#(you cannot make me like your ship through insults)
feelingthedisaster · 7 months
im really shitty at usernames (i usually just keyboard smash or write variations of "no username" when i have to creat an account) but right now im writing a story set in social media and i need usernames for extras, any ideas?
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madrone33 · 10 days
Number 1 Rule of adapting the Odyssey into EPIC is: if it can be more dramatic, it will be more dramatic.
The Greeks decide to throw the infant Trojan prince from the walls because they're scared he'll try to avenge his family? No, Zeus comes down to personally give Odysseus a vision of being killed and says his family WILL die. Kill the baby that reminds you of your son right now, it's the gods will.
Odysseus goes to greet the inhabitants of an island and gets trapped in a cave for two days by the cyclops that's eating his men one by one? Nope, we got BOSS BATTLE 30v1 in the Ithacans' favour until BAM fourteen pancakes are made by Polyphemus' club and oh shit Polites is DEAD-
Athena is just vaugely absent for the whole journey until the end? We got emotionally charged platonic breakups instead, with yelling and insults and "well I'm breaking up with you FIRST!"
Smooth sailing to Ithaca? STOOOORM-
Odysseus' great-great-great-grandfather giving him a speed boost to help him on his way home? Get ready for trickster wind gods, mischievous winions, and a game that was rigged from the start.
Random-ass suspicious and greedy crew mates open the bag? It's Eurylochus, his second in command, his brother-in-law, the man he trusted, Eurylochus WHYYY
Parking in the wrong harbour and getting boulders thrown at the fleet by angry man-eating giants while Odysseus backs away veeery slowly? Nah Poseidon himself pulls up to dunk on them, and Odysseus has to make a last minute getaway using the power of STOOORM to avoid being curbstomped like his fleet.
Odysseus gets some stronger drugs from a god to make him immune to the other drugs of a goddess? Well these drugs actually give him magic powers which he uses to engage in a Pokémon/Yu-Gi-Oh style BOSS BATTLE!
Get some closure with dead loved ones and acquaintances, and be the first interviewer of the fallen heroes of past ages? Nope, we just got TRAUMA and a whole boatload of guilt!
A neat outline of what the rest of the journey will look like, a warning against an island of cows that will slow him down, and the way to appease Poseidon? This Tiresias just says "Y'know there used to be a world where you made it home, BUT I DON'T SEE IT NO MORE. IT'S GONE. IT'S OVER. Also, your palace is fucked."
Sailing past the sirens while getting to be the first mortal to hear their song and live? M U R D E R
Sailing past Scylla to avoid Charybdis and accidentally getting six men eaten because he thought he could totally take Scylla, even though Circe said he couldn't, and then he realised he, in fact, cannot take Scylla? ... Eurylochus, light up six torches.
Eurylochus waits till Odysseus is out hunting and then goes behind his back to mutinously rally the crew and feast on some sacred cattle? Betrayal on both sides, stabby stab, K.O., and then Odysseus helplessly watches them make the greatest mistake of their lives as they ignore his pleas.
Quick clean and easy lightning-strike to the ship, leaving Odysseus to cling to some driftwood and paddle away? Zeus himself appears to the mortals, monologues, makes Odysseus be the one to choose, and then smites the whole ship leaving Odysseus to nearly drown anyway.
Telemachus gets advice from a disguised Athena to yell at the suitors and then sail away to look for news of his missing father? Telemachus gets into a full on beatdown with the suitors and gets FIGHT CLUB TRAINING from Athena!
Athena goes "dad I want my favourite mortal back? Did you forget about him? I think you forgot about him" and Zeus instantly replies "nonsense. How could I have forgotten that funny little mortal? Of course you can have him back my sweet favoured child <3" and then Athena skips off to Ithaca? "Father please-" "LIGHTNING BOLT! ANOTHER LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT TO THE FACE HOW DARE YOU ASK ME OF SUCH A THING!"
Poseidon does a double take "wait they let him go?? Oh hell nah!" and then sends a giant fuck off storm for Odysseus to swim through until he reaches the Phaeacians? No, Poseidon's just been there on Ithaca's shores, waiting for eight years, now get in the water BITCH- except Odysseus is just like "oh yeah? Fucking FIGHT ME"
You thought the suitors in the Odyssey were bad? Jorge really just said "dial that shit up to ELEVEN"
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
Time for me to say ONE LAST THING on all this drama, but it's important to me.
art is a form of therapy
you do not know other people's trauma, and you sure as hell cannot know a person even if they posted everything about themselves on their blog
no one holds the right to say what is valid or invalid
The ACOTAR fandom has an exquisite way of policing trauma as well as character and ship enjoyment. the fans pick and choose who is deserving of community, kinship and basic decency.
I speak a lot about empathy on my blog because I cannot know what a person is going through on the other side of the screen, and though I don't always agree, I have enough decency not to go out and make rules excluding people, insult others, while calling myself a positive space.
Just because your trauma means that you prefer to avoid certain topics or characters does not make anyone else who enjoys said character a bad person. some people, myself included, work through trauma through art.
My writing has saved my life, and the compassion I choose to give to "fictional "abusers (btw, victimhood and abuse does not come in one absolute form and you CAN be both a victim and an abuser with a capacity to change) is intentional. I do not glorify abuse, but I understand that art and humans are nuanced.
I also think it's a real privilege to look at other people's traumas, especially intergenerational trauma which is extremely hard to overcome, and say that 'nah, that person is just an abuser'.
I think it's hypocritical to claim fight against abuse, and fight for victims of abuse while carelessly flinging 'abuse sympathizers' and other insults to people you don't even know.
You realize that's a form of abuse, too? Invalidating, gaslighting, etc.
But thank you, ACOTAR fandom for teaching me:
Thank you for teaching me my trauma is only valid if I act like the way you think a victim should
Thank you for teaching me that I do not deserve respect, even if I take extreme care to create nuanced and emotional art because you don't like the character
Thank you for teaching me that if I face my abusers through art, I, myself am an abuser
Thank you for reassuring me that your fav, who is closer to my abuser almost to a R, deserves redemption because you love him more, and he is more attractive
I have never used my trauma as a credibility card to judge and be dismissive of real people in fandom. If you want to police something, police your fucking content.
People aren't content for you to consume, and vomit your unfiltered opinions on. It's time people remember what community means, which remembers interacting with other people who are not your abusers. Maybe take a second and fucking learn about other perspectives, grow as a person or whatever the fuck you need to be a decent person.
If you plan to reblog this invalidating/arguing what I've said above because blah blah you're still upset about your fav or ship, please take a second to read the post again 'cause you've lost the plot.
Now, I'm done. Peace out ✌️
Additional note: You know what I fucking do with my trauma? I make beautiful shit for everyone to enjoy. You don't don't have to read or care about my stories full of depth and nuance, but if you laugh at my fucking memes that are for EVERYONE and you turn around and shit on people, you suck.
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azaleaniath · 2 years
human tsakarem
summary: after the battle, Parker Selfridge leaves his daughter with the humans that formed an alliance with the Na'vi. She grows up to become a scientist herself and moves to Awa'atlu to keep an eye on Kiri's health. There she meets Ao'nung who can't keep himself from being curious about her.
Tumblr media
includes: guns, foul language, falling in love, insults, lil' dash of angst, arguments, mentions of death, rejection, courting, fluff, reader being a little brat, avatars
word count: 9.9k | SFW
A/N: OMG I've had this idea for a while now. I know some things don't make sense like being able to have a call from earth to pandora but just imagine it ok? Leave your thoughts below! Also if you see typos, blink. U didn't see anything, nuh-uh.
The airship stood ready. Only a few humans were allowed to stay on Pandora and Parker Selfridge wasn't one of them. Neytiri's and Jake's eyes followed him as he stood in line, walking up to the airship with slow steps, his head hung low in shame and guilt. As he passed the couple, Jake had to hold his mate back from scratching his eyes out. It didn't stop Parker from walking up to them, barely finding the confidence to look them in the eyes.
"You know this isn't over?" he mumbled, but Jake didn't say anything. He only gestured him to board the ship. Parker swallowed heavily, turned to leave but ended up facing the tall couple again.
"Sully, I know I cannot ask this of you but... earth is no place for a child to grow up..." his voice was not much more than a whimper. Jake could see his wet eyes through his oxygen mask as he began to shake.
"She's all I have left, she's not responsible for my mistakes. I can't take her back with me, she's still too young for the cryo capsules. She will die, Jake."
For a second, the ex-marine's mask fell. He pursed his lips, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"And you want me to take care of her?" Jake asked while Norm and Max approached as well.
Parker hesitantly nodded with his teeth clenched.
"I beg you..." he whimpered as shameful tears blurred his vision and his shaking intensified.
Neytiri didn't understand much of their conversation, yet she had figured out what he wanted. A man like him had only few to none weaknesses, but his daughter was one of them, probably the only one.
"I can't take her with me..." Parker whispered as more tears filled his eyes. Jake gave his two colleagues a questioning look and they shrugged.
"We're already looking after Miles, a playmate in his age can't hurt his evolution" Norm shrugged and Max copied his expression.
Jake only sighed and even Neytiri calmed down. Even if his daughter was a human, she was innocent. She couldn't hate a baby that had done no harm.
Parker's eyes switched to Norm, his shameful frown turned into a slight smile.
"You would take care of my little girl?" he asked for clarification, and the scientists agreed. What could one more human do after all?
It's been many years since that day where your father departed. He continued to live on earth, the planet that fell apart while you grew up on pandora. The scientists took good care of you even if they sometimes had the urge to simply throw you out into the wilds without your exopack. As you got older, Norm always shook it off as going through puberty while Max insisted on it being the genes of your father. An annoying teenager with a big mouth. A brat. An absolute pain in the ass, as the doctor liked to call it.
"Hey princess~" Miles, better known as Spider, sang from across the room, mocking you with one of the many nicknames your father gave you whenever he called from earth.
You looked up from the table you sat on, dropping the papers you held in one hand.
"Look, it's the monkey boy." you mumbled back unimpressed.
After all these years you had grown up like siblings, living together for all your life, but you wouldn't call him a friend. You two were way too different. Sometimes you even fought because of all the differences between the two of you.
He approached you with a grin, hiding something behind his back.
"I got you something!" Spider exclaimed as he took a seat on the table before you.
"How about you get yourself a detangling brush first?" you lifted one of his dreads with two fingers, dropping them to hit his face while your expression twisted in disgust.
Now it was Spider's turn to roll his eyes. "Good, then I'll keep it."
You crossed your legs and leant back against your chair, holding one hand out to him.
Spider crossed his legs too and dropped something into your hand. As you retrieved your hand you took a close look at the object he had placed in the palm of your hand.
"You gifted me... a piece of wood?"
"That's an arm ring! I've spent weeks carving it, you better be thankful."
With a confused look you tried it on but it slipped up to your elbow right away.
"Bit large, is it?" you scoffed, watching the wooden accessories dangle around your arm, checking how far it went up.
"You made me a collar, dude."
He only huffed and shook his head.
"I know what I made. Just wait, you'll see. Happy birthday you ungrateful brat." While Spider got up and left, probably to see the Sullys, you took a close look at the arm ring until Norm and Max walked in with a tablet.
They were currently on a call, so you didn't bother. Only when you heard your father's voice you sprung up and sprinted over to the two scientists, snatching the device from Norms grip, much to his dislike.
"Daddy?" an excited smile spread over your entire face, "can you hear me?"
You saw his visage on the monitor, he was dressed in one of his button shirts, as usual. Had you ever even seen him in other clothes anyways?
He had a little delay, but as soon as he saw your face in the camera his expression matched yours perfectly.
"Hey, my little princess, I'm sorry I couldn't call you earlier. Happy birthday sweetheart, how is my pretty girl doing?" he asked you as you sat down on your desk, leaning the tablet against a microscope.
You ignored the discussion about your audacious behavior between Max and Norm in the background and focused on the call with your father.
"Well, it would've been better if I would've gotten the cake that I specifically asked for!" The two scientists rolled their eyes as you raised your voice towards the end of your sentence, sending death glares to the two men who still argued how long it would take for Parker to come back to Pandora to kill them if they actually locked you out of the labs without your exopack.
"I'm sorry my dear darling, there must have been a misunderstanding. You'll get your cake, I- wait, what are you wearing, princess? What is that?"
Your father's look was struck with concern as he noticed your cropped tight shirt.
"Oh yeah, I cut it off. It's cool, right?"
You got up and spun around, but Parker only sunk his face into his hands.
"They let you run around like this? And your pants, what's this?"
"These are cargo shorts, dad. Calm down."
"Yeah shorts! They're too short! My princess, please put on some more clothing, will you?"
With a frown you looked down on yourself, not seeing an issue with your outfit.
"Good thing you're gonna have to change soon anyways."
You didn't understand why, until Norm and Max finally walked up to you after calming themselves.
"You know that you haven't been allowed to go to the med station, right? And now I can finally tell you why, my dear. Daddy organized for you to get your own avatar, isn't that cool? You get to connect with it and then you can go out and play!"
"Selfridge, we talked about that. It's dangerous out there, this is no playground." Max interfered, but Parker just shrugged while you squealed and cheered in excitement, clapping your hands while hopping on your chair.
