#OCs are also fine so long as you provide references!
misslisamiray · 2 months
Hi, Tumblr folks. For the first time ever, I'm opening up emergency comms via Ko-Fi. Long story short, less hours at work, but not less expenses in life, is a BAD combination of things. Any & all help is appreciated, whether that's thru commissioning or reblogging!
I've never taken commissions, and I'm not exactly a prolific/active artist, so I don't have a comm sheet or any idea what to charge, soooo the current plan is: tell me what you want & make me an offer, then we'll go from there.
A few quick rules:
1. No proship content and no sexual stuff of underage characters. You ask me for this, your message is getting deleted and you're getting blocked.
2. No "draw a real person or animal from this photo in *insert cartoon or anime* style" requests, please. If you have a reference image of an already cartoonified version of say, yourself or your pet that you'd like art of, THAT I can work with.
3. I don't draw explicit content, but suggestive/some NSFW is on the table. It's on a case by case basis, and I will refuse anything I'm uncomfortable with. But generally speaking, if it's something you'd see in say, the non-edited versions of Tenchi or Outlaw Star, I probably can & will do it.
4. Please don't try to take advantage of the "name & negotiate your price" thing by, for example, offering me $2.00 for an idea with multiple characters, full color + shading & a complicated background. Please just... don't.
Now that the rules are covered, let's talk contact & payment info! My Ko-Fi link is above, and you can either message me there or send me an ask here on Tumblr. 😊 If you prefer sending payments through PayPal, Venmo or CashApp, those are as follows:
PayPal: @ MissLisaMiray
Venmo: @LisaMirayHayes
CashApp: $MissLisaMiray
If you've read this entire long-ass thing, THANK YOU. Your uh, reward is me shutting up & showing you some examples of stuff I've drawn/what I can do. I apologize if downloading stuff from my not-updated-in-4-years deviantArt account then uploading it to Tumblr kills the quality. I am currently away from home (where my original drawings and the files on my computer are), so I'm working with what I've got access to. 😅
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willowed-wisp · 2 months
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| Ser Harwin Strong x female!OC/reader insert
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WARNINGS: violence, swearing, abuse
She had forgotten about Rhaenyra's fly about- it was Harwin Strong's fault, lecturing her about not angering her father. Putting aside her unattainable ambitions- at least he possessed the balls to properly counsel her, hence she chose him of all people.
Not a lot had happened in those two days, though her father was more emotionally challenged.
Apparently Prince Daemon with the City Watch had mutilated and murdered petty criminals.
Elspeth had never had too many dealings with the dark horse of the Targaryens but had enough to distance herself from the rogue.
The woman had also had no interaction with Ser Harwin Strong. She didn't know how to feel about that- having an innate desire to search among a sea of faces hoping that she'd see his. Elspeth shrugged that off as an aversion technique, but the anguish when she didn't find him spoke otherwise.
She had always envied Rhaenyra for the primary reason that she could ride dragons- be in the wilds if she wished. Just as she held hatred of man's freedom to fulfil any role they desired while women were made to battle in bed chambers and birthing chairs.
The woman felt more kin towards the Targaryens than her own. She loved seeing her princess in the clouds - what a rush that would be. It wasn't foretold for Elspeth, thankful she hadn't been roasted alive by
Having missed Syrax's flying session, she was glad a tourney was taking place- maybe it could provide the rush always wanting in her veins, "I missed you at the Dragonpit," proper and upfront- that's why they got on so well. Rhaenyra stood in a blood-coloured frilled gown- exiting the carriage.
"What was keeping you?" Elspeth had to stifle her amusement. Not that Rhaenyra looked ridiculous.
"Did King Viserys pick this out for you?" Brow quirked, lips in a smirk. Her best friend returned the sentiment.
"What made it obvious? The frills or the patterns?" Bunching it up by the mid hem.
Rhaenyra eyed what the Hightower wore. "Are you sure you don't have dragon blood?" Referring to the black and gold gilded gown the woman wore. Its neckline was high and crossed, sleeves short- nothing too fancy. She needn't impress the councillors nor onlookers.
Elspeth tutted, "None hold more disappointment than I, Princess," they walked- the older assumed she would receive an earful from her father for being late. "You should have a sibling by the end of events." Rhaenyra smiled, it was a momentous occasion for her. She seemed excited for the company of a brother or sister- Rhaenyra convinced it will be a little girl called 'Visenya".
"Yes Visenya is on her way. I can't imagine going through labours- I’m not in a hurry," Elspeth nodded, her younger siblings provided a strong deterrent to following her 'wifely duties. Others seemed to enjoy the deed committed to be with child, not that the girl of nineteen knew personally. "So... what kept you from the Dragonpit? Syrax missed you- she's quite fond of your presence. Soon she'll be able to bear two riders..."
A purse of her lips, "I fear the dragoness would send me to my death if I saddled her. I don't possess your lineage, Rhaenyra, and Hightowers would make the worst dragon riders. You and I both know that." They started to ascend the steps, up to the entrance and where the most powerful people in Westeros watched the events.
Their laughs quieted down, hushed by the cheers from around- only the king audible and able to translate.
"I know many of you travelled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. When I look at the fine knights in these lists. I see a group without equal in our histories. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news... that I am happy to share: Queen Aemma has begun her labours!"
They had sneaked to their seats- sat either side of Alicent in the front row. Rightful cheers ensued-Elspeth one of thousands in attendance. She knew Rhaenyra never wanted the fate of the kingdoms in her hands - she wanted to fly around on Syrax for the remainder of her days. A male heir would make sure that happened. "May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!" An eruption of applause. She found herself politely clapping.
"Who's first?" Directed at no one in particular.
Calculating by sigils on armour.
Somebody beat them to the punch, "Opening this wondrous tournament. Ser Casten Tully," a streak of blue and silver, "His opponent- the strongest knight in the Seven Kingdoms, Ser Harwin Strong!" Something leapt inside of her- head perking. Navy, forest and carmine flashed and glimmered with armour.
In a blink of an eye, Ser Casten was in a bundle on the floor- his beige steed a few feet away.
Cradling his shoulder, a broken collarbone maybe.
Her focus on the man was short lived. Ser Harwin trotted over on horseback- helmet lifted and his eyes were straight on her, "Lady Elspeth Hightower, I stayed true to my word." Eyes not daring to roll, as she stood from the stool.
She draped her hands over the boundary- elbows rested on stone. "I'm afraid I haven't made a wreathe," Elspeth was dismissive. Stifling that guilt deep down in her chest.
"You could give him your necklace..." Fucking Rhaenyra. What was she playing at?
Oh, he looked oh-so amused with himself. "Are you going to deny a knight his favour?" He was lucky he was handsome. Fingers fiddled to undo the clasp of her golden chained, emerald encrusted piece of jewellery. Sliding it down his lance. "No kind words?"
"Don't push it, Strong," she spoke through gritted teeth. Gods above she was in trouble. Especially when he wore the necklace- smuggled with his chainmail and chest plate.
Then he was gone.
She returned to her seat. Alicent and Rhaenyra sharing looks of amusement, “Was that why you were absent from the Dragonpit?” The answer as clear as her silence was loud. Chin up and observing the next rounds of the joist. Gwayne was on the lists, but Ser Criston Cole was the cream of the crop. Fairly unknown but his reputation from the Stormlands had preceded himself. And he didn’t disappoint, she overhead Westerling’s information as he spoke to the Princess.
For every other knight she didn’t pay attention. “Ser Harwin Strong!” But him, eyes trained on him while he took a lap around the list field. He seemed to notice, bowing on his horse at her- that smile prominent under the helmet. Alicent gasped as Rhaenyra laughed in a quiet manner. Elspeth didn’t know how that made her feel, although her cheeks felt warm.
The woman maintained her composure. “His opponent, Ser Gwayne Hightower!” Her arm was touched by a concerned Alicent. Harwin had a reputation for near killing his competitors- it was a worry. Not that she had control over the events.
“Gwayne will be fine.”
Elspeth was pissed off. So much so she had left the royal balcony, storming down to the knights’ village. Finding exactly who she was looking for, “You let him unhorse you,” the dishevelled hair didn’t help her unexplainable infatuation. While he stood there, unlinking his armour.
