oleandro-drag · 19 days
going to reblog this so a few things are accessible at least in the notes. first, i forgot to add an image ID. a few people did in reblogs and i appreciate it very much. i've tried to write one based on theirs, open to feedback as i'm new to writing image IDs, i didn't know how much detail to add
ID: photo of two seated early-20s white people on stage in a wash of blue light with a yellow glow on and behind them. there's an olive tree in a pot next to the two people. one person is holding the other - they are wearing a white toga, dangly earring and choker necklace. they have a moustache and are wearing a full face of feminine drag makeup with a smokey eye, shiny eyeliner and blush, and a beauty mark. they also have a brilliant mop of curly red hair. the other person is on his knees and sprawled out on their lap. he is shirtless and wearing a white loincloth, beige trans tape on his chest, and a full face of masculine drag makeup with light foundation and dark angular contour. there's a line underneath one of his eyes where a tear has washed away the foundation. he has a short dark beard and dark hair that is tied back and mostly not visible. there are two arrows sticking out of him, one from his side and one from his shoulder on the opposite side. his eyes are closed. a simple rope is tied around one of his wrists that the other person is gazing down toward - they are untying the rope from his wrist while also holding his hand suspended in air by it. his other hand is hanging loosely from his side with his hand touching the ground - the wrist of that arm has faintly visible rope imprints on it. his head is relaxed and supported by the other person's other hand. they are in front of a screen which has the painting il penteroso by thomas cole projected onto it, a section of which is visible but not clearly due to the lighting - a faint outline of mountains is visible above them. end ID
second, i edited the original post to add this but that doesn't alter reblogs. credits (with instagram handles in the parentheses because we're all mostly active there): the artists on stage are oleandro (oleandro_drag) and delfi oraakel (delfi_oraakel), the photographer is peroksiid (peroksiid). the concept author for the st. sebastian performance was oleandro (aka me) and it's part of the larger production of siinpool sood (siinpoolsood_), directed by elina masing, produced by eli staak, mikk lahesalu & eva maris küngas, and altogether put together by more than 20 people, most of whom are mentioned on my instagram. the project is part of the main program of the european capital of culture tartu 2024
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saint sebastian tended by saint irene but they're both drag artists
felt like this might be something this site would enjoy
on stage: oleandro & delfi oraakel, photographer: peroksiid (on ig as oleandro_drag, delfi_oraakel and peroksiid)
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oleandro-drag · 26 days
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Saint Sebastian tended by Saint Irene but they're both in drag, Siinpool Sood 2024
photographed by @ peroksiid (on ig), edited by me
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oleandro-drag · 26 days
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saint sebastian tended by saint irene but they're both drag artists
felt like this might be something this site would enjoy
on stage: oleandro & delfi oraakel, photographer: peroksiid (on ig as oleandro_drag, delfi_oraakel and peroksiid)
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oleandro-drag · 6 months
endiselt ei ole katoliiklane aga armastan pühakuid, nad lasevad mul abi küsimist harjutada
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oleandro-drag · 7 months
they wanted him dead for his sad brown eyes and his slut waist
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oleandro-drag · 7 months
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ma maksan rohkem kui 19€ :(((
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oleandro-drag · 7 months
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oleandro-drag · 7 months
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