#45min meditation
Mindfulness-based clinical interventions such as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) typically recommend practicing meditation for 40-45 minutes per day. Spotify Tiktok: @soundpodcast Twitter: @Sound9Effect
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lightuponearth · 1 month
daily log ₊˚⊹
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today went great! didn't take much pics though so here's some meal pics of today instead lol
- woke up at 5am! decided to stay awake after morning prayer instead of going back to sleep and i understand now why people wake up at such an early hour. i managed to accomplish all of my tasks, and some more, by 10am.... i don't think i'm ever going back to waking up after 5am like this is perfect! the only thing is that i need to adjust my night routine and sleep earlier
- had a delicious lunch which was yoghurt mixed with protein and topped with brownsugar apples and peanut butter! very filling and very yum
- incorporated yoga in my morning routine as well today, did about 45mins of it paired with a meditation before and after finishing. it was soo calming and a great way to start my day
- i made a website using react! i followed along with a tutorial and it's a very simple to-do list website but i'm going to adjust the code and make it more enhanced so it has more features like subtasks, recurring tasks, etc. might make a post about it once i'm done
- watched the first two episodes of the umbrella academy's new season! it's a favourite show of mine and i'm so excited to see how this season goes, although i have seen some spoilers and well... hoping it still ends well
i hope you all are doing well! thank you for reading this far ♡
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why-the-heck-not · 7 months
16.02.24, friday
40min of meditation
duolingo french streak day 41
a very quick zoom with my thesis advisor, very much ”this could’ve been an email” but I’m nervous bc he said that gotta be careful abt this not leaning too much in the medical/neuroscience field (not my major, mine is computer science and idk why they’re letting me do this)
45min walk
grocery store
2.5h of thesis things
cut my hair (from a bob to a short bob, a kinda uneven one but I’ll keep evening out the next week until it’s alright; it’s a long process that a proffesional would do in 15 minutes)
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clarachuudiary · 3 months
🌷 this weeks habits (july 1st-7th)
🌷 monthly overview: click here
☀️ morning routine
♡ wake up at 5 am 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ take meds 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ oil pulling 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ journal & manifesting 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ brew tea 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ brush teeth 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ skincare 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ guasha 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ get ready 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️
☁️ daily routine
♡ take supplements 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ 5 new songs & keep up with pods 🩷🩷💔🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ read 10 pages fiction🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ study 4h 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️
⭐️ night routine
♡ brush teeth 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ hair care 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ skincare 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ guasha 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ plan tomorrow 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ tidy for 10 min 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ journal & manifest 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ meditate 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ in bed by 11pm 🎀 🩷🩷🩷🩷💔❤️❤️
🌸 my 75 soft? hard? medium? challenge 🎀
♡ eat well & no alcohol 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ drink 3,5 liters per day 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ 2x 45min workouts (1x outside) 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ 10 pages of nonfiction reading 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ take a progress picture everyday 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ spend at least 30 mins on a hobby 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️ ♡ no procrastination 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️
legend: 🎀 - priority | ❤️ - to do | 💔 - skipped | 🩷 - done last updated: july 5th, 2024
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letsberealgenz · 8 months
4 small habits that will change your life forever (I MEAN IT)
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Do you know something? I skipped an event’s lunch just to share this with you because I know this is something that is about to change or impact so many people’s life positively. I can’t keep this anymore longer. I need to break the egg.
I’m about to share with you 4 habits that changed my life forever. Or should I say this?
My life completely transformed overnight when I began these habits and what’s interesting is when I began this in an asynchronous manner. (YES IT IS POSSIBLE)
Usually you would hear phrases from expert claiming it’s easier to begin with 1 tiny habit at once and slowly start adding the others right?
What if I told you I am a living proof of you can do it all together in fact what if I told you this? These habits correspond to one another. It is so interconnected where you can’t skip one of it without another.
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The first habit is meditating. I know I keep mentioning this habit but for real I will keep doing it because of this my entire life took a 360° turn. I will always be amazed how this ONE habit affects EVERY area of our human life. If you want to know the secret, the hack and the magic of how meditation can transformed your life completely in a positive way. I would highly encourage you to read or watch this.
