#2024 california election
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rotationalsymmetry · 8 months ago
Rent control is on the ballot for California voters this November.
I uh, get that tumblr isn't exactly sorted by geography, but this is a huge deal.
It's a huge deal even for people who don't expect to be personally affected by it -- rent control is a protection against the poorest people living in a city being forced out, and that's just bad for everyone. When you have a city where only medium well off to rich people live, you get their service employees coming in from a suburb an hour and a half away (blech) or else you get people stacked three to a room. Or people holding down a job or three while trying to earn enough to get off the street or, well, out of their parents' place or away from the abusive partner they can't afford to break up with. Point is, a lack of housing that people can just keep living in at the same price, means a lot of bad things for society, and we probably aren't going to socialize housing within the next ten years but maybe we can get rent control back.
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happyroadkillart · 4 months ago
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actually made this before the election tho seems slightly more relevant after watching CA vote no on things like rent control and, like, Prohibiting Slavery
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jaystrip · 4 months ago
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destielmemenews · 7 months ago
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The comments came after a question regarding the relationship between Willie Brown and Kamala Harris. Trump then went on to say that Brown told him "terrible things" about Harris and "was not a fan of hers." Brown denies all of this.
"He is trying his best to get some way to degrade Kamala," the former mayor during a phone call with CNN. "There is no reason why her name ought to be mentioned anywhere near his lies, period."
Trump appears to have confused Willie Brown with former California Governor Jerry Brown, who actually was in a helicopter with Trump to tour wildfire damage in 2018. A spokesperson for Jerry Brown said, "there was no emergency landing and no discussion of Kamala Harris."
California Governor Gavin Newson told the New York Times, "I was on a helicopter with Jerry Brown and Trump, and it didn’t go down," and said that Trump repeatedly brought up the possibility of crashing.
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bonebreaker942767 · 2 months ago
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politicalfeed · 4 months ago
This is California
Trump didn’t just win in every swing state, but he also atomized decades of Democrat apparatus-building.
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relaxedstyles · 4 months ago
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flying-cat · 4 months ago
Did you guys see that video of Trump saying that, if Gavin Newsom doesn't cooperate with him, he's going to never send emergency aid money for the fires in California? So the president of the country would let his citizens lose their homes, belongings, and potentially DIE because Gavin Newsom doesn't agree with his plans. And people are just a-okay with that. Just a president promising to let his citizens die if the governor of a state doesn't agree with him instead of doing the Normal Person Thing and compromising somehow!
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mikewheelerfan2022 · 4 months ago
Am I the only person who thinks these results are a little fishy? We were getting countless anecdotes of massive turnout, especially in big cities. Stories of lines being pretty much all women. An intensive ground game while Trump had none. Massive rallies, meanwhile Trump could barely draw a crowd. A confident Harris campaign and nervous Trump campaign. All that for a Trump blowout? Yeah, no. Something is fucking wrong. There’s no way 15 million less Democrats voted in 2024 than 2020. And I think that’s why Harris hasn’t conceded yet.
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eugenedebs1920 · 1 month ago
On the eve of America appointing its first king let’s take some time to reflect. Reflect on history from both long ago, and that which is more recent. Peer backward from where we came, we can not go back there, and tomorrow is uncertain, yet somehow strangely familiar.
There’s a phrase the mainstream media likes to use. Trumpnesia. Some mental health experts suggest that as a collective whole much of society’s memories from the pandemic, 2020, and generally the chaos and sh*tshow the first Trump administration was, have been forgotten, hazed over, spotty.
I would assume many who voted in this election were unable to in 2016, their attention focused on much more simple, enjoyable aspects of life.
Honestly, my recollection is subject to rolling brownouts regarding the Trump years. To be completely truthful, I was a savage, and I mean SAVAGE whiskey enthusiast and imbiber during that particular period of this train wreck I perceive as existence. Which may have contributed to the fogginess by its own accord. Nonetheless, there’s more I remember than I’d like.
Every day it was some ridiculous sh*t. Every day it was Trump’s obnoxious voice, or an all caps tweet, dodging accountability, blatantly lying, immaturely insulting, pathetically justifying corruption, every day just cringe worthy embarrassing behavior on the would stage, out there for all to see. It was humiliating!
