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Robot Animation『ちょっと挑戦やっぱ難しいぜー汗』
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✨スタートアップ企業のユニークな文化とは?🚀 成功の秘訣を解明! #スタートアップ #企業文化 #StartupCulture #Innovation
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自信を持ちたい! 自分に自信があれば、 もっと良い人生を送れるはず! そう思っている人は、 たくさんいると思う。 ひらさんも自信を求めて、 色々考えたり人に話を聞いてみたり。。。 とにかく色々やってみた結果は、 【根拠のない自信が最強】 簡単に言うと 根拠が無ければ何かの要因で、 自信が揺らぐことがない。 この状態はほんとに最強。 他人や出来事に左右されないこの思考は、 辛い時の精神的に支柱になる。 ネガティブなことが起きた時に、 自信に根拠があるとそれを信じられない 自分の状態でそれを見るので、 余計にネガティブな状態を広げてしまう。 そうならないために根拠のない自信が、 精神を安定させやすいと言えるかと。 この感覚を身につけるには、 まずは【自信とは何か】 【自分にとって自信とは何のことを指すのか】 【自分らしさ、自分を知る努力をする】…
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今回はお金を稼ぐためのコツについてお話しします。 お金を効果的に稼ぐためには、特定の原則を理解し、実践することが重要です。 稼ぐための5つの原則 1. マインドセットの確立 成功への第一歩は、稼ぐことに対するポジティブなマインドセットを持つことです。 自己信頼感を高め、目標に向かって努力し続ける意志を持ちましょう。 困難な状況に直面しても諦めず、挑戦する姿勢が重要です。 2. リスクとチャンスのバランス 稼ぐためには、リスクとチャンスのバランスを上手に取ることが必要です。 過度なリスクを冒すことなく、慎重な計画と戦略を立てましょう。 チャンスを見極め、効果的な投資やビジネスチャンスに積極的に取り組むことが成功への道です。 3.…
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【移動式銭湯の天真、クラファン祭開催中!】 災害NPO旅商人大分での共闘や路地裏ガレージマーケットでの移動式銭湯など、旅商人界隈ではもはやご存知のこやつ、移動式銭湯 天真(たかなお)のクラファン祭が開演。 語呂に縛られすぎた設定金額412600円は達成して、ネクストゴールは4126000円とのこと! 『NYで入浴!』を本気で目指した男のクラファンページ、ご覧ください、ま〜わやくそです!是非とも怖いもんみたさに見てみてください!笑 ちなみに自分もちょろっと登場してます! @mobilesento ↑TOPページ内のリンクからクラファンページ飛べます。 最高! #Repost @mobilesento with @use.repost ・・・ 【クラウドファンディング・伝説の幕開け!!!〜NYで入浴!人類初の動くお風呂トラック“移動式銭湯”を世界に創りたい〜】 4月1日2時6分 #一年に一度の良いフロ4126TIME 《♨移動式銭湯を世界に創り、アメリカ大陸をお風呂で横断し、世界中の人とNYで入浴を果たす♨》 …という自分のこれまでの27年間における人生最大の挑戦を遂にスタートさせました! #移動式銭湯を日本で始めた5年前のあの日から今日までひたすら準備を進めていました #自分のプロフィール欄にCAMPFIREのリンクを貼っておきます!! 41万2600円(よいふろ円)で100%達成ですが、自分は本気で今回1000%、412万6千円を目指す気でいます。 #ゼロから新たなモバイル銭湯を現地で創りルート66をお風呂で横断するにはそれくらいの規模感が必要です #それにそれくらいの価値がある挑戦だと胸を張って信じています この挑戦さえ成し遂げられればもうそれでいい 「富」も「名声」もこの先に待つ「華やかな未来」も その全てを手放す覚悟なんてとっくの遙か昔に出来ています 〝All or Nothing〟 綺麗事なんか要らない やるか、死ぬかのその二択 それ位が自分にはきっと丁度いい 今月、自分は「治験」に参加してきます 例え誰に何と言われようと、全てを捧いで“今”叶えたい夢がそこにはある 命の全てを懸けてみせましょう──── どうか皆さん、自分に力を貸して下さい。 『��の男に命を懸けてみて良かった』と必ず思って貰える様に、自分も持てる命の灯の全てを燃やして全力で応えてみせます。 人間裸になれば皆一緒 きっと俺もお前もそうマイ風呂(Bro) 全てのしがらみ洗い流す、命を燃やし沸かすこの湯 叶えてみせよう〝WE ARE THE WORLD〟 ~NYで入浴~ 絶対に成し遂げてみせましょう!!! 2023年4月1日 移動式銭湯・番頭 三宅 天真 https://www.instagram.com/p/CqslNtZvCTP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ハイキングメインのお店にも関わらず声をかけてもらえたこと、このイベントにプロジェクトメンバーとして関われたことを嬉しく思います。 #挑戦する人を応援します #Repost @bambi__100 with @use.repost ・・・ BAMBI100 ホームページ開設とエントリー期間のお知らせ 今年からBAMBI100 の公式ホームページを開設し、こちらにて情報発信を行っていきます。プロフィールのリンクよりご確認下さい。 そしてもう一つお知らせです。 今年はこのホームページより、2/21(火)-27(月)の期間にて、エントリーを受け付けさせて頂きます。 エントリーフォームには今までで1番長い距離を走ったレースと、そのタイムを記入していただき、なぜBAMBI100を走りたいのかについて、みなさんの想いをお聞かせ頂きます。 先着順ではありませんのでじっくり考えて記入頂ければと思います。 出走者については3月末までに抽選にて決定する予定です。 それでは、多くの方からのエントリーを楽しみにお待ちしております!! ※ボランティアについては後日募集させていただきますので、今しばらくお待ち下さい。 #bambi100 #100miles #生駒山 #矢田丘陵 #100milechallenge #trailrunning #ultrarunning #rungirl #ultratrail #longtrail #100マイル #トレラン #トレイルランニング #トレイルランニングレース (生駒テック) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoYeVqfvmgi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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居るよww #イタリアンの名店#難しすぎる間違い探しに#マーレイ#挑戦#生ハムやトマトのカプレーゼなど#無くなった商品が多かった#イルヨニスト https://www.instagram.com/p/CnJLe_iSC0n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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お孫ちゃん達は釣りみくじに挑戦☆ #育児するおじいちゃんことパピ #育児 #58歳 #お孫ちゃん #ボケ防止の為のブログ #初詣 #柏神社 #釣りみくじ #挑戦 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnEsEFiS2Cw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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何かに挑戦したら確実に報われるのであれば、誰でも必ず挑戦するだろう。 報われないかもしれないところで、同じ情熱、気力、モチベーションをもって継続しているのは非常に大変なことであり、私は、それこそが才能だと思っている。
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「不意に落下する定規をおっぱいで挟めるか挑戦する巨乳女子達(2枚)」 by 開栓注意 | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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田村愛美鈴(たむら あみり、2000年7月5日-)は、日本の元ジュニアアイドル、グラビアアイドル、モデル、女優。旧芸名は飯田愛美鈴(いいだ あみり)、佐藤すずか(さとう すずか)。ザ・コインロッカーズのメンバーとして、2018年から2021年まで活動した。
別名義 飯田愛美鈴 佐藤すずか
生年月日 2000年7月5日(23歳)
出身地 埼玉県
身長 156 cm
血液型 AB型
活動期間 2013年 -
活動内容 グラビア モデル 女優
事務所 インキュベーション
2013年、Chu→Boh Vol.56から飯田愛美鈴(いいだ あみり)の名義でグラビアデビュー。ジュニアアイドルとして活動を開始。同年9月25日にEIC-BOOKよりイメージビデオを発売。
2015年、佐藤すずか(さとう すずか)に改名、同年11月27日、スパイスビジュアルよりイメージビデオを発売。
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{18Trip} The Mayor Wards' Oshi Quiz
Ever find yourself in a bind when discovering a game and seeing there's so many bishounen and ikemen you just do not know who to pick as your oshi...!?
Well, 18TRIP's got you covered with their Oshi Quiz!
As the website says:
Answer to the 10 given questions, and we will predict which of the HAMA 18 Mayor Wards will end up in your top 3 as your potential oshi!