"When do I get to try it out?! Can we go now? I can't wait to get outside without this annoying mask!" you asked Norm and he led the way.
"It's all ready and waiting for you."
You quickly got used to your avatar. The scientists weren't fine with the fact that you went outside in it alone, so you mostly snuck out without their knowledge getting scolded as soon as you returned, also by your father. He wanted you to live a happy and safe life on pandora. Sometimes you went out with Spider or the Sully kids, learning how to hunt and survive, but the Na'vi half breeds didn't take you in like they did with Spider. In the lab, you learned a lot about science. The older scientists taught you everything about all kinds of biological and medical knowledge. Even if you had a big mouth, they could at least work with you, and that made it a lot more bearable for them.
As the Sully's had to flee from their home and Spider was also missing, things changed for everyone. You still stayed in the lab until one day, your godfathers stormed in, telling you to pack up and get everything into the helicopter as soon as possible. He explained on the way to Awa'atlu what had happened and that Kiri needed medical help.
You were in your human body as you landed, jumped out of the helicopter and grabbed your med bag.
Many metkayina had gathered at the shore as the Samson landed. They were visibly terrified of the helicopter and, even more than that, afraid of Max and you since you both were humans.
Jake told his oldest son to keep everyone away while Lo'ak hurried over to you as well.
"Where is she?" you called out loudly, your voice fighting against the noises of the rotors. Lo'ak quickly lead the way, passing through the villagers which gave you all terrified or angry looks. They had been told that you were here to help but that didn't keep them from being frightened and yet curious.
You followed Lo'ak, making your way through the teal skinned giants as quickly as possible. Close to the marui that Kiri layed in someone blocked your path, gazing at you in curiosity. You looked up to the young metkayina man and clicked your tongue.
"Get your blue ass out of my way!" you snarled in perfect Na'vi, much to the boy's surprise. His blue eyes widened as he stared at you completely dumbfounded, jaw dropping as you pushed him away fiercly, leading him to stumble backwards.
His breath hitched at your touch. It was the first time in his life he had ever been in physical contact with a demon. There was something boiling up deep inside of him. No matter how much he wanted to murder those sky people, he was curious about your fierceness. He wanted to know more about you somehow. You were only a tiny little creature from another star and you still didn't seem to be scared of him the slightest. He blinked a few times, being completely perplexed by the fact that you just pushed him off and walked past him, the future olo'eyktan without the slightest bit of respect.
While Neytiri freaked out about her daughter you listened to Lo'ak who explained what had exactly happened to Kiri, so you got everything ready to run a few checks on the unconscious girl.
Soon, Norm in his avatar and Max rushed over too.
"Why did you bring this little missy anyways?! As if she's of any help!"
You heard Jake hiss, his fangs flashing.
"She has learned a lot, Jake. We taught y/n and believe it or not, she knows what she's doing." Norm answered, getting the equipment ready with you and the other scientist.
"Call me missy again and I'll sedate you, Sully." you growled while getting out more utensils from your back.
Jake watched you closely as you measured Kiri's blood pressure.
"Don't forget who I am. Without my father you'd still sit in that silly wheelchair. He payed your blue legs, remember that." you added, your eyes meeting his ones for a moment and he internally swore he'd kill you if you wouldn't be helping his daughter right now.
"Your father might be rich but that's not gonna help you here, so drop that attitude and do your thing!"
You simply rolled your eyes before refocusing on the unconscious Na'vi.
The three of you tried your best until Neytiri finally took matters into her own hands and Ronal, the metkayina tsahik worked her magic.
During that time, you decided to have a talk with Jake and your godfathers.
The problem was that they wanted someone to run test on Kiri regularly now, but they were both needed in the Hallelujah mountains. All eyes landed on you.
"Oh, and how exactly do you plan on doing this, smart heads?" you scoffed, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Max brought up the idea of bringing one of the link shacks over here, together with your avatar so you could take care of Kiri. The decision was made quickly and Jake went to ask Tonowari for green light, dragging you with him.
He led you through the village, the metkayina still stared at you in curiosity and angst. As you stood before the olo'eyktan you greeted him traditionally and in fluent Na'vi.
The tall man eyed you with curiosity as well, but spoke to you soon.
"You're a human tsakarem?" he asked, supporting himself on his staff.
"More or less. I'm a-" you thought about a way to translate it to him in Na'vi, "an explorer, a student. I learned about plants and animals, Na'vi too. I can heal people to a certain point too, yes."
He understood and nodded in silence while he mustered you closely. Next to him, two younger Na'vi appeared, also glancing at you, up and down.
One of them you had seen before, it was the guy that stood in your way earlier. His eyes especially drilled into your body.
The two of you tried to explain to the metkayina why they needed you here and how you had imagined it to work.
After careful consideration he allowed it and granted you to do as planned. It was the first time that their clan collaborated with a human, but if it was needed to ensure Kiri's safety he saw no other option.
During the entire negotiation, Ao'nung had circled you like a predator his prey but you weren't surprised. Bothered? Maybe.
Norm, Max and you went back home only to pack your things, prepare a link shack and bring it over within 24 hours. The three of you set everything up as quickly as you could.
Tonowari and Ronal watched the entire scene. Their daughter Tsireya had helped you carrying a few things into an empty marui where your avatar could rest properly.
Meanwhile their son Ao'nung was rather spooked by you which didn't keep him from annoying you. He stood next to his father but came closer to touch the link share for not much more than a second.
You watched him in confusion. 'As if my link shack is gonna kill him..' you thought and shook your head.
Lo'ak and Neteyam came to help you as well. As the younger brother passed you held him by his arm.
"Don't tell me that's the future olo'eyktan?"
Lo'ak huffed and nodded.
"Already beat him up with Neteyam some weeks ago. He's really a pain in the ass. Almost like you~" he teased.
"Like me?" you repeated in disbelief, raising your eyebrows at his words.
"You're both some offspring of men with influence, have a big mouth and you both have a problem with your attitude."
"One brat is already too much. Please don't befriend him, I can't even take one of you at a time." Neteyam chimed in before Tonowari called you, gesturing you to come closer and you did.
He had chosen his two children to help you get to know these lands better and shared that information with you, much to Ao'nungs disliking while Tsireya hoped to learn from you.
You turned on your heel, an unamused frown showing on your face before you called out to the brothers in english.
"You really had to jinx it, huh?!"
As your eyes wandered over to Tonowari's son, his gaze met yours. He was not happy about his father's decision but the knew that there was no point in arguing to he swallowed his protest and simply clicked his tongue.
Tsireya made her way over to you and kneeled so she was on eye level with you.
"How does this... thing work?" she asked, "what does it do?"
You mustered Tsireya from top to bottom. Even if she was still careful, Lo'ak seemed to be cool with you, and she trusted him.
"Come, come." With one hand you gestured her to follow you in, walking up the bright yellow metal stairs. The noise they made left Tsireyas ears twitching, but that didn't keep her from getting up, touching the iron stairs with her hand first before she followed with feather light steps. You held the door out for her and closed it as soon as she was in the airlock.
She didn't understand what you were doing as she crouched and observed how you pressed a few buttons.
"Don't get scared." you warned her with a monotonous voice. Before she could ask, a weird sound, too loud for her taste, filled the airlock and she could feel a windy breeze all around her body as she covered her ears.
You however took off your mask in relief and shook your hair a few times, taking in a very deep breath.
"Ahhh, this is so much better!" you cheered, running a hand through your hair.
The metkayina girl watched how you dropped yourself in your office chair, legs crossed.
"Look around, but don't touch anything."
The Na'vi did as you told and scanned the entire shack link. It was indeed rather small in here, but that explained why you were in your human body.
As you watched the ocean in the distance you took another deep breath. This was your new working place now. Far away from Max and Norm. From the forest, from everything you had known.
Tsireya was eager to learn from you to share her knowledge with her mother while Ao'nung circled you in silence. He often watched you through the window while you were working and he eventually grew more and more curious about all these devices. And about you too.
You got yourself a petri dish and marked it with a sharpie. Tsireya had brought you some local plants as samples so you could examine them closer. With one hand you adjusted your headphones that you wore during work. The cap of the sharpie was held by your teeth until you put it back onto the marker so it wouldn't dry out.
Once you placed the petri dish onto the table you turned to get yourself another petri dish as you looked up to a teal wall. Ao'nung towered you, blocking your way as he leaned over your shoulder to see what you where doing.
In panic you dropped the sharpie and raised your hands to rip off your headphones, shrieking loudly.
"How the fuck did you get in, idiot?! What are you doing here?!"
Ao'nungs eyes narrowed before he gestured towards the door. Sitting in your chair you were absolutely tiny next to his tall figure. You gulped as he came even closer but only to look past you and onto the table.
"I watched how you always get in. I'm supposed to be looking after you, remember?" he mumbled coldly before he straightened his back, hitting his head on the ceiling, causing the lamps to dangle around.
He hissed before he held his head and his empty gaze turned into a frown.
You clicked your tongue and facepalmed at his clumsiness, but it didn't stop there. As Ao'nung turned around he wiped half of your table with his thick tail, including the petri dish. The sound of glass shattering had you both flinching.
"Hey, careful!" you shouted at the man before he continued to check out the link shack. Your scent filled his airways and his pupils dilated. The sweet smell was everywhere, but apart from your desk it was strongest on your bunk bed and the link unit. With two fingers he poked into the silicone-like bedding of the link unit, slightly disgusted by the feeling. He got closer to the monitor next to it and accidentally turned the machine on with a few touches and presses as he tried to get a feeling for the material.
As soon as you were done cleaning the glass shards off of the floor and sorted the papers, books and other stuff from the desk back to where they belonged you charged after him.
"Stop fucking touching everything, god damn!" you hurried over to the link unit, squeezed yourself past Ao'nung and slammed the big red button to stop the machine from loading.
The boy only grunted and looked around some more, fumbling some objects in curiosity. You took a deep breath before exhaling with a loud frustrated yell, yet you silenced yourself as you heard your tablet ringing.
Too bad that Ao'nung stood closer to the device and grabbed it at the wierd noises it made. The screen showed something he couldn't read and two big circles.
"No, Ao'nung, you give me that right now! I swear if you press the green button-"
Before you could end the sentence he had done exactly what you told him not to do, just to see what would happen. There must have been a reason for your pale face as soon as the tablet made these alarming noises.
"Hey my pretty- y/n? Y/n?! Who is this, where is my daughter?!"
Ao'nung watched the tiny human that showed up on the display closely, baring his teeth at his foreign language and his aggressive tone.
"Dad, don't worry, I can hear you, I'm all good."
"Who is this savage!? What is he doing in your link shack, princess!?" Ao'nungs tail whipped angrily as your father got louder.
"He's a mess, daddy, that's what he is. Can you hang up and I call you back later?" you groaned as the metkayina boy growled, his fangs peeking out from between his lips more. Parker was completely confused what this indigenous boy did in your link shack and why he could only hear you but not see you.
"Are you alright? My sweetheart, please don't tell me you found yourself one of these indigenous monkeys!?"
Instantly you felt your face heating up at his words.
"Dad, no- what? No, he's supposed to be teaching me but right now he's just turning my shack upside down- I'll call you later, it's a long story. Can you please hang up? I can't reach my tablet cause this dumbass took it!"
The metkayina only growled louder and puffed his chest, tapping around on the screen wildly and ended the call accidentally. It probably was better anyway.
"Who is this demon?!He's not one of your people, is he?" he barked and dropped the device, you caught it in the last second before it could fall onto the ground.
As soon as you put the tablet away you grabbed the end of Ao'nungs queue and dragged him towards the airlock with all your force. He hissed in pain but gave in. Once you had gotten him into the airlock you sprinted back in and barricaded the metal door as quickly as you could. With one arm you supported yourself against your desk, panting quietly.
"Get out right now! You've messed up enough, idiot!" Ao'nung sent a deadly gaze through the window, still growling in fury. His ears tilted flat against his head and he turned on his heel and left in frustration. You held your forehead with one hand and sunk your face into your palm.
'Great... How do I explain this to my dad.."
Ao'nung wasn't allowed to get into your shack ever since. Tsireya on the other hand came around often, sometimes even for hours. You learned from each other, about the local plants and animals. Both of you were fascinated with the knowledge of each other and you took notes about everything, sometimes with Norm on the line to exchange some informations directly. You checked on Kiri every now and then, taking her blood tests and scans as Max had taught you.
Sometimes your father called too, to see how you were doing.
"You're telling me that Spellman and Dr. Patel took your link shack and avatar to an island far away to study there and take care of Augustine's daughter?!" Everytime you remembered his words, you pursed your lips and facepalmed yourself mentally. At least all of this left you with more freedom since you could come and go home whenever you wanted and work until the early morning without the scientists scolding you.
You walked through the village with a few leafs you had collected for research, passing your avatar's marui in the village. For a second you froze as you heard a familiar voice from inside.
"What is this?" you heard Ao'nung mumble, so you decided to take a peek in. He crouched next to your avatar and examined it closely. He held your arm up to check your hand closely. "Four fingers and a thumb, like the Sullys..."he mumbled to himself and compared your hand to his own. With crossed arms you watched him mustering your body curiously, fumbling with your tail.