It was like, have you ever rode in a vehicle where someone refuses to buckle their seatbelt? Despite the “friendly” and relentless coaxing from the safety feature of said vehicle asking them to do so? Just a nonstop, endless, mind piercing, fury stoking, twitch inducing, ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding, till you’re at the point where your most attractive option is to drive the vehicle off a bridge to your seductive looking watery grave, rip your hair out and punch yourself in the dick to experience something less agitating, or unabashedly berate and howl at your fellow rider, informing them that whether or not they agree with the act, that siren song of a security alarm will not cease until they buckle their f*ckin seatbelt.
Like your neighbor forever using a gas powered leaf blower, day in, and day out, from sunup to sundown, even after the sun has ventured from the east in its determined pursuit to scorch the earth below it, until, in the western horizon it sinks, slumbering to recuperate in preparation to do it all over again. Like being in a house under construction with multiple wood trades, running multiple compressors, seemingly timed to where there is not a single moment of serenity, stillness or silence.
You know? Maybe there were external factors that encouraged my excessive enjoyment of the beautiful, sharp, warm, brown liquor. That which puts out the fire but keeps in the warmth. Whiskey. Mmmmmmmmm.
I digress, and may need a drink.
The utter perturbation one experienced before consuming the news. The dismay at the conduct conducted. The oblivious disgrace brought to the highest office in the land, a once honorable title now in possession of a reality tv personality who fooled half the country into thinking he was even remotely competent or worthy. The shame in the fact that this was a representation of you, your country, and your fellow citizens.
Who the f*ck had the dishonest audacity to, with no hint of humor or irony, declare a lies “alternative facts”!? It’s staggering!
That was every day. This is before the pandemic!
For f*cks sake! The pandemic?! What a disaster! I mean… You could see the frustration, concern and puzzlement of these experts, doctors, and scientists, as Trump would undoubtedly voice his highly unqualified and childish opinion on the subject. His narcissism overriding his ability to allow folks who dedicated their entire adult life to complex sciences to explain and inform the population. I felt bad for them.
What a nightmare! Intense, all encompassing humiliation. A recurring, spiteful, patronizing stale joke. Some darker, irritating and moronic sequel to Groundhog Day.
Well. Here we go again. Only this time spiked with retribution. This time schemed upon for years. This time validated and emboldened by his “reelection” and the absolute immunity bestowed to him by a compromised Supreme Court in all its self righteous perceived wisdom. This time carried out by a far more vindictive, hateful and degrading man.
I keep telling people, this is going to get worse before it gets better. So unlike that jackass who somehow is impervious to the insufferable seat belt alarm. Buckle up.
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commonsensecommentary · 3 months ago
“Around a dozen UC Berkeley students walked out of class on Friday afternoon and took to Sproul Plaza to protest former President Donald Trump’s reelection to the highest office.”
(12 students protested? That’s all? At Berkeley? In deep Blue California? One can only hope this is an indication that young adults are finally getting a clue about the Marxist/Totalitarian agenda that has been destroying America for many decades. Maybe we’re seeing small signs of a return to sanity.)
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remembertheplunge · 9 months ago
The gay men's take on Prop 64: 1986: Concentration Camps for people with AIDSs HIV
11/3/1986. Monday 
It now approaches midnight.
 A very pleasant evening at Tom and Greg's house. Nice wine and desert and Italian food (pasta) and friends. Talk ranged from “I’m homosexual and gay. What do you think about that?” A gay friend from San Fransisco and his lover, from Rocklin said “oh, you looked great as a 40’s drag queen. My second boyfriend was captain of the high school football team.” The conversations also ranged to "Aids may wipe out the entire world population or it may be cured soon. "AIDS is all that they talk about in San Fransisco."
”But, don’t get this entry wrong, most of the time chit chat was just that, Tom's upcoming trip to China, There is a peacefulness in Mexico and a rushed feel to US life. Downtown Sacramento whose people are like machines.
The early stage party uptightness mellowed to late evening hugs and Cheer.
My margin note to the above entry:
Regarding Proposition 64, on the California ballot for the 11/4/1986 State Election which if adopted could result in concentration camps for people withHIV AIDS: Tom and Greg said “Don’t get an Aids test. If you test positive, you could be marked for 'prejudice camps' etc."
(Prop 64 would have required mandatory reporting of people who tested positive for HIV AIDS to the government leading to possible forced entry into an HIV Aids concentration camp .)
