#40 lat
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lucy-shining-star · 7 months ago
Heh nie wiedziałam, że niektóre postacie z Rancza mają kanoniczną datę urodzenia. Niektóre sam rok a niektóre miesiąc i dzień. Wczoraj dopiero zajrzałam na polską wikipedię i się dowiedziałam. Anyway spiszę od najstarszego do najmłodszego:
Jan Japycz-1921
Paweł i Piotr Kozioł-2 czerwca 1962. W Lublinie
Kazimiera Solejuk-14 maja 1964. W Wilkowyjach
Arkadiusz Czerepach-1966
Jerry Smith-14 października 1970
Fabian Duda-13 grudnia 1984
#ranczo#szkoda że nie zobaczyłam tego wcześniej można było jakieś obchodzenie urodziny postaci fikcyjnych wójta i proboszcza zrobić#albo jakby jeszcze wcześniej solejukowej#a tak to pierwszy na liście jest jerry#...w sumie to ma sens chyba pokazywał kiedyś jakiś dokument tożsamości dlatego jest jego data#podobno jest niewyemitowa scena jak fabian cytuje pesel stąd jego#japycz musiał mieć na grobie napisane ale że sam rok#zgaduję że solejukowa miała na dyplomie?#ale skąd daty wójta i proboszca mogą być to nie pamiętam#czerepacha też nie zwłaszcza że sam rok?#anyway próbuje wydedukować wiek innych postaci na tej podstawie#hmm wydawało mi się#że sojekowa więcławska i hadziukowa są w tym samym wieku ale więcławska musi jednak być młodsza od solejukwej bo solejukowa mi wynika ma w#sezonach 1-3 46 lat a więcławki mówi w 3 że więcławksa jeszcze 40 nie ma#klaudia chyba gdzieś w 2 czy 3 kończy 18 więc 1988? czy 89?#kinga w 5 sezonie ma 19 chyba bo powtarza 3 klasę liceum to jak fabian ma chyba wtedy 25 to ona jest chyba z 1990#ewentualnie 1991#no i się zastanawiam czy lucy jest w wieku jerry'ego#wait wójt i proboszcz przecież mieli przyjęcie urodzinowe na końcu 2 sezonu chyba tego samego dnia co urodziny#było wtedy coś wspomniane/jakiś dokument pokazany?#anyway to znaczy że jest dokładana data zakończenia sezonu in-universe i also to też rocznica kusego i lucy#a dobra już wiem skąd rok urodzenia czerepacha#bo wójtowi potrzebna była do otworzenia jego sejfu
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bigwishes · 3 months ago
Hope you're doing well. Just wanted to ask the genie for one wish... to swap bodies with my dumb sweaty bear of a roommate. We couldn't be more different, I'm a clean twink-ish comp sci major and I don't even know what he's majoring in cause all he does is eat, game, and work out. I complain about his lifestyle but secretly... I'm jealous. Jealous of how little he cares about grades or hygiene. Only caring about muscles and sports. I just want to know what it'd be like to be in his shoes for once even for a day. Then he'd be the one complaining to me about how much the house stinks and I'd be the one without a care in the world.
Took me a while to even see this one, but sure your wish is my command a big muscled sweaty bear who stinks? easy enough. first you start with your muscle mass, slowly pumping up, splitting through your shirt, growing more and more by the second, you can't help but flex and worship yourself as your muscles expand to freakish proportions.
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its almost impossible for you to keep your hands off yourself as you moan in pleasure wanting more, to grow bigger, to get bigger,
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soon a thick beard starts to grow from your jawline making you look like a beefed up lumberjack who works out non stop. A potent BO fills the room as your pits grow damp and start to stink, sweat drips down from them trailing your lats making you look like you just finished a workout.
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You feel heavy trying to haul around your big muscular body, which doesnt help with the sweat, each step is an effort in itself causing you to sweat. You feel the fabric of your underwear strain and get wet around your groin and in between your ass as your body over produces sweat.
You begin to huff, each movement you perform leaving you out of breath. As you sit down the the couch to take a break you feel the cold wetness as the fabric absorbs your sweat.
A moment of peace passes as you try and catch your breath then your stomach growls. You do remember you wished to be a bear? six pack abs aren't very fitting.
You gut grows tight and you moan in pain as it growls, before long it starts to puff forward, looking bloated before shortly being covered in a layer of fat and hair.
you belch without warning, the powerful smell of protein feels the room and you look down to see the new you.
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Big and Bulky are the words that best describe you now. A giant bodybuilder covered in a winter layer of fat, a true muscle bear.
Suddenly your door swings open as your roommate walks in. You expected to see the beast you'd gotten used to living with but instead a clean cut jock walked through the door carrying a pizza, protein shake and a box of chocolate muffins. You threw them down on the coffee table in front of you.
"got you what you asked for dude" instantly without saying thanks, your dove for the food alternating between shoving multiple slices of pizza in your mouth and chugging the protein shake, the shake dripped down the side of your lips and ran onto your chest.
"god how do you live like this you freak"
Hearing his words made your ears perk up, but not enough for you to stop eating.
"you are such a fucking slob dude"
You dick suddenly became hard hearing him insult you.
"and your fucking reek, jesus christ, you eat like a monster, stink like 40 gyms combined and have such a grotesque amount of muscle on your body"
Instantly you blew your load into your underwear hearing him talking about how much of a fucking slob you are.
You'd never felt so turned on, being so big, being so hungry, being humiliated by such a hot guy.
you had forgotten you even made a wish to begin with, and were ready to spend your life as a beasty bear.
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vestaignis · 1 month ago
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Подводные бабочки-рыба, которой даны крылья, но не для полета- Восточная дактилоптена.
Восточная дактилоптена, или восточная летучка (лат. Dactyloptena orientalis), — вид лучепёрых рыб семейства долгопёровых (Dactylopteridae). Широко распространены в Индо-Тихоокеанской области от юга Африки до Красного моря и Персидского залива, включая Мадагаскар и Маскаренские острова. На север до Японии и островов Бонин; на восток до Тонга, Рапа-Ити, Гавайских островов и островов Питкэрн и на юг до Западной Австралии, Нового Южного Уэльса и Новой Каледонии. Максимальная длина тела 40 см, обычно до 20 см
Тело у этих необычнх рыб массивное, удлинённое, почти квадратное в поперечном сечении. Покрыто костной чешуёй, которая образует продольные гребни. Голова большая и заключена в костный панцирь. Глаза у дактилоптены большие. Рот маленький, полунижний с крошечными зубами на обеих челюстях, сошнике и нёбных костях. В углу предкрышки расположен длинный шип; его окончание не заходит за окончание первой спинной колючки. У восточной летучки два спинных плавника; в первом спинном плавнике 5 колючих лучей; второй сп��нной плавник с 8 мягкими лучами отделён от первого спинного плавника глубокой выемкой. Хвостовой плавник с небольшой выемкой, удлинённый у взрослых особей. Грудные плавники с горизонтальным основанием, разделены на две части: передней, образованной пятью короткими лучами, и задней с 27—30 длинны��и лучами, окончания которых доходят до основания хвостового плавника; каждый луч с короткими нитями, выходящими за внешний край луча.
