moans are enough to raise his confidence and he brings his fingers back and enters you once again. his tongue and fingers are too much, he’s overstimulating you. you can feel your high approaching once again. this time he doesn’t stop he keeps going. he wants to see you reach your high.
“gonna cum all over my fingers?” he teases.
“fuck, yes.” you gasp barely having the strength to speak properly.
he somehow manages to go faster and you know you’re only a couple of thrusts away from cumming. then he adds in another finger and you’re a moaning mess. your juices squirt all over his fingers and pulls them out of you. he drags your fingers back towards your lips and you grant him access again. you lick them tasting yourself before he kisses you again. it’s a slow sensual kiss and then it happens you spot something moving in the background from the corner of your eye.
“fran.” you gasp at the sight of your brother teammates standing in the back shocked at the scene he walked into.
“what?” fermín pulls away confused at the sudden burst of fran’s name. that’s when he spots fran in the mirror and instead of being ashamed he can’t help but smirk.
that is until you push him off of you and fix yourself. you grab fermín’s shirt without a second thought and fix your skirt embarrassed about being caught and by fran of all people. fran’s disappointment is visible but you really don’t care about his feelings at the moment but rather about whether or not he’ll tell your brother.
“my shirt!” fermín yells.
“you’re a man you can walk around without a shirt.” you say as you get your purse from the sink.
fran walks out not wanting to witness more of what he’s already seen. you have no choice but to follow him since he was your designated driver for the night. but once again fermín steps in front of you and stops you from leaving. he leans down and kisses you and you can’t help but kiss him back.
“next time leave the bodyguard at home.” is all he tells you before stepping aside letting you leave.
that night you fell asleep in his shirt. you’re definitely looking forward to the next game your brother has in barcelona.
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gamerbearmira · 11 months
You know, I always loved fairytales, and those episodes of TV shows where the characters are part of a fairytale or in a fairytale setting were always fun for me. A fairytale AU would be super cool, where the Madrigals are all royalty, and each Madrigal is the protagonist of a different fairytale.
Alma is the beauty from Beauty and the Beast, Pedro didn't die, he was cursed and ran away after an angry mob attacked him, he hides in a dark castle in order to protect his family from the angry mob and watches over his family from a distance, whether or not Alma knows what happened is up for debate.
Julieta is the princess from the Princess and the Frog, Agustin is the frog of course, that's why he's so clumsy, the story is basically the same as Julieta helps Agustin break his curse.
Pepa is the Snow Queen, after being bullied as a child for her weather powers, she shuts herself off from others until Felix, the Kai of the story, comes along, he can only sees the bad in the world due to a shard of the cursed mirror in his eye but doesn't see fault in Pepa's perfect snowflakes, Pepa falls in love and helps Felix's sister, the Gerda of the story, break the curse of the mirror shard.
Bruno is the protagonist of The Golden Goose, he wanders into the jungle to hide from bullies and offers some of the food he has on him to an old man, who guides him to the Golden Goose, as Bruno makes his way back home, many people try and steal feathers from the goose and end up getting stuck, they are only freed when Bruno comes home and his family ignores the goose as they embrace him, as he had been gone for hours and they had been worried.
Isabela is Sleeping Beauty, cursed at birth by an evil fairy to prick her finger and sleep forever unless she is given a kiss of true love, when she pricks her finger, everyone thinks Mariano can break the curse, but of course he isn't her true love, so it doesn't work, Julieta ends up being the one to break the curse with a forehead kiss.
Dolores is Cinderella, after Mariano discovers he isn't Isabela's true love, he holds a ball to try and find his true love, Alma is very embarrassed by what happened with Isabela and refuses to let any Madrigal attend, so Dolores has to sneak out with the help of her fairy godmother, when she leaves her shoe behind and Mariano starts looking for her, she ends up coming clean to her family and admitting her feelings for Mariano so she can try on the shoe.
Luisa is the princess from The Princess and the Pea, she gets lost in a different kingdom during a trip and seeks shelter at the kingdom's castle, the Queen doesn't believe Luisa is a real Princess due to her 'un-princess-ly stature' and gives her the pea test, the next day the rest of the Madrigals show up at the palace begging for help to find Luisa, Alma and Julieta give the Queen an earfull when they're told what happened, and poor Luisa is given a week off of chores to rest.
