#2000s home fragrance
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BBW White Barn Candle Company Pears and Apples White Picket Fence Collection Candle
Found on Ebay, user eajpml
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90s-2000s-barbie · 6 months
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Tommy Hilfiger Inc.
Tommy Hilfiger Inc. is an American clothing brand, manufacturing apparel, footwear, accessories, fragrances and home furnishings. Popular throughout the 1990’s and 2000’s.
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
Hello!!! I was reading this post of yours (for my research) and i'm truly wondering how did Byzantine princesses wanted to take a bath?? Do you have a post for that?
I don't but I managed to find a few pieces of information about the general habits of Byzantine bathing and grooming, and particularly that of the empresses and the princesses.
"The wealthy and noble women of the empire were concerned with their looks and Christianity cast no pall on the baths nor the sale of cosmetics and perfumes. (...) Byzantine gardens, therefore, had areas set aside for aromatic flowers from which could be distilled some of the more fragrant oils. (...) Mirrors, tweezers and similar hygiene equipment would have been commonplace in a Byzantine home. (...) Michael Psellos wrote that (Empress) Zoe turned her chambers into cosmetics laboratory in which she created cosmetics and ointments to preserve her beauty well into old age. (...) Byzantine women did not use as heavy cosmetics as their earlier Roman counterparts. (...) For eye liner and darkening eye brows and lashes, kohl was very popular."
Source: http://gretchenbrownauthor.com/2018/04/08/cleanliness-and-hygiene-among-the-byzantines/
"Women washed their hair in special fragranced solutions that naturally lightened it, including saffron, turmeric, fern roots and citrin-colored sandalwood and rhubarb.  The cloths they wrapped their hair in were usually brushed with perfume. People made their own scents at home.  Lotions and creams were made fresh from natural sources and had to be used in a few days. (...) There were many public baths;  the Byzantines - even monks and nuns - bathed frequently. One was expected to bathe twice a week. (...) The Byzantines had a wide variety of cleaning products for bodies and clothes."
Source: https://www.pallasweb.com/deesis/daily-life-in-constantinople.html
"Byzantines in the capital city of Constantinople developed public baths similar to those found in Rome, and public bathing was a daily ritual for many. (...)  Unlike the Romans, who used a lot of makeup and cosmetics, the Byzantines avoided heavy preparations for their skin. Instead, they developed rich perfumes using ingredients obtained in trade from China, India, and Persia, modern-day Iran. Perfume making was developed as an esteemed trade."
Baltoyianni, Chryssanthi. "Byzantine Jewelry." Hellenic Ministry of Culture. http://www.culture.gr/2/22/225/22501/225013/e013intro.html (accessed on July 29, 2003).
Cosgrave, Bronwyn. The Complete History of Costume and Fashion: From Ancient Egypt to the Present Day. New York: Checkmark Books, 2000.
"Let us now place ourselves in the second half of the 11th century, when a Byzantine princess arrives in Italy again; not in Rome but in Venice, although with the same nuptial purpose. This time she is Theodora Doukaina, daughter of Emperor Constantine X Doukas and Eudokia Makrembolitissa (the niece of Patriarch Michael I Cerularius) who is to marry Doge Domenico Selvo. (...) The Byzantine stravaganza of Theodora was reflected not only in the colossal retinue she led or the impressive tiara she wore at the ceremony (the one worn by her brother Michael VII, who had just inherited the imperial throne) but also in her own daily behaviour, which included such whims as bathing in the dew that his servants collected or – and here is what interests us – the refusal to touch food with her hands, so that she made use of a golden fork to prick the bites that her eunuchs had previously cut off."
Source: https://www.labrujulaverde.com/en/2020/06/how-two-byzantine-princesses-scandalized-europe-by-using-a-fork/
"While the Germans like Theophano, many of them thought her odd. The Byzantine empire was known for its luxurious, decadent ways, and Theophano was a product of that 'decadence'. She talked too much, she bathed every day, and, strangest of all, she used a two pronged utensil to bring food to her mouth (aka a fork), instead of eating with her hands like everyone else."
