#(HELL fuckin yeah!!)
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datcravat · 1 year ago
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kenchann · 4 months ago
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a lost shade...
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ascesabo · 1 year ago
the great irony of early one piece antagonists believing zoro was the actual captain and using luffy as a puppet ... oda really threw us a bone and curb-stomped it right in our faces. yes, zoro could be a captain in his own right. yes, zoro could match luffy in strength. yes, zoro knows this perfectly well. and you know what? he chose luffy two years ago, and he will continue to choose luffy again and again. roronoa zoro, the pirate hunter, who followed a wannabe pirate with a nonexistent crew on a whim because luffy brought him his swords and made a half-assed attempt at a bargain. zoro, who made a vow to never lose again on both his and luffy's honor. zoro, who told luffy he'd make him commit harakiri if he got in the way of zoro's goal, only to turn around and be willing to sacrifice his dream if it means that luffy reaches his. zoro, who stood in place and took luffy's pain and told a warlord to take his head instead of luffy's, who got down on his knees before his supposed rival and begged mihawk to mentor him so that he could return strong enough to protect his captain. zoro, who has conqueror's haki- a natural born leader- but chooses to stay at the right hand of a man he has deemed greater than himself.
and the thing that luffy fears most? being alone. being rejected. being left behind. and what should have been his foil- the pirate hunter to his pirate king, the nonbeliever to his divine, the king of hell to his sun god- instead becomes his first and most devout follower; the one who demands to follow him to hell and back. oughhhggg i'm sick to my stomach
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armandlovesgirlcock · 10 days ago
fic recs!!
collating my favourite IWTV/TVC fics, will probably keep updating this list periodically.
Devil's Minion Longfic (20k plus)
Daniel Molloy’s Incredible Showstopping World-Famous Model Train Extravaganza for Children and Easily-Awed Vampires by Ariaste @ariaste
come and get your knife by apoptoses
Such Unfortunates by SheOfBadIdeas and shineforthee @danielmolloystits @shineforthee
Camboy Molloy by GrayGiantess @graygiantess
cranefucker island circa '82 by katplanet @katplanet
Shorter Devil's Minion fics
American Boy by jabedalien @androidbrittaperry
the orpheus and eurydice of recollection by SheOfBadIdeas
His Mouth On Me by QueerCrusader @queer-crusader
Crossed Wires, Mixed Signals by faggyhatemachine @faggyhatemachine
heat waves by hallospleen
Strict Machine by siria @siriaeve
Comme des Garcons (Like The Boys) by faggyhatemachine
welcome, stranger of myself by siria
perversion by jabedalien
Laundry Service by andromanic @loustat-lover
The Rest is Silence by trinityofone @trinityofone
Dead Dove (non DM ships in brackets)
advanced hallucinatory studies by jabedalien
paterfamilias (blood of my blood) by woundfag @armandcock
and i'm the toy that feels all things by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters (Gabrielle/Armand, Gabrielle/Armand/Lestat)
snuggling with dead things by beingmadissad @hvnnigrvhm
chew by fleshfeel
gratitude by anon (Gabrielle/Lestat)
Other Ships/DM+ (pairings in brackets)
as I draw near to you (you will draw near to others) by straycatfish (Alice/Daniel/Armand)
superset theory by katplanet (the diabolicule in every possible pairing. my fave chapters are danstat and danlou)
both arms cradle you now by philomelas_tongue (Daniel/Louis) @philomelas-tongue-says
Tell Me (Now Tell Your Man) by faggyhatemachine (Armand/Daniel/Louis)
find some new deepness there by platoapproved (diabolicule) @platoapproved
some footage from the archives by mitzvahmelting (Armand/Rashid) @mitzvahmelting
mount me like a butterfly by trinityofone (diabolicule)
Guess (the colour of your underwear) by ignorama (Daniel/Lestat)
Midnight Sky by humansunshine (Lestat/OMC, Lestat/OMC/Louis) @lestatlovesboypussy
dog heaven is also squirrel hell by exsanguinate (Armand/Louis/Lestat)
RPF (zamasian unless stated otherwise)
Du trägst ‘n Gott zwischen deinen Schenkeln by ignorama
The Strength to Withstand (Fails Me) by QueerCrusader
old tricks by englishsummerrain
What's Your Next Line? by salamander @4th-make-quail
The Only One That I Let In by BeautyInChains @thebeautyinchains
Keep Wondering by minionsdevil (Eric/Luke, Eric/Luke/Assad)
Painted Bright Red by QueerCrusader (Sam/Assad)
and probably like twenty more fics i've accidentally missed off this list
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vohtaro · 1 year ago
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happy birthday madara 💐
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fadingstudentbananacookie · 1 month ago
I need a frontman to my #456 😭🙏🏽 Like babeee where are you, my shaylaaaaaa 😩—
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moeblob · 5 months ago
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Gawain from FGO (I've never touched the Fate series) because someone was like "hey wanna do an art trade? I'll draw an OC of yours if you draw this funky lil blonde guy" and like what am I gonna do? REFUSE?
