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breathe-in-the-now-blog 8 years ago
Day 29 of 30: Meditate on what it means to be your highest self, the truest form one can be. How do you wish to honor your inner light? The ocean, for me, uncovers some of the deepest truths. The power of movement, strength, ease, but particularly impermanence. Moment to moment, something new arises from the same waves that take away. She is constantly reforming, finding new paths, rising and falling without judgement. And isn't that what so many of us crave? The natural balance to flow. An ability to accept what is in the present, to find strength, grace. A sense of self. So much is uncertain, in a state of flux. Being anything other than the most honest version of ourselves is exhausting. Our precious energy is wasted on a facade. Is it not better to look within, mindfully peering into and contemplating the darkest and brightest corners of the soul, allowing our highest selves to step forth? I have held myself too closely, keeping my voice, passions, my very light ever so silent. The woman now blooming fills me with wild joy. Life is too impermanent and unpredictable to be anything other than my true self. Your light deserves to shine, radiating into the Universe. Treat your mind, body, and soul with nothing but the kindest love 馃檹 #nature #flow #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #31daytransformation #ocean #selflove #wildling #highestself #cultivateyourmind #yogaempowerment #yoga #lifestyle #embracethewild #healing #healthyliving @iamsahararose @jiyo4life #personal #meditation #mindful #strength #positive #femininenergy #innerlight
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rawchefyin 8 years ago
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Have been including a 15-minute meditation practice every morning when I wake up... @Regrann from @jiyo4life - Day 6 of the #31daytransformation: Restore balance, ease your state of mind and target spiritual growth with this #Meditation tip from @iamsahararose. ... Meditate for 10 minutes each morning and night to enhance the mind-body connection. These 10 minutes will keep you making healthier food and lifestyle choices. The added bonus would be if you also practice #pranayama, a breath-awareness technique. - #regrann
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breathe-in-the-now-blog 7 years ago
Day 29 of 30: Meditate on what it means to be your highest self, the truest form one can be. How do you wish to honor your inner light? The ocean, for me, uncovers some of the deepest truths. The power of movement, strength, ease, but particularly impermanence. Moment to moment, something new arises from the same waves that take away. She is constantly reforming, finding new paths, rising and falling without judgement. And isn't that what so many of us crave? The natural balance to flow. An ability to accept what is in the present, to find strength, grace. A sense of self. So much is uncertain, in a state of flux. Being anything other than the most honest version of ourselves is exhausting. Our precious energy is wasted on a facade. Is it not better to look within, mindfully peering into and contemplating the darkest and brightest corners of the soul, allowing our highest selves to step forth? I have held myself too closely, keeping my voice, passions, my very light ever so silent. The woman now blooming fills me with wild joy. Life is too impermanent and unpredictable to be anything other than my true self. Your light deserves to shine, radiating into the Universe. Treat your mind, body, and soul with nothing but the kindest love 馃檹 #nature #flow #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #31daytransformation #ocean #selflove #wildling #highestself #cultivateyourmind #yogaempowerment #yoga #lifestyle #embracethewild #healing #healthyliving @iamsahararose @jiyo4life #personal #meditation #mindful #strength #positive #femininenergy #innerlight #recovery
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breathe-in-the-now-blog 8 years ago
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Day 19 of 30: Reframe your relationship to food, using positive words. "I eat when I am hungry, I stop when I am full. Food is my nourishment. I am already whole." ~Sahara Rose Good day dear ones! In the mornings, before the day flies into full swing, I prefer to take my time to taste my nourishing breakfast and get in a dose of laughter! How the day begins often makes all the difference. Yogurt with bananas, chia seeds, shredded coconut, granola, and a side of kick-ass 馃ぃ Here's hoping for pizza this weekend! Whatever is ahead, can you find at least 10 minutes to just be present, enjoying the time, maybe finding a much needed smile? Perhaps find a few words to help you get through, breathing them in until they fill your being #geekyoga #deadpool #spiderman #mindful #meditation #breakfast #food #vegetarian #morning #presence #practice #lifestyle #authentic #breathe #dailycalm #mantra #strength #healing #healthy #marvel #marvelcomics #31daytransformation @jiyo4life @iamsahararose #eatingdisorderrecovery #recovery #reframe #mantra #ayurveda
