#( So these two got along kinda well before Ace was kidnapped. (
cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 5 months
...Yes, I do found one unfortunately. That took me 4 weeks to find the one who made me feel interested, care for me to describe it Sleep?
..so, Marion. Did you find something that interests you?
Very well, go ahead and who is the one that made you interested with?
Well, there was a young journalist, researching about you I believe in order to find answers..
...Researching me? That's what the humans' different jobs are? How...fascinating.
I know, to seeing this interesting man with a color of soft vibrant purple... well, I think a one string won't hurt him. Right?
......I see, but.. One more thing Marion, promise me and best be sure to not hurt him.. What is his name?
His name... was Ace, Ace REDACTED. A young brightened man but with a tragic, fraglie heart. I can sense that his life of the past and present, was so fragile yet broken.
I know you probably think that I had to hurt him, but I can assure you that I won't do it as you've promised.
...Very well Marion, hope you must prepare.
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Name: Ese
Age: 15
Birthday: 14th June
Sexuality: Pansexual
Basically the main character who as so many godamn mental health problems and had trama as well :) she is also autistic-. Her powers is not that much tbh, she only has three powers. Electric punch, Ice kick, and Heating head. (Don't mind the names lMAO-). She is just a normal human being who hates her life but then acknowledge it to be a bit better.
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Name: Noah
Age: 14
Birthday: 17th July
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
He is Ese's younger brother who thinks he's the main character lol- he has super speed powers (bc he took Ese's speed potion that Fungi made for her lMAO-) He is very ambitious and very energetic. He is best friends with Goodhand and Evilhand.
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Name: Fungi
Age: 14
Birthday: 30th August
Sexuality: Bisexual
She is not a human btw she is literally made out of fire (like her body and blood etc) she has a scarf bc Ese gave her bc she doesn't have a mouth (and when it's her birthday something bad happens but I will talk about that in another day ;) She is sweet and kind to everyone except from Olivia (I wouldn't say she is jealous of her but it's kinda the closest thing I could think). She was born with a curse since her birth but I will talk about that another day as well.
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Name: Olivia
Age: 15
Birthday: 25th June
Sexuality: Omnisexual
She is basically an ex princess (or prince idkkk) she Fungi's cousin and she is Ese's best friend and loves to spend time with Ese a lot 😏 (IN A FRIENDLY WAY BTW or maybe not 😏) with Ese even though Ese might or might not feel like it. (They might be lovers who knows👀) But she wants to make Ese see that she still have a lot to live for. She knew who Shadow is (That's because she met him before but in her other form which was a male called Oliver)
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Name: Olly
Age: 16
Birthday: 15th April
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
He basically an ex prince (or princess?? Idkk) and Olivia's big brother. He gets along with mostly everyone expect Ese and brainy (Olly is in good terms with Ese but doesn't trust her being with his sister. And he doesn't like brainy bc when they first met while Olly was in his other form which was female called Ollina uh.. Let's just say the teddy bear brainy made 7 civil food wars... Yeah... I know it's mad)
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Name: Brainy
Age: uhhh idk
Birthday: January 27th
Sexuality: Straight
He is an actual brain lol. He was a mini bear until a shadow accidentally shot a ray gun at him and turn him into a brain and now he is like this forever. He is Shadow's best friend and has a crush on Rennie and tries to flirt with her even though she doesn't understand what he is doing. (He lived in the same planet as Shadow did but he live in the other side of the world bc the world is split into two one side which was the the teddy bears and the other was the ghosts side. And he was a menace to bear society he made 7 civil food wars which Ollina had to be involved to stop it or else they could have added an 8th).
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Name: Shadow
Age: 15
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: March 5th
He is basically a ghost who died from an incident and had to go to a different world bc his own got destroyed. He is brainy's best friend and Rennie's Niece. He was actually an human living with his Grandfather (The fearless warrior) until his (and brainy's) world self destructed itself and he couldn't make it out alive, but lucky he turned into a ghost and had a second chance to be in the physical world and met brainy (Brainy mannage to escape alive bc he built a ship before the explosion) And they both met and became best friends. What a good story lol
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Name: Rennie
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Sexuality: Pansexual
I don't know what she is lol. But her father was a fearless warrior who tried to save other universes especially bc his wife got killed and wanted revenge. When she was a kid she got kidnapped but escaped luckily and had to live with her sisters until they went on separate ways (Yes she had three sisters, two older ones who I will talk about I'm another day and one younger one called Star who is also Shadow's mother, but unfortunately she and her husband got killed). Anyway she is calm and kindhearted (GUYS IF YOU THINK SHE IS DEPRESSED YOU ARE WRONG SHE HAD HER BANGS SINCE BIRTH). She has a crush on brainy even though she is clueless what romantic relationships are supposed to be like, she finds him adorable and sweet.
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Name: Goodhand & Evilhand
Age: ??? Idk like 1000 years old or something
Birthday: ????
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
These two are actually just floating gloves. But they are both different bc Goodhand's eyebrows are separated while Evilhand's is sticked together. These two are actually destroyers of universes and gets highly respected by most Gods (including Olivia and Olly) but they both love Noah as if he is like a father to them. (Evilhand might be Noah's favorite bc he doesn't hesitate to do anything to anyone who makes him or himself annoyed). They both have an army of hand that could they could call in a second, Evilhand has an advantage of physical and skillful power while Goodhand is more reliable on powers. (Btw Evilhand is honestly just kinda ruthless and Goodhand is not much better. Like bro Goodhand was named Goodhand bc he was good and destroying universes 💀).
Anyway this is only the half (I think of my ocs basically the hero's lol) I will introduce the others in another time! You can ask questions more about my ocs or the plot if you want ^^. (To be honest I wanted to make this as a TV show when I grow older.. I hope I could make this a bannger when I become an adult)
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majorsoapfan · 3 years
TUA Season 3 AU Fic
This is an fic idea for an AU from the end of season 2 onwards where Ben survived and travelled back with the rest of the umbrellas to the new Sparrow-infested 2019. Because there was so much potential there for an amazing fic:
Ben going ballistic at the mere appearance of his Sparrow self. Seriously he'd hate the guy. Of course Umbrella!Ben's antics and threats towards his alternate self means that Klaus is struggling to keep a straight face during their first meeting.
Oh, who am I kidding, Klaus is rolling on the ground laughing thanks to Umbrella!Ben trying (and failing) to strangle his alternate self.
And despite his brothers pleas Klaus refuses to give away that their Ben is present, going as far as to stop the rest of their siblings from mentioning his ghostly presence to Reginald.
Because, despite Klaus' appearance and most people's general in-universe assumptions of him being an idiot, the guy lived for more than ten years on the streets and for nearly a year in a war zone. You don't achieve that without being somewhat sneaky and he does have a manipulative streak to him as well. He also knows when to keep an ace up his sleeve. It's not a strategy he uses often, his personality isn’t the kind for it, but he knows now that he has too.
Reginald not knowing Ben is there as a ghost gives the Umbrellas a massive advantage against the Sparrows as Klaus is forced to explain to a very upset Ben and his confused siblings later. Because Reginald is aware of the living Umbrellas and their talents, but he was never aware of the seventh member hanging around as a ghost. Ergo, they have the perfect spy.
So Umbrella Ben goes back to the Academy and studies the Sparrows religiously. Gets to know the Sparrows as people, what makes them tick, how they fight, any weaknesses.
What nearly everyone forgets about Ben is that he's not some soft, innocent flower who never did anything wrong. Ben liked doing reckless stunts (he enjoyed the ice cream van stunt), and he could be insensitive, and kinda callous when trying to achieve a goal as well. But he is also very loyal to his family. And the Sparrows are a genuine threat to them. Probably the biggest.
For the first time possibly ever, Ben can do more to protect them than simply unleash the Horror which he hated doing and offering advice that often got ignored. He is the biggest factor that is keeping his family safe, he is their main shield by gathering information.
Of course the Sparrows have no clue just how the Umbrella's are dodging them and figuring out their plans. They've been trained their whole lives to take them down, but the opposite is happening here.
This of course would lead to infighting and suspicions as they all start to turn on each other.
But the Umbrella's are also being the Umbrella's, just because they have an advantage here doesn't mean that they aren't fucking things up for themselves, they are at times after all, their own worst enemies.
Five of course would be trying to figure out a way back to their 2019, possibly involving the Commission. Diego tags along because he's trying to find Lila. (I’m not a fan of the relationship, although I do enjoy Lila’s character, but personally I do think Diego needs some closure from the relationship)
I do see Luther and Sloane forming a cute relationship as unlike the rest of his siblings Luther would understand the Sparrows in a way his own siblings don’t as he gets the loyalty that makes you stay with Reginald even if that's not all you want out of life. (You can't tell me that all Luther wanted with his life was to stay at the Academy. The guy must have had a dream for himself once.) Whereas for Sloane, Luther's proof that it is possible for her to strike out on her own, even with nothing and build a life free of the Academy.
I do see Allison taking the lead here as unlike the others who either don't really have anyone in their timeline (Klaus, Vanya, Five) or if they had, they may already be dead, but Allison has Claire's existence at stake here and you bet that she's going to fight tooth and nail for her baby.
And maybe the Umbrella’s learning to work as a team for the first time in years. Because if they want to get home, then they’re going to have to learn to work as a team properly and trust each other.
Of course it’s not easy. Now the initial joy they had in season two that everyone is alive and safe, they still have to address the issues they have with one another. Unfortunately they don’t just disappear.
Things that should get mentioned: Vanya’s book (still kinda pissed that that was just brushed under the rug), Luther’s past treatment of his siblings (locking Vanya up, choking Klaus, threatening to drop Delores from a height), Klaus and Ben’s issues (they’ll need multiple chapters just for that), not noticing Klaus was kidnapped/tortured/killed, to name but a few.
Of course not everything is solved and hunky-dorey, there’s still massive trauma and decades of bitterness and repressed feelings but they’re exposed and have started to treat the wound properly instead of ignoring it and letting it fester.
I’m picturing a Luther/Sloane dancing scene now like Luther and Allison’s in the Day That Wasn’t (until I looked up Sloane’s actress and found out that she’s the same height as Emmy, I was picturing her to be slightly smaller. Slightly disappointed by that.)
Maybe then the Sparrows find out about her connection with the Umbrella’s and turn on her, thinking her to be the traitor?
I’m drawing a blank as to what happens after that, but for the big showdown, I’m picturing Klaus finally making Ben corpeal and the Sparrows seeing their brother/themselves as a ghost before Umbrella Ben . . . just completely knocks Sparrow Ben out with one good sucker-punch. (Maybe yelling ‘I’m the Alpha here!’ or something similar?) 
Ben absolutely kicks his Sparrow counter-part while he’s down too. Hard. Whether it’s his ribs or his balls it’s up to your imagination.
Well that’s all I have. Can’t believe that something that was originally intended to be a small post spawned into this, but I don’t care. If anyone wants to use this idea or even bits of it go right ahead, God knows if it was up to me to complete this won’t be written until season 10.
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Blind-Sided. (Part 1)
Summary: This fic just follows the first episode, but Dean has a daughter, you.
Word Count: 7,098.
Fandom: Supernatural.
Warnings: Swearing, etc.
Pairings: Dean X Daughter!Reader, Sam X Niece!Reader.
Note: I did not proof-read this.. Here’s the first part to Blind-Sided. I have no idea where this was going, I just wanted to write something. I didn’t know what to do with this first part, but here it is and I might do another part maybe, differently, of course.
Here’s the Prologue to this.
"So, what are you gonna do? You just gonna live some normal, apple pie-life? Is that it?" Dean questioned, walking behind the impala.
"No, not normal. Safe." Sam answered, following behind Dean. "And that's why you ran away." Dean said, scoffing.
Sam huffed, "I was just going to college. It was dad who said' if I was going to go, I should stay gone. And that's what I'm doing." Sam says, looking at Dean.
"Yeah, well, dad's in real trouble right now. If he's not dead already, I can feel it." Dean said, "I can't do this alone." He added, looking back at Sam.
"Yes, you can." Sam says quietly, "yeah, well, I don't want to." Dean says, looking away from Sam.
Before Sam can reply, he hears a small voice asking; "is everything okay, dad?" They both turned to look at you, seeing you lean out the window, tiredly rubbing your eyes.
Dean smiled at you, "yeah, bug, go back to sleep." Dean says to you, hearing a small 'okay' from you, he turned back to Sam.
"So, 'dad' huh?" Sam asked, a small smile on his lips. Dean scoffed, "shut up, bitch." He retorts, hearing Sam laugh, he smiled again.
"Alright, jerk." Sam says, "what was he hunting?" He asked, Dean turned to open the trunk, letting out a small 'alright' "Let's see, where the hell did I put that thing?" Dean talked to himself, looking through the trunk.
"So, when dad left, why didn't you go with him?" Sam asked, leaning against the car. "I was working my own gig, this voodoo thing, down in New Orleans." Dean replied.
"Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?" Sam mockingly asked, Dean looked at him. "I'm 26, dude." Dean says defensively.
Dean grabbed a folder, taking out the papers, "alright, here we go." He says, standing straight. "So, dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California.
About a month ago, this guy. They had found his car, but he had vanished, completely MIA." Dean says, starting to explain what their father was hunting, handing Sam some papers.
Sam looked at the papers Dean handed him, "so maybe he was kidnapped." He suggested, looking up from the papers.
"Yeah, well, here's another in April, another one in December '04, '03, '98, '92, ten of them in the past twenty years.
All men, all same five-mile stretch of road." Dean says, putting the papers back into the folder. "It started happening more and more, so, dad went to go dig around.
That was about three weeks ago, and I haven't heard from hi since. Which is bad  enough." Dean added, grabbing a recorder.
"And then I get this voicemail yesterday." Dean said, pressing play, both he and Sam listening to the recording. "You know there's E.V.P. on that?" Sam asked, looking at Dean.
Dean grinned, "not bad, Sammy. Kinda like riding a bike, isn't it?" Sam looked down, shaking his head. "All right, so, I slowed the message down and ran it through a gold-wave, took out the hiss and this is what I got." Dean says, pressing play again.
"I can never go home." A woman says on the recording. Dean looked at Sam, pausing the recorder. "Never go home." Sam repeated, thinking about the recording.
Dean stood up, closing the trunk of his car, "you know, in almost two years, I never bothered you or asked you for a thing." Dean says in a matter-of-factly tone, turning to sit on the car, looking at Sam.
Sam sighs, "all right, I'll go. I'll help you find him." Sam says, "but I have to get back first-thing Monday. Just wait here." He added, turning to go pack a few things.
Before he can walk away, "what's first-thing Monday?" Dean asked, Sam turned back around, "I have this... I have an interview." Sam answers, "what, a job interview? Skip it." Dean says, shrugging his shoulders.
Sam scoffed, he knew Dean wouldn't understand. "It's a law school interview, and it's my whole future on a plate." Sam said, frowning at Dean.
"Law school?" Dean asked, smiling at Sam. "So, we got a deal or not?" Sam asked, Dean stayed quiet. Sam took that as a yes and left to go pack.
Dean got into his car, sighing. "So, that's uncle Sam, huh?" You asked once he sat down. Dean turned to look at you, "I thought you went back to sleep." He says, seeing you shrug your shoulders.
"I tried, but I couldn't sleep." You say, moving closer to the front of the car. "He sounded upset, is he not coming?" You asked, Dean noticed that you were worried.
"He's coming, but only for a few days." Dean answered, frowning a little. "Can we listen to AC/DC while we wait?" You asked, sitting back against your seat.
Dean grinned widely, going through his collection, putting in the cassette, Highway To Hell starts playing.
Dean looked at you through the mirror, seeing you smile. Dean smiled, he knew this was one of your favorite songs by AC/DC.
You were badly singing along to another song, you laughed, watching your dad drumming along to the beat against the steering wheel. Dean turned to you, smiling.
The song ended and Walk All Over You started playing, Dean heard you sighing, seeing you lean forward and resting your head against the back of the front seat.
Halfway through the song, Dean noticed you were watching Sam with curious eyes.
Dean turned down the music, starting the car and started to drive away from the building.
Nobody spoke, you broke the some-what silence; "hi." Dean heard you say softly to Sam. Dean saw from the corner of his eye, Sam turning to you in surprise.
"Hi, what's your name?" Sam asked politely. Dean looked in mirror, seeing you smile, "Y/n." You replied, holding your hand out to shake his.
Sam smiled, taking your hand and shook it, "nice to meet you." You both say at the same time, making you laugh. Dean smiled, he loved to hear you laugh.
"Daddy said you'd be tall, and smart, and that's why you're at college." Dean heard you say, Sam laughed, "yeah. Yeah, I am." He said, turning in his seat to look at you.
"What else did he tell you?" Sam asked curiously. Dean listened to you tell Sam all the things you can, until you were starting to fall asleep.
As soon as you fell asleep, Sam turned back forward, glancing at Dean.
Dean looked at you through the mirror again, seeing you wrapped in your blanket. Sam also looking at you again, once he knew you were fully asleep, he looked at Dean.
"Who's who her mother? How old is she?" Sam asked, Dean sighed, his jaw clenching and unclenching a few times. "Remember Mia?" Dean asked, glancing at Sam.
"Yeah, her parents were killed by, what was it? Vampires? Yeah, vampires." Sam says, nodding his head. "Yeah." Dean says, "that's who her mother is?" Sam asked again.
"Yeah, and to answer your other question; she's five, about to turn six soon." Dean said, smiling at Sam. "Where is she?" Sam asked quietly, "Mia, she called me. Told me to go to her as fast as I can.
And I did. What I wasn't expecting was to find her bleeding out and little Y/n confused, but still trying to her mom." Dean said, gripping the steering wheel and loosening his grip.
"She died, but asked me to look after our daughter. I wasn't sure at first, but once I had a good look at her, I knew. She was, is, my daughter." Dean added, Sam turned to look at you.
You were still asleep, Sam stared at you, noticing you had some of Dean's features. Sam smiled softly, he knew once you opened your eyes, they'd be a little like your mom's, if he remembered correctly.
Sam turned back forward in his seat, sighing.
About five hours into driving nonstop, you were still asleep.
Sam looked at you again, chuckling and shaking his hand. "Is she always asleep when you drive?" Sam asked, Dean glanced at him, smiling. "Yeah, I think she loves the sound of the engine." Dean answered.
Half an hour later, you woke up, as Dean parked at a gas station. Dean got out of the car, you following besides him. "What are you doing?" Dean asked, looking down at you.
"I have to use the bathroom." You answered, looking up at him, both of you walking inside, you, heading straight for the bathroom.
Dean shook his head, grabbing a few things to buy, also grabbing what he knew you liked. Dean walked up to the counter, seeing you walking over to him. After Dean paid for the stuff, he handed you some of the stuff.
Both of you walked outside, you going towards the car and going inside, while Dean went to fill up the car with gas.
"Hey, you want breakfast?" Dean asked, holding up a bag of chips and a bottle of soda in one hand and candy in the other. Sam scoffed, "no, thanks." He answered, going through Dean's cassette tapes.
"Besides, how'd you pay for all that stuff? You and dad still running credit card scams?" Sam asked, "yeah, well, hunting ain't exactly a pro-ball career." Dean answered.
"Besides, all we do is apply. It's not our fault they send us the cards." He added, going over to the drivers side once he was done.
Sam chuckled, shaking his head, "yeah, and what names did you write on the application this time?" Sam asked, closing the door, box of cassette tapes on his lap.
"Uh, Burt Aframian, and his son Hector." Dean said, tossing the stuff he had in his hands on the seat, starting the car. "Scored two cards out of the deal." He added, smiling at Sam.
"Sounds about right." Sam admitted, nodding his head. "I swear man, you gotta update your cassette tape collection." Sam said, still going through the box of tapes.
"Why?" Dean questioned, "well, for one; they're cassette tapes, and two; Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metallica? It's the greatest hits of mullet rock." Sam answers, throwing a cassette tape back into the box.
"House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole." Dean stated, grabbing one of the tapes and put it in. "You know, 'Sammy' is a chubby twelve-year old. It's Sam, okay?" Sam says, as Back In Black started playing.
Dean heard you laugh, he smiled at Sam. "Sorry, I can't hear you, the music's too loud." Dean says, turning up the music and drove away from the gas station.
Sam got off the phone, hanging up. "All right, so, there's no one matching dad at the hospital or morgue. So that's something." Sam said, Dean glanced at him, nodding.
"Check it out." Dean says, seeing police cars and officers on a bridge. Dean parked away from them and looked in the glove compartment. "Alright, sweetheart. You know what to do." Dean says to you.
"Stay hidden, and don't make any noise." Dean heard you say monotonously, he turned to look at you, seeing a comic book in your hands and sitting at the far right in the shadow.
Sam turned to look at you, wondering just how used to this you are. "Let's go." Dean says to Sam, he followed Dean, going out the door and walking towards the abandon car, he assumed.
"Spotless. It's almost too clean." Dean and Sam heard someone say, "so, this kid, Troy. He's dating your daughter, isn't he?" A man asked, "yeah." Another replied, "how's Amy doing?" He asked again.
"She's putting up missing posters downtown." He answered, "you fellas had another one like this just last month, didn't you?" Dean asked, "and who are you?" The same person asked, looking at Dean and Sam.
"Federal marshals." Dean answered, showing him his fake badge. "You two are a little young for marshals, aren't you?" He questioned skeptically, "ha, thanks. That's awfully kind of you.
You did have another one just like this, correct?" Dean asked again, walking closer to the car. "Yeah, that's right. About a mile up the road. There's been others before that." He answered.
"So, this victim. You knew him?" Sam asked him, he nodded his head. "Town like this, everybody knows everybody." He answers, "any connection between the victims, besides that they're all men?" Dean asked, walking around the car, hands behind his back.
"No, not as far as we can tell." He answered, "so, what's the theory?" Sam asked, walking towards Dean. "Honestly? We don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?" He answered.
"Well, that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys." Dean commented, Sam stomped on Dean's foot, forcing a smile at the police officer.
"Thank you for your time." Sam said to him, "gentlemen." He added, walking away, Dean following behind him and hitting Sam behind his head.
"Ow." Sam said, turning to Dean. "What was that for?" Sam asked, "why you gotta step on my foot?" Dean asked, "why do you gotta talk to police like that?" Sam retorted, Dean looked at him.
"Come on. They don't really know what's going on. We're all alone on this. I mean, if we're going to find dad, we gotta get to the bottom of this thing ourselves." Dean said, Sam looked over Dean's shoulder, clearing his throat.
Dean turned around, seeing the sheriff and two FBI agents. "Can I help you boys?" The sheriff asked, "no, sir. We were just leaving." Dean answered, "Agent Mulder. Agent Scully." Dean said as the two FBI agents walked past them.
Dean and Sam walked past the sheriff and towards the impala.
Dean turned to looked at you, seeing that you were asleep again.
He and Sam got out of the car and saw a girl hanging up a missing poster. "I'll bet you that's her." Dean says, "yeah." Sam said, both of them walking towards her.
"You must be Amy." Dean says to her, "yeah." She answers, "yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles. I'm Dean and this is Sammy." Dean said, pointing to Sam.
"He never mentioned you to me." Amy says, glancing at them and starting to walk again. "Well, that's Troy, I guess. We're not around much, we're up in Modesto." Dean says, walking besides her.
"So, we're looking for him too and we're kinda asking around." Sam said, standing in front of her, another girl walked over to them. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked Amy, "yeah." Amy answered her.