Окраска тела обычно желтовато-коричневая сверху и светло-коричневая снизу. По верхней части головы и тела разбросаны небольшие оранжевые точки; у особей крупнее 10 см обычно на верхней части головы есть большое тёмное пятно. На грудных плавниках беспорядочно разбросаны золотистые точки, более крупные в задней части. У мелких особей (длиной 50—65 мм) одно глазчатое тёмное пятно на нижней трети плавников. По хвостовому плавнику проходят четыре золотистые полосы. Золотистые полосы идут вдоль верхней части колючего спинного плавника.
Восточная дактилоптена это морская придонная рыба. Обитает на континентальном шельфе над песчаными грунтами на глубине от 1 до 100 м. Способна «ходить» по дну, используя для передвижения брюшные плавники и короткие лучи грудных плавников. Длинные лучи грудных плавников в спокойном состоянии прижаты к телу, а в случае опасности распрямляются для отпугивания хищников. Ведут одиночный малоподвижный образ жизни. Питаются ракообразными, моллюсками и мелкими рыбами.
Underwater butterfly fish that have wings, but not for flight - Eastern Dactyloptena.
The Oriental flying gurnard, or Purple Flying Gurnard, (lat. Dactyloptena orientalis), is a species of ray-finned fish of the long-finned fish family (Dactylopteridae). Widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific region from southern Africa to the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, including Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands. To the north to Japan and the Bonin Islands; to the east to Tonga, Rapa Iti, Hawaii and the Pitcairn Islands and to the south to Western Australia, New South Wales and New Caledonia. The maximum body length is 40 cm, usually up to 20 cm.
The body of these unusual fish is massive, elongated, almost square in cross-section. Covered with bony scales, which form longitudinal ridges. The head is large and enclosed in a bony shell. The eyes of Dactyloptenae are large. The mouth is small, semi-inferior with tiny teeth on both jaws, the vomer and the palatine bones. In the corner of the preoperculum there is a long spine; its end does not extend beyond the end of the first dorsal spine. The eastern bat has two dorsal fins; the first dorsal fin has 5 spiny rays; the second dorsal fin with 8 soft rays is separated from the first dorsal fin by a deep notch. The caudal fin with a small notch, elongated in adults. The pectoral fins with a horizontal base, are divided into two parts: the anterior, formed by five short rays, and the posterior with 27-30 long rays, the ends of which reach the base of the caudal fin; each ray with short filaments extending beyond the outer edge of the ray. The body color is usually yellowish-brown on top and light brown below. Small orange dots are scattered over the top of the head and body; individuals larger than 10 cm usually have a large dark spot on the top of the head. Golden dots are randomly scattered on the pectoral fins, larger at the back. Small individuals (50-65 mm long) have one eye-shaped dark spot on the lower third of the fins. Four golden stripes run along the caudal fin. Golden stripes run along the upper part of the spiny dorsal fin.
The Purple Flying Gurnard, is a marine bottom fish. It lives on the continental shelf over sandy bottoms at depths from 1 to 100 m. It is able to "walk" along the bottom, using its pelvic fins and short rays of the pectoral fins for movement. The long rays of the pectoral fins are pressed to the body when calm, and in case of danger they straighten out to scare off predators.They lead a solitary, sedentary lifestyle. They feed on crustaceans, mollusks and small fish.
Источник:://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Восточная_дактилоптена, ://www. clasbio.ru/classification.php?id=13255, //fishesofaustralia.net.au/ home/species/4640.
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hermitpostzine · 11 days ago
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The Hermitcraft Postcard Zine store will be going live for preorders in ONE DAY!
Our project includes 40 unique postcards, stamp stickers designed for each hermit, and two exclusive poster designs - all created by our amazing contributor team. Perfect for showing off your hermit-fan status, send a postcard to your fellow hermit-enjoying fans! (Or use them to decorate and commemorate your favorite hermits season 10 bases!)
All profits from this project will be donated to Gamers Outreach!
Featured in this graphic: Postcard designs by @messiergalaxy31, @lat-north, and @wa1nutart. Stamp design by @kazehita.
Follow us for updates and to get notified when our store goes live!
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harmony-and-peace · 19 days ago
„Życie nie kończy się w wieku 18 lat. Nie musisz znać swojego życiowego celu w wieku 25 lat. Nadal jesteś młoda w wieku 30 lat. Możesz zmienić swoją karierę w wieku 35 lat. I możesz znaleźć miłość swojego życia w wieku 40 lat. Życie potrafi nas zaskakiwać na różne sposoby, więc daj sobie czas i ciesz się teraźniejszością”
- @harmony-and-peace
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mys3lflos3s · 4 months ago
grupa ta będzie przeznaczona tylko dla motylkow any, będzie ona w chuj toksyczna wiec ostrzegam, zglaszacie sie na wlasna odpowiedzialnosc. Na tej grupie nie ma zadnego glaskania po glowce, wszytscy jesteśmy ze soba szczerzy i jeśli ktoś wyśle swoje zdjecie figury i dostanie toksyczne komentarze i bedzie mial problem do reszty to wyrzucam go z grupy.
musisz mieć 13 lat minimalnie
codziennie wysyłamy body checki i screena aplikacji do liczenia kalorii o 18:00, a weight checka o 8:00, jeśli tego nie zrobisz i nie napiszesz mi powodu, możesz zrobić to na drugi dzień ale jeśli drugiego dnia nie wyslesz to zostajesz wyrzucony z grupy
codziennie chociaz 15h postu
chociaż raz w tygodniu fast
od 18:00 nie jesz juz nic
codziennie chociaz 40 minut ćwiczeń (musisz wysłać dowód ze cwiczysz)
codziennie bedzie wyznaczona jedna osoba (tzw. dyżurny) ktora rano będzie wysyłać jakies th!nsp0 i motto na ten dzień .