Source: http://www.thathistorynerd.com/2017/07/damn-girl-holy-roman-empress-theophano.html
Check here for a great link with detailed description of Byzantine public baths, how they worked and how they were taken
Peter Damian, the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, wrote a chapter entitled "De Veneti ducis uxore quae prius nimium delicata, demum toto corpore computruit" ("Of the Venetian Doge's wife, whose body, after her excessive delicacy, entirely rotted away.") about an unnamed Byzantine princess whose manners he considered scandalously lavish and which brought to her a horrible death as a divine punishment. This woman has been mistakenly (since Damian died 1072) identified with Domenico Selvo's wife by later Venetian chroniclers (incl. Andrea Dandolo and Marino Sanuto the Younger) followed afterwards by various modern authors; however since the work in which Damianus' chapter is contained is dated ca 1059 it refers probably to Maria Argyropoulaina who had died a half century before.
From Wikipedia. Irrelevant but Maria Argyropoulaina might be the most modern Greek name I have seen in a medieval woman ever.
When, three days after the wedding, the new empress left her rooms to take her bath in the Palace of Magnaura, the court and the commonwealth gathered in queues behind her in the gardens. And when the empress passed with the servants who showed off the robes, the boxes with the perfumes, walking first, accompanied by three ladies of waiting who held apples decorated with pearls, as a symbol of erotic love, the commonwealth would cheer, the jesters of the court would make inappropriate jokes and the most important officers of the empire would escort the empress all the way to the entrance of the bath, where they waited for her to finish, and escorted her back to her bridal chambers.
Source: From The History of the Byzantine Empire by Charles Diehl, translated by me here.
They don't go into great detail as you see but I guess they are enough to give you an idea. Reminder to check the link I added above about the detailed description of the public baths - it is very interesting!
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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A Joke about Israel that Gave me Goosebumps
This Shabbat my daughter and some friends visited a nursing home where they met 99-year-old Saba Kalman. Saba Kalman told them about how he grew up in a small town in Poland and was transported to Auschwitz at 17. And how, after the war, he snuck past the British blockade on the bottom of a fishing boat, hiding underneath that day's catch with a crowd of other survivors.
When the refugees made it to the Haifa port, they were taken by bus to a Moshav. Even 76 years later, Saba Kalman clearly remembers the strong fragrance of the orange orchards they walked through on the way to their host families. It was, Saba Kalman said, the most beautiful scent he had ever smelled.
Saba Kalman's hostess presented him with an entire loaf of bread, from which she invited him to cut off a slice. This was the first time in many years, he reminisced, that he would have an entire slice of bread to eat.
Then his hostess told him she had turned on the water boiler for him, and invited him to take a hot shower.
And that night, well-fed, his body clean, and lying on clean sheets for the first time in many, many years, he told my daughter and her friends that he hadn't wanted to close his eyes that night because he was terrified that he was dreaming. And if he closed his eyes and fell asleep, the dream might stop.
That, he told my daughter and her friends, is what Israel still feels like to him. "If you live in Israel and you don't believe in miracles, you aren't a realist."
This past Friday night we heard a joke from our wonderful guest, Yehuda from LA. It was the first joke I've ever heard that gave me goosebumps:
"There was once a tourist who went on a tour of the Vatican led by a priest. The tourist noticed a pay phone, and asked the priest what this phone was for. The priest answered, 'With this phone you can make a direct call to God."
'Really?! How much does a call cost?'
'$2000," the priest answered.
The tourist's next stop after the Vatican was Israel, and when he visited the Western Wall he noticed a similar pay phone.
He asked the rabbi standing by the phone, "How much does a call cost?"
"1 Shekel," the rabbi answered.
Surprised, the tourist asked, "That's interesting, I was just in the Vatican, and they told me there that a direct call to God costs $2000! How come it only costs 1 Shekel here?"
The Rabbi pondered the question and then answered, "I guess because here it is a local call."
Shavua tov!
Jewish MOM
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fashionbooksmilano · 11 months
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Armani Fiori
Text by Giorgio Armani and Renato Bruni and Harriet Quick and Dan Rubinstein
Rizzoli, New York 2023, 224 pages, Hardcover, 24,8x33cm, ISBN 978-88-918334-2-6
euro 114,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
This book is an important complement to the Armani style, exploring Giorgio Armani’s touch for flower composition.