"You mind if we ask you a couple questions?" Sam asked them, "sure." Amy said, all of them walking towards a restaurant. "I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home.
He said he would call me right back. And, uh... he never did." Amy explained, the four of them sitting in a booth. "He didn't say anything strange? Or out of the ordinary?" Sam asks, "no." Amy replied, "nothing I can remember." She added, shaking her head.
Sam looked at her, "I like your necklace." He said, nodding at it. Amy looked down, grabbing the pendant into her hand, smiling. "Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents,
with all that devil stuff." She says, breathing out a laugh. Sam smiled, looking down at the cup in his hands and looking back at her. "Actually, it means just the opposite.
A pentagram is protection against evil." Sam explains, "really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing." He added, "okay. Thank you, unsolved Mysteries." Dean said, patting Sam's shoulder.
"Here's the deal, ladies. The way Troy disappeared... something's not right. So, if you've heard anything..." Dean said, seeing them look at each other.
"What is it?" Dean asked, "well, it's just... I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk." Amy's friend says, looking between him and Sam. "What do they talk about?" Sam and Dean questioned at the same time.
Amy's friend glanced at her, looking back at them. "It's kind of this local legend. This one girl, she got murdered out on Centennial, like, decades ago. Well, supposedly, she's still out there.
She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up, well, they disappear forever." She explains to them. Sam and Dean looked at each other.
You were still asleep when they went back to the car.
Dean and Sam decided to go to the local library to search for some more answers, leaving you in the car again.
Dean was typing on the computer, 'no results found' Dean read, his brows furrowed, typing again, 'no results found' showing again. "Let me try." Sam says, his hand going towards the keyboard.
Dean swatted his hand away, "I got it." He says, typing again. Sam sighed, pushing Dean's chair away. "Dude! You're such a control freak." He said, hitting Sam.
"So, angry spirits are born out of violent deaths, right?" Sam asks, typing on the keyboard. "Yeah," Dean answered, looking at the computer screen. "But maybe it's not murder." Sam said, typing in 'Suicide' instead of 'Murder'.
'1 result found' it showed, Sam clicked on it, Dean's eyebrows rose, glancing at Sam and then back at the screen.
"This was 1981. Constance Welch, 24 years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge. Drowns in the river." Sam read aloud, "does it say why she did it?" Dean asks, "yeah." Sam answers.
"Why?" Dean asks again, "an hour before they found her, she calls 911. Her two little kids are in the bathtub, she leaves them alone for a minute and when she comes back, they aren't breathing.
Both die." Sam read again, "hmm." Dean says, "'our babies were gone and Constance just couldn't bear it.' Said husband Joseph Welch." Sam finished, "that bridge look familiar to you?" Dean asked, pointing at the picture with a pen.
It was dark when Dean and Sam went back to the car, they saw that you were awake, waiting for them.
He and Sam decided to go back to the bridge, Dean parked and looked at you. "Stay in the car, okay?" He asked, you nodded your head, leaning against the car door.
Both he and Sam got out of the car and walked in the middle of the bridge. "So, this is where Constance took the swan dive." Dean said, leaning over, looking at the running water below.
"You think dad would have been here?" Sam asked, looking at Dean. "Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him." Dean answered, walking and looking around.
"Okay, so now what?" Sam asked, following behind Dean. "Now we keep digging till we find him. Might take a while." Dean replied, Sam stopped walking, sighing. "Dean. I told you. I gotta get back by..."
"By Monday. Right. The interview." Dean interrupted, turning to look at Sam. "Yeah," Sam says, "yeah. I forgot." He added, "you're really serious about this, aren't you?
You think you're just gonna become some lawyer? Marry your girl?" Dean questioned, "maybe. Why not?" Sam answers, "does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?" Dean asked again.
"No. And she's not ever going to know." Sam says, stepping closer to Dean. "Well, that's healthy." Dean says, "you can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later
you're gonna have to face up to who you really are." he added, turning to walk again. "And who's that?" Sam asked, following Dean. "You're one of us." Dean answered simply.
"No, I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life." Sam says, walking in front of Dean, both of them stopping. "You have a responsibility." Dean stated, "to dad? And his crusade?
If it weren't for pictures, I wouldn't even know what mom looks like." Sam says, "and what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, mom's gone and she isn't coming back.
I mean, even Y/n won't know who her grandmother is, other than you and dad telling her who she is and the pictured you guys show her." He added, Dean grabbed Sam and pushed him against the bridge.
"Don't talk about her like that." Dean says, looking at Sam. Dean let go of him, walking away from Sam. Dean saw a woman standing on the railing of the bridge.  
"Sam." Dean says, not looking away from the woman as she looked at the both of them and then jumped off the bridge. They both ran towards her, leaning over and seeing nothing.
"Where'd she go?" Dean asked, "I don't know." Sam says, as the engine of Dean's car started and the lights turned on. Dean looked towards his car, Sam doing the same thing.
"What the?" Dean says, "who's driving your car? Does Y/n know how to start the car? Did you leave the keys?" Sam asks, Dean pulled out his keys from his pocket.
"No." Dean answered, holding up the keys. Sam looked at the keys in Dean's hand and back at the car as it started to drive towards them, they both heard you scream as it drove.
Dean and Sam ran away from the car, jumping off the bridge. It stopped driving as they jumped off. Sam, even though he jumped off, he grabbed onto the bridge. Sam climbed and sat on the edge, looking down at the running water below.
"Dean! Dean!" Sam yelled, seeing Dean crawling out of the water and lying down on his back. "What?" Dean yelled back, Sam smiled. "Hey, are you alright?" Sam asked.
"I'm super." Dean says, laying there for a while. Sam laughed, going over the rails and saw you standing just outside the car. Sam walked over to you, "hey, are you okay?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.
Sam saw you jump in surprise, but relaxed once you saw it was him. "Where's my dad?" You asked, looking up at him. "He's down by the water, he's coming." Sam answered, as you climbed onto the hood of the car.
"Did the ghost do that to the car?" You asked, looking at Sam. "Yeah," Sam replied, standing next to you. It was five minutes before Sam heard Dean walking over to the both of you.
"Y/n, thank god." Dean says, Sam looked at you, seeing your nose scrunching. "Are you okay?" Dean asks, walking closer to you, but you hid behind Sam. "Yeah, I'm okay." You say from behind Sam.
Sam laughed, "what are you doing, bug?" Dean asked, trying to look at you. "You stink." You say, again, from behind Sam, peaking at your dad, smiling. You jumped down from the car, going back inside, Sam walking besides you.
Dean shook his head, going to look over his car, opening the hood of it. "Car all right?" Sam asked, walking over to Dean, as he closed it. "Yeah. Whatever she did to it, seems all right now." Dean answers, standing in front of the car, Sam nodded his head.
"That Constance chick, what a bitch!" Dean yelled, "well, she doesn't want us digging around, that's for sure." Sam says, he and Dean sitting on the hood of the car.
"So, where's the trail go from here, genius?" Sam asked, Dean threw his hands up, shrugging. Sam, finally noticing the stench coming off of Dean, looking at him.
"Y/n's right, you smell like a toilet." Sam said, looking at Dean. Dean looked down at himself, he did smell.
Dean found a motel as the sun came up. You stayed in the car while he and Sam went to go check in.
"One room, please." Dean says, the man grabbed the credit card Dean put on the counter. "You guys having a reunion or somethin'?" He asked, looking up from the card and then at him and Sam.
"What do you mean?" Sam asked, "that other guy, Burt Aframian. He came and bought out a room for the whole month." He answered, Dean nodded his head, looking at Sam.
Both of them walked out and headed towards the room their dad paid for, after asking which room it was.
Sam picked the lock, while Dean stood behind him, looking around. Sam opened the door, walking inside, looking behind himself and saw Dean still standing there. Sam grabbed Dean's jacket and pulled him inside.
Sam closed the door once Dean was inside, still holding onto him. They both looked around the room, "whoa." Sam said, Dean walked over to a lamp and turned it on.
Dean grabbed a hamburger that was on the nightstand and smelt it, he groaned, putting it back on the nightstand. "I don't think he's been here for a couple of days, at least." Dean says, looking at Sam.
Sam was crouching down, looking at the salt around the bed. "Salt. Cat's eye shells. He was worried. Trying to keep something from coming in." Sam says, standing up, looking at Dean.
Dean walked over to the wall, looking at the papers their dad hung up. "What do you got here?" Sam asked, walking over to Dean. "Centennial Highway victims." Dean answers, still looking at the papers.
"I don't get it. They're different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities... there's always a connection, right? What do these guys have in common?" Dean asked, as Sam walked over to the other side of the room.
Sam turned on another lamp, "huh. Dad figured it out." Sam said, staring at the papers. Dean looked at him, "what do you mean?" He asked, "he found the same article we did.
Constance Welch. She's a 'Woman In White'." Sam answers, looking at Dean, while he looked back at the wall in front of him. "You sly dogs. Alright, so, if we're dealing with a 'Woman In White', dad would have
found the corpse and destroyed it." Dean says, looking back at Sam. Sam looked at the papers in front of him, "she might have another weakness." He said, nodding his head.
"No, dad would wanna make sure. He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?" Dean says, walking over to Sam, standing by him. "No. Not that I can tell. If I were dad, though, I'd go ask her husband.
If he's still alive." Sam says, "hmm." Dean said, "alright. Why don't you go see if you can find an address and get Y/n from the Car. I'm gonna get cleaned up." Dean says, "hey, Dean. What I said earlier, about mom and dad, I'm sorry..." Sam starts to say, but Dean held up a hand to stop him.
"No chick flick moments." Dean interrupts, Sam laughed, "all right, jerk." Sam says, nodding his head. "Bitch." Dean replied, heading into the bathroom.
Sam chuckled, walking towards a mirror and grabbing a picture of his dad, Dean and him, smiling at it.
Sam went out the door, to go get you and Dean's bag so he can change into different clothes.
Sam and you walked into the room, Sam saw you head straight for the bed and immediately going to sleep.
Sam laughed, walking towards the bathroom and putting Dean's bag inside by the door, closing it and walking back towards the bed, sitting down.
As Sam was listening to his voicemail, Dean walked out of the bathroom. "Hey, man, I'm starving. I'm gonna grab a little something to eat at that diner and also grab Y/n something to eat as well." Dean says, grabbing his jacket.
"You want anything?" Dean asked, "no," Sam answered, looking at Dean. "Aframian's buying." Dean said, standing by the door. "Uh-uh." Sam said, Dean looked at you and walked out the door.
Putting on his jacket, Dean looked to his right, seeing the cops from yesterday and the guy from check-in, pointing at Dean.
Dean turned, grabbing his phone out of his pocket, calling Sam. "What?" Sam answered, "dude, five-o. Take off." Dean says, "what about you?" Sam asked, "uh, they kind of spotted me.
Go find dad." Dean said, hanging up the phone. Dean turned around, looking at the cops. "Problem, officers?" Dean asked, smiling at them. "Where's your partner?" One of them asked, crossing his arms.
"Partner, what... What Partner?" Dean asked, stalling them.
Sam woke you up, looking out the window as a police officer walked over to the room.
"Come on, sweetheart." Sam says, both of you heading into the bathroom and out the window.
Both Sam and you walked around and headed straight for the impala. Sam opened the door for you and closed it once you were inside. Sam went over to the drivers side and started the car, driving away.
"Where's my dad?" Sam heard you ask tiredly, "uh, about that. It might be a while before we see him again." Sam answers, looking at you through the mirror.
"Can we go somewhere and eat?" You asked again, "I'm hungry." You added, "Yeah, sure." Sam says, going to the diner that Dean was supposed to go to.
Sam parked, both of you getting out the car and walked into the diner. Both of you walked towards an empty booth, a waitress walked over to you guys and handed both of you menus.
"Hi, what's your name cutie?" She asks, smiling at you. Sam saw you smiling nervously at her, "Y/n." You answer, looking at Sam and back at her. The waitress looked at Sam.
"She yours?" She asked, "oh, no. No, she's my niece." Sam says, "hey, uncle Sam. Can we order now?" You asked, Sam looked at you. "Yeah, sweetheart." Sam says, "what do you want?" He asked, you smiled.
"French toast, please?" You asked politely, looking up at the waitress. She nodded her head, looking at Sam. "Same for me." Sam says, grabbing the menu from you and handing both of them to the waitress.
"Okay, you want anything to drink?" She asked, grabbing the menus. "Apple juice, please?" Sam hears you say, "water for me, thanks." Sam said to her, "alright." The waitress said, walking away.
After you both ate, Sam and you were driving around town. Sam was asking around for Joseph Welch.
Sam parked, once he found out where Joseph Welch lived. Sam turned to look at you, seeing you laying down and reading another comic book.
Sam got out of the car and headed straight for the door, knocking on it. A man answered the door, "hi, uh, are you Joseph Welch?" Sam asked, "yeah." He answered, walking out the door.
"Did this guy, come over and ask you a few questions?" Sam questioned, both of them walking, Sam handed him a picture. "Yeah. He was older, but that's him." Joseph says, handing back the picture.
"Came by here three or four days ago. Said he was a reporter." He added, "that's right. We're working on a story together." Sam said, nodding at him. "Well, I don't know what the hell kind of story you're working on.
The questions he asked me." Joseph says, looking at Sam. "About your late wife, Constance." Sam says, "he asked me where she was buried." Joseph says, "and where is that again?" Sam asked.
"What, I gotta go through this twice?" He asked, "it's fact-checking." Sam says, "if you don't mind." He added.
"In a plot behind my old place, over on Breckenridge." Joseph says, "and why did you move?" Sam continued to ask, "I'm not gonna live in the house my children died." Joseph admitted, he stopped walking, looking at Sam.
Sam stopped walking as well, looking back at Joseph. "Mr. Welch, did you ever marry again?" Sam asks, "no, way. Constance, she was the love of my life." Joseph replied, shaking his head.
"Prettiest woman I ever know." He added, "so, you had a happy marriage?" Sam asked, nodding his head. "Definitely." Joseph answered hesitantly, Sam sighed. "Well, that should do it.
Thanks for your time." Sam says, walking towards Dean's car. Sam looked at the keys in his hands in thought, looking up. "Mr. Welch, you ever hear of a 'Woman In White'?" Sam asked, looking over at Joseph.
Joseph turned to look at Sam. "A what?" Joseph asked, "a 'Woman In White'. Or sometimes 'Weeping Woman'?" Sam repeated, "it's a ghost story. Well, it's more of a phenomenon, really.
Um, they're spirits. They've been sighted for hundreds of years. Dozens of places: In Hawaii, Mexico, lately, in Arizona, Indiana. All these are different women, you understand, but all share the same story." Sam explains, walking over to Joseph.
"Boy, I don't care much for nonsense." Joseph says, turning to walk away. "See, when they were alive, their husbands were unfaithful to them. And these woman, basically suffering from temporary insanity, murdered their children.
Then, once they realized what they had done, they took their own lives. So now their spirits are cursed, walking back roads, waterways. And if they find an unfaithful man, they kill him.
And that man is never seen again." Sam added, "you think... that has something to do with Constance, you smart-ass?" Joseph asked angrily, "you tell me." Sam says, "I mean, maybe.. Maybe I made some mistakes
But no matter what I did, Constance, she never would have killed her own children. Now, you get the hell outta here. And you don't come back." Joseph said, looking at Sam, before walking away.
Sam sighed, watching him walk away. Sam got into the car and drove away, calling the police station and faking a call.
A few hours of driving around, Sam headed towards Breckenridge.
Sam answered his phone, "fake 911 phone call, Sammy? I don't know, that's pretty illegal." Sam heard Dean say, "you're welcome." Sam says, smiling. "Listen, we gotta talk." Dean says.
"Tell me about it. So the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a 'Woman In White', and she's buried behind her old house, so that would have been dad's next stop..." Sam says, "Sammy, would shut up for a second?" Dean asked, interrupting him.
"I can't figure out why he hasn't destroyed the corpse yet." Sam added, "that's what I'm trying to tell you. He's gone. Dad left Jericho." Dean said, "what? How do you know that?" Sam asked, glancing at you in the mirror.
"I've got his journal." Dean answered, "he doesn't go anywhere without that thing." Sam says, focusing back and forth from the road and the side of the road.
"Yeah, well, he did this time." Dean says, "what's it say?" Sam questioned, "ah, that same old ex-Marine crap, when he wants to let us know where he's going." Dean replied.
"Coordinates. Where to?" Sam asked again, "I'm not sure yet." Dean answers, "I don't understand. I mean, what could be so important that dad would just skip out in the middle of a job?
Dean, what the hell is going on?" Sam asked, "whoa!" He gasped, stepping on the brakes and dropping the phone. "Sam? Sam, are you guys okay? Sam!" Dean yells on the phone.
The car stopped, Sam looked at the road in front of him, breathing heavily. "Uh. Uncle Sam?" Sam heard you ask, he turned to look at you.
Sam saw you looking at a woman sitting next to you, she looked at you and then at Sam. "Take me home." Was all she said, Sam and you didn't respond to her for a while.
"Take me home." She repeated firmly, "no." Sam says, looking at her through the mirror. She squinted her eyes at him, locking the doors and started to drive the car.
Sam tried to open the doors and windows, then he tried to get control of the steering wheel, but it was no use. Sam sighed, sitting back against his seat.
The car parked outside an abandoned house, "don't do this." Sam says, looking at her through the mirror again. "I can never go home." She says, despair in her voice, looking at the house.
"You're scared to go home." Sam says, turning to look at her, but she was gone when he turned around, looking at where she was sitting and then at you.
Sam turned back forward, looking out the door and then at the passenger side, seeing her again. She was moving closer to Sam and placing herself on his lap.
"Hold me, I'm so cold." She said, "you can't kill me. I'm not unfaithful." Sam says, "I've never been." He added, closing his eyes, trying to move away from her touch.
She leaned towards his ear, "you will be. Just hold me." She says, before kissing him. She sat up and disappeared. Sam looked around, seeing you had your eyes covered, sitting on the seat with your back against the door.
Sam screamed in pain, unzipping his sweater and looked at his chest, seeing her fingers in his chest as she reappeared, disfigured. Sam screamed in pain, while you screamed in fear.
You both heard gun shots and glass breaking, Sam looked out the broken window, seeing Dean aiming his gun at the window still. Dean shot again, Sam sat up, "I'm taking you home." Sam said, driving the car straight into the house.
Dean's eyes widen seeing the car go straight into the house and heard you stop screaming. "Sam!" Dean yelled, Sam stopped the car. "Sam?" Dean asked, "here." Sam answers, groaning in pain.
"Are you okay?" Dean asked, walking towards your door, seeing you leaning against the seat, unconscious. "Hey, bug, are you okay?" Dean asked as he opened the door looking over you.
You had a cut on your right side of your forehead, other than that, you were fine, unconscious, but fine as Dean can tell. Dean lied you down, leaving you in the car.
"Sam are you okay?" Dean asked, going out the car and going to the front passenger side to help Sam out. "Yeah, I'm fine. I think, is she okay?" Sam answered, looking at you and then at Dean who opened the door, "can you move?" Dean asked.
"Yeah. Help me." Sam replied, Dean helped him out of the car. "There you go." Dean said, both of them standing by the car, seeing Constance holding a picture frame.
She looked up from the frame, looking at the both of them angrily, throwing the picture frame down and pushing a dresser in front of them, they both groaned, trying to push the dresser away from them.
The lights flickered and Constance looked towards the stairs, water was coming down. She went over by the bottom of the stairs, seeing her children. "You've come home to us, mommy." They both say, going by her side and hugging her.
Constance screamed, the three of them dissolving into a puddle.
Dean and Sam watched their interaction, before looking at each other and finally pushing the dresser down and away from them. Both of them walking over to where Constance and her kids were not ten seconds ago.
"So this is where she drowned her kids." Dean says, sighing. "That's why she could never go home." Sam said, "she was too scared to face 'em." He added, smiling at Dean.
"Found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy." Dean says, patting Sam on his chest, Sam laughed in pain, "yeah, I wish I could say the same for you." Sam says looking at Dean. "What were you thinking, shooting Casper in the face, you freak?" Sam asks, Dean turned to look at him.
"Hey. Saved your ass." Dean says. pointing at Sam. Dean bent down, inspecting his car. "And I'll tell you another thing; if you screwed up my car, I'll kill you." Dean stated, looking at Sam.
Dean drove, AC/DC's Highway To Hell was playing. Sam was looking at a map, trying to find where the coordinates lead to.
"Okay, here's where dad went. It's called Black Water Ridge, Colorado." Sam says, Dean nodded his head. "Sounds charming. How far?" Dean asked, glancing at the map.
"About 600 miles." Sam answered, "if we shag ass, we can make it by morning." Dean said hopefully, looking at Sam. Sam looked up from the map and then at Dean.
"Dean, I..." Sam says, "you're not going." Dean says, "the interview's in, like ten hours. I gotta be there." Sam stated, Dean sighs quietly, nodding his head. "Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I'll take you home." Dean said, focusing back on the road.
After hours of driving, Dean parked in front of Sam's building. Sam got out, leaning against the open window. "You'll call me if you find him?" He asked, Dean nodded his head.
"Maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?" Sam asks, smiling. "Yeah, all right." Dean replies, "bye, uncle Sammy." Sam turned to look at you, "bye, sweetheart." He says, smiling at you.
Sam stood up straight, walking towards his building. Dean started the car, "Sam." Dean says, looking out the window. Sam turned and looked at Dean, "you know, we made one hell of a team back there." Dean said, "yeah." Sam replied.
Dean looked away and started driving. Sam watched the car, sighing.
Dean drove around the building, wanting to check on Sam, he looked at you after parking the car again. "Stay here, alright?" Dean said, "okay." You say as Dean got out of the car and ran up towards Sam's apartment.
Dean kicked the door open, "Sam!" Dean yelled, running towards the bedroom. Dean saw Sam laying on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, while the room was on fire. Dean looked up, seeing Sam's girlfriend on the ceiling.
"Sam! Sam!" Dean yelled at him, "Jess!" Sam yells, Dean walked over to him and pulled him up from the bed, pushing Sam out the door. "No! No, Jess!" Sam yells over Dean's shoulder, looking at the ceiling.
"We gotta get out!" Dean yells, still pushing Sam out the door, while he kept yelling for his girlfriend.
Sam stood behind the impala, the trunk open, while firefighters put out the fire. Dean walked over to him.
Dean looked at Sam, "hey, are you okay?" He asked, Sam nodded his head, throwing a gun back into the trunk.
"We've got work to do." Sam said, closing the trunk and walked towards the passenger side. Dean got in and drove away.
You guys stayed there for a few days longer before Dean decided to check out the coordinates their dad left behind for him.
Tag List: @snobunns
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hi may I please have headcannons for Ciel Phantomhive who got transported to Twisted wonderland.
