#2nd US President
rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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John Adams was inaugurated as the 2nd President of the United States of America, becoming the first President to begin his presidency on March 4, 1797.
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gamer2002 · 2 months
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Her campaign has issued a statement that she no longer is a gun grabber like she had told us before. Good enough for journalists!
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The Substance of the 2nd Amendment
A human being has a natural right to learn skills allowing him or her (they/them) to defend against attacks from others. By extension, a person has the natural right to acquire/possess weapons that allows one to repel attacks from others - especially in cases in which the offender(s) is physically stronger than the person (people) being victimized.
Case in point, this is the reason we (as democrats) feel compelled to provide Ukraine weapons and training, so that a smaller nation of free people can defend itself against a greater/stronger nation.
IN AN IDEAL WORLD, no government would ever attempt to limit a person's right to possess ANY weapon they wish, as long as they had the resources to acquire it. IN AN IDEAL WORLD, no person would be obligated to register any weapon with any government.
IN AN IDEAL WORLD, the life, liberty, and natural right to pursue happiness of any person would be respected by every other person in the world. IN AN IDEAL WORLD, no item would have ever been developed or thought of as a weapon for one human being to harm another.
Have you ever heard the quote from Tibullus (c. 55BC): "Who was the first that forged the deadly blade? Of rugged steel his savage soul was made."
Modern day translation: Who was the first to make a weapon to harm another human being? That guy was a fucking asshole.
And that is precisely what gun control laws do: they keep weapons of unprecedented deadliness from assholes.
Gun control laws require that a person needs to possess an understanding of how dangerous guns can be before they can owe a gun. They also disallow people convicted of certain crimes from possessing guns until they demonstrate fitness to own guns again. A more comprehensive control would allow people to surrender their weapons when they feel they might do something stupid and would allow them to regain possession when they feel fit again - NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
Hell, we could even have public gun clubs for a day of fun with the family. Go out, check out new weapons, shoot some stuff, good times.
But we need to come up with a practical/workable solution together; when our children, educators and caregivers, don't feel safe in their respective learning environments throughout the day, there is no clearer sign that the status quo is not working!
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tmcphotoblog · 3 months
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Trump Assassination T-Shirt Capitalism never sleeps.
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jacks-weird-world · 4 months
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the-smol-cricket · 13 days
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It happened again
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absolutebl · 2 years
This is a fun one! Tagged by LOTUS-SOUP-POT. Anyone who wants to play should, just copy & paste! 
My mind is like: 
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Loves tiny drama monkeys, top of class, smart and annoyed by those who aren’t or don’t try. Will support your artistic endeavors but is practical about it. Surrounds self with people completely unlike me. 
I drink like: 
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Particualrly Tine, I become a lovable idiot. And I do fall down a lot and get overly flirty.  
I dance like: 
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I also dress like Pavel. I own everything he’s wearing in this gif, except the bucket hat (I prefer the baseball or beanie). 
I sing like: 
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I will try if you make me, but better for everyone if I dance. 
I work like: 
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Total workaholic, I love it but also I feel obligated to do it as part of my core identity and responsibility to my friends and family. 
I like to eat like: 
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I love snacks, I have no will power, I eat everything, I like everything. Fortunately I never eat very much. And I also love taking people out and feeding them. Most of my ent expenses are meals. 
I am a friend like: 
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Boss of most of them and bossy about it, usually leading the charge, interfering and invested in their love lives, in STEM, works too hard and studies too much, popular mean kid, tiny bit of a chaos muffin, tiny bit evil, very over protective and worries a lot about friends. 
I am/would be a parent like: 
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TERRIBLE, likely to abandon any children, but somewhat wise if you find me as an adult. 
I love like: 
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Grumpy, tsundere, earnest if I care, squishy center, never loses icy exterior, will freeze out everyone if hurt, probably will take advantage of you if you stick around, but there are rewards if you enjoy someone else in charge. 
I fall in love like: 
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Kicking and screaming and really annoyed by the whole process. I am also almost always the first to leave a relationship. 
I could see myself becoming obsessive over a love like: 
I don’t get obsessive over people, only fandoms. 
My most significant love has been with a: 
Friend (friends last longer than lovers and I am unflaggingly loyal and supportive to those I have identified as MINE) 
Feel free to play the game! 
Others are also welcome to play, please tag me, so I can see the answers
(This questionary is cribbed from a Reddit post. All credit to the amazing u/Academic_Purple_84)
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gorillaxyz · 3 months
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lost-my-sanity1 · 2 years
not a thought behind those eyes (not gonna say who I'm talking about tho)
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pls tinngun's body rolls-
there's everyone. and then there's tinngun. in their own world.
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liu-yu-xin · 11 months
WAYV INTERVIEWED ON CHINA STATE MEDIA OUTLET WE'RE SO BACK ! this wont unflop them on its own but it is a very good sign it means state media doesnt hold wayvs past against them re: original dozen and wont stand in the way of their success ONE LESS OBSTACLE WE CHEERED
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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John Adams was inaugurated as the 2nd President of the United States of America, becoming the first President to begin his presidency on March 4, 1797.
