#(Not necessarily related to the post; but those communities might find it helpful)
On the subject of the culture of technology addiction…
(Skip to the green text for a list of coping mechanisms)
It’s not taken as seriously as it should be, because plenty of people view too much screen time — especially on one’s cell phone — as being an issue that plagues mostly adolescents. That is not entirely accurate. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 44% of American 18-49 year-olds are online “almost constantly.” (Source) And that’s just a study about spending time online; it doesn’t count the time we spend watching television, playing offline video games, or listening to the radio or music.
Even if you manage to control how much time you spend on your devices, you’re still experiencing second-hand screen time from somewhere. Have you ever turned your back on the television hanging from the ceiling in a restaurant, either because you didn’t like the programming, or you simply didn’t want to watch TV during dinner? How many times have you driven past billboards on the freeway, meant to catch your eye with vibrant, moving pictures of cannabis, fast food, and accident lawyers? How many babies waddle into your workplace with a tablet in their little hands, loudly playing YouTube Kids videos for everyone to hear? I remember when I was about four, being pushed around in a shopping cart shaped like a car that had a little screen in the “dashboard” that played exclusively VeggieTales. I never watched it; but the other little kids sitting at my level in the local Farmer Jack’s certainly did.
Sometimes I find I just can’t get away from technology. Television companies (in the US) used to play the national anthem before signing off for the night — no longer. Everything is awake all the time. Information and entertainment especially catered to YOU is at your fingertips 24/7. What a hell of a drug, eh?
Now, being someone who is CURRENTLY in the throes of a tech binge, rubbing red eyes with burst capillaries, and depressed from sleep deprivation… I am a hot, hot mess. If you’re desperate like me, maybe you’ve tried screen time apps to help manage your phone use. Well… this is about how well it’s been going for the five months I’ve had it:
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[Text ID: Circular screen time counter with a daily limit of three hours reading four hours and fifty-nine minutes at 1:08 PM. End Text ID.]
After a month of actually trying, I learned to ignore the notifications telling me to get off my phone because it’s 11:00 PM. My brain no longer registers them, because I’ve rationalized (very irrationally) that there are no real consequences to ignoring the notifications. Like, what’s OffScreen gonna do; sue me?
So, if you need to be held accountable like me, you may find it helpful to announce on social media that you’re taking a tech break for a specific amount of time (say, a week) and turn your “let people know you’re online” indicator ON.
Also, if you’re worried about being bored during your tech break: here is a list of things you can do instead of going on your phone, watching TV, gaming, etc. (I should really follow my own advice):
[Coping mechanisms start here]
Draw the weirdest piece of furniture in your house as a cute anime girl
Pick out a giant book; get some treats (candy, special tea, whatever); you’re only allowed a treat if you’re reading; you’re only allowed to go online recreationally until after you’ve finished the book
Play mindlessly with fidget toys (or study the movement intensely and take detailed notes on it, as if you’re studying an animal species)
Compose a melody on an instrument (No composition experience required; hit notes and write down the combinations that sound good so you’ll remember them. Mess with chords.)
Find some old schoolwork from when you were in high school (if you have a pile lying around somewhere) and see if you can still do it as an adult
Write an ode to the object immediately to your left
Do some yoga poses
Walk in a nature preserve or park. Find a long log and walk on it. 10/10 very healing
Give your children and/or pets some attention. Stop ignoring them. Bastard. /hj
Feed squirrels walnuts and pecans
Put a bird feeder in your yard, get a chair, and watch the local birds go at it (research hummingbird feeders though; certain types are very bad for the hummingbirds)
Draw with sidewalk chalk on your cement
Play ping-pong with the wall
Shoot baskets
Climb a tree (be safe please)
Go to a playground after hours (or off-season), get a big stick, and start hitting the metal poles with the stick to see what kind of tones you can produce
Antique shop-hopping
Find an outdoor event in your area and support local artisans and buskers
Learn to play the kalimba, recorder, harmonica, spoons, jaw harp, or other inexpensive instrument; only go online after you’ve mastered one song (three songs, if you’re musically-apt)
Trace your hand on a piece of paper and zentangle it
Sing songs
Prune and water your plants
Do ten push-ups (or another quick physical activity you think you’re able to do)
Go outside and look for rocks on the ground
Go into that weird store you’ve always seen but never visited
Read a newspaper
Bust out that old digital camera from 1998 and start shooting things
Another bad habit I have is only waking up in the mornings after using my phone for a disgustingly long amount of time. I still need to find a workaround for that… I may try to get a loud alarm clock and a small box with a lock on it, put the alarm clock in the box before bed, lock it, and put the key on the opposite side of the room. So I’ll have to get up, find the key undo the lock in order to shut off the alarm. That way, I’ll be able to wake up without using my phone (hopefully). If I try it, I’ll let you all know how it goes!
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Hii sweetyy I luv your blog sm it's really useful , can I ask for new school advice?
New School Survival Guide🎒📚🎀✏️
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ty for the ask & the sweet compliment! i'm glad to be helpful 💓 starting at a new school always makes me so excited & nervous at the same time 🫣
starting a new school can be scary, and rightfully so - it's a big shift to your life & your routine. but i've always loved the new opportunities that come along with it! here are some ways to turn nervousness into excitement & make the most of it
create a fresh start
this advice is super common but for a good reason. starting at a new school is the perfect time to debut a "new" self. ofc you don't need to change your entire personality, style, etc. but sometimes after years of the same school, friends, & routine, you find yourself holding onto certain things for better or for worse.
so maybe you grew out of your sense of style and wanna try a new look - you can invest in a few pieces of clothes/ accessories and begin experimenting. maybe you have some toxic friends that you don't wanna keep in your life - time to slowly stop keeping in touch. maybe you've created a habit of not taking class seriously, never talking to teachers, & slacking off - now you can start doing the opposite.
the key here is that you're "creating" your fresh start. technically, you can make those changes anytime, but being in the same situation & surrounded by the same people can be paralyzing. now you're going into a new environment with new people who have no impression or preconceived notions of you. take this opportunity to decide the kind of person you want to be, implement those habits & traits, and show up to your new school as that person!
find a community
probably the scariest part of a new school is finding friends. if you're lucky you might have friends who are also going to be there with you. if not, starting from scratch is scary but doable. it's also really important - humans are social creatures & having people you can rely on & turn to is so necessary!
one way to make friends is by striking up conversations with classmates. this is very accessible since your classes will be full of people you can talk to and see every day.
another way is to find organizations you can join. find out if your school has clubs, volunteer groups, and other organizations for students. pick a few that really sound interesting to you, based on your hobbies or interests. this is a great way to meet people with a common interest, which is grounds for possibly making great friends!