Camilo is Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk, he trades a piece of jewelry for the magic beans, he didn't really believe the beans were magical he just didn't like the jewelry he had and wanted to get rid of it, once the beanstalk grows, he climbs it out of curiosity and takes the opportunity to cause some mischief when he finds the giant, including stealing a goose that lays golden eggs and a harp that plays itself, needless to say he gets in massive trouble when he gets home and Alma returns the items to the giant with a sincere apology.
Mirabel is Little Red Riding Hood, Alma is visiting her family who lives on the other side of the jungle when she gets sick, since she's too sick to make the journey back home, Julieta sends Mirabel with a basket of food to help her get better, the 'wolf' she encounters is actually her Abuelo Pedro, still cursed, he keeps Mirabel safe on her journey and Mirabel is able to reunite Pedro and Alma.
Antonio is the Pied Piper of Hamelin, he uses his flute to help with a rat infestation and decides to keep the rats as pets, but when people start bullying him for having rats as pets, calling the rats disgusting and Antonio himself diseased, he releases the rats back into the town until they apologize, both to him and the rats.
All of these are so cool and fit so well. Tbh I like Alma, Luisa, Mirabel, Antonio and Pepa’s. I mean all of them are so rad, but those have my heart‼️‼️ They’re all so unique and. Love how some of them tie into each other. And all of them fit so well with each of the Madrigals and that is just so cool tbh. Love seeing AUs like that. AND PEDRO MENTIONED 🗣️🗣️🗣️ YEAHHHHHH
Wanted to draw Alma and Pepa but didn’t :((((
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Oh. My. Gosh. Can we get more of the Body Swap AU? I gotta know who else is swapped. My guess so far, Mirabel is Antonio and Julieta is Alma because I like the idea of everyone swapping and we all know Alma likes to pretend everything is fine so obviously she'd pretend to be whoever she body swapped with. A fun idea would be if everyone was swapped based on their favorite person, Luisa's favorite is Mirabel, Mirabel's favorite is Antonio, and Alma favoring Julieta isn't surprising at all. In that case, Pepa and Julieta would be their husbands, Bruno would be Pepa (wedding fiasco aside I like to think they are quite close due to both having less than ideal gifts), Agustin would be Luisa, Felix would be Dolores, Isabela would be Alma, Dolores would be Isabela, Camilo would be Bruno, and Antonio would be Camilo. Oh the chaos that would ensue, imagine, Dolores finally getting out of Isabela's shadow by getting to BE Isabela, and poor Mariano would be so confused why his ex that admitted she never loved him is now giving him goo goo eyes, Felix deciding to be an overprotective dad and testing Mariano by doing weird things as Dolores to see if he'll still love her, Isabela getting shoved into the leader position and trying to maintain her sanity and keep the town from falling apart, Camilo being the most dramatic creepy prophet he can be while Bruno cringes in the background with a cloud over his head, poor Agustin being ten times as clumsy due to his new size, Mirabel relishing in the fact that she has a gift and absolutely using Antonio's cuteness to her advantage, Pepa finally being free to express her emotions without her gift, her and Julieta taking turns staring at the mirror because dang are their husbands good looking, Alma taking over Julieta's job as healer and experiencing first hand all the work her daughter does and all the stupid and minor injuries people go to her stand for. The possibilities are endless.
Sure, why not? Let’s make this a full AU!
Yes, everyone (minus the husbands as they aren’t linked to the miracle) is swapped but I’m afraid your guesses are mostly wrong. But the favourite idea is fairly right.
Luisa obviously being Mirabel, both favourite sister and person in the family.
Mirabel woke up as Dolores (her favourite cousin), in bed with Mariano, and as you can imagine, completely freaked out. Probably burst her eardrums. So that’s what she’s been to up to while Luisa does whatever she’s doing.
Bruno is Antonio (his favourite of the nieces and nephews). He was very spooked. He had his suspicions, but Luisa showing up confirmed that something had definitely happened, seeing how she clearly wasn’t Mirabel and addressed him as Antonio.
Alma is Bruno (her favourite child) and is going to have a day in his shoes. She’s going to throw hands with some rude townspeople later who still treat Bruno like a bad person.
Dolores is Julieta (her favourite of the aunt/uncles), who has realised but because of her love for being right, is just going along with it. Can’t risk being wrong. She also woke from the sound of “Antonio” crying.
Camilo is Pepa (his favourite person). He initially thinks this will be breeze and isn’t as worried/scared as the others, but slowly comes to the realisation that his mother isn’t treated with the same respect he gives her by everyone else.