nie ma owijania w bawelne i klamania, wszyscy sa SZCZERZY
jeśli nie schudniesz chociaz 2kg na tydzień/będziesz bingowal lub jak wyslesz body checka i będziesz ważyć nawet o 0.5kg więcej niz poprzedniego dnia, czeka cie kara wybrana przez reszte, bo grupa jest dla motylkow, nie dla osób ktore nie szanuja any i sie obzeraja
jesli ktos chce przejść na recovery nie probujemy go zniechęcić tylko wrecz przeciwnie, jest to toksyczna grupa dla motylkow, a jesli ktos chce z tego wyjść to musimy mu pomóc
nie wyzywamy nikogo za orientacje, wygląd, fryzurę, dokladniej za nic, co nie jest wagą lub wygladem ciała
nie oczekuj milych i kochanych osób na tej grupie, bedzie najbardziej toksyczna jaka moze być wiec jesli ci to nie pasuje to nie dołączaj bo robisz to na wlasna odpowiedzialność!!
NAJWAŻNIEJSZA ZASADA, nie robisz screenow grupy i to co jest na grupie, zostaje na grupie. jeśli dowiem sie, ze ktokolwiek spoza grupy o niej wie to zostajesz wyrzucony
8 dni głodówki (musisz wysłać ss monitora glodowki)
codziennie 15tys kroków
codziennie spalone 1000 kcal
nie zmieszczenie sie w limicie
4 dni głodówki
codziennie 15 tys kroków
codziennie spalone 800 kcal
nie ćwiczenie (chyba ze masz powód i podasz go na pv)
2 dni glodowki
15 tys krokow
spalone 500 kcal
jeśli chcecie dołączyć piszcie na pv, czekam na zgloszenia
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tayumin · 2 months ago
intro post! tw: ed
໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
- Nie podaje swojego prawdziwego imienia, używam ksywki Tayumin
- Mam 16 lat, z ed zmagam się od jakiś 2 lat, w końcu chcę wziąć się za siebie i naprawdę schudnąć
- Jest to moje drugie konto na Tumblerze lecz pierwsze o tej tematyce, będę używał tego konta to pisania moich codziennych przemyśleń, tego jak minął mój dzień, mój codzienny bilans, etc.
sw - 97
hw - 98,7
gw1 - 70✖️
gw3 - 50✖️
gw4 - 40✖️
ugw - 30✖️
height - 170
Chudego dnia motylki
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petpenname · 11 months ago
❤️Red Wine Supernova❤️
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pairing: dealer!ellie williams x introverted(f)reader cw. : smoking, drinking summary: modern college au, slow burn with some sad elements, inspired by Red Wine Supernova by Chapel Roan Parts: 1. I Just Want to Get To Know You 2. Mini Skirt and My Go-Go Boots 3. I Don't Care That You're A Stoner + Epilogue: Falling Into Me a/n: bittersweet ending to my first fic 🥺
Part 3
I Don’t Care That You’re a Stoner
The following week was busy. On monday you started a class project worth 40% of your grade and the prep for it was drowning you. On top of your other classes you barely had time for yourself. Which is why you were actually looking forward to tonight. There was another party at House 09 and Sage promised to stay by your side and make tonight worth it. But a certain green eyed girl took up residence in your mind, refusing to vacate. 
On that Friday, in the late afternoon, you were sprawled across Sage’s bed, with her on the floor, passing a joint between you. 
“I don't know dude, we texted for a bit Sunday but I haven't heard from her all week. I didn't even see her in the cafe.” you sigh, pulling out your phone to check the message thread between you and Ellie again. 
“Damn, but she kissed you right?” Sage says from the floor. “That's so weird, maybe she's just busy with school?”
“Yeah maybe, I don't even know what she studies. She's kind of a nerd though, it's cute. She wanted to watch this space movie together.” 
“You should totally invite her over this weekend!” Sage says sitting up right. “Oh my god it would be so cute! And I could buy from her, I'm running low” She giggles, looking down at her close to empty stash jar. 
“You know what, ya! I'm going to text her. I kept waiting for her to text first, I just didn't want to bother her.”
“You aren't going to bother her! Send the text” Sage smiles at you, and puts out the rest of the joint before standing to stretch. 
You organize a text after a few tries: 
Hey Ellie! Want to come over Hiii, when do you want to watch that movie? My place, this weekend. You. me. Space movie y/n: hey ellie hope u r well! Want to watch that movie at my place this weekend?
“Okay I sent it!” you say chucking your phone away from you.
“Good job!” Sage says, giving you a thumbs up. “Now let's start getting ready!”
You shower and do your makeup in Sage’s room with the rest of the girls. Sage had the biggest space and the best lighting which made it the prime spot for your roommates to get ready together. 
Phoebe and Ivy are discussing recent events from a class they share and the drama that went down between a few students. You try your best to focus and be in the moment but each second that goes by without a response makes your heart sink. Memories of the previous weekend flash in your mind. The taste on your lips left by the auburn haired girl disappeared too soon, leaving you wanting more. You didn't want to come on too strong, too forward, worried you would scare Ellie off when you didn't even know what she wanted. You check your phone again, your message was delivered, but not read. Your heart falls a little lower.
“Hellooooooo, y/n” you tune into Olivia's voice calling to you. “You okay? You've been quiet, more than usual” 
“Hmm? ya , sorry, I'm good! I just haven't heard from Ellie all week.” You say with a shrug. You never liked putting your hurt onto others, choosing to brush it off and face it on the inside than over share. 
“Maybe she will be at the party tonight!” Ivy suggests. “Arent her and Dina roommates? And Dina is dating Jessie right? If you see them you could ask them about her?”
“Oh maybe.” The thought of that made your stomach flip. You had never talked to Dina or Jessie and you definitely didn't want to seem like a crazy lover girl. “We will see, can you pass me that eyeshadow Pheebs?”
“Here ya go babe!” Phoebe hands you a green shimmer shade that looks oddly familiar… 
Hours later you and Sage are side by side facing down two of the H09 guys in a competitive game of beer pong. Sage and you are surprisingly winning and both are on a high -figuratively and literally. You were actually having a really fun time. You’ve been nursing a hard seltzer since you got there but had indulged with Sage in a few seshes. 
“OHH FUCK YA!” Sage exclaims, landing another shot in a red solo cup.
“Drink up guys!” You say, backing up your roommate's excitement.
“Oh don’t sound so excited! It's my turn next” Says a very confident resident, you think his name is Cole? 
