mapsontheweb · 1 month
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Percentage of population across the world that identifies as Atheist or Agnostic
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thepersonalwords · 2 months
Spiritual leaders, priests and prophets are lamps burning in the dark, seeking meaning for humanity.
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity
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politicalantibody · 5 months
Atheists and agnostics are more likely to be civically engaged, whereas the unaffiliated religious people are less likely to vote.
"We know politically for example," Smith says, "that religious Nones are very distinctive. They are among the most strongly and consistently liberal and Democratic constituencies in the United States."
AND we finally outnumber the evangelicals and the Catholics!
Read the article, it contains a number of interesting nuggets.
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Gender Class: Agnostimedicina
Gender Containment Procedures: Identification with the in-universe medication of the SCP Foundation known as "agnostics".
Description: Agnostimedicina is part of the scpmedicina umbrella, which represents the various medications used by the SCP Foundation. Agnostics are used to make those who take them doubt themselves and the world, and if administered properly, can completely change one's frame of mind. They are primarily used by the Department of Surrealistics.
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dmvbible · 2 years
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in-sightpublishing · 8 months
Why there’s mainstream silence about freethinkers
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: March 1, 2014 Web Domain: http://www.in-sightpublishing.com Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Journal: In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Journal Founding: August 2, 2012 Frequency: Three (3) Times Per Year Review Status: Non-Peer-Reviewed Access: Electronic/Digital & Open Access Fees: None…
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emperornorton47 · 1 year
As an agnostic, I've seen a tendency for atheists to generalize about Christians. The results of this study do not surprise me.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 months
can't believe garak went from 'hope you have fun following my little breadcrumb trail of maybe-truths doctor it builds character ;)' at the beginning of the show to '*sigh* fuck it here's the whole loaf. the entire fucked up bakery of my soul. if you somehow still wanna have sex with me after this you know where I am, yours in infinite longing etc.' in a stitch in time. has anyone ever been so pathetically horrifically enduringly down bad as garak is for julian (laudatory)
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thebibleanswerguy · 2 years
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sinful-skeptic · 2 months
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Another fine case of “practice what you preach.” It’s not the woman’s fault that you lack self control.
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A lot of people talk about Actual Play podcasts giving unrealistic expectations for TTRPGs (Surprise! Trained Actors improv differently from your average player, and even for indie APs, playing for an audience is completely different from playing among friends)
But I absolutely think that watching other people play CAN inspire new ways to play, in a way you can’t really get elsewhere.
It wasn’t until I listened to Friends at the Table and listened to how Austin Walker narrates the games they play that I considered the potential of treating a TTRPG less like the kind of collaborative improv we normally treat it as, and more like storyboarding.
The major difference being: Austin regularly talks about ‘the camera’. It is practically its own character with how much attention it gets.
“So I’m imagining this like one of those shots where everything kinda freezes in place, and the character is still moving to show the out of body experience they are having right now, and when the scene cuts back, these are the parts that are different.”
“Oh yeah, you open the box, and it’s like that scene in Pulp Fiction. Where we just see this golden glow from what’s coming inside. Your characters know what’s in there now, but I have no idea, we haven’t gotten to that point yet. We will come back to it.”
“Okay you see this symbol, and your character wasn’t there for it so they don’t know what it was, but we the audience can immediately connect it back to this one cult we were dealing with.”
At one point just blatantly goes “Oh man, actually should we change it to this, for a better thematic parallel to what happened in that other session? That might be a really good resolution for your character.”
It’s such an INCREDIBLE example of what you can do by treating the fiction so casually, and like the work in progress it actually is. Genuinely one of the best GM practices I have ever seen, and something that very quickly became a tool I make heavy use of in my campaigns.
The story isn’t a finished product, and it turns out treating it like a draft instead of a finished product makes the game able to do SO MUCH more cool shit.
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thatshortenby · 9 months
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when you realize that this scene was actually very much foreshadowing what would happen later…
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jesusinstilettos · 2 months
Sometimes people demand you justify being an atheist with a 200 page well-sourced thesis on biblical scholarship but one of the reasons I am not a Christian anymore is so fucking simple. It made my life worse. It made me unhealthy mentally. I’ve grown one thousand times more as a person without it. If it were really the one true wisdom from an all knowing infinite god, it would make my life better. And that’s enough proof for me. And it’s a valid reason.
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In the AO3 Demographics Survey 2024 - an unofficial demographics survey of 16,131 AO3 users - 17% of respondents identified as Christian, while 69% identified as having no religion.
To see more analysis, including a list of the common write-in answers for this question, please view the full results on AO3.
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froody · 5 months
I deal with proselytizing by saying “I’m already a Christian, thank you.” and then fixing them with my steely dead-eyed gaze. Yes, the faggot already has found God. Move along.
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articlesminer · 2 years
Opinion | Religion Is Dying? Don’t Believe It
Opinion | Religion Is Dying? Don’t Believe It
Reports of religion’s decline in America have been exaggerated. You’ve heard the story: Churchgoers are dwindling in number while “Nones”—those who tell pollsters they have no religious affiliation—are multiplying as people abandon their faith and join the ranks of atheists and agnostics. Headlines declare that the U.S. is secularizing along the lines of Europe. From Britain’s Daily Mail in 2013:…
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