#6 (amaranth)
mhizzberryart · 9 months
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An unusual crossover 😔🌸🎀
Mara belongs to me and Slater belongs to @antihibikase!
Inspired by this tweet and this conversation:
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i think the flowers honestly might take about half the total time on this art piece. they take up about a third of the canvas, but they're mirrored, so you'd think it would be easy (just do one side, copy it, flip it, arrange it, ta-da)
but mama didn't raise someone who understands the time and place to go easy on things. she raised me. a silly goose.
there are more fine details in the flowers than almost anywhere else in the art piece, because I want them to be identifiable to plant nerds. unfortunately for me, one of the flowers in question (Prince's Feather Amaranth) has a LOT of small shapes. works well in the mosaic style, sure, but it is time consuming, and I haven't even gotten to the coloring yet
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hmratking · 2 years
Six Years Wiser
“Hello, Ann’da.”
“Hello, my princess.”
“Minn’da always told me that you are a kind and loving man.”
“Do you believe it?”
The red haired girl stared at Melaeth for a moment. With a faint smile, she nodded. “Yes.” Her small hand reached out and touched his hand. He was more than happy to swoop her hand into his, lifting her hand to his lips as he gently placed a kiss upon her skin. He smiled at the six year old girl and she gasped. “You have sharp teeth. Are they dangerous?”
Melaeth’s lips closed to cover his teeth, but the smile lingered. “Not to you.” The little girl canted her head to the side and gazed at her father curiously. 
The man inched away against the wall as the tall elf approached him from the shadows. He had trapped himself and, desperate to find a way out, he tried to run to the side, but he saw grotesque humanoid things scowling at him from the sides. He knew what they were. Ratz. He turned to see a sharpened smile coming toward him. “It’s so good to see you again, Gerald,” the elf said. “You owe me something.” The Ratz grabbed the man’s arms and legs and before he could beg for mercy, the elf leaned in and the sharpened teeth dug into the man’s neck, like little daggers tearing into his skin before a chunk of flesh was ripped off
The little girl’s eyes shifted up his face, examining his features she had only heard in stories. “We don’t have the same eyes,” she said softly. Melaeth gazed into her green to light blue eyes.
“No, but your eyes are very similar to mine a long, long time ago.”
“Really?” She smiled and reached up to touch his eye lids.
The man gasped for breath as the deranged elf’s brilliant green eyes stared at his brown eyes. “Did you think you could hide from me? I have eyes everywhere, Gerald.” He smiled again with now blood-stained teeth. “Everywhere.” The man couldn’t help but stare at the mad eyes that terrorized him at that moment.
“Will they ever go back to this color? Minn’da’s eyes are not so green.”
“I don’t think they will, my princess,” Melaeth said softly. He gazed up at a tree off in the distance. He could see her silhouette, watching them closely, listening closely. That was as close as Lily would dare to be. He understood. They had promised to stay away for Amaranth’s sake. Meeting once more would be disastrous. That she had granted him permission to speak to Amaranth and spend time with her was a blessing. As long as he did not disclose who he was to the rest of the world, he could spend time with his daughter. It was a simple request that Melaeth could attain to. 
Amaranth’s eyes shifted down his neck and torso, looking at the tattoos and trying to decipher what lay beneath his fur vest. She looked at his hands again. They were rough, but slender and soft to handle. She saw the nails that extended into sharp points and she said, “And your hands look like claws.” She giggled a little, “Like minn’da.”
The Rat King stared at the dying man and he laughed softly. “I’m not going to lie. I enjoy this part very much. Just watching you take your last breaths. It’s quite satisfying.” The man continued to gasp, choking on blood. “But you’re not dying fast enough.” The King punched the man a few times, then he dug his nails into the man’s chest, as if his nails alone could rip through his chest to grasp his failing heart. The beat slowed and the man gasped a few more times before he stopped moving altogether. The Rat King retreated his hand and licked the blood off his fingers and nails. “Get rid of him,” he ordered. The four Ratz with him drew weapons and began to tear the man apart before anyone walked into the alley. 
Melaeth smiled and nodded. “They are there to protect you. I promise you, my princess, no one will ever harm you.” He smiled at her and then gazed up at the tree. “No one,” he said again, a little louder. Turning back to Amaranth, Melaeth reached down to kiss his daughter’s head.
“Happy birthday, my beautiful princess,” he said.
“Thank you, ann’da,” she said. Without hesitation, she leaned into his fur vest, wrapping her little arms around him. There was something about his scent, a musky sweet, coppery scent that made her feel safe and comfortable. “I love you.”
“I love you too, my princess,” Melaeth said softly, closing his eyes to take in the moment that only took place twice a year. 
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dual-ies · 2 years
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hi, this is @frindoka ‘s Squid Blog! ☝️ here’s Some of my guys (all agents, i have some other ones too), i made this primarily to just post about my ocs for fun lol. short blurbs are under the cut !
my splatoon oc universe is some sort of convoluted weird splat3 au, but hey, i’ll make it make sense one day. contains splatoon 3 spoilers as well
new/neo agent 3 (ari): they/them
very airheaded and spaces out a lot.
named their lil buddy “fortnite” because they thought it would be cool (they found a super beat up copy buried somewhere and thought of it as ancient treasure or something. lol)
kind of stumbled into the sewer on accident and was immediately appointed to agent despite having no fucking clue what’s going on. is fine with it.
sibling of adonis- still reeling from the fact their sibling has been working for the new squidbeak splatoon for a While before they joined. explains the random disappearances.
autistic! doesn’t pick up on most social cues, and has a resting blank face. very friendly though!
fortnite is their best friend if you say anything mean about fortnite they WILL cry and then bite you and then cry again. in that order
chin scar from banging their chin on the edge of a table when they were younger. very embarrassed by this
internet friends with 4/caiman since caiman lives in THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING NOWHERE? and ari in splatsville. they visit each other sometimes though.
agent 3 (anchor): they/them
Also autistic (can u tell i’m projecting.), stone-faced and threatening looking, actually kind of a dork and a loser and is pretty nice. doesn’t speak to most people, if they have to it’s in whispers and short sentences. not cause they’re mean at all though
definitely weird and strange and off putting. eats rocks for fun, will shovel the snow from alterna in their mouth if they were dared to do it.
that sanitization scar is still there uh oh
fond of fortnite. Fortnite is Not Fond of them. also ari thinks they have cooties from ripley/8. anchor doesn’t have cooties (promise)
lots of scars that they’ll insist are from cool battles but they literally just. trip and fall a lot. a few Are from fights but most of them.. are from clumsiness.
agent 24 …..
agent 8 (ripley): he/she
got her nose scar during the fight with 3 while they were sanitized. 3 feels real bad about it still
generally very kind and caring and has a smooth voice, welcoming yet weary around strangers- takes a bit for him to warm up but he’s like the nicest person you will ever meet otherwise
likes nudibranchs. fond of those little beasts!!!
really fuckin good whenever she decides to participate in turf war it’s Kind Of Scary. primarily uses snipers or sloshers.