Armani is not only a brand, it is a lifestyle: an entire universe that includes fashion apparel and accessories, home furniture, decorative objects, restaurants, beauty, makeup, perfumes, fragrances, skincare, and flowers. The embodiment of style as lifestyle, Armani/Fiori launched in 2000 with the opening of the Armani/Manzoni 31 store, bringing essential taste to the world of flowers and floral decor. Since then, the philosophy behind Armani/Fiori has come to include dedicated boutiques in cities such as Milan, Hong Kong, Kuwait City, and Dubai.
This book marks the twentieth anniversary of the creation of Armani/Fiori and proposes a number of intricately designed bouquets stylishly encased in pure, linear vases and geometric shapes, crafted from precious materials that complement any decor and perfectly match the brand’s fashion and interior design. Armani flower designs include elaborate, one-of-a-kind floral arrangements and decorations for important events, festivities, and anniversaries
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hi-jjo · 1 year
父亲的草原母亲的河 (my father's grassland, my mother's river) - english translation
Written by painter and poet Xi Murong (席慕容), composed by Ulan Toga (乌兰托嘎), and first performed by singer Dedema (德德玛), in 2000 for the Spring Festival Gala held in Inner Mongolia. All three are Chinese-Mongolian.
The first video is Dedema's performance. The second video is a cover by Tengger (ᠲᠡᠩᠭᠡᠷᠢ, 腾格尔) and third is a cover by Jamyang Dolma (འཇམ་དབྱངས་སྒྲོལ་མ).
父亲曾经形容草原的清香 让他在天涯海角也从不能相忘 母亲总爱描摹那大河浩荡 奔流在蒙古高原我遥远的家乡
如今终于见到这辽阔大地 站在芬芳的草原上我泪落如雨 河水在传唱着祖先的祝福 保佑漂泊的孩子找到回家的路
啊 父亲的草原 啊 母亲的河 虽然己经 不能用不能用母语来诉说 请接纳我的悲伤我的欢乐 我也是高原的孩子啊 心里有一首歌 歌中有我父亲的草原母亲的河
My father once described the clear fragrance of the grasslands A memory he could never lose, even a world away My mother always loved to trace the vast and mighty rivers Rushing through the Mongolian highlands, my faraway home
Now I can finally see this vast earth Standing on this fragrant grassland, my tears fall like rain The rivers sing my ancestors' blessings Bless and protect the wandering children, seeking the road home
Ah, my father's grasslands Ah, my mother's rivers Even though I already can't use, can't use my mother tongue to express it, Please accept my grief, my joy I too, am a child of the highlands My heart holds one song Within that song is my father's grassland, my mother's river
This is one of my favorite songs. Here are some extra thoughts.
"天涯海角" I translated as "a world away" but is most commonly translated as "the end of the earth". Literally: 天涯 "the borders of the sky/heaven", 海角 "the corners of the ocean". The full phrase is used to describe an extremely remote location, or two things/locations that are extremely far apart from each other. It's also the name of a real beach in Hainan.
"漂泊" is translated as "wandering", but also has connotations of drifting, floating.
In Tengger's cover, towards the end he changes "my heart holds one song" to "my heart holds this song"
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Favourite music to bring Christmas spirit to your home?
I’m a traditional carols or bust gal. Miss me with the pop music and such. I want the boys choir at Westminster.
There are two exceptions. Michael Buble and Mannheim Steamroller. The former is the warmup music of choice for the Huntsville Ballet Company during Nutcracker, and it just makes me feel things to remember the cold mornings on that stage, sitting in the empty 2000 seat hall, nursing my second peppermint mocha of the day. And Mannheim Steamroller is my dad’s music of choice for the holidays. Their first four Christmas albums on shuffle for the whole day. It’s just the best and it makes me think of Christmases growing up.
Movie you have to watch during the Christmas season?
The Muppet Christmas Carol. Specifically I like to watch it while I’m wrapping presents.
I’m also partial to Home Alone 1 and 2.
Favourite way to decorate for Christmas?
I’m a minimalist, mostly because I’m lazy and know I won’t want to bother taking it down. So I have my grandmother’s fiberoptic Christmas tree, which is about three feet tall and no decorations. And I’m going to get a live wreath for the front door. I think I might get more fancy next year... maybe a bigger tree and some lights around the door. But I’m honestly too lazy to let myself do much else. I’d rather spend the time wrapping presents and cooking.