"Baby tail..." he huffed, shaking his head with a grin that was hidden to you since you faced his back.
This was your chance.
Silently stepping backwards until you were out of range you turned around and sprinted to your link shack.
He lifted one of your avatar's lids. Yellow irises, like he had expected. As he let go, he noticed that your eye stayed open. "Oh, shit!" he whispered in panic, carefully trying to lower your lid. Both of his hands were held up and he prayed that he didn't break anything. A cold shower ran down his back, hoping that your eye stayed close.
He was about to run off quickly but you were quicker and ripped both eyes open, grabbing his wrists tight.
Ao'nung screamed, eyes wide open himself. As he tried to pull his arms away he lost his balance and fell onto his back. Once you let go of him he crawled as far away as possible until his back met the wall of your marui.
He felt a drop of sweat rolling down his forehead while his chest was heaving, jaw to the floor.
You sat up, unable to hold your laugh at his ridiculous look.
"You-" some more laughs escaped yoir lips, "you should see yourself!"
Ao'nung wasn't amused at all. He tried to calm and collect himself, returning to his usual cold gaze before he simply got up and left. Still laughing out loudly until your belly ached you followed him to the shore.
"Very funny, y/n." his eyes rolled at his own words.
"Why didn't you just tell me you wanted to see me in my avatar?" you giggled, holding one hand on your belly, but Ao'nung didn't even look at you.
"How could I? You locked me out of your demon box."
"Demon box?" you repeated in amusement, "more like 'your rage room'"
He had never heard that before but it was pretty self explanatory, even to him. With a loud call he had an ilu coming his way and he signalled you to get closer.
"My turn to have fun. Get on."
You huffed as the ilu rose it's head out of water, greeting you with a few fin slaps on the surface.
The look on his face told you that he wasn't joking around.
"I've never done this-"
"I know. But you are here to learn, so get on."
As the lesson ended, Ao'nung was indeed the one to laugh, much to your dislike. Yet it had fascinated you to learn about Awa'atlu. The animals, the ocean, the metkayina culture and also about Ao'nung. There was something about him that worked like a magnet on you.
As the weeks and months went by in no time, you found yourself spending a lot of time with him as well. He thought that, in your human form at least, he was always five steps ahead of you, but your big mouth and attitude easily kept up with his despite being half his size.
Like every day you sat on your desk, examining more plants. Ao'nung had gathered them at the bottom of the reef for you since he could hold his breath longer than you.
It was a pretty wholesome gesture. It felt like getting a bouquet of flowers. Many times you had woken up to some new samples in the airlock of your shack, but he was too proud to tell you that he had brought them. His sister on the other hand had shared this information with you.
A loud knock made you straighten your back and look to the door. Ao'nungs face was showing through the window next to the airlock, so you raised your hands and shoulders as to ask what he wanted. He pointed at a fish he held, so you decided to roll your chair back and grabbed your exopack to meet him outside.
Being the impatient brat he was, he opened the outer door and stepped into the airlock.
"You're not getting in here ever again!" you called out and gestured him to get back out, but he didn't listen. He pressed a button to his right which filled the small cabin with oxygen and opened the inner door.
"What did I tell you about my shack?!" you barked and blocked his way with the door and your petite body.
"Let me in."
You leaned against the door as he tried to push it open, but it didn't help much, you had no chance against him.
"I'm not touching anything."
"You better not, moron."
With that you closed the door behind him and walked over to your medical equipment, loading a tranquilizer gun, just in case. You quickly wrapped the belt with the gun holster around your waist, closing the buckle on the side.
Ao'nung placed the fish on a metal table on a corner as you turned back to him.
"My sister, uhm... she told me to bring you this." he muttered, scratching his neck with one hand, looking around to ensure he wasn't touching anything again.
"Your sister?" your brows furrowed with a sceptical look on your visage. "I didn't know she goes hunting too?"
"She doesn't but... i think she said she got it from one of the hunters."
Lying wasn't his stronghold.
You leaned against your desk and looked back to the bright colored fish before the corners of your lips curled up and your eyes softened.
"Then tell this random hunter that I am forever thankful for this rare, exquisite sample."
Ao'nungs eyes were gleaming in happiness, no matter how hard he tried to play it cool. His wagging tail betrayed him.
"This is the first time i get to see this species with my own eyes. Whoever caught it must me a mighty hunter. Well, too bad it wasn't you." you grinned, then crossed your arms.
Ao'nungs ears turned to you with his mouth agape before his eyes narrowed again.
"As if I care that much about you."
Awkward silence fell upon the two of you as you observed each other closely. In order to change the subject the young man cleared his throat, looking around your shack.
"What were you doing there?"
He pointed at the microscope and leaned in a bit, supporting himself on his knees. As you looked down to the desk you decided to take a seat, then waved him over to you. Ao'nung came closer and looked at the microscope as you leaned against the lenses, correcting the settings so the blurry image became clear.
You retreated and leant back into the chair, pulling the tranquilizer gun from it's holster.
"Look through here. But don't touch anything or I'll shoot a dart into your blue ass that will put you to sleep within seconds, you get that into your smooth brain?"
Ao'nungs eyes widened as you held the gun up to him, so he lifted his hands to his shoulders as if he would surrender.
He did as you told him to, examined the piece of tissue with an open mouth.
"What is that?" he mumbled, observing the structure of the cells he could see for the first time in his life.
"We call it microscope. Anything looks thousands of times bigger under there. I'm sure I could almost see your brain with that thing." you huffed, lowering the gun a bit as you noticed Ao'nung holding still and completely losing himself in the complex cell pattern.
He stared for quite a while before you got another sample from the fridge and switched the glass slides.
"These are the corals that someone got me two days ago."
He carefully supported his hands on the desk and you could see him smile at your words. Over the next thirty minutes you showed him some of the rarest and most unique samples you had collected over the last months. Neither of you would've thought that this actually interested him. Or was he just interested in what you were doing? Ao'nung himself couldn't tell.
"These look incredible..." he mumbled as you showed him the tissue he had gathered from an akula. How had he even done this? Nobody but him knew.
"The rich and wealthy demon brat actually has something interesting to show, huh?" he mocked and moved away from the microscope to which you only smirked and held the gun up to his neck for a second before lowering it again with a quiet laugh.
Your mind wandered off for a moment, forehead creasing at your thoughts.
"Why did you feel the need to disobey my orders and come in here?"
You asked, to which his expression softened for a second.
"I can't take you seriously with that weird mask. Looks stupid on you."
You couldn't help but frown, before he added something that actually caught you offguard.
"I prefer to see your full face like this."
A lump was stuck in your throat. It was the first time the na'vi actually made you an honest compliment.
"Ao'nung..." you mumbled in mental absence, your eyes fell on his lips for a second and he noticed, his ears tilted and his tail whipped around once. Luckily it only hit the underside of the table, which ripped you out of your trance for a moment.
"Wow, who could've guessed you can actually be nice, Ao'nung."
He didn't know what to say or do in this situation since his words surprised himself. Never had he thought he would grow fond of a human, not to talk about a human that aimed a tranquilizer gun at him.
You noticed how his chest was already starting to heave. All this time in here he had only breathed oxygen. Of course his lungs were well trained but he still started to struggle due to the adrenaline rushing through him. You too felt your heart pounding in your chest, up to your throat.
"Actually, no. You still look ridiculous, even without the mask." With that his usual expression returned. He'd rather tease you than to be in this weird situation and admit that you were on his mind constantly.
You stood up from the chair and tried to make yourself as tall as possible before him, gun in hand.
"pretty brave words for a fish face, now get out of my lab before I send you to earth."
Ao'nung held his promise and came by the next day, and the next, and it repeated itself every day for months. He had gotten you more fishes, grasses, shells, crustaceans and flowers. You didn't even know where to put them, but it had turned in some kind of ritual. Anything he found he brought to you, and now that he was even allowed in your shack again you often found a bunch of collected goods from all around, also his mother's ointments at your desk.
Sometimes you even woke up to him kneeling in front of the microscope, inspecting your samples or watching and listening to your video logs, even if he didn't understand your mother language. Who could've thought he'd get so obsessed with your work?
By now he had gotten familiar with your devices ans spent so much time around that he had to wear a mask as well for a few deep breaths here and there, that was all he needed.
As you got out of your bed and walked over to the young man he was already crouching in front of the desk, looking through the microscope.
"Don't you have to complete your iknimaya, smooth brain?" you asked mockingly while fixing your hair.
Aonung looked over to you with a cocky grin.
"Right, other than you I don't inherit my wealth, I work for it."
"Says the clan leader's son." you huffed with rolling eyes.
Ao'nung copied your expression before looking back to through the lenses.
"Ao'nung, can we talk?"
He didn't like the sound of your voice. His stomach turned at what you had just said, ears flat against his head.
As he looked up to you with narrowed eyes he could feel his heart rate quicken.
With one hand you flipped a switch on the microscope and turned it off before you took a deep breath.
"See, I'm happy you're helping me. Without you I would've never gotten all these informations, but it's getting... out of hand. It's too much. I have no storage space for all the samples you're bringing me. I appreciate it but please, tone that down."
Something about him visibly changed. His look turned all serious, a hint of disappointment reflected in his blue eyes.
"I understand..." he mumbled in a cracking voice once the big lump was gulped down, after which he got up and left your lab without another word. His head hung low as he dragged himself out and away, not looking back once.
You had expected it to be an unpleasant conversation, but Ao'nung acted as if you had just filed for divorce.
You quickly got into your avatar and went out to look for him, but he was nowhere to be found. As Tsireya and Lo'ak saw you searching for her brother they walked up to you, asking if you needed help and you quickly explained the situation.
Lo'ak earned a smack against his stomach as he huffed while you didn't understand what was happening.
She lead you into the marui she shared with her family as they where all gone. Lo'ak followed you and sat down with the two of you.
Tsireya didn't know how to say it or even where to start to Lo'ak took it into his own hands.
"You said you told him that you didn't want his gifts?"
You sighed and shook your head.
"I told him it's... too much. I don't know where to put all these things."
The girl took a deep breath and took your nervous hands into her own ones.
"You're not really that much acquainted with... courting rituals, are you?"
Her question had you blush slightly, cheeks tinted in a violet veil. A few blinks later you stammered a needlessly long version of a no, so she shifted her position a bit, trying to find the right words.
"So, if a male Na'vi is interested in a female, he goes hunting for her and brings her food. Now, since you're mostly in your human body and most things are inedible for your kind, i think he brought you some other rare things you value."
Speechless as you where you only continued to blink in silence, nervously biting onto your lower lip.
"He's trying to court you and rejecting his gifts, it's pretty bad. Ao'nung got himself into a lot of trouble for all the things he brought you, even father has argued with him already. But he took your words as a rejection, which in our culture translates to 'I don't value your life'. It's almost as bad as mating with someone else."
Now it all made sense.
You couldn't say anything for what felt like an eternity.
The inner corners of your eyes began to burn and soon, your vision blurred.
"Hey, you couldn't know, it's alright." Loak mumbled, placing a hand on your shoulder. Neither you nor him knew that you could be so weak and it was the first time that you felt this stinging pain in your chest. It hurt, but you were sure that Ao'nung was feeling much worse.
"We need to find him." Tsireya mumbled and got up, gathering a few friends to look for her brother before anything could happen to him.
It was already past eclipse and Ao'nung still wasn't back. Slowly but surely you got seriously worried about him. His friends had lead the party of you all to a few spots he liked to hang out at, but he was nowhere to be found.
Even his father helped searching eventually. As you paired up with him you apologized to the olo'eyktan for causing this trouble, but he wasn't mad at you the slightest. He knew that his son had never shown interest in anyone. He had rejected many pretty young women in the clan before, but you where the first one to -accidentally- reject him. In fact, he was happy to see him spending time with you after all. Ao'nung seemed to warm up a bit since he visited you on a daily basis and he eargerly talked about the things that he had learned from a human tsakarem. That was what they referred to you, as the clan leader had told you.
As you came back to the village empty handed you apologized to Tonowari once again for causing all this trouble. Your heart still ached in regret. Why hadn't you thought about these cultural differences before?
Your attention quickly got drawn to a few calls and cheers from the villagers and you quickly sprinted over to the gathered people. Making your way through them, your eyes landed on Ao'nung. His head was hanging low, his eyes were puffy and reddened.
You called out for him in relief, but he didn't look at you. He couldn't. His heart was still aching terribly. He was utterly disappointed and devastated.
Instead of looking at you he quickly turned away and walked home.
"I'll talk to him." Tonowari offered with a hopeful smile that settled the storm inside of you at least to a certain point.
The following day you did not wake up to any samples. No gifts and no Ao'nung.
It felt like something was missing.
You couldn't help but feel empty. All the money and the power you had always relied on had lost all it's worth. You remembered the day Spider had gifted you the carved arm ring he had made for your avatar.
"Happy birthday you ungrateful brat." you remembered his words exactly. He was right. You had been ungrateful, until you met Ao'nung. He had literally gifted you grass, rocks, leaves and it always made you smile from ear to ear.
Without him, work wasn't half as much fun.
He wasn't even watching you through the window anymore but instead tried to distract himself with hunting and preparing for his iknimaya.