“Your Lord brother was better than me, that can be changed with more training,” He remained so calm and gentle. As he always had and she presumed would continue to be; riling her up even more.
She paced ever so close to the man, chin up attempting to look more foreboding, “Why did you let Gwayne beat you?”
“Ser Gwayne is a fine knight.”
“He may be a fine knight but he can’t unhorse you,” her chest met his; heart skipping, maybe that wasn’t hers. He hadn’t looked away- staring into Elspeth’s eyes as she did his.
That harsh edge to her melted as he dipped his head down, “Did you want me to win, my Lady?” Ending at the shell of her ear, Elspeth sucked in a breath.
The woman sought to maintain her composure, “I trusted you wouldn’t sully my honour, Ser Strong,” faces mere inches away, “But I’m sure you won’t repeat that mistake next time…” She took a few steps back- aware of prying eyes of tourney goers and those of knights.
Nothing could hide his look of bemusement, “You wish to give me your honour again?” The woman nodded.
“You are the strongest knight, in the Seven Kingdoms. You’re one of the best there is.” A wave of pride on his face but something waged sincerity.
“I didn’t know you to be capable of such flattery, my Lady.” He was too happy with himself.
“Don’t push it, Strong.” Deja vu as she walked away- turning back to witness that intent look on Harwin’s face, “Never forfeit another tourney.”
“Don’t you want your necklace back?”
She waved him off, “For next time. Don’t want you forgetting about me,” maybe she winked, maybe she didn’t. Elspeth was not ready to admit she winked at Harwin Strong. Or that she had given him her most treasured possession.
Those eyes of blue watched the girl, “Are you sure, Elspeth?” She was weak at her knees. Yet she held it- a weak, timid nod. How had they gotten so close again? Whatever the reason, Elspeth just wanted him to disappear and let her thoughts remain pure and allow for her to go about her usual day.
Not constantly think about him.
The woman just couldn’t figure the knight out. She couldn’t fathom why in the Known World would he align himself with her? The eldest daughter to the Hand of the King and the most outspoken Lady that the court had known.
Murmurs fluttered the air, a blur of orange came into view. “Ser Harwin,” The unmistakable voice of her brother. He had to look twice at his sister being in the knight’s village, “Sister, I think you need to return to your Princess.”
“Does being a stickler ever get old, brother?” Unamused and unyielding. Until that look emerged on his face. “Gwayne, what’s wrong?” Wide green eyes met his calmed blue.
“The Queen is dead.” Drums thundered around her- only a figment of her imagination but they pounded stronger than her own heart.
Fuck. “Rhaenyra. I’ve got to go.”
Without a second word, she found her best friend and held her tight despite declaring she ‘didn’t need’ Elspeth’s sympathies. That didn’t prevent the Princess from melting to the floor in the Hightowers’ arms. Both Elspeth and Alicent cradled her that day. Not speaking a single phrase, just sharing each others’ despair.
Queen Aemma was the perfect mother to them all. Never thinking herself to be above any subject. She was a true Queen. And a true Targaryen.
What was the Seven Kingdoms to do without her by Viserys’ side?
And her death was in vain- Prince Baelon only saw the living world for a mere few hours. Elspeth didn’t need a lesson from her father to understand what this meant. The succession of Viserys’ throne was in question. Unless he remarried and produced a male heir or two.
It also meant her father would be in a more ridiculous mood- which meant more suitors in the coming days.
The days went fast and her sanity broke at a quicker rate. She felt Rhaenyra’s pain- that agony. The Princess was there for both the sisters when their Lady mother passed, and now they would return the favour. Though, Alicent had been stealing her and their mother’s clothes as of late. And had been around the Kings chambers. The woman just hoped Alicent wasn’t being forced to play an adult game at the age of fifteen.
But knowing Otto Hightower and his schemes- that most certainly was the truth. And it made her blood boil.
A crash of doors, “What is the meaning of this?”
“Are you so power famished that you’re going to exploit your youngest child? Your daughter?” She sat on the desk he was working on- closing the book that kept his focus even while she spoke. Her stare was that of rages- not surprise, “You’re rotten at your very core, that throne... Please don’t drag Alicent into your games!”
“Well you certainly won’t do what’s best for this family… Alicent has a keen mind for the way things work in this world.”
“She’s a fucking child who has a misguided idolisation for her father! Mother would never forgive you for this…” Her breath taken as the man she called ‘father’ had his fingers wrapped around her throat. Nails digging further- a crushinh hold. It wasn’t fear running through her. It was pure hatred. “Do it. Kill me. Show them the monster you’ve always been.” It was a struggle worth the pain- he released her from his grip.
Elspeth didn't know what lurked behind those eyes before. Now she did. A coward and a kingmaker. Her throat felt the construction still, coughing to realign any part of her windpipe as soon as slumped outside of the door- not caring what the Kingsguard stationed outside thought. Before their worried faces asked, she had charged halfway down the corridor- passing by with steeled manner.
“Lady Elspeth, whatever is the matter?” The master of laws, Ser Lyonel Strong. One of her father’s peers that made sense, she was quite fond of the man. He often checked in with the woman, almost like an actual father would. Not that she would know.
She shook her head- politely, “Ser Lyonel, you are in good health?”
“Child, I have known you since you were knee high,” Arms crossed, “Your Lord father?”
She nodded, “I have to attend, her grace. I will see you in court, Ser.” Elspeth had been wholly unaware of the bruises circling her throat- however, the master of laws had not been so ignorant.
Lady Elspeth had not gone to Rhaenyra- a blatant lie so she could venture down and out of the castle. Kings Landing was a much better crowd than Oldtown ever had been.
The woman found herself on the bar counter - wooden and bulking - singing her tunes as somebody tickled the ivories and picked at the strings. A tankard of ale raised in her hand, that would be her fifth. Not that she paid for any of them. She knew Bert the owner, but vagrants had been stockpiling her in alcohol since she strutted in.
She was among the clouds- unaware if it were the ale or the brute slinging her over his shoulder. Not that the girl argued, she was too far gone to walk- it was nice being carried around.
Until her back crashed into a wall, “You are foolish for coming here, my Lady,” so polite yet so gruff at the same time. It ignited something in her.
Anger… lust… Elspeth couldn’t rightly say which, “Ugh, not you, Ser Breakybones…” Eyes rolled, taking a step she wasn’t ready to take in that condition- falling into his arms. And she felt safe, secure. The woman found herself in the clouds again. So she giggled, looking into his stern face. “I’ve always fancied you…” his hand swept away the hair, unable to resist sweeping in behind her neck. She couldn’t help but wince.
She felt this man of all men tremble, “Who did this? Was it one of those pigs inside?” He let her go for a moment- about to absolute havoc to the patrons until they gave him answers. But a hand on the side of his face stopped him- everything in the man. Eyes widened as if his own heart ceased to beat when he saw her composure unravel and the tears break down Elspeth’s soft skin.
All but shattering. He held her snug while she bawled. Elspeth barely noticed when he carried her, all the way to the Red Keep. She’d have appreciated that in consciousness or told him to fuck off.
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ihatedean · 23 days
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please help my baby get his ear surgery done<3
thank you for clicking
so after months of testing the vet informed us a few days ago that our cat does, in fact, have skin cancer. to get more specific it's actually squamous-cell carcinoma.