Isabela, plot twist, is Luisa. She’s a little embarrassed by it and claims she is only Luisa because Luisa got to be Mirabel. In actuality, she’s very pleased. Think of all the chaos she could cause—
Pepa is Isabela (her favourite niece). She will also be throwing hands later at rude-ass men who can’t accept the fact that Isabela is a lesbian.
Antonio is Camilo (his favourite sibling and babysitter). You did get that one right! He doesn’t really have much angst going on, he just has a fun day as his older brother and enjoys getting to be grown up for a bit.
And lastly, Julieta is Alma. She does try to pretend that everything is fine. She proves to not be the best matriarch, she does more mothering of the council than actually leading the town.
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writer1queenjaysblog · 10 months
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I'm sick but I'm still going to do this.
Thanksgiving with the Madrigals!
Just some funny drama, skits, and wholesome things.
Kitchen drama!
Julieta is cooking of course 😋 👌 😌. (*Camilo trying to sneak food but gets popped with a hand to spoon*)
Dolores is the ears to make sure nothing crazy happens mostly to keep Camilo from eating food before its done. Her and Isabella helping cut vegetables and season while Juileta cooks it, she also seasons the food.
Agustin wants to help but he makes a mess (he hurts himself from cutting his fingers, stubbing his toe, and burning himself and his wife heals him he goes with the fellas to do something so he doesn'thurt himself again)
Mirabel planning out everything her, Camilo argue over him doing something wrong like not setting the table right to her catching him slacking on the job (she caught him eating food he snuck out the kitchen under a table or in a closet he has his face stuffed with food looking like a deer in head lights 😆 🤣.)
Antonio is playing with the animals and helping too. Watches cartoons with his dad and tio Bruno with the rat who are eating food in the corner with Camilo.
Lusia help Isabella pick the vegetables and fruits needed, and move tables & chairs around. Helped her mother with cooking too. Her and Isabella help mirabel too from flowers to the guest list.
Pepa and Felix make sure Camilo doesn't eat anything..again.
Pepa and Felix entertain the people with Bruno who has his rat do a performance.
Fights again but this time Camilo and his brother Carlos (just pretend he's in the family I added him in) are fighting over a girl & food...again. the boys fight like it's WWE smack down.
Afterwards they calm down, Carlos tried to help In the kitchen but burned the pie (4 of them) which means he has to in the living since Abulea doesn't want the new Casita to burn down.
Antonio plays with the animals and helps make another pie & does well, he also made cake with mirabel and so he did great.
Eating contest/ fun
Camilo wins the pie eating contest as always. He and Carlos made it into a tie for the last slice.
Camilo entertains others with Carlos with Bruno. Mirabel playing the accordion singing with the others.
They enjoy tales and partying having fun, they have family members coming just to get a plate and leave.
Camilo fixes a 5th plate when no one was looking. (Got caught by Bruno fixes a plate putting extra Mac & cheese eating while fixing the plate) A family member brought their wife over and she made casserole with raisins in it. (Poor Julieta fainted, everyone was sick even Camilo who'd eat anything almost threw up)
Someone said Pepa's corn bread was a little dry (poor fella caught hell. Camilo & Carlos almost choked and Bruno had to intervene before he got hurt, and Felix had to hold her back and Julieta calmed her too)
If you want a part 2 let me know.
Happy Thanksgiving y'all! 🦃
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adoptedmadrigal2 · 6 months
Growth and gift.
As isabela and Dolores grow they are gifted another baby.
Modern au
"Isabela just turned one four months ago, how did this happen?" Julieta thought as she looked at the positive pregnancy test on the bathroom counter.
"Mi amor, are you ok?" Agustin asked on the opposite side of the locked door.
"I-I'm fine." Julieta said stuffing the test into her bra so Agustin wouldn't see. She exited the bathroom a moment later with a smile so he wouldn't be suspicious.
"Can you help Felix put the girls down for their nap while I make lunch with Pepa?" Julieta asked calmly trying not to show the obvious nervousness in her tone.
"of course, we'll even pull out the winter clothes to go through after dinner." Agustin said going to find his daughter.
"Pepa, come help me make lunch" Julieta called.
"Ok, but don't you usually shoo me out of the kitchen to do it all yourself?" Pepa said following her sister downstairs.
"I still would but I need to talk to you," Julieta said.
"What's wrong?" Pepa said planting herself on the countertop near where Julieta was cooking.
"So I was supposed to get my period on Tuesday and it's Saturday and I haven't had it yet so I took a pregnancy test just to see and it came out positive." Julieta said
"Oh. What were you two doing? We've barely had time away from the girls," Pepa said.