also pick your electives based on things that interest you. if you're taking an art class, sport, or specific subject that you really enjoy, you can find others with the same interests and also potentially make friends similar to you!
be proactive about your studies
from the start, be really diligent about how your new school is structured. every school (and honestly every class & teacher) will be very different in terms of teaching style, speed, and approach to class concepts. figure out as soon as you can how things work so you can adjust appropriately & stay on top of classes. this is especially important if you're transitioning into high school, college, etc.
that's all my advice for starting at a new school! you can look at my old posts for some more school-related advice, which isn't necessarily just for starting at a new school, but can still apply. i wish you all the luck, and i can't wait for you to absolutely thrive at your new school! 🥰
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nhasablogg · 1 year
Something I've been wanting to say for a while
I admit I'm a coward. I can't help it. I have anxiety. I feel as if people will be mean to me even when I've not done anything. I want to protect my peace too much to get into things like I used to, but I need to say something, because it's a recurring thing and people think they can just send me things that they feel is true with no space for disagreement or a discussion. I'll probably make this post unrebloggable and close my asks for a while afterward, because I genuinely am not looking for other people's opinions about it. I already know it's varied, and that many people are very extreme about it, maybe because they just feel passionate that their view on it is right, which is fine as long as there's recognition that your views are not everyone's views, or maybe because the internet nowadays encourages aggression without trying to understand any other view on things.
I don't think liking tickling automatically makes it a kink, and so I don't agree that engaging in tickling with others, whether they know you like it or not, is necessarily something sexual or that it's this whole terrible thing you shouldn't do and if you do it makes you a disgusting human being. I think it's very bold for others to assume that the way THEY feel about it means everyone has the same feelings and experiences. This is so complex and personal, probably something that's been inside of us our entire lives and has developed with us. You can't tell people how to feel, just like I can't technically convince you it's not just a kink. It's weird that you don't think it would work both ways and that only your opinion on it needs to be aggressively shouted at others (you is not aimed at a person, but a general you - you get it, you're smart).
But! This whole discourse has made me feel afraid to admit that certain parts about my feelings for tickling ARE a kink, even though I'm not actually into sexual activities due to being asexual. Although I reckon people who aren't asexual feel this way too. I've seen so many takes about that if you have a tickle kink you can't enjoy it platonically that it's made me afraid to express my feelings on it on the one and only place I can do it, and I think that's stupid. I've been afraid of exploring different themes in my silly little fanfictions because of it. I think it's dangerous the way people will throw serious accusations at others just because THEY might find it sexual and nothing else. It's quite literally something people do to bond and have fun, be annoying, provoke, and sometimes to spice things up in the bedroom, and I can't comprehend why this community thinks those things can't be true at the same time. Humans are complex. Some people are terrible, but do you really think all of us are? I understand the need to protect others, but why must you always assume the worst in people who have never shown you or anyone else any malice? Do you really think I would sit on this blog and talk about something tickling related if I myself found it inappropriate? I wouldn't be stupid enough to admit to something like that anyway. Does this make sense? I just think a lot of people in this community are after the wrong people. I just write fics and sometimes talk about my life, and I would LIKE to be able to talk more about tickling, but I get scared to do so even though this is a tickling blog, to a certain degree.
I don't know. I don't think I managed to say all I wanted to say, but I just simply don't know how to say it. Tldr I guess: most of us are complex and can have more than one feeling about things and it's not up to you to decide how we feel.
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I have C-PTSD and don’t have much of a sense of an identity. I feel like I am just existing like a shell of a person like a puzzle with a missing piece. It doesn’t matter what pronouns or name I use most of the time it all just feels wrong. I know I am a singlet but I don’t have the same sense of self singlets do. I could be parasian maybe due to my trauma but I don’t even know how to question myself about that. Every resource on “are you plural” are aimed at people who would be distinct. I don’t know what to call myself. I feel like if I call myself anything but singlet that I am “faking” because I envy plural people. I just would like to get some feedback or resources. Honestly I just wanna see if I relate to anyone else or anyone else relates to me. Sorry if this is a bother just kinda ran out of options to try and find helpful sources.
Hi! We’re sorry to hear you’ve been going through such a difficult time. Your experience of struggling with a sense of identity, not knowing who you are, and feeling like a shell of a person all resonate with us, as we felt incredibly similar before we were able to receive treatment and start down our path to recovery (and we still sometimes feel like this today!). This may not necessarily be a plural thing - rather, it is an unfortunate reality for many people who struggle with PTSD, CPTSD, or many trauma-based personality disorders (BPD and HPD come to mind).
It certainly is possible to be a plural singlet! Plural singlets are folks who feel like they tow the line between plurality and singlethood. These people are still very welcome in the plural community as long as they wish to be here. We are not a plural singlet, and we do not know one personally, so unfortunately we can’t provide an inside look as to what it might look or feel like to be a plural singlet. If anyone who sees this is a plural singlet and has some insight they’d be willing to share, please feel free to do so!
We do have a couple posts we’d like to share with you which might be helpful! The first is our resource post for questioning systems. It’s true that most of these resources may focus more on those with “distinct” alters or headmates, but we hope that some resources included may have at least some information which could be of use to you!
The other post we’d like to share is our resource list on depersonalization and derealization. It sounds to us like you could be dealing with some serious depersonalization, which is a dissociative symptom which pops up in many different mental disorders.
We hope these posts will prove to be useful for you! And keep in mind that we are not an expert, clinician, or mental health professional by any stretch of the word! We’re just one system sharing our thoughts, experiences, and resources we’ve gathered through our time in system spaces. Truly we think that your questions may best be posed to a therapist or counselor who would be able to provide you with better, more personalized care!
While we’re happy to share resources and provide our thoughts, we ultimately won’t be able to tell you whether or not you’re a system. That’s for you to figure out for yourself (or selves)! However, know that whether or not you turn out to be plural, you will always be welcome here and are free to ask questions and interact as much as you wish. Respectful singlets will always be welcome here!
We hope this helps! Best of luck to you with figuring this out. We’re wishing you all the very best!
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littlemoonastrology · 10 months
All About: SCORPIO ♏︎ - The Zodiac Signs
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This post will cover all the basic information needed to understand Scorpio, the eighth Zodiac Sign!
Take a look at my other posts to see more information on: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra!
Watch out, because Sagittarius is coming next!
If you feel like this post has helped you feel free to Follow, Reblog or Repost (as long as I'm credited! I'm relatively new to Tumblr so I'm still learning about how all this works)!