take a blonde boy I know nothing about o7
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bdoubleowo · 2 years ago
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Got super bored in a college lecture and suddenly treebark had possessed me
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coldwheelbarrrow · 2 months ago
i think it’s very beautiful that Caleb Widowgast is canonically slutty . good for him
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redhotarsenic · 1 year ago
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months ago
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teaboot · 2 years ago
I've spoken a lot about how much I'm enjoying the Trigun Fandom but one thing I think outsiders need to know is that Main character Vash the Stampede is so frequently interpreted as trans that people on AO3 often tag "vash has a penis" on smutworks where he has one, as failing to do so has resulted in what is colloquially known as "penis jumpscares" mid-woohoo
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lovelyrotter · 6 months ago
ill probably delete this in a minute but ive just been fuckin boggled by what ive seen across tumblr in the last few days in particular. its why i havent really been around. like holy fucking shit, its really like some of yall just dont want a chunk of the trans community to exist. like some of yall are thisclose to saying it verbatum. way too many already have. 'shut up sit down be quiet and smile for us' type shit, gee where have i heard that before. oh yeah my entire life cause i was forcefully gendered as someones daughter. shock horror i know. you might be surprised to remember and/or learn that very few trans folks know theyre trans before we're 5, or even 10, and that that gendered experience stays with all of us in both/either small or large ways. either bc we literally dont have a solid identity yet (bc we're very small children), dont have the words, we're repressing it out of fear from how others will treat us, we're actually enjoying or enjoyed being another gender in our childhood, or we just genuinely didnt fuckin know until shit lined up later in life. weird isnt it that transmascs dont pop out as 6'1 brick shithouse cis men when we're born so yall know for certain that we're confused lost girls/women oops i mean big dangerous scary men. its almost like we're transgender too. none of yall actually know what intersectionality is or means
#my t#transandrophobia#yeah ill tag it why tf not#i just dont understand why transmasculinity is scrutinized and dissected like this within the trans community#when its just not the case for other gendered trans folks amongst themselves more often than not these days#which is a good thing! a really really good thing! but why are we scapegoating transmascs#''we need more weird trans people!!'' yall cant even handle like. a pre-everything trans guy coming out for the first time#yall cant handle a pre-everything tguy wearing a tshirt without tearing him to shreds & calling him shit like afag/theyfab & ukelele boy#im tired of my identity being treated as a debate. i had enough of that in highschool as#very literally. **the only trans kid in my grade** surrounded by cis teachers & peers USING ME AND MY BODY AS A TALKING POINT#i was the only one who wasnt deeply closeted that is. and holy fuck do i still not blame anyone for being closeted in that school#why is it only okay to try to separate trans ppl from our gender when we're not fem/me#why is one celebrated and the other treated like radioactive waste **within our own community**#god i need to find an irl community fuckin badly online trans circles are hell on earth#ill be describing smth that happened to me as a clocky tguy and someone else will say TO MY FACE#that what happened to me wasnt bc i was a clocky guy but purely bc i was trans#like i. what. how. how does that make any kind of fucking sense#i wouldnt be clocky if i wasnt trying to look like my gender. like i. hello?#would u say that to any other trans person or am i just that special?
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100vern · 5 months ago
finally got the pathology report from my surgery today and it came back all clear we have NO cancer babeeeeeeey
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cake-emu · 25 days ago
seen ppl on Twitter all "Carla doesn't cook but here she is chopping veggies for Lisa" and I will not be hearing this, no no no, Carla does cook, she's just frequently bad at it, and what I find so mind-bendingly endearing about that is that she doesn't let that stop her. she always keeps trying at it (except on Christmas Day), and sod what anyone says about it
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ffredmujkic · 2 years ago
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Currently thinking abt how edyn probably thinks her brother is dead, since he’s gone to the black sea
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