Now that's not the only kicker, each top 3 candidate has their own little quip given on their ranking. This post will cover all questions, answers to the questions, and answers to the answers of your questions~!
BTW, big shoutout and thanks to @sasaranurude for extracting all of the quiz results, this wouldn't have been possible to have been put together so quick w/o their help!
EDIT: When this was originally posted, not all quiz forms were included, it has been done now! There should be a total of 3 variants of the quiz you can take.
So sit tight & make sure your seatbelts fastened, it's time to go on a ride and take the Oshi Quiz! (warning: very long translation under the cut)
Q1: What kind of atmosphere (cute, cool, elegant and such) do you prefer in terms of appearance?
A childlike (face) and charming atmosphere
A cold and mature atmosphere
Individualistic and unique atmosphere
What matters the most is on the inside.
Q2: What kind of personality are you fascinated by?
A cheerful, charming disposition
One with gentle demeanor
From here on out questions may vary. You will either get quiz form A, B or C. The quiz itself does not randomize these questions and are rather different variants.
(A) What style of clothing are you attracted to? (どんな服装を魅力的に感じますか?)
Committed to being original
I don’t really pay attention to it
(B) What shape of eyes do you like? (目の形状の好みはありますか?)
Round eyes
Droopy eyes
Slanted eyes
Narrow/half-open eyes
I don't really pay attention to it
(C) What kind of person do you tend to like? (どんなスタイルの人を好きになりやすいですか?)
Tall type
Small type
I don't really pay attention to it
(A) When it comes to doing something, do you prefer the type that challenges new things, or the type that plays it safe? (何かをする際に、新しいことに挑戦するタイプ、安全を選ぶタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that challenges new things
The type that plays it safe
None of these are my type
(B) Which do you prefer, the type bad with crowds of people, or the the sociable type? (人混みが苦手なタイプ、人と交流するのが好きなタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type bad with crowds of people
The sociable type
None of these are my type
(C) Which do you prefer, the type that plans everything out, or the type that doesn't make plans? (物事を計画的に進めるタイプ、行き当たりばったりのタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that plans everything out
The type that doesn't make plans
None of these are my type
(A) Which do you prefer, the type that's open about his feelings, or the type that listens more than he speaks? (頻繁に意見を言うタイプ、聞く方が多いタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that's open about his feelings
The type that listens more than he speaks
None of these are my type
(B) Which do you prefer, the type that speaks what on his mind, or the type that bottles everything up? (本心を表情に出すタイプ、内に秘めるタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that speaks what on his mind
The type that bottles everything up
None of these are my type
(C) Which do you prefer, the type that worries about the small things, or the type that's open-minded? (細かいことを気にするタイプ、大らかなタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that worries about the small things
The type that's open-minded
None of these are my type
(A) Which do you prefer, the type that’s good at taking care of you, or the type that you want to care of? (面倒見が良いほうが良いタイプ、面倒見たくなるタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that’s good at taking care of you
The type that you want to care of
None of these are my type
(B) Which do you prefer, the type that is considerate towards others, or the type that speaks his mind without holding back? (他人を気遣い遠慮するタイプ、遠慮せずに意見を言うタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The type that is considerate towards others
Type that speaks his mind without holding back
None of these are my type
(C) Which do you prefer, the spontaneous type or the type that does as told? (自発的に行動するタイプ、言われたことをこなすタイプのどちらが好きか?)
The spontaneous type
The type that does as told
None of these are my type
(A) What is your type when it comes to how he feels about himself? (自分自身のことをどう思っているタイプが好き?)
He loves himself
He hasn’t no confidence
Doesn’t like nor dislike himself
Doesn’t dislike himself but does have an inferiority complex.
(B) Would you prefer that he has a lot of experience in love? (恋愛経験は豊富なほうがよい?)
Having a lot is good
Not having a lot is good
A reasonable amount is good
Whichever is fine
(C) Would you prefer that he's carrying a lot of emotional baggage regarding his past? (重い過去を背負っているほうがよい?)