And Cole was right. He ends up sinking each and every one of your remaining cups, securing the boys a win. They celebrate and you all exchange good games.
“Damn dude! You want to redeem ourselves?” Sage says, turning to you with fire in her eyes.
“I'm down in a sec! Gotta go to the bathroom.” You say. “I'll be right back!” 
You leave Sage and navigate through the house. You have to pass through the kitchen and a hallway to get to the bathroom. You move slowly, shifting around drunk bodies left and right. As you pass through the hallway your attention is drawn into the living room where people are dancing. Your eyes land on a familiar figure facing away from you. Tall and lean with her hair half tied up, for some reason you just knew it was Ellie, and it stopped you in your tracks. A rush went through you, she was here! She really was just busy! You start to move towards her until your eyes fall upon someone else. Ellie was talking to a girl in front of her, although you couldn't hear the conversation over the music. The girl had this look in her eye that you recognize all too well. She was swaying back and forth and just the nature of her demeanor told you she was flirting. You were confused, but unable to form a thought long enough before the girl moved her arms to wrap around Ellie’s neck pulling her closer. 
You turn away. Ears ringing, your vision tunneled, you could assume what happened next. Your feet moved without warning, your mind instantly dissociating. You left. 
“What the fuck get off!” Ellie says loudly, pushing off the girl's arms around her. 
“Aww come on don’t be like that El!”
“You said you wanted to buy Cat. You know we’re fucking done.”
“God, ya, my friend did. Whatever, you don't know what you're missing.” 
“Oh I know, lose my number.” 
Ellie storms away, she needs a shot, something to shed the feeling of her ex on her. She had just gotten back to Jackson a few hours ago. Having to go home for a week left many buyers dry so she had her work cut out for her at this party. She just didn’t realize her ex would be here. 
“Ivy! Ivy, where are you?” Sage shouts through the house, appearing in the kitchen.
“Shit Dude! right here! What?” Ivy sat on the counter, Phoebe next to her cutting limes. 
“Guys have you seen y/n? She said she was going to the bathroom but that was like twenty minutes ago!” Sage looks at her roommates worried.
“Nope, haven't seen her, maybe she just went home?” Phoebe suggests
“She usually does, I'm sure she's fine!” Ivy reassures.
“I don't know guys, she would have texted us! Oh, Ellie!” Sage catches Ellie as she comes in from a sesh in the backyard.
“Hey Sage, you want tobuy–”
“Have you seen y/n??” Sage practically yells at Ellie. 
“What? She’s here?” Ellie looks around in anticipation. You had been on her mind all week. But with other stressful matters at hand she couldn't bring herself to text you when she wasn't feeling her best. Something you two had in common. 
“I mean she was! But i can’t find her and she hasn't texted me, and-” “Wait dont you have her location?” Ivy says through a mouthful of chips
“Oh shit ya!” Sage flicks to your contact, pulling up your location which pings close by, right in…
“The forest? What the fuck is she doing in there?” Sage exclaims, turning the phone to show the girls. “Oh my god what the hell i don't even know how to get over there!” 
“Oh fuck,” Ellie says. “I know where she is.” Pheobe, Ivy and Sage all look at Ellie, with equally confused ‘you do?’ looks on their faces. “Do you know why she would be out there?”
“She might have wanted some peace? I'll go get her, I showed her the way.” Ellie says, turning to leave. She felt protective over you, she had no idea why you were out there but she knew she had to get to you.
“Want us to come?” Sage says, moving with Ellie
“Nah it's okay, I need to talk to her anyway… uh i'll text you when I find her okay?” Ellie says, reassuring Sage. 
“Okay you fucking better Williams” Sage says before letting Ellie run out the house. 
Cold from the concrete crept up your thighs while the liquor burned in your throat. You didn't know how long you had been out here but tears pooled stains on your jeans and a half drunk bottle of tequila kept you company. You must have grabbed it on your way out. You weren't sure, you weren’t focusing on anything right now in attempts to keep images of arms wrapped around her strong frame out of your mind. Only the sound of your sniffles and the creek beneath you rang through the forest. 
You instantly perked up, attention drawn. Through the buzz your mind formed a realization. You were out in these woods alone, at night, and more than under the influence. 
You stand up, almost tripping, straining your eyes to see in the darkness for any sign of movement. Your eyes catch light fumbling through the brush, a flashlight?
The light gets closer and you hear footsteps over the soft ground. “y/n? Are you over here?”
A voice you longed to hear, a siren in the night, it caught you off guard and you were silent for a second before speaking.
“El.. Ellie?” You say between sniffles and hiccups” 
  “Oh my god, y/n! Thank god, everyone was looking for you… hey what's wrong?” Ellie approaches you, noticing the bottle of liquor in your hands, your unstable movements and the tears drawing mascara down your cheeks. 
Arms wrap around Ellies neck in your mind, you see her kissing another girl, your heart ignites on fire. 
“No. no i'm fine. I was just leaving.” You say trying to compose yourself. You suddenly felt embarrassed of your state, not wanting Ellie to see you like this and in no mood to talk to her. You take a step forward trying to move around Ellie but end up tripping, falling right into her.
“Hey how much have you had to drink? We should get you home.” Ellie stabilizes you, then pulls your chin up so you're looking at her. “Why are you crying baby?”
You jerk your head away from her hand, the liquor fueling a wound within you that too many have deepend. “I-donneed to tell u anythin! *hiccup* Why don’t you jus go back tothe party? Just leave me be like they all do.” You turn away from her, taking another swig of liquor. 
Ellie grabs the bottle from your lips, “i don't think you need any more of that come on you're not making any sense.”
“OH i'm not making sense? What about you!?” Your last conscious brain cells form a coherent thought as everything you wanted to say comes out at once. 
“I thought you were so sweet when you brought me here and kissed me but then you didn’t talk to me all week and when i do see you you’re kissing some other girl and i don even know why i try anymore-”
“Wait, wait what” Ellie tries to slow your ramble.
“because no one actually wants to be with me-”
“Y/N!” Ellie shouts. Not angrily, more stern, but it shuts you up.
“I haven't kissed anyone tonight, what are you talking about?” Ellie looks genuinely confused, and worried at your sudden outburst. 
“Don lie! I saw you with that girl in the living room. She had her hands all over you.” You couldn't bring yourself to look her in the eyes, as tears started flowing again. 