has visited splatsville a few times. seen fortnite once. she loves him he is her pal!!! her buddy!!!!!!! fortnite is indifferent.
agent 4 (caiman): he/she/they
transed gender. (tbh all of them are but like. most explicitly obvious) named themselves after caimans cause they bite people too.
has gotten into a LOT of fights and has tripped and fallen a LOT, resulting in near constant bruises and scrapes and a few scars. anchor tries to get them to be more careful despite being on the same level of clumsiness…
loud and doesn’t shut up but like. real funny, cracks a lot of jokes but sometimes doesn’t understand the right time to make them.
loves fortnite. fortnite is fond of him. they’re pals!
caiman knows about ari’s agent work and vice versa (he let it slip on accident over a text and ari was horrified cause they work there too)
onto the. Not “Canon” Agents who r just originalll ocs
agent 6 (amaranth): she/he
friendly! excitable! very overwhelmingly positive person, sunshine pours out of him like a faucet and leaks into others hearts… even adonis’
had no friends before the squidbeak splatoon- her overly excitable behavior annoyed a lot of people she was around (those people sucked anyways help) , and they basically all abandoned her. gives her lots of Issues, but she’s healing.
relatively new recruit? has been there for a year ish at most. lives with adonis and ari & is in the Love w adonis lol (they’re dating!)
good at baking.
fortnite kind of scares him
agent 5 (adonis): they/it
was once kinda like amaranth (loud n excitable) before trauma hit them like a truck and now they’re super closed off and bitter. they learn how to be more open with amaranth and ari’s help and care.
former friends with agent X (tehyre divorced. squid divorced.) before X turned out to be working with Bad Guys (tm) - adonis ends up shooting/splatting them when their backs turned and feels a LOT of guilt over it
pays the rent for its apartment but sometimes ari and amaranth chip in
fun fact me making ari and adonis look similar was completely accidental, but i made them siblings to explain their similar appearances lol…
secretly really likes fortnite. it sneaks out salmon eggs from its side job @ grizzco to feed to him.
agent x (nobody knows! not even me!): they/them
mad scientist archetype.
works (worked) with mr grizz to create the fuzzy ooze after they respawned in a … completely random place. (with both their communicator + little respawn machine thing all broken) ended up a test subject for grizz to see if the fuzzy ooze worked before he scattered it about, and now the ooze is slowly overtaking their entire body.
generally a nuisance but not dangerous unless they want to be. kind of like deep cut but they show up way more frequently in random areas to bother adonis specifically.
what’s a fortnite?
generally feels a lot of resentment towards adonis but also mr grizz cause of the fuzzy ooze thing, but he’s their boss + he promised to reverse the effects… Eventually. Maybe.
they uh. they fcuking die btw like since their respawn thing is all broken (basically inklings/octolings have respawn machine things? attached to clothing/backpacks/whatever in order to respawn safely, specifically during turf wars, so they don’t end up just. Dying… but since X’s is broken and barely got them to respawn randomly in the first place, they die as soon as they get pushed into the water in alterna. rip bozo)
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flawseer · 8 months
Jade Mountain Academy students
#6 - Skywing chapter
I like Skywings a lot actually. I think they were underutilized in the story. And then there is Flame. Poor, lovable Flame. One day I would like to write a more in-depth think piece on him, his character, and his role in the story. But not today, so here are some Skywings:
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Jade
Color - Tomato red
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Moonwatcher (Nightwing), Kinkajou (Rainwing)
Favorite subject - Exercise
Least fav. subject - Science
Physical characteristics - tan horns, bendy; banded markings running down upper neck; light to medium scarring across face, neck, and limbs; medium to large stature, well-defined musculature
Other characteristics - selectively uncooperative, refuses to do assignments that annoy her (monitor for now); abrasive, three reported threats of violence against students (monitored, suggest expanding physical extracurricular options to burn off excess energy); appears to respond well to praise
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Gold
Color - Crimson red
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Bigtail (Nightwing), Pike (Seawing)
Favorite subject - did not disclose
Least fav. subject - "All of them"
Physical characteristics - double-bent horns; black dorsal plates and accents; large, jagged scar running across left side of the face, intersecting the eye; blind in left eye; medium size with thin, wiry frame
Other characteristics - very uncooperative, refuses to do assignments and has poor attendance record (monitored, suggest counseling, consider withdrawing from student body if behavior does not improve); emotionally volatile, does not like eye contact, will react with hostility if stared at or if facial scar is mentioned (suggest counseling); shows signs of post traumatic stress and severe self image issues (suggest counseling); has turned down counseling offer (give space for now, ask again later)
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Silver
Color - Apricot yellow
Relatives - Peregrine (cousin)
Clawmate(s) - Changbai (Icewing), Boto (Rainwing)
Favorite subject - History
Least fav. subject - Anatomy
Physical characteristics - straight horns; row of dark scales running down ventral side of neck; beak-like mouth; smallish stature, small-boned
Other characteristics - decent work ethic; very energetic, difficulty to sit still; eager to prove personal competence; frequently interrupts people while they're speaking (suggest guidance and monitoring)
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Copper
Color - Brick red
Relatives - Thrush (cousin)
Clawmate(s) - Pronghorn (Sandwing)
Favorite subject - Anatomy
Least fav. subject - Art
Physical characteristics - dark-colored stripe patterns running down the side of the neck; long limbs; medium to large stature with slender features; deaf in left ear
Other characteristics - practically-inclined; morbid sense of humor; tends to play with food before eating; owns a collection of small, sharpened animal bones (has been instructed not to bring them to class); expressed interest in a class/seminar about medicinal herbs
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - Quartz
Color - Amaranth red
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - Siamang (Rainwing), Arid (Sandwing)
Favorite subject - History
Least fav. subject - Cultural Exchange
Physical characteristics - sharply bent horns curving inward; ridge of thorn-like spines running from nose down to tip of tail; light scarring across ventral side; large frame with well-defined musclulature
Other characteristics - morose; does not like loud noises or crowds; prefers to eat alone; longest fire-breathing distance; notable age-gap to rest of winglet (no issues so far, but continue to monitor social integration)
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Tribe - Skywing
Winglet - not assigned
Color - Tiger orange
Relatives - none on site
Clawmate(s) - none
Favorite subject - class attendance suspended
Least fav. subject - class attendance suspended
Physical characteristics - afflicted with firescales, body emits dangerous levels of heat at all times; scales show faint fiery glow like embers; bright yellow vein-like pattern spread through wing membranes; bright blue eyes; tall stature, very thin
Other characteristics - CAUTION! Do not come in physical contact with her, severe burn hazard; instruct student body to keep minimum distance; be mindful of surfaces she was in prolonged contact with, as they could carry residual heat; keep away from flammable areas; we don't know what to do with her yet, for now just give her a place to sleep and eat
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moosesarecute · 2 months
Part 7: The Shadows Sing
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 8
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You were drowning. You felt your hands and foot freeze as you sunk further down into the lake.