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(text is in spanish but im sure google lens can translate pretty well.)
it's affecting the tip/side of his left ear and hasn't spread to his nose or the other ear, so the vet recommended surgery to get the ear removed as soon as we possibly can. this would be on september 2nd, this monday.
exams like x-rays and biopsies have already been pretty expensive so i'm making this post to hopefully offset the cost of his pinnectomy (ARS$180,000->USD$189) even just a little bit. the whole thing has been really stressing and adding to that a messed up family situation where i can't ask them for help, please trust me when i say i wouldn't do this if i didn't need to.
details for the fic commissions:
my ao3 account for reference
right now im working on stuff for supernatural and formula 1 so that's where my brain's at, mostly, but ive done a lot of writing for jojo's bizarre adventure (im Very fluent with jotaro and all part 3-4 characters) and for the argies in the room, i've even written stuff for los simuladores and el marginal. i have no issues writing in spanish (rioplatense).
im also comfortable writing for genshin impact. been playing for years and im familiar with the lore up until fontaine. i've been itching to write something for a while :)
im Very Very familiar with x reader fics and will do OC x Character or OC x OC gladly as long as you provide character art or detailed descriptions to help me capture them best.
im comfortable writing pretty much every ship for the fandoms i named and can do gen, teen, mature and explicit works. im open to all kinks and have a history of doing incest and age-gap pairings. im comfortable with most dark themes— will write dub-con, non-con, cnc, and want to hear your weirdly specific skinks. in general, it's easier to say what i will not do than what i will. no judgement, as long as you respect
what i will not do:
violent non-con or explicit non-con (mentioning it in the story is fine, but i will not write the actual scene)
race play (hateful imagery/racial slurs)
for formula 1 im simply inept at doing maxiel and c2. in general, i struggle with max and carlos. won't write anything for lando, sorry. anything else from 2010 to 2024 is fine, and im open to AUs of any kind as well as gender bending :)
Tier 3 — USD$5 for 500 words. 5 slots open
Tier 2 — USD$10 for 1k to 3k words. 2 slots open
Tier 1 — USD$25 for 4k to 10k words. 2 slots open
if i exceed wordcount in any case, it's on me. i'm a yapper.
contact me here or ask for my gmail in tumblr dms ^^
i can only accept ppal for USD$. if you're in argentina and you're interested, dm me for mercadopago info :)
(if you just want to donate that's totally cool. i just felt weird asking for money without anything to offer. it's a me thing)
ppal link
if you read this whole thing, thank you. here is the boy himself. he's almost 11 years old, incredibly grumpy, manipulative, called ugly by almost all my friends, has already gone through eye surgery so that's why his eyes look Like That, and on the rare occasion he sits on my lap i literally cry.
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please put sunscreen on your cats, especially if they have white hair like aki. we didn't know for the longest time that exposure to the sun could cause skin cancer on cats and by the time we knew and started doing it, it was too late.
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lotus-lamps · 22 days
COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN! first three people get discounts :)
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Discord user: cozmiccupcakes
PLEASE TAKE THE PRICES WITH A GRAIN OF SALT!!! even i'm starting to disagree with them now. it's mostly decided by complexity of character(s) and how detailed the artwork is. i will not strictly follow the chart i provided!
its my first time doing commissions, so sorry if i mess up a lil! i didn't plan on opening them until i got a larger following, but a pal said they were interested so i decided to put this up.
text ver. only plus a more detailed description under the cut! thank you!! (i may come off as a little cold and blunt in the rules section, sorry! i was just trying to keep it as concise as possible to save space. please do not feel scared of commissioning me!!)
p.s. if you want to, please reblog! :) thank you for the help!!
OC's (if they do not belong to you, please get permission first!)
Fanart (any type of media/fandom!)
Ship art (no proships. if it makes me uncomfortable i will turn it down. <- this usually just applies to overly toxic/questionable ships. i will draw ones that i simply don't really ship for you though!)
(and yes, ship art includes OC x OC and OC x canon!)
Light gore + Body horror (not too good at this one, but i can try!)
Animals + Furries (not too good at this one either, especially furries, but i will also try!!)
NSFW + Nudity (i can draw things that contain mild sexual humor/references, but i wont draw anything past subtle suggestivity.)
Heavy gore + Body horror
Everything else is (most likely) fair game! I will warn you that I'm not particularly good at drawing furries or mecha, but I will give it a shot :) Detailed backgrounds are also allowed! Feel free to ask about whatever, I'm totally fine with drawing most things!
(i will not be making a text version of the prices estimate, as im starting to consider it inaccurate.)
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Dm me on Tumblr, Kofi, or Discord (cozmiccupcakes)
Please try to be fairly specific with your request! no need to get too detailed, but enough for me to work with. Please also provide references if you can! If not, moodboards and text description work too.
50% payment upfront (Kofi only, USD only.)
Prices are loose and negotiable!! as i said before, i no longer particularly agree with my pricing, so it won't strictly adhere to my chart. feel free to discuss prices with me!
No full refunds once I've started. If I haven't yet, I will refund the money to you. If you would like to cancel your commission once I've begun on the artwork, I will keep the 50% you paid initially, unless I am already close to finishing. In that case, you will have to pay the other 50% as well.
I will send progress updates, which is when you can request changes. I will only change things regarding that particular stage! For instance, if I'm on the coloring stage, you can ask for changes with color, but nothing before that. I will not make any changes to the lineart. You can ask for more progress updates if you'd like!
The commission will take around a week or so to finish, more if I have other commissions due before yours. I am also a student and have other things I need to do. Please be patient! I will let you know how many people are in line before you.
Please try to pay the other 50% within a week after I finish the artwork. You cannot commission me again if I do not receive full payment!! I will be flexible with when you send me the money, but know that if it takes far too long (more than 2-3 weeks) then you will no longer be able to commission me as well.
The art still belongs to me. Do not claim it as yours. Feel free to post it on your social media, but please still credit me regardless. Non commercial use only. You cannot use my art for any sort of profit. I will provide you with a non watermarked edition, but I will post it with a watermark. I will usually post the commission art I make, but feel free to tell me if you are uncomfortable with me doing so and I won't do it! I will usually also say who commissioned me, especially if it contains their oc's to give credit, but if you prefer to stay anonymous please let me know as well!
That's all!! I apologize for writing so much, I just wanted to make sure everything was clear :D Thank you!!
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venbubbless · 4 months
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˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗Commissions Open Now!
(help an artist out pls 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒)
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚      .  .   ˚ .             ✦
hey everyone! this is hoonie. I am a 18 y/o digital fanartist who often posts her art work on here, instagram and tiktok under the same username- venbubbless. I know I have been posting about doing commissions very often since I am doing it for a very cheap price(5-10$) but I would like to once again make a very official post on this announcing that I am doing commissions for 5-10$ only! Yes, its fullly rendered just like the examples provided in this post above and below. There are some things I will and won't do that I will list below for more information!
What I will drawᯓ★
light animal ears!(cat ears, fox ears, etc)
ship drawings
extra characters (will be separately priced tho!)
some rarepairs
original characters(ocs)
self inserts with fictional characters/ocs!
slightly suggestive art!
slight gore/blood!
What I won't draw⸝⸝୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ
NSFW in any shape and form
furry artwork
comics of any sorts as I am still working to improve so this is unavailable as of now TT
any sort of minor/incest ships
children drawings with any sort of inappropriate commentary/clothing(cute fluff like damian and anya are FINE as long as you are not requesting anything inappropriate)
complex designs/backgrounds (as I mentioned, I am still working to improve myself)
𐙚⋆˚✿˖°Pricingᯓ ᡣ𐭩𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ 𓈈
★Bust and headshots- 5$ (fully rendered pieces, see examples for references)
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★Sketches(of any sorts. NOT RENDERED OR COLORED!!)- 2-5$ depending on the size! (bust is 2, half body 5)
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(something like this ^)
★Half body- 10$ (fully rendered pieces as well. see examples for reference pls)
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additional pricings that I may charge depending on the drawings!
★5$- for an additional character (i,e- a plus one)
★2$- for complex designs. I am trying my best as of now, but if it is a challenging thing to draw, I will be charging extra 2$!
⊹₊ ⋆𐙚 Details and Summary──★ ˙ ̟🎀 !!
for more information, or to commission me, u can contact me on instagram @venbubbless since that is what I use the most! I can also provide u more info on there <3
(pls commission me guys i am hella broke TT TT)
I am open to drawing any fandom as long as it is meeting my do's and dont's ! I hope u will commission me <3
Thank you!౨ৎ ⋆ 。˚
, ╱|、 (˚ˎ 。7 |、˜〵 じしˍ,)ノ
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maelstroumwaterfall · 5 months
Drawing with markers is not for me :,>
So as I said I tried drawing something with my OC Frederick and Merula by using markers my sister gave me
It was fine at first, but when I started coloring.. well.. You can see it on the pic :,>
They literally melt even if they are dry and that's what makes them so uncomfortable to use
I suddenly remembered a reference I saw in pinterest from many people and thought it'd be interesting to also draw characters I ship with this ref
The only thing is that I didn't manage to find the original ref :(
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Anyway it's not like I don't really like the result
I'm just glad I managed to draw something despite having artblock :,)
I've been thinking about drawing Freddie and Merula for a long while and now I finally did it
At first I thought that they wouldn't be able to become a couple, especially when it comes to living together, considering how lecturing and insisting Frederick might be when it comes to his traditional, conservative beliefs and religion but then I changed my mind
Even though his beliefs and religions are important things to him, he's a person who is ready to make concessions when it comes to the comfort and well-being of the person he loves (doesn't even have to be Merula).
