rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Good morning, Louis! They did? Oh Godric! 
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Good morn-ing!                              I heard they were making muffins for breakfast today——
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Oh, Gwen. I've tried it and it didn't work. I suspect Peeves was behind this all!
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"Have you tried using the accio spell? I’m not sure if it would work for something like this, but it can’t hurt to try."
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
As far as I'm concerned, I never intended to talk to you, Dolohov.
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Why don’t you go bother someone who cares then Weasley?
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Damn. I can't find my Charms homework..
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Godric-- Helena. Care to tell me about what happened?
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I'm just so happy!
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Lilah, the Rose who did you see today and many years to come will remain the same. I can assure you. Grandmum wouldn't let us go up to our room before we finish a full plate of her infamous stew. Trust me, she will do the same to you.
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You do have the talent, Lilah. No doubt about that. We've all seen it since you're still here and I know that your coach doesn't overstate at all. Ah! You still call me by that nickname. Yes, you could say that. But don't forget to add the two homework that I forgot to do.
Good, I don’t want you to ever change. Ever. I’m glad she’s keeping some meat on those bones, and I will. Soon, I promise. I’ve missed your mum, I need to owl her sometime.
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Alright, I’ll stop but only because it’s you. Things are going well there. I’m learning so much from all my teachers, though my acting coach is strict. She says I have a natural talent, but I think she’s just being nice. How about you, Ro? Let me guess, exceptional grades?
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Well, I can assure you that the thing that changes is my height. I'm still the old me. Hey..I'm not scrawny. But I had fatten after last Christmas holidays. Grandmum Molly feast us with a tasty dinner. You have to visit them anytime, my mum had been asking for you.
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You're twenty years old, Lilah. It was not old enough and let's stop with all the talk about these old thing.
How are you doing in Charmbridge?
Yes Rose, it’s me. But is that you? Last time I saw you, you were this scrawny little girl. Now look at you, you’ve grown up.
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And that right there is why I feel old. All of you are growing up.
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
In fact it had been in me since I was five years old. So practically you catch it from me or from my mum.
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You too Rosie? I think it might be contagious.
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Actually yes.. and no. Yes, because I have to set aside a little time from my holidays just to do it. And No because I just realized that my herbology homework turned out far more than your assignment. Please do not tell him that I forgot to do it, will you Ted?
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Am I really giving out too much homework?
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Lilah? Is that you? Oh Godric, it's been so long since I met you here! 
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Hey, what are you talking about? You are not old.
Seeing all these little first and second years is so … weird. Plus, it’s making me feel old.
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
..and you're the best at being an arse, sweetheart. Do whatever you want, anything other than insulting my family. If you think we are useless, just stay away from us and for Godric's sake; grow up, Malfoy.
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You’re the best at being idiots, love. That’s all.  I can mock your family all I wish, Weaslet. Get over it. Really. If I learned one thing from my father, it’s that Weasley’s, with their stupid complexion and hand-me-down clothes, are useless. 
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Vic, it seems we have the same problem.
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Recently I’ve conversed with books more than actual people…that’s rather worrying and quite a sad realization.
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
I-- yes, but I'm a little bit carried away when dad took me to watch the Quidditch match and I kind of forget about my assignment.
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You don't need to worry, Gwen. I will be able to handle it if only I knew what I had to do..
Aren’t you the one with the brains out of the rest of us?
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As much as I’d love to help you out Rose, being a year above has unfortunately left me useless this time.
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Never heard that we Weasleys are the best that Hogwarts have ever had? Molly is a Head Girl, Albus is a prefect, James is a Quidditch captain and I believe Hugo would someday become a prefect just like you. Do you know what they all in common? Weasley's blood flow in their veins. Do not ever mock my family in front of me, Malfoy.
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No it’s just shocking. But then again, you are a Weasley, so it should be expected.
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Trust me, by helping me to find Albus is an aid, Lils. I can't believe that received my Dad and Uncle Harry's offer to watch the Quidditch Match that day makes me forget about my homework!
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So, do you know where he is?
It’s no problem, I like helping anyways. Even though I wasn’t much help here. But I can help you look for Al or someone who might know!
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
I've been thinking about that option and I think it is quite dangerous, Fred. Uncle Nev could have told Mum about it. She'll furious and restrict my schedule to watch the Quidditch match with Dad.
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Yes, you're right on that one. I know nothing-- nothing, Freddie! Oh Merlin! What I was thinking..
Merlin, that would suck. If that does turn out to be the case, just send a quick owl to one of the Longbottoms. They can probably tell you more than you would ever want to know about plants.
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Wait, what do you mean? Do you not know what the assignment is at all, Rose?
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rose-jean-weasley · 11 years
Indeed. I've learned a lot these fourteen years. Restricting your freedom is the last thing I want to bother and maybe because I'm too fond of you, Hugo. You should feel lucky to have me as your sister.
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So you understand my area of freedom.
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Not, I cannot. Sorry.
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