#ANYWAY it’s fine
deliciouskeys · 2 months
First day of a vacation I’m not 100% sure I even want to go on: flight canceled. Next option tomorrow afternoon (same time).
If there’s one more day delay it will become a problem.
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(Not actually crying, just irritated)
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I’ll make another post once I’ve fully finished this project, but in the meantime, I finally did one of my own patterns! I’m pretty pleased with how she came out. I did make some colour swaps, which I’ll make note of in the corresponding post in the future.
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i-may-be-an-emu · 14 days
oh lol i am not having a good time
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cornedbeefhashtags · 9 months
This isn’t actually meant to be commentary, but I opened a Christmas beer from last year just now and momentarily thought it had spoiled before realizing I had just accidentally grabbed an IPA.
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lululawrence · 1 year
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toucanparty · 1 year
I saw that post as being mostly about not applying western fandom drama to non-english-speaking asian fanartists, and not trying to argue about shipping morals over the google-translate language barrier and instead just tips for blocking things you don't want to see, e.g. if theres a specific artist frequently posting a pair you find problematic but who is not tagging it in a blocklistable way. I'm curious what you understood from it that made you upset?
Oh it’s just the fact that there’s this whole ordeal at all…Y’know having to tell people to not do specific things? Like don’t exclude people or be mean to them.I guess that’s why I’m kinda upset.
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vegantoadsoup · 2 years
i was going to say how much i want my hunger games hyper fixation back but then i started thinking about the hunger games and i don’t think it ever left and also maybe it’s a special interest
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emgoesmed · 2 years
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My neurology shelf exam got postponed again due to the upcoming crazy snowstorm, until the end of winter break. Just gotta keep chugging along. Vacation will still be a much-needed rest, I refuse to study the whole time 😤
grocery store -> sugar cookie ingredients!
clean, vacuum, laundry
bake cookies w/ the roomies! :D
pack for weekend holiday trip to see family
date night <3 <3
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comical-icicle · 1 year
@exist101 I blame you for this idea
Basically a small story of Steamworks, mainly centered around Zack, Sprocket, and Sully before the events of the island. Under a keep reading because I got carried away
Sully’s Garage had strong metal pipes running through the place, transporting water and heat from the furnace- located in the corner of the building- around the place and to Sully’s Steam-Powered Paraphernalia, the pipes were kept separated, curving around one another whenever they intended to overlap in locations. Crates of mechanical parts were spread around the place and a few screws had fallen out, glinting against the light provided, while the tools were neatly hung up near a table with gears and a small can of oil. Since many of the machines the islanders have created were steam-powered, the oil was only used to make sure that the metal wouldn’t rust but it was also the strongest smell in the garage.
The sound of metal clanking against metal filled the air of the garage as a young man worked to adjust one part of the machine he was working on. The man had red hair and pale skin, though his face had freckles revealing the time in the sun he had spent previously. His brown gloves currently wielding a wrench as the suit was leaned down in front of him. Sighing he ran his fingers through his hair, the tangles getting caught and the man winced at the accidental tug. He attached the wrench to the toolbelt that hung loosely around his waist as he moved to grab the welding equipment, thankfully having enough sense to readjust his goggles - circular ones with a gold tint around the lenses- over his eyes. His brown welding jacket and heavy brown boots had already been put on over his light blue shirt and dark blue pants. There was only a moment of hesitation as he glanced over at the garage door, making sure no one was paying a surprise visit before having the device hum to life and he did brief segments to weld the two metal pieces together, making sure to look away right before each push of the button.
The machine itself was a maintenance mech, a mech suit that the young man had designed to be multi-functional. What the multi-functions were? He didn’t quite know yet, but that was the fun of being an inventor, trying out and designing new attachments. However, the suit itself wasn’t quite done yet. The young man huffed and went to the chalkboard, quickly scribbling down the two parts he still needed. The two parts would be easy to install and were all ready to go, the mech crank was currently in his room as he had pulled an all-nighter to finally get it done but had just forgotten it when it was time to head down to the garage and the steam motor were sold by Sully, another inventor that let him rent out her garage.
The sound of a propellor approaching suddenly filled the young man’s ears along with the faint sound of footsteps following behind. A loud squeak was heard as the mechanism he was standing on was lowered to the ground, followed up with an almost human but the electrical buzz giving away the machine, “Zaaaack!”