For example, he wouldn't try to force her to quit her job if she doesn't want even though he thinks that women shouldn't really have a job and men are supposed to provide a family. He would be worried for her, at first, that if something happened to him, his family would have financial troubles due to depending on him previously
So there are many ways of finding a compromise with him or convince him in certain things if the things are talked through
I think that his mind and beliefs would change a little from the moment of attending to Hogwarts, he didn't have many things or people that could let him see and hear other opinions and beliefs besides the ones his father raised him with, but the people he meets at Hogwarts later would enable him to see other perspectives and not be so harsh on people that have a different way of thinking
Anyway I think I already wrote too much for one post so I just hope you liked it and are having a good day :>
Love u guys!
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
Do you take requests?
No, but I do take suggestions! The main difference is that I can pick and choose between suggestions for ideas that I like and want to draw from, you're welcome to send in suggestions whenever! Obviously don't take it personally if I never draw your suggestion, they are just drawing ideas to me and I would go insane if I drew EVERY single suggestion I get!
Can you draw my OC/AU?
As much as I love everyone's OC’s and AU’s, I cannot draw for everyone, and to be honest I am a lot less likely to draw someone's OC/AU if I’m requested. Don’t take it personally, I have a weird thing where I would much rather gift someone art rather than be asked to draw it for them, it makes it feel like my idea and therefore I’m more passionate about doing it for them! It’s why I don’t request people directly to draw anything for me. Again everyone's ideas are amazing and I love seeing how creative people are. It's just that I'd much rather gift people art of their OC/AU than be requested to draw it, I will draw things for people when I have the motivation to do so!
Can I draw your characters/AU's/designs?
Yes! You are always welcome to draw any of my characters, AU's or designs! Please make sure to @ me in your own post if you do so I can see it and reblog it! I'd prefer to have any gifts for me be posted instead of sent to my ask box, as asks can sit in there for a while and I want others to see your amazing work ASAP, though I don't mind either way!
Can I write something with your character/AU’s/headcanons?
Yes!!! That would be so awesome!!! You are welcome to come to me to ask for advice on writing about my characters and stuff but yes you are welcome to write for them! I cannot write to save my life (dyslexia/ADHD mega combo lol) so I look up to anyone who can write fanfics and such, you guys are so cool!
Can I use your work for icons/banners/edits/etc.
Yes you can! No need to ask permission, I would appreciate credit being given to me, either to this blog or to my Twitter account, an @ to either account name is enough for me though a link is preferred. You are welcome to edit my work for icons/banners/edits as well, again as long as credit is given.
Can I repost your work?
Reposting is only allowed provided credit is given! Again, either to this blog or to my Twitter account, an @ to either account name is enough for me though a link is preferred. Do not repost my work claiming it as your own, that's weird. If i’ve drawn something for you you’re more than welcome to repost it with credit as well!
Can I copy/trace your work?
Do I really have to say this? No please don't do that, you don't learn from tracing other artists work, use real life references images if you need help learning anatomy. I don't consider style copying to be a thing so I'm fine with people incorporating my style into their own, and sketching over my work to get a rough sketch is fine, just don't line over it and call it your own.
Can I used your work for AI?
No, fuck off.
Why do you tag some of your art as suggestive?
Just to be safe, I know I draw “sus” stuff sometimes and I mainly want to make sure people keep themselves safe when viewing my stuff. My blog will never explicitly post anything NSFW, the suggestive tag on my art is mainly for sex jokes, pinup style clothing/posing or ass. Again it is just to be safe, you’re not obliged to reblogs with the same tag as me, it’s just to make sure people don’t see something they don’t want to.
Who are the recurring characters that keep showing up here?
Oh, you mean my children? Let me give a rundown:
Mango (He/They) - Mango is my sona! I use him all the time for answering things and also just in general. He is part Dr Mario and part MLP pony from another dimension that somehow got sucked into the SMG4 universe. He works as a doctor in the SMG4 universe, he’s a bit cynical at times but he’s still a kind and caring guy, he’s just sick and tired of all the BS that happens in the SMG4 universe.
Smug (He/Him) - Smug was originally a weird bootleg SMG3 plushie that got turned into a human somehow, he is still a plushie just much bigger now. He spends all his time scamming people in various ways to get what he wants out of them and has no care or regard for them. He has a friend/partner who’s a bootleg SMG4 plush, however she wasn’t transformed as much as him and therefore is the same as before, she can just move and talk now.
Telly (They/Them) - Telly is a happy little accident that somehow occurred out of nowhere, they are the child of Mr Puzzles! They are a shy yet friendly little child who just wants to make friends and watch TV. They struggle with meeting people due to their speaker not working as they can only make static noises to communicate, but they are adventurous and always looking to have fun! They love and look up to their father a lot, he's their biggest inspiration.
If more get added I’ll put them here, you are always welcome to ask me about any of them! I love talking about them! All of them have their own tags on my blog that are free to be used by others as well!
Do you have any AU’s?
Yes! I have a werewolf SMG4 AU! I need to work on it. Werewolf SMG4 is a version of SMG4 who's been cursed to turn into an out of control werewolf every night, his friends are constantly working to try and find a solution to this curse while 4 is busy trying not to get anyone killed. It's very angsty and sad I promise, one day I will work on it more, you are welcome to ask about it whenever! It might motivate me to work on it more lol.
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477static-wool · 8 months
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[Description: Series of drawings by Tumblr user 477Static-Wool. The top drawing features a young boy with blue hair, drawn in anime style, swinging a giant hammer. To the left of the drawing of the boy are two digital line drawings of women, one with long hair in a dress looking into the camera, and one with short hair resting her hand on a sword. Below the drawings is handwritten text that reads "Commissions OPEN!"]
Trying something new -- I'm now opening myself up to art commissions!
Never done this before, so please be gentle with me lol. To request a piece, shoot me an Ask with:
The medium you'd like the piece done in (traditional [ink and watercolor] or digital)
The format you're requesting (icon, lineart, B&W, full body, 3/4, full color, etc.)
The character or person you'd like art of accompanied by a reference OR, if it's an OC you don't yet have a reference for, a description
Anything in particular you'd like them to be doing (Please see GUIDELINES below for what I will and won't draw ❤️)
From there, I may ask some clarifying questions, then will quote you your price (based on below chart) which can be sent to me via PayPal. Once I receive payment, I'll get started on your drawing and provide you with an estimate of when it will be finished!
💵Pricing💵 (all prices are for ONE character only at this time)
Ink lineart: $15 Pen and ink B&W: $20 Full watercolor: $25
Personal face icon: $15
Digital lineart: $20 Rough colored digital sketch: $30 Digital 3/4 full-color: $45 Full-color, full-body digital, no background: $50 Full-color digital with poster background: $65
I'm not taking NSFW art requests at this time.
I'm not experienced in furry art, so I'm also not taking those requests at this time.
I'm not taking requests for horror or gore (mostly because I kind of suck at it). A little blood or surface injuries are fine.
If you want me to try to draw in a particular franchise's art style, let me know! We can chat about what I think I can and can't do. I want to make sure I can produce something you'll be happy with :).
As mentioned above, please try to limit the number of characters to 1. If your request requires 2 characters, I'll need to adjust the price for time. 2 is the max I'll take on, this time around.
I reserve the right to change or add to these at any time as I figure things out!
Thanks y'all! ✨ Feel free to hit me up with any questions, too.
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dawns-beauty · 2 years
Calling for TES community screenshots!
Hello! I’m dawns-beauty, aka allonsywisegirl on the Nexus.
I am working on a community-driven modder’s resource for Skyrim and I’m looking for screenshots taken across the franchise (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, and Elder Scrolls Online) in order to make them into lore-friendly paintings that can be used in-game.