Notes: Tom and Greg (not their real names) were gay friends of mine when I lived in Sacramento to in 1986-1987.
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sialater18 · 4 months ago
Hey Californians, what the fuck is up with y’all apparently voting for slavery for incarcerated people
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Fucking Tennessee managed to get rid of it
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madamepestilence · 1 year ago
2024 US Election Information
We have roughly 1 year until the 2024 US election. I've put in some research, and here are my conclusions.
TLDR for those of you who don't have time or focus: Cornel West (Democratic Socialist running as People's Party -> Green Party) is the ideal candidate to vote for - normally I wouldn't advocate voting third party, but we may actually have a shot for once, and he has excellent policies. Jill Stein (Green Party) is a potential backup, though if West drops out, our best option for Democratic party is Marianne Williamson.
Please spread this information, especially to residents of Texas, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Nevada. Detailed information under the cut.
Current Fascist and Republican Candidates
Donald Trump, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Asa Hutchinson, Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, Ryan Binkley, and Doug Burgum.
I'm not going to entertain their details, but I will note that the information I picked up while being exposed to alt-right communities from the inside via my fascist parents earlier this year shows strong evidence that Republicans are likely going to split between Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis (viewed as a betrayal by Trump supporters), and openly fascist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (I'll cover him later).
My guess is a 6/3/1 Republican vote split between Trump/DeSantis/Kennedy, Jr..
Current Democratic Candidates
Joe Biden, Marianne Williamson, and Dean Philips.
Biden has overall failed to complete the majority of his campaign promises, and has been directly supporting Israel during the genocide of Palestine, as well as deferring to Republicans to be "bipartisan" (I don't think I have to stress enough that a bipartisan democrat is not a democrat) - do not vote for him.
Williamson is a high-school educated 71-year-old author from Los Angeles, California. She is known for being Oprah Winfrey's, "spiritual advisor," (double red flag), and dropped out during the 2020 election (another red flag).
While she supports the reinstatement of Roe v. Wade, the decriminalization of cannabis and psychedelic drugs, the reduction of CO2, and moving to 100% renewable energy by 2035, her advocacy for the outright banning of assault and semi-assault weapons for civilians without military reform of the same is a slight red flag when combined with her relationship with Oprah Winfrey (an Obama supporter, the president who authorized quite a lot of drone strikes in West Asia) and drop-out makes her not a great candidate.
Philips is a Bachelor's (Brown University) and Master's Business (University of Minnesota) educated 54-year-old three-term congressman who is noted for criticizing Biden running for a second term on account of both political moderacy and medical concerns.
Philips unfortunately wants to increase police funding for some reason, but advocated for better training, including mental health training. He also advocates for what he calls, "comprehensive immigration reform," in the form of increased border security and streamlining legal entry (this ignores the problem outlined by the UN that people seeking asylum are likely to have to enter a country illegally before they can seek support), and the only real good stance he has is giving reproductive rights to patients, rather than politicians.
Philips is essentially a moderate Republican, and is a bad candidate. Do not vote for him.
Current Independent Candidates
Fascist (not his stated political stance, but it's what he is)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is a fascist that has openly quoted Nazi propaganda in his political campaigns, is an anti-vaccine activist, and has spread anti-science conspiracy theories such as vaccines causing autism and the non-existence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. I cannot stress this enough, do not fucking vote for Kennedy, Jr.
Democratic Socialist
Cornel West is a Bachelor's (Harvard University), Master's, and Ph.D. (both Princeton University) educated 70-year-old progressive activist that switched his running party from the People's Party to the Green Party, despite being a both public- and self-described democratic socialist.
When asked why he wasn't running as a Democrat against Biden, he stated that, "Neither party is speaking to the pressing needs of poor and working people."
His party plans are a wealth tax on the rich, a national $27 minimum wage, a federal Universal Basic Income, 6 months of paid family leave, a 4-day work week, national free Pre-K childcare, "Immediate cessation of all oil and gas leasing projects on federal lands and waters," "Federal moratorium on fracking, carbon capture, and direct air capture technologies, geoengineering, and other false climate solutions," putting abortion rights in the Constitution, and nationalized healthcare.