It got a bit long for headcanons but why not ? Ciel in twisted wonderland has got a lot to tell lol
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He assumes it all to be a dream when he wakes up in NRC , as he slides the door of his coffin open just to fall to the ground
He tries and calls for Sebastian , considering this situation having something to do with him .When Sebastian doesn't show up , he leds out a moody growl trying to find someone or a way out of wherever he was
Mirror hall didn't seem a bad place for him to wake up at ; since most of the designs remained the same over hundreds of years it was kinda similar to victorian styles from Ciel's original time . He low-key starts admiring decorations and unfortunately , steps on something's tail
Grim naturally freaks out being woken up from his slumber like this and in a few seconds the whole salon is set on fire
Crowley arrives just in time to find Ciel almost choking Grim while shouting at him to do something ; poor Grim passes out when Crowley finally freed him from the savage Phantomhive's hands
Crowley isn't sure what to do first , punishing him for intense violence or clarifying which dorm would be responsible for him
He leaves judgement to the mirror and...it doesn't go quite as expected : " Your soul is...no . Not again...this one doesn't belong to any dorms either ," mirror says . Crowley got terrified thinking that it was similar to MC's situation , but he got even worse as the mirror says : " I see nothing through him because...I see no soul "
Crowley argues that there must be a mistake but Ciel himself knows that his soul no longer belongs to him , but to Sebastian
Ciel asks if the mirror knows anything about his contract , but neither the mirror nor headmaster had any idea on what he was talking about
Ciel decides to skip that part since he doesn't want to spill more tea himself , so he asks where he is
After Crowley's hour long presentation and telling Ciel that he's stuck in twisted wonderland until Crowley finds a way to send him back home , poor boy nervously smirks
He is now sure of it all being a dream so he tries anything that would help him to wake up : Pinching himself , slapping , screaming and finally , throwing himself out of window - He is lucky that Crowley catches him before his head crashes the ground
He almost saw dead with his two eyes , so it couldn't be a dream anymore
He first freaks out at how he can't come back , but then calms down realizing that he won't stay here for too long ;Sebastian would not let
Sebastian isn't one demon to give up on his soul just by him disappearing , he is way greedier and stubborner and would do anything it takes to have his rights as long as Ciel isn't dead . So being caught in a different world or dimension was no stop for Sebastian , specially thinking that demons themselve came from another dimension
Ciel decides to be hopeful that Sebastian would find him anyway , so he says that he'll wait just there until Sebastian comes for him , ignoring Crowley's ramblings wanting him to stop being stubborn
After a few hours Ciel gives up , accepting that he can't last on his own if he just waits for Sebastian to show up : What is taking that bastard so long...
The kind and good-hearted Crowley offers him a vip stay at their all Happy and comfortable hotel , aka Ramshackle dorm
Ciel argues that he just can't live like a pig , but Crowley states that he's either staying out or at Ramshackle's . He angrily growls , having to deal with it
The next morning he wakes up to see no one but Grim , which made both of them scream . MC catches the pan before Grim could throw it at Ciel , and Ciel brings out his gun- . MC then slaps him for rudeness and takes the gun
He ends up having to head classes with MC and Grim since he has nothing else to do , though he was too young to head any of the classes
Ciel isn't used to heading to public classes , but he's okay with them since he has his experience from Weston College , but something else irritates him :
This school was a bit too similar to Weston College. Not only atmosphere but also students . He basically shared the same class with a green haired version of Greenhill . Sebek is nothing different from him except being...more annoying . He couldn't stop talking about someone he called young master which makes him look a bit like Agni
Same goes for Ace and Deuce , they seemed kinda familiar but Ciel isn't sure where he's seen them before
He doesn't like Crowley because the way he acts , talks and hides his eyes remind him of Undertaker ; making him feel unsafe whenever he is around
This annoying pace continues for him ; a socially awkward emo with long blue hair who is good enough to be Gregory Violet's Identical twin , a teenage-version of Agni who shares the same wild spirit as Suma , and many others
He thought that it couldn't get any worse until he almost screams Snake at a guy who looks JUST- LIKE - HIM , sleeping under a tree . Silver wakes up to Ciel's fascinated gaze and gives him a confused look , that makes Ciel run away
School on the other hand is terrible : Magic's history is nothing like the history he is learned by Sebastian , but he could handle studying something all new . The problem is with the rest of classes : Animal language , alchemy and and anything that requires any talent in magic ; but PE is the worst . His body is already pretty weak and he falls at asthma attacks several times . To add to that his height is another thing he had to keep up with , he is at least 10 centimeters shorter than even the smallest ones there and of course , Night raven's unraveled students don't mind bullying a short moody kiddo-
Beside his enormous problems , there are other advantages as well ;
Ciel isn't much of a people person , but students there are rather interesting to him
Still most of them seem neutral to him , but there are also ones who catch his eyes :
He doesn't like : Grim (for obvious reasons) , Ace and Deuce (too loud and annoying ) , Cater ( Is always playing with some odd invention called phone *) , Leona and Ruggie ( they bully him ) , Jade ( Looks and talks like Sebastian ) , Floyd ( looks like an illegal combination of Sebastian and Grell...+ calls him baby seal ) , Rook ( stalks on him) , Sebek ( too annoying)
He low-key likes : Riddle ( he respects him organized nature + they look a bit similar) , Trey ( acts like a loyal servant ) , Azul ( is smart with contracts and seems to be a man of culture + runs a cafe with good teas and desserts) , Idia ( he weird , yet interesting ) , Silver ( reminds him of Snake) , Malleus ( is mysterious and looks like an almighty master )
The rest are just neutral to him
( * ) : Ciel obviously doesn't know what a phone is , along with many other things invented after his age ; he thinks they are all magical tools and not something created by the hand of man
Riddle invites him to tea parties and Ciel appreciates it , at least one thing that made him calm down in this crazy world
He once goes to Mister S's shop and Sam immediately senses a demonic aura around him , asking him tons of questions about the demon shielding him . Ciel dodges from answering each and every one of them but Sam isn't yet satisfied . He doesn't argue as he Ciel resists answering but Ciel is about to leave , he tells something that makes his blood run cold : " ...We'll soon meet this mister Sebastian in person , little demon ; My friend on the other side told me"
When learning that Azul is a master of contracts , Ciel goes to him to see if he knows anything about contracts made with demons ; which he either doesn't really know or doesn't want to share since Ciel has nothing to give as the price
Azul though still sends the twins after him since he's starting to get interested after his demon sorted questions ; which made him curious of what this child might actually know
Ciel once steps into Ignihyde and gets out in 0.01 seconds . His mind isn't yet prepared to deal with a technology which won't be yet discovered until hundreds of years later from his original time
Other than Ignihyde , the dorm which really makes him feel uncomfortable is Scarabia . The atmosphere is just like Suma's palace and getting reminded of that horrible massacre with Agni's death isn't really pleasant . He meets both Kalim and Jamil in school and Kalim even invites him to parties , but he immediately says no . He decides to stay away from there as much as possible
Savanaclaw is his danger zone , he steps in = He dies . He once calls Leona Pathetic nasty cat and that is enough for Leona to set a prize for his head
Malleus on the other hand seems to be appreciating this little guest . Ciel feels a bit unsafe around him as Malleus notices his supernatural secrets , including the seal under his blindfold without him mentioning it ; but Malleus confronts him that he doesn't want anything from him and he's just interested that's all
Rook hears from Octavinelle students that Azul is after the child , and that makes him enter the challenge uninvitedly ; the Ciel catching game . After all he lives to be the greatest of hunters and also , whatever the reason was , Pomefiore would have an advantage holding what Octavinelle needed
If it wasn't because of MC , Grim , Ace and Deuce sticking to him all day he would've got caught long ago , but no one could kidnap him this easily when others were around
With his terrible situation at classes , daily argues with Grim and anyone else , bully routines and almost half of the school after him he knows that he won't last there much longer
Ciel now can't help but to pray for Sebastian to find him sooner wherever he is now...
Note : Now now , would you guys like a second part for this in which Sebastian this time , finds his way to twisted wonderland..? (:
Update: Part 2 here!
Tagging : @lethlia @xxunrxvelingxx @ji-yaaan
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chitsangenthusiast · 3 years
Kath my beloved, I hope you have a good day! ♥️♥️ Tell me an assortment of Sokka, Zuko, and/or Zukka headcanons that make you lose it 😳
!!!! oh i would be HAPPY to!!! put under the cut bc i kinda got excited and went off lol
sokka in general <3 after the war, there was a period where sokka and toph sometimes, sometimes, traveled around the earth kingdom and swindled conniving market tricksters out of their money. katara does NOT know, zuko does NOT know it occasionally happens in the fire nation too, and aang DOES know and secretly hates he can’t tag along bc he’s far too recognizable now lol
sokka doesn’t like cooking, but unfortunately he’s great at creating delicious dishes so he’s often forced to go to be the one who cooks during camping trips. the only people who don’t get his complaining as he cooks for them, however, is gran-gran and bato
i’ve talked abt this before, but sokka keeping his hair shaved after the war to honor his lost childhood as well as acknowledge his warrior status in his own way is smth that can be so personal <3
also i....very quietly.......hc sokka as nb he/him....and sometimes also as a grey ace/demi/sex-positive ace bisexual....bc sometimes it's nice to imagine some form of representation for myself, even in the tiniest of aspects lol
zuko and family <3 for a long time after the war, ‘uncle’ was the title that meant the most to zuko. it’s smth that everyone quickly realized, so when the gaang started having kids they were adamant to make sure zuko knew he was their children’s uncle
(yes it took him off guard. yes he cried in private every single time, especially when the kids got old enough to actually start calling him ‘uncle zuko,’ even during formal events)
it’s not until he has izumi does he finally understand the weight behind the word ‘dad.’ babe was her first word, and zuko has been on cloud nine ever since
(the whole ‘uncle being the most important’ is basically why iroh never had to adopt zuko or anything - there was no need, and after chit sang wanders back into their lives and starts joking abt how he’s zuko’s father, both of them find it incredibly hilarious lol)
zukka letters <3 after the war, zuko and sokka used to send each other COPIOUS letters. zuko’s are normal. sokka’s are always sent as packets lol (he has a habit of writing down any and all passing thoughts on scrap paper that never get transferred into one single letter, so usually he ends up just compiling them by the day they were written and bundling them together)
also in their letters: they once joked about making doomsday clocks to track their daily feelings, and so now every letter starts with a tiny lil drawing of how close they are to midnight on the day they wrote it
(before they got together zuko’s midnight was ‘letting druk burn down the palace.’ after they got together, it changed to ‘moving to the swt without any warning and living with sokka,’ which sokka finds kinda adorable but also isn’t ready to be wrongly suspected of kidnapping yet)
zukka husbands and kids <3 along with being known as the fire lord who’s trying to foster in peace and love, he’s also known as the golden fire lord - and it’s entirely bc of sokka and ty lee bc they pick out all of his gold accessories and puppy-dog-eye him until he gives in to wear everything lol
after he and sokka get married, his nickname among the public changes to the ivory fire lord (which isn’t technically right. it’s whalebone that he’s wearing in place of most of the gold, but a lot of people don’t know the difference)
zukka have two kids uwu izumi was born first ofc! for their second daughter tho, it took them awhile to settle on a good name for her. at one point sokka suggests ‘verza’ bc it sounds nice and has a z in it, but as soon as he finds out it means cabbage he backtracks hard on it
zuko finds this mf hilarious - but, unfortunately to sokka, he also thinks it’s adorable and so their second daughter’s name is verza lol
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bloomyn · 4 years
you can be the cherry on top
Helloo! If its okay can I request prompts 16 and 27 from the random prompts with Ushijima where the reader introduces some spontaneity into his life, teaches him to take risks and go off a routined lifestyle like going for a drive at 2am to a convenience and like cheating a game at an arcade or something ? And he actually kinda enjoys the thrill of going out of his comfort zone and wants to get to know her more ! Thankyouu srry if it doesnt make sense😊
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader
tags: fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, breaking records ; fixing hearts, learning to live a little
warnings: none
tendou screeched.
“wakatoshi! you’re never going to beat the high score.”
olive - colored eyes narrowed, focusing on the screen in front of him. it was stupid game, nothing more than something he would’ve played as a child but it was the score board that ticked him off. 
1. ‘ur mom’
2. ushijima
3. ushijima
4. ushijima
5. miracle boy sa to ri!!!!
“wakatoshi let’s head back to the dorms. it’ll be fine, you can’t beat the high score so what.” 
the taller man scowled.
you’ve grown to hate the oak brown of the desk in front of you. the imitation wood has glared at you every second of everyday for the past three years and you might throw up if you have to look at them for another second. when you drop your forehead against the desk no one pays mind, you’re sure their all bored out of their minds too. it doesn’t help that the sickly gray walls of the classroom love to tease the tangerine sunlight that’s blocked by the thick window curtains. 
being a teenager is horrible. 
being a teenager stuck in a classroom with possibly the most boring people in the world is catastrophic. 
you could care less about modern japanese literature, you’re more worried about the sweat that’s pooling under your arms and the back of your thighs and..have they fixed the ac in your dorms yet?
outside of the window you could see a student jogging, it wasn’t surprising, he was always there. purple tracksuit, you had called him, always the same outfit at the same time, every single day.
how boring
“[l/n] please do not take my advice lightly, entrance exams are coming up and it is very important that-”
you nodded your head, “yes sensei i know, trust me, i’ll figure it out!”
your homeroom teacher sighed. “just, please. shiratorizawa wants to make sure that all our students succeed.”
plastering on a fake smile you started stepping backward slowly, “yep, mhm, i understand.”
“just go.”
“thank you bye bye!”
you rushed out of the hallway, passing through the classrooms and out of the gates of shiratorizawa academy. thankfully, the streets were pretty much empty save for the occasional student or cat making their way down the street. 
the arcade was visible for miles. blinding lights that lit up the block and the smell of sweaty seats that lingered for ages. 
 you waved a hello to the attendant and made your way to the back, searching for your high score (you couldn’t help it, seeing ‘ur mom’ on top the scoreboard was almost intoxicating), only to find a boy (man? maybe.) pounding harshly at the keys. you almost wanted laugh, watching this mountain of a man get so frustrated at what was no more than a child’s game. 
“you good there buddy?” you teased, making your way next to the boy. he only grunted in response, his fingers wrapping tighter around the consoles and eyes narrowing themselves, focusing solely on the screen in front of him. 
leaning against the side of the game you sighed, pretending to flick dirt out from your fingertips. 
“you know,” you drawled lazily, “ i have the high score.”
the boy froze, you could practically see his back stiffening at the sound of your words. a cold chill ran down your spine at the mere sight of his face (or more specifically the look on his face).
on the screen the “game over” flashed loudly, displaying the score board, and by the consecutive list of ‘ushijima’ underneath ‘ur mom’...
“oh, are you ushijima?”
he nodded stiffly. “you have the high score. how?”
you grinned cheekily, ignoring his obvious disbelief and disgruntlement, “wanna watch me play? i’ll blow your score out of the water. i promise.”
ushijima smirked, “show me.”
you started the game up, playing just as usual, you know; following the rules. behind you ushijima crossed his arms. you weren’t doing anything special, in fact he was pretty sure you were moving slower than him how could---
and with a quick flick of your fingers in an unknowable combination, the screen was cleared of the ‘bad guys’, and “NEW HIGH SCORE!’ bounced around on the screen. you licked your lips, whipping around to see his reaction and oh, it was so much better than you’d expected. 
“good game right?”
slowly, the taller man closed his eyes, “how?”
should you tell him the truth? you wondered. it’d be so much more fun if you lied instead; leaving him frustrated and flustered over your effortless ability to wreck his scores. 
“cheat code.” you breathed lazily, “it works for a lot of games actually, it’s really common.”
you almost rolled your eyes, “it’s just a game ushijima, don’t tell me you haven’t cheated at a game before?”
his silence spoke for him.
had this man had any fun ever? at all? even a little?
“come on ushi-kun, live a little why don’t you.”
your persistence was refreshing. maybe it was because he had only just met you and you had no idea who or what he was like that you would push him like this. he knew was blunt, there was no point in lying or drawing the truth out. but you seemed to be immune to that. 
so he held out his hand, asking for the coin.
“i can try to be more exciting.”
besides him you blew air out of your lips, “ i don’t want you to try and be more exciting, just like,” you paused, looking him up and down. “what do you do for fun?”
“and when you’re not playing volleyball...”
“i’m at school.”
you really had to think of different response besides groaning. begrudgingly you held out your hand.
“come on.” you huffed.
tentatively ushijima placed his hands in yours. “will i regret this?”
“i’d be insulted if you didn’t”
so you were breaking into your own school. well, it wasn’t exactly breaking, just sneaking into the closed volleyball gym. 
“it’s locked.”
rolling your eyes you shoved your hands around in your pockets, hoping that somehow you’d have a bobby pin, and voila! you smirked, whispering a ‘got it!’ before jamming it into the lock. 
“this would be a lot easier with a key.”
suppressing the fattest eye roll you could possibly think of you turned around, 
“obviously it-- oh.”
behind you ushijima held up a single bronze key, matching the same company as the one on the lock. oh.
“you play for the volleyball team?”
he nodded.
“wait you go to this school?”
this was not fun anymore. holy shit this was not fun.
a screech left your throat as you dodged another one of ushijimas serves. you thought volleyball was all fun and games, this was a nightmare. 
“i thought you wanted to play?” he quirked, tossing the ball up one more time.
“yeah, play. not die!”
you dove to the floor barely dodging the ball. on the other side of the net ushijima was smiling, laughing almost. 
at least one of you was having fun. 
“god ushijima do you enjoy torturing yourself?”
ushijima tossed a towel to you, while continuing to sip from his water bottle. 
grimacing, you wiped the sweat from your forehead onto the towel. 
‘geez, this guy hasn’t even broken a sweat’ 
“why volleyball?” you breathed softly.
“my father taught me how, he used to play for shiratorizawa.”
you nodded along, “that’s cool.”
an icky silence spread over the two of you as cooled of from your unintentional work out. you smiled to yourself, it was fun though, even if your bones seemed to be in danger. 
“something wrong?”
you blinked a couple times before looking up. had you accidentally made a face? (your mother had made it point to call you out whenever that ‘pinched look’ arrived) 
“no? what do you mean?”
this time you were frowning, but of course ushijima didn’t notice (or simply just didn’t care).
he set his water bottle down, “you look disappointed.”
scoffing you tossed the towel back to him. “i’m not.”
“i don’t believe you.”
this man. 
so you shrug. “ i don’t know, just feels like the day has so much potential and instead i’m going to end up laying by myself in a dorm where the ac doesn’t work.”
“it’s only 7:22.”
you sighed, “yeah but it’s too late to do anything and too early to go back to the dorms.”
in his mind ushijima had two options:
1. leave and maybe never talk to you again
2. stay and, not have any regrets about what you were going to do or if you were going to do anything because he wanted to be there, not to be with you, but to have fun, yeah to have fun, he needed to have more fun. 
“come with me.”
ideally ushijima would’ve whisked away in his new car and driven you into the sunset while listening to your ‘don’t cry just vibe’ playlist. 
unfortunately the two of you were broke third years who had no form of personal transportation and had to worry about missing volleyball practice the next morning. 
so you were on the train. 
“ushijima where are we even going.”
he hadn’t given you an answer for at least 15 minutes prior to asking so you jabbed a finger into his chest.
“answer me.”
peering down at your figure he nodded his head. “i can’t tell you.”
already you were starting to receive some stares from the others from the train so you dropped the subject. i mean you had been the one to tell him to live a little. god he didn’t even know your name! he wasn’t gonna kidnap you, no, but he could! especially with those serves--
“we’re here.”
“i only come here during school breaks but, i figured now might be an appropriate visit.”
the moon hung heavy over the dips and curves of the hills. the small lights flickered in and out, lanterns most likely, setting the scene. wonderful. 
“well.” you huffed, “aren’t we just full of surprises today.”
smiling at your words, ushijima motions upward.
“step there. you’ll have a better view.”
ah, so he was going to push you off the cliff and they would never find your body. that’s how this was going to go down. 
“just so you know ushi - kun, if any murderers coming running at us--” you take his hands, wiping a fake tear off your face, “i would die for you, i would sacrifice, my life so you could escape.”
“you just met me.” he deadpans.
stepping up on the rocks you extend your arms out. wind swept underneath them, the sounds of the hills working in tandem, your mind was gone, too absorbed in the view.  “i know.”
“does it still feel like a waste?” 
this time you shook your head, “here with you? absolutely not.”
two weeks later:
“you stole a car.”
those are the first words he speaks when he finally sees you again. after your little moment at the hills you’d disappeared for two weeks. he was starting question your existence. but here you, waiting for him at the front of the school swinging car keys between your fingers.”
“technically,” you start, “it’s my aunt’s and i’m just borrowing it.” 
you can’t describe the look he’s giving you. you can but, it wouldn’t accurately describe whatever he was feeling. “so are you getting in or what.”
“i have volleyball practice.”
you hold up the little bronze you’ve stored in your pocket. “not anymore you don’t”
-- he forgets to ask if you even have your license yet. (it’s fine, it’s you we’re talking about)
you don’t immediately start dating after that. it takes three more spontaneous tokyo roadtrips and six almost ushi - abductions for him to ask you out. and when he does, you beat him to the punch. 
“well.” you say, poking his chest a bit. “who else am i gonna drag to the arcade at 3 in the morning?”
(he says yes.)
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Ghost Wedding: The Remix
So, uh, here’s the first actual fanfic I’ve written, and the first full length piece I’ve written in literal years. I wrote it for my own amusement, after weeks of eating up various bits of TWST lore and scenes and going “But, how would the whole Ghost marriage story have gone with a Yuu who was more like me a goth bisexual disaster?
What follows is a series of vignnetes, starring a Yuu who’s the only girl in NRC, with deeply questionable taste, told in the second person. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, I crave positive feedback and like when other people enjoy the things I like.
Contend warnings for blood, body horror, emeto, coarse language and pretentious word choices.
You've been here a while. En-Arr-See wasn't precisely a safe place, what with your dorm being a condemned hellpit of tetanus and black mold, and powerful magicians having mutagenic psychotic breaks only curable by kicking their ass so hard it flies out their mouth. But certainly, it wasn't boring, and you'd made friends. You had your scrappy ginger Ace in the hole; your serious mamas-boy Deuce; your funny little not-a-cat Grim. Hell, you even have your Horned Boy, he of the poison-coloured eyes that never seem to leave your face when you talk about fun things like books and music and the moral imperative of dissolving the monarchy. And, you were on speaking terms with a good chunk of others. So, when your favourite little robot came up to Crowley, yelling something about ghosts kidnapping his brother, you took his hand and said, "Ortho, show me what's going on." After all, you won't let anything happen to Idia. You have plans for him yet.
Some beauties might launch a thousand ships, and in your (objectively correct) opinion, while Idia's beauty wouldn't lead to a ten year siege of Troy, he'd certainly convince everyone attending Whitby Goth Weekend to haul off into the sea with a beat of his lashes. The first time you'd seen him, you'd simply stared in slack-jawed awe. He was luminescent; even leaving behind the fiery hair that flashed and swelled behind him, his eyes were a bright clear amber, and his skin translucent, with his own blue veins serving as the detailing in the marble. Add in the deeply circled eyes and the bluish discolouration of the lips, and the figure he presented was arresting, astounding, more beautiful and unreal than anything you'd conjured up after staying up all night reading ghost stories. "Magnificent," you'd said to yourself, and if your friends gave you a strange look, well, fuck 'em. They have no sense of beauty or taste.
Unfortunately, the intensity of your gaze proved too much for him, and he'd fled. You'd had no time to pursue the object of your infatuation either, class would soon begin, and Grim was yelling. Later, then. There's all the time in the world to ask after the fine young man with the lamplight eyes.
~*~*~*~ "Oh no," you said when Ortho showed you the video. "She's really hot."
Grim gawked and Crowley raised an eyebrow. "Is that what you take from this?"
"You're the one with an all-boys school. What's a girl like me to do when a pretty girl pops up?"
"She's a ghost, Yuu."
"That's the best part."
"My brother-"
"I'll help you, dear." You set a hand on Ortho's shoulder. "He must be so frightened, right? I'll do what you need." 