Scorpio ♏︎
Date (Only applies to Sun Signs): October 23 - November 21
Symbol: ♏︎ - The Scorpion
Associated House: Eighth
Associated Degrees: 8°, 20°
Associated Energy: Feminine
Planetary Ruler(s): ♇ Pluto (Modern) and ♂ Mars (Traditional)
Element: Water
Modality: Fixed
Keywords: Introspective, Compassionate, Strong-Willed, Perceptive, Ambitious, Brooding
Moralistic, perceptive and strong-willed are all fantastic words to describe those with Scorpio placements! People with this sign in their chart are often very ambitious and keep to a long-term goal which matters deeply to them, usually something which is relevant to their life and personal experiences. Whilst this placement isn't necessarily secretive, they will not give out information willingly which they believe will be used against them and are capable to place very strong boundaries with people (sometimes it seems like it comes out of the blue!). This is because Scorpio thinks deeply about their decisions and opinions, so if they feel like cutting you off (or maybe on the positive side, they want to take something to the next level!) it is something they have thought about for a while. Scorpios are deeply introspective and compassionate, having overcome a lot of obstacles in life. This makes them excellent providers of advice, and a good ear if you need one. Sometimes Scorpio placements have a tendency to be quite shy, preferring to keep all their vulnerabilities hidden and may even take that to an extreme level by not sharing anything with anyone (which can come across as secretive). Maybe in this state it comes to a point where they engage in hobbies as a way to help maintain some kind of control in their life or find some sense of relatability. Sometimes, they may even become fixated on positions of power or material items, losing aspects of their morality. When it comes to this point a Scorpio might end up becoming cold or pessimistic, maybe even cruel and vengeful (although this is in an extreme case). On the other end of the spectrum, a Scorpio might find themselves caught up in drama they don't necessarily want to be a part of but still stay because they want to provide some kind of service or opinion... when really it would be more beneficial for them to just leave it alone. This can fuel some kind of people-pleaser behaviour, struggling to express their opinions or boundaries in order to help other people. It is at this point a Scorpio should prioritise self-care because as compassionate and moralistic as they can be, behaviour like this can really destroy their sense of self-worth.
When Scorpio feels safe and like they can pursue their ambitions they are unstoppable - however it means that they may come across as intense whether that be by the way they communicate, their behaviour or something else (which may make a Scorpio feel insecure if they are aware they come across this way). It's important for Scorpio to take this into consideration, but keep pursuing their goals no matter what comes up as. Ultimately, if you want to do something and you're a Scorpio, go for it! Don't let others opinions get you down.
Zodiac Sign
Each of the Zodiac Signs are a constellation. The Zodiac Sign shows how a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented and expressed. Once a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign, it adopts the energy of it.
For example: if Mercury falls into the constellation Sagittarius, Mercury adopts Sagittarian traits. If the 6th House falls into the constellation Aquarius, the 6th House adopts Aquarian traits.
Associated House
The Houses in Astrology are dependent on the time and location of birth in a Natal Chart and there are 12 different ones. Each of these 12 Houses are then assigned to a Zodiac Sign and 1 or 2 Planetary Rulers. The Houses in Astrology show you what area of life the energy of the Zodiac and Planets/Asteroids/Fixed Points is appointed to and helps provide depth into the chart.
For example: Capricorn's Associated House is the 10th House.
Associated Degrees
When a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House falls into a Zodiac Sign constellation, it will be appointed a Degree. This Degree shows how far along the Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is in a Zodiac Sign. Each Degree is also associated with a Zodiac Sign, meaning when this Degree comes up it can nuance the way the Zodiac Sign of a Planet/Asteroid/Fixed Point/House is being represented.
For example: Mars is 6° in the Zodiac Cancer, 6° represents Virgo - therefore the Cancer Mars also takes on Virgo traits. The 2nd House is 23° in the Zodiac Scorpio, 23° represents Aquarius - therefore the 2nd House in Scorpio takes on Aquarian traits.
Planetary Ruler(s)
This phrase refers to the Planet(s) that rule a Zodiac Sign. When a Planet falls into the Zodiac Sign it has rulership over, the energy of both the Planet and the Zodiac Sign is amplified.
For example: Pisces' Planetary Ruler is Neptune.
Modern / Traditional
These words are associated with two kinds of Astrology: Modern Astrology and Traditional Astrology. Traditional Astrology refers to Astrology that was practiced before the 19th century, whilst Modern Astrology refers to Astrology that is practiced now. Some people choose to practice Traditional Astrology, some people choose to practice Modern Astrology, whilst some others might practice both types or combine them together.
Each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with an Element and this covers certain traits which are unique to the Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree they correspond to.
These Elements are: Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
Much like an Element, each Zodiac Sign/Planet/House/Degree is associated with a Modality. The Modality describes what the focus of a placement is and how the energy is expressed.
There are 3 different Modalities: Cardinal, Mutable and Fixed.
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sexynetra · 8 months
Hi! LATAM queer here that doesn't have English as a first language writing this just so you understand the importance of your work:
I haven't been active in tumblr for like almost half a year now, but I literally just logged in today to see if you had post any RAWNSYF update/new dialogue that I might have missed. I had no ideia what was going on on twitter when I logged in today. And I'm so sorry that you got exposed like that. If it is any consolation, RAWNSYF is one of my favorite fics ever written. Def my fav anarcia fic. To me, fanfic in queer spaces is a way I can read about the queer experience and relate to my own life. That is what I love about RAWNSYF, I have a past love experience that is really similar to what Anetra is going through in your fic. By reading it, I can help my 18 year old self heal. I'm not sending you this to necessarily encourage you to post a new chapter. After all that happened yesterday, I'll totally understand if you never update. I'm telling you all this so you know that your work matter. Your fic might be one of the few media work that I've ever felt so represented. Fanfic is important to queer people like us because of this: we don't have much representation in the wide media. So we turn to our own community to see ourselves being represented in this kind of spaces. Because of this, I ask you with all the kindness that I have inside of me: if you don't want to post an update, I'll totally get it! But please, PLEASE, don't ever feel guilty for what you've already wrote and posted. It means more to people that never saw themselves in media that anyone who's not queer could ever understand.
Hi there <33
This has just been sitting in my inbox because every time I went to respond I started crying again 😅
This is the sweetest message I have ever received and I cannot even possibly express just how much it meant to me to read this.
I started rawnsyf out of a desire to see the stories I wanted to read about being shared. (Well, technically I started rawnsyf as a 2am writing practice that was never supposed to be expanded upon but here we are) I honestly never thought anyone else would actually read it 😂 it was just a little story that had all my favorite story tropes in it. That was it.
But then rawnsyf grew. It grew in the scope of what I was writing about, and it grew in its reach. Suddenly, people were reading it, and it was connecting with them on a level I never anticipated.
Rawnsyf started as a fanfic about two queens I enjoyed, but I hand on my heart believe that it has grown to be so much more than that. This story, that was originally just a fun little writing exercise and a cute little love story, has become something that people really feel a connection to, and feel represented by.