You had told Max and Norm about it as well and they could tell that something about you, no, a lot about you had changed. You trained to become a real scientist and on top of that, you slowly became an adult. It was the right decision they had sent you here, even though these lonely days turned into weeks and by now, you couldn't even tell how long it was, but a long time passed in which you and Ao'nung did not speak one word.
Your head rose quickly as you heard heavy footsteps coming up the metal stairs. You couldn't believe your eyes as you saw Ao'nung coming through the airlock without a word. The look on his face concerned you, no matter how happy you were that he had returned to you.
"I knew you'd come back, all men do." you grinned in order to get him to tease you back like he always did, but he only grunted and sat down in a corner, in silence.
He just came back here after all this time and acted so weird all of a sudden. First he was spooked by you, then he liked you, tried to court you, ignored you and now he just came here without saying a word?
Confurion grew inside of you as he didn't respond to your teasing but only dropped himself into a corner, back hitting against the wall with his head back.
The your face relaxed a bit as you mustered him. He only closed his eyes and supported his hands on his shaking knees.
"Ao'nung? Are you okay?"
Still, he didn't respond.
His expression twisted at your voice as if his head was aching, and it did.
You swallowed before you walked over to him.
"Want me to sit with you?" This time your voice was a bit more quiet. The metkayina exhaled heavily and patted the floor next to him so you decided you sit next to him, legs crossed.
A good while passed like this. Just sitting next to each other in silence.
As you turned your head up to him he didn't react either.
"Ao'nung, what I did, I didn't mean-"
"Don't." he interrupted, raising a hand to signal you to stop talking.
"I don't want to hear a word about this stupid topic."
His voice was not much more than a breath and it seemed that these words weren't rolling off his tongue that easily.
"Your father..." he started after a long time, "he is... some kind of leader, right?"
As an answer you nodded slowly, so he asked another question.
"Does he have high expectations from you?"
A hard question.
"Well, in some kind. He doesn't like that I live amongst your race. He'd rather see me working for RDA. Wear fancy clothes and sit neatly at my desk, filling out confusing papers with overpriced pens, being the face of a huge company, ordering people around."
Ao'nung huffed, a slight smile crawled up on his face.
"Maybe we have more in common than you think..." he murmured under his breath, but in this silence his voice was still pretty audible.
"Did you have a fight with your father again?"
"Why do you think im here, the only place he never visits?"
You couldn't help but fake a mad expression.
"So my lab is only some hiding place for you, huh?"
As soon as your sentence had ended, he carefully poked his elbow into your arm and the smile on his face widened.
Again, silence fell upon you two.
After some deep breaths, the young man's voice disturbed this silence once more.
"I like being here. It's...calm."
"Yeah, if you don't run around like a wild thanator."
His ears turned at you remark and soon you felt his hand smacking your knee, causing a synched huff from both of you.
"You're not attempting to walk the path your father wants you to take, do you?" Ao'nung asked.
"Of course not. I think everybody should do whatever makes them happy. Fuck the 'rules', there are none. Only one self can decide what they want to do. That counts you in, smooth brain."
A warm smile appeared on his face, his eyes glistened with something you had never seen before. In your words he had found new hope. He was more motivated than ever to follow his heart, no matter what his parents said. He allowed himself to dream for a moment, to imagine what gteat things the future could hold for him and you.
Instead of spending most time in the shack you went to the village more often, adapting to the other na'vi and also the sea creatures. By now, Ao'nung had properly taught you how to ride an ilu and even introduced you to his spirit brother tulkun. You learned more about the sign language, about swimming and hunting, about their sacred rituals and everything these people had to offer.
During the day the young man rarely left your side. While hunting he always looked out for you. You enjoyed your life, and you wouldn't trade it against anything. Yet you had to return to your cabin every night. It was exhausting to switch between the two bodies, so you made a decision.
"I want you to transfer my soul into my avatar."
Ronal couldn't believe her ears. Ao'nung dropped his bowl of food instantly and stared at you with huge eyes. Tsireya was looking for words, and even Tonowari was completely speechless.
"Say that again." the tsahik whispered in disbelief, so you repeated "I want you to transfer my soul into my avatar. My conciousness, my spirit, however you might call it."
The tsahik looked towards her husband, shaking her head slowly.
"You can't be serious?!" Ao'nung blurted out while Tsireya still tried to process what you had just exclaimed while having dinner with them.
"Sully managed so I can do it too." Your voice was all calm since you had pondered this idea for some time already. Then you wouldn't have to run around with your exopack anymore and you could live amongst the metkayina. Become one of them. Finally have a place where you belonged to and the freedom to find a man.
The son stormed over to you and shook your shoulders as if he was trying to wake you up from a fever dream.
"This is dangerous! You might die!"
"Guess what smooth brain, i'm a scientist, I know."
Tonowari tapped the tips of his fingers together slowly, repeating your words in your head.
"Why would you want this?!" Ao'nungs face was on the thin line between angst and fury.
"What about your work, your lab, your father?!"
"It is what I want. I alone have the right to make this choice. It's stressful to switch and my human body is just not suited for this world. And since i don't intend to return to earth, I might as well become one of you."
Ao'nung pulled you up to your feet and dragged your avatar out of his family's marui in order to talk to you alone.
As soon as there was enough distance he faced you, grabbing your head with both hands. You whined at his unpleasant touch, but he couldn't help himself. His blue eyes darted straight into your golden ones, lips trembling, his entire body shaking in frustration.
"Why the hell do you want to do this?! What if you die?!" He spat with wild eyes.
"Then you better make sure to bring the prettiest flowers to my grave or I might haunt you. And visit me at the spirit tree-"
"You think this is funny?!"
You had never seen him in this state of fury but you had expected such reaction.
"Ao'nung, it's my life and my choice. You can't stop me."
He couldn't believe how by eywa you could stay so calm. His chest was heaving, blood ferociously rushing through his veins.
"This is madness, y/n!"
"I am a human in an incubated na'vi halfbreed body on a planet somewhere far away from earth where people and animals can literally connect their nerves to each other and you're telling me this is madness?"
He didn't know it was even possible but he got even more frustrated and enraged.
"For what reason y/n, what's it worth to put yourself through this?!"
Your face softened, lips forming a sweet smile as you stared into his bitter eyes.
Ao'nung swallowed hardly and his tilted ears stood up for a second. All his anger had dissolved, but only for a brief moment before he turned bitter again.
"Y/N... you can't be serious."
"Of course I am. Tsireya told be that you had some arguments with your parents about me. That you can't choose me as a woman. Don't you want to be with me? You must've thought about it as w-"
"Shut up." He growled.
His hands let go of you abruptly. He couldn't look you in the eyes for much longer, it pained him to see you as his thoughts formed into words.
"Of course I did. I dreamed about this for so long, but that's all it will ever be. A dream."
His words tore your heart into pieces, shattering all the pictures you had already painted out. Your breath hitched and you pulled both hands up to your chest.
"You know that this is not true. We can find a way-" you whispered into the air before he interrupted.
"Your 'way' is not an option. Which means there is no way."
Ao'nung took a deep breath and walked a few steps, only to come back to you.
"I'm not discussing my choice with you. I will talk about this with the tsahik." You mumbled quietly.
"If the great mother would've wanted you to be one of us she would have made you one of us!" his words were so loud that the distance between you and his family's marui didn't matter anymore. The entire village had probably hears him screaming into the night.
You slowly shook your head as he was done yelling.
"If the great mother doesn't want me to be one of you, she will let me feel that. You are not tsahik."
"Right, I'm the future oloeyktan! You should obey to what I say!"
He tried to calm himself but failed miserably. His fangs were bared, ears flicking angrily and his tail whipped around in fury.
"I thought you wanted to be more than a status..."
Here you ended the conversation and parted ways with him for today.
History repeated itself. Some days of not talking to each other at all followed, as well as him showing up to your shack.
He didn't apologize for his words, he simply walked in and sat down the same spot as always. Nothing in this village happened without his knowledge so he was already aware that you had talked to his mother and after a long consideration and deep talks with her husband she had agreed to your request. The ceremony was supposed to happen tonight so you had cleaned out your lab as you wouldn't be using it as much anymore.
You had called your father so he could see you one last time. He did everything but approve.
"Don't you dare! I will not allow this, are you mad?! What weird stuff did you smoke out there? These freaks clouded you brain! Don't tell me you're doing this for this boy?"
His words meant nothing to you. Either he accepted or not, but it didn't change your mind one bit.
"You really want to do this?" Ao'nung mumbled while you leaned against your desk, arms crossed.
"I will do this."
"You're pretty dumb for being such a smart girl, you know that?"
You only huffed and relaxed your arms before Ao'nung got up onto his feet again and made his way over to you. Both of his hands gripped around your waist and lifted you up to sit on the desk.
Your breath hitched at his actions and you couldn't help but blush madly. Not just your face but your entire body heated up as the metkayina came dangerously close to you, cupping your face with gentle hands unlike last time.
His blue eyes stared right into your soul before they fell onto your soft lips.
"Once the ritual starts, there is no return. Either your soul will transfer or..."
"Ao'nung, I will make it. Then I am one of your people." you flashed a wide smile at him.
"You are not just going to be one of us, y/n. You will also be mine."
He decided to waste no more time talking and let his actions speak, crashing his lips on top of yours. Instantly melting into the kiss you threw your arms around his neck, feeling your stomach toss and turn while he closed the gap between himself and your petite body completely, holding you close to his bare torso.
Both of you had longed for this for what felt like an eternity. In you he had found someone so different and yet so similar. No matter what you did, you fascinated him in every way. You actually managed to handle his ego and his rough personality, but he could also be vulnerable around you.
Ao'nung himself had carried your human body towards the cove of ancestors on his ilu where the ritual was taking place. He was praying to eywa that you would return from the eye of the great mother. Max and Norm had also shown up to the ritual, the Sully's too as well as the metkayina. Ronal and Tonowari stood next to each other, their daughter Tsireya right by their side as the ceremony was prepared.
The young man placed a last kiss onto your head before he had to let go of you and leave to the depths of the water as the spirit tree grasped out to you with it's strings, pulling you below the water surface until they were wrapped all around your body and your entire vision went black. All sounds were silenced.
No words were able to describe what you went through. What felt like an eternity probably went by in the shortest time before you were able to open your eyes again. A familiar face was right in front of you, holding your cheeks carefully. As soon as you detached from the spirit tree, you felt a pair of strong arms help you back up to the surface where you coughed out some swallowed water.
Before looking down on your own body your golden eyes searched for your human form which was completely covered from all these watchful eyes, deep below the surface. People cheered as your arms fell around the metkayina boy in front of you who pressed your dripping body against his shaking self. Some hysterical laughs escaped from both of you as you realized that the ritual had worked. Your chest was heaving in the tight embrace with the boy. His hands wrapped around your body as if he never wanted to let go of you again.
He pressed his relieved smile into your shoulder, still breathing out a few huffs in disbelief. As he felt your strong heartbeat, his own heart was pounding in excitement. Both your hands reached around his head only to pull him away from your shoulder gently to take a look at his visage. You got lost in each other's eyes, surrounded by luminous freckles all over your faces.
His thumbs traced over your blushed violet cheeks before you pressed your forehead to his.
"I see you, ma y/n." he whispered quietly and full of love.
"I see you, mao'nung."
taglist: @luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art @lovekeeho
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veetyuh · 10 months
I'm reminded of that "antishipping isn't purity culture because it isn't conservative christianity" post... And I think I've done some unpacking on why it triggers me so much.
I was an intersex child shoved into the role of a female, in a rural & conservative Christian environment. I've had not just purity culture shoved down my throat, but also the shame of not being able to meet the expectations put on women in that environment.
It's not just cover up, slut. That implies I had something to show off, to begin with. And men still want to ogle you and imagine what your body is like beneath that modest dress. So here, literal child. Have this shapewear to make your figure conform to that of a developing middle school female's under your clothes.
It's contradictory that way. You have to try to be unappealing to not 'tempt' men, but you still need to be appealing in the sense of conventional female attractiveness. Moreover, you must not think about men or sex at all. But you cannot be asexual — your parents demand grandchildren.
Antis do the same with their queer representation. It's the same contradictory expectations... They champion the idea of breaking societal norms through queerness (i.e. the idea of 'queer as in fuck you'), then demand that every nuclear family norm be met. Queer characters must be disruptive without actually disrupting anything. And the contradictions apply to fans, too — you're homophobic if you don't like a canon queer ship, and you're fetishistic if you like queer ships too much. (There are more, but I'd be stuck here forever if I listed them all. 😅)
There's also the obvious — fictional sins being as bad as things done in real life. There's Matthew 5, which includes so many popular verses about thought control that Christians use, and equates bad thought to bad doing.
27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
And fuck if antis aren't cutting off their entire goddamn arm and gouging out both eyes.
It's not just purity culture they embody, though — it's the satanic panic, too. Good lord the amount of times my grandma wouldn't let me watch Ghost Hunters because she thought I was welcoming demons into the home, or her concern for me watching horror movies because I'd surely become more violent. It's the same shit, different horse.
