#And jihadi islam
ace-hell · 8 months
Just saw a video of IDF soldiers giving aid to gazan refugees and then one elderly men just stopped and said in HEBREW "may god help you", complaining how UNRWA is useless and cursing them
and then another man came and also in hebrew told the IDF to kill sinwar and that its all bc of hamas "don't get out of here until you kill all the people of hamas, they are horrible people,people don't understand", here is link(it allows only one video per post):
"we don't care about all this, its sinwar and hanyia, eating in a restaurant in turkey and hiding underground. Hit them in the head"(a saying in hebrew means fuck them up)
im in tears why these people had to be under a terrorist group like hamas. oy vey. And the worst part is that you won't see pro palestinians talking about how these people suffer from sinwar and haniya, they turn blind eye to it "fighting for the palestinian cause and freedom" yet push and glorify the terrorist group that oppresses and starve them(israel seds 250 aid trucks A DAY)
Free gaza from hamas
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secular-jew · 2 months
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Buddha statue meticulously carved into the stone 1500 years ago, Bamyan Valley (Afghanistan), destroyed by the Islamic State.
This is Islam.
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madame-helen · 11 months
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More absolute insanity out of @Columbia tonight. “Al-Qassam you make us proud! Take another soldier out!” “We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!” “Hamas we love you. We support your rockets too!” “Red, black, green, and white, we support Hamas’ fight!” “It is right to rebel, Al-Qassam, give them hell!” “It is right to rebel, Hamas give them hell!” “Free, free, free Palestine!” Jihadists are openly chanting for terrorism on the streets of New York.
You can officially stop pretending that "pro-Palestine" doesn't mean pro-Hamas, pro-terrorism and pro-Jihad. We can see for ourselves.
This is the rise of Islamic Naziism.
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darling · 1 year
I know that Benjamin Netanyahu's government is a disgrace, but it breaks my heart that the Hebrew people are bleeding because of an authoritarian government. It is clear that after today's attacks the Israeli Prime Minister will massacre any Palestinian in the Gaza Strip and use the fight against terrorism caused by Hamas as a pretext. This is all heartbreaking...
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eurevision · 4 months
Eurevision category: Taqwacore
Broadly, Taqwacore is punk music with an Islamic bent. After an extra day for submissions (and a broadened category-- now you don't have to just submit taqwacore, rather, any Arab punk), you all came through and posted some great stuff. Thank you. The result is this bloody, messy, fun mix. Vote for which song fights its way out of the mosh pit and onto the stage with the other winners. You have until Saturday night.
The songs:
Jihadi, Jihadi, by Haram
Layla, by The Kominas
Sma3, by Taqbir
There Their They're, by The Muslims
School Revolution, by Voice of Baceprot
Burn the Witch, by Pinkshift
Forced Down Your Throat, by Fearless Iranians from Hell
Anti-Israel, by Troublesome
Twist That Knife, by The Kominas
American Police, by Haram
Aisha Qandisha, by Taqbir
Truth's Eternal Sun, by Al-Thawra
The poll says 'one week,' only because 'three days' is not an option.
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zvaigzdelasas · 6 months
The head of an Iraqi militia participating in a coalition of groups that have waged attacks against U.S. troops and Israel has told Newsweek that his forces are prepared to escalate their campaign significantly if President Joe Biden does not meet their demands.
According to Sheikh Mohammed al-Tamimi, secretary-general of Faylaq al-Waad al-Sadiq, all they are asking for is the complete withdrawal of U.S. forces from their country.
The group, whose name translates to the "True Promise Corps," is one of several factions that have banded together as part of the "Islamic Resistance in Iraq," which launched a campaign of near-daily rocket and drone attacks against U.S. forces stationed in Iraq and Syria in October, shortly after the war between Israel and Hamas erupted in the Gaza Strip.
The offensive took a deadly turn in January when three U.S. soldiers were killed on the border of Jordan and Syria.
As unrest worsened with Biden ordering intensive airstrikes and the killing of a high-level militia commander last month, the Iraqi government began to harden its calls for a timely exit of U.S. forces. The Pentagon soon commenced talks with Iraqi counterparts over a "transition" in the U.S. military presence, which is officially limited to battling the remnants of the Islamic State militant group (ISIS).