"I know, but that weekend we sent them to mama's, Agustin and I took full advantage." Julieta said.
"Are you telling him?" Pepa asked hopping down from her perch to get a glass of water, but in a wine glass because it felt appropriate for the sisterly gossip.
"well I wanted to talk to you about that, I want to surprise him," Julieta said
"I have an idea, let me call my girlfriend Pam, she's a creative genius and she has a knack for pregnancy announcements." Pepa said picking up the home phone and dialing the number
"hey Pam, I need a favor, and a bottle of alcohol free wine,"
Several days later when Agustin got home from work one evening, he went to change out of his work clothes and saw a box on the bed.
He opened it and unwrapped the tissue paper. In it he found the positive pregnancy test and a onesie that said 'look out world, here I come'
"Julieta?" He said quietly.
"I'm right here," she said emerging from the bathroom with her blue nightgown on and hair nearly wrapped up in a towel.
"is this true?" He asked
"yeah I've got the first ultrasound next week," Julieta said
"I'm gonna be a dad again," he laughed picking up his wife and twirling her around.
Seven months pass with happiness and explanation to the girls. It is nearing Isabela and Doloress birthdays and Julieta knew this baby would be born in September.
She was struggling though, her belly was huge, bigger than when Isabela was born. And her back hurts worse than it ever had, and she was still in her 20's. She prayed she wasn't carrying twins, one was plenty. Especially since having a two year old is hard enough.
The first week of September came and that Saturday she was admitted after her water broke. It wasn't until Sunday evening that her baby girl was born. A whipping 6 pounds 9 ounces. She was even smaller than Isabela who weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces at birth.
What Julieta wondered is how something so small could take up so much room. Julueta was so large by the time she had this little girl everyone around town was questioning whether or not she had twins cooking in her. By the end Julieta was wondering herself if somehow she had twins.
But never less her second daughter was born and beautiful. Agustin took the liberty of letting Julieta have some time with their baby to go get her something to eat. His poor wife hasn't eaten anything for almost 30 hours.
After she had eaten and the baby had successfully latched and nursed. They had to decide on a name.
"I feel like she looks like a Luise," Agustin said looking at the sleeping infant.
"I was thinking Lisa," Julieta voiced.
"Luisa, it combines both names," Agustin suggested.
"I love it, Luisa Everly, a perfect name for our beautiful daughter," Julieta smiled.
After filling out the paperwork they got to go home with baby Luisa and introduce her to the girls.
When they arrived the two toddlers looked at the carrier.
"This is your sister Isa," Julieta said trying to get Isa to interact with Luisa.
Neither girl was interested in the infant, but Julieta expected that in this stage. By the time the eldest two got their own room, they would be pulling Luisa around with them.
And now the beginning of something wonderful.
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prophetic-hijinks · 2 years
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Image of a blind character with dark skin, curly hair. He is wearing a suit vest with detailed raised patterns, carved buttons with butterflies and made of glowing emerald.
Paragraph one: Funny and a little sassy, empathetic Ramiro is a bright addition to the Madrigal household. He love his adopted family dearly.
Inset Picture of happy young Ramiro with congenital cataracts.
Text block: Memento from parents
Antonio had instructed and trained a melanistic jaguar to act as a seeing-eye-animal. He names her Chia.
Ramiro was born with congenital cataracts. Which due to being born to poor parents, they were unable to get him the surgery in time to avoid permanent damage.
When he was young he could sense some light and shapes, but as he aged all he could sense was movement. He wears the glasses due to light sensitivity, but also he has been assured they are particularly cool looking.
Ramiro has an appreciation for fashion like Elena. When she started making, or buying clothes for him. Not only did she choose fabrics that had interesting textures (or Mirabel adding embroidery), but Agustin had it impeccably tailored. He can't see the final look, but he likes the compliments he gets.
Ramiro doesn't receive his gift right away, but rather when he feels he is truly a Madrigal.
His gift is empathetic touch, which allow him to sense emotions tied to objects. But it also allow him to communicate directly with Casita.
Inset picture of young adult Ramiro with black melanistic jaguar: description text.
Antonio had instructed and trained a melanistic jaguar to act as a seeing-eye-animal. He names her Chia.
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magicalmadrigals · 8 months
Never A Dull Moment - One Shot
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[Synopsis: There has never been a dull moment in the Madrigal household and the morning of Dolores' wedding is no exception. With Isa and Dolores driving Mira up the wall, Pepa going out of her mind and Agustin being...well...Agustin, Julieta is slowly giving up hope of getting anything done. She can't find it in her to complain though. After all, it is probably the most fun she has ever had.]