Before anyone could say anything else, a racket started up outside, and things got a little busy.
~*~*~*~ "Do you mind if I sit?"
Idia looked up at you. starting at the intrusion. His face was awash in blue from the conjured screens around him, his lips gone black. "...Why?"
"Tables are full. I'd rather not eat standing." He didn't explicitly say no, so you settled across the table, a few chairs down. He made a fascinating tableau as you picked at your lunch, flicking through and typing at the screen. Lines of code, schematics for all sorts of tech, occasional comics all flit across the pane of light in a million shades of blue. Until...
"Could you pretend I'm a bug?"
You squinted. "What." What the actual hell did he mean by that.
"Pretend I'm not here. I'm beneath notice."
You stop for a moment and smile, faint enough that he can't see the devil in it. "You want me to treat you like an insect."
"Yes." Hard to see in the light, there was a small twitch by his temple, a barely perceptible shake in his long fingered hands.
"Alright." With that, you slide down the table to directly across from him, settle you chin in your hands, and stare at him unblinkingly.
"?!?!?" The squawk he made was undignified and deeply, deeply endearing. "What are you doing?"
"You asked me to treat you like an insect." You smile at him, full of mischief and good cheer. "So I'm looking at you very closely. I'm taking in every sweet action, and delighting that the day has conspired to put something so wonderful in front of me."
Oh, who would have thought that this blue boy could turn so pink! As he pulled his hood up, you chuckle and move back to your tray. "I'll let you be," you say, and did indeed, for the amount of time it took him to close up shop and flee back to the depths of Ignihyde. When you waved at him as he went by, he nearly tripped in his haste.
~*~*~*~ "Stop laughing."
The boys did not listen.
"May others show you the kindness you've shown Idia if you're in a bind."
"You're just mad because she's gonna kill your-"
"Grim? Shut the fuck up. Now; who's helping."
After a chorus of 'no's, you drag your fingers through your hair. "I hate all of you so fucking much right now... Ortho, your ideas?"
Ortho's idea was deeply enticing but Crowley would not have the school leveled, and thankfully, the two of them threatened and guilted the others into helping. You'd have to say thank you later, but god, then Crowley might think you actually liked him instead of just finding him funny, and who needed that in their life?
"Alright, so... A plan?"
~*~*~*~ As badly as he might've liked to have escaped, there was only one empty seat in the class, and it was by him. So, Idia threw his hood up, along with his headphones, and started blatantly ignoring you.
"Idia." Silence.
"Idia." A faint grunt and he turned away from you.
"Shroud," you intoned in the most sepulchral tone you could, setting you hand in his field of vision. He whipped his head at you, the fire in his eyes nothing compared to the changing colours on his head.
You raise your hands in supplication, trying to still your racing heart. "I'm sorry dude. I wanted to ask where you got your screens?"
"My screens?" His eyes flicked back to his schoolwork, hovering in the air. "I made them myself."
Your face lit up in awe. "That's amazing dude, holy shit. How'd you do that? It's a damn miracle."
"Ah... well..." Two sides warred within him - pride that someone recognized his tech genius, and his deep seated anxiety that anyone trying to be nice was just fucking with him. Fortunately for both of you, pride won out. "It's certainly something complicated for a magicless normie like you to understand." He raised a questioning eyebrow. "Do you really want to hear?"
You fixed him with a level look. "Never call me that again. Now, start like I'm five and go from there."
He stared back at you, and you stared right back. "Indulge me, Idia."
He gave you a smile full of sharp, crooked teeth, and while you tried to still the palpitations the sight of them gave you, he started with very basic theory, and went from there.
~*~*~*~ "You are not going to seduce the ghost bride, Yuu."
"Why the hell not?"
"You're a girl?"
"You're kinda plain."
"You're fat."
"She's probably straight?"
You point in turn at Leona, Azul, Vil, and Kalim. "So?, no I'm plenty hot actually, get fucked, and... Okay, That is a good point. But Kal, you have no idea how many straight girls I've managed to kiss."
"I think you'd die, Shrimpie," Floyd said as he flopped heavily over your shoulders, giggling as you attempted to untangle yourself. "And you're short."
"Yeah, but you have no idea how hot I am when I'm actually try- Shut up, Vil - Like, I clean up so good you guys. I even made a suit a couple weeks ago -"
"That's convenient? Weirdly so?"
"I found suiting that wasn't moth eaten and decided to have fun, at least-" You finally escape from the noodly arms of Leech the Wild One. "Let me suit up and show you? I can be so sexy, you guys. Come on."
In answer to the confused silence, you took your keys out of your pocket and chucked them at Deuce's confused face. "Adeuce! Grim! It's on the vanity in my room!"
"But ghosts?"
"Say you're clearing out things so that we won't bother... No, actually just go the balcony way."
"You can't unlock the balcony from the outside without a lockpick, it only locks from the inside."
A moment of silence. "Lilia, what the fuck?"
He shrugged. "I moved everything two inches to the left once to see if you noticed."
"I wasn't imagining things?!?"
This'll take a moment to sort out, and the clock is ticking...
~*~*~*~ You truly liked the woods! Green and quiet. Full of things that crawled and scurried, little friends that squeaked and croaked and hissed. The occasional precious treasure of a small bone or edible mushroom. So, you were quite surprised when you found Idia, miserable, crouched beside a fallen log.
"... Skipping gym?" Going by the uniform, the most likely answer. "Or did you finally realize that outside doesn't always bite?"
He scowled at you, and you stifled a giggle when you realized that yes, he was actually covered in bug bites. "They should replace this with a mall."
"You hate malls. Too many people." You reached out a hand, and pulled him to his feet. Idly, you wondered if he'd let you try and fit your hands around his waist, but thought better of asking.
"Game stores are alright. No one bothers you in one, or in arcades. And." He stopped, as he brushed the dirt from his legs, before continuing in a mumble you only got the gist of.
"Me and Ortho will be your big, scary guard dogs?"
"... Who'll notice me with both of you?"
"Everyone." Because he's the most beautiful person in the room, and they'd be mad not to look. "Because you show up so rarely. It makes it all the more noticeable when you are out, so everyone pays attention." You held out a hand. "I'll take you out the back way so you don't get in trouble."
No dice. He held his hands in close. "I'll just follow."
"Alright. Why'd you go out this far in the woods with no map, anyways?"
"There's no cell service..."
"Clearly, we need to turn your blood into a wi-fi signal, instead of liquid sugar."
He huffed, but he did follow you, and was actually approaching a good mood once you escorted him through the Ramshackle gates.
~*~*~*~ "Hey, what did I miss?" It took entirely too long to get a single lock of hair to to a perfect insouciant flip over your forehead, even with the eternally stylish Sam's help.
"She's slapped everyone who went to propose, and when she does you're paralyzed for 500 years."
"Christ," You say as you adjust a pin on your lapel. "We have to get Idia back, he'll get what? A week before he gets the hand."
"She's so fussy!" yelled Grim. "You have to sing and have a dog and she hates poison flowers."
"Clearly, she has no taste." Honestly,you thought her taste was just fine, what with thinking Idia was the finest of the bunch. He was very princely, if your tastes ran to exquisite corpses with the personality of a neurotic goblin. "Who wouldn't want poison blossoms?" Tie? No tie? Tie? No tie? No tie. And unbutton. Leona wishes he had this chest.
"We know she has no taste because she chose Idia."
You chose to ignore that, and clapped. "Okay, Round Two!"
~*~*~*~ The truest tragedy of this school was that it was all boys. Not that boys were bad by any means, you certainly enjoyed them, but... girls. Tall girls! Short girls! Busty girls! Petite girls! Butch girls! Femme girls! Fat girls! Girls!
So many kinds of girls, and you, in all of your plump and handsome glory, were the only girl in an entire high school. Welcome to hell.
You accepted no gifts that came unvetted. You had friends ward the everloving bajeezus out of your dorm room. Grim was more than happy to test your food and drink for tampering, but it was exhausting. You at least knew that any food you ate at the Mostro Lounge was clear, but that was only because everyone was too damn scared of the eternally hovering Floyd to try anything while there.
 So, you eat a lot of vending machine snacks.
You've been standing there for fifteen minutes, trying to figure out the best combo with your limited funds, when someone coughed behind you.
"??? Oh, hey Idia." You stepped aside while he shuffled up to the glass and peered in. "Anything to recommend? I got this." You waved your bill in the air.
He only looked at you a moment before looking back at the machine. "That won't get you much."
"Ah, don't I know it. But it's all I got."
He still wasn't looking directly at you, but a smile started to creep across his face. "Get your bag."
"Wha-" He was already tapping out a beat with the keypad, blue sparks flying from his fingertips, the machine starting to groan and shiver. With a final note, the snack machine gave a final heaving shudder - and every single snack fell to the bottom of the machine.
He was so proud as he smiled at you, reaching down and pulling a single bag of gummies from the spilled mess. "You first."
And, as you stuffed your schoolbag and pockets full of thieved goods, praising his genius, his cleverness, his skills, he just glowed.
~*~*~*~ "I guess you were ahead of the game, Yuu. She hates that no one's dressed up properly. And..."
"And? You raised an eyebrow at Ace.
"You do look stylish. But you need backup."
"Of course. You'll all rescue people while I distract her!”
"But what if she slaps you?"
"You'll step in if that happens. But we have to dress you all up."
"Did you makes spares?"
"No." Tragic, everyone would look so cute in summerweight green wool. "Let's ask Sam, he's got everything."
~*~*~*~ "Okay, Ortho, you see?" You held his back to your chest, and raised your hand in front of his face, palm away from him. As you wiggled your fingers, you could see movement on the back of your hand. "Those are tendons. Those, and the muscles, are what move the bones, make your hands move. If you put your fingers here," you say as you place his fingertips over the moving lines, "you should be able to feel it."
"I do! They go up and down. What's the popping?"
"That's my faulty joints, we'll cover those another day. Now," you flipped your hand over, and moved his fingers to your wrist. "You feel that?"
"That is your pulse! It's not as string as it should be."
"I'm not always in the best of health. So, Ortho. My hand moves by muscles and tendons when I think of it. My blood moves through my body, one beat at a time, and you can feel it. Right?"
"You," you say, as you take Ortho's other hand. "Your hand moves by motors and servos, when you think about it. Electricity and magic moves through your body, in beats so fast we can't perceive it, and it's as measurable as my pulse."
"... Because I am a robot."
"Because you are a bit different. But we're both alive, we're both real, just in different ways." You turn to look at Ortho directly, and he looks back at you with yellow eyes that are actual, real lamps. "Don't let anyone ever say you're not real, or alive, or good enough, just because you're different."
And though you can't see it, you can feel Idia smiling from the corner of his room.
~*~*~*~ Alright. No more time for memories, only the here and now. You've got a heart full of love, a pocket full of ring, and a head full of stupid. You're as prepared as anyone else who went in. Start on your left foot, and...
"Hello? Excuse me?" You make a cursory knock at the doorframe before stepping in. "I heard there was a wedding."
The bride - Eliza - whirled on you, and stopped. She was even more of a vision in person, airy translucence and fine, sweet features currently arranged in confusion. "Ah- Yes! I'm getting married to my darling Prince Idia! Right away, so-"
Not if I have my way about it, you thought to yourself as you arranged yourself in a perfect bow, one hand behind your back. You pretended not to notice Idia trussed up with rope, but you filed the sight away for later. "How wonderful. I wish you only happiness. But it must wait."
Before she could get her hand ready, you straightened and fixed her with your best smile. "My dearest princess, I cannot let this happen until I dance with the most beautiful person in this room. It would be improper to do so with a newlywed, and I cannot know peace until I dance. Would you be so kind, my fair princess?"
She was still baffled. "Aren't you a girl?"
You keyed up the brightness. "I am, and I dance very well. Would you indulge me, my dear?"
You could see her considering it. "You... are rather princely. Can you lead?"
"Of course. May I?" Again with the bow, and to your delight, she returned with a flawless curtsy. Hand in hand, you began.
~*~*~*~ It was delightful, to dance with this silly ghost girl. Everywhere your bodies touched, from her hand in yours to what would have been a fine chest, but was instead a clean and elegant ribcage festooned with pearls, heat seeped away and left only a chill as cold as clay. Her footwork was flawless, considering she no longer had feet, and she was so easy to chat with. She asked you about your dog (none currently, but you'd love to have one, and there was Grim in the meantime), your singing, (little voice to speak of, but that was what vocal coaches were for), and why you wanted to dance with her (because when would the chance ever come again? Unless fairest Eliza considered her for forever and a day.)
"But what of dear Idia?" She'd almost looked towards where Idia no longer was, having been unknotted long ago, but you drew her back in before she could notice the chaos around her.
" 'Dear Idia', though as beautiful as the moon in the sky, has cold feet, my love. He's afraid of dying. But I? I'd cherish you for all of eternity." You leaned in closer. "I am not afraid of dying, beloved. To journey with you through realms beyond mortal reach. I can think of nothing more exciting than to cross the barrier to the other side, hand in hand with you. In the words of a fine sir from my home, 'to die by your side/the pleasure, the privilege is mine'. Please, please consider me, please..."
Here's how it should have gone: She said yes, and you put the ring on her finger, and all was well. But you'd awakened such a sweet hunger in her, she could not wait for propriety. Instead, she grasped your face and kissed you with the passion of five hundred years search, found.
~*~*~*~ It was so pleasant at first, that you couldn't help but return it. When had anyone ever kissed you with such passion? But quickly, the chill began to overtake you. It could have been bearable, but after that was pain. You started to shake, uncontrollably, as every nerve in your body was scraped away with a rusty blade, and as you weakly tried to push away, as blood began to flow from your eyes, your mouth, every pore and orifice, she still would not let go. All you could think was it hurts it hurts it hurts hurts hurts hurts hurts and, as you slipped to a grey place beyond where pain could touch you, you barely noticed the cacophony around you, or something hurtling towards the two of you from the corner of your eye.
Something blue.
~*~*~*~ When you finally woke up, through a drugged and painful haze, you couldn't tell where you were. When you jolted up, the pain of it sending you into a nauseated fit of blood-flecked coughing, a familiar yelp sounded, and you turned to see Idia, little the worse for wear.
"You're up, uh..." He fumbled something onto the table, behind his back. "I."
You just looked. At him, at the surroundings. A hospital bed, with gifts and flowers (most filched from the wedding venue, but someone had stuck Jade's poison blossom into a vase and set it in the far corner). Idia was the only one present, seeing as it was the middle of the night.
"Ortho's getting things you might need. I... I hate hospital scenes..."
"Hurt's over.” You tried to settle yourself more comfortably, failing miserably. “Here comes the comfort." You reached out a hand, as he looked anywhere in the room but you.
"Idia." Silence.
"Idia." More silence.
"Shroud." He hesitantly placed his hand in yours, tinting pink as you pulled the sleeve up. The sight of it made you gasp. His fine wrist, so small even you could put your fingers around it, was mottled with deep bruising, blacks and purples set so deep into the skin that there was crusted blood on the surface, despite being unbroken. It was so, deeply, incredibly...
Beautiful. It was all you could do, not to press your lips to his wrist and taste his pulse as it flitted under his skin. To clean the blood away with your own tongue and cover the marks that your hungry ghost princess had made with your own teeth. Not hers. Yours.
Really, no wonder you'd been so enchanted with Eliza. You're cut of the same cloth.
"It must hurt."
He jerked his hand away, making you both wince. "What the hell is wrong with you? They only reason you're not dead is everyone pouring so much healing magic into you that it exhausted almost everyone. I." You could see flickers and flashes of orange sparking along the full length of his hair. "I'm not worth dying for. Why?"
What do you tell him? That it was the right thing to do? That you wanted to prove that you could woo a pretty girl? That you didn't want him dead? That you were a possessive bitch that couldn't stand the idea of someone else having him, even if unwilling on his part? All were true, but what do you say?
It proved a moot point, as when you opened your mouth to say something, anything, something shifted within you, and the only thing Idia received was a gout of blood square in his face.
~*~*~*~ After you'd slept, you reached for your phone in the thin morning light. Your friends where texting well wishes and condolences, and explanations of what happened after you went down (It seemed Idia had tackled Eliza clean off of you, and after some chaos she ran off with her retainer, rending this entire day moot). Even more interestingly, you found a text from an unknown number:
- I'm still mad at you.
You huffed to yourself, and after a bit of thought, start to text back.
- Dude I'm so sorry about the uh. blood puke. - I'll pay for cleaning - Also you know, you could have just asked for my number a long time ago? - Like a normal person? - Who doesn't break into phones to steal said numbers while I was unconscious next to you, what the fuck dude - That's not what this is about though. - You've got every right to be mad - That whole day was traumatizing, and you didn't deserve any of it - I'd rather sort this out in person but if text is easier for you right now we can do that - One last thing though
You stopped, and thought Do I actually do this? and went what the hell.
- I still need that dance I went in to get from you
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thebookwormfairy · 5 years
Captain The Retired Police Dog Part 6 (Final)
BookwormFairy: Sorry for taking so long, but I'm here with the final part of Captain the Retired Police Dog. I just wanted to thank everyone who've read, like, reblogged, commented, and wrote their own stuff with Captain. When I first started this I had no idea how big ot would get. I will be doing more stuff with Captain, but this is the end of this story. Thank y'all so much for accepting both me and Captain into the fandom.
The rest of the trip was like a dream for Marinette
Every chance they got Marinette and Damian would spend time with eachother
And after Ace met Captain she would come along on all of their outings as well
Damian would take Marinette every where in Gotham
From the fashion district to the zoo Damian made sure Marinette didn't miss out on anything
They couldn't explain it, but something just clicked with them
It was like they were meant to be
Damian even met Marinette's parents
He video chatted with them and was actually invited over during the summer
Which he whole heartedly accepted but warned the bakers that his family might "unexpectedly" show up with him.
Only to be told that they would be more then happy to meet them as well
Basically Damian took up all of Marinette's free time
Though sometimes, much to Damian's annoyance, the other batboys would come and "kidnap" Marinette and Captain and take them back to the manor.
Marinette didn't mind it so much, except when they didn't even wait for her to get back to the hotel
When the class was done touring Luxcorp, Jason rode up on his motorcycle and took Marinette and Captain
Jason picking up Marinette and grabbing Captain's leash: Hey French people I'm taking her and her dog. Bye
Ms. Bustier: Are you okay with that Marinette?
Marinette: Yeah I know him
Ms. Bustier: Okay have fun
Jason was less then impressed with the teacher's response but took the duo anyway
Another time Tim hacked into the schedule and change the bus route to drop Marinette off at Wayne Tower
Then Dick feeling left out did the responsible (and legal) way and called Marinette's parents to get their permission to take Marinette back to the manor.
Damian was not impressed with his brothers
Neither was Bruce
On the outside at least
On the inside he was so happy to see Marinette and Captain again
Captain wasn't sure how to respond to these strange new people in his and his girl's lives
After a couple of days they did grow on him
But he still didn't let Jason pet him
Mostly because Captain found the older boy's attempts hilarious
And his girl seemed to blossom in this new pack
Captain could see that the spark that he brought back into his girl's eye turn into a whole galaxy
She was almost always smiling and laughing now
To top it all off Alix and Kim finally pulled up their big kid briches and tried to reconnect with Marinette
At first Marinette was very weary of them
And Captain out right growled at them
But slowly they were able to earn Marinette's trust back
Not enough to be able to come on Marinette's adventures with her, but enough so that Marinette would seek them out when stuck with the class
And they would seek her out
Not even Lila could bring her down
And she tried
On this trip alone Lila has stolen several of Marinette's projects, tried to get her sent home with no success, has tried to get Captain detained, and has even tried to lock Marinette in several closets throughout the city, but Marinette somehow always got out.
All in all Lila was harmless
Until the last night of the trip when Lila went too far
Damian had tagged along with the class on their finally outing in Gotham
They went to a teens club somewhere near crime alley
Which is why Damian was with them
They made sure to leave the dogs with Alfred so he could take them back to the manor.
The night was going great
Marinette spent the night dancing with Damian, Alix, and Kim
But mostly Damian
Everything was perfect
So of course Lila had to open her big fat mouth
Lila: Oh yeah I've helped super heroes all over the world. I've even helped Batman put away a few rogues.
Villian kid (Edwin) near by: Oh really who?
Lila: You know all the big guys the Riddler, the Penguin, Two-Face,
Edwin: Hm, the Riddler.....
Lila: Yeah he's not so tough.
Lila continue to bad mouth the Riddler as Edwin called his dad to tell him all about this little, french goody goody who helped but him in Jail.
Riddler over the phone: What an interesting development, I wonder if she would like to play a game? *evil laugh*
Marinette slow dancing with Damian: This has been a great night
Damian: I have to agree with you there Angel. *Damian nuzzles Marinette's hair* I don't know what I'm going to do when you leave.
Marinette: I don't either, but I know I never want this to end.
Damian: Even with my annoying brothers
Marinette: Partially because of your annoying brothers. You know I'm an only child, but I always wished I had siblings, so they're like the brothers I never had.
Damian chuckling: don't let them hear you say that. You'll never get rid of them.
Marinette: Who said I would want to. Especially with how close Captain, Ace, and Titus has become. We'll have to fly out to eachother just so they can see eachother again.
Damian smirking: oh most definitely we be terrible pet owners if we didn't
Marinette catching on: You are so right. You'll be coming to Paris during the summer so I guess I'll be coming back to Gotham during the winter.
Damian pulling Marinette closer even though it didn't seem possible: That's not soon enough.
Alix: Hey love birds you do realize that the slow song ended 2 songs ago right?
Damian glared at the pink hair girl as Marinette backed up slightly blushing
Kim: I don't think they did Alix. How cute?
Damian: Yeah yeah let's go get something to drink.
As the small group made their way towards the bar
But before they could reach it chaos erupted in the club
Teenagers were running towards the exit trying to get away from something the group couldn't see
Somehow in the made dash out Marinette was separated from Alix, Kim, and Damian as they got pushed out of the club, but Marinette was pushed further in the club and gets corralled by a group of minions dressed in green
She scanned around the group of teens that were left seeing that all her classmates made it out except for Lila who was standing in the front of the group, but was trying to get behind the frightened teens
Marinette ended up standing next to her facing on of the famous rogues of Gotham the Riddler
Riddler: Hello kitties so sorry to interrupt your night out, but I heard one of you tattletells are the reason I was thrown back in that hellhole we call a prison so I'll give the little pest a chance to step up and we'll play a little game if they win you will all be let go and the pest will die, if they lose, well you all die. Either way that person dies so come on speak up or should I just kill everybody right now.
Lila without a second thought: It was her Marinette!
Marinette: What?!?!
Lila: Yeah it is all her she was the one who was bad mouthing you.
Marinette whispering to Lila: I knew you were mean Lila, but this is just pure evil
Lila smirking at Marinette: Why so shocked Dupen-Cheng? I know you, you wouldn't put innocent lives in danger so there's no way you'll deny it and this way I can get rid of you for good.
Marinette continued to glare at the evil girl as she was pulled up towards the Riddler
Riddler: Well aren't you a little cutie. Is what the loud mouth said true are you to person who helped put me in jail?
Marinette through clenched teeth: Yes
Riddler: Well here's the game goody goody I'm going to tell you a riddle and if you answer correctly we're going to play a game of Russian rullet *Riddler holds up an old revolver* you might get killed, you might not, but if you get on wrong then you get shot with this *Riddler holds up a newer hand gun* instant death. Are you ready?
