not-a-committee · 6 years
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Two Tom(s) and Two Chris(s) play F*ck Marry Kill with Pratt, Evans and Hemsworth.
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not-a-committee · 6 years
Fandometrics In Depth: The Avengers
This post is entirely spoiler free for anyone who has yet to see Avengers: Infinity War.
It’s finally here. A cinematic event ten years in the making, the entire Marvel cinematic universe collides in today’s release of Avengers: Infinity War. After a solid decade of theory after theory, we will finally know who lives, who dies, and if Stucky will ever be canon.
With more than 16 million engagements, #Marvel is the fifth most popular brand on Tumblr in 2018 thus far—right behind #BTS, #Voltron: Legendary Defender, and #Overwatch. To celebrate, let’s take a look back at which Avengers have dominated the Marvel conversation.
The people behind the superheroes
When it comes to the MCU, there’s a trope of naming the films after the main superhero’s alter ego. To separate the films from the characters as much as we could, we’re using a strict real name policy for this list. It’s no surprise that Tumblr’s first boyfriend, Loki, takes top honors. Following him by less than 1% is our favorite memelord and STEM superstar, Shuri. Here’s the full breakdown:
Loki | 14.54%
Shuri | 13.74%
Bucky Barnes | 13.53%
Tony Stark | 12.53%
Steve Rogers | 12.01%
T’Challa | 10.46%
Peter Parker | 10.31%
Okoye | 5.94%
Thor Odinson | 4.19%
Bruce Banner | 2.75%
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Also the people behind the superheroes
Two years ago, Sebastian Stan was declared Tumblr’s newest boyfriend. What a trend! Right behind him is Tom Holland, who was the No. 1 celebrity on Tumblr back in 2017. The rest of the list reads like a beautiful poem full of people we cherish:
Sebastian Stan | 19.96%
Tom Holland | 16.97%
Tom Hiddleston | 13.48%
Chris Evans | 12.4%
Chadwick Boseman | 11.21%
Danai Gurira | 5.78%
Chris Hemsworth | 5.44%
Letitia Wright | 5.2%
Robert Downey Jr. | 4.97%
Benedict Cumberbatch | 4.6%
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Tony Stark is very shippable
If you follow our weekly ships list, you’re probably familiar with Stucky, but the rest of the list might surprise you. In a Fandometrics first, we have a three-way ship—a.k.a. a thruple (!)—on the list. Congratulations, thruple shippers! And congratulations to Tony Stark, who appears in 60% of the top ten ships.
Stucky (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes) | 34.56%
Stony (Steve Rogers x Tony Stark) | 23.27%
Thorki (Thor x Loki) | 22.93%
Winteriron (Bucky Barnes x Tony Stark) | 4.78%
Romanogers (Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers) | 3.87%
Frostiron (Loki x Tony Stark) | 3.44%
Pepperony (Pepper Potts x Tony Stark) | 2.16%
Starkquill (Tony Stark x Peter Quill) | 1.82%
Stuckony (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Tony Stark) | 1.69%
Clintasha (Clint Barton x Natasha Romanoff) | 1.48%
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The war is not over
For more Infinity War content, start with the official Marvel blog (@marvelentertainment) and then after you see the film, may we suggest:
Avengers Memes (@avengersmemes) to laugh off all your feels.
Texts From the Avengers (@textsfromthe-avengers) for last night’s texts, unclassified by S.H.I.E.L.D.
Alex Cho (@arexcho)’s Avengers series for a soft look at tough heroes.
The Infinity War art tag, which is already bursting with odes to Steve Rogers’ beautiful beard.
With a movie this long in the making, we kindly remind you to tag your spoilers (and filter those tags from your dash!).
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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It will come in handy, you’ll see.
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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not-a-committee · 6 years
Oh so delightful! I love the juxtaposition between the time periods. Han texting Leia during a meeting is so believable!
Thank you so much for sharing this! 💕
Boring meeting anyway
Winter’s voice was back in Leia’s head.
You’re just about to try crushing his head, aren’t you?
The thought distracted her momentarily from the drone of Jan Dodonna’s update. He was a capable leader, and a respected elder, but his monotonic delivery and penchant for excruciating detail made it difficult for even Leia to feign interest for long periods of time. Especially when most of his update was data she’d already reviewed herself. Winter’s voice in her head was right; she had been on the verge of playing that old mental parlor trick she’d used in the Imperial Senate to keep her brain amused.
Instead, she took a moment to glance around the room, where the meeting participants were having varying levels of success at hiding their boredom. Hells, even Mon looked like she was struggling to keep her eyes open; she kept blinking at odd moments.
When did you start saying “Hells,” Leia?
It’s just an expression, Winter.
A Corellian expression, am I right?
There are a lot of Corellians in the Alliance.