On a more light-hearted note, they play the same game that Christian demoninations do, too. I was Baptist, and considered the Methodists okay. But the Catholics? No, keep that shit away from me. Why are you worshipping Mary? That's idolatry! How horrible, to openly spit in God's face. When I read antis' DNI lists rattling off forbidden, unredeemable fandoms, it feels the same way, haha.
But what really seals the deal for me is how they smile in your face and promise they're just looking out for you. Christians do that, too. "We want you to get better. We want to help you. You're on a dark path." While they break your bones to force you into their mold. You may not be hurting anyone on your dark path, but they'll convince you that you ARE. You're hurting yourself "spiritually," you're hurting the community, your family, by being an abomination to God. You're hurting everyone and yourself, you just need us to help you realize it. Antis feel the exact same. I block them pre-emptively because I cannot handle having that shit directed at me again.
Moreover, their insults feel the same. The childish "icky," the ad hominems. It's too reminiscent for me. Of my mom hating my icky facial hair and my classmates making fun of my masc traits when they thought I couldn't hear; you are a gross person!!1! Ew!!!
It's funny that antis are so often anti-kink, considering they're so fucking intent on giving me a golden shower and telling me it's rain. I hope they're careful not to choke on the homophobic, pedophilic pastor cock they're sucking.
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lakesbian · 1 year
alright this one is getting its own post instead of a reblog on a post that is Entirely Not About That. presenting the 'what if we put amy and alec in a room together' manifesto because the thing is that it is interesting but not in the way amy/alec shippers think
Amy shook her head, talking over her, “She’s always been emotional, passionate, unrestrained, and she’s channeling all this new emotion into hate, because it’s the closest equivalent.” “New emotion?” Regent asked.  “You mean you mindraped her.” Amy looked like she’d been slapped across the face.  I wasn’t surprised, but hearing it said out loud was unsettling.
“Nice,” Regent said.  “She could be a human-spider hybrid.  Add some insult to injury with the mindrape thing.” I could see Amy tense.
it is relevant to his character that he's the first person to cut through amy's euphemisms (and everyone else's avoidance of saying the unsettling part out loud) and outright say "you mindraped her." he calls the euphemistic language out and then intentionally repeats it a second time for no other reason than to bug her about it. it's vaguely reminiscent of something he says to sophia during his interlude:
“You and I are more alike than you’d suspect, I think,” he said. “We’re both arrogant assholes, yeah?  Difference is, I admit it, I don’t dress it up and tell myself that I’m a bitch and that that’s a good thing.”  He burned Emma’s face out of another photo.
he has a repeated habit of making people uncomfortable by calling something out for exactly what it is, whether it be "yeah sure cape groupies, my dad's girls, people i used my power on towards the end" or "you mean you mindraped her." he's desensitized enough to really all forms of violence to be unbothered by committing or witnessing them, but he seems to harbor a genuine pet peeve for people who obscure or unreasonably justify what they're actually doing. as uncomfortable as he can make taylor, it's often not that he's doing things worse than the other undersiders, but that he's the person most willing to openly admit what he's doing--or to pettily call out what someone else is doing.
i think it more or less boils down to the fact that he's never gotten to be the person on the peripherals of violence making up neat and tidy ways to talk about it: he spent his entire childhood being hurt in every way imaginable & being coerced into doing the same to others. i think it left him with a sort of genuine distaste for being expected to talk in circles around the viscerally awful things he had done to him or did to others, and subsequently, for people who have done similar things but can't fucking fess up to the reality of it. it's like he's been walking around his entire life just absolutely drenched in blood, witnessing so much else get covered in it, and he's starting to get legitimately bothered over people standing around twiddling their thumbs and pretending it's red paint. he knows it's blood. he's been tasting it since he was 6. he would really like if everyone else could also grow up and admit it's fucking blood.
it's always funny to me that amy/alec shipping is, like, a Thing--a niche thing, but a Thing, because i could not think of a rapist more hand-crafted to piss amy dallon off than alec vasil. he cannot go Three seconds in her presence without going "oh you raped her? you mean you raped her? with your mind? like she doesn't just have new feelings you specifically mean you mindraped her?"
she, on some level, views herself as someone who did harm because she's irrevocably, ontologically evil, and is sort of desperately obsessed with minimalizing or half-justifying her actions to herself so that she can avoid recognizing that she feels like she can't be better. she's clinging to the idea that she can be "redeemed" if she does something of equal measure in the opposite direction (e.g 'spending the rest of her life healing people' as she mentions), but because she can't even directly acknowledge how bad her actions actually were without crumbling under the weight of the idea that she's doomed to be that bad, she's fundamentally incapable of looking directly at what she did at this point in the story.
alec, on the other hand, is really fucking upfront and fairly objective about his actions--he never ties them into some Inarguable Truth About His Soul, and he's pretty honest about whether or not he thinks they're justifiable. in 14.1, he has this dialogue with cherie:
“When daddy had you practicing your powers, you ‘hijacked’ a few people at a time, used their bodies to get high with no consequences for you, you threw orgies for yourself…” “Again.  I was a kid.”
but despite the fact that sophia is, on some level, justified in his mind by his "eye for an eye, this is a favor for taylor" rhetoric--he's fine with admitting that he's also just doing it because, yeah, he's an arrogant asshole and he feels like it. some of it was because he was a kid being groomed, and some of it was because He Felt Like It.*
*sure, he only Felt Like It because he has a comically large cocktail of unpacked psychological issues--but he doesn't know that, he just knows he felt like it.
in other words, he doesn't subscribe to the idea that any of his actions are, like, Ontologically Predetermined By His Inner Being or even necessarily all related. he's like the fuckin' "might do it again, prolly not" dude from the sex offender shuffle. okay, sorry for saying that in my seriouspost. but his philosophies would clash hilariously badly with amy--he insists on accepting his own & others actions for exactly what they are, he's generally very invested in not being his father (being asked if he intends to turn out like his dad is one of the only times something briefly upsets him), and he's actually doing pretty okay at that. he's like...shockingly well-adjusted given the circumstances. his entire arc is more or less a slow upward climb.
i think having to be around someone who both believes and would outright admit "yeah i raped people, no i dunno if i feel that bad, no i'm not raking myself over the coals for it, yeah some of it was because i was a kid, yeah some of the other stuff wasn't, no i'm not Predestined To Suck," would like. clash with her beliefs abt 'ontologically evil' being a real thing, abt punishment as justice, etc. in a way that would really bother her. she spends a lot of her time in her head trying to twist things around until they feel salvageable to her, but alec is 0 amount concerned with rationalizing to make him feel alright--he just does things, some bad, most shitty attempts to be better.
it's, funnily enough, far more functional for improving than what amy has going on--he operates on material actions as opposed to her Self-Flagellating Thought Labyrinths, and the fact that he's busier moving on from things he can't materially change than he is kicking himself in the face means he can actually achieve some form of progress towards more functional approaches wrt human interaction. i think if amy had an extended conversation w/ him about the subject, she'd both be disgusted with him for not thinking thoughtcrime is real and deeply resentful that this fellow ontologically evil villain is doing better at moving forwards as a person than her despite not 24/7 flagellating himself + yearning for "redemption" like she is. it'd throw a disturbingly large wrench in her worldview, and she would not be happy about it.
oh, and alec would think she's weird and mopey and dumb and annoying and "why do it if you can't even admit it." and he would probably tell her as much. which is the point where i unlock the door to the room so alec can sprint out to escape amy's attempt to put tastebuds on his asshole.
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moliathh · 6 days
people accusing alutegra shipper of homophobia and lesbian/aroace erasure are so funny because ONE, as a fan, i cannot make or remove a queer representation of a media, that act can only be done by the creator/producer/corporation/ institution themselves, the fanworks you make for a ship does not held the same weight as official materials. It's a bit insulting that you are comparing fanworks made out of love (that could very much be made by queer people) to a phenomenom driven by hate and bigotry and was a contributing factor to the oppression of queer people. Throwing around big words, accusations, that were meant for something very serious and harmful to refer to something unharmful just because you dislike a ship is not a very LGBTQIA+ friendly thing of you to do. Do you think of homophobia so lightly? Accusing REAL queer people who are being subjected to homophobia on a daily basis because of something they love?
SECOND OF ALL, let's assume that your headcanon is true (i haven't speak of the fact that its basic fandom etiquette to treat headcanon as something personal and not universal and don't harass other people over unharmful difference in opinion). Let's say, Integra is a lesbian, which is a headcanon. Did we collectively forget Alucard is canonically genderfluid? Yet you're referring to Alucard/Integra as a "cishet" ship? Does a queer person get stripped of their queer identity when they participate in a relationship that is male/female presenting? I thought we are about "queer rep"??? How convenient it is to deem him a cis het man and headcanon Integra as a lesbian to make the shippers look bad. Oh, and on the way of watering down queer identity into a caricature, you are also claiming ace people cannot have sex and it's disrespectful to depict ace people having romantic/sexual relationship. As if asexuality isn't a spectrum ranging from "little to no attraction" and the definition of sexual interaction is very loose, especially for queer people. Do you even care about queer people at this point?
And before any of yall jump me, i am queer myself how can i be homophobic my bitches are gay I AM GAY. I'm so sick and tired of yall justifying hate by pretending to care about the alphabet mafia. DO YOU REALLY? It was never that serious, just say you hate the ship and get tf going. I think its perfectly fine and cool to hate a ship just because you hate it, i do! I have headaches and want to vomit when i see ships that i hate but i dont feel the need to moralize it nor do i have to bring it to the face of the shippers or bad talking them. What really piss me off is how you drag real QUEER people through the mud for some fucking little pixels. Go outside, have some empathy. When fascism and censorship comes to wipe us out none of us gonna be spared because you are "one of the good ones" so stop fucking eating at your own community omg if you dont like something and its unharmful then BLOCK
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pyxaperson · 5 months
I am procrastinating on my uni assignments so here’s the 2012!TMNT main cast ranked on who would be homophobic/transphobic
1 being the most and 6 being the least
this is my opinion and my interpretation. i will fight people for one of these rankings if they disagree with me
6 - April
You cannot convince me she isn’t a 2012 Tumblr girl like… look at her. She spent most of her teenage years debating with homophobes on the internet. She would 100% watch supernatural and 100% ship Castiel.
"Would she fetishise mlm relationships?" NO. She would also watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ship Fuffy. She reads yaoi AND yuri in her spare time.
If she swoons over a mutant and an alien getting together, she will 100% do the same for a gay couple.
Probably taught the others not to be homophobic (mostly the top 3).
If you believe she hates the LGBT+ community, I am sorry but you are objectively wrong I will be hunting you for sport right now. I am outside your house with the episode "Karai's Vendetta" playing loudly on my laptop.
5 - Donnie
“Erm actually, homosexual behaviour has been heavily documented in animals such as penguins, bats and hyenas. It’s very much natural.“
While I cannot imagine him ever being homophobic, I can imagine him being transphobic when he was younger.
BUT I only think that because the primary school biology textbook was his bible when he was five.
As soon as he had access to a more “advanced” biology book, he learnt his mistakes.
Had a deep understanding of gender before his brother understood the differences between them as a result of this.
4 - Mikey
Thinks LGBT+ people are awesome, however his only exposure to gay people is rupaul drag race so his views on them are stereotypical.
He would probably be taken aback if you introduced him to a gay man who isn’t flamboyant, but he would adjust after a bit.
He would definitely say “You don’t look gay” though.
Aside from April, he would be the most angry when hearing homophobic/transphobic comments.
3 - Leo
The middle point between homophobic and not homophobic for the group (even though she's seconds lmao, the group is just not really homophobic).
I headcanon her as a trans lesbian so any homophobic/transphobic thoughts she would have are a mixture of her sheltered life and internalised issues.
Nothing extreme though, but her mind would get hung up on two girls holding hands on the street for multiple days.
She would also go through the 5 stages of grief for every unprompted homophobic thought she gets.
Everyone helps her overcome this, especially after she discovers herself and comes out.
2 - Raph
I am sorry, but he would probably use homophobic language before meeting April.
However, that’s due to him not understanding what he was saying. He probably thought gay was a synonym for stupid.
Once he understands who LGBT+ people are and what they face (AKA being scolded by April), he would probably feel really bad about it.
He wouldn’t really apologise for it verbally, but he would 100% kill a homophobe after that so everyone understands he’s changed.
Mikey would then make fun of him for being homophobic which would get him really mad. It's revenge for Raph calling him gay to insult him and brushing his genuine anger off.
“At least I’m not-“ “I’M NOT HOMOPHOBIC MIKEY!”
1 - Casey
I am not sorry, this dude was definitely homophobic before meeting the Turtles + April. Like, actually homophobic.
His dad is homophobic so it comes from that.
He called Donnie the f-slur behind his back to the rest of the group. To put it lightly, they were not impressed.
The first moment where he questions his behaviour is when April rips him to shreds over it, but it’s not until Raph pulls him aside to express disappointment that he realises how bad his behaviour is.
Probably goes MIA for a couple of days undergoing serious reflection on his life and beliefs. He then comes back to apologise for his behaviour.
He takes some time to truly overcome his bigotry, but he gets there eventually. Like Raph, he'll kill a homophobe after the ordeal.