Here's where I want to lay out something important. I normally wouldn't advocate for voting for a third party candidate due to the Spoiler Effect, but
Considering the United States' Democratic majority, popular vote records showing a common Republican minority, the absolutely incredible policies West stands for,
The growing support for third parties in the United States, and his policies aligning with public opinion,
Cornel West is the ideal candidate to vote for. Spread this information like wildfire - we may have one shot at the first third party win in US history in the upcoming 2024 election, and
If successful the dominant parties will be Fascist vs. Socialist, denying most, if not all, future Republican wins.
Our target toss-up states are Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Nevada.
Converting Texas to third party, or even just Democrat, will throw the Republican vote entirely and all but guarantee a Democrat, or hopefully third party, 2024 election win,
Which is absolutely possible, as Texas is majority Democrat and wins Republican votes via gerrymandering despite public opinion, which is why it swings occasionally.
Democrat states also need to be switched to majority third party votes, with particular emphasis on California, New York, and Illinois.
Reference map of polling for the future 2024 election:
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Libertarian (slightly Conservative to alt-right, really depends on the person)
Chase Oliver is a surprisingly progressive high school educated 38-year-old anti-war Libertarian that left the Democratic party after witnessing Obama's aggressive anti-West Asian war policies who has expressed desires for criminal justice reform and ending wars abroad, though hasn't elaborated on either.
Green Party
Jill Stein is a Bachelor's (Harvard University) and Medical (Harvard Medical University) 73-year-old Jewish doctor who previously ran for and represented the Green-Rainbow Party as the governor of Massachusetts.
Stein is notable for being an activist and protestor who has both protested outside buildings and testified before legislative and other government bodies against coal plants, mercury leaks, and unclean and unsafe groundwater.
Presumably, her stances will focus on environmental protections, trans rights, and Jewish protections, making her a potential alternative should West drop out.
Again, don't fucking vote for Trump, Haley, Ramaswamy, Hutchinson, Scott, DeSantis, Christie, Binkley, Burgum, Biden, Philips, or Kennedy, Jr..
Our potential backup Democratic candidate is Williamson.
The ideal candidate is West, with Stein as a viable backup.
As absurd as it sounds, I want you to vote third party for Cornel West.
If you want a wealth tax on the rich, a national $27 minimum wage, a federal Universal Basic Income,
6 months of paid family leave, a 4-day work week, national free Pre-K childcare,
"Immediate cessation of all oil and gas leasing projects on federal lands and waters," "Federal moratorium on fracking, carbon capture, and direct air capture technologies, geoengineering, and other false climate solutions,"
putting abortion rights in the Constitution, and nationalized healthcare,
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justinspoliticalcorner · 2 months ago
Noah Lanard at Mother Jones:
Two weeks after the election, I met Dianela Rosario in Huntington Park, California—an almost entirely Latino city that swung hard to the right this year. A 51-year-old Dominican American shopkeeper, Rosario told me that before this year she had never voted for a Republican presidential candidate. But, in 2024, inflation and the prices of groceries were front of mind. President Joe Biden and Democratic nominee Kamala Harris were not fully responsible for the cost of living crisis, she said, but she still wanted someone new.
“If she’s been vice president and there’s been no change, then I wasn’t sure she was going to be able to change things as president,” Rosario, who identifies as Afro-Latina, explained in Spanish about why she had not voted for Harris. “That’s what influenced me the most—that things might stay the same as they are now.” Earlier that afternoon, a Guatemalan shopkeeper shared a similar perspective. She told me she missed the lower prices of Trump’s first term and that she hoped the incoming president would deport people she saw as causing problems in the area. Unlike Rosario, though, she hadn’t been able to cast a vote. “Soy ilegal,” the shopkeeper explained of her own immigration status. In 2016, stories like these would have been hard to find in cities in Southeast Los Angeles like Huntington Park, where 97 percent of residents are Latino. That year, Trump lost by huge margins. In 2016, Hillary Clinton received 84 percent of votes in the area, compared to only 8 percent for Trump. Sometimes, Trump even came in third; in several precincts, Jill Stein was the runner-up to Clinton.
