#Also I'm sorry if it's OCC.
starsinthenigth · 1 year
unfinished drabble, yay
This is it.
This is the moment she has been training for her whole life.
To serve her master. And become a general.
The young recruit, now general, moves her gaze upwards, to see her master approaching one of the last remaining Hamato member's that is chained to the harsh ground, unconscious.
Her master, Shredder, is going to do it.
He is going to consume every last remaining atom of that rat's power.
His N I N P O that is...
Looking around, there isn't a single sight of the 'Mad Dogs'.
Or 'the ones that tried to interfere with theritual' that is...
It's perfect.
The Shredder's footsteps are sending small vibrations to the ground, but the young general is not affected by it.
However, with every step he takes towards the slumbering rat, the feeling of hesitation enters her mind.
. . .
NO! She shouldn't feel it. This is what she always wanted and it's.. PERFECT!..Isn't it?
"With this power, the world will kneel before ME."
Her master roared, before stopping in front of the unconscious mutant.
One of his armour gauntlets transformed into a drill, which in a matter of a few moments it extended before jabbing into the rat's fore-head.
No blood came out of the stab, however the mutant's body began to slowly dissolve. Dissolve into pitch black ash, as his energy was slowly being consumed by the Shredder.
The young general lowers her head at the sight, gaze on the unforgiving ground, her bandaged hands gripping on the smooth wooden material of a naginata she is wielding.Her nails are almost digging into it, her knuckles almost turning pale, as a small feeling of doubt is slowly building up inside of her.. . .
Why would she feel doubt?
Why is it that she is feeling doubt?
She should not be feeling that.
She is loyal to her clan. She is supposed to be. In fact, she is fiercely loyal.
Cassandra forces her gaze upwards once again, trying to push the feeling of pride into her mind.
But, by doing that.. she only witnesses the helpless body of the chained rat, almost turned into dust.
The general's heart skips a beat, brows hesitantly narrowing at the sight.Her nails dig into the Naginata even further, her shoulders begin to tense with reluctance.
. . .
She can't do it.
Gritting her teeth, a faint feeling of determination enters her mind.Faint determination for a new goal.
Getting in a defensive stance, she glares at her master before she approaches the living armour, getting ready to strike at him.But before she could do anything..
Harsh thoughts strike her mind first, resulting in her movements cutting out, before she could do anything.
'Why would she sabotage and betray the one she is supposed to s e r v e.'
'This is what her clan would have wanted.'
'This is what her master wants.'
'This is what she, herself would have wanted'
'So why would she break her clan's trust for not only her's.. but their enemy's sake?!'
Glancing at the ground once more, the general remains motionless. The tension in her body is still strong.
Her heart drops to her stomach, once she hears faint clatter, coming from her master's direction.
Snapping her head towards the source of noise, her breath hitches a little at the sight of empty lifeless chains on the ground.
Eyes widening a little at the sight, the general's brows narrow, her lips curling down into a small frown, her hands almost letting go of the weapon she is holding..
The same weapon that guarded the mutant from being rescued by his children.
The very same weapon that she could have used to save that rat. 
..And yet, she didn't.
She let her master have what he craved for so long.
She stayed loyal.
..A tiny smile creeps up on her face.
. . .
She should be proud of that.
Shouldn't she..?
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pizzapasta23045 · 5 months
Why I imagine Dottore wasn't in the Arlecchino short despite already being an harbinger:
Scaramouche: So are you gonna change? We have like, a whole trial for the murder of an Habinger to get to? Dottore: SCARA FUCK OFF I'M BUSY! I'M BUSY I'M DOING A MALPRACTICE. LET ME FUCKING DO HUMAN EXPERIMENTS IN PEACE I DON'T GIVE A SINGLE SHIT ABOUT THAT TRIAL.
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My Caitlyn's scars and tattoos references
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Burn mark on her right ankle was when she was pinned down by a flaming building debris during her fight with Urgot.
Left Knee scars are from someone trying to torture her with a knife.
Right scratches on the back of her knee are from a crazy wolverine a chembaron had as a pet.
Right side belly and shoulder bulletholes from Jinx's Pow Pow
Left side scars on her arm from when she jumped through a window with a civilian to escape an explosion and landed hard on window fragments
Back scar from chemblade similar to Sevika's. (If it was her or not depends on verse)
Neck scar from Jinx threatening one time in her office for shits and giggles
Right Shoulder scar from when she broke her shoulder as a kid from the kickback of her dad's sniper she shouldn't have been using.
And tiny eyebrow scar from flying shrapnel from bridge explosion (If from Arcane or not depends on the verse)
Vi tattoo on her shoulder was the first she got, to show trust in her partner. Caitlyn doesn't think its a coincidence Jinx shot her there.
The Kiramman symbol on her left arm to remember her family
Three musical notes, representing 3 muses from @songofsilentechoes The one with angel wings Noelle, the one with an anarchy symbol Trinity, and the one with a jester hat is Jingle.
A tiny star that is the exact replica of Seraphine's cheek tattoo cause she's a super fan.
Bite marks on an X for @missieces 's X
As well as their Lux's inspiring a crown on her leg
And finally a Black Rose on her left buttcheek, to remember her matron @regina-tenebris
All her scars are from her fights and pains, but all her tattoos are to remind her of her loved ones.
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candied-cae · 1 year
And Who Are We At The End Of The World? - The Best Welcome Party
Chapter 14/? - - - Read it on AO3
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
Word Count: 11,681
Summary: With Eddie conscious for the first time since "the earthquake," a lot has to happen. Notably, he needs to be questioned by the Hawkins Police. But, of course, there may just be a little bit to check on before they deal with that responsibility...
More ST Fics
At Steve’s house, everyone was still milling around after he and Lucas left. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair still had a lot of stuff they needed to wrap their head around, and Nancy and Robin were feeling a little stir-crazy in the busy house, so they got an idea. They could run back to their houses, take showers, get changed, and then take off to ask the drama and band directors for their statements on Eddie.
Which would both get them out of the stressful atmosphere of Steve’s living room and give them something to do. And having something to do about how hopeless everything felt seemed to be the only way to get through it.
So, the two of them stuck around just long enough to make Hop sit down with them and agree to be a source. And to grab a couple of quotes so it’d sound like his words, and if anyone bugged him about it he knew what to say. A little bit here about “All kids find their own outlets for rebellion, I’ve pulled over almost every student who’s gone through that high school at least once since I’ve been here.” A line to specify “But Eddie Munson’s never been a very big thorn in my side. Can’t see him having done all this without a good motive. Which nobody’s been able to find.” And then they just rounded it out with a note about circumstantial evidence and there not being enough of anything to make sense to pin it on him. All according to a guy who used to be the city's chief of police.
Then they were able to drive off for their next steps, Nancy obviously the one behind the wheel and dropping Robin off before she went back to her place.
When Nancy got back to her house her dad was, thankfully, back at work. So it was just Holly and Amber sitting around a plastic tea set in the living room while Amber’s mom watched the news. She was able to head right on upstairs without much fuss.
But, while it didn’t take long for Nancy to take care of her own business, Robin had a bit more of a headache to deal with.
Her mom was again not happy she ran off, but it was easier to settle her down when Robin had her call Steve’s house and a parent answered. Joyce had confirmed that there had been chaperones there all night, and there were a whole bunch of them over, not just Steve and Robin alone. As if that would’ve meant anything anyway. But one phone call later and she was able to slip away and clean up so she could get to her plans with Nancy.
When she climbed out of the shower, however, she was interrupted by her mother calling for her.
The girl was squeezing a towel around the ends of her hair to pull the water out - she hadn’t washed her hair, but the ends got damp anyway - and she yelled back,“ Uh, yeah?”
“You’ve got a call!”
Robin considered trying to run to the wall phone half-dressed or letting her mom try to stall with small talk as she pulled on her jeans. She decided she didn’t really like either option,“ Just tell Nancy I’ll be ready for pickup whenever she gets here!”
“It’s not a Nancy!” Theresa said from the kitchen as Robin reached for her shirt,“ It’s a Vickie!”
And all at once, she felt her heart jump to her throat. She threw on the shirt, haphazardly yelling,“ I’ll be right there!”
Once she got the article over her head, she yanked it down and barreled out of the bathroom. Quickly stealing the phone from her mother’s hands and turning the corner away to be further away from her mother’s listening ears.
“Heeyyy…” She started. But, no way, that sounded so awkward. She coughed and tried again,” I mean, hey. Hey, Vickie. How are- How are you?”
“Hi, hi, and hi to you too, Robin,” she said with a light fluttery giggle that made Robin’s heart seize again,” I’m good. And you are?”
“Good! I am good also.”
Robin was failing at this, right? She was failing at their first phone call. She was all jumpy, and too excited, and not saying words in the right order, and she had to sound so ridiculous-
But she pushed through it anyway. Digging her nails into her palm to try and keep herself from getting all high-pitched from the nerves, she said,” So, uh, how’d you… track me down?”
“Looked you up in the phone book. There aren’t any other Buckleys in town, you know.” Vickie said it like it was obvious.
Because it kind of was. It was how Robin would’ve found Vickie’s number if she had felt so bold. Maybe if she and Steve had been able to find an hour alone, he would’ve built her up to it. But receiving the phone call felt pretty great too.
“Yeah, yeah.” Robin confirmed the very normal behavior,” So, did you need anything or- or what had you calling little ol’ me today?”
“I, um, sorta thought we could hang out? It was fun spending time with you at the high school the other day, and I’d like to do it some more. Unless you didn’t think it was fun and, instead, I’m just the kind of girl who’s nice for company when there’s literally no one else to talk to, and in that case, I’ll just hang up, and we don’t have to talk about this-”
“No!” Robin leaped in to correct Vickie’s unfounded concern,“ No, no, no, I do not think that. I would like to hang out. With you. Too. I had fun on Saturday too. So, yeah, I’d really like to make some plans to spend time together again.”
And there was Vickie’s cute little fluttery giggle again,“ Cool. Um, I know things are still sort of crazy in town, but my parents would give me the keys to the car if you wanted to come up with an errand to run or something, and we could get some lunch after?”
“Yeah, that sounds great. I’d love to- like to do that-”
Calm down, Robin, don’t freak her out.
And, just as Robin was taming her excitement, she remembered she was already expecting a girl to come by,” Oh, yeah... I kind of had plans to help Nance with something…”
Vickie got a little quieter,“ Oh, well, we can raincheck if you want to-”
“No! I, um… actually, if you wanted to help, we were going to talk to Mr. Thompson.”
“The band director?” the girl asked.
“Well, him and Ms. Reynolds. We wanted to get, like, a statement on Eddie’s character from them. See if they had anything nice to say for an article about how he didn’t do it.”
“Oh,” Vickie said it like she was trying to understand the idea. And that made sense. She wasn’t on the inside team, so she didn’t know everything they did. Didn’t know Eddie that well. She’s just been knee-deep in rumors the whole time.
So Robin supplied,“ Which, by the way, he didn’t. It’s a long story, but we were with him pretty much the whole time, and it was actually Jason! Not Eddie, and-”
“Jason? Jason Carver?”
“Yeah. Like I said, it’s a long story, and I can tell you some more about it later, but Eddie really is innocent. I swear. Thing is, even when he wakes up and can explain everything to get the police to drop the charges, a lot of people probably won’t believe it. They’ll say stuff about how he got away with it and make his life a living... nightmare," she barely caught herself from saying 'hell'. A mistake she usually didn't have much trouble avoiding, but she was just so focused on Vickie that she almost missed it," Anyway, Nancy wanted to write something for the school paper to help show people he’s a good guy.
“And he is? A good guy, I mean.” Vickie still asked, though she was beginning to sound like she believed it.
“Yeah. He is.” Robin asserted,” And, since we’re both in band, if you wanted to come, we could probably divide and conquer faster. We can check with Mr. Thompson, and she can go to Ms. Reynolds. So that could be our errand and then get some lunch after.”
“Then, yeah, I’d love to help. You sure Nancy will be okay with me just kinda hijacking you at the last minute?”
“Oh yeah! Definitely. I’ll just let her know what’s going on, and we can all meet up after to share notes.”
“Sounds good. You want to get together now, or do you want me to head over later?”
“Now’s fine. I just got done getting ready to head out with her anyway, so I am all good to go. I can give you the address-”
“It’s in the yellow pages right below the phone number.”
Robin nodded to herself,“ Yes, of course, it is, duh. Then I will see you in a few.”
“See you then, Robin.”
“Bye, Vickie.”
Robin bit into her bottom lip under her wide grin as she hung up the phone. It took everything in her to not stomp around her feet to get all the joyous energy out. Her cheeks were probably bright pink, and her hair had to be a mess, and she’d have to be sneaky to throw on some mascara and her favorite rings before she got out the door if she wanted to look even a little put together.
But it was Vickie. It was Vickie inviting her out for the day. It almost actually sounded like a date. And Robin dared to consider that Vickie’s voice and tone seemed like she knew how it sounded...
Which was insane. She still never thought the chance was real. Even after they volunteered together, and Steve tried so hard to hype her up, she was half-convinced that nothing would come of it besides his false hope. But it was real. And now she had something to work for.
And it was still scary.
But she tried to focus on what Steve told her between all his insisting that Vickie really liked her.
“Be yourself, and all that junk.”
Robin’s own advice thrown back at her. So Robin was just going to have to try to focus on being herself. And all that junk.
Worst-case scenario, she’ll at least be able to tease Steve about the fact that his idea was ridiculous and didn’t work. Which felt like a security blanket, honestly. At the end of the day, if the whole thing went horribly, she'd still find some way to laugh about it with her best friend...
“What was it?” her mother asked from around the corner where she had been reading the newspaper and sipping a cup of coffee that they both knew was mostly creamer.
Robin poked her head over to look at her and attempted to settle herself to answer casually,“ Oh! Vickie’s just gonna help me and Nance with something! We’re going to head out in a bit and ask the band teacher a few questions.”
“The band teacher? Mr. Thompson?” Theresa asked folding and setting down the paper on the kitchen table as she leaned back in the chair.
But even Robin could tell her mother must have done everything she could to eavesdrop. Probably sat so still that the chair didn’t squeak, didn’t drink from her mug so she could listen, and held the paper in loose fingers so it didn’t crinkle the whole time... So she already knew all about what she was asking about. Why they needed to play around it, Robin never understood, but they did. It’s what they did. If they didn’t - if Robin tried to skip the unnecessary explanation - it would turn into a conversation about her manners.
So, instead, Robin confirmed,“ Yeah, Mr. Thompson,” and waited for the next question.
“What do you girls need him for?”
“Well, Eddie was in the school band for a few years. Didn’t do pep band or anything, but Mr. Thompson should still know him.” she clarified,” So we wanted to see if he had anything nice to say about him for an article on Eddie’s innocence. Make sure he doesn’t get mounted on a stake in the town square the minute the police unlock his cuffs.”
Her mother nodded along and took another sip of her coffee,“ Alright. Make sure you’re home tonight or tell me ahead of time if something changes. Before it gets dark out so I know I don’t need to worry.”
“I will, Mom.”
Her mother began to pick back up her newspaper and held out an open hand. The signal Robin always returned by blowing a kiss that she’d pretend to snap her hand around and pat into her chest. Which was another comfort. That was also their thing. Besides any tenseness or misunderstandings, once things settled Robin’s mother would always silently ask for a kiss. And Robin would always send one her way.
And just as Robin was bounding back to the bathroom to brush out her hair and try to doll herself up, at least a little bit, the doorbell rang.
“Wow, Vickie must’ve been pretty close,” Theresa commented from her newspaper.
But when Robin opened the door, it wasn’t Vickie on her front doorstep, but Nancy.
Nancy lit up when she was met with the other girl, a light bounce on her feet that had her curls spring on her shoulders,“ Ready to go?”
“Oh, Nance….” Robin said as she realized she didn’t even have time to try and call ahead to let her know about the change in plans.
“Yes?” Nancy’s eyes brows quirked, and her smile went a little nervous,” Should I be hurt by that reaction?”
“No! Um, I just got a call from Vickie,” she began to explain.
Though, just that on its own didn’t mean much to Nancy.
“Yeah! She wanted to help out with the teachers.”
“She did?” Nancy asked.
She found that a little hard to believe, considering the two of them only just got the idea the night before themselves. How did Vickie Nelson hear about it, and why does she care all that much? Clearing Eddie’s name was their business. Not hers.
But Robin just simply smiled back,“ Yeah! So I thought it’d be faster if we split up! She and I could scope out the band director - since he already knows us so well - and you can take care of Ms. Reynolds with no problem. And then we can share the info later and see how useful any of it might be.”
“That okay?”
Nancy wasn’t trying to seem sour about it. She wasn’t trying to guilt trip her or make a big deal out of it. Robin had seemed all cheery about the idea, Nancy didn’t want to rain on her parade. So she pulled herself together and snapped out of whatever funk she slipped into a moment ago.
“Uh, yeah, yeah. It’s fine. Just- here, take the questions we drew up last night. I’ll write myself a new copy, and we can get together later,” Nancy tore out a sheet of paper from her notebook and handed it over.
“Yeah, I’ll just be one walkie-away if anything comes up!” Robin nodded, accepting it with her easy-going grin still splayed across her face.
“Well, have fun,” Nancy wished her well as she began to turn back to her car.
“Thanks. You too!” Robin threw over her shoulder as she closed the door and was gone.
Okay. That stung.
The whole interaction stung.
Which was weird. Shouldn’t have really stung that much. Nancy and Robin were just new friends. Robin had other friends. It was fine. Maybe Nancy was just kind of put off since they made plans together, and now Robin was dropping them off for someone else. Yeah, anyone would be annoyed by that.
But either way, Nancy packed herself back into her car and breathed for a minute. Got her new notes jotted down. Then she saw Vickie park across the street. The other girl stepped out of the car. Looked around and sort of shook out her arms. Like she was nervous or something. But then she set her eyes on Robin’s front door and walked forward with a kind of determination Nancy supposed she’s worn when she was chasing a good story. Vickie made it up the steps and rang the doorbell, turned around, and shook out her arms again when she locked eyes with Nancy.
She froze. Her eyes were wide, her arms hanging off her a little awkwardly as she just stared back at Nancy in her station wagon. Like she’d been caught doing something wrong.
Nancy pulled her expression into a tightlipped smile. Something simple and polite but not exactly totally friendly. She was still a little annoyed about getting dumped- more like bailed on. Yeah, bailed on. But she gave a little wave anyway, and Vickie unfroze to wave back, wearing her own nervous smile.
And then the door opened, and Vickie spun around without hesitation. So Nancy started the car and drove off before she got a good look at Robin in her doorway again.
She had work to get to.
Robin and Vickie would climb into the Nelson’s hatchback and find Mr. Thompson, while Nancy picked up Jonathan to go with her for Ms. Reynolds.
The pair of girls took off for their director’s house and found themselves gigging a lot to the radio. Their music taste didn’t perfectly match up, but there was some notable overlap that they found entertaining for the drive. Vickie complimented Robin's jewelry, she did end up having just enough time to slip some on along with a coat of mascara before her doorbell rang again. Robin absolutely blushed and complimented Vickie. Said she liked the pale teal spirals she wore before, but the dangling green diamonds were great too.
When the drive was done, and they'd actually arrived to talk to Mr. Thompson, he had good things to say. Which was a real relief to Robin.
Turned out Eddie’s not only been in band since middle school, but he’d even stay after school for extra lessons when he was picking up guitar. Mr. Thompson had liked the kid. He was the kind of music student that every teacher wants to teach. The kind that loved it and had a knack for the ability. From piano to guitar, Eddie loved music with an intensity that most people never did. Loved it through his first senior year. He ended up not coming back in ‘84, even though he was still at the high school. Thompson had tried reaching out, but Eddie seemed different when he did.
Just said he had too much on his plate - his own band and trying to make money to help his uncle - and walked away.
Mr. Thompson let it go. He had other students to worry about.
But Eddie Munson, that was a good kid who loved music, even if he liked to find ways to play that weren’t entirely classical or conventional. Mr. Thompson remarked about some combative behavior sometimes. But it was more usually aimed at the other students when Eddie felt like they weren’t trying at all or didn’t care, less so at the director himself. At the end of the day, Mr. Thompson wondered what had happened to him when he stopped seeing Eddie loiter in the band hall, but he was never very sold on the idea that he had turned into a killer after less than two short years since they last spoke.
And the statements helped Vickie see Eddie as the good guy who was thrown into a bad situation that Robin knew he was.
The other pair were having a less fun time. Nancy was still wound up, and she wasn’t really sure why. Which only pissed her off more. Jonathan had something to say but didn’t want to spring it on her while she was in a bad mood. Not that it was the kind of news that should be used to ruin a good mood either…
Jonathan was in trouble. Really, really in trouble. He couldn't procrastinate for a few months again, but it was so much harder to say something when he was actually sitting next to her.
It was a quiet drive on their end.
Then they met with the teacher. Who also had pretty good stuff to say about Eddie. Turns out drama teachers usually couldn’t care less about “conventional”. Ms. Reynolds said she was always partial to more experimental fine arts anyway. And Eddie was loud and passionate in classes, that’s the sort of stuff that thrived in drama departments and drove creativity. He had presence and theatrics and was always paling around with Jeff in the back of her classroom. It was also apparently Eddie that had roped Gareth into helping out with set construction for the musical they just put on. And Josie was in the orchestra pit while Bruce helped with lights. Seemed all of Corroded Coffin had come together in her department at one point or another.
Which is how it had been so easy to convince her to sign off on letting them use the drama room for their Hellfire meetings anyway.
Their little crew was still a little divisive with some of the other drama kids. Their dark clothes and leather and metal set them apart. But Ms. Reynolds always liked them. Always appreciated the way they were willing to do whatever to help. And Eddie was the core, or leader, of that.
