#(platonic hunter & amity obviously)
crimeronan · 9 months
i'm only stumbling upon this interpretation after my like 14th time watching eclipse lake & i'm aware i have An Agenda (TM), so i'm not sure if this was INTENTIONAL or not, but like.
hunter tells amity "there's nothing worse than disappointing someone who thinks you're special" when amity is worrying about being a good girlfriend to luz.
and i think basically all the analysis i've seen has applied this line to belos and later to hunter's feelings about willow, both of which are 100% true.
but also.
is he. is he also. Talking About Luz.
like. is he talking about disappointing luz in hunting palismen.
just. god. listen to me. it is so fucking funny and sad if he's talking about luz PLEASE. hunter looking at amity's texts and gripping her by the shoulders like "blight. you're about to fumble this. blight i KNOW i know how this goes. i fumbled it myself in some mysterious way that i'm still working out. she didn't like me stabbing her in the back or whatever for some reason even though that's totally normal and fine behavior. blight please i'm telling you i've been in your shoes BLIGHT LISTEN TO MEEE-"
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yardsards · 2 years
thinking about how willow was willing to befriend skara and let her join her team even though skara used to participate in picking on her. and how that matches up with her forgiving amity (and, to some extent, hunter) and being their friend. and how being willing to see the best in people is such a big part of who willow is as a person
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is it sad that the only way i can achieve true happiness is by viewing gay cartoon characters? idk move i cant see past ur judgement
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rfswitchart · 8 months
Amity Blight and Her Broken Strings
So, on Twitter, I saw someone say something about Amity and Hunter's relationship (obviously platonic. People who ship them romantically are gross.)
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Naturally, I agree with this, as you've seen in my fics Kindness and Forgiveness as well as Road Trip. I feel like they share a best friend/basically sibling sentiment towards each other, and that Amity wouldn't bare ill will towards Hunter having been through the same things he has... HOWEVER, this also brought me to another thought, and it begs a question... Why was Amity, out of all of Hexsquad, able to move when she was turned into a puppet?
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Simply really, she was already someone's puppet before and she broke free of their control...
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Much like Hunter was because of Belos, Amity was being used, lied to, manipulated and controlled by Odalia. And think about how awful Odalia was to her. Forcing her to break her friendship with Willow, threatening to expel her friends from Hexside, coming between her and her girlfriend. Using her to test weapons and humiliating her publicly. And all so Odalia could have a 'perfect little girl' who was just like her. Amity never understood that things could be different, that she could choose her own destiny. In the care of her mother, she was little more than a puppet...
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And of course, we know that Amity's friends helped her realize that. Especially one who kinda became a little more than a friend...
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And of course, her understanding and realizing that her dream and goal being that she "wanted to choose her path herself" was what awakened Ghost and gave her a staff. Being able to control your own life, as a victim of child abuse, is so important, especially when you've gone through as much as Amity and especially Hunter. And that's why I think she was able to move on her own, because she is no one's puppet, not anymore. Amity Blight broke free of her chains and she is never, EVER, going to be shackled and puppeted again...
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anti-spop · 6 months
i don't like the way spop and toh separated the main couple from their other friends.
OBVIOUSLY, l/umity is a hundred times better than c//a and i appreciate that we could see luz and amity being a cute couple instead of them getting together only in the end, but i noticed that luz barely interacts with gus and willow in season 2 and beyond. in turn, hunter ended up replacing luz to be part of their trio (and gus ended up ignored too so h/untlow could become canon). i also hate that, in the series finale, luz only reunites with amity and camila. we do not see luz tearfully hugging gus and willow (and hunter, who, y'know, was the only person luz felt like she could count on in thanks to them. their friendship was completely ignored after that). they were best friends! why were they pushed aside?
spop does a similar thing in s5. adora is separated from glimmer and bow so only c//a gets the spotlight. i do believe spop was even shittier to platonic relationships bc toh at least prioritizes luz, eda and king's bond in the final battle. even then, i hate that both shows decide to ignore the main character's friend group to make way for the romance.
