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atjohnscn · 10 hours ago
I know it's been a while since we talked or saw one another but I was watching tv the other night and Cinderella came on. My thoughts just immediately went back to the good old days and all the memories we share together. It just made me realize that our paths went in different directions and that we're in desperate need to catch up. @hqjames
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ncthcnielmcrshcll · 7 months ago
"Normally no, but you've got a mouth so loud it's practically inviting the entire room to take part. In otherwords, we couldn't miss your conversation if we tried." Nathaniel answered drolly, not perturbed at all by her tone. "And I suggest you learn to find a volume button because everyone knows what you're talking about."
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"Do you normally butt into conversations that don't involve you?" Lily said to the other with raised eyebrows, a mild tone of annoyance in her voice. "She wasn't a stranger, she was my cousin. I suggest next time you decide to insert yourself where you don't belong, you at least know what you're talking about."
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ncahgreenwccd · 2 years ago
“Shh!” Came the whispered sound of excitement from Noah. “Just... stay still for a minute Lils, look how close this little guy has got! Maybe I can get him to eat it out of my hand.” He spoke enthusiastically as the duck waddled a little closer. “They’re so damn cute.”
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swearwolfx-archive · 2 years ago
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Where: Lily's Flat Who: @fauvehoof
It had been a couple of weeks since Lily had been released from St. Mungo’s, he had visited her while there and popped by the house a few times. He offered treats and to watch Harry when needed trying to do what he could for his friends. It didn’t seem like enough but he didn’t have anything else to offer as all Lily needed now was time. Her physical wounds were healed for the most part but those of the mind would take more time to fade though he was sure they would never completely go away. He wanted to say the right thing to help but he wasn’t sure what that was. For now, he owled Lily to ask if she wanted to spend a day outside, thinking it might be good for her to get some fresh air and they would keep it nearby. Lily had agreed to it and that was how he found himself standing outside their door.
He knocked, before sending a patronus in to let Lily know it was really him and that it was safe to open the door. He was sure she had to be anxious over the whole thing, not sure that she had been outside since the event. Lily was strong though and it would take little steps to slowly get her back to normal, to feel comfortable being out in the world again. When the door opened he smiled, not sure if he should hug her or not, if her injuries still caused pain so he just hovered outside. “Hey Lils, how are you feeling?” There was a small basket at his side having packed some treats for them to enjoy the afternoon.
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atjohnscn · 15 days ago
Have to admit, didn't think we'd just run into each other with so many people attending. Not that I was avoiding you or anything. I would never. But you know, wasn't sure whether you'd like to see me or not. I know I might be making this more awkward but there's not real reason we can't talk, right? Can I also say that you look beautiful tonight. @hqjames
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glamaustin · 11 months ago
third coffee? that rough of a night, huh? i know what the met gala can do to you. nah, you just think that. you can handle it just fine. like you said, drink enough water and eat greasy food and it'll be gone in no time. how was the gala this year though? wasn't able to attend so i feel like i missed out on a lot.
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there i was, caught up in what i reckoned was a proper deep conversation about global warming at the met afterparty last night, thinking i was all intellectual. little did i know, we were just getting all fired up about tomorrow's weather forecast, like any pair of self-respecting brits would. at least we managed to agree on one thing: it might sodding rain. thank the heavens it's not raining, though, as i'm on a desperate mission to find my third coffee today. did i go a bit overboard with the drinks? maybe. regretting it big time today? absolutely. these thirties have been a right pain in the arse when it comes to hangovers. i could knock back a couple of bevvies, feel nothing and still wake up with a blinding headache. yeah, i guzzle water like a fish and scoff down greasy grub right before hitting the sack. i'm a bloody expert when it comes to navigating the treacherous realm of hangovers. / @glamourstarters
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elizabettawilson · 4 years ago
“Well would you look at that. Letting the girl’s out to play tonight, huh?” She pointed down at her dress.
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camillegladstone · 4 years ago
When 5th of December, 1979 Where: Gryffindor common room, Camille’s birthday party Who: @schoolsoutevans​
“How do you make you hair look so pretty?” Camille asked Lily as poured herself some vodka with coke by the side of the other witch. “It’s so full and shiny.” 