“Oh my.. fuck..” shes says under her breath. Ellie was pissed off at her ex for causing her more problems. “Y/N, listen to me. That was my ex, she told me she wanted to buy but I should have known better. I pushed her off of me and definitely didn't kiss her. Trust me I have no intentions on getting back with her.”
Your mind takes a second to process this information, through sniffles and tears you come to realize what Ellie is saying. “Oh my god,... im so fucking stupid” you say, bending down into a small ball. Now you really just wanted to disappear. You hadn't talked to this girl for more than three days and you were already making assumptions and being heartbroken over nothing?!
“Hey no you’re not!” Ellie crouches down next to you, rubbing your back. “I'm sorry you had to see that, I wish I knew you would have been there tonight, we could have gone together.” “You could have texted me back…” you say, collecting yourself a little more.
“I know.. I know I should have. I'm sorry, I was just dealing with a lot this week and I honestly didn't expect you to be here tonight. I just wanted to sell and go home.”
You stay silent, not really knowing how to move forward with the conversation. You were uncomfortable sharing so much emotion to someone you just met but at the same time you wanted to be close to Ellie. A shiver goes down your spine, and your teeth chatter a bit as a breeze blows by.
“You cold hun? Here take my jacket” Ellie stands, removing her hoodie and putting it around you. “Why don’t we go back to the house? We could just talk and sit for a bit? Warm up?” You nod, accepting Ellies hand to help you up and guide you out of the forest. On the walk back Ellie texts Sage that she found you, letting her know she's bringing you home and staying with you for a bit.
You walk back in silence, hand in hand, tension brewing as you and Ellie both run circles in each other's minds. You unlock the door to your house and let Ellie in. Too faded to care that much you lead her up the stairs and into your room. You toss your bag and shoes in the corner, grab your blanket and wrap yourself in it before sitting on your bed, back against the wall. Facing a very awkward Ellie, standing in one place looking everywhere but you. She didn't exactly expect to be in your room tonight. 
“Can you take your shoes off?” You ask, breaking the silence. “You can also come sit over here if you want.” you pat the space on the bed next to you. 
“Ohshitya! Sorry…” Ellie says, fumbling to take her shoes and jacket off. It takes her a sec to untie her dirty converse, she slips them off, crosses the room then settles herself down next to you. You are both a jumble of nerves and anxieties colliding together as you speak over each other. 
“So-” ellie starts
“I Invited-” you say
“Oh, shit”
“No sorry- you go ahead”
Ellie takes a breath. “I'm sorry I didn't text you this week. I had to go back home, my dad got hurt and needed someone to watch over him.”
“Oh, shit is he okay?” You say, cursing yourself for thinking worse of the poor girl.
“Yeah! Yeah he’s good now, had to go to the hospital but he's feeling a lot better.” Ellie says, a smile of relief on her face.
“That's good, I'm glad to hear Ellie.” You take a moment to formulate your thoughts before continuing. “I'm sorry for being a lot… I didn't mean to scare anyone.  I just, well I wasn't thinking really..”
“Hey, it's okay.” Ellie moves to put a hand on your leg, “you're not a lot, and plus, i can handle it.” She winks at you, lightening the mood a little, allowing you to stifle a laugh.
“So does this mean you accept my movie invite?.” you ask.
“Well I'm already here huh babe?” Ellie says, rubbing circles on your thigh.
You look down at her hand. You loved it when she called you those names but you still didn't know where you were at with her. 
“What are we?” 
A beat goes by and Ellie gives you a funny look before you realize how cringey you must have sounded.
“Oh fuck did i really just say that? God we do not have to have the "what are we" conversation, forget I said anything.” you cover your face in embarrassment. 
Ellie laughs, your embarrassment even cuter to her because of the context. “I dont know y/n what do you want us to be?”
You pause for a moment before peaking out from behind your hands. Ellie is looking at you with such a sweet expression, you can see the love in her eyes. Your ears get hot and your face gets red, forcing you back behind your arm-wall of protection. “Oh god,” you sigh at yourself for getting you into this. Which is exactly where you wanted to be really - Ellie Williams is in your BED!!! Why was it so hard to face what you wanted? 
“You know…” Ellie says. “I was going to wait until it was like an appropriate time but it seems you forced my hand” she teases. “y/n?”
“Hmmm?” you say from your cocoon
“Will you look at me, pretty girl?”
Your stomach flips and despite the heat rising in your body you will yourself to look at Ellie.
Eye contact that could last a lifetime. You flick back and forth between her eyes, taking in her whole appearance. Your room was lit with a few lamps and salt lamps casting an orange hue on the both of you. You were inches away from each other, the energy swirling between you, anticipating connection. 
 “y/n, would you like to be my girlfriend?” Ellie asks, holding her breath and searching for a response.
You blink, forcing your mind to make quick understanding of her ask.
“Girlfriend?” you say, half in shock, half making sure you heard her right.
“Girlfriend.” Ellie says, bringing her hand to your cheek.
“Aw shit wait!” Ellie pauses the movie right before the opening credits start.
“Babeeee come on! What did you forget now?”
“Y/n, i am so sorry, but there is no way I can watch a movie about space without being in space.” You both laugh at her stupid joke.
“Ellie, I don't care that you’re a stoner. You just have to share! Girlfriend rules!” You say jumping up from the bed.
“My girl always smokes for free,” Ellie says, sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling you in between her legs to kiss you.
Falling Into Me
“I found the umbrella!” Ivy shouts into the house
“Okay I got sunscreen, towels, uhh food, water, weed hehe” Sage is standing by the door surveying the group's bags.
“We’ll start packing the cars” Phoebe says, Daniel next to her grabbing the cooler.
“y/n! Ellie! Let's go!” Olivia yells up the stairs. 
“How do I look babe?”
“Holy shiit….” Ellie turns around to look at you modeling a new bathing suit. You’re in your room, the sun illuminating your frame and dancing in Ellie's eyes. “I need you… like right now”
You hear Olivia call up the stairs. “Well you gotta wait, you'll just have to eye fuck me all day.” you say with a giggle. The way that Ellie appreciates you in every way has made your confidence skyrocket. You had come out of your shell to her more in the past two months than you have with anyone. It wasn't surprising though. Sage had said with the way that you two look at eachother, it's like you had been searching your whole lives and finally found each other.  
“Fuck youre such a tease” Ellie says grabbing at you with needy hands and soft kisses on your neck.
“Mmm common Ellie we gotta go-AA!” You feel sharp fangs in place of her kisses. Ellie bites you a little harder than she thought, pulling away with the goofiest grin, looking so proud of herself. 
