trannyfutch · 6 days
“Malgendering when trans men use it is just them trying to claim they move through the world like cis women and are therefore incapable of harm” what are you TALKING ABOUT
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trannyfutch · 11 days
LOADING SCREEN TIP: any character, regardless of their gender in canon, can be made more interesting by becoming transmasculine
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trannyfutch · 11 days
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I think the above screenshots (taken from this post) are a great example of how transandrophobia functions: A combination of misogyny, anti-masculinity, and transphobia, intersecting in a way that specifically targets trans men & mascs.
It is transphobic to say that medically transitioning, or transness in itself, is a mental illness. If you believe someone's trans identity is a mental illness in need of "treatment," you are a transphobe. Particularly the first one, saying that the "wrong kind" of transness should be illegal. That is an incredibly horrific thing to say no matter what, and especially given the current political situation for trans people.
Trans men are men, but claiming or implying that trans men are inherently "hysterical," "emotionally unstable," or "insane" is still rooted in misogyny. There is a long history of women, or people who were thought to be women, being discriminated against through being labeled as hysterical. Even people who affirm that trans men are men may subconsciously hold these views about women, as well as people who were AFAB, and can reinforce this form of misogyny.
These comments, stating that trans men are mentally unwell and unstable, are using misogynistic ideas against trans men. In addition, people with BPD (which is often treated with mood stabilizers) in particular face misogynistic treatment from both mental health professionals and society in general. (You can read more about this here and here)
(Bonus: Ableism. These comments are also cruel to people with already stigmatized mental health conditions like BPD or bipolar disorder. And ableism often goes along with transandrophobia; for example, the panic over "confused autistic girls identifying as men.")
The basis for both of these comments, as well as the other comments in the post this was taken from, is the hatred of men- including, and especially, trans men. Both testosterone and manhood itself are demonized in these comments, as though being a man (on T) is a problem that, if "untreated" by mood stabilizers, will make trans men dangerous, abusive, and misogynistic.
Not only do these commenters hate men, they have a particular hatred for trans men. After all, the comments don't say "men without mood stabilizers should be illegal," it specifies trans men. It doesn't say "Anyone with a testosterone dominant endocrine system, please go on mood stabilizers," (or to be less transmisogynistic, "any man with a testosterone dominant endocrine system, please go on mood stabilizers").
These people believe that all men are bad, but trans men are even worse. They believe that a trans man on T is more dangerous than a cis man with naturally high testosterone levels. The hatred of men affects all men, yes, but disproportionately affects marginalized men.
These statements aren't just transphobic ("trans people, please go on mood stabilizers once you go on HRT"). These statements aren't just misogynistic ("AFABs without mood stabilizers should be illegal"). They aren't just anti-masculine, as they hate trans men more than cis men. These statements are a specific and unique combination of transphobia, misogyny, and anti-masculinity: That is to say, transandrophobia.
Obviously, these issues exist on a much larger scale than a couple of people being assholes on tiktok, and have very real, severe effects on trans men & mascs. But these comments were a good, clear example of the different aspects of transandrophobia and how they intersect.
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trannyfutch · 24 days
to be honest society hasn’t had enough time to develop widely used transmasc specific slurs because for a lot of history they have been calling us bitches, cunts, hags, dykes, etc. instead. So your lack of knowledge about transmasc history and suffering isn’t because the suffering didn’t exist, it’s because the trans people before us weren’t allowed to.
and don’t worry, they are eager to catch up anyway.
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trannyfutch · 30 days
sometimes I wonder if people remember that:
'tranny voice' - even shortened to 't voice' - was something that specifically targeted trans men and like, the whole brand of harassing 'transtrenders' applied to trans men as equally as it did trans women, and our king [sarcasm] kalvin garrah was the main driving force of anti-trans masculine rhetoric such as 'you can't have big boobs' 'you can't like your boobs' 'you can't wear colours' 'you can't dye your hair' 'you can't be effeminate' 'tranny voice' 'you can't have a weird name' 'you can't be disabled' 'a real trans man wouldn't say that' and so on, bolstered by mega transphobes blair white and arielle scarcella
when we're told we aren't actually targeted in any specific way when, yes actually, we were and are targeted in specific ways, but the only people who talk[ed] about it were other trans men, trans mascs, and nonbinary people who were specifically targeted by this trans medicalist rhetoric, and then trans women who stood up for us were [and still are] told that they were 'forcibly transing little girls'
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trannyfutch · 1 month
Hey transmascs insecure about the T changes: the tummy fat is hot, the ass hair is VERY hot, the occasional voice cracks are hot, the patchy facial hair is hot, the way you smell is hot, the way you sweat is hot. Obviously external validation isn't everything but I assure you that whatever aspect you are thinking 'what if this is gross or ugly' there is someone who wants to fuck obscene nasty style because of that aspect.
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trannyfutch · 1 month
Being a trans man is fun because your entire life no one ever takes your feelings seriously and instead chalks you up as being hormonal and hysterical. If you're perceived as female, then any time you show any extreme emotion, you're brushed aside and asked if you're on your period. And then once you start testosterone, any time you show any extreme emotion you're not taken seriously and you're reactions are chalked down to the "poison" you're taking. You're never treated as a person with agency and the ability to express yourself on your own.
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trannyfutch · 1 month
many of you need to be asking yourself “would this statement be homophobic coming from the mouth of a conservative?” and then the followup “why do i think my identity absolves me of this?” . i am talking specifically about your comments about gay men btw
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trannyfutch · 2 months
It annoys me how much straight people are left out of being considered queer
Some trans people are straight. Some aromantics are straight. Some asexuals are straight. They are still queer and should not be erased.
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trannyfutch · 2 months
“what if kids identify with something and it ends up just being a phase-?” good. stop teaching and expecting kids (and adults honestly) to formulate permanent traits and ideas of themselves. everything in life is a phase. that doesn’t make it any less legitimate while you experience it. let people explore themselves and know it’s okay if what you think about yourself changes.
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trannyfutch · 2 months
I've seen multiple posts where people bring up the statistical evidence of trans men's high rates of poverty, suicide, sexual assault etc. and although these things are super important its fucking infuriating that we have to bring out the fucking scientific studies in order for people to maybe give a shit about what happens to us.
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trannyfutch · 2 months
Idk who needs to hear this but everything that happens to cis women happens to trans men. It doesn't stop just because we use he/him.
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trannyfutch · 2 months
Yes, absolutely dismantle the gender binary. BUT dont forget to dismantle the sex binary too. Intersex people exist and they regularly get ignored in both queer and non-queer spaces. There are NOT only two sexes, and us perisex trans people CAN NOT forget that or else we will become like our oppressors, people who say there are only two genders and that what you are born as is what you must stay as. Intersexism must be stopped.
Love you all and have fun destroying society’s utterly limiting expectations of our minds and bodies 🫰
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trannyfutch · 2 months
shut up about how easy you think it is for transmascs to pass challenge
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trannyfutch · 2 months
"transandrophobia isn't real/a good term, what you are ACTUALLY experiencing are these seven other words that all of you already know about and use when describing transandrophobia. I just think you should exclusively use a bunch of miscellaneous other terms instead of every having one word you can use to talk about transmasculine oppression as a unified experience."
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trannyfutch · 2 months
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Continues to be true.
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trannyfutch · 2 months
Imagine unironically calling the entire transmasc community “home to the most annoying type of guys” and thinking you’re not a raging transphobe
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