You were too weak, so you let your shadows out.
Not even seconds later, they had shadow walked you out of the lake.
However, in front of you wasn’t the beautiful hazel eyes you’d learn to adore, it was Amaranth’s black eyes staring into your soul.
“We’ve got you now. You can’t get away.”
It was Amarantha that was speaking, but the voice was Adrian’s. The illyrian that took your wings.
“I see you’re a shadowsinger,” the voice continued. “We could use one of you on our team.”
You were dying.
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“Please don’t run away,” Azriel said the second you opened your eyes. “You need to rest, you have a fever.”
You sat up in your bed and looked around. You were home and safe. The fire was going.
You noticed the presence of your shadows and immediately hid them away.
You felt warm. Not only from the fire, but from the presence of the illyran male that sat before you. You hated to admit it, but you couldn’t hold it back any longer. You didn’t want to run away from him.
Azriel slowly walked towards you with your mug in his hands. You had made it yourself out of tree.
He handed you the mug and you looked down at the content. You had no idea what it was, but it smelled delicious.
“It’s hot chocolate,” Azriel said before you could question him. “It’s chocolate melted and mixed with milk. Remember to blow on it, it’s hot.”
You nodded and did as he said. It was so good, you felt like you were in heaven.
“Where did you get milk?” You asked him.
Milk was something you’d never have money for. Oat milk you were sometimes able to buy, but never cow milk.
“My shadows got it from Velaris,” he answered.
“Velaris?” You asked him. “Is that a store?”
You had never heard about that, but the name told you it was beautiful.
“It’s a city in the Night Court,” Azriel answered. “I live there.”
You thought back to your time in the Night Court. You were always told the court didn’t have any cities other than Hewn City. You’ve never heard about Velaris.
“It had been a secret for over 5000 years,” Azriel explained. He must have seen your confusion. “It only got revealed during the war against Hybern.”
You tried to imagine what your life had been like if you’d live in a city. If you’d know about a city, you could have escaped the war camp easier and probably hidden well enough to not get caught.
“Many other illyrans still does know about it. That’s probably why you don’t know about it either,” Azriel continued hesitantly. “I talked to Rhys.”
You couldn’t stop yourself as you whipped your head towards Azriel.
“Rhys?” You asked him. “Rhys as in Rhysand as in the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhys?”
He only nodded.
“I’m his spymaster,” Azriel told you.
You immediately stood up from your bed. Your now empty mug fell to the floor.
“Why does he want to spy on me? I haven’t done anything wrong. I would’ve died if I didn’t do that I did. I’m not going back.” You rambled.
Azriel stood from your chair and took a step towards you. His arms were lifted, it was like he wanted to hold you, but he soon lowered them again.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he said. “I’m not here to spy on you. Definitely not here because Rhys said so. I’m here because I’m curious about you. I’m also here because I realized I like talking to you. No other reasons.”
It didn’t calm you down. You felt so vulnerable.
You’d let a spy into your home. Not only a spy, but an illyrian spy.
You can’t believe you thought of him as safe.
“You’ve used your five minutes,” you replied with a shaky voice. “The bargain was that you’d leave me alone after the five minutes.”
His eyes widened a little as he shock his head.
“The bargain was that I’d leave you after five minutes of questioning if you told me to leave,” Azriel told you and moved towards you. He lifted his arms again, but this time he put them on your arms. You loved the feeling. One simple touch from him made your anxiety disappear. “Tell me to leave, and I’ll leave.”
You looked deep into his hazel eyes. You didn’t want him to leave. You wanted him to stay. For him to continue holding you.
“I…,” you started, but had to stop.
You heard him draw a sharp breath and felt his shadows in your hair. They then moved to caress your cheeks.
You felt worry spreading through your body. You didn’t understand why, it’s not like he would reject your request for him to stay. He literally just told you he wanted to stay.
That’s when you realized, you felt his emotions. You’d been feeling them ever since the bond snapped for you, but it felt so much stronger.
You realized his grip on your arms had tightened, not in a dangerous manner, but in a protective one.
“It snapped for you too?” You asked him before you even thought about it.
He just nodded as his eyes grew in size.
You almost laughed.
“I don’t want you to leave,” you told him. Knowing he felt as nervous as you did made you confident.
“Then I won’t leave,” he answered determinedly.
“Good,” you said. “I’m going to sleep.”
He let out a small laugh.
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You’d slept through the night and woke up to a ready breakfast. You didn’t talk much while eating, you only focused on savoring the taste. You loved the feeling of being full.
“What happened yesterday?” Azriel asked you when you’d both finished eating.
You thought for a second. You felt so embarrassed. You didn’t want him to look at you as weak.
“There are a pair of twins in my hunting group,” you started to explain. “They’re the best of all of us.” You had to draw a breath before you continued. “They thought it funny to pull my prosthetic from my foot and throw it out onto the ice. I had to crawl out to get it and fell through the ice.”
You could see the anger spreading through Azriel’s entire body.
“How did you get out?”
“I waited for them to leave and shadow walked out of the lake,” you explained. “They didn’t want to help me further.”
Azriel tucked his wings back as he thought. He pushed his shoulders back.
“I want to train you,” he explained. “Both in combat and how to control your shadows.”
You didn’t hesitate as you agreed to take his training.
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“Balance is the most important part of fighting, both with and without shadows,” Azriel explained to you.
It had been a week since the lake incident and your fever was long gone.
Azriel had met you twice during the week and finally agreed that you were healthy enough for training. What he didn’t know was that you’d been out hunting every day this week and had been categorizing yourself as healthy all along.
The two of you can found a clearing far away from anyone you knew and decided it would be your training spot.
Azriel had his shadows in every direction, so that you would know if anyone got close to where you were.
“We start with your right foot,” Azriel told you next. “You’ll need to balance and I’ll poke you with this stick trying to make you unbalanced. Got it?”
You nodded as you lifted your left foot off the ground.
“Do you always carry all your weight on your right foot when you stand?” Azriel asked you.
You were about to answer him when he poked you with the stick. You used all the strength you had, but managed to stay upright.
“Yes,” you answered him.
“We’ll have to change that,” he explained. “It’s a weakness that’s easy to notice.”
You knew he meant well, but you didn’t like that he talked about your weaknesses. You’d spent your entire life trying to hide your weaknesses and Azriel picked up on the weakest one within minutes of you two training.
You were soon pulled out of your thoughts when the male poked you again with his stick. This time, you didn’t do so well.
You lost balance completely and you were about to step down on your prosthetic leg, when you were covered in shadows.
Not yours, they would never help you like that, but Azriel’s. They felt a lot cooler than yours, but they were careful around you.
They helped you regain your balance and soon you stood still on your right foot once more.
“Our goals is for you to use your own shadows to stabilize you if you loose balance,” Azriel told you. “Just like my shadows just did. That way, we can practice both balance and shadow control at the same time.”
You nodded at him, but you felt like the task would be way too hard. Your shadows never listened to you other than shadow walking. They never liked to take directions from you.