Read on AO3 or under the cut!
“Get that thing away from me! Mamá! Mamá!”
Julieta sighed under her breath and moved away from the counter at the sound of thundering feet and her daughter shouting at the top of her lungs, wiping her hands on her apron and palming a curl from her face seconds before she came racing into la cocina with Isa and Dolores hot on her heels. She had little time to work out what was going on before Mira moved behind her, using her as a human shield, and she laughed when the two elder girls halted in front of her. “Ay, I already know I’ll regret this,” She pinched the bridge of her nose before looking back and forth between the girls. “But what’s going on?”
“Only a game, Tía.” Dolores smiled, smoothing her hands down the front of her dressing gown.
“Mamá, I don’t know what that thing is or what it does,” Mirabel waved her hand in the direction of Isa who was holding up her mascara applicator. “But you can tell them to keep it away from me because I have no interest in finding out.”
“Ugh, I am just trying to make you look beautiful!” Isa snapped.
“Excuse me, I am already beautiful!” Mira retorted. “Mamá, tell them I don’t need any of that stuff.”
Julieta glanced over her shoulder at her, reaching to stroke her face. “You are muy hermosa, mi vida.”
“And that is why you’re my favourite.” Mira leaned in to peck her cheek.
“Wha? No, no, no. No buts!”
“But amor, today is a special occasion,” Julieta pointed out, laughing when her daughter gawped at her before turning back to the elder girls and seeing the smirks on their faces. “I think you should give her a ten-second head start. The poor girl deserves a chance.”
They glanced at each other and shared a knowing look before turning back to Mira.
“Diez, nueve, ocho…”
“Oh, you are so not my favourite anymore.” Mirabel grumbled, moving from behind her and fleeing la cocina.
Julieta crossed her arms and chuckled when Isa and Dolores gave up counting and ran after her again, Dolores with one hand on her head to keep the pins in place and Isa clinging to her mascara, and she shook her head when Pepa walked in. “Lolita, please…” She watched her reach out to take her daughter by the arm, but it was too late and there was a scowl on her face when she turned to her once her girl was out of sight. “You did this! You!”
“Me?” She brought a hand to her chest, feigning shock. “I have no idea what gave you that impression, but you are absolutely right.”
“Do you have any idea how long I have been trying to get her to sit still for?” Pepa asked. “You are not helping, hermana!”
“Ay...Casita, help me out here,” She rolled her eyes before the house moved a chair towards them and made Pepa sit down. “Pep, calm down. Remember what happened the last time you got worked up on a wedding day? It was not pretty. You gave me the flu!”
Her hermana sighed and raked a hand through her hair. “Lo siento. I…I want it to be perfect for her.”
Taking a buñuelo from the plate on the counter and sprinkling some powdered sugar onto it, she let Pepa take it from her and watched her take a bite. “It will be, I promise. I know you want everything to be done as fast as possible, but we have time before she needs to be at the church. Besides, she is the novia which means she has the right to be slightly late. She also has the right to a little fun before the anxiety takes over. Remember us in the hours before Gus and I got married? Chasing Bruno around the sitting room, trying to force him to wear that stupid tie? Mamá was so annoyed, but we had some fun.”
“You two had fun. I was strangled. You know; still not convinced you weren’t trying to get rid of me.”
They looked at each other for a second after Bruno poked his head into the room purely to make that comment, their laughter taking over when he vanished again as Pepa ate the last of her buñuelo before wiping the crumbs from her mouth. “It has been nice to hear her laughing,” Pepa admitted. “She does deserve to have some fun, you’re right.”
“Do you think I could get that in writing? You say it so little…” She teased.
All she earned herself was an eye roll in response as Pepa stood up. “I needed that. Gracias hermana.”
“De nada,” She shrugged before watching her leave la cocina and turning back to the counter to go on wiping it down, the corner of her mouth twitching into a smirk when a pair of arms snaked around her waist and her husband kissed her on the neck. “I may have to accept the fact that I am never going to get this counter clean again,” She feigned annoyance, leaning back against him. “So many distractions.”
“I think you’ll find you are the distraction here, amor, not me,” He replied, tucking his head gently into her neck and grazing the dip there with his nose the way he knew made her shiver. “I only came in to see if you’d seen my tie, but now I hope we never find it.”
Setting the rag down and turning in his arms, bringing her hands to his chest and taking a moment to admire him in his suit, she smirked as his hands moved to her waist. “And why would you hope such a thing on a day like this, Señor?”
