#❚ headcanons
draklorn · 2 months
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Devan has gotten many tattoos throughout their life, and all have significant meaning. Usually, they are to commemorate an achievement outside of battle - those are told in the injuries sustained and scars earned. Descriptions and the meaning behind every tattoo can be found below in the order of from head to toe;
Lips & Throat - the name sake
A bold line beginning in their gum and going down their lips and chin is bordered by symmetrical lines that stop at circles before their jaw, and continuing for a part of their throat. The main line ends by 'pooling' just above their sternum. Acquired as part of their naming ceremony upon receiving the title of Grave-Singer. It was inspired by their return to the Frostguard Citadel carrying and tailed by younglings as Devan sung to encourage them, with dried blood upon the priest's lips and dripping down their chin.
Shoulders - the verse
A symmetrical pattern beginning above the collarbones, four lines move and connect together across their back, and create a diamond in the middle of the design. It represents chord lines. It was acquired in celebration of completing and performing their first hymn written in Lissandra's honour, and it then being accepted into the official Frostguard records of other songs.
Chest - the murk wolf
Beginning on their sternum down to their upper abdomen, the head of a murk wolf growls staring forward with blood drooling from it's maw of bared teeth. One of the most complicated designs, it uses several ink shades for the details and took the most time to complete. It is an unofficial continuation of their name sake tattoo, representing their previous role as a Warrior of the Keeper's Lodge, and their preferred, berserker fighting style. The design of the murk wolf is based directly on the head of one Devan killed during a mission.
Back - the fortress
A symmetrical line pattern across Devan's hips to their shoulder blades, spanning the entirety of their back and curving around their waist. It is to symbolise the Frostguard Citadel's many looming towers, and how it's structure protects them. It was acquired after Devan's second journey into the Howling Abyss.
Arms - the runes
Resembling the sigil of the Frostguard, the design has been inked onto both forearms, and took the second longest to finish. The runes glow a blue light when Devan uses their magic. These were Devans first tattoos, received after they completed their studies and tests to join the ranks of the Frostguard, and the initial path of being a Frost Priest was chosen. They will often touch a forearm while praying.
Thighs - the teeth
Easily mistaken for canine teeth, these are modelled after the top row of teeth of their steed Summer's Bane, after the skull of the same creature was found. Beginning at the top of their thigh, the mirrored rows of teeth go all the way down to their knee joint.
you can view the tattoo placements on devan's person here. slight nudity warning.
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animentality · 10 months
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doodleswithangie · 18 days
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headcanon that stan hates wearing glasses (for many reasons) and went without them for years until he really needed them
[Image Description: Comic of a younger Stanley Pines from "Gravity Falls." Alt text is provided and copied below the cut. End ID]
A younger Stan squints at his blurry reflection in the mirror, leaning in really close to see himself clearly. He sighs and grabs a pair of Ford's glasses on the dresser. Putting them on, he stares at his reflection. "Welp," he says, "this is unsettling."
He turns away from the mirror to adjust his tie, saying, "But it can't be helped." His reflection is now a disheveled Ford, mirroring Stan.
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mountainshroom · 1 month
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If she has no fans call the ambulance cause I am dead
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 month
Vulcan teen on Vulcan [tiktok] saying "I have just lost track of my father in the grocery store." The camera turns to show the viewers the grocery store in which almost every single older middle-aged man has a bowlcut and long robes. Camera turns back to show the teen's face which is expressionless and yet communicates all it needs to.
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There are three kinds of LGBT headcanons:
Actual queer coding / metaphors ("Nimona is trans because her creator made her as a way to express his feelings as a trans person")
Vibes ("Link is genderless because I said so")
It's funny ("Phoenix Wright is asexual because he's the Ace Attorney")
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bats-and-the-birds · 2 months
Situation where Clark has formed a tentative working relationship with Batman, but somewhere in that time, Batman acquired Robin and, naturally, didn't tell him.
Clark finds out about Robin's existence when a ten year old Dick Grayson in full Robin gear breaks into his apartment at two in the morning and shakes him awake because Batman's missing and Alfred's away and Bruce taught him that, in the case of emergency, Superman was one of the only people he could trust. Bruce just didn't think to tell Clark that he was, by all means, his son's emergency contact.
Clark: -wakes up to a small boy that he's never seen or heard of before in a cape and a mask with lenses that reflect light like a cat's perched on the edge of his bed in a pitch black room-
Dick, calmly: Hey, Batman's -- stop screaming -- Batman's missing. I need help.
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 9 months
More medieval dyes for y'all!