With these assurances, a number of Islamic Resistance in Iraq militias largely paused their campaign, instead turning their sights on Israel itself. But as weeks pass with little sign of progress and reports of new attacks on U.S. positions, Tamimi has warned U.S. troops will be met with an offensive that goes far beyond even Hamas' devastating October 7, 2023, attack on Israel should "the reckless, senile" Biden ultimately fail to withdraw U.S. soldiers from the country.
"If the agreement is not achieved, we will expel the Americans in their coffins from Iraq, and we will humiliate the 'Black House' administration," Tamimi told Newsweek. "And they will see who the resistance is and what the capabilities of the resistance are, especially now that we have drones and long-range smart missiles."[...]
Iranian officials[...] have denied exerting command and control over such groups, which they argue are involved in legitimate defensive maneuvers.
"The military actions undertaken by the resistance front against the Israeli regime are defensive measures aimed at exerting pressure on the occupying regime, with the goal of halting its crimes in Gaza," the Iranian Mission to the United Nations told Newsweek in response to Hagari's comments.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran staunchly supports such resistance," the Mission added. "However, given the Israeli regime's inability to effectively counter the resistance, it seeks to portray Iran as the occupying force in the countries comprising the resistance front."
Tamimi, too, rejected the notion that he led a state-sponsored group. But he attested to a growing level of coordination among allied international factions of the Axis of Resistance.
"Faylaq al-Waad al-Sadiq is Iraqi, and the mujahideen of the corps are Iraqis," Tamimi said. "We have coordination with the resistance factions in Lebanon, Yemen, or Gaza. We do not have coordination with any country, only with the resistance. We are with the unity of the resistance."[...]
"The Iraqi resistance now stands with the Palestinian people, and our duty now is to stand with them and support them against the crime and genocide against them by the Zionist entity supported by the American government, Britain, and Europe," Tamimi said.
"The change in strategies in the Iraqi resistance was clear, especially after the American deal with the Iraqi government, which was urgently asking us to stop the jihadi operations in Iraq," he added. "In return, there will be immediate withdrawal from Iraq, non-interference in the Iraqi situation, and Iraqi money will be handed over."
Once again, he warned that a failure to meet these conditions would result in all-out escalation against U.S. troops, who he warned would meet their end in Iraq.
"We respect the right of peoples to live in peace, and it is our right to have peace in our country without American military forces on the land of Iraq. The Iraqi people respect all peoples but reject the military presence on the land of Iraq," Tamimi said. "If these forces do not withdraw, they will be sent with coffins, and we will destroy the American bases."
"And we are able to carry out more operations than the Hamas movement in its storming of the bases of the Zionist entity," he said. "We are able to shatter these bases."
Already, reports shared by Faylaq al-Waad al-Sadiq's media channel reported a new attack late Tuesday on a U.S. position near the Conoco gas field in eastern Syria's Deir Ezzor province, the site of yet unattributed explosions apparently targeting the militia presence there just a day earlier.
Meanwhile, a high-level Iraqi delegation visited Washington this week ahead of a scheduled trip by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani next month for talks in which the future of the U.S. military presence is likely to be a central topic.
But Tamimi, in a direct appeal to the U.S. people, affirmed that the wrath of the resistance was reserved only for perceived occupiers, and not civilians.
"We wish peace for everyone, and we want to live in peace in our country," Tamimi said. "We ask you to withdraw your children from our country, Iraq, and let us live in security, prosperity and peace. We welcome the American people to visit our country for a tourist or commercial visit, but we reject their military presence, and they must know that we do not need them."
27 Mar 24
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 3 months
by Barry Shaw
This brainwashing is being introduced into high schools and even into the elementary educational system in America.
One example, quoted in a Jerusalem Post article on June 7, 2024, titled ‘Portland’s teacher union creates anti-Israel program,” reported that the Portland Association of Teachers are promoting an indoctrination program for children as early as pre-kindergarten to high school in which the next generation of Americans will be brainwashed to delegitimize Israel, describing it as an “illegitimate settler-colonial state.”
