#*incorrect quotes
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agreatandhonorablesoldier · 2 years ago
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incorrect quotes 10/? aka I couldn’t decide which vibe i liked the most so you get all three I thought of
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existennialmemes · 1 month ago
Musk: [calling Grimes at 3 in the morning] Tell them. Tell them I'm good at video games and I will give you sixty million dollars
Musk: or I detonate the chip in the baby's neck
Grimes: [long exhalation] seventy million
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I had to take this screenshot myself because I was so convinced it wasn't real
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lovesick-joey · 3 months ago
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the people wanted more youtube worldbuilding ^^
one | three
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leo-artista · 5 months ago
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Incorrect quotes ft. Stan twins
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batcavescolony · 2 months ago
Odysseus: I am different, I am no longer the man you married, it's been 20 long years but if you could just fall in love with me again?
Penelope: if you can do something for me
Odysseus: anything
Penelope: move my wedding bed.
Odysseus: I can't, it's made out of a living tree, to move it I would have to destroy it. How can yo-
Penelope: oh, I thought we were asking each other stupid questions?
Penelope: 'FaLl iN lOvE wItH mE aGaiN' to do that I would have had to stop loving you.
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everwalldigan · 6 months ago
Bruce: who are you? A new crime lord?
Jason: *takes off his helmet*
Bruce: *squints suspiciously* a new crime lord who looks like a grown up version of my dead son?
Jason: *sighs in annoyance and forces a bright smile*
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unsung-idiot · 7 months ago
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Stan was not prepared
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ahfrickenfrick · 7 months ago
vicki vale: and what do you have to say about the rumors that Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same person?
12 year old, newly appointed robin, jason todd: ??? that would be really weird cause i’ve literally seen them kiss before??
bruce: *in the Wayne tower, popping up from his paperwork* …something just happened…
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Bruce: Today I realised I'm old
Clark: What happened?
Bruce: I fell in the kitchen and instead of laughing, all my kids came running to see if I was ok
Bruce: I saw fear in their eyes
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agreatandhonorablesoldier · 2 years ago
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incorrect quotes 14/?
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fandom--incorrect--quotes · 8 months ago
Marcille: so what’s for d-
Laios, already grabbing the nearest monster:
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lovesick-joey · 3 months ago
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youtube content in the dc universe
two | three
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aeturnum-mendacacium · 12 days ago
Robin! Jason: Robin gives me magic! :D
Constantine: *suspicious side eye glaring* Hm....
Bruce: oh come on, just because I have a high chance of being consumed by evil if I do magic -which is why I'm not allowed to do magic- doesn't mean he will! That's just a kid's saying! Constantine: uh huh -------------------------------
Red hood! Jason: *all-blades in hand* Sup motherfuckers guess who's back Constantine: I FUCKING KNEW IT
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thebat-musicman · 1 month ago
*phone call*
Jason; I’m sorry, Talia. I can’t kill Bruce.
Talia: You asked me yesterday if I could “break Bruce out of the afterlife so I can kill him over and over.”
Jason: Yeah…that would have been fun. But he’s given me an offer I can’t refuse.
Talia: He killed the clown?
Jason: He gave me a first edition Pride and Prejudice book. It says by a lady instead of Jane Austen.
Talia: You are sacrificing months of training and planning for a book?
Jason: I’m weak, Talia. I’m weak.
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everwalldigan · 7 months ago
To anyone who thinks Bruce has a clear and consistent favourite child I raise you this: it is infinitely funnier for Bruce to have a complicated and elaborate “ranking” system of his kids that only he’s privy to.
Picture this: Batman, dosed with truth serum, gets asked as a gag from one of the goons holding him captive who his favourite bat-vigilante is and instead of giving a straight answer, he launches into this whole explanation about the ranking system and who’s in the current lead, who’s hanging behind, etc. At some point (this is a mystery to everyone involved) a whiteboard appears and he starts explaining his system like he’s a football coach before an important match. Out of nowhere he starts pulling out little cardboard cutouts of his kids and pins them to the board. At some point the red string comes out.
Jason hasn’t killed someone in a week? Automatically promoted to favourite. Tim hasn’t caused an international incident in the past month? Puts him a few points ahead that keep decreasing the longer he refuses real sleep (20 minute power naps don’t count Tim! Says powernap inventor Bruce Wayne). Cass gave him a hug this morning and wished him a good day? Favourite until he gets a call from dick telling him (without shouting!!!!) that he’ll be there for this week’s Sunday dinner. Duke accidentally scratches the Batmobile? Demoted to the “in trouble” zone (which, honestly, that’s where his kids spend most of the time in😭). Damian did not attempt to free all the animals in the zoo they visited? Favourite. Until Bruce found out he was just trying to conceal the cat hidden in his room that Bruce explicitly forbade him from keeping.
Dick arrives at the family dinner with a busted shoulder and a bruise the size of Texas on his face? Gets demoted so far down that even azraeil scores higher than him. He’s in the “in trouble” zone for a constant month after that. Oh one of them survived an almost death? Favourite for at least the next week. At least. Multiple people survive an almost death? EVERYONES the favourite. The least favourite is the growing grey hairs on his head.
The end of day results are decided by who bothers to wish him goodnight and if all of them have fucked up in some way the past week then Jon (Kent) becomes the automatic favourite until someone cracks a joke that Bruce actually finds funny.
The favourite child changes daily, hourly even, and his kids are aware this system exists and keep trying to crack the code but he always Knows and just smirks smugly.
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