She had a few good things to say about the kid. He was weird, but unapologetically himself. And she was happy to go on the record that, as wild as he was, she believed that he didn’t do it.
All in all, Robin and Nancy’s mission could be considered a success.
Even if they didn’t do it together.
Now, Eddie himself was in a state of confusion.
He was still sort of reeling from the fact that Steve had been there at all. Steve Harrington had been there. Sat in the chair at his hospital bedside wearing stupid, boring jeans and a dusty, red sweatshirt like it was the most casual thing. The chair didn’t even look very comfortable. But Steve sat in it, more than once he sat there for a few hours and- that’s so weird.
Eddie wasn’t making it up, right?
He wasn’t going crazy from demobat rabies, right?
Steve had been there.
It was… it was just so weird.
Freaky, one could even say.
Yeah, they’d gotten mixed up in the same problem recently. But to come back for him, to sit at his bedside while he lay unconscious… It wasn't “right.” Didn’t make sense in the world Eddie Munson came from, even if he was starting to accept that place was long gone.
Steve… Steve Harrington was an enigma. For all four of Eddie’s years that they shared at high school together,
Steve Harrington was an enigma.
Even in Steve’s freshman year, he was the talk of the town. Good looking kid, with passable grades that were more easily accepted when everyone saw how he did in competitive sports. He was doing it all. Basketball, Baseball, Swim Team. And on top of that, his folks had crazy money and this big house he could sometimes swing parties at. He was adopted into the top dogs faster than anyone had ever seen.
In his sophomore year, he found his footing. Started to know exactly how he was fitting into things and how to take charge even though he was still an underclassman to most. Started to solidify the group of kids he hung out with along the upper crust. Started getting swarmed by girls. A whole slew of rumors were buzzing around after that about all the babes he was shmoozing between classes.
Though, his junior year might've been the height of it. He seemed like he was soaring in those days. Just basking in the awesomeness of everything in his life going right for him. And then he bagged little miss perfect. And then something happened to him before winter break. And he fell out with most of his old buddies. Focused a little harder on his classes. Fell into place wherever Nancy was.
And then his senior year was like watching him get snuffed out. All at once, he’d lost pretty much everything, except for his girlfriend. And then more shit happened just before winter break… and Steve Harrington didn’t even have that anymore. So he coasted by until he was out. Just sort of kept his head down and managed his social standing without some of the… previous assholery he was a part of. Even if Eddie didn’t believe it at the time. Kept trying to be a big man on campus, but most of his moves fell flat until he quietly graduated. And that was that.
And then… next time Eddie saw Steve up close, he was pushing him against the wall of his dealer's boat house. Trying to come to terms with all the truly insane stuff Henderson was telling him, Steve just nodded along. Then Eddie was fighting for his life alongside him, a fight he was pretty sure he’d lost. But he didn't. And Steve stuck around.
And that’s coming from “The Freak.”
But Eddie didn’t have much longer to dwell on it, because a slightly timid voice spoke from his doorway,“ Eddie…”
And looking over to see - instead of a nurse - one of his own little Hellions, his mouth open up into a wide smile instantly,“ Lucas! How’d you get here so fast? Harrington just left.”
Lucas took his bright expression as a sign to come on further in, so he took steps forward as he made his way to the chair Steve had previously occupied,“ I was just across the hall. I’ve been spending time with Max whenever I can.”
“Ahhhh…” Eddie nodded sagely, as if he wasn’t still playing catch up on what exactly those two had going on,” So, what’re you doing over here on my side then?”
“Wanted to see you up,” Lucas answered simply as he took his seat.
“Wish I could give you a show. I’d do a flip for you if it weren’t for these beauties.” Eddie teased with a jingle of his cuffs against the bed rail.
And then Lucas’s face went something sadder as he carefully asked,“ … so you’re really okay?"
Eddie shrugged, hoping it’d ease the kid a little. He looked kind of nervous for some reason,“ Yeah, man. I guess. I’m a little tender all over, but I’ll be fine. Not planning to abandon you kids any time soon. You’d all make a mess of my club if I didn’t finish up business myself before graduation.”
Eddie ended his line with a light chuckle, but Lucas didn’t respond. He looked a little gone, like his mind was elsewhere. And maybe Eddie should’ve assumed he was thinking about Max next door, but for some reason, he just had this nagging feeling that it was something else.
“Hey, you alright, Sinclair?” he wondered, letting his tone dip a little softer than he usually used it.
“Yeah. Yeah. It’s nothing.” Lucas tried to shake his expression off, but Eddie saw it. And then it clicked.
One of the last things Eddie did before his whole world changed, was exclude Lucas from Hellfire. And things have been so unbelievably crazy the entire time since that day that… he completely forgot.
He was a bad friend on Friday, and he hasn’t said anything to Lucas about it.
“I’m sorry, Lucas.”
And Lucas flinched back into himself. So surprised by the out of nowhere apology he had to sit up and try to joke,“ For being in a coma? I know you didn’t do it on purpose-”
“No. For Hellfire,” Eddie corrected,” I’m sorry you weren’t at the last game.”
“Oh,” Lucas seemed to be struggling to figure out what to do with the words that he just moved to brush them away,” I… it’s fine. I was busy at the championship-“
Eddie stopped him from acting like it wasn’t a big deal,“ Lucas. Would you just let me apologize to you?”
And Lucas was tense and quiet for a minute. But eventually, he let out a breath and sat back deeper into the chair,“ Okay.”
“I’m sorry.”
Eddie started it seriously. Let the words sit on their own for a second before he tried to explain himself.
“It feels silly now to think about how worked up I was on Friday. Okay? Like, there are way bigger things than me just wanting stuff to go the way I planned. And… at the end of the day, I wanted you to be there. I know you’ve been juggling Hellfire with basketball, and we usually made it work, but then Hawkins unexpectedly qualified for the big tournament, or whatever, and… I don’t know. I got pissed. I've always hated the basketball guys. Felt like you were different from them- and you are, for the record. You’re different than them in all the best ways. But I got disappointed when I thought about you being with the cool crowd instead of the freaks. Made me feel like you were rejecting us, or leaving us behind for popularity…”
Lucas was shaking his head,“ That’s not-“
“I know,” Eddie told him anyway,” I know that’s not something you’d do, Sinclair. I was just making myself mad when I could’ve been going about it another way. I’ve got a few faults, and quick to anger is one of ‘em. It was cool and all meeting the littler Sinclair - don’t get me wrong - but I do wish you’d been with us for the end of the campaign. And most of the reason you couldn’t be was my fault because I was being stubborn. So I’m sorry. Really.”
And Lucas looked so much lighter in that chair after Eddie was done. Like some secret fear he’d been harboring since Friday that Eddie hated him was just run off. He even looked a little misty-eyed as he brought back his smile.
“I forgive you,” he said, though after a moment. It took him a bit to realize Eddie was waiting for it.
And then Eddie smiled back at him,“ Thanks. Was it a good game at least?”
Well. That astounded the boy.
“You want to hear about my game? You? Eddie Munson? A basketball game?”
Eddie tossed his head side to side like he was mulling it over,“ Well, maybe skip all the boring sporty bits and just tell me the highlights. Final score and stuff. But yeah, tell me about it.”
“Well, um,” Lucas shifted a little closer as he tried to remember how it all happened now that it felt like forever ago,” We’d been kinda neck-in-neck with the last team all night, the Falcons. They’d score, we’d score, we’d score some more, they’d even it right out. It was back and forth the whole game. And then Adam got knocked down… so they pulled me off the bench.”
“Wait a minute, you're saying you actually made it on the floor?” Eddie noticed, which made Lucas light up a little brighter. Now more confident that Eddie was actually interested in listening to him talk about his game.
“Ain’t that the first time that’s happened all year?”
He let out a soft chuckle,“ Yeah. It was.”
“You’re kidding…” Eddie leaned back and shook his head, remembering all the times his freshman would complain to each other at the lunch table about Lucas not getting to do anything worth watching.
“Well, if you’re impressed by that, how do you feel about hearing that I made the buzzer beater that won the whole thing?” he tempted.
And then Eddie’s attention shot back up to him,“ What?”
“We were down by one point, just the one, and there were ten seconds left on the clock. Jason tried to make the shot, but the ball hit the rim and bounced off. And I was the one who caught it. I just- It was just in my hands, and I dove out of the huddle, and… there wasn’t any time to think about it. So I took the shot. And it spun around the rim, jumped back out, and hit the backboard, but then it sunk. We won. We beat ‘em, 70 to 69.”
“That’s… that’s incredible, Lucas.” Eddie sounded dumbfounded. He really wasn’t a sporty guy, but even he could picture it. He wasn’t dumbfounded out of confusion, he was just that amazed.
Lucas got a little bashful,“ It was just-“
“No. No, that’s really cool, man,” and then the realization hit,” And we stole your sister so she couldn’t cheer you on…”
“Yeah… I was a little mad about that,” he admitted.
“I’m sorry about that too. You shoulda had someone there.”
“I wasn’t alone. The team practically paraded me around. And Steve was there in the audience. Robin was with the band. Even Nancy was there for the school paper. They cheered pretty loud when it happened.”
He sighed a little wistfully,“ I wish I saw it too.”
And, well, Lucas knew Eddie was trying to make up for everything, but that had to have been an outright lie.
“You hate basketball.”
“Yeah, I do. But I like you, kid. You’re one of my little freaks, and it would have been nice to see you do something that cool. Watch the whole school cheer you on even though you’re a nerd like the rest of us in Hellfire.”
And that…
‘You’re one of my little freaks’
It did a lot for Lucas. He’d honestly been a little scared the whole time that the game would be the final straw. The thing that set him away from Hellfire completely. Until the club became something only Dustin and Mike got to be a part of. But Eddie still thought Lucas was one of his.
He wasn’t getting thrown away.
“Thanks, Eddie,” he finally said when he didn’t think his voice was going to crack.
“Thank you for letting me in on a little of it. Even though I was a dick on Friday.”
The boy tried to walk that back,“ I wouldn’t say-”
“You can say it. One-time free pass since I’m admitting my shortcomings and humbling myself right now.”
And so, through a warm laugh, Lucas agreed,“ Okay, yeah, you were kind of a dick.”
“Thank you,” Eddie laughed a little with him,“ Now, tell me something about this plan Harrington mentioned. Wanna make sure I’ll be able to play my part well.”
Lucas ran over the bare bones with him. Just spent enough time on it that Eddie would know what to say, and then he called a nurse in. Eddie played like he was a little loopy for a few minutes to pass as him off as having just woken up. She checked his vitals and then called in a doctor who told that same nurse to get on the phone with the police department and Eddie’s uncle.
That was when they kicked Lucas out and sent him back across the hall. To make sure the cops wouldn’t have any arguments about the honesty of his interrogation. They really underestimated this Party, if only they knew.
By the end of it, people were on the way and Eddie was getting worn out. Turned out it was hard work waking up from a coma and socializing. He’d fallen back asleep before anyone new arrived at the hospital, but the next time he woke up someone had arrived.
It was Wayne. His wrinkled uncle Wayne. Uncle Wayne, who just looked so exhausted with his eyebrows pinching together, carefully watching Eddie’s hand held within his. Wet eyes that didn't move or blink as he waited to see his boy come back to him.
So Eddie squeezed it and groaned out,“ Hey, old man.”
And the familiar sound of Wayne’s worn and lovingly gruff chuckle was like the sun after such a god-awful week. He took back one of his own hands to wipe under his eyes for a moment before putting it back and smiling at him,” There he is. The man of the hour.”
“Here I am.” Eddie smiled back at Wayne from under sleepy eyes.
His uncle squeezed his hand tighter,“ I got real scared there. Thought I wouldn’t ever see you again.”
“Aw, Wayne, you know you can’t get rid of me that easy. I’m still your problem just like I’ve always been.”
“No, never been a problem,” he corrected.
“Now, I know you’re getting too sappy and lying to me. I am nothing if not a headache.”
Wayne cracked a deeper smile and leaned in closer to brush his hand gently over Eddie’s dark curtain of hair.
“I’ll take the headache, kid.” He told him as he rested his thumb on his nephew’s cheek.
Which was such a Wayne thing to do and say. He was a man’s man. Working with his hands and watching westerns on his days off. That's the kind of classic man he was. They didn’t get all mushy on one another very often. It was an unspoken but entirely understood thing, that they loved each other.
But that line was such a Wayne way to say it.
And then Wayne mentioned,“ You know, you didn’t didn’t get to tell me how the story went.”
“The story?” Eddie wondered for a moment.
“The one you were finishin’ up on Friday. With the big twist surprise you were settin’ up for those kiddos.”
Because, of course, Wayne would bring up his DnD campaign.
Eddie told him about every single one.
He never bothered with giving him stats or explaining the different dice rolls and how that all worked, but he would practice the story with him. He’d share the bits he’d assume Hellfire would work through during that week’s session while he got all his notes prepared, and - usually the next day Wayne was able - they’d sit down over breakfast, and he’d tell his uncle all about how the party actually played through it.
Wayne loved it. It was like listening to his own private movie told by his nephew. He’d get version one with how it was supposed to work, and then he’d get version two with all meandering and funny jabs from the characters and how they came around the problem. And Eddie would always light up while he talked about it.
But he never got to see Eddie after Friday night, after what was supposed to be the big finale.
“So, how’d it go?” he asked again.
And maybe it would’ve been wise of Eddie to spend the time with his uncle telling him what sort of week he’s just had. Answering all the questions and explaining how serious he was when he talked about monsters this time. But, strangely, it seemed so much more important to talk about the session.
“Well, those rugrats… they really pulled out all the stops.” Eddie told him, shifting around as he continued,” You see, Lucas has this big game come up suddenly. He couldn’t be there. And it would have meant they couldn’t play through the end of the campaign that night. So Dustin and Mike were running all over school trying to find someone to sub in for him. And then they showed up at Hellfire with Lucas’s kid sister! I’m not kidding! This little middle schooler named Erica struts in. And I’m looking at her, thinking there’s no way she’s hardcore enough. She’s practically a baby- and she probably doesn’t even know how DnD works- and she’s all pretty ‘n pink- so there’s just no way! She doesn’t have the metal for it, end of story. I was sure of it. But she busts in any way with this little monologue about just how hardcore she is… And it honestly blew me away a little. So we initiate her as an unofficial member and then we all sat down to start the game���”
And they just talked. Talked and talked about the game. Every second of it made Wayne feel a hundred times better. The longer Eddie spoke about one of his greatest passions, the more Wayne could be sure he wasn’t going to crumble to pieces in his hands.
After that was when Eddie knew he had to tell him about all the shit he’s been through. He couldn’t even imagine not telling his Wayne how crazy it really was. Not explaining why he came home Saturday morning to a body in their trailer. Not explaining why he so absolutely couldn’t go back to his uncle to ask for help. Not explaining that he climbed into hell and almost died in there for a chance at ending some great evil.
That just wasn’t something he could keep from him. Wayne would know he was bottling something up. He was always good at making him talk.
So he talked.
When they got through it all, Wayne just huffed and told him,“ You really did scare me, you know? I wasn’t sure if I’d get a call to identify a body, or if you’d just run away from everything here and I’d never know any better-”
“No. Don’t you say you're sorry. You didn’t do nothing wrong. We’re going to make sure they know that.”
Eddie rolled his eyes,“ I don’t think they’ll just take your word for it.”
And then, from the door came the phrase,“ It’s not just his word.”
And it was Dustin Henderson, his mother standing right behind him.
“Henderson,” Eddie’s relief swelled to see the kid alright, then he added,“ And Mrs. Henderson.”
Officer Callahan had been hot on their heels showing up behind them as he started saying something about them not being allowed to see Eddie until they questioned him, how they had been instructed to go wait in Max’s room with the others. So the others were there too. But the two of them walked in anyway, completely ignoring the officer. Claudia took Eddie’s free hand, similarly to how she had Steve’s just the other morning.
And Eddie was just shocked that someone who was effectively a stranger was looking at him with kind eyes. He hadn’t expected to get that kind of treatment.
“My Dusty-bun tells me you stuck with him through the… earthquake. Made sure he was okay, and stayed safe even though the goddamn world was falling to pieces. Is that true?” she asked him, already very sure of the answer but wanting to hear him say it himself.
And something was flickering in the way she said it. ‘The… earthquake.’ So she knew it wasn’t really an earthquake. Which - as he thought about it - he remembered hearing Steve mutter about some parents finding out.
So Eddie gripped the bedrail and pushed himself to sit up in his bed, trying to be just a little awestruck, and answered.
“Yes ma’am,” like how Wayne always wanted him to say to adults. He usually bucked against the whole respecting your elders and authority figures thing, but for Dustin’s mother, he’d make an exception.
Her sweet smile pressed further into her plush cheeks, and she reached up to gently pat his hair with her hand, so very similar to how Wayne had,” Thank you. I will never be able to thank you enough for helping watch out for my baby-”
“Mom-” the kid groaned as if he could possibly still be surprised by the way his mother coddled him.
“So if you ever need anything, you can always reach out to us. Don’t even bother asking first, just take what you need.”
Ridiculous. It was ridiculous to receive an offer like that from some little suburban mom. Even if she shared Dustin’s DNA and contributed to the weirdness of the little guy, she was still… just some mom. Not his.
But she pressed on,“ You saved me from my greatest fear. So whatever you need. And all of us are going to make sure everyone knows what really happened, as much as we can-”
“Okay,” Callahan tried to step in,” You can’t talk about the investigation before we’ve been able to question him-”
But then Ms. Henderson raised her finger to silence him while she turned back to Eddie,“ Do you feel up for their questions, honey?”
And that stunned him a second time. To watch Claudia Henderson shut up a policeman with a single finger and wait for Eddie’s cue before she was going to let anything happen. It was just stunning.
“Uh- yeah. Yeah, sure,” he croaked out when words came back to him.
“Alright,” she looked back at the man in blue,” Then ask him your questions so you can uncuff him and leave the poor boy alone.”
Callahan was readying to tell her about how that’s not exactly how it works,“ Ma’am-”
When Powell entered the room and interrupted him with a warning tone,“ Callahan.”
“They-” he began sputtering and motioning his hands at the pair who weren’t supposed to be in the room.
But before he could really argue, the Chief spoke to the mother,“ Ms. Henderson, you know you were supposed to go across the hall-”
“Well, we got over here just fine.” she innocently shrugged.
Chief Powell looked back at the officer with a disappointed glare as Callahan attempted to excuse himself,“ I tried-”
But Ms. Henderson was absolutely not allowing the two of them to waste time on it,“ Are you going to question him and get it over with?”
“Yes. Okay? If we could have everyone clear the room now? He’s not a minor; he can do this on his own.”
And then Claudia Henderson had the gall to look back at Eddie and wait for his blessing. Again. Like she was really willing to put her foot down and argue some more with the cops. Which- okay- maybe that was pretty badass. Way more than he was expecting from some prim and proper suburban mom. So Eddie gave her the nod she was looking for, and she placed her hands around Dustin’s shoulders to steer him into the other room.
Wayne gave his hand another tight squeeze and said,” You just holler and I’ll knock that door down, you hear?”
“I’ll be fine. Get outta here already,” Eddie squeezed his hand back.
Then Wayne let him go, and it was the first time he wasn’t being held since he arrived. His palm felt a little cold now. But he was okay. He was going to be okay.
Wayne left the room and followed the rest into the Max’s. They hadn’t all arrived yet. So far it was Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, Lucas, Erica, Mike, and now Dustin. They are also accompanied by Karen, The Sinclairs, Susan, and now Claudia and Wayne.
Hop and Joyce were on their way with Will, El, and Argyle. Murray said he’d stay behind “strategizing”. And Vickie was supposed to be dropping Robin off any minute. Apparently, they had just sat down to eat an early lunch together when Steve reached out to everyone. Which had been news to him. So he’d been waiting with a very specific kind of impatience ever since. If he didn’t get to squeeze every ounce of information about her first date - because he was absolutely calling this a date - by the end of the night, he was going to go crazy.
In the meantime, everyone mingled the best they could. Wayne thanked Claudia for her ferocity for his boy, she thanked him for raising such a good one. Mike was on the walkie asking for updates on how close the Hopper-Byers car was to the hospital every few minutes, going on and on about how excited he was for El and Will to meet Eddie. Nancy seemed tense but told everyone they had used the morning to make some progress in cleaning things up. And Dustin was talking to Lucas and Erica about how Eddie looked before he and his mother were kicked out.
The questioning went well.
At least, it felt like it did.
Eddie didn’t really have anything to compare it to, seeing as he’d always kept himself out of too much trouble before. But it seemed like it wasn’t awful. There wasn’t any yelling, and while they asked him to be more specific or clarify what he was saying, they hadn't argued against his claims. So maybe Steve was right when he said they were leaning his way. And maybe Robin and Nancy would be able to turn it all around for him somehow.
But he reminded himself not to get carried away and hope for too much while Chief Powell finished up.
“We’ve taken your statement, and will be going over it with the evidence and the other testimonies we have collected. We don’t have an answer for you now, but we’ll be back tomorrow with the final decision on how the Hawkins Police Department will be proceeding with the charges.”
“In the meantime, the cuffs stay on. And the visitors can come back in, but we’ll be posting an officer to keep an eye on you-”
And that was when the door swung open. Seemed like the people around there really didn’t care about following the rules. Chief Powell’s face twitched as he braced himself to tear into whoever just barged in when he found himself looking at a dead man.
It was the only word that came to him after referring to the man by the title for so many years. He looked different now, but he was still so unmistakably Jim Hopper.
He stepped into the room and motioned,“ From what I hear, that’s your job now, Cal.”
“You… you’re… how are you…” he sputtered, Callahan next to him just standing in silent shock with a hand over his mouth.