I honestly never expected that, it’s beyond my wildest dreams. I think anyone who creates content hopes that it will resonate with people, but I never expected the scope it would have (which sounds braggadocious but I never expected the story to really become important to anybody besides me, and over and over again the amazing community on here has proven me wrong).
It started as a story about two queens I love, but it has grown beyond that. The characters in the story have lives of their own. They exist beyond the drag queens that inspired them. And this message, maybe more than any other, reminds me just how powerful those characters can be.
I am so infinitely grateful that you took the time to send this message, and even more infinitely honored and touched that you have allowed me to express myself through my writing and taken it onto yourself. Nothing will ever mean more to me than people being able to feel seen and find healing through something I’ve created.
Rawnsyf is not over, and it’s all because of the love people like you have shared with me for this story.
I hope I can do you justice with this story and my heart is so full <3333
I am crying again so I will end this here but my heart just feels so full. Thank you for sending this to me and being so honest and vulnerable. It means more to me than you could ever know
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enneagram-reblogs · 10 months
A few things to know about Type Six.
From NineTypesCo by Steph Barron Hall.
Common Underlying Motivation: To be safe, secure, and in community
→ Sixes spend a lot of mental energy managing uncertainty. Sometimes, this is focused on physical safety, but it’s more often about financial security, overall well-being, relational safety, trust, etc. Sixes are vigilant about what might happen, and solving for or planning for those problems helps them feel safe. Looking for what might happen can propel 6s into doubting and questioning things (and depending on the 6, they might doubt or question themselves). Sixes are VERY hard to describe because they can be so different, depending on the subtype.
Consistently Avoiding: Being stranded without support or safety
→ Some Sixes avoid this by building strong relationships, checking in, finding connection, and planning what they might do if something goes awry. Other Sixes avoid this by showing strength (almost like they won’t be stranded if they don’t show they need people) or by moving assertively to control the situation.
You might not know that…
→ 6s aren’t always afraid or anxious. It’s more helpful to think of them as “aware” or “vigilant.” This doesn’t always mean these ideas takeover: sometimes it’s like a tape running in the back of their minds.
→ Many 6s explain that they think in flow charts or binder tabs: they have a mental system of organizing their thoughts. Often, systems, procedures, and processes help them feel prepared and ready to take on the day!
→ In the face of a crisis, 6s are often courageous: sometimes they can be bold, and sometimes they can navigate away from the crisis to keep themselves and others from being impacted. When people learn the Enneagram, they sometimes think “6s are so anxious, I’m not going to honestly tell them what’s going wrong because they can’t handle it.” But they can ABSOLUTELY HANDLE IT. And the worst thing for a lot of 6s is dishonesty because it reinforces the narrative that they need to be suspicious of others.
→ 6s are often more competent than they let on! When seeking to feel sure, they might already have a thought or opinion about something. Seeking reassurance is aimed at feeling more certain than uncertain (not necessarily about forming a new opinion).
→ Sometimes, a 6’s awareness means they know what’s not being taken care of, so they jump in and take responsibility. This can be really exhausting, especially when they feel they’re the only one who is taking care of things.
→ Many 6s have a knack for bringing people together and building community. They can be really connective, expressive, witty, fun, and even sometimes spontaneous!
And BTW…
→ Concern about safety/security is not necessarily about finding fire exits. Sometimes, fear is focused on physical safety, but it’s more often about financial security, overall well-being, relational safety, trust, etc. A lot of the time, 6s are looking to feel sure, even if they already have a thought or opinion about something. They might seek reassurance from others, from an authority, from information, principles, ethics, etc., but all of this is aimed at feeling more certain than uncertain.
See the image version of this post!
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fenmere · 8 months
An Afterword for our WIP
Putting this here both as sort of an ND advocacy post, AND as an accountability gesture and the opportunity for crowd-sourcing some editing.
If you're a follower and you read this and have something to add or suggest, we'd love to hear it. Feel free to DM us about it if you don't want to comment publicly.
(We do have a sensitivity reader for our Black representation, who we are compensating for it. We have very limited funds outside of that, so contribute only if you feel moved to. There is no expectation.)
This is long, and it is up for respectful discussion.
Thank you.
under the cut for those who just don't want to see discourse:
A word about psychosis, schizoaffective disorder, DID, and plurality
First of all, we, the Inmara Fenumera, the actual authors of these stories, have not experienced psychosis ourselves, as far as we know. Not as a psychiatrically significant symptom.
We are plural (meeting the criteria for DID except for the personal distress part), autistic, and have C-PTSD. We do experience brief, mild hallucinations occasionally, related to our plurality and just having a brain (most people do occasionally when they are falling asleep).
But we are part of the broader community of neurodivergent and mentally ill people, and we have a responsibility to our peers to represent them as best we can in our writing.
So, a very elementary first point to make.
Being psychotic does not mean having multiple personalities. Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Schizotypal Personality Disorder are not Dissociative Identity Disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, or Dissociative Disorder Otherwise Specified. These are different classes of neurotypes and experiences.
To dramatically simplify things, psychosis involves having hallucinations and delusions among a few other symptoms, while having multiple personalities is a separate thing. Plurality is the current community umbrella term for a wide swath of experiences of not being a single person in a single brain, such as having DID.
These things are separate, and if you experience one of them, you do not necessarily experience the others.
But, it is possible to be plural and to be psychotic. And they do not invalidate each other, and that’s important to accept. If you have a psychotic disorder, that does not mean your plurality isn’t real. If you are plural and are experiencing chronic psychosis, your plurality is not necessarily to blame for that psychosis.
If you spend any time searching for and reading about psychosis, and the conditions under which it occurs, you will learn a lot of really important and useful things, such as that it is a symptom and not a disorder in and of itself, and that it has sets of sub-symptoms that are common but not universal to every episode someone might experience.
You will also be able to read a plethora of personal accounts of what it is like to experience psychosis, and what it is like to live with one of the disorders that can lead to it, or that feature it. 
We recommend doing this.
It helps everyone around you quite a bit, if you have a better understanding of neurodiversity and mental illness, and if you spend some time contemplating how to work with someone who is experiencing a mental health crisis.
That said, you may also notice that most of the disorders and circumstances that lead to psychosis, and the symptom of psychosis itself, are described as happening on a spectrum.
Not “on the spectrum” as a euphemism for autism, but that they occur in any number of degrees of severity.
But almost all the accounts and descriptions you will find for such things as schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, C-PTSD, and the like will describe worst case scenarios, or at least, cases that are severe enough that psychiatric medicine and therapy have been necessary.
However, if you spend any amount of time actually participating in the neurodivergent and mad communities, you will meet countless people who have much less severe versions of these things. They are typically in a lot less distress, and therefore may have trouble getting a clinician to take them seriously, or they don’t even feel the need for help. 