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moonysmoothies · 4 months
Pt 1 of why season two of shadowhunters is terrible
So even dividing these by seasons it was way too long for me to post on here while keeping my self respect, so enjoy this essay? about the yin fen plot line because i will die mad about it.
For some background information, in season two episode four of the shadowhunters tv show, there is a demon attack inside the institute. The specific demon of this episode was allegedly created by Valentine to attack the institute through possessing shadowhunters. Did we forget the plot of City of Fallen Angels? Shadowhunters cannot be possessed (with some exceptions but the show came out before tlh anyways). They all have certain protection spells put on them as infants to keep them from being possessed. Apparently not in the show though.
Both Isabelle and Alec get possessed by the demon, with Alec killing Jocelyn and Izzy getting stabbed by Clary since that was all it took to release the demon and kill it. Isabelle’s wound gets infected and it’s not healing but she refuses to go to the infirmary to get it looked at. Victor Aldertree (a made up character who has a combination of Imogen Herondale’s successor’s name and the inquisitor from tid's name who is running the institute for the first half of the season and he’s british and person of color so we know he’s evil), was sending a team to go see the iron sisters to ask why Valentine wanted to steal the mortal sword. Izzy had apparently wanted to be an iron sister when she was a child (she didn’t in the books btw) and goes to his office to volunteer to lead the mission. Aldertree asks to check Isabelle’s wound because he used to be a field medic. He confirms that it was infected and gives yin fen to fix it. He presents her with this silver gel that goes on the spine and applies it for her. Ok, fine. Maybe there have been some modifications to the drug since Jem took it and since it was on the ship bringing Jace to New York. I can get past the form of it. What I can’t get past is that in the next episode we find out that yin fen in the show is made from vampire venom. Not poison from Yanluo, but vampire venom. Saying that it’s made from vampire venom and not poison from a greater demon does so much already to diminish the danger of it. Vampires bite people all the time. If you die because of a vampire, it’s because they drank all of your blood, not because you overdose on their venom. Vampire venom doesn’t cause searing pain and hallucinations like what Jem described from Yanluo. 
In the next episode, Izzy sees that Aldertree has run out of yin fen and spends the episode trying to track some down. She meets this one warlock in the Hunter's Moon and asks for it, to which he says, “dancing with the devil, are we?” What the fuck? Why is it so dangerous? There’s no evidence in this show that implies that you can overdose from it or that there are harmful effects on your body other than the withdrawal. Then, to add insult to injury, Magnus swoops in to kick the warlock out of the bar because apparently he’s been banned from North America and mentions how yin fen almost killed Jem. No! You do not get to change everything about a substance other than its name and color and then name drop Jem. This is not what almost killed him. Jem spent five years of his life dying from a drug that was essentially a bastardized medicine and was sapping his life and energy more than it was giving it to him. We see in Clockwork Prince and Clockwork Princess how it affected the werewolves who were being given too much of it by Mortmain. He was making them take it six to seven times a day and as Jem said, “The more you take the faster you die.” In the books, there is no scenario where you become addicted to yin fen where it does not kill you. It’s not a “typical” drug like it is shown to be in the show.
But back to the plot of the show, Isabelle goes to see some vampires to ask for their venom because that’s what yin fen is made of. Raphael swoops in and saves her and she collapses into his arms. After some convincing he bites her, giving her venom. After this, they start a relationship which is just them essentially being addicted to each other - Izzy being addicted to his venom and Raphael being addicted to her blood. I don’t know how we got to shadowhunter blood being addictive for vampires, but apparently it is. The most we know about it in the books is that Simon almost completely drained Jace of blood in City of Ashes, but that could have been because Jace has extra angel blood even for a shadowhunter, the fact that Simon was just practically drained of all of his own blood, or that Simon was so new to being a vampire. Simon also bites Izzy and Alec and is completely fine and unaddicted. Even if you take away the weird addiction plot, Raphael is a canonically aroace character. He’s still asexual in the show, but no longer aromantic. I’m pretty sure the reason they did this was because they drew out the climon plotline to be agonizingly long so they felt that they needed to put Izzy with somebody romantically, but it doesn’t change the fact that it is so terrible that they took away one of the only aroace characters I can think of. After Alec finds out about the yin fen and her relationship with Raphael, they have a fight that ends with her going back to Raphael and him going to the institute. Then Valentine attacks the institute because he needs its angelic power core to be able to activate the mortal sword so that it can emit a heavenly light that will kill any downworlders in its path. Obviously this is a huge change from the demonic conversion ritual he was trying to do in the books, and it doesn’t even make sense. I’ll talk more about this change in another part, but that’s the plot of the mid-season finale. Alec ends up confronting Aldertree about how he gave Isabelle yin fen and they fight circle members on the rooftop when Isabelle comes in and saves them because she had found her phone that Raphael hid because he and other downworlders were going to kill Clary because if she touches the sword while it’s plugged in to the angelic power core it will be able to emit the heavenly light because of her extra “pure” angel blood. Anyways, Isabelle collapses into Alec’s arms after that one burst of energy and we get a shot of Aldertree looking guilty. Then she breaks up with Raphael at the end of the episode.
The next time we see her she’s going through withdrawal. Surprise, it’s not what Jem goes through in Clockwork Princess. She never coughs up blood, she doesn’t lose all the color in her hair, eyes, and skin. She just seems to be going through a “typical” drug withdrawal, although I don’t know enough about that so I can’t really talk much about the accuracy of it. Alec tells everyone that Izzy just has the flu and leaves her alone because there are demon attacks going on. Izzy immediately goes to the Hotel Dumort to ask Raphael to bite her. There’s an awkwardly framed shot of her pulling a seraph blade on him and getting upset when he says no (I guess shadowhunter blood is less addictive than yin fen?) and then she stalks off to the alleyway where they met and sees the greater demon who is the focal point of the episode. Her necklace breaks bc of all his demon energy or something and then another british shadowhunter comes and saves the day. It is no other than Sebastian Verlac! Again, he’s british so we know he’s evil and also purposefully burns himself with a tea kettle later in this episode, but more on that in another post. Sebastian brings Izzy back to his apartment and gives her this extract of a root from L’isle Adam which she just takes. Then she’s fine! There’s a few passing mentions of her talking about it with people and Simon recommends narcotics anonymous meetings for her and she goes to them, but the people there think she’s talking about heroin. The plot comes back to mess with a Sizzy plotline briefly in season three which was not the worst because it led to a cute (i use this term very lightly) Alec and Isabelle scene. 
Now for the reason I am writing this, Jem Carstairs and how this is a disgrace to his character. In the literal sense, Jem is a drug addict. He says so himself after he and Will find the dying werewolf in Clockwork Prince and compares his dependence to yin fen to the opium addicts in Shanghai when he tells Tessa about it in Clockwork Angel. He gets so angry at Will for doing drugs in Clockwork Prince that he actually punches him (something that is so out of character for him that Will could barely believe he had done it when Tessa told him the next day) because he was so angry that Will was toying with what had destroyed his life. The important thing to note is that when these comparisons do happen in the books, they come from Jem himself. When other people, such as Gabriel, draw the comparison it’s used to further villainize them, because the books make sure to make it clear that Jem is not a drug addict in the typical sense, such as how Izzy was portrayed in the show. This is because Jem was never meant to represent drug addicts, but instead described in the forward of Clockwork Princess to be “condemned to die young of a fatal demonic illness, no matter how desperate the efforts to save him, just as in reality victims of consumption sickened and died without penicillin.” It’s also made clear throughout the books that Jem despises needing yin fen, he hates that it keeps him from living as full a life as Tessa or Will could. It’s why he ends up in the situation he was in during Clockwork Princess, he took more of the drug to seem healthier for Tessa, even at the cost of dying faster and therefore getting less time with her. Not only does this plotline essentially negate all of those feelings, but it gives Jem the label that everyone in these books try to argue against, that Jem is nothing more than the average drug addict, someone who most of the other shadowhunters view as someone weak and less than them. He can’t just stop taking yin fen like Izzy could in the show, because yin fen is pretty much a death sentence for anyone who becomes addicted to it, not a normal drug, and this is not the story that yin fen was created to tell. They could have literally just changed the name of the drug and not mentioned Jem in ep 7 and I would be still be upset but not this upset abt it.
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lazarusphenomenon · 2 months
festus + piper
i was asked to make this public / rebloggable.
Piper couldn’t blame them. The dragon was huge. It glistened in the morning sun like a living penny sculpture —different shades of copper and bronze—a sixty-foot-long serpent with steel talons and drill-bit teeth and glowing ruby eyes. It had bat-shaped wings twice its length that unfurled like metallic sails, making a sound like coins cascading out of a slot machine every time they flapped. “It’s beautiful,” Piper muttered. The other demigods stared at her like she was insane.
tlh pg. 140
Piper couldn’t breathe. Poor Leo. The idea of never seeing him again almost destroyed her. Khione must’ve seen it in her face. “Alas, my dear Piper!” She smiled in triumph. “But it is for the best. Leo could not be tolerated, even as an ice statue…not after he insulted me. The fool refused to rule at my side! And his power over fire…” She shook her head. “He could not be allowed to reach the House of Hades. I’m afraid Lord Clytius likes fire even less than I do.” Piper gripped her dagger. Fire, she thought. Thanks for reminding me, you witch. She scanned the deck. How to make fire? A box of Greek fire vials was secured by the forward ballista, but that was too far away. Even if she made it without getting frozen, Greek fire would burn everything, including the ship and all her friends. There had to be another way. Her eyes strayed to the prow. Oh. Festus the figurehead could blow some serious flames. Unfortunately, Leo had switched him off. Piper had no idea how to reactivate him. She would never have time to figure out the right controls at the ship’s console. She had vague memories of Leo tinkering around inside the dragon’s bronze skull, mumbling about a control disk; but even if Piper could make it to the prow, she would have no idea what she was doing. Still, some instinct told her Festus was her best chance, if only she could figure out how to convince her captors to let her get close enough…
hoh pg. 272
“You remember our dragon?” Piper asked. Khione scoffed. “This cannot be your secret. The dragon is broken. Its fire is gone.” “Well, yes…” Piper stroked the dragon’s snout. She didn’t have Leo’s power to make gears turn or circuits spark. She couldn’t sense anything about the workings of a machine. All she could do was speak her heart and tell the dragon what he most wanted to hear. “But Festus is more than a machine. He’s a living creature.”
hoh pg. 278
Before the goddess could go after the sphere, Piper cried, “Our secret weapon, Khione! We’re not just a bunch of demigods. We’re a team. Just like Festus isn’t only a collection of parts. He’s alive. He’s my friend. And when his friends are in trouble, especially Leo, he can wake up on his own.” She willed all her confidence into her voice—all her love for the metal dragon and everything he’d done for them. The rational part of her knew this was hopeless. How could you start a machine with emotions? But Aphrodite wasn’t rational. She ruled through emotions. She was the oldest and most primordial of the Olympians, born from the blood of Ouranos churning in the sea. Her power was more ancient than that of Hephaestus, or Athena, or even Zeus. For a terrible moment, nothing happened. Khione glared at her. The Boreads began to come out of their daze, looking disappointed. “Never mind our plan,” Khione snarled. “Kill her!” As the Boreads raised their swords, the dragon’s metal skin grew warm under Piper’s hand. She dove out of the way, tackling the snow goddess, as Festus turned his head one hundred and eighty degrees and blasted the Boreads, vaporizing them on the spot. For some reason, Zethes’s sword was spared. It clunked to the deck, still steaming. Piper scrambled to her feet. She spotted the sphere of winds at the base of the foremast. She ran for it, but before she could get close, Khione materialized in front of her in a swirl of frost. Her skin glowed bright enough to cause snow blindness. “You miserable girl,” she hissed. “You think you can defeat me—a goddess?” At Piper’s back, Festus roared and blew steam, but Piper knew he couldn’t breathe fire again without hitting her too.
hoh pgs. 279-280
Fortunately, Festus had been listening. He faced front and blew a plume of fire. The ship’s engine clattered and hummed. It sounded like a massive bike with a busted chain—but they lurched forward. Slowly, the Argo II headed toward the shore. “Good dragon.” Piper patted Festus’s neck. The dragon’s ruby eyes glinted as if he was pleased with himself. “He seems different since you woke him,” Jason said. “More…alive.” “The way he should be.” Piper smiled. “I guess once in a while we all need a wake-up call from somebody who loves us.”
hoh pg. 358
“Coach!” she said. “It didn’t happen like that at all. I couldn’t have done anything without Festus.” Leo raised his eyebrows. “But Festus was deactivated.” “Um, about that,” Piper said. “I sort of woke him up.” Piper explained her version of events—how she’d rebooted the metal dragon with charmspeak. Leo tapped his fingers on the table, like some of his old energy was coming back. “Shouldn’t be possible,” he murmured. “Unless the upgrades let him respond to voice commands. But if he’s permanently activated, that means the navigation system and the crystal…”
hoh pg. 361
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sayakxmi · 2 years
I've certainly seen at least a few people headcanon that the dreambubbles have affected the dancestors behavior in some way, but I haven't seen any attempts at actually explaining how it could have possibly worked, so I've figured out I'd share my own theory.
