#*I'm referring to the coloring and stuff*
cantdealwiththisnow · 6 months
Part 1 - Appreciation post for all the TFP universe Autobot mugshot cameos (known and unknown) in RID2015 3x25 (even if the context is that they've been OUSTED against their will)
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silverskye13 · 2 months
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"I am unsure how long it has been. Perchance time passed slowly in my absence, and thus all tales familiar to me have not been lost completely in its passage. Prithee judge my words, and find them true. There was, in my time, tales of great weapons sealed in stone, or drowned in dark water, held, for a time, only to be found again in greatest need. The Fox, cunning Devourer, knows these tales too, glutted on them, as I did, when we were both young and simpler."
"The Fox knew, when I raised my sword against him, that Death was coming, and so he sought to seal his Death away, to drown it in time and dark water, that he might prey on the land as a lion. It is the Fox's great folly, that he forgot, or could not prevent, the hand of Fate, which always draws the sword from the stone. I only pray Fate did not tarry over long."
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noxious-fennec · 1 year
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Trying out some new designs (aka playing dress up)
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snowysmol · 1 month
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A Lorax 2012 themed outfit board!!!! :D (Background, Lorax plush, Bear soap, Strawberry teether, Onceler stickers)
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Since Haruka is currently the talk of the town in lieu of him most likely being dead, I think now is a good time to talk in more depth about how much I fucking love the narrative choice of him being the first prisoner. For most of the what I like to call "Prologue" of Milgram ("This is The Milgram" to Undercover), we are set up to think of the prisoners as scary, threatening, and unworthy of humane treatment.
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Red is the color associated with unforgiveness / guiltiness in Milgram, and is in general a color that we associate with blood and violence. It's a color that raises our blood pressure, our respiration rates, and generally puts us on edge. It's immediately linked to all of the prisoners before the trial even begins.
Jackalope: I mean, I personally would just say GUILTY to all of them to avoid all this hassle.
Jackalope: Don't worry about those things. You are the prison guard and they are the prisoners. That is all you need to know
Jackalope: It's time. The prisoners are gonna wake up. Time to meet them face-to-face! Listen here. Any qualms, confusions, doubts you might have, kill them all! Jackalope: You're a prison guard. Don't hesitate. Become the prisoners' fear and authority.
It is emphasized to Es (and by extension the audience) multiple times the power dynamic between a prisoner and a warden, and that we are encouraged to take advantage of this power dynamic. We are encouraged not only to see the prisoners as scary and ruthless, but that because of that they should be treated inhumanely. They should fear us, not the other way around. And we're going to make them fear us. ...And then the first prisoner is this absolutely sopping wet cat of a teenage boy.
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Okay but in all seriousness, Haruka contradicts the expectation we have been built to have of the prisoners in multiple different ways. Starting with his design In contrast with the crimson reds that the prisoners were previously associated with, Haruka is entirely comprised of a deep moody blue color (which, by the way, blue has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure and heart rate in contrast to red which increases those things.) The blue makes Haruka feel passive and safe, and the way he's presented in Trial 1 with down-turned eyes and brows, rarely smiling, often in curled up closed-off positions makes us almost feel a parental responsibility over him, and a desire to protect him. And this is not helped by personality, which is also very passive, submissive, and closed-off, coupled with the fact that he has more child-like mannerisms compared to Muu or even Amane, who is five years younger than him. He makes you want to swaddle him with a blanket, is what I'm saying. I just think it's such a cool and funny detail how we are given set-up towards the prisoners being ruthless and scary and undeserving of humanity, and then Milgram follows that up by basically offering you a Little Guy™
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sleepvines · 6 months
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What happens when a handful of average folk have had enough of missing persons cases, lost pets, and stolen goods, and decide it's time to form a secret club for fairy hunting?
Very bad things.
The Greyhound Circle was nothing more than a club of Alderhill's most staunchly anti-fairy residents at the time (the 60's). They genuinely believed that if they braved the wilderness to figure out how their enemy ticked, they could purge a good swath of fairies from the woods in the name of safety. They were wrong. So wrong in fact, that most of their members never escaped the Hill, and the few that made it out alive never set foot in the forest again.
The conflict they stirred went unbeknownst to the village, but the impact it had on the Hill and her people made history. Even with their small headcount they cleaved a brutal wound through the fairies' domain. And it cleaved through them in turn. On both sides things have undoubtedly changed, but only the Hill's people remember.
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lanatusnebula · 4 months
X got an upgrade, Zero!
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pine-arten · 4 months
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play colors
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misslisamiray · 2 months
Hi, Tumblr folks. For the first time ever, I'm opening up emergency comms via Ko-Fi. Long story short, less hours at work, but not less expenses in life, is a BAD combination of things. Any & all help is appreciated, whether that's thru commissioning or reblogging!
I've never taken commissions, and I'm not exactly a prolific/active artist, so I don't have a comm sheet or any idea what to charge, soooo the current plan is: tell me what you want & make me an offer, then we'll go from there.
A few quick rules:
1. No proship content and no sexual stuff of underage characters. You ask me for this, your message is getting deleted and you're getting blocked.
2. No "draw a real person or animal from this photo in *insert cartoon or anime* style" requests, please. If you have a reference image of an already cartoonified version of say, yourself or your pet that you'd like art of, THAT I can work with.
3. I don't draw explicit content, but suggestive/some NSFW is on the table. It's on a case by case basis, and I will refuse anything I'm uncomfortable with. But generally speaking, if it's something you'd see in say, the non-edited versions of Tenchi or Outlaw Star, I probably can & will do it.
4. Please don't try to take advantage of the "name & negotiate your price" thing by, for example, offering me $2.00 for an idea with multiple characters, full color + shading & a complicated background. Please just... don't.