And this is OK. The experiences of these people do not reflect on the people who need more assistance and treatment. Humanity (and its adjacent peoples) is neurodiverse and has room for all experiences.
That said, there are a number of stigmas and misconceptions that do need to be addressed and dismantled here.
We felt the need to include Erik in our stories to help do this.
Erik’s specific psychotic disorder is undiagnosed. He knows he’s occasionally psychotic because he experiences vivid hallucinations and mild delusions on occasion, and they are usually triggered by stress. This happens frequently enough that he’s learned how to manage it, but infrequently enough that he can hold down a job and maintain relationships. It’s hard work for him, but he does it. 
And, he doesn’t trust the mental health industry because of some bad personal experiences in his youth, plus the fact that he’s Black, queer, trans, autistic, plural, and experiences psychosis. This collection of identities and neurotypes often leads to bad experiences with people who might have any power over him. He’s being cautious. He was taught to be cautious and to manage himself by his family and most of his actual peers.
Erik probably has a relatively mild case of Schizoaffective Disorder and C-PTSD. His experiences with plurality do not cause him enough distress alone to get that diagnosed as a dissociative disorder of any sort. If his plurality is a result of his trauma and struggles, it is a useful adaptation that usually gets him through the week with little fuss, making code switching or masking from situation to situation a little easier than it might be. But if he did pursue a diagnosis along those lines, he’d probably be awarded with OSDD for his troubles.
His specific set of neurological traits and experiences are based on those of a very close friend that we have, with some accounts from blogs of other psychotic plural people we know online. He is someone who could very well exist.
He is not, by any means, capable of being a representative of all the experiences of anyone who is Black, queer, trans, autistic, plural, and/or psychotic. No one with any single one or combination of these identities or traits can be.
He is, however, an example of someone who just happens to match a cross section of stereotypes that are commonly flagged by the neurodivergent community as misconceptions. And that’s something we wanted to point out.
You really can’t point at any given representation of human experiences and say, “that doesn’t exist.”
Being plural does not mean being able to see your alters and talking to them face to face, as depicted in movies. Though, the medium of cinema makes it difficult to depict how inner system communication can often work.
Being psychotic does not mean having another version of yourself, representing a part of your psyche, appearing full bodied in front of you and having a conversation with you. But it’s really fun for a lot of people to see that on screen.
And, it’s really common in disability and mental health advocacy to call these things out when they appear on the screen as misleading the public into thinking this is what these symptoms and disorders are all about. And it’s good to call that out.
But when you are plural and have a psychotic neurotype, you can actually experience the stereotype personally.
This has happened to real people.
And we know from our plurality alone that when your experiences match a particular stereotype that is often called out as fake that that can do a real number on your senses of self and reality, and the validity of your experiences. You tend to question yourself during times when you really don’t need that extra doubt.
A certain amount of grace and nuance should be extended to the people like Erik who do exist and live in the outworld. 
When you see what strikes you as problematic representation of a neurotype or mental illness in a piece of media, instead of saying, “that’s not how it works,” try on, “somebody probably experiences it that way, but not most, and we see that stereotype far too often in stories,” instead. Or something like that.
It means using more words, but sometimes you have to do that in order to not create new stereotypes and stigmas, such as “that’s fake”, that other people really shouldn’t have to face.
How is it that every major character in this story is autistic, trans, plural, and has other major things going on on top of that?
It’s a reflection of our actual lived experiences.
When you are autistic, for instance, you tend to have a lot of other neurotypes and conditions. A unique set for yourself from a huge grab bag of possibilities. It’s sort of the current definition of the diagnosis itself, and just super common amongst those who self identify as autistic, too.
Being queer and/or trans is not a mental illness or condition, but it's also really common amongst autistics.
And when you are not straight, cisgender, or neurotypical, you do tend to collect friends and acquaintances who share your experiences. And we are not as rare as a lot of people will lead you to believe.
There are absolutely autistic, trans, queer, and/or other marginalized people who are isolated, friendless, and struggling to find others. But if you live in a big enough city and are social enough, you’ll end up surrounded by people like yourself, and spend as little time as possible amongst those who are not. Those who aren’t like you will tend to shun you, after all.
And this can happen subconsciously and organically.
Fully ten years before we recognized our own identities as an autistic, plural, transgender therian, we started a comics making club called the B.S. of Comics that met in a coffee shop called the Black Drop (that Aunti Zero’s is inspired by). Within one month of putting up the signs inviting the general public to join that group, it had 30 members and was full of other autistic, plural, transgender therians and furries. And for ten years we were so delighted and bewildered. 
And then we couldn’t deal with our dysphoria and with masking anymore and had to come out to ourselves, and it suddenly all made sense.
And we now live with another autistic, plural, transgender therian who is our partner, and have another partner across town with the same sets of identities (though she identifies as ADHD, not autistic, but close enough), and the vast majority of our friends share those traits, too. And, we each have our own unique sets of co-occuring neurological and physiological weirdnesses on top of that as well.
It’s one of the most delightful things about being who and what we are.
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roleplaybook · 1 month
Should a old post with a kink/fetish effect the rps that you are in and wanted to know if getting kicked from a server for the old post and a situation that wasn’t really communicated was grounds for blocking after the person apologized for their errors even if they are new to this whole thing
Hi; thanks for the ask, Anon!
It's common for a roleplayer to check older posts from a prospective writing partner. One of the nice things about platforms like Tumblr or Reddit is the ability to go back through posting history to get a feel for vibes.
Certain kinks are a major turn off for some people. It doesn't necessarily matter if there's no mention of involving that kink in the current RP. They might find it morally reprehensible and not want to write with someone who's into that. They might be concerned the kink will make an appearance even if it's not the focus of the plot being discussed. For example, if someone's post history heavily suggests they have a feet kink and the roleplayer does not want anything foot related in their RP, they may decide against moving forward with that writer.
All that to say: people will make assumptions based on posting history. Right or wrong, good or bad; it's going to happen.
Just like any other relationship, a writing relationship can be ended at any time and for any reason.
By the same token, servers are run by individuals. They're curated by those individuals, whose unique preferences and morals will come into play.
In most cases, it can be "unprofessional" to kick someone due to their activity/preferences outside the server - but it sets us up for disappointment to expect professionalism from an owner of a hobby server. They are curating the community they want to build. They're free to add and remove users accordingly, with the caveat they may lose members based on their actions and behavior.
Blocking works in the same way. Blocking communicates a boundary. It's a (harsh, perhaps) way of saying, "I don't want to interact with you further." A person is allowed to do so at their own discretion.
I have no real details, here, so I can't speculate as to whether it was an immature choice on their part, or preemptive, or even unfair. At the end of the day, people will run their servers in the way they see fit, and that may mean excluding people who have shown interest in certain kinks. It is also a risk that anyone you chat with online may block you without disclosing their reasons, or without accepting your apology.