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bananahkim · 8 months
002 | Hunter :3
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How I feel about this character: I wish he was real.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Willow though it’s not exclusively romantic; they just care about each other deeply to the point where romantic, platonic and familial feelings are all mixed together in their relationship and that’s what really matters in the end.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Luz.
My unpopular opinion about this character: a lot of people think Hunter as the innocent pure boy who won’t kill a fly, but I think he will sometimes be harsh or violent. He’s a good person in nature and now has kind people in his life but he has these moments.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: more interaction with Amity and Lilith.
my ОТР: Huntlow obviously
my cross over ship: none
a headcanon fact: he learns cooking from Camila and is now decent at making food. He’ll make brunch with Willow when Camila has to leave the house early for work, He’ll cook and Willow will decorate them with edible flowers and berries.
Ask meme
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lollytea · 2 years
Hunter, not knowing how to act about his first crush but knowing he's in deep & thinking there's no way Willow could like him back so he's trying to be cool about it & failing: 🤝 Willow, in denial of her own feelings, halfway thinking Hunter is just awkward & halfway enjoying that a cute boy that is her Friend gets so flustered by her but not thinking it's anything serious on his part, because she also still has self-esteem issues
I don't think Hunter knew exactly what he was feeling from ASIAS-KT
(Mostly because he had more pressing priorities and didn't really have much time to think about it, even as the crush was getting steadily worse.)
But it's been months and he's spent all that time in close proximity to her. I know he's not still confused. He sees her every day. Sure, he had a lot of text convos with her from ASIAS-HM and they spent that week together between LR-COTH but this is different. Not only is he seeing in her in person on a regular basis but the Day of Unity isn't pressing down on their shoulders anymore.
Their efforts to get home are a slow meandor at the start and Camila's house is fun and full of laughter and curiosity and peace. He gets to see Willow just be a carefree teenage girl. He watches her passion for photography unfold before his eyes. He watches her parade around in her brand new human clothes, happily twirling around to make her skirt spin. He watches her dance around sopping wet in the pouring rain. He watches her gently untangle the scissors from his fingers, sit him down and take matters into her own hands, smiling sweetly the whole time. He watches her develop a little garden in Camila's backyard and babble to him about the importance of photosynthesis while he can only stare at her with his bottom lip ajar.
He watches her.
And the more he watches, the more he begins to realize that he might be completely fucking smitten with her.
She's so sweet, she's so pretty, she's so cool and tough and smart and...
So he's absolutely accepted that yeah okay this is definitely crush. That's fine, that's normal, he might be an ex soldier but he could never quite shake teenage hormones, it's perfectly logical and he should just stop panicking about it, it's fine. And yeah okay maybe it's not a little crush. Admittedly, it might be a big fat pathetic one.
Okay okay OKAY. Everything will be fine just so long as he acts normal. Don't be weird about it. She can't know about this. Just gotta be cool, just gotta be cool. He certainly doesn't expect any interest on her end but at the very LEAST he'd like her to think he's somewhat cool and not a complete mess. He's already made soup out of his words several times around her and he lays in bed at night thinking about it. PLEASE. If his brain and his body and whatever the FUCK is pumping his blood around could all just learn to behave themselves when she's giving him attention, that would be GREAT.
Meanwhile Willow is still in her "Hunter is my friend. He's so cool :)" era. And if there's anything deeper going on with her feelings, there is a subconscious effort to block it out. Because a crush is just something Willow does not know how to have. It's a vulnerable feeling that she's not ready for. She doesn't think she can handle the idea of being rejected, even kindly. She knows Hunter would be so sweet about it too. But it would hurt. He'd pity her. She can't stomach the thought of anyone pitying her but especially not Hunter. She cannot be thrown away again.
So, while Willow seems pretty bold and confident in her interactions with Hunter, it's only because she's gripping a safety rail the whole time. She's completely talked herself into thinking that she just thinks he's a really awesome and nice friend and she likes him a lot. Platonically of course. Oh and he's such a cutie too. Um. Obviously Luz, Amity and Gus are cuties too. So like. It's not weird for her to think that about him.
