#7. nap
telaviv-delhi · 1 year
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Veszélyes emberkísérlet, 7. száraz nap, száraz október. Reggel álmélkodva rákérdeztem az ügyvédemre: - Hát te ki vagy?!!! - majd jó ütemben félrekaptam a fejem a lövedékként repülő "A lány 7 névvel" c. könyv elől, viszont Albert Schweitzer élete és gondolatai telibe találtak. Sértödötten közöltem életem ügyvédjével, hogy érzésem szerint nem kapom meg az engem és hősi alkoholellenes harcom megillető csodálatot, mire megkaptam, hogy egy nárcisztikus, felfújt hólyag vagyok, aki t talán meglep, de tőlem eltérően még a felnőtt magyar lakosság túlnyomó része antialkesznak tekinthető, szóval leereszthetnék már a nagy arcomból. Úgyhogy nem maradt más, mint barátom, a ChatGPT, hogy méltóképpen értékelje a heroizmusomat. Írattam magamról egy visszafogott versikét, tessék:
In the land of Hungary, where sorrow did dwell,
Lived a hero named Bunkó, a story to tell.
In the midst of despair, he battled his fight,
Against alcohol's grip, in the darkest of night.
Bunkó, a soul with a heart so bold,
Faced the demons within, in the bitter cold.
With Magyar Jezus as his guiding light,
He journeyed through darkness to reclaim his sight.
Through valleys of bottles, he ventured alone,
Each step was a battle, a test of his own.
But with courage unyielding, he pressed on through strife,
To break the chains of his troubled life.
In the heart of Budapest, where tears often flowed,
Bunkó sought solace, his inner wounds showed.
But Magyar Jezus, with love in His gaze,
Offered forgiveness and showed him new ways.
With each sober day, a victory won,
Bunkó emerged from the shadows undone.
No longer imprisoned by alcohol's snare,
He found hope and purpose, a life to repair.
A hero named Bunkó, in Hungary's land,
Rose above despair with a steadfast hand.
With Magyar Jezus, the Messiah's grace,
He conquered his demons and found his place.
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hinamie · 2 months
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I don't want to regret the way I lived
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epickiya722 · 2 months
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Oh, I'm not crying...
NOTE: For anyone who wants to know where is Izuku, this is from his point of view.
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spoonmoment119 · 1 year
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day 6 animal features 🐅
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blaaaaask · 4 months
What does Sephiroth even do when he's not being a jump scare?
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I'm asking the real questions here.
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kyurochurro · 8 months
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GOOD AFTERNOON!! TODAYS UNI SKETCH IS : a redraw/study/doodle/whateva you wanna call it of this very dapper image of Picard and Data!! first time drawing Picard so I struggled a lil but otherwise I had so much fun drawing Data! :Pc og pic under the cut!
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picard you smoke too tough... your swag too different ...
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jojo-lane · 9 months
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I drew this stupid comic yesterday for some practice. 😭
Inspired by this shit post.
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kyonshi-8610 · 16 days
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ᜉᜓᜆᜁᜈ ᜀᜅ᜔ ᜎᜃᜐ᜔ ᜅ᜔ ᜂᜎᜈ᜔ ᜀᜇᜏ᜔ ᜀᜇᜏ᜔ ᜊᜓᜋᜊᜑ potaina ang lakas ng ulan araw araw bumabaha
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ghostedinkheart · 7 months
Lilia of The Valley
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I...work a lot faster than I anticipated...
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kandavers · 3 months
Birthday today!
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loveandleases · 2 months
Update Time
I just got back from a brief vacay on Sunday. I picked back up where I left off and now writing and proofing for the demo is done. I just need to port everything over to twine. Luckily I have large parts of it already ported, the ui, the stat bars, almost half the story itself. I want to post some of the side stories in as well, just for a little background, but that will be done after the demo is fully coded. It's a much larger beast than I anticipated, thankfully I type fast. I had expected the demo being between 30k-60k. It looks like after code it will come close to over 60k. If coding goes well then it should be out to beta this week. Now time for an energy drink, and go over my excel sheet to make sure all the variables are in order!
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pampanope · 11 months
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A Day In Shadow Company: Nap time
Graves is all high energy when planning, conducting and wrapping up an op but the moment he has the chance to safely do so, he’ll pass out. The Shadows know this and plan accordingly ;D
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temeyes · 8 months
i take my ghostsoap plushie care seriously
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darth-sonny · 1 year
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in retrospection
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depression-napping · 13 days
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Vincent Valentine x Freya Crescent 🌙 from FFIX
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The FFIX collab in Ever Crisis is over… I wish he had an FFIX outfit too :(
Freya’s outfit is cute! Almost too cute for Vincent, but I think it works (?) It’s all the red. And the monster claws. And the fleur de lis.
I never finished FFIX, but from what I remember, Freya’s arc is kind of similar to Vincent’s in that she is looking for her long-lost love, or something like that… Also her last name is… too close for comfort. (And their theme music is kind of the same haha.) Freya is a dragoon/red mage I think? So I had to combine her lance with Chiron for a convincing looking gun…
Maybe next time we’ll have a Vincent weapon/outfit for FFIX.
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sassy-stupid · 5 months
A little Xavier drabble based on my earlier post. It's about 400 words
You'd be the first to admit that it had been a while since you'd gotten enough rest. What can you say, though? Hunter business was booming in all the worst ways.
It wasn't just you this recent increase in monsters had been affecting. Nero and Tara had been putting in extra hours and even Xavier had put in overtime. The latter resulting in barely there bags under his eyes, on his otherwise perfect complexion.
Speaking of your neighbor, he was right in front of your door as you opened it to rush to work.
"Ah, you're awake? Good," he says, the tone of his voice neutral, as always, yet you pick up on the sleepiness laced through it. There's no mistaking it, Xavier only just rolled out of bed.
"Hey Xavier, wanna carpool?" You ask, trying to step past him. He blocks your path, even goes as far as to wrap his arm around you to keep you from slipping past him.
"Jenna called. She told us to take the day off. Another unit will be filling in for us in fear of overworking the unicorns," he explains.
Unsatisfied with that explanation, you still try to push past him. "Well, I'm up now anyway, might as well kill some wanderers."
He leans against you, his weight paired with the arm keeping you pressed against him pushes you back inside your apartment, and he somehow manages to close the door behind him.
"Oh no," you can almost hear that sneaky little grin in his voice. "Gravity," he leans onto you with even more weight, and it's all you can do to stumble to the couch, trying not to fall to the floor. "It's increasing on me."
"Xavier!" You protest. "No, it is not!" You try to push one last time, but he just lets himself fall against you again, successfully making both of you drop onto the couch.
"Is too, (y/n), the same thing happened yesterday" with both of you laying on the couch, though with him still enforcing his 'increased gravity' on you, you could see his face again. He DID have that smug little grin on his face. "The wanderers almost got me because of it. You simply must indulge me and nap with me, or it may cost me my life."
With a huff, a frown, and a yawn, you end up complying. And with a heated and weighted Xavier blanket on you, you doze off fairly quick.
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