Assuming your apology was sincere and took ownership of your error (I'm not sure what said error actually was, mind), you did what you could. I'm sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted.
If you are new to RP, keep in mind it's normal to make mistakes. It's also normal to have confrontations go south no matter how experienced you are. Blocking happens. Online communities run by individuals may not operate in ways we feel are fair or professional. When these things happen, it's okay to feel disappointed - but it's unhelpful to fixate on them and whether they're right or wrong. We just move on from them, and continue to look for the writing partners and communities we jibe with.
I know that doesn't exactly answer the question, but I hope it helps all the same.
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ghostlyferrettarot · 6 months
🖤🌗Lilith in the Signs🌓🖤
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❗️All the observations in this post are based on personal experience and research, it's completely fine if it doesn't resonate with everyone❗️
✨️Paid Services ✨️ (Natal charts and tarot readings) Open.
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🐈‍⬛Lilith in Aries: the native may feel more of a desire to be independent, to stand up for things he believes in, to cherish individualism, to argue persuasively for his opinions, and to be more sensual and straightforward when in love. The issue is that this can make relationships a little more challenging, encouraging more rejection or the tendency to look for flaws in a spouse since it's hard to commit. Those who were born with this alignment in their birth chart might have gone through periods of rejection.If Lilith is in Aries, don't be scared to look ahead; what vibrates will remain, and if not, don't be afraid to let it go for good.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Taurus: Lilit in Taurus indicates a stronger sense of tenacity along with an increased attraction to all things sensual and lovely. Additionally, it may increase emotional activity to the point that you look for greater security in relationships. Furthermore, this comfort isn't necessarily purely emotional; you might want to look for individuals who are stable financially, for instance. This particular dependency on tangible, safe things might occasionally cause discomfort and disrupt your emotional balance. Lilith, who stands for feminine power, narrates how the family's ladies acquired strength and empowerment so Lilith is in Taurus could be a clan women who came to power by making excellent use of their resources and handling their finances and belongings with diligence.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Gemini: It can induce a greater search for independence and make the native particularly interested in intellectual or communicative areas, such as literature and public relations. This position can also suppress emotions a little or make the native more rational. With this placement it is important to understand that what kills or what hurts the native is not the physical offense, but the negative use of other people's words. With Lilith in Gemini this people may be afraid to connect with their environment for fear of rejection Or it could be the opposite, someone who is very good at social communication, who is friendly and fun and connects with everyone.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Cancer: Lilith in Cancer has a great capacity to intuit emotionally charged issues, perhaps about the past, childhood, lack of protection during childhood, or during a moment of great vulnerability. She encourages the native to reflect on the concepts of family. This movement also speaks of emotions that are gestated in the primordial energy of Creation. The desire to establish emotional ties is intense and these people may obsessively seek to start a family.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Leo: In general, it brings a greater desire to have fun, increases the desire to participate in parties and perhaps be the center of attention. It increases the chance of convincing and seducing people and slightly increases the chances of being a notable person. Self-knowledge is very important for you to find your true identity and eliminate any type of narcissism and overvaluation of your shape or physical beauty. When seeking recognition and attention, you must be careful not to do so in an exaggerated way. Lilith in Leo represents the energetic vibration of rebellion, uniqueness and creativity. This energy has the quality of helping those with this position.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Virgo: They have a character that is not afraid of loneliness, they are independent and do not sacrifice their autonomy for some company. They are very selective with their friends and partners and do not dedicate time to the bonds that do not find meaning in the shared moments. This positioning of Lilit can make objectivity in details a little difficult, influencing the native to criticize things or people at first glance. Her analytical and psychological abilities tend to increase and they may have very strong intuition. The problem is that they may not be exactly aware of these abilities or, out of modesty, may not admit them.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Libra: Lilith in Libra can intensify the thirst for justice, this position indicates a constant search for equality and beauty and at the same time a great need for symmetry in relationships. The challenge of this displacement is that natives often face scenarios where independence is threatened. with Lilith in Libra you may have difficulty establishing healthy boundaries in your social connections. This is because Lilith represents our darkest side.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Scorpio: Lilith in Scorpio can generate a tendency towards self-destruction or an overwhelming need to go against what is established. People born under this sign have an intense and magnetic energy that can attract others to them. In addition, they are very passionate and deep people, which allows them to connect with their darkest part and have the ability to face fears and internal traumas. In addition, it can speak of people with a strong and defiant character who do not follow conventional social norms. People with this position may be curious about issues associated with sexuality, power, and individual and social transformation.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Sagittarius: Here this native has the opportunity to unite intellect and spirituality, in addition, he suggests an influence that gives rise to a greater desire for knowledge and adventure. He usually contacts other people in search of more experience, always with good intentions. Also, he can talk about detached people, who feel that they cannot dedicate themselves to a single person, who need to adventure, travel and discover other cultures. This individuals must be careful from those who try to take advantage of their generosity as well as they must avoid nurturing vices.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Capricorn: It tends to slightly intensify the desire for status or to obtain a prominent position, it induces the native to be a little more indifferent or demanding with others, but sometimes it is important to make concessions. On the other hand, it can increase the sense of discipline and duty, basic things to achieve a prestigious position. It is important to keep in mind that those born with Lilith in this Earth sign can express themselves in a harsh way emotionally, and their own limitation makes it difficult to expression of others. They treat the people they love with somewhat authoritarian dynamics and expect them to respond in a certain way.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Aquarius: Lilith in Aquarius can intensify intuition, the desire for adventure, and a bolder attitude. She can stimulate independence or rebellion. Lilith in this Air sign, by not respecting what is established, they can adopt a permanent attitude of being contrary and testing everything around her. Their biggest urge is to cut ties and be totally autonomous, which can cause discomfort with others. These natives may feel that they do not match their family, they feel like the black sheep or the oddball of the clan. Then, they leave the blood network in search of a group to which they belong.
🐈‍⬛Lilith in Pisces: This positioning can cause the person to intensify themes, such as imagination, fantasy, artistic sense and inspiration. It may also stimulate a greater inclination to help people or an appreciation for social work. However, such influence can cause one to neglect oneself and fail to meet one's own needs. You must be careful not to get caught in illusions. Your spirituality or creative imagination can bear good material fruits, and it is necessary to deepen your knowledge and self-knowledge to unlock good ideas. You should always think about how to develop your spirituality and intuition to get a good idea of everything that happens around you.
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spiritualeden · 6 months
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agentgabe55 · 8 months
Gabriel Brophy-Curran
How would YOU define social media (it's fine if you do not agree with the textbook)?