But this kinda backfires on Willow because she gets so comfortable with this way of thinking that her thoughts about him get way too indulgent. Constantly thinking about how handsome and sweet and smart he is. Like. Definitely not a normal amount to think about your platonic buddy. And because she doesn't curb these thoughts before they overpower her, she just becomes more and more charmed by Hunter while being none the wiser over what's happening.
Well, deep down she probably knows. But she has no intentions of poking around in the deep down.
Willow has noticed she makes Hunter a little flustered and his reactions kinda egg her on a little. She goes out of her way to make a fuss over him, just because his blushes are adorable. It makes her fluttery thinking about how she can bring that out of him. Okay, admittedly, she might go a little mad with power over it.
Willow knows she's pretty. She knows, objectively, Hunter might not be used to pretty girls jokingly flirting with him and thats what turns him into such a puddle. It has nothing to do with Willow. And that's fine because she likes flirting with a pretty boy. It has nothing to do with the boy being Hunter. Nothing serious is going on here.
She knows that he'd never seriously be interested in her. So isn't it so nice that they can have this nice chill platonic relationship where they can act like this.
Anyway Hunter ends up falling more and more in love with Willow because she won't give him a break and Willow, after letting her guard down in this friendship, ends up falling more and more in love with Hunter.
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homunculusalphonse · 1 year
// toh spoilers
ppl accuse anti h/untlows of hating willow or whatever, but the truth is that h/untlow shits on both hunter AND willow.
hunter's entire existence is never truly solved, he never gets to properly open up about it with gus - who has belos' memories of the real caleb -, because the plot forces hunter to shove it AND his grief for flapjack down his throat in order to "save" willow.
and willow has gotten the worst of it, she barely got any character development at all without being overlooked by the white characters, so her breakdown doesn't feel natural AT ALL (and it's not even HINTED in thanks to them to at least make up for it). it also angers me that willow ends up being saved by the guy she NEVER showed any romantic interest in, while gus was literally shoved aside and amity, the person whose influence on willow should've been more impactful, is not even present. sure, boscha was the worst, but the show completely ignored that willow was bullied by AMITY first and foremost.
i'm sort of glad that watching and dreaming didn't rely on forced h/untlow moments, if anything they mostly seem platonic which is a relief to me personally, but even then, it doesn't soften the blow. hunter and willow as a couple simply doesn't feel right to me. and obviously, the way the fandom preaches their ships and "found family" beliefs makes it all extremely unbearable.
i'm so angry. hunter and willow deserved WAY better than this.
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numericalbridge · 4 months
What annoys me is that there is a very clear potential for well developed, multi-faceted interactions between Luz and Willow and Gus, from just what we know about the characters: Gus is the one with the experience of getting tricked, so why not use it for some scenes with Luz in s3? but on the other hand his experience with school is very different from Luz's and Willow's, so that is also something worthy to explore in earlier seasons. Luz and Willow had instantly clicked upon their meeting, but they changed during the course of the show - how does that affects their relationship? Maybe dig deeper into how Willow feels about lumity. They all also feel very responsible for things going wrong, so why not develop that bond?
Instead the show feels outright dismissive of their dynamic by season 2, and then the fandom treats that as an excuse to be like 'oh, their relationship is just cute friendship, so the show could not do anything interesting with it and had to focus on their 'complicated' relationships with white characters' (but curious how even Gus&Willow's relationship with Eda that was present through s1 was never developed even after they were trying to save her, while she got to mentor the Blight twins).
And others had noted how the show needs to involve a white person into most of the romantic relationships, but it feels like the same is true with most of the deeper platonic relationships as well. And, ok, i think another part of the problem is just the writing style and that at times toh seems to really weasel out of the conflict between the core characters, but Amity and Hunter have so much more serious interactions with Luz. And problems with sidelining Gus and then Willow started long before the shortening.