Azriel looked like he was waiting for you and you realized he wanted you to let your shadows loose.
It felt extremely unnatural to let someone else see your shadows, but your shadows were ecstatic.
They immediately surrounded Azriel and both yours and his shadows started to dance together in the wind.
You liked to see them this happy. Usually they hid away and moved around slowly. You often thought of them as moody teenagers.
“You’re ready?” Azriel asked.
You were still standing on your right foot as Azriel did his best to get you unbalanced.
“Try to get them to help you,” he instructed you.
You drew a big breath and tried to lighten the tone of your voice.
“Can you help me stay balanced?” You asked your shadows. “Please?”
They reacted worse than you expected.
One second they were dancing around with their friends and the next one, they had pushed you so that you ended up on the ground.
You felt your cheeks getting red. You felt so embarrassed you couldn’t control the shadows that were a part of you.
You looked up to Azriel. He stood and held out a hand to help you up. You looked past his hand and glared at him. He wore a smug smile.
“Are you laughing at me?” You asked him. You were pretending to be annoyed, but you couldn’t lie, you’d never be annoyed at him for this.
He shrugged as he helped you stand.
“We’ll change to the other side, okay?”
You moved your weight over to your prosthetic and lifted your right leg off the ground.
You nodded. You were struggling, so you spent all your energy staying balanced and had no energy left to answer him with words.
Azriel poked you with the stick and you immediately lost balance. You had to set down your right foot and you then spent a few moments before you managed to balance on your prosthetic once more.
You had a long way to go.
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Azriel had left after your training session. He gave to you tasks before he left. First one was to practice balance on both your foot and prosthetic. The second one was to become friends with your shadows.
“They’re your companions,” he had said. “You’re supposed to help each other.”
So you decided that for them to be your friends, you had to make them happy. And your shadows loved two things more than everything else. They loved to be out in fresh air and they loved to bother you.
So your daily routine the last week had been you and your shadows, practicing balancing in the clearing you and Azriel had found. You would balance and they would try to overturn you. They were very rough against you, so you fell more times than you should in the beginning. However, your shadows have never been happier.
Throughout the next few weeks you would, after advice from Azriel, let your shadows roam free also when you weren’t with him. You would leave them at home if you left the house to meet with Master Raven and the rest of your hunting team, but you’d bring one that would cling to your tight the entire time.
If you went hunting, they would come with you. They would keep their distance, hiding behind trees or in bushes, but again one of them would always stay close to you.
After a while, they started to argue about who’d stay with you and who’d be on their own. The luckiest one was the one that was allowed to be with you on your adventures.
“My turn!”
“No, my turn!”
“You went last time!”
You learned to know the difference between the shadows and had different inside jokes with all of them.
They finally had become what Azriel had described them as: your companions, your friends.
As winter turned to spring and the nature begun to bloom, so did the relationship between you and your shadows.
However, also the relationship between you and Azriel had bloomed a little.
Not a lot, you were nowhere near accepting the mating bond, but you’d become friends at least. You’d start every training session by talking about what had happened since last.
You’d learn about his family, he’d learn about the people in your hunting group.
You’d told him nothing about why you were hunting or how you ended up in The Middle and he told you nothing about what he was working on. You had a mutual understanding that you both needed time before you could talk about that.
You one thing you knew for sure, you’d never been happier.
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@i-have-a-thing-for-the-dark @saltedcoffeescotch @rcarbo1 @mrsjna @kitsunetori @thecraziestcrayon @blessthepizzaman
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anon-402 · 11 months
All 'Dia de Los Muertos' references in today's QSMP event
I’ve seen it in Xitter but not yet in Tumblr, so I’m gonna go and translate each Egg’s book with the references to the deities that are mention within.
(English is not my first language. Sorry for any typo or grammar mistake).
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For Tilin:
Tilin, my girl, I’m sorry you couldn’t enjoy the life it was expected for you, but don’t be afraid you will be with mom at Chichihualcuauhco[1] where I will take care of you. I won’t let anything hurt my helpless girl until you have the opportunity to be reborn again, you didn’t deserve to join the Gods in the underworld. - Tezcatlipoca[2]
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For Bobby:
My little Bobby, you have proven to own dignity and courage to fight for what is right, As a result of this, I’ve invited you to my kingdom  Tonatiuhichan[3], where at my side, you and other warriors will sing about their deeds and will dance until midnight, so you can enjoy forever the sunset that you adore so much. - Tonaituh[4]
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For Juana:
Juana, it’s an honor for me and my wife Mictecachihuatl[5] to have you join us in the Mictlan[6]. Even though your dead was an accident, you may enjoy the journey that is our kingdom. You treated nature with respect in your life, so our dogs are excited to meet you at last. You will join us in the infinity of the universe forever. - Mictlantecuhtli [7]
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For Trump:
Oh Trump, I’m sorry that my currents took you to this destiny, but to compensate I will invite you to Tlalocan[8], where you may join us in our celebration without end, and you may eat all the corn, amaranth, pumpkin, tomato and chile you want. In my kingdom, I promise you there’s no suffering and you will never be alone. - Tlaloc [9]
Now for all the little references:
[1] Chichihualcuauhco:
Afterlife in which children who died young or in childbirth are sent and fed from the “wet-nurse tree” (You can’t see it in the photo, but there was a tree in Tilin’s altar). Souls here wait for their next opportunity to be reborn.
[2] Tezcatlipoca:
He’s one of the four creator gods of the universe. I’m not an expert on Aztec mythology and I wasn’t really into Tilin’s lore, so I’m kinda uncertain as to why he was the one to write to them or how are they connected.
[3] Tonatiuhichan:
One of the afterlife paradises, where the soul of warries who died in battle go. It was believed that warriors could go back to their homes (land of the living) as hummingbirds. (Fun fact: Woman who died at childbirth would be given the same rank as the warriors who died in battle and would be sent to a similar place called Cihuatlampa!)  
[4] Tonatiuh:
God of the sun (who runs Tonatiuhichan), who most believed was the creator of the Flor of Cempasúchil.
[5] Mictecachihuatl:
Lady of the Dead, Mictlantecuhtli’s consort. She guards the bones of the dead. (Fun Fact: In Oaxaca, is known as Matlacihua, and is said to punish womanizing and drunken men who walk late at night. Kinda funny considering Mariana and Slime’s interactions lmao.)
[6] Mictlan:
The underworld. Most people who die travel to Mictlan. To travel to the kingdom, you have to go through nine levels, which kinda needs dogs to carry the dead across the river. Same reason as to why Juana is sent dogs. (Fun fact: Depending in the color of the dog, they would act different. Yellow ones would just carry the soul, white ones would refuse cause they just washed themselves, and black dogs would refuse cause they just swum the river.)
[7] Mictlantecuhtli:
Lord of the Dead, king of Mictlan. There’s nothing much to say about him; he just simply tried to maintain order in the kingdom and was kinda of an asshole to other gods. There’s a whole myth about other Gods wanting to repopulate Earth, and him going ‘Nuh uh’ until Quetzalcóatl gets tired of him and steals the human bones from Mictlan lol.