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breathe-in-the-now-blog 8 years ago
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So often we are told not to waste time, waste energy, waste our breath on anger, jealousy, comparison, doing what makes us miserable the list goes on. Yet we are left wondering: 1. What do I spend my time on? 2. How can I do what I love when there are bills, responsibilities, no time? Coming up on my 22nd birthday, I look at those around me, refusing to lead the same life. I contemplate why I do what I do and how it affects me, pondering upon what I am drawn to, what makes me feel alive, where I wish to put my energy. Energy. This small word catches me. Energy as my life force. Energy as my breath. We have only a finite amount to use. Do I want to continually lose that life time rather than investing in what feels good? We all have to do things we do not always enjoy, such is society. In these instances, sometimes unchangeable as they are, do we focus on how much we dislike said thing or can we find a better way to guide our energies through our situations? Pain, frustration, sadness, will always be there. What if we acted as an observer, acknowledging those emotions, rather than allowing them to consume our time? Can I, can we, can you, find as many ways as possible to fulfill our time and energy with that which heals, nurtures, and creates joy within? Yes. I believe we can discover this balance. I must. "Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light." 馃檹 #yogaempowerment #yoga #findwhatfeelsgood #words #personal #mindful #meditation #mentalhealth #happiness #positivethoughts #yogalove #yogalife #lifestyle #teampixel #selfportrait #reflection #nature #harrypotter #writeyourstory #innerpeace #wildling #positivity #shadows #yogalifestyle #change #healing #life #truth #energy #31daytransformation
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breathe-in-the-now-blog 8 years ago
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Day 8 and 10: For dessert, try antioxidant rich dark chocolate! At snack time, switch your usual for your favorite berries, which do so many wonderful things for your mind and body. Indulgence is not a negative word! Everything in moderation! You can strive for the healthy life you wish, without losing the ability to enjoy a treat, though some will tell you otherwise. Luckily, with so many people focused on more positive lifestyles, you can find plenty of nourishing desserts that taste as good as they feel. I know it can be hard to not feel guilty, as our culture often teaches. Yet, we can find ways to heal, changing the inner dialogue, helping others to do the same. Treat the body well. It is beautiful, powerful, and deserving of kindness 馃挋 #31daytransformation #eatwellbewell #dessert #snack #food #support #mentalhealth #recovery #bodypostive #strong #beautiful #selfcare #kindness #yoga #lifestyle #health #wellness #findwhatfeelsgood #ayurveda @jiyo4life #sahararose #vegetarian
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breathe-in-the-now-blog 8 years ago
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Day 3 of 31: Take a walk in nature, for whatever time you can spare Nature has always been a sanctuary for me. When I feel unbalanced, lost, or weary I go to the Earth Mother. When I am happy, grateful, or calm, I share that joy with the living world around me. Every time I find myself outside, I learn a new truth about life, from patience and mindfulness to endurance and grace. To my soul, nothing can replace or compare to Mother Nature. I am so grateful to have opportunities to go outside each day, though usually my view is my puppy 馃構 #31daytransformation#nature #ayurveda #mindfulness #meditation #teampixel #motherearth #wilding #peace #mentalhealth #yoga #yogalife #lifestyle #gratitude #sahararose #jiyo4life #nofilter #personal #wildling #pagan #beauty #trees #hippie #selfcare @jiyo4life
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breathe-in-the-now-blog 8 years ago
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Day 2 of 31: Add greens to at least one meal each day. Day 1 was a warm or hot glass of water in the morning Mixing up my quinoa with these yummy greens and getting my significant other to do the same! Warm water is right next to the bowl! I am so excited to learn a new ayurvedic tool each day 馃挋 We only have one body, which we must treat with love, respect, and patience, though it is difficult for most. Each body is beautifully different. May you discover new ways to heal and nourish your mind, body, and spirit 馃檹 You are supported, you are deserving, you are strong. #31daytransformation #sahararose #ayurveda #vegetarian #recovery #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #yoga #yogalife #lifestyle #strong #health #selfcare #personal #wildling #bodypositive #jiyo4life #love @jiyo4life