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multilingual batkids. they learn each others languages so they can mix and match. for example:
tim in french: have you figured out how we’re gonna tell b we’re not going to that gala yet?
damian in arabic: no i thought that was thomas’ job?
duke french: me? no jason said he’d do something
jason in arabic: hey don’t drag me into this!
dick in romani: i’m gonna kill him i really i am
steph in russian: who are we killing?
dick in english: ah! nobody! wait i didn’t know you spoke romani
tim in greek: you’re an asshole
jason in english: wait my greek is rusty say it again slowly
tim in greek: you’re an asshole
jason: …. you motherfucker
cass signing: nice drawing
damian in chinese: thank you
dick yelling at bruce about something he did
jason in spanish: what language is he speaking right now?
tim also in spanish: uh all of them i think
jason: does bruce even know-
tim: no he doesn’t
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damianwaynerocks · 23 days
saw someone say months ago that the best cover story for jason coming back to life in the public eye is to say he was in witness protection. and i agree with that! but id like to add: jason would make a public statement saying that the reason he was in witness protection is “i saw joker kill robin”
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ahfrickenfrick · 6 months
nightwing being hurt in the field, and over comms he can’t get out what was wrong, nearly in shock, and jason puts on his best batman™️ voice and says “robin, report.”
and it snaps dick out of it enough to say concussion, possible broken ribs, and a gash in his side.
no one talks about it, and then a year later, damian does the same thing to tim
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draklorn · 8 months
The Sun Eaters were a dying name, spat on and shamed to the edges of the great Ice Sea and the territory of the Ursine - the Lost Ones - all because of a betrayal of the tribe's last priest. Only their Warmother Ellisa and her handlful of Bloodsworn remained to carry on the tribe name, so certain that theirs would be a feared pack once more. Constant threats of the Lost Ones, trolls, and creatures of the deep kept the tribe moving up and down the small coastline, only daring to go inland when the harsh winter froze the sea, and the Ursine attempted to breach the coast. Warmother Ellisa had lost many births, all meeting their fates before ten summers. The tribe, it seemed, was doomed. Until at last, one final new cry joined the howling choir of wind upon the icy bank.
Devan was a promising Iceborn, innately strong even in their foundling years. Their childhood was a lonely one without any their age around, and once they had found their legs to stand, it became a challenge of a life. Always pushed and tested were they with rigorous combat training from their Warmother, and harsh survival lessons from their Oathparents. Constantly promised they would rule the tribe and bring glory and respect back to its name, if they took these harsh lessons to heart, and to use everything at their disposal to win. But the youngling found little interest in the constant batterings, and stole every moment they could away from their roaming home. Sneaking away to explore the endless snow plains or the mysterious caves of the Ridgeback mountains that isolated their tribe, but always returning in the dark of night before search parties were formed. Punishment for their lack of obedience was softened by one particular Oathfather, Keir, who was often ridiculed for letting the rules slip for them. His was a warming presence in the otherwise brittle and harsh home, sharing ideas of future glories Devan would lead them to, as well as his share of the dinner scraps the tribe had in terms of rations.
Devan's eighth summer was when the dreams began, and the Lady of Ice and Darkness appeared to them. An imposing presence, looming over all that Devan dreamt and knew. Soon the youngling was asking questions instead of playing or seeking mastery over weapons, wanting to know myths and legends that none else had uttered to them. Curiosity again was punished, any attempts at learning destroyed on their Warmother's orders. But instead of this dissuading them, Devan grew stubborn. Dreams drawn in sandbanks and creatures of legends marked on cavity walls continued to be made, hidden away from scornful eyes.
Along with the other constant threats to the Sun Eater's survival came the year-long blizzard, when Deven was eleven summers. Any game they would have relied on hid beneath the earth or moved south, flora died, and the Ice Sea true to its name froze over. There was no way to find a way over the Ridgeback Mountains by the time Ellisa moved her pack to the piedmonts, and the Ursine were sure to take full advantage of their increased hunting grounds. When the Sun Eaters were found and surrounded by the amalgamations of man and beast, Ellisa pleaded for their help, to learn their ways and survive this endless storm. In asking for their strength, the Ursine's cost would be a sacrifice. Devan's Oathfather Deir was chosen, in exchange for survival and to be pledged to the Ursine. Beneath the younglings fear of these uncanny creatures, disdain for their Warmother grew. She who yielded to these monsters, agreeing to join them and so easily give up everything Devan knew and held dear. Ellisa kept her child close, to make sure they watched Deir's sacrifice. Arrangements were made for the tribe to join the Ursine proper, but Devan's stubbornness lead them to speak out. Ashamed at these actions, Devan opposed Ellisa, their young voice pleading to be heard and that this isn't how their tribe will find a future. In their desperation, they mention the idea to instead seek out the Lady of Ice and Darkness. Furious that Devan knew of that name, their Warmother cursed them before what remained of the tribe, casting them out and banishing them from the only home they had ever known, cementing Ellisa's fears that Devan as another failure of an offspring. But still, the young Iceborn vowed to return, to fulfill the duty they owed their tribe and save them from the pledge to the ursine.
Several days later, Devan stumbled out of the caves of the Ridgeback mountain and was found by a pack of black armoured warriors.