Do you have special Christmas-y clothes?
I love a good ugly Christmas sweater. I have two. One is a gift from an older lady who was cleaning out her closet. It has ginger bread men and candy canes on it. The other is absolutely heinous and has a glittery pink flamingo on it made of garish pompoms. 
I’ve also got some socks... and a couple of shirts with flamingo holiday print, because of course I do.
Favourite smell of Christmas?
I’m not a big fragrance person, given my migraines. But I do love the smell of wassail/cider/mulling spices, and of course the smell of pine.
But if I pick out a candle to burn, I usually go for the vanilla peppermint smells that are out around this time of year. They’re so nice and fresh, and mint doesn’t trigger my migraines.
Consider yourself tagged if you want to play along! And feel free to fill this out for your winter celebration of choice. I stole this from the amazing @hixystix! 
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mortifiedandawesome · 2 years
I was going to rant but it doesn't have anything to do with anything
Therefore I'll truncate it to just the thing I've been wanting to talk about for a long time now,
Someone at work has a cologne, or a deodorant, or a fragrance, or smokes something, or has a vape, or has some kind of diffuser... And I haven't dedicated a lot of detective work to this... And I believe it is the same person that alternates to a super I'm in the club perfume which sort of drives me wild, as I became Not A Wallflower in the early 2000s,
Anyhow, this scent is PRECISELY the same smell in a funeral home / a funeral, and I absolutely cannot explain it and I don't know what formaldehyde smells like, and I don't work with anybody from a rest home as far as I know, and it FASCINATES me to smell that in a different location.. and it's only brief enough so that I don't get used to it or sick of it.
So that's my trivia for tonight.
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chemistwarehouse2 · 3 days
Chemist Warehouse: A Leader in Australian Retail Pharmacy
Chemist Warehouse is one of Australia's most recognizable names in retail pharmacy, often referred to as "Australia’s Cheapest Chemist." With over 500 stores across Australia, New Zealand, and even some expansion into China, Chemist Warehouse has become a household name synonymous with affordable healthcare, prescription medications, and a wide variety of consumer goods.
Origins and Growth Chemist Warehouse was founded in 2000 by Mario Verrocchi and Jack Gance, building on their vision of offering customers competitive prices on pharmaceutical products. Unlike traditional pharmacies that focus more on providing personal service, Chemist Warehouse adopted a high-volume, low-cost model that allowed them to offer substantial discounts on products ranging from prescription medications to everyday essentials like skincare, supplements, and baby care items.
This business model has proven incredibly successful. The company's rapid expansion was driven by their ability to offer prices lower than traditional pharmacies, often by as much as 50%. Chemist Warehouse has capitalized on bulk purchasing and streamlined operations, passing on these savings to consumers.
Pricing and Accessibility The affordability of Chemist Warehouse products has been a key driver of its success. Consumers looking for over-the-counter medications, beauty products, vitamins, and even fragrances often find Chemist Warehouse as the go-to destination. Their slogan, "Why Pay More?", resonates strongly in an environment where healthcare costs can be significant.
Chemist Warehouse is also known for running regular sales and promotions, further driving customer loyalty. The company’s online store has expanded its reach beyond the physical outlets, offering customers the convenience of shopping from home and receiving their orders delivered.
Product Range and Services In addition to pharmaceuticals, Chemist Warehouse stocks an extensive range of health and wellness products, making it a one-stop shop for many consumers. Some key product categories include:
Prescription Medications: As a licensed pharmacy, Chemist Warehouse offers all major prescription drugs at highly competitive prices. Over-the-Counter Medications: The company sells a variety of OTC medications, including pain relief, cold and flu treatments, and allergy medications. Health Supplements: Customers can find a broad range of vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements. Beauty and Skincare: Chemist Warehouse carries a vast selection of beauty products, including popular skincare brands, cosmetics, and personal care items. Fragrances: One of the unexpected areas of growth for Chemist Warehouse has been its range of discount fragrances, appealing to consumers looking for affordable luxury. Apart from product variety, the stores also provide pharmaceutical services like prescription refills, health checks, and consultations, ensuring that customers receive professional healthcare advice alongside their purchases.