That's good
It's better to not let him get dragged down by it
Whichever is fine
(A) Imagine your ideal type, if he existed in reality, whether at work or at school, what kind of role would he be in your life? (あなたの理想のタイプが、実際に職場や同じクラスに存在したらどんなポジションになっていそうですか?)
He everyone’s favorite guy
The oddball within the group
You’re both involved with each other, for better or for worse
You keep your distance from each other
(B) Which unexpected side of him would be to your liking? (どんな意外な一面があると良いですか?)
A lonely side
A cold side
A family-oriented side
A clingy side
Unexpected sides are unneccessary
(C) Which type is to your liking when it comes to line of thinking? (どちらの思考タイプが好きですか?)
I like the type that enjoys causing burdens to others
I like the type that finds it fullfilling to put burdens on themselves
None of these are my type
(A) What is your preferred type when it comes to customer service to clients at a travel agency? (旅行代理店にきたお客さんにどんな接��をするタイプが好きですか?)
Receiving a lot of proposals in any kind of case
Carefully listens to your demands and then put everything nicely together in the end
Gives simple answers regarding the necessary information
Gives suggestions with a twist to them
(B) When facing thing's he's bad at, or scared of, what kind of reaction aligns with your type? (苦手なものや怖いものに直面した時、どんな反応をするタイプが好き?)
Gets meek and hates it / gets scared
Puts on a brave front
Pretends to be chill in order to not expose himself
(C) Imagine a situation where he has to lie, what kind of lie would you prefer? (もし嘘をつく場面があるとしたらどんなふうに嘘をつくタイプが好き?)
Lying as an act of self-protection
Lying for the sake of wanting to protect something else other than himself
Tells lies on the regular
Can't tell lies due to being honest (gets exposed)
(A) When travelling abroad with your family, what kind of behavior is to your liking? (家族と海外旅行にいくときにどんな行動をするタイプが魅力的ですか?)
Taking initiative and making plans
Leave the planning to family
If the plane ride and hotel is secured, simply succumbing to the flow of things
(B) When traveling abroad alone, what kind of behavior is to your liking ? (ひとりで海外旅行にいくときにどんな行動をするタイプが魅力的ですか?)
Everything is planned out to a T
Not making any plans, just letting yourself go with the flow
There's days where there's plans, and there's days where there aren't any plans
(C) When traveling abroad with your friends, what kind of behavior is to your liking (友人と海外旅行にいくときにどんな行動をするタイプが魅力的ですか?)
Taking initiative and making plans
Leave the planning to friends
Dividing the plans amongst friends
If the plane ride and hotel is secured, simply succumbing to the flow of things
Now after taking the quiz, you get your top 3. Each character reacts differently to where they ended up ranking. Now follows a translation of all of these quotes~ Here was my result, by the way!
Again, big thanks to my friend for extracting all the info from the site to have made this possible. If you wish to see all of the original quotes as is, please send a MSG and I will privately provide the spreadsheet link.
Renga Nishizono
FIRST: 1st place…!? I’m h-hap… Ahem, ahem. This is a natural outcome for a first class celeb like me! So um, do you want, like an autograph or…?
SECOND: I’m grateful to be in 2nd place… but don’t you dare believe that makes me a second-rate celeb for ending up here!
THIRD: I, me out of all people, am in 3rd!? W-well, I’m content enough that I’m included… Wait, don’t tell me I ranked lower than Liguang, right!?
Kafka Oguro
FIST: I thought it was a given how I’d end up being in 1st place for you, but… it still makes me happy. Obviously, you’re my number one too.♪
SECOND: 2nd place… Guess stuff like this isn’t out of the question. …Actually, no way Yukikaze is in first place… right?
THIRD: Grr… 3rd place, huh. Well, too bad I don’t know when to quit. Guess I’ll have to start planning out a strategy to become your number one.
Ten Murakumo
FIRST: My condolences for getting me in 1st~ lol. Ain’tcha got people often rattling off how your god awful taste in men won’t ever make you happy?
SECOND: Yeah, 2nd place’s just comfy enough for both of us. How’ bout we go have the kinda fun you can’t get with Mr. First Choice? Lil missy.
THIRD: Uwah~ Nice you got buncha guys to fawn over, eh. Well, seeing I’m here all on my own means I gotta give ya the cold shoulder treatment, no?