Here are a few in-game examples I’ve already made from both Skyrim and ESO screenshots, as seen in Khajiit Has Wares:
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Stipulations on Types of Screenshots I’m looking for:
Pictures of scenery, both natural and cityscapes ✅
Still lifes, architecture, flora and fauna ✅
Pictures of TES historical figures ✅ ✅(you will also receive my unending devotion and we shall be wed in the spring)
No visible HUD (please hide it or crop it out)
No Skyrim spoilers (ie, nothing with Alduin in it, or shots from key moments of various quests. Mostly so the paintings can be used at any point in the game without timeline divergence.)
Modded screenshots are absolutely allowed and welcomed, with the requirement that it can’t be unbelievable as a place in the TES franchise, or look too ‘gamey’ (like ESO’s fire wolves or etc). ENBs/ReShades are also welcome!
Edited screenshots are totally okay too
Character portraits might be accepted, with a few extra stipulations:
Edit: Canon characters, OCs, in-game historical figures, and modded followers are all welcome
No horny, anime, or joke mods, please
No too-obvious references to characters outside of the franchise (stuff like your character having a DA Vallaslin or etc is fine as long as it’s subtle.)
Lore-friendly races only (different Khajiit furstocks and extinct races like Lilmothiit and Kothringi, etc are welcome, as are non-Tamrielic races like Ka po’tun, Maormer, Tsaesci, etc.)
Please take extra care to make it believable pose/angle/location for a painted portraits (look up old school portraits for an idea of good composition.) Props/pose mods are good for this.
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If you have the know-how and want to, feel free to edit your own screenshot to look painted! Otherwise, I will use filters to give them a more painterly look. Please don’t apply a canvas texture: I’ll take care of that part, so it will match up with the normal maps I’m planning on using.
Crediting and Permissions
This resource mod would be posted on the Nexus and free to use for anyone who wants it (as long as their mod is 100% free.) Anyone who provides a screenshot will be credited and, if they want to, have a link to their blog/profile/etc posted as well (no direct links to donation sites, however.)
If, for any reason, you want your screenshot removed from the mod at any time, I will do my best to comply for as long as I maintain the mod. Please message me on here directly, though.
Please, reblog > likes, I’m not a large blog and have very little reach in the community, and I would really like this to get to enough people to make this a reality :)
I don’t really have a timescale on release, my plan is to work on this as a side project while hopefully people keeps submitting things. It’s one of those things that I’ll continue to add files to as I get them.
Feel free to submit screenshots to my blog, DM me, send me an ask, reply to this post, or send me links to posts etc!
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imrowanartist · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I'm back with another Couple Commission Sheet :D
For 70 euro you can claim one of these pre-drawn poses, and I’ll turn em into your characters of choice!
As usual, clone/clone, jedi/clone, etc etc are all welcome, either OC or canon.
AND this time I'm also open to do any other OCs, like D&D characters or other fandoms!
Just send me a DM with the pose you’d like to claim and I’ll send you a form to collect your characters details! Once the form is filled in, I'll reserve the pose for you.
Please make sure to read the Terms and Conditions under the cut:
Payment will be upfront, through PayPal, (or, if you're Dutch, through a pay request).
You'll have 24 hours to pay the invoice after I send it. If after that time it has not been paid (and I have not heard anything from you), I'll release the pose for someone else to claim.
For a clone OC, make sure to provide a detailed description of their unique traits and their armor design. Refs are appreciated, especially for the armor, but optional.
For a Jedi , other Star Wars OC, D&D OCs or any other, make sure to provide a detailed description and preferably references like previous commissions. If you don't have previous commissions, please provide clear refs of their species, hairstyle, clothing, facial features etc. IF YOU DO NOT INCLUDE (ENOUGH) REFERENCES I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO YOUR COMMISSION. So please don't forget this part.
If you have no idea yet what your OC looks like, please do not apply for these commissions, but sign up for my regular commissions instead. I will happily work with you to design your character that way, the link can be found in my pinned post.
I'm open to all kinds of characters for these commissions, though I prefer to stick to humanoids. Tieflings, firbolgs, twi'leks etc. are all fine, as long as they're similar to humans. Furries , transformers etc. are a no.
For this type of commission you will have two opportunities to give me feedback. The first one will be after I send you a rough sketch of the characters features and amor/clothing style. The second one will be after I do the flat colors. Please make use of these opportunities to tell me if you want anything changed.
I will work on these commissions in order of application. So even after I confirm receiving your payment, keep in mind it could be a little longer before its your turn.
You will receive a digital high resolution file of your commission.
You are free to post the final result wherever you please with credit.
You are free to print the final artwork for your own use, but you are not allowed to make money off of it.
I do not condone NFT's or anything related to AI and will not allow my artwork to be used for that.
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tabe4 · 6 months
Last Updated: June 11th 2024
Characters so far: [X]
About Page
Game Screens Explained
IC posts in chrono (must be opened in a browser and not the Tumblr App)
My Ko-Fi~
If you want something submitted to be fed to a specific character, please make sure to specify in your ask. Any items sent to a character while they are dead will be either given to the other currently alive one, or the next character to be made.
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Content Warnings:
Disturbing creepypasta-esque imagery
Content could be interpreted as disordered eating. While not the intent, I cannot overlook the potential for this.
No sexual NSFW.
Shipping is fine, the characters are all legal adults 18 or over, but NSFW will not be featured here. Can ship with each other or your own OCs. NO AGE GAP/INCEST SHIPS.
If you'd like, you can sign your Diary entries with a symbol or short name if you're using Anon. Otherwise, blog names will be recorded as the note taker and all general anons signed as "Anon".
If using art from this blog you MUST credit the blog. You may crop or edit for profile pictures and the like but you CANNOT claim the art as your own.
This blog is NOT meant to be fetish content, so DO NOT reblog it onto fetish blogs. Anyone who sends asks that are obviously fetish farming will be blocked.
Fan works and Character Disclaimer:
Disclaimer regarding Characters created by The Audience/Playerbase:
Characters created by The Players do not belong to one particular member even if said member was the one to create the design using the in-game mechanics/sending commands, set the personality, name, etc. If you create an existing OC of yours with the tools provided by this blog, you must understand that the above applies and your OC as they exist on the blog will not belong to you. Likewise, their likeness, name, personality, etc, as they exist on this blog could be used outside of your and my control (see below).
Regarding fan works:
You are free to use the characters in the Tabe4 game for roleplay, AUs, or other fan works or works set in the same universe as you wish. All I ask is that they are not used to glorify, normalise, or fetishise immoral content and that it is intended to be portrayed as wrong or harmful.
Yes, this means no one person owns the characters created on this blog. I can ask users to cease activity with characters from this blog if needed, however.
You are free to use the Tabe4 "game" premise for AUs, fan works, other askblogs, stories, or other creative ventures. Please just credit this blog for the base used if you intentionally are using the Tabe4 game setting itself. Heavy inspiration is different and allowed.
You CANNOT edit or use images created by me on this blog for unrelated content, unrelated faceclaims, etc, unless it is used simply for profile icons, backgrounds, or similar.
You MAY edit or use images created by me on this blog for fan works, either edited images for memes/derivative content, references for characters created for Tabe4, or as a framework/base for Tabe4 related fan content. As long as it is NOT USED FOR SEXUAL CONTENT.
You CANNOT put ANY of my art through AI or similar.
You MUST credit me for any art that's been taken from this blog and used in any way.
If you'd like to make a blog or AU set in the same internet universe as this one, feel free to check out @internetverse (and also you are free to do so!)
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mors-pulchritudo · 1 month
{OOC ~ Rules + General info!}
Please read before interacting! (like to let me know that you read all of this please)
14+ / semi. selective / OCs and crossover muses welcome / HSR OC <3
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Also — follows come from @pangirlpanic !
1 ~ No NSFW asks, please - but suggestive (to a point) is fine! I can do violence and things of that nature, but it will be tagged accordingly.
2 ~ This blog is for my HSR OC, please be respectful :)
3 ~ Owner of this blog (Hi, name's Lottie :3) will pop in sometimes, so please be nice! Also, mod is 22 and married! (basically no flirting outside of RP context)
4 ~ Please be nice to me OOC. Sometimes my replies are slow, because I do have a life outside of RP. Being mean in RP is cool, as long as it goes with the thread/the character.
5 ~ Communication is key!! If an RP thread isn't working for you/you want to drop it (given you provide me a reason) DM me and let me know! I'm actually nice I swear ( T . T )
6 ~ Just be respectful/nice in general on here. No hate of any kind will be tolerated.