[8] Tlalocan:
The afterlife of the Nectar. Better known as the water paradise, where those who died through drowning (or anything associated with rain for that matter) go. I read somewhere that there’s a theory of Trump dying because he drown in his own tears, so that’s why he was invited by Tlaloc.
[9] Tlaloc:
The God of rain, associated as the giver of life. The flower Tagetes Lucida are kind of like the Cempasúchil, and are his symbol.
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ceeplays · 9 months
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Favorite Default Replacements & Game Override Mods (Part 1 - Object Overrides)
A compiled list of my favorite default replacement and override mods from the past year, plus a few classics that I just couldn't leave out. This is Part 1/3 of a collection of cc finds.
(More info and download links below the cut). ♥
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𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒩𝑒𝓌 𝒴𝑒𝒶𝓇! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
I hope you all had a lovely, restful holiday, and that the bugs in For Rent haven't made you rage quit just yet. •ᴗ• I don't know about you guys, but lately I've been feeling extra grateful for all the stunning creations our modding community has been releasing. So, I figured I'm long overdue for another mod rec list and voila! - here we are.
This time, I'll be linking my favorite default replacement and override mods! While I mostly focused on newer releases, I also tried to add some overrides I don't frequently see mentioned on YT or in rec lists.
The original post got quite lengthy, so Tumblr forced me to divide this list into three (3) separate parts (sorry for the inconvenience!). - Part 2: Food & Kitchen, and World Overrides (here) - Part 3: Electronics & Font Replacements (here)
As always, I hope you find this useful, happy holidays to all who celebrate, & happy simming! ♥
Object Overrides:
@kirsicca : (1) The Modern Loveseat, (2) The Amaranth Sink, (3) Barely-Used BG Toilets
@surely-sims : (1) Growing Together Treehouse (becomes seasonal), (2) Vanity Make-Up Props, (3) Fire Alarm, (4) No Footprint Sleeping Bags, (5) Invisible Bassinet, (6) Basinet, (7) Booboo Billy Toy, (8) Nesting Blocks
@depthofpixels-cc : (1) Growing Together Treehouse Slide
@cowplant-snacks : (1) Seasons Holiday Tree
@lonvely : (1) Magnolia Promenade Trolley, (2) Toothbrush
@symphonysim : (1) Horse Grooming Tools
@dscombobulate : (1) Boxing Gloves, (2) Toothbrush
@superflare : (1) Infant & Toddler Sippy Cup
@simder-talia-blog (original creator unknown) : (1) Ice Skates
@elflike : (1) Ice Skates
@duplica-imite : (1) Ice Skates
@vroshii : (1) Ping Pong Paddle (becomes tennis racket)
@myxdollyt : (1) Fenty Make-Up Override, (2) Bratz Make-Up Override
@simmerwellpupper : (1) Game Controller (PS5 DualSense Controller)
@largetaytertots : (1) Default Replacement Haul (Lipstick, Pet Carrier, Mop, Pet Leash, Rake, Snow Shovel, Infant Toy, & more!), (2) Laundry Pile, (3) Folded Laundry, (4) Razor, (5) Cleaning Overrides (Sponge & Cleaning Spray)
@vixonspixels : (1) Female Roller Blades, (2) Folded Laundry, (3) Infant Bath Sponge, (4) High School Bus, (5) Restaurant Menu, (6) High School Homework, (7) High School Textbook, (8) University Homework, (9) Pencil, (10) Dog Leash
@bbygyal123 : (1) Infant Carrier
@apricotrush : (1) Scrub Daddy Sponge, (2) Presents, (3) Cleaning Spray
@serkisyan : (1) Playing Cards, (2) Make-Up, (3) Mail Envelopes/Bills, (4) Paint Brush/Easel Pencil, (5) Electric Toothbrush, (6) Charcoal Toothbrush, (7) Infant Bottle, (8) Cleaning Spray #1, (9) Cleaning Spray #2
@channel4sims-cc : (1) Aquarium Fish, (2) Kitchen Sponge, (3) Infant Bath Seat, (4) Infant Rubber Duck
@sims41ife : (1) Totoro Watering Can, (2) Laundry Bag & Pile, (3) Public Phone Booth (includes simlish swatches), (4) Game Controller, (5) Coffee Cup
@awingedllama : (1) Infant Crib, (2) Game Controller, (3) Bassinet
@cecesimsxo : (1) Infant Bottle
@ellcrze : (1) Infant Bottle, (2) Sponge
@bellassims : (1) Mysims Trophies (become squishmallows), (2) Mysims tTophies (become tsum tsum plushies), (3) Mysims Trophies (become disney tsum tsums)
@cocoelleansims : (1) Infant Bottle, (2) Grocery Bag, (3) Plopsy (becomes etsy)
@imfromsixam : (1) Infant Bottle, (2) Infant Rug, (3) Stand Mixer, (4) Invisible Bassinet
@hydrangeachainsaw : (1) Game Controller #1, (2) Game Controller #2, (3) Infant Bath Seat, (4) Infant Bottle (warning - paywalled)
@pixelvibes : (1) Elephant Watering Can (warning - paywalled), (2) Infant Bath Seat (warning - paywalled)
the end! ♥
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sapphirestones09 · 2 months
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AAAAAAA FINALLY! I'm done playing @oneknightstand-if. As part of the celebration, here is Rosie's colored sketch (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Lol, this looks like an anime title card And thus! The Stats!
Blobbed: Yep (We are what now?)
Bold : 205 (Is this high lol?) Sweet : 46 Sassy : 159 Optimist : 76
Health : 85 Mark Status : Healed Merlin Healing : 2 Merlin Forced Healing : 0
Caution : 9 Will : 7 Cloudcuckoolanderness : 42 (Not enough, we gotta go full cray cray) Silent : 7 Curse Level : 4 Fear Level : 6 Corruption : -5 (Is this low enough?) Mute : false Mindcontrol : false
Downtime : Had Breakfast | Snarfed Sweets | Shower Accident |
Route : Went into Store & Fought | (What I gotta use the hunting knives as soon as possible in some way right?)
New Inventory : Hairdryer | Sweets | Shower Mat | Everclear Alcohol (Molotov! Molotov! Molotov!) They Know : false | It Sees : Masked | You Replied False Some stats are missing when I scroll from the past posts in the forum. Such as Crazy Theory, Crazy Theory Level, Pottymouth, Serenades, Interpretative Dance, and a deep dive into the Adrian and Merlin's relationship stats (I WANT TO SEE HOW MANY TIMES I FLIRTED GODAMMIT!). I wonder if I can access it (╥ω╥) About Rosie!
You are currently known as Rosaline (Rosie) Bane a seemingly normal female wildlife biologist. You have red eyes, very long flowing icy blond hair, and a short and petite figure clad in a red cape with an amaranth face mask. People tend to take particular notice of your hair. At first glance, people tend to find you not very intimidating.
