#plums for truffula fruit
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snowysmol · 8 months ago
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A Lorax 2012 themed outfit board!!!! :D (Background, Lorax plush, Bear soap, Strawberry teether, Onceler stickers)
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articskele · 1 year ago
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Thinking about....... Artic and the Onceler holding hands..........
Him taking Artic's hand to show her something, holding the Onceler's hand as he tries to be brave and stand up to his family, us going ice skating and holding onto each other for dear life because neither of us know what we're doing akfjdskfd-
And as they realize they have feelings for each other, maybe it becomes something softer........ The Onceler testing the waters, slowly brushing his thumb over her knuckles......... AAAAA FLAPPING MY HANDS RN
His hands look warm and soft and aaaaaaaa!! I could see him using lotion to keep em soft since he plays guitar and does a lot of work with his hands. Omg cozy warm vanilla scented lotion…..
I NEED to hug him I need to hug him so bad- Smushing and nuzzling my face into his shoulder as we speak- OMG him picking up Artic and spinning her around!!!!!! The man's like 6'4" and I'm 5'6" ajkshfksdjf
WE CUDDLE. Ohh my god we're so cuddly
Us!!!!! Cooking!!!!!! We grow tomatoes and make homemade pizza on Fridays loaded with toppings!!! And I bake cobblers and pies and stuff with the truffula fruits since I hc them to be like plums or peaches!!! He loves my baking :3 OOH wait we could make syrup and jam....... :O
This silly goofy man is genuinely getting me through hard times and I love him so so much!!!!!!!!
Gush about your F/Os to me!
This is a free gushing pass! Gush about any F/O you want! ^v^
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craftingcreatures · 3 months ago
I have many, many creatures and concepts which I would love to show you guys, but most of them exist only in my mind or as a few bullet points in a poorly-formatted word document. The Burnout™ kicked my backside particularly bad this past year; it's been really hard to maintain my interest in things when life has felt exhausting and pointless. Drawing, especially, takes a lot of spoons that I just haven't had to give. The church notebook doodles are part of an ongoing attempt to rekindle the joy I used to find in art - small, quick, easy, and low-stakes. I don't need to make them look good, I just need to make them.
And it's working! I've been sketching and drawing more, and enjoying it! I'm not all the way better yet but I've come a long way. So I actually do have some stuff I can show you!
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Meet the Arboars! This is a clade of arboreal pigs which appeared pretty early on in the Diluvian, from an ancestor which began climbing trees to reach the tasty, tempting, as-of-yet-mostly-unexploited resource of fruits and leaves. Arboars are united as a clade by their binocular vision, vestigial or absent nasal disc, and grasping, hand-like hooves with opposable thumbs on both fore- and hindlimbs. Many species also have short, straight, daggerlike tusks which resemble those of peccaries more than their suid ancestors, although some species are tuskless. All Arboars are completely tailless (Just ignore the Hunting Hog in the top left. He's not part of the family - he just showed up and refused to leave. Also he needs a redesign).
Beginning on the far left, below the Hunting Hog, is the Brown Barbaloot [Micrarctos (Micrarctos) seussi], an archetypal primitive Arboar. Resembling a small bear in their body shape, they are endemic to temperate Truffula-palm savannah ecosystems, and are the primary disperser of the Truffula's seeds, as they will happily gorge themselves on the purple, plum-like fruits. Like most pigs, they will eat just about anything, but they show a strong preference for herbivory; the filamentous leaflets and sugar-rich fruit of the Truffula palm form about 70% of their diet, making them specialists. Brown Barbaloots are highly social, living in mixed-family groups of 10-30 individuals. Males are slightly larger than females, and both sexes have short, sharp tusks hidden by their lips which they use for defense.
Just below the Brown Barbaloot is its close cousin, the Black Barbaloot [Micrarctos (Dasyanthrulus) nigricans]. Unlike the Brown Barbaloot, Tropical Barbaloots in the subgenus Dasyanthrulus have short, sparse fur to better keep cool in the hot, humid equatorial rainforests. Black Barbaloots are slightly less herbivorous than their relatives and will actively seek out bird's nests and eggs. They also eat leaves, fruit, fungi, isopods, and arboreal earthworms (Arborworms). Tropical Barbaloots have a unique behavioural adaptation against predators - they will chew on toxic Arborworms to elicit the secretion of toxic compounds, which they mix with their saliva and smear on their fur as an antipredator defense. Although Black Barbaloots are fairly subdued in their colouration, some of their relatives (such as the Gilded Barbaloot, M. chrysocheirus) have bold, aposematic black-and-yellow colouring.
Up and to the right of the Brown Barbaloot is the Barbabrute [Brutus set], a descendant of the Rock Barbaloot (Micrarctos montanus). These big, aggressive barbaloots are secondarily terrestrial, and highly successful; baboon-like troops of these pigs can be found in savannah and woodland ecosystems all across Spero, where they are opportunistic omnivores that will eat anything edible. Their belligerent demeanor and strong social tendencies make them an unpleasant target for most predators, though they are easy prey if they can be separated from their group; the tusks are used mostly for combat between males and enforcing the strict social hierarchy.
Below the Barbabrute is a very peculiar descendant of the tropical barbaloots, the Common Kobold [Callicantzarus repens]. This nocturnal animal is a dedicated carnivore, feeding on invertebrates, roosting birds, and other mammals including the young of other barbaloot species. Their large, slit-pupiled eyes are ideal for seeing in near-complete darkness, and their nail-like hooves have become large, curved claws for catching prey. Though they are still very social, they do not hunt in a pack; each Kobold hunts alone, bringing their catch back to the colony's nest to feed the young, injured, or elderly. They are incredibly skilled climbers with very flexible hips and shoulder joints that allow them to move through the trees with alarming speed and dexterity. Kobolds will eventually diversify into a very successful, long-lived clade which persist throughout the Diluvian and into the Thalassic.
Down and to the right of the Kobold is the Babi Hutan [Dasychoerus giganteus], the largest arboreal animal every to live on Spero. About the size (and general shape) of a terran Orangutan, they have a similar lifestyle, being canopy-dwelling brachiators which feed on leaves and fruit. Unlike Orangutans, the Babi Hutan lives in temperate forests of mixed conifers and broadleaf trees, and have dense, insulating underfur to keep them warm in the bitter Speroan winters. Babi Hutans live in small family groups, usually one male with one to three females and their young. Females can have one to four young, which cling to their mothers' chests as they swing through the canopy. During the summer, their diet consists largely of fruit and soft foliage; in the winter they will feed on bark, twigs, and pine needles, which their powerful gut is adapted to digest.
In the top right is a close relative of the Babi Hutan and the largest Arboar ever to exist - the rare and mysterious Hibagon [Speleotherium hibagon]. Five feet tall at the shoulder or more, Hibagon are truly large animals, far too large to live in the trees. Hibagon live on the slopes of crater rims in temperate regions, in conifer-dominated alpine woodlands, especially in regions where saltlime caves are common (they use the caves for shelter). Alone among Arboars, they are mostly solitary, living by themselves or in pairs unless a mother is raising a litter of young. Hibagon are specialized browsers, relying heavily on conifer needles in the harsh alpine winters. They are incredibly strong, and though they are typically gentle animals, if attacked they will attack right back with their daggerlike tusks and crushing blows from their fist-like hooves. Like many Arboars they are very intelligent and make good use of tools, and may hit attackers with branches or rocks if they are readily available.
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Today's church notebook doodle is a family of Mermares fleeing from a predatory Akhlut. The stallion's elongated flippers are raised in defensive posture, ready to whip back and hit the giant marine dog in the face if he gets too close.
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