“Long story. One I don’t really want to go over. How about we call it a kidnapping and move on?”
“Kidnapping?” Powell asked,” But you- eight months, Chie- Hop… Hop, it’s been eight months since… you ‘died’ in the mall fire. Did they all lie about you being there, or-”
“No, I was there. Don’t try to take away my Hero of Hawkins medal now. It was the dying part that just didn’t stick.” Hopper corrected.
Then Callahan found his voice,“ But what’re you…?”
Hop shrugged and looked at Eddie for a second, which was weird because they’d never really spoken, but now the guy was on his side, technically,“ Was listening by the door and thought I could ask about possibly forgoing some of that procedure.”
“Look, the kid’s clearly been through hell enough already, Cal-”
“Hop…” Powell shook his head,” This case is already messy enough as is. Everything needs to be by the book from this point on-”
“Come on. Call it calling in a favor?” he tried.
Which pulled a small smile to the other’s face because it was just so much like him to ask,“ You have no favors to call in.”
“You’re right, I never stocked any up. But… what about it anyway?”
“Look… as soon as the choice has been made, you’ll know. We aren’t dragging our feet on this, but we can’t be caught making mistakes. I’ll assume you’ve seen the news?”
“Yes, I’ve seen the-”
“Then you know, this has to be done right. There are too many eyes on it, and too much has gone off the rails already.” He emphasized. Then he spared a glance back at Eddie, and the kid did seem kind of pathetic.
“But we can loosen the cuffs a notch. Looks like Daniels put ‘em on a little tight.” He gave, stepping up to unlock them and clicking them back in place more comfortably.
Hop came in close behind him to ask,“ Who’ll be assigned the babysitting duty?”
“I was going to give it to Nichols,” Powell answered.
“Okay…” Jim considered,” Yeah, Nichols is good…”
“Alright then. Go on and invite everyone else in and tell them the protocol. We have work to do back at the station.”
“Calvin?” he asked as the officers headed for the door.
“Thank you.” He said,” Nichols is…”
“Nichols is good. I know. He’s good at his job and not an ass like some of them, so he shouldn’t make this next day of waiting too difficult on him.” Which was a phrase that made Eddie feel a whole lot better about the guy,” And even if you don’t want to explain where the hell you’ve been the last two-thirds of the year, least you could do is bring a cup of coffee by my new office and tell me what the hell you’re doing now.”
“Yeah. Least I could do.” Jim agreed.
Then Powell nodded and left. Just like that, Eddie had officially done all he could to clear up the mess, and then it was out of his hands. It felt weird, to be on the other side of the fear. He had been dreading it the entire time since he saw Chrissy die right in front of him. “How do I get out of this?” played over and over in his head whenever the world was too quiet. And now he faced it. And he just has to lie there and wait until there’s news.
But before he could stew in it any longer, there were all his kids - plus a few new faces - packed in the door of his room. The adults excused themselves, some heading off to pick up some food from the diner in town for everyone to eat for lunch while the rest just headed on home themselves. Each of them decided to let the youngsters reunite on their own for a little bit.
As soon as Eddie saw Michael Wheeler coming in, he broke out an excited,“ Hey! It’s Little Wheeler! Where have you been all week? Didn’t you hear we were all hanging out?”
Mike, who was just a moment ago beaming to see his DM awake, let his expression instantly drop at the nickname.
“Little Wheeler?” he questioned.
Eddie explained,“ Well, yeah, I can’t call you and your sister both ‘Wheeler’ after all.”
Mike argued,“ I should be the original ‘Wheeler’!”
“I’m not calling Nance ‘Big Wheeler’, dude.” Eddie rolled his eyes,“ Plus she’s cool. Way too cool to not be the standalone ‘Wheeler’. You know?”
Nancy was wearing a pretty smug look when Mike turned on her,“ You stole my DM.”
“You stole my DM!” he repeated,” I leave for one week, and suddenly I’m ‘Little Wheeler’?”
She shrugged her shoulders at her brother,“ That’s not my fault. Stop being ‘Little Wheeler’ material.”
“I’m the taller one!”
Eddie reached out his hand to try and get in between them,“ Wheelers, Wheelers, you're both pretty. No need to fight for the affections of my heart-”
But Mike wasn’t even listening,“ Give it back!”
“Give it back?” she quoted back to him.
“Give it back!”
“I’m not ‘giving it back’, Mike. It’s a nickname. Earn a better one if you’re going to be so worked up about it. How about we give ‘Little Shit’ a try?” she offered.
They kept bickering between themselves as someone new stepped in a little closer to Eddie’s bedside.
He recognized her from the empty space in his head they’d met a few days ago, but he still didn’t really know her yet.
And then she looked at him with bashful eyes and began speaking,“ I like your hair. It’s… pretty.”
Eddie’s hair reminded her of her own before she woke up in that bed at the NINA project to see they'd cut it all off. She really liked having long hair. It was something that she was able to look at the mirror and say “It’s been so long since I was trapped there that now my hair goes past my shoulders.” She can’t say that anymore.
Because they caught her again.
And maybe she walked right into it but… she liked her long hair.
Missed it now.
And Eddie said, with a flourish,“ Why thank you, m’lady. Not exactly the style of flattery I usually aim for, but I am more than happy to accept it regardless.”
That’s right. Mike had said that Eddie was pretty “metal.” So maybe there was another word that fit him better.
“It’s also really… bitchin’.”
And Eddie just lit up. His eyes and smile widened at the soft-spoken girl,“ Oh my god, you’re my favorite now. Please, come closer, you little angel!”
He beckoned her with his hand as much as he could while still being restrained, and El’s own smile grew with her giggle as she stepped up to his bedside with more confidence. Her brother was just behind her, and Eddie had been about to greet him when two of the kids he already knew well enough yelled at him.
“Hey!” Mike and Dustin protested in unison. Both of them were clearly mad about the fact that he just called El his favorite, and he didn’t even know her name yet.
“Hey yourselves!” Eddie shot back,” This cutie saved my life and just gave me the greatest compliment I’ve ever received!”
“But that’s- That’s not-” Dustin sputtered before turning to one of the other older boys in the room,” STEVE!”
“What do you want me to do about it? I can’t magically make you his favorite again-“
To which Mike took offense,“ Hey!”
“Please, Mike, do you really think you were Eddie’s favorite?” Dustin asked him with that same tone Steve kept saying he’d do something about, yet hasn't,” It was obviously me. And it’s obviously going to be me again, once I retake my throne from this thief!”
El scrunched her eyebrows together at him,“ I did not steal it.”
“Yes, you did! With magic powers and sweet words!”
Eddie chimed in,“ Don’t forget the cute face.”
“And your cute face!” he added with an accusatory finger, though it just made El laugh again.
Lucas shrugged and sided,“ I’m on El’s team. You can’t not like her. I tried. Didn’t get very far.”
She gave him a courteous nod,” Thank you.”
However, Mike seethed “Traitor!” in the other boy's direction.
“So, El’s the name of the darling I owe my life to?” Eddie asked her, ignoring the boy’s play fighting.
“Yes. Short for Eleven.” She answered.
“There’s a lot we didn’t have time to explain fully the first time around,” Steve told him.
“I wasn’t even here when Eddie’s life went to shit! I think that means I get bonus points.” Mike got louder as he tried to argue.
Lucas was the one to disagree,“ That doesn’t make any sense. None of us screwed him over.”
“If anything, you weren’t even here to try and help him out of it. I think that means we deserve bonus points.” Dustin added.
“They are so immature.” Erica rolled her eyes and said to Steve.
“I know they are.” he agreed,” At least you behave when you aren’t too busy blackmailing us-”
“Eddie! You’re really awake!” Robin rushed in, finally arriving with the rest of them.
“Last one in, Robin?” Eddie asked.
“I was…” She spared a glance at Steve, who was already looking at her pretty intently, before she put her focus back on the one in the bed,” looking into something. For you!”
Erica leaned in closer to Steve and whispered while Robin rambled about her meeting with Mr. Thompson,“ It is not blackmailing when I am just insisting on the return of the goods and services that were pledged to me-”
“It’s a little blackmail-y, or like, at least blackmail-adjacent the way you do it,” Steve whispered back.
“And yet, I didn’t even need to apply the pressure for five minutes before you broke. Seems like you just knew I was right.”
Steve deadpanned at her,“ Okay, I take it back. You don’t behave. No one in The Party behaves.”
“Oh, that’s the truth.” Robin hastily agreed when she caught the back half of what he said.
“Oh, so this is The Party?” Eddie asked with a motion to the room.
Mike pipped up,“ Yeah. We’re The Party.”
Nancy gave a light shove to his head,“ It’s what they’ve been calling themselves since the day Dustin moved into town. And once we all got mixed up in everything together, we all kind of adopted it.”
"We're still the originals, though," Mike mentioned with a motion between the four boys.
“So that’s what the little angel meant. Not celebrating.” Eddie figured, finally connecting the dots. But should he really have expected the person he confused with God to be using fantasy terms that way? Can’t blame the guy for assuming she’d meant it by the normie definition.
“No, she was not referring to an actual party.” Will joked beside her.
“Good, because I was going to be pissed if you were all just having fun while I was dying.” He huffed.
Steve stepped forward,“ You weren’t dying-”
“Oh no, he absolutely was.” Robin interrupted him,” You heard El, she had to keep him together enough to even make it to the hospital-”
And there was Wayne at the door, along with the other parents all holding to-go bags of food for everyone. Thus started the third - and hopefully last - explanation of what was actually going on. They couldn’t really pretend like everything was normal since Eddie had already told Wayne most of what happened to him. So they just explained it further. Went over the bits that Eddie didn’t know anything about or didn’t understand fully. They had the discussion over burgers and fries, and vending machine sodas and candies. Which made all the information go down a little bit easier.
Eddie learned why a child would be named Eleven.
Wayne learned that his boy’s innocence rests on the integrity of a mountain of lies.
Which was really scary to think about.
So they tried not to.
They all started getting to know one another a little better, seeing as how they’d be putting together more plans to fight off the end of the world. Wayne and Hopper noticed a few similar mannerisms between them. Eddie was more properly introduced to El and Will. And Jonathan and Argyle. And Joyce. Those were all the new faces he was getting a real conversation with. According to everyone, there was some guy who didn’t feel like coming in, two more on the way, and the other parents had headed off back to their homes until visiting hours were over. They didn't want to overwhelm Eddie and thought the kids should get to spend some time with him. Which was pretty sweet, considering he was a wanted man who had been on the run just a few days before.
It was about then that they were suddenly interrupted by a distressed woman in a pantsuit and sunglasses at their door.
But before she even got a word in, Nancy was standing up from her seat and very sharply telling her,” Out.”
The woman peeled off her sunglasses and responded through a clenched jaw,” I see you found our missing persons… and then some.”
She added that last bit while eyeing Jim.
“Get out.” Nancy insisted.
“Ms. Wheeler-”
“I said ‘Get out’. So get out of this room.”
“Nancy…?” Joyce asked, concerned. Nancy had never revisited her grudge against this particular government agent any of the times they ran over things.
The woman pushed,“ We have to talk about what happened.”
“I’m not saying a goddamn word to you people. Since we can’t trust you not to make it worse.”
Then it was Hopper trying to calm her down,“ Kid-”
“They handed her back to him.” Nancy said firmly, making strides around Eddie’s bed to put herself between the woman and the rest of the room, tucking El right behind her,” So no. They don’t get to get close to her again.”
“However you feel about things, we still need to get on the same page if we have any hope of cleaning things up around here.”
“It’s not happening. Not here, not today, and not anywhere near El. I don’t care what you say, it’s not.”
The woman seemed exacerbated,“ We have to-”
Finally, Nancy let out the yell she had been fighting back all day,“ Get out!”
Which was a sight. For everyone. To see her lose her cool like that.
It was different than the way she fought monsters.
It was… something else.
“Ms. Wheeler-”
“Tomorrow then? We all get together and discuss things tomorrow?” Joyce offered the compromise, still making up her mind on how exactly she felt about the situation but sure about wanting to get it taken care of.
Hopper answered for their guest in his own gruff voice,“ We’ll talk tomorrow.”
After a moment of silence, the agent decided to take the deal on the table,“ I’ll leave my card. There’s a number on it. Call and make plans for the meeting, or I’ll show up unannounced again. With backup.”
Nancy was gearing up to walk closer when Steve grabbed her shoulder,“ Get out-”
“I’m leaving. Make sure you call.” She said, pressing the slip on top of the light fixture by the door.
And then she was gone.
“You know… I was going to give this welcoming committee a five-star review in the paper until she showed up. Really soured the mood, you know?” Eddie joked, trying to relieve some tension.
Nancy huffed and returned to her seat,” Sorry. The news must’ve aired footage of the police arriving for questioning and were probably still running the cameras when everyone showed up, so…”
“We weren’t even thinking about that when we got here…” Jonathan muttered beside her.
“It’s okay. Still a pretty rockin’ day from my end. Being not dead and all.”
“That’s it, man. We just gotta focus on the positives.” Argyle smiled back at him.
“What’s the plan for the meeting?” Robin asked nervously.
“El’s not coming.” Nancy set the condition sternly.
“Agreed.” Hop nodded and crossed his arms.
“But-” the girl tried to argue.
“No. We have to assume she won’t be alone, and while Sam might’ve been on your side, we don’t know what they’re doing now on their own. We need to know how everything stands. If there are people who aren’t our allies, we aren’t giving them an opportunity to get ahold of you again.”
“We can’t just leave her alone, Hop,” Joyce noted.
“So, you don’t.” Wayne thought,” You bring her here on the way to the meeting. There are all the cameras at the entrance, an officer will be posted by the room, and this hospital is still full of people. If someone tried to break her out of her against her will, they wouldn’t get very far without drawing a lot of attention.”
Jim nodded some more,” Yes. Yes, that’s a good idea. El can stay here until we finish.”
“More time to hang out with my guardian angel? Sounds good to me.” Eddie agreed with a smile, hoping El wouldn’t be nervous about the idea.
“So then, tomorrow morning. Most of the rest of us. Some place public. Get this dealt with so we can figure out the next move.” Jim concluded.
And no one else said anything, but they all agreed. That was the plan.
There wasn’t much more to say the evening, so when four o’clock arrived and a nurse was kicking everyone besides Wayne out and introducing Officer Nichols, they all went their separate ways. Most of the kids' parents were pulled up by the hospital entrance for pickup. Except for Robin who Steve whisked away so they could spend a few hours doing some much-needed checking in. Robin just had her first date after all, so there was so much to talk about before he needed to drop her off at home.
She told him everything. All about the phone call and Vickie's new earrings. About all the ways Vickie made her laugh and how she could swear she’d noticed Vickie’s eyes lingering on her when she would get lost in her rambles. About the way that Vickie sat right next to her while they talked to Mr. Thompson on his front porch. About the way that Vickie leaned against her and touched her shoulder and seemed to be so close sometimes that Robin swore her head was spinning.
She talked about it all with Steve.
Because telling her best friend about her amazing day made it so much more real.
And that was the moment Steve decided Robin wasn’t coming with them to the meeting. He had already been pretty sure about it but watching her bursting with excitement about her first real chance at loving a girl made him certain.
There was probably going to be nothing major that happened. It would be stupid of the Feds to try and take out something like a dozen people in a small town where everyone knows each other. But he wasn’t going to risk it. Just couldn’t imagine risking Robin disappearing before she got to kiss Vickie for the first time and feel loved in that sweet special way that romance can hold.
With everything Steve knew about love and everything he didn’t, he knew that Robin deserved to have her chance to find out about it.
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femd-archive · 3 months
GOD I’ve been given a taste of sub kenji and am now obsessed 🫠
Thoughts on riding with sub kenji? However you wanna play it, loved your Birthday Boy fic
hello! sorry for answering late (ᵕ—ᴗ—) but yes !! i'm quite surprise that, for a new fandom, kenji has a whole community that wants to see him as a sub ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀) though i can't blame people, he's such a baby ♡♡
also, i'm glad you liked the fic! i thought it was really cranky when i first published it :/ but i'm glad people liked it :D
now, riding sub!kenji or him riding you, i can see him acting all needy and being whiny in either situation ♡
while riding him, he can't help his sounds. moans fall from his lips as he's trying so hard to keep his eyes open to look at the way you bounce on him, those same eyes that wonder on your tits that move over his face. his trembling hands take a hold on your hips, not to control the pace, but to feel your skin on his. he's always eager to feel you close and needs it. he's a bit shy to look into your eyes, but if you ask him to do so with that sweet tone of yours, he'll do it, he'll do whatever you want as long as you praise him and you call him your good boy, but praise him too much and he might start crying ᴖ̈. when he finally cums, he's gripping your hips, thrusting up his own as he emptied himself inside you, whimpering and crying out your name. after his mind gets clear after his orgasm, he smiles sweetly at you, caressing your hips with his thumb. he won't ask for it directly, but he would purse his lips, silently asking for a kiss, and smiling cutely when you tell him how good he did for you. would 100% sleep with him still inside of you ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
he's a lot more shy when he's the one riding you, feeling more exposed now that he's the one straddling your lap while you have a complete view of his body. his hips move slowly, and he's looking at any other point of the room but you, hiding his flushed face behind the back of his hand ♡. your hands travel all over his body, from his back, to his hips and finally his ass, squeezing it a little bit and making a yelp come out his lips. he ends up giving up, throwing himself over you and hugging you like you were one of his pillows, hiding his face away in the hollow of your neck and letting you take control, grabbing his hips and thrusting into him. he moans in your ear loud and clearly, answering in a broken manner everytime you ask if he feels good. kisses are sloppy, since the only thing he can do is moan as you attack his prostate again and again. if you end up fucking him dumb, the only thing that fall from his lips are mumbles of "love you...i love you, i love you, i love you" as he cums undone on your stomach. he stays there, cuddled up to you after a while, and you help him calm down with sweet praises and slow caresses in his back.
i fear i might be making him too occ, but i just wanna spoil him rotten ˙◠˙
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[taglist] @vinegarjello
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shan-yee · 2 months
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𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚗 + « 𝚜𝚗𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚙𝚎𝚎𝚔 » [ 𝗔𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗹𝘀 ; 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗻 5 ] ๏𝗥𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𖦹𝘧𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𖦹𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 = Sexual allusions, misogyny, arranged marriage, occ Bi-han ?. 𖦹𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴 = 1081 𖦹𝘈/𝘕 = i'm sorry for the wait anon- but here you go !! I had practically no info for Dark!Bihan so I tried something, hope you like it. 𖦹𝘈/𝘕 2 = English is not my first language, please let me know if you see any mistakes ! Enjoy ✨
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——— 𝐒 𝐎 𝐌 𝐌 𝐀 𝐈 𝐑 𝐄 • • •
𝐈 :: 𝘽𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝐈𝐈 :: 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚
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╰─► 𝐈 ・ 。゚☆ 𝘽𝙚𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙙𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜
⇰ Dark!Bi-han is actually not that different from Bi-han in some aspects, well almost, just like Bi-han, Dark!Bi-han would surely marry to obtain power or in other words, lands, men and a possible heir although he is not a fan of thinking that one day he will no longer be able to lead the Lin Kuei.
⇰ I don't really see him falling in love, he would be far too obsessed with the desire to lead his clan to victory, those feelings are useless for him. His role as leader pushes him to put aside his humanity and, he never complained about it.
⇰ He doesn't care what his wife looks like, as long as she is faithful and fertile, for the future, he has nothing to complain about. He is neither looking for a sidekick nor a partner.
⇰ He is not affectionate or kind, he wants respect and submission from everyone, he will also want his wife to stay in her place and listen to him wisely. But, to be sure not to be betrayed, he will still be gentle at certain times, making sure to have influence over his betrothed.
⇰ He will not want to have sex before marriage, in fact, he has never really been interested in sex or anything related to it, too busy with his responsibilities.
⇰ Dark!Bi-han is also quite old school, wanting a good little woman who stays in his place and knows how to take care of their house and him even though he doesn't really need it.
⇰ He believes that he is old enough to take care of himself but he will never say no to a massage or a good dinner.
➽─────❥ Fear was the only emotion that had guided her actions for several days now, her fingers were trembling constantly and she could feel cold sweat running down her spine. She had the impression that everything she did was being closely observed and judged by a force that she was unable to describe, except for coldness, sometimes.
Everything had happened very fast, « too fast » she would have said if anyone had asked for her opinion.
Several men had arrived and requested to see her father, he didn’t make himself wait and the young woman had never seen him so terrified in her entire life. And yet, he had seen many things in his life...
A few hours later she learned that she was now engaged, sold, to the leader of the Lin Kuei, a group of ninja, or rather assassins whose name she had frequently heard.
She had not even been able to see her future husband, having been sent directly to her apartments after the announcement of their arrival. Great.
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╰─► 𝐈 ・ 。゚☆ 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚
⇰ Firstly i have some things to say about the wedding ceremony. I think there are two scenarios, the first, Dark!Bi-han wanted a big wedding to show the extent of his wealth and everything he managed to acquire without the help of people. Although the people invited were not relatives and only important people, chancellors, kings of foreign countries and other clans, I can assure that some people ended up freezing at the end of the ceremony.
⇰ Second scenario, a simple and traditional wedding, simple in the guests and location but he will not hesitate once again to show off his riches and you will find only good quality, whether in the clothes, food and others. There will only be the very close family of his wife and some of his men, and the ceremony will finish quickly, without speeches or other dispensable things.
⇰ during the ceremony he will not let any emotions show, a bit like usual. He will also not wish to honor the famous tradition of « you may kiss the bride ». But I can say that his lips are cold and slightly cracked, he is not the type to really take care of himself —except for his hair which is very precious to him— having been naturally born with an advantageous physique —he knows it— i don't think that he would have been the type to really take care of himself if he hadn't been spoiled by mother nature anyway.