But the show also downplays even the friendship between Willow and Gus: Gus has no real involvement in Understanding Willow - as i've already complained about, and in Glass Ruins Willow's injury is just mentioned in the opening and is never brought up again.
It is so frustrating because this drags the whole show down for me. Obviously the clear prioritizing of the white characters over Willow and Gus, but also just from the technical writing stand point the arcs end up very unbalanced and sometimes the writing choices to remove Gus and Willow out of the picture are just plainly lazy. If Gus and Willow and their friendship with Luz were treated with the same importance - even if after the shortening it was just a moment here or there - it would remove like half of my complaints about the show.
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stanlunter · 2 years
Well my thoughts about "Lunter" types (what variants of liking Luz and Hunter relationship we have and my opinion about them).
1. Siblings.
I personally obviously don't see them so and don't like their relationship at in this point, however I think this type of relationship could work out, but not in canon. Their relationship just never were written this way them to could see each other as siblings and that's why I don't see it and never will. I don't mind it to be someone's fanon, but if Dana wanted to make it canon, it was written realy awful. I could write a whole post about why it can't and shouldn't work out now and how shoulded they do it it to work out. Anyways, in s3 I understand why they being seem so, but to me s3 basicly just wasted Hunter's chatacter fully.
2. Friends / bestie.
I basicly also don't like the idea of them to just be "friends", bc since Hollow mind their bond is TOO strong for it. But if it would be like besties who help each other and love each other without any kind of romantic attraction and without dating, I don't realy mind.
3. Platonic ship.
Even tho in canon their relationship are very like platonic and if they would realy became a couple, they still would be only platonic, I don't like this. The problem is that too many people ignore in the frase "platonic ship" the word "ship". Every time someone say they like platonic ship, people just accept it how "I like their relationship"/"I see them as siblings" and it is a problem to me, bc it basicly exclude platonic Lunter shippers from Lunter fans even if they don't wanna be exclude. Also a lot of people think "platonic" means "without romantic attraction", while in fact it means only "without sexual attraction" so romantic attraction still can be there and at this point I realy like the idea of this as well, but again, not like "blusings, dates, kisses and other stuff".
4. Typical romantic.
What I mean by "typical romantic"? To me it's this annoying stuff like blushings, complements, embarassment, holding hands, a wish to show your partner only the best part of you and basicly just almost everything Lumity and Huntlow have. No, thank you, but I sick of it. Mb it's just bc Im on aromantic spectrum so I don't like and understand these, so if my ship don't have it in canon, it also wont have it in fanon. The only my ships who also have it in canon, so in fanon too are Scorptra and Adrigami. And Lunter is perfect even without it.
5. Frenemies to lovers.
Well.. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! This type of relationship is by far the best for them to me, cause basicly it includes everything other types have and do it in moderation. And that's what I like the most. They will flirt each other (in their own way - teasing), they will watch and discuss films together, they with always sapport, help, protect, care about each other, they will act like they can't stand each other, knowing the can't wait to see each other, they will be absolutely comfortable and opened with each other, solve riddles and get in troubles with each other! This is amazing and I love this type of their relationship so much!
6. Queer platonic relationship.
Basicly, that's like the previous one, but without frenemies part. Since QPR is one of my favourite tropes, I realy like this too and even in my au this one is most likely to happen. However, this type of relationship is too ambiguous to say much about it. Anyways, if it excludes Amity and Willow, at least as someones Luz and Hunter love more than each other, Im still for it. Sometimes platonic friends are much more important than romantic lovers. And Lunter is the best example of it.
7. Friends who secretaly love each other. Well, basicly, it is just a romantic ship, but I still love this trope and the idea of it. But I think it doesn't deservses a whole essay, sorry.
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An appropriately unhinged review of For the Future.
oh no… I knew it was coming but I didn’t expect it to be this bad… hunt|0w is canon…. The aroace hunter headcanon has finally died. I’m still clinging onto the delusion of platonic intimacy
and so we circle back to the theme of the last review: FUCK BELOS I SWEAR TO GOD IM GOING TO FUCKING STRANGLE YOU YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH-
I should have suspected Kikimora the minute that short bitch appeared onscreen but I was stupid enough to believe they were going to add a whole new character.