“Because…” He stepped further into her. “Until we find it, I can’t get dressed and that means I can stay here with you.”
She hummed in response, pretending to think about what he said while her gaze moved back and forth between his and his lips. “I have had better excuses from you in our many years of marriage, but I may be able to accept that one,” She admitted. “Just about.”
“Good. I mean, I would have regardless, but I like knowing you and I are on the same page.” He smiled.
“So, are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Going to stop talking at some point and kiss me? Else, this is turning out to be muy anticlimactic.”
Chuckling under his breath, he took a hand from her waist and brought it to the side of her neck under her curtain of hair before using his thumb beneath her chin to tilt her head back. He let his nose graze hers for a second, revelling in the way her eyes fell closed at the contact, and captured her lips with his in a soft kiss. She went up onto her tiptoes as the kiss lingered and he felt her arms circle his neck, her fingers teasing the hairs at the nape as they slowly gave in to one another. It was little wonder neither of them heard their daughter approaching the kitchen until it was too late.
“Ay, Mamá!”
Mira’s outcry prompted them to pull apart and turn to look at her, but their initial shock at her finding them like that passed quickly and they struggled to mask their amusement at her standing there with her hands covering her face.
“Mira, look at me.” Julieta told her.
“How could you let them do this to me?” Mirabel dropped her hands to reveal herself completely done up, mascara on her lashes and her lips a subtle shade of red. Her cheeks had even been patted with a little rouge by one of the girls. “I stopped running because they stopped counting, but then they both jumped on me. I think Isabela stabbed me in the eye with that stick thing and now I can’t see out of it.”
Agustín chuckled. “Miraboo, you couldn’t see much before. I don’t think you can blame Isa entirely.”
“Pa, I need you on my side.” She whined before he walked over and put an arm around her shoulders.
“Lo siento, but you really do look beautiful, mi vida.” Julieta shook her head, her hands on her hips.
She pouted. “I do not. I look like Isa threw up on me and yes, it feels as gross as it sounds.”
“Okay, okay, okay,” Julieta made her way over and cupped her face in her hands. “If I help you sort this, will you forgive me?”
“Potentially,” She hummed. “I might forgive you a little faster if you give me a buñuelo after.”
Julieta nodded before taking her by the hand and walking her towards the exit of the kitchen, she and her husband sharing a smile when she stopped for a second to look over her shoulder at him. “Back in un momenta. Do not eat all those buñuelos, I beg you.”
“Promise. Uh, I really do need to know where my tie is though.”
“Bread bin.”
“Amor, your guess is as good as mine.”
Standing there thoroughly confused, he watched his wife and daughter leave the kitchen together and frowned with a shake of his head. He had no idea what had gone on – it had been an insane morning already – but he was sure of one thing.
There really was never a dull moment in this house.
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Feel better soon!
If you still take prompts; maybe Agustin and Felix playing chess or badminton. It's up to you!
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Agustín had experienced a particularly clumsy day: he'd gotten attacked by bees twice, twisted his ankle, tripped over his shoe-laces and gave himself a bloody nose and then, to top if all off, he badly broke his own thumb. How exactly? He'd volunteered to help Mariano re-shingle the Guzmans' roof. He missed the shingle and hit his thumb with the hammer instead.
Poor Mariano had been horrified. Hours later, he still looked too pale, occasionally shuddering as he remembered the incident all over again.
"Is he okay?" Camilo asked, looking at Mariano doubtfully.
Isabela shrugged. Dolores kissed Mariano's cheek and thanked him for looking after her uncle. (Mariano, screaming his head off and running to Julieta's stall, carrying Agustín bridal style, had certainly been a unique sight.)
After that, Agustín was on strict orders to take it easy, which meant staying home.
Félix decided to distract him with chess. He'd told Mirabel, when she was around seven-years-old, that Agustín was the one to teach him chess in the first place.
"Oh, we haven't played in years!" Agustín said, happily surprised.
It quickly became obvious they were both rusty. They took ages to decide on a move, muttering to themselves like a pair of grouchy old men and accusing the other of cheating.
Agustín, for the fifth time, glanced desperately at Bruno. Bruno didn't even look at him as he said, "For the last time, I'm not looking into the future for a chess match, Gus."
"You looked at Félix's grades!" Agustín protested. Mirabel and Camilo turned to Bruno with matching, vicious grins. Mirabel could admit they probably looked like sharks scenting blood.