Yukikaze Kamina
FIRST: …Receiving a golden medal from you? I can’t contain my happiness. I’m going to end up cooking a boatload of gyoza at this rate tonight.
SECOND: While the media might refer to me as the Silver Collector… I’ll work hard enough in order to become your gold.
THIRD: Even if I’m bronze to you, you will always be the gold prize to me… Remember that.
Lu Liguang
FIRST: You want to be number one in the Lùróng Family...? So you got what it takes to carry out your duties, huh. If you do, I’ll also take a fair share of the responsibility.
SECOND: Your second choice is the Lùróng Family...? The likes of you wanting to be under my wing is quite a bold move. You’re funny, I’ll give you that.
THIRD: I get why you applied, but you’re not qualified given how your required level of competence isn’t there yet. You’re rejected. Go redo your application.
Akuta Isotake
FIRST: Ah, did I win Best Director and Male Leading Actor…!? Does this mean I’ll get treated to steak as congrats…?
SECOND: Oh, did I win Best Director and Male Supporting Actor…!? Are you gonna buy me my fav snacks as congrats…?
THIRD: C’mon I gotta be in 1st~ Pretty sure you need to pick the unique options and all for each question. So, how ‘bout one more round?
Kiroku Kinugawa
FIRST: …! …1st, place… As thanks… I’ll make you… a drawing. Do you have, any requests…?
SECOND: 2nd… Um, since my little sister, taught me, how to text by pager… “999”. D-did you, get what I said…?
THIRD: …I’m not, that interesting… But… 3rd place… makes me happy. When I go pick up, my little sister… I’ll tell her.
TL note: 999 is サンキュー(thanks) in pager code.
Nanaki Nanamegi
FIRST: Huh… I’m Chief’s number one…? To me, you’re obviously also, like, if I had to…! Ah, I’ll hit the character limit…
SECOND: Um… I’m happy with being second. It’s like the second movement of a sonata… the gentle and quiet part so to speak, which I really love.
THIRD: Of course I’m happy even if I’m in third. Being third out of 20 people, means we do have a lot of chemistry, right…?
Muneuji Kaguya
FIRST: The first star in our solar system is Mercury. Mercury is a small star yet has high density. That is the kind of man I wish to be.
SECOND: The second star in our solar system is Venus. The temperature on the ground surface is approximately 470° degrees… Yet, there is a certain romance precisely because you can’t set foot on it.
THIRD: Do you know what the third star in our solar system is? …Yes, that is our very own Earth that we live on. Therefore, the Earth must also be included in my gratitude.
Ushio Kurama
FIRST: Getting me in 1st… you plan on stanning me? Hold up, who’s on the right side of the slash? I won’t hesitate to report you if you’re getting any weird ideas.
SECOND: Seeing Reito getting 2nd in Patti-battle!’s third popularity poll made me happy and prou… Uh, nevermind me.
THIRD: Times like these just calls for a character to go like, “Damnit, I lost to ___!”...I won’t be saying that though.
TL note: Amongst JP otaku, ‘left’ or ‘right’ is a heated debate in ships, or fictional character pairings. On the left, you have the more dominating character, and on the right, you have the more submissive character. Be wary to not trigger any landmines when reversing the order… TL note2: Unsure how to read 礼人 precisely, so I have settled for Reito. This will be changed once more information has been revealed about Patti-battle!
Raito Kitakata
FIRST: I’m happy to be in 1st place. By the way, there is a house style ramen restaurant that I have as number one on my recommendation list, how about we go there together?
SECOND: I have a pet theory where a restaurant’s philosophy shines through its 2nd most popular item on the menu. Which means I ended up ranking in a significant place.
THIRD: 3rd place, huh. I’m grateful but currently, more than anything, I have an intense craving to slurp on some noodles ASAP. I’ll catch you later.
Kinari Azekawa
FIRST: Verification of compliance with Master's ideals registered. Efforts will be made to elevate my performance further going forward.
SECOND: Verification of the potential margin to elevate performance further registered. Feedback for the sake of becoming Master’s “bias” is kindly requested.