⇰ I can see him coming home in the evening and being delighted to see that his perfect housewife had prepared a magnificent meal for him. He will sit at the table with her and listen to her talk about her day in silence, responding with a simple nod or word.
⇰ A few years later when everything is stable he will agree to start talking about inherited potential. He doesn't particularly dream of being a dad, in fact he never thought about it until now.
⇰ In the bedroom Dark!Bi-han doesn't really think about his partner's pleasure, he is dominant and will never let himself be dominated by anyone, especially not a woman.
⇰ Once or twice he will tie his wife's hands with his ice, preventing her from touching him —he will do it because she tried to touche him without his permission before—.
⇰ Temperature play ! Dark!Bi-han is cold, his whole body, but particularly his hands and his tongue. He will have fun running it over his wife's stomach and chest, looking for reactions here and there.
⇰ His hands will hold the young woman's hips and in the process he will let frost spread on his partner's thighs and hips, don't worry it won't stay !
➽─────❥ His cold hands wandered over the young woman's flesh, he felt her skin roll and quiver under his frozen palm and fingers. A slight moan escaped [Y/N], not yet used to the touches of her, usually, distant husband.
She then felt Dark!Bi-han's cold and slightly damaged lips, her stomach contracted under the sensation as her toes retracted. The black haired man chuckled discreetly, moving closer to her lower abdomen and soon towards her pubis.
The young woman spreads her thighs, without really thinking about it, her body reacted on its own to her husband's kiss, which seemed to satisfy him. He finally reached her pubis and his fingers grabbed the edges of her underwear to pull it down and throw it on the floor.
Grabbing her thighs, Dark!Bi-han placed them on his shoulders to immerse his head between them. He wasn't the type to take care of his partner but she was a good wife and she deserved a reward from time to time.
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tswhiisftteedr · 9 months
Gamer ‘Friend’ ☆ Chapter 1: Panty Incident(s)
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☆ Pervy!Dom!Idia Shroud x Fem!Reader : On a Thursday night, Ignihyde’s dorm leader, Idia Shroud bumps into a fellow gamer, and that happens to be you, someone that had become infamous on campus. Being new to this world, and having the headmaster stingy with money, you had yet to experience this world’s gaming. But not to worry, after all Idia Shroud the professional gamer that he is, is here to help, in more ways than attended…
(In this version reader eats breakfast alone not with her friends, lol)
Warnings : Mature content, Non-Con, Dub-Con, Somnophilia, Panty Stealing, Masturbating(male), Cumplay(Idia cumming in readers panties), Degenerate Fantasies, mentions of; Choking, Tying up, Spanking, Slapping, Denigration, Humilation, but no actually action. (It’s mention in a book the reader has.) (Okay, it’s my first fic so sorry if tag this wrong). Reader is said to be curvy about twice. IDIA IS CANONICAL 18.
Note: Reader is; a heavy sleeper(or maybe not👀), shorter than Idia, a masochistic degradee, an airhead, fucked up, unhinged pervert. And Idia gets horny very easily around the reader, since they are the first girl he’s ever seen in real life, besides from his family and the S.T.Y.X employees. Things move really fast because Idia is loke an obsessive pervert. Also when y/n is written it only refers to the first name. Idia is a bit/lot occ, not proofread.
Chapter 1 | Next Chapter |
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☆ More under the cut. ☆
Idia was walking through the halls of Night Raven College, avidly trying to avoid unnecessary attention. His flame-like hair glowed a light blue, and his yellow eyes darted around the halls. He hoped to reach his dorm room without any issues.
However, that was not the case when he accidentally bumped into you. With his scrawny physique, he was almost knocked over by the collision.
“O-oh, I’m so so sorry! Are you alright? Sorry again I wasn’t paying attention!” You tell him, Idia's eyes widened as he nearly fell over. His hands went out to catch himself on you, grabbing hold of your wrist, leaving faint marks of his presence behind. He quickly let’s go when he realizes he is making contact with you. "Y-Yes, I'm fine..." He muttered softly, trying hard not to sound annoyed. Finally, he gathered enough courage and turned around to face you properly.
"Um- So.. h-hello?" He stammered nervously, unable to meet your gaze directly.
He noticed how small and curvy you were compared to him. Your soft and smooth hair was like a magnet pulling him in, making it difficult for him to tear his eyes away from your features. The way your hips swayed with each step had an odd effect on him; one that made him extremely horny.
“Uh, hi?” You reply, questioning the interaction.
"Umm... uh..." Idia stuttered, unsure of what to say next. His hands fidgeted nervously with his his tablet case. "I-I'm Idia Shroud, the Housewarden of Ignihyde." He managed to croak out finally, offering a weak smile that barely reached his eyes, still unsure of why he was introducing himself. But his brain told him to continue.
"And you are?" He asked tentatively, hoping he hadn't crossed any lines by asking such ‘personal information’ so soon after meeting you. Of course to an antisocial guy like himself, such question was considered personal.
“Oh, I’m f/n l/n, and I guess I’m the prefect of the Ramshackle.” You tell him, with a bright smile. He then remembered the whole story behind the girl who had been summon from another world, apparently she had stop 2 Overblots already, he usually didn’t pay attention to normies so he didn’t look into her. But he does remember commenting to himself how she was like an anime protagonist, getting isekaid into a reverse harem type of world….
“Oh, nice to meet you f/n l/n." Idia said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, feeling heat rise in his cheeks at the mention of being associated with someone so currently relevant, well at least on campus that is.
"So... uh, what brings you here?" He asked awkwardly, hoping it would steer the conversation away from himself and onto something else entirely.
"I was heading towards the library to get some reading material. You would be surprised how many of the books there are not school-related.” You informed him,
Idia blinked a few times, trying to process your words. "R-Reading? That's... nice," he muttered, clearing his throat awkwardly.
"Well, I guess I should get going too then." He mumbled quickly, turning around and speeding away down the hallway, hoping you wouldn't follow him.
“Bye Idia, I hope to see you soon!” You speak up for him to hear,
"Y-Yeah... see you later..." Iida called out softly after you, his voice trailing off as he rushed towards the exit door of the school building. He wanted to arrive at the mirror chamber and reach Ignihyde as soon as possible, in order to return safely to his dormitory. Once alone in his room, he leaned against the door, panting heavily. His heart raced wildly inside his chest, and sweat formed on his palms.
He closed the door behind him, locking it tightly before collapsing onto his bed, burying his face into the pillow. What did you mean when you said ‘You hoped to see him soon’. How could someone like you—so beautiful and confident—possibly find anything interesting about a loser like him? He berated himself internally, feeling more worthless than ever.
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Meanwhile, you went to the library and found what you were looking for: smut books. You picked up two books, one with a vanilla and soft theme called 'The White Lily', and another one that was right up your alley - a dark romance novel that contained all hardcore explicit content in its plot. It was called 'The Trap of Mr. Sota'.
Here’s a summary of both of the books.
Title: The White Lily
‘"The White Lily" is an adult romance novel that tells the story of Ella, a successful businesswoman who has everything she could ever want, except for one thing: true love. Ella has never felt a real connection to anyone she's dated, and she's starting to think she's destined to be alone. That is, until she meets Michael, a charming and handsome stranger who shakes up her world in the most unexpected way.
As Ella and Michael start spending more time together, they discover that they have a deep and meaningful connection, and they can't resist the attraction that grows between them. But just as their relationship begins to blossom, past secrets and old wounds from Michael's past threaten to tear them apart. Will Ella and Michael be able to overcome their differences and find their happy ending? Or will their love be doomed to never be fulfilled?’
Title: The trap of Mr. Sota
‘"The Trap of Mr. Sota" is an alluring adult romance novel that delves into the depths of human desires. This captivating story follows Sakura, a young woman on a journey of self-exploration and sexual awakening.
As Sakura explores BDSM, she discovers her masochistic tendencies and finds comfort in the hands of Mr. Sota, a dominant figure who pushes her boundaries.
Sakura willingly surrenders to the degrading words and experiences pleasure through being tied up, spanked, slapped, and choked by Mr. Sota.
But Sakura's desires go beyond that. She enjoys being provocative and being disciplined by Mr. Sota.
In "The Trap of Mr. Sota," Sakura explores her submissive desires, becoming an object of pleasure. As pain and pleasure intertwine, Sakura and Mr. Sota embark on a journey of self-discovery, testing their limits and forming a deep connection.’
As you signed out the books, the elderly librarian gave you a knowing look, ‘they must have read them before-‘.
Afterwards, you left the school building, returning to your dorm, the ramshackle, and followed your nightly routine. This included cooking dinner for you and your magical beast roommate, Grim, taking a shower, doing your skincare routine, completing a bit of school work, and now, the newly added activity before falling asleep, reading a couple of chapters of 'The Trap of Mr. Sora’. And commenting on the books chapters using some sticky notes, after all it was still school property.
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The next day..
Idia woke up late, or more exactly, on time, his alarm having failed to go off. He hade made habit of waking up early to avoid interacting with other students at breakfast. Groaning, he rolled out of bed and stretched his stiff muscles before getting dressed in his usual attire: a black t-shirt and his NCR school uniform pants paired with his signature hoodie and shoes. The bayou blue hoodie featured a zippered pocket on the front and a white triangle design on the sleeve, adding a unique touch to its appearance. Its lightweight and breathable material ensures comfort and dryness in various weather conditions and occasions. The shoes, designed with a unique combination of white and blue colors, feature a white sole and a blue stripe.
He gathered his belongings and made his way downstairs to the Ignihyde common area. Stepping through a magic mirror, he arrived on campus and headed towards the cafeteria, where breakfast was being served.
As he entered, he noticed you sitting at one end of the many tables, engrossed in a book. His gaze lingered on you for a moment longer than necessary before he quickly looked away, feeling guilty for admiring someone he shouldn't be attracted to.
"Morning, Shroud," greeted another male student, an Ignihyde student, one he had encountered a couple of times. "You look like shit today." The students adds on.
Meanwhile you were engrossed in your book, currently reading ‘The trap of Mr. Sota’. As you muched on a syrupy pancake for breakfast, a spicier scene form the previous one begin, the sentence were extremely descriptive, which caused you to get a bit flustered, maybe a hint of arousal.
Idia winced at his dorm-mate’s blunt comment, avoiding eye contact as he grabbed himself something on the sweeter side to eat. "Thanks... uh, yeah, I didn't sleep well last night." He told him, trying to end the conversation quickly. As his mind wondered back to the thought of you, he decided to do something extremely bold for someone like him. After Ortho prestred him last night about not getting your contacts, especially after you had told him ‘you wanted to see him soon’, Idia made the decision to seat with you at breakfast or at least try his best to.
He sat down across from you, his eyes flickering involuntarily towards your exposed cleavage when you lifted your glass of orange juice. You usual wear a bow around your neck, but the days started getting hotter since yesterday, so you had opted for no bow and 2 unbuttoned buttons.
‘Damn it’, he scolded himself internally, forcing his gaze back to his own plate.
"So, umm..." he cleared his throat awkwardly. “How was your morning?" He asked, hoping the question would allow him to steer a conversation away from personal topics.
"Ah, hello Idia! I didn't notice you here. My morning has been going well so far. I woke up on time and caught up on some reading. How about you? What have you been up to this morning?” You told him.
"Oh, uh... well, I guess it was alright. Just another morning at school." Idia mumbled, avoiding eye contact with you as he stirred his meal.
In reality, however, his mind drifted back to last night's encounter with you—your soft voice, your scent mixed with the faint hint of vanilla from your perfume, and those enticing curves that made him ache with desire. He shook his head forcefully, trying to banish these thoughts from his mind before they consumed him entirely.
"So, uhm, have... y-you ever thought about joining any clubs or extracurricular activities around here?" He asked abruptly, hoping to change the subject once more.
"Yes, definitely! While there isn't a visual arts club, which was a big disappointment to me, I'm considering joining the board game club. Have you given any thought to which clubs you might want to join?” You asked him.
"Oh, nope, never really had any interest in joining anything like that. Also I heard that club wasn’t so great.." Idia replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of his orange juice.
In reality, he was lying through his teeth; there were several clubs and activities he wanted to join, particularly ones related to technology, plus he was actually a member of the board game club. The thought of being around people was one he disliked,—but an attractive girl like you—made him break out in cold sweats, how was he suppose to beat Azul if you were around to distract, just by exiting.
"I mean... I enjoy playing games alone in my room," he added quickly, hoping it would end the conversation sooner rather than later, this was already too much for him.
“Oh, really, that’s fun! I used to game a lot in my home world, but now that I'm here, I can't. The headmaster is stingy with money, so I can't buy any games, much less a console or laptop to play on.” You explained, begin excitedly but ending with a pout.
"H-Hey, wait a second. I... I could help you out with that!" Idia blurted out before he could stop himself. His heart raced wildly in his chest as he realized what he'd just volunteered to do.
"I have some old games and consoles lying around my room, that I could bring around." he continued nervously, hoping you wouldn't reject his offer. "We could play sometime, maybe after classes?" His palms grew sweaty at the mere thought of spending time alone with you in his messy abode.
"Sounds good! Let's meet up in the library after class. I gotta go now too, so I'll see you later Idia!” You say, putting your school bag around your shoulder, and taking your leave for class.
But what you didn’t realize at that time, was that you had forgotten your two borrowed books on the cafeteria table, ‘The trap of Mr. Sota’ wide open, right at an explicit scene.
Idia's heart had skipped a beat as he watched you leave, his eyes lingering on your figure moving gracefully down the hall. He couldn't believe you had actually said yes to playing games with him.
But before he could savor this victory, his attention was drawn back to the books you left behind. His gaze locked onto the juicy scene described in 'The Trap of Mr. Sora', and despite his better judgment, he found himself unable to look away.
With trembling hands, he picked up the book and flipped through the pages, reading the explicit content with increasing interest. The characters engaged in taboo acts that ignited a fire within him, making his cock throb against his pants.
"What am I doing?" He muttered under his breath, trying to snap out of this dangerous thought spiral. “I can't... I should just put these damn things away." But instead, he continued reading, devouring every word like starved monster.
Idia's heart raced faster as he read through the book, his fingers tracing over your notes in wonder. The way you fantasized about being treated like a mere object, used and discarded without mercy, sent shivers down his spine.
He couldn't help but imagine himself as Mr. Sora, dominating and controlling this perfect girl named y/n. His mind spiraled out of control, filling with images of him tying you up, spanking your plump ass, thrusting into your tight hole—all the things you wrote about yourself wanting.
"No... no, it's wrong," he muttered under his breath, closing the book tightly. Standing up abruptly, he headed back to his room in Ignihyde, pacing the small confines of his room, trying to shake off these forbidden thoughts.
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Class was now over, Idia finally managed to calm himself somewhat, although his heart still raced like a wild animal trapped in its cage. Gathering up the courage, he leaves the books on his desk—his mind still clouded with forbidden images of you—and hurriedly made his way to the library.
As he entered, he noticed you sitting at the same table, already engrossed in another book. His gaze briefly lingered on your figure before he forced himself to focus on setting up the old console and games he'd brought from his room.
"Uh, hey y/n," he said nervously, clearing his throat. "Ready whenever you are." He says setting the console in front of you and taking out an old laptop to use as a monitor, or a second control.
“Hey, Idia! Your old console looks great. Also, can you help me familiarize myself on how to operate it? I'm not used to this world's gaming system or games, so your expertise would be a big help. Are you up for a tutorial?” You ask him,
"Oh, it's no problem!" Idia replied eagerly, plugging in the console and turning it on. He selected a simple racing game and handed you the controller.
"Just press these buttons here," he said, pointing to the symbols on the screen. "And use the joystick to move your car around the track." His hands trembled slightly as he demonstrated, his eyes fixated on yours.
The scent of your perfume mixed with the faint smell of books filled his nostrils, making it hard for him to concentrate. "Umm... so, uh, what games do you usually play back home? Maybe I know some similar ones we could try?" He asked nervously, hoping this would engage a conversation.
“Well I like games like open world rpg, where you needed to collect material to craft items, especially the ones where you could choose classes like swordsman, craftsman, mage, etc. But I also enjoyed puzzled games or visual novels type of game!” You state,
"Oh, I know some games like that!" Idia's eyes lit up with excitement. He rummaged through his bag and pulled out an old copy of 'The Ancient text: Cloudium', a game known for its expansive world and flexible character creation system.
"This one fits the bill," he said proudly, handing you the disc. "You can create your own character and choose from different classes like warrior, mage, thief..." His voice trailed off as he watched you insert the disc into the console.
As the loading screen appeared on the laptop screen, he cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uh, so... uh, do you want me to help you set up your character or should I just... leave?" He couldn't bring himself to watch as you crafted your perfect avatar without asking first, fearful of what it might spark within him.
“Oh no stay! I might need you, after all you seem to already know the gimmicks of the game. Plus I wanted to game with you, sure I like doing it by myself, but I also greatly enjoy playing with others!” You explain, bugging him to stay longer.
Idia's heart raced wildly in his chest as you moved closer beside him, your legs brushing against each other ever so lightly. He forced himself to focus on the game screen, trying hard not to think about how your body felt pressed against his side.
"Alright, well, let's start with creating a new character," he said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "You can choose between male or female... and uh, what race do you want?" His fingers hovered over the keyboard, ready to type out whatever you desired.
“Does the gender affect the game experience, like do you get favouritism from NPC if you chose one or the other?” you question, Idia nodded, "No, it doesn't really matter for this game."
“Okay then I’ll go with a female character.”
Idia's typed in your request, his hands shaking slightly. "Alright, female it is," he managed to croak out, “what race?”
“Oh you can choose.”
He decides to select the race of Snow Elf for you due to its ethereal appearance and agility. "And what class?" He asked timidly,
“I want to be a scout.” You inform him.
"A scout, huh? That sounds interesting," Idia replied, typing in the appropriate options. "You'll be able to move quickly and deal damage from range. Sounds like a good fit for you."
He handed you the controller again, his fingers brushing against yours briefly before pulling away quickly. His heart was racing wildly in his chest as he waited for you to continue with the game setup, as you customize your characters clothing.
“Okay, I’m done! Let’s start playing!”
Idia's heartbeat slowed down slightly as he launched the game, and soon enough, you both found yourselves exploring the vast world of Cloudia. Idia guided you through the character creation process, explaining various abilities and skills that would come in handy during the adventure. Than with other laptop he connects to his older game account, and joins your character.
As you navigated through the snow-covered landscape, the two characters interacted with nonplayable characters (NPCs), completing quests, and fighting off fearsome creatures. The atmosphere shifted dramatically whenever they entered dungeons or dark caves, casting eerie shadows across the screen.
"Do you like it so far?" Idia asked nervously, his eyes fixed on yours. He couldn't help but notice how well you controlled your character, effortlessly dodging attacks and landing devastating blows.
“It’s great! Also Idia I got a question for you.” you tell him,
"Yeah, go ahead," Idia replied eagerly, his voice cracking slightly.
“Actually I got two questions, sorry.. my first one is if you know where the book I was reading this morning went, also the other book that came with. When I realized I had forgotten them it was to late and I had to go to class, but when I came back to the dinning hall during lunch they were gone. So I’m wondering if you saw anyone take them when I left?” You ask him.
Idia's heart skipped a beat as you mentioned the book he hadn't been able to resist peeking at earlier. "O-oh, uh... I... ah..." He cleared his throat nervously. "I-I didn't see anyone take them," he lied, hoping you wouldn't press further.
"But I did notice they were left on the table we shared today," he added. "Maybe one of your friends picked them up accidentally?" His mind raced with guilt and excitement, wondering if you would confront him about it later.
“Oh okay!” 
Idia's heart was pounding in his chest, as he tried to focus on the game. His mind drifted back to your body moving so gracefully with the controller in hand, imagining how it would feel against his own…
"Uh... what's your second question?" He managed to croak out, breaking the awkward silence.
“Ah, yes, I’m sorry if this is a bit direct.. but..” you turn your head to look at him, “do you perhaps own old copies of more adult-rated games, like explicit and erotic content type of stuff, that you wouldn’t mind giving away. Sorry this is weird thing to ask lol.”
Idia's heart skipped a beat as you turned your head towards him, your eyes meeting his. His mind reeled with shock and confusion at your boldness, but a part of him found it oddly thrilling.
"W-well... uh... I mean..." He stuttered, struggling to form coherent thoughts. "Y-you know, some stuff like that might be in my collection," he finally managed to choke out, his voice barely above a whisper.
"But I-I mean, we're supposed to be just playing normal games here!" He added quickly, trying to deflect the conversation back to their shared activity.
“Oh don’t worry I won’t play those games around you, they would just be for ‘me time’ lmao” you tell him with a chuckle.
"O-oh, uh... well, I guess that's fine then," Idia stammered, feeling a mix of relief and unease wash over him. He couldn't believe you had actually asked him about such things, but it also made his cock twitch in anticipation.
"Uhm, so, uh, do you need any help with the game?" He changed the subject hastily, hoping to redirect his wandering thoughts elsewhere.
In reality, he was already formulating a plan in his mind: tonight, after everyone else was asleep, he would sneak into your room and leave those explicit books on your bedside table, along with some games that fit your request. Perhaps steal one of your panties, maybe even the one you wore to sleep…; He was definitely going to steal that specific pair.
“No it’s alright, I’m just enjoying playing with you!” You tell him with a smile,
Idia' break out of his trance, heart racing as you continued to praise him, his mind whirling with the possibility of what could happen between you later.
"Well, uh... nice playing with you too," he managed to croak out, clearing his throat nervously. "I-I think we should call it a night for now."
Standing up, he gathered his belongings handing you the console, old laptop and two games to keep. He then walked towards the exit, trying hard not to look at your figure swaying in front of him. Once outside, he hurried back to his dorm room, his thoughts consumed by images of you, naked and eagerly awaiting him.