When I think of what social media is, I see it as a way for individuals to communicate with people they do and do not know, about personal and professional ideas and concepts both locally and across the world. It can be to share your opinions, your good news, or something to make you financially or personally successful. It can help you grow businesses, make money, stay in contact with friends and family members, or satisfy egos; depending on how you use this platform and who is engaging.
I also think there is a side of social media that can be dangerous and unsafe due to the hidden agenda of those not necessarily using it to do good or honest things. Therefore, it is important to not be too naïve or trusting and to make sure you do not share anything that can be used to harm you in any way. People can use fake profiles and may not have honest intentions. 
How would you characterize yourself as a social media user?
My dream is to be an Actor, Director, and Writer of short films and emphasize neurodivergence. I started a group called Underdog Productions Company and every week a group of us Underdogs come together film different episodes. I like to use social media to share our work and try to get more followers both on our pages and You-Tube page. I value feedback so I do take comments and likes personally. While I do understand everyone has their own opinion, I do find myself really wanting to please all the viewers, so I may take this a little too personally. 
I wouldn’t say I am diehard or addict like so many people out there. I like to look at Facebook every day to see what my friends and family members are doing, I guess to feel connected, but I don’t revolve my day around social media.  I also like Instagram and share my stories, but it is not an every day occurrence.
My mom has her own business, so I like to support her posts but don’t really share or comment. I do not really post things every day on my personal or business page unless I did a fun activity with friends or family like a holiday, special occasion, or good news to share. 
There are venues I have not either heard of or use (like this one), and I mostly use Facebook or Instagram. I would say I may be a little intimidated by the other platforms, but if they can be helpful to my business goals, I am excited to learn more on how. 
What do you consider to be your strengths in your understanding of social media? What are your challenges?
Having autism, I struggle with executive functioning and can sometimes get really overwhelmed when I see or do something for the first time. I am very literal and tend to focus on how I see it fitting into my routine and structure.  If I can’t see how it would contribute to what I like or do, I may be a little resistant to trying it. Sometimes I may dismiss it entirely. 
A strength is that when I am familiar with something I am very fast and excel and some might even say I am “really good” at it. I can see things in detail and am creative, patient, and meticulous. 
A challenge is if I do get over stimulated, I may shut down and struggle with trying, doing, and liking. It can even cause me to melt down or completely stress out. If I get to that point I have to wait until I feel like I can calmly work through it so I can finish the task. I have learned over time to ask for help with understanding and even examples or chunked out steps.
What is it that YOU want to get out of this class and beyond (related to social media)?
I would like to understand all the social media platforms that are out there. What audiences do they best serve and is it really worth using regularly either personally or professionally. I would like to feel less nervous or overwhelmed by them, so that I can honestly see if they would benefit my plans and hopes for my business and future goals.  I also would like to be able to share with my mom if I think it would be something she could also reach more customers and make her business even more profitable. 
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drmarquette · 9 months
Pelvic Pain and Endometriosis. Is There A Connection?
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You are having bad pelvic pain. But why?
It likely could be endometriosis especially if the pain is worse during your period.
So, what is endometriosis and why does it cause pelvic pain?
A prevalent cause of pelvic pain is endometriosis.
It is brought on by the endometrium, or the cells that line the uterus, growing OUTSIDE of the uterus.
Why did these cells leave the uterus? The most widely accepted explanation is that some uterine lining cells and menstrual blood escape the uterus backward out of the fallopian tubes during menstruation.
The uterus, tubes, ovaries, and large intestine are frequently located on or close to the pelvic area where these cells then implant.
Endometriosis symptoms can present in a variety of ways.
Strangely enough, it is quite possible that those with the most severe cases of endometriosis might be asymptomatic, while those with even the smallest amounts can have excruciating pain.
Pelvic pain is the most typical symptom, particularly during periods.
The pain, however, can occur during or just after a period, before or after sex, or when peeing or pooping.
Some endometriosis sufferers find it difficult to get pregnant.
One important thing to remember is that endometriosis is difficult to diagnose clinically. Keep in mind that our bodies cannot communicate the source of pain to our brains or brains to our bodies.
The discomfort that is frequently associated with endometriosis can therefore also be caused by a wide variety of other illnesses.
How can endometriosis be identified for sure?
A highly specific benign ovarian cyst known as an endometrioma, which is present in some endometriosis patients, pretty much confirms the condition without the need for surgery.
But only a surgical procedure, when your doctor can see the endometriosis, safely remove as much of it, and send it to a pathologist for confirmation, can determine for sure if you have endometriosis.
It is crucial to understand that surgery is not necessarily the initial course of treatment if endometriosis is considered to be your diagnosis.
In fact, before considering the cost and danger of an operation, doctors frequently advise trying medication therapy first to see whether your symptoms improve.
The majority of the time, medication is used to treat probably endometriosis. This is done because surgery, while useful for diagnosis, frequently does not offer long-term symptom relief.
In actuality, the typical post-operative symptom-free recovery time is around six months. Let’s look at several alternatives to surgery.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These popular tablets can help many women with endometriosis discomfort, either alone or in combination with the additional therapies listed below.
The majority of the pain related to menstruation is caused by a substance called prostaglandins, which are blocked by these medications.
Thus, NSAID use can diminish prostaglandin release and consequently minimize pain if it is initiated one to two days prior to your period.
Hormonal Contraception: Because they can be used to lessen or stop periods, birth control pills, patches, rings, shots, and IUDs (intrauterine devices) can be beneficial for the pain.
Gonadotropin-Releasing Defendants or Opponents: These drugs serve to lessen the amount of estrogen produced by the ovaries, which lessens discomfort in up to 80% of women.
Some of the most recent drugs are antagonists and benefit from oral administration (as opposed to injections).
These medications frequently cost a lot of money, and obtaining insurance and getting authorization take time.
As was already noted, surgery can be used to diagnose endometriosis and, for some women, provide at least temporary relief.
When endometriosis is suspected to be the source of pain and you are no longer planning on having children, more conclusive surgery, such as a hysterectomy with or without ovarian excision, may be an option.
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: Dr. Raymond J. Marquette, MD(https://drmarquette.com/is-endometriosis-causing-your-pelvic-pain/)
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kyledensonblog · 2 years
A Helping Hand Goes A Long Way - Kyle Denson
Shriners Hospitals for Children is a nonprofit organization that is meaningful to me because I have gone there my entire life. I was born with a limb deficiency that left me without the majority of my left arm, and Shriners has consistently supplied me with a prosthesis for the last 18 years of my life. I was once a child ambassador for the organization when I was 12 years old, and I spoke at functions of theirs as well as participated in parades.