Marinette trying to hide her fear: Yes
Riddler: Oh what a brave little girl. What is full of holes. But still holds water?
Marinette a little surprised by how easy the riddle was: A spongue
Riddler holding the old gun to Marinette's forehead: Correct
Riddler pulls the trigger as Marinette flinches but only a click is heard
Riddler: Well you live for another riddle. What can you break without picking it up or touching it?
Marinette: A promise
Riddler : Correct again
Riddler repeated the process and got the same result
This process continued for another 10 minutes and both Marinette and the Riddler were starting to get annoyed
Marinette because the riddles were to easy and Riddler because she wasn't dead yet
It should be impossible for her to be still alive
The gun did not have this many rounds
Riddler growling: Okay, Jim and Kate go to the zoo and get eaten by the sea lions but nobody freaks out, why?
Marinette rolling her eyes: Now you just stealing riddles from TheOdd1sout. They're both fish.
As Marinette answers she hears a loud crashing sound
Riddler and his goons look up at the noice and Marinette takes the opportunity to escape
She swiftly pulls Riddler's belt off him causing his pants to fall
She then uses the belt to knock both the guns out of his hands the wrapping the belt around of one of his hands flips over his shoulder grabs his other arm and tie them behind his back using the belt
To add insult to injury she kicks him in the back of his knees bringing him completely down
As Marinette looks up she sees the goons being tied up by Batman and his sidekicks all with shocked looks on their faces
In fact everybody was completely shocked by what Marinette just did
Though unnoticed by her Robin's shocked faced soon turned into a lovesick smile
That's his girl
Batman walking up to Marinette: Good job civilian, we'll take it from here, there are some people waiting outside for you.
Marinette: Thank you Batman
Marinette and the rest of the captured teenagers ran out of the club as soon as possible
They were so busy trying to get away from the trauma they just experienced nobody notice Robin slipping away trying to meet his Angel up front
As Marinette made it out she was bombarded by police officers and camera flashes from reporters
Gordan: Okay boys break it up I'll take this one
Gordon wrapped his arm around the young girl who reminded him of his daughter
Gordon: I know you've been through a lot tonight but can you please tell me what happened?
Marinette nodded her head going over everything that happened including what Lila said to her
Gordon was shocked by what Marinette told him both about how she took down the Riddler and how Lila basically tried to kill her
Gordon: Okay thank you, you go over to your friends while me and my officers gather more information.
Gordon pointed her towards Alix and Kim
As she runs towards her friends she was engulfed in a group hug
Marinette pulling back from the hug: Are you guys okay? You're not hurt are you? Where's Damian? Is he okay?
Kim chuckling: Classic Marinette worrying about others instead of her self
Alix: We're fine Marinette. We got out pretty quickly but we got separated from Damian in the mad rush
Marinette got a worried look on her face as she started twisting around searching for the man she loved
Damian bursting through the crowd: ANGEL!
Marinette running towards Damian: DAMI!
The young lovers ran to eachother embracing eachother in a long hug
Marinette buried her head in his chest letting out a sob as everything caught up with her.
Damian burying his face in her hair: Shh Angel everything's okay now. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you. I should have never let go of you
Marinette sniffling into Damian's chest: It's not your fault Damian you had no control of our separation
Damian: I still should have tried harder to stay with you.
The two stayed together refusing to let eachother go afraid that if they did so the other would be lost
They stood there for 30 minutes just hugging eachother as Kim and Alix joined them trying to cheer Marinette up
Gordon walking up to the small group: Several other people collaborated with your story. Ms. Rossi will be takened to the French embassy to be held until your classes flight back to Paris tomorrow we just need to know if you want to press charges?
Damian angry: Of course she'll want to press charges! That girl tried to have her killed!
Marinette softly: I'll handle this Damian. *Marinette turns around to face Comissioner Gordon with Damian's arms still wrapped around her* I would like to press charges Mr. Gordon this has gone on too long, I would also like to look into getting a restraining order on her.
Gordon: of course, we'll make sure that Paris police force understand what happened and your request.
Marinette: Thank you
Ms. Bustier yelling: Okay everybody time to head back to the hotel.
Gordon: Wait one moment Miss but Ms. Rossi is going to be retained at the French embassy for attempted manslaughter of Ms. Dupen-Cheng
Alya: What? Is that what Marinette told you? You shouldn't listen to her she's nothing but a liar.
Gordon: Actually we're doing that not only on Ms. Dupen-Cheng's testimony of events but several other witnesses who heard and saw Ms. Rossi threaten and admit she was trying to get Marinette killed and we also have video from the security cameras showing the same thing. Boys take her away!
Lila most certainly did not go quietly she was yelling all the way to the police cruiser threatening that as soon as she was back in Paris she will be Akumatize and finish the job that Riddler couldn't
Marinette watched terrified as Lila was taken away knowing very well that she would keep her promise if given the chance
Damian tightened his hold on Marinette trying to comfort her: Dont worry Angel I won't let her do anything to you
Marinette pressed herself to Damian trying to get as much comfort from him as possible.
Ms. Bustier grabbing Marinette's arm: Come on Marinette it's time to go.
Marinette looked over at her classmates seeing the murderous glares directed towards her from some of Lila's more dedicated followers
Marinette: I don't want to go back to the hotel Ms. Bustier
Ms. Bustier sighing: Please don't be difficult Marinette. You've already caused enough trouble tonight just get on the bus before you ruin the night for everybody else
Marinette was huffing from her outburst finally letting everything out after such a long time.
Marinette could her some clapping throughout the crowd but ignored it turning her attention to Damian.
Marinette: Do you mind if I stay at the Manor tonight?
Damian: Of course Marinette let me call Alfred to come get us and I'll escort you to your hotel room so you can gather your stuff
Marinette: Thank you
After a couple of minutes not only did Alfred show up, but so does Tim, Jason, and Dick
All ready to to kick ass and take names of anybody who even dare look at her the wrong way.
When they got to the hotel they surrounded her like a wall blocking her from reporters and classmates
Marinette gathered her stuff as fast as she could thanking herself for being smart and packing ahead of time
Once they got back to the Manor Captain tackled Marinette
Licking and cuddling into her trying to comfort his girl
He couldn't believe he let her be put in so much danger
He should have never let her out of his sight while is such a dangerous city
Captain let out a whimper trying to convey how sorry he was
Marinette: It's okay Captain I'm fine, I'm safe and everything is going to be fine better than before even.
Captain still stayed close to her side
Titus and Ace did also sensing the distress rolling of the girl followed her
As Marinette slipped into the bathroom she was finally able to comfort and thank Tikki for saving her life by using her power to make sure the bullet never got shot
And also promised to slip some cookies to her as soon as she could
After getting a good hug from each of the Wayne's and Marinette grabbing some cookies for Tikki she made her way to her guest room just wanting this night to be over.
When the Batfam was sure Marinette was in for the night they made their way down to the batcave to discuss what happened
Damian: Father if you think I'm going to let Marinette out of my sight after what happened tonight you're crazy
Bruce: Think this through Damian smothering isn't going to make her any safer it's just going to make her resent you.
Jason: I dont like it anymore than you do Demon Spawn but he's right. You can't hover over Marinette her whole life, but we do need to look into what's going on in Paris more.
Dick: You're right Jason, Rossi was saying something about being Akumatized and killing Marinette that can't be good.
Bruce: Your right Dick. So when Damian goes to Paris in a couple of weeks we'll come along and assess the situation and see if we need to step in
Damian: If Marinette gets even a scratch on her I'm going to do more than just step in I'm going to find whoever responsible and dual them to the pain
Tim: Did you just quote Princess Bride
Damian: I watched it with Marinette a couple of days ago
The rest of the batfam: Awwww
Dick, Jason, and Tim giving Brice a weird look
Bruce: Don't judge me
Marinette tried her best to fall asleep that night cuddling up to Captain but she jus couldn't
When the clock showed it was 1am Marinette decided to seek out Damian
Marinette: Captain? *perked up and looked at his girl* Can you please help me find Damian?
Captain jumped off the bed and headed to the door
Before Marinette opened the door she turned towards Tikki
Marinette: Tikki I'm going to go see if I can sleep with Damian do you want to come with or stay here?
Tikki: I'll stay here Marinette. I don't want you stressing about keeping me hidden tonight
Marinette: Okay Tikki good night.
Marinette followed Captain down a couple of doors before they stopped in front of the door
Marinette knocked on the door and after a couple of minutes Damian opened the door looking a little ruffled from sleep
Marinette: Sorry to wake you Damian, but can I please sleep with you tonight
Damian: Of course Angel come on
Damian and Marinette settled into Damian's bed seeming to fit together perfectly as Marinette rested her head on Damian's chest and he wraps his arms around her keeping her close
Captain made himself comfortable next to Titus but also lays across the young couple's legs
The next day Lila was sent on a later flight back the Fance to a town outside of Paris so that she wouldn't be akumatized by Hawkmoth and she can face the consequences of her crimes
Marinette shared a long goodbye with the Wayne's in the airport
They were nice enough to upgrade Marinette's seat to first class and even got Captain a seat so he didn't have to stay in the cargo hold
And as Marinette said her goodbyes to the people who've became her second (or third is you count Jagged, Penny, and Clara) family Captain was saying goodbye to Titus and Ace
Captain: I'm going to miss you guys so much you have become my pack and I wish I could take you with me
Titus: And I wish you could stay, I love you
Titus gave Captain a big lick to the side of his face
Captain: Thanks Titus, I... love you too
Titus: I'm going to cry
Ace giggling: Thanks for that Titus
Ace nuzzling Captain's neck: I love you Captain I wish we can stay together.
Captain nuzzling her back: I wish I could to your my mate and I hate to be away from you for so long, but my girl needs me, but I heard our humans talking and they do plan to visit eachother again so we will be together again. One day permanently I can tell.
As the girl and her dog boarded the plane they may be leaving their loves behind today but it won't be forever
Thanks to this trip Marinette is a stronger person, and Captain learned to be a little softer
As Kim pass he tried to give Captain a pat on the head only for Captain to give him a little growl before he could
Like I said he learned to be a LITTLE softer
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2 weeks after returning from Paris Marinette recieved a very interesting call from Damian
Damian: Hey Angel weird question but is Captain fixed
Marinette: Oh no, after everything that happened to him it just seemed cruel to do that to him too. Why?
Damian: Because Ace is pregnant Captain is the only one who could be the father
Marinette shocked: What?
Marinette looking at Captain: You little hound dog.
Captain: What?
@felicityroth @northernbluetongue @mystery-5-5 @sidefrienda @tbehartoo @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @sonif50 @t-nikki10 @dawnwave16
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novannna · 3 years
Same Sea, Same Soul, Same Heart
ignore the fact that this is july, and the last update was in april,,,  i kinda kept forgetting to upload the next chapter, sorry hopefully my updates will be a bit more consistent from now on (considering there are only a few more chapters)
Danna is the daughter of a noble in Gatlon city.  Gatlon is ruled by King Hugh and King Simon, members of the Renegades, the gruop that saved it from the anarchists and Ace Anarchy.  Nova is the niece of Ace Anarchy and is the worlds most feared and dangerous pirate.  She kidnaps Danna as ransom, and while they travel back to Danna’s father the two girls begin to realize they weren’t so different after all…
Nova interupts the royal wedding
ao3 link
link to masterlist
link to  Chapter 8
wc: 1997
Nova stood at the helm, her hair waving in the wind.  Her two dueling pistols were strapped against her chest, and two swords hung at her waste.  She wore her long black coat, but didn’t bother with a hat.  Keeping her gender hidden didn’t matter anymore.  
“Everyone, at their positions!”  she screamed, her voice cutting through the wind.  They got closer and closer to the ship on the horizon.  Its hull was painted white, the sails a delicate pink.  
They raced closer and closer.  
“Hoist the flag!”   Nova grinned, and tied her hair up into a low ponytail.  
A black flag was slowly raised, the leering skull a reminder to everyone who she was.  
“Today, we take back our country!”  she screamed.  “We gain the freedom to do as we please!  Are you ready?”  
Her crew roared back, screaming with joy.  
Nova faced them, wild happiness on her face.  “Who are we?”  
“Pirates!”  her crew shouted back.  
“That’s right.  We will show the Renegades our strength today.  I am Nightmare, and I will lead us to our victory.  So prepare for your wildest dreams to come true.”  Nova drew her sword, and thrust it high into the air.  “Today, we end the Renegades once and for all!  Ready the cannons.”  She turned back to gaze at the ship on the horizon.   “I’m coming for you all,” she whispered..  “You took everything from me, so I’ll take everything from you.”  Nova grinned and leaned forwards.  “I’m coming for you.  And you will not be receiving any mercy from me.”
Danna inhaled deeply as she looked around.  No one could see the fear on her face from behind her white veil.  She didn’t want this.  She had never wanted this.  But here she was, about to get married to her best friend.  She hated this.  Adrian had been right, this was a good option.  She never had to be with him.  But it still sucked.  Everything about it.  
Adrian took her hand, and squeezed it.  
“You okay?”  he mouthed.  
Danna nodded subtly.  It was a lie.  That was a huge fucking lie.  Danna was most certainly not okay.  But that didn’t matter.  She just had to make it a few more hours.  Then she could collapse.  Then she could just stop.  But first she had to marry someone she didn’t love.  It felt like she was betraying everything that made her her.  Danna was a lesbian, so how did she end up with a man?  She was marrying her best friend.  
She was betraying everything that she stood for.  
She was betraying Nova.  
And then she saw it.  Her eyes latched on a dot on the horizon, quickly getting larger and larger as it raced across the waves.  
“Adrian,” Danna said.  
The minister stopped talking, and glared at her.  The audience looked at her in shock.  
“Look,” Danna breathed.  She raised a white clad finger to point out the fast approaching ship.  
Adrian looked at her in confusion.  “Who is it?”
Danna shrugged.  “I have no clue.”  She did though.  Her heart felt like it was being tugged towards the fast approaching ship.  It was the Nightmare.  She knew that with absolute certainty.  She knew that just like she knew herself.  
Adrian ran down the ship, and through the aisle.  
“Adrian!” Hugh barked.  “It’s just a merchant vessel.  Get back up there.”
Simon shook his head.  “I don’t think so Hugh.  Why would they pass by Gatlon?  I don’t think it’s a merchant ship.”  
The audience watched as the ship got closer and closer.  
“Does this ship have cannons?”  Adrian demanded.  
Hugh laughed.  “You can’t be serious.  Adrian, this is a wedding ship.  Why would we have cannons.”
“I’m starting to think that we’re going to want them,” Simon muttered.  
Finally, the ship neared close enough to them.  Danna made out the figure standing on the helm, her jacket flapping in the wind.  
Danna grinned.  It was her other half. Then realization dawned on her.  Nova was here.  And there was only one reason for that.  And it wasn’t for the wedding.  It was for the prince.  
“Pirates!”  Adrian shouted.  “It’s the Nightmare!” Adrian looked at Danna.  “Will she kill us?” He asked her quietly.  
Danna shrugged.  “She doesn’t know I’m here.  There’s a good chance, yes.”
“Damn,” Adrian.  “What does she want?”
Danna looked at the Nightmare.  “Probably you,” she said.  
Adrian groaned.  “So much for a happy wedding,” he said.  
“Adrian, it was never going to be happy for either of us.”
He nodded.  “So what do we do? Can you talk her down?”
Danna shook her head.  “There’s no way I could get to her in time.”
Adrian sighed.  “I guess we’ll have to improvise.  I am not dying today.”
“Okay.”  Danna looked at Nova anxiously.  
The Nightmare neared close enough to see the black metal of the cannons poking out.  
“Your majesty!”  Danna screamed, barreling her way towards Hugh and Simon.  “We have to surrender!”
“Surrender?”  Both men looked shocked at the very idea.  
“Yes.  Look!  This is a pirate ship attacking us.  It was built for war.  This wasn’t.  They will tear us apart.  Do you want to send us all to the grave?”
“Well if we surrender, what’s stopping them from killing us anyways?”  Hugh demanded, bristling at her.  
Danna shrugged.  “They must want something.  And it’s better to take the chance, then die anyways.”  She looked up at him.  “Please, we have to save as many lives as we can!”
Simon was nodding along, but Hugh was unconvinced. 
“We can’t let this happen!   We are Renegades, and we don’t back down!” He roared.  
“No!  You're not a Renegade.  You aren’t the person I looked up to!”  Danna screamed.  “You are a fucking coward, and you are to arragant to know when you’ve lost.”  Danna’s chest rose up and down, heaving from the force of her anger.  “Raise the white flag, your majesty.  We’ve lost,” she said quietly.  In that second, she realized how much like Nova she had been talking.  With the same power, and air of command.  The same fear inducing tone. 
“I will not surrender,” Hugh spat back.  
“The Nightmare isn’t killing us, you are.”
“I’m so sorry, love,” Simon murmured.  He slammed a vase on top of Hugh’s head, knocking him out cold.  
He fell onto the deck with a heavy thud.   
The crowd gasped.  
“What are you waiting for?”  Simon demanded.  His face was pale, and he trembled slightly.  “Raise the white flag!”
Danna cursed.  “We don’t have time for this!”  She kicked her shoes off, and scaled the mast, while her parents yelled at her from below.  
Danna ripped her veil off her head, and waved it wildly in the air, trying not to fall off.  
She imagined Nova’s lips curving up into a triumphant smile, as she saw her victory.  
“At least I’ll see you one more time, my love,” Danna whispered as she leapt down.
Nova grinned as she saw the cloth flapping in the air.  
“Not a single shot fired,” she said smugly.  
The ships were close now. Nova motioned with her hand, and her crew grabbed onto the ropes tied to the railing.  She stepped up onto the railing.  
“Man the ship,” she called to Moxie.  
Moxie saluted.  
Nova grabbed onto the rope, and leapt off, her body swinging weightlessly through the air.  Her boots landed on the deck with a heavy thud.  
She grinned.  
“Nightmare,” King Simon growled.  
Nova bowed.  “Pleasure to meet you, your majesty,” she said smoothly.  
“You're a girl?”  His eyes widened.  
Nova’s grin widened.  “Guilty as charged.”  She noticed the other king’s still body.  “A little scuffle?”
“Something like that,” the crown prince cut in.  “What do you want?”
“From you?” Nothing.”  Nova laughed.  “Bind everyone’s hands, and feet if you can,” Nova barked to her crew.  “We don’t want anyone running off, do we?”  She raised her pistol and fired a shot.  It struck the wood right next to a woman attempting to sneak away down below.  She screamed, and dropped to the ground, shaking.  
“What do you mean you want nothing from us?” the prince asked.  “Why are you here?”
Nova grabbed his hands roughly, and wrapped a rope around them.  
“The world isn’t all about you, sweetheart.  And you should be thanking me,” she grinned.  
“What do you mean,”  he demanded. 
“You don’t have to rule anymore.  You’ll never bear the burden of the crown.  So… You’re welcome!”  Nova laughed brightly, and threw him down to the floor.  He grunted, and tried to rise up, but Nova placed her booted foot on her chest, pushing him back down.  
“Now, where’s the dear bride?  I have to greet both sides of the couple.”  
“Here,” a quiet voice said.  
Nova stalked towards the source, grinning as people flinched away so quickly they toppled over.  Oh, how she loved being feared.   The rush of power she got.  It made Nova full.  It reminded her of how far she had come.  She wasn’t a helpless little girl anymore.  She had come far.  She had done things that were once considered impossible.  
Nova Jean Artino was the most feared person to ever sail the seas, and she had done it all on her own.  
She was the pirate Nightmare.  And they should fear her.  
Especially this small, quivering white clad figure before her. 
“So,” Nova said, her voice cutting across the quiet deck.  “You’re the girl the prince chose to wed.”  Nova smirked.  “And who is the lucky lady?”  
“You know, I’m hurt you don’t recognize me,” the voice said.  It was low, and achingly familiar.  
Nova raised her eyebrows.  “Should I?  You know I meet a lot of women and-”  she stopped talking suddenly.  The girl raised her head, and met Nova’s eyes with her own.  The dark amber stared at her.  Soft brown skin, and artfully arranged blonde dreadlocks.  
“Hello, Nova,” Danna said softly.  
Nova felt her breath catch in her throat.  Danna was striking in her wedding dress.  Her wedding dress.  Danna was marrying the prince.  Her Danna.  Her Danna was throwing her freedom away.  
“Hello, Danna,” Nova said, struggling to get the words out.  “Sorry to interrupt the happy occasion.”
Danna scoffed.  “I should thank you.  Nothing about this is happy.”
Nova tried to smirk.  “Then, your welcome, milady.”  She sank into a deep curtsy.  
“Nova, what are you doing here?” Danna asked.  
What was Nova doing here?  Just the glance of Danna was enough to knock her off her pedestal.  She lost sight of her goals.  Lost sight of her past.  Forgot everything but the girl next to her.  Danna’s very breath was poisonous.  She slipped into the cracks in Nova’s body, and took hold of her.  She made Nova forget who she was.  
Danna was deadly, and Nova was addicted to her.  
That would not do.  
“I’m doing my job.”  Nova inhaled deeply, and looked away.  “Tie her up, and put her with the others,” she barked to her crew.  “I don’t have time for pleasantries, love,” she said to Danna.  “Take her away.”
“Nova!”  Danna screamed.  “Stop, you have to listen to me!”
Nova paused.  “Gag her too,” she responded.  “I don’t have to listen to anyone.  You listen to me.”  
Nova drew her sword, and stalked down the deck, dragging the tip against the ground behind her.  
“I am in charge here.  You are all my prisoners.  And luckily for you, I don’t care about your pitiful lives.  So, if you behave, you can keep them.  Am I clear?”
A hurried response of yes’s were quickly returned.   
“Good.”  Nova smiled.  “Then, you will not say another word until my uncle is here.”
King Simon looked up quickly.  “Uncle?”
Nova spun around, sword tip already at his throat.  “Did you not hear a word I said?”
He flinched back.  
“Good.”  Nova smiled, teeth glinting.  “Any other comments?”  She asked, sheathing her sword.  
No one responded.  
“Excellent.” Nova laughed.  “Don’t you just love weddings?”  
Tag list: @novissa @thepurpledragon4444  @phobidawg   @renegadse @redassassin @lackadae (let me know if you want to be added/taken off!!!)  
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moondrop04 · 3 years
WOW.......What A F***** Finale To End A Volume!!!! I was left surprised, shocked, sad, disappointed and ecstatic with the events that unfolded and also for the future of the RWBY series!!! I have so many theories and headcanons racking in my brain that I’m acting like a Giddy Little Troll 😆. So let’s jump right into the FINAL aftermath of Volume 8....
-(Tick-Tock Took Out The Vine) Before starting into this I want to give a shout out to CRWBY for starting out the episode with the “Warning” for the deaths that we were about to witness. I’m glad they were thoughtful for their fanbase’s wellbeing after watching this finale and hope they continue this trend of “warnings” in the future.
Now onto the first major character death of the episode......Vine 👀. I was fully expecting to see at least one of the Ace-Op members to die in the finale and I was actually quite surprised to see it only be Vine. Given the circumstances that Qrow, Vine, Elm, Marrow and Robyn were put into because of Harriet’s blind loyalty, it wouldn’t be too hard to have expected more characters to die in that situation.
Vine has always been the calm one within the team, so to see him willing to sacrifice himself to save his friends from death was a very touching moment. I was also honestly quite surprised he could used his semblance like that as well 😳. I kinda wished we had seen some more aspects of him extending his aura like that in previous episodes, but that’s just a bit of a small nit-pick of mine.