Excuse me, I have a dariw0lf fic to write
(☝️censoring that ship because I don’t want it to clog up the ship tag, it’s small enough that it doesn’t need stuff like this)
I wanna scream.
Okay but can we just appreciate how TOH can get its stakes across and be a serious show without killing off characters left and right? Like, I’m so glad they did that, and it really fits the show about finding a group of people who accept you for you. Wouldn’t do to have those people dying constantly.
Tbh, the puppet designs kinda slap-
Steve Tholomule 😔
I just. Raine. My (tied w/ Darius) second favorite blorbo. How did we get here.
oh no.
they are flying so many death flags right now.
no, apparently not.
Local decaying corpse is suprised when possessing fellow decaying corpse only adds to the decay, more at nine.
Camilla trying to not be panicked about the BI the whole time was so funny tho diwnfjendhcjwjsj
Hunter might have drowned? Maybe? Hopefully? What am I saying?
Lumity continues to be best healthy relationship, as expected.
Okay, but the look on Baines face after they were just possessed was so fucking… there was just SOMETHING about it. I don’t know what.
Belos isn’t even taking notes from Malachite anymore, he stole the whole damn notebook and he isn’t planning on giving it back anytime soon-
we got a surprising amount of Boscha this ep. I honestly kinda dig the one-sided crush on Amity thing. Interesting story potential.
I seriously didn’t expect Kiki to show up. Camilla butchering her name was *chefs kiss*, though.
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crimeronan · 4 months
On the Luz getting sick train inspired by the previous. (probably bad and contrived but i am not going to listen to my internal self critic since she sucks)
Luz is sick with *something tm* and getting exceedingly feverish, anxious and delirious, Hunter starts trying to get her to relax and look after her, even as she tries to insist that she's fine and she's just got the sniffles.
Naturally Hunter starts getting a little sick too , and then well...
The inevitable panic ensuring as all those fears she'd put into the nice little ignore forever box come rushing forth and results in a horrible episode and confession, panicking and crying and not making much sense at all before she falls asleep in a very confused Hunter's arms as he just tries his best to nurse her through it, desperately hoping this is just Luz being delirious making all her usual hidden anxieties much worse. Eventually Luz wakes up with no real memory of the incident but still acts noticeably and exceedingly nervous about Hunter being ill.
Even if it is plainly obvious to Hunter there's obviously more to it than that than just her usual panic attacks made worse by the illness, he is actively not thinking any further about it there is not one ounce of him that wants to and he is just in the most active state of denial, trying not to think one bit about what happened. Whatever it is she is scared of and guilty about cannot be good or something that can ever see the light of day so he is just not going to ever ask about or dig into any of this at all.
Even better if Amity is present for this, is not in denial and is desperately trying to get Hunter to be less in denial about this which of course leads to even stronger denial.
luz gripping amity's arm like [So Fever] listen. listen to me. hunter is going to hate me forever so it has to be you he's never gonna speak to me again. he's a corpse and his pieces are gonna start falling apart
amity, who was following this pretty well up until the last sentence: ..........okay. yes. understood. and, um. how high is safe for a human's temperature again??
luz who's trying to tell hunter that she's been figuring out where to source parts for potential organ transplants for years, but she's making absolutely no fucking sense, because actually galdorstones do not work as a replacement for an anatomical witch's heart. luz you are so sick go to bed
luz drops the term "grimwalker" and hunter does only the most basic cursory search just to say that he did & is like well that's an extinct mythological species! she was pulling from her history books. meanwhile amity does slightly more than a cursory search & is like hey um hunter. hey. can i um. listen to your heart. for completely normal completely platonic completely non-deranged reasons.