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Time had passed and you were already asleep in bed. You were only wearing a t-shirt and panties, as a pyjamas.
Meanwhile Idia waited outside your building, his heart hammering in his chest as he prepared himself for what he was about to do. After ensuring he heard no noise, meaning you were sound asleep, he quietly pick the lock of the front door and climbs the stairs to your floor and crept down the hallway towards your room.
His hand trembled slightly as grabbed the handle of your door, holding his breath as it beeped softly. Slowly, he turned the handle, pushing the door open a crack. The dim moonlight filtering through the window cast eerie shadows across your sleeping form, sending shivers of desire coursing through him.
With practiced ease, he slipped inside the darkened room, closing the door behind him softly. His eyes adjusted to the darkness, honing in on the bedside table. Carefully, he placed 'The Trap of Mr. Sota' and 'The White Lily', onto your desk, with a copy of erotic visual novel game called ‘maiden of the abyss’, a game that would definitely fit your taste.
Then, he approached your bedside, reaching out tentatively to brush aside the covers covering your legs. He paused, taking a deep breath before, with shaking hands, he removed your panties from your body. Leaving your bare glistening cunt in plain sight.
You gasped in your sleep at new and colder sensation with the lack of fabric covering you.
Startled by the sound of your soft voice, Idia froze, his heart pounding in his chest. He hadn't meant for you to wake up! Panic surged through him, but he quickly composed himself and grabbed your panties, stuffing them into his pocket before dashing out of the room.
He closed the door behind him, his pulse racing wildly. Had you heard him? Was he caught? His mind raced with worry as he hurried back to his own dormitory, trying to calm down. Inside his room, he paced nervously, unsure what to do next. But he soon decided that the best course action was returning to his dorm.
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He was now in his room, splayed out on his bed with the adrenaline form the thrill still coursing through his veins, and the image of your body still fresh in his mind. He needed to jerk off…
Idia's breath hitched as he slid his hand downwards, running it over the silky fabric of your panties. The familiar warmth and scent enveloped him as he brought the article closer to his face, sending shockwaves of desire coursing through his veins.
He closed his eyes, focusing on the image of you, spread wide open for him, begging for him to claim you. His fingers traced along the edge of the panty waistband, savoring the softness against his skin before bringing it to his mouth, licking it with a soft moan.
"Oh god, yes," he muttered, his voice cracking with need. "You taste so good." With renewed determination, he removed his pants and briefs, freeing his throbbing member from its confines. Gripping the base firmly, he began to stroke himself vigorously, imagining how amazing it would feel to bury himself inside you.
Idia's eyes stayed shut tightly as he continued to pleasure himself, his dick throbbing in sync with each thrust of his hand. The panties now draped over his cock, adding an extra layer of sensuality to the act.
"Oh god... I want you so much," he panted, his breath coming heavy and fast. "I need you." His pace picked up, faster and harder, his hips rocking back and forth in rhythm with his hand movements. Sweat trickled down his forehead, staining his pillow.
He imagined himself inside you, claiming you as his own, marking your body with bites and bruises. He would make love to you slowly at first, savoring every inch of your tight, warm passage. But soon enough, he'd lose control, pounding into you mercilessly, taking what he believed was rightfully his.
Idia's climax hit him like a tidal wave, his cock exploding in his hand, covering the panties with thick, sticky cum. He groaned loudly, his body convulsing as he rode out the wave of pleasure.
His breathing gradually returned to normal, and he carefully cleaned himself up before slipping back into his pants and pulling on a fresh pair of boxers. Tucking the panties away in his drawer, planning to steal a new pair tomorrow and put the used ones in your laundry basket as if he didn’t steal them. He switched off the light and crawled into bed, trying to banish thoughts of you from his mind.
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The next day…
Idia woke up feeling heavy-headed and sore, his mind still replaying last night's encounter with you. Groaning softly, he opened his eyes, blinking several times to adjust to the dim light filtering through the curtains.
After stretching, he got out of bed and dressed in his usual uniform, avoiding eye contact with anyone who crossed paths. He knew he had to face the day ahead, hoping nobody would notice anything amiss about him.
As he descended the stairs, he couldn't help but wonder if today would be the day you confronted him about what happened yesterday. His heart raced at the thought, both dread and anticipation warring within him.
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Idia's heart skipped a beat as he entered the dining hall and saw you sitting at your usual table, engrossed in 'The Trap of Mr. Sora'. You we’re already there, even though had returned to his early morning schedule. His gaze lingered on your figure for a moment too long before quickly looking away, his face flushing crimson with embarrassment.
"Good morning, y/n," he managed to croak out, trying to sound casual. "Uhm, er... uh... did you sleep well?" He cleared his throat awkwardly, avoiding eye contact.
“Yeah it was alright. Also you know what, when I woke up this morning I found both of my books placed on my desk!”
Idia's falters as you mentioned the books, his eyes darting nervously around the empty cafeteria. "Oh, uh... I-I see," he stammered, trying to sound contrite. "I thought they went missing... er, but I guess they just reappeared, maybe some type of spell..." he lied knowing full well he had broken into your dorm the previous night and put them on your desk for you to find.
His voice trailed off, and he quickly shifted the conversation towards safer territory. "So, uhm, how about we continue our game later today? Maybe after classes?" He cleared his throat again, hoping his proposal would diffuse the awkwardness between them.
“Yeah definitely!.. But there’s also something else that happens to me last night..” you tell him softly.
Idia's heart dropped into his stomach as you continued speaking, his eyes wide with fear. "What happened?" He managed to choke out, his voice cracking slightly.
"I... I think someone stole my panties last night," you begin, getting closer to his ear, lifting off your chair a bit, and whispered to him matter-of-factly, with your lips curving into a sly smile. "They were missing from my body when I woke up. Plus there also was a copy of an erotic game on my desk." You sit back down normally, with a small confused pout on my lips, wondering who was the panty thief.
Idia's heart raced wildly in his chest, feeling a mix of terror and excitement course through him. He forced himself to remain composed, placing a placating hand on yours reassuringly. "I-I... I... well, I-I don't know anything about that," he stuttered, his voice cracking slightly.
"Someone else must have taken them," he insisted, though his mind was racing with the possibility that you had caught him red-handed. "Maybe someone wanted them as souvenirs?" His fingers trembled slightly as he tried to steady them on his coffee cup.
“Chill out, I never said it you lol. Plus.. as weird as it sound I find it kind of cute for someone to do that, it’s like having a secret admirer. But in this case they steal your underwear off of you when you sleep, instead of sending anonymous gifts, we’ll I guess the erotic game counts as one lmao.” You say in an unhinge like some crazy pervert.
Idia's heartbeat calmed slightly, though it was still racing faster than usual. "Well, I... uh... thank you," he managed to croak out, his face turning even paler than its natural hue, when he realized what came out of his mouth.
"I mean, that's... nice of you to say, it’s not like I was that pervert that did that to you!" he added, lying, then clearing his throat awkwardly. “So, about our game... after classes, yeah, let's meet up at the library again." With that, he stood up abruptly, grabbing his tray and carrying it away swiftly, leaving you alone at the table.
As he walked away, his mind raced with conflicting emotions: terror, shame, and an unwelcome desire that threatened to consume him. He couldn’t help but wonder if she would like him if she found out he was the pervert who did that to her. Would she like him to touch her while she was asleep? Would she be aroused if she found herself covered in his cum when she woke up in the morning?
Idia hurriedly moved towards his class, trying hard to calm down and focus on his studies. However, the image of your exposed body and the thought of touching you while you were asleep played like a looped video in his head.
As the day progressed, he struggled to concentrate on anything else but you. During breaks between classes, he finally, in a moment of desperation, he decided to take matters into his own hands (literally). Grabbing his phone, he searched online for tips on how to calm down aroused individuals without resorting to masturbation….
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Finally, it was finally time for their scheduled gaming session at the library. He gathered his things and headed over, hoping you wouldn’t mention last night's events again.
“Hey Idia!” You call him out,
Idia's heart fluttered a beat as he entered the library and saw you sitting at your usual table, already booted up for their gaming session. "Hello y/n," he managed to croak out, his voice cracking slightly.
He set down his bag on the empty seat beside yours and pulled out his laptop, trying hard not to stare at your exposed cleavage peeking out from your unbuttoned top. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he opened Cloudium and began loading the game settings. "So, uh, ready to continue our adventure?" He tried to change the subject, hoping to divert his thoughts away from last night's escapade.
“Yeah! Also I got something for you,” you reach into your bag, pulling out a small bag of a double dozen homemade cookies. “I don’t know if you like sweets but I went back to my dorm during lunch, for us to munch on while we game!”
Idia's eyes lit up at the sight of the cookies, his mouth watering in anticipation. “Oh, thanks!"
Placing the bag on the table between you, he took one of the treats, biting into it slowly, savoring the flavors melting on his tongue.
"These are great," he complimented between chews, glancing sideways at you, taking in your beauty once more. His hands trembled slightly as he reached for another cookie, unable to tear his gaze away from yours.
He continued setting up their characters in the game. "So, where do you want to start today? Any particular location or quest?” He asked, trying to keep his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him.
“Thanks, it was no problem, really! And no, there isn’t any thing I wanna start with in particular today. You choose, I’ll just follow your lead!”
Idia nodded, his mind still occupied with thoughts of you. "Alright then," he said, selecting a random location on the map. "Let's head to Greyjog. We need to speak with James Berkeley about joining the Tornadocloths or the Imperials."
As your started their journey in game, Idia's mind drifted back to last night's events. He couldn't shake the image of your bare glistening pussy, and wiggling hips as he stole your panties off of you. His cock twitched in his pants, growing harder against the fabric.
“You okay Idia?” You turn to him, “You look red,” you put one of your hands on his forehead and then your own forehead on the backside of said hand, measuring a possible difference in temperature. Your face inches away from his. “well you don’t feel hot to me, doesn’t seem like you have a fever.” You say then pull back, taking your hand and head away from his.
Idia's heart hammered in his chest, his body on fire with desire. "I-I'm fine," he managed to choke out, clearing his throat nervously. "Just a little tired, I guess."
As they continued playing the game, Idia tried to focus on their surroundings, but his mind kept drifting back to you. He wondered if you noticed how hard it was for him to concentrate today. Would you tease him about it? Or maybe... he shook his head violently, dismissing the filthy thought. No, he couldn't think like that. Not here, not now.
After hours of adventuring and battling monsters together, they finally reached Greyjog. Idia led them inside the castle, trying hard not to steal glances at the contour of your form as you played, making your character followed closely behind his.
“It’s already 7 p.m., let’s save our progress, and return to the game tomorrow. Since tomorrow is the weekend maybe we could game at my dorm or yours! Well, only if you’re down to do so, it’s totally your choice.” You tell him,
Idia nodded, relief washing over him as you suggested calling it a day. "Sounds good to me,"  he agreed, saving the game before closing the lid of his laptop. Standing up, he gathered their belongings, careful not to let his bag brush against your leg accidentally, savoring the feel of your warmth radiating through the thin fabric of your skirt.
"Thanks for today, y/n," he muttered, his voice low and husky with exhaustion and desire mixed together. "Have a good night." With that said, he turned away briskly, walking out of the library, leaving behind the intoxicating scent vanilla perfume and books lingering in the air.
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You headed to your dorm, cooked dinner for Grim and yourself, ate, took a shower and did some skincare, reviewed some schoolwork, read a bit more of ‘The trap of Mr.Sora’. Then headed to bed in your usual sleepwear, a t-shirt and panties, no bra.
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Idia returned to his own dormitory, his mind still racing with thoughts of you. Once inside his empty room, he locked the door behind him and collapsed onto his bed, removing his uniform piece by piece as he did so. His body ached from hours of sitting in one position, but that wasn't the only thing that needed relief.
Reaching into his nightstand drawer, he pulled out the used panties from last night, admiring the mix of your sweet perfume and his own musky scent on them. A smirk spread across his lips as he imagined how they belonged to such a perfect angel like you.
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Later that night…
Idia waited patiently outside the Ramshackle dormitory, his heart thumping in anticipation. After ensuring you had retired for the night, he silently unlocked the door by picking at it just like he had done the previous day, and tiptoed down the hallway, up your stairs, towards your room. Carefully, he opened the door, peeking inside to ensure you were asleep before creeping closer.
His hands trembled as he reached out, grasping the edge of your blanket to lift it slightly. His eyes locked onto your exposed thighs, ached with desire as he slid his hand underneath your panties, tracing along your smooth, silky-soft skin. Reluctantly, he pulled them downwards, exposing your beautiful pussy to his hungry gaze. He was so entranced by it. The accumulation of his horniness and the fact you had admitted to enjoying the perverted acts he had committed. His mind went haywire and he decided to do something bold; He was going to jerk off using the fresh pair of underwear, while looking at you.
Slowly, he lowered himself onto the bed beside me, positioning himself between my spread legs. He wrapped the newly acquired panties around his cock, and started jerking off while observing you.
As Idia waited for any sign of movement, his heart raced wildly in anticipation. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he heard a soft moan escape your lips. His eyes widened in delight and terror as you shifted slightly, unknowingly grinding your body against the bedsheet.
Pushing aside all rational thoughts, he continued to stroke himself faster and harder, groaning softly as he watched your perfect breasts rise and fall with each breath. Each thrust of his hand matched the rhythmic motion of his cock sliding in and out of the panties. He could feel his orgasm building up inside him, reaching its peak.
Without warning, he erupted, coating the fresh pair of panties with his seed.
He then decided to do something crazier, something even more fucked up then the ones he had done before. Slowly unwrapping the cum covered panties from his cock, he then lifted your hips and legs, sliding the underwear pair back on, slightly higher than intended, causing the fabric to dig into your folds. He observes with a shaky breath how his hot semen made contact with your cunt.
His heart raced as he watched idly, his breathing heavy and labored. He had gone too far this time. Could you ever forgive him? Would he lose everything he held dear because of his perverse desires?
Without giving himself time to think, he hurriedly got dressed, he quickly throws takes out the panty pair he stole yesterday from his pocket and throws them in the laundry basket in the corner of your room. Carefully, he tiptoed out of your room, closing the door quietly behind him. As he headed back to his own dormitory, he wondered if today was finally the day he complete lost his sanity and any sort of moral compass he previously had.
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bzilian · 1 month
if i lay here (would you lie with me and just forget the world?)
wolf!kageyama tobio x doe!reader Summary: Predators mated with predators. Prey mated with pray. Your parents were an exception to the rule. There's absolutely no way Kageyama Tobio would be interested in his prey childhood best friend. Tags: Childhood friends; friends to lovers; mutual pining; predator!Kageyama; Prey!reader; Timeskip; Insecurity; Prejudice (Implied predators being considered superior then preys); low self-esteem to reader; A/N: I hope Kageyama is not too occ. I'm not an english speaker, so If there's anything wrong, feel free to tell me. Last time I wrote something was, i don't know, 9 years ago?
When you were little, the world used to be simple for you. Surrounded by family and friends who were alike, there was no fear or uncertainty. It all came crashing down when your father told you that you all had to move to Miyagi because of his work.
It was easy for him; your father was a fox after all. Even though he wasn't as big as other predators, he was still a predator all the same. You took after your mother's family: a doe.
You didn't remember ever being afraid of your father, but your mother had told you that, when you were very little, you used to get scared when he spoke louder than usual or when he appeared without making a sound. But apparently, you loved him and ran to him when you felt threatened, which was unnatural for your species: he was a predator and you were a prey. However, he was your father, and his affection for you made you trust him and erased the fear from your body.
Your mother sometimes told stories of how your father moved to Yamagata at a young age and how him and his family shook the structures of the city. They lived in a place inhabited by prey of all kinds, and his father's family were the first predators to move there. Your mother always laughed when she said that she felt sorry for your dad, who was isolated at school and sad that people always shied away from him when he approached them. Until she felt sorry for him, swallowed her fear, and became friends with the fox that would later become her life partner.
When you were 10, you had to experience a fear similar to the one your father experienced at the time, but different all the same. You had to move to Miyagi, your father's hometown, where predator and prey lived together in a way you couldn't understand.
You were a prey who never had contact with predators other than your dad. Predators with intimidating auras and smells who could easily hurt you.
Grandpa Kazuyo was an angel in the form of a predator in your new life in Miyagi.
He was kind and affectionate, a friend of your father's late parents. He had a lot of patience trying to charm you and prove that he wouldn't hurt you. You soon discovered he was a wolf. Grandpa spoke softly and smiled a lot. He also introduced you to volleyball, but you soon discovered that, as much as you found it interesting, you didn't like the idea of mixing with other people - usually predators - to play a competitive sport. But you enjoyed watching him and the women's team he coached play.
Just when you'd gotten used to him for good, Grandpa brought Kageyama Tobio into your life.
Kageyama Tobio was taller than you and more athletic. He had dark hair and extremely piercing eyes. He was also a wolf and his eyebrows made a strange movement when they landed on you.
Honestly, he scared the shit out of you. Your instincts made you freeze and your mind began to think of various ways you could escape. He also seemed to react to you, his head turned slightly sideways and his smell got a little stronger. He was going to attack if you ran.
"Well, well, let's calm down, shall we?" granpa said with a playful voice.
Kageyama Tobio reacted immediately to his grandfather's voice. His posture became relaxed. His smell also began to become less strong. However, your instincts remained alert and your eyes darted between staring at the older wolf and the younger one.
Grandpa made a slight movement, putting his hand on the boy's head and lightly ruffling his dark hair. "She didn't want to fight you, she's just not used to predators and you scared her, little Tobio."
The boy turned back to face you, "I wasn't going to hurt you."
You stared back at him, trying to calm your heart and relax your muscles. He was Kazuyo's grandson, he won't hurt you. Kazuyo wouldn't let him do it.
"You have big eyes," the little wolf said. "Grandpa says you like volleyball. Do you want to play?"
You didn't say your eyes were the way they were because you were a doe. He didn't say he acted that way because he was a wolf. You just shook your head and took a hesitant step towards him. Kazuyo gave an encouraging smile.
Thus began a strange friendship between Kageyama Tobio, a wolf, and you, a doe.
“They’re doing it again,” the 15 years old you said while tossing the ball to Tobio. You were both just throwing the ball to each other while waiting for your parents to finish the conversation with your teacher.
“I don’t understand it,” Tobio’s sounded grumpy. “What difference does it make that I’m a wolf and you are a doe?”
Unfortunately, you knew why they were doing it. Tobio was known to be a promising setter, a future strong predator and the school felt like his friendship with you might get in the way. That’s the world you both lived in. It was acceptable to the both of you to live together and in harmony, but it’s not expected to prey and predator to bond beyond acknowledge each other respectfully.
“Maybe it was the recent protests? Some people have been protesting on school gates about allowing prey and predators in the same classroom. It was also reported in the newspaper that the number of mixed couples had increased. They might think it’s because of it.”
“That’s stupid. No one cares about that,” Tobio made a small growling sound in protest.
“The world was made for your kind and they don’t want it to change,” you weren’t particularly sad about it. You’ve always known. That’s the reason why most prey stay in prey only communities. “Don’t worry about it. They are just scared I might get in the way of your bright future.”
Kageyama Tobio grabbed the ball with both his hands and stared at you. It was one of those stares you didn’t understand. Piercing, but not aggressive or judgmental. You felt apprehensive, but curious at the same time on what was on his mind when he looked at you in that way.
“You’d never get in my way.”
You hoped he was right.
"Most of the people on the Japanese team are people I played against in high school," Tobio said while looking at you.
You made a humming sound as you stared back at him. Things have changed a little since you’ve became adults. Every weekend, when there was time, Tobio and you did your routine: go to each other's houses to watch a game and have dinner together. He always brought the food, served you and always sat extremely close to you, which you always found strange, but eventually got used to.
Kageyama Tobio was no longer that little wolf, he was now much taller than before - even though he had always been bigger than you - and much more muscular and athletic. When he wasn't training, he was in the gym keeping himself in shape like a good professional player.
He still had that awkward personality, which you discovered was just a genuine difficulty in communicating (and he didn't care that much about that either) and his strangely penetrating gazes. But today you were no longer frightened by them. Tobio never looked at you with hostility and always tried to keep his tone of voice light when talking to you. He also became good at sensing your discomfort and providing cover if you felt overwhelmed in any environment. You kind of understood your mother when she said she swallowed her fear to become friends with your father.
You also kind of understood when she fell in love with him.
“At least they're people you know, for better or worse,” you replied as you ate your soba. “And Hinata will also be there. Aren’t you happy for the old days?”
“Miya Atsumu will be there too.”
You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder playfully. "I find it really funny how he can piss you off sometimes."
His reaction was to rest his head on yours, like a caress, and go back to eating as if nothing had happened. On the other hand, you should have gotten used to this type of thing by now. Tobio, when you two became really close, had no problem touching you. He would bump his arm on yours, almost like a light brush, he would guide you through very crowded places with a hand on your shoulder, almost like a hug, and at times like that he would rest his head on yours. Funny how he didn't seem to like touching anyone else but you more than the necessary.
These kinds of things still made your face heat up and your heart do funny things. But apparently, to him, it was normal. Tobio did all these things with a neutral expression. As if it was completely natural.
“Are you going to watch it on TV?"
You hated to admit how touched you were when he asked if you were going to watch on TV and didn't demand your presence in person at any game. The first and last time you went personally was in the Adlers vs MSBY and you had to be pulled out by your friends before the game was even halfway through. Even though you had been dealing with predators for so long, walking into a stadium full of them screaming and cheering was making your senses go crazy and you panicked. You remember almost crying while apologizing for not being able to watch. For leaving.
His hug was tight, his hand pressed your head on his chest while he called you an idiot for thinking he would care about it.