You excel at sword fighting, gardening, and having a magnetic personality. Meanwhile, you've got a weakness for prescription medications and enclosed spaces, as well as having anger management issues.
You have an ear piercing. You also have a couple of scars along your neck and wrist.
A tragic accident that claimed your whole family lies in your past and the fate of your future remains murky with the apocalypse ever looming in the background. At least no one has suspected that you are actually a serial killer.
Your final words were "And now for a final word from our sponsor—"
Note! I didnt know I could play something as chaotic and as fun as this game provided me. Its super fun and enjoyable and yet amidst the chaos I loved the characters that was shown and grown to get attached to them to a degree. Both Merlin and Adrian are mysterious and enigmatic in their own ways that makes me look forward to the story and how it progresses towards their character. Also seeing Adrian being exasperated over Cloudcuckolander MC's antics tickles my funny bones more than I can admit. I admit I was reluctant to get into the game seeing as its such a huge one, but after playing all I can say is MOAR! I NEED MOAARRRR! AND PLEASE AUTHOR TELL ME HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY PASS THE STAT CHECK FOR MOONWALKING ON THE FENCING ROUTE! I NEED TO MOONWALK! I NEED THESE PEOPLE TO CLAP FOR ME! And please can we apologize to Adrian for punching him? (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ I know in the grand scheme of things, Adrian forgives us already but we still wanna apologize (ಡ‸ಡ) And oh boy, I think Im gonna draw lots and lots of fanarts now... Skill Stats!
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Personality Stats!
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Can we still claim to be a newbie after Merlin's extensive lore dump on us? Relationship Stats!
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Your ultimate weapon is unknown.
You are currently armed with... nothing, at least as far as you know.
Cold Steel SRK survival knife
You also have on hand...
E-phone 7XL
several small bottles of prescription medications
photo of your family
Killer McKiller Face's favorite stuffed animal (Rip our micro pig (ಥ﹏ಥ))
well-worn Bible (To ward off evil of course!)
mystical Magic 8-Ball (Another holy item! I sure hope it does not contain anything otherworldly that will potentially endanger us and others ha.ha.ha (→_→)
small herb garden of eclectic plants including a mutant Venus Flytrap (The only queen Rosie will ever potentially bow to!)
collection of various survival & hunting knives
small bag of iridescent pearls
bottle of 95% alcohol Everclear (Molotov! Molotov! Molotov ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝)
slightly squished pastry (I KNOW MY PRIORITIES! AND ITS SWEETS!)
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sigyn-foxyposts · 22 days
"The Afton family" Part 1/2 Fnaf Amaranth AU!
Note: Yes, this AU is inspired by Mobox87's and many others old FNAF lore that was created back in 2015-2016 but is remade to fit into what we have today. I'm simply doing this for the sake of fun and keeping a part of the nostalgia alive. All designs are inspired by how I viewed them personally growing up, making them my original designs. Please tag me if you ever make fanart, thank you :D
A huge thanks to @vamnp for coming up with the name of this AU!
The Parents:
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Name: Scott Ralph Afton.
Nickname: Scotty
Nationality: British (Moved to America)
Scott is clumsy and laid back. He is also a bit skittish because his dad used to scare him, intentionally as a child.
Has always struggled mentally, thanks to his childhood being quite rough.
He was bullied in school for being the shy and antisocial kid, often hiding in the bathroom stalls to get away.
He never had a good relationships with his parents, not even with Vincent no matter what he originally thought.
Has undiagnosed ADHD.
His special interest is machinery!
Likes to keep things organized and tidy.
Hates when someone is disobedient.
Loves teasing and making dad jokes!
Like his second oldest son, he has a fondness for the animatronic Foxy!
Suffers from insomnia and hallucinates.
He has a high pain tolerance and often gets injured, hence the many bandages he is wearing. His wife puts them on.
Feels horrible for not being able to stop Vincent from killing his children & being the cause of so many deaths.
Scott is the phone guy and tape guy (aka Henry but now it's Scott!)
Scott didn't actually die after the animatronics attacked and stuffed him into a suit, he was just severely injured.
Despite being in pain, he managed to stay alive until someone found him. After that incident he decided to retire.
He commits suicide, suffocating during the fnaf 6 fire together with Michael.
Scott is a hard working man that love's his family more than anything, but struggles to keep the stability going. Not only does he specialize with dangerous animatronics at work along side his brother Vincent, who has always been questionable in nature. He has always struggled mentally thanks to his upbringing.
The lack of sleep he is getting from his insomnia and night shifts causes him to get injured on the job. Which his wife is very unhappy about, they could be bickering and next thing they know they're argumening over family matters. Though Scott tries to be the one who puts an end to it and be a better husband and father to his children, he has to admit he is far from perfect. He retired from his own business Fazbear entertainment after the tragedies and focused on his remaining family, returning briefly during fnaf 6 to aid Michael and decided he would commit suicide with them.
Name: Margaret Fritz.
Nickname: Mag, Magpie.
Nationality: Norwegian.
Margaret met Scott through high school and originally felt bad for him, letting him rant to her about his inventions.
This somehow sparked feelings between the two and they remained high school sweethearts up until their marriage.
Margaret went to medical school and worked as a nurse for a few years, earning a good living for them.
She did end up quitting early and became a stay at home mom when she first got pregnant with twins.
Later in life she would try getting back into the work field but retires due to mental health issues.
Has a slight drinking problem and hates how addicted she is to it.
She suffers from compassion fatigue.
Developed depression and erratic behavior after the disappearances.
Feels guilty for Charlie's death because she was drinking that night and asked Scott to get him. (He was working late)
After Scott died in the fire, she went back to her drinking habits and died from liver failure. (Basically suicide)
Margaret is a stay at home mother who often finds herself stressed over not just her kids, but also her husband. Thanks to his recklessness at work and his horrible sleep schedules, along with his mental health. Margaret and Scott tend to argue a lot about his well being and over how they should manage things in their household, which often ends up going nowhere. This caused her to pick up a small drinking habit that she tries her best to hide from everyone, especially her children. Margaret originally came from Norway but moved to America with her family when she started high school. There she not only met Scott but got a degree in nursing and after a few years of dating, fell pregnant. This caused her to have to stay home permanently and at first while it was difficult, she knew she was doing it for a good cause. Their growing family. After the missing children's incident she went completely off the rails and had to be sent away to the mental hospital by Scott. She really struggled, especially with the guilt of not being able to protect her children that she had spent so much of her life taking care of. Eventually though she would be able to return back to Scott and their remaining children, raising them.
Older siblings:
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Name: Coppelia Afton.
Nickname: Lia
Age: 11 (in 1984)
Coppelia is the twin sister of Charlie!
Struggles sleeping like Scott.
Her special interest is also machinery!
She's often found outside tinkering in the garage with something.
She also loves reading books, specially the book that she was named after.
Can be quite hyperactive and playful, often leading her to be a bit brutal.