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phoenixacxf · 1 year
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Whoop dee doo I made an Owl House self insert! Welcome Astronomiya Atelinof /aˈstronomija.aˈtelinof/to the Boiling Isles. The name comes from a conlang I made called Atelechos. The first name, obviously, means astronomy. The last name means fruit. Astronomiya is often nicknamed Astro and goes by any pronouns, but prefers he/him. She is named Astronomiya because she is in the Oracle track and loves Divination, especially with Astronomy and Hexes Hold'em cards. He is part of the Hexes Hold'em, Arts and Witchcraft, Psychics, and Drama clubs. He is a theatre kid, language nerd, and writer. He loves languages so much that as adults, he begs Luz to let him study her glyphs to see how it could have worked as a language. He is also neurodivergent, Jewish, and queer. His favorite holiday is Hanukkah! He is specifically homoromantic asexual. They are an Aquarius, and very much an Aquarius.
They are friends with Luz, Hunter, the Blights, and Lilith. They grew up close to the Blights, specifically Amity, and was the first to know that Amity liked Luz. Eventually, they befriended Luz and would spend a great amount of time at The Owl House. When they meet Hunter, they immediately saw that Hunter was a good person, and they eventually became friends as the rest of the characters warmed up to him.
One day, Astro would call out the way the twins treat Amity, and they swore to treat her better because of how scary Astro can be.
He is in the same year as the twins. He would eventually join the Illusions tract when dual tracts are unlocked.
They also play piano and sing.
Their palisman is a Raven named Aderyn.
They opposed the coven system but never admitted it.
Platonic FO: Willow, Luz, Lilith, Hunter, Amity, @leo-thecactus SI Diomedes, and others.
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hibiscusheir · 2 years
general rules/info! (updated)
Fandoms and Characters I will write for!:
-BNHA: Bakusquad, Deku, Hawks, Dabi, Shigaraki, Shinso, Eri, Toga
-The Owl House: Hunter, Luz, Amity, Willow, Gus, Darius, Raine
-Total Drama: Gwen, Duncan, Heather, Courtney, Alejandro, Mike, Zoey, Cameron
-Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, James Potter (marauders era), Sirius Black (marauders era), Remus Lupin (marauders era), Regulus Black (marauders era), Lily Evans (marauders era)
-FNAF (Movie): Mike Schmidt, Steve Raglan/William Afton, Abby Schmidt(platonic or sibling only, obviously.)
What I WILL Write
-Sensitive topics such as (TW) sh, ed, su!c!de, etc.
-Mental illness
-Romantic and platonic character x readers
Romantic and platonic character x characters
What I WON’T Write
-The usual, pedophila, incest, stepcest, and more like it.
-Romanticizing of mental illness.
-NSFW, i’m a minor and i’m not comfortable writing that
I can refuse to write an ask for any reason. Sorry, thems the rules.
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zapvendo · 2 years
It's such a small thing but Im still so sad about the lack of Willow and Luz friendship in last two seasons. They're always overshadowed by amity, hunter and big lore drops. They were the highlight of the show for me, I always wanted find out more about willows life and her dads. And obviously Disney didn't let the crew show gays, but like it still shows how the creators prioritize amity the bully more than Luz's first friend in boiling isles! (and who doesn't care that Luz is now dating someone who tormented her for years..it's all boscha's fault tho, right?)
and the episode where they bring the house to life, basically doesn't go anywhere, because Willow and Gus are just supporting characters now! Isn't that so awesome?!!! I adore when creators prioritize romance over platonic love!! I love it when Willow is reduced to just being Hunter's crush!!
Isn't it so cool that when Willow is breaking down the focus isn't on Gus helping, her best friend for so many years, but Hunter who apparently is the only one who can save and reassure her?! 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
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[ID: A screenshot of a person in a white hoodie smiling while text above them reads, "saying it's okay instead of throwing a chair on them". End ID]
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Am I crazy? Sure, but I want to try something fun.
I'll be opening up both an ask game and commissions*! Here's how it'll work.
What's the difference?
Come in whatever form I choose, usually a headcanon list or ficlet unless it happens to align with a project I'm already working on.