“Did you just put your canine teeth in the side of my neck!?” You ask, looking at her in shock.
“Yep!” Ellie says, still smiling, she grabs your chin and tilts your head so she can see her dirty work. “Oh shit..” Ellies face turns to shock as she tries not to laugh, amused with herself.
“Babe.. whaaat” You say, releasing from her grasp and going over to your mirror. There on the side of your neck you see small indents in your skin from where she bit you. In the same reflection you see Ellie behind you, unable to control her laughter now at the situation. 
“I marked you babe!” She laughs, standing in the sunlight, wearing a pair of swim trunks, an old t-shirt, bucket hat and crocks. Summer had come fast bringing heat and passion as your relationship with Ellie bloomed. 
You stood there half in shock, half in awe at your life now. Looking at the girl you were so happy to call yours. Memories of the past two months cycled through your mind. Your late night movie dates, studying in the cafe together, sitting at what you now consider ‘our spot’ in the woods, talking endlessly with each other. You turn back to your girl, lunging playfully at her, falling into her.
“You come here now! I have to mark you too!”
taglist: @vqxen @bready101 @sourgummywormsss @a-little-bit-of-everybody @shewantstoknow @liasxeatt @onlinelesbo
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panikea · 5 months ago
Dlaczego narcyz jest taki skuteczny? To kwestia naciśnięcia odpowiedniej kombinacji, przy której kobiety są bezbronne. Niezależnie od tego, czy mają 20, 30, 40 czy 50 lat. Taka kobieta myśli, że KTOŚ TAKI (i tutaj wstaw sobie, co chcesz: z kim rozmawia się do 4 rano, z kim jest takie porozumienie dusz, kto dostarczy takich emocji czy kto będzie miał TO WSZYSTKO NARAZ) – już się nie znajdzie. Do tego dochodzi ostry seks i koniecznie dużo obojętności, przeplatanej rzadkimi scenami jakiejś tam czułości. I kobieta wpatruje się w tego smartfona jak Bambi. To jest metoda trzymania kobiety na nieustającym głodzie, który powoduje, że chwyta ona z radością wszystko, co facet jej rzuci. Jest gotowa na każde skinienie.
Piotr C. z poradnika - Związki Instrukcja Obsługi
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melanirana · 1 year ago
Hi! If it's not a spoiler, I was curious about your ocean symphony fiasco Eclipse. What happened to his partner? I'm assuming he had one because he has children, Sun and Moon.
So, before I stat some context about me. I’m Autistic with a dash of ADHD and I really like animals and their biology.
Let’s talk this AU’s Mer biology and mating patterns.   
Mer are pack hunters and live in schools with up to 50 members. Solidary Mers are as rare as they are big, Mers tend to become solidary at a size of roughly 12 meters (39 ft.). The school dynamic of Mers is similar to that of Orcas, the school takes care of the young together. The school plays together, learns together, travels together and hunt together but not as “cruel” as Orcas, however, still efficient.
One difference between Orcas and Mers is the fact that there is no matriarch that leads the group but rather the oldest individual. This individual can either be male or female since both sexes are part of the school. Batchlor groups can from, both male and female, but don’t tend to last longer than two years.
If an individual is separated from its school or lost, they will sing a song unique to its school and its members would respond with the same song, this song is taught to the young very early on. A Mer could be on the other side of the Pacific Ocean and its school on the other, it would still find its way back.
If a Mer is ready to mate the male will separate from its school and find a coral reef where he would settle down and sings his song for a female to hear. Once a female hears his song and is interested, she also separates from her school. She will approach and or observe the Mer before deciding to mate with him or not. If the female decides to mate with the male, she will sing her own song back to him and the courting starts.
The courting process can lats up to a maximum of two months, in this time both mates will display their hunting, scavenging and overall survival skills. During this time, they will also establish an emotional connection through grooming, cuddling, conversations and singing in duets. All this happens before the actual mating.
The mating is just like that of seahorses. The female will develop an egg for a week, then lay the egg and hand it over to the male. From that point the females role in the mating process is finished. Once the egg is laid, she may stay with the male for a couple more days, which is not too common but after the egg is laid, she leaves and returns to her school.
It is highly unlikely that the same two Mers will meet again, whether that is to mate or just a random encounter. Which also helps broadening the genetic gene pool.  
Females do not contribute to the actual raising of their young, just like seahorses, they lay the egg and let the male take care of it, while she can mate again a few months after. That is the reason why Mers have an equally as fast reproduction rate as humans, balancing out the high death rate.
The male will return to his school once he received the egg and protect it. After 40 days the young will hatch. The entire school will help raise it, even the females of the school will help. The young will never meet their mother and they don’t need to, as everything important is thought to them by the school and their father.
Ther is a very rare phenomenon that has not yet been observed by humans and a rumor amongst Mers.
This phenomenon is Mers staying together after mating and raising their offspring together. This is extremely rare, even rarer than twins. In this chase the two Mer that meet to mate stay together and form their own school with their offspring and other young they adopt, that are either abandoned or lost their school/ father, forming a family unit.
Eclipse was lucky to meet his mate. At the time he finally decided to find a mate he was already the biggest, active, Mer at the time. This caused him some problems, manly every Mer was afraid of him because Mer his size tend to be cannibalistic. Another problem was to find somebody close to his size. As the biggest active, second biggest living, Mer that is going to be difficult.
But luckily for him he did find somebody, or rather she found him. This Mer was the sixed biggest living and the eleventh biggest overall. Still a bit smaller than him, length wise, only by a couple of feet and with a slimmer body type. The both of them clicked instantly, Eclipse being the calm goofball and her being the loud goofball.
The two stayed together for four months, which were filled with a lot of cuddles, kisses and goofing around. After Sun and Moons egg was laid their mother stayed with Eclipse for another week before she left. Neither of them wanted the other to leave but “it’s what Mers do” and they can’t go against what Mer are supposed to do.
So they separated. Eclipse had no school to return to and neither did she, so they returned to a live of solidarity. At least for Eclipse it didn’t last too long, as Sun and Moon soon hatched, and Eclipse devoted his live to them since. This allowed him to shove the feeling of loneliness he felt since his mate left to the back of his mind.
Sun and Moon are Eclipses only biological children but not his only children. It was not uncommon for Sun and Moon to leave for reef exploring as two little Mers and coming back as three little Mers. Or coming back as two little Mers and an abandon egg.
Eclipse never said no.
