#khurainese apollo AU
whimsicalbumblebee · 4 years
Khurainese Apollo AU Part 3!
Part 1 Here! Part 2 Here! Summary so far:  Apollo never left Khura’in when he was 8 years old and instead grew up with Dhurke, Datz and Nahyuta, becoming a defense lawyer and a dragon against Ga’ran’s regime! 
Thank you @implodingcacti​ for your help with this one!!
Disclaimer! There are some descriptions of violence here! I wouldn’t say it’s too graphic but read at your own risk!! More under the cut!
Post his first court case where he defends Maya! >Apollo doesn't hang around much after the trial. >Actually Phoenix does become a co-counsel halfway through the trial which lasts more than 2 days. >Mia doesn't appear for that reason.
>But yeah, Phoenix doesn't get to talk to Apollo much immediately after the trial.  >Instead it’s Rayfa who does talk to Apollo >Rayfa is 13 and fairly new to divination seances.
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>She questions Apollo, demanding him to explain what tricks he used  >he says he didn't use any tricks and thanks her for her help before leaving.  >Apollo doesn't stay in the public eye long disappearing to the hideout.  >Rayfa, not having been in court too long is a bit more impressionable by Apollo's actions.  >she's quicker to question her stance and is uncertain of the truth of her abilities.  >She makes a point to want to see Apollo in court again to see the truth in action. >Apollo this time is already aware of Rafya being kinda like his little sister. >He understands that she wouldn't recognize him but nevertheless treats her like so. >After the trial, Phoenix is still in Khura'in sort of hanging out some. >scratch that, he's looking for Apollo since he vanished. >With people still being distrustful of lawyers, this became kinda hard. >Eventually he encounters Datz who brings Phoenix to the hideout. >by bring I mean he knocked him out and carried him over.
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 >Apollo talks to Phoenix and explains the lawyer situation in Khura’in.  >He asks Phoenix about his law experience to which Phoenix explains that he was a lawyer but isn't anymore.  >Apollo offers that Phoenix could be a Lawyer in Khura'in instead.  >there's a bit of discussion where Phoenix insists he's done with lawyering >Apollo counters that if he really was done, why did he fly 14 hours to help defend Maya. >Phoenix laughs and says he's got a point but he'll think about it. >Phoenix at this point has gotten into more detail of the Gramarye thing and knows the name of Thalassa’s first husband.  >However, he puts two and two together connecting Apollo to Thalassa and Trucy only after getting back to LA.  >Back there, he searched into the family line with the intent to meet Apollo again and tell him. ~TWO YEARS LATER~ 
>Over the next couple years, Apollo takes on a handful of cases and wins each one.  >Thanks to Phoenix, he managed to recognize and advance his perceive ability to see through lies easier. >As a result he can be sure his defendant is innocent before accepting clients.  >Apollo has been put into many unfortunate accidents because of his lawyering.  >A few near death experiences of getting shot at or kidnapped.  >Dhurke loses his eye around this time >Apollo still defends however, but none of his cases have been against Nahyuta. >Nahyuta rarely prosecutes in Khura'in, traveling overseas mostly.  >They condemn nearly all defendants with guilty verdicts and makes a name for themselves. >Rayfa has greater faith in Apollo with each of his wins, although will never admit it.  >She approaches him during recesses where they talk about various things. >Nahyuta returns to the country and encounters Apollo, they're not in good shape. >They're tense and distant and hostile. >Apollo tries to get to the bottom of it but there's many walls to get through. >Ultimately, Apollo figures out the root of the blackmail but before he could do anything  >He is forced to the royal palace after a trial ends. >He is approached by Ga'ran who directly blackmails him into taking a case where the defendant is guilty.  >He has to do that or else Nahyuta will be- >Apollo takes the case. >He knows his defendant is guilty. >he knows he will lose >he knows he will be subjected to the DC Act. >But if he doesn't,  Nahyuta will..
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>He devises a plan >It’s incredibly risky, probably the riskiest plan he’d ever make. >But it’s not like his fate is better if he doesn’t go through with it. >He’s set up to die, it’s probably taking a chance on how he goes.
>As expected, he loses the trial. It’s against Nahyuta and he can see the tension they hold in their body as they crush his arguments. 
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>His client is taken away and he is handcuffed soon after. >While the trial went on, the dragons organized a riot outside the courthouse. >They were there in hundreds, holding pressure on the guards. > Apollo, partially prepared for what was going to happen, made an attempt to break out of the guards hold and into the crowds, >This is when he’s shot at by the guards. >A few times actually.