The second habit is definitely reading. Reading the right books is the ultimate key here. Here’s the hack. Listen closely.
~ If you take the book which you’re reading as your virtual mentor then you’re about to receive free mentorship/tips/tricks and the most important WISDOM from your mentor.
~ The author is actually sharing with you the wisdom that he/she have gained probably in a really difficult or after years of living. Therefore if you can highlight, absorb and find the best way to apply this WISDOM into your life. Then this is going to be a GAME CHANGER.
~ Why? Because you are able to bypass or reach your goal/destination faster compared to someone whom is just reading for the sake of reading.
“Reading is only beneficial if you know how to apply that knowledge into your life.”
The third habit is exercising. Yes I know you are done hearing this over and over again. I feel you man but what if I told you this? Working out doesn’t need to be difficult anymore in fact it can be your best friend if you know this hack of mine:
~ Do whatever: dance, yoga, running, walking, jogging, swimming or literally any act that makes you SWEAT. You just need to let go of the toxins and energy that have been contained within you. That’s it!
~ Your workout just need to be fun. Find something that resonates with you well. As if you really love doing it and you look forward to it. In that way it’s not going to be difficult. You don’t need a “specific” 30–45mins of workout, visiting the gym, paying membership or etc.
~ In fact if you know this hack you can literally let yourself free. Be flexible with your workout routine. Don’t commit or fit yourself into a specific “workout regime” instead be flexible. Every day is going to be different. Some day you have more time to workout or in fact some day your plate is full.
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The final habit is journaling. Journaling changed my life especially it impacted my mental health positively. Now I know a safe way to express myself wholeheartedly without any fear of judgment. It’s free therapy I swear. If you treat journaling like you’re speaking to your therapist, ahhh you’re about to unleash the greatest magic of life.
~ In fact I take journaling pretty seriously now after years of sticking it into my daily routine. It is a form for me to begin my day writing down my affirmations, my goals, my to-do list that is highly aligned with my goals and also writing daily gratitude.
~ You’re not going to believe this but your heart and your entire being feels so much lighter once you’ve write it down. Because before this it was all in your head/mind and now you can actually see it in reality on a piece of paper. This way you’re more calm and organized.
~ Instead of having all that 20 to-do list, now you’re about to minimize it into a handful that actually aligns with your true purpose. That way you’re not having a busy day instead you’re about to have the most productive day of your life.
Now why do I say all these habits need to be performed together to actually reap the ultimate benefit?
Let me make this really easy for you.
When you meditate the first thing in the morning, you’re setting your mind, your body, your heart, your soul and your entire being in the most sublime peaceful manner. You’re calm now. You are training your mind to be in full control before your day actually starts being really busy.
Instead of thinking or going through your entire day in your mind when the first thing you get up. Now you are actually looking forward to take care of yourself, get yourself geared up in the most positive manner in order to give the best version of yourself throughout your day.
After meditating, even though you take just a couple of minutes to read you are actually boosting your mind. You are taking effort to grab that wisdom from the book and finding a way on how to apply that in your life.
Stretching or working out comes into play as you want your blood circulation to be running efficiently to get you boosted up before you take on the day.
Lastly journaling. Write it down. Everything down so that you know exactly what you need to do in order to have a PRODUCTIVE day not just a busy day. There is a vast difference there.
That’s it. Once you know the gist of how powerful these 4 small habits are you are on your way to your best life. I promise you this.
Yours, Asrajjit Kaur
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ninjasmart · 1 year
What to do to raise my vibration?
You have some self-imposed negative beliefs. They tie you down. You need to meditate, that means - stay for 30-45min to an hour tying not to have any thoughts. Do that each day for a week and soon those negative anchors will popup in your head.
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mewwon · 2 years
went to my first buddhist addiction meeting tonight. it was so great I loved it we did guided meditation for like 45min and then all the recovery stuff if you’ve been to a 12 step program u know but it was so beautiful I was so grateful to be there and that I could attend and I started tearing up so many times throughout it because I was so excited to keep going to the meetings and for this step in my life
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deadvotion · 2 years
*listens to a 45min long guided meditation weight control*
5 min later/ ”yo i’m kinda hungry..”