THIRD: Verification of failure to comply with Master’s ideals registered. Room for improvement is present. Please input instructions for desired behavioral patterns.
Chihiro Natsuyaki
FIRST: Chii’s 1st in the bias ranking!? Isn’t your taste like way too good!? Gonna go sicko mode on the fanservice☆
SECOND: 2nd place means like, you’ll be on TV till the last sec even on survival shows, aka just the right amount of delish~ So I’mma leave a buncha marks on you♪
THIRD: 3rd! Just within reach… but, I’m happy enough for being included~ …Srsly, it’s like, heaven and hell.
Tao Kinouchi
FIRST: Eh, me in 1st…? Uwah, kinda feeling humbled here, or well… Just in case, it’s not some prank or whatever like, right?
SECOND: 2nd place’s also not for me. I wanna live up to expectations and stuff, but hearing others out is about all I can do… if that’s up your alley, then I’m always good to go.
THIRD: I’m just happy to end up ranking anything, but for me this is just right that I can sigh with relief and calm down. I was on edge earlier.
Kuguri Domeki
FIRST: To have me in 1st… How adorably pathetic. I’ll give you the mercy of touching my body as a reward. So, where would you like to feel me up the most?
SECOND: The 2nd place you want to touch is… my collarbones? …Hmmm. Not that I care much, but you have some banal, disappointing tastes.
THIRD: Leaving me behind in 3rd… You have some nerve. Looks like someone wants to get retrained by me from scratch.
Nagi Hachioya
FIRST: …Huh. I’m 1st? I’m so surprised I fail to understand… But as thanks… I’ll become your servant for as long as you live. Or do I offer my kidney…
SECOND: 2nd, thanks. I’m happy… Right, here’s a flower as some thanks… ah, nevermind… the bottom of the basket fell off…
THIRD: 3rd… I don’t deserve this. As thanks you can have this horsetail. Did you know these are pretty delicious when used to cook tamago toji?
TL note: Tamago toji is a Japanese soup dish where, for examples, vegetables are cooked in dashi broth and beaten eggs are added to make a kind of soup.
Ryui Shiramitsu
FIRST: This ain’t the time to be stanning me! Go back right now, redo it until you get Toi in 1st!
SECOND: Oi, Toi better be ahead of me, yeah…? Not gonna let you have it if he isn’t…
THIRD: It’s not like I give a crap about being stanned or whatever. Just, if you feel like cooperating with me, you better guarantee Toi’s safety.
Toi Shiramitsu
FIRST: I’m your best boy…? I’m so happy! I’ll tell your fortune of the day as thanks… Wah, looks like your fortune’s as good as it can get♪
SECOND: You kindly graced me with 2nd place! Your fortune of the day is… slightly good luck. Take in all the small bits of happiness.
THIRD: Please let me do some fortune telling for you. Your fortune of the day is… Howawa, bad luck!? Watch out for any unexpected banana peels!
Yodaka Natsume
FIRST: …Hm. If I remember correctly, your driving technique led to a violent explosion right at the last corner… I wonder if our machines would’ve ended up 1st.
SECOND: …Hmn. Right… I ended up 2nd in the Senbatsu General Election. So the center of the debut single will be you… Congratulations.
THIRD: …Ngh. I also tried chasing after Liguang’s riichi when he went all in during oorasu… As a consequence, I discarded a tile, lost and ended up in 3rd. A shame.
TL note: Senbatsu General Election is an annual event where fans of AKB48 and adjacent groups can vote for their faves. More info here. TL note2: I will simply link this wiki page to get enlightened about mahjong terms.
Netaro Yowa
FIRST: Wahey, I landed 1st~♪ Which means I may do whatever I want to, yes? Which then means you’ll become my guinea pig, yes?
SECOND: I am not dissatisfied with landing in 2nd place, yet I shall cast an enthralling spell onto you! Feast upon this enchanted meat bun!
THIRD: 3rd~? How dicey~... Well, I will thank you. A special gift of 2,7 mystery buns planned for disposal~
TL note: Bad foresight on me not seeing メロメロリン coming back again. For now, I will simply make it be something to “casting an enthralling spell” like in the previous instance until I workshop it into something better?
That’s the end!
Thank you, thank you!
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