It’s also going to be interesting how this will impact the rest of the Ace-Op members going forward, especially Harriet. This will no doubt cause some inner turmoil for her character and only time will tell what type of effect it will hold in future dire situations .
-(Fighting For Your Beliefs) Hmmm......I’ll be honest......I was a bit disappointed with Winter and Ironwood’s fight 😓. Now I have a few reasons why I feel like this so let me explain....
1:I think the decision to make Ironwood fight with a “BFG” against Winter was a poor one. As we have seen in Volume 7 episode 11 we know that Ironwood can fight much better with his duel hand cannons. Watching him fight with a bigger weapon against a much more agile opponent didn’t feel right to me lol.
2: Having Winter win the fight using the maiden powers. Now I have no issue with Penny giving the powers to Winter, but I would have preferred if she could have found a way to defeat Ironwood without having the convenient power up. Winter is a very good fighter in her own right and I think having her defeat Ironwood with her abilities alone would mean much more before she was given the maiden powers by Penny.
3: Now I have said this before in previous posts but I would have liked it if Qrow was the one to fight Ironwood. There was indeed a bit of a build up for Qrow to fight Ironwood this volume so I do feel we were a bit blue-balled for that confrontation. Then after some time to think about it I feel the decision to make Winter be the one face Ironwood was the right one. Considering that this was the end of Atlas and that these two characters are the most associated with Atlas, made their fight against each other more fitting then leaving it up to Qrow.
The only positives I can give this fight is that it showcased more of Winter’s fighting potential and I was pleased how the animators made her fight with both Ironwood and later with Cinder. 😊
-(For Her Friends) Now onto definitely the most important part of this episode......Penny’s death. Now I’m really gonna be honest with all of you......I was not at all surprised that Penny died in the finale 😔. Ever since she gained the maiden powers she was always gonna have the “Red Flag” known as Cinder be connected to her. I more or less imagined that Penny’s powers would be taken by Cinder at some point and Penny would make some sacrificial play to save her friends while she still had her robot body. So when I witnessed her second death, as a REAL GIRL, I was shouting out “How could I be so RIGHT and so WRONG all at the same time!?” 😫
Now what has me intrigued about this second death is the part about Jaune’s involvement. I’m gonna keep my opinion about this choice from the writers neutral for now because I feel this is deeply connected to what they have already written for Volume 9. There’s is something they are planning for Jaune in the future and I want to see the whole picture of what they are drawing out before giving this either a thumbs up or a thumbs down. 😤
I have one more thing I want to bring up about this, and this is my opinion so if anyone wants to skip over this part I totally understand......so here it is. I truly believe Penny will be brought back to life in the future 🙂. When she first “died” back in volume 3 I fully believed she would be back eventually, so even if the circumstances are different this time around I am still having that same feeling that she will come back. I understand everyone else has their own feelings about what happen to Penny so I will not disapprove how everyone feels about it. It’s just how I feel about it is all 😊.....
-(The Captain Goes Down With His Ship) So.........this is the end of James Ironwood. As Atlas inevitably falls, so to does the man that represented as its symbol throughout the series and it’s aspects of strength, elitism and control.....
.......yeah I’m not buying it 😒
Something feels off if this is how he “permanently” dies..... I understand the symbolism of his “fall” parallels that of Atlas crashing down and being destroyed, but him dying doesn’t feel complete to me....
Not to mention this man has survived with half his body being destroyed in the past with what I believe to be nothing but his sheer will. So if I had to bet on anything I think he would have found a way to have survived Atlas’s crash and the flood that came afterwards....but I think he would be terribly wounded in the process....
There are also a few characters that I feel he hasn’t had a satisfying conclusion with that still needs to be addressed......Qrow, Oz and Glynda.
Also forgot to mention that apparently Arther Watts is dead too.....yeah I believe he’s not dead either 🤨. In fact I’m fully expecting Watts will survive but will be horribly burned and scarred the next time we see him. He will vow vengeance against Cinder and will stop at nothing to obtain his revenge on her. So it would be really lucky of him to find an unconscious and badly wounded general nearby that he could kidnap and experiment on to be his personal attack dog later to kill Cinder 🤔......wouldn’t that be a something to see lol
I’ll gladly wear some clown shoes and makeup in believing that we will be seeing both Ironwood and Watts again in the future, and if I’m wrong then I’ll gladly accept that L from everybody.....till then see you again next time general Ironwood and Arther Watts 🤗
-(Volume 9 and The Future Of RWBY) Alright! There is a couple of reasons why this post has taken me three weeks for me to write 😓.
First reason obviously is because of my job 😭. Some things have been happening at my work that has been stressing me out for weeks and honestly it’s been exhausting to even write anything....
Second reason is that over the course of the past few weeks after the finale aired I have been non-stop thinking of several headcannons, theories and speculations on what may happen in volume 9 and future volumes of RWBY 😆!! Don’t believe me? Here is some of the crazy s*** that came out of my head lol
-Team RWBY, Jaune and Neo meet the God Of Darkness
-The God Of Darkness gives Team RWBY power ups and new outfits to fight against Salem. Also gives Neo the ability to speak.
-Oscar vs Raven
-Salem sends Cinder to Vale to search for the Crown of Choice......but not alone. She gives Cinder 4 more experimental S.E.W Grimm to aid her and one of them happens to be Summer Rose.
-Horribly burned and scarred Watts kidnaps a wounded Ironwood and experiments on his body to change him into a complete cyborg with one objective......kill Cinder.
Believe me I have more context for each of those that I just addressed but that’s for separate posts that I hope to make in the future lol 🤗
Well that’s about all I got for that finale review and I literally cannot wait to see what happens next 😤 lol. I hope to engage with some of you in the fandom in the future and hope we get along 😎
Till next time........BUH-BYE!!!!
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whimsicalbumblebee · 4 years
Khurainese Apollo AU Part 3!
Part 1 Here! Part 2 Here! Summary so far:  Apollo never left Khura’in when he was 8 years old and instead grew up with Dhurke, Datz and Nahyuta, becoming a defense lawyer and a dragon against Ga’ran’s regime! 
Thank you @implodingcacti​ for your help with this one!!
Disclaimer! There are some descriptions of violence here! I wouldn’t say it’s too graphic but read at your own risk!! More under the cut!
Post his first court case where he defends Maya! >Apollo doesn't hang around much after the trial. >Actually Phoenix does become a co-counsel halfway through the trial which lasts more than 2 days. >Mia doesn't appear for that reason.
>But yeah, Phoenix doesn't get to talk to Apollo much immediately after the trial.  >Instead it’s Rayfa who does talk to Apollo >Rayfa is 13 and fairly new to divination seances.
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>She questions Apollo, demanding him to explain what tricks he used  >he says he didn't use any tricks and thanks her for her help before leaving.  >Apollo doesn't stay in the public eye long disappearing to the hideout.  >Rayfa, not having been in court too long is a bit more impressionable by Apollo's actions.  >she's quicker to question her stance and is uncertain of the truth of her abilities.  >She makes a point to want to see Apollo in court again to see the truth in action. >Apollo this time is already aware of Rafya being kinda like his little sister. >He understands that she wouldn't recognize him but nevertheless treats her like so. >After the trial, Phoenix is still in Khura'in sort of hanging out some. >scratch that, he's looking for Apollo since he vanished. >With people still being distrustful of lawyers, this became kinda hard. >Eventually he encounters Datz who brings Phoenix to the hideout. >by bring I mean he knocked him out and carried him over.
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 >Apollo talks to Phoenix and explains the lawyer situation in Khura’in.  >He asks Phoenix about his law experience to which Phoenix explains that he was a lawyer but isn't anymore.  >Apollo offers that Phoenix could be a Lawyer in Khura'in instead.  >there's a bit of discussion where Phoenix insists he's done with lawyering >Apollo counters that if he really was done, why did he fly 14 hours to help defend Maya. >Phoenix laughs and says he's got a point but he'll think about it. >Phoenix at this point has gotten into more detail of the Gramarye thing and knows the name of Thalassa’s first husband.  >However, he puts two and two together connecting Apollo to Thalassa and Trucy only after getting back to LA.  >Back there, he searched into the family line with the intent to meet Apollo again and tell him. ~TWO YEARS LATER~ 
>Over the next couple years, Apollo takes on a handful of cases and wins each one.  >Thanks to Phoenix, he managed to recognize and advance his perceive ability to see through lies easier. >As a result he can be sure his defendant is innocent before accepting clients.  >Apollo has been put into many unfortunate accidents because of his lawyering.  >A few near death experiences of getting shot at or kidnapped.  >Dhurke loses his eye around this time >Apollo still defends however, but none of his cases have been against Nahyuta. >Nahyuta rarely prosecutes in Khura'in, traveling overseas mostly.  >They condemn nearly all defendants with guilty verdicts and makes a name for themselves. >Rayfa has greater faith in Apollo with each of his wins, although will never admit it.  >She approaches him during recesses where they talk about various things. >Nahyuta returns to the country and encounters Apollo, they're not in good shape. >They're tense and distant and hostile. >Apollo tries to get to the bottom of it but there's many walls to get through. >Ultimately, Apollo figures out the root of the blackmail but before he could do anything  >He is forced to the royal palace after a trial ends. >He is approached by Ga'ran who directly blackmails him into taking a case where the defendant is guilty.  >He has to do that or else Nahyuta will be- >Apollo takes the case. >He knows his defendant is guilty. >he knows he will lose >he knows he will be subjected to the DC Act. >But if he doesn't,  Nahyuta will..
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>He devises a plan >It’s incredibly risky, probably the riskiest plan he’d ever make. >But it’s not like his fate is better if he doesn’t go through with it. >He’s set up to die, it’s probably taking a chance on how he goes.
>As expected, he loses the trial. It’s against Nahyuta and he can see the tension they hold in their body as they crush his arguments. 
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>His client is taken away and he is handcuffed soon after. >While the trial went on, the dragons organized a riot outside the courthouse. >They were there in hundreds, holding pressure on the guards. > Apollo, partially prepared for what was going to happen, made an attempt to break out of the guards hold and into the crowds, >This is when he’s shot at by the guards. >A few times actually.
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>He collapses to the ground.  >There is stillness for a moment, as people take in his body lying there, enough for people to see that yes, Apollo is dead. >A moment later however the crowd moves in and Apollo’s body disappears. > Because lo and behold- He’s not dead! >He had prepared a vest underneath his tunic along with a pack of blood secured over it to appear like he was killed. >Only some of the dragons knew this fact as they carried him off. >Most of the bullets hit the vest thankfully but some actually did hit him. >He still needed treatment and recovery. >However, to the world around him, he has been declared dead. >The newspaper has a photograph of proof
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>Ga’ran believes him to be dead >As well as Nahyuta, Rayfa...and Maya and eventually Phoenix. 
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>This is all pre-Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney still. A year before Phoenix is put on trial. >Phoenix has gathered some information on Apollo after that encounter in Khura’in. >He found the picture of Jove during this time while searching more on the truth of the forgery and development of the Jurist system >The news of Apollo takes him by shock.  >Maya is evidently upset as well >Phoenix would like to get involved somehow but it’s another country’s issue. >He can’t just waltz in and interfere, can he?
If you have been keeping up with this, thank you!! Let me know what you think and if you’ve got other ideas for this!!
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
OSRR: 2560
after i wrote my post last night, i did not get to go back to bed. joel had sprawled all over the entire goddamn bed, and no matter how much i tried, he would not budge. frustrated to tears because of the driving and the exhaustion, i took blooper and a pillow and snatched the thin top blanket off the bed and curled on the floor, desperate to be comfortable and get some rest.
it didn't come.
around 6am, about three hours after i plopped myself on the floor, joel woke up and rolled over the edge of the bed, looking for me. he asked if he pushed me off. i said yes. he moved. i could've cried from how grateful i was.
but then my shoulder and back hurt so i couldn't get to sleep for a while anyway because i couldn't get comfortable. so i got about two hours of sleep.
because at 9:12am, lisa called joel and told him that she and john were going to breakfast. so i got up, threw on my bra and leggings, realized the other reason i couldn't sleep last night was because it was too fucking hot and turned the AC temp down, and headed out to breakfast that the hotel had. it was good.
the wedding was okay. the ceremony was sweet, but the chairs were packed together too tightly to be comfortable, and it was too quiet for so many guests.
and then i spent the reception trying to figure out why i was unhappy with it. it was legend of zelda-themed, or it was supposed to be. but there were no decorations in the tent. no character. the centerpieces were hard with little balls hanging inside like navi, but they were poorly constructed. there were three banners up. one strand of poorly-spaced decorations behind the head table. and three paper triforces hanging, one from each pole in the tent. yes, this tent was 40x80. there were probably 200 people in attendance. this reception was a huge fucking ordeal, and probably cost fifteen thousand dollars, and they still didn't put in the money for the small details. i was upset. if i'd had that budget and if i'd been the one to plan their wedding, it would be lively and have so much character and it would've been what a big legend of zelda-themed wedding should've looked like. i was salty the whole time. but at least i got to sit with joel and renee.
we sat in the only part of the tent that didn't have ventilation of some sort. it was 88° today. that sucked. the rolls were good. the cash bar was good. the food was alright. the cupcakes were weird flavors. the best thing i ate, besides the stack of eggs and the stack of waffles from breakfast this morning, was the fried i kidnapped off of the chicken tenders plate we got for joel. the potatoes on the "adult" plates were decent, but the green beans were a little undercooked and cold, and the marinade on the beef tasted funky, along with it being undercooked.
so i kinda milked the time i was there for everything i could. i have a condiment cup to prove it.
me, joel, and renee ended up leaving early-ish. we came back and just chilled out, and the two of them went to play d&d with john and i stayed here in the room to try and work on my paper. that didn't really go so well. so i ended up going and sitting in on the small session they had going on. it was fun to listen.
came back, picked some stuff, and now i'm in bed, ready to catch up on the sleep i didn't get last night.
and then i got to briefly talk to FF before i logged off of discord, and wish them a good day because they have a dog show to be in today. they're sweet.
i'm still self-conscious as fuck, but today it was a little better.
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obsidianfr3sk · 4 years
Rise of the Renegades (Chapter 5)
Summary:  Heroes come from the most unexpected places. Heroes sometimes feel a little too different, a little too scared, a little too alone. But heroes also know when enough is enough, and that before saving the world, they need to save themselves. And they cannot do it alone.
They were going to be the hope of the world. They were going to call themselves the Renegades. Even if they didn’t know it yet.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26246812/chapters/65295007
This week I had multiple proyects and tests. Also I had this... kinda atack and I got completely obssesed with a movie saga and posted several insta stories about it so it was kinda hard find a space to write lol BUT I POST EVERY THRUSDAY SO HERE I AM. Sorry this is shorter than usual hehe
Hope you like it:) Let’s see what this kids are up to.
Thanks for the reblogs and the likes!
Tag list: @nodrianbcyes @healing-winston-pratt @bluraspberryoff-secretary @aceandnebula @cerenoya @cindersnightmare @plain-jane-mclain (don’t worry, take your time to read it!)
A peculiar monster
Who would you live and die for on that list?
But the problem is, there's another list that exists,
and no one really wants to think about this.
Forget sanity, forget salary, forget vanity, my morality.
If you get in between someone I love and me,
you're gonna feel the heat of my cavalry.
Simon ran for a good two minutes before finding a place to stop. He turned the corner in the second alley he found and collapsed behind the largest trash can he found, dropping his backpack next to him. Simon wiped the cold sweat on the sleeve of his jacket. It had been a long time since he ran that much.
However, compared to the relief he felt, the fatigue was hardly noticeable.
They were safe.
He turned to his right, ready to tell Hugh that they were never going to go back to that damn store when he realized he was alone.
Completely alone.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
In the street, there were a couple of homeless guys, an old man talking to himself, a dirty-looking child…
Hugh was nowhere to be found.
Simon hid again. His heart was beginning to beat unnaturally, and he couldn't feel his arms or legs. He tried to breathe but instead started to hyperventilate.
Tears were beginning to pool in his eyes.
He pulled his hair. Simon didn't want to cry. Only weak men cried and he was not weak.
He covered his mouth to hide his sobs.
Simon was weak. And selfish. And an idiot. And a fucking coward.
Why didn't he look back? Why didn't he take a moment to make sure Hugh was following him?
Weak and selfish. And an idiot. And a coward.
The Roaches were going to finish off Hugh. They would kidnap him, force him to join their gang, and he wouldn't be able to return to his normal life. Simon would never see him again and it would haunt him the rest of his days knowing that he could have done something and he didn't.
It was his fault. If only they had stayed to fight...
They probably would have been killed. There was no doubt about that. However, if they died, at least Simon could have taken his friend by the hand and thank him for believing in him. That the only thing he liked about being a prodigy was that it gave him the chance to meet him and that he was going to consider him his best friend even after all came to an end.
Because nothing and no one could ever end with what they had. Not the Roaches, not Ace Anarchy… not even death itself.
The two of them dying together sounded better than one of them dying alone.
He looked at his hands. They were invisible.
Hugh must have been so scared… Simon was fucking scared to death.
The boy he had seen on the sidewalk a few moments ago entered the alley. He was wearing cotton pants and shoes that did not fit him well. A gray cap covered his entire head.
Children shouldn't be alone in this part of town, he knew that from experience. If they were unsupervised, an idiot like Freud would probably come along and hunt them down for a long time with the sole purpose of killing them, and—
Then Simon remembered that in one of the pockets of his school bag, he carried a jackknife.
That jackknife.
The boy began to search the garbage.
It might be too broken to stab someone, but it was worth a try. Being invisible, he could take them by surprise. Simon would stand right in front of them and stick the jackknife in their eyes, one by one. None of them would understand what the hell was going on and when they finally figured it out... it would be too late to fight back.
The boy put his hands in his pockets and sighed wearily.
What if Simon arrived too late?
He banished that thought from his head immediately. For the sake of those Roaches, he wished he didn’t arrive late.
Simon was more than aware of his limitations. However, he was willing to ignore all that just to kill whoever dared to hurt him.
He still couldn't feel his hands when he reached for his backpack. Immediately, he realized the boy had been in front of him all that time. His little green eyes were fixed on Simon's. He wiped his tears, but then remembered there was no point.
He couldn't see him.
The kid took a few steps towards him. His eyes didn't move.
Simon reached out his hand to touch him.
Or can you?
Then— the boy took the backpack and fled.
It all happened so fast that for a second, Simon wondered if it was worth following him. It was his school backpack. He was going to drop out anyway. If Hugh did it, so would he.
It was that thought that made him stand up and chase the thief.
The jackknife was in his backpack. He needed that jackknife.
He needed his friend alive.
He wasn't quite sure why he started running when he grabbed the backpack. Maybe it was because he felt guilty about stealing it but the truth was that he didn't. If someone had left it there, it was because they didn't want it.
Evander did want it. So he grabbed it. It was a fair deal.
He wanted it because inside of it there could be anything. It was a treasure chest, like the ones from the stories Kasumi told him. There could be food, or medicine, or toys. A year ago, he had been so lucky that he found a backpack with a bag of marbles hidden under a pile of adult clothing. Unfortunately, he had never been lucky enough to find the treasure of a retired mobster, who was sorry for his old habits and decided to abandon all his money on the street, in the hope of rehabilitating himself.
Someday he would. That day could be today. One never knew.
No, he had fled, because he had the feeling that someone was watching him. He didn't know how, he didn't know from where, but someone was watching him. If Kasumi had been there, she would have told him that it was his parents watching him from the stars. But Evander knew his parents weren’t looking at him.
When his parents looked at him from the stars, it was always with love, even when they reprimanded him for doing something wrong. Every time Evander was about to talk back to Kasumi, every time he was going to take something that clearly belonged to someone else even though he didn't need it, or every time he was going to be rude to a stranger just because he was having a bad day, his parents frowned at him and prevented Evander from doing so.
Because they loved him. Even from the stars, they loved him.
That look was nothing like his parents'. That one was full of terror, anger, and resentment.
But who’s gaze was that?
He kept running.
Was it someone from the stars?
No, that didn't make sense. Only good people were in the stars.
He stopped in the next alley, a few blocks away. Evander looked back.
No one was following him.
He swallowed. The backpack was heavier than he expected. He sat it on the ground and rubbed his hands together before carefully opening it.
Please make it the treasure of a retired mobster who is remorseful for his actions.
They were books. What a nerd.
He wished books were food.
Despite his disappointment, he hugged the backpack like it was a teddy bear. If he had learned anything in all that time, it was that there was nothing they couldn't take advantage of. Maybe those books became decorations. Or they could be a new source of stories. Or maybe they could actually eat then...
Then, a hand took off his cap. He screamed in horror.
All of his red hair was exposed.
Evander felt chills immediately.
They were going to recognize him. They were going to know it was him.
He turned around, still holding the backpack. Suddenly, an older boy materialized in front of him and tried to snatch it from him.
They struggled for a while. Evander didn't know if he was too strong or the boy was too weak.
His hands were beginning to ache...
The backpack broke. The older boy fell backwards and Evander hit his nose on the floor. Lots of notebooks, books, and loose sheets of paper were blown up like an explosion.
Evander's eyes were watery and his body was aching. To his right, he found a closed jackknife. The older boy was still trying to recover from the blow when Evander took it and he opened it.
He had never held a jackknife before.
Evander pointed at the older boy just as he sat down. “Leave me alone!” he screamed. “Go away!”
But his words only made him more enraged. The boy grunted and stretched out his hand.
He was going to take him. Evander was convinced that he was going to take him.
“I am Thomas Freud!”
He froze. “Thomas Freud?”
“Yes!” Evander screeched. “Yes, I am Thomas Freud! Don't come near me!”
I’m not Evander Jr. I swear, I am not Evander Jr. I am not the one you’re looking for. Please just leave me alone.
He ignored him and reached out again. Evander slashed his palm slightly and the monster swore underneath. “LEAVE ME ALONE!”
“I know you are not Thomas Freud!” he shouted.
His throat went dry at that moment. “No, I am! I swear! That’s my name!”
“It is not true!” he answered, pointing at him with his finger. “I know that because I met Thomas Freud and I hope he is rotting in the last circle of hell!”
He couldn't take it anymore.
Evander broke.
He knew it. That boy, that monster knew. He knew who he really was, he knew what he had done, he knew they were looking for him. The monster was going to take him to the other monsters. They would kill him as they had killed his parents, Mama Bertha… they would go after Kasumi too. They were going to kill her too and everything would have been his fault.
Everything was always his fault.
The monster snatched the jackknife from him with a slap.
He knew immediately what was next.
“Please …” he mumbled. “Don’t hurt me please…”
The monster lost its enraged expression immediately. He blinked hard and looked at him like it was the first time he had. His face twitched, but Evander's gaze was so clouded by tears that he couldn't make out what he was feeling.
He looked at the jackknife. He looked at the street. And then he looked at him.
Please let me live one more day, Mr. Monster.
The monster took off his jacket and put it under Evander's nose. “Raise your head,” he asked. “It's just ... your nose is bleeding.”
Evander looked down at his pants. It had tiny drops of blood on it.
He raised his head.
The monster's jacket smelled like mud and like the peppermint tea Mama Bertha used to drink at night.
That was weird. That was not how he remembered monsters smelled.  Monsters smelled of garbage, rocks, and fire. They didn’t smell, like… good. Nor did they speak with such a soft voice, or had traces of tears on their cheeks.
It was a... peculiar monster.