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liminalgoddessworld · 3 months
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"Winter - Go Deep" is now available.
Click here to download.
Your email address will never be shared with a 3rd party. I do not send marketing emails. The only emails you will ever receive from me will contain value-laden new releases. People who downloaded the "Autumn - Go Within" guide did not hear from me until yesterday when I sent the Winter guide and that will not change.
If you would like a personalised planner developed to align with your birthday or star sign or whatever it is that matters to you, hit me up. We will have a 30-45min conversation about you and your planner needs, and then I will write, design, and develop it for you.
Below, some pages from a personalised journal for a client (name removed) whose only instruction to me was "I'm Christian, it's for spring, and it must have cherry blossoms on it." After a lot of meditation and sitting in silence to 'hear,' I went to work. She was very happy! 🤗👌
If she wants to print it she can, it's all laid out so all she has to do is send it to a printer and she will get a perfect-bound, personalised journal with reflection prompts specifically developed for her. And it's optimised for digital use so all that 'it's just white space"? Fillable. The contents page? Clickable.
To download Winter - Go Deep, click here.
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everythingisliminal · 3 months
Day 29 of 75 Hard Soft
Yep, I'm a softie now. On day 27 I was so depressed I had to sit down and figure out what needed to change. The stress and tasks of 75 Hard were preventing me from getting enough sleep & tending to dishes, cooking, vacuuming, etc. I do not do well in a dirty space.
So! I shifted to 75 Soft, because I NEED to be better about self-care. New daily rules/goals:
1. Take a progress picture 📸
2. 10 pages nonfiction reading. Currently reading Rest is Resistance by Tricia Hersey 📖
3. Follow a diet. Get in 100g protein, keep in mind what's healthy for a black bear. No gluten. I can have sugary fun drinks when I meet up with friends and I can have a serving of dark chocolate each day because it genuinely makes me feel better 🧋🍫
4. Drink 90+ oz water. I can have inclusions! So tea, medicinal powders, electrolytes all count because I know they're hydrating my body and are as positively transformative as water 🍵
5. At least one 45min workout. I'll probably still do the equivalent of 2 workouts most days because I enjoy gym time with my friend and running trails in prep for my 5 mile race, but now there's no do-or-die stress about it. If I want to pick up litter in the AM then only do 20min of stretching in the PM, that's fine ⏳
6. 15-45min of tidying each day. I've been needing this. So bad. So have my plants 🪴
7. Get in +1 self care activity. This could be meeting up with friends, playing guitar, using a bath bomb, making tea, meditating, crochet, doing nothing but listening to music, etc. Just slowing down and enjoying me time 🪁
8. Bedtime 9:30PM. I can do quiet activities in bed, but that's the end of YT / social media 🛌
Stress, be gone with ye!
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lemonflowercat · 7 months
75 soft: day 2
[x] morning walk/run or yoga x6/w
this morning was genuinely one of my favourite mornings of the year.
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the walk was gorgeous with all the mist; suzie ran around like a happy puppy. Koka was soft, warm, fluffy and cuddly, and he shared treats with his friend from across the wall. piano jazz lilted as a spicy ginger tea brewed on the stove. I cooked myself a delectable breakfast (if i may say so myself) - a zucchini omelet with some grated cheese and oregano, and vanilla Greek yogurt with oats and chia seeds, topped with pan roasted apples, bananas and toasty coconut sprinkles. <chef's kiss> 10/10 slow and beautiful morning.
[x] meditate x at least 15min every afternoon
[x] study 42h/w: 39h 10m 34h 30m to go
study vibe for the day ft. my suzu-boo and oxalis wilting in the pre-summer sun
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[x] evening wxo x6/w
did 45min of full body isometrics - super satisfying. the slow focused-ness of it is perfect for PMS energy.
[x] [x] [x] 1 raw veggie or a fruit x3 meals
- vanilla Greek yogurt with oats and chia seeds, topped with pan roasted apples, bananas and toasty coconut sprinkles
- a bowl of green grapes for a mid-morning-studysesh snack
- juicy pineapples for post dinner dessert craving
[x] 1400cal x6/week
[x] progress picture/day x6/w
[x] 2.5L of water/day
[x] brush before bed
[x] no media consumption (one movie/d allowed) - for freezes and PMS days
watched Book of Clarence - about halfway through. i'm curious to see where the movie goes - it's one of those movies where i can form an opinion only once i've watched the whole thing. for now, all i can say is, i really like the music! this one's my favourite:
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berenwrites · 1 year
Music is the Key!