Hope I answered your question :D    
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pozartaa · 3 months ago
06.11.24 UTRZYMANIE WAG.I dzień 614. Limit +/- 2100 kcal.
Wybrane posiłki:
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Nie liczę kal. od: 119 dni
Kochani, dziś wstałam jak zwykle koło 5:00 postanowiłam zrobić porządek z kartami (w piątek wychodzi najnowszy dodatek i zaraz znowu będzie dużo do katalogowania). Posprzątałam w domu. Zrobiłam mini- zakupy na szybko. Generalnie - gł��wnie się opierdzielam. Przygotowałam składniki na gulasz z dyni, kurczaka i jarmużu z książki kucharskiej "Wiedźmin. Oficjalna książka kucharska"
Dostałam ją rok temu na gwiazdkę od "małża" i to pierwszy przepis, który z niej robię... 🫣
Ale to dopiero jutro....
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Nigdzie nie ma pieprzonego jarmużu kupiłam kapustę włoską. Tak to wygląda na obrazku, a zobaczymy jak wyjdzie moje... Zrobię wam kolejny kolaż "making of"
Później poszłam sobie pograć w Pokemon Go.
Wczoraj zadzwonił do mnie kolega, którego poznałam kiedyś na Pokemonach. Średnia wieku typowego pokemoniarza, który nadal gra teraz to 28-40 lat.
Ten kolega jest starszy ode mnie - wybierzcie sobie przedział - starszy rocznikowo, ale zdecydowanie nie mentalnie...
Więc wczoraj narąbany dzwonił do mnie po jakimś roku nie odzywania się (nie żeby to była jakaś znajomość, która chciałabym utrzymywać, bo to jeszcze z czasów kiedy wszystko było ostro zakrapiane alko) i płacze, że tata mu zmarł, że się zapuścił i że nie ma z kim pogadać. Ocho... No to mówię "Ok to wyjdźmy z domu, chodźmy na pokemony - pogadamy. Niestety już się z Tobą nie napije" ale coś czułam, że się wkręci z tego spotkania - bo ja szykowałam mu już opierdol....
No i poszłam sama. Było fajnie, choć zrobiło się bardzo zimno. Ja nie mogę patrzeć jak sobie ludzie niszczą życie - przez alkoh0l i otyłość... A jego otyłość sprawiła, że właściwie nie jest w stanie chodzić.
Wiecie jak z nami kiedyś grał - kiedy się łaziło od gymu do gymu i tak cały dzień?
Jeździł na wzmocnionym rowerze. Rowera już nie ma - połamał go...
Wszystko poszło do przodu, ludzie się zmienili, a on tkwi w tym swoim stanie takiego zdziecinnienia i pseudo-bezradnosci.
Nie mogę pomagać ludziom, którzy nie umieją włożyć w siebie troszkę pracy... Wiecie - ja czasami nie umiem współczuć. Współczucie jest gówno warte - wolałabym coś autentycznie zrobić 🤨.
Dobrej nocy wam życzę!
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thecoochiefairy · 5 days ago
Do you have a workout regimen that you don’t mind sharing?
hi baby! you’ll have to excuse my late response, i work in the hospital and there’s a snow storm coming, so we’re stuck here for the next couple of days. had to prepare all my stuff as far as clothes, hygiene, and then rushed to work—but anyways. i actually am gonna give credit to my regimen from my baby @nooniegotjuice (idk why her blog isn’t showing up🙄.) but if you want to look @ her fitness page, it’s on Instagram @ nooniegetsfit, her workouts are amazing and really well in results! ill show you the full list, however i be more focused on playing build-a-butt, so my routine is filled with a lot more leg day shit, LMAO. i want a big booty SOOOO mf bad, everything else can come later. it just all depends on your body type, and what you really want to work on. hope this helps :)
Gym Day 🏋️‍♀️
(besides all that, i am more of a cardio girly, so on some days instead of a full workout ill run for 2 miles on a trail by my house.)
Monday (Legs)
- Hip thrust (4 sets of 10)
(5 kas glute bridges, 5 full hip thrust, 5 second hold )
- Sumo squats (3 sets of 10)
- Rdls (3 sets of 10)
- Hip Abductors (4 sets of 10)
- Leg Extension ( 3 sets of 15)
- Hamstring Curls (3 sets of 15)
- seated sumo squats (3 sets of 10)
- step ups (3 sets of 10)
- clamshells (3 sets of 10)
- fire hydrants (3 sets of 10)
Tuesday (Back & Bicep)
- Lat Pull down (3 sets of 10)
- Close grip pull down ( 3 sets of 10)
- Seated Rows (3 sets of 10)
- Seated face pulls(3 sets of 10)
Bicep (3 sets)
- 10 alternating bicep curls
- 10 wide dumbbell curls
- 10 zigzag bar curls
- 10 cable bicep pulls
Wednesday (Legs)
- Lunges (3 sets of 10)
- Bulgarian Split Squats(3 sets of 10)
- Elevated Goblet squats (3 sets of 10 then body weight AMRP)
- Leg Extension ( 3 sets of 15)
- Hamstring curls (3 sets of 15)
- Hip Abductors (4 sets of 10)
Thursday (Arms to & Abs)
- Shoulder Press (3 sets of 10)
- Lateral Raise (3 sets of 10)
- Tricep Extensions (3 sets or 10)
- Cable tricep pulls ( 3 sets of 10)
- Rope Tricep pulls ( 3 sets of 10)
Abs (3 sets)
- 12 weighted sit ups
- 10 alternate toe touch
- 20 alt v ups
- 40 over under ( 20 clockwise, 20 counterclockwise)
Friday (Legs)
- same as monday
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martwacma · 2 months ago
3dblr intro!! 🕷️
NA MOJEGO BLOGA WCHODZISZ NA WLASNA ODPOWIEDZIALNOSC , NIE PROMUJE ani sh ani ed , ten blog powstal by udokumentowac moje postepy w odchudzaniu. Poza ed i czasami wpisach o sh bede postowac outfity i rozne rzeczy zwiazane z moim zyciem codziennym, rowniez codzienne bilanse jak i zdjecia jedzenia i pewnie jeszcze jakies inne przypadkowe rzeczy.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ︵‿₊୨♡୧₊‿ ︵- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞◟ ͜ ◞ 🦋
ღ czesc!! Nazywam sie dominik mam 21 🔁 lat jesyem w motylkach od 2 lat wracam tutaj po przymuszonym recovery, planuje schudnac do ferii do okolo 40 kg. Znowu jestem tutaj bo zaczelem miec nawroty i tesknilem za tym spoleczenstwem i tym uczuciem najbardziej tesknilem za ana moją przyjaciolka teraz musze podzielic dwa swiaty.. Moją dziewczyne ktora bardzo chce zebym wyzdrowiał i wie bardzo dużo o moim ed i zna moje wszystkie kłamstwa a ane ktora chce zebym został w tym stanie, z nia z chudością.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ︵‿₊୨♡୧₊‿ ︵- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞◟ ͜ ◞
✩- coś o mnie!!