After a minute, the monster put his jacket back on. He still had the cap that he had ripped from his head in his hand. Evander took it without warning and quickly put it back on, making sure not a single red hair was visible. He dusted his hands with dirt from the floor and rubbed them over his face to cover his freckles.
The monster stared at him for a few more seconds. He didn't say anything else and left.
Evander smiled. With his cap and his freckles covered, he didn't recognize him anymore.
What an idiot monster.
But a monster after all.
Kasumi was in the lair. Whenever one went out, the other stayed to watch that no one went in while they were gone.
She was extremely calm, sitting on the mat, daydreaming.
She was fine.
Evander ran to hug her. Kasumi was startled by it but returned the hug. Immediately, she felt something was wrong.
Kasumi took him by the cheeks. “Vandy, are you all right?” she asked him. “Did someone hurt you?”
Evander shook his head. “Then what’s—”
"I saw a monster today,” he replied. Kasumi shuddered. She moistened her hands and tried to wipe the dirt off his face. “No, don’t. When I covered my freckles, he left. Dirt saved me.”
Kasumi removed her hands from his cheeks. “A monster, huh? Like the ones we’re afraid of?”
He shook his head again. “He wasn't wearing any red. But he was a monster. You have to believe me, he was a monster.”
She breathed a sigh of relief. “I believe you, Vandy.”
Kasumi leaned on the wall so that Evander could sit between her legs and lay his head on her chest. The afternoon sun came through the glassless window and warmed his face with its light. She stroked his hair. Kasumi knew how much it calmed them both to do that. “What was this monster like? Did... they had wings?”
“Wings? No, no, no wings. It was... tall," he recalled. “He wanted the backpack, but when he could take it, he didn't. His hair was curly and… he had cried.”
Kasumi stroked her chin. “Hmm, I see. I think I've heard of those kinds of monsters.”
“Are there many kinds of monsters?” Evander asked in amazement.
“Yes,” Kasumi replied. “But you don't have to worry about them.”
“How are you so sure?”
She bit her lip and looked around as if she was afraid someone might overhear. Finally, when she made sure no one else paid attention to them, Kasumi whispered, “Because monsters are afraid of candy.”
Evander allowed himself to laugh a little. “Of candy? What a bunch of idiots, who is afraid of candies?”
“Monsters only.”
He was about to laugh again when he remembered a small detail. “But we don't have candy,” he stressed. “Or do you have a secret reserve you haven't told me about?”
“Well, I don't have candy, that’s right.” Kasumi took him by the hands. They were still stained with dried blood. “But you do, Vandy. Here. Inside you.”
Then he remembered.  “Candy for the soul.”
Kasumi nodded and rested her chin on his shoulder.  “Next time a monster tries to hurt you, you attack it with candy.”
He looked at his hands for a moment more. “Is that why you never use your powers against monsters? Because you know they’re immune to them?”
He felt his friend's body shudder again. “Yes, that’s why.”
“And is that why I could defeat the monster from that night? The night of the attack?”
“Yes. That’s why.”
A spark of pride touched his heart. No one else and no one less than him had managed to end a monster attacking him with his worst nightmare. And he hadn't even known until now.
But the spark of pride was quickly extinguished when he realized that there were still many monsters out there. And that he was never going to be big and powerful enough to kill them all.
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beyondflashpoint · 4 years
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Prologue 2: Homeward Bound :
“I don’t understand the detour, Todd. We could have made port directly in Gotham bay and gone directly to father. Your palaver with the addict in Steel city cost us days. Hours at best.”
Jason rolled his eyes. He could sense the kid’s unease even without glancing at him in the rearview. A slight vocalization from the passenger seat indicated that Cassie agreed with the kid.
“First, the ‘addict’ has a name. Roy is an old friend. Second, that pal-whatever got us this car, so we aren’t walking. Third, the League would be expecting us to make landfall in Gotham, and I feel like an extended ninja fight would waste more time than my plan and also draw a lot more unwanted attention. Relax Damian. We’ll have you playing catch with daddy-dearest soon enough.”
“Smart.” Cassie said from beside him, her voice low and gravely from underuse. He couldn’t be sure, but Jason thought she sounded surprised. At least she was talking now, even if it was only one or two words every few days. The constant charades made his head hurt.
Damian clicked his tongue in that annoying way he did and prepared to retort, but Jason nipped that in the bud.
“Bruce has a bunker in Blüdhaven where we can swipe some equipment and feel out the situation in Gotham. According to Roy, Lady Shiva has been spotted in G-town, and there haven’t been any killings that fit her m.o., so it’s safe to assume the League dispatched her to catch us. So caution is the word.”
Cassie shifted uncomfortably at her mother’s name. They had never been close, but they had left things especially messy, as in duel to the death, excommunication messy. Shiva would kill Cassie on sight, and Jason probably not long after. Returning Damian al’Ghul to the Demon’s side was priority one. If he had to guess, Shiva would have deployed with a full attachment, foot soldiers and four other heavy hitters. A full Demon’s Fist, as the League called it. That could be very bad for G-town. Jason was by no means eager to put on tights again, but Bruce’s uniforms offered much better protection than swiped tourist threads, and he needed all the extra time he could get to figure out exactly how this reunion was going to go.
‘Hi Bruce, I’m not dead anymore. Ras dunked me in the Lazarus Pit. Also, I kinda kidnapped your son from Talia because Ras was planning on having him kill you. Also, you have a son. In case you didn’t know. Also this is Lady Shiva’s daughter, but she’s cool. She kicks ass and has decided to leave the League. Also the League is after us.’
Bruce would have a stroke. Maybe he should lead with the son thing.
Jason merged as they approached the exit he wanted.
Come to think of it, there were probably a few of his old friends running the streets of his old stomping grounds. Probably most of them were dead or incarcerated, but one or two of them had to be out and about. He could use eyes on the streets, and slum kids saw things that even the big bad bat didn’t. He’d look into it.
Five years changed things. Roy was a big indication of that. Before Jason’s temporary vacation from the mortal coil, Roy Harper had been a Titan, and Jason’s top guy in the team. Finding out that he’d dropped the mask game had been shocking enough, but the fact that he had been hooked on H AND working out rehab really opened his eyes. Roy had stayed in touch with Dick, as an unofficial sponsor, but he’d completely cut off Olly and the rest of the Star City crew. And now he was running a garage, just a few hours out of the Haven. Jason shuddered to think how the Batfam had changed. And now that he thought about it, five years may as well be fifty on the streets, especially in the Haven.
When Bruce had taken him in, the Red Hood gang had mostly run the Haven, and the less formal Hoodz had sprung up to replace the smaller crews and cliques that permeated Blüdhaven. Time served with the Hoodz could lead to an opportunity at the big leagues with the real Red Hood Gang. That had been Jason’s plan, which had put him in the alley where the batmobile had been parked, which had made him hungry enough for the cred that would come from boosting the tires from the Bat’s whip, which had led him to getting caught by the big bad bat, yadda-yadda, Robin, mother, Clown, crowbar.
But the Hoodz had already been on their way out even back then, with the Black Mask Gang snatching turf on the outskirts. Jason couldn’t begin to imagine who was running the Haven now.
They rode in silence until Jason finally parked in the alley. The sharpness and clarity of memory had to be a result of his dip in the pit. He’d only been to this bunker once, and it had been in the frantic haze of searching for his mother, the first stop on his way out of Gotham for the last time in his old life. Now it was his last stop on his way back to Gotham for the first time in his new life. Ka is a wheel, to quote Mr Stephen King.
He shook these thoughts off as he scanned the street, making sure their entry would go unnoticed, then opened the secret panel and typed the old code into the hidden keypad. The section of wall slid back, and opened to a flight of stairs and the blessed buzz of ac.
“Alright gang, to the bat-bunker.”
He started in without waiting for a reply. Lights buzzed to life as the trio descended the steps and were deposited into the armory. According to Roy, Dick had lived here until he’d gotten on his feet after splitting from Bruce. He still used it as a backup base/crash pad, and Jason could tell from the ratty couch and scattering of clothes. But Grayson was running with Titans 3.0 at the moment, looking into the evil tech dealer called H.I.V.E. so they would have the run of the place for now.
True to fashion, though Dick’s personal possessions were a mess, the armory itself was perfectly organized and orderly. Jason could barely suppress a scoff at the tube containing one of Barbara’s spare batsuits. Vintage black and yellow. He always suspected the two were hooking up. He and Dick didn’t agree on much, but both were of one mind when it came to red heads in tights. It was a shame Roy had let himself go recently. Before he could get too lost in that thought, he realized Damian and Cassandra were both staring at him expectantly.
“Right. We have a few hours of daylight left. I don’t want to move on Gotham till nightfall. Till then, I want you two taking inventory of the gear we have available to us. While you do that, I’ll grab us some food, and scope out the situation street side.”
“If I never have to eat any more of that greasy slop you call fast food, it will be too soon.” Damian said as he made close study of a wall of weapons Grayson had no doubt thought were cool as hell.
“Now you listen here, boy. Big Belly Burger is a staple of American fine dining, and I will not have you blaspheme against it like that in my presence. Besides, you and Cassie order and eat twice as much as I do every time we stop there.”
Cassandra grabbed his shoulder and shared a look that said her next words would be of the utmost importance.
“Milkshake. Strawberry.” She managed without any of the usual false starts.
“Actually, since we’re in the Haven, I thought I’d treat you two to the height of fine dining. Bibbo’s Diner is only a few blocks from here, and you haven’t lived until you’ve had his chicken and waffles.”
Alarm flashed in Cassandra’s eyes, but before it could settle, Jason reassured her.
“And Bibbo’s happens to be the home of the world famous Robin shake. Strawberry, chocolate and banana. It’ll be right up your alley Cassie. And their homemade peach cobbler is out of this world.”
She looked as if she was about to argue, then considered, and acquiesced, lulled into acceptance by the promise of a new sweet treat. The poor girl had been practically made to starve as part of her training. Combined with the laundry list of other abuses she’d faced, Jason had no problem shelling out the extra cash to keep her quickly developing sweet tooth satisfied. Besides, it wasn’t really his money.
It had been quite the adventure so far, and while Bruce would halve balked at Jason’s decision to loot scumbags they’d encountered along the six month journey from Nanda Parbat, Damian and Cassandra saw the necessity of it. Jason had found his people.
“Pull that suit on under your clothes Cass, it’s Kevlar microfiber woven over a layer of high density impact gel. Might not look like it, but it can stop a bullet. There might be an old Robin suit around here somewhere. You’ll know it if you see it. That might fit Damian. Gear up, stretch out, and be ready to move as soon as I get back. If something goes down while I’m gone, find the tallest building in town and wait for me on the roof.” As he talked, he scooped up a spare utility belt from the shelves and clipped it on his waist. A cursory search rewarded him with a tank top sporting the blue bird Dick used as a logo these days (because of corse Dick fucking Grayson bought his own merch), a flannel Jason could tie around his hips to hide the belt, a Gotham Knights cap, and a wad of cash Dick no doubt kept for emergencies.
This qualified, Jason rationalized as he stuffed the bills into a pouch on his belt. Satisfied with his civilian disguise, Jason returned his focus to the duo studying the tools laid out before them. Damian had slipped a samurai sword into his belt at some point and was now testing the weight of the stylized throwing stars (Wingdings?) laid out on the shelves. Cassandra was running through forms with a pair of batons, and was mildly startled by the arc of electricity that cracked between them when she happened upon the triggers. Shock turned to awe, turned to a pleased smirk. They’d be fine for a few hours. Probably.
He tried not to think too hard about the many ways they could kill, explode, or otherwise maim each other in his absence.
They’d be fine.
It took him an hour of scoping the usual hangs to get anything useful. The Row kids had relocated to an orphanage in G-town. The Brown girl and the kid that followed her like a lost puppy were m.i.a., Rome was in Blackgate, Garcia was dead, Diego dead, Carter dead, Crock m.i.a., Philippe jail, Jessie jail, dead, jail, jail, jail, dead, dead, Morales was working the youth center after a stint in Blackgate, which was good to hear. Finally he happened upon a decent lead, almost by accident.
One of his old crew from the Hoodz days was still out and about, and running a little cluster of the Hoodz.
Jason entered the ratty apartment Sasha shared with her father Nico though the fire escape. It was just as messy as he remembered. On the table beside the couch was a glass bowl, packed but untouched. It was tempting, but Jason hadn’t gotten high since his Robin days. The siren song of the crumpled pack of full flavored cigarettes, however, was irresistible. He plucked one free and lit it as he dropped into the tattered leather recliner across from the couch where Sasha snoozed. That first draw was harsh, and started him coughing. Five years had robbed him of his experienced smoker status.
Sasha groaned groggily, stirred by his hacking and sat up slowly, blindly groping for a cig herself.
“Told you to stop snatching my smokes if you can’t handle ‘em old man.” She chastised drowsily.
“Just out of practice Sash. Haven’t had one since the last time we talked.”
It took a moment for the strange voice to register, but when it did, her hand flew under her pillow. Before it came back out, Jason freed a birdarang (wingding?) and sent the glock flying.
“Shit, Sash, you pack now? I must’a missed a lot.”
Her eyes darted from her hand, which would be bruised for the next few days, and Jason, who chanced a longer drag from the stolen cigarette and pulled off his hat. This one went down smoothly.
“Jay-bird?” She stuttered as the pieces came together. Even without the shoot of white hair and the scars crisscrossing his face, five years was a lot of growing room.
“Nah. Nah, man. You died.” He leaned over the table, plucked another cig from the pack and offered it to her. She took it and let him light it.
“Didn’t take.”
“Dude, you definitely died. Me and the crew crashed the funeral, had to cause daddy Warbucks wouldn’t let no street rats in. News said you bought it in a skiing accident in the Alps or some shit.”
“I ain’t here for that Sash. I just want some info.”
She dropped the cigarette half smoked into an open beer can, opting to wake-and-bake instead. Jason couldn’t blame her. It wasn’t often you woke up to a ghost chilling in your living room. She took a few hits and offered him the pipe and lighter.
“Another time Sash. I got shit to do.”
“Right, and you need little Sasha to tell you what’s what. But little Sasha wants some info too, Jay-bird. Like where you been for five, and why you look like rough road.”
“I got blown up, and ninja’s in the Middle East brought me back to life and taught me ninja shit. My turn. Anyone strange running jobs in the Haven, or is it all Loco shit?”
“Hold up, ninjas? The fuck man?”
“Sash.” She hesitated, then took another hit from the bowl.
“Okay. Since you been gone, the Hoodz and the Black Masks called a truce to push out the Riddler gang. Falcone’s kid made a comeback, and is trying to take the whole Haven. Masks and Hoodz are gonna push him out too. His boys mostly run the Narrows. Then there’s this new guy my dad is running supplies for. Very strange. Outsider type. Fuckin spooky. He wears a pig mask and steals kids. The Masks are scared he’s gonna bring the Bat down on us. I’m not gonna lie, I kinda hope the Bat does come for him. I only seen him once and he freaked me out. Lucky you dropped in when you did. Dad’s talking about splitting soon. He don’t like Pig-face either.”
Jason listened intently. By the time she’d finished talking, he’d finished his cigarette. Paying attention was hard in that woozy high that came from the sudden influx of nicotine, but he’d gathered what he needed. The League wasn’t moving in Blüdhaven.
“You filled out good Jay-bird. I’d almost believe you were hanging with ninjas.”
Jarred from his thoughts, Jason stood, swiping another cigarette from the pack.
“I’d get out of town if I were you Sash. And out of gang-life.” He paused and scooped up the stylized ski-mask that marked members of the Hoodz. “I’d rather not have to crash your funeral.” She watched him make his way to the window, but said nothing.
With daylight to burn, Jason began his trek back to the bunker, taking a detour by Bibbo’s to acquire the promised delicacies.
He was not prepared for what his triumphant return to the bunker brought him.
Silence hung eerily over the now dark headquarters. The space had been tidied thoroughly, Dick’s discarded clothing organized, folded, and neatly stacked. Pinned to the chair in front of the large Bat Computer doppelgänger with a batarang (wingding?) was a note written in neat, curling scrawl which Jason instantly recognized as belonging to Damian.
In your absence I have determined that your course of action is actually strategically sound. After overcoming the computer’s laughable attempt at security, I have ascertained that there is a criminal element operating in this city which might draw,” the word father was struck through with two neat lines, “Batman, and potentially ruin any attempt at stealth. I believe we must handle the meeting between ourselves and Batman delicately, and on our own terms. Because of this I have determined the best course of action is to deal with this so-called ‘Professor Pyg’ with haste.
Should you return before we have settled matters, and wish to join us on this mission, you may find all the relevant information pertaining to Pyg (alias to one Lazlo Valentin) by pressing the large rectangular key which reads enter. I’m sure Cain and I would benefit from your expertises in these matters.”
Jason hadn’t believed it was possible to convey sarcasm through the written word. Until today.
“Ps. If you are determined to acquire sustenance before returning, I still do not like ketchup. Mushrooms are okay. Cain requests extra fries.
Pps. In keeping with the traditions laid out in your tales of the Batman’s adventures, Cain and I have decided to wear masks. If you do decide to join us, you might not recognize us, but we have agreed not to harm you.
Damian al’Ghul, Grandson of the Demon, Heir to the Demon’s Head.”
Jason crumpled the note. The Batgirl uniform was gone, as well as a reasonable chunk of the armory. He’d have to move quickly.
The decision to pursue and subdue Valentin had been mostly motivated by three things. The first he had laid out in his letter to Todd. The second he had shared with Cain, boredom. The third he would reveal to no one, on pain of death. In the years since he had regained his memory, Todd had recounted every story he knew pertaining to Batman. Those stories had motivated him to come to Gotham and meet his father, leaving behind his mother and grandfather, possibly abandoning his great destiny. Those stories had told him more about his father as a man than his mother or grandfather ever had. They painted Bruce Wayne as a titan among men, a pillar of strength and will, and a paragon of virtue and honor. In all honesty, Damian was intimidated by that man. But he was also inspired. The third reason he had decided to pursue and subdue Valentin was to feel connected with his father.
Locating “Pyg” was a simple enough matter. First he plotted out all of the kidnappings that matched Pyg’s M.O. it would seem that Batman had been keeping an eye on Pyg, because he was the chief suspect in the manufacture and distribution of a drug gangs were using to pacify prostitutes. But he’d overlooked the kidnappings. By mapping those, cross referencing places that stored or manufactured components for the drug, Damian was able to triangulate possible hideouts this Pyg could be using. Of the three possibilities, only one was currently unused, an so Damian had settled on the abandoned theme park, ignoring how horribly cliched it was.
Cain had followed Todd’s instructions and donned the Batgirl uniform, but had decided against layering civilian clothes over it. He couldn’t blame her, with the summer heat stifling as it was. Damian had opted for the League’s stealth uniform which he’d carried across half the world. Then the two had gone at the veritable armory like children in a candy shop. Few of Todd’s stories included Grayson, and those that did made him out to be asinine and annoying. But his selection of toys was impressive by all accounts. Smoke bombs, flash-bangs, teargas, plastic explosives, acetylene torches, inferred flashlights, air powered line launchers, and many of the oddly shaped throwing stars Todd had called “batarangs.” The belts which Damian had crisscrossed his chest like bandoliers were jam packed with more of these tools than Damian had imagined was possible, as well as a first-aid kit and handcuffs.
Once they were outfitted and armed, Damian led them to the car Todd had conned out of the addict. The drive to their location was in silence, both mentally preparing for whatever they might encounter along the way. They passed the location several times, marking potential hiding places, paths of retreat and places that could host an ambush.
Once Damian was satisfied he parked the car a block away and they took to the rooftops to preform reconnaissance from above. The park was dilapidated, derelict, and most likely overflowing with vermin. But for the most part it seemed structurally sound. After brief deliberation, the duo decided they were adequately prepared for whatever they may encounter, and thus began their assault.
There is an old proverb that Damian would often think back on when remembering this first act of vigilantism.
“Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”
He thought he was ready for anything, but he was wrong.
Dick Grayson had apparently undergone a biker phase, which was good for Jason, because Roy’s car was gone. The modified superbike flew through the streets and cut between traffic like a dream. Jason had intended to return everything he’d stolen from Dick, but with every hairpin turn he grew more and more inclined to keep the bike. And maybe the jacket too. It matched the mask he’d swiped from Sash. And it was way too badass for Richard John Grayson.
He’d rushed out of the bunker with a stomach full of rage and fear, blended poorly so an acrid burn stung at the back of his throat. He imagined this was how Bruce must have felt every time he did something reckless. The dynamic dumbasses hadn’t even taken communicators with them.
He briefly wished he’d inventoried his belt before stepping out, but Dick had always been anal about his gear. So had he, now that he though about it. Bruce had drilled him on it relentlessly, having him empty and refill his belt over and over for hours until Jason knew exactly how much of what was in each pouch, and could find anything blindfolded or in the heat of battle. Thinking about it brought back the sharpened calm that came with patrols and missions. It was like the emotions were compressed and pushed back into a compartment on his brain’s utility belt. Not gone, just stored away. He twisted the throttle as far as it would go.
Once upon a time, he’d have cased the joint before getting close. Once upon a time, he’d have come from above, all stealth and shadows, and only dropped in once he had a clear vision of what was happening inside. Today he barreled through a hole in the fence at almost two hundred miles per hour with the engine screaming and fishtailed to a stop as close to the park’s rotting funhouse as he could without transforming himself into a pancake.
Kickstand dropped, and feet pounded against dry rotted wood. Jason had almost made it to the door before his ears registered the sounds of a struggle from within. He cursed his favorite curse as he filled his hand with smoke pellets and prepared to join the fray. With his free hand he pulled the line-launcher and took aim. He was topside in a heartbeat, and could practically hear the cape flutter that would have accompanied the motion in his Robin days. With practiced proficiency he located a skylight and paused to survey the scene from above.
Damian and Cass were surrounded. As if that wasn’t bad enough, their attackers were the aforementioned legion of League foot soldiers Jason had been eager to avoid. They seemed to be holding their own well enough for now, but outside their field of view Shiva was preparing to join the battle. Also moving in were the rest of the Demon’s Fist. Bronze Tiger, Cheshire, Ubu, and Mara al’Ghul. Things were well on their way to getting messy. Jason cursed again. Ubu was the meanest and the ugliest. Also the closest.
“Fuck it. Prison rules.”
He tossed the fistful I’d smoke pellets and dropped in as the cloud spread over the crowd.
Ubu was a hulking brute, and made a piss poor cushion, but he was a big enough target that Jason had no fear of missing. The sound the giant’s head made when Jason’s knee made contact with it was something like a watermelon falling off a truck at fifty, and was nostalgically comedic combined with the guttural grunt he released before flopping onto the floor like a sack of potatoes. But Jason couldn’t say if he laughed or not. All of his attention was on hurling wingdings (wingdings) into the smoke at the predicted positions of his foes. There were more than a few grunts, and a couple of clatters as weapons were dropped from struck hands. But not nearly enough, and the disorientation didn’t last long. This was League tactics, after all, and only slightly modified by Batman. Cass and Damian also got back to business, and everything was chaos once more.
Jason registered a shift in the cloud with barely enough time to dodge, and one of Shiva’s twin swords cut through the haze only millimeters from his chin. It was quickly followed by the other, this time arching towards his chest. Robin loosed a volley of wingdings in rapid succession, but the clash of metal on metal told him how effective that tactic was. Gripping one of the larger tools like a set of knuckle dusters, he advanced.