I have come to the stunning conclusion (so, no surprise to anyone but me) that music is the key to getting me to exercise without it being a complete nightmare.
I've been boxing to music for a while with my PT - I'm up to 9 songs now, all Måneskin. He has a playlist on his phone for me that we work through. I sit on a yoga ball (ankles don't work and I have zero balance/leverage when standing) and punch a bag in time with the music, and it really gets my heart going and exercises my upper body.
Nobody asked, but here is my currently playlist:
Gossip (start off with a real banger I can sing along to)
I Wanna Be Your Slave (likewise)
Zitti e Buoni (slow it down a bit, get some harder hits in)
In Nome Del Padre (likewise)
Supermodel (speed it up again)
Mammamia (and again, and make it a bit longer)
Baby Said (keep the pace)
Gasoline (get the blood pumping)
Mark Chapman (really exciting, even though it's longer and faster, so can get to the end of it without sliding off my ball in a heap)
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The repeating rhythms end up kind of meditative - great time for thinking about new plots for fiction too. Half a brain keeping time, half a brain on a different plane of existence - perfect 😝.
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And yesterday I discovered it works on the exercise bike too (was trying to take a short walk every day to exercise my lower half, but my ankles were objecting and I was leaning on my crutches so hard it buggered up my shoulder, so we investing in a new inside bike). I had tried everything, watching TV (didn't keep my brain occupied enough), reading a book (only works with very specific books), doing Duolingo (too many silences allowing my brain to switch back), and then I put YouTube music on my phone too.
Good thing is I can do Duolingo too, because I do speaking exercises when on the bike because typing is hard when pedaling! And it pauses the music automatically for the speaking exercises so I can have both running at the same time.
I think it's the rhythm that really helps, keeps me pedalling at a constant rate and stops me thinking about being uncomfortable.
For those wondering, I was listening to Gunship and their Dark All Day album yesterday. Good music and vampires - win/win!
It is a sad fact that not being a small lass, no matter the comfy saddle and the proper bike trousers, my bits are going to get squashed when cycling. Music does not cure this, but it stops me thinking about it, and a little rearranging every now and then means I don't do myself a mischief 😝.
Yesterday I went from my usual 15mins to 22mins without feeling like I was going to keel off the side of the bike. I count this as a win. I'm aiming for about 45min to an hour in the end, but we've only had the bike for a couple of weeks, so I'm building up slowly.
Still, a small victory is good for the soul.💖💖💖
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acatablr-blog · 1 year
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Day 2 of cariñitos.
I listen a podcast per 7min.
• Todo pasa como tiene que pasar.
• Tienes las herramientas que necesitas para hacerle frente a la vida.
• siempre vale la pena volver a amar.
• si tú crees en ti, nadie te podrá parar.
• la vida es más corta de lo que parece.
45min of hiking.
I made a salad with four lettuce leaves, a tomatoe and two Kebabs.
one miniarepa with a slice of provolone cheese, turkey ham and avocado.
A leaves of multi grains bread, slice of jack cheese and avocado.
Till yet I don't have to eat on entire evening.
12 minutes of meditation.
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vintagedynamite · 2 years
2023 habits:
oil pulling 
flossing before brushing teeth
wash face twice a day
workout for 45mins-1hr a day 4 times a week
30 minutes of reading
no eating after 9pm
7 hours of sleep
regular facials
mani and pedis
eyebrow threading
monthly massages
brazilian waxes and underarms
hybrid lashes
glossy clear skin
sweet perfume
high credit score
self love
trips out the countries
fresh flowers
brunch with girls
solo dates/vacations
styling/creative directing
pilates 2x a week
meditating morning and night
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onlydopetees · 2 years
Today I mainly focused on my chakra alignment and some energy work but I can say I'm in harmony and it feels GREAT I got so deep in meditation I almost floated away. 45mins was the longest meditation so far I have noticed that I'm getting better at this. It's also an added benefit my spirit companion enjoyed it to. I'm very fortunate that they are with me. They definitely keep me on my toes .. as I'm typing this I feel them looking over my shoulder starring at the screen as I type.