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zarafey · 2 years
Austria coming in with another masterful execution of law!
Now that the covid mask mandate isn't valid anymore we revert back to a law that got approved in 2019 I think... Its a law that prohibits you from masking your face! (literally just made bc of Islamophobia)... So now it's illegal in Austria to wear a mask in public! But also at the same time required to wear a mask if you tested positive! And when your in like a hospital and retirement homes! So now if you wanna wear a mask you need a doctor's note so that you are allowed to in public! :D
#Public includes stuff like trains and busses. University. Most Workplaces.#Not like it's still also a good idea to wear a mask even if you just have a cold or sth so you don't infect ppl etc#It's literally so dumb... Like last year it was still 'its illegal to not wear a mask' now it's illegal to do that?? What???#The law was a dumb law from the start they should have just removed it or at least work on removing it#I really hope the votes next year get our politics more normal again bc it was just absolute chaos the last few years#One dude tried to sell Austria to the Russians or sth like that and then that other dude took over and#Then ppl said that dude is also corrupt so there was an investigation and stuff so someone else took over#And then I think they didn't find something so a few other parties called to get him out of office and then he just quit I think or was#Bullied out and then we had a vote again but the other parties all had shit candidates for chancellor#And I think in the meantime we changed chancellor again as well??? Like I literally have no idea who was chancellor since Kurz (2nd dude)#And then in the middle of covid our health minister also quit I think? 😂😂#Oh and also a satire party (the beer party!) was really popular as well and that dude (Marco pogo) ran for president#Like he didn't get it but still he got like 3rd place with 8% of all votes#It's just all a fkn mess#OH RIGHT and then there was also a thing with an old Nazi song book that was used in the youth group of one party or sth like that#But I honestly can't remember if that was pre or post the Ibiza incident (selling to Russia thing)#Also I haven't fact checked anything in these notes. Be aware that it's 3am and I've been awake for 22 hours at this point.#And that my memory is bad so I might be conflating some stuff or miss remembering
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The Substance of the 2nd Amendment (Update)
Reading the comments of those opposed to gun control laws reminded me of the book The Lord of the Flies. A real shame that this book appears on most lists of banned school books in red states.
Some commenters took offense that I would hope for a day in which guns are no longer viewed as weapons to be used against another human being.
They are so convinced, just like Jack and Roger, that our collective "normal" should be to be on guard (ready to kill another person) always, that it becomes offensive to hear or read someone state that "it doesn't have to be this way."
And there are those that continue to call for a bill to "arm our teachers" without really considering the extra danger that would put school children in. They also do not consider that most teachers, for personal or religious beliefs, would never hold a gun up to another person - to many teachers "thou shall not kill" is not a suggestion.
When God looks down on us and he sees that, in over two thousand years, we have not figured out how not to kill each other, I know he shakes his head in disappointment. If you want to know why I support gun ownership, as a natural right to protect oneself, and at the same time support sensible national gun control laws, it's that I hope God will look down on us one day and he won't be disappointed.
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frogeyedape · 8 months
Ok, big news coming up this week in the case of can Colorado bar Trump from the state's primary ballot because Trump engaged in insurrection. For a more detail on the case, see this Feb 6 2024 article:
In brief, the Colorado district judge ruled that Trump did engage in the Jan 6 2021 insurrection (and the Colorado Supreme Court agreed), but ruled the 14th Amendment doesn't apply because he was president, not an officer of the US (Colorado Supreme Court disagreed, the president is in effect the highest officer of the US).
Relevant question I need to find the answer to (hello more research): why has no one yet charged Trump under Section 2383 which bars insurrectionists from holding any US office? Does it have to come from like a government official?
Lawyers please jump in if you're here!
Layperson understanding of the situation: Section 2383 is under US Code Title 18 which pertains to crimes, criminal procedure, prisons and prisoners, underage crime, and witness protection--this is the US's criminal law code, yes? So, someone would need to bring a criminal charge against Trump. How does one file a criminal charge? File charges with police.
Now, the TX State Prosecuting Attorney FAQ says "Your local County or District Attorney has the jurisdiction to prosecute criminal charges" but I don't know if that means, say, I could file the charges and then I'd have to depend on these local officials to be the affiant, or would I (and anyone else filing with me) be the affiant?
I gather it's a slightly different situation than the Colorado civil suit discussed above. But I'm not a lawyer and I don't know way too much.
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batboyblog · 2 months
Things the Biden-Harris Administration Did This Week #29
July 26-August 2 2024
President Biden announced his plan to reform the Supreme Court and make sure no President is above the law. The conservative majority on the court ruled that Trump has "absolute immunity" from any prosecution for "official acts" while he was President. In response President Biden is calling for a constitutional amendment to make it clear that Presidents aren't above the law and don't have immunity from prosecution for crimes committed while in office. In response to a wide ranging corruption scandal involving Justice Clarence Thomas, President Biden called on Congress to pass a legally binding code of ethics for the Supreme Court. The code would force Justices to disclose gifts, refrain from public political actions, and force them to recuse themselves from cases in which they or their spouses have conflicts of interest. President Biden also endorsed the idea of term limits for the Justices.