Details are at my discretion. If you'd like a very specific piece, please refer to commissions list.
Answering asks also comes at my discretion. I may choose not to answer a certain ask. I may also take a longer time in getting to asks I answer (I go to school and work part-time)
You choose the form (headcanons, fic, art**, ect.)
I take as many details from you as you have. This includes characters, setting, timeline, ect. The rest I fill in as I go, checking in with you for input.
While I do reserve the right to turn away commissions for the sake of my own time and mental health, I will do my best to set a solid timeline for the commissions I do take.
What're the rules?
I am open to most things, including spicy stuff. That being said, I have some certain boundaries when it comes to creating.
Things I will never create, no matter the circumstance )
Any adult/child. This includes characters that are implied, but not confirmed to be 18 and up. (ex. Eda/Luz, Darius/Hunter, Katya/Steve (TOH))
Any incestuous or pseudo-incestuous ships. (ex. Luz/Hunter (TOH), Eda/Lilith (TOH), Komaru/Makoto (Daganronpa THH))
Borderline NSFL smut, such as omorashi or vore. I won't kinkshame, but I can't handle it.
Pro-shipping. (ex. Lilith/Steve, Amity/Hunter (TOH), Sharkie/Anybody (Hell's Belles))
Things that I most likely won't create, but may be considered under certain circumstance
Aged up character smut. I prefer not to age up characters simply for the sake of writing smut. Just gives me the ick. However, if there is a circumstance where a fic is set in the future for the sake of the plot and not just for the smut, I would be ok with including it.
Beastiality. For the most part, I won't write it. However, within certain fandoms, there are characters that could potentially considered 'beasts' (ex. Eberwolf from TOH) that I'd be willing to work with. This does not include monsterfucking/monster romance, such as Lily and Bel from Hell's Belles or Raine and Harpy! Eda from TOH.
Political-based works
Fanfics based on real people, unless it's about a character of the same name (Dream SMP, DanTDM)
Things I'll be happy to create!
Monster romance (ex. Angel and Ruggy from Hell's Belles, Abomination! Darius and Alador from TOH)
OCs/self inserts
Non-fanfiction related stuff! Have a prompt you want me to write? Sure! Believe it or not, I do occasionally write non-fanfic.
Platonic/familial affection. I'm a strong believer in the whole 'cuddle with your friends and family' thing.
Horror/violence (to a certain extent). As long as it's not too over the top and not in a sexual light, I love horror.
Major character death.
Obviously fluff and angst!
Anything else, just DM me and ask first!
Ground rules
If you're requesting/commissioning me for anything horror/gory/otherwise mature, I will be operating under the assumption that you are 16+. If it's spicy stuff, 18+. If I find any evidence whatsoever that this isn't true, I'll be stopping work immediately and blocking you.
Prices for commissions are firm. Headcanons lists are always free. Fics are $2.50 a page or $15 per ten pages. Art is $5 an hour, and I will time it.
Be nice and be patient. I'm a full-time student with a part-time job. If you yell at me for how long I'm taking, I'll refund you and be on my way.
First page/watermarked version will be sent as a preview.
Feel free to post said work on your socials as long as I am credited. I also reserve the right to post it on my own socials.
I have other works that have an audience that are waiting on them, and I will spend the time that is fair on those. I will not take time away from my current projects to work on a request.
Fandoms I am comfortable working on.
The Owl House
Danganronpa (THH)
The Riordanverse (TKC, PJO, HOO, TOA, MCATGOA, ect.)
Hell's Belles (sea.ya.later on Tiktok)
Past Life/Afterlife (Tiktok)
The Mysterious Benedict Society
MCSM (don't judge me)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Steven Universe
Could I write others? Sure, but it'll take time and research.
If you have questions, please DM me! For any commissions, please also DM me. For requests, send me an ask!
*Commissions will not be open until after the New Year for the sake of my mental health during finals week.
**So I lost my Apple Pencil, which essentially prevents me from creating digital art until I buy a new one. Sorry guys 😅
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