“Yup, yup. As if you would miss the great Kageyama Tobio representing Japan in the Olympics. I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
He gave you a small and almost imperceptible smile in the Kageyama style.
“That wolf boy really got well in life,” your father spoke while watching the game. “I'm going to have a rich and famous son-in-law, how strange.”
Your eyes widened, “what?”
Your mother elbowed him as she smiled at you. "What your father meant was that you two would make a good match, even if it’s unusual. I mean, I did marry a fox myself."
With your mouth open you could only stare at them. In the background you could hear the announcer narrating the game and your parents seemed to hesitate at your reaction. Before you could think of a response, your father sighed and leaned forward so he could look into your eyes.
“It goes without saying that no father particularly likes to hand over his daughter to just anyone,” his voice was serious. “But that young man follows you and looks at you like a wolf cub hoping you’ll give him attention.”
Hearing this kind of thing was disconcerting. It almost gave a little hope that a predator like Kageyama Tobio would want to bond with a doe. Predators like him belonged with other predators. Extremely handsome, strong, and completely capable of landing a mate on his level. Maybe a model or another volleyball player, not a doe who couldn't handle a crowd without her instincts overtaking her. Maybe a wolf like him, or even a cheetah if he improved his communication skills.
"I- that doesn't make any sense. We've been friends since we were little, Tobio just takes care of me because he knows I'm a prey that hasn't fully gotten used to-”
“Sweetheart,” your mother's gentle voice cut you off. “Do you know what the wolves' courtship rituals are? If you don't know, you should look it up.”
The game kept going on. However, you couldn't concentrate on it, your eyes were unfocused towards the screen while your mind was racing. You had looked up wolf courtship methods a few years ago out of pure curiosity. You wanted to know if it was so different from yours - and it was, does were courted and responded to scents basically. Wolves also responded by scent, but they also got close to the suitor, touched each other and rubbed their faces against each other just like... like Tobio did with you.
And on television, you heard a shout: "It's a no-touch ace by Japanese player, Kageyama Tobio!"
“You are avoiding me.”
“I am not.”
Kageyama furrowed his eyebrows and adjusted his posture, looking down at you and crossing his arms as he stood at the door of your apartment. You felt smaller than ever.
Yes, you were kind of avoiding him. Yes, you might have not responded to his last text and yes, you might have canceled the last get together of yours in his apartment.
“Let me in,” and you did.
In your defense, you needed to think. Having feelings for your best friend was something you already knew you had. Tobio was awkwardly sweet, always smelled great (you never had to smell him after a game, though), was criminally handsome, his voice was really hot to hear (even better when he’s sleepy) also, he always was somewhat tender to you. Tender like always getting your favorite food, always protecting you in public spaces, always using his smell and warmth to give you a sense of relief when dealing with strangers.
He never used a lot of words, but he never had to with you.
“What’s going on?” he asked when you closed the door.
Your body was tense as you moved to the couch. You needed to sit down to have this conversation, your brain felt like it was going to hyperventilate and the last thing you needed was to faint in front of him.
“First, I’m sorry. Some things happened and I got a little overwhelmed. I’ve heard someth-”
“Someone said something to you? What? Who?” His voice was lower than normal and there was some kind of animalistic sound in it.
“No one threatened me,” you raised your hands and looked him in the eyes to try to appease his protective instinct. “It’s just… you really don’t need to worry.”
But apparently, he was having none of that. He knelt in front of you and brought his face closer to yours. You always thought Tobio's eyes were beautiful. The color became more intense the more serious and focused he was. Looking at him, so close, brought a slight tug in your heart that you weren't expecting. You brought your hands towards his face, holding it affectionately. His expression became confused.
“I worry about you,” was the only thing he said as your thumbs caressed his cheeks.
You wanted to kiss him. You wanted him to kiss you. You wanted something you couldn't have. Something that you shouldn't have. Someone was more deserving of that male than you. A female or male who’s also a predator. Someone who could go to his games without any problems, someone who could face others without feeling their throat tighten.
“Tobio,” your voice was like a whisper. “Why haven’t you bonded with someone yet?”
His gaze changed. Back was that piercing blue eyes staring deep inside your soul.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I want you to accept me.”
Tobio’s hand went to your knees and his ears were deeply red. His voice failed him when he answered and you could feel his embarrassment to say this out loud. Your eyes widened and you didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t just anyone. He was Kageyama Tobio. Your childhood best friend, Olympic and professional volleyball player. And he was a wolf.
“I’m a prey,” your voice trembled. “I’m just a doe.”
“Prey or not prey, I only thought of you as my mate.”
You let out a breathless laugh. That’s so him, so Tobio. He’s simple like that. He kept staring at you and now his eyes alternated between your eyes and mouth. His ears were still red while he was waiting for your answer. You spread your knees a little allowing his large body to fit between it. He leaned towards you as you lightly pulled his face to yours.
Kissing Tobio was as awkward as him. He tensed a little, then relaxed. His scent became stronger, reacting to you and his hands moved to your thighs. Your hands found his neck while you tilted your head to kiss him better. You could feel your body warming up to him, for him. When one kiss ended, another began with more desire. His tongue sought yours, you lightly sucked his lower lip.
You decided you loved kissing Kageyama Tobio.
When you separated, his head fit into your neck, rubbing his nose and kissing your skin tenderly. His hands moved from your thighs to your waist and he got closer to you, still on the floor. His wolf instincts telling him to touch you, to get closer to you, to mark his partner with his scent.
“Are you my mate now?,” he asked.
“If you want me to be,” you answered.
When he kissed you again, you wished he would leave his scent all over your body.
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darklinaforever · 2 months
People who still use the scene where Daemon strangles Rhaenyra as an argument to justify all the bullshit that happens in HOTD with Daemyra's characters should be banned from speaking out after a while.
The choking scene was stupid and OCC. Daemon was never violent towards Rhaenyra in F&B.
And don't let anyone tell me that we can't be sure just because it's written as a historical text. GRRM never hesitates to expose this kind of thing. If he wanted us to understand that from Daemon he would have suggested it one way or another, except that's not the case so no, Daemon being physically violent with Rhaenyra never happened. It's that simple.
With this kind of argument you could definitely say that Daemon fuck Otto. It's stupid.
Rhaenyra also did not have a physical relationship with Mysaria. Both of these HOTD events are stupid. That's all.
To say that under the pretext that Daemon choked Rhaenyra in episode 10 that she can cheat on him shows to what extent these people have 0 understanding of what they are watching.
Basically as long as Daemon is demonized they are happy. And if we can also prove that Rhaenyra also likes women, that's even better !
And even better if this woman with whom Rhaenyra is cheating is precisely Daemon's ex, that way it gives the impression of a scenario where two female victims take revenge on their attacker in a karmic way ! (Yes, some idiots really think that...)
My god, HOTD is freaking stupid.
And tons of people really think this show is super well run and written ?! But wake up !
In addition, those who, under the pretext that the supposed deception is committed by Rhaenyra and between women against Daemon, suddenly no longer see any harm in it, disgust me.
Cheating is bad, no matter what.
At what point are those who are against this scenario equal to refusing to allow women to have hobbies ? Is that cheating is for you? A hobby ?
I was against Daemon cheating on Rhaenyra, an unproven F&B scenario no matter how much the antis claim otherwise, and I'm against the idea of ​​Rhaenyra cheating on Daemon, even more so with Mysaria.
First of all, Rhaenyra was never bisexual, that's bullshit. As much for F&B (because sorry, but no Rhaenyra was not in love with Laena and did not have a relationship with her), and as HOTD.
But at this point, if they really wanted to do that it would have actually been more coherent made between her and Laena, with whom she had a very close and close friendship, rather than queerbaiting with the character of Alicent and a supposed kiss (which I don't believe in until I saw it) with the Daemon's former mistress.
Anyway, I don't watch this show anymore. I'm just keeping up to date with the amount of shit that's going on.
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kurosstuff · 7 months
If you're writing for Sera..maybe could you write where she has to watch as Reader gets their wings ripped off and is casted down to hell?
Oh of course lovely~
Also never wrote for her so I'm sorry if she's occ- SO ITLL BE SHORT♡♡
Warning(s) pure angst, kinda with like the Bible? A bit(cause of lucifer) but- not detailed
Heaven is a peaceful place.
No trouble. No sadness. Nothing of the sort. No negative things
No regrets.
So why does Sera feel this deep regret? This sickening feeling as she awaits the trial to begin. Must it be because of her own miss calculation? Frowning she watched as you were forced into the room. Forced on your knees bound in that gold chains as you stand trial for your traitorous behavior.
Which she deemed was also her fault. Letting you entertain such horrid thoughts. Of how the council was wrong. How heaven was cruel. Sera stood eyes once filled with love and warmth, now cold staring you down.
"You stand trial for questioning the lord above himself. How you questioned his authority. Blamed him for all the sinning below. " her throat felt dry from how cold she spoke to you. Her lover. Her mate, "Do you admit to these claims of being a traitorous angel?"
"Yes. I accept to all of it, " your voice rang out. Without hesitation. Without a drop of regret.. guilt. Sera frowned deeply, her emotions gone too much, the eyes on her wings popped out showing her true emotion.
The sadness in the eyes. How every pair watched you. Watched all your reactions, all eyes not cold. But filled with her true feelings. Her warmth for you. Her love for you. A hand touched her arm. Looking she saw Emily, who smiled sadly at her. Taking a deep breath, her wings folded once more. Eyes fully closed
She ignored the trial. Hearing the pleading. She ignored it all. The only thing she did was watch you. She knew the outcome. She knew what would happen. Closing her eyes, she sighed. This has all been done before. The same EXACT thing. The same thing your being accused of.
Of what you admitted to.
The first fallen angel. The King of hell. The one she herself failed to protect from the unpurity of the firsts. The unpurity of the growing world. Sera was more then aware mortals couldn't be without sin. Not with how a certain someone played a trick. A test of sorts with-
She sighed she won't focus on the past. How she failed. In the SAME exact way. Looking at you as you screamed, glaring, begging to be heard, she frowned deeply. Only one punishment would seem fit for this crime.
She didn't want to watch. But she must.
After all? How could she look away from her final sight of her mate? Taking a deep breath, she spoke for the first time ever. Interrupting you
"Only one punishment seems fit for the crime. You will be stripped of your title as a pure angel. You will be fallen"
Not even a second later, an executioner - was it Lute the rude inhumanely cruel angel? She wasn't sure not with those God forsaken masks. Watching her push you to the ground, the chains holding you in place as she struck. Slicing your wings off in a cruel fast motion. Yet so slow to Sera. A deep frown never left her face, never left as you begged for her to forgive you. Watching as the ground opened up swallowing you whole.
Welcoming you to your new home.
Closing her eyes, her hands clasped over one another, praying your fall was a peaceful one. That you'd forgive her. She new the council would over look this. After all.
Like Swans-? Angels mate for life. No matter what occurs to their mate. Even if they fell. That as cruel as it was. Sera couldn't help but be thankful for in.. a odd way she couldn't pinpoint. Turning, she left the courtroom noting Emily? Didn't follow- humming she must be grabbing your halo.
Silently, she walked. Where to? She wasn't sure - just going wherever her feet took her. Just whatever her feet took her. Blinking, she stopped.. was it raining? Her cheeks wet from something. Moving to touch her face, her lips quivered in sorrow. In her loss. Closing her eyes in a deep sigh.
Heaven doesn't rain
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theunburntsblog · 1 year
Hey mate!
How bout a poly Billy & Stu x male reader who they tease and call a pet?
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MALEREADER!: he/him pronouns used NO graphic depiction of reader. Poly relationship between Billy, Stu, and Reader.
A/n: I'm so sorry this is quite late. I've been going through a lot of things! Hope this will make it up to you : 3 mind you, this might be occ I'm very rusty atm.
You and your partners gather around into the living room of Stu's house. Sitting down onto the floor, drinking some beer while playing Uno.
Stu looks at the cards he has before placing down a draw four against Billy as he chuckles softly. "Hmm, let's see here. I guess I'll change it to.. green, " Stu said teasingly poking his tongue out at Billy, who scoffs and rolls his eyes in annoyance.
Billy takes his turn, placing down another draw 4 card before looking up at you and smirking and declaring uno. "Uno, I believe it's your turn, isn't it, pet?" He tilts his head to the side, teasing you. You sternly look at him, "I'm no pet, you're not gonna win so easily." You start to pick up 8 more cards as Stu holds in a laugh and fails miserably. "What's so funny!" You exclaim, furrowing your brows in annoyance. Stu shrugs, smiling widely with his teeth. "It's just funny to see your confidence. Let's be honest, babe, you don't have much chance to beat us for one. Secondly, you're more like a puppy, ya know? Those big doe eyes just scream it"
Billy looks amused at Stu's answer, nodding along. "I will have to admit, you're loyal and have a big heart it's cute. You're definitely a pet. There's no doubt about it."
You set your cards face down before stealing a sip of Billy's beer, then crossing your arms. "You're full of yourself. You both are." Stu coos, sitting his cards down as he moves closer to you, pulling you into a hug "awww he's tryna act all big, sweet boy." You giggle, gently pushing him away, but Stu just showers you more affection while Billy just smirks and admires his two lovers.
He shakes his head at both of you. "Don't try and hide it. You know we're right. " You accept Stu's love, shaking him off as the room fills with soft laughter. Stu reaches over and starts tickling you, which makes you yelp and move around to get out of his grasp, yelling out for Billy to help you. "Billy! Get him off me! Help!" You frail around. Billy goes to you, and you assume to pull Stu off, but he joins into the antics.
You roll around onto the floor as your boyfriends continue to tickle and tease you. Rambling about how cute you look all flustered while you can't really make out what they're saying because they're just speaking over each other as you giggle relentlessly.
After a few moments, they stop tickling and teasing you. You managed to finish the match of Uno, and you also ended up winning, which made Billy and Stu bicker like children because they didn't win. You all cramp onto the couch, cuddling as limbs interlinked while watching a cheesy movie to poke fun at.
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xuzuitengenx · 1 year
Steven Grant x Top Male Reader NSFW Drabble?
Warning(s): EXPLICIT WORDS, Cockwarming, Teasing, Grinding, Praising, OCC? Steven Grant
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M/N was doing his work in silence, typing away at his laptop as he fills out inventory for his business.
Oh—Also Steven was currently cockwarming M/N as M/N worked. Steven was breathing heavily as he felt M/N's cock inside of him, his cock reaching deep inside Steven
Steven wanted to move so bad, his mind clouded with lust yet embarrassment with the position he was in. M/N would "accidentally" move in his seat which caused a short, immediate moan from Steven.
Steven would look back at M/N, lightly glaring at the (H/C) hair man. M/N lowly chuckled at his reaction, "I'm sorry, baby. Just needed to move." M/N explains, rubbing Steven's hips. Steven whines lowly at this action as he nodded.
About an hour of cockwarming M/N as M/N teases the sensitive man, Steven's body was trembling as his cock arched for a release. Steven wanted M/N to fuck him dumb already on his desk.
He didn't want to spend another minute like this. He wanted to turn around and beg M/N to fuck him.
It wasn't until M/N closes his laptop which catches Steven's attention. M/N's hands found Steven's hips as M/N smirks at Steven's state.
"Oh, please tell me your done..." Steven whimpers out, his hips beginning to move by themselves, grinding.
"I'm done, my love. And since you've been good—cockwarming me as I worked, I think you deserve an award, hmm?"
Steven sighs in relief as he nodded eagerly.
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umi-adxhira · 1 year
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍ ʀᴇx, ʜᴀʀʀɪꜱᴏɴ ɢʀᴀʏ, ʟɪᴀᴍ ᴇᴠᴀɴꜱ, ᴇʟʙᴇʀᴛ ɢʀᴇᴇᴛɪᴀ, ᴀʟꜰᴏɴꜱᴇ ꜱʏʟᴠᴀᴛɪᴄᴀ, ʀᴏɢᴇʀ ʙᴀʀᴇʟ, ᴊᴜᴅᴇ ᴊᴀᴢᴢᴀ, ᴇʟʟɪꜱ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ, ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀ
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: Just know that these headcanons are made before the official release of the game in English, so expect inaccuracies in their personalities (occ). This also sorta came out as relationship headcanons, but eh, I'm hitting two birds with one stone
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He strikes me as someone who wants a partner who can challenge him, both intellectually and physically
People with a different set of opinions to his are often people who piques his interest. As long as you have a reason for thinking the way you do, this man will not rest until he picks every little thing inside your brain and understands it
He also seems like the type to like girls who fancy a bad boy. He is often mentioned as someone who "lives by his own rules" and is the "pure meaning of abominable evil", so if you're into that then he sees no reason why you can't be together
Also likes someone who is composed, someone only he can break. You could be doing the most mundane of tasks and he will appear behind you, whispering the filthiest words in your ear until you're as red as a tomato, your mind plagued with the words for the rest of the day
Likes to return to his bed snuggled up against you, literally can not sleep without holding you close to his chest
Into someone who's jealous. He wants his partner to know that you can't live without him. Hell, he'll purposely make you jealous just so you can beg for his attention. And who is he to tell his little bunny no?
He's into short people, sorry to the tall people. I dunno, he seems like a guy who wants his partner to snuggle against his chest when they're in the crowded streets, or if you're shy... maybe he's more into shy people than short people?
He likes clingy people. Again, he wants his partner to depend on him. He loves it when you sneak up behind his back and hug him from behind. Sure, he can sense you coming from a mile away, but he's happy you took the time to "surprise" him like this
Into smart people. Well, not smart smart, just not dumb. He needs someone who is average in IQ. The only time he loves you being dumb is when you're dumb on his big co— anywho
He likes how you're the only one who can see through his lies. Everyone finds it impossible to notice, but you're better than that
He loves someone who appreciates his work outside of the Crown. He is mentioned to work as a stage actor, so he loves it when he sees you invested in what he's working on
Someone who compliments him already is his friend. He loves compliments, especially when it comes from your pretty mouth
If you give him head pats he will literally melt, fight me. He closes his eyes and leans in closer to your touch, like a cat
He gets grumpy when you don't give him attention. Again, like a cat. He will whine and pout until you look in his direction, and then drags you away to help him work on his new play. He gets happy when you comply with no complaints
If you bake for him he will brag about it in front of people. Not even joking, he's all like, "Look Victor! My lovely darling made me cookies! Aren't they thoughtful?"
Also into someone who has many interests and hobbies so he can also be invested. May it be from playing chess to gambling, he's gonna support you no matter what
It's stated by many people, including translators that he has a weird obsession to pretty things, but leaves them messily in his room. So if you managed to be the romantic interest of Elbert, your insecurities are literally thrown out of the window and into another dimension
Likes a calm people, he's not into the loud and noisy people. It hurts his ears. He likes someone with an angelic voice, someone who can whisper a lullaby in his ear to help him fall alseep
He also appreciates someone who helps him with his spending problem. With all of the pretty objects he collects, he's probably in crippling debt, so he likes it when you try and coax him out of his spending problem
Unfortunately, he found a loophole. Yes, hd cannot spoil himself with a bunch of useless pretty trinkets to be stuffed in his room like trash, but he could spend it on you
Speaking of his trash room, he wpuld honestly appreciate it if you helped him clean everything up to make his life easier
This man. Holy, this man
Needs someone to keep him in check. Like a owner with their dog. Your job is less his lover in public, but more of not letting his impulse thoughts win
Like Elbert, he looks like he would be a massive spender, but he has it in more control than Elbert, so yeeeeaaaahhhh... good luck
Loves physical contact. He has something touching you 24/7. Be it his hand on your waist, your legs intertwined when you sleep, or simply him holding onto your sleeve like a child when you move through the bustling streets of London
Loves giving you hickies, especially your neck, where everyone can see how good he's making you feel. Also, he likes to mark more intimate areas, such as your chest and thighs
He also likes someone who's just as sly as him. He calls them your "adventures," and he can't wait for the next one
He seems like a person who's into that doctor/patient trope. He just wants to take care of you
He will melt if you see him mildly injured, like a paper cut or something, and you basically nurse him back to health. You make such a big deal out of the smallest things and it makes him love you more
Likes it when you feed him. Seems like the type to love strawberries, like Vlad. He thinks you feeding him is an intimate moment only for you and him and no one can take that
He finds it funny when you take his glasses, spare clothes, and pretend to be him. Jude could literally walk through the door and be treated by you rather than Roger based on limited experience, and lots of watching you probably made him worse, but go off, I guess
Lets you play with his hair. His hair isn't long and luscious like Victor, and there isn't a whole lot you can do with it, but you love it regardless
Hey bbg
He thought that he would like stupid people. He likes how his intelligence alone overpowers and intimidates them and how he will always be above them. But you're different
He always has a stoic/rude demeanour around others, even you. But once you're being closed doors, especially in the light, he becomes clingy. He won't outwardly say he wants attention. He just glares at you before you give in or lay you down on top of him, his head mushed in the crook of your neck and breathing heavily
Apparently, he smokes. Based on the translations, Jude and Roger were former doctor and patient, but I see him as someone who still has the problems he has but just covers it up so no one can see (this may not be true). You automatically assume it's because of his smoking and force him to stop, and while he gets pissy, inside he likes how you care for him
Likes to have baths with you. With your back against his chest and his head in the crook of your neck... I dunno, I guess he likes having his head in your neck
He's obsessed with the idea of happiness, so he seems like a dude who would go for a cheery and bubbly character
Would defo make flower crowns for you, I don't make the rules here. Also likes teaching you how to make flower crowns. He likes how you actually make an effort, and it comes out so bad. Will still wear it with pride, though
He's really tall, so if you're small, he would be the type to carry you on his back. He just wants you to know what it's like to be tall for once
Make him sweets, and he will never let you go. He needs your food to function properly. He may even become a little grumpy and forget to ask his daily question of "are you happy?" to everyone he meets, especially Jude
Wear his clothes and you're never wearing your own clothes again in public. After a long day of working in the trading company, all he wants to do is to settle down onto his bed and cuddle you wearing his shirt
That man is a hazard to society
He likes someone who is willing enough to cause a bit of mischief with him, having fun like no one else could. You're like partners in crime
Of course, his number one priority is the Queen, second is you. You can't really complain when the Queen is above you, but later on, you will be of more importance to him soon enough
Likes it when you braid his hair. He's always open to trying new hairstyles and enjoys looking himself in the mirror, looking absolutely stunning. It just comes naturally, I guess
He also likes it when he paints your nails. You can not tell me he doesn't spend time doing his nails, so doing it for you just seems right to him
He likes those people who don't look what they seem. For example, an innocent, cute-looking thing starts cursing at someone or an intimidating darling randomly starts hugging him from nowhere demanding cuddles, and everyone's just like "???"
