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Sarah, She/HerMainly reblogging TBOSAS, but my AO3, @Majorsoapfan is where I really shine here.
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majorsoapfan · 10 hours ago
no time spent writing fanfic is ever wasted
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majorsoapfan · 1 day ago
i need my persephone thoughts back i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts i need more persephone thoughts
please tell me some of your headcanons so I can think of our girl again, I miss her
okay first of all i’m going to recommend this fic by @majorsoapfan it’s about festus and mizzen- but i love pippa in this fic!
unfortunately, i’ve been in such a slump that i haven’t really been able to come up with any headcanons 😔 i miss her too!!
this fic has me thinking of her relationship with mizzen, though! i think she might purposefully be a little blind to any bad behaviors from mizzen! for example, if he did do something to festus i think she would just baby him and pretend she didn’t believe festus- even though she knows mizzen really did do the thing.
she would be very much overprotective of him, which i think 1.) he secretly loves 2.) he complains to coral about it anyway because he wants to seem tough.
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majorsoapfan · 1 day ago
Oh I love this so much!!! Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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Some very quick doddles I did after reading @majorsoapfan recent fanfic ( a loyal partner makes for a terrifying enemy)
@persephoneprice you are so going to like this fic
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majorsoapfan · 1 day ago
Fox Face is such an underrated character. We know nothing about her. She is as mysterious and unknown as she was clever.
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majorsoapfan · 2 days ago
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do people have no shame anymore?
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majorsoapfan · 2 days ago
Something I don't think we talk enough about in discussions surrounding AI is the loss of perseverance.
I have a friend who works in education and he told me about how he was working with a small group of HS students to develop a new school sports chant. This was a very daunting task for the group, in large part because many had learning disabilities related to reading and writing, so coming up with a catchy, hard-hitting, probably rhyming, poetry-esque piece of collaborative writing felt like something outside of their skill range. But it wasn't! I knew that, he knew that, and he worked damn hard to convince the kids of that too. Even if the end result was terrible (by someone else's standards), we knew they had it in them to complete the piece and feel super proud of their creation.
Fast-forward a few days and he reports back that yes they have a chant now... but it's 99% AI. It was made by Chat-GPT. Once the kids realized they could just ask the bot to do the hard thing for them - and do it "better" than they (supposedly) ever could - that's the only route they were willing to take. It was either use Chat-GPT or don't do it at all. And I was just so devastated to hear this because Jesus Christ, struggling is important. Of course most 14-18 year olds aren't going to see the merit of that, let alone understand why that process (attempting something new and challenging) is more valuable than the end result (a "good" chant), but as adults we all have a responsibility to coach them through that messy process. Except that's become damn near impossible with an Instantly Do The Thing app in everyone's pocket. Yes, AI is fucking awful because of plagiarism and misinformation and the environmental impact, but it's also keeping people - particularly young people - from developing perseverance. It's not just important that you learn to write your own stuff because of intellectual agency, but because writing is hard and it's crucial that you learn how to persevere through doing hard things.
Write a shitty poem. Write an essay where half the textual 'evidence' doesn't track. Write an awkward as fuck email with an equally embarrassing typo. Every time you do you're not just developing that particular skill, you're also learning that you did something badly and the world didn't end. You can get through things! You can get through challenging things! Not everything in life has to be perfect but you know what? You'll only improve at the challenging stuff if you do a whole lot of it badly first. The ability to say, "I didn't think I could do that but I did it anyway. It's not great, but I did it," is SO IMPORTANT for developing confidence across the board, not just in these specific tasks.
Idk I'm just really worried about kids having to grow up in a world where (for a variety of reasons beyond just AI) they're not given the chance to struggle through new and challenging things like we used to.
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majorsoapfan · 2 days ago
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happiest of birthdays @catoscloves!!! <333
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majorsoapfan · 2 days ago
Someone will always write faster.
Someone will always have a bigger audience.
Someone will always seem better.
The only writer you need to be better than is past you.
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majorsoapfan · 3 days ago
everytime i come back on here after days away i just imagine the collective sigh. she’s back again.
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majorsoapfan · 3 days ago
I cannot stress this enough but Bobbin and Wovey thought Mizzens name was Mittens the entire time!
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majorsoapfan · 3 days ago
After years of living in the adulting world, I think I’ve come to a realization: Manners exist to guide you to good conduct even when you’re in a bad mood.
When you’re happy, when you’re feeling generous, when you’re pleased with your gift or your service or your outcome, it’s easy to be nice. It’s easy to tip the waiter well when you’ve had a good day. It’s easy to thank the teller or the clerk when you got what you wanted out of the transaction. It’s easy to smile and chit-chat with strangers on the road when you’re in a good mood.