Bruno groaned, rubbing his forehead. "We were fourteen, get over it!" He glared at Mirabel and Camilo. "And before you ask, the answer is no, I'm not looking for your grades."
"Don't be mad because I had the good sense to bribe him," Félix taunted. His smug grin vanished when Agustín claimed his rook.
Camilo was earnestly pleading with Bruno to take a peek into the future for his grades. Mariano still looked a little green, but he happily cuddled with Dolores. Isabela lounged on the couch, watching the chess match with raised eyebrows.
"Think they're gonna kill each other?" she asked Mirabel.
"I give it ten more minutes before they start throwing pieces," Mirabel said. Isabela gave an amused huff and they settled in to watch the growing argument about the ethics of chess.
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genderlessjacky · 2 years
⚡ scared of thunderstorms
aight!! one encanto cousin bonding coming rightt up
Abuela had told the Madrigals to take a day off due to the horrid storm happening in the encanto , it's so strong not even Pepa's magic could stop it and it didn't help that Camilo and Mirabel pranked her earlier today by putting a fake cockroach in her tea , they did apologise after but Pepa was reasonably still angry at them.
The thunder cracks and roars outside of the casita , rattling its windows as the living house tries to keep it stable . Dolores Madrigal , the child who has been blessed with the gift of super hearing, did not take this well.
She sat cross legged on the couch with her chatting siblings and cousins while her Tio Agustin played soft piano in the background . The middle child tried to focus her listening on her Tio's piano music but it didn't work , the sounds of thunder kept disrupting her , so she decided to go to her room , maybe it would be more silent there.
She gets up from the couch and quickly speed-walks to her room without saying another word.
Luisa Madrigal caught sight of Dolores abruptly going to her room , she was slightly concerned for Dolores since she couldn't control her super hearing and the thunder in itself was already really loud , she assumed that Dolores would put on some noise cancelling headphones.
But that was before she quickly realised that last week , one of antonio's birds chewed up her headphones and he never told her due to him being scared that Dolores will be angry at him so She assumed that Camilo took her headphones and they both argued for a while before Antonio told her but that's another story for another day.
The strong madrigal very lightly nudged her younger sibling who was loudly talking to Camilo and whispered to her
"Hey Mira , should I go check up on Dolores?
After Mirabel finishing laughing at one of her primo's stupid ideas she said back to her :
"Maybe , what happened to her?" she replied with a hint of concern in her voice
"I saw her going up to her room"
"Wasn't she already in her room"
"what- no she was with us , she just wasn't talking much"
"ohhh if that is the case you probably should check up on her just in case , do you want me to join you?"
"hmm , no need Mira you can continue to talk with camilo as long as it's not another prank"
"ughhhh fineee" Luisa stood up from the couch and briskly walked to dolores’s room and softly knocked on the door as to not disturb her
“Hey Prima , its Luisa , can i come in” she asked
There was a moment of silence before her cousin replied in a hush tone
“Sure..come in”
When the older sister came in , she found Dolores sitting on her bed with a distressed face with her curly hair untied , covering her ears and shoulders while the red ribbon was lazily threw on the nightstand beside her cosy bed
Luisa sat beside her
“Prima , are you okay? I didn't see you in the living room …” she asked with worry in her voice
“Y-yeah im fine its just-”
Dolores turned her head away from Luisa
“Too loud for my gift to handle”
“Don't worry prima!!! Luisa is here for you”
She straightened her back and pointed her thumb towards her chest
Dolores chuckled before an idea popped into Luisa’s head “Prima , can you turn around and close your eyes?”
“Hmmm.. whyy?”
“I think I might have an idea!!”
Dolores turned around her bed when Luisa covered her ears with her soft but rough textured hand , she made sure to be gentle with it as to not accidentally hurt her Prima
“Sooo do you remember the time Papa got his head stuck in a beehive?” the more muscular madrigal started Dolores didn't know what her Prima was doing but it felt nice..all the noises around her were muffled except for her Prima’s
“Haha , yeah!! Mama was so worried , you had to help crack open the beehive!! Poor Tio” she recalled fondly
“Right?? Camilo was laughing so hard when he tried to help , and didn't Tia Pepa scold him for that?”
“HAH she did!! , he got in so much trouble , Mama berated him so badly he looked like a kicked puppy after that happened!!”