Older than most of the other foundlings of the village, Devan was both looked up to and welcomed by their peers, but was an uncertain pick for the Trials they would all face to join the Frostguard. They begged and pleaded to be allowed to participate, saying their dreams had lead them to the Lady of Ice and Darkness. Having never seen so many their age, Devan was enthusiastic to make fast friends with all they could, and motivate and help others wherever possible. The Testing to join the ranks of the Frostguard were taxing, but their harsh upbringing had prepared Devan far more than others. The memories of their earlier training, the faces they had brought them up, were all fresh and clear in their mind through it all. But it wasn't to save their family anymore, it was to save Freljordians from the influence of the Ursine and the dead Old Ways.
Devan's training and studies completed with them taking an oath as a Frost Priest. Although their arcane touch was not a great skill, their memory of sermons and understanding of the Faith more than made up for it, and at sixteen winters was sent back out into the world to spread the teachings of the Three Sisters. Devan made their pilgrimage back north, only to find the ruins of a once small tribe on the very coast of the frozen sea, hopefully abandoned for brighter horizons. Instead, Devan settled on the road through the Ridgeback mountains that was commonly used by the Notai and other travellers, learning many a tale and offering safety from the mountains for all that would listen - and reporting to the Frostguard on any potential threats or Iceborn children - for years. One evening when the howling winds brought in a shaken caravan of families, Devan was pleaded to, to keep them safe from those who hunted them all. And it wasn't long until Ursine tore into the sanctuary, baring crests of suns on their throats, and a savagery of bloodlust masking all sense of humanity.
When the red sun crested the storming horizon the next morning, a Frostguard scouting party spotted a lone Priest marching to the Keeper's Lodge, a bundle of Foundlings behind them or in their arms, while dried blood-soaked lips sang to them, leading their little legs to safety. Bestowed the title Grave-Singer upon their return to the Citadel, Devan also requested to change their role in the Frostguard to that of a Warrior of the Keeper's Lodge. Accepted, their humility and humour brightened the forlorn atmosphere beneath the shadow of the Citadel. Proving a hearty warrior in battle, Devan's prowess lay in fighting with everything they had, fueled by a deep pool of adrenaline. Skilled in nearly any weapon placed in their hands, they preferred two-handed weaponry and long bows. Another victory of theirs was the taming of a fearful beast they would call Summer's Bane, and who would become a noble steed to them in return.
One vernal equinox before their twenty fourth winter, Devan was chosen to venture down into the Howling Abyss. The Frostguard that returned from that mission was a hallowed vessel of Grave-Singer, quieter and stoic. It would not be their last journey down beyond the bridge or other sites of the Watchers, and after every climb, with every fallen ally carried back, less and less of Devan's spirit remained. Yet steadfast in their loyalty to the Cult of the Three, they remained. Devan understood well, the difficulty and importance of sacrifice, and the price of continued life. The only thing that brought light to their eyes anymore, were the future; the foundlings.
To them, Devan still sang, spoke of legends, and ever smiled to genuinely. Their time looking over the children was used as a chance to begin the teachings of Lissandra. Often they sought to be scheduled to see the young ones, to the point of worry from their peers of becoming too attached. But it wouldn't be a worry for too long a time. Every journey to the Hall of The Nine, and other sites, made returning to see the new faces that would join their ranks more difficult than the last. After their eighth journey, eight times their name had been carved into Halla's Three's lodge, Devan was called for audience with Lissandra. For their steadfast loyalty to the Frostguard in so many aspects, and their willingness to give all they had to the cause, Devan was anointed a Draklorn; the highest priest title, and one of Lissandra's most devoted. What little embers of hope for the world that remained in their soul were snuffed with learning the complete story of Lissandra's sacrifice and their task, how the Watchers came to be in their world. Devan's infinitesimal role in holding back the end of the world was understood clearly now. Forever bound to their duties by Oath and heavy heart, it was all accepted.
Their first quest now newly appointed was to go out into the southern lands, and find how prepared the rest of the world is for the foreboding inevitable that lay in wait beneath them all.
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violent138 · 9 months
Starting to think a cooler headcanon for Clark’s upbringing might just be that the entire town of Smallville collectively decided to just go with it and accept that Martha and John's kid has superpowers, but we don't talk about it.
Someone's tractor gets stuck and nothing can get it out? "Be a dear and run down to the Kents, would you? Ask for Clark?"
"Why Clark, we need a machine--"
"Run along now."
Or if he kicks too hard and the football vanishes into the upper stratosphere, no it didn't, we all collectively saw it land over there *vague hand movements*
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bereft-of-frogs · 6 months
There’s that post that’s like ‘everyone should get into a tiny niche fandom at least once’ fully agree, that was really fun -- but I would like to add that everyone should get into a fandom where their opinions run counter to major fanon because it really teaches you about sticking to your guns and trusting your interpretation of the text without having to rely on peer validation
because WHAT are people talking about sometimes
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naylissah · 3 months
You know what?
(Draws your favourite ponies as POC)
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This is for the weirdos in the fandom attacking artists for drawing headcanons🤭🤭
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onebadnoodle · 8 months
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i've been rewatching ed edd n eddy and its got me thinking about what their unseen parents are like
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