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©️umi-adxhira [19/06/2023]
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Request by: Anonymous
To that lovely hon who's requested Loona with male vampire reader - I've not forgotten about you nor did I reject your request!!
Unfortunately, hon, your request (that was like half finished) was one of those that ended up being accidentally deleted (as mentioned in previous request I published), and so, I had to start again and rewrite the whole thing!
I'm really sorry for the long wait, hon! But I hope that what I came up with makes up for it. Also, I recall you asking for a male reader, but saying it can be gender neutral if I don't do male readers - well, don't worry, hon, male reader is absolutely accepted here! So, enjoy your Loona and male vampire reader! <3
The take I did on this request probably isn't what you had in mind, but I hope it's still enjoyable!
🩸🖤🐺 // Loona having a vampire boyfriend //🐺🖤🩸
Type: Imagines
Settings: Romantic
Genre: Fluff, lighthearted
!TRIGGER WARNING!: I'd say mentions of typical Helluva boss stuff (demons, violence, etc), mentions of blood and its consumption, occasional swear words used, I tried to portray a relationship where there are cultural differences, that's probably all!
Sidenote: Reader is written as male as per request,
Sidenote: Reader is written as being around Loona's age (which is 22 if I remember correctly).
Sidenote: I feel like some of these might be a bit occ, I'm so bad at portraying characters, I'm so sorry
Sidenote: These feel kinda long, I might've gotten a little carried away (or maybe these are the usual length, I can't tell) - take it as an apology for the long wait,
That should be all,
Enjoy, <3
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vampires were said to be demonic creatures,
evil spirits,
So, we'll go with that description,
and make the concept of vampires more fit for Helluva boss,
So, let's say that vampires are like...
a cousin species to demons,
(I'd say these vampires look a bit less human and more demonic-like),
(just imagining some Vivziepop twist to them, in design and lore, y'know?),
Yeah, that sounds good, no?
And maybe it's not that unusual to see a vampire prancing around hell?
Maybe Hell's rings are a really popular destination for tourism and vacation for the vampire kind?
And maybe for some more and unnecessary world building,
let's say vampires live in some sort of middle ground between the human world and hell,
and maybe let's call it...
the abode of the undead?
I think that's kinda cool?
Back to the story!
So, as I've said,
vampires like to visit hell's rings for tourism and vacation,
That wasn't your case!
You weren't in hell for tourism or vacation,
you were in hell for college!
You've decided to go to college,
but not in your world,
I dunno,
That's up for you to decide,
Maybe you liked the idea of studying in a foreign land?
Or maybe you wanted to study a field only hell offers?
Who knows?
The options are endless!
So, you're free to make up the reasoning behind that decision, hon,
This decision of yours leads you to Blitzø,
For story reasonings,
I mean-
You obviously need some sort of accommodations for your stay,
And let's say,
for story reasonings,
that college dorms just aren't for you,
Maybe you can't imagine sharing a room with someone random you've never met before?
Maybe college dorms really aren't for you?
In the sense that college dorms in hell don't really accommodate to your needs as a vampire?
Maybe they don't even accommodate to any sort of needs of any kind of foreign students?
I'd say the colleges in the respective rings alone barely accommodate to the needs of students from different rings,
(students of those demon kinds that don't come from that specific ring),
(like colleges in Lust accommodating to the succubi/incubi kind only, etc),
So yeah,
college dorms are a no for you,
but you also can't afford to rent a flat,
Maybe you don't have any income yet?
And maybe your parents can't afford to rent you a flat?
Or maybe they can but they refuse to spend money on you?
Who knows?
That's up to you!
But anyways,
whatever the reason is,
it leads you to Blitzø,
Let's say that your parents and Blitzø have a vague history,
and he's considered a family friend,
Maybe he even babysat you when you were little?
So, you staying at Blitzø's is clearly the choice,
And Blitzø has no problem with that,
After all,
how could he mind when he's not seen his favourite little rascal in such a long time?
You two have so much catching up to do!
So yeah,
he agrees,
And you can be glad Blitzø is so fond of you,
otherwise he would've told your parents to piss off,
After all,
he would never allow for some boy to share a living space with his dear Loony!
Fortunately, he likes you,
so, you get a free pass to be around Loona,
And not only that!
Blitzø also pretty much begs you try and get along with Loona,
The girl really needs a friend,
even if she'd deny it over and over again,
And Blitzø really trusts that you're a reasonable and kind young man,
(based on the memories he shares with child you),
and that you can help Loona feel less alone in the world,
And maybe it's because you don't have any friends in hell yet,
or maybe it's because you genuinely feel bad for Loona,
but you agree to try your best to befriend and support Loona,
It's the least you can do for Blitzø,
And now Loona!
Loona doesn't know about the agreement you have with Blitzø,
And it's better that way,
because if it were the other way around,
she would've hated your guts,
she'd seriously despise you,
I mean,
she still isn't happy with the fact you'll be around,
but at least she won't be wishing for you to choke on the blood you're sucking,
So, it's good that she doesn't know?
I guess?
Well, anyways,
more about Loona!
Loona has actually never met you before,
so, she is unsure of what to expect,
which is one of the reasons why your stay displeases her,
Loona doesn't like uncertainty,
not knowing where she stands in such situations really upsets her,
and it leaves her all tense, irritated and quick to bite,
(because being left uncertain about such situations secretly stresses her),
(and makes her feel vulnerable and unsafe),
It's something related to how she grew up,
always uncertain about everything around her,
leaving her feeling powerless and suspicious of everything and everyone,
with no place or person to make her feel safe,
always fearing for her life,
And sure,
Blitzø might've mentioned you at some point before all this,
but whatever that imp might've shared about you happened a long time ago,
from the times you were still a little kid,
so, it definitely couldn't have been something useful to ease Loona's mind,
It most probably would've been something along the lines of you being Blitzø's first parental experience,
his first time being responsible for a child,
When in reality it probably wasn't even all that big of a deal,
and he's most probably spent like three hours looking after you on specific occurrences,
and him being pretty much the last resort for babysitting your parents could think of,
So, even with that,
Loona doesn't know what to expect of you,
And the fact that you're a vampire doesn't help one bit,
because vampires are quite different from demons,
despite being cousin species,
so, there definitely are some cultural differences to look out for,
cultural differences that can definitely result in awkward interactions,
another thing Loona really doesn't fancy,
and not to mention the amount of stereotypes and misconceptions about vampires!
Loona can already feel that this is not gonna end well,
And speaking of which!
The cultural differences between you and Loona,
it really does make your first meeting memorable...
It just so happens that Blitzø isn't present when you get to his place,
(he has some thing with Stolas going on or something),
and so it is up to Loona to give you a warm welcome,
And well...
it is awkward,
Loona is really indifferent towards you,
and your warm welcome is along the lines of:
"Oh, right... you're that vampire kid or whatever,"
And then she just stepped aside to let you in while giving more attention to her phone than you,
And well...
That's when it gets awkward,
when the cultural differences really show,
Because while Loona expectantly stands aside,
you, on the other hand, stand before the doorstep,
looking pretty awkward, embarrassed, uncomfortable and nervous,
And when Loona sees you make no move to step inside,
she immediately becomes a bit more hostile,
not really understanding or liking your "odd behavior",
it made her uncomfortable,
and that feeling of uncertainty of you and what to expect she's been dealing with got twice as worse,
And so,
you're met with a:
"Uh, hello? Are you coming in or do you plan on standing there like a fucking crackpot, and stare at me, making yourself look like an absolute moron all day?"
it is not really pleasant,
but it gets the situation to proceed,
much to both of yours relief,
After Loona's words,
you offer an awkward and nervous smile,
and you begin to explain your situation,
that situation being,
that in vampire culture you're not allowed to enter anyone's house if they don't verbally invite you in,
And sure,
you could walk in and not care,
but this is just a cultural thing that all vampires stick to,
with little to no exceptions,
And Loona's reaction?
That's all she can say,
being all dumbfounded,
since out of all the reasons she thought you could give her to your odd behavior,
this explanation was not on the list,
She was expecting some really stupid excuse,
maybe even some kind of perverse one,
or even some dumb and embarrassing pick up line,
but not this,
The reason you give her is not stupid,
it is an actual reason that explains your actions,
and while Loona doesn't understand this cultural thing,
(and maybe she even finds it a little odd),
she respects it,
she doesn't judge you,
doesn't give you shit for it,
she accepts your reasoning without unnecessary nitpicking,
and she properly invites you in,
as properly as she can,
"Well- uh- come on in then, I guess,"
After that interaction,
Loona feels like you might not be the worst kind of guy,
first impressions can often be wrong,
and so,
she's still keeping you at arm's length,
and she's not exactly friendly just yet,
but she's not hostile all that much either,
she's just really indifferent,
You, on the other hand though,
you know what you've agreed on with Blitzø,
and so,
you're quite actively trying to get along with Loona,
which isn't hard since you think she's a really cool girl,
and you genuinely want to get to know her,
And Loona's not exactly rejecting your friendly advances either,
but you still choose your steps carefully,
and you don't rush things,
nor are you too intense,
not wanting to overwhelm Loona,
or make her feel uncomfortable or threatened,
and cause her to pull back and build up her walls again,
during this period the two of you aren't really friends just yet,
but you don't mind co-existing,
and Loona doesn't deliberately leave the room when you come in,
and she actually allows for you to be in the same room as her,
and she lends you one of her ears to listen to you if you feel like talking,
sure, she doesn't give much input,
but she's clearly warming up to you,
And your relationship develops casually,
Loona getting more comfortable with sitting closer to you when you're watching tv together,
or just individually scrolling through social media,
she also starts showing you videos she comes across and finds funny,
or when she joins you on the couch in the living room, she asks what you two watching that day,
at some point she shares her favourite songs with you,
and she also eventually adds you on social media!
It's the little things that give away that you're on the right track in winning Loona over,
And sure,
she still doesn't share much about herself yet,
and she still is only ever half listening when you two are together,
most of her attention being held by her phone,
but you're getting there!
And that fact is proven by one certain incident,
(an incident the two of you now as a couple laugh at and think fondly of),
The two of you like to call it,
The big WGD incident,
Let me explain,
WGD stands for Where Gluttony Dwells,
And what is that?
Well, it's a really popular place to get a take-out from,
one that your friend from class recommended you,
that friend kind of forgot you're a vampire...
or maybe it wasn't really a friend,
and maybe they deliberately recommended you this specific place,
whatever the reason,
and whether the intentions were good or bad,
that friend nearly ended up with their head bitten off by Loona,
Where Gluttony Dwells is a place that really likes to use garlic in their stuff,
like, really,
that place is literally known for their extreme use of garlic,
So yeah,
you can probably tell that this place is not too vampire friendly...
you weren't really aware of that,
trusting your friend,
or friend,
and you ended up getting a takeout from that place,
and Loona nearly had a heart attack,
It went like:
"I got us a takeout,"
"Neat, what place?"
"Where Gluttony Dwells,"
"Hold the fuck up-"
Let me tell you,
Loona's reflexes were never faster,
And you still remember the way Loona nearly broke your arm,
from how harshly she grabbed your arm,
just when you were about to shove a spoonful of the least vampire friendly meal right into your mouth,
The spoon with the meal successfully ended up on the ground,
and while you were dumbfounded,
Loona was yelling at you for being a dumbass,
asking you if you want to get your ass dead,
and many more things you can't even remember from how much stuff she yelled at you,
Back then it sure was one of an experience,
but an experience that brought you two closer,
because a week later,
this whole thing became a funny story you and Loona shared with everyone you knew,
Blitzø, Millie, Moxxie, Stolas, Octavia,
they all got to witness you two having the time of your lives sharing this experience with them,
both of you laughing and bickering,
you teasing Loona for caring,
Loona playfully shooting back and telling you to eat grass,
because she:
"couldn't care less,"
and she:
"just didn't wanna deal with a dead vampire,"
cuz she:
"heard they smell,"
And then you'd both burst out laughing when you'd tell everyone the best part,
of how after Loona stopped freaking out,
you told her garlic doesn't necessarily kill vampires,
that it's more like lactose intolerance,
where vampires just get unpleasant digestive issues after garlic consumption,
and only extreme cases of garlic intolerance can be life threatening to unfortunate vampires,
It was the most warm and genuine moment you two shared back then,
And Blitzø couldn't be happier for Loona,
but that really wasn't where things ended between you and Loona,
because the WGD incident really did push the two of you to the right direction,
And pretty quick,
you and Loona were an inseparable duo,
that kind of duo where it's odd when you see the pair apart,
And, of course,
pretty soon, the inseparable friend duo became an inseparable couple,
The change happened subtly and naturally,
and you and Loona were basically dating for months before actually making it somewhat official,
And your 'making it official' was pretty much Loona sending you a Sinstagram video,
with the caption:
"Which cute animal reminds you of your boyfriend?"
Followed by Loona's message:
"The bat,"
Yeah, that's basically how you two made it official,
But to add more tea,
your following conversation after that message sure was interesting...
"The bat? Really? You know vampires can shapeshift into more than just a bat. Kinda stereotypical of you,"
"Shut up, as if you don't associate me with a wolf or a damn dog just because I'm a hellhound,"
"No, I don't,"
"Oh, really now? Then look at the video again and tell me which animal do I remind you of,"
"Alright, you'll fucking see!"
_ _ _
"It was the fucking wolf, wasn't it?"
"I don't feel comfortable answering that question,"
that's how you pretty much made it official without making it official,
but even after that,
your relationship with Loona didn't change,
You just vibe with each other,
share affections,
create happy memories together,
Yeah, you two are still casual about your relationship,
you're still the inseparable duo everyone knows,
And you two don't really make a big deal out of dating,
yes, you have lots of couple moments,
and you two are romantic with each other here and there,
but you don't really go around, shoving your relationship into other people's faces,
you keep things to yourselves for the most part,
cuz that's what you're comfortable with,
and you feel like what's between the two of you is of no one else's concern,
(I believe Loona isn't much for showing your relationship off to the public and having people stick their noses into it),
(and I also think she doesn't trust the outside world and the people in it enough to let her guard down and give an insight of her actual relationship with you),
(what if someone used you to hurt her?),
And to many people looking on it from the outside,
it would seem like you two are just close friends,
but there are subtle hints not many notice that point out just how close you two are,
For example,
a thing Loona loves to do in the name of showing you affection,
is that whenever you rest your feet up on the coffee table, she always rests her paws on top of your feet,
it's a subtle public display of affection that seems like nothing to others,
but to the two of you it's a really big affectionate gesture,
it's like you two having your own secret language!
Speaking of languages,
Loona's learned some pretty... colourful... vampire vocabulary from you,
Since you live in a completely different world with different culture and everything,
it'd only make sense for you to have some expressions and slang that most people in Hell wouldn't understand,
especially slang vampires your age use,
while Loona doesn't actively learn your language,
she's heard enough stuff from you to adopt to her own vocabulary,
(especially swear words),
and it's quite hilarious and wholesome,
you two often just switch to young vampire slang,
just to confuse people,
and keep them from prying into your conversations,
especially Blitzø-
Blitzø understands some vampire vocabulary,
but only that one your parents would use,
he's lost when you start using vampire slang of your generation,
But even Loona can get lost if you use some extra hard slang,
especially the one she's not come across yet,
and this is one of the reasons why you two don't argue much,
because your speciality is switching to hardcore vampire slang when an argument is close to happening between you and Loona,
not to talk shit about her,
but to annoy her to the point where the situation just turns funny,
your arguments,
(or more like bickering),
don't last long with this tactic,
And Loona acts like she hates this,
but she's secretly grateful that you two calm down before a real fight happens,
and then you talk about stuff without it getting heated,
speaking of your generation,
you've pulled Loona into your culture by introducing her to the vampire humour,
especially the one your generation uses,
giving her context on various memes you've shown her just so that she'd get it,
whether it'd be something a bit political or historical, or some celebrity drama,
for example you showing her a joke with some iconic line young vampires quote daily,
and then explaining that it's a line from some popular vampire reality show,
even showing her the clip to fully pull her in,
And Loona does the same back,
she gets you involved in the culture and humour that's going on in Hell amongst demons your guys' age,
And that creates many inside jokes between the two of you,
especially you involving Loona in your culture has that effect,
since not many Hell's inhabitants care about vampire culture enough to get involved,
so you two quote some vampire joke, getting everyone around you confused,
while you two struggle to hold it together,
Also, another thing!
As stated at the start,
there are many misconceptions about vampires,
You've already explained several stuff people got wrong about vampires to Loona,
but not all,
you've not gotten there just yet,
and it most definitely creates some memorable moments between you two,
For example:
"Wait... You guys don't use your fangs like straws to drink blood?"
"No...? We use them to pierce the skin, and then lick or suck the blood..."
"My whole fucking life is one damn lie,"
Loona needed a moment accepting that one...
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mandomaterial · 1 year
hey there! I was wondering if you can do a reader who has bright red hair? I'm talking about full blown reeeeeeeed hair.
Like, the reader visits the sully family along side norm and max, tonowari sees reader and is very intrigued by her hair? Bonus if she has freckles! Thank you! I love reading your work! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Ofc my dear snickerdoodle, im sorry this took me so longgggg… sorry if it feels rushed? And i think he’s a little occ… i guess it’s got mor of a “young Tonowari” vibe :3
Tonowari with a redhead
- it was a relatively regular visit for Max and Norm, that they scheduled a couple times a year, but for you? Oh, this was your very first time out of the forest and you were almost bursting with excitement! You had begged and begged them to let you come as well and finally, they let you, even if they were a little hesitant, you didn’t look quite like the standard human and they were quite nervous about the Na’vi’s reaction.
- The anomaly you had? Fire red hair! Your hair was something you’d always been proud of, you could say that you’d always seen the world differently and that the world always saw you differently. No one you knew had hair as vibrant as yours so you always deemed yourself a little more special amongst other kids or teens, some of them had different opinions about your hair, and more than a few times you got asked if you dyed it, some older people also shamed you for it sometimes, telling you that it was unnatural, the color of the devil and that you should dye it black or brown.
- those words and opinions definitely hurt sometimes but you never even considered changing your hair, it would go against everything your parents taught you and against everything you believed. So when you joined the avatar program, you were quite nervous about your team's reaction, but luckily Grace was there. She had red hair just like you and she made sure no one ever even dreamed of mocking her for it!
- but back to present events, you were sitting in the back of the heli, fiddling with your hair as you gazed at the astonishing scenery of the ocean, waves crashing and Ilu jumping over them. Just then you heard Norm yell “We’re almost there, get ready”
- And there it was, the island collection that formed Awa’atlu. Truly a sight to be seen. The landing went over quite smoothly and soon enough you were greeted by the Sully’s, getting bombarded by bear hugs from everyone, even little Tuk that wasn’t so little anymore.
- but even if the people had already seen humans, all eyes seemed to be glued to you. It made you a little uncomfortable but you couldn’t blame them, surely they hadn’t seen anyone with hair like yours. And natural to be interested in something new. but there was one pair of sticking blue eyes that didn’t seem to want to let go, even after all the commotion had settled.
- Kiri showed you to the guest tent that you’d be staying at and all the while she complimented your hair and asked all types of questions, it really made you happy that someone liked your hair this much! But because the two of you talked so much, Kiri totally forgot about what she was supposed to tell you about dinner!
- It was already dark and your stomach was already growling like the one of a starved animal, maybe they didn’t eat dinner? No way, maybe they all eat by themselves? Yea, that’s probably it. Thinking about it like that made you quite sad, no one was thinking of you.
- you decided that it was best to go for a little walk, maybe you’d be able to find some fruit or something. Opening the flap and finding our way to the beach was easy enough so now all you had to do was walk around.
- your bare feet carried you along the shore, sometimes dipping into the water, whilst keeping an eye out for something to eat. The village was already fleeting from sight as you reached the more rocky parts of the beach.
- but it seemed that you weren’t alone anymore, just a few meters in front of you, sat the strong and mighty leader of the Metkayina, Tonowari. He was leaning against a pretty large boulder, looking out to the wild sea. Not sure if you should approach him, you decided that you’d just sneak past him.
- unfortunately for you, the sand crunched under your small feet and of course Tonowari noticed you, but he understood that if you didn’t want to be noticed, then he wouldn’t react, so he just kept on looking forward.
- a relieved sigh left your lips when you successfully snuck past, and as you looked at your surroundings, there you saw it. A large tree, perched on a large boulder that bore wonderful looking, juicy, round, blue fruit.
- You couldn’t stop a little gasp from slipping and you knew that you had to try and get a few! So with a rumbling stomach, you hiked up your let between a little crevice in the rock, grabbed onto a few ragged edges, and pulled yourself up. Truth be told, it wasn’t that easy, you had to change positions a bunch of times and had to really manifest your muscles to even attempt to pull yourself up.