Online Presence and International Expansion Chemist Warehouse’s e-commerce platform has played a critical role in its business strategy, offering customers nationwide access to its wide product range. The brand’s click-and-collect service allows customers to order online and pick up in-store, adding to its convenience.
In addition to its dominance in Australia, Chemist Warehouse has expanded internationally, with stores in New Zealand and early ventures into China through partnerships and online marketplaces like Alibaba’s Tmall Global. This international expansion has allowed Chemist Warehouse to tap into the growing demand for trusted Australian health products in overseas markets, especially in Asia, where Australian-made goods are highly regarded for their quality.
Challenges and Criticism Despite its success, Chemist Warehouse has faced its share of challenges. The company has been criticized by smaller pharmacies and industry groups for undercutting prices and monopolizing the market. Some argue that its aggressive pricing strategy has put immense pressure on independent pharmacies, making it difficult for them to compete.
There have also been labor-related disputes, with some employees raising concerns about working conditions and wages. However, Chemist Warehouse has made efforts to address these issues over time.
The Future of Chemist Warehouse Chemist Warehouse continues to evolve, with plans for further growth both domestically and internationally. The company has adapted to changing consumer behaviors, particularly with the rise of online shopping, and remains at the forefront of retail pharmacy innovation.
With a focus on affordable healthcare, a broad product offering, and the ability to adapt to market demands, Chemist Warehouse is likely to remain a dominant force in the retail pharmacy industry for years to come.
Conclusion Chemist Warehouse has revolutionized the pharmacy industry in Australia by combining affordability, accessibility, and convenience. Its aggressive pricing model has not only disrupted the market but also provided significant benefits to consumers, making healthcare and everyday essentials more affordable for millions of people.
While it faces competition and criticism, Chemist Warehouse continues to thrive, expanding its influence in both physical and digital retail spaces. The company’s commitment to providing value for money ensures that it will remain a trusted name in Australian homes and beyond.
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birrafrgrances · 3 months
The History of Room Fresheners: A Journey Through Time
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From ancient civilizations to modern-day innovations, the quest for a fresh and fragrant living space has been a timeless pursuit. In this article, we will embark on a journey through the history of room fresheners, exploring the evolution of scents that have shaped the way we keep our homes smelling sweet.
A Journey Through the Ages of Room Fresheners and Beyond
Ready to experience the benefits of birra fragrances for yourself? Try out our range of Birra fragrance products today! Our products are designed to bring you a fresher, healthier living space that's tailored to your unique needs and preferences.
Visit our website to explore our collection of room fresheners today!
By choosing Birra fragrances, you are improving the air quality in your home.
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In ancient times, people used natural ingredients like herbs, spices, and flowers to freshen their living spaces. 
The Egyptians, for example, used aromatic herbs like myrrh and frankincense to purify their homes. 
The Greeks and Romans employed perfumes and incense made from plant extracts like lavender and rose petals. 
These early room fresheners not only eliminated odors but also served as a status symbol, with expensive and exotic ingredients signaling wealth and sophistication.
Middle Ages (500 - 1500 CE)
During the Middle Ages, room fresheners became more widespread and accessible. 
People used wood ash, charcoal, and burnt materials like orange peel and cedar shavings to absorb odors. 
The wealthy used perfumes and pomanders made from fragrant woods, spices, and resins. Monasteries and churches also employed incense burners to purify the air and create a sacred atmosphere.
Renaissance to Industrial Revolution (1500 - 1850 CE)
As trade and commerce expanded, new ingredients and technologies emerged. 
The Renaissance saw the introduction of scented candles, which became a popular room freshener among the aristocracy. 
The Industrial Revolution brought mass production of soaps, detergents, and air fresheners made from synthetic fragrances. 
These products were marketed as convenient and affordable alternatives to traditional methods.
20th Century (1900 - 2000 CE)
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The 20th century saw the rise of commercial air fresheners in aerosol cans. 
Brands like Febreze and Lysol introduced sprays that could be easily dispensed in a variety of fragrances. 