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>He collapses to the ground.  >There is stillness for a moment, as people take in his body lying there, enough for people to see that yes, Apollo is dead. >A moment later however the crowd moves in and Apollo’s body disappears. > Because lo and behold- He’s not dead! >He had prepared a vest underneath his tunic along with a pack of blood secured over it to appear like he was killed. >Only some of the dragons knew this fact as they carried him off. >Most of the bullets hit the vest thankfully but some actually did hit him. >He still needed treatment and recovery. >However, to the world around him, he has been declared dead. >The newspaper has a photograph of proof
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>Ga’ran believes him to be dead >As well as Nahyuta, Rayfa...and Maya and eventually Phoenix. 
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>This is all pre-Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney still. A year before Phoenix is put on trial. >Phoenix has gathered some information on Apollo after that encounter in Khura’in. >He found the picture of Jove during this time while searching more on the truth of the forgery and development of the Jurist system >The news of Apollo takes him by shock.  >Maya is evidently upset as well >Phoenix would like to get involved somehow but it’s another country’s issue. >He can’t just waltz in and interfere, can he?
If you have been keeping up with this, thank you!! Let me know what you think and if you’ve got other ideas for this!!
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A scene that is definitely canon in the Bullshit Defense AU even if I’m not sure precisely where it lands in the timeline:
Clay, texting at like 2:30 in the morning: “if 2 astronauts were on the moon and one killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what”
Nahyuta: “Who is this and how did you get this number”
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palant1r · 3 years
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@vivi4n-c and I have a new au where apollo is totally dead guys definitely killed by kristoph don’t worry that new khurainese prosecutor wears a mask all the time for medical reasons
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whimsical-bee · 4 years
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AU Where Apollo never left Khura’in as kid and instead became a defense attorney there.  This is still incomplete but more on this under the cut~
Part 2 Here!
>Apollo is the key to Ga’ran’s defeat because of his relation to Jove, the witness of Ga’ran’s crime. >Ga’ran, for about 15 years assumed Apollo to have also died in the fire.  >When Apollo started gaining presence as a dragon and attorney, she started looking into his person. >With a bit of calculation, and Apollo not looking born Khurainese, she comes to a conclusion Apollo was the baby who should have died. >Worried that Apollo would be a threat to her regime, she tries to target him. At the same time, Apollo is the first attorney in 20 years to not lose a trial, making him a threat regardless. >Apollo as a result is under constant threat of attack, and has been captured and attacked on many occasions.  >Since its unknown why Dhurke loses an eye in canon, here he takes a hit for Apollo and sustains injury. >Similar to canon, Nahyuta becomes a prosecutor is also blackmailed by Ga’ran, this time Apollo’s life also in their hands.  >Ultimately, eventually Apollo, Nahyuta and Rayfa (yes her too), team up in an attempt to bring Ga’ran down from her throne~
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destinywillowleaf · 5 years
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Apollo Justice, prosecutor of Khura'in in @greentrickster's AU is done! Split the sheet because I couldn't get it all visible in one shot.
This was probably the hardest of he sheets to fill out completely. If it wasn't obvious, I took the more Khurainese/concept-based designs from Nahyuta's pages and used them here, with the character actually living in Khura'in.
One of he hardest parts - as you could probably tell between the back and forth of it - was figuring out what to do with Apollo's hair. Would it look better in the front, like his father, or would it look better spread out? I'm still not sure which I like better. There's also one with somewhat of a rat tail ponytail but that was just for dramatics. The surprised Apollo at the top is a similar joke, because seriously what if his surprise animation were the spikes standing up like they usually do.
This got longer than expected so details under the break, as well as some AA6 spoilers if anyone still cares about those.
The first sketch was the upper left one, pulled from one of the final drawings in Nahyuta's concept art. A lot of these are just concept art on Apollo really but with a twist: the bell sleeves to cover his bracelet. When he bends his elbows too much and poses like the one to the left of the start, though, his bracelet can be seen.
Brought back the outfit from 3rd sketch page, no. 4, again with the extended sleeves. Final of that probably would have some sort of cuff on the end for extra style points.
Bby Apollo is actually like 10-11 there and look I just really like the outfit I will find a use for it and no one can stop me.
Last one in the first image is just trying posing, obviously distressed over something... But what is it?
Second image!
Starting at the top, Rebel Apollo. I have a feeling that he worked with the Defiant Dragons for a while in the field, acting as a lookout with his insane eyesight and loud voice. He's got a bandana a la Bowser Jr., with the mouth of a dragon painted onto it(though in the sketch I was pulling more inspiration from the Chinese Guardian Lions and the komainu). People knew of the "Dragon's Dog" but not of who they were. This does sometimes get used in the Plumbed Punisher when Dhurke is saved by a mysterious shadow.
Going across now to the short cloak, pulled from one of Nahyuta's earlier concepts. The Khurainese Prosecutor's badge is on either side(left and right), and he's wearing an outfit like Dhurke's underneath.
The small doodle to the right of it was my attempt at making a bit more of an action-y pose because he's a monk and more willing to fight than expected. Also, the ponytail. That's here.