American children are being taught to participate in Palestinian protests turning them into anti-Israel activists.
Together with a group known as Oregon Educators for Palestine (OGP) they have created a curriculum that includes courses such as “Know your Rights in Teaching,” “Organizing for Palestine within Portland Public Schools,” and “Teach Palestine! Resources for Portland Public Schools” lesson guide.
Their document provides counter definitions to reduce the legitimacy of Israel by using key terms. For example, they deduce Anti-Semitism as being a “European Christian phenomenon” and Zionism as “a settler colonial political ideology and movement.”
Their guide recommends teachers to have the academic freedom (restriction) to select (reduce) writings on Palestine only to that written by Palestinian authors, as they put it, “to offer content and context based on the authors backgrounds and opinions.”
Part of their indoctrination removes words such as “terrorism” particularly when applied to acts of Palestinian terrorism.  Instead, they replace it with the word “resist.”
Everything is wrapped around concepts such as “Occupation” even if that applies to areas from which Israel withdrew its citizens in the search for peace.
Based on that novel concept, the barbarous attacks of Oct. 7, or mass killing by Palestinian suicide bombers and gunmen, can be translated into acts of “resistance to the occupation,” even when committed by Palestinians emerging out of their self-governing territories to kill thousands of Israelis in their hometowns inside Israel.
I know. I became one of the members of the Netanya Terror Victims Association after a procession of suicide bombers and gunman targeted my hometown that hugs the clifftops of the Mediterranean, the sea defined by their slogan of a Palestine “from the River to the Sea.”  
In the quest for this homeland, they murdered dozens of Netanya folk, some of whom I knew.
Now social studies lessons for grades 3-5 in America will include a week-long curriculum on “settler colonization and Palestine.”
The Portland Association of Teachers represents over 4,500 educators. In their description of the events of Oct. 7, we can clearly define what they consider progressive to be utterly regressive.
PAT educators handed out documents claiming that the horrendous massacres, tortures, rapes, and hostage-taking were, in the words of PAT, justified “resistance.”
In May, Mosaic magazine featured an article entitled “Anti-Israel Indoctrination Starts in Elementary Schools.”
This is the opening phase of a Jihadi education in America. One that accurately copies Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad brainwashing.
There is a battle going on in the California school system. Last September, a law suit claimed that a California school district tried to impose an anti-Israel curricula.
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girlactionfigure · 6 months
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At every single face.
134 innocent people brutally stolen from their families after 1200 Israelis were massacred in a single day, in an unprovoked barbaric attack by Hamas. This Islamic fundamentalist terror organization has the support of many Palestinians. Still. And worse, much of the civilized world.
Amongst the surviving hostages, there are different nationalities and religions, babies and elderly people. There are mothers and fathers, children, uncles and aunts, grandparents, brothers and sisters.
We have no idea how they are.
They've been held for 6 months now. 6 months.
It's unthinkable.
Their freedom not being an absolute priority for the Western world is outrageous. The world speaks of Gaza as though this never happened by the people who made it happen: Jihadi terrorists and their supporters.
The world continues to adopt THEIR narrative.
It's shocking to see affluent, educated individuals, advocates for various rights - from climate change, trans and women's rights - siding with Hamas sympathizers after their October 7th atrocities. As Sam Harris said, it just reveals how confused and decadent and morally vulnerable our civilization has become.
Israel's October 7th was like America's 9/11s. But worse. The equivalent is 40,000 victims—13 times more than the number of Al Qaeda victims on 9/11.
But not just in numbers.
In intensity. Everyone here knows someone who was lost.
In brutality. They were individually eliminated in the worst way imaginable.
In continuity. The attacks went on for months with daily rockets rendering people across the country, like me, running to bomb shelters with my kids. Months. And armed terrorists attacking us - who still do.
And yes, the hostages. They are still there. And in political debate, by armchair pundits, they are often not even mentioned.
I never imagined how many people I considered friends and trusted colleagues who have decided to remain quiet - not a peep. Somehow they think that speaking up for those massacred and the hostages means they aren't FOR the many innocent Palestinians killed in this conflict.