This marked a significant shift from traditional methods to modern technology. The 1970s saw the introduction of electric air fresheners, which used ultrasonic waves to diffuse fragrances.
Modern Era (2000 CE - present)
Today, room fresheners have evolved to include eco-friendly options like essential oils, plant-based fragrances, and refillable containers. 
The rise of online shopping has also led to a proliferation of niche brands catering to specific preferences and allergies. 
Modern air purifiers and dehumidifiers have also become popular solutions for maintaining indoor air quality.
Birra Fragrances: A New Era in Room Freshening
In recent years, birra fragrances have emerged as a game-changer in the world of room freshening. Birra is a unique blend of essential oils and natural ingredients that not only eliminate odors but also promote a sense of calmness and relaxation. 
From ancient herbs to modern technologies, the history of room fresheners is a testament to humanity's pursuit of a pleasant living environment. As we look to the future, it's clear that our quest for freshness will continue to drive innovation and creativity in this field.
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Curtis James Jackson III (July 6, 1975) known by his stage name 50 Cent, is a rapper, actor, producer, and entrepreneur. Born in the South Jamaica neighborhood of the borough of Queens, he began selling drugs at age twelve during the 1980s crack epidemic. He began pursuing a musical career and he produced Power of the Dollar for Columbia Records, but days before the planned release he was shot and the album was never released. After he released the compilation album Guess Who’s Back?, he was discovered by Eminem and signed to Shady Records, under the aegis of Dr. Dre’s Aftermath Entertainment and Interscope Records.
He has sold over 30 million albums worldwide and won several awards, including a Grammy Award, thirteen Billboard Music Awards, six World Music Awards, three American Music Awards, and four BET Awards. He has pursued an acting career, appearing in the semi-autobiographical film Get Rich or Die Tryin’ the Iraq War film Home of the Brave, and Righteous Kill. He was ranked the sixth-best artist of the 2000s and the third-best rapper by Billboard. Rolling Stone ranked Get Rich or Die Tryin’ and “In da Club” in its lists of “100 Best Albums of the 2000s” and “100 Best Songs of the 2000s” at #37 and 13 respectively.
He is involved in artist and talent management, record, television, and film production, footwear, apparel, fragrances, liquor, video games, mobile apps, book publishing, and headphones, along with health drinks, and dietary supplements. His broad business and investment portfolio contains investments in a variety of sectors including real estate, financial market investments, mining, boxing promotion, vodka, fragrances, consumer electronics, and fashion.
He established his record label G-Unit Records. He signed a five-year deal with Reebok to distribute a G-Unit Sneakers line for his G-Unit Clothing Company.
He started a book publishing imprint, G-Unit Books. He has written several books including a memoir, From Pieces To Weight; a crime novel, and a book with Robert Greene titled The 50th Law, an urban take on The 48 Laws of Power. In November 2011, he released 50 Cent’s Playground. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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BBW Fresh Cotton Fresh+ Relaxing Wallflowers Home Fragrance Refills
early-mid 2000s
Found on Ebay, user Inrandomorder
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kannaujheaven · 3 months
History and Culture of Incense Sticks with Time
A Journey Through the History and Cultural Significance of Incense Sticks
Incense sticks have been a part of human culture for thousands of years, with a rich history spanning across continents and civilizations. 
From ancient temples to modern-day meditation practices, incense sticks have played a significant role in various cultures, symbolizing spiritual connection, purification, and meditation. 
This blog looks at incense sticks fascinating history as we travel through time.
Incense Sticks Through the Ages: A Cultural and Historical Exploration
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The earliest recorded use of incense dates back to around 2000 BCE in ancient Egypt. 
The Egyptians used incense made from frankincense and myrrh to purify their homes, temples, and bodies. 
They believed that these aromas could ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. 
The practice of burning incense soon spread to other ancient civilizations, including the Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans.
Chinese and Indian Traditions
In China, incense sticks were an integral part of Buddhist and Taoist rituals. 
The Chinese used incense sticks made from bamboo or wood to purify the air, calm the mind, and connect with the divine.
 In India, incense sticks were used in Hindu and Buddhist rituals to purify the temple and create a sacred atmosphere.
Discover the powerful transformative powers of scent for yourself with our exclusive Perfumes and Attars in addition to these sticks.