7 ~ I can basically do any type of RP, just no asterisks. Please :) (Example: *throws*, *gasps*, *laughs*, etc.) I do tend to use a more formally formatted type of RP, though.
8 ~ Minors can interact with this blog, as there will be no NSFW present. Suggestive humor at most, but even then, it will be mild. But, I do ask that if you are under the age of 17, you shy away from my main. (Or block the #burning petals tag/be mindful of what you interact with or consume) Please and thank you :)
9 ~ Also, this is a multi-ship blog. Meaning - my OC has no set S/O, and it can change depending upon who she's being shipped with. But, she is an adult! No child/underage ships are allowed. Platonic relationships are just fine.
10 ~ This blog isn't just for RP!! Feel free to ask my OC literally anything, she'll answer! (or, if you want to ask me something, DM me or just specify if it's for the mod to answer the ask aka me)
11 ~ Not a rule, just background stuff/info about my OC to read here (more in depth lore will be in a separate place)
“Purple text” is Calliope speaking!
Default text is me/the mod speaking!
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Some generic warnings + more info
This blog will contain some sensitive and potentially triggering topics regarding my OC’s lore. Examples are:
~ Trauma (more than one type)
~ Mental health issues
~ Injury in various degrees
~ Darker themes of mythology (the whole nine yards, basically)
~ Death (in the past/being mentioned)
~ (more may be added!)
Also, I will ask if you don’t vibe with any of these topics before they may come up in an interaction!
The people
The culture (coming soon)
??? (More to be added soon!!)
Generic background
more info coming soon!
more info coming soon!
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Tags ✰ :
# calliope ~ space bird (any and everything that has to do with my OC. i.e., reblogging memes, dash/ic commentary, answering asks as her, rp threads, etc.)
# chirp ‘o clock! ~ chime in (just for ic/dash commentary :3)
# a message from beyond ~ intergalactic inbox (this is for when Calliope answers asks!)
# rp time ~ galactic melodies (any rp thread/ic or dash commentary)
# ooc ~ dimmed down starlight (me, the mod speaking! :3)
# unopened letter ~ the ask box (for when I, the mod, answers asks)
# the avifauna and the [____] (<- would refer to something w/ a character/OC) (the ship tag!! when any sort of shipping happens, this tag will be used!)
# rp memes ~ surfing the sky (just for reblogging RP prompts/memes)
# siren's serenade ~ take a dive... (this will be the lore tag! when more in depth lore about Calli is posted, check this tag!)
# juniper bug ~ light of the dawn (anything regarding Calliope’s daughter! Whether it be memes, RP, asks, you name it!)
# oh sweet child of mine ~ the setting moon (anything to do with Calliope’s son! Same as the tag for her daughter ^^)
# laughin’ and stargazin’ ~ meme o’ clock! (The meme tag! These are usually memes I make myself lol)
# sing to the bird ~ stuff to ask calli!! (usually range from RP memes to prompts, stuff like that :3)
# the bird and the [_____] (<- refers to an OC/character) (this is the non ship tag! Basically one of Calli’s friends/acquaintances — but there’s no romance yet hehe)
More tags may be added in the future! These are all of the ones I have set up currently. :)
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Like for a starter!
Discord : char_dahlia (in case you would like to contact me by another means instead of tumblr)
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Anddd…that’s everything! So, we all cool? Good, that’s what I like to hear. Now, let’s get this show started!
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petrichoremojis · 1 year
we're Petri, it/its pronouns, and this is a revamp of our old emoji blog, now focused on providing symbols and emojis primarily for AAC boards. we believe that AAC users should be able to have access to the same words and conversations that non-AAC users do, and thus prioritize symbols that are mundane or hard to find elsewhere
we don't use the queue often, instead tending to just post whenever we draw something new. this means we tend to post in bursts, and there are times when the blog is rather quiet
we have a Google Drive (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_uxMRr4CGOl2hcJnYTFoOh6Fj47qoypi?usp=sharing) that acts as a database of our emojis, including ones currently in the queue, which we recommend checking out if you're looking for something specific or just want to browse!!
requests are open!! commissions are also open, the post for that can be found here (https://www.tumblr.com/petrichoremojis/751006462557470720/emoji-commissions-open). and if you'd like to donate (not commission), our Ko-fi is here (https://ko-fi.com/petrichor4405)
Please note, while we're comfortable with interaction from kink blogs and are comfortable drawing kink-related symbols (AAC users can be kinksters too!), we would prefer that kink blogs request on anon. It's alright to tag yourself in the ask or ask us to tag you when it's done, but as we're sex-averse we aren't comfortable with answering direct asks from kink blogs. Additionally, while we are comfortable drawing kink-related symbols, please keep in mind that our symbols are meant for AAC. Please don't just use us for free kink art
[PT: FAQ. end PT]
Can I use your emojis?
yes. if you're using it for an AAC board, no credit is required. if you're using it on Discord or other social medias and websites, we ask that you provide credit to us in some way
Will you do an emoji related to [x]?
yes. the only reason we can forsee denying a request is because it's triggering to our OCD, it's too complex, we can't find a way to depict it, and/or it can't be posted on Tumblr. this means we're fine with doing emojis related to darker topics, because we believe that everyone should have access to whatever words they need
Can I edit your emojis?
it depends. recolours are always fine, so long as you don't take credit for the entire emoji; if you like, you can ask us for the individual layers and/or Krita file to make recolouring easier. for other edits, if you're using it for an AAC board and not sharing it, then you may edit it however you like. if you're planning to edit it and post it/share it with others, we ask that you ask us permission first for our own peace of mind
Do you do word emojis?
we do, but we focus on symbols as that's what we use on our own boards. word emoji requests will probably take longer. names will almost always be word emojis; pronouns will often be word emojis, but if we can find a symbol way to depict them, we'll likely do that
Do you do fictional characters?
for the most part, yes, so long as they have a design {whether canon or popular fanon}, are not an OC, and don't conflict with our OCD. however, requested fictional characters will be just a basic emoji to allow you to refer to them. in the future, we plan to take commissions for larger fictional character sets that depict them doing other things
How long do requests take you?
it depends. we're a full-time university student and multiply disabled, with several symptoms that make drawing difficult for us, so we can't guarantee a quick turnaround. additionally, we do requests in the order that we think will take the least energy, not by when we received them, and sometimes we'll prioritize emojis that we need for our own AAC boards over requests
feel free to send in ask reminding selfves or checking on status!! helps selfves with motivation and memory
Why are your emojis in multiple different artstyles?
this blog is run by a system, with different headmates doing different drawings. while generally a request is taken or emoji is drawn based on whichever headmate feels up to it, you're free to request a specific artist draw it, so long as you realise that might take a bit longer
the main artists are Cecil and Idiosyncrasy. less-common artists are Prayingthing, Gerrymander, and Jonathan
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coridotmp3 · 9 months
thanks for the tag, cori! your wip titles are immaculate. I absolutely must know about 99.3 kiss fm, jason sudeikis must pay, and mickey mouse the matchmaker.
:) thank you darling !!
99.3 KISS FM
This one's a college! bob floyd x reader !! bob, reader (nickname: cherry, pronouns: they/them), and various other daggers work the late shift at their college's radio station!! there's just endless amounts of mutual pining, a dash of miscommunication, and so many song references that only i will understand <3
have a little taste:
As the studio filled with the slow strums of “Trust” by Lucy Dacus, you made sure your mic was off before turning to the blob on the couch across from you. 
“Was that still too wordy? I’m really trying to take Penny’s note about brevity to heart but how else am I supposed to fill time?” 
Bob’s eyes shot up from where they had been focused on his laptop, composing his next setlist for the shift after yours. “I don’t think it was wordy but I think your pacing is more of an issue here. You literally said take a breath, but talked too fast to take one yourself. You’ll sound less like you’re rambling if you just slow down, speak with confidence.”
"If I had realized this job would be so stressful, I never would have begged Penny to let me sign up." You pouted, slumping in the desk chair as much as you could without falling off.
“Cherry, you’re fine! It’s not like the 12 people listening to a college radio station are gonna be concerned with your takes between songs. Not when you have the best song queue out of the whole lineup bar one.”