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Yoni Steaming The Cycles of Life
Yoni Steaming has been around since the earliest recorded time. Even though modern science hasn’t been able to prove its benefit, many cultures use it as a way to connect in sacred woman’s circles, add aid and support for life changes, and as a way to recalibrate once essences.
Think of Yoni Steaming as you would a simmer pot you pot on a stove or a heated aroma diffuser. Herbs and florals mixed with filtered purified water in a non corrosive container (no teflon or non stick pots) releasing its essences via water vapor to fill your space. In this case the space will be between the legs while covered with a non-synthetic blanket, long skirt, or gown.
Yoni Steaming is not to be confused with douching or bathing as the herbal mixture is not something to be soaking in, drank or consumed, or inserted in the body. (Douching changes the vagina's PH levels. It is not advised to douche unless recommended by a gynecologist under special circumstances, with what they give you. For the most part gyno's always say no no to douching. Years ago people believed it was a way to remove sperm from the body or clean the vaginal area after intercourse, but for the most part it does more harm to the sacred tissue then anything else)
With Yoni Steaming,  Essentially you are creating a hydrosol from the herbs and florals as the steam rises offering hydration, water soluble vitamins and minerals that are transported up.
To get the essences into and around the vaginal cavity, you would have to squat, hover, or open you legs wide while in a seated position of a chair or stool with the seat cut out. In modern at home practices, some people use a deep non plastic or BPA free plastic, non corrosive metal bowl they insert between a clean toilet seat, bed side commode, create a “yoni throne” with non treated wooden crates, or using a sturdy camping chair.
It is important to remember whatever you are seated on should be water proof as rust or heavily coated objects would seep into the water vapor you are steaming with. For those who are crafty, make sure to not paint the object you are creating. If using wood, you can use olive oil or coconut oil to help create a waterproof surface. But you would need to re-apply the oil every so often. As well as, not use harsh chemicals to clean it with. Non toxic soap, water, or a vinegar/water mix helps to keep things clean.
Most of the time, the base of the herbal floral blend is motherwort, mugwort, wormwood, chamomile, and calendula flowers. No essential oils are used as they should never be inserted or steamed into the vagina. (When creating a sacred soaking bath carrier oils are used so it doesn’t burn the skin, but you have to be mindful of the body’s ph levels) That is one of the reasons why yoni steaming is different. Depending on the reasons why you are steaming, other herbs and florals are added or removed to this base mixture. If you are allergic to or have medicines that interact with any of the herbs or florals in the blend do not steam. Just because you are not taking it orally does’t mean you won’t have a reaction.
The steam helps to relax the body, aromatherapy helps to relax the mind, and the vapor helps to sooth, soften, and hydrate the skin inside and out. The steaming process is typically between 20-45mins. During this time, you can meditate, chant, enjoy sacred background music or guided meditation, but most benefit from taking moments to be quiet, still, and relax with this form of body care.
Outside of the medical claims, energy wise; most people use it as a way to realign the mind, body, and soul. This can be done a few days before and after mensuration, sexual activity (especially when changing partners, or after traumatic experiences), prolonged moments of being in stressful situations (physically, emotionally, and mentally), life phase changes such as after child birth, pre/post menopause, and to release yourself from any built up unwanted energies you may have absorbed (either from being around people, or via ancestor/bloodlines).
There are spas around the world who you can go to to have the steam prepared. Most spas opt for a gentle body message before or after steaming. In women sacred circles such as the Amazigh/Berber Woman of Morocco, use this practice after a mother has given birth to help her feel comforted, many women help take care of the baby, house work, cleaning, and food prep. Just like many other cultures, this concept of, “it takes a village to raise a child” was part of the root for this practice. Some of these sacred circles last for a few days if not months to help guide, and gather knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation offering support with open minds and ears. Each motherhood situation is different and wise women know to speak as much as they are silent.