The two Madrigal happily chatted the night away , recalled fond memories and asking about eachothers day
The both of them don't usually get to be cousins and bond like normal cousins do due to the chores they have to do but since Abuela changed they have so much more chances for times like these and times like these are what La Familia are for
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synergysilhouette · 2 years
Jared Bush's explanation for why Julieta doesn't heal her husband and daughter's eyesight doesn't sit well with me, tbh
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As someone who WISHES I had perfect vision, Julieta thinking it's part of Agustin and Mirabel's character is kind of a poor reason. I'd have preferred it if she just couldn't heal stuff like that.
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toaverse · 1 year
In the kidnapped Agustin and Camilo AU, besides for the family, I also feel bad for Alejandra. All of a sudden one day a bunch of strangers with magical powers (her mother probably kept her away from the Madrigals as much as she could in case she mentioned something) show up at her house, her brother turns out not to be her brother and suddenly looks completely different, she has three older sisters, her father is recovering from ten years of imprisonment and emotional trauma, she's brought away from her home to live with aforesaid strangers, and her mother gets kicked out of the Encanto. And she's only, what, five? The poor kid must be so confused.
You hit the nail right in the coffin…
It would take Alejandra quite a while to recognize Camilo’s true form and that he isn’t named Pablo, her mother is suddenly gone, a bunch of strangers have arrived on the doorstep who know her dad, she apparently has three sisters, and a lot more you’ve already listed.
I think the poor girl being confused is a bit of a understatement…
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Side Story: Second Best
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All her life, Dolores Madrigal is known to be the second.
The second to be born, the second to be able to walk, the second to be able to talk, the second to get her gift, and the second to be the very best.
And no matter how hard she tries, no matter how hard she struggles. Every blood, sweat, and tears that she pours to perfect her craft. Days, months, years of hardship to try and be the very best, to be the number one. She was just never good enough. Always losing behind her older cousin by three months, Isabela. Everything she do or does, Isabela simply did it better.
After all, what is hard work when pitted against natural talent?
Isabela the golden child. The perfect child. The first of the third generation of the familia Madrigal. A gifted prodigy. And the one that always ahead of her. And the very best of all.
No matter the many sleepless nights or the long hours of days. She is always in Isabela’s shadow. Even when she tries to claw and tore her way out of it. Struggling against it as if she was drowning. The shadows just grow taller and wider. Threatening to block her off completely.
Carving a Pokeball? Her’s was slightly lumpy with a few imperfections, while Isabela’s made a perfect one without any bumps or imperfection. Perfect shape to the likes of her Tio Agustin smooth metallic pokeball.
Catching Pokémon's? She managed to get three, while Isabela caught six. And all six of the Pokémon are known to be very aggressive and dangerous.
Entering the Tournament of Champions? She ranks second, while Isabela ranks first. Beating her three to six, not even bothering to let out the other three. A total sweep.
And she could only greet her teeth in anger. Envy growing in her chest like the parasitic mushroom on a Paras back.
Each one step forward she takes, Isabela would take six. Widening the gap between them with each passing day until all she could only see was her back from a distance. The gap between them separated by a wide chasm. And never once did Isabela look back to acknowledge her.
Isabela was always the first, while she always took second.
How she resents it. How she resents her. It wasn’t fair. While she struggles to accomplish anything and Isabela makes it so effortless. It felt like her attempts were being spitted on. That no matter how hard she tries she could never reach her. To be her equal and stand side by side with her. That the gap between their skills is too enormous. And Dolores was determined to prove her wrong. That she can be her equal. That she is her equal.
And then Mirabel’s gift ceremony happened. And Isabela and Tio Bruno are gone.
And just like that, her world grinds to a stop. Suddenly there isn’t anyone that she can compete against. No one that she can try to prove herself to. All of her hard work and struggle amounts to nothing now. Since now that Isabela is gone, she’s now automatically number one.
And she hates it.
Because it isn’t something that she earns. It was just given to her on a silver platter. Because when the first is gone, the second would replace them. It felt like she had cheated. That she took an easier path to get the recognition she so desperately wanted. And not by the person she wanted to be recognize the most.
Yes, she had gotten the number one spot she wanted. To be the very best. And yet...
After her pseudo sister cousin’s untimely death, she felt the shadows that she was under growing exponentially larger. The gap between them is ocean apart now. And this time, she has no way of ever leaving it. After all, there is no better feat of accomplishment than dying to protect the people of Encanto. Like Abuelo Pedro.
Isabela’s last big accomplishment. Dying a hero’s death.
She felt like a replacement. Like they need a stand in for the best. A second Isabela Madrigal. The one that will forever be just a shadow to the real one. The fake one. A poor imitation of the original.
Guess no matter what she do. She’s always destined to remain the second best.
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