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threads-and-pages · 1 year ago
Young trans men will come online, looking for community, guidance, and support only to be pushed away and mocked for expressing any vulnerability and insecurity, as if they were naive to think they deserved any ounce of care.
The cruelty is especially jarring when it's presented as some sort of common sense. Is it common sense to tell trans boys, because some of these people are boys, 13-15-17 years old, that they should expect and accept adversarial reactions because of their boyhood and masculinity because that's just what being a man is?
These are trans people, trans children, which everyone seems to care about so much when it comes to legislation, but a lot less when they actually express needs and wants beyond 'I wanna be alive'
why can't trans boys be met with comfort when they express their pain to older members of the community?
What kind of trans elder are you going to be if in your twenties and thirties you are telling trans boys that it's normal for other queer and trans people to isolate them because of their gender?
A shit elder, that's what you are going to be, a shit fucking elder who at best will be left alone in your toxic circles and at worst will actively harm younger trans people.
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years ago
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people be fucking normal abt ftm bottom surgery challenge.
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grrrrrrrbarkbarkbark · 23 days ago
Thinking about the 'why would trans men want/need access to women's spaces' and the person who orgianlly brought it up saying "if you were a fully out trans man and you were offered a Women's STEM Scholarship should a trans man take it?"
Hi! That happened to me! I was misgendered as a women so that way my school could offer me that shit (only diffrnece it was a woman in trade scholirship) despite being out 100% in school. I personally didn't apply because I had no intrest in continuing being in trade. But if I had? I wouldn't have been fucking able to. You know why? Because I would of had forced myself back in the closet to keep that full tuition scholarship. It was spefically a womens scholarship. And there ARE no/barely any (been awhile since I checked) scholarships for fucking trans mascs. The reasons that a trans masc wouldn't take that is because as soon as he was himself he would risk losing it. Because it is a women's space he's not allowed into while also having 0 alternatives for a trans masc space he is allowed to be in. He should have opportunity for a similar scholarship. But he doesn't.
So your asking "should he be allowed to take the scholarship and have to go back in the closet for 2+ years OR should he not be able to and have no choices for continuing his education."
That's what your asking. Which is a bat shit insane thing to ask instead of "how can I support trans masc people so they arent forced into this situation? Why is it that trans mascs are forced into places that are called "Women's spaces" and undergo psychology violence to be there? Is there any sort of scholarship fund to support these people?"
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autismdogg · 1 year ago
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Build-A-Bear vending machine, JFK Airport (Terminal 4)
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will80sbyers · 1 year ago
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Extracts from “ Boy, Girl, Boy, Girl... A Bi Chronology” by M. S. Montgomery in the Issue n° 16 of ATM (1998)
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yeahiwasintheshit · 9 months ago
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a-polite-melody · 1 year ago
“Omg the transandrobros trying to make autoandrophilia (AAP) a thing are so transmisogynistic. They see the transmisogynistic theory of autogynephilia (AGP) and say ‘how can I make this about me?’ There’s nothing here to reclaim for you, you’re just stealing valour from transmisogyny.”
Way to just make a bunch of assumptions.
There absolutely is a concept that’s been weaponized against gay transmascs from medical bs around transition (it was basically impossible for lesbian transfems, as well as gay transmascs, to transition in the US at least until the 1980s; look up Lou Sullivan for more on that) to social media callouts, dogpiles, and doxxings. It is a concept that doesn’t have a formalized name like AGP (though a quick google search shows that prominent people who speak about AGP have been using AAP in conjunction with AGP since 2009) but is a concept which is similar to that of AGP and used in some similar ways against transmascs as AGP is against transfems.
One place you can very easily find this attitude (to go back to the stuff about social media, though there are implications beyond the scope of just social media here) is baked into the transmed “criticism” of gay/mlm transmascs/AFAB nonbinary people which featured (unfortunately) pretty prominently in the tumblr trans world for a long time, and while it may not be nearly as prominent now, it’s still around and easy to find if you look specifically for transmed stuff. Hell, it moved out of transmed spaces and became a tumblr-wide phenomenon of harassing (and worse) the “fujoshis”—these gross women who were so fetishistic of gay men and into gay fanfic and bl manga they deluded themselves into thinking they’re the gay boys in their favourite anime—in the name of protecting the trans community and the gay community from these infiltrators and walking conversion therapy fakebois.
I denied that I was transmasc for so long because I was worried that this “phenomenon of delusional women tricking themselves into thinking they’re men to absolve themselves the guilt of being fetishistic creeps toward gay men, reinforced by encouraging each other into the delusions” was an actual, real thing I needed to worry about, and that I might have been falling into this trap.
I worried, because the world was telling me that this (though not called the phrase) AAP phenomenon existed at the same time as when I had to actually like… actually fully delve into learning about the LGBTQ+ community after realizing I was bi to even know that being trans in a way that was something other than MTF even existed. It made more sense to me that I, while actively trying not to, was actually internally fetishizing gay men and falling into delusions than it did for me to be transmasc, because being transmasc seemed like hardly even a thing while the problem of these “fujoshis” seemed like something huge.
But yes. Absolutely nothing to reclaim here. Only wanting to steal valour from trans women and be big huge transmisogynists by making trans women’s problems into our own, not talking about any actual problems transmascs actually have because we don’t have those kinds of problems because some dumbass on the internet says so. (/this whole paragraph is sarcasm)
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years ago
te/rfs and transphobes on tik tok are currently losing their mind over an older trans man saying “hey the laws you wanna pass that would put trans women in the men’s bathroom would also put me in the women’s bathroom” and all their responses have basically been that he’s a predator and that if they saw him there they would physically assault him. so yeah i don’t ever wanna hear ppl say “oh these laws won’t affect trans men” or “trans men only have to deal with infantilization, not actual violence” bc there is at least one example out there of the above actually happening.
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grrrrrrrbarkbarkbark · 2 years ago
This pride month I'm inviting everyone to partake in a challenge called "Stop Being Werid about Transmascs"
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tokumon · 7 months ago
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ATM Grumer from Boonboomger ep. 19
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2plolohs · 5 months ago
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I just made a bunch of text posts but this one to me is so fucking funny I needed her to have a solo post
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lonestarflight · 5 months ago
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Utilization of current hardware for Apollo Applications program, including the Dry Workshop (aka Skylab) and extended Apollo missions to Earth orbit and the moon.
Date: October 14, 1969
NASA ID: 69-H-1901 (aka NASA HQ MR69-6334)
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ezzypop · 8 months ago
Speaking of crashbox hotel…
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You can tell I got a little lazy towards the end
(Plus a small spelling mistake behind manager. “Midievil”😔)
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years ago
i need some of y'all to consider that maybe the reason you're celebrated, welcomed, and prioritized in trans spaces isn't bc you're trans masc but bc you're white, thin, and conventionally attractive.
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zestys-stuff · 2 years ago
A bit of drunk Ralak i’ve drawn recently👌🏻 Quote belongs to @tiredmamaissy, check out her impeccable work❤️
Please accept my kind offer, thank you🙇🏻‍♀️
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posthumanwanderings · 12 days ago
[ Cybergirl (2001): S1E6 Six pt.3 ]
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