But only one whom you’d rather be picturing right about now.
Nice try, Leia. 
Jan moved on to a diagram of ship movements across the sector, another report that Leia had already reviewed prior to the meeting. She took the opportunity to shift in her seat, successfully stifling a yawn. Her datapad vibrated, indicating an incoming message, and she nearly jumped when she read it.
Your sabacc face ain’t bad, Princess.
Keep reading
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not-a-committee · 6 years
Excerpt: Of Close Calls & Near Misses
I have been working on what was supposed to be a ficlet for about a month now. It’s been about five different stories and has a life all its own. I never write plot! But here’s an excerpt of what I hope to finish sometime soon. I figure if I put a tiny piece out there, it will help push me along. It’s a pre-ESB mission fic. Well, at least today it is. ;)
Happy Scoundress Saturday!
The first time she’d tagged along on one of his assignments he'd made a stupid crack about how she just couldn't stand to be apart from him for even just a night, and she’d responded with some spiel about providing adult supervision as to ensure he didn’t get himself blown up or shot down or whatever other demise she'd imagined for him that day. Oh, princess, I didn’t know you cared. She’d huffed and rolled her eyes and walked off.
It was all part of their usual rigamarole, and he played along, exhausting as it was, because that's what they did and that's how they did it. This was how he kept her in his life: at arm’s length. Anything closer and she might pull away.
And so she’d come along, and the mission had gone well and ahead of schedule. From then on, there wasn’t really anything to question whenever she’d invite herself or they’d get assigned the same task. He figured maybe she thought they worked well together, in a strictly professional capacity, of course. Because, in truth, they did.
Or maybe she really did think that the only reason he didn’t get blown up or shot down or suffer some other sort of directional death was because of her. A proposition that only led him to the dangerous belief that she actually did care, perhaps even in the way he cared for her.
But today—today was something different.
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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Carrie Fisher on the set of The Empire Strikes Back
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not-a-committee · 6 years
Congrats on your 50th, KR! It is steamy and delicious, and I can’t wait for part two. :)
Rated M for explicit language and sexual content. 
I am celebrating my fiftieth story posted on FFN with a two-part smut story.
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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My favorite photos of my favorite OTP
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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Mulder and Scully through the seasons + hands 
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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Worlds of the Star Wars Universe (insp)
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not-a-committee · 6 years
This is so, so beautiful @lajulie24 . How did you pack so much pretty into this?! The "dozen shattered pieces of Princess Leia" -- what a tragically gorgeous line.
I love little moments like this and I really love reading from Leia's perspective (because I can't write it, so I depend on others to do so ;)). Thank you for sharing! 💕
A different way to be
Leia was reaching to place the pins in the back of her hair when she stopped and stared at her reflection in the Falcon’s ‘fresher mirror.  
It was a small thing, insignificant next to nearly anything else that had taken place over the last eight days, but still it seemed so strange that she’d not noticed it before: the woman staring back at her was intact. Whole.
She’d gotten so used to the mirror she’d hung in her quarters on Hoth, a silver circle cracked so badly from the cold that it had become a web of jagged fault lines. Every morning on base she’d used it to apply her makeup and pin up her hair, learning to ignore the distortions, the dozen shattered pieces of Princess Leia looking back at her as she worked. Making do.
On first glance, her reflection now might suggest she was still making do, her white snowsuit abandoned for a borrowed t-shirt and pants, her face naked of makeup, the braids she had paused in arranging the only nod to her previous routine. But Leia felt more herself now than she had in a long time. More…real, somehow.
It was wonderful. It was terrifying.
It would be easy to say that it was just about the sex, the thrill, that she’d indulged in a brief fling facilitated by close quarters and a broken hyperdrive, a passionate detour into a dream that could never be. That this Leia was a temporary one, to be replaced as soon as she returned to the fleet.  That the words he’d said so tenderly into her ear last night—I love you, Leia, min larel—were either the sweet lies of a dashing scoundrel or the delusions of a man caught in a dream world himself. That he’d fallen in love with someone else, some idea of a Leia who didn’t exist.
It would certainly be simpler if those things were true, any of them. If he hadn’t told her he loved her, all the shards of Leia from before, the living woman before him, all of it. If she hadn’t heard, felt the promise in his heartbeat wild against her chest, the green-gold of his eyes, his brow furrowed in tender seriousness, his soft voice against her ear. If his words hadn’t given her the very thing she was afraid to want, and wanted anyway.
The person falling here is me, she admitted to her reflection, even if she couldn’t yet say it to him. She returned to her task, watching herself in the mirror, and smiled.
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not-a-committee · 6 years
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exhibit a: 
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not-a-committee · 6 years
i have three chickens: kylo hen, hen solo, and heneral clucks
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