It’s hard to tip the waiter when you didn’t enjoy your food. It’s hard to thank the clerk for their time when you’ve just been told there’s a problem with their account and they weren’t able to fix it for you. It’s hard to think of something nice to say when your aunt gave you a crappy sweater you neither need nor want. It’s hard to be nice to people when you’ve had a shitty day. It’s HARD.
That’s what manners are for. Scripts and phrases that you learn by rote to say when you can’t think of a single nice or good thing to say from your own volition. Yes, they’re scripted. Yes, the sentiment is empty. But the scripts work in every situation, and the emptiness provides a buffer between your own unhappiness and the rest of society.
Because most of the time, it’s not the waiter’s fault that the food you ordered wasn’t what you expected. It’s not the clerk’s fault that your account is overdrawn. It’s not the fault of the barista or the stranger on the subway that you got fired today or your favorite aunt died. But even when you can’t summon a smile or a cheery word, you can still have manners, because they will serve you the same in sunshine or rain.
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majorsoapfan · 4 days ago
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majorsoapfan · 5 days ago
heard someone say archive of our own should install a "dislike" button and I thought I should say this: no, there's absolutely no need for archive of our own to install a "dislike" button.
why? because archive of our own isn't tiktok or youtube or twitter/x where users can monetize their content. archive of our own is a nonprofit site run by fans for fans, which means every content — every fanfic — you see on archive of our own was made out of pure love and passion from the artists/authors.
ao3 authors write because writing about these characters is their happiness and passion. they write for themselves, but they were generous enough to share with you their creations.
they're not "content creators" the way tiktokers or youtubers or instagram models are. they don't "make content" for views and engagements that can be monetized.
so no, you don't get to "grade their works" unless they specifically and directly ask you to.
you don't get to "say what you dislike about their works" unless they specifically and directly ask you to.
you don't get to "dislike" works that are not made specifically to please you in the first place. you're just a guest in someone's house, a house in which they let you in because they were kind, you don't get to roam around their house and say what you dislike about their furniture. you don't get to roam around their house and say you "dislike their house".
of course, you can have your opinion about the house its host invites you in. but if it's a negative one and you find yourself not liking the house, the polite things for you to do is excuse yourself and leave without telling them you dislike their house.
and just because you personally dislike the house doesn't mean the house is "ugly" either. the house you dislike could be a favorite, most luxurious place to many others.
my point is, don't be entitled by wanting the rights to voice your disapproval of things that you get to enjoy for free. don't be entitled by wanting the rights to voice your disapproval of things that were made out of love and passion — things the artists made for themselves for fun.
it makes you look like an entitled jerk with main character syndrome. the universe does not revolve around you.
now repeat after me: don't like don't read. no one forces you to continue reading a fic you don't like. quietly leave instead of being rude to authors who write for free because writing is their source of comfort.
people are so used to contents that were made because it's a trend / contents like tiktok that were made with the main purpose of reaching high engagement and making profits that they forget sometimes things can be made out of love and be made just for fun. sometimes things are supposed to just be for people to enjoy, and if some people don't enjoy them, then they can simply leave without being unnecessary unkind.
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majorsoapfan · 7 days ago
a reminder to all writers out there, you’re a human, not a machine
it’s okay to be frustrated with your works
it’s okay to be exhausted
it’s okay to have a writer’s block
it’s okay to just want to take a break for a while
it’s okay if some days you can only write one paragraph
it’s okay if some days you can only write a sentence or two
it’s okay if some days you can’t write at all
every single writer has gone through all of these challenges, but the thing is that it passes. none of these struggles last forever. so be kind to yourself. you’re doing fine, I promise.
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majorsoapfan · 7 days ago
canon means nothing when I can shelter my blorbo and keep him alive through the power of archive of our own
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majorsoapfan · 7 days ago
Biggest Insecurities as a Fanfic Author
Lack of comments
Lack of hits
Lack of kudos
Length of short chapters and one-shots
Low word count
Worst of all, being a bad writer.
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majorsoapfan · 9 days ago
fanfic writers are so fucking awesome man. they write novel length fics that are sometimes even better than some published bestselling books written by professional writers. like fanfic writers are professional writers to me and they gift us their masterpieces for free. they give us something we can look forward to after a long day. something from which we can seek comfort when life is hard. something that can be our own little getaway. in a world of capitalism, despite everything, they give us all of these for free. like holy fuck. shout out to every fanfic writer. I wish all fanfic writers a very ‘I love you with all my heart and soul. I thank you from the bottom of my heart’
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