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breathe-in-the-now-blog 8 years ago
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Day 6 of 31: Meditate each day. Once in the morning, once at night for 10 minutes each. Meditation is more than simply plopping down. Finding a supportive pose, settling in, becoming an observer to thoughts and emotions, rather than judging them. So much occurs within the ritual. We know the traditional practice. Sit down, focusing on a mantra, breathing, observing, releasing. But sometimes my anxiety brain kicks in weaved with too many critical thoughts. It is a discipline yes, of course, yet yoga looks different for every amazing body. So why not meditation? A co-worker introduced me to the idea of Mandala Meditation, gazing at an image designed for anything from physical ailments to emotional healing or support. This book is absolutely fascinating! Finding new ways to heal, allowing it to be accessible for all people, is just wonderful. #31daytransformation #ayurveda #mandala #selfhealing #meditation #practice #yoga #yogalife #diversity #yogaforall #mindfulness #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealth #strong #practice #personal #wildling #lifestyle #peace #selfcare #meditatedaily #mantra #anxiety #recovery #yogaempowerment @jiyo4life @iamsahararose
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breathe-in-the-now-blog 8 years ago
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Day 4 of 31: Eat mindfully, finding what feels good for your body, choosing presence with each bite This challenge sounded difficult for someone who struggles with eating issues. How can I eat mindfully when I've made negative connections to nourishment? With the lessons, tools, and love of yoga (many thanks to @adrienelouise ), people portraying food positivity (such as @iamsahararose ) and promoting healthy exploration, and a great deal of self healing, patience, and of course, reframing, I am gradually creating a healthier relationship with the fuel for my body, mind, and spirit. It's my birthday today, so I decided to make vegan banana nut muffins and vegan almond butter cookie bars :) Mindful for myself, mindful for the creatures on Earth, and mindful for nature itself. I choose to find what feels good, making little ripples of goodness where I can. What is right for me is not right for everyone! That is completely all right! So, can you take time each day to truly feel your body in relation to your mind? The smallest steps and choices absolutely create the biggest impact 馃檹 You deserve your own love and mindfulness #31daytransformation #sahararose #ayurveda #recovery #yoga #food #vegan #baking #yogaempowerment #yogalife #personal #mentalhealth #personal #wilding #lifestyle #mindful #grateful #jiyo4life #selfcare #selfhealing #earthconcious #teampixel #mybodymychoice #positivity #strength #healthy #desert #bodypositive #findwhatfeelsgood #eatingdisorderrecovery
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breathe-in-the-now-blog 8 years ago
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Day 13 of 31: Look at where you are, notice what does not feel healthy, and begin to say goodbye to those toxic things, be it food, people, a job, relationships, habits. Choose to create space for the new. Go where you find support, love, and healing. Learning how to stop allowing what you are used to, the life you have learned is "necessary," be your reality is one of the scariest, most difficult things. You shed everything you've known, realizing how toxic your circumstances have been. Someone new emerges and the whole world feels strange. Often, that journey begins in the body, learning to heal your inner self, finding ways to open your body mindfully. Then, perhaps without realizing, you turn to the exterior, seeing the truth and decide what to do next. Positive change, creating a truth that resonates within, defining yourself by your standards, are the most precious gifts for the self. It may hurt at times, you may feel alone (even though you never are 馃挋), but as time goes on you will realize how necessary the shift was, how it saved your life. Have courage, be kind, you are worth it 馃檹 #31daytransformation #mentalhealth #support #yoga #lifestyle #createspace #selfcare #nature #peacefulwarrior #yogapose #personal #nature #wildling @jiyo4life @iamsahararose #healing #positive #wellness #healthy #motherearth #findwhatfeelsgood #love #photography #femaleempowerment #strong #ayurveda #mindfulness #selfhealing #mentalhealthawareness #recovery
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