Love's to have playful banters with Scott or Charlie to see their reactions.
When she was younger she used to draw disturbing drawings, she grew out of it though! Scott affectionately calls her "his creepy daughter"
She loves eating bacon and eggs or pancakes, calling it her british breakfast. (Because she thinks it's funny)
After Margaret was sent away Mrs Andrews, their neighbor helped Scott take care of Coppelia and her brother.
This caused her to became a mother figure to her and she calls her mom!
She doesn't like any of the animatronics and once she got so scared as a child that she threw up and cried.
Coppelia is her families only daughter and tue older twin, taking most characteristics after her father. She is very hyperactive and playful, often tinkering with machinery like her father when he was younger. She can't be still for long, yet somehow she never runs out of energy either. She loves playing around with her siblings which often leads her to be a bit competitive and rough. She always feels a bit guilty because she accidentally hurts them or make them cry! The reason she prefers playing with her siblings still, is because she gets bullied at school too. Unlike her father though, she puts up a fight which gets her in trouble. Surprisingly Coppelia never noticed the issues her family had before her siblings went missing and her parents were even more unstable than what was normal to her. As if she didn't already struggle sleeping it got even worse for her, grieving heavily at the fact she might not even see her twin brother or younger brother again. She didn't know what to do and was afraid of when her father had to get back to work, but Margaret wasn't there anymore. Luckily their friendly neighbor Mrs Andrews would offer to watch over her and her baby brother, offering her support to the girl and comforting her. She knew what it was like loosing someone.
Name: Charlie Afton.
Nickname: Charles.
Age: 11 (When he died)
Charlie is the twin brother of Coppelia!
Struggles with anxiety.
His favorite animatronic is puppet.
He really likes collecting porcelain dolls.
Enjoys listening to the music box because it was a lullaby his parents used to comfort him with as a baby.
Charlie is actually left handed but forces himself to use his right to blend in!
The lefty animatronic was based on a stuffed teddy bear he owned.
Later Scott recreated Lefty as a animatronic to capture Charlie.
Like Scott he is also clumsy and skittish.
He is very pale and easily gets bruised.
To avoid people assuming bad things about his home life, he wears make-up, long sleeves and pants.
He originally wore make-up to just hide his bruises but started to enjoy it!
His parents find this adorable and often his mother helps him experiment around with her make-up stash!
Even though he keeps calm under stressful situations, when conflicts arises his anxiety skyrockets.
Especially when his and Coppelia's bullies search for them during school.
He knows Margaret has a drinking problem but hasn't said that he knows.
He hates when his parents argue because of how his brother accidently got in the way and was injured in the past. Luckily it never happened again.
His favorite cousin is Chris, someone he heavily sympathizes with!
Vincent stabbed Charlie multiple times in the lungs out of drunken rage, leaving him outside to bleed out in the rain.
Charlie is the oldest son and younger twin, taking a lot after both his parents. He is quite gloomy, clumsy and introverted but a passionate caretaker like his mother. Like his sister they're not exactly popular at school and the kids often picked on them, but Coppelia was there to protect him! Sometimes he wishes he would be able to do the same, to show that he was capable.. But all he could do was run and get the teacher. He makes up for this when he is able to protect his brother and the missing children after he is killed by Vincent outside of the pizzeria. The reason he died was because he was waiting for Scott to finish working after Maggie forgot to pick him up. Then the same children who bullied him and his sister threw him outside and locked the door. At first he blamed both his parents for his death, but stopped holding a grudge against them when he realized Scott and Michael tried to free them behind the scenes.
Younger siblings:
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Name: Bartholomew Fritz Afton.
Nickname: Bart, Fritz
Age: 7 (When he died)
His favorite animal is the fox, hence why he loves and adores foxy.
He has an obsession with pirates and pretends to be one all the time!
His favorite holiday is Halloween.
He likes to tease and be the annoying younger brother, often copying Coppelia's behavior.
Whenever he's bored he ask his parents or older siblings to read to him.
His favorite books are pirate books and books about norwegian folklore: because they have scary sea creatures.
Sings those kids nursery rhymes 24/7.
Hates loud shouting and glass breaking after he accidentally stood between his parents when they were arguing.
His favorite cousin is Brenda because she likes playing pirates with him!
Vincent lured Bart to parts and service, breaking his kneecaps, cutting of his hand and slicing his throat. It was so deep he pretty much decapitated him.
Bartholomew also known as Bart for short, is the second oldest son. He is hyperactive and outgoing to the fullest, insisting he is the leader of any group he comes across, siblings or friends. You'll often see him wearing pirate gears and singing songs, dragging around his younger brother who happily follows. He also never stops talking about what interests him and struggles knowing when to stop. He loves pirates, sea creatures and foxy! Bart also always unintentionally gets himself into trouble, even if it isn't his fault and while he loves his father the most, he hates being punished by him and go to the thinking corner. After he was killed by his own uncle Vincent, like the other missing children he can't trust adults and is very aggressive. Even to his own father Scott, when he figured out he possessed Foxy and tried to communicate with him.
Name: Matthew Afton.
Nickname: Matt.
Age: 4 (in 1984)
He is a very bubbly boy, who easily make people smile.
He is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
His favorite animatronic is balloon boy.
Balloon boy was inspired by Matthew's younger appearance and made by Scott.
He has a huge sweetooth and will try to steal sweets when no one is watching!
Margaret jokinly and affectionately calls him a ''menace'' to her existence.
He loves being around other people, which is why he always follows his brother or mother around.
He has a few funny quirks, such as rocking back and forth when he is excited, walking on his toes or biting on things.
He also tends to be so quiet that Scott got scared by him multiple times becuse he was just standing there, smiling at him.
His favorite thing is arts and crafts and he actually helped decorate the pizzeria along with other children there.
He loves playing with balloons, but hates when they pop, then he will start crying.
He used to be close with Bart before he went missing, now he is very attached to his older sister Coppelia.
His favorite cousin is Elizabeth because she offered him ice cream once.
Matthew is the youngest son and the only surviving family member of the Afton family with his older sister after Michael and his parents. As a child he was a bubbly boy filled with laughter, often finding himself following others around rather than leading the way like his older brother Bart. He was very young when his brothers disappeared and when he got older he struggled remembering them. When Maggie was sent away to the mental hospital, Scott retired to take care of him and was finally able to improve on his parental skills. When Matthew became an adult he started working under Fazbear entertainment despite the history it held to his family with his sister.
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ultrameganicolaokay · 1 month
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Scarlet Witch #6 by Steve Orlando and Lorenzo Tammetta. Cover by Russell Dauterman. Variant covers by (2) Meghan Hetrick, (3) Leirix and (4) Iván Talavera. Out in November.
"INTRODUCING AMARANTH! The Scarlet Witch takes on a mysterious new pupil – at Agatha Harkness' request. But where did the young sorceress known as Amaranth come from? And what could have spooked Agatha into giving up the chance to mentor her?"