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ivytravers · 4 years ago
“Oi Evans, ready to go catch some snoggers and rule breakers?” She said handing the girl a mug of her preferred drink
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thebrokenbones · 4 years ago
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“Well, that NEWT fucked me in the arse... tell me it at least went better for you?” 
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aveline-allaire · 4 years ago
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“Is there a reason you’re interrupting my studying?”
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mrsjamesss · 7 months ago
Eu também não achei que as coisas ia chegar nesse ponto sabe. Ainda mais que ele tá namorando namorando a linda dele...
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Você 'tava falando sério mesmo?
Se eu te lembrar que ainda tenho um presente de aniversário pra te entregar você muda sua cara sofrida por uma mais feliz?
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Eu juro que não achei que o Sirius ia ficar tão chateado assim.
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yesmrpotter · 5 years ago
It wasn’t unusual for Harry to work from home. In fact, after Lily had moved into her own apartment, he had started working after hours just to keep himself busy, distract himself from the fact that his children were adults. The silence was strange, the free time was strange, and he had never been quite sure of what to do with himself. Now though, when working from home seemed more important than ever, he just couldn’t do it. He had exhausted his resources searching for answers. Looking for any way to track the letter or discover who had written it, and he had been met with dead end after dead end. All he knew, and albeit the information had been useful, was that the Avery family, Arlo’s parents, had no hand in the penmanship. It was only after setting down his glasses, pressing the base of his palms into his eyes as Ginny rubbed his shoulders and told him to take a break, that he had finally given up. His paperwork and seemingly pointless research was sitting in his drawer at home, and he was here, outside Lily’s apartment, feeling incredibly guilty for only realising the previous night that her weekly letter had never arrived. It was unusual not to hear from her. If she didn’t write, she would visit. And he was worried. Knocking hesitantly on her door, he silently prayed she was home. If she wasn’t he was going to make himself sick with worry. “Lily? Princess, it’s Dad. Are you there?” @lixnhecrt​
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amandacampana-a · 5 years ago
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Madelaine Petsch & Jordan Fisher manip
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mary-whoisleft · 5 years ago
what’s a few letters // mary & lily
Mary never expected herself to be the type to throw a party over grades. School wasn’t exactly her first love, and whatever letters were written at the top of her work were a bore at best and a stressor at worst. But even she could admit the NEWTs were different if only for the fact that getting through them was reason for celebration alone. 
At this point now settling into their life post graduation, Mary would take any reason to throw a party anyway. Every opportunity she got, she would go on about how much she missed her friends, even if she hadn’t gone more than a few days yet without seeing them. Something about all the change that came with leaving school had her gripping onto anything and everything familiar. So all Lily had to say was “party” and regardless of the purpose Mary would have been agreeing to be over by seven to help set up. 
She showed up at 7:24, apologies at the ready and full bottle of whiskey already open. 
“Alright, you better not have done everything while you were waiting for me to show up. Because I meant it about helping,” she said as she threw her arms around Lily in a tight hug like it had been years since they had been together. 
“Who all is coming? All the usual suspects?” 
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unravellingannabeth · 2 years ago
Annabeth found that she never really enjoyed shopping but that she had to do it more and more often. She preferred to be comfortable and to not have to look so dressed up all the time but her job demanded that she look a certain way and that she keep up with appearances. She had spent more on clothes since starting her job than she ever had before. She knew though that she was judged harsher than others would be in her position and she didn't want to give anyone a reason to look down on her.
Gladrags had become a usual haunt for her and at times the owner would set things aside for her as they came in to make her shopping trips easier. She viewed the garment that lily was holding up tilting her head as she looked at it. "I think it's stunning. I'm sure anyone would love it."
Location: gladrags wizardwear Date: May 11 Status: open
Lily frowned as she examined the set of robes she was holding away from her, trying to decide if they would look cute on Marlene or if they were just too fancy. She didn’t shop at Gladrags that often, preferring to find thrift stores or just wear muggle clothes (which in her opinion were far more comfortable than wizard’s robes), but she had it in her mind to get a special present for her best friend, and they were known for having the most fashionable styles. They could all use some cheering up these days, and new, cute clothes always seemed like a good way to go about it.
Lily sensed another person nearby and turned to them, holding out the robes for them to examine. “What do you think of these? Do they say 'I look fabulous and belong on someone just as fabulous' or are they too flashy?” She wasn’t entirely sure she could trust her own judgment on what was in style, so maybe they could help her out.
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