“If that one is you, I’m gonna smack you upside the head, Bo. I’m not listening to a whole night of The Cars, not again.”
“You love The Cars!”
“Yeah, in moderation! Not when I have to hear “My Best Friend’s Girl” eight times in a row at 2 in the morning!”
“I take back every nice thing I’ve ever said about you, obviously you have no taste.”
jason sudeikis must pay aka the hangster sleeping with other people au
two lonely souls in college agree to lose their virginities to each other, only to spend the next ten years having very strained relationships with sex. When they meet again in a sex addicts support group, Jake and Bradley decide to use their renewed friendship to help each other heal. Maybe, in more ways than one. (and also rhett abbott is there because i needed a scapegoat thank you <3)
something to whet your appetite:
"He came through every few weeks on one of his bull riding tours or to meet with vendors. He never stayed more than a night before he went back to her, and I was left with this profound emptiness in his absence.
I let myself get wrapped up in his world. I deluded myself with these fantasies that one day he would stay. All I wanted was for him to stay. I just wanted to be enough for him, so I broke myself apart into something I thought he would want. There's no telling how much of me I lost pursuing that pipe dream.
"Must have been a pretty good pipe to string you along like this for the past ten years."
"Oh shut up, Bradshaw."
"No, I'm serious! What, is it ten inches? Is it made of gold? Can it vibrate? What about him and his magical two foot long dick had you so spellbound?"
mickey mouse the matchmaker
this one is soooooo very self-indulgent. it's bob x mickey's cousin (x reader for now but that is subject to change). BASICALLY, mickey and bob have been good friends since their OCS training in Rhode Island all those years ago. While they were stationed in Newport, Mickey and Bob would go and visit Mickey's cousin while she was in school in Providence. Bob and the cousin got along like a house on fire, but were both too scared to do anything about it (even though mickey knows they both want to). Fast forward a few years, and she moves out to San Diego where the daggers are now stationed. AND WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, READER NEEDS A PLACE TO LIVE AND BOB HAS AN EXTRA ROOM !! Mickey's masterplan is all coming together
(there's no excerpt for this one because the whole fic is just various one-liners strung together with a wish and a prayer)
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jplupine · 11 months
Day 31: Yasutora 'Chad' Sado ~ Cuddling
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Pairing: Yasutora Sado x Wynter Hughes [Nonbinary OC] Word Count: ~2.1k Date Published: October 31, 2023 WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, Sub!Switch!Yasutora, Small Dom/Big Sub, Established Relationship, Handjob, Vaginal Sex, Cuddling Sex, Cock Riding, Praise, Creampie Note: Terms such as pussy/cock/dick/etc. get used. Wynter also uses the term 'sweet boy' to refer to Yasutora. If that makes you uncomfortable, you might want to skip this fic.
Summary: One good thing about waking up early is getting to stay in bed in your lover's warm embrace.
You can also read it on AO3!
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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  Waking up with the morning light peeking through the cracks in the curtains, I was pleasantly warm and comfortable. I was being gently held as slow breaths hit the back of my head. It was bliss.
  But I had to pee.
  Grumbling under my breath, I carefully extracted myself from his warm embrace while trying so hard not to wake him. Tip-toeing to the bathroom, I tried to not make too much noise. It was still fairly early judging by the light in the windows.
  Yawning as I headed back to bed, I held a hand in front of my mouth out of habit. I then stretched out my arms and back as I neared the bed. Yasutora slowly moved and reached out to wrap an arm around my waist.
  "Oh, sorry. Did I wake you?" I quietly asked as he pulled me back into bed.
  "'S fine." Sleep clung to his low voice as he brought me closer and under the blanket. He had my head resting on his bicep while draping his other arm over my side with one of his legs between mine. Smiling, I wrapped my arms around him and rested my hands on his warm back.
  "Good morning." He sleepily replied while running his fingers through my hair. It went quiet again as we cuddled, and I traced lazy circles over Yasutora's bare back. Glancing up, I saw him looking down at me through his long, curly bangs.
  Smiling, I leaned up and pecked him on the lips.
  "You can't go back to sleep if you keep staring at me, Tora."
  "Maybe I don't want to go back to sleep yet." He softly smiled before brushing his nose against mine. I couldn't help but chuckle, and he swept my hair away from my face. "Do you?"
  "Then we can keep each other company." Yasutora kissed my forehead and softly sighed. "How'd you sleep?"
  "Pretty good. You?"
  "Great." He replied as I snuggled closer. Yasutora slowly ran his hand up and down my side in a comforting way. "Do you want to have a lazy day?"
  "Mm, yes, please." I sighed and buried my face in his chest. "I really don't feel like putting pants on." Yasutora softly laughed, but I wasn't entirely joking. I was only wearing his hoodie and my underwear- it was peak comfort.
  Being surrounded by his scent and warmth was exactly what I needed after the stressful week I'd had. The comfort and gentle touches he provided made it even better. Every little kiss and his hands caressing washed away any lingering tension in my muscles.
  Laying there with my eyes closed, I let my fingers trail over the curves of the muscles on his back and periodically traced circles on his skin. Yasutora leaned in to kiss my cheek, and I smiled while turning my head up. I gently pushed his bangs to the side before his soft lips were on mine.
  I cupped his cheek in my hand and melted into his arms with the soft, sweet kisses he gave. My heart fluttered in my chest as I melted even more into him.
  "Tora...." I muttered when he momentarily pulled away.
  "Yes, mi corazón?"
  "You had some nice dreams, didn't you?" I smirked while looking him in the eye, and his cheeks darkened as he blushed. He'd shifted his hips only a little while kissing me, but that had been enough to let me feel his morning wood against my thigh. Yasutora recognized the look I was giving him and grabbed my thigh to pull me flush against him.
  "Yes." He whispered, now having his erection pressing against my core. Yasutora's rough palm traveled up my thigh while squeezing at intervals. I guided him into another kiss, and he began to rock into me. "They were about you." He added before kissing me again.
  "Yeah?" I smiled as my fingers slid into his curly hair. "I'm flattered." His hand on my thigh moved to my ass and squeezed while pressing me harder against his cock. He must be more desperate for relief than he'd been letting on.
  Rocking with him to get that delicious friction and pressure, I eventually slid my hand down his torso. Yasutora's breath faltered when my fingers went below his belly button and through the trail of hair there. My fingers kept going, slipping behind the waistband of his sweatpants and boxers.
  He took in a sharp breath when my hand went along the length of his cock. My tongue slid past his lips, and he welcomed it with a soft groan at the back of his throat. Stroking from head to base and back, I could feel the immense heat from his racing pulse throbbing beneath my fingers.
  "Mierda...." Yasutora's breathy, low voice went straight to my core. I fed off of how he was falling apart from so little. Making the giant crumble never failed to excite me.
  I grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants and boxers to push them down his hips far enough to free his cock. Hiking up the oversized hoodie, I then pushed my underwear out of the way. I knew I was already wet and guided him toward my entrance.
  Running his tip through my slick first made it easier for him to slide inside. Yasutora's grip on me tightened, and he rocked his hips forward to sink himself deeper into my pussy. He groaned into the kiss before I peppered more kisses along his jaw that was scruffy with stubble.
  My hand ran up his torso as I kissed down his neck, and he began to slowly thrust just enough to make me feel his thickness gliding out and pushing back in. It was delightful.
  "Feels good?" I asked as my lips brushed over his throat.
  "Yes." He swallowed before burying his face into my shoulder. He held me close with his other hand still on my ass, and I ran my fingers up the back of his neck and into his hair. We moved slowly and gently together, basking in the comfort of one another's arms while pleasure seeped in like gentle waves.
  Yasutora's breath became heavier as his hair tickled my cheek and his scruff scraped against my neck. He shifted to have his other arm under me more and slid his hand underneath the hoodie. His calloused palm went up my spine in the way he knew would make it arch.
  I quietly moaned, and he softly kissed me near the base of my neck. Listening to every sound he made as he slowly rocked his hips had me in a trance. His voice was like sweet nectar as he held me.
  He ended up kicking the blanket off because it was getting too hot and kept his hands on me the entire time. I kissed down the side of his neck before licking up to his jaw. Yasutora's hips bucked, and I moaned right by his ear.
  "I-Is it okay if you're on top?" He whispered, and I scoffed.