Zack turned to the two figures approaching with a smile and a small wave. The first that quickly approached, stopping just before crashing into him, was a robot he had built that he had named Sprocket. Sprocket was a smaller robot, at least compared to ones the other inventors have been building around town, but had more expressions that Zack had built in with a system where Sprocket would have his head blocked from view by metal plating, similar to a knight’s helmet movement, before coming back into view with the different emotion. Sprocket also had two spindly arms and was light in weight. Considering that his main way of moving was to use his propellor to fly, this was not a surprise. The second figure was another short haired red head with pale skin, Sully. Her goggles were adjusted to the top of her head and had a brown vest with a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, wearing similar pants and boots to the ones Zack was wearing, and had a more peach-like color for the lipstick she wore. In her hand was a small bottle filled with water.
“Thanks for letting me borrow Sprocket for a bit. He’s been a lot of help and the customers love him.” Sully said, handing him the bottle of water, which Zack gladly accepted as he now realized just how thirsty he was. He shrugged as he struggled to open the bottle with gloved hands and responded, “It’s no trouble, Sprocket likes your shop so he never really gets bored there. Technically, I should be thanking you for watching him while I was busy.”
Sully glanced behind Zack and over at the Maintenance Mech with a raised brow. She commented, “Ah, still working on your latest project I see.”
“Yeah, it’s been-“ Zack was saying before being cut off by Sprocket saying, “Three months and fifteen days.”
A look over at the powered down machine had Sprocket add, “and counting.”
Zack laughed at that before finally managing to get the bottle open and taking a sip of the water before pulling the bottle away and stare at it for a moment. Tilting her head, Sully asked if something was wrong. Shaking his head, Zack responded that the water just tasted a little strange, but may have been from his lack of drinking anything all day. He pretended not to notice the disapproving stare down that Sully gave him as he awkwardly took another sip.
“Well, what else do you need to do before I finally get my garage back?” She asked, returning to her usual state with a playful jab of her elbow to Zack’s arm. It didn’t hurt, but he still rubbed the area that was hit. Zack responded that he just needed a steam motor from Sully’s store and the mech crank at his home and then he would have all the parts he would need to complete the device. His eyebrows raised as a low hiss of an inhale was heard and he asked if something was wrong. Sully’s face scrunched up slightly as she informed Zack, “I wish you told me earlier, I just sold the last one. They’re installing them into the bridges to help them raise and lower more smoothly.”
His face fell at the news and let out a small sigh. Not wanting to see Zack in such a sad state, Sprocket piped up, “Well, the factory should be making a fresh batch since they’re so popular right now. You could get one then!”
“Yeah, I’ll place an order and store one away. Shouldn’t be a problem.” Sully added with a small nod. Zack lifted his head and gave the two of them an excited smile, “Really? You’d do that for me?”
“Of course, you’re my best friend!” That came from Sprocket.
”Yeah, you’ve been stinking up my garage. Need to get you out before it’s permanent for future customers.” That came from Sully.
Zack let out a small laugh before setting his toolbelt on the table and suggesting, “Hey, why don’t we take a walk around town? I heard they were installing a new platform system.”
“That’s what you’re excited about? I’ve seen it and it looks like it’s gears would stop turning in… I give it about a year.” Sully responded, crossing her arms. Shrugging, Zack told her that he still wanted to see it, and maybe they could suggest improvements if it was really that bad which made her wave her hand in dismissal and say, “Well, you have fun, but I should head back to shop. Captain Ziggs is supposed to come by some time today and I don’t want to miss him.”
“I can go with you, Zack!” Sprocket offered, which made Zack smile and nod. After their plans were made, the three walked out of the garage, leaving behind the strong smell of oil and the faint smell of freshly cut grass behind.
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brandnewdress · 1 year
I still think about that limited edition folklore hoodie I had that my mum accidentally donated to charity
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hinamie · 7 days
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10 years later
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nipuni · 4 months
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"I am a higher dimension life form, I am a complex space-time event"
A step by step process of this will be available at my Patreon next month, you can find prints of my work at my Store 😊
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cryptocism · 3 months
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"just as I did, in 1983."
you'd never know my favourite parts of the show are the fucked up insane bits when my first instinct is to draw the cheesiest thing imaginable
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swordbisexual · 5 months
“Joan In The Garden” by the Decemberists is a Vissenta/Gale song. If you care.
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froggydraws · 4 months
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happy pride from Paris' superheroes
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