Eight years later, a Mother Jones analysis of precinct-level voting data shows that Democrats have lost more support in Southeast Los Angeles than any other part of Los Angeles County. Democrats’ combined margin of victory in nine cities in the area, which are more than 90 percent Latino on average, has declined by nearly 40 percent since 2016. Trump has gone from getting less than 10 percent of votes to nearly 30 percent. This is not just a function of Democrats staying home. Trump received more than three times as many votes this year in Southeast Los Angeles than he did during his first presidential run. While the data makes clear that voters in largely working-class Latino areas have moved right, the results do not reveal how individual Latinos who live in more mixed (and often richer) parts of Los Angeles voted. Compared to Southeast Los Angeles, Democrats’ have lost less support since 2016 in more middle-class majority-Latino cities, although those cities remain more conservative overall.
Still, a national trend—working-class Asian and Latino voters shifting to Republicans, and upper-class voters choosing Democrats—can be seen in miniature in Los Angeles County.
The results in Southeast Los Angeles mirror the dramatic drops in Democratic support in heavily Asian and Latino areas across the country, ranging from the border counties of Texas' Rio Grande Valley to the rural towns of California's Central Valley to urban areas of New York and New Jersey. While some of these losses have been offset by gains among affluent college graduates who once voted Republican, it was not enough for Harris to win. The voting records analyzed by Mother Jones include results for roughly 170 communities. Since 2016, Democrats’ margin of victory has dropped by at least 25 points in about 40 of those places, which is well above the countywide shift of about 17 points during the period. In nearly every single community with that large of a drop, Latinos and Asians comprise a majority of residents. The main exception is Beverly Hills, a famously affluent area with a large Jewish population. (Most of the shift in Beverly Hills happened between 2016 and 2020—meaning that it was not primarily a reaction to how Democrats discussed October 7 and Israel's military campaign in Gaza.) Karina Macias, the mayor of Huntington Park, said in a phone interview that the shift to the right among her constituents reflected concerns with issues that voters across the country prioritized: price increases, crime, and immigration. Macias noted a significant uptick in the number of families in Huntington Park who rely on food distributions, including among residents who probably would have never considered seeking help in the past.
“I think a lot of people were looking at their current economic situation, and [were] pissed off about it," Macias said. "Can you blame them? No, right? Especially in a community like Huntington Park, they feel it. They’re paying a lot more for things and are not necessarily being paid a lot more. If they work two jobs, maybe somebody in the household needs to go and get another job, right? We have a lot of families here that are doubling up in an apartment, and that’s how they get by."
The nearly 40-point shift in Southeast Los Angeles is far different from what has happened in some of the wealthier communities in Los Angeles. In the affluent coastal cities of Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, and Hermosa Beach, Democrats have maintained or slightly improved their margin of victory since 2016. But these voters did not necessarily back Democratic candidates all the way down the ballot. In 2020, Los Angeles County voters elected George Gascón, a progressive Cuban-American district attorney defeated his more moderate opponent by seven points. After the win, a backlash began almost immediately. This year, Gascón still managed to secure the endorsement of the Los Angeles Times. But he ended up losing to Nathan Hochman, a comparatively tough-on-crime challenger who became an independent after running as a Republican for California attorney general office in 2022. Hochman won by 20 points—a 27 point swing from 2020. Wealthier cities like Manhattan Beach and Santa Monica moved harder against Gascón than most of the county, despite being the areas where Democrats had some of their best results at the top of the ticket. Santa Monica residents went from supporting Gascón by a nearly 2-to-1 margin in 2020 to backing Hochman. In Manhattan Beach, Gascón lost by about 50 points—nearly 40 points worse than he did there four years ago. It meant that there was an almost 80-point gap in the city between Harris and Gascón, even though both are Democrats.
[...] Another dynamic is a belief among some Latino voters that Venezuelans, who crossed the border in record numbers in recent years, and other people arriving today are different from them and their ancestors. Gustavo Arellano, a Los Angeles Times writer who covered the recent political history of Southeast Los Angeles earlier this year, told me before the election about how his cousins objected to "these new immigrants" and were turning Venezuelans into scapegoats. "Venezuelans they get free everything," Arellano said, paraphrasing his cousins. "Our parents, when they came here illegally, didn't get anything at all. They did it on their own." Arellano tells his relatives that "these immigrants are just like our parents" but they insist otherwise. Macias didn't hear this perspective too often, but did recall someone saying about recent arrivals: "They're demanding things, and we work for them." It also doesn't help that Democrats—largely as a result of Republican opposition—have been unable to deliver on their promises to provide legal status to family members of some of the voters now turning against them. An undocumented Salvadoran immigrant named Sam made that clear when we spoke in Huntington Park—even though he was one of the strongest Kamala Harris supporters I interviewed. "The Democrats had the opportunity to help us," Sam explained in Spanish. "They didn't do it. As a result, all the Hispanics that are scattered throughout the United States, who are now citizens, who can now vote, are making them pay."