  "You ask that as if I haven't been before." I gently pushed him onto his back while rolling on top of him. Both of his hands now slid up into his hoodie that I wore as I cradled his skull in my hands and kissed him. Yasutora let his hands wander while squeezing and caressing.
  Each touch fueled me as I rode him. His cock was able to go deeper now, and he softly thrust in time with my movement. Pulling away from the kiss to catch my breath, Yasutora pressed his forehead against mine.
  My thumb brushed over his plump lips, feeling his warm breath ghosting over my skin. My gaze was glued to his mouth, and I went in for another knee-weakening kiss. His hands settled on my hips to help me rise and fall on his cock.
  Laying against his chest, the friction against my clit made it even better. The pace remained soft and slow, and it was wonderful. I moaned into the kiss as Yasutora's strong hands pushed my hips down as his own rocked up.
  "Te amo mucho." He whispered as his lips brushed along my jaw. I couldn't help but smile and buried my face into his neck.
  "I love you, too, Tora." I kissed his neck, feeling his racing pulse against my lips. How he groaned went straight to my core, causing fluttering in my gut and sparks dancing across my skin. One of his hands slid up my back and over my shoulder blade while his other hand lowered to grab my ass again.
  Each time my hips lowered and his rose, I was filled to the brim. Feeling him so deep while in his arms as he whispered praises in my ear was a spiritual experience. The purr of his voice, the way he grunted and moaned, his gentle touches that still held such power and need....
  I loved mornings like this.
  Yasutora pulled the collar of the hoodie to the side to softly nip the spots he knew drove me wild. His soft lips, warm tongue, and sharp teeth had me melting on top of him. Delightful shivers went up my spine as wet sounds could be heard faintly in the background.
  I could stay here all day like this. It was almost as if Yasutora knew I could use this after all the stress I'd been dealing with. Being surrounded by him was dangerous in how addictive it was.
  His comfort, his love, and the pleasure could easily make me neglect all other responsibilities.
  He hugged me to his chest while moving his legs to plant his feet firmly on the mattress. I knew what was coming and preemptively placed a hand on the headboard for stability. Yasutora rocked his pelvis back slowly as his breath shook before snapping his hips into me. We both moaned, and his quick, heavy thrusting had my toes curling.
  "Tora~!" I moaned as my nails dug into the headboard. He peppered sweet kisses over my neck and exposed shoulder. "Fuck!" I hissed while feeling my muscles clench and shiver.
  "Mi corazón...." He panted and groaned into my skin as his hold on me tightened. Yasutora was getting close as his hands fisted in the material of the hoodie. I kissed just beneath his ear before whispering.
  "Go on. Cum for me, sweet boy." He buried his face into my neck and shoulder, and the low moans along with the drag of his cock had me spiraling. Yasutora's thrusts became shallow as he got louder before he finally came while shuddering.
  He gave a few more lazy thrusts, pushing his cum deeper and making more of a mess. His bear hug loosened as he relaxed and let his head fall back on the pillow. I smiled while brushing his curls back to litter kisses over his face.
  Yasutora softly chuckled before getting me to sit up. He pulled the hoodie I wore up to expose more of my torso, and I grabbed it when it was nearing my chest. His dark eyes were wandering over my skin as his hands now trailed down my bare torso.
  "Keep it held up. please." He said as his hands went even lower. I anticipated what would come next as his fingers slid closer and closer toward my clit. Yasutora kept me seated on his cock as he slowly rubbed the throbbing bundle of nerves.
  My grip on the hoodie tightened, and when I bucked into his touch, he grunted. My gaze was locked on him, watching how his broad chest rose and fell with every breath and how his hungry eyes devoured me. Yasutora never left me wanting, and now was no exception.
  He added more pressure that I jolted with a moan.
  "Too much?"
  "No. Perfect." I panted, and my thighs twitched. His other hand held my hip as his thumb caressed my skin. He maintained that pressure and speed while watching me come undone on top of him.
  When I was finally cumming, Yasutora had me ride it out to the very end until it bordered on overstimulation. I had to place a hand on his chest to keep from falling over as I moaned and came around his cock. He grunted while feeling it, and my eyes fluttered closed for a moment.
  As the waves of my orgasm faded, I tried to catch my breath and collapsed onto Yasutora's chest. I listened to his heart beating within his rib cage, and he ran his hands over my body in a comforting manner. Even cooling down in his embrace was so wonderful.
  Until my stomach growled.
  I grumbled as he chuckled, and he placed a kiss on my temple.
  "Want me to make breakfast while you shower?"
  "If you don't mind."
  "Anything for you, mi corazón." Yasutora pecked my lips while smiling.
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anjael · 1 year
Welcome to our inaugural event post!
If you are reading this and would like to join, welcome! Even if you aren’t participating, I’d be very grateful if you could signal boost by re-blogging!  I’ll also be cross-posting to my Twitter *here* so RTs much appreciated if you’re on there ~
What’s a Secret Santa?
For those who have never done a Secret Santa before, the way it works is you submit a gift request, which goes into a pool which is then randomised. The randomised requests are then handed out to the participants.
So basically, its Mystery Gift! Everyone draws/writes a gift for someone.You won’t know who it’s for, and you won’t know who is doing yours! Then at the exchange, the completed gifts are handed out anonymously to whomever they belong, via email.
Sounds good, where do I sign?
Send your email applications right here!   ->  [email protected]
What do I write in my  application email?
1. Your name / tumblr tag / most used social media - a link to your blog would also be helpful so I know who you are and can contact you if emails are not working or something. A link to examples of your work (art tag, etc) is also appreciated!
2. Preferred gift rating.  NSFW requests are totally okay as long as they are not offensive/racist/sexist but if you’d like something NSFW, please also provide a SFW alternative request as not everyone is comfortable producing such content. If you don’t mind receiving NSFW but would prefer not to submit it, please tell me and vice versa.
3. Your actual request!  If you prefer shipping/non shipping, please include this in your sign-up email. If you would prefer a shippy request, please provide a choice of pairings. Please try to word your request so that it can be filled by either an artist or writer, as your gift-giver is randomly assigned! Please do not request anything involving Tavs / OCs / Durges. - this is a companion/origin/NPC only event.
Examples of requests  (just for reference, there’s no required format):
- something with your fave pairing / a particular scene
- an AU you’d like to see (please provide some details)
Your requests don’t have to have any particular theme, request whatever you like!
4. Whether you would be able to pinch-hit (fill an extra gift if needed).
5. Whether you would like to remain anonymous to your gift recipient and/or on the master-post of entries (which will be posted up on Tumblr a few days after gift exchange)
———-   DEADLINES   ————–
Applications Close:  29th October 2023, 00:00 GMT
Prompts Sent Out to Participants: by 1st November 2023, 00:00 GMT
Gift submission: 20th December 2023, 22:00 GMT
(Please submit your completed gifts to [email protected])
Gift Exchange: 22nd - 24th December 2023 (TBC)
———-      RULES/GUIDELINES     —————–
No TAVs / OCs - see above.
Signups are capped at 40 people (I am running several events so don't want things to get unmanageable). I will update this post if we hit the cap before the signup closing date.
- Don’t be a butt. (generally the best rule to live by)
- Complete the gift using your MAD SKILLS, be it drawing or writing fanfic! If you have other cool magic abilities like animating, you’re welcome to use those too!
- Please submit completed works only. Your gift should be fully coloured if it’s art (unless you are specifically doing a monochrome / inked piece), and properly formatted, spell-checked and at least 1,000 words if it’s a written piece.
- For written pieces, google doc links/word documents are fine for the email exchange, but if you want me to include your fic in the tumblr master-post please bear in mind you need to post it somewhere link-able such as AO3.
- if you are submitting NSFW art, AO3 hosts art too and can be a good alternative to tumblr/twitter restrictions.
- Please don’t post any completed gifts on your blog before the gift exchange date!
- if the deadline is approaching and you know you won’t be able to submit your piece in time, please tell me as soon as possible so I can arrange for someone else to fill your assigned prompt.
- if you’d like to remain anonymous, please tell me (there will be master-posts of all the submissions a couple of days after exchange)
- I’ll be tracking the tumblr tag ‘bg3 secret santa 2023’.
There’s also a Discord group - please let us know if you’d like an invite!
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