- but in the end, you stood atop the boulder, now facing another problem, why was this tree so tall?!? Slowly the frustration was getting to you but you paid it no matter. You wrapped your fingers around edges and cracks in the bark and tried to scale up the dark brown trunk. To say the least, this was raven harder than the boulder. You slipped and fell more times than you could count but you were determined to not let this stupid old tree get the batter of you! Another reason was that your poor stomach was still growling and grumbling, pushing you to try even harder. It felt like hours had passed and you’d still made barely any progress, only ever getting halfway up before gravity pulled you back down.
- All the while Tonowari kept watching you, he’d snuck closer after just a few minutes and decided to observe you. You were truly a strange being, the first one he’d ever seen with hair like yours, red as the flames that illuminated the shore by night. The day you arrived, you’d captured his interest instantly and he’d thought about how to talk to you ever since.
- as he continued to watch, he noticed that you got higher and higher and soon he’d started to worry about you falling, so he silently made his way up the rock and waited right next to the tree. Not a second later your fingers grazed the fruit, snatching one piece after the other and letting it fall to the ground to keep your hands free, but what you didn’t notice, was that the fruit never came in contact with the ground, instead, Tonowari kept catching them with ease, resting them in the crook of his arm.
- your hand reached up to pick one last piece, when suddenly your feet lost their grip on the little boom in the bark and your fingers slid off the branch you were holding onto, earning yourself more than a couple splinters. In the first few seconds you were falling, your mind started racing, panic flooding your system in fear of getting hurt. You slammed your eyes shut and curled together, hoping to lessen the impact, but it never came.
- instead, you felt something firm yet strong hold you in mid-air, a quick look of confusion washing over your face before you opened your eyes when you heard a little chuckle. You let one of your eyes crack open and what you saw absolutely baffled you, the utterly handsome clan leader of the Metkayina? Seriously? It took a second for you to realize that he was holding you with one arm, his biceps pressed against your back and his wrist under your butt, before your face turned pink, almost the same color as your hair. You wiggled and squirmed, trying to get out of his hold but his hold on you was tight. So with only one option left, you looked up at him “Please let me go?” it came out as more of a question.
- Tonowari shot you a sly grin but gently placed you on the ground nonetheless, keeping his eyes on you. “Thank goodness you didn’t fall, huh?” He tried making conversation as he held out a piece of fruit to you. Your hand, small in comparison to his, gently grasped the fruit, slowly piling one piece after the other until your arms were full, “How’d you catch me anyway?” “Well, when you snuck past me I got curious, you can’t blame me for following such a pretty girl as yourself, can you?” Your face got impossibly redder. He thought you were pretty?
- “Come along, you must be tired” he instructed calmly even though he was clearly smirking on the inside thinking about how he still had his charm going. Of course, you followed the tall blue man as he let you to the water, your feet putter pattering against the sand as you took twice as many steps as he did.
- the two of you sat down, you crossed your legs, and placed all of your loot on your lap. You lifted one up, holding it in front of your eyes, looking at the texture. It seemed rough and thick, how were you supposed to eat this? Just bite into it right? You opened your mouth, just about to sink your teeth into the flesh when a large blue hand suddenly snatched it out of yours.
- “Whoa there, you shouldn’t eat the outside shell, look” he pressed the fruit between his thumbs, and with one hefty crack he split it open, the inside was a gentle pink color and the texture reminded you of a mango. Amazement struck your face and you wanted to try opening one too, it looked so easy! Albeit the fruit was a lot larger in your hands than in his, you held a second one just like he did, pressing your thumbs to it and pushing with all your might, but nothing happened. You tried again but again, nothing. Tonowari couldn’t help but let a little chuckle slip, hearing this you felt a little dejected and embarrassed, turning to face the other way.
- Tonowari instantly stopped laughing and got a guilty look plastered on his face “Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad” he reached over and took the unopened fruit from you and replaced it with the two open halves. “Please try it, tastes great” You gave him a little nod and took a generous bite. Your eyes lit up, millions of sparkles shimmering across your irises, showing Tonowari just what he needed to know, you liked it. As you continued eating, his eyes haven’t once left you, he was so curious about you, you looked so different, like straight out of a fairytale where you were the gorgeous heroine.
- he was so curious as to why you looked like that, and the closer he looked, the more he noticed, you also had little spots covering your nose and cheeks, quite like his own, but these didn’t seem to glow. Were they different? Or were you perhaps sick? Concern washed over his face at the thought of you being ill. So with a worried tone in his voice, he asked “Do you feel ill?”
- you shot him a confused glance wondering what he meant because as far as you knew, you weren’t sick at all. You shook your head and mumbled “No, do I look sick?” you asked worriedly. “No, not necessarily, but your spots aren’t glowing,” he said as he gently treated his finger over your nose and along your cheek. You weren’t expecting this at all, so of course you turned cherry red not a second later.
- you started to giggle at the misunderstanding, he thought that your freckles were the same as his bioluminescent spots! Tonowari flopped his head to the side, not quite getting what you were laughing at until you finally started explaining. You told him that you were born with these spots and that they were called freckles. You explained that throughout the year the number of freckles changes, in summer you get more because essentially they’re just little spots that are made from melanin, that gets visible if you come in contact with a lot of sunshine.
- he seemed quite interested and asked further questions about your freckles and your hair, he asked if you’d also been born with your almost magical-looking hair and you confirmed. The two of you talked for hours upon hours, and every second you spent with him, you felt your attraction to the man grow as well. Little did you know that Tonowari also seemed to gain more and more interest for you.
- but as everything good, it had to come to an end. You started yawning and you were barely able to keep your eyes from closing, so you thought that resting your head a little on the sand would be a good idea, just for a few minutes. All the while Tonowari was telling you a story about his childhood and teen years when he noticed that you stopped responding. He looked over to you, checking if everything was alright when he heard the tiniest of snores leave your plush lips. He couldn’t help but let a little giggle slip, without even thinking, one of his hands reached over and gently brushed a few loose strands of red hair out of your face and behind your ear. He thought that your red hair suited you all too well.
- he didn’t want to wake you again, as you had had enough of action for today, so he shuffled over and kneeled next to you, his eyes wandered over your sleeping form for a moment before he gently slipped his hands under your back and the bend of your knees, picking you up just a second later, it surprised him how small you were, he towered over you and he could easily carry you with one arm, that made his pride swell a little, being as strong as he is.
- The people of the village were long asleep, everything silent and almost pitch black, only the stars helped aluminate his path. He walked over to your hut and placed you inside, wishing you nice dreams.
- Bonus headcanons
- The next day he asks if he can braid your hair and ofc you say yes. He sits you in front of him and starts braiding. He defiantly isn’t used to braiding such thin hair but he makes do with what he’s got, he wants to impress you after all.
- it takes a bit but soon enough your hair is done up beautifully with shells and pearls braided into it. You are in total awe and ask him to teach you next time. Since then he starts collecting and making hair accessories that have a nice contrast to your unusual hair color, along with a few necklaces and bracelets of course.
- You often got stared at by the people, which wasn’t new to you, but whenever you were with Tonowari, they certainly minded their business more.
- and since your first encounter, Tonowari makes sure that you have lots of snacks and drinks starched in your hut if you ever miss communal meal times, or forget to get anything door yourself, but soon enough you start bringing your snacks to him and eating them together. Whenever the two of you eat together Tonowari feels like he’s on cloud 9, absolutely elated and almost vibrating with excitement!
- whenever you go for a swim it's very easy to spot you because of your hair and if Tonowari has time, he’ll always join in. He also shows you his skimwing and offers you a ride, which you gladly accept.
- turns out, heights and speed were super fun but diving under and feeling water crash into your face and up your nose isn’t so much to your liking, o you decide to stick with the ilu.
- all in all, you had a great time with the Metkayina, especially with their leader and you absolutely cry when you have to leave. Tonowari is also quite upset because he grew so fond of you in such a short time and now you’re just being ripped away from him. He makes you promise that you’ll visit again soon, and that promise turns into a monthly visit that gradually gets longer and longer.
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bamsywrites · 1 month
Flowers and Fire
Chapter 2: 'Ella and Almond
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x OC, future! Aegon ii Targaryen x OC
Tags/Warnings: fluff, childhood friends, shitty parents, angst ish, mostly just cute friend stuff
Notes: in this fic people are aged up a bit, Viserys is sick but not decaying yet, and Aegon is an asshole but not a rapist. Sorry if this is OCC or badly written. Please leave comments or criticism. My asks and inbox are open
Previously: Prologue
Aemond watched the waves crash against rocks, salty tears spilling down his cheeks and he could taste them on his tongue. He did not know what he had done to make them hate him. His nephews, his brother. Simply for not possessing a dragon. Aemond the Dragonless they had called him when he entered the hall for supper, snickering amongst each other. Aegon had even bonded with them over the shared torment.
"Why are you crying?"  A voice spoke out against the quiet of the night.
Aemond quickly wiped his eyes, sniffing as he sat up. He looked over the intruder, a young girl maybe a year younger with thick curly hair and striking green eyes. He could see she was missing several of her front teeth causing a bit of a lisp.
"I was not."
"You were too, She spoke brightly, sitting down next to him. "Is it because you don't have a dragon? I heard the other princes teasing you for it earlier in the courtyard."
He continued to look at her in silence, not sure what to think of this girl. Was she here to tease him too? Another cruel prank?
"I don't have a dragon, and I don't think there's anything wrong with me."
"You're not a Targaryen." He spoke bluntly, glaring at the young girl.
"No, I'm a Tyrell. I live in a place called Highgarden, and there are flowers everywhere, but anytime I try to tend to a garden, all the flowers die. I'm also a girl, and I'm supposed to like stitching, but I don't. I hate it, and I'm bad at it because every time I poke my hand with the needle." She flexed her fingers as she spoke, and Aemond could see little nicks and scars confirming her story.
He continued to sit in silence, staring at her. It was kind of jarring, going from nothing but the sound of the waves to hearing this other person who seemingly has no boundaries. A bundle of weirdly cheerful and optimistic energy in a pale pink dress. It had been mere moments but he already knew he'd never met anyone like her.
"But," she continued, "I did find things to be really super good at it. I draw, my penmanship is perfect according to my septa, and I'm good at remembering things which might not seem like a feat, but I remember dates and people and family sigils, my father says I'm like a walking history book. That's what you must do, find something else to be super good at."
Aemonds eyebrows furrowed,  wheels in his head turning. Of course, it mattered that he didn't have a dragon. He was the son of the king. It was a disgrace for him not to have one but a small voice said perhaps she was right. Maybe if he put more effort into his studies or using a sword then he would outshine the rest. Maybe he could still prove his worth without one, though his heart longed for one and there was a pull in his blood to find one.
"They would not care. They'd still tease me," he spoke finally and it was the truth. They would continue to tease him no matter what he did. It seemed to be the only thing the other boys liked to do; it truly was something that bonded Aegon with his nephews, it seemed. A shared torture of Aemond.
"But why do you care?" She asked with a tilt of her head and her eyes narrowed slightly as she awaited his answer.
She seemed genuinely interested in his answer, in him and his feelings. It was weird. Why would a stranger care? There had not been another child who did care; when other children visited The Keep, they almost always joined in with the others in their torment. Or they simply ignored him altogether. He thought over her words; their taunts affected him mainly because they were right. He was different. How could he be feared or respected if he had no dragon?
He could feel the emotions in his throat, making his voice sound thick as he tried not to cry. "Because they disrespect me! Because...because they're right. I'm different."
"That's true," she nodded, "You're different, but why is it bad? They're boring. My mama always told me that people were only rude or mean because they had no other way to be interesting. Mama was right. Your brother, your cousins, they aren't interesting or unique. They're mean because they have nothing else to be, it's all they have."
"They have each other. They have friends."
"You have me. I'll be your friend."
"I don't even know your name."
"My name is Avella. Avella Tyrell. And you're Prince Aemond. Now we can be friends."
"Are you even listening to me?" Lance Tyrell stared at his daughter across the table in their guest apartments in the Keep.
Avella nodded, her eyes focused on the deep red liquid in her goblet as she sloshed it from side to side. This was a nightmare. She spent most of her life avoiding Aegon if she could,  she's not liked him for one second. She had watched him tease his little brother relentlessly, watched him drink and whore his way around the city and the castle. She'd heard the whispers of noble women being rushed moon tea after they fell for his advances.
And now he was to be her husband.
"It's a good match. He's the firstborn son of The King," her father went on to explain rather matter-of-factly, not seeming to notice or care about the turmoil going on in his daughter's mind.
"The other vassal houses' faith in the Hightowers is crumbling. They've always looked to us as an example during those times and this will reinforce their loyalty to the Hightowers as you are marrying the grandson of Otto. It will strengthen our position," he continued after he received no response.
It felt like the world was crumbling around her, Avella started nibbling the skin of her inner lip and shook her head. "I do not wish for this, father." She spoke softly, barely heard across the table.
"Avella," Lance sighed in exasperation, his hand running over his beard. "This is what is needed for our family. One day we may be the Liege lords, with many vassals under us, and this connection to the crown is invaluable. The Hightowers are simply buying themselves time with this union before they fall out of favor."
Her silent gaze caught his, swallowing back tears as she silently pleaded with her father to take back this proposal and marry her off to someone else. Anyone else. She'd rather go live in the cold and snow of the North. She knew her duty, that she'd never marry for love and that was something she'd long ago come to terms with despite any girlhood fantasy of being swept off her feet. But she wanted to marry someone kind or honorable, someone who, at the very least, would show her respect and guard her dignity.
Aegon was neither kind nor honorable, he would disrespect her for sport and subject her to a slew of indignities as he would never be faithful to her or to stop spending his night lost in his cups. The most she could hope for was for him to quickly give her children and then leave her alone, a rather sad and lonely way to spend the rest of her days.
The thought of living at the Red Keep filled her with dread as well. Everyone was fake, perhaps not Heleana or Aemond but neither of those two seemed to want for a friend or company. The only company she could hope for would be that of the noble ladies and she couldn't stand them as much as they couldn't stand her. Talk of gossip, gawking at cute knights or lords, sewing dresses, the fake friendliness they all exuded, she wasn't suited for it. She would rather spend time with her friends at home,  Jeyne and Cait, who would go on walks with her or draw and read with her, whom the conversation extended past which Lord had taken a mistress that week.
Not to mention it was hotter than she was accustomed to.
The silence between them grew thick and uncomfortable. Lance had not seen his daughter as an independent person since she entered her teen years, moving from an attentive father who seemed to relish in her company to a man who wanted to marry his daughter off to be the broodmare for some noble lord and bring the family new connections. She missed when her father was her papa, when he would play with her and read to her, when she felt safe with him. She looked at him and wondered where that man had gone. Had she done something? Was he deceiving her all along? Was it perhaps something else entirely? It mattered not,  this was the reality she was faced with. It may just take a moment for her to come to terms with it.
"This is the best you could ask for, truly." Lance tapped his fingers against the table and took a swig from his wine. "And, in time, you will become queen."
His last words came slowly and her brow furrowed. Rhaenyra was the heir; everyone knew that. King Viserys had made that clear. Even if she wasn't, Aegon was not meant for the throne. He couldn't be a good king, he didn't know how. There wasn't one good bone in his body. The discipline it would take, the self-control, was something the prince had never possessed.
"Rhaenyra is heir," she answered simply.
Her father chuckled and shook his head, "The realm will not accept her. Law and tradition all dictate that the firstborn son shall take the throne. Once Viserys is dead, Aegon will take the throne and you will be his queen."
"And if I do not wish to be queen?"
The question made the tension boil over; Lance slammed his goblet down on the table. "You will marry him, you have no choice. You are my daughter, you will do as I say."
She swallowed thickly, standing up as tears welled in her eyes. "I'm glad it has served you so, father, that I was born a daughter and not a son." Without another word, she pushed past the guards and left the room.
She paced back and forth, fidgeting with the ring on her finger. The only thing lighting the courtyard was the stars and the light of a few torches. Her room felt suffocating, the pitied looks of her handmaids made her stomach turn. It wasn't hard to sneak out and use pillows to make it seem she was asleep in her bed. Her fingers twisted her ring as she thought.
Perhaps she could run away? She could cut her hair and bind her chest, giving herself to The Wall. She could steal a horse and ride for Dorne, hoping to be shielded there from her father's cruel agreement. Or board a ship and sail far away to some distant place in Essos. Anything to get away from this place. To get away from her future, it made her feel like she was suffocating or being buried alive.
Aemond had arrived at the courtyard with the same purpose. He'd heard the news whispered by servants, and he had his mother confirm it. His world came crashing down around him, though he was better at hiding his inner turmoil than most. His feelings for her, he was starting to recognize, were more than mere attraction and had evolved from the friendship of their youth. He didn't label it yet, afraid to speak into existence because if he did, then it might hurt more. He didn't know if he could stomach seeing Aegon with her, not just because of his feelings towards her,  but because he wanted better for her. He wanted a husband who would see her for what she was, who would respect her, hold to his vows, and be a friend to her.
Aegon would be none of that.
He wanted fresh air, he wanted to hit something really hard with his sword. He wasn't expecting to see her out here as well. He watched silently for a moment, the feelings of anxiety radiating from her were so palpable he could almost taste it. Would it be inappropriate to approach her? After all these years of avoiding her and the distance that had grown between them, it was hard for him to imagine her wanting him there.
His resolve was broken when he saw her lip quivering and her arms wrapping around herself, the sound of the broken sob in her throat that she was trying desperately to silence. He didn't touch her; he simply stood there for a moment until she noticed him.
"Prince Aemond," she straightened up, wiping her eyes quickly.
He swallowed at the formality of her response. "I remember a time when you only addressed me as 'King Almond', even in letters," his voice was soft as he moved closer to her.
Avella laughed at that, eyes still watery from her unshed tears and her throat thick with sobs yet to come, " 'Ella and Almond," she said softly referring to their childhood nicknames.
"You were always the more creative of us," he smiled a rare sight for most but something that was all too common around her.
"I had to be creative. All you did was brood in the library; it would have been dreadfully boring if I hadn't," she smiled softly at him.
A smirk tugged at his lips, "Are you saying you found me boring?"
"You insisted on reading the texts in High Valyrian. I do not speak High Valyrian."
He couldn't help but laugh softly and she joined him. Her tears seemed to subside and he just watched her a moment. She looked beautiful; in the stars and moonlight, she looked like a goddess.
She was a goddess to him, he'd worship at her alter for eternity if only she allowed.
"Mother told me the news."
The last sentence seemed to change the atmosphere between them. He didn't know why the words pushed past his lips when they were so obviously enjoying each other's company. Perhaps it was self-sabotage, hurting himself now so as not to open himself up to hurt in the future.
Her smile faltered and she looked at the ground, a sobering return to reality. "Oh, yes," she wet her lips. There was no use forcing a smile, Aemond would see right through it.
"I..." He didn't know what to say. Apologize? It wasn't his fault and he knew she would remind him as much. Confess his feelings to her? That was crazy and would just make her feel worse or push them further apart. Offer to take her away to Pentos where they can wed in secret? That was even crazier.
"I do not wish to continue with this silence if you are to live in the Keep," he confessed, and it was true. "I have missed your friendship."
Avella nodded, "As I have yours. I have been dreading the loneliness and boredom of this marriage, having my dearest old friend back will make it all the more bearable."
Dearest old friend. Aemond smiled at that, nodding his head. "I think it would do me good as well to have you here again. You have always been kind and caring. A gentle soul would do me good."
She nodded her head, her heart felt full as he talked of her so fondly. She had been worried he no longer cared or that perhaps she did something to ruin the friendship. Questions of why he had shut her out flitted through her mind but she pushed those back, promising herself to ask another time.
"As for boredom, perhaps I can help with that too. You will be a Targaryen by marriage; I think it would do you well to learn our histories. I know how history has always been of interest to you." His words ignited a curiosity inside her belly, an excitement.
"Perhaps you could teach me your family's native tongue as well," Avella asked with a questioning gaze, wondering if he would refuse her request or not.
Aemonds eye twinkled, "Perhaps I could."
She felt emboldened that he accepted her first request, a sly smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Perhaps you could teach me to use a sword."
This time Aemond chuckled softly, nodding his head. "Perhaps I could," he repeated.
It was incredible how fast it seemed their friendship was repaired. It felt the same as when they were young. The atmosphere, the banter, it was easy, and it seemed to simply click back into place in mere moments.
Avella felt relieved that she would not be alone here, that she had her dear friend back. Aemond alone would not be able to cure the loneliness that she was sure to come in her marriage, and she would still miss her friends at home, but it was better than nothing. It was better than simply being stuck with Aegon forever.
"When is the ceremony going to be?" Aemond asked; again, the atmosphere became tense at the reminder, but Avella seemed to be feeling a little more at ease.
"Within the fortnight. We are waiting for my family to reach Kings Landing. My brothers and grandmother are to attend." She spoke, fidgeting with her ring again and worrying her bottom lip with her teeth.
He simply looked at her for a moment. "While it might not offer much in terms of condolences, I will say I am grateful that you are aware of who he is. What is to come would be much more unbearable if you were not."
She nodded, shaking her head with a soft smile, "Ever the pragmatist aren't you?"
"It would be more harmful to you if I was dishonest and pretended that it wasn't what it was."
"I do not disagree. But we are speaking as if I'm marching to my death. Perhaps he will simply ignore me."
They fell into a comfortable silence. His presence was calming to her and knowing she had her best friend back eased her nerves about what was to come. It was that, mixed with the late hour and intense emotions of the day that caused a blanket of exhaustion to fall over Avella.
She yawned, looking at Aemond. "I must go to bed or I will fall asleep here. Will I see you tomorrow?"
He nodded towards her, "You will. Goodnight 'Ella."
Avella couldn't stop the bright smile stretching across her features and Aemond felt his heart stop at the sight.
"Goodnight Almond."
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