Shriners Hospitals for Children goes by the name Shriners Children’s on all of their social media platforms. They have a varied following on all of the platforms that they utilize for promotion. Their vanity metrics include 659k followers on Facebook, 45.8k followers on Instagram with 4,400 posts, 25.9k Twitter followers with 23.3k tweets, 12,127,023 views on YouTube, and about 15.0k likes and 2,000 followers on TikTok. I believe that even though these stats might not mean much in terms of engagement, they align with who I believe their primary audience to be, which is parents and or adults invested in the improvement of treatment available at hospitals for children.
Shriners already utilizes real children with unique backgrounds and differences that relate to promoting their end goal as an organization, which, as their website states, is to "provide the highest quality care to children with neuromusculoskeletal conditions, burn injuries, and other special healthcare needs within a compassionate, family-centered, and collaborative care environment." To improve its social media metrics, Shriners Hospital should focus on strategies that appeal to each platform rather than posting similar content on each in hopes of it sticking. Instagram, for instance, offers video-sharing features, but in my opinion, they are not favored by users over the long-standing photo and story-based content. Posting the stories and photos of willing child ambassadors for the company consistently would be a good idea. They could host a weekly child spotlight on their Instagram story; maybe the child has some photos posted with some facts about their life, or if they are old enough, they can answer questions sent in by users about Shriners and how it has changed their life.
Twitter is primarily known for written text-based posts with one eye-catching photo added to draw attention to the tweet. Shriner's media controllers already do a pretty good job of this and also promote their website's articles with links at the end of each tweet, but they should consider being more interactive with other users on the platform. They are prone to liking and retweeting their own content as well as that of other verified accounts. Nothing is wrong with this, but it doesn’t help create a sense of community and can be a slow way to raise interaction rates. They should seek out some people in need of their offerings and make that public connection. People on Twitter enjoy seeing a story unfold and an organization assisting those in need.
Facebook is a platform now known for its consistent adult and older user audience. It has the most users of any platform (according to Statista) but tends not to appeal as much to younger generations such as Gen Z. Established Facebook users seem to have an interest in video content even though videos are not necessarily Facebook's strong point or intended use. Heartfelt stories of young children struggling with their disabilities and then finding some normalcy after their time at Shriners Hospital will fit this market very well.
TikTok has a fast-paced video format that relies on an algorithm in the form of each user's "For You" page. Unlike Facebook, it is very popular with younger generations, and the platform has been known to affect music charts, pop culture moments, and more. Doing popular trends here with the hospital's mascot (Fezzy) or interacting with willing patients, in the same way, could go a long way. While the platform is not always perfect, it has a supportive network of users at its core. There are many different ways to evaluate how effectively an organization's time, money, and resources are being spent on social media. Different metrics such as advanced, channel, and behavioral are part of these determining factors. Advanced metrics relate to how an audience is reacting and responding to posted content. In Shriner’s case specifically, advanced metrics would include their engaged users on Facebook. The social media giant offers a feature that showcases a page’s most devoted and active users each week and ranks them with a point system based on activity. In the most recent week (February 12th–18th), there were over 30 members on the list. Another instance of the hospital's advanced metric would be the number of views received on one of its videos, or "reels." The reel I am speaking of in particular has almost 15k views, which is very good for their page. Channel metrics specialize in specific channel alignment and continuity. On Shriners' Facebook, an example of this could be the number of shares on their most recent post, which was 20, and they typically get around 40 when considering their other posts. The organization's Instagram gets a varied amount of comments on each post (usually under ten), so they should focus on watching their Story views and completion because that will easily be shown to all of their followers with every story post. The last metric on which we focus is behavioral, which emphasizes the end impact of user engagement and whether the content available leads them to do what the organization intended. A behavioral metric on Facebook that should be followed would include how aware page visitors are of the hospital's goals and if they understand why they are important. On Instagram, the metric is not as evident as on other platforms, but monitoring people who support Shriners by turning on notifications to stay informed could be seen as such.
Additional Resources to Help or for more Information:
Make a Donation
Find a Shriners Location
100 Years of Shriners Video
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pussymmorg · 2 years
How to overclock macbook air
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Rule #6 The following will be removed at moderator discretion:.Rule #5 No affiliate/referral links or codes.Celebrities are the exception, as long as you respect rule #1. Rule #4 Screenshots of Reddit, Facebook, Youtube, and other site's comments should have the usernames blacked out (including yours).Do not attempt to circumvent this rule by any means. This includes NP links and archived links. Rule #3 Don't link to threads in other subreddits.brigading, witch-hunting, asking for upvotes or downvotes, enabling piracy, flamebaiting, clickbaiting, intentional rudeness, text spamming, using all caps or emojis/smileys/emoticons in titles or overusing them in comments, meta-reddit or meta-subreddit drama or complaints. Rule #2 We will not allow behavior contrary to PCMR Etiquette, e.g.We will not tolerate any kind of incitement to action against anyone, nor will we allow the posting of information that can be used to harm others (celebrities or not). Rule #1 Harassment of others is strictly forbidden.If needed, you can message the team behind PCMR.įor an in-depth explanation of our rules don't forget to check our rules wiki page.Owning a console does not necessarily make you a 'peasant'.You can be banned if you conduct yourself like that here. We are not a community where members feign stupidity when posting and commenting because they find it funny. We are a community where many of its members share similar opinions about the main topics, and sometimes end up having private jokes amongst ourselves. This is a normal subreddit with occasional tongue-in-cheek humor elements. This is not a satirical or 'circlejerk subreddit'.
#How to overclock macbook air software#
It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart!
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bananaauction · 2 years
Transfer files from mac to pc via wifi
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#Transfer files from mac to pc via wifi software#
#Transfer files from mac to pc via wifi Pc#
Rule #2 We will not allow behavior contrary to PCMR Etiquette, e.g.We will not tolerate any kind of incitement to action against anyone, nor will we allow the posting of information that can be used to harm others (celebrities or not). Rule #1 Harassment of others is strictly forbidden.If needed, you can message the team behind PCMR.įor an in-depth explanation of our rules don't forget to check our rules wiki page.Owning a console does not necessarily make you a 'peasant'.You can be banned if you conduct yourself like that here. We are not a community where members feign stupidity when posting and commenting because they find it funny. We are a community where many of its members share similar opinions about the main topics, and sometimes end up having private jokes amongst ourselves. This is a normal subreddit with occasional tongue-in-cheek humor elements. This is not a satirical or 'circlejerk subreddit'.
#Transfer files from mac to pc via wifi software#
It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart!
#Transfer files from mac to pc via wifi Pc#
You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR.
This includes build help, tech support, and any kind of doubt one might have about PC ownership.
Every kind of PC related content is welcome here.
Everybody is welcome here, even those that have yet to ascend.
Begin your ascension today! General Information Official Subreddit of the PC Master Race We're the largest community of PC enthusiasts on the Internet.
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