Middle Ages and Renaissance
During the Middle Ages, incense sticks continued to play a significant role in Christian worship. 
Monasteries used incense sticks to purify the air and create a sense of reverence during mass.
 In Europe, incense sticks were also used in royal courts and castles to mask unpleasant odors and create a sense of luxury.
Exploring the Cultural and Historical Significance of Incense Sticks
Oriental Influence
The 16th century saw a significant influx of Eastern influences in Europe, particularly from China and Japan. 
This led to an increased popularity of incense sticks in European culture, with many European perfumers experimenting with Eastern fragrances like Sandalwood and patchouli.
Modern Era
In the 20th century, incense sticks became more accessible and widely available due to mass production techniques. 
This led to a surge in popularity among Western cultures, particularly in the 1960s and 1970s during the counterculture movement. 
Today, incense sticks are used worldwide for meditation, relaxation, and spiritual practices.
Cultural Significance
Incense sticks have played a significant role in various cultures around the world, serving as a symbol of:
Spiritual connection: Incense sticks are often used in meditation and prayer to connect with the divine or higher self.
Purification: Incense is believed to purify the air, body, and mind of negative energies.
Relaxation: The soothing aroma of incense is often used to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
Tradition: Incense sticks are often passed down through generations as a family heirloom or cultural tradition.
A Historical and Cultural Journey Through Incense Sticks
The history of incense sticks is a rich tapestry of cultural exchange, spiritual practices, and artistic expression. From ancient Egypt to modern-day meditation practices, incense sticks have played a significant role in shaping human culture. Whether used for purification, relaxation, or spiritual connection, incense sticks continue to be an integral part of many cultures around the world.
Discover the art of incense-making with Kannauj Heaven and unlock a world of wellness, relaxation, and spiritual connection.
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becoration · 4 months
A home without ventilation is a toxic breeding ground.
Post has been published on becoration
A home without ventilation is a toxic breeding ground.
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Living in unawareness is always comfortable, though it later leads to inexplicable situations that affect our health as we age. Diseases don’t just appear out of nowhere. While we do have genetic predispositions, from birth, we are exposed to hundreds of toxic substances daily.
Eva Liljestrom, an environmental scientist of Scandinavian origin born in Granada, doesn’t suggest living isolated like John Travolta in "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble." Through her website and Instagram account, she has been advising families in their homes and has spent several years preparing her book, "A (Nearly) Toxin-Free Home" (Alienta, 2024). Her goal is for us to make informed decisions if we choose to expose ourselves to toxins.
Home Pollution
Eva explains that outdoors, the air circulates and rain washes away suspended particles. However, at home, fabrics, upholstery, lacquers, enamels, cosmetics, and cleaning products constantly emit toxic chemical elements. "Have you ever felt a slight headache or difficulty breathing after smelling a bottle of detergent?" Eva asks. Even though these substances are present in small quantities and there’s no regulation banning them, being exposed to them daily and without proper ventilation has proven to be harmful. "A delightful toxic soup forms in your home. Do you open the windows daily?"
The Importance of Ventilation
In winter, it’s common to avoid opening windows due to the cold, which is a mistake. "In winter, we want to be warm and crank up the heating, which turns that soup into a perfect breeding ground for microorganisms. It’s important to ventilate, even in winter!" emphasizes Eva.
Everyday Products and Their Impact
Eva highlights that perfumes, fragrances, and cleaning products contain phthalates, endocrine disruptors. Even in small amounts, the accumulation of these products can cause headaches, irritation, and dizziness. "We have normalized living with these symptoms without realizing they are due to constant exposure to these substances."
Actions for a Healthier Home
Eva suggests becoming informed about the components of the products we bring into our home and exercising our power as consumers. Reading labels and safety pictograms is essential. She also recommends ventilating the house and, if possible, using sensors and air purifiers. "Synthetic air fresheners can be related to respiratory illnesses and central nervous system diseases. Use high-quality essential oils."
Food and Plastics
Eva warns about consuming foods wrapped in plastic, as they can release microplastics into our bodies. "We could be ingesting the equivalent of a credit card in plastic every week. These plastics can alter our hormonal function and cause obesity, thyroid, or fertility issues."