Quick but necessary disclaimer first, though: none of this is canon. I'd say I'm being quite charitable here even calling it a theory, when in reality it's more like an AU. So by no means assume it's a hard rule or a definite explanation of what's going on. Personally, I see it as a bit of a cheat code that leaves me a lot of free room to write the dancestors closer to how I would've wanted them to be written, hence I'm sharing in case somebody wants to do a similar thing without truly contradicting the information we have in the source material. 
To start with, we can kind of scratch the idea that the dreambubbles prevent you from changing right off the bat, as we see at least three different characters go through some character development in spite of being dead and stuck there (Meenah, Aranea, Vriska). You could probably make it work if you really, really wanted that, but it doesn't seem all that plausible. 
So, if the issue isn't that you cannot change, perhaps the issue is that you change too much.
Let's start from the beginning - how do the dreambubbles work? Well, they allow for the ghosts to continue existing, as well as for the dreamers to wake up in there and interact with them or each other. How does the awakening happen, whether for the dead or the sleeping?
Through a memory.
Examples I can think of are:
1 - dead - doomed!Dave, playing a game, still in his triangular shades, until Aradia starts trolling him and eventually he realizes this is not actually real, so both his surroundings as well as appearance change to match what he remembers, until he reaches the realization that he is, in fact, dead, and blood appears on his body, too.
2 - sleeping - Terezi goes through a memory of her conversation with Vriska after she'd blinded her, and it takes her a moment to realize something is wrong, as well as that the person she was talking with wasn't even Vriska, but Aranea instead; it's more or less then, that her surroundings change.
In other words, one of the main pillars of the dreambubbles are memories.
But the thing is, memories are quite subjective and heavily influenced by the way we perceive things. So, if we assume that the perception of an event can affect the surroundings as well as your appearance and state (eg. dead!Eridan who still has his eyes, as he apparently hasn't realized he's dead), wouldn't it be possible for the perception of a person to affect their behavior?
The way I imagine it working is essentially a positive feedback loop. Regardless of whether it was true or not, from your perspective the person you interact with was a self-absorbed asshole who looked down on everybody, and tried to sound smart and objective when in reality they were just insulting everybody and to make themselves look better in comparison. 
It's possible you weren't the only person who thought that way or thought something similar (and there were already thousands of yous) and in the same manner the surroundings were adjusting to your thoughts, the person in front of you was also changing slightly to fit better the subconscious description you've had for them in your mind.
What if the person was a bit of a shameless flirt? Maybe they weren't all that serious about it, but you've always got the impression that all they've ever wanted to do is get into other people's pants. Or they were really passionate about horses, to the point where you've seriously thought it was all they cared about, hell, maybe they should've just been hatched as a fucking horse! Or they really loved to talk about shipping, as if nothing else was more important. Or in reverse, you've always seen that person as level-headed and respectable, in spite of them being actually pretty head-strong and at times just genuinely shitty. Or you've seen somebody as cool and assertive, when in reality they were extremely insecure and conflict-averse.
The more you see these people that way, the more their personalities shift to fit these descriptions, and the more they shift, the more confirmation you get about them being like you've always thought them to be, which ends up making these perceptions even stronger, and makes them behave even stronger in that specific way, which once again validates your perception of them, and… And it just keeps happening. 
Personally, I don't consider this to be a completely unavoidable process, especially when you're aware of this happening. But the real question is, is there actually a point? The dancestors have spent an eternity in the dreambubbles, surrounded by thousands of other versions of themselves, affected by all these various versions of each other. It's got to get tiring at some point to just remain so vigilant in differentiating your own thought patterns from what is something you wouldn't have actually thought in your right might. It's just… too much effort. Who even cares what becomes of you? Your world is gone, everybody around you is dead and just as tired of it all. Why bother?
Or in case you still want to retain the clarity of your mind, but without all that conscious effort, the only other option is to get as far from people as possible. The less ghosts around you, the less perceptions to affect you. That could explain how Meenah is… pretty normal, after staying away from everybody in the memory of her hive for however long she was there.
To sum it up, the dreambubbles are essentially the place where believing in something makes it less and less fake until it becomes real.
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disneybrandautism · 8 months
here are some taylor swift songs i think each of the sides would like! (with some explanation)
nobody asked for this but im doing this instead of my APUSH homework. i’m going to start with roman and go through all of them!
(some ships are mentioned but it’s only a couple times. i promise it’s not all the songs.)
(roman has the most because he would be the biggest swiftie leave me alone)
enchanted- you cannot tell me roman wouldn’t love the disney romcom vibes of this song. he would love how sweet it was. it’s like meeting your hero.
i bet you think about me - he’s so petty. he would eat this song up.
mirrorball - i feel like this is a given. he would relate an insane amount to this song.
hoax - “your faithless love is the only hoax i believe in” be so fr. this could apply to any of his friendships or relationships with the other sides. his blind faith in the other sides. yeah.
the archer - we all knew this was coming. he would sob listening to this song.
jump then fall - again with the hopeless romantic bit. he would just thing this song is really cute.
question…? - i just think he’d have fun with song. he’d like the beat and just how much of a bop it is.
tolerate it - do i really have to explain myself? come on. he tolerates all the insults. this is his like standing up for himself era.
king of my heart - king is literally in the title. he would again just have fun with this song. so disney prince of him.
champagne problems - feeling the bad guy and knowing you fucked up. it’s so him oh my god don’t even with me.
i could continue. i won’t. next up is logan!
say don’t go - i just feel like logan would really relate to needing to hear someone tell him not to leave when he gets into an argument.
innocent - i can’t explain this one i just feel like he would get it.
the lakes - he would love the lakes and just this idea of loving someone like this. “take me to the lakes where are all the poets went to die”. this is his song.
marjorie - i feel like he would appreciate that taylor used her grandmothers vocals for this. i feel like he’s more in it for the genius behind her lyrics.
delicate - he lacks understanding of social cues often. “i know that it’s delicate”. he would eat this song up.
glitch - he would get this song in ways i can’t even describe. he would love the beat. his vibes fr.
no body, no crime - a story based song. he would think about this all the time.
lover - idk a reason i just think he’d really enjoy this song.
never grow up - he’s like a dad. so. watching his kids grow up. it would destroy him.
invisible string - i feel like he would love the idea of the string of fate. he would like the idea that he was just supposed to know these people.
you’re on your own kid - he would feel the pressure of just being on his own and feeling the pressure of being the moral compass.
state of grace - he feels like everyone is the “worth while fight”. yeah you know what i’m saying.
ivy - “you pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand” THE CARETAKER AGAIN
Me! - listen i know it’s not everyone’s favorite but this makes so much sense. the bright colors. the message of the song. the whole thing screams patton.
long live - he would think it’s a really sweet song. he adores the whole message and just how sweet it is. the nostalgia aspect. yeah.
love story - if anyone was getting this song it would be patton. queue the scene of richie from the bear where he is singing this in the car. that’s pat.
electric touch - this is so in your face obvious. of course virgil would love the song with fob on it.
clean - i feel like he would relate to this. he’s finally not an “other side” and he’s just virgil. but he sometimes still misses them.
today was a fairytale - i feel like he would be unapologetically a fearless fan. he’s more of a hopeless romantic than i’m willing to admit. it’s so prinxiety coded idk.
closure - idk just very like “other sides apologize” to virgil. (i believe firmly in sympathetic other sides but i think virgil would struggle for a bit to forgive them)
my tears ricochet - “an i can go anywhere i want, anywhere i want just not home.” home was confusing for a bit. where did he belong? yk?
afterglow - the bridge sounds like asking for reassurance during a panic attack. he would love this song.
the lucky one - he for a bit thought that he was the lucky one but realized that all the sides are messy and no one is perfect.
new year’s day - this is so analogince and it would remind him of his boyfriends. he would pick up bottles with them on new year’s day.
holy shit this is getting long. i’m sorry.
mastermind - he is so this song. he would love this song. he masterminds everything so i just know he would adore this song.
foolish one - i don’t know but i feel like he would love this song in a way no one can understand.
bigger than the whole sky - he probably feels remorse for all he did to roman. maybe he’s saying goodbye to the possibility of friendship? i don’t know but he would like this song.
you’re losing me - i really don’t have explanations for all these. i feel like janus angst always. he would like how this songs has a lot of self blaming.
bad blood - he has beef with a lot of people. i think he would enjoy this song ironically at first. then he didn’t.
so it goes - he is rocking out to this in his room. i just know it in my heart and soul and it makes me nuts.
dear reader - “if it feels like a trap, you’re already in one” this just feels like janus’ internal monologue. all the contradictions feels like deceit. yeah.
cowboy like me - he just wants someone to want the things he wants. he loves this song. it makes sense in his head.
cruel summer - he would love the beat. he could and would shake ass to this song.
getaway car - i think he’d endorse the message of this song and think it’s a lot of fun.
cardigan - he comes out when people are bored of roman. he definitely struggled being pushed aside so he likes cardigan a lot.
the way i loved you - he would love the idea that even after fighting with someone an insane amount you can still miss them.
i don’t have anything else for remus. i hope this makes sense. if not i apologize. if you think of anything else for remus let me know. i am just slightly nuts about taylor swift.
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 1 year
Howdy! It's been awhile! I was wondering if your asks were open because I've come with a request. Not a yandere one but I think it will be good. May I request Charlotte Smoothie with a fem darling who had been with her and almost wed to when the darling dies(Killed or died either way). Then several years later, a woman arrives at the island, declaring herself to be the darling. Even knowing stuff that only Smoothie and her darling would know. Thank you and I love your work as always! take care!
Howdy, dear. My ask are always open, though I'm not as active as when on holidays. Anyway, I love this ask so much
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Everything was going on smoothly. Life was good, you were there and she was happy. You two loved each other so much it made the kids wonder and hope for a love like yours, and it made the elders pleased to see someone of their family so happy.
You were a ray of sunshine, your cheery attitude had rubbed off on everybody.
They all loved you. That's why it hurt even more.
You two were out at sea when it happened. An ambush made the boat rock, Smoothie and her crew fighting the intruders off. You ran to safety, as per request, but a sword pierced your lower abdomen,making you fall. The boat was rocking so wildly you were catapulted out of the ship.
Unfortunately, your fiancée was there to witness everything. She rushed, but she didn't make it. Her hands moments away from yours.
Your body was swallowed by the seas below, and it vanished.
She eliminated everyone brutally, before falling to her knees, crying in despair. She knew that, had it been any other situation, it would have been unbecoming of a sweet commander, but this was her soon to be wife. They were going to see the dress, just to add insult to the injury.
She returned home, the news already been heard, and they held a solemn funeral, to pay their respects to a fallen family member. It hurt, they all cried, but they swore to keep your memory alive.
She went back to work,to keep her mind off the pain. But everything reminded her of you.
Couldn't you hear calling your name out, my dear?
Two years passed and she was starting to come to terms with her loss. The land,though, never gained back the shine it had with you.
She was preparing for the upcoming wedding when a chess soldier ran to the room. She was busy enjoying a nice fruity punch when she heard the words, "Ma'am, a woman out there is looking for you. She looks familiar, but we aren't positive of that. She's asking for you" panted the soldier.
She ran, hope still burning inside her. Maybe after all this time, you may have survived.
She ran outside and she saw you. Her eyes were wide, shock etcher in her face. Could it be?
"Hello darling, it's nice to see you too" you said,mirth dancing in your eyes. She wanted to believe that, but she had to confirm it was really you and not a sick joke.
"Tell me, if you so claim to be my beloved, what is one thing you cannot absolutely stand?" She questioned, waiting.
"Well, apart from caviar, I hate when you talk bad about your body. You know how I feel about hearing the woman I love doubting her undeniable beauty" you stated, confidence flowing through every word.
"What's the next wedding that will happen here?" She asked, knowing very well that only family members, as of now knew about the wedding, "The last one should have been ours, but the next will be that of Pudding with Vinsmoke Sanji. For political and tactical reasons of course, given the advanced technology the Vinsmoke have, with the subsequent elimination of Sanji, if Pudding or Mama so desire" you finished, before having the time to open up your mouth,you were being swopped up.
"You're back" she said, voice trembling ever so slightly, "Yes, love, I'm back. I'm sorry I went missing but I had quite the adventure" you said, before being put down.
"I need to tell every-" you stopped her, "there will be no need, by now I'm sure everyone knows there will be another wedding soon. Your guards did the job for you" you said laughing, while she stared lovingly at you.
Later that night, while they all celebrated your return, with hugs and gifts and scolding, you told your story.
"When the sword pierced me and I fell overboard, I was taken in by the Red hair pirates. Well, they pretty much saved my life. And it was thanks to them that I could make my way back here. It took so long because of the gravity of the injury. But they have been gracious host and they didn't think twice about helping, especially after I told them that my wife, the daughter of Big Mama was soon going to marry me. They were really nice people. They even accompanied me on land before going back" just your luck to be saved by another emperor, huh?
"Well, it seems we have to send a gift to Shanks, to show our gratitude" said Katakuri, happy to have you back.
"I thought about the perfect gift while coming back, so...Smoothie, you are hurting my ribs" giggling,you pried open her hands , taking them into your own.