Serious mode, with another concept sketch. This one was pulled from the teal outfit with the red shoulder scarf thing but obviously here t would be a different color. I have no idea how the buttons work either, I was just trying to replicate what was in the picture.
... and immediately next to it he reason I made my earlier post about overthrowing he government and getting a lousy t-shirt. He's very displeased. Nahyuta has a matching one. It was worth every penny. Give me the little things.
Apollo and Ema are most definitely salt friends. He's the Prosecutor's Office for less than a day, set up right next to Klavier, and he has to listen to guitr all day. Klavier isn't a rock star anymore why is he still doing this. He brings it up with Ema once and she is more than willing to talk and gripe about him. Often over Snackoos.
And finally, the one that's a combination of a number of different designs. The cloth from the late stage concept just as a belt, the canon Nahyuta shirt thing but way shorter(so like the one with the scarf), and something like Dhurke's jacket over it.
No, I still don't know how to draw shoes. For either of them. But I do know one thing: this Nahyuta is really, really fun to write. He's got the same tiredness of Apollo but with more internal anxiety over his appearance. I've got a few little ideas that I want to write up when I get time(something I don't really have right now, to be honest /_\")
Honestly one of the best things about this AU is exploring how events could have gone down. Nahyuta's lack of Gramarye sight means he can't detect lies and he has to take more roundabout methods to finding the truth when Trucy can't help. Apollo being in Khura'in means he's closer with his father but still knows nothing about who he is or who his parents were. Even though he didn't know Lamiroir was his mother, Phoenix could still figure out the identity of Thalassa's firstborn. Reasoning changes for why characters do certain things, and the final showdown of AA6 is even more emotionally taxing for the main character.
I really hope there aren't any typos in here...
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whimsicalbumblebee · 4 years
Khurainese Apollo AU Cont.
First Part Here! A continuation of the AU where Apollo never left Khura’in as a child.
After talking with some friends I came into a conclusion on how to include other characters into this. For one, Phoenix is connected to this through Maya who is in Khura’in for her training.
More under the cut since this is getting long~
Part 3 Here!
>Firstly, Maya and Apollo meet because of some unforeseen circumstance where he falls into a river (another one) after an ambush by the guards or something. >Maya is meditating under a waterfall in that same area and finds and pulls Apollo out of the water. >Apollo has a minor injury, nothing life threatening and wakes up at the meditation site. >They eventually introduce themselves and what not, Maya acknowledges that Apollo doesn’t look or have a Khurainese name to which Apollo explains briefly that he’s not from Khura’in but doesn’t know anything about his birth family.
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Fast forward some time in the future and Maya gets arrested! This time Phoenix isn’t around though, and she is somewhat resigned to her fate of finally getting the guilty verdict.
>At this point Apollo is a lawyer but has yet to actually take a case, hes like a lawyer in learning in a sense still. >Maya obviously doesn’t know any lawyers since this is Khura’in so she’s just like....there’s really no winning here. >On instinct she calls Phoenix, who pretty immediately realizes something is wrong. >At this point Phoenix is still Beanix, disbarred and still working on his whole...mission. >He still panics of course, and tries to see if he can make it in time, however Maya’s trial is the next day and no matter what Phoenix does, even if he takes the first flight over, he’d missed it. >After calling Edgeworth, he manages to get that first flight, hoping completely on being lucky here. >After talking to Maya, she is visited by Apollo who asks to be her attorney.  >She doesn’t want Apollo to risk his life for her, especially since he’s still very young and a novice at that. >He’s pretty stubborn though, and she accepts.  >Maya is Apollo’s co-counsel for the trial. Normally it would’ve been Dhurke but he’s kiiiinda a wanted man.
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>So trial happens and Maya, who has experience in court, would help him out. >I imagine in a particularly tough part, she’d summon Mia.  >Fast forward some more and ah! Maya gets a Not Guilty Verdict!
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>Debating on certain parts but if the trial lasts more than a day, then Phoenix joins the court as Apollo’s co counsel.  >If the trial is only a day, then its after the trial ends that Phoenix bursts into the courtroom only to realize it just ended. >Either way, he gives Maya a hug. [note: Not NaruMayo, just Phoenix caring about Maya]
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>He meets Apollo and thanks him for being there for Maya.  >I figure that since Beanix is going indepth about everything Gramarye and gathering up information, he recognizes the bracelet Apollo has. >Maybe he doesn’t say anything yet but I would like to imagine that Phoenix is aware of Apollo being a possible Gramarye and also goes ahead and digs into his birthline.  For now this is all I’ve got!  If you read this far thank you! Let me know what you think!! I’m pretty into this AU right now and would love to talk more about this!!
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whimsical-bee · 4 years
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Khurainese AU Apollo, but soft~
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