You can be for both, for ALL innocents, as I am.
War is ugly but unfortunately right now, necessary. To those who are too afraid to say it for fear of being canceled - there, I said it. Cancel my a**.
We will NOT be quiet about it.
Not on Facebook.
Not on any social media platform.
Not with our friends.
Not with our co-workers.
Not with our clients.
Not on the news.
Not on the streets.
These people are family to us.
They ARE our family.
Look at their faces.
May they come home alive, soon.
Words by Eitan Chitayat
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hichew76 · 5 months
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The last time college kids were radicalized by jihadi Muslims, the Islamic Republic of Iran came to power
See the signs. Stamp them out.
עם ישראל חי
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myserioussideblog · 9 months
it gives me a good laugh when i see a pro-palestine post which likens hamas to idk some freedom fighters or something.
because then i'll go to their profile, and see that little emoji.
that multicoloured rectangle.
the fucking pride flag.
YOU support....? HAMAS? REALLY.
You just TRY walking in with your pride flag badge and your neopronouns or whatever is the latest fad in the scene. You could be there to provide aid. You could have been their fiercest fighter. You could have fucking paid every fucking penny out of your pocket to help them.
YOU, my dear, will be tortured and killed. Because that's Islam. And that's Hamas.
Your little posts on Instagram and Tumblr and X are going to do jackshit if you're supporting those whose main goal is to commit global jihad and result in a global caliphate, kill all those who do not follow their religion, and, of course... the LGBTQ+ people. YOU.
I'm not saying Israel is perfect (gay marriages abroad are recognised, but gay marriages cannot be conducted on Israeli soil, which is understandable, it is a Jewish country) but it has a strict policy against discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.
Logic, common sense and sanity suggest steering clear of being murdered for who they are.
When have the "wokes" ever had any of those things?
But the fact that these are the same people who have just begun to realise that a hijab isn't a choice doesn't give me much hope that this will go through their thick heads. Where is the outrage over CPL Noa Marciano?? She was MURDERED by a religion that not only justifies but rewards it.
What is happening to civilians on both sides is monstrous, but the focus should be on eradicating the parasite that is Hamas (and all other jihadi groups) from the face of the earth.
It is borderline pathetic that you are so terrified of offending someone that you will support them, even if they spit on and rape and murder you because of something you didn't choose.
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cromulentenough · 9 days
book review of a book by an ex jihadi turned informant.
Always get surprised by what other people get surprised by in these things. But also the reviewer takes things a bit too far in thinking that's ALL that matters. You can care about multiple things at once. Doing things because you think it fulfils prophecies and that god told you to do it doesn't mean you can't ALSO do things because you want to help people that you think are being opressed. Also different people in the same coalition can have different primary reasons for doing things.
But yes, fundie muslims do actually believe in islam for the most part and their actions are affected by increasing the chance of doing things that they think an omnipotent omniscient god ordered them to do that they wouldn't do if they didn't think an omnipotent omniscient god told them to do it. And it can be effective to stop them doing those things if you can convince them that an omnipotent omniscient god didn't actually tell them to do it.
For some reason a lot of people struggle with accepting that thinking an omnipotent omniscient god telling you to do something will have an effect on your behaviour and are surprised to find out otherwise.
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secular-jew · 5 months
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From Ali Karimi, one of the greatest Iranian footballers of all time. Be like Ali.
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eretzyisrael · 2 months
by Romany Shaker
An Islamist organization that advocates for violent jihadis in Britain is setting up shop in the United States. CAGE International, which portrays counter-Islamists in Europe as "Islamophobes," is preparing to do the same thing in the U.S. The organization recently solicited donations from donors in the U.S. with the help of Omar Suleiman and Daniel Haqiqatjou. The two imams, who represent the progressive and conservative wings of American Islamism, have called on their U.S. followers to support which made a name for itself in the years after 9/11 by advocating for terrorists serving time in Guantanamo Bay.