A Healthier Home
Eva admits it’s impossible to have a completely toxin-free home, but insists that every small change counts. "Start with the issue that concerns you the most, whether it’s cleaning, sleep, or exposure to substances. Small changes can have a big impact on your health."
About Eva Liljestrom
Eva Liljestrom is an environmental scientist with a degree in Environmental Sciences, specializing in environmental toxicology. Founder of "Toxin-Free Home," she advises families on adopting healthier habits. She published her first book "A (Nearly) Toxin-Free Home" in February 2024 with Alienta (Planeta Group). Her mission is to help families improve their quality of life in a conscious, healthy, and sustainable manner.
Eva lives in the countryside and uses air purifiers to ensure the air quality in her home, highlighting that even in natural environments, pollution can be present. Her work and commitment have helped more than 2000 families live healthier lives.
via: Decoración 2.0, decoration news in Spanish
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mpxdavina · 7 months
a very special delivery to a special person. on the morning of february 10th, davina would find a gift at her door from wang yanluo. one is a delicate box filled with delicious pu-erh tea cakes (called tuo cha), as a wink to their first meeting. tuo cha pu-erh is a traditional type of tea. davina can expect woody base notes and smoky characteristics in the shou pu-erh while sheng pu-erh emanates a subtle floral fragrance with hints of chestnut. accompanying the tea gift box is a thick red envelope, which upon opening, will show davina wads of cash that will count the equivalent of $2000. an additional note written personally by yanluo with a brush wishes davina a happy new year of the dragon, and that they may meet each other again soon.
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Having left early in the morning to get her hair done for the feast, Davina hadn’t expected to come home to several gifts at her door. Moving everything to her table, she took the time to open each gift. She had not expected a gift from the god, loving each piece of it. The tea would get good use, and she could not wait to be able to share it with her friends when they visited her.  Though she reasoned she may have left a good image, this far surpassed anything she thought she deserved. Giggling to herself, she could only reason that it was due to her mother. From the way he explained them, it seemed being the queen mother’s daughter had several benefits. 
Texting the god, she send him a message. “I got your gifts. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! 🥰 Happy new year! I will see you tonight, sir!”
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enzysfashiondiary · 8 months
4-10 1/10/2024
Okay So the 4th was rough with the fact i had to kick someone from my D&d group. No i do not wanna talk about it. 5th was meh because i was still sad but my brain and my friends said i did the right thing. 7th was hyper cause it was my friends sunday session day, i got a commission for baby booties and was also able to buy yarn for a crochet review. Yes juicy couture yarn im coming for ya!
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For people who leave under a rock or dont know what im talking about for $200...Juicy Couture is an American casualwear and dress clothing brand based in Arleta, Los Angeles, California. Best known for their velour tracksuits which became a luxury staple in the 2000s, the company was founded by Pamela Skaist-Levy and Gela Nash-Taylor in 1997 and was later purchased by the Liz Claiborne fashion company in 2003. Juicy Couture has turned into a global seller with their velour tracksuits and other fashions that span clothing, denim, handbags, shoes, intimates, swimwear, fragrance, accessories, sunglasses, yoga and babywear...AND IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES BACK IN MIDDLE SCHOOL!
8th i got a Janome Hello Kitty electric sewing machine KT-35 And most of it was in japanese. Thank you home ec teacher for teaching me the basics.
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9th i was able to get my FF game updated and talked about making a bridal market for drarf people like me.. Okay im learning how to sew/crochet dresses…and there are SO MANY that are in my etsy cart…i dont know where to begin..25% of them are sewing the other 25% crochet.. MOST VINTAGE!
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So i decided to take baby steps with making dresses inspired by the mood fabrics catalogue and amp them up a little.. PLEASE NOTE: if you do want to buy a dress from me in the future..please note im 4'11" and my dress size alone is a 16XL cause im a curvy woman It took me a long time to find a dress form assistant in my size alone. Also HAI brides! If you see me peeking at your dresses and commenting on them.. that means i like them and want consent to use them as inspo for my dresses.. please please PLEASE take that as a compliment.
today though imm getting not only a dice mug but also a mean girls crochet/sewing diary. Im gonna fill it up so much with the coolest sewing and crochet patterns.
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