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I’ve realised through looking at the chapter index for Amaranth that it’s like…a thing for me to stop posting for a few months at the start of each year?? (Took me until March to post for 2022)
Which means I should probably not be jumping so quickly into ‘I don’t want to continue Amaranth as it is’ just yet
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
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INTRODUCING AMARANTH! The Scarlet Witch takes on a mysterious new pupil – at Agatha Harkness’ request. But where did the young sorceress known as Amaranth come from? And what could have spooked Agatha into giving up the chance to mentor her? [source: AIPT]
Scarlet Witch #6 on sale 11/20
variant covers by Meghan Hetrick; Iván Talavera; Leirix
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Round One Schedule
may 27 (group 1 left side)
Joy O'Connor vs A'den
Adelle vs Adrian Alyward
Ahleri vs Aithus
Aleksander Thunderblade vs Alice Liddell
Amelia vs Amaranth
Andre Caron vs Anwedd
Anise vs Lt. Strike
Aqua vs Ariella
may 28 (group 1 right side)
Adrian Mori vs Alexander
Andris Harkin vs Ashley Bethaz
Arkyn Thornburn vs Athaliah Taveet
Aris vs Atlas Fletcher
Arryn va Azarias
Barir Stelmer vs Beck Valentine
Bela Balogh vs Betani D'Agia
Billie Way vs Black
may 29 (group 2 left side)
Betty vs Bob Guppington the 1st
Blodeuwedd vs Brat
Burr vs Caldren
Cpt. Ambivalent vs Casey Dickenson
Caroline Schaeffer vs Cedric Blackwell
Cassidia Reynolds vs Christopher
Celeste vs Cluinn
Bobbert Guppington the 2nd vs Clair
may 30 (group 2 right side)
Bobby Guppington the 3rd vs Chris Carnovo
Conas vs Crispin
Copper vs Cusick
Connell vs Cymin
Dae vs Dallow
Daniel Grace vs Daven
DeathScreen vs Derik
Doc vs Domitius
may 31 (group 3 left side)
Dr. Victor P. Henly vs Dhrake
Dorothy Gale vs Dr. Elliott Sinclair
Eabennor vs Edith Wickham
Ellie vs Edlyn
Elysia vs Elwin
Emma Gardner vs Erin
Ephesia vs Eniss
Epic Palustre vs Eriol
june 1 (group 3 right side)
Dr. Riku Honda vs Edmund
Ethylene Petra vs Eva Blythe
Faraena vs Farold
Evelyn Vordur vs Felix Rodzic
Feire vs Gail Goffrey
Gerdie vs Ferir
Ghost Lad vs Gigi
Evangelinne vs grandma Maudie
june 2 (group 4 left side)
Haru vs Heather
Henry Pebbleton vs Hibiscus
Hiromi vs Hope Espy Chase
Hugo Mallory vs Ilumi
Ilias vs James Zauberen
Ilya Severin vs Impossible
Jacer vs Jack Archer
James (Loriair) vs Isidore Kavi
june 3 (group 4 right side)
James (Eyurenia) vs Isabel
Jarryd vs Jasper
Jett vs Joden
James Bracegirdle vs Julia Cook
Kabos vs Kate Riley
Kathryn vs Keres Blake
Keyto vs Kimera
Kodi Archer vs James Mulligan
june 4 (group 5 left side)
Korosa vs Kylin
Laughing Hare vs Leeli
Kurtis vs Kyra
Len vs Licia
Leo King vs Lt. Matthew
Lina Lane vs Loch
Logis vs Lucas Greydawn
Lt. Madeline vs Logolas
june 5 (group 5 right side)
Kyr vs Laurentiu
Maddox Darling vs Luria
Kestler vs Matthew Johnson
Marin of Yuneth vs Meridian
Mathilda Talbot vs Mina
Mihalis vs Max Way
Mip vs Milton
Misty Way vs Maristella
june 6 (group 6 left side)
Miranda Hayes vs Nikki Way
Mochrar vs Myra
Mr. Guardian vs Nabikio
Naru vs Ms Hallifax
Nimble vs Nevin Imre
Orchid Finch vs Prince Adar Griffith
Nokh vs Obsidious
Onne vs Peter Pensworth
june 7 (group 6 right side)
Mr. G vs Ourem
Pandora vs Owen
Oriana vs Peg
Peter Dragonsbane vs Percy
Pietro vs Princess Torva
Peter Bethaz vs Prince Adric
Princess Rovyna vs Prometheus
Protagonist vs Naphtali
june 8 (group 7 left side)
Puddles vs Queen Alyth of Avena
Quinn vs Ragunoe
Ramona vs Rannis
Relaner vs Rhyin
Ril'siya vs Ripple Fisher
Riema vs Riser Way
Rocoroi Markus Mikko vs Rosemarie
Ryphl vs Santeri
june 9 (group 7 right side)
Saskia vs Senaka
Sh'zkai vs Shleaema
Shiido vs Skylar
Sonrisa Firiel vs Syx
Sly Bastion vs Stelemi
Spike vs Sz'nami
Tad vs Tamaki
Teasel vs Tannufia
june 10 (group 8 left side)
Tehvlar vs Thaendric
the Enemy vs the Mailman
the Poppy Queen vs the Runaway Prince
Theo Gray vs Tiger
Thomas Hargrove vs Tiny
Thessaly vs Tsuname
TJ Valentine vs Toka
Trajeda vs Val (Keepers)
june 11 (group 8 right side)
Veelia vs Trevin
Verity vs Vokku
Vellatra vs Waizu
Valentina vs Wendy
Wryden vs Yasmin
Wisteria vs Zac O'Connor
Yuro vs Zaire
Zhahara vs Ziph
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Submissions for the Otome Heroines Tournament.
Submit an Otome Heroine, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda through ask or submit a post.
They must be from an actual otome game, otome isekai heroines do not count. Just to make sure we’re all on the same page here.
I'll close submissions once I get 32 of them.
Top 6 submissions are the ones I submitted myself.
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some.
Rin/Chihaya: Yoshiwara Higanbana
Angelique Limoges: Angelique
Chizuru Yukimura: Hakuouki
Lucette Riella Britton: Cinderella Phenomenon
Morgan Leone: Gilded Shadows
Mai Mizusaki: Ikemen Sengoku
Sian Goodin: Backstage Pass
Kayo: Ken Ga Kimi
Alice Liddell: Heart no Kuni no Alice
Teuta Bridges: Bustafellows
Julia Darwin: Shall we Date? Love Tangle+
Valerie Amaranth/Diamond Heart: Magical Warrior Diamond Heart
Hiyoko Tosaka: Hatoful Boyfriend
Nora Lewis: Changeling
Tifalia: Radiant Tale
Byakuya/Olympia: Olympia Soiree
Heroine: Amnesia
Kisa Tachibana: Jack Jeanne
Anastasia Lynzel: Even If Tempest
Ceres: Virche Evermore
Hiyori Sena: Charade Maniacs
Lynette Mirror/Cupid: Cupid Parasite
Kotone Awaki: Café Enchanté
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