The organization hasn't released the numbers about the amount of money it has raised in the U.S., but overall, it seems to have done pretty well, raising £650,000 (approximately $828,000) through its "Supporting Our Heroes: From Guantanamo to Gaza" fundraising campaign launched during Ramadan, which took place this past spring. At the very least, CAGE's American partners helped it to exploit Hamas's October 7 massacre to promote its Islamist brand to Muslims globally, particularly those living in the U.S.
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For his part, Haqiqatjou shared a post in March 2024 on his X account featuring CAGE International outreach director Moazzam Begg's call on Western Muslims to support his organization and endorsed its activism and advocacy as "another important cause."
These baby steps help pave the way for CAGE International to gain a foothold in the United States, especially as the British Islamist organization announced its efforts to expand its global reach and influence under the new brand "CAGE International."
Background – What is CAGE?
Given that public officials and counter-Islamists in the United States have little exposure to CAGE International's antics, a primer is in order. Here is what decision-makers need to know about the organization.
Established as a company by Adnan Rasheed Siddiqui in 2007 in London, the Islamist organization, which was initially known as CagePrisoners has gone through two rebrandings, emerging first as CAGE in 2013 and as CAGE International in 2023.
The group, which is currently registered as "Cage Advocacy UK Ltd," describes itself as "an independent advocacy organization" working to "challenge War on Terror inspired state oppression and empower communities to dismantle the discourses and policies of the global War on Terror." Cloaked in the guise of religion, human rights, and social justice, CAGE International claims that it seeks to "revive divine justice." To that end, the Islamist organization invokes the invented concept of "Islamophobia" and spearheads campaigns advocating for Al-Qaeda actors, Islamists, and convicted terrorists.
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These NPCs are literal fucking morons. They don't have any values or ethics or beliefs of their own, only what they glean through osmosis from the mob mentality. Like the BLM riots of 2020, they just want to be seen to have the "correct" moral alignment.
Five minutes ago, these were the "punch a Nazi" people. "I was just following everyone else" is how the original Nazis rose.
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The jihadis and terrorists love that these useful idiots are running interference for them, though.
Guaranteed that the ringleaders are the true believers, the Islamic supremacists eager to destroy Israel and exterminate the Jews, as Hamas themselves have declared. Some other proportion will be agitators who just want to engage in violence and destruction and are there for when it happens. The rest are just mindless drones who think they're going to be the stars of a cultural moment.
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techramonic · 2 months
The insurgency of terrorism glorification on tiktok is quite disturbing to me. I've previously seen slideshows of jihadi john (mohammed emwazi) circulating again and I think that's crazy. This dude is a literal ISIS war criminal who beheaded christians on video for the public. Then again, terrorist groups are known to spread their agency online by making violence look appealing, even commercializing it.
But are we forgetting that these groups are the reason why many people in muslim communities suffer prejudice? They perpetuate stereotypes through rebranding concepts initially made for peace and re-introducing them as acts of hate, especially toward demographics like Americans who don't quite have the care to research about communities like islam.
Even those who aren't muslim but came from pre-dominantly muslim populated countries are also affected. jeez, I was even flat-out called a "terrorist" because I come from the UAE. During 6th grade, I couldn't count how many times my classmates would joke about terrorism, war, and bombings right in front of my face. It's always the "Allahuakbar!" shit. Do you even know what that means? That's a declaration of faith and thanksgiving, so tell me why you're saying it based on the context of violence?
I'm not even muslim, but at least I have the decency to be information literate and respect people. With your putrid substandard accent and lack of understanding beyond the context of mere violence because you do not have any care on researching about a community just because it does not concern you, your selfish agencies, and childish fun—better to just shut your mouth and never talk again.
Dude, even Jihad. That's the philosophy of struggling to defend Islam and achieve peace. The last resort is militaristic action, which is to PROTECT THEMSELVES. It's not about war. I hate how some see people like us who are from the Middle East, or are arab, or are muslim and immidiately relate us to war. We are not harbringers of destruction. That is merely a small fraction of a population that should not be confused as something that encapsulates and represents us as a whole. We're just like anyone else. We are normal people.
I hate how these terrorists destroy such a beautiful religion and the culture that comes with it and reason out by saying they're doing it to defend their beliefs. Really? Nah man, that's a distorted morbid reflection of your own ideologies at this point.
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