The Biden Administration sent out an email to everyone who has a federal student loan informing them of upcoming debt relief. The debt relief plan will bring the total number of a borrowers who've gotten relief from the Biden-Harris Administration to 30 million. The plan is due to be finalized this fall, and the Department of Education wanted to alert people early to allow them to be ready to quickly take advantage of it when it was in place and get relief as soon as possible.
President Biden announced that the federal government would step in and protect the pension of 600,000 Teamsters. Under the American Rescue Plan, passed by President Biden and the Democrats with no Republican votes, the government was empowered to bail out Union retirement funds which in recent years have faced devastating cut of up to 75% in some cases, leaving retired union workers in desperate situations. The Teamster union is just the latest in a number of such pension protections the President has done in office.
President Biden and Vice-President Harris oversaw the dramatic release of American hostages from Russia. Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, former Marine Paul Whelan held since 2018, Russian-American reporter for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Alsu Kurmasheva convicted of criticizing the Russian Military, were all released from captivity and returned to the US at around midnight August 2nd. They were greeted on the tarmac by the President and Vice-President and their waiting families. The deal also secured the release of German medical worker Rico Krieger sentenced to death in Belarus, Russian-British opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza, and 11 Russians convicted of opposing the war against Ukraine or being involved in Alexei Navalny's anti-corruption organization. Early drafts of the hostage deal were meant to include Navalny before his death in Russian custody early this year.
A new Biden Administration rule banning discrimination against LGBT students takes effect, but faces major Republican resistance. The new rule declares that Title IX protects Queer students from discrimination in public schools and any college that takes federal funds. The new rule also expands protections for victims of sexual misconduct and pregnant or parenting students. However Republican resistance means the rule can't take effect nation wide. Lawsuits from Republican controlled states, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming, means the new protections won't come into effect those states till the case is ruled on likely in a Supreme Court ruling. The Biden administration crafted these Title IX rules to reflect the Supreme Court's 2020 Bostock case.
The Biden administration awarded $2 billion to black and minority farmers who were the victims of historic discrimination. Historically black farmers have been denied important loans from the USDA, or given smaller amounts than white farmers. This massive investment will grant 23,000 minority farmers between $10,000 and $500,000 each and a further 20,000 people who wanted to start farms by were improperly denied the loans they needed between $3,500-$6,000 to get started. Most payments went to farmers in Mississippi and Alabama.
The Biden Administration took an important step to stop the criminalization of poverty by changing child safety guidelines so that poverty alone isn't grounds for taking a child into foster care. Studies show that children able to stay with parents or other family have much better outcomes then those separated. Many states have already removed poverty from their guidelines when it comes to removing children from the home, and the HHS guidelines push the remaining states to do the same.
Vice-President Harris announced the Biden Administration's agreement to a plan by North Carolina to forgive the state's medical debt. The plan by Democratic Governor Roy Cooper would forgive the medical debt of 2 million people in the state. North Carolina has the 3rd highest rate of medical debt in the nation. Vice-President Harris applauded the plan, pointing out that the Biden Administration has forgiven $650 million dollars worth of medical debt so far with plans to forgive up to $7 billion by 2026. The Vice-President unveiled plans to exclude medical debt from credit scores and issued a call for states and local governments to forgive debt, like North Carolina is, last month.
The Department of Transportation put forward a new rule to bank junk fees for family air travel. The new rule forces airlines to seat parents next to their children, with no extra cost. Currently parents are forced to pay extra to assure they are seated next to their children, no matter what age, if they don't they run the risk of being separated on a long flight. Airlines would be required to seat children age 13 and under with their parent or accompanying adult at no extra charge.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development announced it is giving $3.5 billion to combat homelessness. This represents the single largest one year investment in fighting homelessness in HUD's history. The money will be distributed by grants to local organizations and programs. HUD has a special focus on survivors of domestic violence, youth homeless, and people experiencing the unique challenges of homelessness in rural areas.
The Treasury Department announced that Pennsylvania and New Mexico would be joining the IRS' direct file program for 2025. The program was tested as a pilot in a number of states in 2024, saving 140,000 tax payers $5.6 million in filing charges and getting tax returns of $90 million. The program, paid for by President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act, will be available to all 50 states, but Republicans strong object. Pennsylvania and New Mexico join Oregon and New Jersey in being new states to join.
Bonus: President Biden with the families of the released hostages calling their loved ones on the plane out of Russia
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ayeforscotland · 3 months
u realize most sane americans dont fuck with biden or trump right like theyre both genocidal insane fucks why u reblogging genocide joe shill posts
Because I have people in my life who I care about who live in America and I know what a 2nd Trump presidency will be like for them.
Biden's stance on Gaza is absolutely horrendous, I don't think anyone should give him an inch once he's re-elected. But unlike elsewhere in the world, the USA is a two party state and those are the options they have.
I'm not going to preach not voting in the US elections, because, as others have put it, politics isn't a boycott. By not voting, you are giving up your power. Everyone should be voting this election and rejecting Project 2025.
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