Uwielbiam rysować, grać w gry na ps, słuchać muzyki, rozmyślać i oglądać tv shows. Moim ulubionym serialem jest arcane, stranger things. Moimi ulubionymi grami są the last of us, the last of us II i minecraft. Jeśli chodzi o muzykę to słucham wszystkiego dsłwn wszystkiego ale moją ulubiona artystką jest Billie eilish (Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O’connel) Jestem trans i używam zaimków On/jego i za missgenderowanie mnie specjalnie będzie blok (sorka mega mnie to drażni) Moge powiedzieć jeszcze że jestem autystyczny i mam adhd jeśli kogoś by to obchodziło!!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ︵‿₊୨♡୧₊‿ ︵- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞ ◟ ͜ ◞◟ ͜ ◞ bmf??
chudziutkiej nocy 🦋 Lub dnia <33
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mellev-bones · 8 months ago
!! TW: ed, sh !! Pamiętnik
Hej, jestem Mellev!! To mój pierwszy blog motylkowy na którym będę coś wstawiać ale moja przyjaźń z Aną trwa już około 2 lat <3 Co do wyglądu postu - inspiruje się innymi blogami motylkowymi które obserwuje [kocham estetyke motylków] ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🦴 ꒱ Wzrost: 155 Aktualna waga: 47.3 [aktualizuje co 2 dni] ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🦴 ꒱ ☆ [1] Gw: 45 kg bmi: 18.73 ☆ [2] Gw: 40 kg bmi: 16.65 ☆ [3] Gw: 35 kg bmi: 14.57 ☆ [4] Gw: 30 kg bmi: 12.49 ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🦴 ꒱ Na moim blogu znajdziesz: ☆ Posty nie związane z aną ☆ Jedzeniowe polecajki ☆ Codzienne bilanse ☆ Body checki
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dawkacynizmu · 3 months ago
jestem w bardzo interesujscym psychicznym miejscu i zamiast nudno wam ventowac podam to w niezwiazanych ze soba punktach
1. od tygodnia ogladam ten sam odcinek criminal minds bo dowiedzialam sie w którym sezonie odejdzie jedna z moich ulubionych postaci i mimo ze jeszcze duzo mi zostalo do tego momentu to boje sie kontynuowac
2. chce mega obejrzec jakis film ale sie boje ze bede smutna po nim (po prostu, bo sie skonczyl)
3. moja matka zrobila mi i siostrze afere bo za krotko bylismy na cmenatarzu
4. caly czas slucham muzyki albo podkastow ale jakby w ogole ich nie slysze tzn. kiedy odcinek podkastu sie skonczy to nie mam pojecia o czym byl (lub nawet nie zauwazam ze wlaczyl sie kolejny) a jak slucham muzyki to nawet nie ogarniam jakies i w polowie piosenki zdaje sobie sprawe ze to np jakas sabrina carpenter XDDD
5. mam dziwna hiperfirsakcje na punkcie ogladanie recenzji filmowych i obejrzalam jedna po drugie wsxystkie recenzje filmow z kanalu "sfilmowani"
6. wczoraj napisalam 8000 slow opowiadania praktycznie na posiedzeniu
7. nie mam apetytu (ale tez mam ed wiec jakos mnie to nie martwi) i w ogole moje jedzenie wyglada tak ze nie chce mi sie jesc ale jak juz zjem to mam takie 10 minutowe okienko gdzie chce mi sie wpierdalac wszystko co istnieje a potem znowu sie nie chce
8. usunelam wszystkie media społecznościowe
9. mam dziwny tok myslowy ktory polega sie na tym ze kazda mysl konczy sie na skonczeniu jako bezrobotnu zyciowy nieudacznik cos na zasadzie
zgubilas sluchawke? - lol jestes taka nieporadna X nigdy nie gubi rzeczy - w ogole to ze swoja niezdarnoscia i brakiem social skills nie poradzisz sobie w pracy żadnej - bedziesz miezzkac z jebnieta matka w wieku 40 lat
10. moja srednia krokow to 1000 czyli tyle ile mam z samego chodzenia do kibla (duzo sikam i mam spory dom)
11. nie spie do poznych godzin w nocy bo nie chce aby sie zaczynal kolejny dzien
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deathissolution · 2 months ago
"W wieku 40 lat Franz Kafka (1883-1924), który nigdy się nie ożenił i nie miał dzieci, przechodził pewnego dnia po parku w Berlinie, kiedy spotkał dziewczynę, która płakała, bo zgubiła swoją ulubioną lalkę.
Ona i Kafka szukali lalki bezskutecznie. Kafka powiedział jej, żeby spotkali się tam następnego dnia i wrócą jej szukać.
Następnego dnia, kiedy jeszcze nie znaleźli lalki, Kafka podarowała dziewczynce list "napisany" przez lalkę mówiący "proszę nie płacz. Wybrałam się na wycieczkę, aby zobaczyć świat. Będę Wam pisać o moich przygodach".
Tak zaczęła się historia, która trwała do końca życia Kafki.
Kafka podczas swoich spotkań czytała listy lalki starannie napisane przygodami i rozmowami, które dziewczynka uznała za urocze.
W końcu Kafka przywiózł lalkę (kupił jedną), która wróciła do Berlina. "To wcale nie wygląda jak moja lalka" - powiedziała dziewczyna. Kafka wręczyła jej kolejny list, w którym lalka napisała: "moje podróże mnie zmieniły". Dziewczynka przytuliła nową lalkę i zabrała lalkę ze sobą do swojego szczęśliwego domu.
Wiele lat później, dorosła dziewczynka znalazła list w lalce. W maleńkim liście podpisanym przez Kafkę napisano:
"Wszystko, co kochasz, prawdopodobnie zostanie stracone, ale ostatecznie miłość wróci w inny sposób".
Przyjmijmy zmiany. To nieuniknione dla rozwoju. Razem możemy zmienić ból w cud i miłość, ale to od nas zależy, czy świadomie i celowo stworzymy tą zmianę."
źródło: Weird And Amazing Everything
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