In his day the birdarangs had focused more on reducing weight than on durability, and it seemed that was still the case. Robin had only redirected a few glancing blows, and he could already feel the thing cracking. The smoke was fading quickly, and he could mostly see Shiva now. Which meant she could see him too. After blocking yet another strike which came way to close to opening his throat Robin stepped back and loosed one of the explosive discs that had been his favorites. Shiva was an expert, and had her swords prepared to swat it aside when it detonated, and the small explosion sent her blades flying.
Pressing the advantage Robin moved in. Hand-to-hand odds not in his favor either. Better than unarmed against swords. No cape to distract or disorient. Fight dirty.
Dodge high, block low. Opening when she kicks high, knock her off her feet.
It was alarming how quickly he fell back into his training. Batman had taught him a lot, and years of street fights had taught him more. Then there was his time playing amnesiac with the League. Jason winning.
Shiva was on her feet again before anything more than her shoulders touched the ground, and at some point she’d regained her swords, but Jason was ready, and before she realized what was happening, he clapped her ears. The pressure of the strike would have been disorienting on its own, but coupled with the detonation of the micro-flash-bangs cupped in Jason’s hands, Shiva crumpled like a rag doll.
The cloud had completely dissolved now, and Jason easily dodged the sai Cheshire flung at him. Of course this put him in excellent position to catch Bronze Tiger’s shin with his whole stomach. Breathless and airborne, he could do nothing about the pinwheel kick Cheshire dropped on his rib cage. The familiar crunch told him that two were cracked before the pain started up.
Jason landed hard, and Cheshire straddled his waist the second he had. Her other sai raised in both hands, prepared to fall into his throat.
Silence fell in place of the killing blow. Cheshire looks to her left and Jason followed suit.
The few League grunts that remained standing parted as Talia al’Ghul strode across the battle field to Damian, who still held his blade in a ready position with eyes glued to his cousin. She hadn’t lowered her weapons either. The two had been bitter rivals from the day they’d met.
“Mother.” Damian said with all the tenderness of a freezer burned pork chop.
Without another word she dropped to her knees and embraced him.
After a brief awkward silence, she turned his face towards hers.“What is the reason for this foolishness, son?”
Damian freed himself from her grip. “Is it foolish for a boy to seek his father?”
Talia clicked her tongue in the same fashion that Damian was so fond of, and rose to her feet.
“I would have taken you to meet him in time, Damian. When I decided you were ready.”
“Taken me to kill him. Todd told me everything.” Talia turned her gaze to Jason, who waved awkwardly.
“Let him up, Cheshire.” The masked assassin complied quickly, and even gave Jason a hand standing.
“So this was your doing Ibn al Xu’ffasch?”
‘Son of the Bat.’ The name they had given him at the dawn of his second life. Jason pulled off the mask which was apparently doing him no good, and shrugged.
“Tt” Talia turned her attention to Cassandra, who had frozen in place with her baton less than an inch from a grunt’s nose. There was a circle of (probably) unconscious goons at her feet.
“I’d suspected you’d finally had your fill of your mother’s poor treatment and taken the boys hostage.” She turned back to Jason. “When did you regain your memory?”
“Midway through my second year with you all.” Talia nodded as if she’d expected as much, then turned back to Damian.
“I assume that you are serious about meeting your father, yes? Even if I were to drag you back, you’d simply escape again, isn’t that right?”
“Yes mother.” Talia nodded again. Then produced a sealed envelope from within her jumpsuit.
“I expected as much you are at that age where you think you know everything. This letter will explain everything. Deliver it directly to your father, and no one else. Understand?” Damian took the envelope cautiously, as if expecting it to bite him. Once he had it in hand she knelt again, placing her hands on his shoulders tenderly. “I would never send you to kill your father. Nor you Ibn al Xu’ffasch. My father would do no such thing either.”
“But Todd said-“
“Do not misunderstand me, I do not claim Ibn al Xu’ffasch lied. There are those within the League that believe Ras al’Ghul has been too long the Demon’s Head. There are whispers of a coupe. I do not doubt such plans involve removing my beloved from play. I intended to see you in his care soon enough.” She turned to look over the assassins. “We return to Nanda Parbat. None shall further impede these three, by my word, or face my wrath. My will is the Demon’s will.”
The assassins snapped as one into a bow, and set about gathering the wounded. She moved through the crowd to stand in front of Jason and cupped his face, smiling gently.
“Father swore to make no move on Gotham for as long as my beloved draws breath. He made this oath before the whole of the League of Assassins, and forbade any of them to move on Gotham in his name, on pain of death. This was his penance for your death. His sole intent was to return the son he’d taken from my beloved.”
“Uh, okay?”
“I have enjoyed having you in my home Ibn al Xu’ffasch. You have been as a brother to my son, and a son to me. Look after him, Ibn, for he is too much like his father for his own good.”
“If he’s anything like Bruce, I won’t have to.” Talia chuckled, pat his shoulder, and turned to Cassandra, who seemed to materialize at Jason’s side.
“Cassandra, you are welcome to return with us. You have my word that you will have no trouble.” Cass shook her head.
“They die without me.” She said, patting Jason’s shoulder. His jaw dropped, he’d never heard Cass say so much at one time. Talia had never heard her speak period, but to her credit she only cocked an eyebrow.
“Quite.” She said then returned to Damian.
“When all is well once more, I will send for you, my son. Learn what you can from your father. He is a great man.” Damian nodded, and Talia only lingered for a moment before following the last of the assassins out of the building.
The trio stood in silence for a time, until Jason realized they were waiting for him to tell them what to do next.
“Well. That was fun. Who wants soggy chicken and waffles?” Damian narrowed his eyes, but Cass’s hand shot up. “What? So I picked up food. I wasn’t expecting you two to run off for some daring-do and stumble into an obvious trap.” Damian’s eyes narrowed further. “Okay, after we eat we’ll go straight to the Batcave, no detours, no shenanigans, scouts honor.”
Damian rolled his eyes and started for the exit. “I’ll drive.” He stated as Jason and Cass fell in behind him.
“My turn.” Cass retorted.
“Do you even know how?” Damian probed, eyeing her doubtfully.
“You’re mighty talkative today Cass.” Jason quipped. Cassandra replied by sticking her tongue out. He understood her good mood. Their six month misadventure was almost over. As they stepped out into the summer night Jason looked to the sky, and pulled the pair to a stop. From this side of Blüdhaven you could see it clearly enough. For the first time in five years Jason looked up at the Bat-Signal, and pointed it out to the others.
He couldn’t hold back the smile brought on by the wonder he saw in his companion’s faces.
Homeward bound.
Author’s Notes: this chapter is long, and maybe a bit rambling, but mostly because there’s room for two whole multichapter fics in here. Seriously, I was half tempted to start writing a Damian Cass and Jason cross country road trip full of shenanigans and hilarity. For those wondering, this takes place five years after prologue 1. It took me longer than I thought it would to edit, between baking cheesecake, doing some bag work, and feeling out crafting with worbla. That being said, the next prologue will take even longer (unfortunately(?)) because I want to make sure my events make sense and everything is lined up perfectly and ready for the series proper to begin immediately after.
Feel free to comment, complain, keysmash, or just like and reblog. I THRIVE on your reactions.
Till next time!
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katehuntington · 5 years
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Title: Changes - part eleven Word count:  ±3000 words Summary “Changes”: Huntress Zoë Sullivan (OFC) crosses paths and swords with the Winchesters, when the brothers stumble on a case she’s already working. When complications arise, they are forced to work together. Summary part eleven: The case is closed and the hunters go their separate ways, but not before having to deal with a few loose ends. Episode warnings: Dark! NSFW, 18+ only! Angst, gore, violence, character death. Description of blood, injury and medical procedures. Demon possession, supernatural creatures/entities. Smut, swearing, alcohol use/addiction. Kidnapping, mentions of torture and murder, illegal/criminal practices. Mentions of nightmares and flashbacks.  Music: Purple Haze - Jimmi Hendrix, Highway To Hell - AC/DC. Author’s note: I’m super excited to share Supernatural: The Sullivan Series. There are quite a few people I want to thank: @coffee-obsessed-writer​, @soupornatural​ & @mrswhozeewhatsis​, who edited the early drafts, and my girls @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish​ and @winchest09​ who are deciphering the recent version. Everyone who encouraged me to go for it, you are awesome!
Supernatural: The Sullivan Series Masterlist 01x01 “Changes” Masterlist
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     Flashing lights shimmer bright blue and red on the surroundings of the three hunters. They’re out in the open again, the moon and stars above them, the night air chilly. Dean leans against his Impala, while Zoë has made herself comfortable on the saddle of her bike, overlooking the scene. Police officers are clearing the area, some take notes of what the victims have to say. Before the authorities arrived, the hunters talked to the victims about what to tell the police. Their best advice was to keep quiet. People who start their statement with the word ‘shapeshifter’ usually end up in a psych ward. If they ever need to talk about what happened, they can call the brothers. 
     All the people have been pulled out of the septic tank by the fire department. An ambulance with Cole in the back is the first to leave the driveway, sirens blaring, while others are treated and prepared for their ride to hospital. Sam walks up to the other hunters and halts, watching the ambulance take off.      “Cole is in critical condition, but the paramedic was hopeful. She said if we hadn’t found him, he wouldn’t have survived the night. The others are okay, besides from minor injuries and malnutrition,” he informs.       “Good,” Dean says, satisfied.      “And Terry Cliffer?” Zoë wonders.      “Yeah, about Terry...” Sam shakes his head. “They found him, too.”      “Dead?” she assumes.      Sam nods and leans against the hood. The paramedics took care of the wound on his head, the injury is barely visible, covered by his long brown hair.      “They found his body in the back of the tank.”      Zoë sighs. “Damnit.”       She glances over to the ambulance where Michelle Cliffer is sitting on a gurney, wrapped in a thermal blanket. She has her daughter and son by her side, comforting her children. Zoë wonders if she knows. The boys catch her gaze at the broken family.       “You can’t save them all.”
     It's Dean who reminds her of that, to Zoë’s surprise. She expected words of consolation from the younger Winchester, who’s shown her a lot more sympathy than his arrogant brother, until now, that is. She nods at the hunter, hearing his message, but unable to accept tonight’s outcome. Every time an innocent is killed by something she hunts, she feels like she failed. Even though they saved the others, not to mention the many victims that would have followed if they hadn't ended the shifter, Zoë cannot shake that feeling. 
     When she looks up at Michelle again, she sees that the woman is on her way over. It’s not hard to miss the widow’s grief.      “Michelle...” Sam stammers, not sure what to say.      She forces a polite smile and gives him a nod, but it's obvious she's torn up. Through the tears, she looks them in the eye one by one.      “What you did… you have no idea what this means to me,” she says, her voice breaking.      “Just doing our job, ma’am,” Dean responds, as if it’s no big deal.
     “It’s so strange...” The poor woman shakes her head, still unable to grasp what happened. “I noticed that Terry was behaving differently about a month ago. I had no idea that--"       “- it wasn’t your husband?” Sam fills in.      She looks up at him, sniffles and nods.      “He looked just like him. A few days ago, I started asking questions and… well, you know the rest.”      She looks down, as if she’s trying to find her strength in the soil underneath her feet. Her bottom lip begins to quiver.      “They just informed me about Terry.”      “We're very sorry,” Sam returns, compassionately.
     Michelle looks up, her piercing blue eyes seeking Dean, the man who rescued her and her children.      “Thank you,” she says, soft but genuine.      “Don’t thank me. Thank her,” he nods at Zoë. “She did most of the work.”      Zoë looks up, stunned, not expecting the sudden attention. Her gaze shifts to the mother, who turns towards her, her eyes showing more gratitude than a thousand words could describe.      “Thank you for rescuing our children.” she voices, gratefully, and turns to the boys as well. “You saved my family.”
     With nothing left to say, she heads back for the ambulance, her little boy walking with her by the hand, but Lizzy lingers, still looking up at the female hunter. After pondering a little longer, the six year old runs towards the huntress and folds her little arms around Zoë’s leg, giving her a hug before heading back to her mother. A small smile pulls at the corner of her mouth as Zoë watches the little girl go. Lizzy waves at her until the doors of the ambulance close, answered by a final salute from the company of three. A breath floats from her lips, the weight on her shoulders made lighter by the young girl, who made it all worthwhile.
     “Dude, you smell like a toilet,” Dean comments out of nowhere.      He sniffs while making a face, eying his brother, who is still standing next to him.      “You wanna tell me you smell like roses?” Sam returns.      Dean stares back, puzzled. “What are you--“       Sam grabs Dean’s leather coat and pulls it up, showing the dirt and feces stuck to it.      “Ah, shit,” Dean curses.      Zoë grins. “Indeed.”       Sam can’t help but smirk when Dean pulls himself loose, annoyed. Then he glares at Zoë.      “You totally fucked up my favorite jacket,” he gripes, pissed off.      “Gonna cry about it?” she pouts at him.      He gives her a dirty look and narrows his eyes, but Zoë doesn’t let him off the hook just yet.      “You’re lucky you didn’t fuck up my Dave,” she warns. “Next time you have the nerve to get on my bike, I’ll kill you.”      “You have such a warm and loving personality, know that?” Dean snarls, sarcastically.
     “Talking about warm and loving, you said something about ‘me being all over you’?” she brings up, curious.      “You jumped me, and not in a violent kind of way,” he reveals, scratching the back of his head, a little embarrassed.      “How did you find out it wasn’t me?” Zoë wonders.      “Simple; there was no trace of that bullet wound,” he explains, nodding at her abdomen.      “Ah, so clothes were off; you did play ball.” She grins, crossing her arms and leaning back a little. “How far did you make it, exactly? First base? Second base?”
     Sam snorts, watching the interaction between the two hunters. He didn’t expect a blush to turn the tips of Dean’s ears pink, however.      “Oh, whoa!” she realizes. “You got to third base.”      “Dude, you had sex with a shapeshifter?” Sam smirks.      “Dude, no! C’mon!” Dean defends.      Zoë grins, amused. His denial was a little too fast and too loud. For a ‘professional’ con artist, he’s a pretty bad liar.       “Did shifter-me give you a hand or was it the other way around?”      “I - that’s not…” Dean stutters, only digging himself deeper. “You know what? I don’t have to answer to you.”      She huffs. “Well, since you thought you were having sex with me, I think you kinda do.”      “I didn’t have sex with you, or fake-you,” he makes clear, correcting himself while looking confused. “Look, I know what I was doing. I shot the fucker and saved your ass, so I think I deserve some credit.” 
     But Zoë doesn’t plan to stop.      “You’re into me,” she provokes.      “You’re so full of shit,” Dean scoffs. “You might come in a pretty package, sweetheart, but you are as sour as they come.”      She laughs at the insult and slides her helmet over her head, securing the chinstrap.       “I have zero intention to become your friend, Dean, and that was your first clue. When that shifter came on so strong, you should’ve known you were either having a wet dream, or the ‘pretty package’ wasn’t actually this sour bitch.”
     The huntress starts the engine of her Harley before the guy she’s been butting heads with can counter. She doesn’t take off however; she’s not done yet.      “Oh, by the way, did you know that shapeshifters aren’t sexless?”      “Of course I knew that,” Dean utters. “So?”      “Well, Sammy there saw the shifter shed and he was pretty sure it wasn’t female. So whatever you did, you didn’t do it with the opposite sex.”      Zoë leaves the rest for the older Winchester brother to figure out, and to her amusement, it doesn’t take long before it settles in what she’s implying. When she sees the horror and bewilderment in his eyes, she has to pull every string to not break character.       “Bye, boys!”
     She turns the throttle and steers her bike towards the road. Sam has the feeling he’s experiencing déjà vu. Last night, they were standing in the exact same spot, Zoë driving off on her Harley Davidson, Dean staring at her in awe. The younger Winchester tries his best not to burst into laughter, but has difficulty keeping a straight face. He decides to play along with Zoë’s little mind game.      “Is she actually saying that I...?” Dean stammers, eyeing his brother, unsettled.      Sam nods.      “Did you really see…?”      Sam nods.      Nauseated Dean looks away, realizing what this means.      “I’m gonna throw up.”
     Disoriented, he circles the car and slips into his seat a moment later. In shock he stares at the emblem in the center of the steering wheel; his whole life has been a lie. Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix starts playing when the driver turns the key in the ignition. As if he didn’t feel dirty enough, the thought of the shapeshifter driving his beloved Impala only adds to his discomfort. Oh well, at least the bastard didn’t screw with his mixtape.
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     Beams of yellow glide through the car rhythmically, fading in and out every time they pass a street light. The V8 under the hood roars steady, already radiating warmth into the cabin as they are about to drive into the city of Rochester. Dean has turned the heat on, aware that Sam had been stuck underground for hours; he figured his little brother might be cold. The gash on his head didn’t look too bad, looks like he got away with nothing but a scratch.       “So, what’s our plan for the rest of the night?” Dean asks him, actually checking if Sam wants to hit the road or call it a night.      Sam chuckles, assuming he has other intentions with that question.      “Considering you have a date with Vicodin girl?”           For the second time this evening, Dean experiences a sudden and overwhelming pressure on his chest as he hits the brakes, almost causing the car behind him to crash into his bumper. The driver honks madly and swerves around when the Chevrolet pulls over.      “Dude!” Sam exclaims, startled.      He doesn’t answer. When they have come to a full stop, Dean glances at his watch instead; it’s 9:15. Frustrated he slams the steering wheel.      “Fuck!”      “What’s your problem?” Sam returns, stunned.      “That’s my problem.” He nods at his rear view mirror.
     It’s just now that Sam notices the sirens behind them. He quickly looks over his shoulder and curses, but is surprised to see the police cars pass them.      “It’s not even for us, Dean. Would you relax?” Sam doesn’t understand all the fuss.      “Oh, it’s for us, alright,” Dean mutters, nodding at the first responders, who make a sharp right to 6th St Southwest, joined by another vehicle from the other direction.      “That’s - that’s where our hotel is,” the younger of the two realizes.          The driver rubs his face. “I didn’t bolt the door.”       With eyes wide open, Sam stares at his brother. “What?!”       “I was in a bit of a hurry,” Dean excuses. “I think Vicodin girl walked in on a dead shapeshifter.”      “Please tell me you covered our tracks,” his brother pleads.      “I didn’t have time for that, Sam! For all I knew I could have been working on a fucking time schedule here! I didn’t know where you were, if you were alive!” he explains, frantically.      “Okay, just chill out. You did take our stuff with you, right?” Sam supposes.      “Let me think. Who had the car again!?” Dean returns.      “You left my laptop in the room?!” Sam exclaims, freaking out. “All our documents, our records, everything is on that computer!”      “I wasn’t thinking straight, okay?! I thought you were dead!” Dean shouts back.      “At least tell me you brought Dad’s journal,” Sam asserts.      He doesn’t need an answer; when he watches Dean’s expression go blank, he knows enough.      “Dean, you didn’t,” Sam sighs and runs his hands through his hair frustrated.      “We need to get back in there,” Dean states, determined.      “Are you nuts? There are cops all over that place!” Sam reminds him.      “Everything we know, everything Dad knows, is in that journal. Names, addresses, phone numbers, you have any idea how many people are gonna get in trouble if that book falls into the wrong hands?!” Sam sums up, his voice raised.
     Before Sam can continue the argument, Dean’s Rock N’ Roll ringtone cuts through the tension. Irritated, he rummages around in his pocket and takes out his phone. He checks the display before he picks up; he doesn’t know the number.      “Hello?”      “Hey, Birdbrain.”      He recognizes that voice, even though the sounds in the background are so loud that he has difficulty understanding her. He rolls his eyes skyward.      “Zo, not now. I have a little bit of a situation here.”      “You mean that you left everything you own except for that damn car of yours in the Deep Purple Inn, which just got stormed by the cops?”
     Dean stares at the road ahead, flabbergasted.      “How the fuck do you know that?”      “Because I was just there.”      “You were there?” he repeats stunned.      Frowning, Sam looks over at his brother, trying to make out what Zoë is saying.      “That lizard took my Macbook and my phone up to your room, I had to get it back. Nice job tidying up the place, by the way.”      “I was a little busy saving everyone’s ass!” Dean returns.      “I went through a hell of a lot of trouble to get your things, but I’ll be happy to dump them alongside the road somewhere if you don’t drop that attitude. Do you want your shit back or not?”
     Silence. Dean curses under his breath, turning the speaker away from his mouth so that the huntress doesn’t pick up on it. He absolutely despises it when he’s forced to take a knee.      “Yes,” he growls, grinding his teeth while pronouncing the simple three letter word.      “I’m gonna make sure I’m out of the state before I pull over, considering shapeshifter-me shot up an entire bar and I just entered the crime scene of my own murder. I advise you to do the same thing.”      “Copy that,” Dean agrees. “And our stuff?”      “You’ve got my number. Give me a call in a few days.”      “Can’t we just meet up somewhere in Iowa?” he proposes.      “No can do, I’m heading to Arkansas for a haunting. Not sure how long that’s gonna take. Leave the state, lay low and call me in a few days, got that?”      Dean sighs, rolling his eyes. Seems like he doesn’t have a choice.      “Got it.”      “Oh, and for the sake of public health, when you cross the state border, take a shower at the first truck stop.”      With those words, she disconnects. Dean looks down at the phone and scoffs. Un-fucking-believable.       “She has our stuff?”       Sam has been staring at him all this time, it’s just now that Dean looks him in the eye.      “Unfortunately,” Dean confirms and looks in the rear view mirror, before he turns back on the road and hits the gas.
     They pass 6th Street Southwest, which is swarming with police. Sam straightens his back, glad that they don’t have to deal with it. He just hopes this isn’t going to come back and bite Dean in the ass later.      “That’s murder number two on your police record,” Sam comments.      “You sound like Dad,” the older brother mutters.      “No, I don’t,” Sam argues.      The corner of Dean’s mouth pulls up.      “You’d be surprised how much you’re like the old man,” he remarks.      Sam changes the subject. “So, what’s our plan?”        Dean shrugs, his right hand on the wheel, his left hand in his lap, unburdening his hurting shoulder. He doesn’t take his eyes from the road as he drives south, down highway 63.      “According to Sullivan, we should lay low for a few days.”      “Sounds fine to me,” Sam agrees. “Where are we going next?”      “Arkansas,” Dean announces.      The younger Winchester glances aside at his brother. “Why Arkansas?”       Dean returns a smug grin. Sam knows that look, he has seen it way too many times.      “You’re gonna follow her, aren’t you?” he presumes.      “You actually think I’m gonna wait until she has some spare time in her agenda?” Dean chuckles.
     It’s not often, but Sam actually agrees with him. They have better things to do, like finding Dad and hunting down the bastard that killed Mom and his girlfriend; he’s going to need the journal and his laptop for that.       “Arkansas it is then.”       Dean turns up the volume when the first tunes from Cliff Williams’ guitar comes through the speakers. Putting the pedal to the metal, he joins in with the drums and he can’t help but nod his head slightly on the beat. Bon Scott’s peculiar scratchy voice belts out the first verse and the driver gladly joins him. He doesn’t care that his brother shakes his head disapprovingly. There’s just no way he can let AC/DC’s Highway To Hell go by without singing along.
     No stop signs, speed limit      Nobody's gonna slow me down      Like a wheel, gonna spin it      Nobody's gonna mess me 'round
     Hey Satan, payin' my dues      Playin' in a rockin' band      Hey momma, look at me      I'm on my way to the Promised Land
     I'm on the highway to hell      Highway to hell      I'm on the highway to hell       Highway to hell
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Start on episode two here
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