"He adores having parties, so we could send him some of the best Sake we can find. Those big bottles would be perfect" you finally managed to finish the sentence, before being smothered again by the younger ones.
You spent the day after in a kind of edgy state. Not because you weren't happy to be home, but because the kids could be quite crafty in ambushing you with hugs. And you really wanted your ribs intact, or the dress wouldn't fit.
"Anana, darling, put the knife down. I'm home and I'm safe, you don't have to threaten every person you see. Instead, come with me. We have to look for the rings" and slowly but surely you dragged the little girl to the store, while keeping her knife safely tucked away.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Rebels Rewatch: "Double Agent Droid"
Don't mess with Hera's droid, y'all.
Zeb and Ezra fistbumping in solidarity and relief that they're not the ones doing this mission.
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I still cannot believe they sampled "Anything You Can Do" from Annie Get Your Gun, the audacity and wackiness of that choice.
Wedge regretting all of his life choices now lol.
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Right so the Stormtroopers don't make Chopper... wait at all? While the scanner is thinking? They just let him through the doors while it's still deciding if he's legit or not?
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I'm sorry, these guys are just... so bizarre. The one dude with glasses that looks uncannily like Pablo Hidalgo just takes me RIGHT of the immersion.
*whispers* What do they even do?
Also why does the Controller sound way more human than the others????
I have so many questions and even AP and Chopper's bickering can't distract me from them.
Bond Villain Stupidity in not alerting the station.
Though... does anyone actually... work here? We see the other AP droid and no one else inside the facility at all.
The Controller is thinking to capture the base coordinates from Chopper. Not a bad plan but fortunately Hera wipes his memory banks between every mission, because as much as she loves her droid she can't risk compromising the safety of the Rebellion's operations and therefore takes reasonable precautions in case Chopper gets lost, stolen, or captured, Anakin.
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Who are you, weird glasses man?
I'm not sure why the Alliance needs the orbital clearance codes for Lothal. They're not exactly planning to sneak in through the blockcade when they make their attack. Unless they planned on using the Quasar carrier or something to get behind the blockade and then release a whole bunch of fighters while in atmosphere?
Like, this wouldn't be an issue if the episode had not established, specifically, "We need these codes for the eventual attack on Lothal." If they had just needed updated codes to get in and out through the blockade since they'd been changed or cycled out that would be one thing but as it is....
Yooooooouuu are gonna need to run those numbers again my man, there's no way you had close to any kind of 80% chance of getting near the Rebel base.
Chopper being nice is immediately suspicious.
Controller dude is doing a terrible job impersonating Chopper, which is why this was a dumb plan to begin with.
"We must appease him [AP-5]." Literally the opposite of what Chopper would do, you need to actually study your targets before trying to impersonate them, why are y'all so bad at this?
This is one of those tropes that annoys me, when the impersonator is doing such a bad job of playing the target that it should ping people's suspicions or at least make them ask what the hell is up with them.
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Poor Wedge is such a butt monkey in this episode but it is hilarious.
Rebels said don't be so quick to discount conspiracy theories, send note.
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To AP-5's credit, Ezra and Hera do ping Chopper's behavior as weird.
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Ezra honey, please sit on the furniture like a normal person lol.
All right, some props in that we figure things are funky much quicker than most characters in this type of scenario.
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Who's... who's room is that?
*mental map of the ship*
Gotta be Hera's, right? Closest to the cockpit, correct side... Except it doesn't look like the props and assets from Hera's room so I dunno.
*rubs temples* Why do they need a data spike to decode the navicomputer? Chopper never needed to do anything put plug in to access the navicomputer before, this is only to add a ticking clock device isn't it?
Some people questioned why Ezra didn't use his lightsaber, which could have been a plot hole except for one I'm sure Hera would severely disapprove of her ship being chopped up and two... he doesn't have his lightsaber, it's not clipped to his belt anywhere.
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Ezra managing to hang on to Zeb here is kind of impressive, actually.
You can tell Chopper's compromised and trying to find the base from the hold computer? Really?
"We don't have spacesuits." YOU GET 'EM LATER THOUGH, LOLOL.
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I'm sorry I cannot take you seriously dude, lol.
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Ooooh Hera mad.
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See, Ezra knows.
That's... not even remotely how that works, Hera, but okay,
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This genuinely sad moment deserved such a better episode.
The unhinged insanity that is AP-5 almost breaking into a musical number.
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Wedge getting caught in the crossfire lol.
This episode is... I don't even know. Nothing about it makes sense, it has moments of genuine hilarity but they're mismatched pieces in a weird patchwork of tropes and plot elements that are disjointed and slapdash and I just--*rubs face over hands*--it's so BIZARRE and it's funny in a way but I can't I just... can't.
Not even trying to superficially tie this into Thrawn's search for the base gives this enough plot relevance, I would... I would not keep this episode. Like, either fold some of this into "Warhead" to make that stronger or axe this entirely and wholecloth replace it with something else. (Maybe another episode of Ezra struggling with his holocron addiction since people were apparently so pressed that that arc was short.)
I think even the show was embarrassed about this one, I remember we would usually get an episode preview in the Rebels Recon and a TV spot before each new episode and with this one they just kind of... skipped ahead to talking about "Twin Suns", ha ha.
Final verdict I guess? I would save the funny bits and try to put them in a different episode but otherwise this episode is kind of a skip.
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loopingcat · 3 months
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Waring:Incest,Gore,Death theart,Blood, Nsfw art
So Mouse bean and epic hoola Aka known as Greta peterson. Is a problematic Zooba content creator who post mostly about Zooba content but they had done many problematic things. And I will be going through a list of what she done. 1. Saying the n slur.
so 1 years ago Greta posted this post in her community tabs
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And in the comment section of that post, there was one person telling her to give credit to the og artists of the art she posted. And you want know How greta repile to that comment💀
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You guess it if you said she said the N slur💀 And before you guys start saying something like "Oh she might be black, you don't know what her skin color is😐" No Greta did a face reveal and she was white. (I do have a pic of her face but I want respect her boundaries even tho she is a shitty person, but she still have boundaries so I'm gonna respect that still) 2.Harassing her hater and sending death theart Greta cannot take any criticisms when it come to hate, Like Greta everyone have opinion you cannot' control they opinion even if their opinions offended you greta, you still cannot change it, And the fact Greta is literally 12 YEAR OLDS she should know how to handle hate, Even most 10 years old know better then this😐
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3. Posted a nsfw art on her community tabs. Greta had actually posted child P@rn on her community tabs, the worse part is that, a lot of her sub are literally minor which make this shit 10x worse.
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Greta also post more nsfw art in her community tabs. Like she posted a one with mei mei from turning red, which is disgusting afs because Mei Mei is A MINIOR, LITERALLY A GOD DAMN MINIOR :/ 4. Stealing video/Base without credit and copying someone oc greta stole A lot of base and video for example. She stole a animation from A animator go by the user "Catty and rosie" A famous animator known for they adopt me animation meme. Now coping, Greta Had copy A person kajiu paradise oc here is proof
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You can tell a lot of similarity If you compared Greta piñata oc with the og piñata oc. But She never gave credit to the og artist. Is okay to be inspired but, please still give credit to the person your inspire by because you don't know if they still want you to credit of not. 5. P@dohille and inc@st ships Greta had shipped two problematic ships. Which is Ruby x Rodolph and Buddy x Suzy. These two ships are incest and one of them is also pedohille. I wish I have screen shoot of her zooba ship list to show you proof Of her shiping a problematic ships but she change her channel description where there no longer proof of her shipping a problematic ships. If anyone had screen shot I would love you to tell me if so. She also ships her oc with a character from zooba called louie. And most of you guys might be thinking "oh but there nothing wrong with self ship" Yes ik there is nothing wrong with shipping your oc with a character. But the problem is that her OC IS A FREAKING 9 YEARS OLD WHILE THE CHARACTER SHE SHIPPED HER OC WITH IS A LITERAL ADULT💀😭🙏 6. Never add any warning to her video A lot of Greta video Contain Blood or gore but Greta never added any warning to her video when she add any triggering things in her video. She can trigger anyone with most of her video and as soon as someone called her out for a warning, she will insult the person, Greta honestly never care for her viewers safety and health which honestly disappointed me due tot the fact she 12 year wrong, so she should know what she doing is wrong Honestly hate how greta got away with this for a years now :/ That all I got about her but I will Give any update about her. If anything happened but yeah please be aware of the. Also if you want know more about her drama here is two video about her to know more or understand more about Greta drama
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relevant-url-incoming · 6 months
once again doing some outside perspectives of when people realise caibos is actually Baby, this time with Tharan (can you tell this is matching up to my playthrough) (also realising that they did imply that he can stop shielding and therefore no longer be weakened once vivicar's done sending out the plague signals or whatever the fuck but that's dumb i like my consequences long-lasting and heartwrenching. i handwaved it for some of my consulars but not for Caibos i am making this boy suffer)
The first time Tharan realised how deceptive the Jedi’s looks must be was when he returned with Qyzen from the Carida. Tharan had seen how haggard Caibos had looked after shielding Master Fain, but it was the greying at his temples as he returned from saving Fain’s daughter that clinched it.
“I see shielding this victim has done a number on you,” he said, eyeing Caibos as he trudged up the steps into the ship. He couldn’t help but feel concerned. He’d thought the wrinkles and occasional winces of pain were due to a life lived well and long. The rapidity of his degeneration today made that significantly less likely. Not that Tharan was any less excited to be travelling the galaxy with him, as the Jedi had certainly proved himself, but this rendered the Jedi an unknown quantity once more. Tharan only liked that in a new piece of tech, and when he knew the unknown could be made known through his genius.
“I’m fine,” Caibos said. Tharan looked at Qyzen. He couldn’t be sure, having not had the opportunity to learn Trandoshan facial expressions, but he thought Qyzen looked upset or frustrated. Certainly, it was an unusual expression for the hunter.
“Rest, Herald,” Qyzen said. “Cannot hunt on shaking legs.”
“I am fine,” Caibos said again. There was a strange note to his voice – higher-pitched and plaintive, like a boy whose voice was still dropping. Tharan’s sense of foreboding grew. “I must call Master Syo.”
Tharan trailed after Caibos and Qyzen, intending to keep an eye on the Jedi. There was something strange in Syo Bakarn’s eyes as he spoke to Caibos, Tharan saw now – and he apologised to Caibos.
“I did what I must do,” Caibos said, as though these were words he said so often he didn’t have to plan them. From Syo and Qyzen’s reactions, they had heard them before, too.
“I appreciate your commitment, young Jedi,” Syo said. “But the Council does not take your sacrifices lightly.”
“Master Syo, we should discuss Lord Vivicar,” Caibos said too quickly.
When the call was done, Tharan did not return to the lower deck right away. Instead, he followed Caibos to the cockpit.
“Is something wrong?” Caibos asked.
“It’s difficult to say,” Tharan said, unsure how to start the conversation. “It has occurred to me there are a few things I neglected to ask you when this partnership began, not being on my mind at the time –“
“Tharan, it’s quite all right. You can ask me anything.” Caibos’ voice was so soothing and solemn that Tharan felt incredibly silly for a moment. He would only insult and confuse the Jedi if he was wrong – but then again, he was a genius. Perhaps not always in matters of picking up on lies and half-truths, but Tharan had never been a fool.
“How old are you?” he asked.
He knew immediately that he had guessed right. Caibos stiffened, seeming to search for an answer.
“Fifteen,” he muttered at last, sounding for all the galaxy like a sullen teenager. Tharan supposed, to his mounting horror, that he was. “How did you know?”
“I wasn’t certain,” Tharan said. He needed now to recategorize each of their interactions. The way Caibos’ eyes skittered over Holiday’s midriff – not just a Jedi with an overdeveloped sense of propriety, but a boy unsure of how to interact. The insistence on handling everything himself – knowledge of his own competence, or a desire to prove himself?
“Then why did you ask?”
“It occurred to me after your most recent foray into shielding your fellow Jedi,” Tharan said. “That perhaps your wizened appearance is not due solely to time lived.”
“I’m not wizened,” Caibos said, sounding disgruntled.
“My dear boy,” Tharan said with no small amount of amusement. “You are now going grey.”
He reached up to touch his hair, positively pouting.
“You look very distinguished, never fear,” Tharan said. “Though I should say if anyone expresses interest in such things, you may want to disclose your age sooner rather than later.”
“Why would – Oh. That’s – I am a Jedi!”
“Of course,” Tharan said. “But if you ever desire advice –“
“Tharan, you don’t need to treat me differently,” Caibos said. “You didn’t treat me like a child before.”
“That would be my mistake, and not yours,” Tharan said more sombrely. “I don’t doubt your skill, Jedi. But it doesn’t take a genius to know a child should not shoulder these burdens alone.”
“I’m not a child.”
That sentence alone was enough to confirm his age. Tharan smiled, reminded all too well of his own teenage years. What a hellion he had been.
“I’ll leave you to it,” he said. “I thank you for your time.”
He was no expert on biology, but he resolved to see what he could find to diminish Caibos' symptoms. Especially if this plague continued, the boy would need all the support he could get. He may not welcome it, but Tharan was quite good at making his efforts so indispensable that even the most recalcitrant of people had to accept them.
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