Now that the rules are covered, let's talk contact & payment info! My Ko-Fi link is above, and you can either message me there or send me an ask here on Tumblr. 😊 If you prefer sending payments through PayPal, Venmo or CashApp, those are as follows:
PayPal: @ MissLisaMiray
Venmo: @LisaMirayHayes
CashApp: $MissLisaMiray
If you've read this entire long-ass thing, THANK YOU. Your uh, reward is me shutting up & showing you some examples of stuff I've drawn/what I can do. I apologize if downloading stuff from my not-updated-in-4-years deviantArt account then uploading it to Tumblr kills the quality. I am currently away from home (where my original drawings and the files on my computer are), so I'm working with what I've got access to. 😅
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bridgeportbritt · 10 months
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From The Beginning: A Retelling of SimDonia's History
Hi friends! I hope your holidays went well! I'm excited to announce two things! The first being that tomorrow is my story's three year anniversary! I've been thinking long and hard about what exactly I want to do to celebrate this milestone. So, that's where announcment number 2 comes in - I'm doing a side story of SimDonia's beginnings!
I've done some posts in the past about SimDonia's history, but this is going to dive deeper into the characters and events that took place to form the country of SimDonia we know and love today. The first post goes up tomorrow! This will be a short story that I'm hoping to finish before my main story starts back up. So enjoy!
And of course as always! Thanks so much for sticking with me! It's been so fun telling this story for the last 3 years and I'm so excited for what's to come! Your support has been nothing short of amazing and it's a highlight of my time here on Simblr!
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chiropteracupola · 9 months
or a different palette ask: cowboyce alan and davie in ‘lobotomy’?
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I traveled through October, the mountains and the plains / Hoping that the losses won't outweigh the gains...
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iamenits · 1 year
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gluekaiju · 9 months
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I'm really happy with this! I think it looks cool! Here's Galacta Knight!
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morangoowada · 29 days
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Can I steal her from Genshin and make her my Brazilian oc instead
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nerdinsandals · 1 year
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I bought a Kouhei/Conway settei ten years ago (that I proudly display framed in my little Conway Corner) but I think I never posted an actual scan of it! So I took the chance to go a bit beyond just scanning it and colored it following the guidelines from the other settei from the same listing so that it looked more ~official~ (I bought the one without shading because I like to be able to see the lines more clearly).
Also, I thought it'd be fun to try and translate the little bits of text on it! Bear in mind that my knowledge of Japanese is extremely basic and limited, so what you see here is the result of that + a little help from Google Translate, so it's most likely not 100% accurate.
And as an extra, I also made a color guide for him while I was coloring the settei so I could have all the colors in one place and ready to go for reference. I included some colors that weren't marked in the settei but were used in the anime as well, like the highlight color for his hair and the darker shading tone for his skin.
Some additional ramblings after the cut!
You may have noticed that I included a brown color for his eyes in the color guide. I always draw him with brown eyes, but I rarely mention that it's because he canonically has brown eyes!
You can see them clearly when the Ghost Girl hypnotizes him:
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It's a small detail, but one that I like a lot. It provides a bit of warmth to his overall pretty cool palette (the only warmer tones in his design are his skin color and his eyes -when you can see the brown haha-).
As for the text on the settei itself, I have a few thoughts:
Even though settei are reference sheets, Conway's case is a curious one because... He rarely, if ever, is drawn exactly as he's represented in the reference sheet. The length of his hair, the thickness of his eyebrows and even the length of his pants fluctuate from episode to episode! The back part of his hair is noticeably longer in the settei compared to actual episodes overall. In the anime itself, the back is usually more or less as long as the front pieces that frame his face, or just a smidge longer. But, like I said, it fluctuates.
I hadn't noticed before that his glasses and eyebrows don't really show through the hair! I checked screenshots from all his episodes and this is consistent throughout (with only a couple exceptions). He must have pretty thick hair!
The "glasses are bigger" part. I assume it means that the outlined version makes the frames look a bit thinner than the actually are? Or at least that's how I perceive them when I compare the settei to the colored version! The colored glasses look much thicker. It's something I've noticed when drawing him myself, too. If I outline the frames and them fill them with color, they turn out looking so much thicker than I intended, so it's something to keep in mind when drawing glasses!
Apparently, his bracelet is a "germanium bracelet", so we could assume that it's made out of metal. But when you Google ゲルマニウム ブレス, there's two possible results:
Metallic bracelets (so, made out of actual germanium, I suppose):
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And silicone ones that are still somehow referred to as "germanium bracelets":
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While the silicone one looks similar in shape to the one Conway actually wears, it's not identical, but it could just be because Pokémon designs (at least back then) used to be a lot simpler. Though I like the idea of it being metallic too! But I guess we'll never really know which one it's supposed to be.
The settei doesn't specify what material his choker (or rather, necklace) is made out of, but I found that there are also "germanium necklaces" that are metallic:
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And silicone ones that are somehow still called "germanium necklaces". Though I personally would find anything silicone very uncomfortable to wear around your neck, haha.
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And there are also metallic matching sets! This is my favorite option if I were to choose.
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Does this mean that I'm going to draw these accessories as metallic every single time from now on?? Probably not haha, but it's interesting nonetheless!
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
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Ship analysis | The Deceiver and The Wolf | template by @marissources <3 | John and Sabrina's / Calahan and Mary May's
"He asked me, you know. If I've seen anything about you two... I think he wanted me to tell him you're going to be okay." "It doesn't matter, Sabrina." "Are you sure about that?" Mercedes shook her head, her dark eyes misting over, "It matters, but it shouldn't. I shouldn't care... but I do."
I planned to do the template for these two for a while and today I finally felt inspired to check it off my to-do list.
Different coloring under the cut <3
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