While Los Angeles County, California provided hefty winning margins for the Democratic Party this election, there are blinking red lights that the Democrats ought to be concerned about: Heavily Hispanic and Asian areas, especially lower-income ones, swung hard to the right. Example: Voted handsomely for Hillary in 2016, modestly for Biden in 2020, and either narrowly for Harris or flipped to Trump in 2024.
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critical-skeptic · 3 months ago
Does Democracy Have a Chance Or Is This America's Epilogue?
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The fact that Democratic leaders are still clashing over who gets to run where, while the entire system teeters, should tell you everything you need to know: they’re too distracted to prioritize survival. We are watching a slow-motion collapse, and they’re backstage arguing about who deserves top billing in a dying show. The world isn’t just metaphorically burning; it’s openly smoldering on every front—authoritarian power grabs, oligarchic entrenchment, and populist fanatics are tearing down our civic infrastructure. Instead of shoring up defenses, Democrats obsess over which identity group to appease next, as though chanting different verses of “Kumbaya” at each other will somehow hold back the tide.
This is what passes for strategy: endless purity tests, virtue signals, and factional infighting. Ironically, the only consensus they seem to reach is on the need to prove how morally superior they are, as if righteousness alone can stop an actual coup. Meanwhile, those who prefer the world in ashes—authoritarians, demagogues, and billionaires whose wealth has quadrupled—are more than happy to watch the left’s self-immolation. Every progressive ritual that excludes potential allies or demonizes pragmatic solutions only strengthens those who thrive on chaos. Look hard at this pattern: the paralysis, the obsession with optics, the refusal to excise the extremists on the left’s own fringes. It’s a gift to the right’s war machine.
Let’s be blunt: this insistence on ideological purity is killing any real chance at countering the onslaught. The movement has become so terrified of offending its own fringe elements that it stifles legitimate criticism, lets crucial battles go unfought, and alienates both moderates and the millions trapped between two dysfunctional extremes. What’s the result? Resentment from centrists, disillusionment among would-be allies, and a public image of a party too busy with ego contests to mount an effective defense against the very real threat of authoritarian rule. Instead of building a broad, disciplined coalition, Democrats play theater, as if moral posturing alone can halt the steady erosion of democracy.
This isn’t a plea for centrism, nor a capitulation to the status quo. It’s a demand for backbone and disciplined action. Ideals mean nothing if we can’t secure the structural integrity of the system long enough to implement them. There is no point in preaching progressive values while extremists and oligarchs set about dismantling the very framework needed to enact those values. Without a stable foundation, justice is impossible; without a functional government, ideals remain slogans on placards, easily swept away when stronger forces kick down the door.
If the left wants to outmaneuver the extremism consuming our institutions, it must learn to prioritize. It must stop pretending that endless internal rituals of moral one-upmanship lead anywhere but ruin. Dumping the dead weight of performative purity and facing the hard truth—yes, that means telling some factions “no”—is the only way to stand firm. Embrace strategic pragmatism. Form alliances that, while imperfect, get the job done. Focus on immediate existential threats rather than fighting over who’s the purest progressive in the room.
The stakes could not be higher. Our institutions are under siege by forces that thrive on division, and every minute spent in self-indulgent squabbling grants them another inch. Morality without strategy is self-sabotage. If Democrats—and anyone who values an open, stable society—want to survive this era, they need to step off their soapboxes, kick out the elements that corrode cohesion, and line up behind a ruthless pragmatism that prioritizes lasting stability.
Stop performing and start governing. The time for elegant speeches and tribal ceremonies ended long ago. If the left can’t bring itself to mature beyond these theatrics, then it’s simply inviting the collapse that its enemies are counting on. The world needs action, not another round of self-righteous pageantry. It needs leaders who can confront threats head-on, who understand that protecting a future worth having requires getting their hands dirty now. It needs a movement ready to fight fires, not argue over who holds the hose.
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