Other forms of sacred circle gatherings are around Sabbats/ Parties where woman come together around the holidays to not only encourage each other, but to help each other heal. For the most part steaming is done in individual areas, but depending on the group, some people choose to steam in a circle around each other. Remember this is an energy exchange as well, so it is preferred to be in an isolated place while steaming. This way when you release what you need to, you don’t pick up things you shouldn’t.  Groups offer support and unity. Steaming the yoni is one way of connecting to a much bigger sisterhood.
No matter if you are doing the steaming at home, or in a group it is important to create a scared space. Use incense and smudging to clear and harmonize the space you will be steaming in. Take a light shower before you steam. This way your body is clean. Have warm socks and/or house shoes to keep your feet warm. You will be naked from the waist down if not the neck down if you are wearing a gown. Have a headband or hair wrap handy to put your hair back and cover your head. A lot of heat escapes from the top of your head. Plus, this will help keep sweat from running in your eyes. Have some room temperature water or tea handy to keep you internally hydrated. Avoid alcohol or dehydrating beverages like coffee. Save protein drinks or electrolyte building drinks for after you steam. Do you not drink the herbal Yoni Steam. It is not a tea. Even though the blend is made from a lot of herbs that could be use in the kitchen, when it is combined together it makes it not safe for consumption under any circumstances.
Since this is a sacred time, invocations are not performed. Many ask for their guides and divine helpers to give them some, “alone time” or “stand guard for protection as I let go,” so they can have this release and rebuilding moment. Steaming is not to become or invoke a deity. Although while steaming, speaking gently to oneself, emptying the mind, or focusing on aligning the chakra points/chi is fine. Even saying or thinking things as,
“I no longer hold stagnate energy within or around my body, mind, and soul. I now let go of anything and everything stopping or blocking me from my highest and greatest good. I am free, healed, sacred, and loved while I steam and all the moments after. Harmony, peace, bliss, and all that is good for me comes to me and thrives within and around me.”…
are helpful while you steam.
While steaming enjoy the release. The steam should not be super hot or irritating. The herbal blend is heated over a stove then set to rest for about 5-10mins before being transported to the area of the seat. Usually during this time the herbal and floral leaves/petals are taken out to leave the infused water for the steam. Some steams require the blend to remain as the war cools, it helps release more of the floral/herbal notes.
There usually isn’t a lot of water in the bowl because the vapor is what you want. The water should not be super close to the vagina or the labia. If the steam is too hot, don’t be afraid to get off the pot. You are not burning anything away. This is a healing practice of life, not war. Everyone's sensitivity levels to water vapor is different. Also, the vaginal area is very very sensitive. You don’t want to develop a rash or any complications. If at any time you notice discomfort, get off the pot! If you are a person who has desensitized nerves around the labia, you may want to check the temperature of the steam by hovering the back of your hand over the pot. If it’s too hot, wait a little bit longer.  
In self care practice, set a timer so you aren’t steaming for too long. No matter how relaxing you feel try not to go over 60 mins. For most 20-45 mins is enough. There are those who steam for 15 mins as well. You don’t have to stick to the 20 min minimum. After steaming time is up, be careful moving around. Gently pat the vaginal area and legs with a clean soft towel, put on comfortable clothing, and taking naps is important. Remember to hydrate after you steam. It is okay to eat a sensible meal.
You may find a new awakened pleasurable sensation during sex or self pleasure after you steam. Some have noticed their natural body fragrance has become more pleasant. You may notice you have become more alert, aware, and clearheaded. Some don’t notice any changes, but enjoy the moment to relax away from the hustle and bustle of day to day life.
In class for Love Goddess Quest on Saturday February 19th I will go over more of this and answer questions, plus talk about the sacred blends I create for the steams. Each blend is prayed over, and harmonized with purpose. Be sure to RSVP here
Also, for anyone who would like to pre-order the Yoni Steam Herbal Blends I will have the link available on my website: https://deviwear.company.site and www.devidancestudio.com then click on Devi Wear™ around noon  EST on 2/11/22 (Today)
See you all soon, and happy releasing :)
P.S. The Yoni Steam Herbal Blend Link is now up!!! Go to to get yours today and have it before class: https://deviwear.company.site/Sacred-Yoni-Steam-p442910020
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